Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960) Movie Script
# Now Robin Hood's
in green Sherwood...
...# With all his outlaw band...
...# He hunts the fallow deer for food...
...# The sheriff hunts a man #
Lieutenant. Is this
what the sheriff's looking for?
After him. Come on.
Come on.
- It's the devil.
Cowards. Fools.
It's not the devil, it's Robin Hood.
...A visitor, Roger.
A dead one, Little John.
But that's a good horse.
Aye, a fine one.
No need to stop a traveller.
Someone's done it for us.
You're right. Well, a good horse
should mean a good purse.
He has no need of it now.
What's he got for us?
- Robin.
I didn't save him from the sheriff
for you to empty his purse.
Well, he's dead, so we thought...
- Are you certain?
I know a dead man when I see one.
- He's breathing.
What? But I thought you said...
- All right. Roger was wrong.
Take the bolt out of his back
and try and stop the bleeding.
Wait till I get you back, lad.
Come out.
Come out now,
and you come out alive.
Will you shoot me in the back too?
- Well. A girl.
I'm not used to being stared at.
- Oh, a lady.
Tell me, do all ladies do this -
undress themselves in the forest?
I was swimming.
Go away from me.
Good day, milady. We wouldn't
stop ladies from swimming.
But you'd stop a man and shoot at him.
- My man didn't do that.
From a crossbow, not a longbow.
How can you be trusted?
- For an arrow in my back?
Make something to carry him on and
get our friend there back to camp.
I can attend to this lady.
- I can see that.
Just a minute.
Keep your distance, outlaw.
I'm not afraid of a name, nor to tell
you mine. Robin Hood at your service.
Why should I be afraid who knows mine?
I'm certainly not at your service.
But you have a first name.
Er... Jenny?
Or, erm... Winifred perhaps?
No, surely not Winifred -
it wouldn't suit your looks.
You're very impertinent.
It's Marian.
Now leave me.
- Marian...
Well, Marian Fitzwalter, if it should
be your ladyship's pleasure...
...to do any more swimming
here in the forest,
this shall be your pool,
and I'll order my men to keep away.
Good of you. I've seen your murdering
men, and I shan't swim here again.
I could make sure they didn't disturb you.
You'll not see me.
I've no wish to see you again either.
Well, in that case...
If I meet you again, I'II...
- No, thank you.
And my men are not murderers either.
Good lad, Martin. Keep your
old comrades warm, that's right.
Aye, he's a good strong lad.
Not much experience, but he'll learn.
I hope I learn more man...
Look at you,
you're eating like a pack of wolves.
When you've got food, eat - you never
know when you'll get your next meal.
Aye, you're right, Ned.
I know hardship.
I've been through winter here.
Hardship. Hear that?
- Last winter?
Why, that was the mildest winter
we've had in years.
Never felt cold once.
Not like the winter we had
four years ago, eh, Little John?
That WAS a winter.
Couldn't have been too bad -
YOU survived it.
Ooh, listen to the young blood.
Hey, Alan.
Give us a song and cheer us up.
These young lads make me feel so old.
I can give you a song,
but I can't promise to cheer you up.
'The Cuckoo Bird'.
- 'The Blue Handkerchief'.
Let's have 'The Nut-Brown Maid'.
- What you like. Go on.
What would you like?
- You make our music.
You play what pleases you.
...# An outlaw met a lady fair...
...# A baron's daughter she...
...# She thought to swim
in the forest there...
...# Where no one's eyes could see...
...# Fah-la-la-la-la, fah-la-la-la-la...
...# La-la-la, la-la-la-la...
...# I would my dearest one were here...
...# For here I lie alone...
...# So long it is since we did meet...
...# My heart has turned to stone #...
He's not made a move all day.
- It's a bad wound he has.
Perhaps he'll wake tomorrow.
Who is he?
# And yet if we should meet once more...
...# Her voice would melt my heart...
...# Her lovely face would warm my soul...
...# So cold since we did part #
The sheriff was chasing him.
That's good enough for me.
But what type of man is he?
- I don't know.
Not a peasant, nor a merchant.
Someone's servant, maybe.
# I fear across my Ionely grave...
...# A cruel wind shall blow...
...# Before I see her face again...
...# The maid I used to know #
What did I tell you?
I told you she'd be back, didn't I?
Why the horn? What's the danger?
- Danger's gone.
But she left you a message.
- 'She'?.
Here, let me see that.
Of course. It is for you.
'If you want to see me again, I shall
be at the Owl Inn this afternoon.'
It has no signature.
- I saw her plain enough.
She stuck it in that tree with this dagger.
The swimmer - Marian.
You'll not go, surely?
- Go? Of course I'm going.
How else will I see her?
- But it could be a trap.
Of course it's a trap.
- Then why...
Not the sort of trap you mean.
A woman's trap.
Oh, aye?
- A very attractive woman, too.
What can I do but fall into it?
- Just you be careful.
Why? Because she's a lady?
Remember, she invited me.
That isn't the sort of careful I mean.
It's you.
I had to return your dagger.
You didn't come swimming today.
- I didn't choose to.
You won't find anybody there.
- But you did choose to see me again.
And here I am,
very willing to see you.
Oh. You're not suddenly
becoming Your Ladyship again?
No, but you must understand something.
What's that?
- I'm a free woman, you're an outlaw.
I won't deal with you on those terms.
You have a problem to solve, then.
Come and be an outlaw with me.
No. But I have a friend
who can solve the problem.
A friend?
- I brought you here to meet him.
Good day to you, Robin Hood.
- A fine friend you have.
My good man, remember your place.
I am a king's officer, she is a lady.
I've already heard that. Keep your
hands away from your sides.
I am merely showing you -
I am not armed. Do you see?
It's no trap. I have the sheriff's
word you'll not be harmed.
I know what his word is worth.
I've had dealings with him.
May I sit down?
Lady Marian.
I have a proposition to make.
I've no business to do here.
- But the sheriff has.
Come now, my lord. I'm sure
Robin Hood is anxious to be leaving.
I can well understand that.
Say what you have to say.
And if I'm anxious to be leaving,
it's because my feelings for
this lady are beginning to cool off.
Listen to him
before you jump to conclusions.
I'll come to the point.
You and your men are sheltering
a wanted criminal. I want him.
Why shouldn't we?
We're all criminals according to you.
Tell me about him.
- He fled to the forest.
He was wounded.
Doubtless you're showing him charity.
If I had a guest with me...
- A dangerous criminal.
...or a dangerous criminal,
why should I give him to you?
For a hundred marks,
here and now.
Two hundred.
- Is that enough?
I don't sell my guests for money -
whether they exist or not.
Now, Sheriff, name your final price.
I know you have this man -
you and your men were seen with him.
Lady Marian has made a proposal,
and I am willing to agree with it.
Well, out with it.
- If you deliver him to justice,
I shall publish a free pardon for you.
- What do you say to it?
The only thing I can say - no.
Are you mad?.
It's a magnificent offer.
The most I can offer.
- How can you say no?
You'd rather stay outlawed
in the woods? Oh, you infuriate me.
You make it sound as if it were
choosing to stay an outlaw...
...rather than being free to pay court to you.
How dare you.
- You think I'd be free to do that?
I know the sheriff.
A pardon from him's not worth the
breath he uses to make his promises.
If you won't bargain with me now,
no doubt we shall meet again.
I'll await that pleasure.
And now I really must go.
Lady Marian.
You gave me your word, Sheriff - no trap.
I'm dealing with criminals.
Don't tell me how to deal with outlaws.
I won't let you dishonour promises.
- That doesn't concern me.
Well done, lads.
Since your word means nothing,
ask for no more help from me.
I'll leave you to settle matters
in your own way.
Believe me, madam,
I do know the way.
I told you it would be a trap, Robin,
and it was.
You were right. But I'm sure
she didn't know about it.
You can never tell with women.
- Hm.
Even so, the strange thing was,
it wasn't me the sheriff was after.
He wanted to get his hands on him.
- Poor fellow.
It's all he can do to keep alive,
without worrying about the sheriff.
Who is he, I wonder?
- The sheriff said he was a criminal.
He must be someone very important
for the sheriff to make such a fuss.
