Terror in the Wax Museum (1973) Movie Script

What is it Karkov?
You were so fond of her.
Oh, I am sorry.
She can't stay with us.
She must be destroyed.
There's an unfortunate flaw
in her pristine beauty.
You know I always insist on perfection.
Dupree, get it over with.
Wax thou art and unto
wax you shall return.
Dupree, my time is valuable.
I apologize for keeping
you waiting, Mr. Burns.
As you can see, my work goes on long after
the museum is closed.
Let's get down to business.
I have the bank draft and
the papers right here.
Oh yes, the papers.
Can we discuss it upstairs in the museum?
Upstairs, downstairs, what
difference does it make?
You know, this is the third
time I've been back here.
Yes, yes, I quite understand.
You've been most patient.
This way.
Poor Karkov.
He becomes so deeply
attached to all the members
of our family.
He's really a most sensitive creature.
Yeah, I can see that.
All right, come on, let's go, let's go.
The guillotine!
At the Place de la Revolution.
And the unfortunate Marie Antoinette.
Authentic in every detail.
Even the guillotine was
imported from France.
Her hair turned completely white
shortly before the execution, you know.
Here you are.
You gonna make a deal with me or not?
Lizzy Borden, a country
woman of yours, Mr. Burns.
Fall River, Massachusetts.
And, (mumbles) in the 1800s--
I've had the tour
and lecture, thank you.
This is where Bloody Queen Mary sat.
The setting was excellent,
but there was an imperfection
on the left side of her face
that I detected only today.
It's a pity she had to be destroyed.
Well, she looked good enough to me.
I've made an exhaustive life study
of these famous and infamous people.
I know every intimate
detail of their lives
and their physical makeups.
I feel I'm actually living with them.
It could be that you've
lived with them for too long.
Lately, strange things have occurred.
Oh, what kind of strange things?
Look at Jack the Ripper.
It's as if he knows
what I'm contemplating.
He doesn't want me to sell.
Dupree, that's hog wash.
None of them want me to sell.
They like it here.
We've been together so long.
Look, my operation in
New York is very big.
It's just off Broadway.
Now, I'll set the figures up
exactly as they're set up here.
Your friends won't know
the difference, believe me.
Then there's poor Karkov.
I'm not buying any
live monsters, just wax ones.
The poor fellow knows
nothing but this museum.
There are institutions
for freaks like that.
Now, let's get these papers signed.
Mr. Burns, may I ask for one more night
to think it over?
All right, all right, I'll
give you one more night.
But, it's the last time I'm
coming back, I promise you.
I assure you the matter
will be resolved in the morning.
Just a minute.
Are you stalling me just
to jack up the price?
Oh no, no, your offer's quite fair.
All right.
Thank you and
good night, Mr. Burns.
Good night.
I'll see you in the morning.
First damn thing.
Gee, but we're a happy crowd
Alas, he's free and gay
Father's carving
tombstones all day long
While digging graves for corpses
In the churchyard cross the way
Fills me older brother's heart
With song
Sister Susie's sewing shrouds
Me uncle drives an hearse
And, now they've made
an helper out of me
Me aunt's a casket draper
Mother lady undertaker
Gee, but we're an happy family
Ya da da da dum
Gee, but we're an happy family
Good evening, governor.
What's your pleasure?
Uh, half and half and
send the boss over, will ya?
You're looking at the
owner himself, governor.
Tim Fowley.
Oh, doesn't that gal
know any cheerful songs?
I just came from that
spooky joint next door.
Oh, I don't blame you
for wanting a bit of cheer, governor.
That's the den of fiends
and loonies that is.
Bad enough in the daytime.
I wouldn't fancy it at night.
Tell me something, how
well do you know Dupree?
Oh better than I ever knew my old man.
Dupree's a tenant of mine.
I own the building.
Cousin Kate is weaving reaves
Me boyfriend's hanging crepe
We're all as happy as can be
Was he always crazy or is
he just going off his rocker
due to old age?
Well, he may be a bit
peculiar on and off,
but gentle and harmless as a tabby cat.
Ah, he's a good ol' boy.
Happy family
Ya da da da dum
Gee, but we're an happy family
Gee, but we're a cheery bunch
Singing in memoriam
Pleased to have another soul depart
And seeing pyres crackling
in the crematorium
Warms the cockles of me happy heart
Bloody (mumbles), formaldehyde
There you are, governor.
Oh, thanks.
If there's any work it's quite a joy
How do you get her to
stop that funeral dirge?
Oh, oh, and it's a long one, governor.
The only thing that shuts
Laurie off is when some bloke
takes a fancy to her and
stands on a drink or two.
Happy family
Ya da da da dum
I take a fancy to her
but not that lousy song.
Happy family
Good night, Laurie.
Cheerio, Mr. Fowley.
Thanks, love.
Can I give you a lift?
I'm sure you could,
governor, but not tonight.
Oh, come on, I'll treat you right.
No doubt, but my
engagement book's full up.
Pop around in a day or so, there's a love.
All right, in a day or so.
Good night, Karkov.
You've betrayed us.
No, no.
No, I wouldn't do that to you, Jack.
Believe me, I wouldn't.
Please believe me.
(speaking foreign language) traitor!
Liar, Dupree.
No, Lizzy, no, I didn't lie to you.
Please believe me, I
didn't lie to you, Lizzy.
I wouldn't lie to you, Lizzy.
Please believe me!
Dupree, we won't let you sell.
Oh, but I'm not going to sell.
I was talking about it,
but I decided against it.
Please believe me.
