The Curse of the Clown Motel (2023) Movie Script
[Alma] My grandmother Kaku
used to tell me stories
passed down from our ancestors
about the chindi,
which was a Navajo word
for ghost.
But unlike Casper,
the chindi was an unstoppable,
all-consuming evil force,
exacting vengeance
for wrongs against our people.
-[people chattering]
-[western music]
Rough day, huh?
[people chattering]
Serves 'em right.
Trying to take all that land
and keep it for themselves.
Only good Indian is
a dead Indian, right?
-Yeah, how in the hell
would you guys know?
You weren't out there with us.
What we did
wasn't very sporting.
It's a shame
those elders weren't with us
from the beginning,
especially that young one,
he had some fire to him.
What's done is done.
Amen, Captain.
[people chattering]
-[doors creaking]
-[ominous music]
[intense percussion music]
Who's this?
[thunder crashes]
[intense percussion music]
-[thunder crashes]
-[electricity buzzing]
-[electricity buzzes]
-[suspenseful music]
-[metal clanks]
-[blood dripping]
-[blood splashes]
[men grunting]
[man] Get him!
[man shouts]
[electricity buzzing]
[man shouting]
[electricity buzzing]
-[metal strikes]
-[man shouting]
[gunshots banging]
[devilish whispers]
[gun clicks]
[gunshot bangs]
-[chindi roaring]
-[electricity buzzing]
[thunder rumbling]
[electricity buzzing]
-[thunder crashes]
[metal swishes]
[electricity buzzing]
[man shouting]
[thunder rumbling]
[devilish whispers]
[ominous music]
[thunder crashing]
[thunder crashing]
[man grunting]
I don't know
how you've done this,
but this isn't the last of me.
[thunder rumbling]
-[thunder crashing]
-[electricity buzzing]
-[chindi roaring]
-[man screaming]
-[thunder crashing]
-[electricity buzzing]
[ominous music]
-[thunder rumbling]
-[electricity buzzing]
[solemn music]
[bird cawing]
[store bell ringing]
You know, I admire
your little church, Ana.
You people always seem
to find a way to stay alive.
We have to, Mr. Wilson.
We were here long
before you, we'll be
here when you're gone.
Well, first of all,
I'm not going anywhere.
I mean, you wouldn't believe
how many offers
I've had on this motel.
I've turned 'em all down.
Why didn't you
people make an offer
back when I bought the place?
We weren't considered
white enough
to make an offer, Mr. Wilson.
There is that.
But I can tell you this.
If I ever sell this motel,
I'm gonna make sure
whoever buys it knows
what kind of staff comes with it
and how valuable you people are.
After all that, are you saying
you wouldn't let us
make an offer on this place?
No, I'm saying
that I don't think
your collection plate
is deep enough
to buy this property.
You don't know anything
about how deep
our collection plate is,
Mr. Wilson.
Ana, calm down.
You don't wanna be
attacking your boss
and getting fired the same day
your company arrives.
Alma is here?
You know, I never even knew
you had kids, Ana.
That's because
you never asked, Mr. Wilson.
[store bell ringing]
[door closes]
I had been gone long enough.
I had to return
to where I grew up
and do what I could
to bring to light
the atrocities
committed against
my Greasewood ancestors.
Well, fuck me.
Now I know what they meant
by the Clown Motel
Challenge online.
And from the outside of it...
looks like I'm not getting
any sleep tonight.
[door clicks open]
[solemn music]
[metal bangs]
[eerie music]
[tense western music]
[bird caws]
Hey, Joe!
Well, it's good to
know the members
of Kaku's cult
have really aged well.
Joe Bamford.
Still sulks.
And that outfit has yet
to be washed.
Alma, Alma.
Your childhood,
nothing has changed.
Well, maybe the bang job.
But the clowns?
They're still here.
Well, this is new.
Quite a collection, huh?
It's gotten a lot bigger
since I was a kid.
Well, it was probably
well before I bought the motel.
Well, the last time
I was here, I was eight.
It's like 15 years ago.
I got a few minutes now,
if you want to have that talk
that you asked me for.
[Alma] This place
looks smaller.
Well, you probably grow a lot
in 15 years.
I don't remember
that wall being there.
Is that a new door?
You got a good eye, Miss Perez.
We did a remodel
a couple of years ago.
Put some plumbing
behind that wall
and made some
additions on that one.
So you're here doing
research for a college paper,
Are you up for it?
It's for a business class?
This is for my
graduate thesis.
Cultural anthropology.
Graduate thesis,
cultural anthropology,
specializing in the
Greasewood natives.
Greasewood natives?
That's an Indian
tribe of some sort?
Like a tribe
of Native Americans.
You've never heard
of the Greasewoods?
No, but I'm not much
of a history buff.
Well, I think that's evident.
Do you know
what you have here, Mr. Wilson?
A scary clown skull.
This stone carving
is not a scary clown skull.
It's a death totem.
It's to ward off evil spirits.
It's very hard to come by
in my study,
and you happen to have
several of them
in your collection.
Is it of any value?
Mr. Wilson.
I know you think you know
all about your motel.
But those stories
that you put in those brochures
and on your website,
those ghost stories
have happened
in one fashion or another.
Tragic deaths have
occurred in these rooms.
And all the while,
an evil clown lurks
somewhere nearby.
What I wanted
to talk to you about
is what this place was
before it was the clown motel.
Fire away.
-Oh, I'm good.
I see that you market
the graveyard
and the mining sites
as tourist destinations
on your website,
and that the miners
used to stay here in the 1900s.
Yeah, they did.
They did indeed.
But if you know more,
I'd sure love to hear it,
'cause I'm always
looking to update
the website ghost stories.
Horror sells.
I'm talking about
what Tonapah was in the 1800s,
back when it was Butler City.
There was this massacre...
-[tense music]
-[gunshot bangs]
[Alma] ...where it eliminated
all the Greasewoods
just to build a railroad
in this area of Nevada.
[fire roaring]
There's no railroad
anywhere near here.
That's where I'm piecing
everything together.
I'm all ears.
The reason why
there was no railroad built...
Sit here.
Is because the ones
who wanted to do the massacre
were massacred themselves...
right in this very spot.
And after doing some research,
it shows this place
used to be called
the Butler City,
founded by Wyatt Earp
passing through town.
Wyatt Earp?
You have proof of that?
Just legends and
legends passed on
from generation to generation.
But I'm looking for proof.
Documents, articles,
like artifacts, records.
And this is where
you can help me.
There's this cellar
below this building.
I used to play in it
when I was a kid.
And I remember
there was this box down there
with these documents.
Do you know about
this box, Mr. Wilson?
No, because the cellar
was already sealed up
by the time I bought the motel.
