Sunrise (2024) Movie Script

(suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(stone grinding)
(graphic whooshes)
(ominous music)
(gentle suspenseful music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(birds chirping)
(clothes blowing)
(dramatic music)
(brooding music)
(woman vocalizing)
(wind blowing)
(woman vocalizing)
(rain pattering)
(ominous music)
(voice chattering)
(voice chattering)
(hawk screeching)
(voice chattering)
(teeth crunching)
(dramatic music)
- Blood, not blood in
the physical sense.
I'm talking about
blood as in kinfolk,
your own kind, your own people,
who you are, what you are.
I think that's important.
You look at the world today,
you points your finger
anywhere on a map
where there's trouble.
And soon see that that
trouble is caused by people
being where they
ain't supposed to be.
Been that way, since
Moses walked the earth
and Jew boys and camel jockeys
at each other's throats,
and they're still at it.
Same story all through history.
(knob thuds)
(water splashing)
People don't mix.
Races, creeds, colors, whatever.
The so-called great melting pot.
I call it a great pot of shit.
It's like oil and water.
And if folks don't
wake up to that soon,
mankind gonna end up
being a breed of Mongols.
You, my friend, are very
resourceful, very industrious.
(lighter clicks)
I see you in them fields
working morning until night.
Some of the lazy bastards
around here should take note.
But it ain't about that is it?
It's about blood and you
just ain't our blood.
What I'm saying
is pretty simple.
Wouldn't the world be
a much better place
if people just stayed
where they were
and looked after their own?
- Mr. Reynolds, I
came here tonight-
- You came here tonight
because you're a peace
loving reasonable man,
but we ain't peace
loving reasonable people.
- This is a new deed for the
land you're squatting on.
And this is a pen.
Sure being the smart
Chinaman you are,
you can work out
what that means.
- The bank says, as long
as I make the payments-
- Don't matter
what the bank says.
What matters is that your
family will be a whole lot safer
after you sign that.
- Gentlemen, please.
I think this is best
left for another time.
(suspenseful music)
(glass shattering)
(Mr. Loi groans)
- Don't turn your
fucking back on me!
(Mr. Loi panting)
- He's still breathing.
(knife thuds)
(Mr. Loi groans)
- No he ain't!
(knife clangs)
(brooding music)
(truck engine humming)
(gate slams)
(truck door clicks)
(truck door bangs)
(hawk screeching)
- [Danny] Good afternoon.
I'm Danny G and this is
your local radio news.
Our top story today,
a series of gruesome and
unexplained animal deaths
has shaken the community here.
Over the past several weeks,
a growing number
of local residents
have reported discovering
the lifeless bodies
of various animals.
The mention of Red Coat has
been circulating among locals,
sparking fear and speculation.
Red Coat is a figure from
urban legends in the area.
(radio chattering)
(door clicks)
The fact that they persist,
is causing growing...
Understandably the community is-
- Hey!
- Alarmed by the.
(fist thuds)
(Edward groans)
(Edward coughing)
(radio chattering)
- Rachel's off limits.
And I see you
looking at her again,
we're gonna have problems.
(Edward coughs)
(radio chattering)
(doors bang)
(Edward groans)
(birds chirping)
(melancholic music)
(gentle music)
(clock ticking)
(door clicks)
(door bangs)
- What happened?
- Nothing.
- Edward.
(door clicks)
(door bangs)
(wind blowing)
(brooding music)
(owl cooing)
(ominous music)
(crows cawing)
(Fallon panting)
(suspenseful music)
(brooding music)
(Fallon groans)
(ominous music)
(owl cooing)
(wind blowing)
(dog whining)
(ominous music)
(dog whining)
(chimes ringing)
(Fallon panting)
(door bangs)
(ominous music)
(lighter clicking)
- Come on man.
Just hold it steady.
Hurry up.
Hurry up, man.
(wind blowing)
(lighter clicking)
- Fuck.
- Come on, fucking
light it, Dee.
- I'm trying.
(dog barking)
(glass shattering)
Oh shit.
Go, go.
- Who's there?
Sammy, shh.
(dog whining)
(dog barking)
(dog barking)
(chain clanging)
Come out.
I said come out.
(dog barking)
(suspenseful music)
(shovel thuds)
(brooding music)
(body thuds)
(Yan panting)
(dog panting)
(dog whining)
Help me get his coat off.
