The Catered Affair (1956) Movie Script

Morning, Tom. How's the taxi business?
- How's the bridge business?
One more day like this,
I'll own the bridge.
Hurley. You driving nights?
Last one this week.
Check the carburettor, can you.
How's the folks?
- Okay.
Sam Leiter was asking for you.
- Oh?
Hey, anybody seen Sam Leiter?
- Over there.
- What?
You looking for me?
We got it.
- Got what?
It's old McQuade's. He's selling it.
All he's asking is eight thousand.
You know, the medallion
goes with the cab.
We chip in four thousand a piece.
We got a business.
What's the matter?
Nothing, nothing.
- Don't you like it?
No. It looks fine. Looks fine.
What's the matter?
For twelve years we've
been saving and waiting.
It's a long time.
I'll be over Sunday.
McQuade wants a thousand dollars down.
Five hundred from you and
five hundred from me, huh?
Yeah, okay.
- I'll be over Sunday.
Morning, Mr Hurley.
Just getting home from work?
You didn't see by any
chance my cat, Angelo?
You know. The pink one?
- No.
Hmm. He's a tramp. I feed him.
The pleasure, he gives somebody else.
I saw Janie last night coming home late.
With a fellow with eyeglasses.
Is that you, Tom?
Who else would it be?
I didn't beat the dawn.
I didn't sleep so good myself.
If I beat the dawn,
I can get some sleep.
Now look at the light coming in.
Wear one of them things like
whatsisname who works nights.
Over your eyes. You know.
Out to Idlewild this
fare wanted me to go.
So I says look, I work uptown.
He says: so what, you're
a cab driver ain't you?
I said, maybe I am. But you can
get many a hack going your way.
So he said he'd call a cop
and I told him to go ahead.
So I drove to Idlewild and
that broke the back of the night.
Anyway, it's my last
day of working nights.
Look at that ice. Caked solid.
No. No new contrivances in this
house until after I have my own hack.
I didn't say nothing about a new icebox.
Hello, Pop. Who's in the bathroom?
Your uncle Jack.
Eddie up yet?
- Yeah. He's up.
I heard you coming home late last night.
You were where?
With Ralph. We went
to see Father Murphy.
Father Murphy, now.
- Yeah?
Ralph and I are getting married.
Well Jane, that's very nice.
Well, what finally decided us was
Ralph has a friend in California, but...
His wife is pregnant so...
He asked Ralph if he knew someone
who can drive his car out for him as...
He can't drive it out himself
because his wife is pregnant.
Ralph decided quickly we can make a nice
honeymoon out of a trip to California.
Tom, your daughter's getting married.
- I'm not deaf, Aggie.
Jane, that's very nice.
Anyway, Ralph finishes his school
term on November 3rd. That's tomorrow.
That's just three weeks before
he starts the winter session.
He's teaching the regular
winter session this year, so...
We decided both of us that
November 6th was just perfect.
So did Father Murphy and...
He's announcing the banns this Sunday
at Mass and got us a dispensation.
We must invite his parents for dinner.
- Father Murphy's?
No, Ralph's. Mr and Mrs Halloran.
- Oh.
Give me the salt and pepper.
I know it's short notice.
But how about tonight?
Can we have them for dinner tonight?
It's Friday.
I go to the fish market anyway.
Tonight alright with you, Pa?
- Huh? Oh it's fine. Fine with me, Jane.
I'm through in the bathroom.
Alright, Jack.
Listen, I'll call Ralph and have him
bring them over around seven.
And Ma, don't go to extra trouble.
Just fish and potatoes like we
always have on Friday nights.
In fact.
One thing I must get straight now.
There isn't going to be a big wedding.
Just a plain, simple ceremony.
- That's the best way, Jane.
No wedding reception, no nothing.
We want to get an
early start for California.
Whole thing will only take ten minutes.
- That's the best way of all, Jane.
No wedding reception, no nothing.
You don't want the fuss and feathers
that goes with all these big weddings.
Cousin John said it cost him $3,000 to
give his daughter Caroline her wedding.
Well Jane, if it's a small wedding
you want, that's what you'll have.
$3,000 for a wedding breakfast.
Why, it's enough to chill your blood.
To take advantage of a honeymoon and car
we must get married by November the 6th.
Next Tuesday.
Well Jane, that's very sensible of you.
Anyway, your Pa and me thought we'd
give you a check for five hundred.
Five hundred?
- For heaven's sake, Tom.
Your one living daughter
is getting married.
It would cost you more than five hundred
if she wanted a reception party.
I didn't say no.
We always said we'd give the kid a
check but never specified a figure.
Please, we don't want no checks.
We just want to get married.
So, November 6 at St Augustine's.
Just you two and Eddie, and...
And Ralph's mother and
father and I'll ask Alice.
Because I was her Maid of Honor and
the thing takes only ten minutes.
You'll have to ask your uncle Jack.
Now if we ask uncle Jack, then...
We must invite uncle Harry and aunt...
But he lives right here
in the house with us.
Ma, just the immediate families.
I'd like to ask uncle Jack but if
we do the others will be mad.
I suppose you're right.
If you ask one you're stuck with a
bundle. That means having a big party.
You'd better let me tell him.
Jack's a touchy man.
Going to bed.
We'll see you tonight, Pa.
Jane, it's...
- Eddie should be here tonight.
I hope he hasn't a date or anything.
Jane, it's a big thing getting married.
I said it's a big thing.
Getting married to somebody.
Why sure it is.
You got to prepare for it.
What do you mean 'prepare'?
I was just saying, marriage
isn't all roses you know.
Who on earth ever said it was?
You got to look before you leap.
Ma, I've known Ralph three years.
I wasn't saying you
didn't know him alright.
I'm just saying marriage is a big thing,
like some girls don't know nowadays.
You got to make sacrifices.
When the children start coming.
You have to put them
first ahead of everybody.
I know, Ma.
- You can't go throwing money around.
I hope you got more than your
Pa and me, but if you don't...
Don't go throwing it around.
No, Ma.
And then one day you'll find
out a lot of time has gone by.
And you'll wake up knowing this
is the way it's always going to be.
Just like this.
Day after day. Year after year.
Just the same.
And that's why.
Being married is such a big thing.
The same thing over and over?
What's wrong with that?
What do you expect, a bed of roses?
Ma, I'm only saying what you said.
And don't get married thinking
it's only a good time.
It's not a bad time
but it's not a good time.
Living all your life with one man and
struggling to raise the children decent.
And don't go running around
staying out late at night in bars.
Like so many do nowadays.
- Ralph and me like staying home.
Oh and mind your temper.
Don't let nothing get
you down no matter what.
You got to give and take.
Ma, those are all the things you
don't do. But what do you do?
I mean, what do you do
when you're married?
What do you mean, what do you do?
You're married. That's what.
But isn't there anything else
besides not doing this and that?
Like what?
Well like... loving somebody.
Of course there is.
But don't think it's any bed of roses.
And I know you've known
Ralph quite a time and...
And being married, well...
Being married is different
from when I was a girl.
Us not knowing about...
Things in advance.
You know?
Things in advance?
- Yeah.
Oh, Ma... that.
Well, it's important.
Sure it is.
They call it 'compatibility'.
Well I don't care what they call it, but
just remember it's not the whole thing.
Like so many kids
nowadays seem to think.
Which is why there's all this trouble
all the time. Marrying and divorcing.
Ma, honestly. Ralph and me aren't
going to have any trouble that way.
I mean we're both grown up.
Sure, sugar. I know that and
it's nice you're so sensible.
