Surrounded by Spirits (2024) Movie Script
[no audio]
[suspenseful music]
- Could you make a sound?
Anything that makes
us know that you're here?
[loud bang]
Are you kidding me?
- What dude?
- I know it was probably a pipe, but then
all of these lights started
happening at the same time.
Somebody like right here.
- Holy shit.
I, you know, it like it
takes a lot. It takes a lot.
And you know this.
- I don't like this.
- Do you need to take a break?
- Yeah. I don't like that.
- Yeah, you can take a break.
- It scared me.
- Yeah, let's go.
[suspenseful music]
- What happened to you?
Like why you're down here?
- What did you say?
- Me? I didn't say anything.
- Nobody talked babe.
It was me. I was just me.
You need to step out?
- Yeah, I think I need
to get out of the house.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- My name's Beckie Galentine.
I'm a paranormal investigator.
I regret bringing everyone here.
That's it.
- There's documents
upstairs in the Castle Archives
that say Pittsburgh will never amount
to anything because of Brownsville.
Hello, my name is Rocky Brashear.
I'm president of the
Brownsville Historical Society,
Nemacolin Castle.
There's a lot of history
in this town everywhere.
There's a lot of history everywhere.
It's kind of a little secret.
People flocked to Pittsburgh.
But this was going to be the real hub
of Western Pennsylvania.
At one time. This place was
supposed to be called the city
of Churches 'cause there
are 13 churches behind you.
All different denominations
and most of 'em are still there.
- Brownsville, Pennsylvania
is rich with history.
My name is Brianne Mitchell
and I am the current property owner
and caretaker of the Black Horse Tavern,
which is located in
Brownsville, Pennsylvania.
Brownsville currently
today is sort of known
as part of the Rust Belt
and where maybe people have left
and it's been a little bit forgotten.
But historically rich,
absolutely beautiful.
Located along the Monongahela
River in Fayette County.
And geographically it's absolutely perfect.
[dramatic music]
- There had to be a reason we were all here
and there had to be a reason
I felt compelled to be here.
There had to be a reason
that this place demanded
so much attention.
- So what we're going
to do is invite in all the
spirits of Brownsville.
So I went ahead and made this rope for us
and blessed it with some
spirit oil, some lotus oil,
and also like an offering oil
to all the spirits of Brownsville.
So they feel invited in.
And welcome to talk to us
as we go about this
investigation in several locations.
My name is Jules. I'm originally
from Long Island, New York.
I have been an occult
practitioner since early childhood,
thanks to people in my family
and I've been a professional tarot reader
for the last 12 years.
What we'll do is we'll pull it through
and as we pull it,
we'll say we invite in all
of the spirits of
Brownsville who are willing
to communicate with us.
We are here as friends and researchers
and to get some closure for any answers
that have been left open.
- The first meeting in the
Whiskey Rebellion in 1791
was in that tavern.
The farmers left there, went out,
rebelled against the whiskey tax
'cause it was cheaper to
ship whiskey than it was grain.
So the farmers had their meeting.
Washington County, which
is right across the bridge,
takes credit for the whiskey rebellion.
But the meeting, the first meeting started
right here in that building
[ominous music]
- For the past few years.
As the caretaker
and current property owner
of the Black Horse Tavern,
we wanted the the property
to become a community
asset instead of having it be
closed up as a private house.
So we turned it into a
community asset, a place
where people can come and explore
and learn about the rich
history of the town and the house.
And during these tours, events
and experiences that
we've hosted at the Tavern,
we have had our fair
share of spiritual activity.
Specifically. The house seems to be very,
when there are a lot
of people in it, it almost
communicates to everyone who walks
through the door if you're
open to that sort of thing
or that type of communication.
And it has a very deep, rich history.
But as you might be able to see
or hopefully experience
later, it's very spiritually active.
- So this is 2 0 3 Front Street,
but we know her as the Black Horse Tavern.
We've got 200 years of history here.
[dramatic music]
- So this is my first
experience in this home.
And it's a lot. A lot to
absorb. A lot to absorb.
My name is Seth Browder. I am
from Colorado. I am a medium.
And I have been doing this
professionally since I've been
16 years old.
I am now 48.
Somebody said it wasn't always like this.
This woman said it wasn't
always like this when I owned
it, she didn't even die here.
Why is she here? Why are
you here? Why are you here?
She's attached to a tunnel
Is there tunnel under this house?
Like, like there's movement
happening under the house.
Like significant movement.
- There was a tunnel discovered
from that street to here,
from here to downtown in 2019
by the gas company was working on the road.
They punched a hole in the
road and they found a big tunnel.
It could be escape tunnel
for the British soldiers.
'cause their fort was
somewhere over in this
area, Redstone Fort.
And it could have been just bringing up
goods from the ships.
We don't know. We don't know.
- Okay.
- Okay.
All right. Stop.
This is like a different world down here.
There's, there's this a different world.
I'm not, I'm not opening that door.
Something. I don't know how to describe
what this thing looks like is trying
to go into this door and shut it.
And it was like a creation
of multiple energies of death.
It's, it's very creepy. It is very weird.
I would never stay down here by myself.
Like he watches what
goes in and out of there
and I wonder, hmm.
[soft music]
For my safety, she says we have to leave
'cause he'll get us.
So we will just take that warning.
[ominous music]
- I am aware of four
or what I believe to
be four specific spirits.
There could be more. But I believe
that there are four
individual specific spirits who
currently live in the house,
participate in the activity in the house,
or who call the house their own.
One would be a former owner of the house
or a master of the house
who is a very dominant male figure
and expresses himself very
freely but also very dominantly.
And lets you know that he
is here and this is his room
or his area or his house.
And he tends to stay
in this particular area.
And whenever I do go up to the third floor,
I always ask permission,
- Okay, oh this guy's like a grandpa
or grandfather.
What is going on up here? Oh my God.
Oh, 'cause that's where
he stands. This is why.
That's where he stands.
He's like this window,
this man is just standing,
looking out the window like a,
he called it a prison.
He keeps saying over and over
you've come to take me away.
You've come to take me away over and over.
Oh, his skin on his arms is thin.
[soft music]
It is like a really,
it's like he's wearing a diaper.
This old man, like really
decrepit old dude wearing a diaper
do not do that again to me.
Do not do that again. There's
something wrong with this man.
I don't like you. I don't even know you.
I want to get out of this room now.
- I think there was a general
feeling of mass confusion
after the first night.
My goal entering the space was
that we have this town here
where the world has turned its back.
And then we have these
incredible people that are trying
to breathe life into these
homes and not let them go.
They're, they're hanging
by their last little threads.
- Okay. So we're headed
up to the third floor,
but we left Seth and Jules
and Dominic downstairs
because they need some time to regroup
and do their own thing
down there while us three
as the paranormal investigators
head to the third floor.
My name is Amanda Paulson.
I have been a paranormal
investigator for over 15 years.
And I'm from Spokane, Washington.
- When I walked by here,
I can literally feel my hair
standing up like right here.
- Oh, I feel I know what you
mean. Yeah. What is that?
But you know what's
interesting though too is it's giving
the spiderweb effect.
- Yes.
- Which is very like very
common in haunted places.
- Yeah.
[ominous music]
- My first thoughts
entering the tavern were
that of skepticism.
My natural reaction in
paranormal investigating
and exploring the other side tends to be
a skeptical outlook. I think I naturally
took to my equipment.
- And like you said, it's
not gonna be like wires
running through the ceiling.
I don't, unless there's not
like a satellite or something.
- It's going off. Knob-and-tube
wiring would run through the ceiling,
- But knob and tube wouldn't.
- Oh, okay. - Set this off. Okay. Yeah.
Which actually, and these
are non grounded outlets
and the only non-grounded
outlets are downstairs.
I don't see any... because you
guys had to run that.
The lighting there.
There is. There's a non-grounded outlet
on the other side of that wall.
- Yeah, that's my mic. That
was my head. As of right now.
I'm not reading. I accidentally
read my mic for a second.
That's how that should
- Yeah - happen if what
we suspected is correct,
but I'm not reading anything at all.
Is there someone upstairs who would like
to come into this room with
us and and chat with us?
- What do you think about the town
and the way everything's
been with all the people leaving?
- I feel like we felt
something up here at first
and then I
I might be wrong,
but I feel like it just
went like downstairs.
We went up, felt it go through
and now I'm like almost
wondering if like Seth
and Jules are feeling something,
- I'll have to check in with them.
- I know.
- Yeah. And see how they are.
- I am so up all of a sudden what the,
there must be up in that room.
- Okay, well since they're
upstairs investigating,
let's discuss some of the
things then that you have felt
and some of what we think might be kind
of going on here then.
So in regards to the older
gentleman that you saw,
what would you assume was his position?
- He was angry,
but it was more like he was
maybe had schizophrenia.
- Sure.
- Or was misdiagnosed.
- Hello, my name is Dominic Lagamba.
I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
I would not want to
play it up more than it is,
but I feel like I've been
intuitive my entire life
and sensitive to some things.
But will I claim to be something
I'm not? Absolutely not.
So I've always had
an interest in the occult
and the paranormal ever since I was young.
And that has been a
lifelong journey for me too.
- So the old man, he was upset
that they wouldn't just
put him in the hospital
and he pointed it's just down the street
and I was like, oh, that's weird.
And then he said, then
they squished my body up
and tried to burn me in the basement
and then buried me where in the,
they buried me in the yard, the only place
where the roses grow.
And I was like, oh.
And I, I walked around
most of the front yard
and I'm like, I don't see roses.
So I thought that was kind of fascinating.
And so then we're leaving
and there's this closet that,
[dying animal sounds]
- What - Was that?
- It was a bird.
- It sounds like a bird getting killed
by a cat.
[ominous music]
- The tavern. As soon as I
walked through the door, I
did not like a feeling in here.
As soon as I set foot through the door,
I started seeing things on
the peripherals of my vision
that just made me question
reality and so on and so forth.
Luckily I had my partner
and close friends here to
validate my experiences,
which was very nice and settling for me.
But since I walked through
the door, I was not a fan
of the vibe in this place.
Unsettled is the, the overwhelming theme.
Very observant and unsettled
the entire time I've been here.
- Was Amanda using
the box that makes words?
- Yeah. - Not that, but was she using it?
- Yes.
- Like she has been using it?
If it was whatever it
was is feeling mocked.
- It was feeling mocked. - Yeah.
- And it was showing and it was weird
because I kept seeing, it
wasn't saying something to me,
it was showing me
words like that I could feel.
And it, it was not, it gave a a yucky laugh
as well and it was feeling mocked.
That followed you guys
up. It followed you guys up.
It was like a black mass. It
wasn't even a human thing.
Nothing. And it, it's goal
was to &%^ with you
to make you question everything.
And I said, and I just
said, watch this mask,
push them back down here.
- There not only with the house
and the paranormal activity
specifically within the house,
but there seem to be many
artifacts within the property
that the property houses that
sort of cultivate their
own paranormal activity.
In particular, there are
two paintings in the hallway
that I was told not to separate at all
under any circumstances.
One time we had a cleaning
crew who came in to clean
after the event and they
were dusting and cleaning
and they separated the pictures.
One picture went to one end of the hall,
the second picture stayed where it was.
And in succession every light
popped down the hallway
and I immediately ran
and grabbed the portrait
and brought it back together.
And then the lights in this
room actually all exploded at
the same time and we had
to replace the light fixture.
So stories like that, I'm not sure
what the relationship
is with the paintings,
but we know that they have to stay together
and we have very explicit
instructions in regard
to keeping these two portraits,
these two pieces of art together.
So if you come this way, I would love
to show you the hallway
right in front of the library
where we have another very
exciting and active picture.
[suspenseful music]
- Pause a second. - Grab that light.
- Yeah, this, this blew
out. Like it, you know,
- Just maybe put up on top of that door.
Door front. Oh, where
are you gonna stand that?
Are you going in? She's
gonna stand right. Oh.
- Oh, look at that. Perfect. Wait, look.
- Wait, what? - What is it?
- I, I don't, I mean, so
this is, I've never noticed
that key up there before.
The skeleton key was there
whenever you put the light up. So
- That's crazy.
- You've never seen that before?
- No, I've never seen
the skeleton key before.
I'm actually gonna put it
right back where I found it.
And fun little surprises
happen like this all the time.
So that can go right back where it was.
[suspenseful music]
- So we are now up on the second floor.
It looked like on the third
floor we did, we were able
to debunk a lot of the K two
hits that we were getting up there.
So I'm happy to actually be able to come
to this second floor area
where the owner says
that there are also claims down here.
- One of the things that
Bri told us earlier is these
paintings over here,
if they're separated
they might cause activity.
So we need to be mindful of that.
We might not be interacting
with the spirits of the house,
but it, it could be the
objects that are here.
There was a pretty wild story that she had
and it when they were separated.
So we'll see what happens.
We don't know the history
of the paintings so keep that in mind.
So Amanda's come up with a modification
of the Estes method it's actually
almost a completely different
method that it allows her
to get into that trance.
But when you're doing that, you kind
of receive different information
that doesn't exactly fit into vocabulary.
So she has a method called the L method
that it will not be manipulated
in any way by EMF
for any of the trigger devices.
So I think it's a good
time to try and employ that
and allow her to try it here.
- Is there something you'd like to show us?
I heard something like, "you do."
Oh, they're taking me somewhere down the
back stairs back here.
- What's significant
about those back stairs?
- I'm seeing a clock and it says 11 o'clock
and it's hanging over the
table that Seth and Jules
and Dominic are sitting at for some reason.
- And it, its goal is to [bleep] with you
to make you question everything
- I felt like somebody
touched me on my left arm.
Just a really light tap.
[ominous music]
There was a small tap
but I don't know if
it's from the paintings,
although I will say it feels
like the paintings are a
million miles away.
It comes and goes.
Now I'm seeing an older, an older man,
I'm seeing his side profile
walking into the room.
Any activity that does
happen in the house is affected
by a man's spirit.
And when he comes in they go.
- It's a very dominant male figure
and expresses himself very
freely but also very dominantly.
And lets you know that he
is here and this is his room
or his area or his house
and he tends to stay
in this particular area.
- So we have Viva and Jules upstairs
and they're gonna do Estes
and we're gonna try downstairs.
- Perfect. - The vibe that I'm getting
and what it seems to
be is there's a lot of spirits
that have never had the chance to speak
and they're all speaking at once.