(Edward coughs)
Lift him up.
Come on, one, two, three.
(Yan grunts)
He's fine.
He's fine, okay?
Okay, fine.
- Why did we bring him here?
I mean, what if
he's the Red Coat
or one of Reynolds's
buddies, or...
(brooding music)
We can't call the police.
So what do we do, Mom?
You know, we can't trust
anyone around here.
You know that.
- Let's keep him warm.
Keep him comfortable.
As soon as he's back on
his feet, we get him out.
(Edward sighs)
(ominous music)
(Fallon panting)
(suspenseful music)
(woman vocalizing)
(brooding music)
(birds chirping)
(Fallon panting)
(leaves rustling)
(heavy breathing)
(woman vocalizing)
(heavy breathing)
(heavy breathing)
(liquid dripping)
- [Man] Grab her feet!
(woman vocalizing)
(Fallon panting)
(wind blowing)
(brooding music)
(crows cawing)
(deer snorting)
(chickens clucking)
(clock ticking)
(Emily humming)
- Open please.
Very good.
That's your medicine.
Make sure you take it.
And you're not
allowed out of bed.
- Emily, come here.
- Mommy, you scared me.
He's sick.
- I know, but remember
we said about strangers.
- I'm sorry, Mommy.
He opened his eyes.
- Okay.
Go play in your room.
(door bangs)
(key clanging)
(ominous music)
(lock clicking)
(chime ringing)
(brooding music)
Emily. Ready?
(Yan chattering)
(door bangs)
Gonna be late for school.
Come on, come on, come on.
Good girl.
(car door clicks)
(car door bangs)
(car engine revving)
(car engine humming)
(wood creaking)
(Fallon panting)
(suspenseful music)
(key clanging)
(key clicks)
(door clicks)
- I need blood.
(Fallon panting)
Give me blood. (panting)
(door bangs)
(crows cawing)
- [Scott] Welcome to
Northwest Mystery,
your source for
all things strange
and enigmatic in the
Pacific Northwest.
I'm Scott.
And today we're diving
deep into the world
of urban myths and legends
that have long captivated
the imagination of
this city creature.
Well done, guys.
- [Yan] Do you have any Tylenol?
- I got Naproxen.
That's the strongest
thing I carry.
(door clicks)
(bell rings)
(door bangs)
- You're not well, Mrs. Loi.
I know a doctor
who can hook you up
with some Oxy if you need.
It's good stuff.
Make all your troubles go away.
How's it hanging fellas?
- Ah.
- Throw some candy
in there too, Sam,
for the little girl.
The boy too, if he likes.
Haven't seen you around
the town much lately.
Of course, I understand with
the everything going on.
The shame of it all.
- Shame?
- Your husband running
off on you like that.
I hear it happens a
lot with you people.
No real sense of
family or loyalty.
Of course, saying
that, old Don here,
when his wife got sick,
he took comfort in the
arms of widow Anderson
in the hills.
To look at him, you wouldn't
think he had it in him,
but he certainly had it
in her a few times a week.
(Reynolds laughs)
Thankfully, all
that chasing around
after the widow stopped,
once Don's wife got better.
What Don's wife don't
know won't hurt her.
Ain't that right, Vinny?
How's your nephew?
You know Vinny's nephew?
He sells farm diesel.
He gets it cheap on
account of his farm.
Then he went and
turned his tanker truck
into a rolling gas station.
Sells at a good prices
from what I hear.
Man's gotta make a living.
Let him without sin
cast the first stone.
And of course there's
Sam, Mr. Johnson.
He used to like a game of cards.
- That's enough.
- I'm just painting a picture
so the Asian understands.
You see, Mrs. Loi, this town
is, it's like a spider's web.
Everyone's lives
all intertwined.
The threads are real strong.
I'm sure it's the same
in the, the village
or whatever it
was you came from.
- I came from a city,
- [Reynolds] Well, a city.
- A city with
museums and theaters
and schools and universities.
A city we chose to leave
behind and now I'm here.
- Yeah, you are alone.
- You're pathetic.
I'm not scared of you.
- They excitable them gooks.
(door bangs)
You disrespect me
like that again,
I'll cut your
fucking throat out.
(ominous music)
(birds chirping)
(hawk screeching)
(tools whirring)
(saw buzzing)
(group chattering)
(footsteps tapping)
What the fuck happened
at the Chinaman's place?
