The Cult of Conspiracy: QAnon (2021) Movie Script

In every corner of the world
people are protesting.
They've attacked US democracy,
they've battled on the streets
of Britain, they're fighting back.
But what exactly are they fighting?
Or what?
You're inciting violence.
Is that good enough?
I'm about to enter a world
where I as the mainstream media am
the enemy and where the people
I meet believe I'm an agent
of dark forces who run
the world and abuse children.
You're liars, you're liars,
you're liars, you are.
My mission is to unmask the figures
taking conspiracy to the heart
of our political systems and to meet
the digital soldiers
fighting for a supposed
government insider called Q.
I'm in Elyria, Ohio,
on my way to meet two of Q's most
ardent followers who plan
to take their country back.
Welcome to the digital
soldier's house.
Dave Roberts
Dave Roberts and
Dave Roberts and Amanda Quimper.
You're filming us for
your documentary too?
I'm filming you because
you're mainstream media.
I'm going to make sure I get you.
I do understand to
a degree, you know.
I think people don't really trust
the media these days.
And that's why we're reluctant
to talk to you guys sometimes.
How important is Q
to what you're doing?
I think he laid the groundwork.
He made the exposures.
He opened the eyes of the people.
Whoever Q is believes in God
and trying to fight so that God
does win in the end.
And all these paedophilias
and all these trafficking rings
and all this structure
in the government of all this
evilness, that's something that
the Cabal has worked for centuries
to keep us all asleep.
And they've done a very
successful job of it.
What is the Cabal?
How would you describe it?
The Cabal in my opinion
is the organised elitist,
the 1% of the 1%, which includes
the Vatican and the monarchies.
People today are just now
beginning to wake up.
I mean they're just now beginning
to realise something's wrong
and Q instigated that.
We would never be anywhere
near where we are today
if it wasn't for Q.
So, some of what I'm about to tell
you may be hard to believe,
but it's changed the course
of politics around the world.
In October 2017 a figure called
Q Clearance Patriot appeared
on the website 4chan.
They claimed to be
a government insider.
Q started spreading wild
conspiracies, satanic
paedophiles ruled the world,
Trump was the saviour
against an evil Cabal
and people believed it.
With every share it
became more mainstream.
It soon became the
conspiracy of everything.
Over the next four years it spread
to millions across the globe.
Followers shared, kidnapped,
killed, shared some more
and attacked the US capital,
all in the name of Q.
But then, none of it came true.
The Cabal was never exposed,
Trump lost the 2020 election and Q
stopped posting forever
on December 8th 2020.
Millions of manipulated
and radicalised people
around the world were left
without a leader.
So, who's filling that void now?
Hey, is that Pastor Mark?
Who's speaking?
It's Benjamin Zand.
Oh, yeah, yes, how are you doing?
I'm good, how are you?
Q's followers are still meeting up
at events across the US,
with or without Trump in the White
Mainstream journalists are usually
banned and even forcibly
removed from these events,
but I've managed to get in.
I'll text you the 17th and 18th
and I'll make sure you get some
credentials so you got to come out
for that, OK?
Pastor Mark Burns was a speaker
at an event in California
and he was keen for me
to cover his upcoming
political campaign.
Right, so we've actually
made it in officially.
How are y'all doing?
Good sir, how are you?
Good, thank y'all so much.
Hey, sir, how are you?
God bless you.
Blesses to you ma'am.
Thank you so much.
I love that.
God bless y'all.
Hello, how are you doing?
Hello, how are y'all doing?
Don't rely on the FBI.
Don't rely on the FBI, they're
the ones involved in January 6th.
God bless y'all.
This was a real who's who in
the world of alternate truths.
Figures like discredited
anti-vaccine doctor Andrew Wakefield
were in attendance.
You're never going to have another
fair election if we don't expose
and fight what happened in 2020.
Roger Stone.
I got to figure out
what I'm going to say.
I'm about to walk around here, man.
All right.
Love you, man.
All right, thanks.
You must fight.
Thousands of people had made
the trip to see their heroes
and to uncover the next secret
the mainstream media
didn't want them to know.
And how did you find
yourself in the world of Q,
selling Q tops, you know that is...
Well, I got into Q
through my family, my dad
and my brother followed Q.
But my brother is into a lot
of spirituality stuff,
you know, and so is Q.