So we're gonna give them
two completely opposite areas
to use as an outlet to talk to us.
- Yeah, - Absolutely.
And hopefully we can get,
get some more information.
- My name is Viva.
I've been a paranormal
investigator for about five years
and I have had this passion
since I was a little girl.
The Estes method that I had
with Jules upstairs in
the attic was actually
really, really compelling.
Not only did I have things happen,
Jules also had things
happen while she was under
during the Estes session.
But also you, the cameraman did also hear
and witness some of the
things that were going on.
- You gotta start your Estes Method.
- All right. Count to 10
and then start our Estes.
- As soon as I hang up.
- As soon as you hang up. Okay, later.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Hello?
- I know that we were
told that there may be
a man up here.
- You made it.
- Who made it?
- Not important.
- Is there anything? I think.
- It's near the man.
- Man.
There is a woman that sounds like she is
crying when she talks.
- I bet we can - Don't tell them that.
- Is there anyone here who
would like to speak to us?
[suspenseful music]
- And her.
- Talk.
- What do they know?
- Who talks?
- Bitch, you gotta stop right now, Beckie.
- Fine.
- Are you kidding?
- What are you doing here?
- We're here.
- What town are we in at the moment?
- She's seen enough down there.
- Okay
- Now
- I dunno what the [Bleep] that was.
- That's me. You want to come out?
- Yeah.
- Okay. There's definitely,
it's hard to explain
but I'm sure you'll hear it.
There's like, there's like a a, a guy
that is very clearly talking
and is like, they don't need
to hear it. They don't need to hear it.
- This is Beckie speaking.
There's like just a, the
way, the way the noise
there is like this undertone of laughter
that is consistent.
It's just like, "ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."
And I've never heard
anything like that before
and it makes it really
hard to like focus in.
So I like obviously just heard those
but I'm not, it's,
it's not like it normally is.
- A bit, - It literally is
like, "ha ha ha ha ha."
It's like, and I can hear it sounds like
volume 10 in the wrong direction.
Like so quiet. Like it's
like I hear the sound.
I don't know if there's like
something clouding everyone's
ability to like truly channel
and like focus or like, and,
and not just like on the people,
but if there's something
here that's just like,
or there's like a barrier
with like communication
or if it's the devices
and I'm like reeling through my mind,
is it like something in
this area, this region?
Like what about these devices
would make these spirits
like, "nah, not that."
[suspenseful music]
- I almost convinced myself I was crazy
because this was the first time I've seen
so much chaos in one location
and completely different
on every single floor.
It was absolute chaos.
- Alright. How, how did upstairs go?
- Oh boy. The upstairs
was definitely a very
interesting situation.
The Estes method actually
yielded a lot of correlations with
what we were, what I was
experiencing while she was under,
all of the responses came through.
It was very much very relevant
to you guys very much wanting
to talk about the both of you,
which was absolutely terrifying
- Because we got radio
silence practically down there.
- Wow. So
- It felt like they were
insinuating like there's
someone down here observing us right now.
And that's what it was talking about.
I didn't, I wasn't sure if
that correlated to anything
so I would just kept
on like, no we're here.
Like we're down here. Like
that's kind of what it sounded like
- They said "Stop talking
bitch." downstairs And that was,
- Yeah 'cause it was mad.
Something about Beckie came up.
I don't remember exactly what I said.
Yeah, I can't remember
either. Yeah, I don't remember
exactly what I said but it
was something about you
and then it was about you listening.
It just felt like a wall like that
it just wasn't happening.
- Yeah. And I was still
taking into account everyone's
experiences and how everyone felt
and the things that were happening outside
of the investigation
that were making me feel like
something paranormal was kind
of bubbling up and
happening beneath the surface.
But if I were to go off of my equipment
alone on the first night at
the tavern, then I would say
that it
was inconclusive.
- Getting nothing is never
nothing. It's not a loss.
We did our, our job
and when the information was
contrasting with what
the intuitives were saying,
I didn't feel anything about
what they were experiencing.
Like I felt that it was valid.
I felt that and believed them.
Especially when they're
saying, you know, we,
we felt footsteps
and even though my
data didn't corroborate that
it created this sense of discord
but it really, discord is the only way
to feel about that first night.
[suspenseful music]
- What was with the friction with Beckie?
- Dude, I don't,
I gotta tell you I am not confident
with anything that we captured.
Only because I feel like
what we got was pretty good
and then the end, what was her problem?
- Yeah, she wouldn't take any direction.
I just...
- Everybody else is saying
they experience something.
I feel like I was creeped out
and I never get creeped out this stuff.
And so then when we're going downstairs
and we're excited and she's like, "eh",
"there's nothing here." I'm like,
- We need some activity.
We need some cohesiveness, we need a story.
We need her to get on board.
[birds chirping]
- My name is Courtney. I am
from Shamokin, Pennsylvania
and I moved here in 2020.
We bought the general
store for a dollar shortly
after we bought the house.
I haven't heard much
about this building at all.
It seems like a lot of the people
that live here now aren't necessarily all,
we're mostly from a younger generation.
They're all, maybe my
generation a little bit older,
but they're not really lifers.
We actually tried to go
through some of the things
that we found in here as far as letters
and paperwork and different things
and we found a lot of old invoice books
and different types of bookkeeping
and things, trying to figure out
what businesses were
held here even like recently.
But we don't have a lot of information.
But I do know that some of the letters
and the books that we
found in here are from the
early 1900s.
Haven't had any experience yet,
but I'm hoping to find
some sort of something
that would give us some sort
of detail about what went on here.
[suspenseful music]
- So this is your friend's
place that we're invited
to. What do you know about it?
- I know it's been abandoned for 40 years.
I know that she's not
entirely sure if it's haunted,
but she's very interested in knowing
and the likelihood of
this place being around
for much longer isn't great.
So this might be the last chance
that anything in the
store ever has to speak.
So we're gonna have you
go in and do that initial read
and get us in the right
direction. What you pick up on.
- Let's do it. Let's check it out.
- Because I know that this
place used to be a hotspot
for the stage coaches between
Washington and Union Town
or even coming in from
Pittsburgh when Brownsville
was a big city.
But I, I would just like
to know more about the area in general
so maybe we could find
something that would tell us
what went on in this building,
[suspenseful music]
- I don't kow long I
could be down here for.
- That's fine.
- This is like [bleep] up, man.
- Do I need to take you outside?
- A lot of blood down here.
A lot of animal blood. A a lot.
A lot of like I hear like
a squeegee or something.
- Yeah, I bet that's
just the lifestyle here.
- I wanna, I wanna really throw up.
- Yeah.
Yeah they probably were
doing some butchering here.
We can, we can definitely try
and validate that with
the historical record.
- It's weird that I don't
see any human spirits yet.
- Okay. - I feel it
but I don't see 'em so it's just really
- So I think we should get
started with the investigation.
Would you recommend maybe either in the
greeting landing area,
- The landing area would be safe? I don't
- Think anyone where
people would enter and talk.
- Yeah. Yeah. I don't think
many people would be really safe
down here 'cause it's, it hurts to breathe
and I can't tell if that's
spiritual or if it's actually in the air.
- Yeah, it's, it's definitely
got a lot going on
- 'cause it's making me sick.
- Let's get you outta here. Let's,
- This used to be sort
of like the rural outskirts.
So I know my house used
to be a farmhouse duplex.
There was the brick
factory, there was a tavern
across the street.
My neighbor's house I believe
used to be a funeral home.
I don't think in late history
but it may be the last 50 years or so.
I know there's a lot of history here.
A lot of the houses have been revamped
and they don't really
look historic anymore.
Some have been torn down.
But this is apparently
the oldest standing piece
of history in the historic district.
- My name is Will. I've been
living here in Brownsville
my entire life.
I've been a volunteer member
up here at the Nemacolin Castle
with the Historical Society
for going on eight years.
And I've also been a board member
with the Brownsville Historical Society
for about three years.
Pretty much this whole town.
I say something's going
on in a lot of these places.
It's one of these places
that you move away.
It just brings you back for some reason.
Like I've, I've lived in Columbus, Ohio.
I was living down in Kentucky for a while.
I was in the military and you know,
but it is like all these
places I've ever gone to
and try to live, I always end up back here
for one reason or another.
It is just kind of hard to explain.
It's just, it's just got that draw to it.
- When we were in the basement,
he was feeling like someone
might have been taking a broom
and just pushing, you know
how you would sweep blood away
And I'm like, this is not making sense.
This is a general store.
And when we were exploring on our way out,
I noticed we've got an old
iron meat hook over here
and I'm like, this doesn't
really make sense to me
because it reminds me of
something you put like a ham on.
So I reached out to Courtney
and I was just like, does this make sense?
She told me it was a deli
and she was able to validate
that from someone whose dad owned it.
The woman was older that
she was I think 89 years old.
So when we're thinking about the timeframe
that this would've been
happening, we're not talking about
having iced packs of meat
cleanly packaged in here.
- Oh.
- So it starts to bring that story from
what sounds like this
isn't making sense to, okay,
yeah, he's picking up on the deli
- Now we're going to try
to do some investigating
with some like pieces of ITC equipment.
So trying to really communicate
and like get some actual answers.
I wonder how that will play
out if we're talking to animals.
- I know I'm, I'm inter,
I know that'd be really funny if I hear
like mooing or something.
So I'm really interested to see
what we might capture here.
The walkthrough with
Seth was kind of eyeopening
because you see this
very unassuming building
but there's several different layers to it
and I'm really excited to
figure out what they are.
So I'm gonna get this started. Then
- Walking into the general store, I,
I have a hard time sometime
understanding like when I
see blood, if it was associated
with a murder or if it was like
somebody cut their hand open
and started bleeding everywhere.
So I have to speak it out
loud while we document it
and then we kind of
figure it that part out later.
And the general store was
a good representation of that
'cause we walked in
and I smelt blood like
it was on everything.
And then I heard animals whimpering
and crying when we went to the basement.
It just was, I kept hearing
like scraping on the floors
like like a squeegee pushing water
and it was all just blood everywhere.
- If there's anyone here
that would like to speak to us,
this is our friend Viva.
She can hear you.
So if you can use her
headphones and give her messages.
- Listen.
- We'd love to talk to you.
Yes, listen we would appreciate that.
[soft music]
I apologize for speaking over
you, but my name's Beckie
and this is my friend
Amanda and that's Viva.
Could you tell us your name?
- Oh, I thought I heard,
"you can't be in here."
- Do you know where
I could get like a good,
- The animals - Piece of
meat is what I was gonna say.
- That's messed up. I try
- Not laughing.
Yeah, I was just gonna ask
where can I get a good piece of meat?
- I keep hearing like yelling
or like crying or something,
but it doesn't sound like necessarily
human, which is strange.
Just felt as though maybe
there might be something
residual residing there.
It definitely felt as though
there was an energy
that was kind of soaked into the building.
- You question if there's
something left behind.
What does this mean if this
building can't live anymore
and where do the spirits
go if there are spirits?
So I see this building, it's
exactly what I had looked at,
looked at, I stared at it side by side
and seeing it in person, it was like
this was something sometime
and it meant a lot to people.
It was their store, it
was their livelihood.
So seeing in that condition was interesting
and you squint a little bit
and you start to morph into that past
and you can imagine what it
was like when someone walked in
and started to gossip about
what was happening in town
or bought a piece of candy.
- So we're going into
this blind, we don't know
what happened when they
were in this space before us.
- Correct. Yeah.
- So I am going to set up a EMF trip wire
around you on this table
and we're gonna have
you do your thing with tarot.
- Fabulous. Okay, we'll do Awesome.
We'll do a full reading to
see if we can at least confirm
some of the stuff that
they were talking about.
- And see if anything comes through. So
- I'm excited.
- Alright.
[soft music]
- Okay. So first
and foremost, so we
have the seven of swords.
The seven of swords usually
talks about coming upon
something that has
kind of been left behind.
Sometimes it's about like
changing your perspective on
things or like getting a new
insight or vision on something.
So it's interesting we started there.
So let's see what some of the details are.
Okay, so the first detail is the chariot,
which talks about being
in control of a situation.
Kind of like being able to
almost like take the reins
on a situation to get the vibe.
It seems to me what this is
saying is that whatever is here,
we have a, we have an
understanding of what's here.
We're in control of it.
I don't think anything
would be too crazy.
Next detail. Okay. We have
the elemental of chalices.
It's a little different in
my deck unfortunately,
but this one talks about
like emotional liberation being
free to express without
feeling like something
is gonna bog you down.
So I don't think anything
in here would make us feel
out of control.
I don't think that there's
anything hiding around a corner
- Anything stuck.
- I don't think anything stuck. Exactly.
I think everything's very free
and the situation is very in control.
Let's just see what the advice is.
For us, the advice is the 10 of chalices,
which is about just everybody
be on the same page.
You're gonna have a good experience.
Which is very funny
considering there's a bunch
of people trying to figure
out what's going on here.
- So yeah, - It, it seems
like we're all on the same
page about what's going on.
- Have, before you set up your tarot cards,
have you picked anything up in here?
- Me personally? No, I haven't.
- Neither have I. Yeah.
And we've gotten nothing on
our EMF trip wire.
Yeah, nothing has gone out just yet.
So I would say we're very
in control of the situation
and everything we're
seeing is at surface value.
- Pretty tame.
- Pretty tame at surface value.
When I did the actual tarot
reading, we got impressions
that it was like we're kind
of picking up on a memory
of the town that people came in
and did their grocery shopping.
It was, it was completely
different than feeling like
there's someone actively
in the house confusing us.
So I would say the difference
would be residual versus like
an intelligent haunting.
- The general store was,
if anything residual, an old building
that we were trying
really hard to reach into.
But I don't know that we
really pulled too much out.
- Look at this guy.
- What are you doing with that camera?
- I didn't think anyone would believe it
unless I documented it.
But he's actually cooking.
- I thought you were trying to
catch me bashing my head in.
[ominous music]
- Yeah, I mean like there's,
there's cool stuff there, right?
But like what was the
point? Why did we go there?
I don't get it.
- Chris, the owner opened up with,
I've never had any
paranormal experiences here.
I don't believe this place is haunted.
At that moment my heart
sank thinking, "what in
God's name are we doing here?!"
- I lived in Philadelphia, worked
in Canonsburg, which was south
of Pittsburgh, right, at a
pharmaceutical company.