The building department said
it was structurally unsound
and it didn't meet
zoning codes, and you know...
Well, if I can get access
to this box
with documents in it,
this would be a huge addition
to my thesis.
And if those documents
have any historic importance,
I can call
the US Historic Registry
and have this place turned
into a Greasewood memorial.
But what would
happen to my motel?
Well, I'm guessing
that the government
would make you an offer
and reclaim the land.
Reclaim the land.
It's a good thing
that you're not
a business major,
Miss Perez, because that
was the worst sales pitch
that I have ever heard
to gain access to my basement.
What incentive
would I possibly have
to let you go down
into that cellar
if I was gonna lose
my land as a result?
Well, maybe...
because it's the
right thing to do.
But regulations
strictly forbid me
from letting anybody
down in that cellar.
It's unsafe.
Crumbling structurally.
They could shut me
down if they found out.
So was the cellar
what you wanted
to talk to me about?
'Cause if it was, I think
we've about covered it.
I wish I could help you,
but I can't.
Now I don't know
if you're planning to go over
to the cemetery and...
Take some etchings or anything.
The gravestones are
marvelous over there.
I'm not sure this meets up
archeological standards,
but the kids enjoy using 'em
when they go over there.
I gotta get back to work.
I've got a bunch of execs from
the largest bank in the area
coming in for a stag party
in like 15 minutes or so.
Sounds like fat
profiteers on the land
stolen from my people.
I can't argue
with you about that.
Oh, I want you to take this.
I want you to have it,
means a whole hell of a lot more
to you than it does to me.
And you know, the work
you're doing is important, Alma.
Don't let the hurdle stop you.
Gonna be plenty
of those in life.
That's great advice, Mr. Wilson.
I'll take it.
[store bell ringing]
-What the fuck?
-You're welcome.
-Holy shit.
-What the fuck is this?
Look, I know it might
not look like much, but,
well, that's kind of the point.
We're giving Louis
a proper send-off, and
this is the perfect
place to hide some secrets,
ain't that right, Mr. Arturo?
-Oh my god, you're right there.
Well, there's a lot of things
to bury tonight,
and knowing Sloan,
he's gonna dump
his whole 401k
at the crap table.
[all laughing]
Not this time, not this time.
While me and Brooke
bury our face
-in every drink-- [indistinct]
-That's right, baby.
-What about Louis here?
-This is Louis's wedding.
He'll be the one with his head
under the stripper's tits by the
end of the night.
-[Sloan] Yeah! Yeah.
Like a banker is.
Well, we're good bankers,
and that's why we deserve
to have a good time.
You sure this place is safe?
He booked this trip
through a church group,
so as far as
I'm concerned, must be blessed.
Nobody's getting
into any trouble
they can't handle
tonight, all right?
All right.
Mike's gonna go check us in.
We're gonna divvy up the rooms.
We're gonna get some food,
and I take the town
for all the money
they got.
-[Brooke] I'm bunking
with Carrie.
Mike, you should with Sloan.
Meanwhile, Louis here
gets a room all to himself,
just in case he decides to hire
some late night company, baby.
[Sloan] Yeah!
Not happening. I'm loyal.
-[Carrie] Okay.
-Not happening.
[Alma sighs]
-[eerie music]
-[devilish whispering]
[solemn music]
What are you doing here?
[door closes]
[solemn music]
And so you've made your way
back to the motel.
[eerie music]
[door opens]
Really, Kaku?
Please, Toko, the book was open
when I walked in.
Of course.
This is forgotten folklore.
I didn't know the book
was still in print.
It isn't.
It's Mom's.
Why do you trouble
yourself with these myths?
Chindi spirits?
Your whole church is named
after a chindi.
That was before my time.
I don't like it
anymore than you do.
But it's history.
And history is dark
and depressing,
unless you're white.
Mr. Wilson told me
why you're here.
That was uncomfortable
for him to hear.
It was upsetting to me
I'm doing this for us, Kaku.
For your church.
For our family, for our people.
For all of us.
All of us that are left.
When your mother
took you, I never left.
Our church is here.
This is still our home,
and you have no right
to take that away from us.
Do you think they'd
raise this motel
to erect a memorial and
let us keep our place?
This is the US government.
They don't place
memorials for us.
They place them for themselves.
Cynical, Kaku.
[scoffs] Cynical is
a young person's word
for older and wiser, Toko.
You wanna write
a book about our people,
make a documentary,
put us on a TV show,
you would make me
so proud.
But this memorial idea?
It's a lost cause.
Kaku is afraid of change.
A product of an insular nature
of being in a fringe
religious group like hers.
Kaku thinks she has ownership.
She's still just that.
[suspenseful music]
[tense western music]
[Alma] Our church has tried
to stop the vengeful chindi
from its murderous
revenge on this town.
Only we Greasewood
descendants can put
an end to the killings.
[suspenseful music]
[door closes]
[Alma] And this sword is
the last piece we need
to perform the sacred ritual
to finally banish the chindi.
[eerie music]
It needs to be done.
The evil needs to go.
[Alma] Kaku, I need to speak
with you.
Look at you making a scene.
What's gotten into you?
What's gotten into me?
What's gotten into you and
your little church group?
Your room, now.
Kaku, how could you.
How could I what, Toko?
Your church booked
employees of the bank
that fucked you
and your friends over.
Hold your tongue.
This is my livelihood.
We wanted to get our money back,
and this was the only way
it was going to happen.
Our tour books rooms
and Mr. Wilson gives us
a commission.
It's as simple as that.
There are more
opportunities in this world
other than this motel.
I don't understand you, Kaku.
And I don't understand you.
You're so headstrong,
just like your mother.
I'm cursed with a daughter
who doesn't listen
and a granddaughter who
follows in her footsteps.
Yeah, because
she wanted justice,
real lasting justice
for our ancestors.
You can help me.
All I need to do
is get into that cellar.
Absolutely not.
Then-- then let me into
Clem Wilson's office.
Maybe I can find
What you need to find,
Alma, is the church.
Drop this thing
and let me do what your mother
would never do.
I will teach you
about our history
and introduce you to the chindi.
Listen to yourself.
You're employed
by an unscrupulous man
who would hand you off
for any amount of money.
Why protect this
motel when you can
make this place
a hallowed ground?
We are the last
of the Greasewood.
This motel may be under
someone else's name,
but the land and its spirit
has always belonged to us.
Let it go.
It would be best
if you checked out
before I came back tomorrow.
Leave tonight.
Don't stay a moment longer.
[door opens]
[ominous music]
[knob rattling]
Hmm, my old trick works.
Clown Motel is attracting
a lot of offers.
not bad.
[tense music]
[door creaking]
[objects rattle]
[door creaks]
[ominous music]
[door creaks]
[dark whimsical music]
[Joe] You only dance with me.