- The bottle slip, Joe.
The fucking dog started
making all kinds of ruckus.
- Dog, huh?
Sounds like a dangerous animal.
Somebody ought to report
that to the police.
- Hey, Rach.
- What do you want?
- What's your problem?
- Get your hands off of me.
- I'm going to see
your grandmother.
See how she's doing.
(brooding music)
You know, when I was your age,
I was learning how to
handle a branding iron.
- What do you
mean, Mr. Reynolds?
- I mean the pain
of my burning flesh.
That's something no
one ever forgets.
(keys clanging)
(brooding music)
(hawk screeching)
(dog whining)
(door clicks)
- Do not laugh at that.
(Fallon panting)
Make sure you take it.
Here, better.
(Fallon panting)
(ominous music)
(heart beating)
(Fallon panting)
You stink.
You need a bath.
- I do.
- Yeah.
Hi, Edward.
- The nurse here was just
making sure I'm okay.
He's gonna go get me
something I need, okay?
I need you to get
me fresh blood.
- What?
- You heard me.
- How?
- This is a farm, isn't it?
- Mm-hmm.
- So I guess you'll
figure it out.
- Only if she comes with me.
- You wanna stay and
look after me, don't you?
- Sure thing.
It's my vacation.
- [Fallon] Vacation?
- No, that isn't right.
- Vocation.
But why don't you
check me again?
(heart pounding)
(ominous music)
(chickens clucking)
(chicken screeching)
(dramatic music)
(wood creaking)
(brooding music)
(Emily humming)
(wood creaking)
(Emily humming)
(Fallon panting)
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful music)
(blood dripping)
(ominous music)
(liquid squishing)
(Fallon panting)
(Fallon slurping)
(fast tempo suspenseful music)
(bones cracking)
(high-pitched tone)
(crows cawing)
(lightning cracking)
(ominous music)
(liquid squishing)
(Fallon panting)
- Are you the Red Coat?
(Fallon panting)
(brooding music)
(insects chirping)
(owl hooting)
(crow cawing)
(electricity humming)
(upbeat music)
(group chattering)
(balls cracking)
(fluid dripping)
(fire crackling)
(door creaking)
- Ma.
(door creaking)
(door bangs)
You making out okay, Ma?
- [Ma] Yeah.
- Why don't you let me
move you to the house?
- No, I made this
bar in my life.
It's right I die here.
- You're too stubborn to die.
Ma, better tidy up for a little.
Or you'll start looking like
one of them mountain women.
We can't have that.
- Leave me be.
(Reynolds inhales)
(Reynolds exhales)
(door clicks)
(door bangs)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(suspenseful music)
(dog barking)
(Fallon grunts)
(dog barking)
(ominous music)
(car door clicks)
(door clicks)
(car door bangs)
- What do you want?
- [Dee] Your dog's
been killing sheep.
- Sammy's been chained
up here all night.
- I didn't come here
to fuss with you.
I'm gonna take care of the dog.
- You're not taking our dog.
- Get off our land.
(dog barking)
- Your land.
Your land at the other side
of the fucking world, boy.
- Edward.
- What?
You wanna take a
swing at me, huh?
No, you some kind
of fucking pussy.
You even like pussy boy?
- I want you gone now.
- Oh, I'm gonna be gone.
I'm just taking
Fido there with me.
- You got a warrant
for that dog?
- Who the fuck are you?
You some drifter?
Oh, oh, oh.
Oh, oh, wait,
you're the new man.
Oh, Ms. Loi, you got
yourself a new buck.
(Dee laughing)
- I think it's best
you be on your way.
- I don't know who the fuck
you think you're talking to.
- Hey.
- Put your hands in the
air and turn around.
- Stop, stop, stop, stop!
Please, please.
(gun clicking)
- Oh, you fucked up.
You fucked up now.
I'm the fucking law!
- Remember, that uniform
don't mean shit around here.
(car door clicks)
(car door bangs)
(car engine roaring)
(upbeat music)
(lighter clicks)
- I told you, Joe,
they weren't there.
- Where do you
suppose they were?
- Maybe they went somewhere.
- Maybe the Red Coat got him.
- Here we go.
- [Ma] You don't believe
in the Red Coat, son?
