The Brutalist (2024) Movie Script

Excuse me.
For those of you that don't speak English,
please in engage myself or any of
my colleagues located in the back,
we may inform you about our language and
orientation programmes which are held
in this very group four by
Lafayette. Remember the address
daily meetings are held where many of
you will be sleeping tonight over at the
Hotel Marsai located
on 103rd and Broadway.
Those of you whom none of the
fermenting details apply and who will be
immediately departed for other
destinations in the morning,
please see me about your $25 travel aid.
These vouchers are redeemable on
trains and participating bus services
This is Albert B. Chandler.
At this time I would like to introduce a
boy who will be under the leadership of
when takes over his
new job as director of.
Spend Some time. Sorry. What's
wrong? What do you think?
I'm beautiful. I don't Which parts
of me do you find most beautiful?
All parts. Stop it. I don't find all.
The parts of you beautiful.
Can you tell your friend to be polite?
Get that.
My legs, are they too thin?
No. You very proport.
It's is the problem.
What did you say? That is
something I do not like.
Your face is ugly. I know it.
We have boys if you.
Prefer. No thank you brothers.
We dark skin but.
Cancel. That would be not for me.
Ah, it was great. It was great.
What? I will see you What? I
will see you. I will see you.
I will see you. I will see you. Great.
Wait Lord the luck for the luck. Thanks.
See you.
Perhaps no state.
Or nation in all the history of man
has been the deciding ground of so many
human issues,
as has the state of Pennsylvania decisions
that founded and assured survival
of a great nation that brought
him to being important.
Colonisation movements that established
freedom of worship in America that
founded great religions that gave
birth to America's educational system
that launched tremendous industrial
empires that forged the steel
sinews and power to driving wheels
of today's great civilization.
Here is where things happen,
where decisions are made where industry
is making the greatest strides of any
state or nation in the
world. Pennsylvania,
land of decision for America,
for American industry and
for American families.
Is alive.
It's a combination of things
but I would say most popular
is the cabinetry which we
do ourselves custom to order
lamps two
and here it is. Audrey did the displays.
He is talking like an American
from the television now.
Well we don't have a television but he's
been here since before I was born and
still doesn't sound like
any American I'd ever met.
Eight years ago we tried opening
something similar in Manhattan
the rest of two months.
We couldn't compete with the name brands.
They come in with an issue of better
homes and gardens and they say.
We like that table next to
the perfume man. And we say,
well we can make you something
like that. And they say, no sir,
we want exactly that. It turns
out we don't like New York at all.
No charm, right Audrey? Every
little urchin you come across.
Seller buyer delivering
boys running a hustle.
I'm from Connecticut
myself. Do you know it?
Of course he doesn't know
it. He just got here.
Give me that.
So cleared out a space
for you in the back.
Audrey made you a bed.
It's just a cotton in the lamp for now,
but feel free to take anything
you want from the showroom.
That's all I need.
And for the employee restroom,
you go out the front door around the
back to where I park the car you remember
and there's a stairway there that
takes you up to our apartment.
If you need anything you just knock.
And your wife have done more than enough.
You know we know someone you
could take a look at your nose.
I thought maybe no one would notice.
What happened. If you
don't mind me asking.
I jumped from a rail
car a few moments later.
There was about cracking something,
thought someone had shot
me in the head but me,
I ran into the branch of a
tree. No one was shooting it.
I take something for the band.
You. We'll give Kenneth a call.
Come take a seat at my desk.
Fetch the towels.
Is it smaller than you expected? What.
We shot? No. No.
I had no expectation.
Who is Miller? I am not.
You are Monarch. Not anymore.
No Miller, no sons.
The folks here, they're
like a family business.
So what do you think.
Of what the furniture?
Well I mean of everything so far
Philadelphia but sure the pieces
on the floor also, they're not very.
That's what you are here for.
next month I can put you on the payroll
if you want. You can leave
for us upstairs on Sundays.
You have done.
More than enough. Don't
mention I do mention,
I do mention.
Cheers Catherine,
we are Catherine.
Now William.
I probably cry something blue.
Is it this gentleman's coat?
It's clever right? There
is a little glue in it.
Listen up. Kitchen's closed.
Folks get back early tomorrow.
Oh wait, hold on. I got a kid here,
sorry but fresh out.
Come find me in the morning
to make sure he gets a plate.
You must have a slice of bread. It's just
a little boy. There are children here.
How many times do you people want me
to say it? There's nothing left here.
Thank you sir.
Will it be all right?
There's somewhere else
we can try it tonight
and let him sleep tomorrow.
I will be here early.
Come to be here. I will hold the pressure.
What deserve to be our streets?
I don't deserve to be out on streets
again. Whatever you from your hearts.
Thank you. God bless all of you.
Yes, my niece and wife,
I have.
Learned that to are stuck
at the Austrian boundary.
Wait not many minutes for me
and we can speak after Micko.
Israel can try and help but
from here it is very difficult
as you know.
I'll wait for it.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
I'm not sure what to do with them is all.
What do you think I should parrot with?
Leave it. How?
Leave it like that.
Looks like a tricycle.
What's this? That.
It? It's a bike for kids.
Pick their of pea pepper
pipe. Pick a back of pickle pepper
if Peter pipe picked of pickle pepper.
Where is the pack of pickle peppers?
Come with me.
We have an important client inside
furnished him a two story office space
downtown on the chief last year.
He's interested in house billing
some burg for him at a residence.
You give a little smile for him, sell it.
Selling, always selling.
Mr. Van Bur
let me introduce you to
my cousin Laslo please.
That's what people call my father.
Call me Harry.
Well Harry,
he would like some shelving units
installed over at his family's property in
Doylestown. Sorry to interrupt.
I hope that someone might follow me
out there to take a look at my father's
study. My sister and I
would like to surprise him.
You see by turning it
into a proper library.
Well the place is in complete disarray.
A whole mess of books and paperwork so
I guess we just like some tall shelves
and cabinetry installed.
Maybe make him a ladder with little
wheels on it. You'd see in a real library.
He's a voracious reader.
We can make you something like that.
Let me have Audrey come down and keep an
eye on the place and he'll pull the van
around. Fantastic. Be right back.
Pay you in.
The last job the bid. Okay,
took out a lot of pieces though. Kept
adding the order even at a discount.
Heads up his own man Got flush.
Adapting product and
techniques to expedite the
manufacturing cargo ships on the
This guy trying to shake
us, which is a drag race.
Hey, come on already.
Stay right until you see the
main house pop. Prove you'd like.
You. Appreciate you coming
out here on such short notice.
General father is away
only until next Friday.
I was anxious to pin this down.
It's no inconvenience for us chief.
It's a lucky day too because my
cousin here is a licenced architect
specialist in renovations. He even
designed a library back at home before.
Right? The whole city library.
What city is that?
I see Ever been? Don't.
Mind the mess.
I know it's terribly dated isn't it? I
I'm thinking shells up to the
ceiling and some good reading lamps,
perhaps some wall fixtures that extend.
Father always keeps the
curtains drawn just.
To protect the books from the
sunlight we start facing here.
What's your budget? What's your
estimate? Depends on the material.
Well make it of reasonable quality.