Liar, liar.
Traitor, Judas.
You've betrayed us.
You've betrayed us.
Jack, believe me.
Oh no, get away.
No, Lizzy, please,
believe me, please.
Karkov, is that you?
My friends, I explained it to you.
It's all right, don't worry.
Mr. Burns made me a very generous offer.
I had to listen to him.
Don't you understand, I had to.
There he was, in a sea
of his own blood they say.
All right, now, move back please.
You're blocking the thoroughfare.
Come on.
Move back, move back,
let the cab come through.
Now, I don't know what
you're all waiting here for.
The museum is closed.
Won't be open for some considerable time,
so why don't you all
just go home peaceful?
See London's very own Jack the Ripper.
Now, now, now, now, what's
all this howling about?
It's one of them bloody evil monsters
from the Chamber of Horrors.
Right there he was,
gawking straight up at us.
Oh ho, you ladies have
got a touch of the jim jams.
There's nothing in that place but dummies.
And, closing this iron, musty place.
Been dusted, no prints.
Why are you taking a
photograph of a wax figure?
Well, he's a
suspect, ain't he, Inspector?
Now, then, Mr. Flexner,
you say you were a partner
of the deceased.
No, I did not say
that, Inspector Daniels.
I am not a legal partner.
I was Mr. Dupree's assistant, associate
for a great many years.
Coroner tells me the death
occurred six or seven hours ago.
You found the door securely
locked when you came here
at 8:00 this morning?
When I arrived at 7:00 this morning.
Ah ha, yes, seven.
Bit early to report for work, isn't it?
You don't open to the public until 10.
I've already explained that.
I live quite close by in High Hoven.
I had a lot of work to catch up on
and yesterday was my day off.
So, I went to Brighton.
Hmm, not aware of a train that arrives
from Brighton that early in the morning.
I came back from Brighton last night.
Ah yes, and went to your rooms.
No, I spent the night with
some friends in Longacre.
I already explained that, too.
Quite so, quite so.
You explained it twice
without a hitch very nicely.
Thank you, Mr. Flexner.
I told you everything
I did at least twice.
I guess I'm the last
one to see Dupree alive.
No, not the last one, Mr. Burns.
Unless you murdered him.
I think you ought to have
a look at what's turned up
in the cellar.
It's Karkov.
Poor soul.
I'd forgotten all about him.
He'd be a hard one to forget.
Not when you get used to him.
Some dreadful accident when he was a child
left him a deaf mute and the
police found him abandoned.
Didn't know what to do with
him, so Dupree took him in.
Gave him this place to live, let him do
odd jobs around here.
Treated him like a son.
Some say not without reason.
Have you tried to question
him, Sergeant Hawks?
He reads lips.
I gather he didn't notice
anything unusual during the night.
I'd ask him a whole lot more.
Such as, Mr. Burns?
He knew I was discussing
business with Dupree last night.
He was here.
You don't suggest he killed
Dupree for that reason.
No, but he could figure
he's gonna be out of a home
and a job.
Where would a freak like that go?
He seems to be genuinely
grieved over the death of Dupree.
He's been sobbing like a baby.
He's a dummy.
How'd he know Dupree was dead?
Who told him?
I told him.
I'd say he's sick.
Look at all those pictures
of that cheap woman.
You're heading up a
blind alley, Mr. Burns.
Coroner says that Dupree was
stabbed by a right-handed man.
This fellow's right arm
is withered, useless.
Forget it.
Bloody slaughter house.
Strange, with all these weapons...
Why would the killer go to the trouble
of using the Ripper's scalpel?
Yet that's precisely
what he did and wiped it.
Is there anything of value missing?
Well, I don't see anything here.
I'll take a look upstairs
in Dupree's living quarters.
Maybe he did it.
A wax dummy, Mr. Burns.
The real Jack the Ripper.
You never caught him, did you.
Sergeant Hawks here is
a bit of expert on Jack.
He was assigned to the
Ripper case for over a year
when he first joined the Yard.
And, not much I didn't learn about Jack
except who he is, where
he is, and how to nab him.
Committed his last
murder over 10 years ago
and hasn't been heard from since.
Could be that he came out of retirement
because he didn't like the
way he looked here in wax.
I told you, sir.
I've got me orders.
No one goes in here
except on police business.
And I told you...
Oh, Inspector, tell this fool who I am.
Excuse me.
It's all right, Parker, all right.
Mr. Southcott is the dead man's solicitor.
I sent for him.
Yes, sir, sorry, sir.
Terrible thing.
Glad you're in charge, Daniels.
Just poking my nose in at
the preliminary investigation.
Sergeant Hawks here will
be in charge of the case
and carry through.
Hmm, oh, ladies, please.
This is Inspector Daniels, Sergeant Hawks.
This is Margaret Collins, Dupree's niece
and her guardian, Miss Hawthorn.
They just arrived at
my office from Suffolk
when your message came.
My sympathy, miss.
Poor Uncle.
I hadn't seen him in some time.
I was so happy when he sent for us.
And, now--
Dupree came to see me last week.
He asked for his will, said he wanted
to make a change in it.
At the same time he asked
me to send for his niece
and her guardian.
We were to meet at my office this morning.
How was the will changed?
He never returned it.
I assume it's still here.
It isn't among his papers.
Well, if there's no will,
the closest relative inherits.
And, the only relative is Meg.
Please, Julia, we don't
need to go into all that now.
Now, is the best time.
I'm this girl's legal
guardian until she's of age.
And, I'm advising you that
this place now belongs to her.
