Sunray: Fallen Soldier (2024) Movie Script
-[engine purring]
-[objects rattling]
[car cranking]
[man] Let's go, man.
[doors thudding]
[footsteps plodding]
[speaks faintly]
Where the fuck have you been?
Shut ya noise, will ya?
And put that down before
you hurt somebody.
You wouldn't be late
if he was here.
Yeah? Well, I don't see him.
So how about you do
yourself a favor
and give us a hand
unloading this.
What the fuck is that?
It's a fucking watermelon,
what's it look like?
Where's the fucking product?
Just a watermelon, yeah.
Watch this.
Who's this guy?
That's Dave, you've
met him like 15 times.
This your idea, Dave, is it?
Yeah, it was.
-[man] Oi, what's the hold-up?
-Oh, here we go.
What the fuck are they?
They're watermelons, boss.
Yeah, I can see that.
Show him, Dave.
Well, it's camouflaged
and that, innit?
Enough fucking around,
carry that through.
Stack the rest of that
shit here.
Melons, I'm dealing with
fucking melons.
It was a good idea.
Can't please him.
I'm telling ya,
can't fucking please him.
-[radio squawking]
-Package has arrived.
[cigarette hissing]
[dog barking]
-[bullet whizzes]
-[body thuds]
[Andy] Echo Four,
this is Echo One,
moving to white two, out.
Echo One,
move when ready, over.
[suspenseful music]
[door squeaking]
[suspenseful music continues]
-[dramatic music]
-[cleaver clatters]
-[watermelon squelching]
-[bag rustling]
[bags rustling]
[trowel scraping]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
-[suspenseful music continues]
-[light clicking]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
-Oh, ah!
-[fists thudding]
-[both grunting]
-[criminal grunting]
-[guns cocking]
-[gentle suspenseful music]
-[artist singing faintly]
Looking my way, hey,
gotta see yo mama
Putting me in place
[gentle suspenseful music]
[gun fires]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[gunfire popping]
[suspenseful music continues]
-[gun fires]
-[glass cracks]
[gun cocking]
Echo, you're clear on
green one, over.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[gunfire popping]
-[suspenseful music]
[gunfire thumps]
What was that?
What was what?
You're fucking paranoid, stop
pissing about, and pass us that.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[gunfire popping]
-Will you fucking hurry up.
-[phone vibrating]
This better be fucking
[gunfire popping]
What are they doing?
Callan's dead.
Are you sure?
Sentry One, radio check, over.
Sentry One, radio check, over.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
Sentry Two,
radio check, over.
Sentry position five,
radio check, over.
[suspenseful music]
Hurry this up,
we're leaving now.
[door thuds]
-Do you guys see that?
-[lights clicking]
[footsteps plodding]
[gunfire popping]
[gun firing]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[gunfire popping]
[suspenseful music]
[gunfire continues popping]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
-Don't you fucking move.
-Wait, wait, wait, wait.
[breathing shakily] All
the Brown and the Charlie
you could ever need is
in that van.
-Just take it.
-He's not here, boss.
You do know who this
belongs to, right?
-Shut the fuck up.
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
-Where is he?
-[breathes heavily] What?
I don't fucking know, man.
I've never seen him before
in my life.
Check him.
[gunfire popping]
What should we do
with all this?
Deny the vehicles, take
the money, burn the rest.
What the fuck are we
doing here?
Stow it, they made their choice.
He's not even here.
[Andy] Echo Four,
this is Sunray,
at extraction point, now
ready for pickup, over.
on route to FRV now.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[gasoline sloshing]
It's all yours, boss.
[flare hissing]
[suspenseful music continues]
[fire crackling]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[fire crackling]
[suspenseful music continues]
Oh, Purify me
Defy me
Purify me
Defy me
Purify me
Defy me
You got that feeling
I'm crucified
But I'd die for love
-[dramatic music]
-[fire blazing]
[gentle pensive music]
[Andy gasps]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[car engine revving]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[scanner beeping]
As long as you're
away from us
-Can I get a bag, mate?
-Got any bags?
-Oh, sure.
[bag rustling]
-[machine beeping]
-[cash register whirring]
[door chime rings]
[door thuds]
Andy, you okay, mate?
You seem a bit distracted
today, that's all.
-[bell chimes]
-[door thuds]
Andy, a word.
-What does he want?
-It can't be good
if the regional manager's
involved, mate.
No, we won't survive
Come in, Andy.
Take a seat.
[clipboard thuds]
We've had a complaint
from Nathan's parents.
The kid you fired last week.
And you came all
the way down for that?
Benny thought that this
would be better coming from us.
-Fuck's sake.
-I'm sorry?
The kid's lazy.
He doesn't finish a single
job he's given.
He was smoking a joint on
his shift, for Christ's sake.
-What do you expect me to--
-That may be,
but you can't just call him
a junkie cunt to his face.
That kind of language
is not acceptable
at this company, Andy.
And his behavior is?
He's 18 years old.
See, I would expect a little
bit more professionalism
from someone with your
We can't have any more,
any more complaints like this.
Last chance.
We clear?
[suspenseful music]
[footsteps approaching]
Hi, Andy. Come on in.
How are you, Andy?
Tell me how your week's
been since we last spoke.
Have you had any more blackouts?
And the loneliness?
Feelings of isolation?
How are you coping?
I'm fine.
-Yes, fine.
Have you been keeping
up with your journal?
I'm sure there's something
you might want to write about,
get off your chest.
I can see there's a lot of pain.
It doesn't help to hide it.
You have every right
to be angry.
You don't have to suffer alone.
Do you have any friends nearby?
Maybe some of your old
colleagues you can talk to?
You need to lean on your
support network, Andy.
Take some time off.
Look after yourself.
-[gentle suspenseful music]
-[fire crackling]
Zero, this is Echo One,
now on location.
Require Foxtrot and Hotel
call signs
on this position so we can
proceed, over.
Boss, I've got something
over here.
Dicker up in the rocks,
northwest, base of fallen wall.
-Has he got a weapon?
I think it's just a kid.
Zero, this is Echo One,
advise, we're being overwatched.
Can you confirm we've got
air support on call? Over.
[Zero] Echo One,
this is Zero, roger,
Foxtrot, Hotel on route to
you now,
CAS will be on station
in figures, One, Zero, over.
Echo One, acknowledge out.
All right, lads, we've
gotta sit tight here.
We've got support on the way,
keep an eye on that dicker.
-[gunfire popping]
-Contact rear!
Contact left. up high,
up high.
Go, right, right, right!
Peel right, move!
[gunfire continues popping]
[explosion booming]
[gentle suspenseful
music continues]
No. No.
[gentle suspenseful
music continues]
[gunfire popping]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[transmitter beeps]
-[explosion booms]
[therapist] Are you
afraid of death?
What do you think happens after?
Why does it matter
what I believe?
They're not here,
that's what matters.
You don't like to think
they're somewhere else,
somewhere better than here?
Have you ever watched
a person die?
No, I haven't.
You feel the presence
leave the body.
What's left is their empty
eyes staring right through you.
That is all,
Is that what you're
afraid of, nothingness?
I'm afraid of not living life
when so many never get
the chance.
If your dad was here,
you would not be within
10 feet of those boys.
Well, Dad's
not fucking here, is he?
Well, stop trying to
control my life.
I'm 18, I know what I'm doing.
You are under my roof!
Well, now you sound like Dad.
Will you just listen to
me, please?
For what, Mom?
For you to lecture me
on what boys I should
and shouldn't see?
It worked out really well
for you and Dad, didn't it?
That is not fair.
Me and your father.
I know,
I know it wasn't your fault.
I didn't mean to...
[exhales sharply] I'm sorry.
Look, I'm going out.
I'll be back later, just
stop worrying so much, okay?
[exhales sharply]
Just be safe.
-Promise me.
See you later.
Love you.
I love you, too.
A pile of gold
And a house up on the lake
10 hoes holding grapes
New clothes and a row full of
There she is.
-Hey, babe.
[Cassius chuckles]
[sighs] Sorry,
Mom was just being Mom.
-[Rachel chuckles]
-It's fine, babe. You okay?
Yeah, she just worries too much.
You, you know she's just
looking out for you, so.
[laughs] Yes, I know.
Look, um,
[exhales sharply] work called.
Uh, they need me to go away for
a couple of weeks, up north.
Are you taking the piss?
I, I know, babe, I'm sorry.
It's just,
I would stay If I could,
-but my dad is-
-Your dad, yes, I know.
It's the same story.
Are you gonna be able to
take your phone
-at least this time?
-I can't.
-He won't allow it.
-[zipper rasping]
I hate this. I hate it
when you go.
Look, all I need to
do is make enough money
then I can cut from these lot.
Screw 'em, we can do whatever
we want, we'll go somewhere,
just take off somewhere,
me and you.
You say this every time.
How many more trips is it
gonna take?
How long do we have to keep
doing this?
Look, I mean it, a couple
more jobs and then we're set.
You know this is what
I want, too.
I'm just tired of it.
It feels like you're never here.
Let's just go out, have
a good time, and get high.
Let's not think about
tomorrow just yet.
-Okay, fine. [laughs]
-Mm-hmm, okay.
I gotta swing by Harry's
and get some supplies
with Ty, then we'll go.
-Is that cool?
-Yes. [laughs]
I'm gonna get my kiss now.
[Rachel laughs]
-[both laugh]
-[engine revving]
[engine stops]
[rain pattering]
[knocking on door]
-Hey, man.
-Hey, Dusty, what's up, man?
I'm just here for Tyler's gear.
Yeah, all right, calm down.
You good?
-Yeah, man, I'm good.
[chuckles] Sorry about
him, he's just a bit-
Herbs are in here,
gear's in here.
I'll take that one.
Have fun, kids.
Oh, and, uh,
tell Tyler he's a prick
from me. [tongue clicks]
-Thanks, man.
-[door thuds]
Heroin, I thought we were
just getting some weed.
Relax, it's just for Tyler,
you know I don't do that shit.
But you're selling it?
I'm just the delivery man,
it pays well.
What if you get pulled by
the police?
Fuck, what if we get pulled
-by the police?
-Babe, babe, babe,
it's fine, okay, I've
done it plenty of times.
Nothing's gonna happen.
You will be fine, all right?
[doorbell ringing]
[Cassius sighs]
[indistinct chatter]
-Hey, mate. [laughs]
-[Tyler laughs]
Oh, oi-oi, Cash my boy,
how we doing, my man?
Not too bad, mate,
how are you?
Nicked your mom's picnic bag,
have we?
-Shut up. [laughs]
-[Tyler laughs]
-Come on in. Come on in.
-All right, let's go.
-Welcome to my humble abode.
-[upbeat music]
Yes, hit the boulevard
And hit my dance
-Everybody wanna be a boss
-But they can't
-They motherfucking can't
I go over anything
Like ranch
Had to tell my old hoes,
Bon voyage like I'm in France
Now I eat hors d'oeuvres and
Get 'em served at my events
Fuck up out my face, please
And thank you in advance
I'm like aye, yeah,
You know the game
-Ice all in my veins
Ain't nothing changed
I got money in the bank
In a Roth IRA
Put the drinks on my tab
And a bitch on my lap
-And, oh, yeah
-[phone vibrating]
Ah, ah, I've gotta take this,
one sec.
Babe, I've gotta go.
I thought you
weren't leaving until tomorrow?
I'm really sorry.
Look after Rach for me,
yeah, promise me.
I promise, man.
