The Activated Man (2023) Movie Script

(ominous orchestral music)
(distant whispering)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music intensifies)
(dark synth music)
(thunder claps)
(thunder claps)
(thunder claps)
(dark orchestral music)
- The end is nigh,
my free minds.
If you're just
joining the story,
we are looking at the
disturbing, the shocking,
and the true rise in
unexplained murder-suicides
that have swept our city,
spreading like a cancer,
from similar rises
and similar stories,
popping up all over the
country over the last 25 years.
But what exactly
is going on here?
Have we entered another
dimension of sight and sound?
Just tonight,
another crazy account,
coming out of the Valley.
A husband, a father,
Richard Mills,
wealthy, beloved member
of the PTA.
A respected lawyer
in the community
was coming home from work,
like it was just
any ordinary day.
But on this day, Richard
walked into his house,
walked right past his wife,
past his kids, into his office,
grabbed a Glock nine
millimeter from his desk,
walked into the living room,
and slaughtered
his entire family.
- [Ors] It's okay.
- Then Richard Mills stood in
the middle of his living room,
surrounded by the bodies
of his butchered family.
Put a gun in his mouth,
(snaps fingers) dead.
(Ors pants and grunts)
(eerie music)
- It's okay.
You're all right, buddy.
(Ors pants)
(dog whines)
(eerie music continues)
(muffled chatter)
(dog barks)
Hello, buddy.
(flames crackle)
(muffled yelling)
- Your minds are shut!
I'm outta here! I'm done!
- [Agnes] God damn it!
(eerie music continues)
(Ors gasps)
(Ors pants)
- [Maxie]
Well, I'll tell you why.
Richard Mills was possessed.
By something, something
dark. A demon? I don't know.
We don't know.
But mark my words, my friends.
This will continue.
There will be more and more
of these murder-suicides.
I wish I was wrong.
I wish I was wrong.
Stay tuned.
- I...
(somber orchestral music)
I keep seeing him die.
Over and over again.
I can still feel his fur.
- I know. It doesn't
feel real at all.
- I was still holding him.
A few hours ago,
I was still holding him.
I was still holding him.
10 years.
10 years we were together,
almost every single day.
Every single day,
since I rescued him.
Through bad, through good.
Through everything.
And now he's
just gone, like that.
(clicks fingers)
My boy.
(somber music continues)
- Hey.
(Ors breathes heavily)
(cork squeaks)
(Ors breathes heavily)
(liquor splashes)
(Ors breathes heavily)
(Ors coughs)
(Ors pants)
- Louie!
(ominous orchestral music)
(dog whines)
You're okay. You're okay, pal.
Hey, buddy.
- Oh, my God!
- Sarah, get the keys!
Get the keys.
Hurry up. Let's go.
Hey, buddy. Let's go!
(Ors breathes deeply)
(liquor splashes)
To cancer.
(glasses clink)
(Ors sighs)
Over a dog.
- You know he wasn't
just a dog, to you or me.
- You know, he was with me,
every day,
after I got laid off.
Through all those
resumes I sent.
(somber orchestral music)
You probably didn't notice
much, 'cause of work, but,
I watched him fall apart.
- Just don't worry about
the bills right now, please,
and I'll take care of the
car until things get better.
Hey, hey.
It's gonna take time and
I'm here for you, okay?
- It doesn't change
how embarrassing it is,
how hard it is.
Louie helped keep me together.
I mean, it's like losing a son.
I lost my son.
- I know.
- We had a connection. I don't
even know how to explain it.
But, it was...
- Spiritual.
- Yeah. Maybe.
Is that weird?
- No.
That was pretty clear
when I met you and Louie.
(Ors sniffles)
- God.
(Ors sighs)
I can't even see straight.
- You just went through
some pretty intense trauma.
(suspenseful music)
- [Ors] God.
- [Sarah] You okay?
(suspenseful music continues)
- Does it look grainy to you?
- "Grainy"?
- Like...
Like a film? Like film grain?
- Uh...
No. I mean, I know
what you mean, but...
What, it looks really
grainy to you right now?
- Yeah.
(dark orchestral music)
(glass clinks)
- Are you okay?
- Louie?
- Ors? What is it?
- I can see him.
I can see him.
- What?
You see him?
- Oh, my God.
My boy.
Thank you for visiting me.
Babe, look.
I can see him.
My god. I can see him.
- Baby, what're you talking
about? There's nothing there.
(distant siren wails)
(water splashes)
(Sarah sighs)
(Sarah breathes deeply)
(door opens)
Are you sure you don't
want me to call out today?
- No, it's okay.
- Do you, do you...
Do you see him anywhere?
- Mm-mm.
I really did see him, though.
- You don't have to convince me.
- [Ors] What's that
one for again?
- Rose quartz, for healing.
And the third eye of Horace.
- For protection.
- And seeing the unseen.
(Ors chuckles)
I Love you.
(footsteps clack)
(door opens)
(Ors sighs)
(door closes)
(footsteps clack)
(floorboards creak)
(suspenseful music)
- Sarah?
(footsteps clack)
The fuck?
(intense orchestral music)
(distant siren wails)
(keyboard clacks)
(gentle acoustic music)
(mouse clicks)
(keyboard clacks)
- [Speaker] I asked her
how it could be George.
It's an adult cat.
The medium said because
time runs in a circle,
the higher spirit exists
across all time at once,
and it knew I needed
George again.
So part of the spirit was
born into a similar cat
that lived similar experiences
a couple of years
before George died,
and then he entered my life
just when I needed him.
It was fate.
- (gasps) Hey!
- Shit!
- Damn it, Kit!
- Got you.
- Oh, my God.
What? No Super Soaker?
- Come on, that really
hurts my feelings. I swear.
- It's a weird day.
What's going on?
- Oh, yeah. Well, um...
