The Company of Thieves (2025) Movie Script
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
You know the way home.
Get out of here. Go!
Roughed you up pretty good,
didn't he?
Sum'bitch. Blindsided me with
the butt of my own rifle.
- How'd he get your gun?
- He gave it to him.
There were a pistol
waving in my face.
You didn't even put up a fight.
And where were you while
all this was happening?
In the saloon. Three
sheets to the wind, as usual.
Well, he was bound to
strike gold eventually.
- What do you mean?
- The thief.
This is the fourth
place he's tried
to hit from Silver Springs
to Virginia City.
He's made three
Never made off with a cent.
Must've lost his nerve
til he found it in
this fine establishment
I suppose.
If Tevis and the Associates
catch wind of this
they're gonna have us
drawn and quartered.
They ain't going to be happy.
You know who owns this place?
Sure. Same men who own
everything west of the Rockies.
Well if you know
who owns this bank,
then you know we're
as good as dead
we don't get that money back.
How much did he make off with?
Oh, about 30,000 in cash
and as much gold bullion
as he could carry.
Yeah, I'd say you boys
are in a bit of a bad box.
- No shit.
- That money's got
strings attached, Marshal.
We're not just handing out loans
to ranchers and cow pokes.
Indeed it does. Nobody
steals from the Big Four.
Then you understand
our predicament.
And what needs
to be done about it.
Who do you think sent me?
Why else would I be here?
That mean you
got a plan, Marshal?
How'd he get away?
He took outta here on horseback,
due west.
I'd wager he's headed
towards the lake.
Hiding out in them mountains
til the heat's off him.
Well let's get
after him.
We ain't got time
to wait till he
makes an appearance in town.
This is gonna take
a little finessing, Sheriff.
Some patience.
There's a lot of
mountain out there.
Gotta smoke him
outta them hills first.
Need someone who knows
the land to draw him out.
How are we gonna do that?
I don't know nothing
about tracking.
We find someone who does.
Someone who knows the territory.
What, a Washoe? You think
one of them Waddies
from the colony
still knows her way
around them wilds?
She ain't no farm hand.
A squaw?
You gon' trust a woman
to get the job done?
I'm gonna trust a seasoned
manhunter to get
the job done, yeah.
- Manhunter...
- Of sorts.
She used to work with
a manhunter I knew.
She were his tracker.
Well just what would
her bond be exactly?
I'm sure you can
scrounge something up.
I'm gonna need about $200
to get her started.
Half up front, of course.
Standard practice.
You're gonna get us all killed,
What do you think your
bosses would prefer?
Spending 400 bucks
or losing 50 grand?
Alright, go on and give it
to him then.
Give him what?
We just been robbed, idjit!
Oh, I know you've
been squirreling
something away for a rainy day.
Well, storm's-a-coming.
Let's get this show on the road.
Excuse me?
Let's get after him.
You're gonna need all the help
you can get, I imagine.
That's not necessary, Sheriff.
It's my duty.
So how are you gonna
come up with the rest of that
money, Marshal?
You leave that to me.
I'll make sure she gets what
she's owed when the job's done.
She asleep?
Who knows...
What do you want?
No need to be rude now.
We come in peace.
Got a job for you, in fact.
Not interested.
You don't even know
what it is yet.
Who's the mop?
This here's the
Sheriff of Carson City.
He doesn't know any trackers?
None as good as you, my dear.
This is a waste of time, Marshal
She ain't into it.
Pays $400.
Who am I looking for?
A thief.
Hiding out in them mountains
you know so well.
Couldn't have gotten far.
Not with what he's carrying.
What'd he take?
Don't worry about it.
Where's he headed?
Best guess? Reno.
I figure he's trying to catch
a train outta the territory.
Find him. Take him to town.
Send me a wire.
I'll take care of the rest.
All due respect,
I could give a damn
about that thief.
She needs to come back
here with that loot.
They'll find their way back
here soon enough.
Hangman's gotta
earn his keep too.
You bring him in dead or alive.
You hear me?
Don't take no chances
with that scoundrel.
Oh, he'll be alive.
That's not how she operates.
I want 500.
The hell you do!
I think we can make that happen.
So what do you say?
You could buy yourself
a dozen baskets.
You wouldn't have to
make 'em no more.
Maybe find out
where your Pa's at.
Get him out of whatever
hovel he's living in.
Do we have a deal or what?
Glad we got that settled.
Let's go find a bar.
I need a drink.
What happens if
I don't find him...
or the money?
For your old man's sake?
I'd see that you do.
Drink this.
It will help.
Come on, Pa.
Are we playing or what?
Shut up. I'm coming.
Where we at?
And that's me.
Alright get a couple of these
beans on there.
That's you.
Couple more.
Pick a different card.
That's you again.
Couple more beans.
That's me.
That ain't fair!
Life ain't fair, kid.
What are you doing?
The hell?
Why am I hog tied?
In case you tried to
escape while I slept.
Where's my pistol?
Safer with me, I think.
Who are you? What do you want?
I ain't got no money.
Get up.
We must go.
Where you taking me?
To the law.
I ain't never heard of an injun
working for the law before.
Working with.
What kind of price
they got on my head?
Wouldn't know.
I get paid what I get paid.
Why bother bringing me in alive?
Why drag a body 80 miles back
to town when it can walk?
80 miles?!
Yes. I was surprised too.
Got good and lost.
Now hurry,
we must go.
It's all there.
As I said,
I get paid what I get paid.
Thank you by the way.
You're welcome.
Now walk.
What are you doing?
Wanna look good
for the wanted poster.
We got any vittles
besides twigs and berries?
Find us some wood for a fire.
Does that mean you got
something to throw on said fire?
I'm working on it.
We're gonna be here all night.
What were you thinking?
Coming all the way out here.
Can't even feed yourself.
I would've found my
way out eventually.
You would've died
if I didn't find you.
Ah, but you did find me.
Someone must be
looking out for me.
The creator does not smile
down on people like you.
Tell that to the men
hunting me.
Everything they have...
their money, your lands,
they stole.
And this allows you
to steal from them?
When nothing is given,
you have to take it.
My father taught me that
when nothing is given
it is because you have
not earned it.
You don't think I
earned this loot?
A job is a job, miss.
And that is the difference
between working hard
and working smart.
These are empty words
disguised as wisdom.
Yeah, well.
My Pa wasn't a wise man
but he taught me that much.
What'd he do?
Drink himself to death.
But before that he was like
any other fool headed out
West to find his fortune.
Did he ever find anything?
We'd been panning
the river all day.
Panning, digging.
Panning, digging.
Til finally, he finds a spot
he likes, puts a shovel in
my hands and we gets to work.
Must have dug till
the sun about set
and my little hands
were bleeding raw.
And that's when we found it.
First nugget was the
size of a robin's egg.
Second one was
the size of my fist.
I'll never forget
the weight of it.