[door creaks]
[Joe whistling]
[wood creaks]
I have successfully
made it into the cellar.
Nothing has changed
since I was a child.
I'm surprised that Clem Wilson
hasn't scorned his way
down here to get
some artifacts for his website.
everything still sits
all these years later.
[eerie music]
[tense music]
[tense music]
Just as I remember it.
[man's voice]
The doctors have diagnosed me
with typhoid fever.
They have their theories.
But I know it's the Greasewood.
So it is with sound mind
that I can confess the evil
that I helped commit in hopes
that the elder will forgive me,
though he has every right
to spurn
and condemn me
to the fires of hell.
Our deception was plain.
We lured the two elders
of the Greenwood tribe
to the saloon
for negotiation of their land
to build the railway.
Captain Cranston,
who'd formed an outfit
resembling the Pinkertons,
was hired
to ensure
the acquisition of the land.
A monetary settlement
was to be discussed
and the elders
arrived in good faith.
I served as a distraction
while Cranston's men
murdered the entire tribe,
including the elders...
-[gun fires]
-...when they returned.
And I was told that
the elders were killed
but the young elder
that arrived for his revenge
that night
was not the same
that had come in earlier.
He moved like a shadow,
eviscerating the men
in the most horrific fashion.
[tense music]
[ominous music]
Ending with the captain.
Foolishly, I thought to
preserve the captain's dignity,
pulling the sword away.
[tense music]
His horrible mouth
leered over as though
his jaws might open
and swallow me whole.
[chindi roaring]
I pointed Cranston's weapon
at him
and he uttered an awful laugh
with a single phrase
before disappearing
[speaking native language]
[man sobbing]
[footsteps thudding]
[tense music]
[door creaks]
-[door slams]
-[Alma grunts]
Hey, she's in the cellar.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
The blade is in place.
It happens tonight.
[eerie music]
[gentle music]
[ominous music]
[thunder crashing]
[voices whispering indistinctly]
[chindi roars]
[chindi roaring]
[solemn music]
[toilet flushes]
[Sloan] Ready to go?
Can't rush beauty, baby.
[Sloan] We'll be here all night.
That's what nightmares
are made up right there.
[ghostly whisper]
[Sloan] Let's go.
Ladies are waitin'.
[Mike] Perfection.
Let's go!
[tense music]
[ominous music]
[door closes]
[Mr. Wilson] Feet.
Hey, boss.
Don't think I'm not aware of
your little conspiracy here.
You guys always book
these bachelor party deals
when I have the night duty.
-You going to church?
-Yes, sir.
-For the collection
-Thank you much.
My pleasure.
-Don't worry.
-No, I won't.
-Good night, Joe.
-Good night.
[store bell ringing]
[phone ringing]
Don't you ever sleep?
I told you I am not selling.
I don't care
if he has Chinese backers.
If I'm not selling,
I'm not selling.
[tense western music]
All right, turn 'em up.
Full house.
Sucks to be you.
Mike Hardy, ladies and
gentlemen, remember the name.
-Here you go.
-Ah, thank you, love.
-You're welcome.
-A little something for you.
Ah, thank you.
I'll take that dealer
button from you.
Appreciate it.
-There you are.
-Thank you.
Mike, you're gonna
get outta this...
These idiots have no idea.
[tense music]
Let's go.
Hit. Nice.
Ooh, fancy.
[Sloan mumbling]
[all laughing]
Look at the lot of you,
using your dirty money
just to attempt to buy
yourselves some good time.
Excuse me?
You're not excused.
[indistinct] bankers?
Never all.
Hold on, dude.
We're just here
to have a good time.
Watch your mouth before
something slips into it,
like my fist.
Hey, watch your mouth,
before something I have
slips into yours.
What the fuck
did you just say?
Hold on, dude,
what's your problem?
We got this, babe.
Just come on, relax,
relax, we got it.
I lost my business partner
because of you banksters.
Structuring loans that you knew
he couldn't pay back.
And then when he couldn't
and defaulted,
you swooped in and pulled out
from under him
his business, his properties.
Putting him on the street
to die of heartache.
That's my problem.
All right, get the fuck
out of here right now.
-Come on, come on.
-Sit down, sit down. Relax.
-Get out.
-Whatever, buddy.
Easy, easy.
When you party off
of someone else's death,
all you do is gain
the attention
of the grim reaper!
All right, there you go.
-Have a nice day.
-Good boy.
-And I'm taking your chips.
Loser, man.
I'm so sorry,
that's outta character of me.
I don't know if it's the
nerves or if I'm just
having cold feet,
but it's weird,
because as you can see,
I love my girl.
You know, she know I love her,
and now you know I love my girl.
Make a long story short,
we met a year ago online, okay?
I feel like things are rushed.
Like, I like ice cream.
I don't even know
her favorite ice cream.
And I'm sorry
for awkwardly venting to you,
I just had to let that out.
Did I mention I had five drinks?
I think it's sweet.
There's something
very sexy about a man
who's willing to
commit to one woman.
Enjoy the drink.
[solemn music]
I'm gonna enjoy the drink.
She said so.
Come on, friend.
[chanting in native language]
[Brooke yawns]
Oh, I'm so tired.
The party continues,
boys and girls.
I just scored some blow
off the bartender!
Oh no, man, I haven't done
any of that shit since I was
studying for my exams.
It's about time you do again.
Your room or ours?
Let's make it yours.
Mike likely to hurt himself.
Anger and coke don't mix
in my experience.
Fucking town.
Come on, big boy.
I'm gonna show you
what your future wife isn't.
It should be me.
Forgive me.
Fuck. [grunts]
[tense music]
[Alma reading]
"I kept seeing shadows
in the corner of one's eyes.
They were slightly
terrifying to me.
I can't even do anything better.
As though they might protect me,
I pointed Cranston's weapons
at him, and it held him at bay.
I've kept
the captain's sword and pistol
with his totem of protection."
Joe's crate.
No fucking way.
It has begun.
[chanting in native language]
[Brooke humming]
Carrie, why have you been
teasing me all this time?
You know, Carrie.
[knocking on door]
[scoffs] Really?
Men are mice,
afraid of a woman's body.
[doorknob rattles]
Guys, this isn't funny.
Unlock the goddamn door, okay?
[doorknob rattling]
[doorknob rattling]
Say something, guys.
-[doorknob sizzles]
[tense music]
-[door bangs]
[door creaks, opens]
What the fuck?
And who are you?
[tense music]
Oh, I get it.
You're a part of the whole
Clown Motel blah-blah thing?
Well, you're having
a very bad hair day.
-[thunder crashing]
-[electricity buzzing]
You know what,
you can go fuck your...