- You know I don't, Ma.
- I'd like to believe he's
out there in those mountains,
deep in the forest,
laughing at us.
- Laughing at us?
- At our bullshit.
See, he's primal.
Know what primal means, Dee?
- Uh-uh.
- It means he knows there's
only one thing that matters.
- That's bullshit, Ma.
It's fucking bullshit.
It's a story made
up to scare kids.
There ain't no Red
Coat out there.
- Oh, he's out there, son.
Waiting for you.
Waiting for all of us.
And you know what he feeds on?
- What?
- Fear.
(dramatic music)
- So, so how do
we survive, ma'am?
- We feed him.
(door creaking)
(Fallon panting)
(ominous music)
- Do you drink human blood?
- You offering?
(brooding music)
(door bangs)
(liquid squishing)
(suspenseful music)
- No!
- Shut up!
- Leave me!
- Shut up!
(Claire screams)
(hand slaps)
Get off the bed.
- [Claire] John!
- [Reynolds] Pull
her, grab her feet!
Come here, whore.
(ax thuds)
(dramatic music)
(Fallon panting)
(crows cawing)
(door clicks)
(liquid dripping)
- Edward.
(can thuds)
(ominous music)
(door clicks)
- What?
(Yan crying)
- Don't let Emily see this.
(door bangs)
Sammy. (crying)
(lighter clicks)
(clock ticking)
(melancholic music)
(lighter clicks)
(air whooshing)
(door clicks)
- Emily's still asleep.
(door bangs)
(Yan speaking in
foreign language)
(Yan speaking in
foreign language)
He can't hear us.
(Yan speaking in
foreign language)
(Yan speaking in
foreign language)
It's just us.
(Yan speaking in
foreign language)
It's just us, Mom.
(wind blowing)
(chain clanging)
(chimes ringing)
(footsteps tapping)
(river babbling)
(birds chirping)
(brooding music)
(shovel thudding)
(owl hooting)
(crows cawing)
They tried to take our land.
My father went to see Reynolds.
He murdered him.
His body could be anywhere.
Mom thinks he's
still alive somewhere
but I know he's not.
he deserves to die.
We need your help.
(wood creaking)
(ominous music)
(wind blowing)
(owl hooting)
(owl hooting)
(electricity humming)
(ominous music)
(game chiming)
(dramatic music)
(group chattering)
(upbeat music)
(game chiming)
(balls cracking)
- Is Mr. Reynolds around?
Mr. Reynolds, you have a minute?
- Yeah.
- We got a distressed
call from your neighbor
saying they heard
a woman screaming.
I need to do a welfare
check on your wife.
- Did my wife call you?
- No.
- I guess you got no reason
to be here, Deputy Fallon.
- I need to speak to your wife.
- Why?
You wanna see what a real
American woman looks like?
You got a warrant?
- No.
- Great.
Now I get the fuck
outta my face.
- Hold up now, son.
That ain't no way to
treat Deputy Fallon.
Get the good deputy here
a cold one on the house.
- No, I'm on duty.
- You don't want a good
old-fashioned American beer?
I guess you'd rather
have some foreign shit.
- You English, you think
you can just walk in here
and disrespect my
place of business
because you're wearing a badge.
That uniform don't
mean shit around here.
(suspenseful music)
(upbeat music)
(game chiming)
(ominous music)
(door clicks)
(ominous music)
(fire crackling)
- Father.
(Fallon panting)
(liquid dripping)
(suspenseful music)
We killed you.
(game chiming)
(ball thudding)
(fire crackling)
(voice chattering)
(woman vocalizing)
(voice chattering)
(tense ominous music)
(voice chattering)
(dramatic music)
(brooding music)
(electricity humming)
(hawk screeching)
(birds chirping)
(deer snorting)
(wind blowing)
(clock ticking)
(door clicks)
(Fallon panting)
(door clicking)
- You know how to use that?
Could you?
- That's my brother Iken,
and my mother, Sufal.
She died not long
after we moved here.
She was ill so we took
her to the hospital.
And when we went
back the next day,
a nurse came and
told me she was dead.
And she made this tick on
her clipboard and left.
That's who we were.
Her telling me my
mother was dead
was just one more
thing on a to-do list.
Halfway around the world
moving from place to place,
told to get out.
That we don't belong.
To fuck off back to our country.
