The Desert Trail (1935) Movie Script
(MultiCom Jingle)
(dramatic music)
- You're terrible, if you try any of
those phony tricks in Rattlesnake Gulch,
they'll run you out quicker than they did
in the last place.
- I didn't get us run
out of the last place!
It was your fault!
Now, if you hadn't
gotten mixed up with that
dance hall girl, we'd
have still been there.
- I got mixed up with her?
You forget, my boy, that it was you with
a young lady when the vigilantes asked us
to leave town.
- Maybe we oughta stay away from 'em.
Why, chasin' after every good lookin' dame
you see ain't gonna get you any place.
Time we cut it out, tried to
make something of ourselves.
- Well that's the first
sensible thing you've ever said.
Now the thing for you
to do is to ignore them.
- But how can I?
Ever since I've been able to tip my hat,
women have had a weakness for me.
- Well, don't tip your hat.
Don't even talk to them.
- Say, that's an idea!
It's talk that always gets you into
trouble with a woman!
They always think you
mean more than you say.
Why, all you gotta do is say good mornin',
and they think you wanna get hitched!
From now on, I'm deaf
and dumb to all of 'em!
- Now you're talkin', that's a great idea.
You'll save me a lot of trouble if
you really mean it.
- Absolutely!
- Whoa!
- Got anything for Rattlesnake Gulch?
- Yep, a passenger and some mail.
- Oh boy, take a look at that!
I gotta do somethin' about that!
- I thought you said you were deaf
and dumb to all of 'em.
That's the trouble with you, Kansas,
you haven't any willpower.
- What do you mean no willpower?
When I say a thing, I mean it!
- But you just said you were deaf and dumb
as far as women were concerned.
- That's right, it still holds good!
- Good.
Would you allow me?
- Certainly, thank you.
- (whistling) Giddy up!
- I'm John Scott, headin' for the rodeo
at Rattlesnake Gulch.
- Oh, how do you do?
I am Juanita Romero, my home is there.
- Oh, well that's great.
Maybe I'll be able to see a
lot of you while I'm there.
- Are you a rodeo star?
- Well, not exactly, although I did
pick up some money at the Cheyenne
and Fenelton shows this year.
- Your friend here, is he a rodeo star?
- Him? A rodeo star?
I should say not.
That's Kansas Charlie, he's my, uh,
he's my ward.
He's a deaf and dumb
fella I carry along to
take care of my saddles and stuff.
- Oh, that is too bad!
How did it happen?
- Why, uh, he was scalped by Indians
when he was a baby, never regained his
power of speech.
Wait 'til he takes his hat off,
he's bald as a goat!
See, the poor fella's tryin' to talk,
but that's the best he can do!
- Well, woman or no woman, I'm not gonna
sit here and let you insult me like that!
I am not bald-headed.
It's only a high forehead, see?
- Well, well! It's a positive miracle!
They always told me that a sudden shock
would restore his speech, but I
didn't think you'd turn
out to be half-witted.
Now, that's the first ford I ever saw
that ran clear to the back of the neck.
- Why, you!
(Kansas groans)
- Now, Kansas.
There's a lady present.
You see, miss, he's practically a nitwit.
- Nitwit!
Say, I've got more brains than
this fella will ever have!
Now what you need is a man to protect you.
Somebody that's gonna
get ahead in the world.
Aw, you got too much class
for these small town fellas!
You need a man that's been around!
- Oh, thanks Kansas for the buildup,
but I think you're putting
it a little strong.
I'd rather the young
lady found out a few of
the things for herself.
- I wasn't talking about you!
I was referring to myself.
- Modest, isn't he? A
regular shrinking violet.
- Then, if you are all these things,
you must be very rich!
- Oh yes, yes, very rolling in wealth.
Most of the time.
'Course, I don't carry it
with me while I'm traveling.
But there's plenty of
money waiting for me at
the Rattlesnake Gulch Casino!
Now, if you wanna play
sure thing, Juanita,
stay away from this guy
and make a bet on me!
You'll wear diamonds!
- Oh, that would be very nice!
- I should say it would.
- Oh, this is my house!
This is where I get off.
I will see both of you while you are here?
- [Kansas & John] I'll say you will!
(exciting music)
(horses snorting and whinnying)
(horse whinnying)
- [Voiceover] John Scott up next.
- Coming.
- All right, go on, be a sap.
When that horse gets through with you
and you're layin' in a
hospital bed tonight,
I'll be out with Juanita.
- Well, you may be out,
Kansas, but not with Juanita.
I think you'd better
stick with your gambling.
When I come outta here
a hero of this rodeo
with all that prize money,
you won't stand a chance.
(exciting music)
(horse whinnying)
- Bitten two.
- I'll call it.
- I'll stay.
- I'm in.
- Hello, boys.
- [All] Hello, Kansas.
- Hey, what's the matter boys,
why all the penny ante?
- You'd be playin' 'em
close to your chest too
if you got mixed up in
this chitlin rodeo outfit.
I had to settle for 25 cents on the dollar
for my award money.
- That's right, I got 82.50 for the 350
I had comin', and those boys out there in
that bulldoggin' contest would be lucky if
they get anything.
- Is that so?
I'll be back in a minute, boys.
(crowd shouting)
(horse nickering)
- Ah, so they cleaned
you out already, huh,
and you're comin' back to me for money.
- Now wait a minute--
- Ah, well you don't get it.
I need all my dough for that
date with Juanita tonight.
- Now wait a minute, this is serious.
I'm not through, but you are.
Some of the boys were tellin' me they're
payin' off the prize money
two bits on the dollar.
Some of the guys that come
in late ain't gonna get any.
That means you, pal.
- Oh, is that so?
Well, we'll just see about that right now.
(door shuts)
- What's the matter, gettin' cold feet,
and all that money waitin' in the till?
- No, no, Pete, I'm all right.
- We'll wait 'til they come out.
- I got 900 dollars in prize
money comin', Farnsworth,
and I'll collect it right now.
- I ain't denyin' the
money's due ya, Scott,
but this show's breakin'
mighty tough for us.
It ain't payin' out like we expected,
so we're givin' the boys
25 cents on the dollar.
- Not me you aren't.
You'll make it 100 percent.
- 900 dollars? I should say not!
I'll give you 250 and not a cent more!
- It's 900 dollars, Farnsworth, no less.
- Now, don't try to get
tough with me, Scott.
I'm stretchin' it to even give you 250.
You better take it, or you'll have to
go without a cent.
- It's still 900 dollars.
