The Calendar Killer (2024) Movie Script
This movie deals with sensitive issues,
including domestic violence and suicide.
Viewer discretion is advised.
12-06 HIM OR YOU -
Emergency service,
how can I help you?
Hello, this is Anna on Prenzlauer
Allee, and there has been an emergency.
And I think somebody died.
It's dark. I don't feel safe.
- Come quickly. There are injured people.
- Help is on the way. Please stay calm.
According to the police,
the Calendar Killer writes
his victim's date of death
in blood on the wall.
- Accident location?
- A person is unconscious.
- Blood everywhere!
- I need help!
Come quickly!
I think I am being followed.
Walk Me Home Helpline, good
evening. How may I help you?
But this is the Walk
Me Home Helpline.
We stay on the phone with
people as they walk home.
Between 8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.
For your issue, you need to call
115, the Citizens' Services Helpline.
But there won't be
anyone right now.
Call them tomorrow morning.
They'll be able to tell you how
to proceed with your complaint.
Thank you for the
nice chat, too.
Walk Me Home Helpline, good
evening. How may I help you?
Hi, this is Caro.
Hello, Caro.
I'm at the bus stop
at Mexikoplatz and...
There are some guys
across the street.
They keep staring. I'm scared
they're going to come over.
Are you waiting for the bus?
Yeah, for the 109. It
should be here by now.
Okay, Caro.
How many guys are
there? How old?
I have no idea how old they are.
Young. They're all
wearing hoodies.
Okay. Don't show them your fear.
Stand under a streetlight,
so you're well-lit.
- They're coming over. What do I do?
- Stay calm.
- Are there any parked cars there?
- Yes.
- Go over there and hit the hood.
- Why?
Just do it.
- What are you doing?
- Stupid bitch.
Okay. They ran off.
Well done.
- Here comes my bus.
- Very good.
Stay on the line until
you're on the bus, okay?
Are you safe?
Thank you.
Well, have a nice evening.
Have a nice evening.
In the darkest depths of the oceans
where the game of predator and prey...
I think nowadays you cannot
believe anyone anymore.
Then say it. What do you think?
The date of the victim's death was
written on the wall in blood each time.
This is the modus operandi to which
the murderer now owes his name,
Calendar Killer.
So far, this handwriting is
the only lead to the murderer.
Pay attention to the particular
squiggle at the end of the number "2."
Do you recognize
this handwriting?
Have you ever seen it...
Good evening.
Walk Me Home Helpline.
How may I help you?
This is the Walk Me Home
Helpline. You just called us.
How can I help you?
As you're not answering, I'll ask...
Are you being harassed or threatened?
Cough if you're
being threatened.
- Hello?
- Who's there?
- The Walk Me Home Helpline.
- Why did you call me?
That's not possible. I
don't know who you are.
- I don't have your number until now.
- Then it was probably my phone.
Would you rather speak
to a female colleague?
I can connect you right away.
No. There's no need.
Don't hang up, please.
I can hear that
you're in trouble.
- Are you injured?
- It's too late.
What happened? How
can I help you?
It's too late.
Too late? Why?
I'm going to be killed tonight.
- Why do you think that?
- He announced it.
May I ask your name?
My name is Jules.
Jules Tannberg.
Klara Vernet.
All right, Klara.
Who wants to kill you?
I'm very tired.
Nobody will believe me anyway.
Yes, I believe you.
Talking to you is
pointless. I'm sorry.
It's too late.
It's too late.
Do you know who
wants to kill you?
The Calendar Killer.
You don't believe me, do you?
I do.
Of course, I do.
What makes you think it's him?
He wrote it on the wall...
with a photo of
me and my husband.
Underneath, it said...
12-06. One of you
will die. Him or you.
DECEMBER 6 21:31
12-06 HIM OR YOU -
other option than...
Klara, if you're being threatened,
you have to tell the police.
I already did. But
they didn't believe me.
That I woke up in a basement with
a death threat on the wall...
I couldn't prove anything.
When was that?
A few weeks ago.
I can't remember properly.
I woke up in a park
and went straight home.
- Are you at home now?
- No.
Why not?
Are you scared that
the killer is there?
What about your husband?
- He won't help me.
- Why not?
Because he thinks
I imagined it all.
That's also what
he told the police.
He was so embarrassed
and I was very ashamed.
But no one makes up something like
that. Isn't your husband worried?
He's being threatened, too.
He just laughed at me.
It's nothing to laugh about.
Where are you now, Klara?
I shouldn't have told you
any of this. I'm sorry. I...
But at least I've
made it this far.
What do you mean "this far"?
Are you in a garage?
Are you driving away?
What are you going to do?
What are you up to?
Please wait a moment.
Stay on the line for a moment.
- Don't do anything hasty, please.
- I'm not. Why do you think that?
I worked at the Berlin Fire
Department's call center for many years.
I know how it sounds when
someone is in major distress.
You've called us
three times already...
but not because of
the Calendar Killer.
- Why did you call then?
- I was scared to walk home in the dark.
Isn't that what
this service is for?
Yes, of course.
Forgive me.
May I ask you a question?
Is everything okay at home?
Yes, absolutely.
Where's your husband now?
- Why are you walking alone at night?
- Why are you asking all these questions?
Because in our notes, it says there's
a suspicion of domestic violence.
- These conversations are recorded?
- Yes, why?
So everything I tell
you is documented?
Yes, but only for 48 hours. And
it's covered by data protection.
- Why?
- So...
So if something were to
happen to me tonight,
then the police would find
out about this conversation?
What are you getting at?
A killer is after you.
And you won't go to the police
or home to your husband. Why?
27 RENATA STREEYou don't believe me either.
Are you being abused?
I am sorry.
You're afraid.
It's even worse than that.
It's the kind of fear...
that makes you want
to tear your skin off,
so that you'll stop
from burning up inside.
Hell's most evil trick is to
disguise itself as paradise.
Good evening.
Thank you.
Good evening, Mr. Gerrich.
Oh, the von Blows.
They made a big donation to the
election campaign. Nice people.
Thank you for dressing the
way I've asked you to, Klara.
You look fantastic.
My pleasure.
My goodness.
How are you? We never
see you anymore.
