The Bear Lake Murders (2025) Movie Script

You look breathtaking
in that one, Sarah.
So full of life.
Who's behind the camera?
A boyfriend?
Oh, my God.
Please let me go.
A sister, a mom, and dad.
But no pictures
of any boyfriend or husband.
You live alone.
In the middle of nowhere.
This is your sanctuary,
isn't it?
But what are you running from?
That was a rhetorical question.
Did he hurt you?
You left him.
You always leave them.
Don't you?
Why? Why? Why?
Don't worry about that.
We'll get to know each other
much more
before you'll have
to worry about that.
Now, let's talk a bit
about your abandonment issues.
And why they make you
reject the men
who go out of their way
to make you happy.
- What do you want?
- Drop the knife, Caden.
Detective Ally Foster.
I said drop the knife.
It's over.
I wondered how long it would
take you to find me.
- Three years.
- No.
You were chasing a serial
killer for three years.
You haven't been
chasing me that long.
What made you figure it out?
I told them it was someone
who knew the system.
Someone who knew
how we profiled killers.
Someone who taught you people
how to do that.
But what led you to me?
Murderers always
make mistakes.
You taught me that.
What makes you think mistakes
were made, Ally?
You should know this
more than anybody else.
As time goes by,
most want to get caught.
They practically dare you
to find them.
Well, that's the rush.
The unhinged element
in their psyche
that makes it impossible
for them to connect to reality.
Three years of your life.
Cost you everything, didn't it?
We don't have time
for monologues, Caden.
No, you're not gonna shoot me.
If you shoot me,
you won't find out the reasons.
You won't know the whys.
Or the hows.
Like I said,
we don't have time.
They finally believe you, Ally.
I'm so happy for you.
And I look forward
to working with you again.
I have so, so much to teach you.
- Forced leave?
- Ally.
I just closed
the biggest case
this department has ever had.
Full prosecution.
And you're benching me?
Ally, sit, please.
You look exhausted.
There's nothing wrong with
a little rest and relaxation.
I'd kill for that order myself.
- Take advantage of it.
- Captain, I wanna work.
You've had me off cases ever
since Caden Hodge, which is--
I know. I know. Look...
I need you to cut me
some slack here.
I've had the department
all over my back about you,
saying that you're burnt out
ever since
this Caden Hodge thing.
Your psych eval did not go well.
They're misreading me.
They're saying I'm agitated
or... whatever.
It's 'cause I wanna work.
- It's the work that'll keep me--
- Keep you what?
- Distracted.
- Ally, there's more to life
than this case.
I need something
to help me move on.
It's not a request, Ally.
It's a department order.
Caden Hodge is found guilty
and he'll be sentenced for
the rest of his life in prison.
You did it.
I need you to put in
some effort here.
Get out of the city.
Now, what about that cabin
from your hometown,
up in the mountains?
Bear Lake, yeah.
But I haven't been there
in years.
Not since Dad died.
Show me, show them,
that you can get away
for a couple weeks.
A couple of weeks?
- Captain!
- And then when you get back,
you tell the psychologist
about sitting by the lake,
dipping your toes in the water,
and just how good
it was for you.
Then you're back in the game.
You could've emailed me this.
Yeah, well,
your captain just wanted
to see with his own two eyes
how you were doing.
Well, uh, 9 a.m.
if the traffic out of
the city isn't too bad.
Um, hey, Lisa, can you just
not mention it to anyone?
Yeah, I don't want people
knowing that I'm coming back
into town.
All right, okay.
Thanks for taking care
of everything.
Okay, bye.
Hey, what's up, Lisa?
Hello, Ally.
How did...
Well, I've got a good lawyer.
He demanded I be able
to call a loved one
before my transfer
to the prison tonight.
A loved one?
I heard you're on leave.
How did you know that?
Like I said,
I have a good lawyer.
I just wanted to say goodbye.
And thank you.
It was a wonderful game.
It wasn't a game.
Why are you really calling me?
What are you up to?
I gotta go.
I'll see you soon.
Come live all
your vacation dreams
through my eyes
at Sienna's Travel Vibes.
Uh, I'll be here
for a couple days,
but I'll make it seem like
it was a couple weeks.
That's what gets them.
I go on the vacations
and they do their best
to live up to them if they go.
All right, yeah.
I'll call you
when I'm at the airport.
Okay. Bye.
Hi, everyone!
I'm about to start
my next adventure.
This time, I'm headed
to the mountains,
to one of the hottest
mountain lake
Bear Lake.
It's turned from
a favorite local summer spot
to a budding national hotspot.
It's known for amazing hiking,
rock climbing, water sports,
boating, and lakeside partying.
A little bit everything
for everyone.
