The Dead Window (2023) Movie Script

(ominous orchestra music)
(truck door closes)
(shovel drags)
(body drags)
(man spits)
- [Woman In Leather] Yes?
- All done.
- [Woman In Leather]
It's in the ground?
- Yep, patted him down,
covered him in bramble.
No one will look twice.
- [Woman In Leather] Good,
the deposit will post
in a minute.
- Sweet, you know it's real
nice out here, real nice.
- [Woman In Leather] Out where?
- Where I buried him.
You should give me
a couple of acres.
- [Woman In Leather]
You're on my property?
- Uh-huh.
- [Woman In Leather] Asshole.
- Hello?
- Are we running
out the clock today?
- What?
- You haven't been talking.
- I don't feel like it.
- That's fine.
You know, the good thing
about these sessions are
that they can be whatever
you want them to be.
- Yeah.
(ominous orchestra music)
- So how are you feeling?
- Okay.
- And now the truth.
- I'm just foggy.
I'm having trouble thinking
and remembering stuff.
- Did you tell anyone?
- Just the usual suspects.
- Are they as helpful as always?
- Yeah, you know it.
- Girl, you have got
to get out of there.
You have got to
get away from them.
- Why do I feel like we've
had this conversation before?
- Because we have,
and nothing changes.
You're still there, they're
still fucking with you,
you still feel like
shit, rinse and repeat
and repeat and repeat.
- Yeah, okay, you're
forgetting the dead boyfriend
this time.
- Piper, do you
really think I'd side
against you on anything?
You know better than that.
- But.
- All right, you wanna hear it?
Ot was always kind
of an asshole.
We couldn't put our
fingers on it, but he was,
and no one was surprised
that he cut and ran
when things got
tough except you.
- Hey, who pays this week?
- Piper, don't be like that.
- Do you know what?
I got it.
- Piper, the offer
still stands, you know?
- Yeah.
- I have the room as much
privacy or company as you want,
plus, you love cats.
Why don't you just come on?
- Because apparently
I'm a really shitty
judge of character.
So I'll think about it.
- You didn't tell me
you were going out today
after your appointment.
I was worried.
- About me or your car?
What is that?
- You don't remember?
You drew it for me
when you were five.
- I'm 21, mom.
- Still my little girl.
You know, how long has it been
since we've cooked
dinner together?
I invited you every Sunday,
of course, but you never came.
You know, I'm really glad
we're getting a second chance
at this mother-daughter thing.
It was becoming
painfully obvious
you were inheriting
my sharp tongue.
I thought our ship
might have sailed.
Is that your first one?
- Does it matter?
- You know you can't
trust her, right, Pipe?
- She's my mother.
- Yeah, well, we don't get to
have a say in our gene pools.
If we did, things would
probably be better.
- There you go talking
in present tense again.
(melancholy guitar music)
Anyway, things don't get
better, just different.
- You can say that again.
- Are things any better
with your mother?
- With Cora?
Things don't get
better with Cora.
I mean, I've been
working on myself.
Of course, that
makes things worse,
because she can't
come in second.
- And where do you come in?
- With who?
- Yourself.
- I'd say I come in third.
I tend to put my mom and
Ot's needs before my own.
- That's not a
conscious decision.
- Are you asking or telling me?
- What works best for you?
(Piper scoffs)
- [Cora] How was your
session today, sweetie?
(melancholy folk music)
- Fine.
- Well, I told you, Dr.
Blanchard is the best around.
Wouldn't trust my little
sunshine to anyone less.
Has he opened your
eyes yet about James,
about how terrible he
was for you, to you?
- Can we not talk about this?
- I think it's a little
late not to talk about it,
don't you?
Sweetie, James left you,
just like your deadbeat father
did to me, to us, years ago.
Now I know that you wanna think
that something's happened,
that there's some kind of
foul play, but he just left.
He left, sweetie.
We don't know where he
went and we don't know why,
but what does it even matter?
It's what they do.
Piper, his clothes are gone.
Your joint bank account
has been cleaned out,
an account that I told you not
to open, if you'll remember.
It's not like the two
of you were married.
You're just kids,
for God's sake,
and you lost everything
you worked so hard for.
Sweetie, James is
a horrible person.
He's toxic.
After you two got together,
I saw the light go
out of your eyes,
and the longer you were
with him, the dimmer it got.
Whatever is wrong with your
head, we'll figure it out.
