The Dead Don't Hurt (2023) Movie Script

[labored, shaky breathing]
[birds squawking]
[flies buzzing]
[breathing continues]
[pensive music]
[horse snorting]
[hooves clomping]
[Vivienne exhales]
[breathing stops]
[flies buzzing]
[man sighs]
[flies continue buzzing]
[gentle music]
-No, Weston!
-[shots firing]
[horse whinnying]
God damn you, Weston.
-God da--
-[gunshot firing]
-[door slams open]
-[man] Weston!
[gun cocks]
[man] Put the gun down.
Right now, Mr. Jeffries.
Give it up.
[shots firing]
[wind whistling]
[spurs clinking]
[Weston humming]
[Weston grunts]
-[horse whinnying]
[dynamic music]
[humming continues]
[shovel thudding]
[Holger grunting]
[horse whinnying]
[birds calling]
[Holger panting]
[flies buzzing]
[shovel thudding]
[dirt clattering]
[Holger grunting]
[horse whinnying]
[hooves clomping]
[horses grunting]
[Holger grunting]
[shovel thudding]
[man] I'm sorry, Sheriff.
I've been meanin' to come
out here and pay you a visit.
I heard that Vivienne
was faltering,
but I didn't know
she was so far gone.
My condolences to you,
and your boy.
We've come to inform
you that great misfortune
has befallen our community.
Ed Wilkins went on a bender,
ended up killing six men.
Carl Ferguson, Ed Watson,
Claudio, the piano player,
a fella from Missouri,
and then he shot Kendall.
Your deputy appears to have
done his best to apprehend him,
but he too was laid low.
Alfred Jeffries and
his men found Wilkins sleeping
under a Cottonwood a few
miles out of town, dead drunk.
We have him locked up for you.
Initially he claimed
not to remember any of it.
We'll have him in front of
Judge Blagden in short order.
We're hopin' for an expeditious
trial and conviction.
Who saw it?
Saw it?
Some of Jeffries' men,
as well as
Tom Blanchard over there.
Got the livery stable
and then they heard gunshots.
When they stepped outside,
they saw Wilkins
riding hard outta town.
Anyone else see it?
I don't believe so.
Would you like
the reverend to come out?
Say a few words over her?
[Holger grunting]
[shovel thudding]
[solemn music]
[hooves clomping]
Good boy.
Let every person be subject
to the governing authority,
for there is
no authority except from God.
-[woman murmuring]
-And those who pass judgment
on this Earth have been
instituted by the Almighty.
[woman] Amen.
-Bring 'em in.
-[crowd murmuring]
This ain't a fair trial.
-[woman speaking faintly]
-You know he's innocent!
-[people clamoring]
-[man] Innocent!
[slamming table]
I said order!
There will be order in my court!
Do you hear me?
[murmuring continues]
Has the jury
reached the verdict?
Jeffries' son done it.
[woman] Tell 'em, Martha!
Oh, hell!
[crowd murmuring]
Some people
seen him ride into town.
That is
an outrageous accusation.
There's no foundation
for such a bare-faced slur.
Everyone knows my son
left for California months ago.
Mr. Jeffries, please
try and ignore that woman
and just sit down now.
God damn.
-Your Honor,
I will not tolerate such a liar.
If Mrs. Gilkyson says
one more word on this subject,
I will pursue legal remedy.
And if any man here so
much as evinces a readiness
to utter such calumny,
I will whip his ass personally
right here, right now.
Well, might don't
make right, Mr. Jeffries.
[all yelling]
[gunshot firing]
[crowd gasps]
You--you can't do that!
[gunshot firing]
[all exclaiming]
[all murmuring]
[Blagden Blagden]
You best sit down there, Fergus.
All right.
[chair rattling]
[crowd members chuckling]
Have you reached a verdict, sir?
Yes, Your Honor.
Let's have it then.
Bring it over here.
Let's hear it.
-"We the jury--"
Not out loud, you idiot.
[softly] "We the jury
find the defendant..."
-[horse whinnying]
-"... guilty of all charges."
[Blagden Blagden sighs]
"Do not be deceived.
God is not mocked,
for whatever one sows,
that will he also reap.
The cowardly,
the unbelieving, the vile,
the murderers,
idolaters, and all the liars,
they will be
consigned to the fiery lake
of burning sulfur.
That shall be the second death."
[crowd murmuring]
Ed Wilkins,
you are hereby
unanimously declared
guilty of
the cold-blooded murders...
-[crowd gasping]
-...of six men
in the town of Elk Flats.
-I'm sorry but...
-[woman speaking faintly]
-[Ed] I--I--I did--I didn't--
-[Blagden] I have to sentence
you to be hung from the neck
-until dead.
-Wait, I--I... you--you...
[stammers] You...
Come on, hang him.
[Ed] I-I didn't, I didn't...
Court is dismissed.
[mallet tapping]
[crowd murmuring]
We're done here, Mr. Mayor.
Thank you, Judge.
[Ed] No, no, it, it...
Ladies and gentlemen,
if you please be so kind
-as to make your way outside?
It was--it was--you...
Please get this man
out of here now.
[Ed] No, no! No, please.
-Come on.
-It wasn't me.
-Come on.
-No, no! No!
[Ed whimpering]
-Be a good boy, Ed.
-Be a good boy.
[man] Come on, Ed.