I've got four potential
witnesses down at the
in Echo Park.
- Jesus. That's four,
just in that area.
- That's 44 in the whole city.
It's a freaking madhouse.
- Okay.
Just give me a few
minutes to finish this up,
and I'll be right out.
- Sure.
Oh, hey. I just wanted to say
I'm really sorry about Louie.
He was the best.
- Yeah.
I'll see you in five.
- Okay.
(door closes)
(Sarah sighs)
(somber orchestral music)
(water splashes)
(bag rustles)
(melancholy music)
(dark music)
(door creaks)
(door opens)
(door closes)
- [Sarah] Wow. It looks
delicious, thank you.
- Enjoy.
- Thanks for coming out with me.
I know you didn't want
to, but I think it's good.
- Yeah. Probably.
- You should try to
get out every day.
Even if it's for a
walk or groceries.
- You know our neighbor?
The old one?
- Mr. Creeper?
You saw him today?
- With a new victim.
- Not the same as the last one?
Like different than the last
10 you saw walk in there?
- Maybe he's an escort.
- Maybe he's a cannibal.
You never know. You should
see some of these cases I get.
True crime.
- Anyways. We're taking
some of Louie's stuff out.
And I see him.
And he spots me looking at him.
- Awkward.
- Then he waves at me.
- Oh, shit.
(Sarah chuckles)
- Guess we all have a
weird neighbor, right?
- Mm.
Or maybe
we're the weird neighbors.
- Yeah.
(somber music)
- Are you still seeing
that grain from last night?
- Yeah.
I don't know what's going on.
Am I losing it?
- No.
- Thanks for not
thinking I'm crazy.
- Oh, I stopped
dating crazy in my 20s.
(lock clicks)
(lock clicks)
(keys clink)
- Oh! So sorry.
I don't always look
where I'm going.
- No problem.
- We haven't formally met.
- I'm, uh, Ors Gabriel.
I live in 215 with
my girlfriend, Sarah.
- I'm Jeffrey. Bowman.
(suspenseful music)
Your weird neighbor.
(Ors chuckles)
- Nice to meet you, Mr. Bowman.
- How long has the
grief been going?
- Excuse me?
- You lost someone
recently, right?
- Yeah, I did.
My dog, actually.
To cancer.
- Oh.
I'm so sorry.
Animals really are our
protectors, aren't they?
- Sure are.
- Most people can't see how
powerful that bond can be,
but I believe they're here to
help us get through this life.
Don't you?
- Man's best friend.
Mr. Bowman...
- Jeffrey.
- Jeffrey.
My girlfriend and I
have been wondering,
what it is exactly you do.
- You mean what does
your weird neighbor do
with all these strange people
that come to visit him?
- I didn't say that.
- No, I get it.
(bag rustles)
(pen clicks)
- Hi, Jeffrey.
Thank you again.
- My pleasure.
Something like that.
- So, you're a counselor?
- Sort of, in a way.
- Well, nice to
officially meet you.
I'm sure we'll see
each other around.
- Has he come to visit you yet?
- I'm sorry?
- They come back to
see us when they pass,
if the bond was strong enough.
But most of us can't see that.
Louie will be with
you for some time.
Don't you worry.
He knows that you need him
for a little while longer.
- I didn't say his name.
- Oh?
Tomorrow afternoon, I'm
hosting a small circle
at Thunderbolt Spiritual,
around the corner.
Why don't you stop by?
Might be good for you.
Change of scenery and all that?
- Maybe.
- It's good to meet you, too.
(elevator dings)
- Aww, I love this one!
When Becca brought her
boyfriend's crazy dog camping
and it got stuck on the
little island in the rapids?
- Yeah.
- And her boyfriend
was too chicken,
so you hopped in and
waded across the river.
(Ors chuckles)
- And then he jumped in,
thinking I was in trouble.
I'll never forget his
scared little face,
when he scrambled
over to get to me.
- Yeah.
- Poor boy.
- I'll never forget
you wading back across,
with a dog under each arm.
Oh, Louie.
What a hero.
- That he was. Yeah.
For sure.
Have you seen him again?
(dark percussive music)
- I was probably just
losing it for a minute.
- No, I don't think so. I think
that you actually saw him.
And by the way, I was
talking about you, Mr. Hero.
I'm gonna go back down
and finish a case file,
And then I'm gonna go to bed.
- I'll stay up here for a bit.
- I know.
I love you.
- [Ors] Love you too.
- Goodnight, my hero!
(keyboard clicks)
(bleak music)
- Another day.
Another dose of truth.
Today we have someone
very special joining us.
The best kept secret in
the spiritual community,
renowned psychic and
exorcist, Jeffrey Bowman.
- Thanks for having me.
- So, I wanna
get right into this.
There is a lot of juice
to squeeze here.
You are a psychic. You were
born with this ability?
- Yes.
Ever since I can remember,
I've been able to see and
communicate with spirits,
both those recently deceased,
as well as those
who have ascended.
- [Maxie] You're talking
like angels, right?
- [Jeffrey] Yeah. Thereabouts.
They're what we aspire to be.
- So, what separates Jeffrey
Bowman from the rest?
I mean, your website calls you
the greatest psychic exorcist.
- Most in my field have
set belief systems
that limits what they
can see, feel, interpret.
I remain open, as
much as possible.
I specialize in energy
clearing and protection.
These methods should be
available for everyone.
- [Maxie] Protection from what?
Ghosts? Demons?
- Negative energy.
Everything is made up of energy.
It's everywhere around us.
You're made of it.
I'm made of it.
Most importantly, our
spirits are made of it,
and the most common
negative energy comes from
our emotion.
When we're angry or scared,
or depressed or sad,
we project negative energy
into the physical world.
And without knowing how
to protect yourself,
your ex could think
negative thoughts about you,
and that energy...