(door opens)
Sweetie, sweetie, hey,
we're out of eggs.
So I'm gonna run to
Samson's and get some more.
When I get back, I'll wake
you up when breakfast is ready
and then we can go for a walk.
- My prescription's ready.
Could you pick it up?
- Of course, sweetie.
You relax.
I'll take care of everything,
just like when you were little.
(door closes)
(inquisitive rock music)
You know, sweetie, you
really should eat more.
- I miss these lazy mornings.
- You should try them with Cora.
There are no lazy mornings.
- No thanks.
- [Piper] I miss you, Ot.
- I miss you too.
You know, people stopped even
asking what my real name was.
They just figured
I was born Otter.
- Well, I can't call
you James. (laughs)
It sounds weird.
- Kind of.
I don't know how this
happened, do you?
One day I just crossed
over, kind of, sorta.
I mean, you're the
only one I can talk to,
the only one who seems
to know I'm here.
I don't, what is this?
- All I remember is
waking up, and then.
(Cora scrubs)
(door opens)
Babe, you here?
(ominous orchestra music)
(door closes)
- Piper, you feeling okay?
You were sleeping so soundly
that I didn't wanna wake you.
- What smells?
- The tub backed up again.
I'm just cleaning up in here.
- Is that my shirt?
- He bought it.
You know, maybe you
should go lay down.
You look really tired.
- Tell Ot I went to bed?
- Sure, sweetie,
if I can find him.
- What happened?
Where did you go?
Where did you go?
- Is it always like this, Piper?
- Fuck off.
(trunk opens)
- Get all of him?
- Yes, I wrapped it
as tightly as I could.
- Whole or in pieces?
- Are you kidding?
I don't dismember bodies.
- Right, you just kill 'em.
- Look, call me when you're
done and you're gone, all right?
And I'll send the
rest of the fee,
just don't do anything stupid.
- You mean stupider than this?
(tires screech)
- Dr. Blanchard, fancy
meeting you here.
- Cora, another coincidence.
- What are the odds?
Get in.
- I have a dinner appointment.
- Oh yeah, what's her name?
- It's with the medical board.
- Yeah, well, this
won't take long.
Get in.
- Five minutes.
- So Tom, how's my
darling daughter?
- She's doing well,
all things considered.
- That's not an ideal answer.
- It's the truth.
Would you rather I lie?
- I'd rather you do your duty.
- You can't keep Piper
in limbo forever.
She's an adult,
for Christ's sake.
Sooner or later, she's gonna
find out what she needs
to heal herself and
then that'll be it.
- That's what the pills are for.
- You know the potency
wanes over time.
- Yeah, well, up the dosage.
You haven't seen her
when she's manic.
The pills keep her calm.
- They keep her numb.
There's a difference.
- Tomato, tomato.
- That's unethical, Cora.
- Yeah, I remember when
you weren't so concerned
with ethics, Tom.
- I was young.
- Yeah, I was 17.
- That was a long time ago.
If I was so bad, why did you
send your daughter to me?
- Because you fucking owe me!
- No!
- I want a new prescription.
Add 50 milligrams.
- No, no, Cora.
(Cora scoffs)
Don't up the dosage.
- Yeah, well, if you'll
not up the dosage,
then I'll make sure she
gets what she needs myself.
- What are you saying?
- I'm saying that Piper
will get the help she needs
no matter what.
You still planning on
retiring next year?
- Why?
- They don't take too kindly
to sex offenders
these days, Tom.
It's a lot harder
for you respectable
types to just ride off
into the sunset, even
if it was 30 years ago.
- (laughs) Now you listen.
- No, you listen.
You are gonna write the
fucking prescription
and then get the fuck out
of my car, and if you don't,
your name is gonna be all the
rage in the news come morning,
I promise you.
- That's extortion.
- Has a better ring than
statutory rape, doesn't it?
I just opened that.
A little sip helps me think.
You would've poured
a whole glass.
- I'm not a drunk.
- (laughs) Oh, with the
name calling, now, Piper,
it's a slippery slope.
- What's this doing here?
- I found it.
- Where?
- In the backyard
near the water.
How he missed, I have no idea.
You know, he just
threw it away, Piper,
like he threw you away.
I'm here for you.
(water rushes in the distance)
- What?
- Nothing, I was just thinking
about how much you loved this
game when you were little.
You used to get up early
and set up the board,
wait for me to wake up.