All right.
[bass thudding]
[Rachel sighs]
[girls laughing]
[bag rustling]
[door squeaks]
Hey, peeping Tom, it's okay.
Come on, come in.
What are you doing?
[scoffs] What's it
look like we're doing?
I thought this was like
street shit.
Junkie crap out there.
Wanna take a hit?
It's a fresh bag.
You'll thank me for it.
No, no way,
that shit's addictive.
Weed, yeah, sure, but there's
no way I'm a crackhead.
Fucking crackheads,
judgy much?
Chill out, mate,
she's not talking about you.
[chuckles] Don't worry
about it, yeah, look at us.
We look like addicts to you?
[laughs] No, my dad
would fucking kill me.
All right,
Daddy's girl. [chuckles]
-You can smoke it?
-No shit.
Bitch, it's the best high
you'll have in your life.
Floating on cloud
fucking nine, guaranteed.
[women laughing]
Is it dangerous?
Of course not.
Only the finest for my girls.
Let me show you, take a seat.
Just a little though, yeah?
You won't regret it, trust me.
[gentle suspenseful music]
[lighter clicks]
[drugs sizzling]
[Rachel coughs]
See, it's not that bad, is it?
[Rachel laughs]
[all laughing]
[Rachel coughing and choking]
Stop playing around?
[all laugh]
-Are you okay?
-[suspenseful music]
-[Rachel choking]
-[Rachel coughing]
[Partier] Will someone
call an ambulance?
[girl] Are you fucking crazy?
-We'll be arrested.
-Well, we can't just
fucking leave her like this.
Someone needs to do some-
[girl] Why the fuck
would we call an ambulance?
You, I
Before you fade to blue
-[suspenseful music]
-[church bell chimes]
[birds chirping]
-[gentle pensive music]
-[church bell chimes]
[minister] Do not judge
a biography by its length,
nor by the number of
pages in it,
judge it by the richness of
its contents.
Sometimes those unfinished
are amongst the most poignant.
Do not judge a song
by its duration,
nor by the number of its notes,
judge it by how it lifts
and touches the soul.
Sometimes those unfinished are
amongst the most beautiful.
And when something has
enriched your life
and when it's melody
lingers on in your heart,
is it unfinished...
or... is it endless?
[suspenseful music]
[funeral guests chattering]
[woman speaking faintly]
[woman 1] Everyone
mourns in their own way.
[woman 2] But he's like it
all the time, even before.
You heard the stories
from Elaine,
he's just not there.
[man] Well, I mean, maybe if she
had a decent father figure
who was actually there,
she wouldn't have wound up,
you know,
falling by the wayside.
[woman] I thought it was
an accident.
[woman 2] That's what
they all say.
[man] I wouldn't
let any of my daughters
-near anything like that.
-Exactly, typical army guys,
they're all the same.
[guests chattering]
I thought you'd quit.
I did.
God, I could deal with
one of those right now.
No. We're going to pack
up her things tomorrow.
If there's anything you
need, her room is open
just upstairs.
-Thank you.
-[gentle pensive music]
[footsteps plodding]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[door squeaks]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[necklace rattling]
[gentle poignant music]
[gentle poignant music
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
[suspenseful music]
[door thuds]
[suspenseful music continues]
[phone chimes]
[phone chiming]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
-[dramatic music]
-[sirens wailing]
Yo, Ty.
-What's up, man?
-You, you good?
Yeah, man, not too bad.
-C-come on in, mate.
[suspenseful music]
Bloody hell, boys.
It's a mess in here, innit?
-You need to clean up.
-You all right, Cash?
I thought you weren't
back for a couple of days.
Ah, man,
we rounded up early for once.
[Dusty chuckles]
Yo, you all right?
I thought you'd be having a
couple of days off or something.
What you on about?
Why would I need a day off?
[Tyler] Fuck.
[Tyler exhales sharply]
Boys, stop fucking around.
Cash. [chuckles]
Oh, man.
Rachel's dead.
[laughs] Stop messing
around, man.
She's gone.
She OD'd on some fucked up junk.
Bullshit, she, she would
never, she would never use!
well, I don't know what to
say, man, we thought you knew.
No, how,
where would she even,
how, how, how,
how would she even get her hands
on that in the first place?
It doesn't make sense.
-Cash, man.
You, you're fucking party!
What happened when I left?
-I'm not sure, man.
-You're not sure?
-What the fuck does that mean?
-How the fuck
am I meant to know?
I left to get a pepperoni and
cheese panini,
and by the time I'd come back,
the police are running all
over the place, so I left.
[breathes heavily] I-I've been
lying low here ever since.
You were supposed
to look out for her
-and you fucking left!
-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
-You promised me.
-[fist thuds]
[breathing heavily]
Cass, mate, I'm so--
-Cash, calm down.
-Don't tell me to calm down!
[Cassius breathing heavily]
Why, why wouldn't you, why
wouldn't you fucking call me?
You were off grid,
your phone wasn't on,
what'd you expect?
[Tyler] The funeral
was three days ago, mate.
-I'm so sorry.
-Where is she?
She's at Saint Nicholas,
that's where they buried her.
Ca-, Cash, Ca-
[Tyler] Cash!
Cash! Just go tomorrow, man,
it's not like she's
going anywhere.
[suspenseful music]
[gritty electronic
music playing]
[music continues]
[nail thuds]
[fist pounding]
[nails popping]
-[both grunting]
-[fist thudding]
[nail gun booms]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[suspenseful music]
[women moaning]
[women continue moaning]
[beads rattling]
[man groaning]
-[nail gun booms]
-[woman screaming]
[woman sobbing]
[beads rattling]
-[nail gun booms]
-[woman continues sobbing]
[beads rattling]
[woman panting]
-[nail gun booms]
-[woman screaming]
[beads rattling]
-[woman screams]
-[nail gun booming]
[beads rattling]
-[door thuds]
[beads rattling]
[nail gun booms]
[woman sobbing]
-[beads rattling]
-[woman screaming]
[gunfire popping]
-[both grunting]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
[music continues]
-[both grunting]
-[body thuds]
[knee thuds]
-[fist thudding]
-[both grunting]
[man groaning]
[suspenseful music]
[Andy breathing heavily]
[Andy groaning and panting]
[gun cocking]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[gunfire popping]
Ah, what the fuck, man?
-[bottles clinking]
Shit. [whimpers]
-[Andy] Who is Cash?
-Uh, what?
-Where is he?
-I don't know.
W-what do you wanna do
with Cash, man?
-[gun thuds]
-[screams] All right, okay.
-It, it-
-Where is he?
I, I don't know, man,
honestly, [stammers]
-he, he just bounced.
-Wrong detail, Centurion.
-Let's try again.
[Dusty breathes shakily]
Where is he?
[Dusty breathes heavily]
He's not, he's not here.
Why was he selling
-drugs to my daughter?
-I, I don't know, man,
we're just the mules, please.
[plastic rustling]
[Andy breathes heavily
and groans]
-[Dusty breathes heavily]
-[Andy groaning]
[Dusty exhales sharply]
[Dusty sighs]
-[Andy groaning and gasping]
-[suspenseful music]
Not such a big man now,
are we?
Centurion. [chuckles]
[plastic rustling]
-[gunfire popping]
-[bodies thud]
-[Andy breathes heavily]
-[plastic rustling]
[Andy wheezing and groaning]
[hammer thuds]
-[suspenseful music]
-[Andy panting]
[gentle music]
[Smudge] Andy, come
on. Stay with me, mate.
What the fuck have you
got yourself into now?
[Andy] I had it handled.
It looked like you were getting
the shit kicked out of you,
-but, okay.
-Oh, fuck off, Smudge.
[Smudge chuckles]
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
You can't keep doing this.
I couldn't even look
after my own daughter.
My wife's left me.
My friends are gone.
You can't be there for
them every single moment
of every single day.
And you can't watch over them
and stop every bad decision.
How's Elaine doing?
How about that therapist?
You bagged her off yet?
Come on, talk to me, mate.
I haven't seen you in years.
-I'm not fucking the therapist.
-[Smudge laughs]
What is this all about, Andy?
Watching too many films in
your old age?
You're the one who likes
to psychoanalyze everyone.
[Smudge exhales sharply]
I mean, the first part's easy,
you're in pain.
You're craving that adrenaline
hit, like being in contact.
But what next? Eventually,
it'll all catch up with you.
You're getting old, boss.
[Smudge chuckles]
So maybe it's some kind
of alternative to suicide.
A thrill ride with
an expiry date.
Go out in a blaze of glory.
The only problem is,
the Andy I know
doesn't give a fuck about glory.
And he's retired.
So the Andy I know wouldn't
do this.
Maybe people change.
People don't change.
Hang around long enough you just
find out who they really are.
It's not change,
it's just time showing
you the truth.
There's plenty of bad
people in the world, Andy,
trust me,
you are not one of them.
[gentle pensive music]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[door opens]
[pensive music continues]
[poignant music]
[poignant music continues]
[gun clicking]
[shower running]
[poignant music continues]
[fire crackling]
[phone vibrating]
Elaine, are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
-[fire crackling]
-What is it?
[Elaine inhales sharply]
We were good,
weren't we?
I mean, if things had been
different then-
We had some fun.
[Elaine inhales sharply]
I noticed you took her phone,
I was confused at first.
I thought of all the things,
why would you take that?
But then I remembered
who you are.
I can't get into it anyway.
Do you know it, her code?
Some doors are best
left closed.
I just wanna see her
face again.
She respected you more
than you thought, you know?
You already know it.
It's the birth year of your
beloved corps.
I didn't realize she
was that interested.
I think there's a lot you
didn't know about her, Andy.
I've gotta go.
Thank you.
And there it is.
If I had a pound for every
time I'd heard you say that.
[gentle music]
Be careful.
[poignant music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[nails popping]
[gunfire popping]
[fist thuds]
[man groaning]
-[fist thudding]
-[both grunting]
[nail gun booms]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[customer] Something wrong
with the postman, right?
Yeah, we get packages
on tap, man.
-Fucking mad money.
-All right?
-How are you, boss?
[customer laughs]
Can I get, uh, two lamb
doners and chips please.
-Yeah, he's paying this.
-I'm not,
-he's paying this one.
-Pay him, mate.
-You owe me, mate.
-Oh, fuck off, not a chance.
-don't be like this, please.
-Did you two forget
your tampons today or something?
-What's going on?
-Mate, tell him, mate.
[tongue clicks]
I like your watch.
You waiting on someone?
That's it, mate.
Run along then. [laughs]
Run along. [laughs]
I'm having his food.
-[suspenseful music]
-[dog barking]
[Customer] Yeah, I would
never say listen to him,
but he's actually
fucking right this time.
Yeah, and fucking here's
you fucking eyeing up
his fake watch.
-[customer laughs]
-He's a prick anyway.
[Customer] Yeah,
did you see him run
like he was in the fucking
Camptown Races.
-Fuck, yeah.
-[customers laughing]
[chattering and laughing]
Yeah, these chips were
all his, right, they're his.
There was a line, like six
miles long on the table.
Hang on.
It's big man, again.
Forget your kebab, mate?
[man] Can I help you?
I said, can I help you?
Are you fucking stupid, man?
I think he likes you, mate.
Hey, when someone asks
you a fucking question,
you fucking answer it.
Fuck you.
-Ah, come here!
-[engine revving]
-[tires screeching]
-[suspenseful music continues]
Get in the car.
Now, get in the fucking car.