[Ed] Why, why, why?
[door creaking]
[crowd members murmuring]
[Ed] It was, it was... No!
-[ominous music]
-[Ed] No! No! No!
[murmuring continues]
[reverend] "Whoever sheds
human blood by humans
shall their blood be shed,
for in the image of God
has God made mankind.
Through justice,
let His will be done."
[woman] Amen.
You have any last words, son?
I... [chokes]
I, I...wa...
[Ed stammering]
[Ed sobs]
-It wasn't me.
-[horse whinnying]
[crowd gasping]
[rope creaking]
[Ed choking]
[pensive music]
God damn shit show.
[horse whinnying]
[music continues]
[choking continues]
-[man] Cut him down.
-Help him.
-[man 2] Get back.
-[man 3] Someone help him!
Help the man!
Cut him down!
Cut him down.
[hooves clomping]
[music continues]
[Lewis] "I'd be damned
if I touched
that rancid whale blubber,"
I shouted at the rascal.
Not swayed in the slightest
by the reverence
you afford that putrid offal.
The dusky devil roared like
a gut-shot banshee
brandishing his barbed harpoon
meaning to impale me
upon the ice-paved wall
of his fetid abode.
I proceeded to pistol whip
the greasy
whiskered two-faced barbarian...
[Vivienne singing in French]
[gentle music]
[water splashing]
...right in the crotch.
Vivienne, I'd absolutely
had it by that point.
So, I double timed
him through the frigid night
all the way to
the local constabulary
where a splendid Cossack
sporting a voluminous set
of mustachio
clapped the scoundrel
in iron arms.
-But despite all this--
-[woman speaking French]
[music continues]
[Vincent speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vincent speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Vincent speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[pensive music]
It is the indescribable vastness
of Alaska's untamed
wilderness that stirs the plot
and imagination of
any forward-looking man.
Once we have managed to remove
the marauding
bands of godless...
[gentle music]
[water splashing]
[music fades]
[Vincent speaking French]
[geese honking]
[water splashing]
[gentle music]
It is our manifest destiny
to tame that wild domain,
and instruct the heathens
in the ways of civilization
in as much as
they're able to appreciate.
What's wrong, my dear?
Don't you want to sample
the mousse au chocolat
or the mille-feuille vanille ?
No one prepares it
like Chef Lume.
[indistinct chattering]
[woman laughs]
[Vivienne breathing heavily]
[dog barking]
[man speaking
in foreign language]
[dog panting]
[dog barks]
[man speaking
in foreign language]
[man coughs]
[water splashing]
[birds calling]
[gentle music]
[flies buzzing]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[horse snorting]
[hooves clomping]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne giggles]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Agnes speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[birds chirping]
[flies buzzing]
[spurs clinking]
[mellow music]
[Holger's tongue clicks]
[Holger grunts]
[music continues]
Come on, boy.
[Holger grunts]
-[horse braying]
Come, son.
[Holger's tongue clicks]
[hooves clomping]
[music continues]
[Schiller] And I'm confident
that the consternation
that Presley runs high in some
quarters of our fair town
will subside as
the dust settles on this matter.
However, I do feel
it would be best if Weston
did not return to
Elk Flats anytime soon.
Well, he was never here.
How the hell is he gonna return?
[Schiller] Precisely.
Let's just cut the palaver,
get back to business.
[Schiller] As you wish, Alfred.
So, to the matter
of Kendall's Saloon,
after careful consideration
of the related circumstances
and seeing as Kendall
do not hold an actual deed
to the establishment,
I foresee no obstacles
in your way.
Damn straight.
Most people already think of it
as your property anyway.
The saloon will be yours
as soon as this document
is signed by all parties.
All parties?
You mean
Kendall's fat ass widow?
She better not make any trouble.
For a relatively modest fee,
she will surely step aside.
She cannot afford the cost
of a judicial contest with you
and has no
business sense whatsoever.
-[match strikes]
[Schiller blows]
Furthermore, as my bank
owns the buildings either side
of the saloon and as mayor,
I have the authority
to allow you
to expand
your gaming activities,
and create sporting lady areas
in those adjacent spaces
as you've long
expressed an interest in doing.
In exchange for a percentage
of your monthly profits,
I will gladly rent you
my buildings
at a discounted rate,
and guarantee
that you're allowed
to conduct your affairs
without interference
from the city council
or the sheriff.
You're comin' on full chisel,
ain't you, Rudy?
More shameless scavenger
never blighted this fair town.
Birds of a feather, Alfred.
Birds of a feather.
Would you excuse me a moment?
[horse whinnying]
Hello, there.
I didn't expect to see you
so early this morning.
Hello, Vincent.
Please, have a seat.
Thank you, Mr. Rogers...
[Mayor] Are you leaving us?
Oh no, please don't
fret about this month's rents.
I'll be glad to arrange
for a reduced rate
commensurate with the travails
of your misfortune.
[coins clattering]
Adjusting to
the actual days of tenancy.
[coins clattering]
[badge thuds]
[men yelling faintly]
[door slams]
[coins clinking]
Is there gonna be
a problem, Mr. Schiller?
I don't believe so, Alfred.
You better be right.
Shall we finalize our agreement?
[soft music]
[hooves clomping]
[men yelling faintly]
[water splashing]
[anticipatory music]
[crowd chattering]
[seagulls squawking]
[man] Fresh tomatoes!