As soon as I would show my face,
you would just hit
me like a whirlwind.
Mom, mom, the board's ready.
Come and play.
- It's because it was a
confidence boost for me.
I usually won.
- Sweetie, I let you win.
I mean, it's a mother's
job after all, isn't it?
Give your little one
a sense of achievement
and let them spread
their wings and fly off
with an inherent
belief in themselves.
Sweetie, it's mommy 101,
not that you'd know.
17 points.
- Well, I guess
it's good you didn't
tell me all that back then.
- Well, everything that
I did was to prep you
for a better life, certainly
better than I had at your age.
Everything was going so well.
You were an A student,
top of your class,
accepted to every college
that you applied to
before you met you know who.
- Ot, his name was Ot.
- His name is James.
Ot was a charade, just like
everything else about him.
- I gave him the nickname, Mom.
Are we gonna get
into this again?
Why do we keep having
the same conversation?
- Because I am trying
to help you, sweetie.
Everyone is.
You're not going to be able
to deal with this nightmare
of a relationship unless
you deal with the damage
that was left in its wake.
- I'm going to bed.
I'm up 21.
I win, unless you let me.
- No, no, no.
You won fair and square.
- Imagine that.
- I thought we were
gonna watch a movie.
- I'm tired.
Maybe tomorrow.
- Goodnight, sweetie.
(phone beeps)
(dramatic rock music)
- Hi.
- Hi, thought you were
never gonna come to bed.
So I hear I'm a predator?
- And a nightmare.
(calm guitar music)
- Is that what this
is, a nightmare?
- You are more real than she is.
She found your key chain.
Did you lose it?
Did you throw it away?
- What?
- How does she have
your key chain?
- Piper, what are
you talking about?
- How does she have it?
What's going on?
- I don't know what's happening,
where I am, or what
I'm doing here.
- You're here for us, for me.
- Yeah, but I don't know
what happens in between.
When you're not here,
it's like I don't exist.
I'm not anywhere.
I only experience these moments.
I only remember these moments.
- Ot, I'm always here.
- But I'm not, I'm not.
(sad guitar music)
- Hey, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to startle you.
- [Piper] Have a good day.
- You Cora's girl?
- Who are you?
- Terry, Terry Gibbons.
You and I used to play
when you was little,
a couple of times way back when.
- Oh, I was a little
older, obviously,
and probably too rough,
now that I think about it.
My land abouts
yours over yonder.
We've been neighbors since
what seems like forever.
My old man and yours
used to be buddies
until, you know.
(Terry spits)
How's your mama?
- She's fine.
Well, I'll let her
know that I saw you.
- Yeah, you do that.
She always hated that
our trail is set so close
to y'all's land.
At some point she
decided I was no good.
It's on her.
Your mother owes
me money, you know.
I did some work
for her recently.
Not a whole lot or anything,
just what we agreed on.
- I'll let her know.
- [Terry] You do that.
Have a good one.
(terry slams ax)
(ominous electronic music)
(water runs)
(door opens)
- Terry Gibson wanted
me to say hello.
- Gibbons.
- Whatever, he's weird.
I'm gonna take a shower.
(wine sloshes)
(inquisitive electronic music)
(wine sloshes)
(soap flops)
(dramatic orchestra music)
(door opens)
- Cora.
(chuckles) Sorry,
I didn't hear you.
(Cora stabs James repeatedly)
(horrific orchestra music)
(Cora breathes heavily)
(ominous orchestra music)
(car door opens)
- Hi, sweetie,
brought you a drink.
We're gonna take
the long way home.
There's a water main break.
One of the roads are closed.
How was your appointment?
- Fine.
(Cora struggles)
(Cora kicks James)
(body slumps)
(trunk opens)
(body slides)
(rhythmic rock music)
(Terry spits)
(Terry knocks)
- [Terry] Howdy, neighbor.
- What do you want?
- My money.
- I sent it.
- No, you sent a deposit.
I want the rest.
- I told you not to use
your phone on my property.
- It don't matter.
It pings the same tower, Cora.
Besides we're neighbors.
I was just calling
to see if my dog came
on your property again.
- You know, I told
you to get rid of it,
not to use my land.
You cannot follow instructions,
and that changes the deal.
- What do you think, I
got a rolling incinerator
or something?
The maggots will get him.
All's I do is facilitate
Now I did the work.
I want my rate.
- I did the work.
You cleaned up, and
you did it wrong.