Madame, I'm grateful
for your legal counsel
in this delicate matter.
Mr. Southcott.
Excuse me, sirs.
As you well know, sir, I was
Mr. Dupree's only associate
for 20 years.
And, he promised faithfully
that Karkov and I
would be mentioned in the will and that we
would inherit this museum.
You were, Mr. Flexner.
But, Dupree said he
was changing that will.
But, you know very well
he intended me to have it.
You were paid for your
services, were you not?
A fraction of my worth.
I stayed and designed all these tableaux.
And, I fashioned every one
of the good figures in here.
It's no good arguing, Mr. Flexner.
Until the will is found,
Miss Collins must be regarded
by the law as the legal heir.
Come, Meg, let's look
over this ghastly business
that you've come into.
Is there any evidence
of robbery, Mr. Flexner?
No, nothing seems to be missing.
The cash box with yesterday's
receipts hasn't been touched.
No secret compartments or vaults?
None that I know of.
I couldn't help overhearing,
you're the new owner, miss?
I'm Miss Hawthorn.
Please discuss any
business matters with me.
Well, I had a deal with
Dupree to buy the waxworks.
That is ridiculous.
He never would've sold the museum.
You probably tried
to talk him out of it.
We never even discussed it.
He always promised that I
would end up with the place.
Man forgets his promises
when you shove a fistful
of money in his face.
The offer is still open, ladies.
We shall need a little time, Mr. Burns.
Drop around after the funeral.
Well, I've waited this long.
Good day, ladies.
Does seem strange Uncle would sell.
He devoted his whole life to this place.
Well, we may not sell either.
First we'll move in, then
we'll open for business
and see how well the place does.
Live here?
Well, we can't afford a hotel, Meg.
After all, this place is yours.
Oh, and there's quite
a crowd out in front.
And, I'm sure there are
hundreds of dear morbid souls
anxious to pay to see
where murder was done.
That's crass and ghoulish,
with poor Dupree not yet
decently in his grave.
It's all very well for you
to moralize, Mr. Southcott.
You're a rich lawyer and
you can afford sentiment.
We can't.
I mean to get as much out
of this place as possible
as soon as possible.
I'll let you know
precisely how much you'll get
as soon as I've had a chance
to examine the estate.
I expect an accurate accounting.
Good day, madame.
Miss Collins.
Going back to the courts?
I'll drop you off.
You're in charge now, Sergeant.
Keep in touch with the Yard.
Yes, sir.
Do you really intend
to operate the museum, Julia?
I certainly do.
There's a great deal more to it
than just opening the doors, you know.
There are the lectures,
the design and maintenance
of the figures.
Very well, Mr. Flexner,
you may stay on and function
as usual, at your regular salary.
That's most generous of
you, considering I spent
a great deal of my life here
and I have nowhere else to go.
And, what about Karkov?
I remember him, poor man.
I saw him when I was
here as a little girl.
He does odd jobs around here
and works for practically
nothing, a shilling a week.
Oh, his price is right.
Let him stay on for the moment.
Thank you.
It's all right, Karkov.
You're going to stay.
You're going to stay.
Sergeant Hawks.
See that he gets it.
When will you remove
your bobby from the door
so that we can open for business?
Shortly, Miss Hawthorn.
Perhaps you'd care to go upstairs
and have a look at your
rooms while I step next door
to the music hall for a moment.
Best-liked man on the street.
Used to drop in for a pint
and a chat now and then.
A bit lonely I should think.
I mean all he had was
them dummies and Karkov.
And, what about Karkov?
Oh, Dupree treated him like his own.
Did all sorts of kindly things
for the poor, dumb creature.
Such as having him meet Laurie.
Laurie Mell.
She sings here.
Dupree brought Karkov in here?
Lord love us no, sir.
He took Laurie down to the beast's hold
in the cellar one day.
Asked that she meet the
ugly brute, smile pretty,
and shake his hand, and, you
know, talk to him sweet-like
without turning green about the gills.
And, she did.
Poor master broke out
sobbing when she left.
Only woman who ever
treated him like a human.
The walls of his cell
are covered with pictures
of Miss Mell.
He worships her.
Did you see anyone lurking
about in the street outside
when you closed up last night?
Pea soup fog, sir.
Oh, Laurie might have.
Not likely though.
A girl with her looks don't walk far
before she's got company,
if you know what I mean.
She's a street walker.
Oh, that's a harsh word, sir.
Laurie's just a friendly,
good-hearted girl.
Well, the two are not
incompatible, are they.
Well, thank you, Mr. Fowley,
you've been most helpful.
And, good day.
They say it was Jack the Ripper
slashed the old man's gullet.
And, he's still standing in
there with his bloody knife
ready to slash again.
Excuse me, mind your backs please.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the museum is now open.
Only those with tickets, if you please.
There'll be another tour in an hour.
Now, if you'll follow me.
Just give your tickets
to this gentleman here.
It's him!
Poor Karkov.
Terrible to trade on
his appearance that way.
He's no doubt hardened to it by now.
In these aisles, ladies and gentlemen,
you will meet some of the
most fiendish monsters
in all history.
You'll meet vampires,
cannibals, poisoners,
stranglers, stabbers, and rippers.
This is Willy Grossman,
a meek and timid man.
He was a sausage vendor in
the railway station at Berlin.
Now, when plump and
pretty young country girls
used to come to the railway station,
he would entice them up to his rooms
with the promise of work.
And, there he would murder them.
Then he would dissect
them, pickle the flesh,
and grind it up into
sausages and sell them
at the railway station.