(crying) And all
these good people
are just trying to find
a place to call home.
My husband was the farmer.
This was his American dream.
(Yan exhales)
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
- I'll keep watch.
You go rest.
(slow tempo suspenseful music)
(door creaking)
(medium tempo suspenseful music)
(ominous music)
(voice chattering)
(wood creaking)
(suspenseful music)
(ax thuds)
- We got company.
- Come on.
- Who the fuck is that?
- [Claire] John.
- Ma, what the you doing here?
- Load 'em on here.
(Claire groaning)
- I got this under control.
- They're my business now, son.
- I don't want no part of
your fucking voodoo shit.
- [Dee] Put the tailgate down.
(Claire groaning)
- I'm outta here.
Just make sure
they're good and dead.
- She's still breathing.
- John.
(truck engine roaring)
(crow cawing)
(truck engine roaring)
(truck door clicks)
- Give me that.
Come on, get him out.
- Come here.
- John.
- Shut the fuck up.
- Come on.
Bring her here.
(Ma chattering)
- John.
- Get him out.
Out of truck.
- [Ma] Come on.
We gotta get a move on.
Come on.
Pass that.
Pass it.
(woman vocalizing)
Come on.
- [Dee] Let's go.
- It's time.
(truck door bangs)
- [Dee] What the fuck is that?
- [Ma] Okay, let's leave.
(suspenseful music)
(voice chattering)
(crows cawing)
(ominous music)
(wind blowing)
(liquid squishing)
- [Claire] John.
John, John.
(suspenseful music)
(screen whooshes)
(brooding music)
(tool cranking)
(birds chirping)
(Yan sighs)
(metal clanging)
(door clicks)
(wind blowing)
(metal clanging)
(tool cranking)
(Yan panting)
(bell ringing)
(locker clicks)
(group chattering)
(body thuds)
- Hey!
The hell is your problem?
- You're my problem.
(body thuds)
- Hey, break it up!
Break it up!
- Fucking animal!
- [Teacher] You two
principal's office now.
(brooding music)
(Fallon panting)
(suspenseful music)
(heavy breathing)
(woman vocalizing)
(brooding music)
(Fallon panting)
(woman vocalizing)
(dramatic music)
(Fallon panting)
(brooding music)
(wind blowing)
(ax thudding)
(crows cawing)
- [Fallon] What happened to you?
- Got in a fight.
- [Fallon] About what?
(ax thuds)
- About a girl.
(Fallon sighs)
(ax thuds)
(wood cracks)
You wouldn't understand.
How could you understand
what it's like?
Everywhere I go in this place,
I see their eyes watching
me, staring me down.
None of you people can feel it.
You're not outsiders.
(ax thuds)
(wood cracks)
Of course I fucking fight.
What else am I gonna do?
Let them win?
- This too shall pass.
- What the hell does that mean?
- Nothing stays the same.
Question you gotta
ask yourself is
when change comes your way,
how are you gonna embrace it?
(Reynolds crying)
(engine rumbling)
- Who the fuck is that?
Got herself a new man already?
(game chiming)
(group chattering)
(balls thudding)
You wanna tell me why
you didn't mention
the Chinaman's wife's got
a fucking house guest.
- I didn't see anyone, Joe.
- Don't fucking lie to me!
- Well, he, he, he
was just some drifter,
some tramp, all right?
He caught me off guard
and then I, I was stupid
and I didn't want to tell you.
- You didn't think I already
knew you were stupid.
- [Dee] Well, I'm sorry, Joe.
- She don't look like
she's going nowhere.
And I want that fucking
vermin bitch outta here.
- All right, well
I'll make it right.
When I go back out there,
I'll go back out there.
- I want you to fucking
have some respect
and stop playing pool
like a fucking asshole
while my good mother is
laid up in the parlor.
(stick thudding)
I will fix it myself!
(door bangs)
- God.
(crow cawing)
(sheets rustling)
(ominous music)
(dirt crinkling)
(suspenseful music)
(fist thuds)
(fist thudding)
(fist thuds)
(teeth crunch)
(slow tempo brooding music)
(screen whooshes)
(screen whooshes)
(ominous music)
(heavy breathing)
(liquid squishing)
(liquid whooshing)
(water rustling)
(dramatic music)
(ominous music)
(teeth crunching)
(liquid squishing)
(suspenseful music)
(ominous music)
(Fallon whimpering)
(voice chattering)
(heart pounding)
(flesh squishing)
(teeth crunching)
(screen whooshing)
(crows cawing)
(river babbling)
(Fallon panting)
(insects chirping)
(ominous music)
(sticks cracking)
(hawk screeching)
- [Ma] Joe.