- Martin, congratulations on the new job.
- Thank you.
- How's the air up there?
- Quite thin.
But it can blow right in your
face if you're not careful.
- You look fantastic, Meret.
- Thank you.
May I introduce you? Dr. Paul
Wassmann, our new associate.
- Nice to meet you.
- This is Dr. Martin Vernet.
Our State Secretary of the
Interior for three weeks now.
And this is my traitorous friend, Klara,
one of the best lawyers at our firm,
until she discovered
life as a full-time mom.
- Don't you miss work just a little?
- I do sometimes.
I really hope you'll
come back to us.
- Maybe when Amelie starts school...
- If Klara prefers to raise our daughter,
then she should do it.
I miss her.
Let's go for coffee, at least.
And you can bring Amelie.
I promise.
- Martin.
- Enjoy your evening.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Dear Lord, doesn't
she ever stop?
Be glad you don't have
to deal with her anymore.
Actually, it's a shame
I don't see her anymore.
But you have me and Amelie.
That's true.
So... let's celebrate
our anniversary.
- Evening.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
So here's to an exciting night.
Enjoy your meal.
I know you don't like seafood,
but you need protein for
what's planned later.
What do we have planned tonight?
I am sorry.
So sorry.
Have you stopped
taking your pills?
Damn it, Klara.
Do I need to have you
admitted to the clinic again?
- Martin, I'm fine.
- I'm warning you.
I won't let Amelie have a
mentally deranged mother.
- I can't stomach the pills.
- The doctor can prescribe something else.
- Forgive me.
- So...
Time to eat.
How long is the
babysitter staying?
Vigo will stay
until we get home.
Give me your phone.
Welcome to our VP Night.
I'm here for you,
whatever you might desire.
What's a VP Night?
Very exclusive.
Martin, please. I'd like to go.
You haven't even
finished your drink.
What's the matter? These women are
being paid very well for their services.
The entrance fee is donated
to the Children's Foundation.
It's a good thing.
Martin, please.
It's for a good cause.
He must have put something
in the champagne.
That's horrible.
I only regained consciousness
because of the pain.
Martin, please...
Klara, you must
leave your husband.
I should have done it a
long time ago. It's just...
I don't want Amelie to find
out what he's done to me.
That's understandable. You
didn't want to hurt her...
- How old is your daughter?
- Amelie is six.
I have a daughter, too.
Her name is Fabienne.
She's six, too.
- Where is your daughter now?
- She's asleep.
And who's looking after
her? Is she alone?
Of course not.
We've got a babysitter.
Can you believe that
he's a good father?
It's hard to believe,
but it's true.
Amelie loves him.
I have to go, now,
before he finds me.
Where are you?
You are closing a garage door.
You opened a car door.
What are you planning?
For what I'm planning to do,
it's better if I'm alone.
No, don't do that.
Please don't do it.
Don't tell me what to do.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, but
you cannot do this.
Don't do this! Don't
do this, please!
I am begging you.
Klara! Klara, please!
MARTIN - I always know where
you are! Brace yourself!
Either the Calendar Killer
or Martin will kill me.
So I'd rather do it myself.
If you do this...
Amelie will never get over it.
Believe me.
I can hear that
you're not driving.
I am begging you. Please
stop. We'll find a way.
Hello? Klara, please.
I don't want to have
to take her to the ER.
I don't want to have
to take her to the ER.
You did well, darling.
Let's take a little break, okay?
Please take care of my wife.
Come. I'll show you
to our powder room.
I'll go get you a
stronger painkiller.
Did your wife enjoy it?
You never forget the first time.
Excuse me, please.
- Where's my wife?
- She must still be in the powder room.
Yo, this is Vigo. Feel free to
leave a message after the beep.
Hi, Vigo.
This message is for Amelie.
Hi, sweetie.
I just wanted to tell
you how much I love you.
It wasn't your
fault, you hear me?
I love you so much.
I have no time right
now. Call tomorrow.
How come? What's wrong?
- An emergency.
- An emergency?
I thought you were
still on leave?
- I'm not at the emergency switchboard.
- So where are you?
Walk Me Home
Helpline. Voluntary.
There's a woman who
wants to kill herself.
Then call the police.
I don't know where she is.
- Maybe I can help you?
- That would be a first.
Tell me her name, and I'll
find out where she is.
No, I'm not allowed to.
Jules, you're talking to a
woman who wants to kill herself.
I can imagine what
that's doing to you.
- You can?
- Yes. I can.
You want to save her,
- after the incident with Dajana...
- Stop it!
- Where are you?
- At home. Where else?
Jules, I want to help you.
Damn it. I'm your father.
- Congrats on that realization.
- Tell me what you know.
So, what's her name?
All right. It's up to you.
- If it all goes wrong and you haven't...
- Her name is Klara.
- Klara... Klara what?
- Vernet.
That's it?
She was at the Le
Zen Hotel today.
There must be some secret
pervert club there.
That's news to me.
But I'll ask around. I
still know someone there.
Stay out of
everything else, okay?
Further snow showers are
expected in Berlin tonight.
So please drive carefully, or
make yourself comfortable at home.
It's 10:03 p.m. The next
news will be at 11:00 p.m.
Thank God. How are you feeling?
I feel sick. I threw up.
I can't go on. I am so tired.
Where are you now?
Where the Calendar Killer
will never find me...
Why is this so important to you?
Why can't you just
leave me alone?
I'm sure you can't
imagine it, but...
I know exactly what
you're going through.
I've been on the phone with
women like you for a long time.
Women who were crying because their
men had beaten them half to death.
And were you able to help them?
I tried.
Over and over again.
But as soon as the
police arrived,
suddenly everything was only half as
bad, and the men got away with it.
I don't understand it.
Why do women put up with it?
Because they're
financially dependent.
Or they don't want to take
the kids from their dad.
Because they're ashamed.
Because they don't
know where to go.
Or they think they're to
blame for the beatings.
Because they're terrified it'll only
get worse, and they'll be killed.
Or the husband has some hold over
the woman and is blackmailing her.
Klara, put an end to this
misery, but don't end your life.
Why is it so important to
you? You don't know me at all.
I told you about my
daughter. Fabienne?