- Gone's gone.
- He's not gone.
He's in my fucking backyard!
- (chuckles) You sure
get hot, don't you?
- You haven't seen
me hot, Terry.
When I get hot, you'll know.
- I bet, just like that
old boy in the ground, huh?
- Yeah, well, fuck him, and
I'm gonna tell you this once.
Stay away from my daughter.
- She home?
- She's asleep.
- Pretty girl, all grown up.
She got a daddy?
- Somewhere.
- Yeah, wheres?
- Who cares?
- (spits) You never could
find a good one, huh?
- A good what?
- Man.
- Get off my property, Mr.
(Terry chokes Cora)
- I'll do what I goddamn
please until I get paid.
You understand, huh?
- Mom, what's going on?
- Nothing, sweetie.
I was just catching up
with our neighbor here.
- Hi, sweetie.
- Should I call the police?
- Heh, the police?
Who are we, the
Hatfields and McCoys now?
- It's all right, sweetie.
Mr. Gibbons here was
just out running errands
and thought he'd stop by.
(Terry spits)
- That's me, errand boy, ladies.
(truck starts)
- Mom, what was that?
- That was an asshole.
Let's get some dinner.
(sad folk music)
(James kisses Piper)
(Cora knocks)
- Piper, sweetie, I.
Piper, Piper!
(ominous folk music)
Piper, what are you doing?
It's cold.
Sweetie, I made coffee.
Piper, do not make me come
down there and get you.
- Piper, Piper, Piper.
Come on.
Come with me.
Come here.
Everything's gonna be okay.
We're just gonna
go inside, okay?
- What the fuck
are you doing here?
Piper, can you hear me, sweetie?
- Get a towel, a
blanket, anything.
She's in shock, Cora, hurry!
Piper, Piper, listen to me.
I want you to understand.
Don't trust your mother.
Don't accept anything from her.
Don't eat any food
she's prepared.
Do you understand me?
You feel disconnected
because she's drugging you.
Stop taking the pills.
You have to get
out of this house.
Do you understand me?
You have to get
out of here as fast
and as far away as you can.
Piper, I'm always here for you.
All you have to do is reach out,
and I'll be there.
I'm there for you.
- [Cora] Here.
(blanket flops)
- You rest, okay?
- What the fuck are
you really doing here?
- I've decided to change
my retirement plans.
I'm done at the
end of the month.
- You think you can run away?
- Run away from what?
I've earned it, and I'll
continue to be here for Piper
as long as she needs me.
- You know what she needs is
what her mother says she needs,
and if you try to run away,
I'll have you dragged
back here to face charges.
- I don't mean to
be insensitive,
but we were both a
lot younger then,
and there's a statute
of limitation, you know?
- Is that how you
wanna play this?
- I'm not playing, Cora.
I'm trying to help.
- Why are you really here?
- I'm concerned for Piper.
- Oh, but I thought
she was doing so well.
- Well, that seems to change
when she's in your charge.
- What the fuck do you care?
You are an insurance
siphoning piece of shit!
- I've always been here.
We could have told her anytime.
You didn't want to do it.
- You remember that, Tom?
I make the rules.
You think you can
just call it a career,
retire, and outrun me?
- I'd like to move
Piper out of here.
I think that a group home
would help her immeasurably,
but there are other options as
long as they're not with you.
(Cora slaps Tom)
(Tom groans)
- The state will be
contacting you this week.
Goodbye, Cora.
(inquisitive rock music)
(door opens)
- Cora.
- I went by your office,
and you weren't in again.
- Late lunch.
- Buy me one.
- Charming as ever.
- Yeah, well, you're hard
man to track down, Tom.
- I thought you
liked it that way.
- I do.
We have something to discuss.
- Oh?
- It's Piper, she's
not doing so well.
- In what way?
- Insomnia, sometimes she
doesn't sleep for days.
Her grades are shit.
She might not even graduate.
- Any ideas why?
- The usual, young,
impetuous, ungrateful.
- Ungrateful?
- And disrespectful.
You know, I did a
lot for that girl.
I gave up everything.
She should thank her lucky
stars she has a parent like me.
- Why are you telling me?
- What, you don't wanna know?
How quickly they forget.
- Come on now.
You made it very clear that
you did not want me involved.
- Yeah, well, that doesn't
mean you get a free pass.
You can't just go and
buy another new car
and go zipping around
town with a top down
during your little
midlife crisis.