Perhaps a nice place for
him to sit and read as well.
Could chair or bench
frame against the window.
The bound for us to replace that.
If there's time, why not?
A branch fell in during a
nasty storm last summer.
Tropical depression. I
think they called it.
Keep it below a thousand dollars. Can
you? My sister and I are splitting it.
I don't want any unexpected
add-ons. Don't worry.
We'll come in on budget. You want
all this done by next Friday, right?
Thursday night Preferably I can't be here
during the week but the staff can let
you in if anything comes up. Have
them ring me at the office. If.
To be finished on Thursday,
we need extra hands
including materials glass.
It's $2,000.
And the one I'm Joe, let's go where?
Keep on where those frills
and bars and buttons and bows,
rings and things and buttons and bows.
Don't bury me in the spirit.
Take me where the sea grows.
Let's move down to some big
time where the love gal bows
and I'll stand out and buttons and bows.
flip it for the other side.
Okay. Should have seen him.
Talking up the prices. I was ready to
settle at four 50. I was not doing that.
You were not. I was telling
him how much it'll cost. No,
I thought he was going to blow it for us.
But you held your ground and
that's what makes you professional.
I hope it is. Not only that.
She's so beautiful.
She has that red dress' the
same as colour as her lips.
Dance with her, dance with her.
I don't want to, I don't
it doesn't want Don't
make her dance with her.
It's your favourite song.
It's your favourite song.
We'll do it together outside the steps.
Dance with her with she wants
you to. It's a favourite song.
It's her favourite song.
She's waiting for you.
She's waiting for you.
It's just a house
in your one kind.
Who knows?
You treasure any simple
little pleasure like
a full length make to cover Last year's.
It's so nice to have a
man around the house.
It's awfully Aren. Nice to
have a man around the house.
Oh so nice to have a man around the house.
Just a guy in life and
Celebr who will share
your breakfast, riding a bicycle
and will help you zip your zipper.
For children.
Miss the toilet.
What better than the carpet I suppose.
When do you expect your
wife might join you Mr. To
there's not room for the both
of you in that storage place.
I wish I knew Audrey.
Thank you for the dinner.
Atilla show me magazine pictures.
The projects you did at your firm.
You know what I expected
from what I read about you.
I am not what I expected either.
I'm sure you could get a job.
Better job at a firm here.
I then
only working for someone.
It's better than sleeping
in a storage closet.
I look for someone else to stay.
Thank you again. Thank.
Bring the buses don't drop
guy. He's.
Rich. You're going to buy more boots.
Guy likes to read can tell us
at bedtime storm. Okay. Slowly,
slowly, slowly, slowly.
Don't scratch.
The floor.
Yes, the long panel,
the shelves and ion height
will accommodate the larger
volumes our client had
been stack on the floor. So.
45 Degrees. 3, 2, 1.
Perfect. It'll be beautiful.
On the left and steady castle down left.
One steady.
Come on.
Bug steady movement. Glory.
Slowly. It's too close to.
We have a piece of guttering
to replace now as well.
1, 2, 3.
Okay, bring your hand.
It is our first edition.
They all first edition.
You are an idiot. Stop it. Idiot.
What is this?
What is all this?
Who authorised you to come into
my home and tear everything apart?
Excuse me sir. Who the hell are you?
This was all supposed to be a surprise.
Your son Harry told us not to expect you.
It is a goddamn surprise. My mother,
an ailing woman is sitting outside on
the driveway too bright to come inside.
We're sorry to have frightened him.
We brought her here for some peace and
rest light only to discover a strange
negro man roaming around our property.
Your son
asked us to come here to redo
the study into a library.
A library. The room.
It's gutted. Well we were just
putting everything back in its place.
You've turned it all inside out.
How do you know it's proper place?
We have taken excellent
care of your belongings.
Mr. Van Boian Don't know what to tell you.
Who are you.
Laslo to?
Laslo is a licenced architect.
He supervised the renovation and I've
done business with your son before.
I have a furniture shop down
in Kensington Miller and Sons.
Mr. Van,
may I show you around the space where
the work lamps are not doing the work I
need. Just.
Your negro man is waiting
for you outside the gate.
I suggest you pack your things and leave.
Mr. Van Buren. We are finished here.
It's quite alright.
I will confirm this with my son
in the morning. My mother is sick.
She needs to be inside
so she can sleep it all.
This is not.
This is.
That's a hell of a way to greet today.
Harry Ko. He says he won't pay.
For the material.
He says we damage the property and I'm
lucky if he doesn't take me to court
got nothing to say to them.
Whatcha going to do about it.
You run my clients out the door.
You make a pass at my wife.
She told me before she told me
of course she told me. What do you expect?
What did I expect?
You couldn't keep your hands to
yourself even when we were kids. Listen,
I won't tell her she this time
I know you've been through it but
that's what I told Audrey.
I'm not going to hurt.
You. Chill but I can't help you anymore.
You got that.
The Republican party.
To go and to sleep in to get up.
Gordon has Mr. Laslo already
gone? I need to speak with him.
Hold done.
I have.
It is for my injury. Sister
Elizabeth is asking for you.
I would be right there.
Do me a favour and hold off on
that until you push the clock.
What did she want to talk to you about?
Just for my participation. Like
what? They want you to help out.
I already help out.
Wants me to attend the service on Sundays.
Collect donation.
And what did you say to her?
I said I would think about it.
I go to somewhere else.
Why don't you ask for a place to
stay wherever it is at you Lugo?
I do not permit my people from home.
To see me as a beggar. Never.
and my old.
What good is a song if the word don't
and a dream must be
there must be.
There's the son of the.
Beach yet to see you
talk. Is that you?
I've been looking for you.
I wonder I couldn't find
you. You've grown a beer.
What can I do for you sir? I
would like to take you to lunch.
Do not break for another two hours.
Why not your manager? Let me
educate him. Have you seen that?
I can assure you everyone
else has. Flip to page 66.
Where did you.
Study? Ba
This ba. Oh marvellous.
Read the caption below the photograph.
So what do you think looks good.
Damn right it does.
Why didn't you defend yourself When I
came after you all like a bat out of hell.
I called that American cousin of
yours. Yes. Yeah, that's right.
First I apologised then I
lauded him with praise. However,
he quite honourably redirected me to you
and I have since done my homework.
These are yours? Yes.
All of them.
I am sorry I upset you. No,
did not realise these images were
still available much less of any
consequence. May.
I keep this? Of course he may
very artistic
and better in the real life.
You could have elaborated a
little more in your background.
You didn't do yourself
any favours back there.
It was difficult to interject
the midst of the shouting.
Yeah. I'm ashamed. Really?
I am. I acted a fool.
My mother was dying.
It's not an excuse but she died
that very weekend at the house.
Very is sorry to hear about your mother.
Tell me why is an accomplished
foreign architect shovelling
coal here in Philadelphia? Well.
I'm also doing the construction
for a bowling alley
the Reich rejected myself and my
colleagues for our type of work
for it was deemed not
Germanic in character.
I don't wish to be rude but I
only have time for the coffee.
You are not prepared for what
you saw. That is understandable.
I'm glad.
You have come to appreciate it.