We'll see you when I get there.
Chief here.
Well then,
tell those college kids
they can't camp out
on some local's
beachfront property.
I don't care if they wanna
see your supervisor, Brody.
I did lake shift last night.
I'm supposed to be
having a late start.
Okay, I'll be there
in 15 minutes.
It's gonna be one
of those days.
Hey, you won't believe this.
It's official Bear Lake
business, I promise.
I'm so glad to have you
back for summer break.
Sienna Hartley.
I'm obsessed
with her travel reels.
Everyone is.
Bear Lake.
It's turned from
a favorite local--
Why am I watching this?
She's coming to Bear Lake.
Can you believe it?
She goes to the best places.
She vacations and shares
all of the best tips.
Places to stay, things to do.
The way she shoots, edits,
and posts them,
it's like you're
on the vacation with her.
God, I'd do anything
to meet her.
To have her life.
Your life's that bad, is it?
I wanna do what she does.
See the world.
If I came back here
after I graduate,
I just can't.
I love you and I love Bear Lake.
If you're not here,
who's gonna take care of me
during those crazy
tourist months?
You're all grown up,
big brother.
- It's time to let you fly.
- Hmm.
And hey,
you're chief of police now.
Women love a man in a uniform.
You'll be fine.
Okay. I'm gonna go downtown.
- See if I can find her.
- You want a ride?
No, I'm okay.
Gives me time to check out
the early bird tourist guys.
If their eyes linger too long,
I'm locking 'em up.
I can handle myself.
Hey, and you're finishing
college, Rebecca.
Don't let that Sienna Hartley
girl give you any ideas.
Sienna Hartley's
a made-up name.
Well, good morning, Pat.
Did the bakery deliver
those donuts yet?
- Sure did.
- The sprinkle ones, too?
- Of course.
- Oh no, you did not.
- Did too.
- You, oh.
Wait, Ally?
Ally Foster.
It's... You recognize me?
It's Brody.
Brody Doyle.
Oh, right. Yeah.
- Hi.
- Hey.
You know it's...
Everybody here
is talking about you
'cause of Caden Hodge.
Uh? That's uh...
That's uh, that's nice.
You're uh,
you're a deputy, hey?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's been
a few years now, yeah.
You know, and speaking
of which, you know,
I imagine Chief would love
to know you're back in town.
Oh, I won't be back
for very long.
Well, you know,
he's just doing his rounds.
You can just...
I'm sure he'd like...
Hey, can you turn that up,
We have breaking news
The late night transfer
from the city jail
to the state prison
ran off the mountain highway
in the middle of the night,
plummeting nearly 100 feet
onto the shores of a river.
Two prison guards, a driver,
and four prisoners
are believed to have perished,
although, two of the bodies
have yet to be found,
including that of
serial killer, Caden Hodge.
Hodge was on route to serve
consecutive life sentences
for 20 grisly murders.
That's a heck of a way to go.
I knew it was you
the whole time, dear.
Wanted to respect your privacy.
You did the world a service
taking him off the streets.
- You should be proud.
- Thank you.
Hey, Brody, can you um,
not let anyone know
that I'm here for now?
It's good to see you.
Sorry, didn't mean
to scare you.
Well, you did.
If I had my gun,
I would've shot you.
That's fair enough. Probably
should've said something.
I was just making
my way back to my cabin.
Yeah, around the lake.
Yeah, I remember.
Taking the long way home?
- It's been a while.
- Yeah.
- You're back.
- So are you.
No, I mean from the military.
Um... served for a while.
Was discharged.
Honorably discharged.
Figured it was time
to come home.
- Your parents?
- Retired.
Couldn't handle
the winters anymore.
They live in Arizona.
So, I bought the cabin
off of them
and took over
their logging company.
Yeah, I gotta get back
to the cabin.
- I uh, I got a work call.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.
I didn't want to impose.
I just wanted
to make sure there wasn't
some tourist wandering
your property.
Seems to be a lot
of them these days.
It's crazy.
It's not even
tourist season yet
and it's like
they've taken over the town.
Listen, uh...
I'm going into town
to get some coffee.
Do you wanna...
I'd love to,
but I got the uh...
- Work call.
- Yeah.
Raincheck, though.
Right. That'd be great.
Um, it was good to see you.
Yeah, see ya.
Ally, I tried calling
and texting you.
I didn't hear 'til
first thing this morning.
They were transferring
Caden Hodge
in the middle of the night
for security reasons.
Yeah, I didn't have
any reception up to Bear Lake.
- They still haven't found him?
- No.
Just the other missing
prisoner's body
halfway down the river.
Listen, I know
what you're thinking.
You don't know him
like I do, Captain.