- Are you watching me?
- Hardly, you're
just hard to miss.
You look like a fool.
- Nice seeing you too.
- I said I wanted one of those.
- What do you want,
money or what?
- (chuckles) You're
buying, doctor?
- No, I mean for Piper.
What do you want me to do?
- Talk to her.
- You want her to know?
- (scoffs) Are you kidding?
You're not gonna say a word.
I want you to take
her on once a week.
- Sorry, Cora, my
books are full.
- Make room.
- I can't do that.
- Well, work late.
- I can't do that either.
- You did with me.
- Cora, I don't think
this is a good idea.
- That's not your call to make.
- You're asking for
my professional help.
So it is.
- Let me be clear, Tom.
I'm not asking.
- I don't know what
else to tell you.
There are protocols.
I have obligations.
- (scoffs) Who are
you trying to kid?
They're no different than
they were 20 years ago.
You just have more money.
- So that is what this is about.
- Don't worry, you can keep it.
We do just fine.
- I told you I can--
- Look, you can do what I ask.
- You said you weren't asking.
- Don't play games with me.
You don't make the rules.
I do.
- We're going in circles here.
Did you ever even think
about telling her?
You know, kids have a way of
seeing when things go sideways.
I have seen honesty
work wonders.
- I will never tell her
and neither will you.
Don't fuck with me.
- I wouldn't dare.
- Hey, sweetie. (snaps)
Sweetie, can I get
one of those, please?
- It's spicy.
- So I'm gonna bring her by on
Wednesday, about six o'clock.
Work for an extra hour, talk
to her, and see what you think.
Oh, and if she mentions
this loser named Ot,
just try to convince
her to dump his ass.
He's a big part of her problem,
filling her head with these
idiotic ideas, (chuckles)
making her defiant.
He won't be around for long.
- Am I the doctor or are you?
- I'm the mother, and
mother always wins.
Don't forget it.
- I don't think you'd
let me if I tried.
(ominous orchestra music)
(inquisitive rock music)
(truck starts)
(tires squeal)
- What the hell?
(Terry spits)
(Terry spits)
Is everything all right?
- I don't know.
You tell me, boss.
- Is there a problem
with the road or?
- There might be.
Where are you coming from?
- My patient's house.
I'm a doctor.
- Doctor, how is things.
No, I used to live things.
Yeah, sometimes I
still do. (spits)
- Can I get by or
what's the issue?
- The issue might be
one of your patients.
Can I get a name?
- I'm sorry.
I can't share that.
- Can you tell me
what they look like?
- That's privileged information.
- Privileged information.
Well, I ain't a man of
privilege like you, doctor,
(spit cup sloshes)
but I ain't
disrespectful neither.
- I don't mean to be rude,
but I can always turn
around, all right?
I mean, if we're done here,
I could just be on my way.
- So the patient or whatnot?
- Yeah, something like that.
- (pats car) All right,
you can go on and get.
You can just make you a oui,
and I'll cover your back.
Have a nice day.
- Yeah, you too.
(window closes)
- One more thing.
- Yes?
(gun fires)
(Terry wipes door)
(pill bottle pops)
(sad folk music)
(pills clatter)
(toilet flushes)
(truck pulls in)
- Don't go out there, Pipe.
He'll hurt you.
(door slams)
(gun cocks)
- I win.
- Drop dead.
(gun fires)
- You first.
- Can you do this?
- I don't know, but if
the cops pull us over,
that's a good thing.
(car starts)
- Hit the gas, pipe, go, go!
(gun fires)
Piper, Piper!
(dirt sloshes)
(dirt rustles)
(ominous string music)
(Piper hyperventilates)
(Piper stumbles)
(rhythmic folk music)
(ominous string music)
(fire crackles)
- Piper, what are you doing?
You can't go home.
- I have to.
- No you don't.
He's there.
- So are you.
- I can't help you.
- What can you do?
Why are you here?
- The pills were
dulling you down,
making it possible for us,
a crack in a window inside.
- I'm not taking
the pills anymore.
- I know.
I'm not here as often.
- Will I lose you again?
You should just
take me with you.
Why not?
- I can't.
I don't think we'll be together.
- We're together now.
- Because the window's open,
but you're in there
and I'm out here.
- So all climbed through.
- It doesn't work like that.
- What are you a
supernatural expert now?
- Kind of a masterclass,
don't you think?
- That's funny, ghost.