[door thuds]
[engine revving]
[dramatic music]
[woman] What the fuck
are you playing at?
You're fucking lucky I caught
you leaving.
I'm sorry, okay?
She didn't deserve that shit.
Don't. You barely knew her,
don't act like you care.
This is exactly why
I didn't want you
or anyone else too close to her.
Is that what you
really think of me?
Fucking hell,
it's not about you.
Just look what happened.
-Chill out.
-Don't tell me to chill out!
She's dead, Ava, she's fucking
dead, and it's all my fault
'cause I left her at
that fucking party!
Her death is not your fault!
Who picked up the drugs? Me.
Who left her there? Me.
Who else could possibly
be to blame?
She smoked some bad junk.
It's not your fucking
fault, end of.
But if I was there,
-maybe I could-
-Listen to me.
It's not your fault.
She's not the only one.
Is that supposed to make me
feel better?
Jesus Christ.
It wasn't an overdose.
What are you saying?
Are you someone messed
with the product?
Ava, my dad's product.
Someone's making a play.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[motorbike whooshes]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
[sixties-style music playing]
[customers chattering]
[Andy] Where's Smudge at?
[Harper] He's getting
the round in.
You all right?
Can everyone stop
asking me that?
I'm sorry to her about
Rachel, mate.
No parent should have
to bury their child.
We wanted to be there.
You know what it's like.
It's okay.
Did any of the lads go?
Chris was there,
quiet as ever.
He's never been the same
since, uh,
-well, you know.
-[dramatic music]
-[rain pattering]
Mate, I came to Afghan to
get a tan, not pneumonia.
What are you saying then? You
gonna come to Singers with me
once this has all blown over?
-I'm busy, mate.
-Busy, what could be more
important than taking
your best mate away
on a sexual spiritual
release throughout Thailand?
Mate, have you ever been
with an Asian chick?
What have I walked in on now?
Is he still spinning
a bullshit bag of tits.
Three things, Smudge,
number one, you're boring.
Number two, you need to bag off.
Number three,
do you wanna come to Singers
with me when this is done?
Is that a jet-wet, Smudge?
Literally asked you 10
minutes ago, you said no.
It was a hot flash.
-[laughs] Fuck off.
-[Sledge laughs]
What's this? [sighs]
Don't be a prick, Smudge.
Is this your missus?
You've got a missus?
What's she like?
Fucking hell,
you are punching.
We've been together four
years in May.
Two kids.
Well, you did keep that
one quiet, didn't ya?
We tied the knot a week
before we came out here.
Cheers for the fucking invite.
Knockers, gents.
How are we?
Well, Harper just got married,
didn't tell anyone, Sledge's
upset he didn't get an invite.
We're all really fucking bored.
Five months in and you're
just mentioning this.
Mate, that's a bit
fucking weird.
It's a bit, odd mate.
I bet she's
not even real, you know?
[laughs] Yeah.
Well, I've got some news.
Get your kit on,
I'll see you outside.
Finally. [sighs]
[suspenseful music]
-[gunfire popping]
-[soldiers yelling]
Go get the fucking gun!
[soldiers yelling and groaning]
Smudge! Smudge!
[soldier yelling]
-Right, get on it, get on it.
-[soldiers yelling]
[gunfire popping]
[soldier speaks indistinctly]
[soldier groaning]
Andy, you fucking gun up!
-[gunfire popping]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[customers chattering]
-[calm upbeat music]
Chris Davis, how is he?
[Sledge sighs]
All right, you bunch of pricks?
[breathes heavily]
You swamp yourself again?
Oh, good eye, sniper,
well done.
[Smudge chuckles]
How was Chris?
Quiet as ever.
I remember his first
patrol in Afghan, routine,
everyone's alert and eager.
Our first run out since
being in-country.
The point man was Charlie Dixon,
a young marine,
fresh out the box.
Nice lad.
He goes and steps on
a pressure plate IED
20 minutes into patrol.
Everyone goes to ground,
dust everywhere.
Sound of incoming rounds
start cracking overhead.
And Chris crawls forward
and finds Charlie with both
legs missing,
flailing around in
a pool of his own blood.
By some miracle, Charlie's
the only one wounded.
By now, the rest of the
section are returning fire,
while Chris pulls what's
left of Charlie
into a ditch nearby.
We just couldn't ping
the firing point.
And the medic,
the medic does his best,
but Charlie's not looking good.
Now lads start breaking contact
with Charlie on a stretcher
and they actually start
making good pace,
and it weren't long before
they were pinned down again.
Another ambush,
a volley of grenades come
over the wall
from the other side of the road.
The lads scatter, hitting
the deck, expecting the worst.
But by some fucking miracle,
again, nobody was hurt.
Now, Chris goes and
pulls out his own grenade
and the rest of the lads
in the section see him
and they, obviously,
follow suit.
Almost the whole section
return a volley of grenades
back over the wall,
with the exception of poor
old Charlie, of course.
The incoming rounds stop
and the lads manage to
get Charlie CASEVAC-ed.
Anyway, the next day,
a crowd of Afghan locals
gathered outside the PB and
they were carrying bodies.
Bodies draped in white
bloodstained blankets.
The whole patrol was a trap.
We were played.
The initial volley of grenades
came from beyond the compound.
But the lads didn't know this.
And the grenades Chris returned,
landed in the compound
amongst the family.
A family hiding from
the firefight.
They said he changed after that.
Got very serious.
And to top it off,
his mate Charlie, lad on point,
he only went and fucking
died back in royal three
a few hours after
being CASEVAC-ed.
[Sledge slurping]
[Sledge burps and sighs]
Well, that was fucking
delightful, fat boy.
[sighs] Have you got
a single dit in your head
that doesn't make
me wanna kill myself?
[Harper grunts]
Absent friends.
And those still living
with the scars.
[glasses tapping]
Come on, dickhead.
-[chair scraping]
-[customers chattering]
-[rain pattering]
-[thunder rumbling]
Still here then.
I haven't seen the
village elder in three days.
Usually he walks the fields
every morning, checks the crops,
and then again at sundown.
The locals are spooked.
Something's not right.
The lads are worried
about you,
about the time you're
spending up here.
You need some rest.
Did you not hear me?
It's shady.
They know something we don't.
I hear you, but you log it
and you report it through J2.
In the meantime,
you're on enforced rest.
This isn't sustainable.
I've got plenty.
Look, I know you're
cut up about the last op,
fuck, we're all cut up about
the last op.
But it wasn't your fault.
You don't have to make
up anything.
We need you at 100% when
we're out there.
You're my eyes and I
need them to be fresh.
-Go and get your head down.
-[thunder rumbling]
[therapist] I read your file.
What do you think drew
you to the armed forces?
I always thought I
could make a difference.
It's stupid.
Looking back on it,
I've caused more pain.
[pool balls clattering]
[Harper] What's
going on, Boss?
You found out who supplied
Rachel with drugs, didn't you?
Some prick sent her
a message asking to meet up.
I need answers.
I think you have bigger
problems now, boss.
There's always someone
higher up in the chain.
They'll be looking for you now.
Huge fan of the nail,
gun, hammer combination,
but you're gonna need
something with more of a punch.
[gentle suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[Andy] We're early.
He's waiting for you
in room 307, top floor.
[gentle suspenseful
music continues]
[elevator chimes]
[suspenseful music]
[gentle suspenseful music]
[knocking on door]
[man] Go on.
Get out.
Go on, fuck off!
[breathing heavily] Oh,
you're early.
Sort her out, will you?
Ignore her.
come in.
Have you got the cash?
That will do it.
You're gonna like this.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
I knew it was you.
Do you have any idea how
much shit you've stirred up?
There's way more cash
than needed there.
Callan wouldn't like
it if I just let you go.
Who the fuck is Callan?
You really don't understand
what you've got yourself into.
I make a point of
not getting involved
in other people's business,
I just sell the guns,
I don't tell people what to
do with them.
go on.
Fuck off!
I-I need to speak to Callan,
it's, it's urgent.
Tell him it's Leon.
[exhales sharply] Look,
just put Callan
on the fucking phone now.
-[suspenseful music]
-[gunfire pops]
-[Leon groaning]
Where's Callan?
[Leon groaning]
Where is Callan?
Now, I'm gonna count to three.
-Two. Three.
-[Leon groaning]
Okay, okay, I'll--
Just-- [groans] Shit, stop.
I'll tell you, stop.
-[door thuds]
-[gunfire popping]
[Leon groans]
Deal with this, will ya?
[suspenseful music]
And find out where Callan is.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
I don't like this.
You've done this
hundreds of times before.
What's wrong?
[tongue clicks]
It just feels different.
Stay lookout then,
this won't take long.
[suspenseful music]
Oh, shit, oh, shit, Ava!
[gunfire popping]
[dog barking]
[gunfire pops]
[Ava breathing heavily]
I'll drive, where's the key?
Okay. [groans] Okay.
No, I can't.
No, no, no, no, you can,
you can.
-[sirens wailing]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
[Cassius groans]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
[Cassius groans]
Now, this is unexpected.
[Cassius and Ava groaning]
A backstabbing whore and the
prince to a crumbling empire.
Fuck you!
What the fuck are you
talking about?
I'm guessing you
haven't told him then.
[Ava breathing erratically]
Oh, you haven't, have you?
[Ava groans]
What's, what's he talking about?
Who else have you fucked over?
Did you think that
I wouldn't find out?
[suspenseful music]
What is he on about?
She's been spying on my
whole operation, on me,
for your dear father.
Spreading dangerous rumors.
It's not a rumor
if it's fucking true.
Why would I spike my own gear?
Think about it.
But I bet you never
imagined hurting someone
you care about, did you?
He's a fucking liar.
[Callan] Who else would it be?
You act all innocent
with your big blue eyes.
[Ava laughs]
But you're no saint, are you?
What did you do, Ava?
It's what he does, he's lying.
I bet your father approved it,
and you, and you,
you were gonna fuck me,
weren't you?
Weren't you?
So why am I here?
I mean, you can't--
Kill you?
'Cause of your father?
Your father doesn't give
a fuck about you.
And you,
backstabbing fucking snake.
It seems you misjudged
your loyalties.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
I worked for your father
for 14 years.
Fourteen fucking years,
and this is how he repays
me. [chuckles]
[gunfire pops]
-[Cassius grunting]
-[gunfire popping]
[gunfire continues popping]
[men grunting and groaning]
Ava, please, come on.
Ava, wait, Ava, look out!
-[gunfire popping]
[Cassius grunting]
No, no, no, wait, wait.
-[gunfire continues popping]
-[engine revving]
[gunfire popping]
Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
Fuck! Oh, shit, shit.
Come on, come on, come on,
come, come, come on, come on.
Ah, shit.
-Come on.
-[engine sputters]
Oh, no, no.
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
[breathing heavily] Oh,
fuck. Fuck!
[door thuds]
-[foot thudding]
-[grunts] Stupid shit!
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
Oh, shit.
Oh, what am I,
what am I gonna do?
What if, I should--
If I, um, I can call someone,
call someone, um...
-[vehicle approaching]
[door opening]
[door thuds]
-[Cassius exhales sharply]
-[footsteps plodding]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
-[Harper exhales sharply]
-[gentle music]
It's really something,
you know?
You gotta appreciate the
ability to still make choices
when someone like this
only has one decision left.
What, like choosing
to watch a man suffer?
We're all subjects of
suffering, my friend,
one way or another.
Boss, we've got a live one here.