I've had me last sausage.
This is Constable Henry
Bolt, a London bobby
who strangled 22 people in
a little more than a year
just to relieve the monotony
of his nightly rounds.
This way please.
Now, here we have the
infamous Lizzy Borden
of Fall River, Massachusetts.
Her intense dislike for
her parents was celebrated
by a famous ballad which I'm
sure you must've heard sung
to the tune of Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay.
Now, let me see, how does it go?
Lizzy Borden took an ax and
gave her mother 40 whacks
And then to even up the score
She gave her father 40 more
It is amusing, isn't it?
This way, please.
Horrible people.
They really existed?
And, Mr. Flexner seems
to enjoy the workings
of such sick and twisted minds.
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
if you'd just gather round,
I will show you the most infamous murderer
of all time, Bluebeard.
Also known as Comara the Accursed.
Among his victims were his four wives
slain by strangulation, poisoning,
bludgeoning, and burning.
Now, if you'll come over here.
This is Lucrezia Borgia,
daughter of a Pope,
patroness of poets, and a pretty poisoner
of people in her younger
and more frivolous days.
However, in later life, she became a model
of every virtue.
Show us the bloody Ripper.
We want the Ripper.
Very well.
And, there he stands, Jack the Ripper.
This fiend with the skill of a surgeon
who has committed at least 20 murders
in the city of London.
And, only this morning another
foul murder was committed
in this very museum with that same scalpel
he has in his hand now.
You see, Jack the Ripper was never caught.
He could very well be alive today.
He could've been in this
room to examine his likeness.
As a matter of fact, he
could be in this room
at this very moment.
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
if you'll follow me
to the next exhibit, I will show,
ah ah, madam.
You keep your hands off Jack and he might
keep his hands off you.
Those people actually seem to think
Jack the Ripper killed my uncle.
Oh, that's just Flexner feeding
their morbid imaginations.
But, if the Ripper was never caught,
he could still be alive.
Well, that's extremely unlikely.
Believe me I know about Jack.
You're trying to make me feel better.
But still, somebody did it.
Well, that was the first tour.
I think it went off
rather well, don't you?
Your stories were terrifying.
They were meant to be.
I suppose you've told them so often,
they've become rather dull
and tedious to you by now.
Well, though actually
it was my first time.
You see, Mr. Dupree took the
tours and gave the lectures.
I thought he dwelt too
much with the victims
so I urged him to spend more
time with the murderers,
their drives, their twisted
motives, their phobias.
And, I was right, it
was much more effective.
Miss Collins, I'd like to
go up and have another look
at your uncle's papers and
personal effects if I may.
Of course.
Thank you, Miss Collins.
Very good.
We made more with Dupree dead
than the old money grubber did
when he was alive.
What an awful thing to say, Julia.
Oh, everybody's misfortune
is somebody's gain.
It's just as well you
didn't arrive in London
until this morning, Miss Hawthorn.
Oh, but we arrived last night.
It was very late.
We wanted to be fresh for
Mr. Southcott in the morning.
We took rooms in a small
hotel on Beau Street.
Beau Street, just two blocks from here.
Sergeant Hawks, surely
we're not suspects.
No, no, no, no, that was
just a policeman's reflex.
Come in.
I've closed the museum for the night.
I'll be back at my usual
time in the morning.
You have a key?
Yes, of course.
I always open up.
I'll open.
Give me the key.
Mr. Flexner, that creature, Karkov...
He never leaves the museum.
I've already given him his supper.
Oh yes, I hadn't thought of feeding him.
I suppose he is quite a nuisance.
But, he makes an effective
addition at the entrance.
He might make more
effective addition outside
frightening people in.
Julia, don't say that even in jest.
I'll be glad to take Karkov's meals down.
Oh, you needn't bother, Miss Collins.
I'll look after him now as I
promised Mr. Dupree I would.
Good night.
I'll be back when you
open in the morning.
Thank you for the tea.
Oh, there's no need to see me out.
I'll see the front door is properly locked
and may I suggest you keep it that way?
We won't open it to anyone
till you arrive, Sergeant Hawks.
Fine, good night, ladies.
He seems quite clever.
I'm glad he's on the case.
I'm sure you are.
I mean, I'm sure he'll
catch the murderer.
He's more apt to catch that
hopeful look in your eye.
Things may pick up a bit tomorrow.
That loony bin and its
bloody murder snagged
all the business today.
Oh well.
Head out, Laurie.
Sweets to the sweet.
Good night, love.
Miss Collins!
Miss Collins.
Miss Collins.
Down here, Miss Hawthorn.
What happened, Sergeant?
You're all right now.
Sit down.
Now, can you tell me what frightened you?
I couldn't sleep.
I came down to get a glass of milk.
I heard noises in here.
Then I noticed...
Lucrezia Borgia, her hand!
The hand is broken off.
Is that all that startled you?
Not broken, cut!
The Ripper did it.
He moved!
Now Meg, you were having a bad dream
walking in your sleep.
I saw him move!
He came at me.
Please believe me, Sergeant.
Let's have a look, shall we?
Just wax.
I'm sure I saw him move.
And, what about Lucrezia Borgia's hand?
The work of some vandal
in the crowds today.
We just didn't notice earlier.
No, Julia.
I saw both hands on the woman
just before I went to the kitchen.
The hand isn't there now.
There, if it was only just cut off,
how did it leave the room?
Nobody else has been in or out.
Have you been there long?
Did you see anyone after
the museum closed tonight?
Did you see anyone after
the museum closed tonight?