Kansas? Count 900 dollars
out of that money in
the safe and we'll get outta here.
(dramatic music)
Don't come out 'til you
hear our horses leave.
- Get away from that phone!
Get behind the counter and
shell out those receipts!
Come on, gimmie that money!
- That sounded like it
was in the rodeo office!
Come on, fellas!
- Who's that?
- It's the sheriff! Quick, over here!
You keep your mouth shut
and let me do the talkin'.
- Oh God, the safe's open!
- Looks like a robbery, Sheriff.
- [Sheriff] Farnsworth!
- [Cowboy #1] Is he dead?
- [Cowboy #2] Looks like a holdup.
(men chatter)
- Why, I saw Scott and
Kansas Charlie, the gambler,
coming out of the office right
after the shot was fired.
- Why, they must be the ones who did it!
- Yeah.
- You take a look over
at the gambling casino
and I'll have the boys get mounted.
Come on, boys.
(dramatic music)
- What are you gettin' all slicked up for?
- I got a date with Juanita.
- Too bad you ain't
gonna be able to keep it.
- Yeah, who says I ain't?
- I do.
- Yeah?
You think she'd have anything to do with
a sheepherder like you?
With a man of the world like me to be had?
- Just the same, you aren't
gonna keep that date.
- Hey, who's gonna stop me?
- I am!
- Why you old-- (shouts)
- They ain't over at the casino, Sheriff.
- All right, boys, let's
go down at the shack.
- As I said before, it's too bad you can't
keep that date tonight.
- Why, you!
- But I'll give her a little
chubby for you, Kansas!
(Kansas shouts)
(somber music)
(suspenseful music)
- Well, here's one of 'em
already tied up for us!
(pleasant music)
- But I tell you, Sheriff, I didn't do it!
I can make mine too easy
at the gambling table
without going in for murder!
- Yeah, that's what you say.
Maybe we can try him this afternoon and
hang right away and save the county
expense of feeding him!
- Oh Sheriff, you can do
one thing for me, will ya?
- What's that?
- Take my bankroll and my watch and
give them to Juanita.
- Well, I reckon we
can do that, all right.
Put him on a horse, boys.
(somber music)
- Just a minute, Sheriff.
Drop those guns.
Now throw down that roll and watch.
Now just start out and keep goin'.
(somber music)
- I'm gettin' out of here
for Poker City tonight.
- Gettin' scared?
You don't think I'd tell
the sheriff that you
was the one that done the shootin'!
We're pals, we gotta
stick together kid, huh?
The fact is, I'm goin'
right along with you
when you go to Poker City tonight.
- Oh, well listen, Pete,
I'm only goin' over
there to lay low for a
while at my sister's place.
- Yeah, well I'm goin' right along.
Don't you think I know some of
the richest shipments of gold go
out on that Poker City stage?
- I'm not interested in that.
- Well, you're gonna be.
If you want me to keep my mouth shut.
Well, I'll meet you at my shack tonight.
I gotta say goodbye to my lady friend.
- Do you know, Pete, I think you are the
sweetest man in all the world.
- [Pete] Yeah?
- [Juanita] Mm-hmm!
- It is John Scott.
He will not like to find you here.
Get in the closet, pronto, pronto.
(door shuts)
Oh, Senor Johnny!
- Hello, Juanita.
Say, whose horse is that out there?
- Oh, it is mine.
A friend just gave him to me.
- Oh, well I've got somethin' better
than that for you, baby.
Just feast your eyes on this.
- Oh, it is beautiful!
It's wonderful!
But I cannot take it.
- [John] No?
- [Juanita] No.
- All right, I'll keep it then.
- John, why haven't you
come around to see me?
I need you so much, and
I'm so lonesome for you.
- Oh, now listen, baby,
you just get yourself
all dolled up, and we'll go out and buy
you a real present.
- You know, if you coax
me a little, then I can
take the watch too.
John, you know I think you're the sweetest
boy in all the world.
(door opens)
- Well, fine pal you are!
Soon as my hands are tied
you try to steal my girl!
- What's the matter, Kansas,
didn't the rope necktie fit?
- You're a brave guy, as
long as my hands are tied!
- Oh yeah?
Say, what do you mean by breaking in on
a lady's privacy like this?
- [Kansas] Privacy?
- [John] Yes.
Untie his hands, Juanita,
and I'll teach him
a few lessons in manners.
- Why you!
(foot stomping)
(Kansas groans)
(Kansas shouts)
(John grunts)
Your watch!
- Hey, how 'bout my bankroll?
- Oh, I almost forgot about it.
- It's a good thing you
gave that back to me,
I might've knocked you cold.
- Oh, my poor Kansas, are you hurt?
- Hurt, I should say not!
Maybe I better count it too.
- Maybe I'd better take
charge of that roll!
You boys are not to be
trusted with so much money.
And if either of you have
any doubt about who's
best man here, ask Juanita.
Come on, get in that closet. Get movin'!
- Now you have the money,
you will take Juanita
with you to Poker City, no?
- No is right.
- Hear what he said, he's
headin' for Poker City.
- Oh, you won't leave Juanita!
- Oh, you sure made a mess of things!
- What do you mean, the
mess I made of things,
I was doin' all right 'til you came along.
- Oh, is that so?
She was only consoling herself with you.
You notice how she
headed straight for me as
soon as she found out I was alive.
- That's what you think.
If it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't
have lost the money.
- Oh yeah, and if you
hadn't have come here,
he wouldn't have got the money!
I oughta smack you in the jaw for that!
- Well, I'd like to see you try it.
- Thanks, I will!
(Kansas grunts in pain)
- I wouldn't want to
steal you away from them.
(shouting in Spanish)
- [Kansas] You can't get away with that!
- [John] Oh yeah?
(men grunting)
- Oh, you big stiffs!
You ruined my clothes,
get out, both of you,
I don't want to see you anymore, get out!
- Oh, Juanita!
- No, go to Poker City with Peter!
I hate you all, get out!
(horse nickers)
(sobs) My clothes!
(speaking in Spanish)
- It's the sheriff.
- Let's get outta here!
(dramatic music)
(horse whinnies and nickers)
(horse whinnies)
(horse whinnies)
- Wait a minute, boys!
Looks like they've given us the slip.
Nah, no use trailin' 'em any further.
Let's go back to Juanita's
and question her.
(clicks tongue) Come on!
- Whew! Well, I sure got
us outta that scrape,
didn't I, boy?
- I'll say you did, and now
that you got us out of it,
I think we better split up.