It's one of the captives.
She's still breathing, I think.
Harps, are you shooting
chicks now?
Not me, mate,
she's still breathing.
Get your FFD ready, mate.
-Mate, come on.
-And your Celox.
-[sighs] Mate.
-Pressure here.
-Smudge, come on.
[Ava groans]
I need you to keep your
eyes open, okay?
Can you tell me your name?
Look, I am trying to help you,
but I need you to help me.
Please, tell me your name.
How old are you, Ava?
[groaning] I'm 29.
[Sledge] Fucking hell,
Smudge, look at this, man.
Mate, what are you,
for fuck's sake!
Mates, she's fucking browners.
why were you here?
[gun clicking]
What are you doing? What
the fuck are you doing?
Who are you?
Ava, where would he go?
Where would Cassius go?
Where can we find him?
[Ava whispering]
What did she say?
[exhales sharply] A warehouse,
the other side of town,
says his dad works there.
That's where he will be.
But this. This shit.
It isn't me.
I didn't think it was
you either.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[gentle suspenseful music]
[door opens]
[door thuds]
[footsteps approaching]
[door thuds]
What's going on?
Why did you pick me up?
What do you want?
The reason you're here, eat.
I'm not hungry.
I know what you did.
-And what would that be?
-[door thuds]
That whole situation
was unfortunate.
She died because of you!
Because you laced the product!
Rachel's death has got
nothing to do with me.
Don't you fucking
mention her name!
I was the one who told
you not to get attached.
Your involvement with her
created a lot of activity,
the kind of activity
that's bad for my business.
Your business.
And once again, it's my
responsibility to clean it up.
You see, Callan,
I know he wanted a shot at
being the don for a while,
but he was disrespectful
and greedy.
At least he had the balls
to try, I respect that.
You'll never let me go,
will you?
You'll never let me have
anything outside of this.
How much more death,
how much more pain,
how much more money
will make you satisfied?
How much is fucking
enough for you?
It isn't about the
money, it's about respect.
It's about having your own
code and sticking to it.
Something your friends and I
fear you will never understand.
Your little escapades
have cost me.
So why didn't you tell
me what was going on?
Lacing the shit, the
man you sent, all of it?
-Answer me!
-[dishes clanking]
I'll start being your father
when you start acting like
the son I want you to be!
[gentle suspenseful music]
The man is the reason
we are here.
The reason I picked you up,
for your own safety,
you should be thanking me.
I know what happened at
the docks, at Harry's place.
You took something from him.
Now this man wants to take
something away from me.
If you didn't send him
then who is he?
Andrew Coleman.
-Rachel's father.
-[suspenseful music]
I'd like you to try
something for me.
It's a simple method of
to bring you back to the present
when things become overwhelming.
Now, put the elastic band on
your wrist like a bracelet.
We're going to breathe together.
And when I say snap the band,
pull it's away from your
wrist and then let go.
Notice how it feels on
your skin.
Together, we're going to try
and be mindful of the present
and the environment around us.
I want you to try and relax,
get loose.
Sit back and close your eyes.
So all we're going to do is
snap the band on our wrist.
But as we do so,
I want us to try to feel what's
right here in the present.
Okay, shall we give this a go?
Take in a deep breath,
in for three.
-[gunfire popping]
-[soldiers yelling]
And out.
And in.
[gunfire popping]
And out.
Now really try to focus
on what you can smell.
And in one,
-Get the fucking gun!
Focus on what you can hear.
And in
-[elastic band snaps]
-[explosion booming]
[suspenseful music]
Now, when you're ready, Andy,
-open your eyes.
-[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[gunfire popping]
Wait, wait!
[gasoline sloshing]
[flare hissing]
Boss, it's time to go.
Andy, we need to leave
right now.
Why are we here?
What did that girl say to you?
She told me this is
where we would find him.
She was dying, Andy, I had
no reason to doubt her.
The boy's never been here.
She fucked us.
She saw what we did
back there,
she knew what we'd do here.
Anyway, let's go, plenty of
time to think about this later.
[fire roaring]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[poignant music]
[poignant music continues]
[birds chirping]
[poignant music continues]
[phone buzzing]
[phone continues buzzing]
[suspenseful music]
[Elaine panting] Andy,
some men,
I, I, I've locked,
help, help me.
I've locked myself in the--
[sobbing] No.
Help me, Andy.
[panting] Oh, no, no,
please, please.
I, I don't know where he
is, no, no,
-please, no!
-[gunfire pops]
-[suspenseful music]
[gunfire popping]
-[glass shattering]
-[metal clanking]
[gunfire continues popping]
-[gunfire popping]
-[body thuds]
[Harper] Eagle, eagle.
Harper? [breathes heavily]
[Smudge] Tell him to
stop fucking loafing.
[Andy breathing heavily]
I think we best get
out of here.
Agreed. [breathes heavily]
What the fuck was that?
They were probably scouts,
believed themselves lucky,
so they thought they'd
have a go.
It's 'cause you're
so fucking old, Boss.
Right, let's get
the fuck outta here.
we've got more on the way.
[engine revving]
[birds chirping]
[man whistles]
[coffee splashes]
[footsteps plodding]
What's going on?
Cleaning house.
-That means?
-It means clean up
your mess for
the very last time.
I am obligated to keep you safe.
I won't let some squaddy
disrespect me, my business,
and all I've worked for.
-What are you gonna do?
-[suspenseful music]
My patience with
Mr. Coleman has expired.
-You know where he is.
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
[engines revving]
Andy, we need to go faster.
[gunfire popping]
They are gonna catch up
with us, Boss.
50 meters and closing.
[gunfire popping]
[suspenseful music]
[gun cocks]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[gunfire popping]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
[man] No, no. [groans]
Little fuckers weren't
expecting that number,
were they?
We ain't out of the woods yet.
How did they track you down?
Even we struggled to find ya.
They fucking got to Elaine.
-Oh, fuck.
-Tried to call
and I didn't pick up.
[knocking on window]
We got company!
[gunfire popping]
-Who the fuck is this?
-[gunfire popping]
[gunfire continues popping]
[Andy] Hit, I'm hit.
[Sledge] Where are you
hit? Where are you hit?
It's on the plate,
on the plate.
Building! Get the building!
Take that.
Peel right! Peel right!
[gunfire popping]
-Harper, move!
-Harp, move! Move it!
-Harper, move!
[Andy] Now, Sledge! In!
[Sledge] Last man!
-Move, move, move, move!
[dramatic suspenseful music]
Ammo, CAS, Ammo and CAS!
-Last few.
Four pax 50 meters,
they're approaching
on the south aspect.
[gunfire popping]
When the fuck are these
clowns gonna get the message?
If you spent less time
gobbing off
and more time shooting,
maybe they would.
Cheers, dits.
-[gunfire continues popping]
Happy now,
got your suicide mission?
We're not doing this now.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[neck cracking]
[body thuds]
[gunfire popping]
[body thuds]
[suspenseful music continues]
[gunfire popping]
-[gun clicks]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[hammer thuds]
-[Sledge grunts]
-[hammer thuds]
-[flesh squelches]
[gunfire popping]
-[gun clicking]
-[man grunting]
[both grunting]
-[gunfire popping]
-[both grunting]
We need him.
-[body scraping]
-[man groaning]
Where is Elaine?
Who the fuck is Elaine?
Look at ya, huh?
You're bleeding out anyway,
so you might as well
just tell me.
Oh, okay.
I am the one who will
decide just how painful
your last hour on earth
will really be.
And I've got nowhere to go.
So where is she?
[groans] I don't know.
[groans] I don't know.
-Ow, fuck. [cries]
-Where is she?
Stop, please, fucking stop.
[sobs] Look, look,
I'll tell ya.
[panting] Stop.
I don't know who she is, okay,
but I, I know someone who does.
I'm listening.
Look, I'll deal with it.
He won't.
I've got this under control.
We've lost Bravo Team, sir.
[exhales] Get the boy
in the car.
[footsteps plodding]
[suspenseful music]
[door thuds]
[gunfire popping]
Who's, oh, shit.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[door thuds]
Mr. Andrew Coleman, it's
so good to finally meet ya.
Shut it.
You know why I'm here.
I know more than you think.
You, however, don't seem
to know anything at all.
Elaine, where is Elaine?
You don't give up, do ya?
It fascinates me that
you even care.
Northern Ireland, Bosnia,
Was it all worth it?
It changed you, didn't it?
All these years,
she stood by your side,
but one day she didn't
recognize you anymore, did she?
I suppose everyone leaves in
the end, one way or another.
Don't play games with me.
You know, Elaine reminded
me of my wife, you know?
When Cassius was younger,
his mother tried to take
him away from me,
she thought she knew better.
She thought she could protect
him from me, from my world.
And she was wrong.
I drugged her, tied her up,
and locked her in a room.
She was manageable for a time,
but then she became
a bit of a nuisance
and difficult to control.
She was my wife, Andrew.
I killed her.
I watched her bleed out
as she begged for her life
and I didn't feel a thing.
That's why I'm still alive.
That's why I'm still in charge.
Nobody takes from me.
My daughter's dead.
And your son is responsible.
No, he had nothing to do
with your daughter's death.
Unfortunately, Cassius
takes after his mother.
He was always such
a disappointment.
Where is Elaine?
She's no longer with us,
I'm afraid.
You see, actions
have consequences.
[footsteps plodding]
[Cassius breathing heavily]
[Harper speaks faintly]
Here he is.
Did you get him?
His father.
We're all done here.
[chuckles] You got his dad,
you fucking savage.
All right, boys,
what you saying,
shall we get some breakfast
or what?
I'm fucking starving.
Yeah, we're done.
[doors clicking]
[soft music playing]
That, that was fucking glorious.
Half of it's in your 'tache.
Was it a mistake?
Leaving the boy?
Don't worry about
that kid, Boss.
He couldn't bang out a wank.
I hate loose ends.
-Rachel saw something in him.
You saw something in him.
He wasn't like the others.
He was scared.
[Smudge] You did
the right thing, boss.
That's what separates us
from them.
The right thing,
I don't know what that
is anymore.
The world's changed too
much for an old man like me.
In all fairness, you
are really, really old.
I won't lose any sleep over
the bodies of rotten souls.
Fucking hell, mate,
went a bit dark on that one,
haven't ya?
I'm just saying,
how many more Rachels
are out there?
And, no,
it won't bring her back,
but think about how many more
lives they would've destroyed.
What do I even do now?
Give yourself a break, mate.
Find some enjoyment in
your life.
Do it for Rachel.
And do it for Elaine.
That's easier said than done.
You know, when Elaine left,
people said,
"Get help, reach out."
I tried everything,
but I felt like I was
screaming into a black hole.
They say they hear you,
but they aren't really
Then you showed up.
I hadn't seen yous in years.
If you hadn't, I...
I never thanked you for that.
[gentle poignant music]
You know,
the other day in the car,
you asked me, "Why now?"
Haven't you figured it out yet?
-[gunfire popping]
-[poignant music]
[poignant music continues]
[poignant music continues]
[Cassius breathing heavily]
No, don't fucking move!
I'll do it, I'll fucking do it!
[Cassius breathing shakily]
[sobbing] I'm sorry.
I'm so-- I'm sorry.
[Cassius breathes heavily]
[poignant music continues]
[dramatic music]
[poignant music continues]
[poignant music continues]
-[dramatic music]
-[sirens wailing]
[gentle music]
[gentle music continues]
[music continues]
-[engine purring]
-[objects rattling]
[car cranking]
[man] Let's go, man.