And offering a free pardon.
What next, eh?
He'll be proposing you as sheriff,
I expect.
I should have made that my price.
But then he'd have wanted
our friend here in exchange.
Hey, look.
- His eyes are open.
Now, then, lie back and keep still.
Must... must get to... Bawtry.
Yes, later.
Must... must get to... B-Bawtry.
He's very weak.
Someone must stay with him.
What was that he said?
'Must get to Bawtry'?
Aye. He's trying to tell us something.
Yes, but what?
Something to do with this emblem.
I wonder if that's what the sheriff is after?
Well... he'll have to come and get it.
Little John, look.
- Aye, Martin, I can see 'em.
Martin... I think this is what Robin expected.
You stay here.
I'll go and tell him.
I want them spread out at ten paces.
No closing in, and keep to a walk.
In the forest
men must hold neighbours in view...
...and keep to the line.
See to it.
So... he's come already.
Do we fight him?
No, that's what he wants us to do.
No... we move house.
- Right.
Break camp, lads.
Now, we all meet at the five elms.
Hugh, call in the sentries.
Mutch, take ten men and shoot at them
from the western edge of the forest.
Jack, go to the five elms
and see if it's safe there for us.
We haven't much time.
- Aye. But I hope Martin's all right.
Martin of Eastwood.
I remember you.
When did you last see your family?
- A year ago when I became an outlaw.
You could see them again.
- Huh?
It is in my power to let you see them.
Oh, yes,
I'm prepared to bargain with you.
Tell me where your camp is
and you shall have a free pardon.
Refuse and you'll be shot.
- No.
I mean what I say.
- No.
Stand aside.
I cannot delay.
You have no more time.
- Go on, tell me.
You'll give me a pardon?
You go in for about a mile,
till you reach the twin oaks.
Then you go up the ridge to the north.
Go on.
You'll see no path,
but if you go in the larch thicket...
...the path starts behind it.
See that a free pardon is made out
for Martin of Eastwood, an outlaw.
Forward. Hup.
Not one of them here, my lord.
But there's a grave.
- The man you're after may have died.
It must be him. He was badly wounded
when we lost him.
Graves have been known to be empty.
Dig it up.
You two. Here.
Is... is that you, Lucy?
No, it's... Marian.
Marian Fitzwalter.
I so wanted to see you again, Lucy.
But they killed me.
Ro... Robin.
I... I betrayed you.
They offered him a free pardon...
and then shot him.
All right, Martin.
We've moved camp - we're safe.
Get word to Friar Tuck. We'll see
that he has a Christian burial.
With the sheriff on the prowl,
you mustn't stay here.
Come with me.
I'll take you where you won't be seen going.
Yes, that's him.
- Anything on him?
You mean in his purse, my lord?
- Yes, in his purse.
Go on, man, look.
Eight silver marks and a crucifix.
- So they left him his money.
Anything else? The gold emblem?
- No, my lord.
Your way lies over there.
Now you can see
why I couldn't accept a pardon.
Yes. I was trying to find you to tell you...
To tell me what?
- Yesterday, the sheriff's trap.
You must believe me,
I knew nothing about it.
That man, Martin...
I'll not let the Sheriff forget that.
You must be off.
You risk your life away from your men.
I can take care of myself.
With a woman, it's different.
I can take care of myself,
Robin Hood.
Meet you at Friar Tuck's
tomorrow afternoon.
A falcon and a daisy.
Stop. Stop that, I say.
- You say?
- Stop. What's his offence?
Who tried him?
- I don't take orders from you.
Whose orders were these?
- The Sheriff of Nottingham.
Draw. Strike.
- Do you give me orders too?
Look well at me first, Captain.
- Set him free. Then go.
All right, untie him.
Who is the authority in this country?
I am.
It is my duty to deal with
lawbreakers, and I shall.
- You know nothing of these matters.
I question your treacherous methods.
You offered Robin Hood a free pardon.
That was your idea.
Yes. And I realise now
what would have happened.
Martin of Eastwood was given a free
pardon, then cold-bloodedly shot.
Outlaws, madam -
you are speaking of outlaws.
It's a matter of whether
your word means anything.
I am very busy.
I'm concerned
for Martin's widow and children.
Have they broken the law?
Do they deserve to starve?
It will be investigated.
Martin died a free man.
His property must be restored
to his widow and children.
The case will be gone into.
- While they go hungry?
This is not a matter for the king's sheriff.
It's a business for lawyers.
- You refuse to help them.
It is a legal procedure.
It will take time.
I shall not let you rest
until I get justice for these people.
What are you proposing to do?
- To see justice done.
Let me give you a word of warning.
If you side with the outlaws,
you will tread on very dangerous ground.
Delicious. Delicious.
How the good Lord provides for us.
Who's there?
Just practising my archery, Father.
- It's you. You come to confession?
I might, Friar Tuck.
But I've got an appointment.
Not with me, I suppose. Haven't seen
any of you for more than a week.
Oh, look at those onions - ruined.
We had to move. The sheriff came into
the forest with every man he'd got.
We've moved north,
beyond the five elms.
Serves you right.
- It wasn't us the sheriff was after.
And the man he wanted
died before he found him.
God rest his soul.
Well, who was he?
That we don't know. We found
him badly wounded, unconscious.
He only spoke once.
Before he died he said,
'Must get to Bawtry', then 'Danger'.
Why Bawtry? Little town on a hill,
that's all Bawtry is.
I don't know why.
I'm going there to try to find out.
Must be important, for the sheriff
to go to such lengths.
Sooner you than me.
Tidy step to Bawtry.
All the same, I must go.
Aren't you taking a risk,
roaming around outside the forest?
Of course,
I suppose I could go for you.
No, you're too fat for it.
- What, me?
I've made longer journeys.
20 miles was nothing.
I was a great traveller in my time.
I was a bit slimmer, of course.
- Oh, of course.
Well, I must be off. I have to
get back here to meet a lady.
What makes you think
a lady would want to meet you?
Oh, we've got visitors.
The Earl of Newark.
Good day, Friar. We would be
grateful to you for a drink of water.
- Many thanks, Father.
It's a thirsty business in the sun.
Warm work, OIlerton, huh?
As good a morning's hawking
as I've had this year, though.
You've both beaten me today, but I'll
wager my white bird against Melton's.
But he's saving his.
- Mine has flown in better company.
Here, you - fellow - fetch me some water.
Are you deaf, you scoundrel?
Allow me.
- Stand back, priest.
I told him.
Come over here, you.
I'll not be disobeyed by a peasant.
Give me a cup of water.
You insolent dog.
- Melton, put away your sword.
Put away your sword.
It was an accident, I'm sure.
- And I'm sure it was not.
Then you know he insulted me.
- You provoked him.
Here a moment.
- He is one of my parishioners.
I've told him about being impetuous.
But he's a good man at heart.
All right, Father.
You're armed with a bow, I see.
I'm practising my archery -
like we should do by law.
Mm-hm? Do you shoot well?
England needs good archers.
I do my best.
- Oh, he's very good, milord.
I'll put you to a test.
Lord Melton claims you insulted him.
I'm not sure,
but I'll give you both a chance.
Melton, put up your falcon.
- Why?
Do as I say.
Now, hit that falcon.
- No. That's a prize peregrine.
If he shoots at it and misses,
have him punished for shooting at it.
If he hits it,
you're not to touch him.
In which case,
I have employment for him.
Well, bowman, how's your nerve?
It WAS my life or hers, milord.
Give me that bow of yours.
And an arrow.
Was it a good shot?
Or another accident?
We shall see.
Your skill against mine.
You see that forked branch up there?
If you can hit that right fork, I'll
know I can rely on your shooting.
You shoot well.
That'll be a hard shot to equal.
You shoot well too, bowman.
Now you must come and work for me.
I don't know about that.
How much did your last year's work
bring? 100 marks?
Not 100.
- You shall have 100 from me.
And not for a year's work -
a month, perhaps less.
I think I've shown you
that I'm a man of my word. Well?
He's got a big family to support.
Haven't you?
My offer depends on your coming with
me now. Not a moment's hesitation.
I'll come.
- Good.