(intense ominous tones)
- [Maxie] "What a jerk."
And that that energy flies
across the country and hits me?
I thought I was safe in LA.
I mean, how far am
I supposed to go?
The Moon?
- [Jeffrey] Well, energy
travels on the other side
The astral plane.
(muffled chatter from laptop)
(brooding orchestral music)
Most of us don't see it.
- Hey, Louie.
I hope you're not
in pain anymore.
Miss you.
Keep visiting me if you can,
I need it.
(Ors chuckles)
- [Maxie] Until the next
dose of truth.
Stay tuned.
- [Ors] "Light Warrior."
(thunder claps)
- [The Fedora Man] You don't
think you'll win, do you?
(light fixture squeaks)
(floorboards creak)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(Ors pants)
(crickets chirp)
(Ors sighs)
(ominous tones)
(engines hum)
- A delight.
- Guess I'm late.
- You're here exactly
when you're supposed to.
(dark orchestral music)
(door closes)
(lock clicks)
(Jeffrey sighs)
- You know, I did some net
recon on you last night.
- Hm.
- Didn't realize you
were a celebrity.
- (chuckles) Hardly.
But my name is
known in certain circles.
- Psychic circles.
- Yes.
- So you are a psychic, then.
- Ors. (chuckles)
That's an interesting name.
Where does it come from?
- It's Hungarian.
It's my granddad's name,
(Ors speaks foreign language)
With an umlaut over the O, so...
Here, it's just Ors.
- I knew a Hungarian man, once.
Someone I trained in one
of those psychic circles.
- Bet he was a real
pain in the ass.
- Something like that.
So, how's your support system?
You got friends you can talk to?
- Sarah.
My girlfriend. She's
basically my best friend.
I have other friends, but um,
I don't see them
much since the layoff.
- Family?
(Ors chuckles)
- Aren't you supposed to
know all this already?
- It doesn't quite
work like that.
- My dad ran out when I was 12.
My mom, she's in a hospital now.
So it's just me,
Sarah, and Louie.
Me and Sarah.
(clears throat) How do we, uh...
How do we start?
- Just tell me what you want to.
- A few hours after Louie died,
I saw this grain.
It's the best way
I can describe it.
Over my vision.
I don't know.
Maybe it was energy.
- Yes.
It is.
- So you see it, too?
- No.
But we all tend to perceive
things differently.
Mediums and psychics,
some see spirits as
vivid as you and me.
Others, softer.
Faded, like a hologram.
Others see events that
haven't occurred yet
in our linear
perception of time.
Others tap into
others' memories,
or take snapshots.
Like the afterglow in your eye,
after you've glimpsed the sun.
This grain you're seeing
could be the veil itself.
- Like a gateway?
- Yes.
A sort of layer barrier.
Spirits who haven't crossed
over, mostly negative spirits,
stuck in the plane
closest to this one,
or the recently dead who
haven't quite adjusted,
are mainly what step through.
I can't remember the last
time I came across somebody
that could see it, but it
does happen.
- When you say negative spirits,
you mean like murderers?
- Or their victims.
Lost souls with unfinished
- [Ors] What about
this lowest plane?
- Forget heaven or hell.
There are several planes of
existence above this one.
The higher you get, the
closer you come to the source.
- God.
- Or whatever created this.
A creator does exist.
We just don't know what it is.
Not even the spirits do.
At least, not the
ones I've talked to.
- And if it's closest
level to this one,
and it's not hell,
then what is it?
- Yes.
Closer to that.
Hell in the scripture
is a place of fire
and eternal suffering.
There's no permanent jail.
Some spirits may wander
around for 200 years,
before a higher spirit...
Ors, are you okay?
(tense orchestral music)
What's wrong?
- Something's in here.
(ominous orchestral music)
(Fedora Man snarls)
- Ors...
Listen to me.
(screeching tones)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(Ors groans)
(Ors pants and grunts)
I want you to visualize a
ball of light in your heart.
Small as a marble!
- Leave me alone!
- Ors! Let the light engulf you.
- Okay! Okay!
- Engulf your heart.
Engulf your whole body.
(ominous music continues)
- I can't!
(Ors screams)
- Yes, you can. He can only
hurt you, if you let him.
(Ors pants and groans)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(Ors pants)
(Fedora Man snarls)
- Get away!
- Listen to me!
- He wants to kill me!
- See the light.
It's your shield!
He can't get past the barrier!
What we visualize,
we can actualize,
in the astral plane.
(ominous music continues)
(light thumps)
(muffled yelling)
(light thumps)
(light hums)
(indistinct whispering)
(Ors pants)
(gentle orchestral music)
(Ors pants)
(Ors pants)
- You didn't see him?
Oh, Jesus.
Does that mean I'm...
- Because I didn't see it?
(Ors pants)
Whatever this thing is,
he could be projecting
into your third eye
from a million miles away.
Are you okay?
- Archangel Michael.
- I'll give it to the Catholics.
They know their art.
(indistinct whispering)
(dark orchestral music)
You're not crazy.
- He was in here.
I swear he was.
- There's nothing here.
There are all kinds
of dark forces
that can project all sorts of
nasty imagery into your head.
It doesn't mean
that you're crazy,
but it would love
to drive you there.
- Then what?
- I think this thing
sees a threat.
It sees what you could become,
with the proper guidance.
And it scares him.
Fear feeds them.
Don't give it to them.
You're okay.
Let's take a walk.
(distant siren wails)
(siren wails)
(muffled police radio chatter)
(siren wails)
(brakes squeak)
(muffled police radio chatter)
(car door slams)
(car door slams)
(dark orchestral music)
- 45.
45 murder-suicides in this
city, just in the last year.
Sometimes I wonder
if this is hell.
- Someone here knows.
(gulls squawk)
- [Ors] Back in the bookstore,
you mentioned something
about higher spirits.