[doors thudding]
[footsteps plodding]
[speaks faintly]
Where the fuck have you been?
Shut ya noise, will ya?
And put that down before
you hurt somebody.
You wouldn't be late
if he was here.
Yeah? Well, I don't see him.
So how about you do
yourself a favor
and give us a hand
unloading this.
What the fuck is that?
It's a fucking watermelon,
what's it look like?
Where's the fucking product?
Just a watermelon, yeah.
Watch this.
Who's this guy?
That's Dave, you've
met him like 15 times.
This your idea, Dave, is it?
Yeah, it was.
-[man] Oi, what's the hold-up?
-Oh, here we go.
What the fuck are they?
They're watermelons, boss.
Yeah, I can see that.
Show him, Dave.
Well, it's camouflaged
and that, innit?
Enough fucking around,
carry that through.
Stack the rest of that
shit here.
Melons, I'm dealing with
fucking melons.
It was a good idea.
Can't please him.
I'm telling ya,
can't fucking please him.
-[radio squawking]
-Package has arrived.
[cigarette hissing]
[dog barking]
-[bullet whizzes]
-[body thuds]
[Andy] Echo Four,
this is Echo One,
moving to white two, out.
Echo One,
move when ready, over.
[suspenseful music]
[door squeaking]
[suspenseful music continues]
-[dramatic music]
-[cleaver clatters]
-[watermelon squelching]
-[bag rustling]
[bags rustling]
[trowel scraping]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
-[suspenseful music continues]
-[light clicking]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
-Oh, ah!
-[fists thudding]
-[both grunting]
-[criminal grunting]
-[guns cocking]
-[gentle suspenseful music]
-[artist singing faintly]
Looking my way, hey,
gotta see yo mama
Putting me in place
[gentle suspenseful music]
[gun fires]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[gunfire popping]
[suspenseful music continues]
-[gun fires]
-[glass cracks]
[gun cocking]
Echo, you're clear on
green one, over.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[gunfire popping]
-[suspenseful music]
[gunfire thumps]
What was that?
What was what?
You're fucking paranoid, stop
pissing about, and pass us that.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[gunfire popping]
-Will you fucking hurry up.
-[phone vibrating]
This better be fucking
[gunfire popping]
What are they doing?
Callan's dead.
Are you sure?
Sentry One, radio check, over.
Sentry One, radio check, over.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
Sentry Two,
radio check, over.
Sentry position five,
radio check, over.
[suspenseful music]
Hurry this up,
we're leaving now.
[door thuds]
-Do you guys see that?
-[lights clicking]
[footsteps plodding]
[gunfire popping]
[gun firing]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[gunfire popping]
[suspenseful music]
[gunfire continues popping]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
-Don't you fucking move.
-Wait, wait, wait, wait.
[breathing shakily] All
the Brown and the Charlie
you could ever need is
in that van.
-Just take it.
-He's not here, boss.
You do know who this
belongs to, right?
-Shut the fuck up.
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
-Where is he?
-[breathes heavily] What?
I don't fucking know, man.
I've never seen him before
in my life.
Check him.
[gunfire popping]
What should we do
with all this?
Deny the vehicles, take
the money, burn the rest.
What the fuck are we
doing here?
Stow it, they made their choice.
He's not even here.
[Andy] Echo Four,
this is Sunray,
at extraction point, now
ready for pickup, over.
on route to FRV now.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[gasoline sloshing]
It's all yours, boss.
[flare hissing]
[suspenseful music continues]
[fire crackling]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[fire crackling]
[suspenseful music continues]
Oh, Purify me
Defy me
Purify me
Defy me
Purify me
Defy me
You got that feeling
I'm crucified
But I'd die for love
-[dramatic music]
-[fire blazing]
[gentle pensive music]
[Andy gasps]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[car engine revving]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[scanner beeping]
As long as you're
away from us
-Can I get a bag, mate?
-Got any bags?
-Oh, sure.
[bag rustling]
-[machine beeping]
-[cash register whirring]
[door chime rings]
[door thuds]
Andy, you okay, mate?
You seem a bit distracted
today, that's all.
-[bell chimes]
-[door thuds]
Andy, a word.
-What does he want?
-It can't be good
if the regional manager's
involved, mate.
No, we won't survive
Come in, Andy.
Take a seat.
[clipboard thuds]
We've had a complaint
from Nathan's parents.
The kid you fired last week.
And you came all
the way down for that?
Benny thought that this
would be better coming from us.
-Fuck's sake.
-I'm sorry?
The kid's lazy.
He doesn't finish a single
job he's given.
He was smoking a joint on
his shift, for Christ's sake.
-What do you expect me to--
-That may be,
but you can't just call him
a junkie cunt to his face.
That kind of language
is not acceptable
at this company, Andy.
And his behavior is?
He's 18 years old.
See, I would expect a little
bit more professionalism
from someone with your
We can't have any more,
any more complaints like this.
Last chance.
We clear?
[suspenseful music]
[footsteps approaching]
Hi, Andy. Come on in.
How are you, Andy?
Tell me how your week's
been since we last spoke.
Have you had any more blackouts?
And the loneliness?
Feelings of isolation?
How are you coping?
I'm fine.
-Yes, fine.
Have you been keeping
up with your journal?
I'm sure there's something
you might want to write about,
get off your chest.
I can see there's a lot of pain.
It doesn't help to hide it.
You have every right
to be angry.
You don't have to suffer alone.
Do you have any friends nearby?
Maybe some of your old
colleagues you can talk to?
You need to lean on your
support network, Andy.
Take some time off.
Look after yourself.
-[gentle suspenseful music]
-[fire crackling]
Zero, this is Echo One,
now on location.
Require Foxtrot and Hotel
call signs
on this position so we can
proceed, over.
Boss, I've got something
over here.
Dicker up in the rocks,
northwest, base of fallen wall.
-Has he got a weapon?
I think it's just a kid.
Zero, this is Echo One,
advise, we're being overwatched.
Can you confirm we've got
air support on call? Over.
[Zero] Echo One,
this is Zero, roger,
Foxtrot, Hotel on route to
you now,
CAS will be on station
in figures, One, Zero, over.
Echo One, acknowledge out.
All right, lads, we've
gotta sit tight here.
We've got support on the way,
keep an eye on that dicker.
-[gunfire popping]
-Contact rear!
Contact left. up high,
up high.
Go, right, right, right!
Peel right, move!
[gunfire continues popping]
[explosion booming]
[gentle suspenseful
music continues]
No. No.
[gentle suspenseful
music continues]
[gunfire popping]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[transmitter beeps]
-[explosion booms]
[therapist] Are you
afraid of death?
What do you think happens after?
Why does it matter
what I believe?
They're not here,
that's what matters.
You don't like to think
they're somewhere else,
somewhere better than here?
Have you ever watched
a person die?
No, I haven't.
You feel the presence
leave the body.
What's left is their empty
eyes staring right through you.
That is all,
Is that what you're
afraid of, nothingness?
I'm afraid of not living life
when so many never get
the chance.
If your dad was here,
you would not be within
10 feet of those boys.
Well, Dad's
not fucking here, is he?
Well, stop trying to
control my life.
I'm 18, I know what I'm doing.
You are under my roof!
Well, now you sound like Dad.
Will you just listen to
me, please?
For what, Mom?
For you to lecture me
on what boys I should
and shouldn't see?
It worked out really well
for you and Dad, didn't it?
That is not fair.
Me and your father.
I know,
I know it wasn't your fault.
I didn't mean to...
[exhales sharply] I'm sorry.
Look, I'm going out.
I'll be back later, just
stop worrying so much, okay?
[exhales sharply]
Just be safe.
-Promise me.
See you later.
Love you.
I love you, too.
A pile of gold
And a house up on the lake
10 hoes holding grapes
New clothes and a row full of
There she is.
-Hey, babe.
[Cassius chuckles]
[sighs] Sorry,
Mom was just being Mom.
-[Rachel chuckles]
-It's fine, babe. You okay?
Yeah, she just worries too much.
You, you know she's just
looking out for you, so.
[laughs] Yes, I know.
Look, um,
[exhales sharply] work called.
Uh, they need me to go away for
a couple of weeks, up north.
Are you taking the piss?
I, I know, babe, I'm sorry.
It's just,
I would stay If I could,
-but my dad is-
-Your dad, yes, I know.
It's the same story.
Are you gonna be able to
take your phone
-at least this time?
-I can't.
-He won't allow it.
-[zipper rasping]
I hate this. I hate it
when you go.
Look, all I need to
do is make enough money
then I can cut from these lot.
Screw 'em, we can do whatever
we want, we'll go somewhere,
just take off somewhere,
me and you.
You say this every time.
How many more trips is it
gonna take?
How long do we have to keep
doing this?
Look, I mean it, a couple
more jobs and then we're set.
You know this is what
I want, too.
I'm just tired of it.
It feels like you're never here.
Let's just go out, have
a good time, and get high.
Let's not think about
tomorrow just yet.
-Okay, fine. [laughs]
-Mm-hmm, okay.
I gotta swing by Harry's
and get some supplies
with Ty, then we'll go.
-Is that cool?
-Yes. [laughs]
I'm gonna get my kiss now.
[Rachel laughs]
-[both laugh]
-[engine revving]
[engine stops]
[rain pattering]
[knocking on door]
-Hey, man.
-Hey, Dusty, what's up, man?
I'm just here for Tyler's gear.
Yeah, all right, calm down.
You good?
-Yeah, man, I'm good.
[chuckles] Sorry about
him, he's just a bit-
Herbs are in here,
gear's in here.
I'll take that one.
Have fun, kids.
Oh, and, uh,
tell Tyler he's a prick
from me. [tongue clicks]
-Thanks, man.
-[door thuds]
Heroin, I thought we were
just getting some weed.
Relax, it's just for Tyler,
you know I don't do that shit.
But you're selling it?
I'm just the delivery man,
it pays well.
What if you get pulled by
the police?
Fuck, what if we get pulled
-by the police?
-Babe, babe, babe,
it's fine, okay, I've
done it plenty of times.
Nothing's gonna happen.
You will be fine, all right?
[doorbell ringing]
[Cassius sighs]
[indistinct chatter]
-Hey, mate. [laughs]
-[Tyler laughs]
Oh, oi-oi, Cash my boy,
how we doing, my man?
Not too bad, mate,
how are you?
Nicked your mom's picnic bag,
have we?
-Shut up. [laughs]
-[Tyler laughs]
-Come on in. Come on in.
-All right, let's go.
-Welcome to my humble abode.
-[upbeat music]
Yes, hit the boulevard
And hit my dance
-Everybody wanna be a boss
-But they can't
-They motherfucking can't
I go over anything
Like ranch
Had to tell my old hoes,
Bon voyage like I'm in France
Now I eat hors d'oeuvres and
Get 'em served at my events
Fuck up out my face, please
And thank you in advance
I'm like aye, yeah,
You know the game
-Ice all in my veins
Ain't nothing changed
I got money in the bank
In a Roth IRA
Put the drinks on my tab
And a bitch on my lap
-And, oh, yeah
-[phone vibrating]
Ah, ah, I've gotta take this,
one sec.
Babe, I've gotta go.
I thought you
weren't leaving until tomorrow?
I'm really sorry.
Look after Rach for me,
yeah, promise me.
I promise, man.
All right.