I don't just appreciate
it Mr. Todd. I cherish it.
I hate surprises. My fathead son
should have known better. But listen,
I'm not here to boast or to grieve.
I've come to pay you the monies you owe.
For what it's worth, it
was not my suggestion.
You and your partner should not be paid.
I only found out about
that after the fact. It.
Damaged some gut that I,
which we intended to replace but it
was a misunderstanding. Forget it.
Take the money.
Thank you.
I'd sta that in your undergarments.
If I were you or inside of a shoe,
I would like you to come
and see it in the daylight.
I've already seen it. I'd like
you to come and enjoy it rather.
Alright, wonderful. I can have a car come
and pick you up Sunday morning if you,
you're not too busy. No. Here
I me down your address.
I found our conversation persuasive
and intellectually stimulating.
For that pleasure.
Don't move too much
to be some.
Inside. Everybody left. We closed.
Don't push. I know he's in there.
Ain't nobody in there I with not leave
me please. Ain't nobody in there.
It's time to go home. We closed.
He said Mike, I said go home.
Mr. The pictures over.
You can't sleep here.
This demand is for these derivatives
of opium and narcotic drugs useful in
medicine to relieve pain
and to induce sleep.
You is without supervision they can
become dangerous. Habit forming drugs.
Once the habit is formed,
the addict taking drugs in secret
must have a continual supply.
All drugs not available.
Excuse me, Mr. The Van Buren
family sent me for you.
There you're.
Man of the hour. What
have you done to yourself?
Fell off at Beam. Everyone's vanished.
Harry, you remember each other?
Yes I do. Hi Nan.
Daddy. The kitchen's asking if
we could please take our seat.
And this is Harry's twin sister Maggie.
We love the library.
Thank you. Alright, let's see.
He won't tell his own accomplishments
but Mr. TA's work is celebrated
throughout much of Western
and central Europe.
There are many features on
him in architectural journals.
If you follow that sort of
thing, why would you focus?
Did the synagogues, destinations,
many projects? I'm quiet on everyone.
Are you married Mr. Al?
She is still in Europe.
Why's that?
They were separated for Soly.
Where is it you come from?
If you don't mind my asking.
I can't place the accent
ravaged during the war. Just terrible.
What was it like the war?
We hear some stories here
that make ones chose crow.
I would not know where to begin. Mr.
Do you plan on returning.
To Europe? Mr.
But my wife, she tries to
come now here to join me
but the.
Situation was difficult.
Well with Roosevelt gone now
that main thing is easier.
He's gone.
But everyone is still frightened
that people like me are a
threat to their national defence.
When you say people, you mean Jews
or Jewish?
Michelle converted.
As did Mybe.
It required a great deal of
commitment and study, but
if few at home recognised
her foreign pity,
the national socialists
could not see it their way.
But no, not only Jewish foreign people
I was fortunate to depart
from and then I did
two months order facilitated
the transfer of my group.
Others? Others were not so lucky.
It sounds very painful. As long
we're terribly sorry for you
Michael is my friend and
my attorney in that order.
is this a process your firm could
help to expedite it is not so simple.
I'm afraid.
My life cannot leave my
niece behind because she's
young, motherless, very sick.
The two of them.
I'd be glad to make any
career on your behalf.
You know there's something called the
Displaced Persons Act that's recently gone
into effect.
It will allow some 200,000 European
persons admission for permanent
residence. You can read
about in the paper now.
Michael's firm represents the
office of the vice president,
the United States.
Congratulations. Come see me
in our Philadelphia office.
On Monday I'll telephone this line
and my assistant can't arrange.
She'll tell you what we'll
need your vote to provide.
Thank you.
Coffee and the study.
I was married once. She gave
me two beautiful children.
my mother Margaret and the twins demanded
my attention every minute of my scarce
personal time.
Things became awkward between
my ex-wife and Margaret.
So we separated amicably.
Margaret raised me on her own in
Rochester. It was just the two of us.
Her parents had disowned her
for a child out of wedlock.
She was my only real family other
than the twins. Later on in life,
of course, I'll tell you
shortly before their
death, my mother's parents,
I hesitate to call 'em my grandparents.
They reached out to Margaret and me
after reading an article on the reported
success of my first
company. In actual fact
weren't doing that well at the
time and soon shut our doors,
but this was not yet public knowledge.
I gather you conclude from our
prior interactions. I am blunt,
not hyperbolic or
particularly sentimental,
but my mother,
she was defenceless
against their chumminess.
She argued that they could
very well be sick or dying and
quite likely needed the money.
I didn't like seeing Margaret,
an ordinarily pragmatic
woman reduced to such
matic assumptions,
still agreed to meet with them in person
in part to appease her but also to
satisfy the curiosities of my lineage.
Do you know it really is
very clever the way the space
surrounds one, the forced
perspective. I think so, yes.
It reminds me of a
short story I once read,
so about a never ending library.
Are you working on anything
at the moment Mr. To
a bolding alley? Pardon me?
I was just in the middle of telling our
friend your story. I'm so sorry not to.
Please excuse me.
Do you agree to see them?
We exchanged pleasantries
over the telephone and I
offered to meet with them at
their modest apartment residence
in a neighbouring town.
I laughed to realise they'd
been so nearby all those years
on the drive over.
I had time to think and I finally
arrived at a figure I felt comfortable
in offering the two of them, seeing that
they were whether I liked it or not,
our only living relatives,
I was received hospitably
and so I swiftly moved to
explain I'd made the amount of
check for the amount of $25,000.
When I handed it over,
they appeared relieved but perhaps
a little disappointed at the figure.
They were courteous and
thanked me all the same.
I was quite uncomfortable,
but before hurrying off,
I asked them a question, what
would you do with all this money?
They rambled on about miracles
or some such thing. For a moment,
everything in their immediate line
of view seemed solvable, achievable.
They would finally be all right and
what a thoughtful grandson I was
upon departure
before I even reached the
edge of their front lawn.
The two of them came running
out after me shouting,
you've forgotten your signature, Harrison.
I summon the courage to be frank
and to speak to them as adults.
I had not forgotten, I said,
but was not ultimately compelled to sign
due to the blunder of their response.
They took it as such a shock.
I thought for a moment it might kill
them right there in their front lawn,
but the two of them just wept
and came apart like beggars.
The whole thing was so much more
disturbing than I'd imagined
and so uncondition
that they let Morgan alone from then on,
I struck them a separate
check for $500 and I signed
That is how much I love
my mother, Mr. Todd.
We did things for each other.
But could they expect after the
way they had treated you both?
Yes. That's.
Exactly how I see it.
That should be something.
Why architecture?
Is it a test? No, it is not.
Nothing is of its own explanation. I
is there a better description of a
cube than that of its construction.
It was a war on and yet
it's my understanding that
many of the sites of my
projects that survived,
they remained there still in the city
and the terrible recollections of what
happened in Europe cease to humiliate us.
I expect for them to serve
instead as a political stimulus
sparking the upheavals that
so frequently occur in the
cycles of Peoplehood.
I already anticipate a
communal rhetoric, anger,
The whole river of such
frivolities may flow on down,
but my buildings were devised
to endure such erosion.