Get your tomatoes
right over here, folks.
Right off the vine.
Fresh, fresh tomato.
Over here.
[man 2 yelling indistinctly]
[Vivienne] May I?
[man 3]
Yeah, they're 20 pound.
Price of your fishes,
if I may say so, outrageous.
[Lewis] Vivienne?
God's sake,
what are you up to now?
I've been
scouring the harbor for you.
I will be with you shortly.
Please allow my man, Johnson,
to purchase these goods for you
if you must have them.
Come, let's take some tea.
Leave me alone. I am busy.
This behavior really must stop.
I will not have you
speak to me like that.
Go away then.
As you wish.
Don't come crying
to me for forgiveness.
A decent meal, you've
run out of your second rate fish
and your belly
starts to grumble,
I do not have
the patience of Job,
and you're not
the only pretty thing in town,
nor the freshest.
[speaks French]
[in English] Don't mind him.
I'm sure your fishes
are first rate.
Thank you.
[indistinct chattering]
[bell tolling]
[gentle music]
[water splashing]
[Vivienne clears throat]
Is it good?
[Vivienne chuckles]
[music continues]
Just Olsen?
Just Olsen.
Just Vivienne?
Vivienne Le Coudy.
[Holger] Hm.
[speaking French]
[in English] No.
You're not American.
Yes, I am.
You don't sound like it.
[chuckles] And neither do you.
So where are you from,
Vivienne Le Coudy?
It's a very long story.
I have plenty of time.
How fortunate for you.
[Vivienne chuckles]
[Night snorting]
This is Night.
[speaks French]
[Holger chuckles]
[in English] Careful.
[Vivienne] What?
[Vivienne laughs]
[soft music]
[utensils rattling]
Breakfast in bed?
You shouldn't spoil me.
I am not.
Get up.
[Holger humming]
So this fellow you were
arguing with in the fish market,
what would he say
about me being here?
He does not own me,
and he is no concern of yours.
Sit down and eat.
[Holger sighs]
Thank you.
Nice omelet.
[Holger] Yeah, omelet.
[slowly] Omelette.
Yeah, egg. [chuckles]
[Vivienne clears throat]
So where are you going now?
[Holger] Going?
Who says I'm going anywhere?
[Holger chuckles]
Very nice.
So, you have family here?
I did.
[Vivienne clears throat]
[plate thuds]
-I'm sorry.
-[water splashing]
Do you like
to look at paintings, Olsen?
[Vivienne chuckles]
[water splashing]
[light music]
[indistinct chattering]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[in English]
This is where I come from.
[Vivienne speaking French]
[in English]
Maples and red oaks.
Birches, hickories.
Different rivers than here.
Different sky.
Different everything.
[Holger] Hm.
You miss it?
[Lewis] Vivienne?
I didn't expect you to attend.
This is my friend Olsen.
Lewis Cartwright.
Welcome to my home, Mr. Olsen.
If you see anything
you like, let me know.
Paintings are selling briskly.
Do you have a Christian name?
Just Olsen.
[speaking French]
[sighs] Hm.
[in English]
Please enjoy the exhibition.
[Vivienne laughs]
Have we seen enough?
[chuckles] Come.
[Holger chuckles]
You're a very bad girl.
That's why you like me.
-[Holger] Yeah.
-[Vivienne laughs]
[indistinct chattering]
[driver yelling]
Out of the way!
-Thank you.
[driver] Watch your back there.
Coming through.
Miss Vivienne?
Ah. Monsieur [indistinct].
Thank you.
Please, can you bring
more of these next Thursday,
if you can?
Yes, Miss Vivienne,
I will bring.
Thank you.
[water splashing]
[indistinct chattering]
How much for a single rose?
Depends on the rose.
The yellow one.
I thought
you weren't going anywhere?
I am now.
[indistinct chattering]
[Night nickers]
It's on the house.
That's very kind.
[Night exhaling heavily]
[Night nickering]
I think he likes you.
[Vivienne chuckles]
[rain pattering]
[gentle music]
[hooves clomping]
[water splashing]
[music continues]
[bird calling]
[fire crackling]
[crickets chirping]
[Holger] That duck,
he was moving very high
and fast.
Where did you learn
to shoot like that?
I killed my first rabbit
when I was five years old.
By yourself?
With an arrow.
My father was with me
but he did not help.
I cleaned it and cooked it also.
You are more handy
every passing day.
Mm, useful, capable.
[Holger inhales]
[Holger chuckles]
It's not too late to turn back,
you know.
[light music]
[Holger breathing heavily]
[hooves clomping]
[music fades]
This is it?
The place you chose of
all the places you have seen.
It's quiet.
Why did you go to San Francisco?
To see the end of the world.
[Night nickers]
[flies buzzing]
[Vivienne sighs]
[gentle music]
[Vivienne groans]
[Vivienne clears throat]
[Vivienne sighs]
It looks like
a bandit's hideout.
[Holger chuckles]
And it smells of
dead mouse in there.
In fact, there are dead mice.
So sad, no trees.
There are many trees.
Not here.
No flowers.
No garden at all.
So sad.
You live like a dog.
A happy dog.
What do you do here?
As little as possible.
[Vivienne sighs]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Holger sighs]
[light music]
[logs clattering]
[in English] Looks good.