See him mounted on your other horse.
Can you ride?
Well enough.
- Excellent.
Goodbye, Father.
And thank you for our drinks.
I hope your journey won't exhaust you.
I'm not going on any journey.
Oh. Yes.
- Let my 'family' know where I am.
Oh. Yes.
Come along, Isabella,
you greedy animal.
We've got a journey to make.
Come along, then.
Come on.
Come on, then. Come on.
Come on.
We've got to go to Bawtry.
You abomination.
This assize is to determine
the ownership of the manor of Bawtry,
following the supposed death
of the tenant, John Mortimer.
Who shall represent the crown?
- I do, as the king's officer.
Very well.
You have the sworn documents?
- Yes, it would appear so.
This is a simple formality.
The court has in its possession
sworn documents...
...which testify to the death of the
tenant of the manor, John Mortimer,
while in the service of the king
in the Holy Land.
There is no heir to the estate -
also affirmed in the documents.
I therefore ask the court's authority...
...to confirm that the estate
shall be held in trust by me,
by virtue of my office as sheriff,
according to the law,
until re-granted to another tenant.
Does any here dispute
the facts in this matter,
as sworn to in the documents?
None object.
The sheriff wishes it to be recorded...
...that the lands shall
fall by escheat to the crown,
until re-granted to some other tenant.
Do any object on legal grounds to this?
I have a mind to speak.
You must take your oath.
- I have already taken it.
My name is on your papers, swearing
to the death of John Mortimer.
I served him and fought beside him
in the Holy Land.
It was a pity such a good man died.
He made this place into a town.
You seem to have a fine record -
devoting your life to his service.
My life's of no consequence,
Milord Sheriff.
But you'll all hear this.
No one here will speak up and say
what's in his mind. But I shall.
Everyone knows what will happen.
You're acting within the law,
Sheriff, and hiding behind it.
We all know what will happen.
You're acting as an agent.
When the manor is under your control
you'll hand it over to some nobleman,
who'll pull the whole town down
and build a castle on the site.
That sounds like a prophecy.
Witchcraft almost.
Are you able to look into the future?
One moment.
Sit down, man. This court
does not accept hearsay and gossip.
Hearsay? It's common knowledge.
The sheriff ought to act in
the king's interests. But not he.
It's his friend...
- Enough. I will not admit gossip.
Hear my judgment.
- Wait.
Who spoke?
- I have something to say.
Ah. Here's someone you'll listen to,
if you won't hear me.
Hubert Walter.
Hubert Walter, the chancellor.
- I know.
That's Hubert Walter.
- The Archbishop of Canterbury?
Archbishop or king's chancellor -
take your pick.
He's not a man to trifle with.
If Your Grace would wish
to address the court...
I have several things to say.
I do not speak to you as your archbishop.
If I did, it would be to urge you
to do what is right and just,
without fear.
As it is, you seem powerless to act
against the word of the king's law.
Your sheriff seems to be doing his
duty strictly according to the law.
But I am Chancellor of England,
and I will not have it said
that the law acts against the people.
The people themselves have their rights.
The king swore to uphold them,
and I speak in his absence for the king.
Travelling through the kingdom, I
learn things I don't hear in London.
Some nobles would like to build
castles in defiance of the king.
I mention no names.
I've enough experience of war to know
that the hill your town stands on,
if fortified,
would hold the roads to the north...
...and cut off any shipping
in the river below.
It may be clear in law...
...that this manor should be
made over to the sheriff,
but in this case,
I absolutely forbid it.
I require that you have all
the documents sent to me in London.
If Your Grace would...
I must do as he says.
- No matter.
There are other ways.
You obstinate animal.
We'll try another way.
I thought so.
Yes, that's the sort of archbishop
I like. Not like some.
Here's to him.
Another member of the clergy.
You're not so welcome
as the one we just had,
but I'll buy you some ale.
Bless you.
- 'Bless you,' he says.
Seeing as an archbishop
done something for us,
I don't mind a blessing
from just an ordinary friar.
Oh, thank you. Did you say
you had an archbishop here?
Aye, we did.
Hubert Walter - none other.
And Lord Chancellor. You couldn't ask
for more, the King away in France.
I'd have liked a talk with him.
- Would you?
Yes, I would.
Why, it's a disgrace.
What is?
- His new fasting rules.
It's all very well
to make rules against gluttony,
but do you realise what it means
to a priest like myself?
One chicken and half a goose at a meal.
Half a goose?. We were lucky
if we got half a loaf on crusade.
That's the war.
Father, I can see you're hungry.
Seeing as this has been a big day
with us, I'll buy you a pie.
I can see you're a very understanding
and charitable man.
You know, even though I rear my own,
I'm only allowed to eat
one chicken at a time.
Was he in any danger?
- The archbishop? Not on your life.
Why should he be? Rode off about
an hour ago with his men to London.
So much for Robin and his danger.
I've seen your skill. I'll not
waste our time on plain targets.
Just as you like.
First, see if you can hit the pumpkin
through the spinning wheel.
Three arrows each.
I'll begin.
Ready, Will?
Now you.
You've done well.
Now for some bell-ringing.
Three arrows for the most shots
in the quickest time. You say when.
Hm. Two out of three to you.
It's the speed that beats you.
- But you did two, to my one.
Now come with me.
I'll watch you shoot alone.
I've seen you can shoot straight.
Now you must shoot crooked.
Stand just here.
Now see what you can do with that.
If you can hit the goal from here,
you're the man I need.
Spinning wheels, bells... Now you
mean to hit the goal through there?.
- Don't have much of a sight of it.
Take your time.
Nearly. Once more.
Hmm... might do better than that.
If you can shoot a hawk high up in the sun,
you'll be well able to shoot a man.
That depends.
On how much?
You'll be well paid.
No, on what man.
Set your mind at rest.
He deserves to die.
He'd kill me without hesitation
if he had something against me.
Where am I supposed to do this,
my lord?
You'll be taken to the place.
You won't see the man.
He won't let you stand in his way.
- You mean the sheriff?
Keep your eye on the target.
Oh, you abominable creature.
I've a good mind to put you on a fast.
Good day, Friar.
- Oh. Lady Marian.
Please forgive me for not getting up.
I can hardly move.
I've been on a long journey.
- Of course. Do rest.
If you've been in the saddle all day...
In the saddle?. I've been on my feet,
pulling that abominable monster.
Look at her, eating her head off.
Ah, well,
you're very welcome, young lady.
Now, what did you want
to talk to me about?
Oh, not you, Father.
I came here to meet someone.
Oh? A man?
Well, come to think of it,
I had a man here this morning.
He had an appointment, too.
Did you know this man very well?
Huh? Yes, yes, quite well.
He's a good fellow.
Though everybody would think so.
I met him first accidentally.
But to my mind, Robin's...
You did meet him, then?
What did he say?
Hm? He had to go to Newark.
- Oh, I've missed him.
I had to see the sheriff.
- The sheriff too?
You're keeping rather mixed company,
aren't you?
I saw him about Martin of Eastwood -
or his widow, rather.
Martin had a free pardon.
But the sheriff won't listen.
I won't let it rest.
- You should have been in Bawtry.
You'd have found someone to listen
to you - Hubert Walter is your man.
Who better. Is he there now?
No. Unfortunately,
he'd left by the time I got there.
I'd have given him a piece of my mind
about his fasting laws.
Where is he now? I could
put this case to him in person.
Which way did he go?
- Well, it's rather difficult to say.
Which way was he riding?
They did say
that he was riding south to London.
From Bawtry?
I know the way he must go.
But you can't just go like that.
- I'm going to do it. Goodbye, Friar.
Well, I suppose I'd better go
and tell Little John where Robin is.
Come along,
you overfed, iniquitous animal.
Er... I think you can stay behind this time.
You did well. But I want
to see how you can shoot in darkness.
Oh, yes?
- Milord Newark.
Robin Hood.
Guards. Guards.
Guard the gate.
After him.
- Wait.
Leave him.
- That's Robin Hood.
Let him alone.
- But I tell you, that is Robin Hood.
So you say.
But he was under my protection here.
Pity. He was a fine shot.
- Under your protection?.
He's an outlaw. Why was he here?