I'm goin' to Poker City
and get that guy Pete
and my bankroll.
- Well there's no use you
headin' for Poker City.
I'll take care of Pete
myself, but I'll travel
in style on the stage.
- Why, you sap, they'll get you for sure.
- Who, me?
(comedic music)
Not the Reverend Smith, my boy.
They will never question
a doctor of divinity.
- Well, so long, Moses, and I hope you
get out of the wilderness.
- Ah, a noble defender of the law!
It's a nice enterprising little city
you have here, Sheriff.
- Yes, it is.
I don't believe I got your name.
- Oh, pardon me, Sheriff.
I'm the Reverend Harry Smith
from Rattlesnake Gulch.
- Oh, I'm pleased to
meet you, Parson Smith!
Plannin' on stayin' here long?
- Well, yes, that is, if
the climate agrees with me.
You see, Sheriff, I, uh,
I had a little recent
throat trouble, and I
have to be real careful
of my health.
- Yes, I reckon a change
of climate is healthy.
Now and then.
What do you plan to do here, Parson?
- Well, I kinda thought that maybe I'd,
well well, one of my old congregation.
You remember me, don't you, Jim?
I'm the Reverend Smith.
- Yeah, how are you, Parson?
- Oh, I'm always glad to
see one of my old friends.
My boy, I'd like to talk to you...
- Well, it looks like we're gonna have
a new parson, boys.
- Looks like it.
- Yeah.
(cash register rings)
(coins clinking)
- Hey, who's the dame?
- Huh? Oh yeah.
Anne, I want you to meet our preacher
from Rattlesnake Gulch.
- How do you do?
- I'm pleased to meet you, Dr. Smith.
I'm so glad to know that Jim associated
with good companions during
his stay in Rattlesnake Gulch.
- Oh, oh yes, yes, Jim was a regular
member of my congregation.
As a matter of fact, he was one
of my greatest contributors.
- Oh, it's so nice to know that!
You see, Jim and I are orphans and
he's all the family I have.
- Oh, I'll keep an eye on him, Miss Anne.
The fact is, I was hoping to get some of
the boys together for a
little prayer meeting tonight,
and I would like to
have Jim attend some of
the, uh, sessions.
How 'bout it, Jim?
- Uh, thanks, Parson.
(sinister music)
- A lone bandit tried holdin'
up the stage this morning.
That's the fourth time
this month, we gotta
do somethin' about it.
- What's he look like?
- I didn't get a very good look at him.
- There's too many strangers
around these parts.
It's time we started
investigating some of 'em.
There's one of 'em now!
Hey you!
- Me?
- Yes, you!
What's your name?
- John Jones.
- There's gettin' to be
too many Joneses and Smiths
around here to suit me.
You'd better come over to my office,
I wanna ask you a few questions.
- Aw, now wait a minute,
Sheriff, you can't
put me in jail yet.
I just got in town!
- Now, don't try to be funny.
Is this the fella that held up the stage?
- Well, I can't rightly identify him.
You see, I didn't get a
very good look at him.
- Sure, Sheriff, you got
the wrong man, why...
There's a fella that knows me.
- Hey, son!
Come here a minute.
- You remember John Jones, don't you, Jim?
- Yes!
- Oh, sure, Jim's an
old friend of mine from
Rattlesnake Gulch, I just came over to
pay him a visit.
How are you, Jim?
Well, be seein' you, Sheriff.
Sure is good to see you again, Jim.
- You kinda took me by surprise.
Didn't expect to see you here.
Oh, I gotta be goin',
I'll see you later, Scott.
And Anne, I won't be home until late.
- That's all right, Jim.
Mr. Smith will see me home.
- All right.
- Thanks a lot, Miss,
but the name is Jones.
- I said Smith; if you'll pardon me,
I'm going to lock up, Mr. Jones.
I'm waiting for Mr. Smith.
- Well, in that case, I guess
we'll both wait for him.
- Well you needn't trouble.
- Oh, it's no trouble, I
haven't anything else to do.
- Couldn't you find some
other place to do it?
- Well, I could, but
you wouldn't be there.
- Is there anything you want?
- Sure.
What's in those bottles?
- Nerve tonic, but you don't need any.
- No, but my horse does.
He's all run down.
I think I'll take one.
- Is there anything else?
- Well, let me see now, um...
Well well well, just what
I've been looking for.
Do you think they'll fit?
- Well I'm sure I don't know.
- Well I guess there's
only one way to find out.
- I hope that's all.
- Well, come to think about it...
I think I'll take another
bottle of that nerve tonic.
My horse is pretty well run down.
(comedic music)
(boxes clattering to floor)
Shall we dance?
(approaching footsteps)
- I'm so glad to see you, Parson Smith.
- Well, I'm right on time.
- You couldn't have come
any too soon to suit me.
- Oh, well if I thought
it meant that much to you,
I could've been here long before this.
- Well well well!
So this is the Parson Smith!
Jones is my name, Doctor, how do you do?
Haven't I seen you someplace before?
It was at a party.
A farewell party.
You were going away.
But come now, Doctor,
what can we do for you?
I have it.
How about a necktie!
It would look very
becoming with that outfit!
- Will you stop this nonsense so we can
pick these things up and close the store?
- Oh, are we ready to go?
- And just where do you think
you're going, Mr. Jones?
- Oh, well you can come along, Mr. Smith.
That is, if the young lady doesn't mind.
- I wish I had your nerve, Mr. Jones.
- That's easy.
- [Kansas] Why you!
- [John] Don't say it!
- Wait a minute, if it's going to cause
all this trouble, you
both can take me home!
- I'm tellin' you, Pete, I
don't like the looks of things.
It was bad enough when
Kanas Charlie showed up,
and now John Scott's here.
They must know somethin'.
We gotta quit this racket!
- So they followed us.
You forget they're still wanted for the
murder of Farnsworth.
And if I should tell
them that you done it--
- Oh, you wouldn't do that, Pete!
- No, not as long as we're still partners.
When does that next gold shipment go out?
- Saturday.
- Meet you here Saturday.
- Don't tell me you're
back for more nerve tonic.
You were in here five times yesterday
and three times the day before,
and you just about cleaned me out.
Perhaps you better try
soothing syrup for a change.
- No thanks, I think I'll
leave that to Parson Smith.
As a matter of fact, I came
in here looking for him.
(approaching footsteps)
Good morning, Dr. Smith, I
was just looking for you.
- Yeah?
Looks like it.
- No, this is on the level,
I've gotta talk to you.