-[chindi growling]
-[flesh squelching]
[ominous music]
[devilish whispers]
[heavy rock music]
[door slams]
You can fucking do this.
You can fucking do this.
[phone ringing]
I didn't wake you up, did I?
[Nicky] Past midnight, man.
Why are you fucking
calling me so late?
Come on, it's...
it's not that late.
When the hell
did you get so old?
When I had kids, Michael.
What do you want?
I'm actually having
a boys' night out in to Tonapah.
Yeah. Louis is having
a fucking bachelor party.
Lucky Louis is getting
fucking married.
You remember him, right?
Mike, I'm gonna stop you
right there.
I know what this is
and I don't have it to give.
That's not what this is.
But if it was,
I wouldn't be asking for much.
I mean, if I was asking
for anything, maybe two grand.
I don't have it.
Please don't ask.
Not asking for it.
But if I was, you know
your boy's good for two grand.
Look, you give me
two, I hand you back
two and a half, right?
You're about
to wake Jen up, so.
No, look, you can just
cash app me from the bed.
You don't even have to get up.
Nicky, just a little transfusion
just to keep me liquid.
I don't have it, Mike.
And if I did,
Jen would kill me
for giving it to you.
And I wouldn't blame her.
That bank of yours fucked me.
Or did you forget about that?
-I'm hanging up now.
-Nicky, no, no.
Nicky, no, no, no, Nicky!
[dial tone]
[tense music]
Carrie can loan you
the money, or Brooke.
She's a good dude.
Huh. Stupid.
Yeah, I'll just make up
some bullshit fee and...
have 'em all give me
100 bucks.
Except for Louis, nah.
300's a good fucking start.
[tense music]
Hey there, handsome.
What the hell is that?
[tense music]
-[glass smashes]
[Mike laughs]
[voices whispering indistinctly]
No, no, no.
No, no.
[Mike shouts]
[chindi roaring]
No, no, no.
-[devilish whispers]
-No, no, no, no.
[devilish whispers]
[chindi roaring]
[upbeat music]
You know what
happens next, baby?
[Louis] Honestly,
I'm not sure what happens next,
'cause I'm only
used to one woman
and I'm not in these
predicaments, but
oh my goodness.
I'm probably gonna
go to hell next.
How you so sexy?
I never had vanilla before.
What a waste.
[Louis] Oh my god.
You know, if you
pay me a little extra,
and I'll make you believe
in all the superpowers
that I have.
[Louis] I already believe.
[tense music]
[electricity crackling]
[upbeat music]
[Louis grunting]
[music stops]
Are you having a
fucking heart attack?
-[flesh squelching]
-[woman screams]
[ominous music]
[woman screaming]
[woman screams]
[flesh squelching]
[woman screaming]
[woman screaming]
[chindi roaring]
[thunder crashes]
Our chindi has dealt
with our grievances.
All that remains...
Is the one who betrayed us
for her own vanity.
Who's trying to claim
our inheritance.
But the chindi deals
with that treachery
of our own bloodline.
Thievery of our own kin.
By night's end, by night's end,
this motel will
have a new owner.
-[Alma grunts]
-[door creaks]
[ominous music]
[eerie music]
[tense music]
[tense music]
What are you doing?
[ominous music]
[chindi growling]
[chindi roaring]
[thunder rumbling]
[chindi roaring]
[devilish whispers]
[electricity buzzing]
[devilish whispers]
[electricity buzzing]
[explosion booming]
[devilish whispers]
Count the totems.
Nothing has changed.
The chindi still hunts.
[eerie music]
-[chattering on police radio]
-[siren wails in distance]
Detective's here quick.
That a little bit
of blood splatter?
That can be good for any of us.
What do you think, Chief?
Doesn't look good.
-See if they got some prints.
-Let's go.
None of this makes a goddamn bit
of sense to me.
You guys don't have cases
like this over on Long Island?
I thought for sure
you guys would've seen
This is entirely different.
It happens every few years.
The weirdest damn deaths
you've ever saw.
Maybe it's legitimately
or maybe
it's just had a run of bad luck
or maybe there's
something in the water.
But I've been doing this
for about 12 years now,
and the most unusual crimes,
they always happen here.
There's gotta be a logical
explanation for this.
The John on that bed
was sliced from back to front.
His ribs were pied apart
like it was hunting season.
Not to mention the
mattress that he was laying on
was still in pristine condition.
Well, save the blood stains.
Oh, maybe the vic
of the straight razor did it?
The victim was able to pull off
this Herculean feat
of fileting
an entire human body,
with just a straight razor?
Before or after
he scalped himself?
I don't think so.
You know,
and that doesn't even describe
the three other bodies
that we found,
one of which looked like
he had his face boiled off.
I am not gonna
sleep well tonight.
Well, what about the owner?
Is anyone talking to him?
Yeah, someone sure will be.
These deaths are too gruesome,
too bizarre, and too quick.
This is gonna be
a cold case in waiting,
just like all the others.
Way to be a downer.
What can I say?
The whole thing is.
Welcome to the curse
of the Clown Motel.
-This is, like, unbelievable.
-Yeah, I know.
Whole thing is just, like,
unheard of.
It's really bizarre.
I can't even describe
any of these cases here.
I don't understand
what's going on.
It just doesn't make sense.
[siren trills]
Mr. Wilson?
[door closes]
Mr. Wilson.
Is there anything that you saw
that would lead you to believe
that any of these men
were violent?
No, they were bankers.
Seemed pretty mild to me.
Then you never know when...
an angel's gonna turn
into a devil.
I don't know what they got into.
We noticed a car
parked out front.
It's a 2014 dark colored sedan.
We ran the plates.
It belongs to an Alma Perez.
Is that any relation to
your employee, Ana Perez?
Ana is Miss Perez's grandmother.
Ana was at a church
function last night and...
Alma, well, she just...
I can't rightly
say where she went.
If I could, I would.
I'm sure there's a lot
that you need to
get back to
and take care of.
We'll let you get back to it.
Take care.
[solemn music]
[tense music]
[phone buttons beeping]
[phone ringing]
Clem Wilson.
You know that guy you have
who wants to buy the motel?
Tell him it's his.
One dollar.
I shit you not.
One dollar.
Draw up the papers.
[solemn music]
[bird cawing]
[Alma] Our people
and our ancestral land
deserve so much more
than that rundown motel.
Our people deserve justice
for those who took advantage
of us, then and now.
That's why the chindi
should never be stopped.
Someone has to fight
for our ancestors.
Maybe something stopped it.
Is it I possible?
How would you know
how to stop a chindi, Ana?
-[doors opens]
-[thunder rumbling]
[electricity buzzing]
[ominous music]
[Alma] Out!