Is that like angels?
Like Michael?
- Something like that.
Social workers.
- You can see them?
- Sometimes.
If I'm meant to.
- Well, I'd have some questions.
- The trauma of losing Louie
is unlocking your
psychic abilities.
So, maybe you'll
get your chance.
(gentle piano music)
Look, some are born
mediums. Others activate.
Every person has a potential,
because on the other side,
we are all psychic.
More are waking up every
day. It's a psychic war.
And then there's the Fedora Man.
- I can feel him.
It's just darkness.
- No one knows what it,
or they are.
Some people call them
"shadow people".
The more your third eye opens,
the better you see them.
These shadow people could
be old negative spirits.
Or something a bit worse.
I've never seen them,
but I can't deny
the thousands of reports
from around the world.
And now,
- Sarah's cooking my
favorite meal tonight.
Chicken Paprikash.
- Paprikash!
I'm jealous.
The more you learn,
the stronger you'll be.
If they were strong enough,
they'd kill us themselves,
but they can't affect the
physical world like we can.
What they can do is influence!
They can attack us
Turn us against each other.
Push us to do terrible things.
I'm sure you've seen
the news lately.
Mother comes home, kills her
three children and herself.
- You mentioned something worse.
What's worse than
negative spirits?
- Whatever the Fedora Man is,
he's trying to stop you
from doing something.
He wants you to fail.
Don't let him!
(water splashes)
- Is...
I just feel like there's
something that you're
not saying.
I don't want you to
keep me out of this
if I'm here with you.
- Everything he said felt true.
But, I couldn't help
but wonder if...
maybe he was just
completely nuts.
Maybe there's a small
population of people,
insane in the same way.
- Or maybe there's a small
population that has a gift.
- Maybe.
Most of my life, though, I
thought this is all bullshit.
The afterlife.
And my world's
upside-down right now.
- So how much
proof is enough, then?
I wish I could see
what you're seeing.
- I don't know.
There's no creator showing
up to tell us it'll be okay.
Or stop worldwide disasters.
Or helping animals.
- Or saving some poor girl
about to get eaten by some
sick cannibal murderer?
- Yeah.
I mean, I wanna
believe him, but,
then I remember how messed
up this world really is.
- Maybe it's just...
Not simple.
- (chuckles)
(plate smashes)
- Shit!
- God damn it! Those were
my mom's favorite plates!
- Well, I didn't do it
on purpose. Fuck, sorry.
And maybe if you wouldn't
be so fucking careless,
it wouldn't have happened.
- What the fuck?
(ominous music)
- Yeah. I'm fucking sick of it.
Nothing matters to you.
Poor Ors, poor Ors. Fuck!
- [Ors] What the hell
did you just say to me?
Give me a fucking break!
And what, now you're, you're
seeing spirits and shit?
What, you're a medium now?
Sounds like you're
losing your fucking mind!
- I'm not fucking done yet!
- Let go me, you
fucking piece of shit!
- What the fuck did
you say to me?
- I said I'm tired of carrying
your broke ass while you dream!
(Ors grunts)
(head thuds)
(Sarah groans)
(Ors groans)
(tense music)
(knife thuds)
(fist thuds)
(knife clangs)
(elbow thuds)
(Ors grunts)
(Sarah pants)
(dark music)
(intense sinister music)
(muffled chatter)
(knocks on door)
(Ors sighs)
(door creaks)
- [Jeffrey] Oh, Ors.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hey, Jeffrey.
- Listen, I'm sure you're
probably full
from all that Paprikash,
but I happen to moonlight
as a baker and I happen
to have a great pie
in the oven right now.
I thought I could bring
some by for dessert.
- Uh...
We're in the middle of...
- It's cherry!
- We'd love to.
- Oh, great. Hi, I'm Jeffrey.
You must be Sarah.
- Yes.
- The famous Sarah.
- I told him about that
album you made in college.
- Oh, God... (chuckles)
(Sarah and Jeffrey chuckle)
- [Ors] Can you give us like
10 minutes or something?
- Uh, sure. Sure.
You set the table and I'll
bring the pie.
I'll see you soon.
(ominous orchestral music)
(door creaks)
(door closes)
(Sarah whimpers)
(Sarah whimpers)
(Ors breathes heavily)
- Look.
(Sarah whimpers)
I don't know what
happened there.
- That. That that wasn't us.
- You didn't mean all that?
- No!
- You don't think I'm crazy?
- No! I don't know why I said...
That wasn't us. Okay?
(Sarah whimpers)
- Okay.
(Ors sighs)
(Sarah breathes deeply)
You baked this pie?
- [Jeffrey] You dare question?
(Sarah chuckles)
- Jeffrey Psychic Baker.
All right.
I like it.
- I don't care who baked it.
Can I just have some, please?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Oh, thank you.
- And...
For you.
(gentle orchestral music)
So, Sarah.
How are you holding up?
- It's hard.
And Louie was just a special
dog. So, it's been tough.
- Yeah.
I gathered that.
- Yeah. I keep feeling stupid,
I mean, it is just a dog.
I mean, I shouldn't feel this
messed up because of a dog.
- If even most people
can't understand.
He was your friend.
He was there.
He listened, even if he
didn't know the words.
Louie was your guardian in life.
He's your guardian, still.
Some find that in a parent,
schoolmate, sibling,
or an animal.
In the end, they're all spirits.
Whatever form your confidant
takes, who are we to judge?
You have every right
to mourn Louie.
He gave you a solace most
people only dream of.
And I may have some
messages for you.
- You've been able to
communicate with him?
- I have.
Louie wants you to know
that he loves you, Ors.
When you rescued him,
you not only saved him
from a cruel life, but
you helped him learn...
to trust again.
And he saved you too, didn't he?
- Yeah.