Very well, you may go back to bed now.
Now, him...
It might be him she saw.
In fact, he might be the one
behind all this nasty
business here lately.
He's a beast and a cretin.
Miss Hawthorn, now that Dupree is gone,
Miss Collins is the man's only hope.
Even a beast doesn't bite
the hand that feeds it.
Well then, Sergeant Hawks,
and what were you doing
prowling about outside
in the dead of night?
Waiting for the murderer
to return to the scene
of his crime.
It happens, you know.
Maybe he never left.
Julia, sell this place.
Let's get out of here as soon as possible.
All right, all right, Meg, we'll see.
And, I don't
care what the price is,
just get rid of it.
But, this is all you have, Meg.
You can't just give it away.
Let me handle the business.
Ladies, I suggest you
try to get some sleep now.
Thank you for being so
quick to respond, Sergeant.
I'm glad it was nothing more.
Oh, and I'll see that the
glass in the front door
is replaced first thing in the morning.
At Scotland Yard's expense, I trust,
since you broke it.
At the Yard's expense, naturally.
Good night.
Good night, Jack.
Days on this Earth
are as a shadow.
Swifter than the (mumbles) shuttle.
Flickering faintly as a candle
and as quickly snuffed out.
So, let every man set his house in order
for here the wicked cease from troubling
and here the weary be at rest.
Our dear departed brother
was one who feared God
and withstood evil.
He comes to his grave in a full ripe age
as a shock of corn coming in its season.
He shall return no more to this house.
Either shall his place
know him any longer.
The Lord gave, the Lord taketh away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
I knew he shouldn't be allowed to come.
Miss Hawthorn, I can't
wait around any longer.
I have a business to run in New York.
Are you gonna sell me those
wax figures or aren't you?
At the right price.
That's impossible.
Dupree's property hasn't
been legally transferred
to his niece yet.
I'm sure some other good lawyer will see
that the whole thing is done in escrow.
Mr. Burns, come around to the museum
this evening after closing.
I'll be there.
You asked him to call after closing?
Why certainly, we're going to get back
and open the museum as
fast as we can get there.
There'll be customers waiting.
I'd say that the period of mourning
is officially over, wouldn't you?
Double, double, toil and trouble.
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
It's like the big pot of
witch's brew in Macbeth.
We keep the wax boiling night and day.
Sometimes we have to
melt parts of figures,
sometimes entire figures, because in time
they do deteriorate and they
lose their shape and texture
and the likenesses spoil.
Now, over here...
- It's all like a scene (mumbles)
in a theatrical warehouse.
And we even pre-fashion parts of figures
so that when a new fiend or
monster bursts upon the world
we can have them on
exhibition almost immediately.
Miss Collins.
It's Uncle.
I'm sorry, Miss Collins.
I didn't think you'd be down here.
I should've covered it up sooner.
But, why?
Uncle wasn't a fiend or monster.
No, but he was a victim.
As I said before, we like to be prepared
so that when his murderer
is finally caught
half the tableau will
already be completed.
You'd put Dupree on
display in his own museum?
And, you don't find that a
trifle mercenary, gauche?
No, I think he would've ordered it.
You see the success of this museum
is based upon sensationalism
and not sentiment.
Is there a direct entrance to the cellar
from the outside?
Yes, but it's always
locked, it's never used.
Ah, it certainly hasn't
been used in a long time.
But, there must be another
way to enter the museum.
Well, the doors were locked
the night your uncle was killed.
And, last night all my men were
watching all the entrances,
front and rear, yet someone...
You know, it's a pleasure doing business
with somebody that can make up their mind.
I'll bring over the bank
draft and the papers tomorrow.
Well, splendid.
And, I'll have my crew come in next week
and take all of this stuff out.
Well, at your convenience.
And, I wish you luck with
the monsters in New York.
Thank you.
Good night.
You don't mean you've actually
sold the wax figures.
I have although it's hardly any concern
of yours, Mr. Flexner.
It is my concern.
I shall be without a position.
You might speak to Mr. Burns.
Perhaps he'll take you to New York.
You know more about the
museum than anybody.
No, why should I have to leave London?
Besides, I have Karkov to take care of.
And, Burns cannot stand the sight of him.
Put him in an institution.
No, I gave my word I
would always look after him.
You and Karkov must just work out
your own domestic difficulties.
Mr. Flexner, perhaps if...
That was brutal, Julia.
The man is sensitive, an artist.
He's a leach, a bloodsucker
who attached himself
to Dupree for years and
probably stole him blind.
What do you want?
Don't be unkind.
He can't tell you.
You're not allowed up here at night.
Go back to your place in
the cellar and stay there.
Karkov, you mustn't grieve about Uncle.
He's at rest now, just
sleeping peacefully.
Your flower's fading
because it has no water
and you have nothing to keep it in.
Is that it?
Come along then.
We'll take care of it.
Gee but we're an happy crowd
Our art is free and gay
Father's carving
tombstones all day long
While digging graves for corpses
In the churchyard cross the way
Fills me older brother's heart
With song
Good evening, governor.
Oh, good evening.
How are you?
Happy to see you're becoming
a bit of a steady these days.
Is that the only song she knows,
that one about death and dying?
Oh it's death and dying
that's doing the best business
on the street at the moment, governor.
I suppose you're right.
It was raining so hard,
I couldn't find a cab
so I might as well celebrate.
Get me a half and half, will you?
Half and half it is.
Ya da da da da dum
Gee but we're an happy family
Here we are, governor.
Oh thanks.
Say Fowley, will you join me in one?