Anyway, we gathered it all up,
put it in a burlap sack till
it was bursting at the seams,
headed back towards camp
and about halfway there
got set upon by bandit.
Son of a bitch must have been
waiting in the trees all day
just letting us
do all the heavy lifting.
What did you do?
What good is gold
when you got a bullet in
your head?
Went home empty handed.
Memory of it ate my Pa alive
till the day he died.
Not you though.
Hmm. Sure.
How different my life
could have been.
But I learned a valuable
lesson that day.
My Pa worked himself
to the bone day in and day out.
And you know how he died?
Penniless and miserable.
That bandit barely broke a sweat
and he made out just fine.
The lazy buffalo
drinks the dirty water.
It's all the same when
you're dying of thirst.
Even the easy way has a price.
It is a law of nature.
How's that working
out for you and yours?
Playing by the rules.
It seems to me it's necessary
to break a few rules
to get ahead.
Your eyes are closed.
Running in circles,
chasing your tail
until lost and confused.
I prefer to think of it as
the pursuit of happiness.
What's the difference?
Happiness is a choice,
not a thing.
What you are really
after is borne of desire.
How do you mean?
To want is natural.
It burns within us.
But without control
it's all consuming.
We want what we want.
Come hell or high water.
A bill always comes due.
And in your case, you'll
pay with your life.
Well they should count
on that check to bounce.
We shall see.
Is this really necessary?
Get some sleep.
We have a long way to go still.
Should have left
the money behind.
Slowed you down.
It was worth a shot.
Don't tempt me.
Keep moving.
Oh, come on...
What's the damn hurry?
Ain't no fire.
We can take a break
when we get to the top.
We have much ground to cover.
Oh shit.
Just give us a sec. Will you?
I just need to catch my breath.
Give it to me.
The satchel.
I will carry it.
I may look it,
but I ain't that stupid.
We need to make it to
the valley floor by nightfall.
We cannot do this
if you do not let me help.
Not a chance in hell.
If you can even
carry the damn...
Let's go.
Let's see what
we got here.
I think this thing's broken.
What you think? Pack it in.
Head back to town.
What you think?
We ain't caught nothing yet.
We ain't gonna catch nothing.
I reckon these woods are
just about all tapped out.
We can't go back to
the company empty handed.
To hell with the company!
Listen, I am tired.
I'm cold. I haven't had
a decent meal
or felt the touch
of a woman in weeks.
But we're broke and we got
nothing to barter with neither.
Maybe we get it fixed
at the trading post.
Way I see it we need
more bait anyhow.
We ain't gonna snag
something with nothing.
Perfect catch ain't exactly
gonna fall in our laps now is it
Did you hear that?
Whoa darling,
I ain't gonna hurt you.
I just wanna make
sure you're okay.
Why don't you toss
that over here?
We ain't gonna bite ya.
Don't make any sudden moves.
See, I would listen
to my buddy over here.
He's got a real
twitchy trigger finger.
You ain't got any friends
out here do you?
What's in the bag you got there?
Must be heavy.
You must be
tired of carrying it.
Why don't you take a load off?
- God damn it!
- Damn!
Oh shit...
Stop fighting!
God damn it...
Lose the knife.
Go on!
What you got in that bag?
I would hate to mess up
that pretty face.
I'm not asking.
Gimme that!
What you got in here?
What do we got?
Holy shit.
- Oh yeah.
- Holy shit.
You got some
secrets, huh?
Well I am gonna take this
with me and we are
gonna get rich.
What do you want
do with her now?
She gotta be worth
something in town.
We're taking her with us.
Oh no you don't!
Behave yourself!
- Come here!
Stop fighting!
She gon' get up
on you, boy!
Can it!
You gotta behave now.
Just behave. Behave!
Oh no you don't. Come here.
Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
Alright Missy. Alright.
Whoa. Take it easy.
You, you can keep the money.
You wanna listen to your man.
C'mon. Before they come to...
Guess we're even now.
Yeah...I can't often pay my
debt so don't get used to it.
It was brave.
I suppose one must be brave
to risk robbing a bank.
Brave or stupid...
I'd wager the two
aren't mutually exclusive.
Why aren't the
two mutually exclusive? Mmm.
Why take the risk?
Must have known they'd
come looking for you.
What were you
planning to do?
Head to Reno,
get on a train, go as far east
as I could and...
then hoof it New York City.
What's waiting for you
out there?
Fresh start.
Take this money here.
Turn it into more.
settle down...start a family.
Could do that anywhere.
Surely you want more than that.
Shit yeah.
What man just wants to fade away
when it's all said and done?
That is inevitable.
What about you?
You ain't out here chaperoning
me for free. Is ya?
I work only for what I need.
Oh, come on.
What is it that you need?
To be free.
And the only way you
can do that is
by hauling wanted men
cross country?
If you're good at something...
How did you get so good at it?
I used to work with a
manhunter for many years.
I learned to track
from my father.
But this man really
helped me understand the
mind of an outlaw.
How they think,
how they act.
He was a criminal
Takes one to know one.
Hell, aren't we all
I mean, how bad
could he have been.
Used to do terrible
things to get what he wanted.
Like what?
Killed a law man in
a bar fight
outside Kansas City.
Went on the run.
You stuck with him after that?
Not for long.
We had an arrangement.
A deal I couldn't
walk away from.
You ain't got no idea
where he went?
Last I heard he'd made
his way back out west.
Hell, maybe you'll
be the one to bring him in.
Why don't you find
someone else to team up with?
I've been doing fine on my own.
Lone wolf, huh?
Yeah, I used to think of
myself as a lone wolf too.
You know what they say about
lone wolves though, don't you?
What they say?
They're a lot easier to kill.
I got a proposal for ya.
Let's team up.
You take me as far as Reno,
teach me a thing or two
along the way.
Gimme safe passage there and...
I'll split everything
with ya 50-50.
That would make
me your accomplice.
My partner.
Equal partners.
And what happens
if we get caught?
If I bring you in my payment's
a sure thing.
You talking about what,
a couple hundred dollars?
I'm offering you thousands.
How do I know I can trust you?
I'm not like you.
I don't like taking risks.
Fortune favors the bold.
I teach you to survive
in the wild.
Take you as far as Reno
and that's it, yes?
We part ways,
you will disappear?
Like darkness at dawn.
You'll be needing this.
What's that in the
distance, are those buildings?
We must be getting close.
It's a damn mirage.
Your mind playing tricks on you,
we're just outside city limits.
It's a good 30 miles to Reno.
This infernal Sun's
frying my brain.
I don't think you needed
any help from the sun.
- What's that?
- I said you could head back
to town where you're needed.
And let you take all the glory?
I'll put it in a
good word for you.
It's my town he stole
from, Marshal.
What kind of Sheriff would I be
if I ain't had a hand
in catching him?
Nice to see you got a
sense of civic duty about you
after all.
Mark my words.