Except, after a while it's just
not so important or anything.
Eddie, your sister is marrying Ralph.
That's good.
Is that all you got to say?
Eddie, your sister is marrying Ralph.
I heard you. That's what she said.
She's got him, so good.
I've never seen less family spirit.
Who's got spirit? I got nothing.
Next month, Fort Dix.
Then the Army has got nothing.
As long as you live here...
Eddie, Ralph's family comes to dinner
tonight. You must be here to meet them.
I told the guys I'd see them early.
You be here.
See, I've got no rights.
- Well, I've got to go.
Ma, will you talk to uncle Jack?
Explain to him?
Yeah, I'll talk to him.
Yes, Ma?
It's a big thing you're doing.
Well... I'm late.
So Jane is getting married at last.
I can't say it was a
surprise or anything.
The first one.
The first one to be married.
It will be nice for Jane
being settled with Ralph.
And raising her own family.
I wish we could give her a real wedding.
But she's got a good
head on her shoulders.
I was talking to her just now about...
About being married.
She's got some funny
ideas. Most girls do.
But I talked sense to her.
I told her what it was like.
What it was like being married.
Well Jack, would you
like to hear some news?
What are you doing to yourself?
I'm counting the beats of my heart.
Oh Jack, you're as healthy as anybody.
It's a fast unsteady beat.
And the blood pressure has gone
up again. I can feel it pounding.
My cousin Timothy passed
over from the very same thing.
Two years younger than me he
was and a man of iron, they say.
Do you know, I... I think I'll...
Drop in and see the doctor.
Jane is getting married
at last to Ralph Halloran.
Ah, that's great news. Ha-ha.
That's great news.
Where is she now, in the kitchen?
- She just now went to work.
This is a day I thought
I'd never live to see.
Is it the fellow with the glasses?
- The same.
She's having the banns
announced at Sunday Mass.
With the wedding on the 6th.
Next Tuesday.
Ah, we'll give them a
party like none other.
We'll put a barrel
of beer in the kitchen...
And we'll pile the rooms high
with cousins, uncles and aunts.
Jack, tie your shoe
before you trip and fall.
See, Aggie.
Why not rent a hall the way
John did for Caroline?
I'll pay for the rent of the hall.
- Jack, it's not going to be that way.
She's just having a small
wedding early in the morning.
That's all.
- Why is that?
Because that's what she wants.
And there are...
Other complications.
So long, Mom.
Don't you be late, Eddie.
See, there's this...
This fellow who has a car and
they're moving to California.
But his wife is pregnant.
- What's that?
Who is pregnant?
- The other fellow's wife.
But the thing is this, Jack.
Now... now don't be touchy.
You know how dear you are to all of us.
But if we invite you, we got to
invite Michael and Tom and Joe.
And all the cousins. Before we know
it there'll be hundreds and hundreds.
So, we decided...
Just the simplest ceremony with
only with only immediate family.
And would I not be considered
one of the 'immediate family'?
Jack, you see it's very important
they're married on the 6th because...
I see. Then I'm not
invited to the wedding?
Jack, you see that if we invite you...
We got to invite Tom and Michael
and Joe and all of Frank's bunch.
My coat. I left it around
here somewhere.
Jack, for heaven's sake. We want to have
you but you can see what would happen.
And tie your shoe.
The boy's parents are coming to dinner
and we wouldn't think not to have you.
Seven o'clock it is.
So don't be coming home late.
Oh Jack, you know you don't have to be
down to the Union Hall until 11 o'clock.
I think I'll call in and see
the doctor. I don't feel...
Any too hearty.
Be home early. They come at seven.
Now don't forget.
And Jack, tie your shoe
before you trip and fall.
The eggs you loaned me...
They were a lifesaver, Mrs Hurley.
Thanks for bringing them back.
Hey, have you got a little
cup of coffee for me?
You know, this varicose vein of mine.
It's murder.
I'm telling you... plain murder.
I don't know, maybe I'm
getting too old. I know that.
I can't walk. I can't stand up.
And... how is your daughter, Jane?
She always goes out with
that fellow with the glasses.
She's getting married
on November the 6th.
Ah, congratulations, Mrs Hurley.
Hey, that must be a load off your back.
I know.
I married six girls.
And it was a stone
off my back every time.
Ralph is a nice boy.
Look. Froze solid.
He's well fixed, huh?
He's a teacher.
Well, that's alright.
His father is in real-estate.
Doing very good.
They live in one of
those big apartments.
Buildings with three elevators.
You know the kind? If you want to see
a person, you phone from downstairs.
Yeah, I know.
Because my girl says she has one
of them things in their apartment.
And you know which one?
You know, she's the one
that has so much trouble.
But she married good.
Until now. I don't know why.
The wedding is going
to be next week, huh?
So soon, ain't it?
Yeah... just a small,
quiet affair. No fuss.
No reception.
Won't take ten minutes.
Ralph has got the loan of this car
and they're going off to California.
So it's going to be a quiet
affair, nobody around, huh?
Yeah, that's what she wants.
You see, this fellow's wife is...
Pregnant. So Ralph has
got the use of his car.
And how are you, Mrs Hurley today?
- Pretty good.
Got company for dinner.
- The usual?
No, I thought I'd have
something special.
How do you like that?
A beauty.
So you're having your
in-laws over for supper?
Yeah, that's right.
How did you know? Hello, Mrs Casey.
You met my daughter-in-law?
- I used to be in school with Jane.
It's wonderful her getting
married and everything.
Yeah, it is.
Too bad she has to rush things so.
Well, it's just what Jane wants.
She don't want no fancy wedding.
You don't believe that,
if that's what she said?
That's what she said.
Did you ever know a girl who
didn't want a fancy wedding?
And wear a white dress that
trails ten feet behind her.
It's a big thing in a girl's life.
Jane's not that type.
She's just a down-to-earth girl.
No nonsense.
Ten minutes in the morning
with Father Murphy.
And that's the story.
Ten minutes in the morning?
That don't even sound religious to me.
Well I guess Father
Murphy knows what's...
Religious and what ain't.
Is she in trouble?
Is who in trouble?
Your daughter.
What do you mean 'is she in trouble'?
I mean if she's getting married in
such a rush, what's the hurry for?
For heaven's sake, Mrs Casey.
Look, they got the loan of this car.
I think it's swell Jane don't put you to
a whole lot of expense you can't afford.
When lots of girls in her place...
- Look, we're not exactly on relief.
And we can afford to give our girl a
big wedding if that's what she wants.
But you see. They got
the loan of this car.
Is she in trouble?
- Look.
The other fellow's
wife is having the baby.
I understand.
Hello. Is Ralph Halloran there?
Thanks, Jack.
About tonight, can your family make it?
Well no, Ralph.
I was just thinking about you.
I know it's going to be kinda
rough for a couple of hours.
It's something everybody
getting married has to do.
Getting their families together.
Honey, it's not important if your
people or my people like each other.
They'll size each other up.
And my family will figure you're lucky
and your family will figure I'm lucky.
So don't worry. I'll pick them
up and be over about seven.
Goodbye, honey.
Well Ralph. Hello.
How's the boy? Sit down and
take the load off your feet.
How are you, kid? Long-time no see.
Sit down. Sit down.
We were looking at this man who brings
teenagers up on stage to do things.
The way Major Bowles used to.
My, they're talented.
I hear we go to a big blow-out tonight?
- Yeah.
Going to meet the new in-laws?
- It's just supper. That's all.
I can't wait to meet Jane's family.
But I'll never understand why they...