There was a real sense
of community here.
Amidst the claims of a Cabal,
a planned pandemic and Trump
being the true president,
there was a home for people to be
heard and to be their real selves.
There was also a real
feeling of anger.
This is full blown world war
that we are in right this very
moment, ladies and gentlemen.
This is America.
This is an American thing.
So, fight with me.
We're in a time of warfare.
This is no longer a conspiracy
theory, it's a conspiracy.
One of the biggest names at these
events is this guy, Michael Flynn.
He's a former three star general
and was a national security
advisor for Donald Trump.
Q itself regularly defended Flynn,
so many followers see him
as a potential leader.
We are going to take
this country back.
I'm driving to meet a man
called Dustin Nemos.
Dustin is like one of the earliest
adopters of Q, he's quite
a big name in the Qverse.
He even literally
wrote the book on Q.
Are we thinking here?
I was just looking around,
I don't know what works
for you guys, this is beautiful.
Oh, yeah, that's
interesting, isn't it?
Disciples like Dustin
made their money and fame
interpreting the religion of Q.
But Q's disappearance
created a power vacuum.
So, what happens now?
Are you still a follower of Q?
You know, half the world
is following it, so.
Forbes had it quoted,
and this is an old number,
that over 56% of the Republican
party had in some level
agreement with Q.
Do you believe in the idea
that there is a satanic
cabal raping kids?
I think that there are
powerful people who openly
identify with satanism.
I don't think that they get together
in the White House every
Tuesday and like order,
you know, $20,000 worth of pizza
be flown in at 2AM,
wait Obama did that.
But, you know, most of the time
they don't do that.
When Dustin mentions pizza here,
he actually means children.
It's a well known code word
from the debunked pizza gate
conspiracy of 2016 that alleged top
democrats were paedophiles.
I believe Obama is a child molester.
You think he abuses kids?
I believe that he does.
I don't believe those
are even his kids.
I mean his wife is not a woman.
You think his wife's a man?
Anybody got any shots
of Michelle Obama pregnant?
I'd love to see it.
You also believe that she's
a man and that his kids.
It's not about belief, I do fact.
The reality of the world is much
different than you've
been told on fake news.
You think the reality
of the world is that
Michelle Obama has a penis and,
and Barack Obama is abusing
kids in the White House?
That is more believable than
Joe Biden won the 2020 election.
You find it not odd that we don't
have shots of the First Family?
I do believe that based
on multiple videos.
But you need like evidence
that's kind of substantive
beyond the video.
I believe that we can
make a very good case,
including people who are biological
experts who can weigh the Adam's
apple, measure the shoulders
and all of that, that Michelle Obama
is a man.
A transgender woman.
His wife is better hung
than I am and I've seen it
on YouTube, multiple videos.
Because that's definitely
on the wilder side.
I'll ask one final question -
the future of Q is now
the influencers like yourself?
We're going to take
the country back.
We're getting people
elected into office.
The fake news, or forgive me,
the media are, you know,
they're already writing a lot
of articles about that,
nervous about the QAnon
people running for office.
Many of them are barely connected.
I can't wait till I run
for Congress, because they're
really going to lambast me.
Are you going to run?
Yeah, probably.
When do you think that will be?
Next couple of months maybe.
Oh, right, for the
mid-terms next year?
Yeah, 2022.
Dustin's views about Michelle Obama
are completely ridiculous
and untrue, but it's a clear example
of how in the world of Q, it's
more important to pick
a side than to see truth.
The question I had, though,
was whether Dustin could really make
it in the world of politics.
Another alleged Q supporter,
Marjorie Taylor-Greene, had done
exactly that in 2020.
America's the greatest
country in the world.
She was elected to Congress
in Georgia and is one
of conservative America's
most prominent figures.
Q is a patriot, we know that for
sure, but we do not know who Q is.
She's since distanced herself
from the Q movement.
But all this made me think
of someone I had seen
in California with Pastor Mark.
I saw your parents out there.
I knew that you were close.
That right there is Roger Stone,
one of the most important political
figures in the US over
the last 30 years.
This is a guy who helped get
presidents from Richard Nixon
to Donald Trump in office.
He's often called the Kingmaker
of Republican presidents.