The Danube shoreline.
What a poetic reply.
He must have been a beloved professor.
I've said it before, but I
find out our conversations
intellectually stimulating. I.
Agree with you.
Everyone please.
Take you Brandy.
Join me outside. Have a terrific surprise.
Where the hell are you taking
this Harrison? It's freezing out.
Only little brother.
There with us. Everyone hold your horses.
We're there.
All right. As many of you know,
this past year has been somewhat
difficult for Harry, Maggie, and myself.
Daddy, it's very cold out here.
Should we go back inside? Maggie.
I brought you all out here
this evening in the cold.
Not to glance over my
shoulder in the past, but to.
Join me in looking
forward toward the future.
As you know over this rise is
Doylestown and so on this site
we plan to build a centre for the
community in the name of Margaret Lee
Van. Isn't that lovely? This.
Shall be a sacred enough space that
perhaps for soul might inhabit it.
A place for gathering,
reflecting, learning.
And Mr. Toth, I would like
you to build this for her.
Something boundless, something
new. This has shocked you. I see.
I'm delighted. I thought perhaps
you might see it coming. No.
No. Listen,
it is no coincidence that fate
brought us together and the
eve of my mother's death. I'm
good at reading the signs.
Sir, I do not know what
the commission entails.
We talk about the details at home,
but you'll be well compensated and also
you'll be given a place here on the
property to live and work.
I think that residing here
will allow you the time and the
space to conceive of it properly
and your family should they arrive.
They're welcome here too. What do you say?
I would like to draw something
and then present it to you.
You'd like to win the commission.
Alright, you can do that.
It's cold. Let's return inside. Come on.
Excuse me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
A driver brought me here. I
don't recall his name. Sorry.
I need to get back.
Could someone possibly contact the
man who drop me this afternoon?
One minute please.
I'm sorry to have kept you
waiting. Harrison's gone to bed.
I wishes you a good night life. Would
you help me to find it? I have. Listen,
I'm terribly sorry about
my father's theatrics.
Must have caught you off
guard. It's quite alright.
He often makes these decisions
without consulting. The rest of us
did not take any of it
too hard. You should.
You see
my father would like us to hire you.
Hulu. Yeah.
I don't have any infrastructure here.
That's why he's asked me to oversee
and assist you in this debtor.
I have no idea if the Panama is,
once I have distilled the
essence of fathers outburst,
I'll try and make some
economic sense of it.
We have quite a full house this evening,
so I took the liberty of making up
a place for you in the guest house.
We can have your thing
sent for in the morning.
One minute.
You rang for me sir. Oh yes.
Baslow come in. I've had a vision.
I have some sketches
also something I have been working
on which might be applicable here.
If you have to look in a moment.
My eyes are very,
pardon? My appearance.
I have carpenters in the forehead
causing a terrible ringing in my ears.
You have to bear with me. I
can't come back before I lose it.
Dreams slip away. Yes, I know
Doylestown, it's beautiful
but it's not a cultural place.
Sure, but it could be
if there were an auditorium, it
could host a theatre festival.
Sure. And in the off season, of course
the local students could access it.
Yes. And what do you
think about a gymnasium?
I used to practise wrestling
when I was a teenager.
I had these fond memories of my mother
accompanying me to matches in the
neighbouring towns.
Perhaps a swimming pool.
I can't swim
and perhaps it is too expensive.
Don't talk to me about money.
Pennsylvania has more owner
occupied homes than any other state.
More small towns and small cities
and more people living in small
towns than any other state as well as
some of the greatest cities in the world.
All this is white.
Pennsylvania is truly a land of decision
or families who want a wonderful
place to live and work and to
enjoy the richness and leisure with
nearby employment.
Don't talk to him about money.
I've spoken to our friends at the
Bucks County Mayor's office or warm to
accessing local and state funding
opportunities on behalf of our project
if we are willing to designate a specific
and meaningful component of the
Centre for Christian Congregation.
But it is a community
centre for all people.
What do they want?
I am under the impression they're
expecting something more specific and
meaningful than that for their EMR.
This pending their approval of the
overall proposal. Of course. Excuse me.
An auditorium, a gymnasium,
a library father described it more.
What was a reading room for the public?
A library and a chapa.
That is four bills adding four. Not one.
It's ambitious. I thought you'd like that.
I put in a call to our frequent
contractor, Leslie Woodrow.
We first worked with Leslie as one
of our ship engineering officers,
but he's supervised several important
construction projects for us.
Since including these offices,
my father is allocating a
sum $850,000 to the project,
which to me seems very reasonable if not
exorbitant. If Leslie
agrees to come on board,
then I'll have him start a
budget for us right away.
This allocation of 850,000
is inclusive of fees
for yourself. And lastly, also,
we've gone ahead and made arrangements
to start securing you a licence here in
Pennsylvania. Well let's start digging.
The total area is 2,684 square metres.
Including a sizable condensate system
for harvesting rainwater below grade
narrow openings you see here
and here they are skylights.
They can also be viewed as demarcations
of units of space on either side
The entrance hall. These units
are convertible, multifunctional.
They offer a total occupancy of 500.
Persons on each side.
Oke systems for seating
and storage allow for
conference gymnasium auditorium.
These rooms of a more standard
size are precast concrete.
The chapel at the heart of the building
contrasted by an other piece of
marble from the mountains of Carrera.
Can't see we serve as the
institute centrepiece. Harry,
what do you think about the.
Gymnasium being off the side
like that? I'm not sure.
I think it looks like a barracks.
Well that's perhaps because
you never enlisted Harry.
I think it's all a great
surprise. Keep going. Lemme.
When the sun travels from east to west,
wooden beams located at
the base of the towers
will unite to form the symbol
of a cross upon the altarpiece
and then they're
illuminated. Extraordinary.
How wonderful.
Maggie will you call for some coffee?
I think it's beautiful Mr. To.
Thank you. What's the
height of those things?
Six or seven metres also. And
did I understand you correctly?
Over 800,000 square feet of surface area?
Well if we can afford
these materials at all,
Mr. Van Buren silicon marble ships
out of Talladega County and that
might be possible if I managed to swing
a few favours. With all due respect,
The materials so concrete is sturdy and
Concrete. It's not very attractive.
Perhaps we could split the
difference on materials.
Fortunately, the building's aesthetic
is not used to resolve Mr. Woodrow
and silica. Marble is white
like a sheet of paper.
What I have here is blue and grey. The
softer veining. I prefer the Italian.
It's more suitable.
Well have to do some research but.
I know someone talented, an Italian
mason might have commissioned before.
Another detail before I forget the name.
I want to make sure it's visible. Yeah.
Sir. Is this really what you imagined?
Am I missing something? When Harry called,
he described this to me
as a personal project.
If this is what we ultimately
settle on something of this scale,
the timeline will need to
be considerably adjustable.
I'd rather be alive at 18%
than dead at the prime rate.
We will not exceed our allocations.
Your grandmother loved marble. Harry,
where are we at with our
discussions with the mayor's office?
They're waiting on us.
Good. Push 'em along.
It's good. Thank you.
Morning Leslie.
Don't tell me you're just not getting up.
Two minutes and I ready.