I won't rest 'til
that no good bandit hangs
and that money's sitting
pretty back in its vault.
I'm sure your employers will
be thrilled to hear about it.
Shoot, we catch this man
quick enough
they're bound to make
me Deputy Marshal.
Catching this guy's
not gonna be as easy
as you think, Sheriff.
Never underestimate
a desperate man.
Come on, now.
Let's give these horses a rest.
So how'd you come into
the employ of old man Crocker?
Or was it Tevis
that brought you along?
Does it matter?
Didn't think they had the Fed
at their beck and call, is all.
We all work for men
like Crocker and Tevis.
Even the folks up
on Capitol Hill.
Can't argue with that,
bet they pay you
handsomely though.
I don't care half so much
about making money
as I do about making
my point and getting out ahea.
What is your point exactly?
That it ain't about the money.
Of course it is.
We ain't traveling all this way
'cause he stole some cow.
Men like Crocker
and Tevis.
Carnegie. Vanderbilt.
What do they all have in common?
Well, they're all
filthy rich for one.
but more importantly,
they're big picture guys.
Money like that is wasted
on the average Joe.
What do you mean?
If you had that money,
what would you do with it?
Probably piss it away
on drink and brothels.
Well, what would you do with it?
These men ain't in
the banking business
or the railroad business
or the business of making
money for that matter.
They're in the business
of amassing power,
of having control.
You think they care about
$50,000. They're millionaires!
It's what the money
That's what matters.
So we're chasing this guy
halfway across the territory
because he stole their power?
A little piece of the pie.
But even that piece
makes him dangerous.
And what happens
when someone tries
to take a man's power away
from him?
I don't know, what happens?
He does everything in his
power to stop it from happening.
Never had a partner before.
But I think we make
a pretty good team.
Like the wolf and the raven.
The wolf and the raven.
That's an odd pairing, isn't it?
Wherever the wolf hunts,
the raven's never far behind.
When danger is close,
the wolf listens
to the raven's call.
Seems a little transactional.
It is a balance that
the creator provides.
Like all life
they depend on each other.
Sometimes just for the pleasure
of each other's company.
What? Like friends.
You can say that.
I like that.
Which one am I though?
That remains to be seen.
Well, well what do we have here?
What are you doing?
It's getting dark.
I don't know. I don't remember.
I was, I was, oh yeah,
I found, I found these.
How much of these did you eat?
About a dozen or so.
This will be an
interesting night for you.
You can be cruel or you can
be stupid child, but not both.
What would possess you
to do something like that?
Were they harassing you?
- I was angry.
- Angry? About what?
Headmaster came by the other
day, threatening to suspend you.
Ain't my fault, Ma.
They, they started it.
I don't care that you
were fighting son.
Only that you lost.
How'd it start?
They were making fun of me.
You know you can't keep
up with those other boys.
I just want 'em to like me.
If you can't be loved, be feared
I, I don't understand.
What am I supposed to do?
A man's strength isn't in
putting down those
weaker than him.
It comes from bending
the world to his will.
And you are only as strong as
your will allows you to be.
You want people to respect you?
You better make them.
What can I get you, Marshal?
Can I suggest something
Coffee will be fine.
You're a teetotaler?
I don't drink when
I'm on the job.
What business you got in Reno?
Nothing that concerns you.
Beg your pardon, I didn't
mean nothing by it.
Let's just call it a
matter of deliverance.
You a religious man?
When it suits me.
More than I can say for most,
this land is godless.
What are you
talking about?
This here's the promised land.
Promised land?
This country's going
to hell in a hand basket.
Why do you say that?
All we manifest is sin.
There's no destiny
to be found out here.
Then why are you here, friend?
Man's gotta make
a living somehow.
You know, they say
the greatest sin
of all is a man not
realizing his potential.
Man also has the
potential for great evil.
If there is a God,
he'll forgive us.
We only did what
was in our nature.
Our nature?
Imago dei, friend.
We are as he made us.
Well, looks like our time
together's finally run out.
You seem nervous.
Believe it or not,
I was starting
to enjoy our time
in the woods together.
the real world awaits.
I've been thinking
there may be a better way.
What do you mean?
How do you they're not waiting
for you at the station?
They must be
expecting it.
What other choice I got?
Getting a train outta here
is the best
chance I have to escape.
There may be a better way.
Well, what are you suggesting?
Keep moving forward.
Make your way to Lovelock.
Catch a train there.
Lovelock? That's over a hundred
miles from here
over open desert.
I'd never make it on foot.
Hire someone to take you.
A stage coach.
That sounds risky.
And I haven't
been through Reno in a while.
I wouldn't even know...
where to begin to find
someone like that.
I know someone.
I will come with you.
Now, why would you want to go
and do a thing like that?
After everything
we've been through...
I feel responsible for you. big softy.
And I thought you didn't
like to take risks.
So what's the plan?
We can't just go waltzing
through town with all this loot.
Hide it.
Take only what
we need to barter with.
Come back for the rest.
Right, right.
Let me see your knife.
All right.
Lead the way.
Just let me do the talking.
Howdy, barkeep.
We need a room.
One bed or two?
Anything else?
I'll take a whiskey.
Oh yeah.
Well, what we got here?
That's not what
we came here to do.
Oh, come on. Just one game.
If you must.
I will
send word to the driver.
Much obliged.
Alright gentlemen,
place your bets.
Y'all mind if I join you?
You got money?
Take a seat.
Thank you.
Place your bets.
Five is a soda.
Gria di. And where do
you come from now?
Here and there.
Just spent some time
in the mountains south of here.
First turn, five is a
soda. 10 loses, king wins.
Winner on the king, place
your bets. Next turn.
- Alright!
- What were you doing
out there? Trapping?
You know, just getting in
touch with the land.
The hell you'd wanna
go do a thing like that for?
Oh, it ain't that bad.
You can find most
anything you need,
if you know where to look.
Sounds like you've been spending
too much time with her kind.
She with you?
- Yeah. She's my tracker.
- Yeah...
I didn't know they let
savages in here.
Say, did you hear about
Jesse James?
- What about him?
- Well, he's dead.
Murdered in his own living room.
- By who?
- One of his own I heard.
There's a special
circle of hell reserved
for traitors like Robert Ford.
Better hang for what he done.
The Governor gave him
and his brother a full pardon.
Well I heard
old Bob cut a deal with Crittend
Said he d cut the Ford
brothers in on the bounty if n
they could bring Jesse in,
dead or alive.
Now he
knew those boys were gonna
come gun Jesse down.
He was hoping for it,
as it were.
Rumor is the governor went
to the railroad company
after the state turned him down.
Seems they didn't take very
kindly to the James gang robbing
that train out in Iowa.
Next turn, tres the loser.
Ace is the winner, winner on the
Place your bets.
What do you want?
I need to send a message.
Silver dollar.
Know it?
Sure enough
There's a US Marshal
waiting there.