Here he is with Donald Trump,
who pardoned him in 2020 after Stone
was convicted of obstructing
an investigation that would have
harmed the president.
And now, here he was at
a conference attended
by thousands of Q supporters.
Was this a clear sign of the next
stage of the Q movement,
cementing itself at the top
of global politics?
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am living proof that
God can do anything.
Yes, ma'am?
We need a leader right now.
It should be Michael Flynn.
Some of you will have an opportunity
to see General Flynn
when he comes to speak.
You should tell him exactly
what Caroline said.
I think he is a man of destiny,
I think he is a man of courage.
So, I do think that he is
potentially the leader
for this movement.
Pastor Mark.
How are you doing?
To try and find out just
what Roger's plan is, I asked
Pastor Mark to arrange an interview.
It is the one and only Roger Stone.
Oh, man.
Hey, you're losing weight.
Listen, it's the dream
team right here, right?
Good to see you, Roger,
good to see you brother.
You're looking good.
Wow, to God be to glory.
We're just going to go and do
an interview with Roger Stone
and right next door to us,
where we've parked, there are two
cars with QAnon memorabilia.
This is the unconditional pardon
given to me by President Trump
when he concluded that I did not get
a fair trial and I was indicted
on politically motivated charges.
Look at this.
Is this the Avengers you're trying
to fight for America?
You've sorted out...
Captain America.
This is where I rip open my shirt.
I'd like to see your initial
reaction to the question
of what are your feelings on QAnon?
I guess what I would say
is I don't know if it's real,
but I sure hope it is.
If that person wakes up and starts
watching alternative media and isn't
getting all their news from CNN,
if that person gets registered
and votes, then I think we've
accomplished something.
I'm pretty sure that there's some
truth to some of those things.
Donald Trump should
have won the election.
I believe wihout question,
there was some form
of tampering that took place.
You could argue that the Q
movement is actually
so beneficial to people
like yourself, you know,
it's a movement that says
Donald Trump is the saviour,
it's a movement that says
Michael Flynn is a messiah.
Here's what I know.
I love the First Amendment.
I love people's right to say
whatever they think is true
and try to defend their position.
We do have a historical record here.
We were told Saddam Hussein had
weapons of mass destruction,
but that was a lie.
So, let's not pretend that
everything the government
tells us is true.
Frankly, we've got to clean house
in the Republican party.
Trump has taken us from being
the party of the country
club to being the party
of working people.
If Trump doesn't run again,
I noticed that Michael Flynn attends
a lot of these events,
do you think he is a potential
candidate for president?
I want to make it very clear,
I'm for Donald Trump.
So, in the event that he does not
run, I would certainly look
to General Flynn as one
who might be drafted.
That's all.
All right, gentlemen,
good to see you all.
Can we just get some
verbal consent from you?
Yes, you can use all that stuff,
even though you're obsessed with Q.
These guys are kind of the who's
who events like this that
are attended by a huge amount
of QAnon supporters.
Roger Stone is a bit
of a hero in these circles.
They're all very good
friends with Michael Flynn.
The FBI has labelled
Q and its supporters
a domestic terror threat,
but here was Roger Stone seemingly
embracing the movement
and using it for political gain.
The more I looked, the more I found
political candidates were making
the assessment that if they wanted
to win a seat, Q's conspiracy
and misinformation
were the way to do it.
I stand with President Trump,
I stand with Q and the team.
Everything that I've heard of Q,
I hope that this is real.
Reporting suggests almost 50
Congressional candidates have
embraced Q in their bids
for election in 2022.
And that doesn't include
those running for Senate.
One thing these candidates have
in common is that the vast
majority are Republicans,
they're deeply religious
and deeply conservative.
Most are scared of
the mainstream media,
but I've found one who was eager
for me to join their campaign.
My name is Kimberley Lowe.
I'm running for Congress
in the Fifth Congressional District,
which is right here.
We are at war right now.
We have had a planned pandemic
to destroy this country,
to destroy our businesses,
to pull us out of church,
to depopulate and to steal
an American election.
Please support me.
Thank you, guys.
Kimberley's kids don't go
to mainstream school, as she's
worried they'll be indoctrinated.
She also questions whether Covid's
real and inevitably, the topic
of the coronavirus vaccine
came up between us.
I've had two vaccines.
Oh, really?
I'm so sorry!