Will you pardon us, Anne?
- Certainly.
- Now listen, I just
saw Jim ridin' out the
desert trail with a man
that looked like Pete.
And I figure if we take
a ride out that way
we might get our dough back.
- Hey, is this the straight goods?
- Absolutely.
- All right, let's go then.
(dramatic music)
- Now let's get this straight.
I'll cover the stage from here.
You go in and clean out the passengers,
then you climb up and get the strongbox.
(cart approaching)
- Did you hear those shots?
- Sounds like they're just up ahead.
- Get moving! Somebody's coming!
(horses whinnying)
- You take after them,
I'll stop the coach.
- We'll split up here.
I'll meet you in town.
- Well, young man, you
sure saved our lives.
- Well, did they get anything?
- Yes, my watch and money.
- Well that's too bad.
I'll drive you on into town.
Get up!
(dramatic music)
- Why, Jim!
I didn't think you'd get mixed up in
a thing like this!
- Pete made me do it, and
he made me take the stuff!
- Oh, Pete, eh?
So this is his stuff?
- Please don't tell Anne!
- Nah, I won't tell her.
You helped me out of a little jam with
the sheriff when I landed here.
Besides, Pete's the man I'm after.
Maybe this'll kinda even things up.
You tell Pete we'll
just call that interest.
And if you want my
advice, you'll stay away
from Pete, or you'll
find yourself dangling on
the wrong end of a rope someday.
- Thanks, Kansas, for lettin' me go.
- Ah, don't thank me.
Thank your sister.
- [Townsman] Hey, here comes the stage!
(townsfolk chatter)
- What happened, stranger?
- Take care of the driver.
- Sheriff, we certainly owe that young man
a vote of thanks.
He drove off the bandits.
- I'm sorry. I was wrong about you, Jones.
- Oh, that's all right, Sheriff.
- Well, folks, we certainly
took care of that situation.
- Wait a minute, Sheriff!
These men are wanted for murder
over at Rattlesnake Gulch!
They killed Farnsworth, held up the stage,
and now, trying to pass
themselves off as heroes!
- I don't believe it.
- Sheriff, my watch and chain!
- You're under arrest.
I wasn't so wrong after all.
Lock 'em up, boys.
(somber music)
I'll notify the sheriff
of Rattlesnake Gulch.
- Yeah, I would if I were you, Sheriff.
(cell door closes)
- Now look at the jam you got us into.
- I got us into?
Where'd you get that watch?
- I took it off of Jim.
He and Pete pulled that holdup.
I turned him loose.
- Oh, bighearted Charlie!
You turned him loose and
landed us right in jail.
- I landed us in jail?
Say, smart guy, why did you
bring that stage into town?
- But I didn't steal the stage.
It's just a little
matter of property rights
that you wouldn't understand!
- Oh, I wouldn't understand?
Do you mean to insinuate that I'm dumb?
- No.
- Why you!
(foot stomping)
(Kansas grunts in pain)
(door closes)
- What's the matter, sis?
- The sheriff arrested
John and Kansas today
for stage robbery and murder, and they're
talking about hanging 'em.
- I don't believe they had
anything to do with it.
- I'm sure they didn't, but how are we
going to prove it?
- You're mighty fond of
one of them, aren't you?
Oh, don't you worry, sis.
You go on home and get some sleep.
I'll close the store for you.
- All right, Jim.
- I'll be home later.
- All right.
(somber music)
- Look!
She sure is a swell girl!
I knew she wouldn't let me down.
- Shut up and give me those saw blades,
we got plenty to do before morning.
- Oh, good morning, Miss Anne!
- Good morning, Sheriff!
Uh, I wonder if it'd be all right if
I came over a little later to talk to
John and Kansas?
- Oh, that'd be all right.
We were just takin' 'em
over some breakfast.
- Thanks, I have to go to the store but
I'll be right back.
(door opening)
- There's a couple of horses at the
other end of the street.
Now, take it easy and
they'll never suspect us!
- Why, they're gone!
(dramatic music)
- What happened?
- John and Kansas broke jail.
The whole town's shootin' at 'em!
- Now's our chance to stick up the bank!
Make a final haul and get outta here!
- Not me. I'm through.
I'm gonna tell the sheriff!
- That you killed Farnsworth?
- Yes. And that I held up the stage.
- Wait, you fool!
(Anne gasps)
- Jim!
- Pete just shot Jim!
- Easy, sis.
- They'll think we did it.
- We gotta get outta here.
- The girl's out of the
way. Let's rush 'em!
Careful, boys.
They may be in the back room.
- There's Pete!
We gotta get him and make him talk.
It's our only chance!
(dramatic music)
- Sheriff, Sheriff!
They just held up the bank, they took
the road to the river!
- Let's get mounted, boys.
(horse hitting the ground)
- You draw his fire from the front
while I get around back.
(falling to floor)
- The sheriff and the posse's comin'!
- Well, I'll hold 'em off, you see if
you can bring Pete to and make him talk.
(glass breaking)
- What happened, sis?
Did John and Kansas get to
the river shack all right?
- They got away.
The sheriff and posse are after them.
- Well, you gotta stop them.
John and Kansas are innocent.
I shot Farnsworth.
Pete framed it all.
He made me help him hold up the stage.
When he wanted me to rob the bank,
I told him I was through.
I was going for the
sheriff, but he shot me.
- Jay, come with me!
(dramatic music)
- Come on, Lindsey. (clicks tongue)
Let's go.
- What'd you wanna hit him so hard for?
If I do bring him to, he
won't be able to talk.
- Shut up and keep busy!
- Sheriff, Jim just
told me that he and Pete
held up the stage!
Pete framed the whole thing,
John and Kansas are innocent!
- That's right, Sheriff,
I heard a confession.
It was Pete who robbed the bank, too.
- Stop firing, boys!
Tommy, you come with us.
- They've quit firin'.
Probably gettin' ready to rush us.
Well, we're all out of ammunition.
- Well, that means we'll
have to give ourselves up.
Ooh, if I could only make this guy talk!
- It's Anne with the sheriff.
Let 'em in.
All right, Sheriff, we give up.
- I'm sorry, boys, I made a mistake.
- Jim has confessed.
- All right, men, bring him out.
- Well, I gotta be
gettin' back to Juanita,
so I'll have to rush this.
(pleasant music)
Do you, Anne, take this man John
to be your lawful wedded husband?
- I do.
- And do you, John, take--
- Get outta here, I want
this thing to be legal.