He did.
We were a team.
- He wants you to
know he's free now.
He stayed as long as he could.
Longer than his body
wanted him to.
He fought hard,
because he knew that
you needed him.
- I just hope I gave
him a good life.
- You did.
Our animals
live for us.
Most people have animals,
just to have 'em.
But you made Louie a friend.
And for that,
he's grateful.
(glass shatters)
(Sarah gasps)
(ominous music)
(all chuckle)
- [Sarah] Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
(Fedora Man snarls)
(ominous music continues)
(strings screech)
(Sarah breathes deeply)
- No, no.
No, no.
(Louie barks)
(waves lap)
(light fixture squeaks)
(eerie music)
(door creaks)
(Ors gasps)
Excuse me.
- What's the name?
- Louie. Stage four lymphoma.
- [Vet] Let me call somebody.
(Louie whimpers)
- He's not, let me in right now.
- [Agnes] You're going to leave?
Louie, I love you, buddy.
Please don't go.
- Yes!
- Where are you going?
- Your minds are shut!
- My mind is not shut!
- I'm done. I'm outta here!
It's over.
(Agnes groans)
- Where is my husband,
God damn it?
(door slams)
(intense music)
(gentle music)
- You know it's okay, right?
- Yeah.
- But remember our deal.
No telling Mom I took
you to an R-rated movie.
- Got it.
- Yeah?
- Is this really happening?
- You're in the dream world now.
It's one of many planes.
- That's not like the
real world?
- Oh, it is.
It's a place we go when
our bodies are asleep.
It's a place we go
where we can talk.
But you have to be
very careful here.
There are scary monsters
that want to hurt you,
and feed on your spirit.
- But how are you here?
You left us, Daddy.
Why did you leave me?
(melancholy piano music)
- Always remember, my boy.
All time
is always happening.
I take the popcorn.
I have taken the popcorn.
I will take the popcorn.
All at once.
That way, we can
always be together.
Even apart.
(dark music)
Jeffrey is using you.
Do not trust him.
- What?
(intense music)
(Ors screams)
(Fedora Man laughs)
(Ors gasps)
(Ors pants)
(dark piano music)
(ominous music)
(Decrepit Man breathes heavily)
(suspenseful music)
(door opens)
(eerie music)
(spirit screams)
(Ors pants)
- Oh, Je--
(gun cocks)
(Ors pants)
(Ors pants)
(dark piano music)
(ominous orchestral music)
No fucking way.
Get out!
- What is it?
- Leave us alone!
- [Sarah] Who's there?
What do you see?
- [Ors] Get out.
You're not welcome here.
(Ors pants)
(Ors groans)
Oh, Jesus!
(Sarah gasps)
Oh, God.
- God. What is happening?
(Ors pants)
(suspenseful music)
(switch clicks)
(door closes)
(suspenseful music continues)
(Ors pants)
(water splashes)
(Ors sighs)
(Ors breathes deeply)
(ominous music)
(Ors pants)
- What do you want?
(Fedora Man laughs)
(knocks on door)
- [Sarah] Ors?
- [Ors] You're not real.
You're not real.
You're not real.
(knocks on door)
- [Sarah] Open the door,
baby. You're scaring me.
(Ors sighs)
(warm orchestral music)
- Is this what crazy looks like?
(door opens)
(Sarah gasps)
Did you just break the lock?
- [Sarah] Talk to me.
- I'm gonna handle this.
- Don't shut me out.
(Ors sighs)
(dark music)
- Baby, I keep seeing t
he shadow man.
This shadow person, it's...
- And he wears a large hat?
- Yeah.
- I think you're talking
about the Fedora Man.
I grew up hearing stories
about the man in the hat,
and spiritual groups talk
about him all the time.
Them. Shadow people, if
it's what I think it is.
- Before my mom was
committed to that hospital,
before she tried to kill
herself three times,
she was always
seeing this thing.
I'm scared I have what she has.
- No.
- I'm losing my mind, baby.
- No.
I didn't know it was like that.
- I haven't been able
to talk about it, but,
I don't think I can
outrun it anymore.
(Ors breathes deeply)
(rope creaks)
(rope creaks)
(Ors inhales deeply)
(Ors sighs)
(door creaks)
(footsteps clack)
(door closes)
(suspenseful music)
(car approaches)
(brakes squeak)
(suspenseful music continues)
(footsteps clack)
- He's a liar.
(lights crackle)
(box thuds)
(boxes clatter)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(ominous music)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(energy hums)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(energy hums)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(energy rumbles)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(Ors pants)
- [Ors] You're outta
Berry Berry Kix.
(Jeffrey breathes deeply)
(dark piano music)
(Jeffrey gasps)
(Ors sighs)
(Ors sighs)
(engine idles)
(phone vibrates)
(ominous tones)
(Jeffrey breathes heavily)
(bell dings)
(pestle clangs)
(gentle synth music)
(Jeffrey inhales sharply)
- I didn't know quite
what to say yesterday.
I didn't know how I could help.
But, I had a dream and
you were there.
I knew I had to talk with you,
but I didn't quite know why.
And now you're here,
and I
We appreciate you calling
us back, Mr. Hideyoshi.
- [Hideyoshi] Tea?
- No, thanks.
- Are you sure?
- We don't wanna take up
too much of your time.
- Please.
Just one minute.
Mrs. Hideyoshi needs tea.
- Sure.
- Sure.
(gentle music)
- Please!
- We're fine.
So there was something
that you wanted
to add to your statement?
- Stacy was a nice lady.
I even babysat her kids before.
There was no trouble. Never.
The kids always looked happy.
Stacy was divorced, but it
wasn't a terrible thing.
Her husband is not a
bad man, either.
It just doesn't make
any sense to me.
- So there's nothing
you can think of?
I mean, no arguments? No fights?