Do things stick to you
like you see on TV?
What, like magnets?
Have you tried that?
Shall we try it?
It has to go to your forehead.
Is it sticking?
I don't think so.
I think you're good.
I think you're OK.
So, what does that change
your opinion in any way?
No, not at all.
I would never get that vaccine.
It all comes down
to trust, doesn't it?
It comes down to trust in higher
bodies and I think ultimately,
the issue is that you don't
trust the government.
In her run for Congress,
Kimberley believes she has
a helping hand from Q itself.
One day, I got a phone call from a Q
follower types of individuals,
and they told me that I needed
to stay on the path I'm on and that
I was being protected
and I just had to continue
on because I was going to be part
of whatever, you know,
future was to come here in America
regarding politics, etc.
Trump wanted to stop
this trafficking.
He had an entire anti-trafficking
team that he put in the White House.
They're pulling people
and children out of tunnels.
I know one woman who was trafficked
who grew up in a tunnel system
somewhere in the Midwest.
She says that there's tunnels.
Has she provided proof?
I haven't asked for it.
Yeah, so I mean, how do I know?
How do I know?
Is there anything that
could disprove that for you?
Probably not!
Believing in these,
what some people would call,
conspiracies or alternative truths,
you know, it does have
actual consequences.
If you are saying those things
without adequate evidence,
there is a responsibility on you.
What is dangerous is media
dividing a country.
The election was stolen.
I fully believe that.
I just can't roll stuff
off my mouth and...
But just because you believe it,
doesn't make it true.
But it doesn't make me dangerous.
But the truth is, no matter how hard
it was for Kimberley to accept
the conspiracies of Q are pushing
people further and further
to the edge, some far enough
they're willing to kill.
Sheriff's deputies say 33-year-old
Neely Petrie Blanchard shot and
killed Christopher Hallet on Sunday.
Q's followers are told
that an elitist cabal
are raping children,
rigging elections and
depopulating the earth.
And when you believe all that,
just how far are you willing
to go to save the world?
Sheriff's deputies say 33-year-old
Neely Petrie Blanchard shot
and killed Christopher Hallett
on Sunday.
Since the rise of Q,
around 100 people have
committed crimes in its name,
ranging from kidnapping
to weapon offences to murder.
Are you in a pretty
nice neighbourhood?
Well, then, maybe you're here.
Hello, is this the right house?
This is the right house.
Get back, Rosie, and you're
dirty on top of it.
You need a bath.
She is a cute dog.
Straight up, hold.
Neely Petrie Blanchard was a normal
mother from Kentucky until she lost
custody of her daughter Mackenzie.
From that moment on,
she fell down the rabbit hole.
Ever since she lost Mackenzie,
she has struggled.
She was on the computer all day long
looking at this stuff.
It was every day she thought QAnon
was President Trump.
She spent hours a day trying
to figure out who Q actually was.
Was Q then this way
to get her kid back?
Was that was it was?
Was that like her main focus
and how she fell into this.
Main focus.
They were all involved
in Satanic worshipping.
Yeah, she believed there
was this city under
New York City that kept kids.
Through the community of Q, Neely
discovered Christopher Hallett.
He claimed to be a legal
expert who knew Trump
personally and promised
to reunite her with her child.
For a time, Neely thought Hallett
may even have been Q.
People have been persecuted
in family courts all over this
nation for a very long time.
Sleepers everywhere.
Think coats.
Wheels in Motion.
I mean, does that make sense to you?
Like, it doesn't make sense to me.
It looks like they haven't posted
on here since December 8th of 2020.
So, I guess, I don't
know if they've changed
the website or where they're,
you know, posting their stuff now.
Q has not posted since December 8th.
He just disappeared?
It's just disappeared.
That's a shock to me.
That's kind of, I don't know
how I feel about that.
Kind of like it was all
for nothing I guess.
She put so much and dedicated
so much of her time
to this for so long.
Would it have been easier
if the whole conspiracy was real,
because then at least Neely
would have done it for something?
You know, she fully believed
that she was doing it
to protect all these children and...
But there wasn't really
anything that we could do.
How do you help someone
that is so far in it?
I mean, I think that's our biggest
regret, was feeling like we kind
of pushed her away and did that
push her more into Q and these
conspiracies, because she didn't
have anybody else?