Also a photographer. Found
this town by chance on my own.
And I left the town with a
sense of some connection
that there was something
about the name Brownsville.
My aunt visited my parents
and they went through my
grandparents' documentation
and it turns out my grandmother
was born at Brownsville
Hospital and baptized at St.
Peter's Church right
here on the north side.
And nobody in my family knew about it.
So that kind of tumbled into a
dynamic where my
fathers felt that his mother,
my grandmother was
tapping me on the shoulder
to do something in this town.
And the premise around
this was to bring it back to the
way the house looked
and was used in the film,
Maria's Lovers that was
produced in the early eighties
- When we first started
staying at Maria's Lovers house,
I started to doubt what might
have been going on there.
It wasn't until a heightened
time here at the tavern
that I get a message from
the owner that said, by the way,
just FYI, it's haunted.
We have at least eight
people who've claimed
and it was the same activity every time.
So when we did the
seance, the discord started
to feel like it was dissipating.
I don't know if it was the time
spent away from the tavern
starting to allow us to
have our clarity again.
But it felt like everyone was allowing
themselves to be open.
It felt like we were on the same page,
we're doing the same
activity, the intent is focused
and we were more in unison
- If everybody's on the same page,
that we are opening up
this circle here this evening
to invite in communication with anything
that is either residual
or just wanting to communicate
if there's any messages from
someone in the house, we're here to listen.
We're here to receive
whatever wants to come through.
And our intent is just to have
open dialogue with the house.
So if anybody wants to start
with just kind of reaching out,
we can absolutely just do that.
- Sure. My name is Beckie.
We come here with respect.
We are so grateful that
you've invited us in your home.
[ominous music]
Is there someone in the
stairs? But are you hearing that?
- Yeah, there's noise over there.
- There we go. - Yeah. Yeah.
Everyone's okay. So
everyone's hearing this, at least
- Everybody's here.
Like we can see everybody that's here
- Messenger.
We can certainly be a messenger for you.
Or if you want to send your
messenger forward you can too.
If there's a spirit in the
house that is more likely
to communicate for you,
you're welcome to come forward.
- No, I keep hearing noises.
- I heard like sh something like that.
- Yeah, it wasn't like a little whisper.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, it did sound like a whisper.
- We have had seven or eight,
I think it might be eight now.
Completely independent
communications back from our guests
stating about certain activities
and uniquely enough they've been a
hundred percent consistent.
There's been two primary activities
that our guests have articulated.
The first one is a
bouncing ball they believe
or some kind of movement
on the stairwell from the second
floor down to the first floor.
In addition, we've heard
consistent messages about
movement and dynamic
and footsteps on the first
floor, primarily in the parlor,
which is just off the main
entrance of the house.
- So we want to specifically
investigate the claims
of footsteps in and out of this room.
So I thought I would run this
K-2 EMF meter on the floor
to make sure that there
aren't any electrical wires.
And then you were
going to put the trip wire
running across the hallway here
to see if we can catch
some of these footsteps.
And we're also going to use
an obelisk at the same time,
- Right.
Because anything that
would trigger the K-2 is
gonna trigger the trip wire.
So if it's not doing that,
then we can take that.
- Yeah.
- We have heard that there's
somebody in this house
who likes to walk back
and forth
- Call
- It says "call."
I'm calling to you
to come downstairs with
us to join us at the table.
We've heard that you like to walk back
and forth from one room to
the other in this hallway here.
We would love to see you do that.
[ominous music]
- There are only two claims
over so many different guests.
Nobody is like, oh I heard this upstairs
or this knocking from the basement.
It is all this uniform ball
going down the steps.
Someone walking down here.
So we have this groove
and we were able to
pull them a little bit out of
that groove, but at the cost
of expending more energy than usual.
- Yeah, - You wanna call it?
- Yeah. - Yeah.
- When me
and Dominic were actually
on the steps conducting an
experiment to see if maybe
there might be a little child
spirit inside of the house
that might want to play
with a ball that we had purchased.
- If you come near this box
or this ball,
the music box will start
playing music for you.
- It has very pretty music.
- There you go. You got it.
- Do you like the music?
The one compelling thing
that actually did happen was
we had a paranormal music box
set up right over top of
where the ball was placed
and we put the ball down,
we put the music box down.
It was silent for quite some time
and then it exploded
with activity is if
something was in front of it.
Trying to make that ball move.
- Investigating at Maria's Lovers house
was interesting.
We tried to incorporate some
modern ghost hunting tools.
Tools as well as implementing
spiritual techniques.
I did have some interesting
impressions myself,
which were in the moment validated by
our medium, Seth.
it was just the investigation
of Maria's Lovers house
definitely followed the discordance
that we were finding ourselves
having throughout the entire trip.
And I don't believe that we
really came to any inclusive
point with that investigation.
- John A Brashear,
the astronomer who
invented the telescopic lens,
that was his home before
he moved to Pittsburgh.
He was the dean of Pitt
and that was his, that was
his boyhood home. According to
what we know of records,
that my great great uncle was
John A Brashear.
And my name is Brashear.
- By the time I was at the Brashear house,
I was
not happy.
I think there was also
kind of an underlying feeling
of that
my purpose seemed to
be slowly slipping away.
- Dude, we've got an
hour before they show up.
- Yeah.
- I'm telling you, if we can
not get something here at the
Brashear house, I'm out.
Like we day one, day one,
we're getting some stuff.
But since it's the mediums... like Beckie,
she didn't experience this.
So she's saying yeah,
that we have nothing there.
She was like dude,
talking about scrapping
the footage. Everything.
We filmed until 4:00 AM
- I personally,
when I was reaching out to people,
I have pretty much closed
myself off for these couple
of days in order to
focus on the investigation.
And when people were
asking, "Hey, how's it going?"
I was telling them that it
was a horrible nightmare
and everything was going wrong.
And the problem is when you
have cameras on, they're on
with the intent of capturing this capsule
of the investigation that is entertaining
for someone to watch.
But what was actually happening
and being represented
had nothing to do with
what we are experiencing.
The discord, the arguments,
the overlooking what feels
so obvious.
- And then I heard her
like floating about oh maybe
after Brasher house, we
should go back to the, the, the,
the Black Horse Tavern.
Dawg, if she suggests
that and is serious, like
I'm flipping, I'm done bro, we have no doc.
- This is my first time coming into the
Brashear house and we're gonna walk through
and check what we feel.
[ominous music]
So this energy that I see
moving around feels like gutting.
Like maybe something was torn down
and moved, a wall was moved or something,
but the energy kind of stops
and it restarts, which is interesting.
Oh this feels,
oh okay.
The energy in this room is real
different than anywhere else.
This is real different.
And this, this would
explain a lot going on.
Whoa, this mirror would,
because the energy has nowhere to travel
'cause the mirror bounces it right back.
So that's why it feels like
this tornado in here right now.
I feel kind of stressed out in this room.
I don't know why I'm not,
there is a lot going on
from multiple directions.
It's almost like it's bringing
together everything else in
the house.
- The Brashear house was stunning.
The history's very cool,
the house felt very lived in.
It didn't feel, it didn't feel
as spooky I guess more than anything.
It felt very light I would say as well.
I definitely picked up on life
that was lived in the house.
More of the living people that
used to be there as opposed
to anyone deceased.
Alright, so first and
foremost we have the five
of chalices, which is very
interesting considering the house
feels a lot different to
me at least energetically
it seems here.
Generally speaking, the five
of chalices talks about
feeling like you have
to convey emotions,
but nothing here is
really wanting to receive it.
So it seems to me anything
that we're gonna interact
with kind of has its own
business to deal with.
It's not really here to kind
of give us any very important emotional
information from them.
Okay. We have the six
of Pentacles, which is very interesting.
It's the job interview card.
It seems to me that any
kind of work that we do,
if we just lay it on the table
of like, this is what we have
to offer, it's very possible
that we can have some kind
of experience where they understand, oh,
you're here to do work.
I, I see what you're doing.
I don't think we would have any problems.
So it seems like the
house is very amicable.
The next card is the six of Swords. Okay.
Leaving behind things
that no longer benefited you.
So it seems to me this
house was probably left
because people saw opportunities elsewhere.
Like whether it be previous owners,
families, things of that nature.
They kind of just upped and
left. There was nothing else
they really needed from it.
So again, kind of like every,
everything left, you know,
so very amicable vibe.
Let's just see what our advice is for this.
And the advice is the
nine of wands for us today,
which talks about this is
kind of like the way point
between point A and point B.
So if we feel there
might be some stagnancy,
it's not inherently because
there's nothing here.
It's just nothing is really that dramatic
that it really wants
to kind of be like, hey,
like this is what's going on.
So I think the overall vibe
of the house is very amicable and calm.
- So how'd the reading go?
- It went very good.
I think what we're going to
pick up on in the investigation
is a lot of the foot traffic
and life that took place here
in between the changing hands
of owners, at least from
what the reading said.
So we do know this
- Is the childhood home of John Brashear.
The Brashear name in
Brownsville in general is huge.
We keep hitting that every
everywhere we're looking.
We got Brashear Street over there.
I think it's a very powerful name.
So we do wanna pay attention to his name
but also be open to any other spirits
that might be freely moving.
Because what I've noticed
is it seems like anytime we're
opening communication, we're kind
of pulling in a lot of information at once.
Yes. So let's grab some
equipment and head to the windows.
So the first thing we're
gonna set up is the laser grid.
This is gonna be able to pick
up motion that enters the grid
that is gonna be projected onto the wall.
And if something enters
that space that's physical,
it'll tell us in this quadrant
whether it's hot or cold
and it'll light up and
we'll be able to see.
So my theory is if we're
setting this behind us,
something comes to look
at what we're looking at
and what we're about to see.
He's interested in the stars.
We have this beautiful
porch that looks over the town
and up into the church
and we can see beyond the trees the sky,
which is what interested him.
I need to set it down first
so we don't mess up the calibration.
Come as close as we can.
- Wow. The sky is gorgeous. Tonight
- We have the most beautiful opportunity
to see something amazing.
We have this porch
that gives us a really beautiful view.
We have the church over there
and ancestors of the
town who are buried there.
And we do have this tree in the way.
But just beyond the tree,
I hope everyone is seeing
exactly what I'm seeing.
And just beyond the the
lines here, we do have a really
beautiful sky.
- It's gorgeous. I can see
why John was so in love with it.
- We just think really hard. I
know there are some clouds.
Push those clouds out with our mind
and invite John to come take a look
with us and join us.
[ominous music]
John, if you're here,
could you take a look at what we're seeing?
Hmm. I just saw something over there.
Over there. It just like
went past the steeple.
Something like black,
like a giant black mass.
- I'll stay looking that way then.
- It wasn't a bird. It was big.
- Ad it was black?
- It was just right across
the cross right there.
It literally was just like it
passed over that cross.
- Wow. Maybe John was looking at the sky
for more than one reason.
- It was like a black mass. It
wasn't even a human thing.
Nothing. And it, its goal is to you
to make you question everything.
- This steeple out
there, I was staring at it
and then this black mask just like
went in front of the steeple.
It was like swirling around it.
- That's crazy it happened.
Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine. I need a break though.
- Okay.
- Yeah, I can't, I need a break.
Yeah, you guys can keep going
but I, you can go along
for now, like without me,
but I, I have to take a break.
- Okay.
- I can't.
[ominous music]
- So I've got B roll of this rain,
and like the neon light signs.
So we can transition from the
end of the investigation there
where Beckie saw the black mask.
And we can go into like,
okay, some time has passed
and now we're going
to discuss our findings.
What are people's thoughts on
how the rest of the night looks?
- Okay. You want to go back to the tavern?
- Yes. When we started at
the tavern, we didn't know
how things were going to unfold.
So when I told you I didn't lie,
but when I told you we're
gonna hit all these locations
and do light investigating
at them, I thought
what we would experience
is the spirits we're supposed
to in the capacity that we're supposed to.
So I'm invited to this place
and I'm told it's a historic
home that I might like.
So that's where we started.
- I guess my point of contention is
that first night we got some crazy activity
and experiences from the medium
and the intuitives, the
paranormal investigation,
other than the Estes
method where Chris, Viva,
and Jules experienced
something that was scary.
I feel like you had left it as well,
based on my conclusions,
there's not, there's no
paranormal activity here.
So it's like, okay, well we
said that at the beginning
then why are we going back to that place
to end it when as we
go from place to place,
we should be going to a more
important place for the audience.
This is more important than historical.
This is more important.
We have to keep upping
it, not regressing
- Because we missed, we missed the point.
You guys can only see what you see
and we're not filming a reality show
where there's wires tapped
and you're getting 24 7
surveillance of what's going on.
So the second the camera
stop, stop rolling conversation
and dialogue is happening.
So what happens is stuff is happening
that can't be quantified
that started there.
So when I say nothing is
happening, I mean we tried
to record an EVP, but
this is the paranormal.
So we're entering these
spaces like with this idea
that things are gonna transpire
and it gets you every time
because it's never gonna transpire exactly
how you expect it to.
So as we're doing this,
as I'm feeling like every
single person I brought here
was brought here for a reason.
It doesn't make sense
because we're like, this
is going on now up here
and we're, our equipment
is not doing anything,
but they're feeling this way.
And then it starts to create this confusion
- We feel like are trying to be work
with you and do what you want.
But I don't know if it's always the
same way back where you're like,
- Yeah, I wanna work with
you and do what you want to.
- I mean like in that we need
to also craft this in an
entertaining and interesting way.
I don't, I'm not trying to
manipulate or fabricate anything.
So I think we just trust her.
- We got permission to
separate the paintings.
- Yeah, that too.
Oh okay, well then you, you, you,
you should've led with that.
- Wae made it this far,
we're gonna see it through.
- We won't.
- And I'll trust in Beckie
that she'll bring it home.
- I've been investigating the
paranormal for 15 plus years.
I've been experiencing phenomena since I
was eight years old.
Something that I've noticed
about exploring the other
side is that it tends to kind of
bring out more human
elements than I think we
give it credit for.
And we become so focused on the aspect
of paranormal
investigating that is speaking
to the spirits of dead people.
That we forget that we are human beings
having a human experience together
and perceiving everything
in different ways based on the
different points that we're at in life.
And so I have found
that this kind of picking at a weakness
that has happened on this trip is
not un unusual when it comes
to exploring the paranormal.