Tell him where he can find us.
If that's not the
most two-faced
cowardly thing I ever seen.
After everything that Jesse
James done for the cause.
Man deserved better than that.
I have to admit, I used
to read about him in the papers
when I was a boy.
Damn shame, betrayed
by those closest to him.
They was supposed to
be like kin.
He would've gotten
away with it forever
if he hadn't let himself
get so famous.
He had half of Missouri covering
for him.
As well as they should!
Man is more than a bandit.
He's a damn hero!
The way that he stuck it to them
Blue Bellies, letting them know
that we're still here
and we're still fighting!
Ace is a loser.
Eight is the winner
Winner on the eight.
Place your bets, next turn.
Should've hung up his
revolver after that mess
he made in Northfield.
It was only a matter of time.
What happened in
Robbery went south.
It was a bloodbath.
Jesse and his brother were
the only two that got out.
Next turn, ace loses.
King wins.
Loser on the ace.
Well, I suppose eventually
everybody's luck runs out.
Hold on there, boy!
You wouldn't be trying to take
for fools now, would you?
How so?
You sure that that's the card
you put them chips on?
You calling me a cheater?
You can tell a lot about a man
by the type of company he keeps.
We're good.
I don't want no trouble.
Besides, like he said. You
gotta know when to get out.
For a wanted man
you draw a lot of attention.
I walked away, didn't I?
Barkeep, can we get two shots?
You know, why don't you just
leave the bottle partner?
Yes, sir.
He was right.
You were cheating.
You could tell?
I know my way around a table.
Cheating, strategy.
It's all the same really.
No, we should keep a clear mind.
Oh, come on.
Live a little.
We have cause to celebrate.
We're not out of the woods yet.
True. We don't know
what tomorrow brings.
All the more reason
to live for today.
Maybe just one...
I guess this is it, huh?
Not quite.
I'l ride with you
in the morning, yes?
To get my share of the money?
Right. Right. Of course.
But after that,
that's all she wrote...
our little adventure's come
to the end of the line.
Suppose it has.
It's been a pretty
good adventure.
Would you ever come
visit me in New York?
Maybe, one day.
I'd like that.
We should turn in,
early day tomorrow.
Your pistol.
Give it to me.
I'll keep watch
for a while.
In case our friends
from downstairs
decide to pay us a visit.
Who the hell are you?
I'm your reckoning, son.
How'd you find me?
Why don't you ask your
friend over here?
You turned me in?
After everything we've
been through?
So self-righteous.
Where were you off to
in the middle of the night,
I wonder.
Don't act so surprised.
I'm not.
Just disappointed.
At least I ain't no snitch.
Can't believe you turned
me into Johnny Law over here
what have they ever
done for you?
Oh, now she bet on the
right horse in this race.
She's not gonna get exactly
everything she paid for.
Chalk that up to
buyer's remorse.
We had a deal!
If you actually think
your old man is
still alive, you're dumber
than he was.
Besides, ain't I been a
good enough surrogate to you?
It's you.
The Manhunter
she's always talking about.
You kidnapped me!
You stole me from my home!
Oh please.
I clothed you. I fed you.
I taught you
everything you know.
I gave you a purpose.
What good would you be
to anyone if it weren't for me?
You were lying to me
the whole time?
You're one to talk...
You should have told me,
I could've helped you!
Alright! Alright!
Enough chitchat.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda.
It is what it is.
Let's live in present, shall we?
Where is it?
Where's what?
I'm not gonna ask again. Huh?
I lost it!
I gambled it all away!
I only need one of you
to lead me to it!
It's buried.
In the woods.
Outside of town.
Show me.
You should have just
done like I asked,
saved me this headache.
Should have offered me more
than 500 for this job.
You could have asked for a 1000.
Hell, 10,000 even.
Not like I was gonna
give it to you anyway.
Ever since you turned tail
in Kansas City,
I got the feeling
that this little relationship
had run its course.
So what, you were just gonna
kill her once you had the money?
Gotta tie up those loose ends.
Man of my stature,
can't have dirty
laundry lying about.
How'd a cruel bastard
like you become a US marshal?
You ever play cops
and robbers as a kid?
Well, we called it
Cowboys and Indians.
Well, we'd take turns playing
one or the other.
Sometimes you're the cop.
Others, the robber.
The only real difference
is who was chasing who.
Real life ain't
all that different.
Just gotta look the part.
You stole it. How in the hell...
You stole it. How in the hell...
Oh...Kansas City.
You're a diabolical
son of a bitch.
You're a gambling man,
ain't you?
Don't you know the
house always wins?
When the late Marshall
of Kansas City got to town
no one knew him.
So I took his badge.
I took his name,
and I became the house.
This is it.
You know the Lord works
in mysterious ways.
I was out here looking for
her when I heard about you.
Gotta say I was impressed,
grateful even.
So thank you for the opportunity
with which you presented me.
What opportunity?
Do you even know who
you stole from?
When the associates find
out what I've done for them,
it's gonna open up
a whole world of
Yeah. Like what?
Hear they're looking for
a new mayor over in Durango.
You're outta you're
Who would vote for you?
Like most things in
life, votes can be bought.
They ain't gonna
let you keep this money.
They ain't gonna know about it.
They ain't gonna care.
All they're gonna care about
is his head
finding its way to a noose.
You're inhuman!
You're right.
I'm so much more.
You're right.
I'm so much more.
I'm the American dream
Life. Liberty...
And the pursuit of happiness.
- Easy!
- On your knees!
So what are you gonna do now?
You ain't gonna shoot me.
We both know you
ain't got it in you.
You need me!
For what?
Your father.
He's alive.
I can take you to him.
If my father was still alive
he would've found me
a long time ago.
If you knew he was dead
then why'd you
stick around so long?
It's true.
I could have left,
many times.
And you never would've been able
to find me.
But what good would
that do for me?
No money,
no family,
nowhere to go.
You're right about one thing.
You did give me a purpose.
I'm proud of you.
I taught you well.
You taught me many things,
- But I already knew how to hunt
- No...
What happened to taking
only what you need?
I'd say I've earned it.
that's what we'd all like
to think, ain't it?
Why didn't you just
take it from me
when you found me in the woods?
Why'd you go to
all this trouble?
...He was too dangerous to live.
You were using me
the whole time.
And you were using me.
The wolf and the raven.
But you're leaving
me with nothing.
If you count your life
as worth nothing.
Shouldn't have tried to
leave last night.
This could have ended
differently for you.
Well, if I'd been made aware
of your master plan here...
I could say the same
thing for you.
It's all part of the game.
I don't think we were ever
playing the same game.
We definitely didn't start out
with the same odds.
You of all people should know.
You don't play the odds.
You play your opponent.
What's that?
A consolation prize?
For your trip to New York.
Why go all that way to
drown my sorrows.
When there's plenty of bars
around here?
If that is what you wish.
But fortune does favor the bold.