Double dap.
Double, double, dis.
The story ended when the onslaught
of conspiracies made Neely paranoid.
She stopped trusting
Christopher Hallett.
She became convinced
he was plotting against her,
so she shot him dead.
33-year-old Neely Petrie
Blanchard shot and killed
Christopher Hallett on Sunday.
Blanchard is awaiting extradition
back to Marion County.
Neely's now awaiting trial and can
only talk to her family
from Marion County Jail in Florida.
Hey, let me turn the volume up.
I love you girls.
Mommy misses you.
Miss you too.
Guess what, Mom?
We fed the bunnies,
we gave them a salad
and they loved them.
Oh, I love your bunnies.
Oh, yeah, y'all sing that.
# We are the fireflies,
we like to fly around, blink, blink.
# With our yellow bandanas
we blink, blink on by.
Isn't that so cute?
I love you.
Can you do the other half?
So, how do you feel
after talking to your mama?
What do you feel like?
Why do you feel weird?
Because it's like we're
talking to her on a phone,
not like in person.
What do you know
about why she's there?
Because, I know...
Oh, you know why.
She made a bad choice didn't she?
We can't let our emotions
get out of hand.
Did you ever think it could get
to this point that she would be
in prison off the back
of shooting a man?
Never in a million years would
we have imagined that we would be
in a situation, you know.
Don't cry.
Yeah, then it all hits.
The girls, you know, I wonder how
it's going to affect their lives.
It worries me now they all could
possibly lose a mother forever.
To this day Neely still believes Q
and Donald Trump will save her.
Her story makes me wonder just how
much trauma plays a part in people's
descent down the rabbit hole.
After losing her children
and struggling with her life,
Q and conspiracy offered
Neely comfort.
It gave her a way out.
All right, we're convening this
meeting, it's July 1st 2021.
I feared for Amanda and Dave,
the two hardened Q
followers I'd met earlier.
They seem like good people.
They were convinced that they had
to defeat the evil of the world.
Photo before the storm.
But at what cost?
How have your family
reacted to the Q?
My kids don't want to, you know,
they don't want to talk to me,
they don't call me.
We're not close because of their
feelings and what their beliefs
are and they don't
want to hear this.
When I started speaking out
about all this stuff my,
you know, my family all just
were like what the heck.
Because I just was like I wasn't
going to hold anything back and, so.
It just came out of nowhere for them
and I just, you know,
threw up all over them pretty much.
That's normal.
What's it like to not be believed?
It is what it is and, you know,
after God comes to you in a dream
and tells you all this crap
is going on and then
you're kind of like oh,
this crap is going on, so.
So, there's nothing that could kind
of prove it wrong in your mind?
No, no.
Because I've seen the evil.
There's a coming, OK,
there's a reckoning and this reign
of evil is over with and we're
moving into a new era of time.
No one I had met was willing
to consider they could be wrong.
It was all just too important.
For Amanda, this was
a calling from God.
To show me what made her first
venture down the rabbit hole, Amanda
asked me to meet her at the place
it all began.
Her work.
Can I see the shot real quick?
Of course you can, hold on.
You seem to be very sensitive
about your appearance.
Probably because society programmes
you to believe that you need
to be pretty to be loved.
Where are we and what do you do?
We are at an exotic dance club.
This is not what you want your
kid to grow up and do.
A lot of girls come here lost
and broken and they need help
and they're hurting and then
they're not here any more.
How did you find yourself here?
When I was 18 in high school,
what I wanted to do
was become an actress.
So, I put myself through two years
of college, I come home I live
in the heart of the heroin epidemic.
All my friends were on heroin,
my best friend is no longer
with us because she died.
She used to work here.
Sorry to hear that.
I've only known you for a matter
of days, but it feels like,
you know, you genuinely really
want to do some good in the world,
but you're not sure how
is best to do that.
I just, I want to help
the lost and broken.
How do you do that?
I've been guided to be in this club.
I had a girl that
worked with me here.
I remember crying out to God, like,
I'm so tired of this.
I just want out.
I'm done.
I'm done, God, I'm done.
But everything inside of me
was like, you still need to be here.
It sounds kind of lonely.
Yeah, it can be a very lonely walk
and no-one understands it
because they're not
walking in your shoes.