[door closes]
[electricity buzzing]
[thunder crashes]
[rock music]
[man chanting]
[music fades]
[Alma] My grandmother Kaku
used to tell me stories
passed down from our ancestors
about the chindi,
which was a Navajo word
for ghost.
But unlike Casper,
the chindi was an unstoppable,
all-consuming evil force,
exacting vengeance
for wrongs against our people.
-[people chattering]
-[western music]
Rough day, huh?
[people chattering]
Serves 'em right.
Trying to take all that land
and keep it for themselves.
Only good Indian is
a dead Indian, right?
-Yeah, how in the hell
would you guys know?
You weren't out there with us.
What we did
wasn't very sporting.
It's a shame
those elders weren't with us
from the beginning,
especially that young one,
he had some fire to him.
What's done is done.
Amen, Captain.
[people chattering]
-[doors creaking]
-[ominous music]
[intense percussion music]
Who's this?
[thunder crashes]
[intense percussion music]
-[thunder crashes]
-[electricity buzzing]
-[electricity buzzes]
-[suspenseful music]
-[metal clanks]
-[blood dripping]
-[blood splashes]
[men grunting]
[man] Get him!
[man shouts]
[electricity buzzing]
[man shouting]
[electricity buzzing]
-[metal strikes]
-[man shouting]
[gunshots banging]
[devilish whispers]
[gun clicks]
[gunshot bangs]
-[chindi roaring]
-[electricity buzzing]
[thunder rumbling]
[electricity buzzing]
-[thunder crashes]
[metal swishes]
[electricity buzzing]
[man shouting]
[thunder rumbling]
[devilish whispers]
[ominous music]
[thunder crashing]
[thunder crashing]
[man grunting]
I don't know
how you've done this,
but this isn't the last of me.
[thunder rumbling]
-[thunder crashing]
-[electricity buzzing]
-[chindi roaring]
-[man screaming]
-[thunder crashing]
-[electricity buzzing]
[ominous music]
-[thunder rumbling]
-[electricity buzzing]
[solemn music]
[bird cawing]
[store bell ringing]
You know, I admire
your little church, Ana.
You people always seem
to find a way to stay alive.
We have to, Mr. Wilson.
We were here long
before you, we'll be
here when you're gone.
Well, first of all,
I'm not going anywhere.
I mean, you wouldn't believe
how many offers
I've had on this motel.
I've turned 'em all down.
Why didn't you
people make an offer
back when I bought the place?
We weren't considered
white enough
to make an offer, Mr. Wilson.
There is that.
But I can tell you this.
If I ever sell this motel,
I'm gonna make sure
whoever buys it knows
what kind of staff comes with it
and how valuable you people are.
After all that, are you saying
you wouldn't let us
make an offer on this place?
No, I'm saying
that I don't think
your collection plate
is deep enough
to buy this property.
You don't know anything
about how deep
our collection plate is,
Mr. Wilson.
Ana, calm down.
You don't wanna be
attacking your boss
and getting fired the same day
your company arrives.
Alma is here?
You know, I never even knew
you had kids, Ana.
That's because
you never asked, Mr. Wilson.
[store bell ringing]
[door closes]
I had been gone long enough.
I had to return
to where I grew up
and do what I could
to bring to light
the atrocities
committed against
my Greasewood ancestors.
Well, fuck me.
Now I know what they meant
by the Clown Motel
Challenge online.
And from the outside of it...
looks like I'm not getting
any sleep tonight.
[door clicks open]
[solemn music]
[metal bangs]
[eerie music]
[tense western music]
[bird caws]
Hey, Joe!
Well, it's good to
know the members
of Kaku's cult
have really aged well.
Joe Bamford.
Still sulks.
And that outfit has yet
to be washed.
Alma, Alma.
Your childhood,
nothing has changed.
Well, maybe the bang job.
But the clowns?
They're still here.
Well, this is new.
Quite a collection, huh?
It's gotten a lot bigger
since I was a kid.
Well, it was probably
well before I bought the motel.
Well, the last time
I was here, I was eight.
It's like 15 years ago.
I got a few minutes now,
if you want to have that talk
that you asked me for.
[Alma] This place
looks smaller.
Well, you probably grow a lot
in 15 years.
I don't remember
that wall being there.
Is that a new door?
You got a good eye, Miss Perez.
We did a remodel
a couple of years ago.
Put some plumbing
behind that wall
and made some
additions on that one.
So you're here doing
research for a college paper,
Are you up for it?
It's for a business class?
This is for my
graduate thesis.
Cultural anthropology.
Graduate thesis,
cultural anthropology,
specializing in the
Greasewood natives.
Greasewood natives?
That's an Indian
tribe of some sort?
Like a tribe
of Native Americans.
You've never heard
of the Greasewoods?
No, but I'm not much
of a history buff.
Well, I think that's evident.
Do you know
what you have here, Mr. Wilson?
A scary clown skull.
This stone carving
is not a scary clown skull.
It's a death totem.
It's to ward off evil spirits.
It's very hard to come by
in my study,
and you happen to have
several of them
in your collection.
Is it of any value?
Mr. Wilson.
I know you think you know
all about your motel.
But those stories
that you put in those brochures
and on your website,
those ghost stories
have happened
in one fashion or another.
Tragic deaths have
occurred in these rooms.
And all the while,
an evil clown lurks
somewhere nearby.
What I wanted
to talk to you about
is what this place was
before it was the clown motel.
Fire away.
-Oh, I'm good.
I see that you market
the graveyard
and the mining sites
as tourist destinations
on your website,
and that the miners
used to stay here in the 1900s.
Yeah, they did.
They did indeed.
But if you know more,
I'd sure love to hear it,
'cause I'm always
looking to update
the website ghost stories.
Horror sells.
I'm talking about
what Tonapah was in the 1800s,
back when it was Butler City.
There was this massacre...
-[tense music]
-[gunshot bangs]
[Alma] ...where it eliminated
all the Greasewoods
just to build a railroad
in this area of Nevada.
[fire roaring]
There's no railroad
anywhere near here.
That's where I'm piecing
everything together.
I'm all ears.
The reason why
there was no railroad built...
Sit here.
Is because the ones
who wanted to do the massacre
were massacred themselves...
right in this very spot.
And after doing some research,
it shows this place
used to be called
the Butler City,
founded by Wyatt Earp
passing through town.
Wyatt Earp?
You have proof of that?
Just legends and
legends passed on
from generation to generation.
But I'm looking for proof.
Documents, articles,
like artifacts, records.
And this is where
you can help me.
There's this cellar
below this building.
I used to play in it
when I was a kid.
And I remember
there was this box down there
with these documents.
Do you know about
this box, Mr. Wilson?
No, because the cellar
was already sealed up
by the time I bought the motel.
The building department said
it was structurally unsound
and it didn't meet
zoning codes, and you know...