Good luck.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
You know the way home.
Get out of here. Go!
Roughed you up pretty good,
didn't he?
Sum'bitch. Blindsided me with
the butt of my own rifle.
- How'd he get your gun?
- He gave it to him.
There were a pistol
waving in my face.
You didn't even put up a fight.
And where were you while
all this was happening?
In the saloon. Three
sheets to the wind, as usual.
Well, he was bound to
strike gold eventually.
- What do you mean?
- The thief.
This is the fourth
place he's tried
to hit from Silver Springs
to Virginia City.
He's made three
Never made off with a cent.
Must've lost his nerve
til he found it in
this fine establishment
I suppose.
If Tevis and the Associates
catch wind of this
they're gonna have us
drawn and quartered.
They ain't going to be happy.
You know who owns this place?
Sure. Same men who own
everything west of the Rockies.
Well if you know
who owns this bank,
then you know we're
as good as dead
we don't get that money back.
How much did he make off with?
Oh, about 30,000 in cash
and as much gold bullion
as he could carry.
Yeah, I'd say you boys
are in a bit of a bad box.
- No shit.
- That money's got
strings attached, Marshal.
We're not just handing out loans
to ranchers and cow pokes.
Indeed it does. Nobody
steals from the Big Four.
Then you understand
our predicament.
And what needs
to be done about it.
Who do you think sent me?
Why else would I be here?
That mean you
got a plan, Marshal?
How'd he get away?
He took outta here on horseback,
due west.
I'd wager he's headed
towards the lake.
Hiding out in them mountains
til the heat's off him.
Well let's get
after him.
We ain't got time
to wait till he
makes an appearance in town.
This is gonna take
a little finessing, Sheriff.
Some patience.
There's a lot of
mountain out there.
Gotta smoke him
outta them hills first.
Need someone who knows
the land to draw him out.
How are we gonna do that?
I don't know nothing
about tracking.
We find someone who does.
Someone who knows the territory.
What, a Washoe? You think
one of them Waddies
from the colony
still knows her way
around them wilds?
She ain't no farm hand.
A squaw?
You gon' trust a woman
to get the job done?
I'm gonna trust a seasoned
manhunter to get
the job done, yeah.
- Manhunter...
- Of sorts.
She used to work with
a manhunter I knew.
She were his tracker.
Well just what would
her bond be exactly?
I'm sure you can
scrounge something up.
I'm gonna need about $200
to get her started.
Half up front, of course.
Standard practice.
You're gonna get us all killed,
What do you think your
bosses would prefer?
Spending 400 bucks
or losing 50 grand?
Alright, go on and give it
to him then.
Give him what?
We just been robbed, idjit!
Oh, I know you've
been squirreling
something away for a rainy day.
Well, storm's-a-coming.
Let's get this show on the road.
Excuse me?
Let's get after him.
You're gonna need all the help
you can get, I imagine.
That's not necessary, Sheriff.
It's my duty.
So how are you gonna
come up with the rest of that
money, Marshal?
You leave that to me.
I'll make sure she gets what
she's owed when the job's done.
She asleep?
Who knows...
What do you want?
No need to be rude now.
We come in peace.
Got a job for you, in fact.
Not interested.
You don't even know
what it is yet.
Who's the mop?
This here's the
Sheriff of Carson City.
He doesn't know any trackers?
None as good as you, my dear.
This is a waste of time, Marshal
She ain't into it.
Pays $400.
Who am I looking for?
A thief.
Hiding out in them mountains
you know so well.
Couldn't have gotten far.
Not with what he's carrying.
What'd he take?
Don't worry about it.
Where's he headed?
Best guess? Reno.
I figure he's trying to catch
a train outta the territory.
Find him. Take him to town.
Send me a wire.
I'll take care of the rest.
All due respect,
I could give a damn
about that thief.
She needs to come back
here with that loot.
They'll find their way back
here soon enough.
Hangman's gotta
earn his keep too.
You bring him in dead or alive.
You hear me?
Don't take no chances
with that scoundrel.
Oh, he'll be alive.
That's not how she operates.
I want 500.
The hell you do!
I think we can make that happen.
So what do you say?
You could buy yourself
a dozen baskets.
You wouldn't have to
make 'em no more.
Maybe find out
where your Pa's at.
Get him out of whatever
hovel he's living in.
Do we have a deal or what?
Glad we got that settled.
Let's go find a bar.
I need a drink.
What happens if
I don't find him...
or the money?
For your old man's sake?
I'd see that you do.
Drink this.
It will help.
Come on, Pa.
Are we playing or what?
Shut up. I'm coming.
Where we at?
And that's me.
Alright get a couple of these
beans on there.
That's you.
Couple more.
Pick a different card.
That's you again.
Couple more beans.
That's me.
That ain't fair!
Life ain't fair, kid.
What are you doing?
The hell?
Why am I hog tied?
In case you tried to
escape while I slept.
Where's my pistol?
Safer with me, I think.
Who are you? What do you want?
I ain't got no money.
Get up.
We must go.
Where you taking me?
To the law.
I ain't never heard of an injun
working for the law before.
Working with.
What kind of price
they got on my head?
Wouldn't know.
I get paid what I get paid.
Why bother bringing me in alive?
Why drag a body 80 miles back
to town when it can walk?
80 miles?!
Yes. I was surprised too.
Got good and lost.
Now hurry,
we must go.
It's all there.
As I said,
I get paid what I get paid.
Thank you by the way.
You're welcome.
Now walk.
What are you doing?
Wanna look good
for the wanted poster.
We got any vittles
besides twigs and berries?
Find us some wood for a fire.
Does that mean you got
something to throw on said fire?
I'm working on it.
We're gonna be here all night.
What were you thinking?
Coming all the way out here.
Can't even feed yourself.
I would've found my
way out eventually.
You would've died
if I didn't find you.
Ah, but you did find me.
Someone must be
looking out for me.
The creator does not smile
down on people like you.
Tell that to the men
hunting me.
Everything they have...
their money, your lands,
they stole.
And this allows you
to steal from them?
When nothing is given,
you have to take it.
My father taught me that
when nothing is given
it is because you have
not earned it.
You don't think I
earned this loot?
A job is a job, miss.
And that is the difference
between working hard
and working smart.
These are empty words
disguised as wisdom.
Yeah, well.
My Pa wasn't a wise man
but he taught me that much.
What'd he do?
Drink himself to death.
But before that he was like
any other fool headed out
West to find his fortune.
Did he ever find anything?
We'd been panning
the river all day.
Panning, digging.
Panning, digging.
Til finally, he finds a spot
he likes, puts a shovel in
my hands and we gets to work.
Must have dug till
the sun about set
and my little hands
were bleeding raw.
And that's when we found it.
First nugget was the
size of a robin's egg.
Second one was
the size of my fist.
I'll never forget
the weight of it.