[bass thudding]
[Rachel sighs]
[girls laughing]
[bag rustling]
[door squeaks]
Hey, peeping Tom, it's okay.
Come on, come in.
What are you doing?
[scoffs] What's it
look like we're doing?
I thought this was like
street shit.
Junkie crap out there.
Wanna take a hit?
It's a fresh bag.
You'll thank me for it.
No, no way,
that shit's addictive.
Weed, yeah, sure, but there's
no way I'm a crackhead.
Fucking crackheads,
judgy much?
Chill out, mate,
she's not talking about you.
[chuckles] Don't worry
about it, yeah, look at us.
We look like addicts to you?
[laughs] No, my dad
would fucking kill me.
All right,
Daddy's girl. [chuckles]
-You can smoke it?
-No shit.
Bitch, it's the best high
you'll have in your life.
Floating on cloud
fucking nine, guaranteed.
[women laughing]
Is it dangerous?
Of course not.
Only the finest for my girls.
Let me show you, take a seat.
Just a little though, yeah?
You won't regret it, trust me.
[gentle suspenseful music]
[lighter clicks]
[drugs sizzling]
[Rachel coughs]
See, it's not that bad, is it?
[Rachel laughs]
[all laughing]
[Rachel coughing and choking]
Stop playing around?
[all laugh]
-Are you okay?
-[suspenseful music]
-[Rachel choking]
-[Rachel coughing]
[Partier] Will someone
call an ambulance?
[girl] Are you fucking crazy?
-We'll be arrested.
-Well, we can't just
fucking leave her like this.
Someone needs to do some-
[girl] Why the fuck
would we call an ambulance?
You, I
Before you fade to blue
-[suspenseful music]
-[church bell chimes]
[birds chirping]
-[gentle pensive music]
-[church bell chimes]
[minister] Do not judge
a biography by its length,
nor by the number of
pages in it,
judge it by the richness of
its contents.
Sometimes those unfinished
are amongst the most poignant.
Do not judge a song
by its duration,
nor by the number of its notes,
judge it by how it lifts
and touches the soul.
Sometimes those unfinished are
amongst the most beautiful.
And when something has
enriched your life
and when it's melody
lingers on in your heart,
is it unfinished...
or... is it endless?
[suspenseful music]
[funeral guests chattering]
[woman speaking faintly]
[woman 1] Everyone
mourns in their own way.
[woman 2] But he's like it
all the time, even before.
You heard the stories
from Elaine,
he's just not there.
[man] Well, I mean, maybe if she
had a decent father figure
who was actually there,
she wouldn't have wound up,
you know,
falling by the wayside.
[woman] I thought it was
an accident.
[woman 2] That's what
they all say.
[man] I wouldn't
let any of my daughters
-near anything like that.
-Exactly, typical army guys,
they're all the same.
[guests chattering]
I thought you'd quit.
I did.
God, I could deal with
one of those right now.
No. We're going to pack
up her things tomorrow.
If there's anything you
need, her room is open
just upstairs.
-Thank you.
-[gentle pensive music]
[footsteps plodding]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[door squeaks]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[necklace rattling]
[gentle poignant music]
[gentle poignant music
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
[suspenseful music]
[door thuds]
[suspenseful music continues]
[phone chimes]
[phone chiming]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
-[dramatic music]
-[sirens wailing]
Yo, Ty.
-What's up, man?
-You, you good?
Yeah, man, not too bad.
-C-come on in, mate.
[suspenseful music]
Bloody hell, boys.
It's a mess in here, innit?
-You need to clean up.
-You all right, Cash?
I thought you weren't
back for a couple of days.
Ah, man,
we rounded up early for once.
[Dusty chuckles]
Yo, you all right?
I thought you'd be having a
couple of days off or something.
What you on about?
Why would I need a day off?
[Tyler] Fuck.
[Tyler exhales sharply]
Boys, stop fucking around.
Cash. [chuckles]
Oh, man.
Rachel's dead.
[laughs] Stop messing
around, man.
She's gone.
She OD'd on some fucked up junk.
Bullshit, she, she would
never, she would never use!
well, I don't know what to
say, man, we thought you knew.
No, how,
where would she even,
how, how, how,
how would she even get her hands
on that in the first place?
It doesn't make sense.
-Cash, man.
You, you're fucking party!
What happened when I left?
-I'm not sure, man.
-You're not sure?
-What the fuck does that mean?
-How the fuck
am I meant to know?
I left to get a pepperoni and
cheese panini,
and by the time I'd come back,
the police are running all
over the place, so I left.
[breathes heavily] I-I've been
lying low here ever since.
You were supposed
to look out for her
-and you fucking left!
-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
-You promised me.
-[fist thuds]
[breathing heavily]
Cass, mate, I'm so--
-Cash, calm down.
-Don't tell me to calm down!
[Cassius breathing heavily]
Why, why wouldn't you, why
wouldn't you fucking call me?
You were off grid,
your phone wasn't on,
what'd you expect?
[Tyler] The funeral
was three days ago, mate.
-I'm so sorry.
-Where is she?
She's at Saint Nicholas,
that's where they buried her.
Ca-, Cash, Ca-
[Tyler] Cash!
Cash! Just go tomorrow, man,
it's not like she's
going anywhere.
[suspenseful music]
[gritty electronic
music playing]
[music continues]
[nail thuds]
[fist pounding]
[nails popping]
-[both grunting]
-[fist thudding]
[nail gun booms]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[suspenseful music]
[women moaning]
[women continue moaning]
[beads rattling]
[man groaning]
-[nail gun booms]
-[woman screaming]
[woman sobbing]
[beads rattling]
-[nail gun booms]
-[woman continues sobbing]
[beads rattling]
[woman panting]
-[nail gun booms]
-[woman screaming]
[beads rattling]
-[woman screams]
-[nail gun booming]
[beads rattling]
-[door thuds]
[beads rattling]
[nail gun booms]
[woman sobbing]
-[beads rattling]
-[woman screaming]
[gunfire popping]
-[both grunting]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
[music continues]
-[both grunting]
-[body thuds]
[knee thuds]
-[fist thudding]
-[both grunting]
[man groaning]
[suspenseful music]
[Andy breathing heavily]
[Andy groaning and panting]
[gun cocking]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[gunfire popping]
Ah, what the fuck, man?
-[bottles clinking]
Shit. [whimpers]
-[Andy] Who is Cash?
-Uh, what?
-Where is he?
-I don't know.
W-what do you wanna do
with Cash, man?
-[gun thuds]
-[screams] All right, okay.
-It, it-
-Where is he?
I, I don't know, man,
honestly, [stammers]
-he, he just bounced.
-Wrong detail, Centurion.
-Let's try again.
[Dusty breathes shakily]
Where is he?
[Dusty breathes heavily]
He's not, he's not here.
Why was he selling
-drugs to my daughter?
-I, I don't know, man,
we're just the mules, please.
[plastic rustling]
[Andy breathes heavily
and groans]
-[Dusty breathes heavily]
-[Andy groaning]
[Dusty exhales sharply]
[Dusty sighs]
-[Andy groaning and gasping]
-[suspenseful music]
Not such a big man now,
are we?
Centurion. [chuckles]
[plastic rustling]
-[gunfire popping]
-[bodies thud]
-[Andy breathes heavily]
-[plastic rustling]
[Andy wheezing and groaning]
[hammer thuds]
-[suspenseful music]
-[Andy panting]
[gentle music]
[Smudge] Andy, come
on. Stay with me, mate.
What the fuck have you
got yourself into now?
[Andy] I had it handled.
It looked like you were getting
the shit kicked out of you,
-but, okay.
-Oh, fuck off, Smudge.
[Smudge chuckles]
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
You can't keep doing this.
I couldn't even look
after my own daughter.
My wife's left me.
My friends are gone.
You can't be there for
them every single moment
of every single day.
And you can't watch over them
and stop every bad decision.
How's Elaine doing?
How about that therapist?
You bagged her off yet?
Come on, talk to me, mate.
I haven't seen you in years.
-I'm not fucking the therapist.
-[Smudge laughs]
What is this all about, Andy?
Watching too many films in
your old age?
You're the one who likes
to psychoanalyze everyone.
[Smudge exhales sharply]
I mean, the first part's easy,
you're in pain.
You're craving that adrenaline
hit, like being in contact.
But what next? Eventually,
it'll all catch up with you.
You're getting old, boss.
[Smudge chuckles]
So maybe it's some kind
of alternative to suicide.
A thrill ride with
an expiry date.
Go out in a blaze of glory.
The only problem is,
the Andy I know
doesn't give a fuck about glory.
And he's retired.
So the Andy I know wouldn't
do this.
Maybe people change.
People don't change.
Hang around long enough you just
find out who they really are.
It's not change,
it's just time showing
you the truth.
There's plenty of bad
people in the world, Andy,
trust me,
you are not one of them.
[gentle pensive music]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[gentle pensive music continues]
[door opens]
[pensive music continues]
[poignant music]
[poignant music continues]
[gun clicking]
[shower running]
[poignant music continues]
[fire crackling]
[phone vibrating]
Elaine, are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
-[fire crackling]
-What is it?
[Elaine inhales sharply]
We were good,
weren't we?
I mean, if things had been
different then-
We had some fun.
[Elaine inhales sharply]
I noticed you took her phone,
I was confused at first.
I thought of all the things,
why would you take that?
But then I remembered
who you are.
I can't get into it anyway.
Do you know it, her code?
Some doors are best
left closed.
I just wanna see her
face again.
She respected you more
than you thought, you know?
You already know it.
It's the birth year of your
beloved corps.
I didn't realize she
was that interested.
I think there's a lot you
didn't know about her, Andy.
I've gotta go.
Thank you.
And there it is.
If I had a pound for every
time I'd heard you say that.
[gentle music]
Be careful.
[poignant music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[nails popping]
[gunfire popping]
[fist thuds]
[man groaning]
-[fist thudding]
-[both grunting]
[nail gun booms]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[customer] Something wrong
with the postman, right?
Yeah, we get packages
on tap, man.
-Fucking mad money.
-All right?
-How are you, boss?
[customer laughs]
Can I get, uh, two lamb
doners and chips please.
-Yeah, he's paying this.
-I'm not,
-he's paying this one.
-Pay him, mate.
-You owe me, mate.
-Oh, fuck off, not a chance.
-don't be like this, please.
-Did you two forget
your tampons today or something?
-What's going on?
-Mate, tell him, mate.
[tongue clicks]
I like your watch.
You waiting on someone?
That's it, mate.
Run along then. [laughs]
Run along. [laughs]
I'm having his food.
-[suspenseful music]
-[dog barking]
[Customer] Yeah, I would
never say listen to him,
but he's actually
fucking right this time.
Yeah, and fucking here's
you fucking eyeing up
his fake watch.
-[customer laughs]
-He's a prick anyway.
[Customer] Yeah,
did you see him run
like he was in the fucking
Camptown Races.
-Fuck, yeah.
-[customers laughing]
[chattering and laughing]
Yeah, these chips were
all his, right, they're his.
There was a line, like six
miles long on the table.
Hang on.
It's big man, again.
Forget your kebab, mate?
[man] Can I help you?
I said, can I help you?
Are you fucking stupid, man?
I think he likes you, mate.
Hey, when someone asks
you a fucking question,
you fucking answer it.
Fuck you.
-Ah, come here!
-[engine revving]
-[tires screeching]
-[suspenseful music continues]
Get in the car.
Now, get in the fucking car.