Have you got a cold?
Look. No sweater on you.
Say, how about a snort, Ralphie?
I got a bottle of rye.
A brand-new bottle. Just waiting
for an excuse to open it.
No, no thanks, Dad.
- Ralph.
I wish you weren't going off like this
without a proper party or anything.
It seems so kind of cold-blooded.
- Yeah, your Mom is right, Ralphie.
You know, it does seem like a
shame not having a real party.
Of course, if Hurley hasn't
the money to spend...
Dad, Dad.
Mom. We don't want a party.
If it was my daughter I'd spend my
last penny to give her a real wedding.
Say, what about me putting
up the money? Huh?
Listen, I can get the ballroom
at the St Moritz hotel.
We couldn't do that, Joe. No.
Only the bride's father can do that.
I'm sure the Hurleys won't object.
Dad, please.
Please wait a minute.
All we want to do is get married.
You know, quietly. And then
take a trip and that's all.
Yeah, but I bet deep down in her
heart Jane would like a real wedding.
Well never mind. What Ralphie
wants is final. Let's let it go at that.
I must change my clothes.
Have to look my best.
About 4 o'clock in the morning.
I heard these owls again,
so I turned to Mary and I said...
Honey, I said, do you hear those owls?
- She said 'no'.
I said this is the last honeymoon I'm
ever going to spend in this wilderness.
She said this is the last honeymoon
you're going to spend. Period.
The joke of it is we never
did get to Niagara Falls.
Now it reminds me of a
story when a fellah went...
Can I fix you one more drink?
Yes, you may sweeten it up a bit.
On the rocks, please.
That reminds me of a story...
- Can I fix you one?
Goodness, no. I am still
light-headed from the last one.
It was so strong.
It reminds me of when
our Irene was married.
Ma, did you tell uncle Jack 7 o'clock?
- Yes, I did.
Oh thank you. Thank you kindly, ma'am.
Hurley, Ralphie here tells me that
you're in the taxicab business.
It's by way of being my livelihood. Yes.
It's interesting work, I'd say.
It has that side of it.
I expect you get to
see quite a bit of the...
Passing parade, as it were...
Now and then, I sorta get a look at it.
I've a little mirror over
the windshield.
That's good, that is.
The little mirror over the windshield.
I guess uncle Jack isn't coming home.
I'd better go and start.
I'll help.
- No.
No, you stay with our guests. Eddie.
Pull the table out.
Excuse me.
You own your own cab, do you?
I have plans on buying one. Yes.
But first you must get this medallion.
A medallion?
- That's right.
It's a city license.
You see the city won't license more
hacks so you have to wait until...
The fellah who's got a
medallion wants to sell.
And the going price right
now is about $8,000.
Get some ice out right away.
What for?
- For the ice water.
You don't need anything for that.
We'll serve this dinner
proper if nothing else.
What do you mean 'nothing else'?
This was to be dinner like we
always have on Friday night.
Somebody must do something when
our only daughter gets married.
Ma, we already decided.
So, instead it's being done like
it was shameful and secret.
What do you mean, 'shameful and secret'?
I hope we gave them the right whiskey.
Ralph says his father drinks too much.
It's no concern of ours this night.
Ma, what's wrong?
Stop acting so nervous.
Come on, take the tray
in and get them started.
I thought it was dinner
like we always have.
Go on. Be quick.
It feels like I've eaten
myself half to death.
That was a swell feed,
ma'am. A real swell feed.
You're welcome, I'm sure.
I do hope it wasn't too much trouble.
I mean, so many at one time.
No, we always eat this way.
I'm going to meet the fellows, huh Ma?
- Oh Eddie.
I was wondering Mr Hurley whether you...
- You know what I'll do for you kids?
I've got this apartment in mind for you.
It's a three-room apartment
in the Bedford Park section.
It's not big, but it's
got a nice kitchen.
Living room 18 x 11.
And the rent, 81 dollars a month.
And the first year's rent.
That's my wedding present to you.
Sweet of you, Mr Halloran.
But Ralph and I...
It sure is, Dad but...
I figured it was the least we can do for
the young ones as they leave the nest.
Yes. They leave the nest.
The oldest boy Joe has been
married ten years now.
Has two fine children.
Doing very well in these... plastics.
The two girls. Irene...
She's been married now to a skin
doctor down in Washington DC.
They got a very stylish house, you know.
Yes, they're up in the
northwest section.
It's a ranch-type place.
That's awful nice but...
When Irene got married we took the grand
ballroom at the Bedford Plaza Hotel.
I liked the Bedford Plaza. I thought
it would be nice to live in a hotel.
We had over 400 guests there.
Yeah. The table of hors d'oeuvres
alone cost me almost 1,400 dollars.
Fourteen hundred.
Of course, when the other girl got
married that was a real blow-out.
We took the Grand Ballroom downtown
at the St Moritz hotel that time.
We thought we'd give the kids
a check for a wedding present.
You know, to do what they want with.
To the amount of... a thousand dollars.
You were saying something, Tom?
Of course I know the kids say
they don't want a catered affair.
But when my daughter
Irene got married...
I was... unavoidably detained.
Dinner is over.
A few old friends and I met by
chance in the Green Grass Grill.
And I was... detained.
This is my brother Jack Conlon, Mr and
Mrs Halloran, and Ralph you know.
Blessed to know you.
Pleased to meet you, Mrs Hannigan.
And to welcome you to this house.
Jack, Mr 'Halloran'.
He was just telling us about
his daughter's wedding.
Only immediate family.
Huh? What's that?
Only the immediate family would be
welcome to the wedding of my niece.
Uncle Jack.
- Well.
What do you think of that, Hannigan?
Halloran, is it?
- Yeah.
No relation by any chance
to my friend, Michael?
Died of drink last month,
at the Bellevue hospital?
No, no, no.
It's a common name, but he was an
uncommon man. Michael Halloran.
You were telling us about
your daughter's wedding.
The whole affair let me say was fully
discussed in the Green Grass Grill.
That I wasn't to attend
the wedding of my niece.
Well, it was a fine dinner, Mrs Hurley.
I don't know when I've
seen Joe eat so much.
Twelve years I've lived in this room.
Twelve long years in this very room.
This very room?
That's my bed you're sitting on.
- Ha? Oh.
I didn't know. I didn't know.
Ralph, I think we'd better be going.
Don't disturb yourself, Mrs Halloran.
Mr Conlon wants to go to sleep.
As a matter of fact I
can do with a little rest.
My heart is overtaxed today
and I... need my beauty sleep.
Jack is just carrying-on. That's all.
Carrying on, is it?
I should think my last night
in this house might be...
Your last night?
Yes, Aggie. I move out tomorrow.
To find some residence elsewhere.
Now, one and all, goodnight.
Goodnight, Ralph.
- Goodnight, Mrs Hurley.
Jane, I've been thinking.
Well you heard him tonight.
You saw what happened.
Giving away apartments right and left
they were. Buffalo this, Niagara that.
Don't worry.
We won't take an apartment.
And your uncle Jack coming
home like a crazy man.
You got to have a real wedding.
Ma, we can't. That's all.
There isn't time.
Just think. You doll up
in a beautiful dress...
With Alice as your Matron of Honor.
Who gets married on five days' notice?
Ralph and me.
Down at the market Mrs Casey all but
accused me of trying to hush things up.
I'll be right out.
And Mrs Musso, that old cat.
She says you must be in trouble.
Oh, ma.
Tom... we've got to have a real wedding.
Come on now, Aggie. Take it easy.