Honestly. It tends to,
something to this effect tends
to happen a lot.
Why that happens is a universal question
that I'm not probably ever
going to know the answer to.
Or if I think I know the answer to it,
it'll probably change down the road.
But I do think that when you reach out
to the other side like this
and sort of dig deep into
these kind of universal
questions that we're asking that
the other side, you know, reaches back
and demands sort of a sacrifice
of, of ego
and a sacrifice of that
human experience in order
to really connect with
it, in order to touch it.
[suspenseful music]
So we had an opportunity
to talk to Bri, the owner
of the house again earlier today.
And we were talking about the paintings
and remembering how she said
that the last time these two
paintings here were separated,
a lot of activity happened.
And we brought some
equipment with us too to make sure
that if anything acts up right
as we're separating them,
that we can catch it.
So if you wanna grab the
painting to start moving it.
- Okay.
- And I think we should move it to the parlor room,
like all the way across the,
- Okay.
So they're pretty far apart.
- Yeah. And I'm just going
to track you, like follow you
with the obelisk to see
if we get anything else.
- Hello sir. I hope you don't mind.
Alone, alone, alone. It just said alone.
Yeah. You're gonna be
alone just for a little bit.
If you wanna let us know
how you feel about that
we are allowing you to act
however you feel you
need to while you're here,
[ominous music]
we promise we'll put you
back when we're done.
- We're we're addressing the paintings.
I know there are so many
objects in this house that kind
of hold some sort of energy
and if we had enough time
we could investigate them all.
But I do wanna start
heading towards the basement
and looking into the claims
of the first historically significant event
that happened at the site.
And that is?
- The whiskey rebellion. So
A lot of contention happened right here.
And this is where that
energy is held in these stone,
you know, foundations.
So we have a bunch of people
who have completely lost trust
in something they're supposed
to be able to trust, especially
since this country was like
pretty fresh, the established
version of this country.
Not to ignore the people
who were here before them.
- The first meeting of the
whiskey rebellion in 1791
was in that tavern.
George Washington sent federal troops
here to quell the rebellion.
- They get here and then
all of a sudden they want
to tax all of their whiskey.
Yeah. And they, these
farmers out here in this
rural area, that's not fair.
And it still extends today.
We see this kind of behavior.
So we have this voice of the
overthrow and we're gonna try
and bring that back a little bit by kind
of reenacting those feelings
and allowing ourselves to just kind
of project that kind of energy.
While that's going on, you
know, we can ask for a drink,
we can talk about the whiskey
and we're gonna have one
person channeling at the same time.
So while our conversation
and dialogue is being fostered,
we have another person
who's acting as that.
So we'll get some sort of direction toward,
if there's anything here from that.
And perhaps all that anger
and desire to overthrow something is
what is setting off everything
that's going on in this house.
We have to also consider
one of Bri's most notable
experiences here was based
after they were reenacting something.
So it works in this house.
So before we start,
we're kind of leaving her
as an outlier, if that makes sense.
So she's gonna be channeling
whoever's being channeled,
and we don't know what that means.
And if we feel strong to interact with her
- No one.
You hear them?
- Can you believe
they're doing this again?
- I can't. I'm so angry.
- I am going to do something about this.
We all have to do something about this.
Once you give 'em a little
bit, they're gonna continue
to keep doing the same
thing over and and over again.
- Don't matter.
- And I can't believe they're
trying to take that from us.
- What should we do?
- What do you think we should do
- Next time the tax man
comes, we teach him a lesson.
- I don't know if this is valid,
but I just heard a train go
by and then it's a, it is weird.
- Is there anyone else
here who wants to chime in?
- No, don't tell them.
- What'd she say?
- No, don't tell them.
- I am a concerned citizen
and I don't want these
laws to keep us down.
Can you tell us who you are?
- Can't see me. - We can see you.
So there is something
that was mentioned today
by the owner of the property.
I don't know if it's related.
And that would be the
underground tunnel system
that her and her husband mentioned.
- This lady.
- I was literally just
thinking, I normally wouldn't say this,
but how it's probably weird
that women are having this conversation
because we would not
be invited to this table.
And then I was thinking,
I really need to think
of myself as a man in this moment.
- Yeah. - And when
we're all in this room, we are all equal.
We all have the same goal.
Do you think I'm lying?
- You are
The wall there.
- The wall there? - Or the water?
- Yeah, the wall there.
The wall there? It's hard to hear her.
- Which wall? The one with the pipe on it
or the one with the door?
- There.
- The one with the door.
What does it mean to you?
[ominous music]
- Closed.
- Closed?
- What if we opened it? - Nope. Oh,
- I was going for it too.
- I was gonna say, Seth
said not to open it too. So
- But we're investigators.
- There's nothing behind me, correct?
- No.
- She can't hear. So
- I'm gonna open it.
- Open it. - I'm gonna open it.
- Yeah, I think we should
- Don't.
- We did, we did.
- It's cold. - I'm gonna put this back.
- We open the door both
physically and spiritually.
- Yep. I have a, I don't like
- Nobody's touching her.
I mean, she's not near
the wall or anything.
- No, no. And nobody's touching her.
I'm, I'm not even near her. No. Yeah.
And we still have somebody with us too.
- Well, I'd be watching what's
happening right now too.
- Oh yeah.
- Like we've opened the door now.
- Why?
- We had to.
- I don't like that,
it doesn't sound like a person
anymore. I don't wanna do it anymore.
- Okay. - I don't wanna
- Okay. Tap her out
- All right.
- I don't wanna do it anymore.
- You okay?
- I don't like what it
sounds like. I don't like it.
What does it sound like?
It sounds like scary noises.
Sorry, I'm getting emotional.
- This is,
- I don't like that.
- This is why
- Do you need to take a
break? Yeah. I don't like that.
- Yeah, you can take a break. - Let's go.
- I'm scared
- Me? Yeah, let's go.
- Come on.
- We went down into the
basement where I had already had
odd feelings about things.
And unfortunately during an Estes session,
I absolutely felt like
something had pulled me.
I heard several people speaking to me
and it got to the point
where I started to feel afraid,
which has never happened
to me on an investigation.
And after I felt pulled, I
started to hear things that were
so not how I would describe
human voices to sound.
And it terrified me.
- Dude, she's messed up.
- Yeah. Hold on.
- She's shaking.
- Yeah. No, she's physically
shook. I'm like what?
- I mean she's not normally like this.
- I known her, yeah, for
the, a couple times we filmed.
She's typically very like,
like she would joke after.
- We have to figure out
what's going on in this house.
- Should we keep going?
- We have to.
- I'm I'm gonna go in.
I wanna go in.
- Yeah. Okay.
- Whoever that was.
- Yep.
That made Jules feel that way.
I'd like to know your name
because you are not
allowed to touch any one of us
or make us feel that way.
You don't have that control over
- Oh yeah?
- Yes.
[suspenseful music]
- Can you tell me why
the house got like this?
What made it get into this situation?
- I will.
- There's something in
this house that feeds you?
I hear something just
beyond it. Like, like in there.
Could you make a sound?
Anything that makes
us know that you're here.
[loud banging sound]
Are you kidding me?
What, dude, I know it was probably a pipe,
but then all of these lights
started happening at same.
- Somebody like right here.
- Like a large one.
I, you know like it
takes a lot. It takes a lot.
And you know this.
- Well, we haven't heard, heard a pipe.
We just haven't heard any, any of that.
- Okay. Okay. We know you're here.
- I'm getting something about the wharf.
- Okay. Everything, the style is connected.
When I realized, okay, this is lining up.
This feels compelling and
the trip wire is lighting up.
We need something intelligent to happen.
And I called out to say,
can you give me another
sign that you're here?
I know you're trying to
interact with this equipment.
And there was a loud bang almost instantly.
And the lighting on the trip wire changes
at the same moment.
When that happened, I called
out like, yes, I understand
that this may have been just a pipe,
but it followed this common
theme, which is in this place
where the electricity seems to be
causing a lot of the activity.
So it's easy to say it's electricity,
but now we're down here and it's the pipes.
Sometimes spirits
manipulate what they have.
And after that happened,
we realized we've been
able to get to the root of this.
There is something going on in the basement
and we wanted to work with Seth.
We knew he was gonna be disappointed
that we opened the door,
but he was understanding
of why we opened the door.
[suspenseful music]
- He was, her responses
were completely accurate
to the questions that we were asking.
Yeah. And everything that we were saying.
- And we didn't wanna be
dismissive of what happened
to you, but it was there.
We weren't supposed to,
but I feel like as investigators,
we were supposed to, - And I understand.
- There was a woman standing
in front of me going, don't,
don't like that at my face,
standing this close to me.
I could almost see, I have
my eyes open behind the blind.
I could almost see her.
- Okay well, that's something
that we can now relay.
We figure out what's going on down there.
- Yeah. - Yes. It's intense.
It's intense for everybody right now.
- Yeah. - But we need to let her know,
then we leave that door closed.
That's why it was closed.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
But we're getting the same
thing. This was created.
He has no idea what's going on.
And something was created down there. Yeah.
That's my impression.
- And even on the obelisk
as well, when she asked,
"Can you tell us what happened to you?"
Like why you're down here? It said.
- What did you say?
Me? I didn't say anything.
- Nobody talked babe.
- It was me. I was just me.
- Do you step out?
- Yeah. I think I need
to get out of the house.
- Yeah. He is getting real red.
- Yeah, it's trying to get in me
and I, I am having a hard
time fighting him right now,
and I don't know why.
- Okay. Step out. Are you safe in the car?
- Yes. I, I just, I don't even want be
- You don't want, you
don't want that to your Yeah,
- I just, okay.
I just want be in fresh air for a few.
- I have anxiety right now.
But that just could be because
We're talking about it.
If you're okay, I'm gonna just step us.
- No, please. It's all right.
It's okay. That's fine. That's fine.
- That's why we keep him out.
- Yeah.
- [Bleep] off. [Bleep] off.
[Bleep] off. [Bleep] off.
- Yeah.
He's so undone.
- Yeah.
And then so the pipes
bang, the lights light up.
It literally lit up.
Everyone was like, okay,
we got, we gotta keep going.
And then I was like, why?
- What was the that?
- That was the basement.
- It was the pipe again.
- The pipe again in the basement.
That was the same sound,
- Right when you said the pipes bang.
- So one of the themes that we're noticing
that has been going on,
like the electrical stuff.
Yeah. We, we can debunk,
like when we go in with
that debunking mind, we're
like, oh, the electrical, this,
that, and, and that's what
happened with the pipe.
I'm like, it was the pipe,
but it was when the pipe hit,
and it's like almost as if the
manifestation happened in
this way that it, it feels normal.
Which is why who was here,
was able to compartmentalize it
as being like, oh, bad, bad wiring.
But he knew that somehow
because he had, he put the blessings
on the breaker, you know?
- So he did that?
- Well, and that, you know what,
- Yes.
- The previous owner.
- In hindsight now, when I saw everyone
point towards the door and
a tall, modern man walk in,
I wonder if that could've
just been like an impression
or a memory of the previous.
- That's what, exactly
what I felt in that moment.
You said it. I was like, oh, okay.
I'm, I'm kind of putting it
together. Seth had some notes.
I took a look at him. He made this.
And, and that's the reality of it.
That it was created in an attempt
to gain something for himself.
And it does leave that kind of energy.
He's got his hands dipped
in pretty much every house.
- Yep. Exactly.
- Every neighborhood.
- Definitely in some way, shape or form.
It all comes back to here.
- Surrounded by spirits. - Yeah.
- Oh yeah.
- So now what? We close the door.
- Yeah. We have to.
- We close the door.
Have to reset a boundary.
[suspenseful music]
- My intent to seal this door
from ever trapping anything
again, it is my intent to release anything
that should not be stuck here.
It is my intent to banish all harm
and evil from this or whatever.
So, and I use, I don't use
the word evil, you know, I don't,
this was straight up evil.
- Okay, - If I was religious,
I would, I, yeah. Anyways,
- So as I'm drawing it, I say
- Malkuth, Malkuth, Malkuth.
- Three times?
- Three times.
- Yes, three times.
- Remember it Tyler and
Chris. You have to write
- It on a, - You have piece of paper.
You have to at least whisper
the words to yourself too,
because I'm not even kidding.
- Three times?
- Yes, and let resonate in
your chest when you say it.
- Yep.
- Like you're doing om.
- Everything.
Take the piece of paper, shove it under the
door just in case.
- Yeah. - The basement decides
to flood or, and wash the chalk.
- God forbid the chalk comes
off the door. It's under there
regardless. Seriously. I'm not joking.
- Ah, he - Thank
Thank you.
- So wait, are we going
down in the basement?
- Thank you.
- They're placing their intention.
- Everyone here has placed
their intention in the chalk.
Now I have to do it myself.
- All right, let's break this up.
We talked to Seth. Seth along
with everyone else has agreed
that this space is too dangerous
for anyone to come back down here.
We are going to close the
door, but we can't just close it.
We've opened it up. Seth feels
that whatever was in here was released.
And that doesn't necessarily
mean it was something
contained that was bad.
It might have been something that was taken
that wasn't supposed
to be in here, is now free.
We are gonna close the door.
We're gonna protect the space
and we're definitely gonna
do a good cleansing after this.
But we're all gonna have
to put everything into this.
And we do have it drawn
on a piece of paper so
that when we're done,
if this ever comes off,
if anyone ever washes it off,
that's still gonna exist in that space.
- Yep.
- Malkuth, Malkuth, Malkuth.
It is my intent to protect this space
and to keep anyone
who doesn't belong
from being contained here.
All evil,
all negative intention is forbidden from
reentering this space.
Everyone who's been here
is protected. This door,
this space will never be used
for anything bad ever again.
Nobody here is permitted
to go home with anyone.
We are all protected.
The space is protected.
We are going to keep the
space the way it was meant to be.
- You can feel it.
- Yeah, the like, emotion.
- Yeah.
[ominous sound]
- When we walked away
and the cameras were off,
there definitely was there
some settling sounds
and I described it
as like the sensation
you feel when you know
that something is dead,
but it's still twitching.
That's what it felt like.
We walked away from that.
I know that right now
I'm flushed, I'm tired.
I feel like every life force in me has now
been squeezed out.
I know I'm protected, I know I'm safe,
but I definitely need to recharge.