No one could have
survived that crash.
He could have.
He probably caused
the whole thing.
All right, believe me, Ally,
even if he did survive,
he'd be stupid to try
and come after you.
And even if he did,
Bear Lake is the last place
he'd be looking for you.
When he called, he knew
I was going on leave, Captain.
From jail he knew.
Wouldn't take much for him
to guess where I was going.
Bear Lake is 40 miles
from the crash site,
just over the pass.
- Okay.
I'll contact you the moment
I have any updates.
But Ally, he's gone.
He's gone, Ally.
- Um, hi.
- Hi.
Does it normally take
this long to make a coffee?
Sorry. It's an older machine,
but it makes the flavor
so much better.
It's fine.
Take your time.
Don't expect
the best review, though.
She's right, you know.
Excuse me?
This is the best coffee
in the country.
And trust me, I've been around.
It's worth the extra
120 seconds
of your apparent precious time.
Guess Bear Lake's reputation
for kindness was overrated.
Wanna know what I think
is overrated?
You tourists.
You come into this town,
you treat everybody
like your servant.
They work hard for you.
You should appreciate that.
So rude.
You know what? I changed
my mind. I'll take it to go.
Oh, my God!
Oh! What is it with this place?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't see you there.
- Obviously you didn't see me.
- Look, I know the waitress.
I can get you
a new coffee right away.
It's just, I have to say,
I am a big fan.
I watch all of your reels,
like multiple times.
I want to do what you do.
I mean, I don't think
I could do it
as well as you but--
- No, you couldn't.
Look, it's not
as easy as it looks, okay?
You people just
watch the reels
and you think
it's all simple and--
No, no, I know you put
a lot into it.
That's what I love.
Just stick to whatever
it is you do around here.
Hey there, Becca.
Hey, Brody.
I uh, kinda overheard
all that.
Yeah, my dad always said
never to meet your heroes.
'Cause they'll always
let you down. Yeah.
Told me the same thing, yeah.
I hear she's headed up
to the point.
You follow her, too?
Well, yeah, saw that you
liked her and uh, it's...
Oh. You checkin'
my likes, huh?
Well, you know,
you back for the summer? Yeah?
Well, okay, then um,
what're you up to today?
I was actually thinking
about getting my hike in.
Oh. Okay, well,
I mean, I'm headed up
to the campgrounds anyways.
I could... Maybe we could go
for a quick coffee?
Then I could drive you there.
I'll take you to the north side.
It's on my way
and I imagine you don't wanna
go to the point after.
- No.
I'll stay as far away
from her as possible.
Trust me.
Sounds good.
Okay well, after you.
Oh, the weather here
is just perfect, too!
It cannot get any better.
Yep, she's headed up
to the point.
You know what?
You could do such
a better job at that than her.
You think?
Yeah. Yeah, of course.
I mean, look at her.
I mean, she's fake.
And you, you're... you're real
and you're relatable.
And you're a thousand
times prettier.
Not that that matters,
or anything, but...
I'm not supposed
to tell you this.
Ally's back.
- What?
- Mm-hmm.
Does Roy know?
Well no, he was just
doing his rounds.
And she told me
not to tell anybody.
But I kinda got the sense that
she only really meant for him.
Wanna go?
How come you never
asked me out?
I didn't know
you wanted me to.
I didn't know either.
Well, it was your dad.
You know, just...
I don't think he really
liked me that much.
Sure, he did.
Well, okay, then maybe
the thought of,
you know, anybody asking you out
bothered him.
But look, sorry, I didn't mean
to bring him up, it's...
No, it's okay.
Maybe on your next night off,
we can go out?
So, are you sure you wanna be
dropped off all the way up here?
Yeah, I wanna enjoy the view
for a bit and then hike down.
You aren't going
to the point, are you?
- No.
- No?
Besides, she's not a local.
It'll take her hours
to get up here.
I'll hike
to the other overlook.
Okay, well, you be careful.
Yeah, okay.
Hey! Your girl has been
filming this beautiful place
too much apparently, because
my battery is about to die.
But I am bound and determined
to get through this hike,
to what's supposed to be
the scenic overlook
of Bear Lake.
It's been an interesting
trip so far.
We'll see you in a bit.
All right,
that was a legit hike.
A couple hours,
but it was worth it.
Check this out.
As you can see, your girl lives
for livin' on the edge.
Oh, looks like
the mountain air
has sucked up all my battery
for this hike.
I will hit you up tonight
for the nightlife of Bear Lake,
if there is any.
We'll see you soon!
All right,
here you are, Chief.
I finally got these
out of storage for you, here.
Thank you, Brody.
My dad was always resistant
to computers
and I'm paying the price for it.