(loud smooching)
(dramatic music)
(MultiCom jingle)
(dramatic music)
- You're terrible, if you try any of
those phony tricks in Rattlesnake Gulch,
they'll run you out quicker than they did
in the last place.
- I didn't get us run
out of the last place!
It was your fault!
Now, if you hadn't
gotten mixed up with that
dance hall girl, we'd
have still been there.
- I got mixed up with her?
You forget, my boy, that it was you with
a young lady when the vigilantes asked us
to leave town.
- Maybe we oughta stay away from 'em.
Why, chasin' after every good lookin' dame
you see ain't gonna get you any place.
Time we cut it out, tried to
make something of ourselves.
- Well that's the first
sensible thing you've ever said.
Now the thing for you
to do is to ignore them.
- But how can I?
Ever since I've been able to tip my hat,
women have had a weakness for me.
- Well, don't tip your hat.
Don't even talk to them.
- Say, that's an idea!
It's talk that always gets you into
trouble with a woman!
They always think you
mean more than you say.
Why, all you gotta do is say good mornin',
and they think you wanna get hitched!
From now on, I'm deaf
and dumb to all of 'em!
- Now you're talkin', that's a great idea.
You'll save me a lot of trouble if
you really mean it.
- Absolutely!
- Whoa!
- Got anything for Rattlesnake Gulch?
- Yep, a passenger and some mail.
- Oh boy, take a look at that!
I gotta do somethin' about that!
- I thought you said you were deaf
and dumb to all of 'em.
That's the trouble with you, Kansas,
you haven't any willpower.
- What do you mean no willpower?
When I say a thing, I mean it!
- But you just said you were deaf and dumb
as far as women were concerned.
- That's right, it still holds good!
- Good.
Would you allow me?
- Certainly, thank you.
- (whistling) Giddy up!
- I'm John Scott, headin' for the rodeo
at Rattlesnake Gulch.
- Oh, how do you do?
I am Juanita Romero, my home is there.
- Oh, well that's great.
Maybe I'll be able to see a
lot of you while I'm there.
- Are you a rodeo star?
- Well, not exactly, although I did
pick up some money at the Cheyenne
and Fenelton shows this year.
- Your friend here, is he a rodeo star?
- Him? A rodeo star?
I should say not.
That's Kansas Charlie, he's my, uh,
he's my ward.
He's a deaf and dumb
fella I carry along to
take care of my saddles and stuff.
- Oh, that is too bad!
How did it happen?
- Why, uh, he was scalped by Indians
when he was a baby, never regained his
power of speech.
Wait 'til he takes his hat off,
he's bald as a goat!
See, the poor fella's tryin' to talk,
but that's the best he can do!
- Well, woman or no woman, I'm not gonna
sit here and let you insult me like that!
I am not bald-headed.
It's only a high forehead, see?
- Well, well! It's a positive miracle!
They always told me that a sudden shock
would restore his speech, but I
didn't think you'd turn
out to be half-witted.
Now, that's the first ford I ever saw
that ran clear to the back of the neck.
- Why, you!
(Kansas groans)
- Now, Kansas.
There's a lady present.
You see, miss, he's practically a nitwit.
- Nitwit!
Say, I've got more brains than
this fella will ever have!
Now what you need is a man to protect you.
Somebody that's gonna
get ahead in the world.
Aw, you got too much class
for these small town fellas!
You need a man that's been around!
- Oh, thanks Kansas for the buildup,
but I think you're putting
it a little strong.
I'd rather the young
lady found out a few of
the things for herself.
- I wasn't talking about you!
I was referring to myself.
- Modest, isn't he? A
regular shrinking violet.
- Then, if you are all these things,
you must be very rich!
- Oh yes, yes, very rolling in wealth.
Most of the time.
'Course, I don't carry it
with me while I'm traveling.
But there's plenty of
money waiting for me at
the Rattlesnake Gulch Casino!
Now, if you wanna play
sure thing, Juanita,
stay away from this guy
and make a bet on me!
You'll wear diamonds!
- Oh, that would be very nice!
- I should say it would.
- Oh, this is my house!
This is where I get off.
I will see both of you while you are here?
- [Kansas & John] I'll say you will!
(exciting music)
(horses snorting and whinnying)
(horse whinnying)
- [Voiceover] John Scott up next.
- Coming.
- All right, go on, be a sap.
When that horse gets through with you
and you're layin' in a
hospital bed tonight,
I'll be out with Juanita.
- Well, you may be out,
Kansas, but not with Juanita.
I think you'd better
stick with your gambling.
When I come outta here
a hero of this rodeo
with all that prize money,
you won't stand a chance.
(exciting music)
(horse whinnying)
- Bitten two.
- I'll call it.
- I'll stay.
- I'm in.
- Hello, boys.
- [All] Hello, Kansas.
- Hey, what's the matter boys,
why all the penny ante?
- You'd be playin' 'em
close to your chest too
if you got mixed up in
this chitlin rodeo outfit.
I had to settle for 25 cents on the dollar
for my award money.
- That's right, I got 82.50 for the 350
I had comin', and those boys out there in
that bulldoggin' contest would be lucky if
they get anything.
- Is that so?
I'll be back in a minute, boys.
(crowd shouting)
(horse nickering)
- Ah, so they cleaned
you out already, huh,
and you're comin' back to me for money.
- Now wait a minute--
- Ah, well you don't get it.
I need all my dough for that
date with Juanita tonight.
- Now wait a minute, this is serious.
I'm not through, but you are.
Some of the boys were tellin' me they're
payin' off the prize money
two bits on the dollar.
Some of the guys that come
in late ain't gonna get any.
That means you, pal.
- Oh, is that so?
Well, we'll just see about that right now.
(door shuts)
- What's the matter, gettin' cold feet,
and all that money waitin' in the till?
- No, no, Pete, I'm all right.
- We'll wait 'til they come out.
- I got 900 dollars in prize
money comin', Farnsworth,
and I'll collect it right now.
- I ain't denyin' the
money's due ya, Scott,
but this show's breakin'
mighty tough for us.
It ain't payin' out like we expected,
so we're givin' the boys
25 cents on the dollar.
- Not me you aren't.
You'll make it 100 percent.
- 900 dollars? I should say not!
I'll give you 250 and not a cent more!
- It's 900 dollars, Farnsworth, no less.
- Now, don't try to get
tough with me, Scott.
I'm stretchin' it to even give you 250.
You better take it, or you'll have to
go without a cent.
- It's still 900 dollars.