Oh happy to oblige.
Ask the gal too.
You said that's the
only way to shut her up.
While clipping graves and tending to
The cleaning out the crypts
Here's what me nephew
loves to laugh about
Cousin Katie is weaving reaves
Me boyfriend's hanging crepe
We're all as happy as can be
Grandpa's a coffin maker
Grandma's the old (mumbles) undertaker
Gee but we're an happy family
Ya da da da dum
Gee but we're an happy family
Hello, love.
Well, you said to drop
around in a day or so, so...
Oh you do have a knack for bad timing.
I've got another engagement
directly after work.
Break it.
But, that's not the
way I keep my friends up.
Here we go.
Is it a special celebration of some sort?
Yeah, I just closed a deal.
Deal, governor?
Yeah, I bought all those wax figures
in the joint next door,
every ugly one of them.
Good evening, Mr. Flexner.
You filthy rich Americans.
You're all alike.
You don't give a damn about anybody.
I don't give a damn for
your opinion, that's for sure.
Come over here with your bloody dollars
and cart something off that
I've slaved years to build.
All right, all right, I've got money.
That's how I get what I want.
You've got talent,
build another wax works.
This took me a lifetime.
Take another lifetime.
You rotten beggar.
Hold on, Mr. Flexner.
You can't come in here
insulting customers.
Come on, step over to the bar and I'll--
I'm leaving.
But, I warn you Mr. Burns,
this time your money
won't do you any good.
I'm not gonna allow you
to blunder my wax museum.
I'll see to it.
Oh, he's got the courage of a titmouse.
To hell with him.
Come on, drink up.
Sit down, sit down, drink up.
Come along, Mr. Burns.
Time to close up.
The rain stopped.
You can get a cab now.
Oh, okay.
Oh, I gotta settle up with you.
Oh, you're more than square, governor.
No charge for the sleeping.
All right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Take it easy, huh?
I will, I will.
Oh boy.
Okay, okay, okay.
Now, your best
chance to hail a cab
is three blocks north at Oburn Station.
North and at Oburn Station.
That's right.
Well, thank you.
Good night, good night.
Good night, governor.
And, hurry back.
I will, I will.
Well, I see he made it.
Wobbled off to get a cab.
Evening, Laurie.
Mr. Burns.
I, I thought you was on your way home.
I'm still celebrating.
Besides, we got a date tonight.
Not tonight, love, I told you.
My money's as good as any other guy's.
It's not a matter of money.
Now, wait a minute, you tramp.
What were you doing?
Just being cute with me
back there in the saloon?
Hey, none of that or
I'll have my friend there
take a nip at your bottom.
That's telling him, love.
Good night.
Second murder, wax museum.
Read all about it.
Get your paper here.
Read the gory details.
Paper, paper, governor right here.
Shocking horrible.
Thank you very much.
Paper, get your paper right here.
Second murder, wax museum.
- Stabbed clean through
the middle he was.
Ripped his whole belly out.
Jack the Ripper again.
Lord love us.
He'll get us all before the
creepin' coppers nab him.
The Ripper only killed
ladies of the street, ducks,
not sweepers of the street.
But, Sergeant, don't want--
No, I don't care about that now.
Just do as I told you.
Good morning, where is Mr. Flexner?
He hasn't come to work
yet and he's terribly late.
Thank you.
Oh, Sergeant Hawks,
when will you allow us
to open the museum for business?
Just as soon as we finish looking around
and asking questions, if ever.
Miss Collins, are you all right?
Yes, thank you.
No prints?
We'll have no need of
those, Jones, you may go.
Karkov, did you see anything
or anyone during the night?
Your flower was found on
the dead man, you know that.
Karkov, it makes you look very guilty.
Listen to me.
Well, you must have seen
someone take the flower
from your room.
Thank you for coming in Mr. Fowley.
Please be seated.
I was just opening up when your man
handed me the new shocker
and asked me to step over.
(mumbles) It's getting like a
bloody butcher shop in here.
Now, did you see anyone, anyone at all
after you closed up last night?
No sir.
But, begging your pardon, sir.
Didn't I just hear you say the
poor beast here was guilty?
I said he looks guilty.
The white carnation he
took from Dupree's coffin
was found in the dead man's buttonhole.
No, it's too obvious,
too much of a calling card.
Yeah, I see what you mean, sir.
Karkov, are you certain
you didn't see Mr. Flexner
during the night.
Very well, you may go back to your room.
You may go back to your room, Karkov.
Speaking of Mr. Flexner,
I saw him last night.
On your way home?
No, he came storming into the music hall
during the evening, mad as a
boiled owl at Burns he was.
They had a run in.
No, a bit of name-calling
was about the size of it.
He didn't fancy the
idea of Burns making off
with all them monsters.
Did Flexner threaten him?
Said something about stopping him.
He'd see to it.
Well, Laurie might recall exactly.
Thank you Mr. Fowley,
that'll be all for now.
Any time, Sergeant.
Mr. Flexner, about last night, I'm sorry--
Oh, that's perfectly
all right, Mr. Fowley,
perfect all right.
Oh, do you mind?
You're very late, Mr. Flexner.
No, Mr. Burns is very late.
The late Mr. Burns.
Oh, you know about his death.
Yes, I was on my way to
work when I read about it.
And, I might add, with a
great deal of pleasure.
Would you mind telling me where you went
after you left the music hall last night?
Wouldn't mind at all
if I could remember.
Well, I went back to my
rooms and drank every drop
in the place.
And that was all?
Oh no, that was just a start.