- I asked him.
So it was Robin Hood.
No wonder he was a good shot.
May I ask
what you find so amusing, my lord?
Outlaws have their uses.
You ask for witnesses.
But I was a witness.
To the death of this man Martin, yes.
But what of the witnesses
to the free pardon?
I wouldn't call you a liar. But it's
the word of one against another.
But how can I get justice?
- I'll help you.
The sheriff's men were witnesses.
- But they wouldn't go against him.
They would...
if he were no longer sheriff.
Never mind where you've been.
Where's Robin?
Been no sign of him since morning.
All very well for you to get
flustered. I did all the walking.
Come on, man.
Did he go to Bawtry?
Did he go to Bawtry?.
I went to Bawtry.
What a journey that was.
Where DID he go?
- I went to Newark.
Why didn't you tell us you went to...
To Newark?.
- Yes, with the earl.
And a very interesting day I've had too.
Look what I found.
- The sheriff's horse?.
Did you get that from Newark Castle?
And the Earl of Newark's sword.
But I had to leave that behind.
You had a better day of it than I -
chasing around on foot...
...and dragging a donkey
most of the way to Bawtry.
What did you find out?
- Find out? Oh, nothing.
Nothing at all?
- I got nothing out of him neither.
There'd been some court case, but it
was settled by the time I got there.
Oh? Who did the settling?
- The Lord Chancellor, of all people.
Hubert Walter himself?
- In a little village like Bawtry?
He was riding south to London,
and he intervened in the case.
What's that?
- I wish I knew. I saw another today.
Where'd you get this?
- From the man who died.
The man the sheriff wanted.
You know, this might be the
archbishop's. A daisy's his badge.
A daisy's what?
- Hubert Walter's badge.
You see, I know a lot about heraldry...
Just a daisy? No falcon?
- No, no falcon.
No, this couldn't be Hubert Walter's.
You see, it shows a daisy
in the grip of a falcon.
In the grip of a falcon?
Falcon. Newark, by heaven.
The Newarks' badge is a falcon.
- Well, that's it.
The stranger must have been sent to
warn Walter - this was their symbol.
Which way did Walter ride? South?
- Yes.
And Lady Marian...
- Marian?
She was riding to talk to him about Martin.
Marian will be with him now?
- That was her intention.
Little John, pick two good men
with horses and come with me.
Bring me a bow and a sword.
Tom, Jack - three horses, quick.
Hey. Where are you going?
- Thanks for the lesson in heraldry.
Will someone please explain?
A dozen of your men should do.
You've forced me to change plan -
they must succeed.
You say I forced you to change, but
Robin Hood would not have shot him.
A dozen men have
left the castle dressed as outlaws.
They know the place.
- And that we want no survivors?
I repeated it to them.
They'll hang if there are.
Why are you wearing this?
- It's the time for it.
The falcon will have the daisy in his power.
Put it away. But after tonight
it can be worn by us all,
as brothers in this enterprise.
Go. Your men must know nothing
of what is to happen.
They shall never know.
- You know where the bodies will be.
Bring me back his seal.
No sign of them.
- That's the way to Southwell.
They must have passed here by now.
Come on - through the ford.
There may even be a record -
of a free pardon.
They were told to make one out.
- Hmm.
What's that place over there?
Caunton Priory.
Miles yet to Southwell,
and sunset approaching. Shall we...
...Ambush. Ambush.
Guard yourself, my lord.
Marian. Catch.
This is a convent.
- We are in danger.
Open the door.
- I can't admit you.
My Lord Archbishop.
- Don't kneel, open the door.
At once, my lord.
Now take me to the prioress.
The sheriff.
Well... let him deal with it now.
He's paid to stop this sort of thing.
He's a bit late, though, ain't he?
Outlaws, my lord.
There's some of them dead here.
Look at this slaughter.
I suppose he thinks we did it.
Tom. Jack.
You two go back and stay with the horses.
Go on. Little John and I
can take care of ourselves.
I'll be back.
It's the archbishop's party.
- I'm afraid so.
But where's the archbishop?
My lord.
Where is the archbishop?
He got away.
To the priory. Over there.
He can't travel tomorrow without escort.
No, my lord.
I shall inform the earl.
He must provide the escort.
Shall we ride with you?
- No. Take the men to Nottingham.
You pass Bawtry on the way -
we have a score to settle there.
It shall be done.
Your Lordship is welcome to stay in
the guestroom. But as for the lady...
She is not my travelling companion,
and I don't know her plans,
but I expect her to be given shelter,
with outlaws abroad.
Certainly, Your Lordship.
You mustn't think that I supposed...
If you could sleep in one of the nun's cells?
I should be very glad,
Reverend Mother.
Thank you, Sister.
Will you eat now?
Thank you.
The sister portress has a message for you.
Excuse me, milady.
Your Lordship.
Reverend Mother, there's a man
at the door. He won't leave.
I shall speak to him.
Please go away.
This is a matter of the gravest importance.
The archbishop's life is in danger.
You must let me in.
This is a priory.
I'll admit no one here at night,
particularly a man I don't know.
Wait. Listen.
I'm Robin Hood, the outlaw.
You must listen to me.
I mean you no harm.
But the archbishop's life is in danger.
I've just prevented
his being killed in an ambush.
Do you expect me to believe a tale like that?
But it's true.
I can believe you tried to ambush him.
No, no, I swear...
- He's quite safe here with me.
Please go away.
It's a good room. Many thanks.
- I wish it was better furnished.
Archbishop or peasant,
a man needs a place to rest.
And a place to pray.
I'll not have it done like that.
- What else can be done?.
Silence. I've had enough
of your advice, Sheriff.
He was to be shot in the priory,
but you said to rely on the ambush.
Hood wouldn't shoot him.
- Now you'd have him shot as before.
You were prepared to use an assassin.
You could shoot him yourself.
- No, enough.
I'm tired of these ambushes of yours.
I'm a man of honour. No more of it.
Arm yourselves. We'll face
this archbishop in the priory.
No. Not I.
This is sacrilege.
- Sacrilege? You hypocrite.
We daren't risk killing him openly.
I'll listen no more.
I've done with you.
But what use is a kingdom to you...
if you kill your friends?
Don't ask for gratitude, Melton.
He was no coward.
Well, arm yourselves, I say.
The priory door will be bolted for the night.
The prioress is my cousin.
...the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Thou, O Lord,
will open my lips.
And my tongue shall announce thy praise.
Incline unto my aid, O Lord.
- O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be, world without end.
Five glorious mysteries.
First, the Resurrection.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done
in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God...
Milord Archbishop.
Take your sword.
Hubert Walter?
- Well?
You should have stayed in Canterbury.
But you meddle in affairs of state.
You would be chancellor as well.
Then come, Chancellor.
I'll meet you, traitor...
...as chancellor.
Are you all right, milord?
- I thought a priory safe.
But I should prefer the forest
tonight... Robin Hood.
Well, many thanks to you, Robin Hood.
It's the first time in ten years I've
slept in the woods like a soldier.
Or like an outlaw.
But in safety.
If your two men could conduct me
nearly to the abbey at Southwell,
I should be grateful.
- Certainly.
It wouldn't do for outlaws
to be seen in your company.
Marian, you've been very persistent,
and you shall have your way.
Friar, have you that parchment?
- Yes, milord.
This confirms the free pardon
for Martin of Eastwood...
...and will secure his land for his family.
And there's my seal on it.
I wanted to ask more than that.
- Oh?
I wanted to ask
a free pardon for Robin Hood.
Oh. That I shall have to
take up with King Richard...
...when he returns from France -
and that may take some time.
Madam, you're now asking me
to do something for a live outlaw.
Friar, if I know this young woman,
she's likely to stay in the forest.
In which case, it will be your duty
to marry these two.
And now... farewell.
Oh, er, Your Lordship. Those new
fasting laws, they're very strict.
Your Lordship. Your Lordship.
I think he wants
to eat the archbishop's horse.
Your Lordship. A chicken,
Your Lordship, and half a goose...
# Friar Tuck
his blessing now will give...
...# The outlaws spare the poor
# And Robin Hood and | Marian live
in Sherwood evermore #
# Now Robin Hood's
in green Sherwood...