[logs clattering]
[music continues]
[Vivienne grunts]
[brush thuds]
[crickets chirping]
[music continues]
[music fades]
[pen scribbling]
Were you ever married?
[flies buzzing]
[Holger sighs]
About 12 years ago,
our country was invaded,
and I went away to fight,
as many others did.
It was a long terrible war,
but we won.
And when I finally
returned home,
she was gone.
I cannot read this.
[Holger] Of course not.
It's in Danish.
[both chuckle softly]
But I can tell you what it says.
I would love that.
[Holger chuckles softly]
[shovel thudding]
[Holger grunting]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[in English] You woke me up.
[Holger] Yeah.
You can't dream your life away.
Why not?
This is for the flowers.
What do you think?
You have to tell me where
you want me to plant your trees.
Smells like shit.
It is shit.
-Very good cow shit.
-[Vivienne grimaces]
[Vivienne gasps]
[Vivienne groaning]
[Holger chuckles]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[in English]
Not in the shit, Olsen!
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Holger chuckles]
[in English] Where did you get
all these trees and flowers?
How did you pay for them?
I will build a barn for
the man who gave them to me.
A big barn?
Not very big,
but it will be a good one.
How much will he pay you?
He has a big ranch.
[Vivienne chuckles]
[gentle music]
You're still a dog.
Maybe you can
build a barn for us one day.
Yeah, a little one.
I could do that.
I could help you.
[chuckles] Yeah?
[Vivienne] Hm?
[music continues]
[hammer tapping]
-[Holger] It's crooked.
-No, it isn't.
[Holger] Shit.
[light music]
And now I take care of the roses
and the trees
because you give them
too much water and
they're too rough for you.
That sounds sensible.
I am very sensible.
Not sensitive, sensible.
Pardon me.
From Mr. Jeffries.
My compliments
on the striking company
you're keeping lately, Holger.
You mind if
I call you Olsen, Olsen?
That would be fine.
[Vivienne chuckles]
He's the son of the man
I'm building the barn for.
[doors creaking]
[music stops]
Can I have your attention,
ladies and gentlemen?
Well, well.
I am Sergeant Webb
of the fifth
California Infantry Regiment,
here by order of
Lieutenant Henry Stevens.
[Weston chuckles]
We need volunteers
for the California Column.
[man] You're not welcome here.
We're lookin' for
men of honor and grit
who wanna fight
to save the Union.
We need infantry men.
We need cavalry men.
We need horses and rifles.
And men
who know how to use them.
You're barkin' up
the wrong tree, partner.
[man 2] Shit.
[men chuckling]
You will receive
an immediate bounty
of 100 dollars if you join up.
We head to New Mexico Territory
at the end of the week.
We're camped
on the edge of town,
in the event any of you wish
to lend your service
to our nation.
[man] Fuck California.
[man chuckles]
Good evening to you all.
[man 3] Better get goin'.
[indistinct chattering]
[light piano music]
[speaks Danish, chuckles]
[speaks Danish]
[music continues]
[chattering continues]
[anticipatory music]
[Holger panting]
[bird calling]
[flies buzzing]
[Holger grunts]
[Holger's tongue clicking]
[anticipatory music]
[doors creaking]
[in English]
Good afternoon, Mr. Kendall.
Good afternoon, Miss...?
Oh, yes.
Mr. Olsen's lovely companion.
Holger built the cabinets
and the shelves for us here.
I know.
He's a very good carpenter.
Very handy.
Yes, he most certainly is.
How might I be of service?
Oh, I seek employment.
Perhaps you need someone
to help you serve the customers,
or I can work
behind the bar, keep it tidy.
It's most commendable.
However, we are not lacking
for assistance
on our day-to-day--
[Weston] What a capital idea.
[women snickering]
That'll liven up this drab
establishment considerably.
[snickering continues]
I am willing to do
anything you need.
[men chuckling]
[spurs clinking]
[Weston grunts]
[man gasps]
[people snickering]
You're hired, darlin'.
Excuse me,
I was talking to Mr. Kendall.
The job's yours, Ms. Vivienne.
So, you do need
some extra help then?
Well, don't we all?
Mr. Jeffries has a stake in my--
our establishment.
naturally he has the authority--
You bet your flabby ass I do.
Welcome to Kendall's, Miss.
We can try
you on weekends to start.
Next Friday
would be most propitious.
-Done and done!
-[hand slams]
Well, congratulations
are in order.
May I offer you a libation
to mark the moment?
No, thank you.
I have other matters to attend.
Friday, what time?
Other matters?
Well, woe is me,
spurned and forlorn. [laughs]
Three PM, if that's suitable.
Give you time
to learn the ropes,
uh, before the place fills up.
Thank you, Mr. Kendall.
[patrons snickering]
[woman] There she goes.
[door creaking]
[Night whinnying]
How is the barn of
Mr. Jeffries coming along?
Good, almost done.
[sighs] Couple of days
of small details,
and to paint the outside.
I hired another man to help me.
There's money for you?
Yeah, but well,
I want to get it done quickly.
Well, it's time.
When it's done, uh,
Mr. Jeffries wants to have
a small party to celebrate.
He would like us to come.
[making kissing noises]
[Vivienne] Is this a formal
event, this party?
I don't know.
I don't think so.
I don't have nice clothes.
Yes, you do.