Well, if I can get access
to this box
with documents in it,
this would be a huge addition
to my thesis.
And if those documents
have any historic importance,
I can call
the US Historic Registry
and have this place turned
into a Greasewood memorial.
But what would
happen to my motel?
Well, I'm guessing
that the government
would make you an offer
and reclaim the land.
Reclaim the land.
It's a good thing
that you're not
a business major,
Miss Perez, because that
was the worst sales pitch
that I have ever heard
to gain access to my basement.
What incentive
would I possibly have
to let you go down
into that cellar
if I was gonna lose
my land as a result?
Well, maybe...
because it's the
right thing to do.
But regulations
strictly forbid me
from letting anybody
down in that cellar.
It's unsafe.
Crumbling structurally.
They could shut me
down if they found out.
So was the cellar
what you wanted
to talk to me about?
'Cause if it was, I think
we've about covered it.
I wish I could help you,
but I can't.
Now I don't know
if you're planning to go over
to the cemetery and...
Take some etchings or anything.
The gravestones are
marvelous over there.
I'm not sure this meets up
archeological standards,
but the kids enjoy using 'em
when they go over there.
I gotta get back to work.
I've got a bunch of execs from
the largest bank in the area
coming in for a stag party
in like 15 minutes or so.
Sounds like fat
profiteers on the land
stolen from my people.
I can't argue
with you about that.
Oh, I want you to take this.
I want you to have it,
means a whole hell of a lot more
to you than it does to me.
And you know, the work
you're doing is important, Alma.
Don't let the hurdle stop you.
Gonna be plenty
of those in life.
That's great advice, Mr. Wilson.
I'll take it.
[store bell ringing]
-What the fuck?
-You're welcome.
-Holy shit.
-What the fuck is this?
Look, I know it might
not look like much, but,
well, that's kind of the point.
We're giving Louis
a proper send-off, and
this is the perfect
place to hide some secrets,
ain't that right, Mr. Arturo?
-Oh my god, you're right there.
Well, there's a lot of things
to bury tonight,
and knowing Sloan,
he's gonna dump
his whole 401k
at the crap table.
[all laughing]
Not this time, not this time.
While me and Brooke
bury our face
-in every drink-- [indistinct]
-That's right, baby.
-What about Louis here?
-This is Louis's wedding.
He'll be the one with his head
under the stripper's tits by the
end of the night.
-[Sloan] Yeah! Yeah.
Like a banker is.
Well, we're good bankers,
and that's why we deserve
to have a good time.
You sure this place is safe?
He booked this trip
through a church group,
so as far as
I'm concerned, must be blessed.
Nobody's getting
into any trouble
they can't handle
tonight, all right?
All right.
Mike's gonna go check us in.
We're gonna divvy up the rooms.
We're gonna get some food,
and I take the town
for all the money
they got.
-[Brooke] I'm bunking
with Carrie.
Mike, you should with Sloan.
Meanwhile, Louis here
gets a room all to himself,
just in case he decides to hire
some late night company, baby.
[Sloan] Yeah!
Not happening. I'm loyal.
-[Carrie] Okay.
-Not happening.
[Alma sighs]
-[eerie music]
-[devilish whispering]
[solemn music]
What are you doing here?
[door closes]
[solemn music]
And so you've made your way
back to the motel.
[eerie music]
[door opens]
Really, Kaku?
Please, Toko, the book was open
when I walked in.
Of course.
This is forgotten folklore.
I didn't know the book
was still in print.
It isn't.
It's Mom's.
Why do you trouble
yourself with these myths?
Chindi spirits?
Your whole church is named
after a chindi.
That was before my time.
I don't like it
anymore than you do.
But it's history.
And history is dark
and depressing,
unless you're white.
Mr. Wilson told me
why you're here.
That was uncomfortable
for him to hear.
It was upsetting to me
I'm doing this for us, Kaku.
For your church.
For our family, for our people.
For all of us.
All of us that are left.
When your mother
took you, I never left.
Our church is here.
This is still our home,
and you have no right
to take that away from us.
Do you think they'd
raise this motel
to erect a memorial and
let us keep our place?
This is the US government.
They don't place
memorials for us.
They place them for themselves.
Cynical, Kaku.
[scoffs] Cynical is
a young person's word
for older and wiser, Toko.
You wanna write
a book about our people,
make a documentary,
put us on a TV show,
you would make me
so proud.
But this memorial idea?
It's a lost cause.
Kaku is afraid of change.
A product of an insular nature
of being in a fringe
religious group like hers.
Kaku thinks she has ownership.
She's still just that.
[suspenseful music]
[tense western music]
[Alma] Our church has tried
to stop the vengeful chindi
from its murderous
revenge on this town.
Only we Greasewood
descendants can put
an end to the killings.
[suspenseful music]
[door closes]
[Alma] And this sword is
the last piece we need
to perform the sacred ritual
to finally banish the chindi.
[eerie music]
It needs to be done.
The evil needs to go.
[Alma] Kaku, I need to speak
with you.
Look at you making a scene.
What's gotten into you?
What's gotten into me?
What's gotten into you and
your little church group?
Your room, now.
Kaku, how could you.
How could I what, Toko?
Your church booked
employees of the bank
that fucked you
and your friends over.
Hold your tongue.
This is my livelihood.
We wanted to get our money back,
and this was the only way
it was going to happen.
Our tour books rooms
and Mr. Wilson gives us
a commission.
It's as simple as that.
There are more
opportunities in this world
other than this motel.
I don't understand you, Kaku.
And I don't understand you.
You're so headstrong,
just like your mother.
I'm cursed with a daughter
who doesn't listen
and a granddaughter who
follows in her footsteps.
Yeah, because
she wanted justice,
real lasting justice
for our ancestors.
You can help me.
All I need to do
is get into that cellar.
Absolutely not.
Then-- then let me into
Clem Wilson's office.
Maybe I can find
What you need to find,
Alma, is the church.
Drop this thing
and let me do what your mother
would never do.
I will teach you
about our history
and introduce you to the chindi.
Listen to yourself.
You're employed
by an unscrupulous man
who would hand you off
for any amount of money.
Why protect this
motel when you can
make this place
a hallowed ground?
We are the last
of the Greasewood.
This motel may be under
someone else's name,
but the land and its spirit
has always belonged to us.
Let it go.
It would be best
if you checked out
before I came back tomorrow.
Leave tonight.
Don't stay a moment longer.
[door opens]
[ominous music]
[knob rattling]
Hmm, my old trick works.
Clown Motel is attracting
a lot of offers.
not bad.
[tense music]
[door creaking]
[objects rattle]
[door creaks]
[ominous music]
[door creaks]
[dark whimsical music]
[Joe] You only dance with me.