...# With all his outlaw band...
...# He hunts the fallow deer for food...
...# The sheriff hunts a man #
Lieutenant. Is this
what the sheriff's looking for?
After him. Come on.
Come on.
- It's the devil.
Cowards. Fools.
It's not the devil, it's Robin Hood.
...A visitor, Roger.
A dead one, Little John.
But that's a good horse.
Aye, a fine one.
No need to stop a traveller.
Someone's done it for us.
You're right. Well, a good horse
should mean a good purse.
He has no need of it now.
What's he got for us?
- Robin.
I didn't save him from the sheriff
for you to empty his purse.
Well, he's dead, so we thought...
- Are you certain?
I know a dead man when I see one.
- He's breathing.
What? But I thought you said...
- All right. Roger was wrong.
Take the bolt out of his back
and try and stop the bleeding.
Wait till I get you back, lad.
Come out.
Come out now,
and you come out alive.
Will you shoot me in the back too?
- Well. A girl.
I'm not used to being stared at.
- Oh, a lady.
Tell me, do all ladies do this -
undress themselves in the forest?
I was swimming.
Go away from me.
Good day, milady. We wouldn't
stop ladies from swimming.
But you'd stop a man and shoot at him.
- My man didn't do that.
From a crossbow, not a longbow.
How can you be trusted?
- For an arrow in my back?
Make something to carry him on and
get our friend there back to camp.
I can attend to this lady.
- I can see that.
Just a minute.
Keep your distance, outlaw.
I'm not afraid of a name, nor to tell
you mine. Robin Hood at your service.
Why should I be afraid who knows mine?
I'm certainly not at your service.
But you have a first name.
Er... Jenny?
Or, erm... Winifred perhaps?
No, surely not Winifred -
it wouldn't suit your looks.
You're very impertinent.
It's Marian.
Now leave me.
- Marian...
Well, Marian Fitzwalter, if it should
be your ladyship's pleasure...
...to do any more swimming
here in the forest,
this shall be your pool,
and I'll order my men to keep away.
Good of you. I've seen your murdering
men, and I shan't swim here again.
I could make sure they didn't disturb you.
You'll not see me.
I've no wish to see you again either.
Well, in that case...
If I meet you again, I'II...
- No, thank you.
And my men are not murderers either.
Good lad, Martin. Keep your
old comrades warm, that's right.
Aye, he's a good strong lad.
Not much experience, but he'll learn.
I hope I learn more man...
Look at you,
you're eating like a pack of wolves.
When you've got food, eat - you never
know when you'll get your next meal.
Aye, you're right, Ned.
I know hardship.
I've been through winter here.
Hardship. Hear that?
- Last winter?
Why, that was the mildest winter
we've had in years.
Never felt cold once.
Not like the winter we had
four years ago, eh, Little John?
That WAS a winter.
Couldn't have been too bad -
YOU survived it.
Ooh, listen to the young blood.
Hey, Alan.
Give us a song and cheer us up.
These young lads make me feel so old.
I can give you a song,
but I can't promise to cheer you up.
'The Cuckoo Bird'.
- 'The Blue Handkerchief'.
Let's have 'The Nut-Brown Maid'.
- What you like. Go on.
What would you like?
- You make our music.
You play what pleases you.
...# An outlaw met a lady fair...
...# A baron's daughter she...
...# She thought to swim
in the forest there...
...# Where no one's eyes could see...
...# Fah-la-la-la-la, fah-la-la-la-la...
...# La-la-la, la-la-la-la...
...# I would my dearest one were here...
...# For here I lie alone...
...# So long it is since we did meet...
...# My heart has turned to stone #...
He's not made a move all day.
- It's a bad wound he has.
Perhaps he'll wake tomorrow.
Who is he?
# And yet if we should meet once more...
...# Her voice would melt my heart...
...# Her lovely face would warm my soul...
...# So cold since we did part #
The sheriff was chasing him.
That's good enough for me.
But what type of man is he?
- I don't know.
Not a peasant, nor a merchant.
Someone's servant, maybe.
# I fear across my Ionely grave...
...# A cruel wind shall blow...
...# Before I see her face again...
...# The maid I used to know #
What did I tell you?
I told you she'd be back, didn't I?
Why the horn? What's the danger?
- Danger's gone.
But she left you a message.
- 'She'?.
Here, let me see that.
Of course. It is for you.
'If you want to see me again, I shall
be at the Owl Inn this afternoon.'
It has no signature.
- I saw her plain enough.
She stuck it in that tree with this dagger.
The swimmer - Marian.
You'll not go, surely?
- Go? Of course I'm going.
How else will I see her?
- But it could be a trap.
Of course it's a trap.
- Then why...
Not the sort of trap you mean.
A woman's trap.
Oh, aye?
- A very attractive woman, too.
What can I do but fall into it?
- Just you be careful.
Why? Because she's a lady?
Remember, she invited me.
That isn't the sort of careful I mean.
It's you.
I had to return your dagger.
You didn't come swimming today.
- I didn't choose to.
You won't find anybody there.
- But you did choose to see me again.
And here I am,
very willing to see you.
Oh. You're not suddenly
becoming Your Ladyship again?
No, but you must understand something.
What's that?
- I'm a free woman, you're an outlaw.
I won't deal with you on those terms.
You have a problem to solve, then.
Come and be an outlaw with me.
No. But I have a friend
who can solve the problem.
A friend?
- I brought you here to meet him.
Good day to you, Robin Hood.
- A fine friend you have.
My good man, remember your place.
I am a king's officer, she is a lady.
I've already heard that. Keep your
hands away from your sides.
I am merely showing you -
I am not armed. Do you see?
It's no trap. I have the sheriff's
word you'll not be harmed.
I know what his word is worth.
I've had dealings with him.
May I sit down?
Lady Marian.
I have a proposition to make.
I've no business to do here.
- But the sheriff has.
Come now, my lord. I'm sure
Robin Hood is anxious to be leaving.
I can well understand that.
Say what you have to say.
And if I'm anxious to be leaving,
it's because my feelings for
this lady are beginning to cool off.
Listen to him
before you jump to conclusions.
I'll come to the point.
You and your men are sheltering
a wanted criminal. I want him.
Why shouldn't we?
We're all criminals according to you.
Tell me about him.
- He fled to the forest.
He was wounded.
Doubtless you're showing him charity.
If I had a guest with me...
- A dangerous criminal.
...or a dangerous criminal,
why should I give him to you?
For a hundred marks,
here and now.
Two hundred.
- Is that enough?
I don't sell my guests for money -
whether they exist or not.
Now, Sheriff, name your final price.
I know you have this man -
you and your men were seen with him.
Lady Marian has made a proposal,
and I am willing to agree with it.
Well, out with it.
- If you deliver him to justice,
I shall publish a free pardon for you.
- What do you say to it?
The only thing I can say - no.
Are you mad?.
It's a magnificent offer.
The most I can offer.
- How can you say no?
You'd rather stay outlawed
in the woods? Oh, you infuriate me.
You make it sound as if it were
choosing to stay an outlaw...
...rather than being free to pay court to you.
How dare you.
- You think I'd be free to do that?
I know the sheriff.
A pardon from him's not worth the
breath he uses to make his promises.
If you won't bargain with me now,
no doubt we shall meet again.
I'll await that pleasure.
And now I really must go.
Lady Marian.
You gave me your word, Sheriff - no trap.
I'm dealing with criminals.
Don't tell me how to deal with outlaws.
I won't let you dishonour promises.
- That doesn't concern me.
Well done, lads.
Since your word means nothing,
ask for no more help from me.
I'll leave you to settle matters
in your own way.
Believe me, madam,
I do know the way.
I told you it would be a trap, Robin,
and it was.
You were right. But I'm sure
she didn't know about it.
You can never tell with women.
- Hm.
Even so, the strange thing was,
it wasn't me the sheriff was after.
He wanted to get his hands on him.
- Poor fellow.
It's all he can do to keep alive,
without worrying about the sheriff.
Who is he, I wonder?
- The sheriff said he was a criminal.
He must be someone very important
for the sheriff to make such a fuss.