You look beautiful always,
no matter what you wear.
You're blind.
He likes my barn so much
that he asked me
to make another one.
-[Vivienne] He needs--
-Much bigger one.
He needs two barns?
No, it's for a man who lives on
the other side of the mountains.
He wants horse stables, too.
A lotta work.
What about our barn?
[Holger sighs]
I also have a job now.
What do you mean?
I have a job in town
at Kendall's.
I mean, do you need it?
I have things
I want to do as well.
You didn't tell me,
I didn't tell you.
And I like to work,
and I like to earn my own money.
Yeah, of course.
I'm not going to take
the other job.
Because of my job?
Because I'm...
thinking about enlisting.
Thinking about it?
I am going to take
the 100-dollar bounty
and volunteer for the army.
They might pay even more
because of
my previous military experience.
This is not your problem.
This is not your country!
It is now.
-[Vivienne sighs]
-It's not just about money.
It's the right thing to do.
Fighting against slavery.
Those who can, should.
Bullshit, Olsen!
[Vivienne speaking French]
[in English]
I won't be gone long.
Men are so stupid.
So stupid.
What if I don't
wait for you, huh?
I'm a good soldier.
They need me.
You're too old to go to war!
Yeah, perhaps.
But I must go.
I need to see for myself
what it's all about.
What it's all about?
[Vivienne speaking French]
[log thuds]
[in English] Selfish bastard!
[Holger sighs]
[door slams]
[Holger sighs]
[door creaking]
[spurs clinking]
[Holger sighs]
We have a life together now.
It is only beginning.
be my wife.
You cannot make things right
with a consolation prize.
[Holger] No.
You are everything.
[Vivienne sighs]
You are the sea to me.
Fuck the sea.
You cannot own the sea.
Never will I marry.
Not you, not anyone.
[Holger sighs]
[Night snorts]
Some bread for the journey.
Thank you.
I will come back
as soon as possible.
I will miss you.
I hope so.
[Vivienne sniffling]
[bird calling]
[Night nickering]
[gentle music]
[wings flapping]
[shots firing]
[Vincent speaking French]
[Holger, in English]
No, the dead don't hurt.
Come on, let's go cook it.
[Vincent speaking French]
[thunder rumbling in distance]
[wolf howling]
[horse whinnying]
[wolves howling]
[horse whinnying]
[Holger speaking French]
[Vincent speaking French]
[wolf howls]
[in English] That's a wolf, son.
[both howling]
[both howling]
[wolves howling]
[horse nickers]
[crickets chirping]
[fire crackling]
[Vivienne sighs]
[hooves clomping]
[Weston clears throat]
Fine Sunday for
gardening, ain't it?
I know Holger bought
some manure from us awhile back.
Thought you might
want a little more.
Thank you, Weston.
What do I owe you?
Nothin' at all.
We have far more
than we can use.
Happy to let you have
as much as you need.
Shall I help you spread it?
Oh, that's very kind of you.
I will do it in the evening
when it's not so warm.
You might wanna fence
them rose bushes
and those too,
else the deer'll nibble at 'em.
I can send someone
to put one up for ya.
I can do it myself.
[sighs] Of course you can.
Would you like
some cold mint tea?
That sounds altogether inviting,
Ms. Vivienne.
[Weston sighs, chuckles]
[horse snorts]
[birds chirping]
[Holger sighs]
[light piano music]
[patrons chattering]
Quit that braidin', man.
There ain't no horses
to break in here.
-[man] Quit.
-[Weston chuckles]
[patrons laughing]
[upbeat piano music]
[men chattering]
[Weston] Oh, goddamn.
Son of a bitch!
[piano keys thudding]
[Claudio gasping]
[Claudio shouts]
-[Alfred] Son!
-[man] Shit.
[Claudio grunting, shouting]
[Weston laughs]
[Claudio groans]
[patrons exclaiming]
[Claudio groans]
[patrons exclaiming]
Come on.
[foot thuds]
[Claudio groans]
[Vivienne gasping]
I told you not to play
that damn song,
you greasy bastard.
[laughs, stammers] That's...
Shut the hell up, Ed.
Son, leave the man be.
-[Ed laughing]
-He must have forgot.
Won't have that Yankee shit
in this place.
[Alfred] The song is called
"Our Generals."
-Could be anyone's generals.
-Well, they ain't.
How the hell do you know?
Well ain't a Confederate song,
that's for damn sure.
[Claudio whimpers]
[foot thuds]
[all exclaiming]
Ah, now, Kendall.
Seein' as how my men and I
are keepin' this
shithole afloat for ya,
I don't suppose
you're gonna make a nuisance
of yourself 'cause
of this trifling matter.
Are ya?
No, Mr. Jeffries.
This is ought to, uh,
cover the expense
tunin' up this
inferior instrument.
Now pick the man up,
tell him
to play somethin' decent.
[man chuckles]
[Alfred] Do it.
[stammering] Do it.
Shut your hole.
[Ed chuckles]
[horse whinnying]
-[Claudio groaning]
-[Kendall] Come on, come on.
[Claudio groans]
[piano keys chiming]
Play somethin' nice, Claudio.
Play somethin' nice.
[men laughing]
-[Weston] Mm.
-[Claudio groans]
[Weston] There you go.
-[Claudio gasps]
-[Weston] Oh, no, no.
Mighty pretty.