- No, no. They were
a nice family!
(gentle music continues)
We were getting home,
at the same time.
I saw her.
It was like there was something
inside her, pushing her.
Very sad.
I don't believe
it was Stacy at all.
- Well then, who?
- Not "who".
I believe
a demon took her.
- Oh.
- You see the news, right?
People doing this,
more and more.
Bad things are coming.
- I think, uh, I think
it's time for us to go.
- Kit, bring the car around.
I'll be down in a few.
- You're gonna keep
listening to this voodoo?
- I said I'll see you in a few.
Follow up on that missing
person lead I told you to.
- Okay, boss.
(door creaks)
(door closes)
- Are you a spiritual man?
- Oh, yes. It gives me peace.
So sad, what happened to
Stacy and her children.
But I know they will be okay,
and they'll be back again.
- You mean reincarnation?
- Yes.
We all live many times, because
we have so much to learn.
And it is all written.
I believe
Stacy and her children
were meant to die this way.
Maybe their death will
change the world.
after we come back enough times
and learn all the lessons,
one will come back
to help us here.
Can you think of one?
- Jesus?
- Mm.
His spirit lived many lives,
and he came back
to help us grow.
But people weren't ready.
So he taught one important rule.
But Jesus did not know
his mission right away,
until he connected
with his spirit.
- Because you don't
remember your past lives
when you come back?
- Yes.
To have a human life,
one must forget.
And there are others, too.
John Lennon.
Martin Luther King.
Fred Rogers.
- Actually, I'm pretty
sure about Mr. Rogers.
(Hideyoshi chuckles)
- Ah.
Maybe Stacy and her
kids will come back
to help us here, too.
(dramatic orchestral music)
I am sorry
our journeys came together
under these circumstances.
Then again, maybe you
will change the world.
- [Maxie] We are headed
for something sinister.
Something is brewing
behind the scenes,
and the dark side is
moving their chess pieces.
Richard Mills was not
Richard Mills--
- Did your bidding,
as requested.
- Didn't know you were
a Maxie Million fan.
- Well, when reason
doesn't reason anymore,
someone's gotta have the
answer to this madness.
- Yeah.
- So, Laszlo Gabriel.
Uses the alias "Larry".
But nothing too sinister there.
Name sounds familiar,
but why this guy?
- Just a hunch.
(dark orchestral music)
- Yeah. He's moved around a lot.
- God. Look at the cities.
All cities in the last
several years had a spike
in the same unexplained
And I'll bet the dates line up,
- Yeah, but these are all
murder-suicides, right?
So, unless all these
investigations in all these
somehow missed a third party...
You think this guy Laszlo's
Who's the new pen pal?
- Someone that I think can help.
(brooding orchestral music)
(car door opens)
(car door slams)
- I took a look at the file.
And man. Seven years
without a single word?
That's gotta be tough.
In my experience, once they're
gone, they don't come back.
(dark orchestral music)
But family is family.
You never know.
(lock clicks)
(keys clink)
(door creaks)
- Thanks.
- I'll give you two some
(door closes)
(dark music continues)
- Hi, Mom.
Sorry I haven't visited.
I guess, uh...
I guess I've, I've been scared.
Louie died.
Remember Louie?
He was pretty young
when you met him.
Mom, I need your help.
I've been seeing things.
The night Louie died,
he came back to me.
And I want to believe
he's with me.
I wanna believe.
But then I keep seeing him.
(Ors sighs)
I keep seeing him.
(orchestral music continues)
I need to know I'm not crazy.
I need to know that you
aren't crazy, either.
Can you hear me?
(gentle orchestral music)
Hi, Mom.
You can talk to me in here.
I can hear you.
(eerie orchestral music)
- I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry I haven't been
there for you.
- You're here for me now.
Can you help me?
Is the Fedora Man real?
- When I met your father,
we fell so in love.
But he had a darkness around
him that I ignored too long.
Everywhere we went,
pain followed.
And I started to notice this
It followed him everywhere.
He was consumed by it.
(brooding orchestral music)
When I finally got us
away from him,
the Fedora Man began
to attack me.
It wouldn't stop.
so weak.
I didn't want the pain anymore.
I was wrong.
You needed me.
But you can do
something I couldn't.
Be strong.
Show the Fedora Man
you won't be taken by fear.
(warm orchestral music)
(dark music)
(Jeffrey gasps)
(brakes squeak)
(car door slams)
- See you tomorrow.
- You sure you don't
want a ride?
- No, it's all good.
The walk clears my head.
See you tomorrow.
- Yo!
Your jacket.
- See what I mean?
(car starts)
(engine revs)
(dark music continues)
(engine revs)
(indistinct whispering)
(dark sinister music)
(indistinct whispering)
(horn honks)
- [Driver] Hey! Move it!
(horn honks)
(engine revs)
(tires screech)
(engine revs)
(intense music)
(body thuds)
(Sarah groans)
(body clatters)
(tense music)
(tires screech)
(engine revs)
(tires screech)
(tense music continues)
(necklace clinks)
(necklace rattles)
(necklace rattles)
(suspenseful music)
(monitor bleeps)
(car door opens)
(car door slams)
(Ors breathes heavily)
(phone vibrates)
(phone vibrates)
- [Jeffrey] Hello?
- Hi, Jeffrey.
- It's a dangerous world
that you're stepping into.
I hope you can keep
an open mind.
- So my spirit guides
planned all this, right?
Was there anything else I
need to know?
- Sarah asked for my help
on in case she's working.
And I found something I
hoped I wouldn't.
A connection between your
dad and the Fedora Man,
and I think the sudden spike
in murder-suicides that
we've seen.
I projected into his apartment.
There's a book.
A brown, leather-bound book.
The answers are in there.
(Jeffrey sighs)
All the answers.
(dark music)
- Jeffrey, is Sarah with you?