I'll give you three if
you use it to rinse off.
I'll wait outside.
Big day. Big day. Pick up.
Mayor hasn't got all day.
Leslie. We're fine. Harry,
will your father be joining us as
well? No. He is overseas on business.
I'm afraid he sends his regards. This
is a project he's very passionate about.
It's a priority for us.
He asked if he could telephone you
tomorrow to talk it all through at your
convenience. Of course. Well sure.
Silver in my office can set for just
about any time tomorrow afternoon.
Apologies. Well this is.
Different. Very modern. Yes.
Alright, walk us through
what you have in mind.
A construction phase alone.
We'll create upwards of 80 local
jobs, carpenters, painters,
upwards of 150 upon completion,
at which point the facility will
need to be permanently staffed.
When are you going to answer
the questions in the box?
I would also like to
address some of the written
concerns and comments
submitted to us anonymously
ahead of tonight's discussion.
Questions probing my personal background,
heritage and ideological
persuasion. If you'll
as a foreign person
and a newcomer to do and stone.
I see a community in need.
And this is my only per
vision of relevance.
Mr. Van Boran a generous patron and
practising Protestant and I will.
Build a place you will be drawn to,
congregate and inspire to worship.
You may rest assured that we will
honour the traditions of do Yellowstone.
The Margaret Lee Babo
Centre for creation activity
will be its manifestation,
a landmark which.
Proclaims not only I
am new but I am part of
the new hall. Please to pass
the, how do you call it,
not the torch.
Here we have the chapel interior.
It is suitable for 119 persons
do at sunset.
At noon.
One of the most basic commodities in
the world today and it had its humble
beginnings in a little town.
Nestle between the green
hills of Mount Pennsylvania.
No one factor has been of greater
importance in the far march of American
progress than Pennsylvania. Steel.
Steel for great bills, steel for bridges,
steel for motor cars.
Steel portrays at
for the guns of war and
the machinery of peace.
The oil.
Is there room over there.
Right left on the left.
Could they have walked past us? Oh,
an associate New York
confirmed they made it on.
Is that them over there?
No. That it's not them.
I did not want him to be disappointed.
Welcome to America.
How wonderful to finally
make your acquaintance.
There was a period of time there
where we thought he had made you up.
Isn't that fascinating?
Meeting the significant others
of great artists and thinkers.
Thank you for taking care of my master.
As a person's of unique privilege,
I've always thought it's our duty to
nurture the defining talents of our epoch.
I of course am devoid of any
such talent. Truth be told,
I am incredibly emus of
individuals like him.
I mustn't be true. Mr. Van B seems
you have done very well for yourself.
Digging for compliments.
Don't double shit.
The property is beautiful isn't it?
Pardon me. Am I
pronouncing that correctly?
That's fine. Just fine.
Feel free to call me Elizabeth
if you prefer it and.
Your English is impressive.
Thank you. I attended university
in England. Oh, where?
To study English and I returned
home for communications.
Did you do anything with that?
Yes. I wrote for a popular
national paper at home.
Your name said.
A journalist. Cultural.
Foreign affairs.
Well perhaps you can help your husband
sound less like he shine shoes for a
You told them anything about me.
As well? How long have you been
here now? Four, five years.
You have no excuse anymore more.
I'm sorry, I got a little carried away
there. Would you please pass that back?
A penny saved.
Sophia. Is that right Jo?
Does she understand English?
Yes. Yes, yes.
She understands very well.
The woman behind the man.
Have a word. I did.
Yes sir. Unless it's recommendation. We've
shown you plans to another architect.
What? Who? Just somebody we worked
with on the department store downtown.
These are minor changes. Places
they thought we might save a penny.
Leslie is a bus down. Yes he
is. That's what we pay him for
ladies life.
Even when she was here,
she was so beautiful.
If you want to start a row with me,
I might as well work out my English.
Stop it. Your English. It's perfectly
all right. It was an unimaginative joke.
He told about you shining shoes.
Tomorrow I will take you to see someone
Don't be angry with me.
You not want to be with
me anymore. This nonsense.
Do you think I look older?
We are all.
Can't you say anything kind to me?
I love you. You can't Carl.
Oh is that mad hurts?
Don't without you physically
you won't.
Dreams every night.
I dreamt I was with you.
I know what you've done last
night. That's all right.
What are you talking about?
I know, I know. I can't do it.
I know everything. I don't want
to do it right now. You see,
I became sick Mary. Second
I could pray.
I heared to be with you
and it made me sick.
I nearly died
between life and death.
I began having fantasies about you
but I realised they were
not fantasies at all
but visions.
I was with you
all the time. I was with you.
I was with you all the time.
I know everything that has happened to you
and I
My love I cannot marry
anymore. I didn't He want it.
You can't.
We can start again.
Maggie Lee, let me some hair colour.
It is wonderful dear.
Yes my love.
The model is beautiful darling.
So beautiful.
Thank you.
We are going into town this afternoon
to see ot. Would you like to come?
I have something this afternoon. Cannot.
I missed him.
Just staring him in the
back. In the other room.
I'm casting.
Perhaps we should give up some
language classes this afternoon.
You could take the bus
on your own positive,
which is the last place
you would like to be,
but it'll be good for you and
I can brief the instructor
or whomever about your situation
listening to me. Babylon,
we get you so far.
Where are your lady talking to?
We're going into town.
Which town? We have several nearby.
Philadelphia to visit. Family.
Are the American cousin. Of course.
So the city then? Yes. Yes the city.
Us as well. Well don't just stand there.
Let us give you and your
auntie your lift. Thank you.
I have a friend in New
York, a newspaper man.
He's always on the lookout for new
talent. Should I mention you to him?
It's very kind of you. Stefan Buren.
That mean I would have
to work out of New York.
Well perhaps at the beginning.
You don't have the job yet,
so let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Of course not. I did not
mean it to be presumptuous.
No, no.
In any event you could always
commute there with me at the start.
I'm there Monday to Friday.
Yes, could be fine. I would
have to speak with Laslo.
Well I can assure you when ground
breaks he will have his hands full.
And besides I enjoy showing
friends around Manhattan.
You can't have seen much
of it on your way here.
Penn Station terminal is very nice.
It is very nice. A pit is so
full of tramps these days.
Hassling women and children
with their arms outstretched.
They line up and extend from the walls
as if integral to its very foundation
like some haunted wall.
Perhaps that is why I felt so at home.
I'm a former bag lady myself
who does also enjoy the
work of the Dutch Masters.
Earthly Delights. You heard it
just as I intended. Very clever.
Integral to its foundation.
Muralist decorative is nothing
to do with the foundation.
Where did you get your
passion for architecture?
Oh, we've done buildings before.
I hardly call 'em artistic. I don't know.
Perhaps it was because my seller was full.
I collect books, butterflies and such,
but above all else Portuguese Madera.
I take it every evening after summer I've
done the maths and if I were to uncork
a bottle seven days a week
for the next 30 years,
the maximum of my life's expectancy,
I would leave no more than 10,000 bottles
all told. So once the seller was full,
it was time to set it out
in a new direction out of
the cellar and into the sky.
You to drink a bottle
of Madeira every day.