You keep it up, boy. [chuckles]
[Weston laughs, coughs]
Come on.
Gotta clean up your messes, boy.
-[Weston] Let go!
-[Alfred] Sit your ass down!
Everybody play, play.
-[slow piano notes playing]
-Show's over.
[men laughing]
Surrounded by simpletons.
[light piano music]
All right, where were we?
[dramatic piano music]
[men chattering]
[Claudio grunting]
[Vivienne grunts]
[piano music fading]
[crickets chirping]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[water splashing]
[hooves clomping]
[horse whinnying]
[spurs clinking]
Just wanna be sure
you got home safe, ma'am.
As you can see, I did.
I'm just bein' neighborly.
No need to shoot me.
I am fine, Mr. Jeffries.
Oh, you most certainly are.
[gun cocks]
Ain't no sense bein' all alone
on a night like this.
No different than any other.
[laughs] That is...
That is where
you are wrong, my dear.
I am not your dear.
But tonight
is the night you've gone
from catching my fancy,
to stokin'
the flames of my ardor.
[door slams]
[Weston grunts]
[glass shatters]
[Vivienne gasps]
[Weston grunts]
[Vivienne gags]
[Vivienne choking]
Come on.
Oh, yeah.
[shard thuds]
[Weston groaning]
[hand slaps]
[flame whooshing]
[Vivienne groaning softly]
[flies buzzing]
[Vivienne panting]
[somber music]
[music continues]
[door closes]
[bags thudding]
[stirring music]
[hooves clomping]
[men chattering]
Promptness is a virtue.
I never thought
I need remind you
but you may
consider yourself remind--
What happened?
[spurs clinking]
[man, softly] Quit starin'.
[water splashing]
[doors creaking]
[pensive music]
[hooves clomping]
[horse nickers]
[flag thuds]
[man speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[man speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[man speaking French]
[birds calling]
[Vivienne grunts]
[Vivienne breathing heavily]
[hooves clomping]
-[in English] Hello, Billy.
Another letter for you, ma'am.
Came in on the stage
at Fort Churchill last month.
[Vivienne speaks French]
[in English]
Would you like something to eat?
Thanks anyhow, ma'am, but
I got a couple more to deliver.
I'll be goin' now
if it's all the same.
Of course.
Thank you, Billy.
[hooves clomping]
[eagle calls]
[light music]
[Vivienne chuckles]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[Vivienne sighs]
[music continues]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Little Vincent cooing]
[speaks French]
[Little Vincent crying]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[blowing raspberries]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[light piano music]
[in English]
Yes. Maybe not so fast, hm?
It's okay.
-[piano key chimes]
-Let's try again.
[playing continues]
[Claudio speaking Spanish]
[piano key chimes]
[Vivienne speaks French]
[Vincent speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Claudio chuckles]
[playing continues]
[spurs clinking]
[doors creaking]
Come here.
Found her wanderin' the streets.
Should not have let your
daughter traipse around town
all by her lonesome.
[Isabel speaking Spanish]
[Claudio speaking Spanish]
[Isabel speaking Spanish]
[in English] You can ask her.
Come on, don't be shy.
-[fists banging]
-Can I get
some goddamn service?
[Vivienne speaking French]
[glass thuds]
[cork pops]
Isabel, would you like
some lemonade before you go?
No thank you, Ms. Vivienne.
[Claudio speaking Spanish]
[liquid pouring]
[Weston clears throat]
[in English]
We want for you to come.
My mother asked if
you will have the dinner
again with us tomorrow night.
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Isabel speaking French]
[in English] I'm only teasing.
There's no obligation.
Read it when it pleases you.
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Little Vincent
speaking Spanish]
[doors creaking]
[sucks teeth]
[Weston chuckles]
Well, they make 'em sweeter
every year, don't they?
[Weston chuckles]
You're gonna have to
learn her some English, though.
Heard just about as much
of that Mexican cluckety cluck
as I can stand.
[Vivienne] French.
Say what?
[Weston chuckles]
[Weston exhales]
[wood scraping]
[spurs clinking]
[Weston clears throat]
-Deal me in.
-[man] Yeah.
[man 2] Yes, sir.
[Weston coughs]
[soft piano music]
[men chattering]
[Weston] I'll take two.
[man] I'll take two.
[man 2] Two for you.
There you go.
[music continues]
[players chattering]
[Vivienne laughs]
[water splashing]
[Vivienne singing in French]
[Vivienne spits]
[Little Vincent laughs]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[gentle music]
[hooves clomping]
[music continues]
[horse whinnying]
[eagle calls]
[music continues]
[Holger grunts]
[door creaking]
[flies buzzing]
[water trickling]
[soft music]
[Holger exhales softly]
[Holger chuckles softly]
[Vincent speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Holger, in English] Hello.
Did you get my letters?
I received seven letters.
The last one got wet.
I could not read it.
Did you receive mine?
Well, I got one
last year in New Mexico.
I was never in one place
long enough to have more.
You wrote that you only
work a little now in the saloon.
Of course.
And you sold the pack horse.
But you didn't
tell me about him.
I wanted to tell you in person.
[Vivienne] How was your war?
How was your war?
[Holger sighs]
Too long.
Not what I expected.
How was yours?
[Vivienne whimpers softly]
[cork pops]
I don't need it.
Whose son is he?
Weston Jeffries.