- Piper, there's nothing, just
this, just a window to you.
- A dead window?
- I'm afraid if you follow
me, you'll only get lost.
- So what then, we just lose
each other no matter what?
No, I don't believe that.
- This is our chance
to say goodbye.
I don't want it to end that way.
- I'll keep taking the pills.
- [James] You don't want that.
- I want you!
- No, stop.
The pills are ruining your life.
They'll keep you in
limbo like you are now.
- Ot, you're the only
thing keeping me sane.
I need you.
- No you don't.
You just didn't need your
mother, but she's gone now.
You can live.
You should live.
- [Piper] What about you?
- What about me?
Look at me.
I'm dead.
- Did she do it?
- I don't know.
I can't remember
anything, Piper.
All I have are these
moments and you.
- Don't you want me?
- Piper, we're not
exactly together.
- It's better than
the alternative.
- This is just a moment
in time like life.
I don't know what
comes next if anything,
but nothing lasts forever.
I just want to
know you're happy.
- Then let me do this.
(rhythmic folk music)
(door opens)
You're in my house.
- Sure am.
You alone?
Lock it!
(door locks)
You know, I never thought
about saying this,
but I thought I killed you.
- Yeah, so did I.
Then I woke up.
It seems to be a
thing around here.
Did you kill Cora?
- Your momma was a
lying piece of shit!
- I agree.
- Beer?
- No, I'm hit.
- No worries, darling.
Come here.
I'll take it out for you.
- I think I'll
call an ambulance.
- Not an option!
- Says who?
- Well, ain't you
just like your mother.
- I'm nothing like her.
- You know what they say,
the apple don't fall
far from the tree.
You want to know something else?
I can do whatever I want.
I can hold you hostage.
I can kill you.
I can do something else.
- I just want you to
answer a question.
(Terry burps)
Did my mother kill Ot?
- (chuckles) I wish Carl
was here to face this music.
I think you know the answer.
- No, I think you
know the answer.
- My beef was always
with your mom,
not with you and your man.
Yeah, she killed him.
He was home when he
wasn't 'possed to be,
and he got stabbed up real good!
Yeah, you heard it.
- What did she do with the body?
- She asked me to bury him.
So I did.
Only problem was she never
upheld her end of the bargain.
She never paid me!
That was the root of our issue!
- Where is he?
- You were right next to him.
I buried you in a row.
So what's it gonna
be, Nancy Drew, huh?
You gonna take me
in to face of music?
(laughs) I got what
I came here for.
(James punches Terry)
(gun clatters)
You little bitch!
Did you ever shoot before?
(gun fires)
- First time.
- I guess we're even then.
Son of a bitch.
- I'm calling the police.
- It's too late, darling.
- Watch me.
- I'm watching.
I'm watching.
I'm watching.
I'm watching.
- Don't move.
I'll kill you.
- I'll be right back.
I gotta get some.
- What are you doing?
It's you or him.
Finish him.
(gun fires)
(Terry groans)
- Fuck.
What are you doing?
Come on.
- Get outta here, Piper.
- He's coming.
- I know.
That's why you need to leave.
- I'm not leaving you.
- What's he gonna do, kill me?
I got this.
(Sad piano music)
Don't worry.
I'll say goodbye.
(couple kisses)
- No.
- [Terry] Having
second thoughts?
You know, you're just
like your mother.
(gun fires)
- [Terry] Oh shit.
- [James] Kill him now.
Kill him, Piper.
Do it.
(gun clicks)
- Game's over.
Thanks for playing.
What do you say you
give me that gun back.
It was my daddy's.
You would've hated him.
- [James] Get outta
here, Piper, go.
- Get off my
property, Mr. Gibbons.
(Terry stumbles)
- I suppose that's fair.
- [James] He'll be back.
- I'll be back, though.
- [Piper] Then I'll be waiting.
- I need an ambulance.
- [Piper] Not an option.
Half hour to the
closest hospital.
So you better go.
- (cough) See, you're
in better shape than me.
What do you say I
get a ride from you.
We can give 'em a
twofer. (chuckles)
(Terry groans)
Oh well, fuck it.
I'll go on myself
and make a call.
It's quicker through
the woods anyhow.
I'll get my stuff another day.
(siren chirps)
- [Man On Radio]
Calling all units,
a female mental to the rear,
560 South St. Louis Street,
a female, white.
(car door shuts)
(sad folk music)