I shouldn't think it'd last 30 years.
I always keep good company.
Matt, hence.
Have to call you back. How
dare you. How dare I want.
You go behind the back. You have that
meeting with another God. That designer.
Who in the head is James
T. Simpson? Who is.
He? You want to try to get me stacked?
I didn't tell anybody with anyone.
Of course I did.
You think I feel like working with
you hating my guts for the next two.
God fors. Second years
Jim Simpson's a smart guy. He
doesn't want to interfere at all. He.
Not approving these changes.
Well I'm afraid it's not up to you.
The casts are already finished.
We put in that order
over a month ago. What?
This is the first time
you're hearing about it.
Nobody tells me a good damn thing here.
Harrison said he would talk it over with
you. I'm sorry you found out this way.
I really am.
There's nine again.
Cut three metres from the
top and add it to the bottom.
There we go.
We can't afford all this. I'm
already over budget this quarter. We.
Take what you need from my feet Leslie.
And what's the difference
between 40 and 50 feet Anyway,
the ceilings are still
plenty high. It approved.
We have a walkthrough next week
and Jim is supposed to be there.
Just hear him out.
You can state your case to Harrison
and Harry Lee. I won't open my mouth.
I swear it.
Talking against it.
Approved Let for the cantilever floors
we plan to use upside down T-shaped
beams integrated into concrete
slabs down here it'll serve both as
the ceiling for the space above and
provide resistance against compression.
Which corridor we in now?
We're below ground here.
It's a sort of passageway between the
main unit and the three mid-sized modular
units to the south and southeast.
I'm sorry but I don't see how any of
this acknowledges my proposed cuss.
I took 10 feet of the height
things and now we are 3,300 ground.
You have added a quarter mile
from a tonne of the excavate.
The entire of the tunnel system
using a full face metal of
so that there is something
inside for the people to
discover. And so that it is one building.
Not for its armour.
You said it yourself Mr. Van and
you expected it to be one building.
Well now it is. Sorry.
We are not going back inside until you
look us all straight in the eye and you
tell us where you are willing
to compromise. Jim, please tell.
Us again what is it that you have.
Big tell us.
Can tell you what I've built now I've
built a shopping centre in New Hope,
a hotel in Stanford, Connecticut. Now Jim,
let me remind everyone that Laslow has
offered to personally offset these costs.
Now I'm sorry but you have asked me to
come here to tell you what it is that we
do not need. Plain and simple. But the
one thing we do not need is this guy.
Jim, I'm sorry. I thought this whole
thing is just bizarre. You must all see,
I really think you to my CIA little.
More time to get Jim. Listen.
Come listen to me.
Come, come get Listen.
Everything that is ugly,
cruel, stupid,
but most importantly ugly. Everything
is your fault.
That's enough. I think it's
time you went home. Thank you.
Your insight. I'm sorry.
I trust you. I trust you. Alright.
Went well. Other than that I
think very well. Sorry. Very well.
Easy deal. Come on.
I go Yeah. Harrison,
you sure about this guy?
I know Jim lost his temper but he had
a few points back there didn't he?
But my office is fielding complaints
about plans for this place on a daily
basis, more or less. Jim's a Protestant
because folks would peace of mind.
People worried it's going
to ruin the hillside.
We'll do something little
event for the community.
Get them on side and don't
worry Jim will stay on.
Yeah. Does Jim know that? I
think he thinks he's fired.
I'll have Leslie telephone him
tomorrow and he can advise from afar.
But if I'm wrong, but.
Thank you everyone for being here today.
Girls, come in for this picture here.
Alright, everybody ready? Yes.
Feeling lucky on count of
3, 3, 2, 1.
That's a motor grater. We
used to do it with horses.
It's a flat surface to pour on.
Take a lot of horses to do what
that thing can do. William,
if you want in the morning, we can
take you down there if you're curious.
What do you say? We get you
in one of the machines. Sure.
Big day.
Mr. Tom.
Yes. Yes. He's.
Excuse us Jim.
Leslie mentioned during our meeting with
Jim last week that you're planning on
putting your feedback into the project
seems a bit irresponsible
doesn't it? Given your situation
would even last you to the
end of your commitment.
I will figure something out.
You discussed it with your wife.
She will be supportive yourself.
I wouldn't do it. I know Leslie
certainly wouldn't do it.
I didn't want you to think you'd
be setting any sort of precedent.
I expect nothing from either of.
How does that work?
The company paying themselves a fee.
Do not think I deserve to be paid for
the time and energy I devote to the
Might I make a suggestion? You might.
Your nieces made several of
our guests very uncomfortable.
Perhaps you should have talk with her
about what? Don't get me wrong.
She's very lovely to look at.
I know as much as we all
dream of having a little bird,
you that keeps her trap shut
comes off like a rude affectation
and I've tried to connect,
make conversation.
It goes nowhere.
It runs in the family.
I would like us to be friends.
This is not friendly.
I didn't say I'd like
to slip my prick to her.
Forget it. You must have drank
even nap. Now
last though
we tolerate you.
What do you think? Is there
the baker maker?
It's invigorating, isn't it?
The fancy stroke.
I swear they looked exactly
like that popular painting.
You know the one Stop it.
Daddy kept apologising to our hostess.
For context.
Her husband was one of
UR and manufacturers most
important private clients.
Daddy tried to explain everything that
made us late that evening as she prepared
what appeared to be a delightful
looking trifold. Was it over?
I kid you not cow tallow
the fruit pie. No.
And daddy has such a sweet tooth.
I didn't know how to warn him in
front of everyone. I was starving.
Bite this food. I was starving was late.
He gagging like a house cat
and all he could say to explain was, dear,
I'm allergic. I'm allergic.
To which our concern was just
replied, okay, I'm allergic to what?
And he says to that, I am
allergic to whatever that is.
Bring the chair please.
Alright? There's been a lovely day.
It certainly has been.
Pretty the wind. It's time for us to go.
You want to join us for dinner at
the house? We start early tomorrow.
Thank you for the event.
Does he ever take a break?
Never. Goodbye Mr. Van.
Alright, stay warm.
That's the rush. You talk at the house.
Lasso. Can you slow down?
Can you slow down?
I am forfeiting the remainder
of my feet due to some.
Expenses unforeseen.
Oh, so that's what the
sun kept loading to?
Yes. Is a snake.
Alright, so what will that mean for us?
I will figure something out.
We will figure something out.
Suppose we can make you on my salary.
Your salary.
The UR has helped me with a job
interview in New York City. Sure.
Once they meet me they
won't be able to resist me.
Thank you for the support, Mrs. Do.
I thought we might have our own little
party to celebrate all of your hard work.
You've come so far to both of you.
Well, it's not mine. Really?
That's not what Laslo tells me. He says
he couldn't have done it without you.
So do you have a Mrs at home? Gordon?
Augusta passed away in 43.
She was sick and died of it then
to the infection of all things.
Very sorry to hear that.
I'm terribly sorry for your loss.
He is all right. He was too
young then to remember much.
And I was gone two years in Arizona
before the shipped us all off to Naples,
Italy, 92nd infantry division.
They wouldn't let me
back home all that time.
Not once cost's sister looked
after him until I got back.