Against my will.
No, he's gone.
Two months ago.
He killed one of
his father's Mexican cowboy
and his 12-year-old son.
Mr. Jeffries made him leave town
before the US Marshall
could get here.
So, his father knows?
Maybe, maybe not.
People talk a lot.
Some seem to think
he's Claudio's son.
The piano player at Kendall's.
He's my friend.
His family has helped me a lot.
So, he could be Claudio's son?
Claudio's a good man.
[Holger sighing]
[Holger exhales sharply]
Why Vincent?
[Holger] The name.
My father.
[Holger sighs]
[horse whinnying]
[door slams]
[flies buzzing]
[Vivienne sobbing]
[hooves clomping]
[bugs chirping]
[water rushing]
[charm clinking]
[water splashing]
[Holger gasping]
[door opens]
[crickets chirping]
[water dripping]
[liquid splashing]
[Holger breathing heavily]
[Holger grunts]
[Holger slurps]
[Holger breathing heavily]
I went swimming.
Long swim.
How was the water?
[bugs chirping]
[water trickling]
[horse whinnying]
[Vincent speaking French]
[Holger speaking French]
[light music]
[hooves clomping]
[music continues]
[water splashing]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Vincent speaking French]
[music continues]
[Mayor] Most people respect you
because of your military service
because you seem
like an honest man,
and there's not much to do here,
not in terms of
enforcing the law.
Not yet.
But the new mining activity
in this area
will allow Elk Flats to grow.
We're a peaceful community.
We wanna keep it that way,
prosperous and respectable.
Now, you'll be paid
every other Friday.
Your request for
young Mr. Crossley
to be deputy sheriff
has been approved.
I could shoot
a rattler's eyes out
at 50 feet ridin' flat out.
Well, Mr. Crossley,
I don't think
there'll be any call for that.
He's just joking. Right, Billy?
His pay will come out
of what you earn, Holger.
Yes, sir.
[Mayor] Well gentlemen,
I have work to attend to.
I'll let you get
settled into your new office.
In addition to
the desk and the chairs,
we have provided
you with two rifles,
three pairs of shackles
and the keys to the front door
and the prisoner's cell.
I'd appreciate if
you sign for those items
and return this document
to me forthwith.
Good day, gentlemen.
Thank you.
Thanks, Mr. Mayor.
Put this on.
Thanks, Holger.
[soft music]
[gentle music]
[water trickling]
[mallet tapping]
[music fades]
[Holger chuckles]
[Holger exhales]
Do you wanna help me?
Come on.
I've been working
alone for a very long time.
I could use a good helper.
[gentle music]
-You have the hammer?
-[Vincent] Oui.
Come on, up you go.
[man chuckles]
[doors creaking]
[men chattering]
Good evening, Alan.
And a fine one it is.
[music continues]
-[Holger] Bit slow perhaps.
-[Kendall] Drink?
Well, yeah,
I am officially off duty now.
No miners in tonight?
I expect they will blaze a trail
here Friday being payday.
[Holger speaks Danish]
[patrons chattering]
[music continues]
[in English] I hear that vein of
silver north of Fairs Canyon
looks promising.
Mayor Schiller and Mr. Jeffries,
they got all those new claims
up on that West Ridge
sewed up tight.
Got an outfit
comin' here from back east.
It's big money.
-Oh, yeah?
[Holger] Hm.
Well, that might send
some business your way.
We are the nearest town
with the general store
and I am the owner of
the only saloon in these parts.
-Here's to progress.
-[glasses clinking]
[doors creaking]
Good evening.
[Holger sighs]
[music stops]
[coin clatters]
[doors creaking]
[music continues]
[patrons murmuring]
Set me up.
[patrons chattering]
[Holger] Goodnight, Billy.
[Billy] Goodnight, Sheriff.
[thunder rumbling]
It makes no sense for
you to be here now, Weston.
I said we'd send for you
at the appropriate time.
Got it right.
We agreed you'd stay out of town
until you heard from us.
[chuckles] Well...
I want my share.
Certainly count on that.
All right Rudy, now don't fret.
He'll stay hid until
we make our move.
And son,
when I say we're good and ready,
then you'll take
Kendall out of the way,
this whole place will be
ours to do with as we please.
[Mayor] You need to stay
here until then, though.
People haven't forgotten
about those Mexicans
you shot last year.
I told you they drew on me.
That's not the word
around town, Weston.
Well, fuck them.
And this shithole.
[hand slaps]
[Weston grunts]
[gun clicks]
You're dead meat.
We need this shithole, boy.
-This town's our honey pot.
-[gun cocks]
Well, you thinkin'
you can treat me
like all them no account
losers around here?
I ain't some lick finger
you could push around.
It is a huckleberry
above my pursuit
to cipher how
you turned out so ornery.
I will anoint
your ass right here and now.
[gunshot firing]
[Mayor grunts]
[horse whinnying]
[gun cocks]
[Weston panting]
[Weston laughs]
You are crazier
than a shit house rat.
[Weston laughing]
Come on, son.
Let's go wet our whistles
in the house.
-[Weston continues laughing]
-You too. Mr. Mayor.
Got a good bottle of Irish
I've been savin'
for my crazy son's homecomin'!
[Weston laughing]
[Weston coughing]
[groans] Fu--
[horse nickers]
[anticipatory music]
[Holger grunts]
[horse whinnying]
You wait here.