Yeah, well,
he was old-fashioned, so.
But um, why did you want
all these old incident
reports anyways?
I gotta get them scanned
and put in the new system.
Local deaths have been
on the rise in past years.
Last year, Dad's last,
we got lucky.
But before that.
Yeah well, you know,
it's just, it's tourists.
It's like they're multiplying
out there.
Yeah, they're coming earlier
and earlier now, too.
I've never seen so many before
the summer even starts.
Dad always said we needed
more deputies year-round.
Anyway, few weeks,
we'll get our seasonals,
and hopefully, we won't be
so overloaded.
Let's just hope those tourists
don't do anything stupid
before then.
Oh, hey, uh,
thanks for skipping out
on your annual hunting trip
with your dad and brothers,
by the way.
- I really appreciate that.
- Oh, yeah, yeah. It's nothing.
I mean,
around this time of year,
they were throwing snakes
in my tent,
and then, shaving my head
in the middle of the night.
So, yeah, trust me,
I'm not missing much.
- Older brothers will do that.
- Hmm.
It was an interesting haircut
to start the summer off with.
I'll tell ya that.
Well, alrighty.
I'm gonna go get
some food at the diner.
- Do you want anything?
- No.
Oh, Chief.
Chief, Chief, Chief, listen,
I'm not supposed
to tell you this, but um...
Told you I'd see you again.
Welcome home, Ally.
You expecting someone else?
Uh, yeah.
I wasn't expecting you.
Come on in.
Brody never could
keep a secret.
Can't believe he's a deputy.
He was always so skittish.
Yeah, he's not one
to command authority.
He drove my dad crazy.
But he's learning.
And you, chief.
I'm no famous detective.
Heard about
the prison transfer.
Yeah, wasn't much
of a transfer, was it?
Explains my warm welcoming.
You don't think that he's...
That's the one thing
about him.
If you don't expect
the unexpected,
you're always two steps
behind him instead of one.
Listen, I uh...
I should've been there for you
when your parents--
Oh no, it's okay.
No, it's not.
You were there for me
when Dad died.
You were amazing, Roy.
And I loved them and I should've
been there for you.
I'm sorry.
I just got so caught up
in this investigation.
No, you're doing
important work.
Yeah, but...
I don't know.
I could've reached out, too.
Just didn't wanna use it
as some excuse
to get you to come back.
I did try calling
a few years back,
but your number
was disconnected.
Yeah, the department
gives us phones,
so I just thought
it was silly to have two.
And yeah, maybe I used it
as an excuse to cut the cord.
I couldn't be here anymore.
It's strange.
When I lost them is when I knew
I could never leave.
We all grieve
in different ways, I guess.
Saw Miles earlier today.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, he's uh, he's different.
Mm-hmm, always was.
No, he's even more so now.
It's like he's empty inside.
Do you talk to him ever?
It's hard not to run into
each other in a place like this.
Yeah, but do you talk to him?
Not much.
Things haven't been
the same since...
- He was your best friend.
- Yeah, well,
best friends don't try and steal
your girlfriend, for two.
I know I said I'm sorry
like a million times,
but it just doesn't
feel like enough.
I just couldn't stay, Roy.
And I couldn't get you
to come with me.
Miles was just someone
I could talk to about it.
I think he saw an opportunity
and he tried to take it.
He always liked you, Ally.
And I can't blame the guy.
Nothing ever happened.
31 for two.
Anyhoo, it was
a long time ago.
The past is in the past.
You lead.
Uh, Chief, you there?
Yeah, Brody, what's up?
I'm gonna need you to come up
to the base of the point.
What are you doing up there?
Someone found a body.
I'll be right there.
I jinxed us.
Told Brody that I hope we'd go
another year without...
I know that look.
City jurisdiction extends
into the mountains.
Seasonal deputies don't get
here for a few weeks.
I sure as hell
could use the help.
I know her.
You do?
I know of her.
I'm one of a million,
Who is she?
She's an influencer.
Runs a travel platform
on social media or something.
Rebecca showed me her
on her socials.
Her name's uh, Sienna Hartley.
She have any belongings
on her?
- Did you find a phone?
- No.
I mean, maybe she didn't
have it on her this time?
No. This one was always one
to have her phone.
We gotta find her phone.
Well, I have Mountain
Rescue on their way.
And the coroner is gonna meet
them at the trail entrance, so.
I could just go take
another look.
Thank you, Brody.
Did you find the phone?
But I can keep looking
if you want me to.
Thanks, Brody.
Seasonal deputies
aren't here yet.
We're on our own on this one.
You're on vacation.
I can't ask you--
You don't have to ask.
Okay, well Chief, I uh,
we may not be able
to find that phone.