- I regret bringing everyone here.
- That's it.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- Could you make a sound?
Anything that makes
us know that you're here?
[loud bang]
Are you kidding me?
- What dude?
- I know it was probably a pipe, but then
all of these lights started
happening at the same time.
Somebody like right here.
- Holy shit.
I, you know, it like it
takes a lot. It takes a lot.
And you know this.
- I don't like this.
- Do you need to take a break?
- Yeah. I don't like that.
- Yeah, you can take a break.
- It scared me.
- Yeah, let's go.
[suspenseful music]
- What happened to you?
Like why you're down here?
- What did you say?
- Me? I didn't say anything.
- Nobody talked babe.
It was me. I was just me.
You need to step out?
- Yeah, I think I need
to get out of the house.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- My name's Beckie Galentine.
I'm a paranormal investigator.
I regret bringing everyone here.
That's it.
- There's documents
upstairs in the Castle Archives
that say Pittsburgh will never amount
to anything because of Brownsville.
Hello, my name is Rocky Brashear.
I'm president of the
Brownsville Historical Society,
Nemacolin Castle.
There's a lot of history
in this town everywhere.
There's a lot of history everywhere.
It's kind of a little secret.
People flocked to Pittsburgh.
But this was going to be the real hub
of Western Pennsylvania.
At one time. This place was
supposed to be called the city
of Churches 'cause there
are 13 churches behind you.
All different denominations
and most of 'em are still there.
- Brownsville, Pennsylvania
is rich with history.
My name is Brianne Mitchell
and I am the current property owner
and caretaker of the Black Horse Tavern,
which is located in
Brownsville, Pennsylvania.
Brownsville currently
today is sort of known
as part of the Rust Belt
and where maybe people have left
and it's been a little bit forgotten.
But historically rich,
absolutely beautiful.
Located along the Monongahela
River in Fayette County.
And geographically it's absolutely perfect.
[dramatic music]
- There had to be a reason we were all here
and there had to be a reason
I felt compelled to be here.
There had to be a reason
that this place demanded
so much attention.
- So what we're going
to do is invite in all the
spirits of Brownsville.
So I went ahead and made this rope for us
and blessed it with some
spirit oil, some lotus oil,
and also like an offering oil
to all the spirits of Brownsville.
So they feel invited in.
And welcome to talk to us
as we go about this
investigation in several locations.
My name is Jules. I'm originally
from Long Island, New York.
I have been an occult
practitioner since early childhood,
thanks to people in my family
and I've been a professional tarot reader
for the last 12 years.
What we'll do is we'll pull it through
and as we pull it,
we'll say we invite in all
of the spirits of
Brownsville who are willing
to communicate with us.
We are here as friends and researchers
and to get some closure for any answers
that have been left open.
- The first meeting in the
Whiskey Rebellion in 1791
was in that tavern.
The farmers left there, went out,
rebelled against the whiskey tax
'cause it was cheaper to
ship whiskey than it was grain.
So the farmers had their meeting.
Washington County, which
is right across the bridge,
takes credit for the whiskey rebellion.
But the meeting, the first meeting started
right here in that building
[ominous music]
- For the past few years.
As the caretaker
and current property owner
of the Black Horse Tavern,
we wanted the the property
to become a community
asset instead of having it be
closed up as a private house.
So we turned it into a
community asset, a place
where people can come and explore
and learn about the rich
history of the town and the house.
And during these tours, events
and experiences that
we've hosted at the Tavern,
we have had our fair
share of spiritual activity.
Specifically. The house seems to be very,
when there are a lot
of people in it, it almost
communicates to everyone who walks
through the door if you're
open to that sort of thing
or that type of communication.
And it has a very deep, rich history.
But as you might be able to see
or hopefully experience
later, it's very spiritually active.
- So this is 2 0 3 Front Street,
but we know her as the Black Horse Tavern.
We've got 200 years of history here.
[dramatic music]
- So this is my first
experience in this home.
And it's a lot. A lot to
absorb. A lot to absorb.
My name is Seth Browder. I am
from Colorado. I am a medium.
And I have been doing this
professionally since I've been
16 years old.
I am now 48.
Somebody said it wasn't always like this.
This woman said it wasn't
always like this when I owned
it, she didn't even die here.
Why is she here? Why are
you here? Why are you here?
She's attached to a tunnel
Is there tunnel under this house?
Like, like there's movement
happening under the house.
Like significant movement.
- There was a tunnel discovered
from that street to here,
from here to downtown in 2019
by the gas company was working on the road.
They punched a hole in the
road and they found a big tunnel.
It could be escape tunnel
for the British soldiers.
'cause their fort was
somewhere over in this
area, Redstone Fort.
And it could have been just bringing up
goods from the ships.
We don't know. We don't know.
- Okay.
- Okay.
All right. Stop.
This is like a different world down here.
There's, there's this a different world.
I'm not, I'm not opening that door.
Something. I don't know how to describe
what this thing looks like is trying
to go into this door and shut it.
And it was like a creation
of multiple energies of death.
It's, it's very creepy. It is very weird.
I would never stay down here by myself.
Like he watches what
goes in and out of there
and I wonder, hmm.
[soft music]
For my safety, she says we have to leave
'cause he'll get us.
So we will just take that warning.
[ominous music]
- I am aware of four
or what I believe to
be four specific spirits.
There could be more. But I believe
that there are four
individual specific spirits who
currently live in the house,
participate in the activity in the house,
or who call the house their own.
One would be a former owner of the house
or a master of the house
who is a very dominant male figure
and expresses himself very
freely but also very dominantly.
And lets you know that he
is here and this is his room
or his area or his house.
And he tends to stay
in this particular area.
And whenever I do go up to the third floor,
I always ask permission,
- Okay, oh this guy's like a grandpa
or grandfather.
What is going on up here? Oh my God.
Oh, 'cause that's where
he stands. This is why.
That's where he stands.
He's like this window,
this man is just standing,
looking out the window like a,
he called it a prison.
He keeps saying over and over
you've come to take me away.
You've come to take me away over and over.
Oh, his skin on his arms is thin.
[soft music]
It is like a really,
it's like he's wearing a diaper.
This old man, like really
decrepit old dude wearing a diaper
do not do that again to me.
Do not do that again. There's
something wrong with this man.
I don't like you. I don't even know you.
I want to get out of this room now.
- I think there was a general
feeling of mass confusion
after the first night.
My goal entering the space was
that we have this town here
where the world has turned its back.
And then we have these
incredible people that are trying
to breathe life into these
homes and not let them go.
They're, they're hanging
by their last little threads.
- Okay. So we're headed
up to the third floor,
but we left Seth and Jules
and Dominic downstairs
because they need some time to regroup
and do their own thing
down there while us three
as the paranormal investigators
head to the third floor.
My name is Amanda Paulson.
I have been a paranormal
investigator for over 15 years.
And I'm from Spokane, Washington.
- When I walked by here,
I can literally feel my hair
standing up like right here.
- Oh, I feel I know what you
mean. Yeah. What is that?
But you know what's
interesting though too is it's giving
the spiderweb effect.
- Yes.
- Which is very like very
common in haunted places.
- Yeah.
[ominous music]
- My first thoughts
entering the tavern were
that of skepticism.
My natural reaction in
paranormal investigating
and exploring the other side tends to be
a skeptical outlook. I think I naturally
took to my equipment.
- And like you said, it's
not gonna be like wires
running through the ceiling.
I don't, unless there's not
like a satellite or something.
- It's going off. Knob-and-tube
wiring would run through the ceiling,
- But knob and tube wouldn't.
- Oh, okay. - Set this off. Okay. Yeah.
Which actually, and these
are non grounded outlets
and the only non-grounded
outlets are downstairs.
I don't see any... because you
guys had to run that.
The lighting there.
There is. There's a non-grounded outlet
on the other side of that wall.
- Yeah, that's my mic. That
was my head. As of right now.
I'm not reading. I accidentally
read my mic for a second.
That's how that should
- Yeah - happen if what
we suspected is correct,
but I'm not reading anything at all.
Is there someone upstairs who would like
to come into this room with
us and and chat with us?
- What do you think about the town
and the way everything's
been with all the people leaving?
- I feel like we felt
something up here at first
and then I
I might be wrong,
but I feel like it just
went like downstairs.
We went up, felt it go through
and now I'm like almost
wondering if like Seth
and Jules are feeling something,
- I'll have to check in with them.
- I know.
- Yeah. And see how they are.
- I am so up all of a sudden what the,
there must be up in that room.
- Okay, well since they're
upstairs investigating,
let's discuss some of the
things then that you have felt
and some of what we think might be kind
of going on here then.
So in regards to the older
gentleman that you saw,
what would you assume was his position?
- He was angry,
but it was more like he was
maybe had schizophrenia.
- Sure.
- Or was misdiagnosed.
- Hello, my name is Dominic Lagamba.
I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
I would not want to
play it up more than it is,
but I feel like I've been
intuitive my entire life
and sensitive to some things.
But will I claim to be something
I'm not? Absolutely not.
So I've always had
an interest in the occult
and the paranormal ever since I was young.
And that has been a
lifelong journey for me too.
- So the old man, he was upset
that they wouldn't just
put him in the hospital
and he pointed it's just down the street
and I was like, oh, that's weird.
And then he said, then
they squished my body up
and tried to burn me in the basement
and then buried me where in the,
they buried me in the yard, the only place
where the roses grow.
And I was like, oh.
And I, I walked around
most of the front yard
and I'm like, I don't see roses.
So I thought that was kind of fascinating.
And so then we're leaving
and there's this closet that,
[dying animal sounds]
- What - Was that?
- It was a bird.
- It sounds like a bird getting killed
by a cat.
[ominous music]
- The tavern. As soon as I
walked through the door, I
did not like a feeling in here.
As soon as I set foot through the door,
I started seeing things on
the peripherals of my vision
that just made me question
reality and so on and so forth.
Luckily I had my partner
and close friends here to
validate my experiences,
which was very nice and settling for me.
But since I walked through
the door, I was not a fan
of the vibe in this place.
Unsettled is the, the overwhelming theme.
Very observant and unsettled
the entire time I've been here.
- Was Amanda using
the box that makes words?
- Yeah. - Not that, but was she using it?
- Yes.
- Like she has been using it?
If it was whatever it
was is feeling mocked.
- It was feeling mocked. - Yeah.
- And it was showing and it was weird
because I kept seeing, it
wasn't saying something to me,
it was showing me
words like that I could feel.
And it, it was not, it gave a a yucky laugh
as well and it was feeling mocked.
That followed you guys
up. It followed you guys up.
It was like a black mass. It
wasn't even a human thing.
Nothing. And it, it's goal
was to &%^ with you
to make you question everything.
And I said, and I just
said, watch this mask,
push them back down here.
- There not only with the house
and the paranormal activity
specifically within the house,
but there seem to be many
artifacts within the property
that the property houses that
sort of cultivate their
own paranormal activity.
In particular, there are
two paintings in the hallway
that I was told not to separate at all
under any circumstances.
One time we had a cleaning
crew who came in to clean
after the event and they
were dusting and cleaning
and they separated the pictures.
One picture went to one end of the hall,
the second picture stayed where it was.
And in succession every light
popped down the hallway
and I immediately ran
and grabbed the portrait
and brought it back together.
And then the lights in this
room actually all exploded at
the same time and we had
to replace the light fixture.
So stories like that, I'm not sure
what the relationship
is with the paintings,
but we know that they have to stay together
and we have very explicit
instructions in regard
to keeping these two portraits,
these two pieces of art together.
So if you come this way, I would love
to show you the hallway
right in front of the library
where we have another very
exciting and active picture.
[suspenseful music]
- Pause a second. - Grab that light.
- Yeah, this, this blew
out. Like it, you know,
- Just maybe put up on top of that door.
Door front. Oh, where
are you gonna stand that?
Are you going in? She's
gonna stand right. Oh.
- Oh, look at that. Perfect. Wait, look.
- Wait, what? - What is it?
- I, I don't, I mean, so
this is, I've never noticed
that key up there before.
The skeleton key was there
whenever you put the light up. So
- That's crazy.
- You've never seen that before?
- No, I've never seen
the skeleton key before.
I'm actually gonna put it
right back where I found it.
And fun little surprises
happen like this all the time.
So that can go right back where it was.
[suspenseful music]
- So we are now up on the second floor.
It looked like on the third
floor we did, we were able
to debunk a lot of the K two
hits that we were getting up there.
So I'm happy to actually be able to come
to this second floor area
where the owner says
that there are also claims down here.
- One of the things that
Bri told us earlier is these
paintings over here,
if they're separated
they might cause activity.
So we need to be mindful of that.
We might not be interacting
with the spirits of the house,
but it, it could be the
objects that are here.
There was a pretty wild story that she had
and it when they were separated.
So we'll see what happens.
We don't know the history
of the paintings so keep that in mind.
So Amanda's come up with a modification
of the Estes method it's actually
almost a completely different
method that it allows her
to get into that trance.
But when you're doing that, you kind
of receive different information
that doesn't exactly fit into vocabulary.
So she has a method called the L method
that it will not be manipulated
in any way by EMF
for any of the trigger devices.
So I think it's a good
time to try and employ that
and allow her to try it here.
- Is there something you'd like to show us?
I heard something like, "you do."
Oh, they're taking me somewhere down the
back stairs back here.
- What's significant
about those back stairs?
- I'm seeing a clock and it says 11 o'clock
and it's hanging over the
table that Seth and Jules
and Dominic are sitting at for some reason.
- And it, its goal is to [bleep] with you
to make you question everything
- I felt like somebody
touched me on my left arm.
Just a really light tap.
[ominous music]
There was a small tap
but I don't know if
it's from the paintings,
although I will say it feels
like the paintings are a
million miles away.
It comes and goes.
Now I'm seeing an older, an older man,
I'm seeing his side profile
walking into the room.
Any activity that does
happen in the house is affected
by a man's spirit.
And when he comes in they go.
- It's a very dominant male figure
and expresses himself very
freely but also very dominantly.
And lets you know that he
is here and this is his room
or his area or his house
and he tends to stay
in this particular area.
- So we have Viva and Jules upstairs
and they're gonna do Estes
and we're gonna try downstairs.
- Perfect. - The vibe that I'm getting
and what it seems to
be is there's a lot of spirits
that have never had the chance to speak
and they're all speaking at once.