Her mother killed herself.
Ever since that, Fabienne
hasn't been doing...
Why are you telling me all this?
To make me feel guilty?
Her mother was in a clinic.
At first, it seemed
things would be okay.
The doctors at Berger Hof...
- That was the clinic she was in.
- Berger Hof?
- I was there, too.
- What? What for?
Dissociative disorders.
Sometimes, I see things
that aren't there.
- Were they able to help you?
- Yes, they did.
But I have to take medication.
And Martin threatens to have me
admitted again for every little thing.
Dajana suffered from
severe depression.
I had hoped that they would
be able to help her, but...
It was too late.
You're not the only one
who's been through hell.
Mommy! Please open the door!
Mommy! It's on fire!
We can't get out!
Hurry, there's a fire, and
I hear someone screaming.
It's a child.
The firefighters will be
there in under two minutes.
Do not open the door!
It could cause a back draft,
and you'll be in flames.
- Please leave the building.
- But what about the kid? The screams...
My colleagues will take care
of it. Please get out of there.
Just a moment.
- Yes?
- Incident command vehicle 26. Stelling.
Tannberg, what's going
on? There's nothing here.
- What do you mean?
- There's no fire anywhere here.
- Mr. Damelow?
- Yes? Where are you?
There's no fire in
Brandenburgische Street.
- That prank will be expensive.
- Oh, God.
I was in a panic, and I
gave you the wrong address.
- Where are you?
- I am so sorry.
I'm at 24 Prince Regent
Street. Third floor.
- Please repeat that.
- 24 Prince Regent Street. Hello?
Let me through! Damn it!
What happened?
Dajana locked up the
kids in their rooms.
She wanted to spare them the sight
of their dead mother in the bathtub.
My little ones tried
desperately to get out.
Fabienne managed to
hide in the closet.
She was taken to the hospital.
My son was probably playing
with a leftover birthday candle.
She must have noticed the smoke.
But it was too late.
She wanted to unlock the door.
But she had no strength left.
I am sorry.
Look at me.
Just a moment. I need
to check something.
Stay on the line.
Turn around!
Come over here.
Show your face.
12-06 HIM OR YOU
Look at me. Look at me.
Now... turn around.
Show me your face.
Klara! Look at me!
Look at me! Look at me!
Turn around.
Now show me your face.
Look at me!
Klara, I'm back.
Jules... he was here.
- He was here.
- Who?
The Calendar Killer. He
was here in the cabin.
Listen. This is what we'll do.
I'll send a cab to
take you straight home.
Give me the address.
I'd rather take my car.
No, wait.
I'll send you something.
12-06 HIM OR YOU
Now they'll have to believe me.
The police and Martin.
He said it was just another
one of my delusions.
He asked how anyone would know
when I was in the parking garage.
Martin wanted to have me
readmitted to Berger Hof.
He has left you completely
alone with your fear.
The more I think about it...
the more I believe...
I believe that
Martin's behind it all.
He's the only one who
always knows where I am.
He knows the cabin.
He's got the videos.
He's using my
illness against me.
And on December 6...
We got married on December 6.
Please drive home right
away and get your child.
We'll meet in front
of your apartment.
I'll help you.
You don't know him.
He always wins.
Not this time.
He's here.
Klara, is someone there?
Klara, tell me what's happening?
Klara, is there
someone in your house?
Can you hear me?
Is someone there?
Can you hear me?
Klara, please...
- What?
- Is the woman still on the line?
Where are you?
I'm standing here
in front of Le Zen.
And you?
- Did you find out anything?
- The manager was beside himself.
Obviously, he's
going to deny it.
He would have told me. Trust me.
- Did you really look everywhere?
- Yes, there's nothing there.
Jules, do you hear me?
The woman lied to you.
Why should I believe
you more than her?
- Given all the times you lied to Mom...
- The woman is lying.
And I swear to you. Her
suicide story doesn't add up.
This is Klara Vernet's voicemail.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Klara, please call me back.
Please. I'm begging you.
Calm down. Just calm down.
Hey, calm down.
Hey, calm down!
I won't hurt you.
Come on. I'll help you.
I'm Hendrik.
Come on. I'll help you.
Come on.
Come. It's alright.
It's Hendrik, right?
Just let me out somewhere
when we get to the city.
It looks like you need a doctor.
I'll get you to the next ER.
It's nice that you're
concerned. But I'm fine.
Just let me out
anywhere in the city.
How come you're driving around
at night in a Santa costume?
Bachelor's party.
I'm a stripper.
You should see my underpants.
Red with a white pom-pom in
front of the family jewels.
What? It pays the rent.
Klara! Are you all
right? What happened?
I saw him.
The Calendar Killer
was in our cabin.
But I made it out.
- Where are you now?
- On my way to the city. I got a ride.
- Who with?
- Santa Claus.
- Excuse me?
- Don't worry about it.
Listen. Martin must be on his way home.
I have to get to Amelie before him.
Please be careful.
You shouldn't trust
anyone tonight.
Please stay on the line. I
need to check on my daughter.
Is everything okay?
No. No, she is burning up.
I need to check if there's any
liquid fever medication left.
Can you sing?
- What?
- Sing?
Put the phone next
to Fabienne's ear.
Behold, the moon has risen
The golden stars, they glisten
Upon the heavens bright
The forests rest in shadows
And from the quiet meadows
White haze rises into the night
Dajana used to always
sing that to Fabienne.
Is she calmer now?
Yes, she is.
Thank you.
I can't leave Amelie all alone.
I have to be there for her.
I mustn't destroy her life.
I've let that happen
to me all these years.
I loved Martin.
But I can't do it anymore.
I have to go home
to my daughter...
and finally leave Martin.
I'll help you if you want.
I can make sure you
and Amelie are safe.
Just tell me where
you are and...
- I'll come.
- You've already helped me enough.
I have to do this alone.
And with the photo, I have
proof that the Calendar...
That I didn't just imagine it
all. Now they have to believe me.
Just another hour and
December 6 will be over.
My offer still stands.
Thank you, Jules.
My pleasure, Klara.
What was that all about?
The Calendar Killer
is after you?
Can I get one of those?
Another pack should be
in the box back there.