Just, it's probably in pieces
by that kinda fall.
And you know the terrain.
There's hundreds of crevices.
It's not an option.
We a got a tourism season
to get ready for.
The locals of this town,
they rely on that to survive.
We have to do
everything in our power
to make sure that happens.
My father understood that.
So should we.
You got it?
Yes, Chief.
I'll make some calls tomorrow.
Try and pull her phone records.
Ping it, maybe.
Do you need
to call her family?
I did.
They live in Los Angeles.
They are... pretty surprised,
to say the least.
Welcome back to Bear Lake.
We gotta find
that phone tomorrow.
- Hey.
- I heard.
Who from?
- It's all over the internet.
- Already?
Hey, Bees.
You're back?
No, no, um, you know,
just for a little rest.
Until now.
Hey, are you okay?
Earlier today,
I ran into her, literally.
She was mad.
She said some horrible things.
- And then what happened?
- Nothing.
She walked away.
It was just
a horrible accident.
- Can you stay for dinner?
- Uh, no. Not tonight.
You know, your brother's
had a long day, I'm sure,
and we've got an early morning.
- Yeah.
Yeah, Ally's helping
with this investigation.
It's just Brody and me
for the next couple weeks so.
Anyway, we should get you
back to your cabin.
Hey, uh, Chief,
are you there?
Brody, what's up?
Yeah, we got some complaints
about some college kids
on the lake.
You know, loud music.
The usual tourist stuff.
Then take care of it.
You're on lake duty tonight.
And if you can't handle
a couple of college kids
playing loud music,
I'm putting up a "help wanted"
sign at the station.
I'll take care of it.
That kid.
He's only a few years
younger than you.
Well then,
he needs to act like it.
Come on, be nice to him.
Since when do you want me
to be nice to Brody Doyle?
I'll handle that later.
You ready?
Yeah. You know,
I'm gonna walk.
It's not that far.
And um, you should get
some rest.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
It's been a while since
I walked that route home.
I remember those walks home.
Good night.
Good night.
Bye, Bees.
We'll catch up
this week, all right?
- Coffee's on me.
- Okay. Bye!
Bye, Ally.
Not a word.
- Who is winning?
- I don't know.
Can't we just get
like another?
This is, this is my turn.
It's my turn.
Why did you throw?
It's my turn.
It's about the mindset.
Come on.
What is this?
You go, this is your turn.
You take this.
This is for the team.
That's my girl.
That's my girl.
So, we are getting some
complaints about the noise here.
And look, I understand
it's not quite after hours yet,
but this is still
too loud, okay?
We're just having some fun.
I am gonna need you to turn
this music down here, okay?
And start winding all this down.
Are you a... a real deputy?
Or just like a police
department cadet
for the high school
or something?
No, no I'm... I'm a real,
sworn in deputy.
- Fully sworn in.
- Oh.
Oh, you're the group
from earlier.
- From the beach, huh?
- Yeah.
Yeah, and I want to talk
to your supervisor.
Austin, stop.
We're sorry.
- We didn't know. We'll stop.
- Actually, no.
No, we didn't rent
this cabin on the lake
so we could go to bed early.
Look, the deputy here
called in backup.
Just go home, okay?
I got this.
Yeah, it doesn't
look that way.
You must be the mouth
of this group.
Dude, you're kind of
in my face.
Miles, I've told them
to dial this back, okay?
So, you can... I got this.
We paid good money.
Yeah, just 'cause you spend
the money doesn't mean
you can overrun the town.
- Okay, we're sorry.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're really
sorry, mountain man.
Why don't you like,
chill out a little bit?
Have a beer. Relax.
Listen to some music.
Good idea.
Look, Miles, I've... I'm...
- Look, just stop this.
- Cut it out.
Don't make me come back here.
And tell Roy to hire
more experienced deputies
to handle these kids.
I wanna file a report
on that guy.
Yeah, I'll let
my supervisor know, okay?
Just wrap all this up.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
- Just wrap this up.
- Thank you, Deputy.
We got something here.
You are faster than you look.
- Okay, let's go for a swim.
- Austin, no.
- Let's go back inside.
- Oh, come on.
Let's swim across the lake.
There's a nice beach.
Come on!
Austin, enough. I'm not
going swimming with you like,
in the middle
of the night, okay?
Let's just go up and
hang out with everyone else.
I just wanna be with you.
Damn it, Austin!
You don't know when to quit
when you're drunk, do you?
I'm going inside
with everyone else.
What are you doing?
Um, I told you.
I'm going for a swim.
Please just come
inside with me.
We'll have a good time in there.
Last chance.
No, Austin.
I was an All-State
in high school, okay.