And, I went over to Soho
and practically drank them
out of business.
Then I drifted down to Limehouse
and tried to drink them
out of business and suddenly
the lights went out.
And, you didn't waken
until this morning.
In a Limehouse alley.
And, I was about to start all over again
when I read about it.
Would anyone in Limehouse remember you?
Possibly, if I could remember them.
And, you can't name one pub you visited.
I do remember Chinese, I think.
They're very nearly
all Chinese in Limehouse.
Yes, well you see, this was
a woman and very striking.
Ah, that narrows it down.
Another question, Sergeant?
No, not a question, an observation.
Had the feeling your face
was vaguely familiar.
Now, I see there's some resemblance
between you and Jack here.
Well, you see, no one
knows what the Ripper
really looks like.
So, as I had no model to guide me
while fashioning the figure,
I might have been guilty
of a slight touch of vanity.
Odd sort of thing to be vain about.
Mr. Flexner!
You're late and you look a disgrace.
I feel splendid.
Yes, no doubt you're delighted
that we've lost our buyer.
And, have you finished
poking about, Sergeant Hawks?
For the moment.
Then may we please
open and take advantage
of the brisk trade waiting outside?
Very well, open up.
Cash in.
Oh, thank you.
And, for heaven's sake,
Mr. Flexner, go somewhere
and tidy up.
And, do gargle.
Right on time, love.
Open the door, Meg, open the door.
Oh, Meg, are you all right?
What on Earth made you scream like that?
Another bad dream?
Yes, I had a nightmare.
But, then I woke up and
Uncle was standing there
calling my name just like
the wax figures in the dream.
But, he was real.
He was alive.
Standing where?
There near the door.
He just stood there calling my name.
It was part of your bad dream too.
I was awake, Julia.
I saw him.
Meg, listen to me.
I hurried over as soon
as I heard you scream
and that door was locked.
I couldn't get in.
You know that you unlocked it for me
from the inside.
I don't care what you say, Julia,
I saw him.
Don't talk about it any more tonight.
I'll stay with you till morning.
In the morning, I'm packing my bag
and I'm going away.
I don't know where, but away from here.
I wish you wouldn't, Miss Collins.
I have a reason, theory.
You don't believe me either.
You're like Julia.
You think I'm a silly child
having bad dreams.
Not at all.
Your uncle's death wasn't
a dream nor was Burns'.
However, I think someone is
only trying to frighten you.
And, I promise you every
protection if you'll stay.
Just give me another 24 hours.
All right, Sergeant Hawks, I'll try.
Now, what I think you need is to get away
from all this for a moment.
Change of scene, a bit of relaxation.
What have I been saying?
I'm going to the East End this evening
to Limehouse.
I don't suppose you'd
care to join me for supper
at some exotic Oriental
restaurant, would you?
I've never been there.
Sounds exciting, if Julia will agree.
Ooo, I'll approach her.
I rather think she'll
be in a compliant mood
what with all the business
the museum's been doing today.
With two unsolved murders on your hands,
what will Scotland Yard think
of your squandering time
dining a lady in Limehouse?
Oh, I'm going on a matter
connected with this case.
Yes, it is business, but I eat, you eat.
If I combine all three,
I'm not squandering time,
I'm saving it.
Shall we say 8:00?
Till then.
Who is it?
Tim Fowley, ma'am.
Good evening, Miss Hawthorn.
Come in, Mr. Fowley.
First of the month and
you're Johnny at the rat hole
to collect your rent.
Oh, no rush, ma'am.
Mainly I popped by to ask
if you'd be staying on.
Isn't there a lease?
All me and Dupree ever
had was a handshake.
You're welcome to stay
on with the same thing
if you'd like.
But, a fair boost in rent no doubt.
Lord love you, no,
ma'am, not a shilling.
My own business is none too good.
I'm happy to have this place rented.
Oh, well, you're a gentleman,
not to take advantage, Mr. Fowley.
No, ma'am, I'm just a beer salesman.
But, I'd be happy to have you
(mumbles) to the music hall
anytime you like for a pint, on the house.
Well, thank you.
I might just do that tonight.
My ward is going out for the evening.
Good night, ma'am.
Good night.
The Chinese serve the
slipperiest food in the world
then hand you a pair of slippery sticks
to pick it up with.
Would you ask the Dragon
Lady to come in, please?
Dragon Lady?
Yes, Yang Chu, the owner.
She'll tell your fortune if you like.
Oh yes, I like that.
Michael please.
And, I'm Meg to those
who take me to supper.
You haven't found what you
came looking for, have you?
Oh, I've seen you questioning
the owners and waiters
in each place we visited behind my back.
Well, I never was a
very clever detective.
I'm sorry you've had bad luck.
Not had bad luck.
The longer it takes,
the longer our evening.
Oh, good evening, Madame Yang.
Good evening.
May I present Miss Collins.
A great honor, Miss Collins.
Miss Collins would be pleased
if you told her fortune.
An even greater honor.
Thank you.
Drop them over the plate.
Go ahead.
The red stick points
directly to the leaves
which are your physical well-being.
I regret to say you're in
grave danger, Miss Collins.
She always gives the bad first.
Makes the good look so much better.
There is serious trouble in your life.
Someone from beyond the grave
is trying to contact you.
This one falls across
the leaves of your heart.
There is hope.
Here it comes.
Things will change.
You will soon come into
a great deal of wealth
and life will be very different for you.
The lavender stick, very good.
It tells you to trust the tall stranger
who has recently entered your life.
Thank you for adding that, Madame Yang.
I add nothing.