My first one in 15 years.
Do you have a light?
Where is it?
- Stop the car. Right now!
- Hey, calm down.
I always have the taser with me.
- Calm down!
- Open the door!
- Take it easy!
- Open!
I won't hurt you.
Everything is fine. Really.
I'm not going to hurt you.
Hey, what...
Stop it!
It wasn't nice of you
to take off earlier.
Get in!
- We can't just leave him. He'll freeze!
- Get in. Now!
Let go!
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You must have
known I'd find you.
Who was that?
I saw footprints in
front of the house.
Didn't you go into the bedroom?
The bedroom?
What's that?
A death threat from
the Calendar Killer.
The Calendar Killer?
Klara, don't start
with all that again.
I'll drive back there tomorrow.
If it's really written
there, I'll call the police.
But if you're just making it up again,
I'll take you back to Berger Hof.
I was in the garage.
I saw the tube.
Don't ever do that again.
What are you doing?
I'm checking if Vigo texted me.
I was thinking about us.
Last year, after I took
you to the ER in Potsdam...
When we went back home
and I cooked for you,
you asked me for the thousandth
time why I don't get therapy.
The truth is, I started therapy.
But the guy just reeled
off the usual spiel.
How I lacked confidence
because I had an abusive father
and a mother who ran away.
I don't need a
therapist for that.
You see?
I have no problem saying it.
If there was a self-help group like the
AA where you had to introduce yourself,
I'd do it.
I'd stand up and say,
"Hello. My name is Martin.
I'm 44 and I beat my wife."
And that's supposed
to justify everything?
You need to stop
provoking me, Klara.
Provoking you?
- I'm provoking you?
- Yes.
Why didn't you leave
a long time ago?
You just put up with it.
The beatings, the shouting.
You let it all happen, Klara.
Every punch, every kick.
Let it happen?
I let you...
drag me to that perverted club?
Let you offer me up...
to be whipped like
a piece of meat?
- Are you serious?
- I didn't say that.
But you make me angry so
often, just by being there.
How can I respect you if you
don't even respect yourself?
You scare the shit out
of me every day, Martin.
I know.
And I'm sorry about that.
Do you believe me?
Do you believe that I love you?
I'll tell you something.
You won't leave me!
Do you understand me?
Drive me home.
I want to be with my daughter.
I can help you.
brace yourself
for what's coming.
You won't touch me
in front of Amelie.
Don't tell me what to do.
Never touch me again.
Behold, the moon has risen
The golden stars, they glisten
Upon the heavens bright
The forests rest in shadows
And from the quiet meadows
White haze rises into the night
Hello, Klara.
What's wrong with Amelie?
Don't worry. She's fine.
Just a sleeping pill.
Where's Martin?
Where's Vigo?
Let's leave her bedroom.
Or she'll wake up.
Jules, why are you here?
Let her sleep.
12-06 HIM OR YOU
Please don't.
It's time.
Where's your husband?
Let me show you something.
I saw everything he did to you.
There are cameras in every room.
What I saw is unbearable.
Drop it.
Don't make it so difficult.
Ten minutes left.
Now it's Klara or Martin.
So, where is he?
It's close to midnight.
I told you I'm leaving Martin.
Why does he have to die?
I just want to leave him
and take Amelie with me.
Why do you still
stand up for him?
You know he deserves it.
Jules, stop this madness.
The madness is what
you let him do to you.
Where is your husband?
Now it's your chance to take
back control of your life.
It's him or you.
Four more minutes.
You have to kill him.
Stay quiet.
And Fabienne?
What happened to Fabienne?
Fabienne is dead.
She didn't make it.
She died in the hospital.
You have to get this
bastard out of your life.
And then?
What happens then? You
can't just let me go.
Trust me.
I have a plan.
I'm on your side.
It's 11.57 p.m.
You will kill him.
Or I will kill you.
Three minutes.
Take it.
- I can't do it. Please.
- Come on.
Jules, please.
Think of everything
he did to you.
This man made your
life a living hell!
Do you even realize the
chance I'm giving you?
Two minutes.
Jules, please...
- What?
- Don't you...
Don't you understand?
Martin's death won't
bring Dajana back.
That's true.
You're smart.
So was Dajana.
But what she went through as
a child, her father's abuse,
a mother who kept quiet
and looked the other way...
It broke her.
And when she took her own life, she
took my children's lives with her.
And she took mine, too.
I do what I do to
give women like you
the chance to fight back.
One minute.
You can do it.
Think of Amelie.
She needs you.
But not a father like him.
I'm sorry.
Okay, please...
Be still.
How? Where?
The carotid artery.
Like this?
Forgive me.
You two deserve each other.
He's my son.
I'm sorry.
I wanted to protect
you from him.
But I was too late.
I was too late.
I recognized his
handwriting on TV.
- How did he survive that?
- A nightmare.
It must have been a nightmare.
Yes, you could say that.
My wife and I were
incredibly lucky.
It was unimaginable.
And our daughter
is still so young.
Ladies and gentlemen,
may I ask you to switch off
your phones and take your seats.
We will now begin with the award for
outstanding achievements in service.
I'm delighted to be representing
our Senator of the
Interior, Dr. Herrmann,
who, as you know,
is still recovering,
in presenting these
special medals of honor
to ten of our service officers.
Last year, we had...
Hello. My name is Martin.
I'm 44 and I beat my wife.
You let it all happen, Klara.
Every punch, every kick.
Drag me to that perverted club?
Are you serious?
You won't leave me!
Do you understand me?
You see? I have no problem...
In view of the fact that we...
you make me angry so
often just by being there.
You just put up with it.
Hello. My name is Martin. I'm...
What's going on?
If you don't even
respect yourself?
Mr. Vernet.
We are taking you into custody.
Criminal charges have been filed
against you for sexual assault,
serious bodily harm, coercion,
and insult on a sexual basis.
I would ask you, in your own interest,
to follow us without causing a scene.
What are you doing?
I'm checking if Vigo texted me.
FOR MARTIN VERNEThis story is fictional.
Nevertheless, intimate partner
violence is a cruel reality.
In Germany, one in four women
experiences physical or sexual violence
in their relationship at
least once in their life.