Amanda's story just makes me feel
a bit sad, to be honest.
It's clear why Q is so important
and why it's so hard to let go.
It makes her life worthwhile
and I think it also shows why
she's never going to not
drink the Kool-Aid.
But it's also scary
because when you believe something
so ardently and you're willing
to literally die for that cause,
what is the end goal?
We want Trump!
We want Trump!
We want Trump!
We want Trump!
We want Trump!
I wonder what I will be
proved right about next.
Perhaps it will be the election?
We will never, ever surrender.
All over the world, an online
conspiracy movement that started
in the US was finding its way
to the top of politics.
Lies of a cabal and fake claims
of rigged elections were being used
in order to win votes.
In the weird world of Q,
Donald Trump was the saviour.
But as Q disappeared
from public view and Trump
failed to win reelection,
new leaders had stepped
into the frame.
They're feeding these murderers.
Michael Flynn, along
with Mike Lindell, was at the top
of the conspiracy tree.
We will get through this and get
back to a place that's stronger
and safer than ever.
Flynn is a powerful figure.
He's a close confidant of Trump
and reached the very top of the US
military as a three-star general.
He made headlines after he filmed
himself doing a pledge
associated with QAnon.
I, Michael Flynn.
Do solemnly swear.
Do solemnly swear.
Where we go one, we go all.
Where we go one, we go all.
God bless America.
Flynn and his family say this has
nothing to do with Q and that it's
simply a family statement of support
to one another.
But he's a superstar
amongst Q supporters.
Where does Michael Flynn
kind of fit into it all?
Michael Flynn, yeah.
I think he's definitely one
of the biggest names.
I mean, I think that he has
something to do with it.
I definitely think it's a military
operation, a positive one.
It's just about spreading truth
and exposing the corruption.
When they find out a crime
was committed, ie election fraud,
you put the winner back in.
Mike Lindell is the owner
of a billion-dollar pillow
brand called My Pillow.
Mike Lindell and My Pillow,
boy, do you sell those
pillows, it's unbelievable.
He also denies any connection to Q.
But he's become a hero to Q
supporters for peddling conspiracies
that the US election
was rigged against Trump.
Michael Flynn's name had continually
popped up as a potential leader
of this movement and even
a future president.
But how did he feel about his
alleged associations to Q and would
he defend the conspiracies?
Both of the Mikes hate
the mainstream media and pretty much
never do interviews.
But once again, through the help of
Pastor Mark Burns, I'd made it in.
Today is quite a big day.
I've finally got an interview
with Michael Flynn.
I've been trying
to do this for weeks.
There have been a lot
of false starts.
I didn't think it was going
to happen, to be honest, and then
all of a sudden, I was told that
if I come to Los Angeles, I would be
able to have some time with him.
It's going to be quite a challenge,
but it's an important
day in the world of Q.
For me, at least.
All right.
Do you want me to sit here?
Yeah, so the general's here now.
I'm looking at him.
That's right.
I was finally in the room with two
of the most powerful men
in the world of alternate truth.
And what's the bit about,
I suppose around the 8th
of January and then.
I was thrown off of Twitter.
Yeah, yeah.
About around the 8th, 9th, yeah.
Are you guys ready to rock and roll?
Yeah, let's do it.
Do you think realistically
in the next few months Trump
might be reinstated?
There's no more conspiracy theory
about election fraud, 3rd November
2020 and the presidential election.
It's no more a theory.
It is a conspiracy.
Would I like to see a reinstatement?
You're damn right I'd like to see
a reinstatement of President Trump.
Mike, am I right in thinking
that by August, Trump
might be back in office?
Yeah, we're off by a little bit,
it could be September.
It's worth remembering that there's
zero evidence to support the theory
the election was stolen.
America's Attorney-General threw out
60 cases and in September 2021
the audit in Arizona that they're
referencing confirmed that
Joe Biden won the election.
Why do you think there's such
a disparity, I suppose,
in thinking in the States
at the moment?
You know, some people
would say there hasn't been
evidence of election fraud,
a lot of these cases are thrown out.
Donald Trump won 80
million to 68 million.
This was massive.
Every state it happened in.
The evidence is clear.
I mean, there's been
a ton of evidence.
All you've got to do is read it
and hopefully the media one of these
days will figure it out,
honest journalists will figure
it out and report it.