(hawk screeching)
(Reynolds retching)
(insects squishing)
(hawk screeching)
Come over here, Joe.
(hawk screeching)
(brooding music)
- Gimme a drink.
(upbeat music)
- What the fuck happened
to your neck, Joe?
- Huh?
- Your neck.
(game chiming)
- Motherfucker.
- Who did that?
- That guy at the bitch's farm.
- I, I ain't seen
him around before.
He, he did tell me to
tell you something.
He told me to tell you that,
that uniform don't
mean shit around here.
I think he was talking
about my uniform,
but he just kept on fucking-
- Can I get a fucking
drink in my own bar?
- Sorry, sir.
(Reynolds spits)
- What is this shit?
- Your usual, sir.
- Well open another bottle.
(brooding music)
(crows cawing)
(crows cawing)
(door clicks)
(birds chirping)
(Fallon coughing)
- What happened?
Is that blood on your face?
(ominous music)
(heart pounding)
(clock ticking)
- I fell.
(door clicks)
(dramatic music)
(leaves rustling)
(ominous music)
(owl cooing)
(hawk screeching)
(wings flapping)
(church bell ringing)
- My mother, Ma,
she didn't believe in heaven.
She always said it was an
idea made up by rich people
to keep poor people
in their place.
But Ma believed in something
else, in this country.
And there was a time
when that faith,
when her faith was justified.
A time when this
country was great.
When this town, when all these
towns were real communities,
but it ain't like that no more.
The system is broke.
Outsiders are getting
what they want free.
And folks like me, who
belong here don't get shit.
Our factories are closing down
and no one can make a
living from farming no more
because the fields are dying.
It's as if the land done
turned its back on us.
And you know why?
We are not worthy of this land.
You are not worthy of this land.
(group chattering)
Men like my father,
they made this country
into something.
They worked that soil and
that soil was in their blood
and they would've
defended that soil
until every last drop of blood
dripped from their veins.
They were good people,
good men, strong men,
but they ain't here no more.
Just like Ma.
And we're left with nothing
but foreigners and fear.
It's like, it's like we've
been poisoned and contaminated.
It's why Ma became so
brainwashed on this
Red Coat nonsense.
And it is nonsense,
Ma! (panting)
(Reynolds coughing)
(group chattering)
(Reynolds panting)
Ma stopped going to church,
especially after my
father took his own life.
But she knew this book.
Deliver me and rescue me
from the hands of invaders
whose mouths are full of lies,
whose right hands are deceitful,
then our sons in their youth
will be like well
nurtured plants.
And our daughters
will be like pillars
carved to adorn a palace.
Our barns will be filled
with every kind of provision.
our, our sheep will increase
by thousands in our fields.
Our oxen will draw loads.
There will be no
breaching of walls,
no going into captivity.
No cry of distress
in our streets.
Blessed are the people
of whom this is true.
(Reynolds panting)
(suspenseful music)
(screen whooshes)
(clock ticking)
(keys clicking)
(button clicks)
(gentle music)
- You need to leave.
- What happened?
- You need to take your family
and pack your things and go.
- We're not leaving.
- Trust me.
(wind blowing)
(bus engine humming)
(owl cooing)
(brooding music)
- [Reporter] And local
law enforcement agencies
are taking them very seriously.
We have their assurance
that they are
actively investigating
these animal deaths
and are exploring all
possible explanations,
collaborating with wildlife
experts, forensic specialists,
and even paranormal
investigators on...
(upbeat music)
- Get outta here.
All of you.
You're all fucking parasites.
Get the fuck outta here.
Get the fuck outta here.
- Hey, what's
gotten into you Joe?
- I get something for you, Joe.
- Go get that parasite
bitch and her family
and bring 'em to the factory.
(door creaking)
(door bangs)
(brooding music)
- Let's get you up.
Good girl, all right.
- Where are we going, Mommy?
- We are going on an adventure.
- When's Edward back?
- Soon.
Okay, good.