Kansas? Count 900 dollars
out of that money in
the safe and we'll get outta here.
(dramatic music)
Don't come out 'til you
hear our horses leave.
- Get away from that phone!
Get behind the counter and
shell out those receipts!
Come on, gimmie that money!
- That sounded like it
was in the rodeo office!
Come on, fellas!
- Who's that?
- It's the sheriff! Quick, over here!
You keep your mouth shut
and let me do the talkin'.
- Oh God, the safe's open!
- Looks like a robbery, Sheriff.
- [Sheriff] Farnsworth!
- [Cowboy #1] Is he dead?
- [Cowboy #2] Looks like a holdup.
(men chatter)
- Why, I saw Scott and
Kansas Charlie, the gambler,
coming out of the office right
after the shot was fired.
- Why, they must be the ones who did it!
- Yeah.
- You take a look over
at the gambling casino
and I'll have the boys get mounted.
Come on, boys.
(dramatic music)
- What are you gettin' all slicked up for?
- I got a date with Juanita.
- Too bad you ain't
gonna be able to keep it.
- Yeah, who says I ain't?
- I do.
- Yeah?
You think she'd have anything to do with
a sheepherder like you?
With a man of the world like me to be had?
- Just the same, you aren't
gonna keep that date.
- Hey, who's gonna stop me?
- I am!
- Why you old-- (shouts)
- They ain't over at the casino, Sheriff.
- All right, boys, let's
go down at the shack.
- As I said before, it's too bad you can't
keep that date tonight.
- Why, you!
- But I'll give her a little
chubby for you, Kansas!
(Kansas shouts)
(somber music)
(suspenseful music)
- Well, here's one of 'em
already tied up for us!
(pleasant music)
- But I tell you, Sheriff, I didn't do it!
I can make mine too easy
at the gambling table
without going in for murder!
- Yeah, that's what you say.
Maybe we can try him this afternoon and
hang right away and save the county
expense of feeding him!
- Oh Sheriff, you can do
one thing for me, will ya?
- What's that?
- Take my bankroll and my watch and
give them to Juanita.
- Well, I reckon we
can do that, all right.
Put him on a horse, boys.
(somber music)
- Just a minute, Sheriff.
Drop those guns.
Now throw down that roll and watch.
Now just start out and keep goin'.
(somber music)
- I'm gettin' out of here
for Poker City tonight.
- Gettin' scared?
You don't think I'd tell
the sheriff that you
was the one that done the shootin'!
We're pals, we gotta
stick together kid, huh?
The fact is, I'm goin'
right along with you
when you go to Poker City tonight.
- Oh, well listen, Pete,
I'm only goin' over
there to lay low for a
while at my sister's place.
- Yeah, well I'm goin' right along.
Don't you think I know some of
the richest shipments of gold go
out on that Poker City stage?
- I'm not interested in that.
- Well, you're gonna be.
If you want me to keep my mouth shut.
Well, I'll meet you at my shack tonight.
I gotta say goodbye to my lady friend.
- Do you know, Pete, I think you are the
sweetest man in all the world.
- [Pete] Yeah?
- [Juanita] Mm-hmm!
- It is John Scott.
He will not like to find you here.
Get in the closet, pronto, pronto.
(door shuts)
Oh, Senor Johnny!
- Hello, Juanita.
Say, whose horse is that out there?
- Oh, it is mine.
A friend just gave him to me.
- Oh, well I've got somethin' better
than that for you, baby.
Just feast your eyes on this.
- Oh, it is beautiful!
It's wonderful!
But I cannot take it.
- [John] No?
- [Juanita] No.
- All right, I'll keep it then.
- John, why haven't you
come around to see me?
I need you so much, and
I'm so lonesome for you.
- Oh, now listen, baby,
you just get yourself
all dolled up, and we'll go out and buy
you a real present.
- You know, if you coax
me a little, then I can
take the watch too.
John, you know I think you're the sweetest
boy in all the world.
(door opens)
- Well, fine pal you are!
Soon as my hands are tied
you try to steal my girl!
- What's the matter, Kansas,
didn't the rope necktie fit?
- You're a brave guy, as
long as my hands are tied!
- Oh yeah?
Say, what do you mean by breaking in on
a lady's privacy like this?
- [Kansas] Privacy?
- [John] Yes.
Untie his hands, Juanita,
and I'll teach him
a few lessons in manners.
- Why you!
(foot stomping)
(Kansas groans)
(Kansas shouts)
(John grunts)
Your watch!
- Hey, how 'bout my bankroll?
- Oh, I almost forgot about it.
- It's a good thing you
gave that back to me,
I might've knocked you cold.
- Oh, my poor Kansas, are you hurt?
- Hurt, I should say not!
Maybe I better count it too.
- Maybe I'd better take
charge of that roll!
You boys are not to be
trusted with so much money.
And if either of you have
any doubt about who's
best man here, ask Juanita.
Come on, get in that closet. Get movin'!
- Now you have the money,
you will take Juanita
with you to Poker City, no?
- No is right.
- Hear what he said, he's
headin' for Poker City.
- Oh, you won't leave Juanita!
- Oh, you sure made a mess of things!
- What do you mean, the
mess I made of things,
I was doin' all right 'til you came along.
- Oh, is that so?
She was only consoling herself with you.
You notice how she
headed straight for me as
soon as she found out I was alive.
- That's what you think.
If it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't
have lost the money.
- Oh yeah, and if you
hadn't have come here,
he wouldn't have got the money!
I oughta smack you in the jaw for that!
- Well, I'd like to see you try it.
- Thanks, I will!
(Kansas grunts in pain)
- I wouldn't want to
steal you away from them.
(shouting in Spanish)
- [Kansas] You can't get away with that!
- [John] Oh yeah?
(men grunting)
- Oh, you big stiffs!
You ruined my clothes,
get out, both of you,
I don't want to see you anymore, get out!
- Oh, Juanita!
- No, go to Poker City with Peter!
I hate you all, get out!
(horse nickers)
(sobs) My clothes!
(speaking in Spanish)
- It's the sheriff.
- Let's get outta here!
(dramatic music)
(horse whinnies and nickers)
(horse whinnies)
(horse whinnies)
- Wait a minute, boys!
Looks like they've given us the slip.
Nah, no use trailin' 'em any further.
Let's go back to Juanita's
and question her.
(clicks tongue) Come on!
- Whew! Well, I sure got
us outta that scrape,
didn't I, boy?
- I'll say you did, and now
that you got us out of it,
I think we better split up.