Get me alive though. Knowing
he was waiting for me.
Get me good and alive. Thank goodness.
Geoff's mother passed.
Losing a mother. It's an unfathomable loss
to lose one's birth. Mother is to lose
a very foundation in which we stand.
The mind may not know its
lost, but the heart does.
I remember her. That's because
I've told you so much about her.
You were too small.
No, I remember Gua. I just
wanted to make it easier on you.
What are you doing?
I'm just looking at you.
What do you think?
It's unusual. Even for real.
I think so
many of the rooms are quite
small. Yet the ceilings are high.
Yes. Inside your must.
So which part of it's we paying for?
The height of the
ceiling, the glass above.
I like it.
I'm so happy that pro.
The service isn't here for the
overflow because of the holiday.
The community is growing.
What is happening? It's too much.
It's too much. I need
she has medication. Jo.
Thank you. Have everyone
here with me now? Yes.
I see. But if there's
anything more we can do.
We're terribly sorry for the
news tender hooks at this end.
So give me your ring here
when you have something.
A big section came undone.
He didn't know which one for certain and
he took seven freight cars along with
them. God damnit.
How the hell do you find these people?
Facebook companies. Our own dad. What?
He sent our own guys to Charleston. The
rail cars were ours too. It was cheaper.
Given all the back and forth. It's well
over a hundred shipments. Harrison.
You don't utter another word
to the rail company till.
Michael can advise. I hope we have
some answers for you soon, sir.
Can we see what can be salvaged?
How far is it the accident?
Put two brakemen in the hospital
with a real mess up there.
The sent flowers to them, to
the families for c Christ sake.
Wait, don't that looks guilty.
I've got Michael. What do you want
me to do in the meantime? With.
Well, our crew. I don't go. You.
Can't, sir. You cannot do that.
Yes I can. Yes, yes I can.
People are going to write about this.
I'm staring down the barrel of the
next two goddamn years of my life.
What if one of them
dies? What if they both.
Die? Who paid for it? You going to.
Pay for it?
You going.
To pay for it?
In the interest of transparency,
before I came to retrieve you,
I'd already advised Mr. Van Muer
to cut his voice. Shut up Leslie.
Please don't beg. It's unbecoming.
You are welcome to stay here until
you find your footing elsewhere.
I have a master coming.
I am sorry. God.
Don't apologise. I will give you some
money, but you look for something,
I'll be fine. You have a kid.
I will give you something
and you'll take it.
Got any hope on you?
And I know I'm off it.
Good. Good.
That's good to hear.
What if I hit
Stop it. You're acting like a child, so.
You're making me a mess to clean up. So
you have to march over there right
now and get me excited again.
Keep him engaged. You know how
these rich fellows are for him?
Like refurbishing a kitchen.
Two people are in the hospital.
He does not want to proceed.
That's not your fault.
It is over.
Over there. Over.
Good evening, New York and
happy holidays from a b, C News.
November 23rd, 1958 marks an
important milestone in the
fight against the east. This morning.
The first bull range firing of an
intercontinental ballistic missile
or ICDM was conducted
by the United States.
I'm looking for Rudolph Haywood
and Associates. Pardon? I'm Sarah,
but who is it you're looking
for? Laslow to? He draws there.
Could I ask you to spell that?
Yeah. It's LASL.
Yes, I see him. Draughtsman
are right upstairs. Alright,
Micah. We have some news.
As do I.
How exciting. What is it Les? Now.
Please go ahead. Jian.
We are making Alia. What?
We are going to Jerusalem. I heard you.
Benjamin has family there.
My older brothers located with their
families. In 1950, they became citizens.
Life is difficult. There
you thought is true.
It is our obligation.
To whom?
Our repatriation is on liberation.
Never live. I work.
We can stay with my brother's
family. When we first arrive.
I was planning to help with the baby.
My brother's wife can help also. Hello.
I am Jewish. My child is
Jewish. We must go home now.
Does it somehow make us less
Jewish that we are here? I.
Mean, not Jewish.
I see.
Perhaps did not recognise
me to begin with. He does.
I am sorry. No, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It is wonderful news.
Reacted badly out of self-interest.
We are going to miss you, but
we would like you to come.
Dear. We have jobs here. You
could have a better job in Israel.
I like my job. A woman's
column. It's beneath you.
I write for a paper and a patriot.
How many women my age
could make the same claim.
News last. Now.
Alison. Alison play back.
Michael came by the office today,
insurance monies and through.
They plan to forgo the library to
compensate for legal expenses, but
they want to complete the
project. I don't like that man.
You ly knew him, dropped you as quickly.
As he took you one.
He said Roma on business.
He would like me to join him to select
the models for the author piece in car.
I told you for him. It's
like doing a kitchen.
Dar. Everyone is leaving me.
No, it isn't true, isn't it? No, no.
Uncle Laslo is leaving
you only for a short time.
For some days.
And I will visit and so will
you. We will find a way. I.
Can make arrangements that you dropped
and picked up at the newspaper.
It's not just this trip. You'll
be in Doylestown again. Now
I will be fine on my own.
I don't like arrangements.
Promise. You wanted to drive your,
I promise
it is time to go late.
Yes, yes. One minute.
I say, Mr. T, you look a mess.
I would expect you or Elizabeth
to be taking better care of you.
The years have been difficult. First of.
First of all.
Where the hell is he?
I am sure he'll.
Be along in a minute. He
lives in the mountain.
Takes time.
This is why I never do business
with Italians. The speaks of Europe.
It's right here.
Mr. Van.
What happened to his hand? Dangerous.
On the wrong shoes for this
little truck. Do you mind.
If I take your arm?
Step wouldn't be light.
It is beautiful. No.
It is beautiful.
Exactly as you describe last night.
Am happy to see you again. I'm happy to.
See you.
Such a nice and they are still here.
This is magic. Thank you.
There will be a big party
tonight. I remember Martin party.
From me.
Mr. Todd,
it is time we return to our quarters.
Aio has very kindly offered us a place to
sleep for the night.
Mr. Ta.
Have you done to yourself?
It is a shame seeing how
your people treat themselves.
If you resent your persecution,
why then do you make of
yourself such an easy target?
If you act as a loafer,
living off handouts,
a societal leach, how can you
rightfully expect a different result?
You have so much potential.
Would you squander it?
Get it out. Let it out. Let it out.
It's all right.
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you're,
you think you're special?
You think you
just float directly above all those
you encounter because you're beautiful,
because you're educated.
You're just a trap. You're
a lady of the night.
You're just a lady of the night.
You were in quite a state last night.
Razzi carried you to bed.
It was a four hour train
to the airport in Fino
so you don't have time for rest.
I hope your stomach is not
too sensitive on aeroplanes .
You see this above us.
Measure the same distance of three
or perhaps four inches between
flats and place each modular section
apart by that same distance and moving
to the gaps.
We insert a thick sheet of
glass between the panels
to let the light in from above.
Give me some time to think
about it and I conduct it
going on here.
24, 25.
Right now. What is your name?
Are you stupid? You want to pull this
whole thing down? You get them all killed.
Child is show voting puts everyone
here at risk. You hear me?
Are you.