Let's not get in an uproar about this.
We owe it to the family. People will
say we're on relief of something.
We're not and we know we're not.
And the wedding presents. I've given
away so many wedding presents.
That it they were piled high they'd
be as big as the Empire State.
I'd like to get some of them back.
Am I right, Tom?
Yeah, you're right, Aggie.
We're not going to have any big
weddings. That's all there is to it.
Hey, I'm through.
- Put your shoes on.
You remember what happened
at Caroline's wedding?
Aunt Emma won't talk to them as they
wouldn't sit her at the bride's table.
And Kathleen Riordan
was the Maid of Honor...
Went and bought an organdie dress.
For forty-two dollars.
And Caroline wouldn't let her wear it
because only the bride can wear white.
And they had that big fight.
Thank you very much.
But I don't want the fuss and fights
and screaming that always goes on.
Am I right, Pa?
- Yeah, you're right.
How can she be right and she be right?
How can they both be right?
And you're right, too.
All I know is, I've deeply
offended my brother, Jack.
Boy, he sure hung one on tonight.
- Shut up.
I'm accused of atheism.
Of not loving my children and
of being a ward of the state.
Ma, it's my wedding.
Let me run it my own way.
And that Halloran.
Giving them an apartment.
What are we giving them for a wedding
present? Just a check for some money.
What have we ever given the girl?
Her coming unexpected
and us favoring Terence.
God rest his soul.
And I feel very guilty.
I feel we owe her a big
splash for a wedding.
Maybe it costs us two thousand dollars.
- Two thousand?
So you're awake now, are you?
You're not sleepy when there are no
guests to be run out of the house.
Ma, Ralph only has three weeks off.
It's important he sees New Mexico.
If we want to take advantage
of that car, we...
That car.
I've been explaining about
the fellow with the car.
And the wife who's
pregnant in California.
And every time I tell it,
it sounds sillier.
How are you feeling, uncle Jack?
Don't talk to me.
Oh for heaven's sakes.
I've lived in this house
for twelve years.
If that isn't 'immediate family'
I don't know what is.
Oh, Jack...
Well there you are.
Your uncle Jack who lent us
the money when we was broke.
Who pays his share of the rent here.
Moving out because he's hurt.
Well, I tell you something.
You're going to have big wedding
whether you like it or not.
And if you don't like it
you don't have to come.
I'm right, Tom.
I know I'm right about this.
It's all for her. Something
for her. Before it's too late.
I'm going to bed.
- Well, am I right?
Two thousand dollars is half
of everything I ever saved.
Look, Tom.
Think of that girl leaving this house.
With nothing to show for
her whole life with us.
Just moving out like...
Like she was changing her place to live.
We've been like nothing at all to her.
Just strangers.
Living in the same house.
[ Door knocks ]
Jane, I'm sorry about just now.
About losing my temper, I mean.
But I meant it.
Every word I said.
About being so worried about
what the neighbors said?
Afraid they thought I was in trouble?
No, no. That don't matter.
I mean what I said.
We never done anything for you.
But Ma...
We aren't asking for anything.
I know it's not much of anything
after all these years.
Just to give you a fine
party but your Pa and me...
Well, your Ma wants this
wedding very much.
Ma... I don't know.
I don't know.
Jane, I never had a proper wedding.
I was married all in a rush
one Saturday morning.
And me in this old cotton dress not
fit to be seen on the streets with...
Let alone be married in.
I know I said I didn't mind.
But I did.
To this day.
I want you to have this one fine thing.
With all the trimmings.
Something to remember when...
When the bad days come and...
You're all wore out.
And growing old.
Like me.
Alright, Ma.
I'll tell Ralph.
He isn't going to like it.
Sure he will.
At least it keeps uncle
Jack from moving out.
Yeah. Poor man.
I felt so high when I had to tell
him he wasn't to see you married.
It will take a lot of figuring out.
- Yeah.
Sending out invitations and...
We won't be able to have the trip.
- So you go someplace nearby.
I got to go to bed.
I got a lot to do tomorrow.
See you in the morning, Jane.
Goodnight, Jane.
- Goodnight, Ma.
[ Telephone ]
- Hello, Ralph?
I'm sorry about waking you up.
Janie, what's the matter?
No, nothing is the matter.
I'm fine.
Sure I'm sure.
I just want to tell you something.
But it will keep until tomorrow.
I'm wide awake now, honey.
You might as well tell me now.
It's nothing, Ralph. I got to be
downtown tomorrow anyway.
And I thought we'd meet and
have coffee and talk a little.
I'm sorry about waking you up.
Goodnight, Ralph.
Hi... you're late.
You should have started without me.
Listen. What was all the mystery about?
Well, yeah.
Calling me in the middle of the night.
Start to tell me something. Stop. Start.
Stop. Tell me not to worry, so I
spend half the night worrying.
- Yeah?
Janie, what's the matter with you?
I can't talk to you when
you're in a mood.
I'm in a mood?
Stop building it up in your mind.
- Uhuh.
Do you love me?
- No.
I'm marrying you
because I don't love you.
I mean nothing could
spoil it for us, could it?
Like what?
Like having a wedding
party... or a catered affair.
A wedding party?
- Now don't get...
I thought we decided about the...
- I know, I know.
I know but...
Ma asked me tonight if we can have...
- Ma...
Well you heard them. You know
the way your folks carried on about...
The big weddings they
gave your sisters and...
All the talk about giving
away apartments.
Okay, so what's wrong with
them giving us an apartment?
There's nothing wrong.
But Ma near blew her top listening to
the things your folk did for their kids.
While she and Pa...
Haven't done a thing
about us getting married.
They are...
They haven't got any money.
Ralph, if you don't want
this thing, we won't have it.
We're the ones getting married.
- Right.
It will kill Ma if we don't
have this wedding party.
I guess it means something special
to her and I thought we can...
I told her I'd ask you.
And meet her downtown and...
We'd look at some bridal gowns.
Ask me...
You're not asking me, honey.
You're telling me.
Are you mad at me?
Your mother wants a big,
fancy, extravagant wedding.
Your cousins want it, your
uncles want it, now you want it.
In fact the whole Irish population
of the Bronx wants a catered affair.
Leave the poor Irish out of it...
- I'd like to leave everyone out of it.
Can we talk a minute?
- I must go to the library. I'm late.
Wait. Please wait.
If you want a big affair,
we'll have a big affair.
It's just that I never knew
it was so important to you.
Not to me. To her.
To Mom.
What it means to her.
If it takes a catered affair
to bring love to the world.
You got my approval. Okay?
You're very understanding.
Frankly, I don't understand it at all.
Looks like we've all been deserted.
Jane out somewhere at the crack of dawn.
Aggie tending to the invitations.
You wouldn't by any chance be going in
the direction of the Green Grass Grill?
Yeah, yeah. It happens. Come on.
I'm having tea with Mrs Rafferty.
Ah yes, it was a great idea
to give the girl a fine wedding.
To launch her down the
ways, you might say...
Like a fine ship, all flags flying.
All things considered, it's wise to give
the youngsters a swell, bang-up wedding.
Yeah. 2,000 dollars.
That's 'bang-up' alright.
You know I'm willing to
contribute any sum that...
No, no, no... no, Jack.
No, this is Aggie's party.
Aggie had the right idea.
Hire a big ballroom. Give a great party.
Yeah, the women.
Ah, the ladies. God bless them.
What would we do without ladies?
I ain't noticed you getting
married to one, Jack Conlon.
I reserve my company for the world.
Oh yeah.