I'm goin' to Poker City
and get that guy Pete
and my bankroll.
- Well there's no use you
headin' for Poker City.
I'll take care of Pete
myself, but I'll travel
in style on the stage.
- Why, you sap, they'll get you for sure.
- Who, me?
(comedic music)
Not the Reverend Smith, my boy.
They will never question
a doctor of divinity.
- Well, so long, Moses, and I hope you
get out of the wilderness.
- Ah, a noble defender of the law!
It's a nice enterprising little city
you have here, Sheriff.
- Yes, it is.
I don't believe I got your name.
- Oh, pardon me, Sheriff.
I'm the Reverend Harry Smith
from Rattlesnake Gulch.
- Oh, I'm pleased to
meet you, Parson Smith!
Plannin' on stayin' here long?
- Well, yes, that is, if
the climate agrees with me.
You see, Sheriff, I, uh,
I had a little recent
throat trouble, and I
have to be real careful
of my health.
- Yes, I reckon a change
of climate is healthy.
Now and then.
What do you plan to do here, Parson?
- Well, I kinda thought that maybe I'd,
well well, one of my old congregation.
You remember me, don't you, Jim?
I'm the Reverend Smith.
- Yeah, how are you, Parson?
- Oh, I'm always glad to
see one of my old friends.
My boy, I'd like to talk to you...
- Well, it looks like we're gonna have
a new parson, boys.
- Looks like it.
- Yeah.
(cash register rings)
(coins clinking)
- Hey, who's the dame?
- Huh? Oh yeah.
Anne, I want you to meet our preacher
from Rattlesnake Gulch.
- How do you do?
- I'm pleased to meet you, Dr. Smith.
I'm so glad to know that Jim associated
with good companions during
his stay in Rattlesnake Gulch.
- Oh, oh yes, yes, Jim was a regular
member of my congregation.
As a matter of fact, he was one
of my greatest contributors.
- Oh, it's so nice to know that!
You see, Jim and I are orphans and
he's all the family I have.
- Oh, I'll keep an eye on him, Miss Anne.
The fact is, I was hoping to get some of
the boys together for a
little prayer meeting tonight,
and I would like to
have Jim attend some of
the, uh, sessions.
How 'bout it, Jim?
- Uh, thanks, Parson.
(sinister music)
- A lone bandit tried holdin'
up the stage this morning.
That's the fourth time
this month, we gotta
do somethin' about it.
- What's he look like?
- I didn't get a very good look at him.
- There's too many strangers
around these parts.
It's time we started
investigating some of 'em.
There's one of 'em now!
Hey you!
- Me?
- Yes, you!
What's your name?
- John Jones.
- There's gettin' to be
too many Joneses and Smiths
around here to suit me.
You'd better come over to my office,
I wanna ask you a few questions.
- Aw, now wait a minute,
Sheriff, you can't
put me in jail yet.
I just got in town!
- Now, don't try to be funny.
Is this the fella that held up the stage?
- Well, I can't rightly identify him.
You see, I didn't get a
very good look at him.
- Sure, Sheriff, you got
the wrong man, why...
There's a fella that knows me.
- Hey, son!
Come here a minute.
- You remember John Jones, don't you, Jim?
- Yes!
- Oh, sure, Jim's an
old friend of mine from
Rattlesnake Gulch, I just came over to
pay him a visit.
How are you, Jim?
Well, be seein' you, Sheriff.
Sure is good to see you again, Jim.
- You kinda took me by surprise.
Didn't expect to see you here.
Oh, I gotta be goin',
I'll see you later, Scott.
And Anne, I won't be home until late.
- That's all right, Jim.
Mr. Smith will see me home.
- All right.
- Thanks a lot, Miss,
but the name is Jones.
- I said Smith; if you'll pardon me,
I'm going to lock up, Mr. Jones.
I'm waiting for Mr. Smith.
- Well, in that case, I guess
we'll both wait for him.
- Well you needn't trouble.
- Oh, it's no trouble, I
haven't anything else to do.
- Couldn't you find some
other place to do it?
- Well, I could, but
you wouldn't be there.
- Is there anything you want?
- Sure.
What's in those bottles?
- Nerve tonic, but you don't need any.
- No, but my horse does.
He's all run down.
I think I'll take one.
- Is there anything else?
- Well, let me see now, um...
Well well well, just what
I've been looking for.
Do you think they'll fit?
- Well I'm sure I don't know.
- Well I guess there's
only one way to find out.
- I hope that's all.
- Well, come to think about it...
I think I'll take another
bottle of that nerve tonic.
My horse is pretty well run down.
(comedic music)
(boxes clattering to floor)
Shall we dance?
(approaching footsteps)
- I'm so glad to see you, Parson Smith.
- Well, I'm right on time.
- You couldn't have come
any too soon to suit me.
- Oh, well if I thought
it meant that much to you,
I could've been here long before this.
- Well well well!
So this is the Parson Smith!
Jones is my name, Doctor, how do you do?
Haven't I seen you someplace before?
It was at a party.
A farewell party.
You were going away.
But come now, Doctor,
what can we do for you?
I have it.
How about a necktie!
It would look very
becoming with that outfit!
- Will you stop this nonsense so we can
pick these things up and close the store?
- Oh, are we ready to go?
- And just where do you think
you're going, Mr. Jones?
- Oh, well you can come along, Mr. Smith.
That is, if the young lady doesn't mind.
- I wish I had your nerve, Mr. Jones.
- That's easy.
- [Kansas] Why you!
- [John] Don't say it!
- Wait a minute, if it's going to cause
all this trouble, you
both can take me home!
- I'm tellin' you, Pete, I
don't like the looks of things.
It was bad enough when
Kanas Charlie showed up,
and now John Scott's here.
They must know somethin'.
We gotta quit this racket!
- So they followed us.
You forget they're still wanted for the
murder of Farnsworth.
And if I should tell
them that you done it--
- Oh, you wouldn't do that, Pete!
- No, not as long as we're still partners.
When does that next gold shipment go out?
- Saturday.
- Meet you here Saturday.
- Don't tell me you're
back for more nerve tonic.
You were in here five times yesterday
and three times the day before,
and you just about cleaned me out.
Perhaps you better try
soothing syrup for a change.
- No thanks, I think I'll
leave that to Parson Smith.
As a matter of fact, I came
in here looking for him.
(approaching footsteps)
Good morning, Dr. Smith, I
was just looking for you.
- Yeah?
Looks like it.
- No, this is on the level,
I've gotta talk to you.
Will you pardon us, Anne?