It's a crime that happened
against every citizen
of the United States of America.
One thing that is kind of hard
to escape is the movement around
the kind of perimeters here.
QAnon, what's your opinion on Q?
What is it?
You know what it is at this point.
A group of people that
don't like paedophilia?
What's your, like, opinion on it?
Is it good?
Is it bad?
I think that paedophilia
is disgusting.
Is Q a domestic terror threat?
Is that your...?
Is that what it is?
I don't know.
I don't know.
You've become quite a central figure
of it, a kind of messiah of that...
Yeah, yeah, for sure.
If you look outside,
some of the T-shirts.
What are you asking me about?
I mean get to the point.
That is the point.
Are you happy that you're
being associated with Q?
If there's somebody
against paedophilia, I'm with them.
If they're against
paedophilia, I mean, right?
So, is paedophilia good
or bad to you, right?
Now you, I know you won't
even, you won't even...
Yeah, I definitely don't think
paedophilia is good.
Yeah, see, you won't even play that.
Why would I not play that?
Because I know your organisation.
See, but this is thing,
it's like I...
You're asking a stupid question.
You wouldn't even ask that
if you were doing an interview.
You're here to interview us.
This is the big lie.
It doesn't matter who stands behind
us or who doesn't stand.
The evidence, the truth
shall set you free.
This will once again be
one nation under God.
I have no idea what QAnon
is and I really don't know.
You don't know what QAnon is?
Are you serious?
I have no idea.
I really don't.
Are you serious, you
don't know what it is?
You've both been asked
about it multiple times.
Why is it so offensive?
I'm just asking.
You get the privilege
of interviewing General
Flynn and Mike Lindell.
Wasted my time.
Well, why does it
need to be offensive?
Because that's what you all are.
It means a lot to them outside.
That's a joke, what you did.
Shame on you.
Shame on people like you that
have hurt our country.
I'm not sure that's the truth.
But thanks a lot for your time.
Hey, a quick question,
what company are you guys with?
Channel 4.
Channel 4, local?
No, no, it's in the UK.
Oh, UK, OK, got you.
All right.
Do you work with Michael Flynn?
All right, OK.
I think Mark's in trouble now.
He's led us into the world of Q
and we asked the questions
we weren't meant to and now
everyone's freaking the hell out.
Hey, Mark.
Dude, it's bad.
I thought...
I want to put y'all in front of
people but you can't do that, man.
What, ask about Q?
We asked you about Q
though and you were fine.
Yes, but you...
You can't do that, guys.
We asked you about it,
we asked Roger about it
and no one had an issue.
I didn't realise there
would be such a...
If there's anything that's
controversial, you may want to just
ask us about it and so that maybe it
would help to understand why some
people would be upset about that.
Because I can't bring
nobody else like I...
We're not filming.
He's got our microphone.
He's wearing our microphone.
This from Channel 4?
We are the Channel 4 dudes.
We need you to go out
that way, please.
Thank you.
We just need to get
our microphone back.
Do me a favour, guys,
who are you with?
Channel 4.
I'll go find it.
Give me just a second.
Yeah, yeah.
Bloody hell.
All right, we just got kicked out.
What an ungraceful ending, hey?
This is politics today, not just
in the States, but in the UK.
You know, you ask certain questions,
conversations just get shut down
and there's no meeting
in the middle.
They're probably surrounded
by so many yes men that they've lost
all semblance of the truth,
and that's what makes them
so dangerous, because ultimately
they're willing to undermine US
democracy, they're willing
to call on people to fight.
I've been having conversations this
whole time with people who feel
like Q is their life,
they're literally willing to die
for it and they're also willing
to die for the likes
of Michael Flynn and Mike Lindell.
Very sad.
Freedom, freedom, freedom!
Freedom, freedom, freedom!
The Q movement has spread around
the world and its digital soldiers
can be found right on our doorstep.
This is Satanic.
According to our own exclusive
polling in partnership with YouGov,
58% of Brits think that Satanic
ritual abuse of children probably
happens and 10% of the British
public believe the UK government
need to be overthrown by force.
Both of these beliefs have direct
links to the QAnon movement.
The worst-case scenario
is they're being sacrificed
to the Devil in Satanic rituals.
I think Trump's going to be
able to save us all.