[door thuds]
[engine revving]
[dramatic music]
[woman] What the fuck
are you playing at?
You're fucking lucky I caught
you leaving.
I'm sorry, okay?
She didn't deserve that shit.
Don't. You barely knew her,
don't act like you care.
This is exactly why
I didn't want you
or anyone else too close to her.
Is that what you
really think of me?
Fucking hell,
it's not about you.
Just look what happened.
-Chill out.
-Don't tell me to chill out!
She's dead, Ava, she's fucking
dead, and it's all my fault
'cause I left her at
that fucking party!
Her death is not your fault!
Who picked up the drugs? Me.
Who left her there? Me.
Who else could possibly
be to blame?
She smoked some bad junk.
It's not your fucking
fault, end of.
But if I was there,
-maybe I could-
-Listen to me.
It's not your fault.
She's not the only one.
Is that supposed to make me
feel better?
Jesus Christ.
It wasn't an overdose.
What are you saying?
Are you someone messed
with the product?
Ava, my dad's product.
Someone's making a play.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[motorbike whooshes]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
[sixties-style music playing]
[customers chattering]
[Andy] Where's Smudge at?
[Harper] He's getting
the round in.
You all right?
Can everyone stop
asking me that?
I'm sorry to her about
Rachel, mate.
No parent should have
to bury their child.
We wanted to be there.
You know what it's like.
It's okay.
Did any of the lads go?
Chris was there,
quiet as ever.
He's never been the same
since, uh,
-well, you know.
-[dramatic music]
-[rain pattering]
Mate, I came to Afghan to
get a tan, not pneumonia.
What are you saying then? You
gonna come to Singers with me
once this has all blown over?
-I'm busy, mate.
-Busy, what could be more
important than taking
your best mate away
on a sexual spiritual
release throughout Thailand?
Mate, have you ever been
with an Asian chick?
What have I walked in on now?
Is he still spinning
a bullshit bag of tits.
Three things, Smudge,
number one, you're boring.
Number two, you need to bag off.
Number three,
do you wanna come to Singers
with me when this is done?
Is that a jet-wet, Smudge?
Literally asked you 10
minutes ago, you said no.
It was a hot flash.
-[laughs] Fuck off.
-[Sledge laughs]
What's this? [sighs]
Don't be a prick, Smudge.
Is this your missus?
You've got a missus?
What's she like?
Fucking hell,
you are punching.
We've been together four
years in May.
Two kids.
Well, you did keep that
one quiet, didn't ya?
We tied the knot a week
before we came out here.
Cheers for the fucking invite.
Knockers, gents.
How are we?
Well, Harper just got married,
didn't tell anyone, Sledge's
upset he didn't get an invite.
We're all really fucking bored.
Five months in and you're
just mentioning this.
Mate, that's a bit
fucking weird.
It's a bit, odd mate.
I bet she's
not even real, you know?
[laughs] Yeah.
Well, I've got some news.
Get your kit on,
I'll see you outside.
Finally. [sighs]
[suspenseful music]
-[gunfire popping]
-[soldiers yelling]
Go get the fucking gun!
[soldiers yelling and groaning]
Smudge! Smudge!
[soldier yelling]
-Right, get on it, get on it.
-[soldiers yelling]
[gunfire popping]
[soldier speaks indistinctly]
[soldier groaning]
Andy, you fucking gun up!
-[gunfire popping]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[customers chattering]
-[calm upbeat music]
Chris Davis, how is he?
[Sledge sighs]
All right, you bunch of pricks?
[breathes heavily]
You swamp yourself again?
Oh, good eye, sniper,
well done.
[Smudge chuckles]
How was Chris?
Quiet as ever.
I remember his first
patrol in Afghan, routine,
everyone's alert and eager.
Our first run out since
being in-country.
The point man was Charlie Dixon,
a young marine,
fresh out the box.
Nice lad.
He goes and steps on
a pressure plate IED
20 minutes into patrol.
Everyone goes to ground,
dust everywhere.
Sound of incoming rounds
start cracking overhead.
And Chris crawls forward
and finds Charlie with both
legs missing,
flailing around in
a pool of his own blood.
By some miracle, Charlie's
the only one wounded.
By now, the rest of the
section are returning fire,
while Chris pulls what's
left of Charlie
into a ditch nearby.
We just couldn't ping
the firing point.
And the medic,
the medic does his best,
but Charlie's not looking good.
Now lads start breaking contact
with Charlie on a stretcher
and they actually start
making good pace,
and it weren't long before
they were pinned down again.
Another ambush,
a volley of grenades come
over the wall
from the other side of the road.
The lads scatter, hitting
the deck, expecting the worst.
But by some fucking miracle,
again, nobody was hurt.
Now, Chris goes and
pulls out his own grenade
and the rest of the lads
in the section see him
and they, obviously,
follow suit.
Almost the whole section
return a volley of grenades
back over the wall,
with the exception of poor
old Charlie, of course.
The incoming rounds stop
and the lads manage to
get Charlie CASEVAC-ed.
Anyway, the next day,
a crowd of Afghan locals
gathered outside the PB and
they were carrying bodies.
Bodies draped in white
bloodstained blankets.
The whole patrol was a trap.
We were played.
The initial volley of grenades
came from beyond the compound.
But the lads didn't know this.
And the grenades Chris returned,
landed in the compound
amongst the family.
A family hiding from
the firefight.
They said he changed after that.
Got very serious.
And to top it off,
his mate Charlie, lad on point,
he only went and fucking
died back in royal three
a few hours after
being CASEVAC-ed.
[Sledge slurping]
[Sledge burps and sighs]
Well, that was fucking
delightful, fat boy.
[sighs] Have you got
a single dit in your head
that doesn't make
me wanna kill myself?
[Harper grunts]
Absent friends.
And those still living
with the scars.
[glasses tapping]
Come on, dickhead.
-[chair scraping]
-[customers chattering]
-[rain pattering]
-[thunder rumbling]
Still here then.
I haven't seen the
village elder in three days.
Usually he walks the fields
every morning, checks the crops,
and then again at sundown.
The locals are spooked.
Something's not right.
The lads are worried
about you,
about the time you're
spending up here.
You need some rest.
Did you not hear me?
It's shady.
They know something we don't.
I hear you, but you log it
and you report it through J2.
In the meantime,
you're on enforced rest.
This isn't sustainable.
I've got plenty.
Look, I know you're
cut up about the last op,
fuck, we're all cut up about
the last op.
But it wasn't your fault.
You don't have to make
up anything.
We need you at 100% when
we're out there.
You're my eyes and I
need them to be fresh.
-Go and get your head down.
-[thunder rumbling]
[therapist] I read your file.
What do you think drew
you to the armed forces?
I always thought I
could make a difference.
It's stupid.
Looking back on it,
I've caused more pain.
[pool balls clattering]
[Harper] What's
going on, Boss?
You found out who supplied
Rachel with drugs, didn't you?
Some prick sent her
a message asking to meet up.
I need answers.
I think you have bigger
problems now, boss.
There's always someone
higher up in the chain.
They'll be looking for you now.
Huge fan of the nail,
gun, hammer combination,
but you're gonna need
something with more of a punch.
[gentle suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[Andy] We're early.
He's waiting for you
in room 307, top floor.
[gentle suspenseful
music continues]
[elevator chimes]
[suspenseful music]
[gentle suspenseful music]
[knocking on door]
[man] Go on.
Get out.
Go on, fuck off!
[breathing heavily] Oh,
you're early.
Sort her out, will you?
Ignore her.
come in.
Have you got the cash?
That will do it.
You're gonna like this.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
I knew it was you.
Do you have any idea how
much shit you've stirred up?
There's way more cash
than needed there.
Callan wouldn't like
it if I just let you go.
Who the fuck is Callan?
You really don't understand
what you've got yourself into.
I make a point of
not getting involved
in other people's business,
I just sell the guns,
I don't tell people what to
do with them.
go on.
Fuck off!
I-I need to speak to Callan,
it's, it's urgent.
Tell him it's Leon.
[exhales sharply] Look,
just put Callan
on the fucking phone now.
-[suspenseful music]
-[gunfire pops]
-[Leon groaning]
Where's Callan?
[Leon groaning]
Where is Callan?
Now, I'm gonna count to three.
-Two. Three.
-[Leon groaning]
Okay, okay, I'll--
Just-- [groans] Shit, stop.
I'll tell you, stop.
-[door thuds]
-[gunfire popping]
[Leon groans]
Deal with this, will ya?
[suspenseful music]
And find out where Callan is.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
I don't like this.
You've done this
hundreds of times before.
What's wrong?
[tongue clicks]
It just feels different.
Stay lookout then,
this won't take long.
[suspenseful music]
Oh, shit, oh, shit, Ava!
[gunfire popping]
[dog barking]
[gunfire pops]
[Ava breathing heavily]
I'll drive, where's the key?
Okay. [groans] Okay.
No, I can't.
No, no, no, no, you can,
you can.
-[sirens wailing]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
[Cassius groans]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
[Cassius groans]
Now, this is unexpected.
[Cassius and Ava groaning]
A backstabbing whore and the
prince to a crumbling empire.
Fuck you!
What the fuck are you
talking about?
I'm guessing you
haven't told him then.
[Ava breathing erratically]
Oh, you haven't, have you?
[Ava groans]
What's, what's he talking about?
Who else have you fucked over?
Did you think that
I wouldn't find out?
[suspenseful music]
What is he on about?
She's been spying on my
whole operation, on me,
for your dear father.
Spreading dangerous rumors.
It's not a rumor
if it's fucking true.
Why would I spike my own gear?
Think about it.
But I bet you never
imagined hurting someone
you care about, did you?
He's a fucking liar.
[Callan] Who else would it be?
You act all innocent
with your big blue eyes.
[Ava laughs]
But you're no saint, are you?
What did you do, Ava?
It's what he does, he's lying.
I bet your father approved it,
and you, and you,
you were gonna fuck me,
weren't you?
Weren't you?
So why am I here?
I mean, you can't--
Kill you?
'Cause of your father?
Your father doesn't give
a fuck about you.
And you,
backstabbing fucking snake.
It seems you misjudged
your loyalties.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
I worked for your father
for 14 years.
Fourteen fucking years,
and this is how he repays
me. [chuckles]
[gunfire pops]
-[Cassius grunting]
-[gunfire popping]
[gunfire continues popping]
[men grunting and groaning]
Ava, please, come on.
Ava, wait, Ava, look out!
-[gunfire popping]
[Cassius grunting]
No, no, no, wait, wait.
-[gunfire continues popping]
-[engine revving]
[gunfire popping]
Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
Fuck! Oh, shit, shit.
Come on, come on, come on,
come, come, come on, come on.
Ah, shit.
-Come on.
-[engine sputters]
Oh, no, no.
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
[breathing heavily] Oh,
fuck. Fuck!
[door thuds]
-[foot thudding]
-[grunts] Stupid shit!
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
Oh, shit.
Oh, what am I,
what am I gonna do?
What if, I should--
If I, um, I can call someone,
call someone, um...
-[vehicle approaching]
[door opening]
[door thuds]
-[Cassius exhales sharply]
-[footsteps plodding]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
-[Harper exhales sharply]
-[gentle music]
It's really something,
you know?
You gotta appreciate the
ability to still make choices
when someone like this
only has one decision left.
What, like choosing
to watch a man suffer?
We're all subjects of
suffering, my friend,
one way or another.
Boss, we've got a live one here.
It's one of the captives.
She's still breathing, I think.