- Certainly.
- Now listen, I just
saw Jim ridin' out the
desert trail with a man
that looked like Pete.
And I figure if we take
a ride out that way
we might get our dough back.
- Hey, is this the straight goods?
- Absolutely.
- All right, let's go then.
(dramatic music)
- Now let's get this straight.
I'll cover the stage from here.
You go in and clean out the passengers,
then you climb up and get the strongbox.
(cart approaching)
- Did you hear those shots?
- Sounds like they're just up ahead.
- Get moving! Somebody's coming!
(horses whinnying)
- You take after them,
I'll stop the coach.
- We'll split up here.
I'll meet you in town.
- Well, young man, you
sure saved our lives.
- Well, did they get anything?
- Yes, my watch and money.
- Well that's too bad.
I'll drive you on into town.
Get up!
(dramatic music)
- Why, Jim!
I didn't think you'd get mixed up in
a thing like this!
- Pete made me do it, and
he made me take the stuff!
- Oh, Pete, eh?
So this is his stuff?
- Please don't tell Anne!
- Nah, I won't tell her.
You helped me out of a little jam with
the sheriff when I landed here.
Besides, Pete's the man I'm after.
Maybe this'll kinda even things up.
You tell Pete we'll
just call that interest.
And if you want my
advice, you'll stay away
from Pete, or you'll
find yourself dangling on
the wrong end of a rope someday.
- Thanks, Kansas, for lettin' me go.
- Ah, don't thank me.
Thank your sister.
- [Townsman] Hey, here comes the stage!
(townsfolk chatter)
- What happened, stranger?
- Take care of the driver.
- Sheriff, we certainly owe that young man
a vote of thanks.
He drove off the bandits.
- I'm sorry. I was wrong about you, Jones.
- Oh, that's all right, Sheriff.
- Well, folks, we certainly
took care of that situation.
- Wait a minute, Sheriff!
These men are wanted for murder
over at Rattlesnake Gulch!
They killed Farnsworth, held up the stage,
and now, trying to pass
themselves off as heroes!
- I don't believe it.
- Sheriff, my watch and chain!
- You're under arrest.
I wasn't so wrong after all.
Lock 'em up, boys.
(somber music)
I'll notify the sheriff
of Rattlesnake Gulch.
- Yeah, I would if I were you, Sheriff.
(cell door closes)
- Now look at the jam you got us into.
- I got us into?
Where'd you get that watch?
- I took it off of Jim.
He and Pete pulled that holdup.
I turned him loose.
- Oh, bighearted Charlie!
You turned him loose and
landed us right in jail.
- I landed us in jail?
Say, smart guy, why did you
bring that stage into town?
- But I didn't steal the stage.
It's just a little
matter of property rights
that you wouldn't understand!
- Oh, I wouldn't understand?
Do you mean to insinuate that I'm dumb?
- No.
- Why you!
(foot stomping)
(Kansas grunts in pain)
(door closes)
- What's the matter, sis?
- The sheriff arrested
John and Kansas today
for stage robbery and murder, and they're
talking about hanging 'em.
- I don't believe they had
anything to do with it.
- I'm sure they didn't, but how are we
going to prove it?
- You're mighty fond of
one of them, aren't you?
Oh, don't you worry, sis.
You go on home and get some sleep.
I'll close the store for you.
- All right, Jim.
- I'll be home later.
- All right.
(somber music)
- Look!
She sure is a swell girl!
I knew she wouldn't let me down.
- Shut up and give me those saw blades,
we got plenty to do before morning.
- Oh, good morning, Miss Anne!
- Good morning, Sheriff!
Uh, I wonder if it'd be all right if
I came over a little later to talk to
John and Kansas?
- Oh, that'd be all right.
We were just takin' 'em
over some breakfast.
- Thanks, I have to go to the store but
I'll be right back.
(door opening)
- There's a couple of horses at the
other end of the street.
Now, take it easy and
they'll never suspect us!
- Why, they're gone!
(dramatic music)
- What happened?
- John and Kansas broke jail.
The whole town's shootin' at 'em!
- Now's our chance to stick up the bank!
Make a final haul and get outta here!
- Not me. I'm through.
I'm gonna tell the sheriff!
- That you killed Farnsworth?
- Yes. And that I held up the stage.
- Wait, you fool!
(Anne gasps)
- Jim!
- Pete just shot Jim!
- Easy, sis.
- They'll think we did it.
- We gotta get outta here.
- The girl's out of the
way. Let's rush 'em!
Careful, boys.
They may be in the back room.
- There's Pete!
We gotta get him and make him talk.
It's our only chance!
(dramatic music)
- Sheriff, Sheriff!
They just held up the bank, they took
the road to the river!
- Let's get mounted, boys.
(horse hitting the ground)
- You draw his fire from the front
while I get around back.
(falling to floor)
- The sheriff and the posse's comin'!
- Well, I'll hold 'em off, you see if
you can bring Pete to and make him talk.
(glass breaking)
- What happened, sis?
Did John and Kansas get to
the river shack all right?
- They got away.
The sheriff and posse are after them.
- Well, you gotta stop them.
John and Kansas are innocent.
I shot Farnsworth.
Pete framed it all.
He made me help him hold up the stage.
When he wanted me to rob the bank,
I told him I was through.
I was going for the
sheriff, but he shot me.
- Jay, come with me!
(dramatic music)
- Come on, Lindsey. (clicks tongue)
Let's go.
- What'd you wanna hit him so hard for?
If I do bring him to, he
won't be able to talk.
- Shut up and keep busy!
- Sheriff, Jim just
told me that he and Pete
held up the stage!
Pete framed the whole thing,
John and Kansas are innocent!
- That's right, Sheriff,
I heard a confession.
It was Pete who robbed the bank, too.
- Stop firing, boys!
Tommy, you come with us.
- They've quit firin'.
Probably gettin' ready to rush us.
Well, we're all out of ammunition.
- Well, that means we'll
have to give ourselves up.
Ooh, if I could only make this guy talk!
- It's Anne with the sheriff.
Let 'em in.
All right, Sheriff, we give up.
- I'm sorry, boys, I made a mistake.
- Jim has confessed.
- All right, men, bring him out.
- Well, I gotta be
gettin' back to Juanita,
so I'll have to rush this.
(pleasant music)
Do you, Anne, take this man John
to be your lawful wedded husband?
- I do.
- And do you, John, take--
- Get outta here, I want
this thing to be legal.
(loud smooching)
(dramatic music)
(MultiCom jingle)