Anyway, we gathered it all up,
put it in a burlap sack till
it was bursting at the seams,
headed back towards camp
and about halfway there
got set upon by bandit.
Son of a bitch must have been
waiting in the trees all day
just letting us
do all the heavy lifting.
What did you do?
What good is gold
when you got a bullet in
your head?
Went home empty handed.
Memory of it ate my Pa alive
till the day he died.
Not you though.
Hmm. Sure.
How different my life
could have been.
But I learned a valuable
lesson that day.
My Pa worked himself
to the bone day in and day out.
And you know how he died?
Penniless and miserable.
That bandit barely broke a sweat
and he made out just fine.
The lazy buffalo
drinks the dirty water.
It's all the same when
you're dying of thirst.
Even the easy way has a price.
It is a law of nature.
How's that working
out for you and yours?
Playing by the rules.
It seems to me it's necessary
to break a few rules
to get ahead.
Your eyes are closed.
Running in circles,
chasing your tail
until lost and confused.
I prefer to think of it as
the pursuit of happiness.
What's the difference?
Happiness is a choice,
not a thing.
What you are really
after is borne of desire.
How do you mean?
To want is natural.
It burns within us.
But without control
it's all consuming.
We want what we want.
Come hell or high water.
A bill always comes due.
And in your case, you'll
pay with your life.
Well they should count
on that check to bounce.
We shall see.
Is this really necessary?
Get some sleep.
We have a long way to go still.
Should have left
the money behind.
Slowed you down.
It was worth a shot.
Don't tempt me.
Keep moving.
Oh, come on...
What's the damn hurry?
Ain't no fire.
We can take a break
when we get to the top.
We have much ground to cover.
Oh shit.
Just give us a sec. Will you?
I just need to catch my breath.
Give it to me.
The satchel.
I will carry it.
I may look it,
but I ain't that stupid.
We need to make it to
the valley floor by nightfall.
We cannot do this
if you do not let me help.
Not a chance in hell.
If you can even
carry the damn...
Let's go.
Let's see what
we got here.
I think this thing's broken.
What you think? Pack it in.
Head back to town.
What you think?
We ain't caught nothing yet.
We ain't gonna catch nothing.
I reckon these woods are
just about all tapped out.
We can't go back to
the company empty handed.
To hell with the company!
Listen, I am tired.
I'm cold. I haven't had
a decent meal
or felt the touch
of a woman in weeks.
But we're broke and we got
nothing to barter with neither.
Maybe we get it fixed
at the trading post.
Way I see it we need
more bait anyhow.
We ain't gonna snag
something with nothing.
Perfect catch ain't exactly
gonna fall in our laps now is it
Did you hear that?
Whoa darling,
I ain't gonna hurt you.
I just wanna make
sure you're okay.
Why don't you toss
that over here?
We ain't gonna bite ya.
Don't make any sudden moves.
See, I would listen
to my buddy over here.
He's got a real
twitchy trigger finger.
You ain't got any friends
out here do you?
What's in the bag you got there?
Must be heavy.
You must be
tired of carrying it.
Why don't you take a load off?
- God damn it!
- Damn!
Oh shit...
Stop fighting!
God damn it...
Lose the knife.
Go on!
What you got in that bag?
I would hate to mess up
that pretty face.
I'm not asking.
Gimme that!
What you got in here?
What do we got?
Holy shit.
- Oh yeah.
- Holy shit.
You got some
secrets, huh?
Well I am gonna take this
with me and we are
gonna get rich.
What do you want
do with her now?
She gotta be worth
something in town.
We're taking her with us.
Oh no you don't!
Behave yourself!
- Come here!
Stop fighting!
She gon' get up
on you, boy!
Can it!
You gotta behave now.
Just behave. Behave!
Oh no you don't. Come here.
Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
Alright Missy. Alright.
Whoa. Take it easy.
You, you can keep the money.
You wanna listen to your man.
C'mon. Before they come to...
Guess we're even now.
Yeah...I can't often pay my
debt so don't get used to it.
It was brave.
I suppose one must be brave
to risk robbing a bank.
Brave or stupid...
I'd wager the two
aren't mutually exclusive.
Why aren't the
two mutually exclusive? Mmm.
Why take the risk?
Must have known they'd
come looking for you.
What were you
planning to do?
Head to Reno,
get on a train, go as far east
as I could and...
then hoof it New York City.
What's waiting for you
out there?
Fresh start.
Take this money here.
Turn it into more.
settle down...start a family.
Could do that anywhere.
Surely you want more than that.
Shit yeah.
What man just wants to fade away
when it's all said and done?
That is inevitable.
What about you?
You ain't out here chaperoning
me for free. Is ya?
I work only for what I need.
Oh, come on.
What is it that you need?
To be free.
And the only way you
can do that is
by hauling wanted men
cross country?
If you're good at something...
How did you get so good at it?
I used to work with a
manhunter for many years.
I learned to track
from my father.
But this man really
helped me understand the
mind of an outlaw.
How they think,
how they act.
He was a criminal
Takes one to know one.
Hell, aren't we all
I mean, how bad
could he have been.
Used to do terrible
things to get what he wanted.
Like what?
Killed a law man in
a bar fight
outside Kansas City.
Went on the run.
You stuck with him after that?
Not for long.
We had an arrangement.
A deal I couldn't
walk away from.
You ain't got no idea
where he went?
Last I heard he'd made
his way back out west.
Hell, maybe you'll
be the one to bring him in.
Why don't you find
someone else to team up with?
I've been doing fine on my own.
Lone wolf, huh?
Yeah, I used to think of
myself as a lone wolf too.
You know what they say about
lone wolves though, don't you?
What they say?
They're a lot easier to kill.
I got a proposal for ya.
Let's team up.
You take me as far as Reno,
teach me a thing or two
along the way.
Gimme safe passage there and...
I'll split everything
with ya 50-50.
That would make
me your accomplice.
My partner.
Equal partners.
And what happens
if we get caught?
If I bring you in my payment's
a sure thing.
You talking about what,
a couple hundred dollars?
I'm offering you thousands.
How do I know I can trust you?
I'm not like you.
I don't like taking risks.
Fortune favors the bold.
I teach you to survive
in the wild.
Take you as far as Reno
and that's it, yes?
We part ways,
you will disappear?
Like darkness at dawn.
You'll be needing this.
What's that in the
distance, are those buildings?
We must be getting close.
It's a damn mirage.
Your mind playing tricks on you,
we're just outside city limits.
It's a good 30 miles to Reno.
This infernal Sun's
frying my brain.
I don't think you needed
any help from the sun.
- What's that?
- I said you could head back
to town where you're needed.
And let you take all the glory?
I'll put it in a
good word for you.
It's my town he stole
from, Marshal.
What kind of Sheriff would I be
if I ain't had a hand
in catching him?
Nice to see you got a
sense of civic duty about you
after all.
Mark my words.