Women from all social
classes are affected.
This movie deals with sensitive issues,
including domestic violence and suicide.
Viewer discretion is advised.
12-06 HIM OR YOU -
Emergency service,
how can I help you?
Hello, this is Anna on Prenzlauer
Allee, and there has been an emergency.
And I think somebody died.
It's dark. I don't feel safe.
- Come quickly. There are injured people.
- Help is on the way. Please stay calm.
According to the police,
the Calendar Killer writes
his victim's date of death
in blood on the wall.
- Accident location?
- A person is unconscious.
- Blood everywhere!
- I need help!
Come quickly!
I think I am being followed.
Walk Me Home Helpline, good
evening. How may I help you?
But this is the Walk
Me Home Helpline.
We stay on the phone with
people as they walk home.
Between 8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.
For your issue, you need to call
115, the Citizens' Services Helpline.
But there won't be
anyone right now.
Call them tomorrow morning.
They'll be able to tell you how
to proceed with your complaint.
Thank you for the
nice chat, too.
Walk Me Home Helpline, good
evening. How may I help you?
Hi, this is Caro.
Hello, Caro.
I'm at the bus stop
at Mexikoplatz and...
There are some guys
across the street.
They keep staring. I'm scared
they're going to come over.
Are you waiting for the bus?
Yeah, for the 109. It
should be here by now.
Okay, Caro.
How many guys are
there? How old?
I have no idea how old they are.
Young. They're all
wearing hoodies.
Okay. Don't show them your fear.
Stand under a streetlight,
so you're well-lit.
- They're coming over. What do I do?
- Stay calm.
- Are there any parked cars there?
- Yes.
- Go over there and hit the hood.
- Why?
Just do it.
- What are you doing?
- Stupid bitch.
Okay. They ran off.
Well done.
- Here comes my bus.
- Very good.
Stay on the line until
you're on the bus, okay?
Are you safe?
Thank you.
Well, have a nice evening.
Have a nice evening.
In the darkest depths of the oceans
where the game of predator and prey...
I think nowadays you cannot
believe anyone anymore.
Then say it. What do you think?
The date of the victim's death was
written on the wall in blood each time.
This is the modus operandi to which
the murderer now owes his name,
Calendar Killer.
So far, this handwriting is
the only lead to the murderer.
Pay attention to the particular
squiggle at the end of the number "2."
Do you recognize
this handwriting?
Have you ever seen it...
Good evening.
Walk Me Home Helpline.
How may I help you?
This is the Walk Me Home
Helpline. You just called us.
How can I help you?
As you're not answering, I'll ask...
Are you being harassed or threatened?
Cough if you're
being threatened.
- Hello?
- Who's there?
- The Walk Me Home Helpline.
- Why did you call me?
That's not possible. I
don't know who you are.
- I don't have your number until now.
- Then it was probably my phone.
Would you rather speak
to a female colleague?
I can connect you right away.
No. There's no need.
Don't hang up, please.
I can hear that
you're in trouble.
- Are you injured?
- It's too late.
What happened? How
can I help you?
It's too late.
Too late? Why?
I'm going to be killed tonight.
- Why do you think that?
- He announced it.
May I ask your name?
My name is Jules.
Jules Tannberg.
Klara Vernet.
All right, Klara.
Who wants to kill you?
I'm very tired.
Nobody will believe me anyway.
Yes, I believe you.
Talking to you is
pointless. I'm sorry.
It's too late.
It's too late.
Do you know who
wants to kill you?
The Calendar Killer.
You don't believe me, do you?
I do.
Of course, I do.
What makes you think it's him?
He wrote it on the wall...
with a photo of
me and my husband.
Underneath, it said...
12-06. One of you
will die. Him or you.
DECEMBER 6 21:31
12-06 HIM OR YOU -
other option than...
Klara, if you're being threatened,
you have to tell the police.
I already did. But
they didn't believe me.
That I woke up in a basement with
a death threat on the wall...
I couldn't prove anything.
When was that?
A few weeks ago.
I can't remember properly.
I woke up in a park
and went straight home.
- Are you at home now?
- No.
Why not?
Are you scared that
the killer is there?
What about your husband?
- He won't help me.
- Why not?
Because he thinks
I imagined it all.
That's also what
he told the police.
He was so embarrassed
and I was very ashamed.
But no one makes up something like
that. Isn't your husband worried?
He's being threatened, too.
He just laughed at me.
It's nothing to laugh about.
Where are you now, Klara?
I shouldn't have told you
any of this. I'm sorry. I...
But at least I've
made it this far.
What do you mean "this far"?
Are you in a garage?
Are you driving away?
What are you going to do?
What are you up to?
Please wait a moment.
Stay on the line for a moment.
- Don't do anything hasty, please.
- I'm not. Why do you think that?
I worked at the Berlin Fire
Department's call center for many years.
I know how it sounds when
someone is in major distress.
You've called us
three times already...
but not because of
the Calendar Killer.
- Why did you call then?
- I was scared to walk home in the dark.
Isn't that what
this service is for?
Yes, of course.
Forgive me.
May I ask you a question?
Is everything okay at home?
Yes, absolutely.
Where's your husband now?
- Why are you walking alone at night?
- Why are you asking all these questions?
Because in our notes, it says there's
a suspicion of domestic violence.
- These conversations are recorded?
- Yes, why?
So everything I tell
you is documented?
Yes, but only for 48 hours. And
it's covered by data protection.
- Why?
- So...
So if something were to
happen to me tonight,
then the police would find
out about this conversation?
What are you getting at?
A killer is after you.
And you won't go to the police
or home to your husband. Why?
27 RENATA STREEYou don't believe me either.
Are you being abused?
I am sorry.
You're afraid.
It's even worse than that.
It's the kind of fear...
that makes you want
to tear your skin off,
so that you'll stop
from burning up inside.
Hell's most evil trick is to
disguise itself as paradise.
Good evening.
Thank you.
Good evening, Mr. Gerrich.
Oh, the von Blows.
They made a big donation to the
election campaign. Nice people.
Thank you for dressing the
way I've asked you to, Klara.
You look fantastic.
My pleasure.
My goodness.
How are you? We never
see you anymore.