So we're gonna give them
two completely opposite areas
to use as an outlet to talk to us.
- Yeah, - Absolutely.
And hopefully we can get,
get some more information.
- My name is Viva.
I've been a paranormal
investigator for about five years
and I have had this passion
since I was a little girl.
The Estes method that I had
with Jules upstairs in
the attic was actually
really, really compelling.
Not only did I have things happen,
Jules also had things
happen while she was under
during the Estes session.
But also you, the cameraman did also hear
and witness some of the
things that were going on.
- You gotta start your Estes Method.
- All right. Count to 10
and then start our Estes.
- As soon as I hang up.
- As soon as you hang up. Okay, later.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Hello?
- I know that we were
told that there may be
a man up here.
- You made it.
- Who made it?
- Not important.
- Is there anything? I think.
- It's near the man.
- Man.
There is a woman that sounds like she is
crying when she talks.
- I bet we can - Don't tell them that.
- Is there anyone here who
would like to speak to us?
[suspenseful music]
- And her.
- Talk.
- What do they know?
- Who talks?
- Bitch, you gotta stop right now, Beckie.
- Fine.
- Are you kidding?
- What are you doing here?
- We're here.
- What town are we in at the moment?
- She's seen enough down there.
- Okay
- Now
- I dunno what the [Bleep] that was.
- That's me. You want to come out?
- Yeah.
- Okay. There's definitely,
it's hard to explain
but I'm sure you'll hear it.
There's like, there's like a a, a guy
that is very clearly talking
and is like, they don't need
to hear it. They don't need to hear it.
- This is Beckie speaking.
There's like just a, the
way, the way the noise
there is like this undertone of laughter
that is consistent.
It's just like, "ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."
And I've never heard
anything like that before
and it makes it really
hard to like focus in.
So I like obviously just heard those
but I'm not, it's,
it's not like it normally is.
- A bit, - It literally is
like, "ha ha ha ha ha."
It's like, and I can hear it sounds like
volume 10 in the wrong direction.
Like so quiet. Like it's
like I hear the sound.
I don't know if there's like
something clouding everyone's
ability to like truly channel
and like focus or like, and,
and not just like on the people,
but if there's something
here that's just like,
or there's like a barrier
with like communication
or if it's the devices
and I'm like reeling through my mind,
is it like something in
this area, this region?
Like what about these devices
would make these spirits
like, "nah, not that."
[suspenseful music]
- I almost convinced myself I was crazy
because this was the first time I've seen
so much chaos in one location
and completely different
on every single floor.
It was absolute chaos.
- Alright. How, how did upstairs go?
- Oh boy. The upstairs
was definitely a very
interesting situation.
The Estes method actually
yielded a lot of correlations with
what we were, what I was
experiencing while she was under,
all of the responses came through.
It was very much very relevant
to you guys very much wanting
to talk about the both of you,
which was absolutely terrifying
- Because we got radio
silence practically down there.
- Wow. So
- It felt like they were
insinuating like there's
someone down here observing us right now.
And that's what it was talking about.
I didn't, I wasn't sure if
that correlated to anything
so I would just kept
on like, no we're here.
Like we're down here. Like
that's kind of what it sounded like
- They said "Stop talking
bitch." downstairs And that was,
- Yeah 'cause it was mad.
Something about Beckie came up.
I don't remember exactly what I said.
Yeah, I can't remember
either. Yeah, I don't remember
exactly what I said but it
was something about you
and then it was about you listening.
It just felt like a wall like that
it just wasn't happening.
- Yeah. And I was still
taking into account everyone's
experiences and how everyone felt
and the things that were happening outside
of the investigation
that were making me feel like
something paranormal was kind
of bubbling up and
happening beneath the surface.
But if I were to go off of my equipment
alone on the first night at
the tavern, then I would say
that it
was inconclusive.
- Getting nothing is never
nothing. It's not a loss.
We did our, our job
and when the information was
contrasting with what
the intuitives were saying,
I didn't feel anything about
what they were experiencing.
Like I felt that it was valid.
I felt that and believed them.
Especially when they're
saying, you know, we,
we felt footsteps
and even though my
data didn't corroborate that
it created this sense of discord
but it really, discord is the only way
to feel about that first night.
[suspenseful music]
- What was with the friction with Beckie?
- Dude, I don't,
I gotta tell you I am not confident
with anything that we captured.
Only because I feel like
what we got was pretty good
and then the end, what was her problem?
- Yeah, she wouldn't take any direction.
I just...
- Everybody else is saying
they experience something.
I feel like I was creeped out
and I never get creeped out this stuff.
And so then when we're going downstairs
and we're excited and she's like, "eh",
"there's nothing here." I'm like,
- We need some activity.
We need some cohesiveness, we need a story.
We need her to get on board.
[birds chirping]
- My name is Courtney. I am
from Shamokin, Pennsylvania
and I moved here in 2020.
We bought the general
store for a dollar shortly
after we bought the house.
I haven't heard much
about this building at all.
It seems like a lot of the people
that live here now aren't necessarily all,
we're mostly from a younger generation.
They're all, maybe my
generation a little bit older,
but they're not really lifers.
We actually tried to go
through some of the things
that we found in here as far as letters
and paperwork and different things
and we found a lot of old invoice books
and different types of bookkeeping
and things, trying to figure out
what businesses were
held here even like recently.
But we don't have a lot of information.
But I do know that some of the letters
and the books that we
found in here are from the
early 1900s.
Haven't had any experience yet,
but I'm hoping to find
some sort of something
that would give us some sort
of detail about what went on here.
[suspenseful music]
- So this is your friend's
place that we're invited
to. What do you know about it?
- I know it's been abandoned for 40 years.
I know that she's not
entirely sure if it's haunted,
but she's very interested in knowing
and the likelihood of
this place being around
for much longer isn't great.
So this might be the last chance
that anything in the
store ever has to speak.
So we're gonna have you
go in and do that initial read
and get us in the right
direction. What you pick up on.
- Let's do it. Let's check it out.
- Because I know that this
place used to be a hotspot
for the stage coaches between
Washington and Union Town
or even coming in from
Pittsburgh when Brownsville
was a big city.
But I, I would just like
to know more about the area in general
so maybe we could find
something that would tell us
what went on in this building,
[suspenseful music]
- I don't kow long I
could be down here for.
- That's fine.
- This is like [bleep] up, man.
- Do I need to take you outside?
- A lot of blood down here.
A lot of animal blood. A a lot.
A lot of like I hear like
a squeegee or something.
- Yeah, I bet that's
just the lifestyle here.
- I wanna, I wanna really throw up.
- Yeah.
Yeah they probably were
doing some butchering here.
We can, we can definitely try
and validate that with
the historical record.
- It's weird that I don't
see any human spirits yet.
- Okay. - I feel it
but I don't see 'em so it's just really
- So I think we should get
started with the investigation.
Would you recommend maybe either in the
greeting landing area,
- The landing area would be safe? I don't
- Think anyone where
people would enter and talk.
- Yeah. Yeah. I don't think
many people would be really safe
down here 'cause it's, it hurts to breathe
and I can't tell if that's
spiritual or if it's actually in the air.
- Yeah, it's, it's definitely
got a lot going on
- 'cause it's making me sick.
- Let's get you outta here. Let's,
- This used to be sort
of like the rural outskirts.
So I know my house used
to be a farmhouse duplex.
There was the brick
factory, there was a tavern
across the street.
My neighbor's house I believe
used to be a funeral home.
I don't think in late history
but it may be the last 50 years or so.
I know there's a lot of history here.
A lot of the houses have been revamped
and they don't really
look historic anymore.
Some have been torn down.
But this is apparently
the oldest standing piece
of history in the historic district.
- My name is Will. I've been
living here in Brownsville
my entire life.
I've been a volunteer member
up here at the Nemacolin Castle
with the Historical Society
for going on eight years.
And I've also been a board member
with the Brownsville Historical Society
for about three years.
Pretty much this whole town.
I say something's going
on in a lot of these places.
It's one of these places
that you move away.
It just brings you back for some reason.
Like I've, I've lived in Columbus, Ohio.
I was living down in Kentucky for a while.
I was in the military and you know,
but it is like all these
places I've ever gone to
and try to live, I always end up back here
for one reason or another.
It is just kind of hard to explain.
It's just, it's just got that draw to it.
- When we were in the basement,
he was feeling like someone
might have been taking a broom
and just pushing, you know
how you would sweep blood away
And I'm like, this is not making sense.
This is a general store.
And when we were exploring on our way out,
I noticed we've got an old
iron meat hook over here
and I'm like, this doesn't
really make sense to me
because it reminds me of
something you put like a ham on.
So I reached out to Courtney
and I was just like, does this make sense?
She told me it was a deli
and she was able to validate
that from someone whose dad owned it.
The woman was older that
she was I think 89 years old.
So when we're thinking about the timeframe
that this would've been
happening, we're not talking about
having iced packs of meat
cleanly packaged in here.
- Oh.
- So it starts to bring that story from
what sounds like this
isn't making sense to, okay,
yeah, he's picking up on the deli
- Now we're going to try
to do some investigating
with some like pieces of ITC equipment.
So trying to really communicate
and like get some actual answers.
I wonder how that will play
out if we're talking to animals.
- I know I'm, I'm inter,
I know that'd be really funny if I hear
like mooing or something.
So I'm really interested to see
what we might capture here.
The walkthrough with
Seth was kind of eyeopening
because you see this
very unassuming building
but there's several different layers to it
and I'm really excited to
figure out what they are.
So I'm gonna get this started. Then
- Walking into the general store, I,
I have a hard time sometime
understanding like when I
see blood, if it was associated
with a murder or if it was like
somebody cut their hand open
and started bleeding everywhere.
So I have to speak it out
loud while we document it
and then we kind of
figure it that part out later.
And the general store was
a good representation of that
'cause we walked in
and I smelt blood like
it was on everything.
And then I heard animals whimpering
and crying when we went to the basement.
It just was, I kept hearing
like scraping on the floors
like like a squeegee pushing water
and it was all just blood everywhere.
- If there's anyone here
that would like to speak to us,
this is our friend Viva.
She can hear you.
So if you can use her
headphones and give her messages.
- Listen.
- We'd love to talk to you.
Yes, listen we would appreciate that.
[soft music]
I apologize for speaking over
you, but my name's Beckie
and this is my friend
Amanda and that's Viva.
Could you tell us your name?
- Oh, I thought I heard,
"you can't be in here."
- Do you know where
I could get like a good,
- The animals - Piece of
meat is what I was gonna say.
- That's messed up. I try
- Not laughing.
Yeah, I was just gonna ask
where can I get a good piece of meat?
- I keep hearing like yelling
or like crying or something,
but it doesn't sound like necessarily
human, which is strange.
Just felt as though maybe
there might be something
residual residing there.
It definitely felt as though
there was an energy
that was kind of soaked into the building.
- You question if there's
something left behind.
What does this mean if this
building can't live anymore
and where do the spirits
go if there are spirits?
So I see this building, it's
exactly what I had looked at,
looked at, I stared at it side by side
and seeing it in person, it was like
this was something sometime
and it meant a lot to people.
It was their store, it
was their livelihood.
So seeing in that condition was interesting
and you squint a little bit
and you start to morph into that past
and you can imagine what it
was like when someone walked in
and started to gossip about
what was happening in town
or bought a piece of candy.
- So we're going into
this blind, we don't know
what happened when they
were in this space before us.
- Correct. Yeah.
- So I am going to set up a EMF trip wire
around you on this table
and we're gonna have
you do your thing with tarot.
- Fabulous. Okay, we'll do Awesome.
We'll do a full reading to
see if we can at least confirm
some of the stuff that
they were talking about.
- And see if anything comes through. So
- I'm excited.
- Alright.
[soft music]
- Okay. So first
and foremost, so we
have the seven of swords.
The seven of swords usually
talks about coming upon
something that has
kind of been left behind.
Sometimes it's about like
changing your perspective on
things or like getting a new
insight or vision on something.
So it's interesting we started there.
So let's see what some of the details are.
Okay, so the first detail is the chariot,
which talks about being
in control of a situation.
Kind of like being able to
almost like take the reins
on a situation to get the vibe.
It seems to me what this is
saying is that whatever is here,
we have a, we have an
understanding of what's here.
We're in control of it.
I don't think anything
would be too crazy.
Next detail. Okay. We have
the elemental of chalices.
It's a little different in
my deck unfortunately,
but this one talks about
like emotional liberation being
free to express without
feeling like something
is gonna bog you down.
So I don't think anything
in here would make us feel
out of control.
I don't think that there's
anything hiding around a corner
- Anything stuck.
- I don't think anything stuck. Exactly.
I think everything's very free
and the situation is very in control.
Let's just see what the advice is.
For us, the advice is the 10 of chalices,
which is about just everybody
be on the same page.
You're gonna have a good experience.
Which is very funny
considering there's a bunch
of people trying to figure
out what's going on here.
- So yeah, - It, it seems
like we're all on the same
page about what's going on.
- Have, before you set up your tarot cards,
have you picked anything up in here?
- Me personally? No, I haven't.
- Neither have I. Yeah.
And we've gotten nothing on
our EMF trip wire.
Yeah, nothing has gone out just yet.
So I would say we're very
in control of the situation
and everything we're
seeing is at surface value.
- Pretty tame.
- Pretty tame at surface value.
When I did the actual tarot
reading, we got impressions
that it was like we're kind
of picking up on a memory
of the town that people came in
and did their grocery shopping.
It was, it was completely
different than feeling like
there's someone actively
in the house confusing us.
So I would say the difference
would be residual versus like
an intelligent haunting.
- The general store was,
if anything residual, an old building
that we were trying
really hard to reach into.
But I don't know that we
really pulled too much out.
- Look at this guy.
- What are you doing with that camera?
- I didn't think anyone would believe it
unless I documented it.
But he's actually cooking.
- I thought you were trying to
catch me bashing my head in.
[ominous music]
- Yeah, I mean like there's,
there's cool stuff there, right?
But like what was the
point? Why did we go there?
I don't get it.
- Chris, the owner opened up with,
I've never had any
paranormal experiences here.
I don't believe this place is haunted.
At that moment my heart
sank thinking, "what in
God's name are we doing here?!"
- I lived in Philadelphia, worked
in Canonsburg, which was south
of Pittsburgh, right, at a
pharmaceutical company.