I won't rest 'til
that no good bandit hangs
and that money's sitting
pretty back in its vault.
I'm sure your employers will
be thrilled to hear about it.
Shoot, we catch this man
quick enough
they're bound to make
me Deputy Marshal.
Catching this guy's
not gonna be as easy
as you think, Sheriff.
Never underestimate
a desperate man.
Come on, now.
Let's give these horses a rest.
So how'd you come into
the employ of old man Crocker?
Or was it Tevis
that brought you along?
Does it matter?
Didn't think they had the Fed
at their beck and call, is all.
We all work for men
like Crocker and Tevis.
Even the folks up
on Capitol Hill.
Can't argue with that,
bet they pay you
handsomely though.
I don't care half so much
about making money
as I do about making
my point and getting out ahea.
What is your point exactly?
That it ain't about the money.
Of course it is.
We ain't traveling all this way
'cause he stole some cow.
Men like Crocker
and Tevis.
Carnegie. Vanderbilt.
What do they all have in common?
Well, they're all
filthy rich for one.
but more importantly,
they're big picture guys.
Money like that is wasted
on the average Joe.
What do you mean?
If you had that money,
what would you do with it?
Probably piss it away
on drink and brothels.
Well, what would you do with it?
These men ain't in
the banking business
or the railroad business
or the business of making
money for that matter.
They're in the business
of amassing power,
of having control.
You think they care about
$50,000. They're millionaires!
It's what the money
That's what matters.
So we're chasing this guy
halfway across the territory
because he stole their power?
A little piece of the pie.
But even that piece
makes him dangerous.
And what happens
when someone tries
to take a man's power away
from him?
I don't know, what happens?
He does everything in his
power to stop it from happening.
Never had a partner before.
But I think we make
a pretty good team.
Like the wolf and the raven.
The wolf and the raven.
That's an odd pairing, isn't it?
Wherever the wolf hunts,
the raven's never far behind.
When danger is close,
the wolf listens
to the raven's call.
Seems a little transactional.
It is a balance that
the creator provides.
Like all life
they depend on each other.
Sometimes just for the pleasure
of each other's company.
What? Like friends.
You can say that.
I like that.
Which one am I though?
That remains to be seen.
Well, well what do we have here?
What are you doing?
It's getting dark.
I don't know. I don't remember.
I was, I was, oh yeah,
I found, I found these.
How much of these did you eat?
About a dozen or so.
This will be an
interesting night for you.
You can be cruel or you can
be stupid child, but not both.
What would possess you
to do something like that?
Were they harassing you?
- I was angry.
- Angry? About what?
Headmaster came by the other
day, threatening to suspend you.
Ain't my fault, Ma.
They, they started it.
I don't care that you
were fighting son.
Only that you lost.
How'd it start?
They were making fun of me.
You know you can't keep
up with those other boys.
I just want 'em to like me.
If you can't be loved, be feared
I, I don't understand.
What am I supposed to do?
A man's strength isn't in
putting down those
weaker than him.
It comes from bending
the world to his will.
And you are only as strong as
your will allows you to be.
You want people to respect you?
You better make them.
What can I get you, Marshal?
Can I suggest something
Coffee will be fine.
You're a teetotaler?
I don't drink when
I'm on the job.
What business you got in Reno?
Nothing that concerns you.
Beg your pardon, I didn't
mean nothing by it.
Let's just call it a
matter of deliverance.
You a religious man?
When it suits me.
More than I can say for most,
this land is godless.
What are you
talking about?
This here's the promised land.
Promised land?
This country's going
to hell in a hand basket.
Why do you say that?
All we manifest is sin.
There's no destiny
to be found out here.
Then why are you here, friend?
Man's gotta make
a living somehow.
You know, they say
the greatest sin
of all is a man not
realizing his potential.
Man also has the
potential for great evil.
If there is a God,
he'll forgive us.
We only did what
was in our nature.
Our nature?
Imago dei, friend.
We are as he made us.
Well, looks like our time
together's finally run out.
You seem nervous.
Believe it or not,
I was starting
to enjoy our time
in the woods together.
the real world awaits.
I've been thinking
there may be a better way.
What do you mean?
How do you they're not waiting
for you at the station?
They must be
expecting it.
What other choice I got?
Getting a train outta here
is the best
chance I have to escape.
There may be a better way.
Well, what are you suggesting?
Keep moving forward.
Make your way to Lovelock.
Catch a train there.
Lovelock? That's over a hundred
miles from here
over open desert.
I'd never make it on foot.
Hire someone to take you.
A stage coach.
That sounds risky.
And I haven't
been through Reno in a while.
I wouldn't even know...
where to begin to find
someone like that.
I know someone.
I will come with you.
Now, why would you want to go
and do a thing like that?
After everything
we've been through...
I feel responsible for you. big softy.
And I thought you didn't
like to take risks.
So what's the plan?
We can't just go waltzing
through town with all this loot.
Hide it.
Take only what
we need to barter with.
Come back for the rest.
Right, right.
Let me see your knife.
All right.
Lead the way.
Just let me do the talking.
Howdy, barkeep.
We need a room.
One bed or two?
Anything else?
I'll take a whiskey.
Oh yeah.
Well, what we got here?
That's not what
we came here to do.
Oh, come on. Just one game.
If you must.
I will
send word to the driver.
Much obliged.
Alright gentlemen,
place your bets.
Y'all mind if I join you?
You got money?
Take a seat.
Thank you.
Place your bets.
Five is a soda.
Gria di. And where do
you come from now?
Here and there.
Just spent some time
in the mountains south of here.
First turn, five is a
soda. 10 loses, king wins.
Winner on the king, place
your bets. Next turn.
- Alright!
- What were you doing
out there? Trapping?
You know, just getting in
touch with the land.
The hell you'd wanna
go do a thing like that for?
Oh, it ain't that bad.
You can find most
anything you need,
if you know where to look.
Sounds like you've been spending
too much time with her kind.
She with you?
- Yeah. She's my tracker.
- Yeah...
I didn't know they let
savages in here.
Say, did you hear about
Jesse James?
- What about him?
- Well, he's dead.
Murdered in his own living room.
- By who?
- One of his own I heard.
There's a special
circle of hell reserved
for traitors like Robert Ford.
Better hang for what he done.
The Governor gave him
and his brother a full pardon.
Well I heard
old Bob cut a deal with Crittend
Said he d cut the Ford
brothers in on the bounty if n
they could bring Jesse in,
dead or alive.
Now he
knew those boys were gonna
come gun Jesse down.
He was hoping for it,
as it were.
Rumor is the governor went
to the railroad company
after the state turned him down.
Seems they didn't take very
kindly to the James gang robbing
that train out in Iowa.
Next turn, tres the loser.
Ace is the winner, winner on the
Place your bets.
What do you want?
I need to send a message.
Silver dollar.
Know it?
Sure enough
There's a US Marshal
waiting there.
Tell him where he can find us.