I think because there's so much
corruption that's going to come
across to this country that's
come across from America
because we're part of it.
This is no conspiracy.
Most of them in there are evil
and underpinning it all has been
a trade for centuries
that is going on and it's
the trade of children.
Eight million children
go missing every year.
Where do they go?
In Nazi Germany,
it wasn't overnight.
They changed the Mental Health Act.
They passed all the same laws that
are being passed now.
At the Nuremberg trials,
the doctors and nurses stood
trial and they hung.
This is Kate Shemirani,
the pre-eminent figure in the world
of British conspiracy at the moment.
That was her suggesting NHS doctors
and nurses could be tried
and even hung for their part
in the UK's vaccination program.
Kate's a former nurse
who was struck off.
She uses the NHS and her
anti-vaccine beliefs as her rallying
cry and has given the conspiracies
of satanic abusers and the deep
state a uniquely British edge.
Hi, how are you?
Hey, Kate, how are you doing?
nice to meet you.
You too.
It's always good to get
the initial reactions.
Nice to meet you.
I hear you're a Scouser.
I am, yeah, I'm a Scouser indeed.
I'm just locking you in,
fellas, so you can't...
No, no, no.
Come into my garage,
food store, my bikes, my gym.
Right now, I'm looking
at what the government is doing,
and I don't want to be governed
by what I see are people that
are completely overstepping
the powers that have been bestowed
upon them by us, the people.
So, the right channels need to be
used to cease their power.
In real life, Kate was
friendly and hospitable,
a world away from the preacher
screaming about Satan
in Trafalgar Square.
But by alluding to NHS workers
being hung, she had taken
British conspiracy down
a dark, terrifying path.
At that rally in July
in Trafalgar Square, you seemed
to make a link that the NHS workers
of today should be hung
for their participation.
It's not for me to decide the law.
It's their own statute, I believe.
I didn't...
But you...
Hang on.
You can have an opinion on it.
No, you're not going to make me.
But it got a lot of media coverage.
It was pretty scary, you know,
even standing there.
It seemed to be, you said
at the Nuremberg trials those
doctors and nurses hung.
You don't like me
mentioning Nuremberg.
Why don't you want me
to mention Nuremberg?
Does it make you uncomfortable?
Because it's
unbelievably incendiary.
Yes, it is.
Oh, shit, does it make
you uncomfortable?
It's extremely incendiary.
Like to say that publicly in front
of tens of thousands of people.
OK, oh, it's incendiary?
It's incendiary.
The workers in the NHS
could potentially meet that fate.
It's incendiary.
It's incendiary.
OK, well, let's talk about it.
It's incendiary.
This was in the last hundred years.
They facilitated the deaths
of disabled children and adults.
And you're saying that that's
happened today with Covid?
And they believed,
they believed at that time
that they were doing
the right thing.
And these kids are going
to tell the story...
Over the last 18 months,
Kate's been speaking up and down
the country in front of crowds
of thousands of people.
And it appears to be working.
From our research with YouGov,
65% of Brits believe the people
who have the most influence
and power in the UK are not our
elected politicians.
But has this support
and encouragement led her
to consider a move into politics?
Could you see yourself running
for a political party?
I have considered and
now opened that door.
It's not something that I've thought
about and dismissed.
This is my camerawoman as well.
She does all my filming
when we're out.
You've encouraged me to go
into politics, haven't you?
We were chatting with Kate
about whether she might run
for Prime Minister
one day, would you?
Fantastic idea.
Would you vote for her?
I would.
It's hard because everything
they say has like a pearl
of something that could be reality,
and they hook you on that point
and say "See, see, you know,
that is, do you get what I'm saying"
because of that tiny bit and that's
the wider argument I'm making.
It's like no, no, just
because that tiny bit is true,
they just extrapolate everything
and then they manipulate people
and they ask for money and they make
them go out and vote on the back
of these things that are lies.
The dark forces of conspiracy have
deeply embedded themselves
in our political systems,
and after going behind the veil,
it's clear that none of us are safe
from their lies and misinformation.
Conspiracies like Q give
people hope and purpose.
But the road from obscure conspiracy
to undermining democracy is one
paved with good intentions.
Conspiracy led to the biggest
assault ever on US democracy.
If left unchecked, where will it
lead the rest of us?