I'll see you in the ballroom of
the Concourse Plaza at 5 o'clock.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, Mrs Rafferty.
There's been a change in the situation
since we met at the Green Grass Grill.
I have the kettle boiling
for your tea, Mr Conlon.
Yes, Jane's wedding is going
to be a proper affair after all.
And you will be going, after all?
I'll be going and so
will you, Mrs Rafferty.
I can't do that, Mr Conlon.
I don't know your people.
You get to know them at the reception.
What changed their minds now?
The firm stand I took.
I told them I was moving
out so they came round fast.
Would you...?
Would you really have moved
out of your sister's apartment?
Perhaps it was an idle threat.
But where would I go?
Well... there's something to be
said for not living with in-laws.
But you like living with your
married daughter, don't you?
Especially now she's not underfoot
since she took a job working all day.
I have the whole place to myself.
After all, it's companionable
living with your own kin.
When you've no husband
or wife of your own.
I've been a widow a long time.
Well, better to have
loved and lost, as they say.
Oh yes. Of course, I myself belong
to a long line of bachelors.
That's to say my uncles
were all bachelors.
Yes, it's a matter of pride in a man
avoiding the pitfalls of matrimony.
I've got three bachelor brothers living
together back in County Limerick.
Think of that.
My sister Mary was born
here first. Then Aggie.
Ah, you'd have loved Mary.
I'm sure I would.
She kept house for me for twenty
years and never got married herself.
Oh, a striking girl.
Weighed near two hundred pounds.
My, my, my.
A fine, big jolly girl with
a smile like the morning.
She dropped dead one night
listening to a joke I was telling.
You know, the one about the lady
missionary and the cannibals?
Oh, that one.
Keeled over dead.
A fine way to go.
Laughing at a funny story with a
bottle of beer in your hands. Ha-ha.
It was so.
Well Mrs Rafferty, shall we
have a bit of a game?
I was hoping you might suggest it.
I feel luck in my bones today.
Will it be one or two
Canastas to go out?
Let's play two. And pick up two cards.
And how does the count stand, as of now?
I am in debt to you to the amount of...
Twenty-four thousand
seven hundred dollars.
Well, let's see if we can make
it an even twenty-five thousand.
Oh sorry, Miss.
- Hold your breath in.
I'm not going to be able
to breathe in this thing.
You want no waist, I give you no waist.
We can let it out after the wedding
if you need the gown for a formal.
A formal?
You wouldn't want all this expense
just for one time, would you?
Is that all, Mr Meyer?
- That's all.
Where's Alice? I thought you
said she'd meet you here.
She'll be along.
You know what she said when
I told her I was getting married?
She said... 'so what else is new'.
It sounded funny the way she
said it over the telephone.
I know one thing.
I don't want to be around...
When Pa finds out this dress
alone is going to cost $120.
Hello, Alice.
Alice... look.
Oh, Jane. It's beautiful.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we
could dress up like this all the time?
I wonder how it would look on me.
You got to admit it's kind of
stylish like I always dressed.
And now Alice here will find
out what she's going to wear.
I was thinking rose might
be alright with this.
Yeah, I...
Here are the shoes we wanted.
This is Alice Scanlon.
She will be my Matron of Honor.
Well I'm sure we can find something
special for our Matron of Honor.
Come on, you'll love blue.
Come on, let's go to a floral dress.
No. Not right now.
You go ahead while I change.
Something old, something new,
something borrowed, something blue.
It's been nice shopping together.
We never did that before.
I want you to know I'm sorry we never
went shopping together before, Jane.
You know what I mean, Jane?
I mean, I'm sorry I didn't take more
interest in you when you was little.
I was always...
We had the curse of money over
us all our lives, your Pa and me.
You're spending a lot today.
It was your idea.
Remember it when he hits the ceiling.
All he has to do is to think
of how we was married.
The only reason he married me...
Was that my father, God rest his soul,
met him one day at the Union Hall.
They was both house painters, you know.
And he said: 'Hurley...'
'I'll give you $300 if you
will marry my daughter'.
And he said he would and he did.
I never heard that story, Ma.
Oh sure, sure.
Of course I'm
exaggerating a little, but...
But that's the gist of it.
He is a good man, your father.
When Terence was killed in Korea.
I think I'd have died myself.
If it hadn't been for the
steadiness in your father.
But he's a very close
man with the money.
I never knew that story
about you and Pa.
I thought you knew.
Jane, we was never very close.
It's all my fault.
No reproach to you.
But when you start getting on like me.
You start looking back at things.
Look, this is dumb.
Don't listen to a word I said. Come on.
I got a million things to do.
We found her this lovely blue organdie.
But she feels it doesn't suit her.
I'll tell you about it at lunch, Jane.
- We did want something in rose.
Who do I make the deposit to?
- I'll be right back.
You go on, girls. I'll make the deposit.
Mom. See you tonight.
I'll have dinner with Ralph.
Well, don't stay out until all hours.
Oh Jane, the deposit is
going to clean me out.
Can I have a dollar for bus fare?
- Sure.
Will that be enough?
- Yeah, sure. Thanks.
Nice to have seen you, Alice.
- Nice to have seen you.
I'll get you the dollar back tomorrow.
I don't know what Pa will do when he
finds out how much money we spent.
At this point, I don't care.
I mean. If we're to have a
big wedding, let's have one.
Two coffees please.
Before I forget. Let's
make a list of bridesmaids.
I wrote down some names last night.
First of all we've got
to have Mary Elisabeth.
You know, because she
had us as her bridesmaids.
She's a wonderful girl.
- Jane.
Jane, I don't want to
be a Matron of Honor.
What do you mean?
You've got to swear to God you'll never
tell anybody about this because I...
Alice, what's the matter?
I can't tell you how
ashamed I feel about this.
But we don't have money to spend
on blue organdie or anything.
For heaven's sake.
That dress alone costs
thirty-five dollars, Jane and...
You know... Bill is out of work.
He don't even sleep
nights now, with worry.
We haven't got one cent.
But look...
Even if I could afford the dress,
Bill has to have a tuxedo.
He doesn't have to wear a tuxedo.
If I wear the gown,
he's got to wear a tuxedo.
That costs 15 to 20 dollars to rent.
He doesn't need to wear any tuxedo.
Just a plain blue suit.
He don't have a blue suit.
Don't you remember?
I told you how embarrassed I was
he don't even have a blue suit.
Alice, the trouble with you is
you're too ashamed of these things.
So, he has to go out
and get a blue suit.
That will cost him 60 bucks. And that...
Blue organdie is 35 bucks and I...
I got have shoes to match the dress
and a bag to match the shoes.
For me, to be your Matron of Honor.
Is going to cost Bill and
me a hundred dollars.
We can't afford that.
And that's that.
Don't ever tell anybody about this.
You're broke.
What's so terrible?
Jane, I'm very sensitive about this.
You know it.
I can loan you the money for the dress.
- I don't want to talk about it.
Don't be so touchy.
Jane, you say one more word
and I get up and get out of here.
Leave me alone.
I arrived a bit early. Sort of
examining the premises, you might say.
Where's Aggie?
I thought she was coming with you.
Seen the manager yet?
He's inside his office waiting for us.
Look. Look at that.
Isn't that magnificent.
I bet it cost a mint.
I was so far downtown.
Isn't it grand?
Let's get it over with.
I got to be going soon.
Oh Jack, you should have
seen Janie and me today.
It was something.
We picked out a lace wedding dress
which goes right down to the floor.
Sounds mighty fine.
It was something.
She looked just like...