- Martin, congratulations on the new job.
- Thank you.
- How's the air up there?
- Quite thin.
But it can blow right in your
face if you're not careful.
- You look fantastic, Meret.
- Thank you.
May I introduce you? Dr. Paul
Wassmann, our new associate.
- Nice to meet you.
- This is Dr. Martin Vernet.
Our State Secretary of the
Interior for three weeks now.
And this is my traitorous friend, Klara,
one of the best lawyers at our firm,
until she discovered
life as a full-time mom.
- Don't you miss work just a little?
- I do sometimes.
I really hope you'll
come back to us.
- Maybe when Amelie starts school...
- If Klara prefers to raise our daughter,
then she should do it.
I miss her.
Let's go for coffee, at least.
And you can bring Amelie.
I promise.
- Martin.
- Enjoy your evening.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Dear Lord, doesn't
she ever stop?
Be glad you don't have
to deal with her anymore.
Actually, it's a shame
I don't see her anymore.
But you have me and Amelie.
That's true.
So... let's celebrate
our anniversary.
- Evening.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
So here's to an exciting night.
Enjoy your meal.
I know you don't like seafood,
but you need protein for
what's planned later.
What do we have planned tonight?
I am sorry.
So sorry.
Have you stopped
taking your pills?
Damn it, Klara.
Do I need to have you
admitted to the clinic again?
- Martin, I'm fine.
- I'm warning you.
I won't let Amelie have a
mentally deranged mother.
- I can't stomach the pills.
- The doctor can prescribe something else.
- Forgive me.
- So...
Time to eat.
How long is the
babysitter staying?
Vigo will stay
until we get home.
Give me your phone.
Welcome to our VP Night.
I'm here for you,
whatever you might desire.
What's a VP Night?
Very exclusive.
Martin, please. I'd like to go.
You haven't even
finished your drink.
What's the matter? These women are
being paid very well for their services.
The entrance fee is donated
to the Children's Foundation.
It's a good thing.
Martin, please.
It's for a good cause.
He must have put something
in the champagne.
That's horrible.
I only regained consciousness
because of the pain.
Martin, please...
Klara, you must
leave your husband.
I should have done it a
long time ago. It's just...
I don't want Amelie to find
out what he's done to me.
That's understandable. You
didn't want to hurt her...
- How old is your daughter?
- Amelie is six.
I have a daughter, too.
Her name is Fabienne.
She's six, too.
- Where is your daughter now?
- She's asleep.
And who's looking after
her? Is she alone?
Of course not.
We've got a babysitter.
Can you believe that
he's a good father?
It's hard to believe,
but it's true.
Amelie loves him.
I have to go, now,
before he finds me.
Where are you?
You are closing a garage door.
You opened a car door.
What are you planning?
For what I'm planning to do,
it's better if I'm alone.
No, don't do that.
Please don't do it.
Don't tell me what to do.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, but
you cannot do this.
Don't do this! Don't
do this, please!
I am begging you.
Klara! Klara, please!
MARTIN - I always know where
you are! Brace yourself!
Either the Calendar Killer
or Martin will kill me.
So I'd rather do it myself.
If you do this...
Amelie will never get over it.
Believe me.
I can hear that
you're not driving.
I am begging you. Please
stop. We'll find a way.
Hello? Klara, please.
I don't want to have
to take her to the ER.
I don't want to have
to take her to the ER.
You did well, darling.
Let's take a little break, okay?
Please take care of my wife.
Come. I'll show you
to our powder room.
I'll go get you a
stronger painkiller.
Did your wife enjoy it?
You never forget the first time.
Excuse me, please.
- Where's my wife?
- She must still be in the powder room.
Yo, this is Vigo. Feel free to
leave a message after the beep.
Hi, Vigo.
This message is for Amelie.
Hi, sweetie.
I just wanted to tell
you how much I love you.
It wasn't your
fault, you hear me?
I love you so much.
I have no time right
now. Call tomorrow.
How come? What's wrong?
- An emergency.
- An emergency?
I thought you were
still on leave?
- I'm not at the emergency switchboard.
- So where are you?
Walk Me Home
Helpline. Voluntary.
There's a woman who
wants to kill herself.
Then call the police.
I don't know where she is.
- Maybe I can help you?
- That would be a first.
Tell me her name, and I'll
find out where she is.
No, I'm not allowed to.
Jules, you're talking to a
woman who wants to kill herself.
I can imagine what
that's doing to you.
- You can?
- Yes. I can.
You want to save her,
- after the incident with Dajana...
- Stop it!
- Where are you?
- At home. Where else?
Jules, I want to help you.
Damn it. I'm your father.
- Congrats on that realization.
- Tell me what you know.
So, what's her name?
All right. It's up to you.
- If it all goes wrong and you haven't...
- Her name is Klara.
- Klara... Klara what?
- Vernet.
That's it?
She was at the Le
Zen Hotel today.
There must be some secret
pervert club there.
That's news to me.
But I'll ask around. I
still know someone there.
Stay out of
everything else, okay?
Further snow showers are
expected in Berlin tonight.
So please drive carefully, or
make yourself comfortable at home.
It's 10:03 p.m. The next
news will be at 11:00 p.m.
Thank God. How are you feeling?
I feel sick. I threw up.
I can't go on. I am so tired.
Where are you now?
Where the Calendar Killer
will never find me...
Why is this so important to you?
Why can't you just
leave me alone?
I'm sure you can't
imagine it, but...
I know exactly what
you're going through.
I've been on the phone with
women like you for a long time.
Women who were crying because their
men had beaten them half to death.
And were you able to help them?
I tried.
Over and over again.
But as soon as the
police arrived,
suddenly everything was only half as
bad, and the men got away with it.
I don't understand it.
Why do women put up with it?
Because they're
financially dependent.
Or they don't want to take
the kids from their dad.
Because they're ashamed.
Because they don't
know where to go.
Or they think they're to
blame for the beatings.
Because they're terrified it'll only
get worse, and they'll be killed.
Or the husband has some hold over
the woman and is blackmailing her.
Klara, put an end to this
misery, but don't end your life.
Why is it so important to
you? You don't know me at all.
I told you about my
daughter. Fabienne?
Her mother killed herself.