It was a full-run scholarship.
- I was alternate--
- Alternate for nationals.
I know.
Look, I'm not
that drunk, okay?
I'm just trying
to have some fun. I'm sorry.
I'll keep an eye out.
I can outswim anything.
Okay, just, just make it
a short swim, okay?
- Yeah.
- I'll warm you up
when you get back.
Don't worry, I'm a merman.
I'll be there
and back in 10 minutes.
- Okay.
- Time me.
- Okay.
- I'll be right back.
Just be quiet.
Eve, is that you?
You missed me, huh?
Oh, it's gonna be
like that, huh?
Sex on the beach.
Sex on the dock.
I like it.
What are you doing here?
I didn't mean to scare you.
Roy's asleep. I got bored
and decided to go to the bakery.
They're making tomorrow
morning's donuts.
It is the best time to get them.
Fresh out of the oven.
I thought that
they were closed?
I'm the Chief
of Police's sister.
They scratch my back
and I scratch theirs.
Donuts are a cop thing,
aren't they?
Yeah, I guess they are.
- I thought you could use one.
- Well, thank you.
Did you go for a dip?
Oh, just waded a bit.
I heard some crazy party
at the lake.
Yeah, don't even
get me started.
Hey, are you,
are you sure you're okay?
It's just that
I haven't seen you
since I dropped you off.
And you know, your brother
was telling me that the news,
it hit you pretty hard
about Sienna.
I just feel bad.
Well, why do you feel bad?
Just had some mean thoughts
about her before.
Nothing bad. I just wanted
people to see her true colors.
See who she really was
maybe so she'd lose
some followers or something.
But not her life.
Not this.
Look, Becca, you've...
you've done nothing wrong.
Bear Lake PD.
Chief here.
I had told him not to go.
And you just went back up
to the cabin after he dove in?
I wanted to hang
with my friends.
Okay, well, you said
he was a swimmer.
- Yeah, national champion.
- Okay, so maybe he made it
to the other side
and just got tired.
It's been hours.
He said it would take him
10 minutes there and back.
I'm really worried.
Okay. Well,
my deputy's driving
to the other side right now, so.
How about I drive over, too?
Cover more ground.
Chances are he's just hunkered
down on some beach.
He might even be at a bar.
So, head in.
We'll find him.
Thank you.
Damn it.
Brody, you there?
Yeah, I'm here, Chief.
Is everything
all right over there?
No. Um, I found the...
The missing kid, I found him.
He's dead.
His body washed up
on the lakeshore.
Oh, geez, Chief.
I called the ambulance,
but I need you to come back
and finish the interview
with these kids.
Yeah. You got it.
But uh, what are you gonna do?
I'm gonna bring Ally in.
Two deaths in one day
is too much of a coincidence.
We need another set
of eyes on this.
Maybe she'll see
something we didn't.
Copy that.
Do you think it might be worth
talking to Miles, too?
Why Miles?
Well, he was at the kids'
party earlier.
He got pretty worked up.
Really got in that kid's
face about the music.
Of course he did.
Let me handle Miles.
Someone's a little jumpy.
What're you doin'
hangin' out, out here?
Just comin' back
from huntin' coyotes.
Thicker than thieves
this summer.
Full compliance.
Don't worry.
Come on in.
Take a seat.
Been a while.
How's the new job treatin' ya?
Heard about that
hiker who fell.
It's barely even the start
of the season
and it's off the rails already.
Looks like Ally's back.
Yeah. For a bit.
She's helping with
the investigation.
It's been a while
since us three
have been in town together
at the same time.
That gonna be a problem?
It's in the past.
I was hoping to ask you
a couple of questions.
About the kids
across the lake?
Why'd you ask me that?
Heard the sirens.
Well, I heard
that you had a...
a run-in with them
earlier this evening.
I asked if they wouldn't mind
turning their music down.
Brody didn't really have
control over the situation.
And you felt the need
to confront them?
Well, someone had to.
He's not the most authoritative.
- No offense.
- None taken.
You know what those tourists
do to this town.
You've lived here
your entire life, Roy.
Your whole family has.
Doesn't it bother you?
Hell, I'm just trying
to do my job best I can.
Yeah, well, when I was away
serving my country,
all I thought about was being
back on the porch of this cabin.
On this lake.
There's a peacefulness to it.
Then they started
coming in droves.
You know me, Miles.
I appreciate your service.
The whole town does.
That college kid,
the one you had an issue with,
he went for a swim.
His dead body washed up
on the shore.
Did you see anything?
I was up on the ridge hunting
most of the night.
You don't think I...
Thank you for your time.
Hey, Roy.
Say hi to Ally for me.
If you see her.