And offering a free pardon.
What next, eh?
He'll be proposing you as sheriff,
I expect.
I should have made that my price.
But then he'd have wanted
our friend here in exchange.
Hey, look.
- His eyes are open.
Now, then, lie back and keep still.
Must... must get to... Bawtry.
Yes, later.
Must... must get to... B-Bawtry.
He's very weak.
Someone must stay with him.
What was that he said?
'Must get to Bawtry'?
Aye. He's trying to tell us something.
Yes, but what?
Something to do with this emblem.
I wonder if that's what the sheriff is after?
Well... he'll have to come and get it.
Little John, look.
- Aye, Martin, I can see 'em.
Martin... I think this is what Robin expected.
You stay here.
I'll go and tell him.
I want them spread out at ten paces.
No closing in, and keep to a walk.
In the forest
men must hold neighbours in view...
...and keep to the line.
See to it.
So... he's come already.
Do we fight him?
No, that's what he wants us to do.
No... we move house.
- Right.
Break camp, lads.
Now, we all meet at the five elms.
Hugh, call in the sentries.
Mutch, take ten men and shoot at them
from the western edge of the forest.
Jack, go to the five elms
and see if it's safe there for us.
We haven't much time.
- Aye. But I hope Martin's all right.
Martin of Eastwood.
I remember you.
When did you last see your family?
- A year ago when I became an outlaw.
You could see them again.
- Huh?
It is in my power to let you see them.
Oh, yes,
I'm prepared to bargain with you.
Tell me where your camp is
and you shall have a free pardon.
Refuse and you'll be shot.
- No.
I mean what I say.
- No.
Stand aside.
I cannot delay.
You have no more time.
- Go on, tell me.
You'll give me a pardon?
You go in for about a mile,
till you reach the twin oaks.
Then you go up the ridge to the north.
Go on.
You'll see no path,
but if you go in the larch thicket...
...the path starts behind it.
See that a free pardon is made out
for Martin of Eastwood, an outlaw.
Forward. Hup.
Not one of them here, my lord.
But there's a grave.
- The man you're after may have died.
It must be him. He was badly wounded
when we lost him.
Graves have been known to be empty.
Dig it up.
You two. Here.
Is... is that you, Lucy?
No, it's... Marian.
Marian Fitzwalter.
I so wanted to see you again, Lucy.
But they killed me.
Ro... Robin.
I... I betrayed you.
They offered him a free pardon...
and then shot him.
All right, Martin.
We've moved camp - we're safe.
Get word to Friar Tuck. We'll see
that he has a Christian burial.
With the sheriff on the prowl,
you mustn't stay here.
Come with me.
I'll take you where you won't be seen going.
Yes, that's him.
- Anything on him?
You mean in his purse, my lord?
- Yes, in his purse.
Go on, man, look.
Eight silver marks and a crucifix.
- So they left him his money.
Anything else? The gold emblem?
- No, my lord.
Your way lies over there.
Now you can see
why I couldn't accept a pardon.
Yes. I was trying to find you to tell you...
To tell me what?
- Yesterday, the sheriff's trap.
You must believe me,
I knew nothing about it.
That man, Martin...
I'll not let the Sheriff forget that.
You must be off.
You risk your life away from your men.
I can take care of myself.
With a woman, it's different.
I can take care of myself,
Robin Hood.
Meet you at Friar Tuck's
tomorrow afternoon.
A falcon and a daisy.
Stop. Stop that, I say.
- You say?
- Stop. What's his offence?
Who tried him?
- I don't take orders from you.
Whose orders were these?
- The Sheriff of Nottingham.
Draw. Strike.
- Do you give me orders too?
Look well at me first, Captain.
- Set him free. Then go.
All right, untie him.
Who is the authority in this country?
I am.
It is my duty to deal with
lawbreakers, and I shall.
- You know nothing of these matters.
I question your treacherous methods.
You offered Robin Hood a free pardon.
That was your idea.
Yes. And I realise now
what would have happened.
Martin of Eastwood was given a free
pardon, then cold-bloodedly shot.
Outlaws, madam -
you are speaking of outlaws.
It's a matter of whether
your word means anything.
I am very busy.
I'm concerned
for Martin's widow and children.
Have they broken the law?
Do they deserve to starve?
It will be investigated.
Martin died a free man.
His property must be restored
to his widow and children.
The case will be gone into.
- While they go hungry?
This is not a matter for the king's sheriff.
It's a business for lawyers.
- You refuse to help them.
It is a legal procedure.
It will take time.
I shall not let you rest
until I get justice for these people.
What are you proposing to do?
- To see justice done.
Let me give you a word of warning.
If you side with the outlaws,
you will tread on very dangerous ground.
Delicious. Delicious.
How the good Lord provides for us.
Who's there?
Just practising my archery, Father.
- It's you. You come to confession?
I might, Friar Tuck.
But I've got an appointment.
Not with me, I suppose. Haven't seen
any of you for more than a week.
Oh, look at those onions - ruined.
We had to move. The sheriff came into
the forest with every man he'd got.
We've moved north,
beyond the five elms.
Serves you right.
- It wasn't us the sheriff was after.
And the man he wanted
died before he found him.
God rest his soul.
Well, who was he?
That we don't know. We found
him badly wounded, unconscious.
He only spoke once.
Before he died he said,
'Must get to Bawtry', then 'Danger'.
Why Bawtry? Little town on a hill,
that's all Bawtry is.
I don't know why.
I'm going there to try to find out.
Must be important, for the sheriff
to go to such lengths.
Sooner you than me.
Tidy step to Bawtry.
All the same, I must go.
Aren't you taking a risk,
roaming around outside the forest?
Of course,
I suppose I could go for you.
No, you're too fat for it.
- What, me?
I've made longer journeys.
20 miles was nothing.
I was a great traveller in my time.
I was a bit slimmer, of course.
- Oh, of course.
Well, I must be off. I have to
get back here to meet a lady.
What makes you think
a lady would want to meet you?
Oh, we've got visitors.
The Earl of Newark.
Good day, Friar. We would be
grateful to you for a drink of water.
- Many thanks, Father.
It's a thirsty business in the sun.
Warm work, OIlerton, huh?
As good a morning's hawking
as I've had this year, though.
You've both beaten me today, but I'll
wager my white bird against Melton's.
But he's saving his.
- Mine has flown in better company.
Here, you - fellow - fetch me some water.
Are you deaf, you scoundrel?
Allow me.
- Stand back, priest.
I told him.
Come over here, you.
I'll not be disobeyed by a peasant.
Give me a cup of water.
You insolent dog.
- Melton, put away your sword.
Put away your sword.
It was an accident, I'm sure.
- And I'm sure it was not.
Then you know he insulted me.
- You provoked him.
Here a moment.
- He is one of my parishioners.
I've told him about being impetuous.
But he's a good man at heart.
All right, Father.
You're armed with a bow, I see.
I'm practising my archery -
like we should do by law.
Mm-hm? Do you shoot well?
England needs good archers.
I do my best.
- Oh, he's very good, milord.
I'll put you to a test.
Lord Melton claims you insulted him.
I'm not sure,
but I'll give you both a chance.
Melton, put up your falcon.
- Why?
Do as I say.
Now, hit that falcon.
- No. That's a prize peregrine.
If he shoots at it and misses,
have him punished for shooting at it.
If he hits it,
you're not to touch him.
In which case,
I have employment for him.
Well, bowman, how's your nerve?
It WAS my life or hers, milord.
Give me that bow of yours.
And an arrow.
Was it a good shot?
Or another accident?
We shall see.
Your skill against mine.
You see that forked branch up there?
If you can hit that right fork, I'll
know I can rely on your shooting.
You shoot well.
That'll be a hard shot to equal.
You shoot well too, bowman.
Now you must come and work for me.
I don't know about that.
How much did your last year's work
bring? 100 marks?
Not 100.
- You shall have 100 from me.
And not for a year's work -
a month, perhaps less.
I think I've shown you
that I'm a man of my word. Well?
He's got a big family to support.
Haven't you?
My offer depends on your coming with
me now. Not a moment's hesitation.
I'll come.
- Good.
See him mounted on your other horse.