[door creaks]
[Joe whistling]
[wood creaks]
I have successfully
made it into the cellar.
Nothing has changed
since I was a child.
I'm surprised that Clem Wilson
hasn't scorned his way
down here to get
some artifacts for his website.
everything still sits
all these years later.
[eerie music]
[tense music]
[tense music]
Just as I remember it.
[man's voice]
The doctors have diagnosed me
with typhoid fever.
They have their theories.
But I know it's the Greasewood.
So it is with sound mind
that I can confess the evil
that I helped commit in hopes
that the elder will forgive me,
though he has every right
to spurn
and condemn me
to the fires of hell.
Our deception was plain.
We lured the two elders
of the Greenwood tribe
to the saloon
for negotiation of their land
to build the railway.
Captain Cranston,
who'd formed an outfit
resembling the Pinkertons,
was hired
to ensure
the acquisition of the land.
A monetary settlement
was to be discussed
and the elders
arrived in good faith.
I served as a distraction
while Cranston's men
murdered the entire tribe,
including the elders...
-[gun fires]
-...when they returned.
And I was told that
the elders were killed
but the young elder
that arrived for his revenge
that night
was not the same
that had come in earlier.
He moved like a shadow,
eviscerating the men
in the most horrific fashion.
[tense music]
[ominous music]
Ending with the captain.
Foolishly, I thought to
preserve the captain's dignity,
pulling the sword away.
[tense music]
His horrible mouth
leered over as though
his jaws might open
and swallow me whole.
[chindi roaring]
I pointed Cranston's weapon
at him
and he uttered an awful laugh
with a single phrase
before disappearing
[speaking native language]
[man sobbing]
[footsteps thudding]
[tense music]
[door creaks]
-[door slams]
-[Alma grunts]
Hey, she's in the cellar.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
The blade is in place.
It happens tonight.
[eerie music]
[gentle music]
[ominous music]
[thunder crashing]
[voices whispering indistinctly]
[chindi roars]
[chindi roaring]
[solemn music]
[toilet flushes]
[Sloan] Ready to go?
Can't rush beauty, baby.
[Sloan] We'll be here all night.
That's what nightmares
are made up right there.
[ghostly whisper]
[Sloan] Let's go.
Ladies are waitin'.
[Mike] Perfection.
Let's go!
[tense music]
[ominous music]
[door closes]
[Mr. Wilson] Feet.
Hey, boss.
Don't think I'm not aware of
your little conspiracy here.
You guys always book
these bachelor party deals
when I have the night duty.
-You going to church?
-Yes, sir.
-For the collection
-Thank you much.
My pleasure.
-Don't worry.
-No, I won't.
-Good night, Joe.
-Good night.
[store bell ringing]
[phone ringing]
Don't you ever sleep?
I told you I am not selling.
I don't care
if he has Chinese backers.
If I'm not selling,
I'm not selling.
[tense western music]
All right, turn 'em up.
Full house.
Sucks to be you.
Mike Hardy, ladies and
gentlemen, remember the name.
-Here you go.
-Ah, thank you, love.
-You're welcome.
-A little something for you.
Ah, thank you.
I'll take that dealer
button from you.
Appreciate it.
-There you are.
-Thank you.
Mike, you're gonna
get outta this...
These idiots have no idea.
[tense music]
Let's go.
Hit. Nice.
Ooh, fancy.
[Sloan mumbling]
[all laughing]
Look at the lot of you,
using your dirty money
just to attempt to buy
yourselves some good time.
Excuse me?
You're not excused.
[indistinct] bankers?
Never all.
Hold on, dude.
We're just here
to have a good time.
Watch your mouth before
something slips into it,
like my fist.
Hey, watch your mouth,
before something I have
slips into yours.
What the fuck
did you just say?
Hold on, dude,
what's your problem?
We got this, babe.
Just come on, relax,
relax, we got it.
I lost my business partner
because of you banksters.
Structuring loans that you knew
he couldn't pay back.
And then when he couldn't
and defaulted,
you swooped in and pulled out
from under him
his business, his properties.
Putting him on the street
to die of heartache.
That's my problem.
All right, get the fuck
out of here right now.
-Come on, come on.
-Sit down, sit down. Relax.
-Get out.
-Whatever, buddy.
Easy, easy.
When you party off
of someone else's death,
all you do is gain
the attention
of the grim reaper!
All right, there you go.
-Have a nice day.
-Good boy.
-And I'm taking your chips.
Loser, man.
I'm so sorry,
that's outta character of me.
I don't know if it's the
nerves or if I'm just
having cold feet,
but it's weird,
because as you can see,
I love my girl.
You know, she know I love her,
and now you know I love my girl.
Make a long story short,
we met a year ago online, okay?
I feel like things are rushed.
Like, I like ice cream.
I don't even know
her favorite ice cream.
And I'm sorry
for awkwardly venting to you,
I just had to let that out.
Did I mention I had five drinks?
I think it's sweet.
There's something
very sexy about a man
who's willing to
commit to one woman.
Enjoy the drink.
[solemn music]
I'm gonna enjoy the drink.
She said so.
Come on, friend.
[chanting in native language]
[Brooke yawns]
Oh, I'm so tired.
The party continues,
boys and girls.
I just scored some blow
off the bartender!
Oh no, man, I haven't done
any of that shit since I was
studying for my exams.
It's about time you do again.
Your room or ours?
Let's make it yours.
Mike likely to hurt himself.
Anger and coke don't mix
in my experience.
Fucking town.
Come on, big boy.
I'm gonna show you
what your future wife isn't.
It should be me.
Forgive me.
Fuck. [grunts]
[tense music]
[Alma reading]
"I kept seeing shadows
in the corner of one's eyes.
They were slightly
terrifying to me.
I can't even do anything better.
As though they might protect me,
I pointed Cranston's weapons
at him, and it held him at bay.
I've kept
the captain's sword and pistol
with his totem of protection."
Joe's crate.
No fucking way.
It has begun.
[chanting in native language]
[Brooke humming]
Carrie, why have you been
teasing me all this time?
You know, Carrie.
[knocking on door]
[scoffs] Really?
Men are mice,
afraid of a woman's body.
[doorknob rattles]
Guys, this isn't funny.
Unlock the goddamn door, okay?
[doorknob rattling]
[doorknob rattling]
Say something, guys.
-[doorknob sizzles]
[tense music]
-[door bangs]
[door creaks, opens]
What the fuck?
And who are you?
[tense music]
Oh, I get it.
You're a part of the whole
Clown Motel blah-blah thing?
Well, you're having
a very bad hair day.
-[thunder crashing]
-[electricity buzzing]
You know what,
you can go fuck your...