I will.
Aw, fuck.
You all right?
I don't know if
I'm seeing ghosts or not.
I know him.
He knows me.
Chief said that
they found a jumpsuit.
No body.
What're you thinkin'?
I don't know.
I just know I don't wanna
close my eyes yet.
What is it?
Well, we found
another dead body.
It was around the bend.
Washed up on shore.
It was a college kid.
He went swimming
after a day of drinking.
- Drowned?
- Looks like it.
Two in one day.
It's been a long one.
Hey, Chief,
it's Brody here.
The hits just keep on comin'.
Yeah, Brody, what's up?
The coroner called in
about the swimmer.
Yeah, he says
he was electrocuted.
Well, the coroner says
it was pretty clear cut.
Deep burn marks on the palms
of the hands
and electrocution would explain
the early rigor mortis.
But how could that have
happened at a lake?
There wasn't any lighting,
or anything like that.
There could have been
an electrical wire on the dock.
The lights
on the dock were out.
According to your dad, this
happened a couple years ago.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, there was, you know,
the tourists,
but it was around
the same age group,
about too, as well, I think.
Do you remember another
fatality that year?
- It was a climber, right?
- Yeah.
Yeah, it was, but that was
a rope break incident,
or something like that, I think.
Your dad noted that
the rope was brand new.
They just bought it
at the climbing store.
And guess where
they were climbing?
The point.
You man the station.
We're gonna go check out
that dock again.
Um, keep your radio on.
Yeah, always.
Of course.
When'd you have time
to pick these up?
No, that was just,
it was Rebecca.
For you?
Yeah, and you.
Mostly you.
We'll talk about that later.
Roy? Where are you?
Look, I was on a night hike
and I found Sienna's phone
in the rocks.
I don't wanna do anything
until you're here.
Just call me.
I'll try the station
and maybe I'll talk to Brody.
Wires are all messed up.
It looks like the wiring
has been tampered with.
Shore power box
has been rigged.
Show me.
See this cable?
Dumped in the water
next to the metal ladder.
So, when Austin grabbed
the ladder...
Fried him.
Tripped the breaker up
in the cabin.
Poor kid.
Ally, someone's making
damn sure
that tourists
don't leave Bear Lake alive.
This way.
Come on, come on.
This is Miles' property.
That look familiar to you?
This is private property.
This is Ally and Roy.
Lower the weapon!
I thought you were tourists.
What are you two doing here?
Somebody took
a couple shots at us
down at the dock
where we found that kid.
- I didn't hear any shots.
- Arrows.
Same as in your shed.
Wanna lower that weapon, Roy?
Not until
you explain yourself.
Haven't shot
that bow in years.
Put down the rifle.
- Roy.
- Put it down!
Okay, you got 30 seconds
to explain
why we tracked a shooter
to your property,
only to find the arrows
that damn near killed Ally.
Come with me.
I'll show you something.
I have trail cams
set up on my property.
The reason I came out
the way I did
is because one of them
detected movement.
They're motion based.
Why do you have trail cams?
And tourists.
I caught a couple
of 'em on my property.
I have gotten a few calls
about you over the years.
Yeah well, private property
is private property, Roy.
Here, look.
What the hell's goin' on?
We got a killer
on the loose in Bear Lake.
- That's what's goin' on.
- Roy, Rebecca.
Brody, do you copy?
Brody, you there?
Uh, yep, yep. Copy Chief.
Sorry, I was in the bathroom.
Yeah, listen,
we've got a suspect
on the loose in Bear Lake.
He took a shot at us.
I need you to get to my house
and take care of my sister.
Yeah, of course.
Of course. Are you okay?
Yeah, we're good.
Just go to my house.
Take care of Rebecca.
I'd appreciate it.
You got it, Chief.
You got it.
Uh, B-Becca?
Yeah, it's me.
It's Brody.
- What are you doing here?
- Hey.
What time is it?
Um, something's,
something's happened,
and um, Roy just wanted me
to stay with you
for a little while, okay?
- Is he okay?
I've been trying
to call him all night.
Yeah, he's, he's okay.
And Ally's fine too.
It's just, it's all just
a precaution, okay?
Do you want any coffee
or anything?
Oh, no.
No, I'm okay.
- Sun's coming up.
- Is there anyone else?
Anyone else that stands out?
Well, if there's one thing
I learned
during the Caden investigation,
it's that sleep is underrated.
We all need it.
- Take me home?
- Yeah.
Hey, maybe you should stay
with Rebecca and me.
Yeah, just let me go home,
take a shower and grab my stuff.
Yeah. I forgot I left Rebecca
and Brody together.
Probably fallen
in love overnight.
Is it okay if I go check on her
while you get
your things together?