- [Jeffrey] No. She hasn't
I can't see it.
Prepare yourself.
Use the shield.
Protect yourself with the light.
- What's the address?
- [Jeffrey] There's
danger surrounding this.
- Jeffrey.
Give me the address.
(Jeffrey breathes deeply)
(ominous music)
- Ors!
12638 Cedar Avenue.
- [Jeffrey] Protect yourself.
(phone bleeps)
(Ors exhales sharply)
(car starts)
(brooding synth music)
(medical machine beeps)
(Fedora Man snarls)
- What did you say to me?
(Fedora Man snarls)
(Fedora Man snarls)
- [Jeffrey] Protect
yourself with the light.
(heroic music)
(energy rumbles)
(engine revs)
(thunder claps)
(knocks on door)
(crickets chirp)
(door handle rattles)
(door thuds)
(monitors bleep)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(page flicks)
(page flicks)
(page flicks)
- What?
(suspenseful music)
(door slams)
(Ors pants)
Been a long time.
- You are out of
your depth, son.
- You don't get to call me that.
- I've heard a lot about you.
(Fedora Man snarls)
(sinister music)
- I see your eye is opening
more and more.
I'd hoped you'd stay asleep,
like all the other sheep.
But then that damn
dog had to die.
I've been activated all my life.
I thought if I could
just save you
from Jeffrey and his lies.
- Save me?
- Well, save me.
And put you next to your
mother with a broken mind.
It was all too much for her.
Dear Agnes.
- You don't get to talk
about her, either.
- She couldn't understand
my mission.
That's why I couldn't
let her interfere.
And I won't let you.
- "Mission"?
- What the all-wise Jeffrey
never understood, was purpose.
I was never deranged.
How simple.
How small.
I'm here to find as many
psychic potentials as I can,
and end them, before
they learn how to fight.
- You killed all those people.
- Telepathy.
Our great weapon.
Over there, we're all gods.
With the power of thought, you
can build cities, an arsenal.
Anything. Everything!
Because there, the
energy is endless.
- Right now, you're just a man.
And men die.
- I am spirit.
Limited by this body.
But when this body dies...
- You're insane.
- Just as your side will
send down the ascended
to guide humanity, mine
will send us to push back.
You may know some of the names.
Charles Manson.
Ted Bundy.
Jack the Ripper.
- So, what, you're some
psychic assassin from hell?
- If there were such a place.
- "And only the sheep will
be left for the wolves."
- Sleeping masses.
No resistance.
Free to feed on their pain,
in their miserable lives,
the uprising dies before
it's ever born.
- So Jeffrey was right.
It's a war.
- But your bright minds
fought back.
Growing technology
in this system.
Every moment of life
being recorded.
Began to make our
work difficult.
That's why I became necessary.
That's why the Fedora Man
was born.
So, I whispered and whispered,
and the weak minds
did our work for us.
Give me the book.
(Fedora Man snarls)
(energy thumps)
(Jeffrey breathes heavily)
- There's not a negative
spirit I've seen
get through my shield.
(energy thumps)
(Jeffrey groans)
So, what are you?
(Fedora Man snarls)
(eerie whispering tones)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(energy rumbles)
(energy thumps)
(Fedora man groans)
(energy thumps)
(Fedora man groans)
(book thuds)
(body thumps)
(suspenseful music)
(Fedora man grunts and pants)
(Jeffrey groans)
(energy thumps)
(Fedora man groans)
(knife flicks)
(knife whooshes)
(Laszlo grunts)
- Blood means nothing
against all of existence.
You see, my boy?
The spirit is all of our lives.
All time, all at once!
All that history.
All that power.
When this body dies, my
spirit will be a dragon.
(intense music)
(Ors grunts)
- The Central Intelligence
Agency requires you to push
beyond your limit.
We are at war,
24 hours every day.
And you?
The Agency's next great weapon.
(ominous orchestral music)
Wendigo, Wendigo.
Dear Doctor Wendigo.
Where are my soldiers?
Where are my soldiers?!
Wendigo, Wendigo.
These children, Wendigo...
These children.
Oh, these children.
Where are my soldiers?
(Laszlo groans)
(Ors pants)
- Wendigo.
(tense music)
(brooding orchestral music)
- The Central Intelligence
Agency requires you to push
beyond your limits.
We are at war,
24 hours every day.
And you?
The Agency's next
great weapon.
(The Dark Self speaks
foreign language)
- Where are my soldiers?
(static crackles)
You cull! You need to
be cut from the herd!
(The Dark Self laughs)
You cull!
You're a failure!
You rotting flesh!
(The Dark Self laughs)
(sinister orchestral music)
(The Dark Self laughs)
(The Dark Self laughs
These children?
These children.
(gun fires)
Wendigo, Wendigo.
(suspenseful music)
These children
are my soldiers.
(Fedora Man groans)
(Fedora Man groans)
(Fedora Man sighs)
(energy thumps)
- Who the hell are you?
(sinister music)
- Jeffrey.
(Ors grunts)
- Now you see his lies.
He made me what I am.
Jeffrey created the Fedora Man.
(Ors grunts)
(knife clangs)
(door opens)
(gun fires)
(energy thumps)
(Jeffrey grunts)
(muffled gun fires)
(gun fires)
(Laszlo groans)
- Are you hurt?
(Kit sighs)
I'm so glad Sarah gave my
number to that Jeffrey Guy.
- Where is Sarah?
- Okay, look.
There was an accident.
- What?
- She was hit by a car, but
she's okay. She's alive, okay?
She's, uh-
- Kit, where the hell-
- She's pretty banged up, but.
She was hit by a car.
I think this asshole's car,
judging by the smashed
windshield downstairs.
- Where the hell is she, Kit?
- Regional ER, two miles up.
I will always have her back.
So, you were not here. Got it?