Look, if you don't mind.
I got just so much time.
We see the manager now
and get the bad news.
I was just telling Jack something.
And this dress goes out to here...
It's that kind of thing.
With orange blossoms on the top.
Mrs Hurley, I'm pleased to see you.
Mr Conlon, we've already met.
Mr Hurley.
We've come to talk about
our daughter's wedding.
Yes, I know.
I got together a few things.
Our rates and so on.
- How much will it cost?
First, I must have an idea
what you have in mind.
Also the next availability
of the ballroom.
How much will this come to?
That depends on how many people
you have for the wedding breakfast.
Now here are some pictures of
one of our buffets, by the way.
How many do you think, Tom?
Close to two hundred, I'd say.
Two hundred?
- Yes.
Where do you get two hundred?
We don't even know fifty people.
We've got to cut the list down as it is.
200 people? How do you get 200 people?
Excuse me.
Yes. Of course.
Look, Tom. There's Harry and Barney
and Joe and all that crowd.
Then there's the Dennisons.
There must be eighteen of them.
Then what about your brother, Jack?
Then there is Harry. Then Helen...
Harry won't come all the
way from West Virginia.
Oh sure he will, and the cousins.
What about them? Jane must have
some friends of her own she wants.
It could be more like a hundred
and fifty than a hundred.
I thought they were just
coming to the church.
I didn't know I was to pay
for their breakfast too.
Let's say in round numbers, a hundred
for us, and a hundred for the groom.
How much would that be?
Now, the breakfast is
five dollars apiece.
Now there are the flowers of course.
Here are some models
of our table decorations.
This is a single.
And this is a double.
This one is twenty dollars apiece.
You see, you get from us the ballroom,
the breakfast and the catering.
Now if you want hot and
cold hors d'oeuvres...
Liquor, photographers...
Limousine service...
Limousine service?
- Limousines. Great idea.
Tom, you got to drive people who've
no cars from the church to here.
Of course.
Why, it's not so far.
Twenty or thirty blocks by subway.
Excuse me.
If we're going to do this at all
we may as well do it right.
Look Aggie, there's $4,400 in the
bank that I scrimped and saved for.
Over so many years to get my own cab.
You scrimped? What about me?
- So we both did.
So I can't see throwing
away $4,400 on one meal.
I'm willing to give the
girl a fancy party.
But throwing away our life savings
on one meal. A breakfast at that.
You skimped on me all my life.
You'll not skimp on that girl.
I did the best I could for my kids.
Look Tom, we had it hard between us.
But I'll not haggle and
bicker with you now.
But this girl is going to have a wedding
she'll remember until the day she dies.
She's going to have a big,
white, satin photograph album.
That she can look at when
the bad years come.
And maybe then she'll have a kind
thought for her father and mother.
Who've never given her nothing at all.
And you're as bad as me.
But this... she is going to have.
I'll tell you that.
So we decided.
To hold the wake in the
Green Grass Grill itself.
Very funny indeed.
We were just discussing the guest list.
You want to think it over
and come back another time?
No, no. This is the place.
Fine. Now, about the floral decorations.
Don't we get sent flowers at a wedding?
Couldn't we just take the flowers
we get down here after the service?
Tom, you can't take
them out of the church.
Tom... when you put a flower
in the church, you know...
And how about the limousine service?
How many can you squeeze
into one of them limousines?
I'd say about ten, I guess.
Speaking off the top of my head.
Well then, we'll have ten limousines.
Then a hundred can ride.
- Ten?
These are the wedding cake ornaments.
How much would that be?
Well, I think we should
start at the top of this list.
Let's see now.
Six gallons of assorted cocktails
and 28 dollars a gallon.
28 bottles of champagne for
the toast at 6 dollars a bottle.
12 bottles of rye at 8 dollars a bottle.
12 bottles of Scotch
at 11 dollars a bottle.
Ten limousines.
An orchestra. Flowers.
Bridal table flowers 20 dollars.
20 dollars apiece, yes.
50 percent on the food take,
20 cents per person for the check room.
200 match books.
That would be 14 dollars.
Wedding album, 25 pictures.
That's 75 dollars.
What a day.
When she said Bill didn't
have a blue suit, well...
She started crying.
Oh, I don't know.
What do you do when your best
friend just breaks down and cries?
I don't know, honey.
We're in the same trap.
I know Bill didn't have a job.
You know how Alice felt about things.
The thing is, why didn't we think of
it before we hurt their feelings?
It's getting to be such a mess.
Why don't you fix this thing?
It sprays all over the place.
Just wait until you hear
how many people...
My folks have asked to the party
your old man is paying for.
As of this afternoon, my mother
found we were related by blood to...
To 46 people, and by marriage to 81.
On top of that there's some
40-odd close friends...
Who deserve the rare privilege
of seeing me marry you.
That's over 150 already.
Oh Janie, let's leave
Tuesday like we planned.
- Leave.
What about all the arrangements?
Cancel them. It won't kill anybody.
- Listen, Janie.
Ralph, I can't. That's all.
Ralph, I want to do
it for Ma. That's all.
What do you do to your shirts?
Losing your buttons all the time.
I was wondering today...
Listening to Ma.
If she and Pa...
Ever said they loved each other.
I don't think they ever did.
I know they never did.
It's not necessarily something you say.
It's something you do. It's...
It's the whole way you live.
That's love.
I know.
I know, but...
When things aren't said.
After a while they aren't true anymore.
I don't know.
I don't know what I believe.
You mean, I never told you
what I feel about you.
Oh yes.
But don't ever stop telling me.
If we're going to the movies,
we'd better get going. Huh?
You really want to go?
I don't know.
Do you want to go?
If you want to go.
I think we'd better go to the movies.
You're up early, Ma.
Yeah. I'm going over the
guest list and guess what?
You in trouble?
Got the list down to 94 for our side.
A saving of 30 dollars.
Tom, I saved us 30 dollars.
We're inviting 94 people
instead of the hundred.
Our 94 and the Halloran's hundred.
- What?
Ralph told me his mother
is inviting about...
A hundred and sixty people.
How many?
A hundred... a hundred and sixty?
But I told her there would be
a hundred for each of us.
I made a big thing yesterday.
A hundred and sixty?
- Ralph's mad about it too.
What's 160 times five dollars?
- Pa, don't...
I ask for a bit of information.
What's 160 times five?
Now, Tom. Ralph must be wrong.
160 times 5 on top of 3,100 dollars all
to be thrown down the drain on this...
Criminal breakfast for
serving a bunch of strangers.
Now, now Tom. Relax a minute.
I'll call Mrs Halloran.
There must be a mistake.
There's a mistake alright.
You're spending every
penny I ever put aside...
And before you're through you'll
have me up to here in debt.
Ma. Maybe we'd better
call the whole thing off?
No I won't. Anyway, we can't.
Ralph must be wrong.
Mrs Halloran?
This is Agnes Hurley.
Oh yeah, we're fine.
And how are you?
Well that's nice.
Look, I was just going
over my list and I was...
I was wondering about your list.
Oh sure, I know we won't be
inviting the same people but...
How many do you think you'll be asking?
A hundred and eighty-six?
A hundred and eighty-six.
- No, no.
No. I thought we agreed there would be
a hundred for you and a hundred for us.
Yeah well... I'll be talking to you.
Yeah. Goodbye.
[ Doorbell ]
I don't know what to say to your Pa.
Go and fix him some breakfast.
Maybe it will make him more peaceful.
Hello, Agnes.
Is Tom in?
- In the kitchen.
Hello, Tom.