If that's not the
most two-faced
cowardly thing I ever seen.
After everything that Jesse
James done for the cause.
Man deserved better than that.
I have to admit, I used
to read about him in the papers
when I was a boy.
Damn shame, betrayed
by those closest to him.
They was supposed to
be like kin.
He would've gotten
away with it forever
if he hadn't let himself
get so famous.
He had half of Missouri covering
for him.
As well as they should!
Man is more than a bandit.
He's a damn hero!
The way that he stuck it to them
Blue Bellies, letting them know
that we're still here
and we're still fighting!
Ace is a loser.
Eight is the winner
Winner on the eight.
Place your bets, next turn.
Should've hung up his
revolver after that mess
he made in Northfield.
It was only a matter of time.
What happened in
Robbery went south.
It was a bloodbath.
Jesse and his brother were
the only two that got out.
Next turn, ace loses.
King wins.
Loser on the ace.
Well, I suppose eventually
everybody's luck runs out.
Hold on there, boy!
You wouldn't be trying to take
for fools now, would you?
How so?
You sure that that's the card
you put them chips on?
You calling me a cheater?
You can tell a lot about a man
by the type of company he keeps.
We're good.
I don't want no trouble.
Besides, like he said. You
gotta know when to get out.
For a wanted man
you draw a lot of attention.
I walked away, didn't I?
Barkeep, can we get two shots?
You know, why don't you just
leave the bottle partner?
Yes, sir.
He was right.
You were cheating.
You could tell?
I know my way around a table.
Cheating, strategy.
It's all the same really.
No, we should keep a clear mind.
Oh, come on.
Live a little.
We have cause to celebrate.
We're not out of the woods yet.
True. We don't know
what tomorrow brings.
All the more reason
to live for today.
Maybe just one...
I guess this is it, huh?
Not quite.
I'l ride with you
in the morning, yes?
To get my share of the money?
Right. Right. Of course.
But after that,
that's all she wrote...
our little adventure's come
to the end of the line.
Suppose it has.
It's been a pretty
good adventure.
Would you ever come
visit me in New York?
Maybe, one day.
I'd like that.
We should turn in,
early day tomorrow.
Your pistol.
Give it to me.
I'll keep watch
for a while.
In case our friends
from downstairs
decide to pay us a visit.
Who the hell are you?
I'm your reckoning, son.
How'd you find me?
Why don't you ask your
friend over here?
You turned me in?
After everything we've
been through?
So self-righteous.
Where were you off to
in the middle of the night,
I wonder.
Don't act so surprised.
I'm not.
Just disappointed.
At least I ain't no snitch.
Can't believe you turned
me into Johnny Law over here
what have they ever
done for you?
Oh, now she bet on the
right horse in this race.
She's not gonna get exactly
everything she paid for.
Chalk that up to
buyer's remorse.
We had a deal!
If you actually think
your old man is
still alive, you're dumber
than he was.
Besides, ain't I been a
good enough surrogate to you?
It's you.
The Manhunter
she's always talking about.
You kidnapped me!
You stole me from my home!
Oh please.
I clothed you. I fed you.
I taught you
everything you know.
I gave you a purpose.
What good would you be
to anyone if it weren't for me?
You were lying to me
the whole time?
You're one to talk...
You should have told me,
I could've helped you!
Alright! Alright!
Enough chitchat.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda.
It is what it is.
Let's live in present, shall we?
Where is it?
Where's what?
I'm not gonna ask again. Huh?
I lost it!
I gambled it all away!
I only need one of you
to lead me to it!
It's buried.
In the woods.
Outside of town.
Show me.
You should have just
done like I asked,
saved me this headache.
Should have offered me more
than 500 for this job.
You could have asked for a 1000.
Hell, 10,000 even.
Not like I was gonna
give it to you anyway.
Ever since you turned tail
in Kansas City,
I got the feeling
that this little relationship
had run its course.
So what, you were just gonna
kill her once you had the money?
Gotta tie up those loose ends.
Man of my stature,
can't have dirty
laundry lying about.
How'd a cruel bastard
like you become a US marshal?
You ever play cops
and robbers as a kid?
Well, we called it
Cowboys and Indians.
Well, we'd take turns playing
one or the other.
Sometimes you're the cop.
Others, the robber.
The only real difference
is who was chasing who.
Real life ain't
all that different.
Just gotta look the part.
You stole it. How in the hell...
You stole it. How in the hell...
Oh...Kansas City.
You're a diabolical
son of a bitch.
You're a gambling man,
ain't you?
Don't you know the
house always wins?
When the late Marshall
of Kansas City got to town
no one knew him.
So I took his badge.
I took his name,
and I became the house.
This is it.
You know the Lord works
in mysterious ways.
I was out here looking for
her when I heard about you.
Gotta say I was impressed,
grateful even.
So thank you for the opportunity
with which you presented me.
What opportunity?
Do you even know who
you stole from?
When the associates find
out what I've done for them,
it's gonna open up
a whole world of
Yeah. Like what?
Hear they're looking for
a new mayor over in Durango.
You're outta you're
Who would vote for you?
Like most things in
life, votes can be bought.
They ain't gonna
let you keep this money.
They ain't gonna know about it.
They ain't gonna care.
All they're gonna care about
is his head
finding its way to a noose.
You're inhuman!
You're right.
I'm so much more.
You're right.
I'm so much more.
I'm the American dream
Life. Liberty...
And the pursuit of happiness.
- Easy!
- On your knees!
So what are you gonna do now?
You ain't gonna shoot me.
We both know you
ain't got it in you.
You need me!
For what?
Your father.
He's alive.
I can take you to him.
If my father was still alive
he would've found me
a long time ago.
If you knew he was dead
then why'd you
stick around so long?
It's true.
I could have left,
many times.
And you never would've been able
to find me.
But what good would
that do for me?
No money,
no family,
nowhere to go.
You're right about one thing.
You did give me a purpose.
I'm proud of you.
I taught you well.
You taught me many things,
- But I already knew how to hunt
- No...
What happened to taking
only what you need?
I'd say I've earned it.
that's what we'd all like
to think, ain't it?
Why didn't you just
take it from me
when you found me in the woods?
Why'd you go to
all this trouble?
...He was too dangerous to live.
You were using me
the whole time.
And you were using me.
The wolf and the raven.
But you're leaving
me with nothing.
If you count your life
as worth nothing.
Shouldn't have tried to
leave last night.
This could have ended
differently for you.
Well, if I'd been made aware
of your master plan here...
I could say the same
thing for you.
It's all part of the game.
I don't think we were ever
playing the same game.
We definitely didn't start out
with the same odds.
You of all people should know.
You don't play the odds.
You play your opponent.
What's that?
A consolation prize?
For your trip to New York.
Why go all that way to
drown my sorrows.
When there's plenty of bars
around here?
If that is what you wish.
But fortune does favor the bold.
Good luck.