(Ors sighs)
(eerie music)
(tense music)
- Jesus.
(Laszlo laughs)
(bones crack)
(Ors groans)
(Ors screams)
(bones crack)
(Ors groans)
(Ors pants)
(tense music continues)
- [Jeffrey] Ors?
I knew he'd come for you.
It's time to make this right.
I'll hold him.
(tires screech)
- [Ors] Fuck you.
(tires screech)
(car door slams)
(muffled police radio chatter)
(paper rustles)
(Kit sighs)
(plastic rustles)
(sinister music)
(indistinct whispering)
(indistinct whispering)
(sinister music continues)
(gun fires)
(guns fire rapidly)
(bodies thump)
(indistinct whispering)
(eerie music)
(Kit breathes sharply)
(indistinct whispering)
(gun fires)
(body thumps)
(Laszlo chuckles)
- Well, you pretty much left
me to run the ship alone.
Not any one of you can fix this?
These surges have been
going on over an hour.
- Sarah Reeve?
- You would think with all
the fancy cars around here
that someone could pay the
electric bill.
- Sarah Reeve?!
- She's in 328.
But you can't be here now.
Visiting hours are over!
(lights crackle)
- Oh, shit.
He's here.
- Who's here?
The electrician?
(suspenseful music)
(intense sinister music)
(Laszlo chuckles)
There's nothing there, kid.
I'm calling security.
(static crackles)
What in the hell?
(door slams)
- Sarah!
Are you okay?
- What? Yeah.
- Are you all right?
- What is it?
- Can you get up? Are you hurt?
- Why?
- Can you walk?
We need to leave, right now.
- What is happening?
Ors, you're scaring me.
- Please get dressed.
- What? Why?
- The Fedora Man.
My dad is the Fedora Man.
- What?
- I confronted him.
He almost killed me.
Right before Kit showed up and
put two right in his chest.
- What?
- But Laszlo is dead. I think
that means big trouble for us.
- How is that possible?
- I don't know.
Astral projection?
But I saw it. I saw his face.
The motherfucker is making
people kill themselves,
and their families,
with his mind.
But it's no projection anymore.
- Ors.
It doesn't matter where we go.
- Sarah!
(Sarah yelps)
(Laszlo snarls)
(Ors groans)
- [Sarah] Oh, my God!
(dark orchestral music)
(Laszlo snarls)
- Do it.
Do it.
(Ors grunts)
No, Laszlo.
(energy thumps)
(Laszlo groans)
(Laszlo groans)
(energy thumps)
(lights crackle)
(energy crackles and tears)
(Fedora Man growls)
(lights crackle)
(Sarah gasps)
(Sarah gasps) (gun fires)
- No!
(Laszlo chuckles)
(Sarah whimpers)
(Laszlo chuckles)
(energy rumbles)
(Laszlo groans)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(energy thumps)
(Fedora Man groans)
(Fedora Man groans)
(Laszlo snarls)
(intense screeching tones)
(Ors groans)
(intense screeching tones)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(Jeffrey grunts)
(Jeffrey grunts)
(Fedora Man snarls)
(body thumps)
(dark music continues)
(energy rumbles)
(dark music intensifies)
(Sarah gasps)
(Laszlo snarls)
(Ors groans)
(Sarah breathes heavily)
(dark music continues)
(page flicks)
(page flicks)
(dark music continues)
(Laszlo breathes heavily)
(energy rumbles)
(Laszlo screams)
- [Jeffrey] Ors.
We can take him together.
- You are not stronger than me!
- [Ors] You had the
perfect alibi, didn't you?
You were never there.
You thought you were invincible.
(Laszlo screams)
But you're in pain.
(Laszlo screams)
You're consumed by it,
and it makes you weak.
- Get outta my fucking head!
- You are nothing!
You are done.
You cannot hurt my son!
- Please! Stop!
(Laszlo groans)
- Now
(Laszlo groans)
(dramatic orchestral music)
(Laszlo groans)
(energy thumps)
(Laszlo groans)
(Laszlo gasps)
- [Sarah] Ors!
(Laszlo screams)
(lights click)
(gentle orchestral music)
(Jeffrey breathes deeply)
(gentle music continues)
Is Jeffrey...
- I'm fine.
I'm just a tired old man.
- Oh, my God. I can hear him!
- I'm sorry for all this.
I knew training
Laszlo would end in pain,
but I was weaker
than his belief.
I didn't see how far he'd go.
Then once the Agency
ended the psychic program,
I took it upon myself to fix it,
So I watched and
waited for the tragedy,
the catalyst that would bring
your father back for you.
Thank you for allowing
me into your lives.
The pain was worth it,
to see you become what
you were meant to be.
(Sarah gasps)
- Look.
(gentle music continues)
- My boy.
- I see him.
- Louie.
- [Jeffrey] He has one
more message for you.
Tell the story.
Tell the story.
- Thank you.
Thank you, Louie.
(door opens)
(Ors sighs)
(page flicks)
- I told you, security
is on its way.
You better be gone
before they get here.
- No.
We're leaving.
(crickets chirp)
What is it?
- Louie.
(brooding synth music)
(dog whines)
- Oh, my God.
It looks just like Louie.
(dog pants)
- Hey, there.
What's your name?
Somebody leave you out here?
- [Sarah] Hey, baby.
- [Ors] What you got here?
- "My mom and dad were
abusing Elly,
and I'm only 13 and can't
protect her every day.
This is all I could do to
make sure someone found her.
Please give her a good home."
- We'll give you a good home.
- Hey.
- Yeah.
It'll be okay.
(Sarah sighs)
(car door slams)
- Hi, Elly.
(car door slams) Good girl.
(car starts)
(dramatic orchestral music)
(dramatic music continues)
(brooding music)
(brooding music continues)
(brooding music intensifies)