Harps, are you shooting
chicks now?
Not me, mate,
she's still breathing.
Get your FFD ready, mate.
-Mate, come on.
-And your Celox.
-[sighs] Mate.
-Pressure here.
-Smudge, come on.
[Ava groans]
I need you to keep your
eyes open, okay?
Can you tell me your name?
Look, I am trying to help you,
but I need you to help me.
Please, tell me your name.
How old are you, Ava?
[groaning] I'm 29.
[Sledge] Fucking hell,
Smudge, look at this, man.
Mate, what are you,
for fuck's sake!
Mates, she's fucking browners.
why were you here?
[gun clicking]
What are you doing? What
the fuck are you doing?
Who are you?
Ava, where would he go?
Where would Cassius go?
Where can we find him?
[Ava whispering]
What did she say?
[exhales sharply] A warehouse,
the other side of town,
says his dad works there.
That's where he will be.
But this. This shit.
It isn't me.
I didn't think it was
you either.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[gentle suspenseful music]
[door opens]
[door thuds]
[footsteps approaching]
[door thuds]
What's going on?
Why did you pick me up?
What do you want?
The reason you're here, eat.
I'm not hungry.
I know what you did.
-And what would that be?
-[door thuds]
That whole situation
was unfortunate.
She died because of you!
Because you laced the product!
Rachel's death has got
nothing to do with me.
Don't you fucking
mention her name!
I was the one who told
you not to get attached.
Your involvement with her
created a lot of activity,
the kind of activity
that's bad for my business.
Your business.
And once again, it's my
responsibility to clean it up.
You see, Callan,
I know he wanted a shot at
being the don for a while,
but he was disrespectful
and greedy.
At least he had the balls
to try, I respect that.
You'll never let me go,
will you?
You'll never let me have
anything outside of this.
How much more death,
how much more pain,
how much more money
will make you satisfied?
How much is fucking
enough for you?
It isn't about the
money, it's about respect.
It's about having your own
code and sticking to it.
Something your friends and I
fear you will never understand.
Your little escapades
have cost me.
So why didn't you tell
me what was going on?
Lacing the shit, the
man you sent, all of it?
-Answer me!
-[dishes clanking]
I'll start being your father
when you start acting like
the son I want you to be!
[gentle suspenseful music]
The man is the reason
we are here.
The reason I picked you up,
for your own safety,
you should be thanking me.
I know what happened at
the docks, at Harry's place.
You took something from him.
Now this man wants to take
something away from me.
If you didn't send him
then who is he?
Andrew Coleman.
-Rachel's father.
-[suspenseful music]
I'd like you to try
something for me.
It's a simple method of
to bring you back to the present
when things become overwhelming.
Now, put the elastic band on
your wrist like a bracelet.
We're going to breathe together.
And when I say snap the band,
pull it's away from your
wrist and then let go.
Notice how it feels on
your skin.
Together, we're going to try
and be mindful of the present
and the environment around us.
I want you to try and relax,
get loose.
Sit back and close your eyes.
So all we're going to do is
snap the band on our wrist.
But as we do so,
I want us to try to feel what's
right here in the present.
Okay, shall we give this a go?
Take in a deep breath,
in for three.
-[gunfire popping]
-[soldiers yelling]
And out.
And in.
[gunfire popping]
And out.
Now really try to focus
on what you can smell.
And in one,
-Get the fucking gun!
Focus on what you can hear.
And in
-[elastic band snaps]
-[explosion booming]
[suspenseful music]
Now, when you're ready, Andy,
-open your eyes.
-[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[gunfire popping]
Wait, wait!
[gasoline sloshing]
[flare hissing]
Boss, it's time to go.
Andy, we need to leave
right now.
Why are we here?
What did that girl say to you?
She told me this is
where we would find him.
She was dying, Andy, I had
no reason to doubt her.
The boy's never been here.
She fucked us.
She saw what we did
back there,
she knew what we'd do here.
Anyway, let's go, plenty of
time to think about this later.
[fire roaring]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[poignant music]
[poignant music continues]
[birds chirping]
[poignant music continues]
[phone buzzing]
[phone continues buzzing]
[suspenseful music]
[Elaine panting] Andy,
some men,
I, I, I've locked,
help, help me.
I've locked myself in the--
[sobbing] No.
Help me, Andy.
[panting] Oh, no, no,
please, please.
I, I don't know where he
is, no, no,
-please, no!
-[gunfire pops]
-[suspenseful music]
[gunfire popping]
-[glass shattering]
-[metal clanking]
[gunfire continues popping]
-[gunfire popping]
-[body thuds]
[Harper] Eagle, eagle.
Harper? [breathes heavily]
[Smudge] Tell him to
stop fucking loafing.
[Andy breathing heavily]
I think we best get
out of here.
Agreed. [breathes heavily]
What the fuck was that?
They were probably scouts,
believed themselves lucky,
so they thought they'd
have a go.
It's 'cause you're
so fucking old, Boss.
Right, let's get
the fuck outta here.
we've got more on the way.
[engine revving]
[birds chirping]
[man whistles]
[coffee splashes]
[footsteps plodding]
What's going on?
Cleaning house.
-That means?
-It means clean up
your mess for
the very last time.
I am obligated to keep you safe.
I won't let some squaddy
disrespect me, my business,
and all I've worked for.
-What are you gonna do?
-[suspenseful music]
My patience with
Mr. Coleman has expired.
-You know where he is.
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
[engines revving]
Andy, we need to go faster.
[gunfire popping]
They are gonna catch up
with us, Boss.
50 meters and closing.
[gunfire popping]
[suspenseful music]
[gun cocks]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[gunfire popping]
[dramatic suspenseful
music continues]
[man] No, no. [groans]
Little fuckers weren't
expecting that number,
were they?
We ain't out of the woods yet.
How did they track you down?
Even we struggled to find ya.
They fucking got to Elaine.
-Oh, fuck.
-Tried to call
and I didn't pick up.
[knocking on window]
We got company!
[gunfire popping]
-Who the fuck is this?
-[gunfire popping]
[gunfire continues popping]
[Andy] Hit, I'm hit.
[Sledge] Where are you
hit? Where are you hit?
It's on the plate,
on the plate.
Building! Get the building!
Take that.
Peel right! Peel right!
[gunfire popping]
-Harper, move!
-Harp, move! Move it!
-Harper, move!
[Andy] Now, Sledge! In!
[Sledge] Last man!
-Move, move, move, move!
[dramatic suspenseful music]
Ammo, CAS, Ammo and CAS!
-Last few.
Four pax 50 meters,
they're approaching
on the south aspect.
[gunfire popping]
When the fuck are these
clowns gonna get the message?
If you spent less time
gobbing off
and more time shooting,
maybe they would.
Cheers, dits.
-[gunfire continues popping]
Happy now,
got your suicide mission?
We're not doing this now.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[neck cracking]
[body thuds]
[gunfire popping]
[body thuds]
[suspenseful music continues]
[gunfire popping]
-[gun clicks]
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
-[hammer thuds]
-[Sledge grunts]
-[hammer thuds]
-[flesh squelches]
[gunfire popping]
-[gun clicking]
-[man grunting]
[both grunting]
-[gunfire popping]
-[both grunting]
We need him.
-[body scraping]
-[man groaning]
Where is Elaine?
Who the fuck is Elaine?
Look at ya, huh?
You're bleeding out anyway,
so you might as well
just tell me.
Oh, okay.
I am the one who will
decide just how painful
your last hour on earth
will really be.
And I've got nowhere to go.
So where is she?
[groans] I don't know.
[groans] I don't know.
-Ow, fuck. [cries]
-Where is she?
Stop, please, fucking stop.
[sobs] Look, look,
I'll tell ya.
[panting] Stop.
I don't know who she is, okay,
but I, I know someone who does.
I'm listening.
Look, I'll deal with it.
He won't.
I've got this under control.
We've lost Bravo Team, sir.
[exhales] Get the boy
in the car.
[footsteps plodding]
[suspenseful music]
[door thuds]
[gunfire popping]
Who's, oh, shit.
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[door thuds]
Mr. Andrew Coleman, it's
so good to finally meet ya.
Shut it.
You know why I'm here.
I know more than you think.
You, however, don't seem
to know anything at all.
Elaine, where is Elaine?
You don't give up, do ya?
It fascinates me that
you even care.
Northern Ireland, Bosnia,
Was it all worth it?
It changed you, didn't it?
All these years,
she stood by your side,
but one day she didn't
recognize you anymore, did she?
I suppose everyone leaves in
the end, one way or another.
Don't play games with me.
You know, Elaine reminded
me of my wife, you know?
When Cassius was younger,
his mother tried to take
him away from me,
she thought she knew better.
She thought she could protect
him from me, from my world.
And she was wrong.
I drugged her, tied her up,
and locked her in a room.
She was manageable for a time,
but then she became
a bit of a nuisance
and difficult to control.
She was my wife, Andrew.
I killed her.
I watched her bleed out
as she begged for her life
and I didn't feel a thing.
That's why I'm still alive.
That's why I'm still in charge.
Nobody takes from me.
My daughter's dead.
And your son is responsible.
No, he had nothing to do
with your daughter's death.
Unfortunately, Cassius
takes after his mother.
He was always such
a disappointment.
Where is Elaine?
She's no longer with us,
I'm afraid.
You see, actions
have consequences.
[footsteps plodding]
[Cassius breathing heavily]
[Harper speaks faintly]
Here he is.
Did you get him?
His father.
We're all done here.
[chuckles] You got his dad,
you fucking savage.
All right, boys,
what you saying,
shall we get some breakfast
or what?
I'm fucking starving.
Yeah, we're done.
[doors clicking]
[soft music playing]
That, that was fucking glorious.
Half of it's in your 'tache.
Was it a mistake?
Leaving the boy?
Don't worry about
that kid, Boss.
He couldn't bang out a wank.
I hate loose ends.
-Rachel saw something in him.
You saw something in him.
He wasn't like the others.
He was scared.
[Smudge] You did
the right thing, boss.
That's what separates us
from them.
The right thing,
I don't know what that
is anymore.
The world's changed too
much for an old man like me.
In all fairness, you
are really, really old.
I won't lose any sleep over
the bodies of rotten souls.
Fucking hell, mate,
went a bit dark on that one,
haven't ya?
I'm just saying,
how many more Rachels
are out there?
And, no,
it won't bring her back,
but think about how many more
lives they would've destroyed.
What do I even do now?
Give yourself a break, mate.
Find some enjoyment in
your life.
Do it for Rachel.
And do it for Elaine.
That's easier said than done.
You know, when Elaine left,
people said,
"Get help, reach out."
I tried everything,
but I felt like I was
screaming into a black hole.
They say they hear you,
but they aren't really
Then you showed up.
I hadn't seen yous in years.
If you hadn't, I...
I never thanked you for that.
[gentle poignant music]
You know,
the other day in the car,
you asked me, "Why now?"
Haven't you figured it out yet?
-[gunfire popping]
-[poignant music]
[poignant music continues]
[poignant music continues]
[Cassius breathing heavily]
No, don't fucking move!
I'll do it, I'll fucking do it!
[Cassius breathing shakily]
[sobbing] I'm sorry.
I'm so-- I'm sorry.
[Cassius breathes heavily]
[poignant music continues]
[dramatic music]
[poignant music continues]
[poignant music continues]
-[dramatic music]
-[sirens wailing]
[gentle music]
[gentle music continues]
[music continues]