-[chindi growling]
-[flesh squelching]
[ominous music]
[devilish whispers]
[heavy rock music]
[door slams]
You can fucking do this.
You can fucking do this.
[phone ringing]
I didn't wake you up, did I?
[Nicky] Past midnight, man.
Why are you fucking
calling me so late?
Come on, it's...
it's not that late.
When the hell
did you get so old?
When I had kids, Michael.
What do you want?
I'm actually having
a boys' night out in to Tonapah.
Yeah. Louis is having
a fucking bachelor party.
Lucky Louis is getting
fucking married.
You remember him, right?
Mike, I'm gonna stop you
right there.
I know what this is
and I don't have it to give.
That's not what this is.
But if it was,
I wouldn't be asking for much.
I mean, if I was asking
for anything, maybe two grand.
I don't have it.
Please don't ask.
Not asking for it.
But if I was, you know
your boy's good for two grand.
Look, you give me
two, I hand you back
two and a half, right?
You're about
to wake Jen up, so.
No, look, you can just
cash app me from the bed.
You don't even have to get up.
Nicky, just a little transfusion
just to keep me liquid.
I don't have it, Mike.
And if I did,
Jen would kill me
for giving it to you.
And I wouldn't blame her.
That bank of yours fucked me.
Or did you forget about that?
-I'm hanging up now.
-Nicky, no, no.
Nicky, no, no, no, Nicky!
[dial tone]
[tense music]
Carrie can loan you
the money, or Brooke.
She's a good dude.
Huh. Stupid.
Yeah, I'll just make up
some bullshit fee and...
have 'em all give me
100 bucks.
Except for Louis, nah.
300's a good fucking start.
[tense music]
Hey there, handsome.
What the hell is that?
[tense music]
-[glass smashes]
[Mike laughs]
[voices whispering indistinctly]
No, no, no.
No, no.
[Mike shouts]
[chindi roaring]
No, no, no.
-[devilish whispers]
-No, no, no, no.
[devilish whispers]
[chindi roaring]
[upbeat music]
You know what
happens next, baby?
[Louis] Honestly,
I'm not sure what happens next,
'cause I'm only
used to one woman
and I'm not in these
predicaments, but
oh my goodness.
I'm probably gonna
go to hell next.
How you so sexy?
I never had vanilla before.
What a waste.
[Louis] Oh my god.
You know, if you
pay me a little extra,
and I'll make you believe
in all the superpowers
that I have.
[Louis] I already believe.
[tense music]
[electricity crackling]
[upbeat music]
[Louis grunting]
[music stops]
Are you having a
fucking heart attack?
-[flesh squelching]
-[woman screams]
[ominous music]
[woman screaming]
[woman screams]
[flesh squelching]
[woman screaming]
[woman screaming]
[chindi roaring]
[thunder crashes]
Our chindi has dealt
with our grievances.
All that remains...
Is the one who betrayed us
for her own vanity.
Who's trying to claim
our inheritance.
But the chindi deals
with that treachery
of our own bloodline.
Thievery of our own kin.
By night's end, by night's end,
this motel will
have a new owner.
-[Alma grunts]
-[door creaks]
[ominous music]
[eerie music]
[tense music]
[tense music]
What are you doing?
[ominous music]
[chindi growling]
[chindi roaring]
[thunder rumbling]
[chindi roaring]
[devilish whispers]
[electricity buzzing]
[devilish whispers]
[electricity buzzing]
[explosion booming]
[devilish whispers]
Count the totems.
Nothing has changed.
The chindi still hunts.
[eerie music]
-[chattering on police radio]
-[siren wails in distance]
Detective's here quick.
That a little bit
of blood splatter?
That can be good for any of us.
What do you think, Chief?
Doesn't look good.
-See if they got some prints.
-Let's go.
None of this makes a goddamn bit
of sense to me.
You guys don't have cases
like this over on Long Island?
I thought for sure
you guys would've seen
This is entirely different.
It happens every few years.
The weirdest damn deaths
you've ever saw.
Maybe it's legitimately
or maybe
it's just had a run of bad luck
or maybe there's
something in the water.
But I've been doing this
for about 12 years now,
and the most unusual crimes,
they always happen here.
There's gotta be a logical
explanation for this.
The John on that bed
was sliced from back to front.
His ribs were pied apart
like it was hunting season.
Not to mention the
mattress that he was laying on
was still in pristine condition.
Well, save the blood stains.
Oh, maybe the vic
of the straight razor did it?
The victim was able to pull off
this Herculean feat
of fileting
an entire human body,
with just a straight razor?
Before or after
he scalped himself?
I don't think so.
You know,
and that doesn't even describe
the three other bodies
that we found,
one of which looked like
he had his face boiled off.
I am not gonna
sleep well tonight.
Well, what about the owner?
Is anyone talking to him?
Yeah, someone sure will be.
These deaths are too gruesome,
too bizarre, and too quick.
This is gonna be
a cold case in waiting,
just like all the others.
Way to be a downer.
What can I say?
The whole thing is.
Welcome to the curse
of the Clown Motel.
-This is, like, unbelievable.
-Yeah, I know.
Whole thing is just, like,
unheard of.
It's really bizarre.
I can't even describe
any of these cases here.
I don't understand
what's going on.
It just doesn't make sense.
[siren trills]
Mr. Wilson?
[door closes]
Mr. Wilson.
Is there anything that you saw
that would lead you to believe
that any of these men
were violent?
No, they were bankers.
Seemed pretty mild to me.
Then you never know when...
an angel's gonna turn
into a devil.
I don't know what they got into.
We noticed a car
parked out front.
It's a 2014 dark colored sedan.
We ran the plates.
It belongs to an Alma Perez.
Is that any relation to
your employee, Ana Perez?
Ana is Miss Perez's grandmother.
Ana was at a church
function last night and...
Alma, well, she just...
I can't rightly
say where she went.
If I could, I would.
I'm sure there's a lot
that you need to
get back to
and take care of.
We'll let you get back to it.
Take care.
[solemn music]
[tense music]
[phone buttons beeping]
[phone ringing]
Clem Wilson.
You know that guy you have
who wants to buy the motel?
Tell him it's his.
One dollar.
I shit you not.
One dollar.
Draw up the papers.
[solemn music]
[bird cawing]
[Alma] Our people
and our ancestral land
deserve so much more
than that rundown motel.
Our people deserve justice
for those who took advantage
of us, then and now.
That's why the chindi
should never be stopped.
Someone has to fight
for our ancestors.
Maybe something stopped it.
Is it I possible?
How would you know
how to stop a chindi, Ana?
-[doors opens]
-[thunder rumbling]
[electricity buzzing]
[ominous music]
[Alma] Out!
[door closes]
[electricity buzzing]
[thunder crashes]
[rock music]
[man chanting]
[music fades]