Can you ride?
Well enough.
- Excellent.
Goodbye, Father.
And thank you for our drinks.
I hope your journey won't exhaust you.
I'm not going on any journey.
Oh. Yes.
- Let my 'family' know where I am.
Oh. Yes.
Come along, Isabella,
you greedy animal.
We've got a journey to make.
Come along, then.
Come on.
Come on, then. Come on.
Come on.
We've got to go to Bawtry.
You abomination.
This assize is to determine
the ownership of the manor of Bawtry,
following the supposed death
of the tenant, John Mortimer.
Who shall represent the crown?
- I do, as the king's officer.
Very well.
You have the sworn documents?
- Yes, it would appear so.
This is a simple formality.
The court has in its possession
sworn documents...
...which testify to the death of the
tenant of the manor, John Mortimer,
while in the service of the king
in the Holy Land.
There is no heir to the estate -
also affirmed in the documents.
I therefore ask the court's authority...
...to confirm that the estate
shall be held in trust by me,
by virtue of my office as sheriff,
according to the law,
until re-granted to another tenant.
Does any here dispute
the facts in this matter,
as sworn to in the documents?
None object.
The sheriff wishes it to be recorded...
...that the lands shall
fall by escheat to the crown,
until re-granted to some other tenant.
Do any object on legal grounds to this?
I have a mind to speak.
You must take your oath.
- I have already taken it.
My name is on your papers, swearing
to the death of John Mortimer.
I served him and fought beside him
in the Holy Land.
It was a pity such a good man died.
He made this place into a town.
You seem to have a fine record -
devoting your life to his service.
My life's of no consequence,
Milord Sheriff.
But you'll all hear this.
No one here will speak up and say
what's in his mind. But I shall.
Everyone knows what will happen.
You're acting within the law,
Sheriff, and hiding behind it.
We all know what will happen.
You're acting as an agent.
When the manor is under your control
you'll hand it over to some nobleman,
who'll pull the whole town down
and build a castle on the site.
That sounds like a prophecy.
Witchcraft almost.
Are you able to look into the future?
One moment.
Sit down, man. This court
does not accept hearsay and gossip.
Hearsay? It's common knowledge.
The sheriff ought to act in
the king's interests. But not he.
It's his friend...
- Enough. I will not admit gossip.
Hear my judgment.
- Wait.
Who spoke?
- I have something to say.
Ah. Here's someone you'll listen to,
if you won't hear me.
Hubert Walter.
Hubert Walter, the chancellor.
- I know.
That's Hubert Walter.
- The Archbishop of Canterbury?
Archbishop or king's chancellor -
take your pick.
He's not a man to trifle with.
If Your Grace would wish
to address the court...
I have several things to say.
I do not speak to you as your archbishop.
If I did, it would be to urge you
to do what is right and just,
without fear.
As it is, you seem powerless to act
against the word of the king's law.
Your sheriff seems to be doing his
duty strictly according to the law.
But I am Chancellor of England,
and I will not have it said
that the law acts against the people.
The people themselves have their rights.
The king swore to uphold them,
and I speak in his absence for the king.
Travelling through the kingdom, I
learn things I don't hear in London.
Some nobles would like to build
castles in defiance of the king.
I mention no names.
I've enough experience of war to know
that the hill your town stands on,
if fortified,
would hold the roads to the north...
...and cut off any shipping
in the river below.
It may be clear in law...
...that this manor should be
made over to the sheriff,
but in this case,
I absolutely forbid it.
I require that you have all
the documents sent to me in London.
If Your Grace would...
I must do as he says.
- No matter.
There are other ways.
You obstinate animal.
We'll try another way.
I thought so.
Yes, that's the sort of archbishop
I like. Not like some.
Here's to him.
Another member of the clergy.
You're not so welcome
as the one we just had,
but I'll buy you some ale.
Bless you.
- 'Bless you,' he says.
Seeing as an archbishop
done something for us,
I don't mind a blessing
from just an ordinary friar.
Oh, thank you. Did you say
you had an archbishop here?
Aye, we did.
Hubert Walter - none other.
And Lord Chancellor. You couldn't ask
for more, the King away in France.
I'd have liked a talk with him.
- Would you?
Yes, I would.
Why, it's a disgrace.
What is?
- His new fasting rules.
It's all very well
to make rules against gluttony,
but do you realise what it means
to a priest like myself?
One chicken and half a goose at a meal.
Half a goose?. We were lucky
if we got half a loaf on crusade.
That's the war.
Father, I can see you're hungry.
Seeing as this has been a big day
with us, I'll buy you a pie.
I can see you're a very understanding
and charitable man.
You know, even though I rear my own,
I'm only allowed to eat
one chicken at a time.
Was he in any danger?
- The archbishop? Not on your life.
Why should he be? Rode off about
an hour ago with his men to London.
So much for Robin and his danger.
I've seen your skill. I'll not
waste our time on plain targets.
Just as you like.
First, see if you can hit the pumpkin
through the spinning wheel.
Three arrows each.
I'll begin.
Ready, Will?
Now you.
You've done well.
Now for some bell-ringing.
Three arrows for the most shots
in the quickest time. You say when.
Hm. Two out of three to you.
It's the speed that beats you.
- But you did two, to my one.
Now come with me.
I'll watch you shoot alone.
I've seen you can shoot straight.
Now you must shoot crooked.
Stand just here.
Now see what you can do with that.
If you can hit the goal from here,
you're the man I need.
Spinning wheels, bells... Now you
mean to hit the goal through there?.
- Don't have much of a sight of it.
Take your time.
Nearly. Once more.
Hmm... might do better than that.
If you can shoot a hawk high up in the sun,
you'll be well able to shoot a man.
That depends.
On how much?
You'll be well paid.
No, on what man.
Set your mind at rest.
He deserves to die.
He'd kill me without hesitation
if he had something against me.
Where am I supposed to do this,
my lord?
You'll be taken to the place.
You won't see the man.
He won't let you stand in his way.
- You mean the sheriff?
Keep your eye on the target.
Oh, you abominable creature.
I've a good mind to put you on a fast.
Good day, Friar.
- Oh. Lady Marian.
Please forgive me for not getting up.
I can hardly move.
I've been on a long journey.
- Of course. Do rest.
If you've been in the saddle all day...
In the saddle?. I've been on my feet,
pulling that abominable monster.
Look at her, eating her head off.
Ah, well,
you're very welcome, young lady.
Now, what did you want
to talk to me about?
Oh, not you, Father.
I came here to meet someone.
Oh? A man?
Well, come to think of it,
I had a man here this morning.
He had an appointment, too.
Did you know this man very well?
Huh? Yes, yes, quite well.
He's a good fellow.
Though everybody would think so.
I met him first accidentally.
But to my mind, Robin's...
You did meet him, then?
What did he say?
Hm? He had to go to Newark.
- Oh, I've missed him.
I had to see the sheriff.
- The sheriff too?
You're keeping rather mixed company,
aren't you?
I saw him about Martin of Eastwood -
or his widow, rather.
Martin had a free pardon.
But the sheriff won't listen.
I won't let it rest.
- You should have been in Bawtry.
You'd have found someone to listen
to you - Hubert Walter is your man.
Who better. Is he there now?
No. Unfortunately,
he'd left by the time I got there.
I'd have given him a piece of my mind
about his fasting laws.
Where is he now? I could
put this case to him in person.
Which way did he go?
- Well, it's rather difficult to say.
Which way was he riding?
They did say
that he was riding south to London.
From Bawtry?
I know the way he must go.
But you can't just go like that.
- I'm going to do it. Goodbye, Friar.
Well, I suppose I'd better go
and tell Little John where Robin is.
Come along,
you overfed, iniquitous animal.
Er... I think you can stay behind this time.
You did well. But I want
to see how you can shoot in darkness.
Oh, yes?
- Milord Newark.
Robin Hood.
Guards. Guards.
Guard the gate.
After him.
- Wait.
Leave him.
- That's Robin Hood.
Let him alone.
- But I tell you, that is Robin Hood.
So you say.
But he was under my protection here.
Pity. He was a fine shot.
- Under your protection?.
He's an outlaw. Why was he here?