Ever since that, Fabienne
hasn't been doing...
Why are you telling me all this?
To make me feel guilty?
Her mother was in a clinic.
At first, it seemed
things would be okay.
The doctors at Berger Hof...
- That was the clinic she was in.
- Berger Hof?
- I was there, too.
- What? What for?
Dissociative disorders.
Sometimes, I see things
that aren't there.
- Were they able to help you?
- Yes, they did.
But I have to take medication.
And Martin threatens to have me
admitted again for every little thing.
Dajana suffered from
severe depression.
I had hoped that they would
be able to help her, but...
It was too late.
You're not the only one
who's been through hell.
Mommy! Please open the door!
Mommy! It's on fire!
We can't get out!
Hurry, there's a fire, and
I hear someone screaming.
It's a child.
The firefighters will be
there in under two minutes.
Do not open the door!
It could cause a back draft,
and you'll be in flames.
- Please leave the building.
- But what about the kid? The screams...
My colleagues will take care
of it. Please get out of there.
Just a moment.
- Yes?
- Incident command vehicle 26. Stelling.
Tannberg, what's going
on? There's nothing here.
- What do you mean?
- There's no fire anywhere here.
- Mr. Damelow?
- Yes? Where are you?
There's no fire in
Brandenburgische Street.
- That prank will be expensive.
- Oh, God.
I was in a panic, and I
gave you the wrong address.
- Where are you?
- I am so sorry.
I'm at 24 Prince Regent
Street. Third floor.
- Please repeat that.
- 24 Prince Regent Street. Hello?
Let me through! Damn it!
What happened?
Dajana locked up the
kids in their rooms.
She wanted to spare them the sight
of their dead mother in the bathtub.
My little ones tried
desperately to get out.
Fabienne managed to
hide in the closet.
She was taken to the hospital.
My son was probably playing
with a leftover birthday candle.
She must have noticed the smoke.
But it was too late.
She wanted to unlock the door.
But she had no strength left.
I am sorry.
Look at me.
Just a moment. I need
to check something.
Stay on the line.
Turn around!
Come over here.
Show your face.
12-06 HIM OR YOU
Look at me. Look at me.
Now... turn around.
Show me your face.
Klara! Look at me!
Look at me! Look at me!
Turn around.
Now show me your face.
Look at me!
Klara, I'm back.
Jules... he was here.
- He was here.
- Who?
The Calendar Killer. He
was here in the cabin.
Listen. This is what we'll do.
I'll send a cab to
take you straight home.
Give me the address.
I'd rather take my car.
No, wait.
I'll send you something.
12-06 HIM OR YOU
Now they'll have to believe me.
The police and Martin.
He said it was just another
one of my delusions.
He asked how anyone would know
when I was in the parking garage.
Martin wanted to have me
readmitted to Berger Hof.
He has left you completely
alone with your fear.
The more I think about it...
the more I believe...
I believe that
Martin's behind it all.
He's the only one who
always knows where I am.
He knows the cabin.
He's got the videos.
He's using my
illness against me.
And on December 6...
We got married on December 6.
Please drive home right
away and get your child.
We'll meet in front
of your apartment.
I'll help you.
You don't know him.
He always wins.
Not this time.
He's here.
Klara, is someone there?
Klara, tell me what's happening?
Klara, is there
someone in your house?
Can you hear me?
Is someone there?
Can you hear me?
Klara, please...
- What?
- Is the woman still on the line?
Where are you?
I'm standing here
in front of Le Zen.
And you?
- Did you find out anything?
- The manager was beside himself.
Obviously, he's
going to deny it.
He would have told me. Trust me.
- Did you really look everywhere?
- Yes, there's nothing there.
Jules, do you hear me?
The woman lied to you.
Why should I believe
you more than her?
- Given all the times you lied to Mom...
- The woman is lying.
And I swear to you. Her
suicide story doesn't add up.
This is Klara Vernet's voicemail.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Klara, please call me back.
Please. I'm begging you.
Calm down. Just calm down.
Hey, calm down.
Hey, calm down!
I won't hurt you.
Come on. I'll help you.
I'm Hendrik.
Come on. I'll help you.
Come on.
Come. It's alright.
It's Hendrik, right?
Just let me out somewhere
when we get to the city.
It looks like you need a doctor.
I'll get you to the next ER.
It's nice that you're
concerned. But I'm fine.
Just let me out
anywhere in the city.
How come you're driving around
at night in a Santa costume?
Bachelor's party.
I'm a stripper.
You should see my underpants.
Red with a white pom-pom in
front of the family jewels.
What? It pays the rent.
Klara! Are you all
right? What happened?
I saw him.
The Calendar Killer
was in our cabin.
But I made it out.
- Where are you now?
- On my way to the city. I got a ride.
- Who with?
- Santa Claus.
- Excuse me?
- Don't worry about it.
Listen. Martin must be on his way home.
I have to get to Amelie before him.
Please be careful.
You shouldn't trust
anyone tonight.
Please stay on the line. I
need to check on my daughter.
Is everything okay?
No. No, she is burning up.
I need to check if there's any
liquid fever medication left.
Can you sing?
- What?
- Sing?
Put the phone next
to Fabienne's ear.
Behold, the moon has risen
The golden stars, they glisten
Upon the heavens bright
The forests rest in shadows
And from the quiet meadows
White haze rises into the night
Dajana used to always
sing that to Fabienne.
Is she calmer now?
Yes, she is.
Thank you.
I can't leave Amelie all alone.
I have to be there for her.
I mustn't destroy her life.
I've let that happen
to me all these years.
I loved Martin.
But I can't do it anymore.
I have to go home
to my daughter...
and finally leave Martin.
I'll help you if you want.
I can make sure you
and Amelie are safe.
Just tell me where
you are and...
- I'll come.
- You've already helped me enough.
I have to do this alone.
And with the photo, I have
proof that the Calendar...
That I didn't just imagine it
all. Now they have to believe me.
Just another hour and
December 6 will be over.
My offer still stands.
Thank you, Jules.
My pleasure, Klara.
What was that all about?
The Calendar Killer
is after you?
Can I get one of those?
Another pack should be
in the box back there.
My first one in 15 years.