[tense music]
[music continues]
[hooves clomping]
[Weston] Come on.
[horse braying]
[horse whinnying]
[Weston laughs]
-[horse whinnying]
[music continues]
[horse whinnying]
[music ends]
[Vincent speaking French]
[Holger chuckles]
[in English] That's a big one.
[gunshot firing]
[Holger groans]
[Weston laughs]
-[shotgun cocks]
-Woo! [laughs]
[gunshot firing]
[Weston] Woo!
[gunshot firing]
[Weston laughing]
[hooves clomping]
[gun clicks]
[Vivienne speaks indistinctly]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Vivienne sighs]
[Holger grunts]
[in English] This--this for me?
Have a seat.
Where should we put these ones?
But can I put them here
for a moment
so I can enjoy 'em?
So nice you help your mother.
[Holger speaking indistinctly]
[Vivienne grunting]
[horse whinnying]
What is it?
[Vivienne groans]
What's wrong?
[Vivienne groaning]
[Vivienne breathing heavily]
Thank you.
[Vivienne speaking French]
[wind whistling]
Go ahead.
[Holger] It's okay.
[doctor] Her internal bleeding
seems to be recent.
I'm not sure the cause,
perhaps an ulcer,
but I've staunched it for now.
There is something else.
She appears to have syphilis.
Some call it the French pox,
or venereal disease.
Yeah, I know what it is.
Now I must ask you
to tell me truthfully
if you have detected
any symptoms of your own.
[Holger] Like what?
No, I don't think so.
A coppery rash on the torso or
on your private parts.
-Especially those--
No, I never had such a thing.
Vivienne...has such sores.
My surmise is that
she is in an advanced stage
of the ailment.
You yourself are at risk.
If you have not been infected,
you likely will be.
She may also have passed
the disease onto the child.
Vincent will--will also be sick?
Not necessarily.
Time will tell.
I'll give you a bottle
of mercuric chloride.
It has been known to arrest
the disease for a time,
but it won't halt
its progress indefinitely.
And when she wakes up,
try and get her to drink
some more soup.
Yeah, I will.
[wind whistling]
What do I owe you, Doctor?
I'll bill you for
the mercuric chloride tomorrow.
There's no charge
for the visit, Holger.
[door creaking]
[wind whistling]
Thank you.
[Vivienne breathing heavily]
[pensive music]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Vivienne, in English]
I never wanted to be saved.
[Vivienne speaking French]
[in English] My mother,
she gave me an open window
so I can fly.
She dressed me
to come home before dark.
I shouldn't have left.
You needed to go.
You wanted to.
[Holger sighs]
My Olsen.
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Vivienne speaking French]
[in English] Always remember...
part of us is inside our son,
but he's mostly himself.
[Holger whispering]
I'm not his father.
[Vivienne speaking French]
[Holger] Hm.
[in English]
Please let me sleep a little.
[Vivienne exhales]
[flies buzzing]
[birds chirping]
[Holger clears throat]
[anticipatory music]
[horse snorting]
[eagle calls]
[shotgun cocks]
[horse nickers]
Well, well,
Holger Olsen
as I live and breathe.
Howdy, Olsen.
You think I won't blow you
and the boy
clean outta your saddle,
old man?
You don't need to do that.
I'm not following you.
It certainly seems that way.
We're just traveling,
going West.
Throw me your weapons.
All of 'em.
Give 'em up.
[pensive music]
Easy now.
Don't do anything brash.
[gun thuds]
And then the pig sticker.
[Holger grunts]
[gunshot firing]
[horse whinnying]
[Weston choking]
[horse whinnying]
[Holger grunting]
[Weston grunting]
[horse whinnying]
[Holger] Come on, come on.
[Weston grunting]
[Holger] Come on.
[Weston grunts]
[gun cocks]
[gunshot firing]
[Weston groans]
[shots firing]
[gun clicking]
[Weston groans]
[Weston coughs]
[Weston choking]
[Weston groans]
[Weston coughs]
[gun clicking]
[Weston groaning]
[shotgun cocks]
[Weston grunts]
[Weston roars]
[bones cracking]
[Weston groaning]
[Weston growls]
[gun thuds]
[Weston growls]
[Weston choking]
[Weston gasping]
[Holger speaking Danish]
[Weston coughing]
[Holger speaking French]
[Weston grunting]
[Weston gurgles] Bitch.
Son of a bitch.
[Weston grunting]
[Weston panting]
[gentle music]
[Weston yells]
[music continues]
[Holger] Bonjour, little man.
[Vincent grumbles]
[Holger chuckles]
[Holger speaking French]
[in English]
Okay? Gimme your hand.
And start from the top
and then we go down like that.
And you go like that.
Now you do it by yourself.
Start from the top.
all the way.
[gentle music]
Very good.
I like that one.
That was a very good one.
Now try one more.
One more just like that.
Maybe a little bigger.
Yeah, it's perfect.
[music continues]
[music continues]
[waves crashing]
[seabirds calling]
[Vincent speaking French]
[Holger speaking French]
[in English]
Water and more water.
[Vincent speaking French]
[in English] Of this one.
[waves crashing]
[horse snorts]
[gentle music]
[music continues]
[music fades]
[soft music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[waves crashing]
[music fades]
[bird calling]
[waves crashing]