(car door bangs)
(bus engine humming)
(door clicking)
(door bangs)
(ominous music)
- Edward!
They're coming for you.
(suspenseful music)
(body thuds)
(both grunting)
(Edward yelling)
(Mark grunts)
(fist thuds)
(fist thudding)
(knife thuds)
(Rachel groans)
(ominous music)
(brooding music)
(body thuds)
(Edward panting)
(doors banging)
(car door bangs)
- Edward should be home by now.
(Yan exhales)
- [Edward] Hey!
(ominous music)
(Yan panting)
(birds chirping)
(wind blowing)
(Rachel panting)
- [Rachel] Help me.
(hawk screeching)
- No, no. (crying)
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
(Fallon gasps)
(brooding music)
(crows cawing)
(Fallon grunts)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(birds chirping)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(crows cawing)
(crows cawing)
(woman vocalizing)
(wind howling)
(suspenseful music)
(brooding music)
(wind blowing)
(birds chirping)
(hawk screeching)
(keys clanging)
(lock clicking)
(upbeat music)
(car door clicks)
- Goddammit. (grunts)
(ominous music)
- Where's Reynolds?
- He's inside.
And something's wrong with him.
He's not right in the head.
(Dee laughs)
(gun thuds)
(upbeat music)
(ominous music)
(man coughing)
(flesh squishing)
(man grunting)
- Help me.
(suspenseful music)
(game chiming)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(Dee grunts)
(metal thuds)
(ominous music)
(Dee panting)
(body thudding)
(flesh squishing)
- Tell me where he is.
(flesh squishing)
(Dee groaning)
- He took the family
to the factory.
(Dee grunting)
(flesh squishing)
I know who you...(groaning)
(flesh squishing)
(fast tempo suspenseful music)
(bones crack)
(body thuds)
(knife thudding)
- (grunts) Fuck you!
(ominous music)
(Reynolds panting)
(Yan crying)
What's with you people?
You're supposed to
be so damn smart,
but you're fucking stupid.
I told you to leave like I
told your husband to leave.
You ain't welcome
here! (panting)
(Yan crying)
- You gotta run, you gotta run.
(suspenseful music)
(Reynolds grunting)
(elbow thuds)
(body thuds)
(Edward groans)
(ominous music)
- [Reynolds] Get
your ass back here!
(Emily whimpering)
- Shh, shh, shh.
You're okay.
- [Reynolds] Get back here!
(door clicks)
(metal creaks)
- Shh, shh.
Come here, come here.
You're gonna put these on.
- I'm scared, Mommy.
Is the monster gonna kill us?
- The monster's
not gonna kill us.
You're gonna be safe here, okay?
Just be really quiet.
I love you.
(door bangs)
(Yan crying)
(suspenseful music)
- Come out!
You come on out!
Or I'll gut your boy!
- Get away from my son. (crying)
- Your son killed my only child.
(foot thuds)
(Edward groans)
(body thuds)
Before I kill you,
you're gonna watch me rip
your mother to pieces.
(ominous music)
I know you.
We killed you.
I know you.
(Yan screams)
(Reynolds grunts)
(knife thuds)
(Reynolds groaning)
(knife thuds)
- We can rest now.
(Reynolds groans)
(body thuds)
(Yan whimpering)
(Reynolds groaning)
(Reynolds groaning)
(Yan crying)
(Reynolds groaning)
(Reynolds groaning)
(door clicks)
- [Edward] Wait.
(Reynolds groaning)
(truck engine humming)
(suspenseful music)
(Reynolds groaning)
(Reynolds groaning)
(ominous music)
(truck door clicks)
(Reynolds groaning)
(Reynolds groaning)
(truck door bangs)
(Reynolds groaning)
(liquid splashing)
- [Reynolds] No, not here.
Not here.
No, no.
No, please.
(Reynolds groaning)
(lighter clicking)
(Reynolds panting)
(fire roaring)
(Reynolds panting)
(voice chattering)
(woman vocalizing)
(fire crackling)
(voice chattering)
(fire crackling)
- [Claire] John.
(voice chattering)
(voice chattering)
(woman vocalizing)
(wind howling)
(wind blowing)
(owl cooing)
(brooding music)
(ominous music)
(brooding music)
(river babbling)
(heart pounding)
(deer snorting)
(melancholic music)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(brooding music)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(woman vocalizing)
(ominous music)