The leaves and sticks tell all.
Perhaps you could tell a
little of my future, Madame Yang?
If you will hand me your cup.
Without the sticks.
Man named Flexner,
works at the wax museum,
do you know him?
Yes, I have seen him.
Night before last?
He was here.
Quite late, say almost dawn?
The law requires we close at two.
I know the law and I
know you, Madame Yang.
Was it almost dawn?
The law requires we close at two.
Tell you how much I
enjoyed this evening.
What are you all doing here?
Mr. Southcott insisted on seeing you.
Although it's a lot of
flimflam in my opinion.
I have a letter
concerning you, Miss Collins.
A letter concerning me?
Also Mr. Flexner and Karkov.
It's from Claude Dupree.
Posted the day he died.
Somehow it was lost or
misdirected in the post.
I only received it late today.
Is it a will?
That question the courts must decide.
It bears Dupree's signature and a date.
That makes it a valid testament.
Mr. Southcott, as you
know I've been approached
by Mr. Burns to sell out.
He keeps raising the price
and it's now very tempting.
But, what will happen
to Flexner and Karkov?
I always intended they
should inherit the museum.
So, if I should decide to sell,
I wish a sizeable share of
the proceeds to go to them.
For my niece, I will bequeath certain
other very valuable assets which she
may easily convert to cash.
But, I want you to make
sure that Julia Hawthorn,
whom you know I dislike and distrust,
can't touch the estate
which is much larger
than anyone suspects.
I will make my decision
and come to see you
about the new will the first of the month.
First of the month.
Make sure my niece is
present, signed Claude Dupree.
Today is the first of the month.
He contacted me even
though he's in his grave,
just as the Dragon Lady predicted.
Nonsense, Meg.
Dupree posted the letter
while he was still alive.
If he posted it at all.
Mr. Southcott, in my opinion, the letter
clearly establishes you as the
executor of Dupree's estate.
Thank you, Sergeant.
Miss Hawthorn, you may stay
here and operate the museum
together with Mr. Flexner
until the courts rule
on this document.
How do we know this
letter, curiously misplaced
until now, isn't a forgery?
The signature can be
quickly authenticated.
May I suggest you leave
this dismal place, my dear.
Take rooms or go to an hotel.
I've been begging to.
I shall expect an
accurate accounting, madame.
Southcott won't let go.
He knows something.
Lawyers always wind up with a juicy piece
of every estate.
And, Dupree's letter
indicates the estate
is much more valuable
than anyone suspected.
I knew the old muckworm had
a fortune hidden somewhere.
And, we're not leaving this
place until we find it.
Michael, I know I promised
to give you 24 hours, but--
Only a few more hours.
I brought you this.
We're not permitted to carry them.
Don't hesitate to use it.
I'll be stationed in a cab
directly across the street all night.
Now, if either of you is
disturbed by anything,
anything out of the way,
signal with the window shade.
I have a key and I'll be here immediately.
Same old dreary jaunt
as usual, Mr. Fowley.
Same as usual.
Here's hoping you bump
into something pleasant
for a change.
Same to you, Laurie.
- Good night.
Evening, love.
Lonely like?
I'm Sergeant Hawks, Scotland Yard.
Can I help you, Miss Mell?
Oh, my mistake, Sergeant.
Good night, sir, good night.
Good night, Miss Mell.
Oh, oh, Lord love us.
Never thought I'd be
happy to see a copper.
What are you up to in that outfit?
I didn't hear anything.
It's just another one of your bad dreams.
I signaled Sergeant Hawks.
He'll be right here.
Oh, I expect he's sound asleep too,
out there in that carriage.
Really, Meg, I think you're
becoming an incurable insomniac.
There, that's what made the sound.
The guillotine has been sprung.
Sergeant is gone.
What do you mean gone?
Maybe he can do something.
Maybe he already did.
Give me that pistol.
It needs a steadier hand.
He was after Dupree's hidden
treasure from the outset.
Then when he thought that
Dupree was going to sell out
and move everything out, he killed him.
Then when Meg and Miss Hawthorn came along
and still intended to
sell, he killed Burns
in order that the figures
wouldn't be taken to New York.
That poor unfortunate
girl from the music hall
must've seen him coming
back here that night
after closing and recognized him.
So he had to kill her, too.
Yes, the man was a master of disguise.
We found out that he'd once been an actor.
So, when he posed as Uncle
in my bedroom that night,
he was just trying
frighten me into leaving.
Then, he'd have a free
hand with his search.
But, of course.
He had keys to every room in the place.
But, he couldn't risk being
seen coming in the front door.
So, night after night, he'd
lock up and come back in
through the secret panel.
And, poor deaf Karkov never heard a thing.
Not until the night
he saw the girl's body
being brought in.
He'd come in one of
the Ripper's costumes
and go searching for the hidden treasure
Dupree told him about.
Mmm, but when he was in
danger of being discovered,
he'd wheel the figure behind the curtain
and take its place.
Well, so far so good, Sergeant.
Now, we can start
scratching about to find
the old lipenny's hidden wealth.
That won't be necessary.
Not one of these instruments
from the Ripper's bag
is surgical steel.
They're all platinum.
The world's most precious metal.
Dupree must've spent
years forging them himself.
And hid 'em in plain
sight in the Ripper's bag
a la The Purloined Letter.
It was audacious but it worked.
Then these tools are the other assets
mentioned in Dupree's letter.
The Dragon Lady was right then.
Yes, your life is going to be different.
It is finished.
And, in all modesty, I think
both likenesses are perfect.