No hard feelings.
Would've thought the same thing.
- Call me if you need anything.
- Bye, Miles.
We're good, right?
Yeah, we're good.
You good?
Yeah, I'll be fine.
I'll be back in 20.
Don't move.
What do you want, Caden?
Well, we still have...
one more lesson to finish.
Who did you kill
for that outfit?
I didn't kill anyone else
in this stupid mountain town.
I'm only here for you.
Who's that?
Get over there.
Come on!
Turn around! Come on!
Come on. Move!
Caden, stop, or I'll shoot!
How did you know?
The shades.
You always hated
having them closed.
It wasn't him.
What do you mean?
He has no clue what's
going on in this town.
If not him...
They're still not back?
I suppose I can show you
this then.
I was out on a night hike
and I found this by where...
...where Sienna died.
It's Sienna's phone.
I called Roy.
His phone must be on silent.
He does that all the time.
I started to look at her videos.
I didn't wanna open anything
without him,
but I suppose
I've got you here.
How did you open the passcode?
How'd you know it?
Her birthday.
- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, my God.
- What are you looking at?
- Her last video.
- Should we watch it?
- Oh, hey, hey, hey, Becca,
I think we should really wait
for your brother
with this one, okay?
He's always telling you
to take charge of things.
Rebecca, we should
really wait, okay?
- Oops.
- We should...
You can blame me.
All right,
that was a legit hike.
A couple hours,
but it was worth it.
Check this out.
As you can see, your girl lives
for livin' on the edge.
Oh, looks like
all the mountain air
has sucked up my battery
for this hike.
I will hit you up tonight
for the nightlife of Bear Lake.
If there is any.
See ya soon!
I really wish
you hadn't done that.
Rebecca! Brody!
Rebecca, are you here?
God! Ally!
My phone's been on silent.
She's been calling me all day.
She left a message.
Roy, where are you?
I was on night hike and I found
Sienna's phone in the rocks.
I don't wanna do anything
until you're here.
Just call me.
I'll try the station
and maybe I'll talk to Brody.
Brody, do you copy?
- Brody, answer your damn radio.
- Ping the phone.
Hello, this is Chief
Roy Martin of the Bear Lake
Police Department.
Yes, I need you to ping
that phone again.
Yeah. Send it to my phone.
Thank you.
They say it'll take a second.
That's Rebecca's phone.
I've known him my whole life.
It can't be him.
That's what they said
about Caden Hodge.
Last year,
he was on a hunting trip
before the summer
season started.
There were no tourist
deaths that year.
Year before that
was the first year
he was sworn into the force.
Electrocution accident.
Another fall from the point.
Most killers have patterns,
whether they realize it or not.
He's making it look
like an accident.
Miles, how quickly can you
get to the point?
- You don't need to do this!
- Everything was fine.
Everything until
you had to go, huh?
- I'll scream!
- Look where you are.
What's it gonna do? Huh?
What's it gonna do?
I left a message
for Roy, Brody!
- He knows I have the phone!
- I did this for you.
- Huh? I don't understand.
- Sienna.
How she treated you
when you said
she treated you like nothing.
I know how you felt.
That's how I felt
my entire life!
I didn't ask you
to do this! Ah!
You know what feels
even better than having
the power over somebody?
That's when you finally
decide to take it back.
When you've never had it
in your whole life.
What happened to you?
Them. That's what.
My father, my brother,
your father, your brother.
And all these little
college kids.
All these spoiled little kids
that come here
and spend mommy
and daddy's money
thinking they can treat anybody
they way they want to.
Like how they treated you.
How they treated me.
- What did my dad do to you?
- He was gonna fire me, okay?
I had to do it, okay?
They ran off the road.
What did you want me to do?
I'm sorry, okay?
Please forgive me.
It's the only, it's the
only way I can away with this.
- No!
- Brody!
- It's over.
- Get away.
- Let her go.
- Get away!
Brody, don't.
Where you are,
drop 'em or I'll take us
both over, I swear! I mean it!
- Rebecca!
- Ah!
It's over, Brody.
Hey, it's okay.
It's over.
Rebecca, I'm sorry.
- Hey, hey, come here.
- He killed all of them.
Ally, come on in.
What's this?
It's a goodbye.
You sure about this?
You know, you were right.
There's uh...
There's more to life.
You know, you could
have emailed me this.
Yeah, well, maybe I wanted to
show my Captain that I'm okay.
...I've climbed trees
I'm not scared of fights,
you see
And in the clouds
I surf the breeze
I'm better
and there they'll see
Breathe in
Breathe out
Wide awake now
Every morning
I see clearer skies
Welcome them in
Oh, they're right on time