- I asked him.
So it was Robin Hood.
No wonder he was a good shot.
May I ask
what you find so amusing, my lord?
Outlaws have their uses.
You ask for witnesses.
But I was a witness.
To the death of this man Martin, yes.
But what of the witnesses
to the free pardon?
I wouldn't call you a liar. But it's
the word of one against another.
But how can I get justice?
- I'll help you.
The sheriff's men were witnesses.
- But they wouldn't go against him.
They would...
if he were no longer sheriff.
Never mind where you've been.
Where's Robin?
Been no sign of him since morning.
All very well for you to get
flustered. I did all the walking.
Come on, man.
Did he go to Bawtry?
Did he go to Bawtry?.
I went to Bawtry.
What a journey that was.
Where DID he go?
- I went to Newark.
Why didn't you tell us you went to...
To Newark?.
- Yes, with the earl.
And a very interesting day I've had too.
Look what I found.
- The sheriff's horse?.
Did you get that from Newark Castle?
And the Earl of Newark's sword.
But I had to leave that behind.
You had a better day of it than I -
chasing around on foot...
...and dragging a donkey
most of the way to Bawtry.
What did you find out?
- Find out? Oh, nothing.
Nothing at all?
- I got nothing out of him neither.
There'd been some court case, but it
was settled by the time I got there.
Oh? Who did the settling?
- The Lord Chancellor, of all people.
Hubert Walter himself?
- In a little village like Bawtry?
He was riding south to London,
and he intervened in the case.
What's that?
- I wish I knew. I saw another today.
Where'd you get this?
- From the man who died.
The man the sheriff wanted.
You know, this might be the
archbishop's. A daisy's his badge.
A daisy's what?
- Hubert Walter's badge.
You see, I know a lot about heraldry...
Just a daisy? No falcon?
- No, no falcon.
No, this couldn't be Hubert Walter's.
You see, it shows a daisy
in the grip of a falcon.
In the grip of a falcon?
Falcon. Newark, by heaven.
The Newarks' badge is a falcon.
- Well, that's it.
The stranger must have been sent to
warn Walter - this was their symbol.
Which way did Walter ride? South?
- Yes.
And Lady Marian...
- Marian?
She was riding to talk to him about Martin.
Marian will be with him now?
- That was her intention.
Little John, pick two good men
with horses and come with me.
Bring me a bow and a sword.
Tom, Jack - three horses, quick.
Hey. Where are you going?
- Thanks for the lesson in heraldry.
Will someone please explain?
A dozen of your men should do.
You've forced me to change plan -
they must succeed.
You say I forced you to change, but
Robin Hood would not have shot him.
A dozen men have
left the castle dressed as outlaws.
They know the place.
- And that we want no survivors?
I repeated it to them.
They'll hang if there are.
Why are you wearing this?
- It's the time for it.
The falcon will have the daisy in his power.
Put it away. But after tonight
it can be worn by us all,
as brothers in this enterprise.
Go. Your men must know nothing
of what is to happen.
They shall never know.
- You know where the bodies will be.
Bring me back his seal.
No sign of them.
- That's the way to Southwell.
They must have passed here by now.
Come on - through the ford.
There may even be a record -
of a free pardon.
They were told to make one out.
- Hmm.
What's that place over there?
Caunton Priory.
Miles yet to Southwell,
and sunset approaching. Shall we...
...Ambush. Ambush.
Guard yourself, my lord.
Marian. Catch.
This is a convent.
- We are in danger.
Open the door.
- I can't admit you.
My Lord Archbishop.
- Don't kneel, open the door.
At once, my lord.
Now take me to the prioress.
The sheriff.
Well... let him deal with it now.
He's paid to stop this sort of thing.
He's a bit late, though, ain't he?
Outlaws, my lord.
There's some of them dead here.
Look at this slaughter.
I suppose he thinks we did it.
Tom. Jack.
You two go back and stay with the horses.
Go on. Little John and I
can take care of ourselves.
I'll be back.
It's the archbishop's party.
- I'm afraid so.
But where's the archbishop?
My lord.
Where is the archbishop?
He got away.
To the priory. Over there.
He can't travel tomorrow without escort.
No, my lord.
I shall inform the earl.
He must provide the escort.
Shall we ride with you?
- No. Take the men to Nottingham.
You pass Bawtry on the way -
we have a score to settle there.
It shall be done.
Your Lordship is welcome to stay in
the guestroom. But as for the lady...
She is not my travelling companion,
and I don't know her plans,
but I expect her to be given shelter,
with outlaws abroad.
Certainly, Your Lordship.
You mustn't think that I supposed...
If you could sleep in one of the nun's cells?
I should be very glad,
Reverend Mother.
Thank you, Sister.
Will you eat now?
Thank you.
The sister portress has a message for you.
Excuse me, milady.
Your Lordship.
Reverend Mother, there's a man
at the door. He won't leave.
I shall speak to him.
Please go away.
This is a matter of the gravest importance.
The archbishop's life is in danger.
You must let me in.
This is a priory.
I'll admit no one here at night,
particularly a man I don't know.
Wait. Listen.
I'm Robin Hood, the outlaw.
You must listen to me.
I mean you no harm.
But the archbishop's life is in danger.
I've just prevented
his being killed in an ambush.
Do you expect me to believe a tale like that?
But it's true.
I can believe you tried to ambush him.
No, no, I swear...
- He's quite safe here with me.
Please go away.
It's a good room. Many thanks.
- I wish it was better furnished.
Archbishop or peasant,
a man needs a place to rest.
And a place to pray.
I'll not have it done like that.
- What else can be done?.
Silence. I've had enough
of your advice, Sheriff.
He was to be shot in the priory,
but you said to rely on the ambush.
Hood wouldn't shoot him.
- Now you'd have him shot as before.
You were prepared to use an assassin.
You could shoot him yourself.
- No, enough.
I'm tired of these ambushes of yours.
I'm a man of honour. No more of it.
Arm yourselves. We'll face
this archbishop in the priory.
No. Not I.
This is sacrilege.
- Sacrilege? You hypocrite.
We daren't risk killing him openly.
I'll listen no more.
I've done with you.
But what use is a kingdom to you...
if you kill your friends?
Don't ask for gratitude, Melton.
He was no coward.
Well, arm yourselves, I say.
The priory door will be bolted for the night.
The prioress is my cousin.
...the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Thou, O Lord,
will open my lips.
And my tongue shall announce thy praise.
Incline unto my aid, O Lord.
- O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be, world without end.
Five glorious mysteries.
First, the Resurrection.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done
in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God...
Milord Archbishop.
Take your sword.
Hubert Walter?
- Well?
You should have stayed in Canterbury.
But you meddle in affairs of state.
You would be chancellor as well.
Then come, Chancellor.
I'll meet you, traitor...
...as chancellor.
Are you all right, milord?
- I thought a priory safe.
But I should prefer the forest
tonight... Robin Hood.
Well, many thanks to you, Robin Hood.
It's the first time in ten years I've
slept in the woods like a soldier.
Or like an outlaw.
But in safety.
If your two men could conduct me
nearly to the abbey at Southwell,
I should be grateful.
- Certainly.
It wouldn't do for outlaws
to be seen in your company.
Marian, you've been very persistent,
and you shall have your way.
Friar, have you that parchment?
- Yes, milord.
This confirms the free pardon
for Martin of Eastwood...
...and will secure his land for his family.
And there's my seal on it.
I wanted to ask more than that.
- Oh?
I wanted to ask
a free pardon for Robin Hood.
Oh. That I shall have to
take up with King Richard...
...when he returns from France -
and that may take some time.
Madam, you're now asking me
to do something for a live outlaw.
Friar, if I know this young woman,
she's likely to stay in the forest.
In which case, it will be your duty
to marry these two.
And now... farewell.
Oh, er, Your Lordship. Those new
fasting laws, they're very strict.
Your Lordship. Your Lordship.
I think he wants
to eat the archbishop's horse.
Your Lordship. A chicken,
Your Lordship, and half a goose...
# Friar Tuck
his blessing now will give...
...# The outlaws spare the poor
# And Robin Hood and | Marian live
in Sherwood evermore #