Leaving? Are you late? Gordon? Can you
get him to stop shouting at everyone.
You let go?
Let down this.
What's wrong with you? Azar.
Kicked that boy. Stay out of this.
What's wrong with you? I'll
go of it. You can go with him.
You shout at me again and you'll be sorry.
You too. You go.
Go get out of here. Get out of
playing games.
Let's go. Let's go. I only just arrived.
Mr. T, we need to talk about.
Not today, Jim. Not today.
Thank. Keep walking away from me.
Every time I step into a room.
This is not a room. Jim, did I
introduce you to Jim Simpson?
Jim is the boss's laptop
and architectural consult.
Extraordinary. Jim
designed a hotel in Stan.
That's enough. Jimmy.
There must be an unpaid parking material
around here somewhere. Be vigilant.
Keep your eyes peeled. What is it?
It was unnecessary. How
you treated that boy zone.
Their safety is my priority.
It's not what you said to that
young man. It is how Gordon,
don't even get me started.
Do you want to wait around for
another few years for another lawsuit
to resolve itself?
I'm sick of it. Sick. You hear me?
I finished this or we are fixed.
Speak for yourself. I am
not finished. Living with.
You is impossible. You've become a selfish
or busted right before my per eyes.
Don't say something you'll regret in
the morning. Do you want to kill us?
I get out of the car and march all the
way back to Manhattan and if I could do
egotistic counter of.
There is no reason for me to
be here. I'm here for you.
I could do my ridiculous job anywhere.
Do you think to university
to write about lipsticks?
We came here because
it was our only option
was here. Will you refuse
to see? Ask him about that.
Ask him. Did he tell you He kicked
me to the street like a dog.
Did he? Page five.
Accuse me of making a pass at her.
You would never do that.
I did not do that.
Then why would she say such a thing? Of.
Course they do not want us here. Of.
Course, Tila want us here.
Who do you mean?
The people here?
They do not vote us here.
Art's Catholic White
does not vote us here.
She does not vote us here.
We're nothing
Very poor husband.
Satisfied God. There's been robbed of you.
Upset you. Please my
This is only a field cutting. Hals,
do you have more in your purse?
please do you have more in your purse
is too
I find something.
Come on.
This is what I gave on the
boat for my broken face.
Just listen to my,
that's just
to my voice.
Listen to my voice. There you go.
Listen to my voice, my idea.
There you go. There you go.
Keep going.
I made that side. Okay.
Tell me when you need me.
Early darling. Finished
darling. Can I go in?
Last night.
I met God.
He granted me permission
to call him by his name
Not the first time we have met.
What did you do to me and my husband?
It was an accident.
Do you remember everything
you confessed to me at home?
Why you need be ashamed
for only to our physical WhatIf.
You right.
This place is rotten landscape.
The food we, it's all country is rotten.
I'm going Israel to be with and her child.
I want become the grandmother to that
you'll otherwise never encounter.
on with
I follow you.
Follow you on this. I die.
This is to You're standing.
How lovely to see.
Do you need an hand? I'm right. Thank
you. Is Mr. Toth here as well? Just me.
I'm afraid to what?
We have the pleasure your father in. Sure.
We were just sitting down for dinner.
No trouble at all. I'm happy to
wait until you're all finished.
Don't be silly. I'll ask the
kitchen to fix your plane.
You're kind, Maggie. Thank you.
Follow me.
You can finally meet my fiance.
Are you sure you don't meet a hand? Fine.
Mrs. Toff, you're up on your feet.
Please sit. Where's Leslie?
He's caught flu. He's recovering at home.
Well, that explains it.
Jim Simpson mentioned he hadn't been
on site since last Friday. Shame.
Yes. A terrible shame.
It's going around. Please sit down.
I'm fine to stand.
We're fine to stand
something wrong. Mrs. Tom?
Yes. Something is wrong.
I have come tonight to tell you something
that is going to be very difficult to
hear for your people too.
I don't know you, but it'll
be difficult for you to hear.
If this is a professional matter,
then perhaps you and I should
talk in the other room.
Your father is a rapist.
Excuse me.
Whatever this is supposed
to be, I don't like it.
I'm calling your husband
to come and fetch you.
Your father is an evil rapist. Daddy.
What is she talking about? Look at him.
He cannot say anything.
Did something happen between
you and Mrs. To it wasn't me.
Enough. You come in here making vague,
laughable accusations. I want you
out of our house this instant. Tell.
Him what you did to my husband.
Tell them what you did.
Your husband is sick. He's
alcoholic, drug addicted.
I don't know why he wishes
to hurt me, to humiliate me.
I have offered him nothing
but kindness. He's a sick,
senile old dog and when dogs get sick,
they often bite the hand of those
who fed them until someone mercifully
puts them down. Now,
if you will, excuse me,
I think I've endured enough
abuse for one evening.
You can tell your husband he's off
the payroll now and forever as well.
I will not excuse you, sir.
I know I Harry, let her go.
You're not excuse.
Shame on you. I'm sorry.
Sorry. I'm so sorry. Getting
you hand to my car. Yes, sure.
Taxi the phone.
I'm so sorry for the bizarre
interruption, gentlemen.
Harry. Harry, we'll leave it.
No, no. Don't leave, please.
Father's gone to bet. Anyhow.
What have you done
Father? Father,
it is over now.
She's gone.
Where the hell is he
going? Go out for outside
Dad. Dad
said, Harris.
Said, you must have left the
house. I can't find him anywhere.
we got
you. Look beautiful. Don't you think.
My uncle is above all a principled artist?
His lifelong ambition was
not only to define an epoch,
but to transcend all time. In his memoirs,
he described his designs as
machines with no superfluous parts
that at their best, at his best
possessed an immovable
core, a hardcore of beauty,
a way of directing their inhabitants
perception into the world as it
is the inherent lows of
concrete things such as
mountains and rock define
them. They indicate nothing.
They tell nothing. They
simply are burning.
1911 in a small fishing village in
Austria Hungary, Las looked out,
looked out upon the Adriatic sea.
He was a boy with eyes wide open,
full of yearning.
New borders would eventually rip
this expense of sea away from him,
but never did he stop to
try and fill its void.
40 years later, he survived
the camp at Chenal,
as did his late wife and myself in
his first American masterpiece. The Van
Buren Institute outside of Philadelphia
remained unfinished until 1973.
The building referenced his
time at Chenal as well as
the deeply felt absence
of his wife, my Aunt Jebe.
For this project,
he imagined the camps
claustrophobic interior cells with
precisely the same dimensions as
his own place of imprisonment,
say for one electrifying exception,
when visitors looked 20 metres
upwards to the dramatic heights
of the glass roof above them, invited
free thought, freedom of identity.
He further reimagined Al
and his wife's venue of
imprisonment, Taha on the same grounds,
connected by a mirror of secret
corridors, rewriting their history,
transcending space and time so that he
and Jebe would never be a part again.
You and Jebe, who un spoke for me.
I speak for you now and I'm honoured.
Don't let anyone for you.
He would say to me as a
struggling young mother,
raising my daughter during
our first years in Jerusalem,
no matter what the
authors try and sell you,
it is the destination, not the journey.
Thank you.