Also a photographer. Found
this town by chance on my own.
And I left the town with a
sense of some connection
that there was something
about the name Brownsville.
My aunt visited my parents
and they went through my
grandparents' documentation
and it turns out my grandmother
was born at Brownsville
Hospital and baptized at St.
Peter's Church right
here on the north side.
And nobody in my family knew about it.
So that kind of tumbled into a
dynamic where my
fathers felt that his mother,
my grandmother was
tapping me on the shoulder
to do something in this town.
And the premise around
this was to bring it back to the
way the house looked
and was used in the film,
Maria's Lovers that was
produced in the early eighties
- When we first started
staying at Maria's Lovers house,
I started to doubt what might
have been going on there.
It wasn't until a heightened
time here at the tavern
that I get a message from
the owner that said, by the way,
just FYI, it's haunted.
We have at least eight
people who've claimed
and it was the same activity every time.
So when we did the
seance, the discord started
to feel like it was dissipating.
I don't know if it was the time
spent away from the tavern
starting to allow us to
have our clarity again.
But it felt like everyone was allowing
themselves to be open.
It felt like we were on the same page,
we're doing the same
activity, the intent is focused
and we were more in unison
- If everybody's on the same page,
that we are opening up
this circle here this evening
to invite in communication with anything
that is either residual
or just wanting to communicate
if there's any messages from
someone in the house, we're here to listen.
We're here to receive
whatever wants to come through.
And our intent is just to have
open dialogue with the house.
So if anybody wants to start
with just kind of reaching out,
we can absolutely just do that.
- Sure. My name is Beckie.
We come here with respect.
We are so grateful that
you've invited us in your home.
[ominous music]
Is there someone in the
stairs? But are you hearing that?
- Yeah, there's noise over there.
- There we go. - Yeah. Yeah.
Everyone's okay. So
everyone's hearing this, at least
- Everybody's here.
Like we can see everybody that's here
- Messenger.
We can certainly be a messenger for you.
Or if you want to send your
messenger forward you can too.
If there's a spirit in the
house that is more likely
to communicate for you,
you're welcome to come forward.
- No, I keep hearing noises.
- I heard like sh something like that.
- Yeah, it wasn't like a little whisper.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, it did sound like a whisper.
- We have had seven or eight,
I think it might be eight now.
Completely independent
communications back from our guests
stating about certain activities
and uniquely enough they've been a
hundred percent consistent.
There's been two primary activities
that our guests have articulated.
The first one is a
bouncing ball they believe
or some kind of movement
on the stairwell from the second
floor down to the first floor.
In addition, we've heard
consistent messages about
movement and dynamic
and footsteps on the first
floor, primarily in the parlor,
which is just off the main
entrance of the house.
- So we want to specifically
investigate the claims
of footsteps in and out of this room.
So I thought I would run this
K-2 EMF meter on the floor
to make sure that there
aren't any electrical wires.
And then you were
going to put the trip wire
running across the hallway here
to see if we can catch
some of these footsteps.
And we're also going to use
an obelisk at the same time,
- Right.
Because anything that
would trigger the K-2 is
gonna trigger the trip wire.
So if it's not doing that,
then we can take that.
- Yeah.
- We have heard that there's
somebody in this house
who likes to walk back
and forth
- Call
- It says "call."
I'm calling to you
to come downstairs with
us to join us at the table.
We've heard that you like to walk back
and forth from one room to
the other in this hallway here.
We would love to see you do that.
[ominous music]
- There are only two claims
over so many different guests.
Nobody is like, oh I heard this upstairs
or this knocking from the basement.
It is all this uniform ball
going down the steps.
Someone walking down here.
So we have this groove
and we were able to
pull them a little bit out of
that groove, but at the cost
of expending more energy than usual.
- Yeah, - You wanna call it?
- Yeah. - Yeah.
- When me
and Dominic were actually
on the steps conducting an
experiment to see if maybe
there might be a little child
spirit inside of the house
that might want to play
with a ball that we had purchased.
- If you come near this box
or this ball,
the music box will start
playing music for you.
- It has very pretty music.
- There you go. You got it.
- Do you like the music?
The one compelling thing
that actually did happen was
we had a paranormal music box
set up right over top of
where the ball was placed
and we put the ball down,
we put the music box down.
It was silent for quite some time
and then it exploded
with activity is if
something was in front of it.
Trying to make that ball move.
- Investigating at Maria's Lovers house
was interesting.
We tried to incorporate some
modern ghost hunting tools.
Tools as well as implementing
spiritual techniques.
I did have some interesting
impressions myself,
which were in the moment validated by
our medium, Seth.
it was just the investigation
of Maria's Lovers house
definitely followed the discordance
that we were finding ourselves
having throughout the entire trip.
And I don't believe that we
really came to any inclusive
point with that investigation.
- John A Brashear,
the astronomer who
invented the telescopic lens,
that was his home before
he moved to Pittsburgh.
He was the dean of Pitt
and that was his, that was
his boyhood home. According to
what we know of records,
that my great great uncle was
John A Brashear.
And my name is Brashear.
- By the time I was at the Brashear house,
I was
not happy.
I think there was also
kind of an underlying feeling
of that
my purpose seemed to
be slowly slipping away.
- Dude, we've got an
hour before they show up.
- Yeah.
- I'm telling you, if we can
not get something here at the
Brashear house, I'm out.
Like we day one, day one,
we're getting some stuff.
But since it's the mediums... like Beckie,
she didn't experience this.
So she's saying yeah,
that we have nothing there.
She was like dude,
talking about scrapping
the footage. Everything.
We filmed until 4:00 AM
- I personally,
when I was reaching out to people,
I have pretty much closed
myself off for these couple
of days in order to
focus on the investigation.
And when people were
asking, "Hey, how's it going?"
I was telling them that it
was a horrible nightmare
and everything was going wrong.
And the problem is when you
have cameras on, they're on
with the intent of capturing this capsule
of the investigation that is entertaining
for someone to watch.
But what was actually happening
and being represented
had nothing to do with
what we are experiencing.
The discord, the arguments,
the overlooking what feels
so obvious.
- And then I heard her
like floating about oh maybe
after Brasher house, we
should go back to the, the, the,
the Black Horse Tavern.
Dawg, if she suggests
that and is serious, like
I'm flipping, I'm done bro, we have no doc.
- This is my first time coming into the
Brashear house and we're gonna walk through
and check what we feel.
[ominous music]
So this energy that I see
moving around feels like gutting.
Like maybe something was torn down
and moved, a wall was moved or something,
but the energy kind of stops
and it restarts, which is interesting.
Oh this feels,
oh okay.
The energy in this room is real
different than anywhere else.
This is real different.
And this, this would
explain a lot going on.
Whoa, this mirror would,
because the energy has nowhere to travel
'cause the mirror bounces it right back.
So that's why it feels like
this tornado in here right now.
I feel kind of stressed out in this room.
I don't know why I'm not,
there is a lot going on
from multiple directions.
It's almost like it's bringing
together everything else in
the house.
- The Brashear house was stunning.
The history's very cool,
the house felt very lived in.
It didn't feel, it didn't feel
as spooky I guess more than anything.
It felt very light I would say as well.
I definitely picked up on life
that was lived in the house.
More of the living people that
used to be there as opposed
to anyone deceased.
Alright, so first and
foremost we have the five
of chalices, which is very
interesting considering the house
feels a lot different to
me at least energetically
it seems here.
Generally speaking, the five
of chalices talks about
feeling like you have
to convey emotions,
but nothing here is
really wanting to receive it.
So it seems to me anything
that we're gonna interact
with kind of has its own
business to deal with.
It's not really here to kind
of give us any very important emotional
information from them.
Okay. We have the six
of Pentacles, which is very interesting.
It's the job interview card.
It seems to me that any
kind of work that we do,
if we just lay it on the table
of like, this is what we have
to offer, it's very possible
that we can have some kind
of experience where they understand, oh,
you're here to do work.
I, I see what you're doing.
I don't think we would have any problems.
So it seems like the
house is very amicable.
The next card is the six of Swords. Okay.
Leaving behind things
that no longer benefited you.
So it seems to me this
house was probably left
because people saw opportunities elsewhere.
Like whether it be previous owners,
families, things of that nature.
They kind of just upped and
left. There was nothing else
they really needed from it.
So again, kind of like every,
everything left, you know,
so very amicable vibe.
Let's just see what our advice is for this.
And the advice is the
nine of wands for us today,
which talks about this is
kind of like the way point
between point A and point B.
So if we feel there
might be some stagnancy,
it's not inherently because
there's nothing here.
It's just nothing is really that dramatic
that it really wants
to kind of be like, hey,
like this is what's going on.
So I think the overall vibe
of the house is very amicable and calm.
- So how'd the reading go?
- It went very good.
I think what we're going to
pick up on in the investigation
is a lot of the foot traffic
and life that took place here
in between the changing hands
of owners, at least from
what the reading said.
So we do know this
- Is the childhood home of John Brashear.
The Brashear name in
Brownsville in general is huge.
We keep hitting that every
everywhere we're looking.
We got Brashear Street over there.
I think it's a very powerful name.
So we do wanna pay attention to his name
but also be open to any other spirits
that might be freely moving.
Because what I've noticed
is it seems like anytime we're
opening communication, we're kind
of pulling in a lot of information at once.
Yes. So let's grab some
equipment and head to the windows.
So the first thing we're
gonna set up is the laser grid.
This is gonna be able to pick
up motion that enters the grid
that is gonna be projected onto the wall.
And if something enters
that space that's physical,
it'll tell us in this quadrant
whether it's hot or cold
and it'll light up and
we'll be able to see.
So my theory is if we're
setting this behind us,
something comes to look
at what we're looking at
and what we're about to see.
He's interested in the stars.
We have this beautiful
porch that looks over the town
and up into the church
and we can see beyond the trees the sky,
which is what interested him.
I need to set it down first
so we don't mess up the calibration.
Come as close as we can.
- Wow. The sky is gorgeous. Tonight
- We have the most beautiful opportunity
to see something amazing.
We have this porch
that gives us a really beautiful view.
We have the church over there
and ancestors of the
town who are buried there.
And we do have this tree in the way.
But just beyond the tree,
I hope everyone is seeing
exactly what I'm seeing.
And just beyond the the
lines here, we do have a really
beautiful sky.
- It's gorgeous. I can see
why John was so in love with it.
- We just think really hard. I
know there are some clouds.
Push those clouds out with our mind
and invite John to come take a look
with us and join us.
[ominous music]
John, if you're here,
could you take a look at what we're seeing?
Hmm. I just saw something over there.
Over there. It just like
went past the steeple.
Something like black,
like a giant black mass.
- I'll stay looking that way then.
- It wasn't a bird. It was big.
- Ad it was black?
- It was just right across
the cross right there.
It literally was just like it
passed over that cross.
- Wow. Maybe John was looking at the sky
for more than one reason.
- It was like a black mass. It
wasn't even a human thing.
Nothing. And it, its goal is to you
to make you question everything.
- This steeple out
there, I was staring at it
and then this black mask just like
went in front of the steeple.
It was like swirling around it.
- That's crazy it happened.
Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine. I need a break though.
- Okay.
- Yeah, I can't, I need a break.
Yeah, you guys can keep going
but I, you can go along
for now, like without me,
but I, I have to take a break.
- Okay.
- I can't.
[ominous music]
- So I've got B roll of this rain,
and like the neon light signs.
So we can transition from the
end of the investigation there
where Beckie saw the black mask.
And we can go into like,
okay, some time has passed
and now we're going
to discuss our findings.
What are people's thoughts on
how the rest of the night looks?
- Okay. You want to go back to the tavern?
- Yes. When we started at
the tavern, we didn't know
how things were going to unfold.
So when I told you I didn't lie,
but when I told you we're
gonna hit all these locations
and do light investigating
at them, I thought
what we would experience
is the spirits we're supposed
to in the capacity that we're supposed to.
So I'm invited to this place
and I'm told it's a historic
home that I might like.
So that's where we started.
- I guess my point of contention is
that first night we got some crazy activity
and experiences from the medium
and the intuitives, the
paranormal investigation,
other than the Estes
method where Chris, Viva,
and Jules experienced
something that was scary.
I feel like you had left it as well,
based on my conclusions,
there's not, there's no
paranormal activity here.
So it's like, okay, well we
said that at the beginning
then why are we going back to that place
to end it when as we
go from place to place,
we should be going to a more
important place for the audience.
This is more important than historical.
This is more important.
We have to keep upping
it, not regressing
- Because we missed, we missed the point.
You guys can only see what you see
and we're not filming a reality show
where there's wires tapped
and you're getting 24 7
surveillance of what's going on.
So the second the camera
stop, stop rolling conversation
and dialogue is happening.
So what happens is stuff is happening
that can't be quantified
that started there.
So when I say nothing is
happening, I mean we tried
to record an EVP, but
this is the paranormal.
So we're entering these
spaces like with this idea
that things are gonna transpire
and it gets you every time
because it's never gonna transpire exactly
how you expect it to.
So as we're doing this,
as I'm feeling like every
single person I brought here
was brought here for a reason.
It doesn't make sense
because we're like, this
is going on now up here
and we're, our equipment
is not doing anything,
but they're feeling this way.
And then it starts to create this confusion
- We feel like are trying to be work
with you and do what you want.
But I don't know if it's always the
same way back where you're like,
- Yeah, I wanna work with
you and do what you want to.
- I mean like in that we need
to also craft this in an
entertaining and interesting way.
I don't, I'm not trying to
manipulate or fabricate anything.
So I think we just trust her.
- We got permission to
separate the paintings.
- Yeah, that too.
Oh okay, well then you, you, you,
you should've led with that.
- Wae made it this far,
we're gonna see it through.
- We won't.
- And I'll trust in Beckie
that she'll bring it home.
- I've been investigating the
paranormal for 15 plus years.
I've been experiencing phenomena since I
was eight years old.
Something that I've noticed
about exploring the other
side is that it tends to kind of
bring out more human
elements than I think we
give it credit for.
And we become so focused on the aspect
of paranormal
investigating that is speaking
to the spirits of dead people.
That we forget that we are human beings
having a human experience together
and perceiving everything
in different ways based on the
different points that we're at in life.
And so I have found
that this kind of picking at a weakness
that has happened on this trip is
not un unusual when it comes
to exploring the paranormal.