Do you have a light?
Where is it?
- Stop the car. Right now!
- Hey, calm down.
I always have the taser with me.
- Calm down!
- Open the door!
- Take it easy!
- Open!
I won't hurt you.
Everything is fine. Really.
I'm not going to hurt you.
Hey, what...
Stop it!
It wasn't nice of you
to take off earlier.
Get in!
- We can't just leave him. He'll freeze!
- Get in. Now!
Let go!
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You must have
known I'd find you.
Who was that?
I saw footprints in
front of the house.
Didn't you go into the bedroom?
The bedroom?
What's that?
A death threat from
the Calendar Killer.
The Calendar Killer?
Klara, don't start
with all that again.
I'll drive back there tomorrow.
If it's really written
there, I'll call the police.
But if you're just making it up again,
I'll take you back to Berger Hof.
I was in the garage.
I saw the tube.
Don't ever do that again.
What are you doing?
I'm checking if Vigo texted me.
I was thinking about us.
Last year, after I took
you to the ER in Potsdam...
When we went back home
and I cooked for you,
you asked me for the thousandth
time why I don't get therapy.
The truth is, I started therapy.
But the guy just reeled
off the usual spiel.
How I lacked confidence
because I had an abusive father
and a mother who ran away.
I don't need a
therapist for that.
You see?
I have no problem saying it.
If there was a self-help group like the
AA where you had to introduce yourself,
I'd do it.
I'd stand up and say,
"Hello. My name is Martin.
I'm 44 and I beat my wife."
And that's supposed
to justify everything?
You need to stop
provoking me, Klara.
Provoking you?
- I'm provoking you?
- Yes.
Why didn't you leave
a long time ago?
You just put up with it.
The beatings, the shouting.
You let it all happen, Klara.
Every punch, every kick.
Let it happen?
I let you...
drag me to that perverted club?
Let you offer me up...
to be whipped like
a piece of meat?
- Are you serious?
- I didn't say that.
But you make me angry so
often, just by being there.
How can I respect you if you
don't even respect yourself?
You scare the shit out
of me every day, Martin.
I know.
And I'm sorry about that.
Do you believe me?
Do you believe that I love you?
I'll tell you something.
You won't leave me!
Do you understand me?
Drive me home.
I want to be with my daughter.
I can help you.
brace yourself
for what's coming.
You won't touch me
in front of Amelie.
Don't tell me what to do.
Never touch me again.
Behold, the moon has risen
The golden stars, they glisten
Upon the heavens bright
The forests rest in shadows
And from the quiet meadows
White haze rises into the night
Hello, Klara.
What's wrong with Amelie?
Don't worry. She's fine.
Just a sleeping pill.
Where's Martin?
Where's Vigo?
Let's leave her bedroom.
Or she'll wake up.
Jules, why are you here?
Let her sleep.
12-06 HIM OR YOU
Please don't.
It's time.
Where's your husband?
Let me show you something.
I saw everything he did to you.
There are cameras in every room.
What I saw is unbearable.
Drop it.
Don't make it so difficult.
Ten minutes left.
Now it's Klara or Martin.
So, where is he?
It's close to midnight.
I told you I'm leaving Martin.
Why does he have to die?
I just want to leave him
and take Amelie with me.
Why do you still
stand up for him?
You know he deserves it.
Jules, stop this madness.
The madness is what
you let him do to you.
Where is your husband?
Now it's your chance to take
back control of your life.
It's him or you.
Four more minutes.
You have to kill him.
Stay quiet.
And Fabienne?
What happened to Fabienne?
Fabienne is dead.
She didn't make it.
She died in the hospital.
You have to get this
bastard out of your life.
And then?
What happens then? You
can't just let me go.
Trust me.
I have a plan.
I'm on your side.
It's 11.57 p.m.
You will kill him.
Or I will kill you.
Three minutes.
Take it.
- I can't do it. Please.
- Come on.
Jules, please.
Think of everything
he did to you.
This man made your
life a living hell!
Do you even realize the
chance I'm giving you?
Two minutes.
Jules, please...
- What?
- Don't you...
Don't you understand?
Martin's death won't
bring Dajana back.
That's true.
You're smart.
So was Dajana.
But what she went through as
a child, her father's abuse,
a mother who kept quiet
and looked the other way...
It broke her.
And when she took her own life, she
took my children's lives with her.
And she took mine, too.
I do what I do to
give women like you
the chance to fight back.
One minute.
You can do it.
Think of Amelie.
She needs you.
But not a father like him.
I'm sorry.
Okay, please...
Be still.
How? Where?
The carotid artery.
Like this?
Forgive me.
You two deserve each other.
He's my son.
I'm sorry.
I wanted to protect
you from him.
But I was too late.
I was too late.
I recognized his
handwriting on TV.
- How did he survive that?
- A nightmare.
It must have been a nightmare.
Yes, you could say that.
My wife and I were
incredibly lucky.
It was unimaginable.
And our daughter
is still so young.
Ladies and gentlemen,
may I ask you to switch off
your phones and take your seats.
We will now begin with the award for
outstanding achievements in service.
I'm delighted to be representing
our Senator of the
Interior, Dr. Herrmann,
who, as you know,
is still recovering,
in presenting these
special medals of honor
to ten of our service officers.
Last year, we had...
Hello. My name is Martin.
I'm 44 and I beat my wife.
You let it all happen, Klara.
Every punch, every kick.
Drag me to that perverted club?
Are you serious?
You won't leave me!
Do you understand me?
You see? I have no problem...
In view of the fact that we...
you make me angry so
often just by being there.
You just put up with it.
Hello. My name is Martin. I'm...
What's going on?
If you don't even
respect yourself?
Mr. Vernet.
We are taking you into custody.
Criminal charges have been filed
against you for sexual assault,
serious bodily harm, coercion,
and insult on a sexual basis.
I would ask you, in your own interest,
to follow us without causing a scene.
What are you doing?
I'm checking if Vigo texted me.
FOR MARTIN VERNEThis story is fictional.
Nevertheless, intimate partner
violence is a cruel reality.
In Germany, one in four women
experiences physical or sexual violence
in their relationship at
least once in their life.
Women from all social
classes are affected.