Want any breakfast, Mr Leiter.
- No thank you.
Well. Here I am.
It is Sunday.
Down payment on the hack.
- Oh yeah.
I'm sorry, Sam.
I forgot it.
I got a lot on my mind.
Say that's right.
I heard you're getting married, Jane.
Many happy returns, I'm sure.
- Thank you.
Well it's a deal for
McQuade for the hack.
Give him the down payment.
We're in business.
No I can't, Sam. I'm sorry. Not now.
I... I changed my mind.
You've changed your mind?
For years we planned this.
And you change your mind.
- That's the trouble. We waited so long.
If you don't do it young, you pass
a point. You know what I mean.
No, I don't.
Your own business.
You fill out all those papers
morning, noon and night.
So maybe you make a bit more money.
You work as hard as you did before
with twice the responsibility.
No, no Sam. Not now.
Are you alright, Tom?
Anything go wrong? Any trouble?
No. There's no trouble, Sam. Just time.
There's time passing, and...
Well, you know.
I'd better be on my way.
See you around.
Yeah, see you around.
You find somebody else, huh?
Goodbye, Jane.
Goodbye, Agnes.
What did Sam want?
You two better get fixed if we're
to make 9 o'clock Mass today.
They're reading the Banns today.
- Everybody up?
There you all are.
As bright a picture as the day itself.
Getting ready for Mass.
- That's fine.
I mailed them invitations for you.
I took them personally to the mailbox.
Thanks. I'll mail the rest tomorrow.
Oh and Tom.
You'll be glad to know O'Casey and
O'Reagan are coming to the reception.
Of course Mrs Rafferty
will be there too.
Three more, huh?
- I'll pay for them.
You asked Mrs Rafferty?
I did.
- But we don't know her.
Well she don't know you,
but she'll come.
Jack, I'm sure she's nice and all...
You know she's nice?
What do you think of me
saying a thing like that?
Don't get on your high horse.
Let me tell you.
There will be no Casey or
Reagan and no Mrs Rafferty.
Look here, Tom. You always...
- Ah, shut up.
And don't go shouting at Jack.
I'll shout at whoever I want.
Fine. If that's the way you feel,
I'll not go to the wedding.
I'll not sleep another
night in this house.
Now look what you've done.
We're poor people.
A table of caviar for a bunch of people
who'd be happy enough with corned beef.
And carting them around in
limousines like they was landlords.
Tom, my head is splitting with
all this bickering and haggling.
And what about my head, Aggie? Huh?
You've always ragged me
about what a miser I am.
I've found dollars hard to come by
and I'm leery of letting them go.
And I'm sick of being put up in front of
my children as a penny-pinching miser.
Of denying them college educations.
I done the best I could.
It was never good enough for you.
Stop it!
- Never good enough.
Stop it. Both of you.
Friday we decided to have a big wedding.
And in two days my best
friend Alice hates me.
My uncle moves out.
My mother and father are breaking up.
I've lost my honeymoon.
Pa's lost his cab...
Ralph is so sore he may walk
out on the whole thing.
Let's call the whole thing off.
I know we put $50 down on the ballroom
and $50 down on the bridal gown.
50 dollars? For the love of heaven if it
is $50 down, how much will this come to?
Okay, we're calling it off.
The invitations went out this morning.
We'll have to write everybody
and say the plans changed.
Uncle Harry is coming from Virginia.
- Okay, so maybe it's embarrassing.
But it's better than having Pa go broke
and Ralph and me lose our honeymoon.
Alright, alright.
We won't have a wedding.
I understand why you wanted the
big wedding and I appreciate it.
I swear I do.
I'll call the Hallorans.
No... I'll call them.
It's my place to call them.
Well... I'll go call Halloran.
Get your clothes. It's time for Mass.
Mrs Halloran?
No consideration.
No gratitude. No loyalty.
Vanity, all the time, vanity.
- Hello there, Jack.
Hello there.
You look quite hearty, Mr Conlon.
What I've been through this last
hour has aged me a hundred years.
A jigger of rye, Jimmy.
Isn't it a bit early for you, Mr Conlon?
It's my heart. Bad palpitations brought
on by the unkindness of others.
What happened?
I'm leaving that house for good.
No consideration,
no gratitude, no loyalty.
That does sound bad.
Ah, Mrs Rafferty, today I've seen all
the blackness of the human heart.
And it had to do with your inviting me.
It had.
I appreciate it, Mr Conlon.
You know, I think that sister
of mine is losing her senses.
I was the one who planned the wedding.
I was the one who made
all the arrangements.
Interviewed the caterers. And my reward?
I asked to bring my best
friend in all the world.
And there's this ugly quarrel.
Well... it will be alright again, soon.
Yes, but I'm still moving out.
But where one earth would I go?
It just happens.
I know this place not a stone's
throw from where we're sitting.
A room?
- A small apartment.
It's a nice sized place.
Big enough for two.
For two?
I'll say no more, Mr Conlon.
Ah, for two did you say, Mrs Rafferty?
I did.
And be willing to leave your
married daughters out?
I would.
Yeah, and two can live as cheap as one.
So I've always heard, Mr Conlon.
Well, now things look very bright.
They do at that.
A jigger of rye, Jimmy.
Shall we have a game?
Yes. Let's have a game to celebrate.
Two Canastas to go out?
And pick up two cards.
It's a grand day after
all, Mrs Rafferty.
It is, Mr Conlon.
Hi Alice, Bill.
How are you, Bill?
- And you, Ralph?
Fine. Just fine, Bill.
Come now. What's so exciting you
couldn't tell me on the phone?
A job.
Bill has a job with an
insurance company.
The one I put in for last
year... it came through.
It finally came through.
So I can get the dress,
and Bill can get the suit.
And I can be your Matron of Honor
like we always wanted.
Alice, there isn't going
to be any big weddings.
What do you mean?
It was all set.
We're getting married tomorrow,
like we always planned.
I was going to call
you tonight to tell you.
Just wear what you always wear.
Gee, it's kind of a shame isn't it.
What's a shame?
Not having the big wedding and all.
Jane, your mother...?
It's okay with her?
Sure it is.
Ma is the practical one in the family.
It was her idea to call it off.
Let's dance. Okay?
- Sure.
He hasn't got a job.
No. I know.
They probably borrowed the money for
the organdie dress and the blue suit.
Jane, darling.
Your Ma will be alright.
I'll never forget the look on her face.
When I told her we weren't
having a big wedding.
I'll never forget the way she looked.
Like I'd hit her in the face.
- Shush.
I keep thinking about that house.
The two of them alone.
Living there the rest of their lives.
Never talking.
Never loving each other.
We'll never be like that.
- No, honey.
Why hello there, Tom.
Is Aggie about?
- She's in the bedroom.
Are you really moving out?
Yes, sir. Jack Conlon's word
is as good as his bond.
Jack, I...
I guess you know what you want.
I tell you I think we'd be
a little pinched for space.
With you and Aggie and
me and Mrs Conlon.
'Mrs' Conlon?
- Yes, sir.
Mrs Rafferty has finally
consented to be my wife.
Jack, that's wonderful.
Glad to hear the news.
Yes, I decided to narrow my activities
from the whole wide world...
Down to Mrs Rafferty.
I didn't think you had the nerve.
It was quite painless.
I didn't feel a thing.
- Hey, Aggie.
Jack's getting married.
What do you think of the news, Aggie?
That's very nice.
- We'll have some beer to celebrate.
Some other time. You see, we're moving
into the new apartment tonight.
This is a surprise.