Honestly. It tends to,
something to this effect tends
to happen a lot.
Why that happens is a universal question
that I'm not probably ever
going to know the answer to.
Or if I think I know the answer to it,
it'll probably change down the road.
But I do think that when you reach out
to the other side like this
and sort of dig deep into
these kind of universal
questions that we're asking that
the other side, you know, reaches back
and demands sort of a sacrifice
of, of ego
and a sacrifice of that
human experience in order
to really connect with
it, in order to touch it.
[suspenseful music]
So we had an opportunity
to talk to Bri, the owner
of the house again earlier today.
And we were talking about the paintings
and remembering how she said
that the last time these two
paintings here were separated,
a lot of activity happened.
And we brought some
equipment with us too to make sure
that if anything acts up right
as we're separating them,
that we can catch it.
So if you wanna grab the
painting to start moving it.
- Okay.
- And I think we should move it to the parlor room,
like all the way across the,
- Okay.
So they're pretty far apart.
- Yeah. And I'm just going
to track you, like follow you
with the obelisk to see
if we get anything else.
- Hello sir. I hope you don't mind.
Alone, alone, alone. It just said alone.
Yeah. You're gonna be
alone just for a little bit.
If you wanna let us know
how you feel about that
we are allowing you to act
however you feel you
need to while you're here,
[ominous music]
we promise we'll put you
back when we're done.
- We're we're addressing the paintings.
I know there are so many
objects in this house that kind
of hold some sort of energy
and if we had enough time
we could investigate them all.
But I do wanna start
heading towards the basement
and looking into the claims
of the first historically significant event
that happened at the site.
And that is?
- The whiskey rebellion. So
A lot of contention happened right here.
And this is where that
energy is held in these stone,
you know, foundations.
So we have a bunch of people
who have completely lost trust
in something they're supposed
to be able to trust, especially
since this country was like
pretty fresh, the established
version of this country.
Not to ignore the people
who were here before them.
- The first meeting of the
whiskey rebellion in 1791
was in that tavern.
George Washington sent federal troops
here to quell the rebellion.
- They get here and then
all of a sudden they want
to tax all of their whiskey.
Yeah. And they, these
farmers out here in this
rural area, that's not fair.
And it still extends today.
We see this kind of behavior.
So we have this voice of the
overthrow and we're gonna try
and bring that back a little bit by kind
of reenacting those feelings
and allowing ourselves to just kind
of project that kind of energy.
While that's going on, you
know, we can ask for a drink,
we can talk about the whiskey
and we're gonna have one
person channeling at the same time.
So while our conversation
and dialogue is being fostered,
we have another person
who's acting as that.
So we'll get some sort of direction toward,
if there's anything here from that.
And perhaps all that anger
and desire to overthrow something is
what is setting off everything
that's going on in this house.
We have to also consider
one of Bri's most notable
experiences here was based
after they were reenacting something.
So it works in this house.
So before we start,
we're kind of leaving her
as an outlier, if that makes sense.
So she's gonna be channeling
whoever's being channeled,
and we don't know what that means.
And if we feel strong to interact with her
- No one.
You hear them?
- Can you believe
they're doing this again?
- I can't. I'm so angry.
- I am going to do something about this.
We all have to do something about this.
Once you give 'em a little
bit, they're gonna continue
to keep doing the same
thing over and and over again.
- Don't matter.
- And I can't believe they're
trying to take that from us.
- What should we do?
- What do you think we should do
- Next time the tax man
comes, we teach him a lesson.
- I don't know if this is valid,
but I just heard a train go
by and then it's a, it is weird.
- Is there anyone else
here who wants to chime in?
- No, don't tell them.
- What'd she say?
- No, don't tell them.
- I am a concerned citizen
and I don't want these
laws to keep us down.
Can you tell us who you are?
- Can't see me. - We can see you.
So there is something
that was mentioned today
by the owner of the property.
I don't know if it's related.
And that would be the
underground tunnel system
that her and her husband mentioned.
- This lady.
- I was literally just
thinking, I normally wouldn't say this,
but how it's probably weird
that women are having this conversation
because we would not
be invited to this table.
And then I was thinking,
I really need to think
of myself as a man in this moment.
- Yeah. - And when
we're all in this room, we are all equal.
We all have the same goal.
Do you think I'm lying?
- You are
The wall there.
- The wall there? - Or the water?
- Yeah, the wall there.
The wall there? It's hard to hear her.
- Which wall? The one with the pipe on it
or the one with the door?
- There.
- The one with the door.
What does it mean to you?
[ominous music]
- Closed.
- Closed?
- What if we opened it? - Nope. Oh,
- I was going for it too.
- I was gonna say, Seth
said not to open it too. So
- But we're investigators.
- There's nothing behind me, correct?
- No.
- She can't hear. So
- I'm gonna open it.
- Open it. - I'm gonna open it.
- Yeah, I think we should
- Don't.
- We did, we did.
- It's cold. - I'm gonna put this back.
- We open the door both
physically and spiritually.
- Yep. I have a, I don't like
- Nobody's touching her.
I mean, she's not near
the wall or anything.
- No, no. And nobody's touching her.
I'm, I'm not even near her. No. Yeah.
And we still have somebody with us too.
- Well, I'd be watching what's
happening right now too.
- Oh yeah.
- Like we've opened the door now.
- Why?
- We had to.
- I don't like that,
it doesn't sound like a person
anymore. I don't wanna do it anymore.
- Okay. - I don't wanna
- Okay. Tap her out
- All right.
- I don't wanna do it anymore.
- You okay?
- I don't like what it
sounds like. I don't like it.
What does it sound like?
It sounds like scary noises.
Sorry, I'm getting emotional.
- This is,
- I don't like that.
- This is why
- Do you need to take a
break? Yeah. I don't like that.
- Yeah, you can take a break. - Let's go.
- I'm scared
- Me? Yeah, let's go.
- Come on.
- We went down into the
basement where I had already had
odd feelings about things.
And unfortunately during an Estes session,
I absolutely felt like
something had pulled me.
I heard several people speaking to me
and it got to the point
where I started to feel afraid,
which has never happened
to me on an investigation.
And after I felt pulled, I
started to hear things that were
so not how I would describe
human voices to sound.
And it terrified me.
- Dude, she's messed up.
- Yeah. Hold on.
- She's shaking.
- Yeah. No, she's physically
shook. I'm like what?
- I mean she's not normally like this.
- I known her, yeah, for
the, a couple times we filmed.
She's typically very like,
like she would joke after.
- We have to figure out
what's going on in this house.
- Should we keep going?
- We have to.
- I'm I'm gonna go in.
I wanna go in.
- Yeah. Okay.
- Whoever that was.
- Yep.
That made Jules feel that way.
I'd like to know your name
because you are not
allowed to touch any one of us
or make us feel that way.
You don't have that control over
- Oh yeah?
- Yes.
[suspenseful music]
- Can you tell me why
the house got like this?
What made it get into this situation?
- I will.
- There's something in
this house that feeds you?
I hear something just
beyond it. Like, like in there.
Could you make a sound?
Anything that makes
us know that you're here.
[loud banging sound]
Are you kidding me?
What, dude, I know it was probably a pipe,
but then all of these lights
started happening at same.
- Somebody like right here.
- Like a large one.
I, you know like it
takes a lot. It takes a lot.
And you know this.
- Well, we haven't heard, heard a pipe.
We just haven't heard any, any of that.
- Okay. Okay. We know you're here.
- I'm getting something about the wharf.
- Okay. Everything, the style is connected.
When I realized, okay, this is lining up.
This feels compelling and
the trip wire is lighting up.
We need something intelligent to happen.
And I called out to say,
can you give me another
sign that you're here?
I know you're trying to
interact with this equipment.
And there was a loud bang almost instantly.
And the lighting on the trip wire changes
at the same moment.
When that happened, I called
out like, yes, I understand
that this may have been just a pipe,
but it followed this common
theme, which is in this place
where the electricity seems to be
causing a lot of the activity.
So it's easy to say it's electricity,
but now we're down here and it's the pipes.
Sometimes spirits
manipulate what they have.
And after that happened,
we realized we've been
able to get to the root of this.
There is something going on in the basement
and we wanted to work with Seth.
We knew he was gonna be disappointed
that we opened the door,
but he was understanding
of why we opened the door.
[suspenseful music]
- He was, her responses
were completely accurate
to the questions that we were asking.
Yeah. And everything that we were saying.
- And we didn't wanna be
dismissive of what happened
to you, but it was there.
We weren't supposed to,
but I feel like as investigators,
we were supposed to, - And I understand.
- There was a woman standing
in front of me going, don't,
don't like that at my face,
standing this close to me.
I could almost see, I have
my eyes open behind the blind.
I could almost see her.
- Okay well, that's something
that we can now relay.
We figure out what's going on down there.
- Yeah. - Yes. It's intense.
It's intense for everybody right now.
- Yeah. - But we need to let her know,
then we leave that door closed.
That's why it was closed.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
But we're getting the same
thing. This was created.
He has no idea what's going on.
And something was created down there. Yeah.
That's my impression.
- And even on the obelisk
as well, when she asked,
"Can you tell us what happened to you?"
Like why you're down here? It said.
- What did you say?
Me? I didn't say anything.
- Nobody talked babe.
- It was me. I was just me.
- Do you step out?
- Yeah. I think I need
to get out of the house.
- Yeah. He is getting real red.
- Yeah, it's trying to get in me
and I, I am having a hard
time fighting him right now,
and I don't know why.
- Okay. Step out. Are you safe in the car?
- Yes. I, I just, I don't even want be
- You don't want, you
don't want that to your Yeah,
- I just, okay.
I just want be in fresh air for a few.
- I have anxiety right now.
But that just could be because
We're talking about it.
If you're okay, I'm gonna just step us.
- No, please. It's all right.
It's okay. That's fine. That's fine.
- That's why we keep him out.
- Yeah.
- [Bleep] off. [Bleep] off.
[Bleep] off. [Bleep] off.
- Yeah.
He's so undone.
- Yeah.
And then so the pipes
bang, the lights light up.
It literally lit up.
Everyone was like, okay,
we got, we gotta keep going.
And then I was like, why?
- What was the that?
- That was the basement.
- It was the pipe again.
- The pipe again in the basement.
That was the same sound,
- Right when you said the pipes bang.
- So one of the themes that we're noticing
that has been going on,
like the electrical stuff.
Yeah. We, we can debunk,
like when we go in with
that debunking mind, we're
like, oh, the electrical, this,
that, and, and that's what
happened with the pipe.
I'm like, it was the pipe,
but it was when the pipe hit,
and it's like almost as if the
manifestation happened in
this way that it, it feels normal.
Which is why who was here,
was able to compartmentalize it
as being like, oh, bad, bad wiring.
But he knew that somehow
because he had, he put the blessings
on the breaker, you know?
- So he did that?
- Well, and that, you know what,
- Yes.
- The previous owner.
- In hindsight now, when I saw everyone
point towards the door and
a tall, modern man walk in,
I wonder if that could've
just been like an impression
or a memory of the previous.
- That's what, exactly
what I felt in that moment.
You said it. I was like, oh, okay.
I'm, I'm kind of putting it
together. Seth had some notes.
I took a look at him. He made this.
And, and that's the reality of it.
That it was created in an attempt
to gain something for himself.
And it does leave that kind of energy.
He's got his hands dipped
in pretty much every house.
- Yep. Exactly.
- Every neighborhood.
- Definitely in some way, shape or form.
It all comes back to here.
- Surrounded by spirits. - Yeah.
- Oh yeah.
- So now what? We close the door.
- Yeah. We have to.
- We close the door.
Have to reset a boundary.
[suspenseful music]
- My intent to seal this door
from ever trapping anything
again, it is my intent to release anything
that should not be stuck here.
It is my intent to banish all harm
and evil from this or whatever.
So, and I use, I don't use
the word evil, you know, I don't,
this was straight up evil.
- Okay, - If I was religious,
I would, I, yeah. Anyways,
- So as I'm drawing it, I say
- Malkuth, Malkuth, Malkuth.
- Three times?
- Three times.
- Yes, three times.
- Remember it Tyler and
Chris. You have to write
- It on a, - You have piece of paper.
You have to at least whisper
the words to yourself too,
because I'm not even kidding.
- Three times?
- Yes, and let resonate in
your chest when you say it.
- Yep.
- Like you're doing om.
- Everything.
Take the piece of paper, shove it under the
door just in case.
- Yeah. - The basement decides
to flood or, and wash the chalk.
- God forbid the chalk comes
off the door. It's under there
regardless. Seriously. I'm not joking.
- Ah, he - Thank
Thank you.
- So wait, are we going
down in the basement?
- Thank you.
- They're placing their intention.
- Everyone here has placed
their intention in the chalk.
Now I have to do it myself.
- All right, let's break this up.
We talked to Seth. Seth along
with everyone else has agreed
that this space is too dangerous
for anyone to come back down here.
We are going to close the
door, but we can't just close it.
We've opened it up. Seth feels
that whatever was in here was released.
And that doesn't necessarily
mean it was something
contained that was bad.
It might have been something that was taken
that wasn't supposed
to be in here, is now free.
We are gonna close the door.
We're gonna protect the space
and we're definitely gonna
do a good cleansing after this.
But we're all gonna have
to put everything into this.
And we do have it drawn
on a piece of paper so
that when we're done,
if this ever comes off,
if anyone ever washes it off,
that's still gonna exist in that space.
- Yep.
- Malkuth, Malkuth, Malkuth.
It is my intent to protect this space
and to keep anyone
who doesn't belong
from being contained here.
All evil,
all negative intention is forbidden from
reentering this space.
Everyone who's been here
is protected. This door,
this space will never be used
for anything bad ever again.
Nobody here is permitted
to go home with anyone.
We are all protected.
The space is protected.
We are going to keep the
space the way it was meant to be.
- You can feel it.
- Yeah, the like, emotion.
- Yeah.
[ominous sound]
- When we walked away
and the cameras were off,
there definitely was there
some settling sounds
and I described it
as like the sensation
you feel when you know
that something is dead,
but it's still twitching.
That's what it felt like.
We walked away from that.
I know that right now
I'm flushed, I'm tired.
I feel like every life force in me has now
been squeezed out.
I know I'm protected, I know I'm safe,
but I definitely need to recharge.
- I regret bringing everyone here.
- That's it.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]