Yeah. There's that element in it.
Where's the place you're moving to?
About six blocks as the crow flies.
And we'll be over often enough. And you
can come over to see us too, of course.
You know, ever since my decision
in relation to Mrs Rafferty.
I've been seeing things in what
you might call a new light.
What am I, I ask you after 61 years?
An uncle. That's all.
No children. No grandchildren.
No wife of my own.
No home where I belong. No...
This is your home.
Ah no. It's yours and Tom's.
I've just been scavenging
here for a bit of warmth...
I should have found long ago
with somebody like Mrs Rafferty.
And you know, if it
wasn't for this breakup...
I'd have gone on being just an
uncle for the rest of my days.
Look, you're not rushing into this
because of what happened?
There's not going to be any
big wedding you know.
Everything is going to
be like it was before.
Sure it is. Sure it is.
And we'll be nearby, hopping
over whenever you like.
Eating in, mostly.
Because restaurants all have fried
food that don't agree with me at all.
Look Aggie, for some peculiar reason the
world seems to be divided into pairs.
There's little Janie and her Ralph.
There's me and Mrs Rafferty.
And there's you and Tom.
You've got him. He's got you.
Yeah. That's fine, Jack.
Well Aggie my girl, I'm on my way.
I'll talk to her, Jack.
- Yeah.
See you at the church.
- Okay.
That was a dumb... thing to do.
You feel alright now?
Yes. Sure.
Has Jack gone?
- Yeah, he's gone.
Turn around.
Jane not home yet?
Aggie, what's the matter with you?
I cried, for Pete's sake.
That's all. I cried. So what?
Aggie, don't feel that...
- I don't want to talk about none of it.
Aggie, you've gone right off
your rocker over this wedding.
It's not the wedding.
You're a senseless and stupid man.
You don't care your daughter is
getting married. Not a living thing.
Alright, alright.
I just wanted to do a
little something for her.
The same tune for all these years.
And I'm sick and tired of hearing it.
That's all I ever get out of you.
The sharp edge of your tongue.
It's always me, it's always my fault.
You're the good one.
The never-failing one.
They'll be thinking of canonising you.
Hear me now, Aggie.
You're no fancy bargain.
I can tell you that.
You got your 300-dollars' worth.
Don't you ever mention the three
hundred dollars to me again.
Do you hear me?
I'm sick and tired of hearing it.
You think you had it so bad.
Well let me tell you about me.
About the times I wanted to
quit the whole business.
To pack a bag and go to Arizona
or something like that.
The times I put the hack in the garage
ready to throw the whole business.
For the love of heaven, don't you think
I want to give Jane a decent wedding?
And don't you think
it's a living shame...
That my only living daughter comes up
to me and says I want to go to college.
And I had to say to her... 'no'.
Go get a job.
We need the money.
[ Door knocks ]
I can hear you in the hall.
Go to bed. It's between mother and me.
- There's no big wedding.
It's nothing to do with the wedding.
Now go to bed and close the door.
- Go to bed.
You had your sister Mary live with us.
Then your brother Jack for twelve years.
And it was always to make them happy.
Then it was to make the kids happy.
Them it was nothing but Terence
had got to military school.
And now it's this wedding
to make the girl happy.
Well what about me?
I'm your husband. What about
something to make me happy?
Jane is getting married.
Eddie will be in the draft any day.
Your brother Jack is
marrying and moving out.
And it's just me you
got left in your old age.
It's me you got to worry about.
I tried to make you happy.
But I can't afford no big wedding.
Why can't you sympathise with
that instead of with everyone else?
[ Door knocks ]
I want to tell you how sorry I am
about the way everything has been.
About the big wedding
being called off and...
Jack moving out.
I said I was sorry.
That's alright, Jane.
I know how disappointed you were.
I just wanted to do a little
something. That was all.
Where's your Pa now?
Drinking beer.
With a mean expression on his face.
Well, let him be.
Turn out the light, Jane.
Go to sleep now.
Tomorrow is the biggest
day of your whole life.
Make it start good.
I will, Ma.
That's the whole trick.
Make it start good.
Well I'm... I'm all packed.
I heard you up at dawn, banging around.
Yeah. Couldn't sleep all night long.
I didn't sleep so good myself.
How's Pa feeling?
The way you'd think, considering he
drank up all the beer in the icebox.
He's still sleeping.
And he'd really better be getting
up soon. It's nine o'clock and...
Father Murphy starts at
ten o'clock on the dot.
Are you ready?
We take the southern or northern route?
The southern. Coming and going.
Because of the winter roads.
Yeah, yeah.
You'll be housekeeping yourself soon.
Yeah... I was thinking about that.
It's not the easiest
thing, day after day.
But you'll get used to it.
Like everything else.
I feel so jumpy.
I don't know why.
There's no reason at all.
Well I should hope... a girl on her
wedding day should be a little jumpy.
That's nothing to be ashamed of.
It's funny.
We was never alone.
Your Pa and me was never alone together
from the first day we was married.
I know, Ma.
It's a funny thing.
There was always so many people around.
I guess you'll miss them.
We never talked together.
Your Pa and me. In all that time
we never talked together once.
Why, sure you did.
I was always minding the
kids or doing the housework.
He was out driving the hack all day,
and then he'd come home and...
Eat and go to sleep.
Maybe uncle Jack will
move back in again.
Nobody is ever moving in again.
All alone.
Something new: your Pa and me together.
You aren't mad at him?
How can I be mad at what
has been my whole life?
And will be until the end.
I'm glad.
I'm going to get my bag
and put it in the hall.
I guess I'll be moving
into her room tonight.
It's going to be kinda quiet
around here for a change.
Uncle Jack and Jane both gone.
Yeah. It will be quiet.
Then, December 15th.
I'm off to Fort Dix.
Well, there's no war. That's a blessing.
Not like when Terence went.
Come on, Eddie. Do up
your coat and tie. Hurry up.
Get going.
We'd better get started, Ma.
- I'm ready. What about Pa?
You two go on. I'll wait for your Pa.
Ma, don't be late.
- Don't worry.
It's ten sharp and we can't keep Father
Murphy waiting after all he's done.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What do you think happened to him?
Ralph... Ralph.
- Just a second.
Be very happy, Jane.
Thanks, Alice.
Uncle Jack, where are they?
Are they with you?
Maybe they're not coming at all
after the fuss that was made.
Oh don't be silly, uncle Jack.
Of course they will.
This is Mrs Rafferty.
Who will soon be Mrs Conlon.
Many happy returns of the day I'm sure.
Same to you, Mrs Rafferty.
And this is... mister... Halligan?
How do you do.
How do you do.
- Look at them.
The two brides.
May and September.
Early September.
Mr Conlon.
Yes. We get married next month.
A simple ceremony.
Only 'immediate family'?
It's a good day for the wedding.
A good day.
Where's the girl?
Gone to the church.
About last night.
You were right.
About wanting to do something
about having a big affair for the girl.
No Tom, I was wrong.
I was wrong.
I pressed your suit this morning.
Jane is getting married this
morning the way she wants to.
That's all that matters.
That and you and me
being there together.
After this long time.
Together in the church.
Watching our girl get married.
Beginning this new life.
It's a long time we've been married.
Too long?
Too long a time?
To know somebody?
It's like a day, Aggie.
Come on, wash your face. We're late.
Hurry up, Tom.
Mister Leiter.
Sam, this is Aggie.
Yeah, about the taxi.
Taxi, mister?
What are you doing here?
- Taking you to church in a new cab.
Right, Agnes?