The Devil's Plaything (1973) Movie Script
I am the housekeeper.
Welcome. We shall show you to
your room.
I am Monika Tarnac.
I am expected.
Welcome. I am Miss Krogg,
the housekeeper.
You must excuse us.
We had electricity but we have no long last.
then Miss Donev, Sonya shall send you
to your room.
Miss Tarnac, Morgana shall take
you to yours.
Can't we stay together?
In the same room?
I'm afraid that is out of thequestion.
The instructions
from your late aunt...
I'm sure that will be alright, Monika.
And this is the great hall.
You and Fraulein Vorash are
direct decendants
of either Dania Borisov - the Baroness
- or her sister Ulla.
They each had a female child
who were raised by Ulla Borisov
after the death of the Baroness.
The two children were nearly
the same age.
In those times of upheaval and chaos,
the trail of lineage was lost.
Then it is not certain who is
descended from the Baroness.
That is correct.
Our car was wrecked back in the
I am the housekeeper.
Welcome to Castle Vaga.
I'm Peter Malenka.
And I am Doctor Julia Malenka.
I understand your motorcar was
People seldom drive into these mountains.
The roads are very bad.
If we could stay the night, in
the morning we would find an inn.
There are no inns in these
May I ask what brings you to
our mountains?
I am doing a study of the local
My brother Peter assists me.
If you wish to be our guests,
you and your brother are welcome
to stop at the Castle Vaga
during your stay.
You are very kind.
Were you here the whole time?
I just came in. I heard you
crying out in your sleep.
Perhaps we should leave this place.
Peter, you know the significance
of these crosses of garlic?
You must never remove yours
while we are here,
especially in the dark of night.
Hello, Doctor!
It was a lovely ride. Don't you ever ride?
I'm a terrible rider. I'm
afraid of horses.
And I'm afraid of ghosts.
Did you hear that weird chanting last night?
Yes, I heard it.
The chanting has something to do
with the superstitions.
Yes, about the famous Dania Vaga.
The ancestor of Miss Tarnac and
Miss Varash.
In medieval times the Baroness
was a dreaded figure.
Those who opposed her, or even
displeased her, were put to
death by impalement.
After the blood uprising that
deposed her,
the Baroness was chained to her
impaling stake and burned
by the women of the village.
The revolt had been led by her
sister, Ulla Borisov,
and the handmaiden Gia
Dania Vaga was known the warm
blood of impaled victims,
so the superstition grew that
she was a vampire.
The furious and fearful women
wanted to destroy her completely.
To be destroyed,
a vampire must have a stake
of wood driven through its heart.
The Baroness was burned and her
body destroyed.
Without the stake of wood in
her heart.
As the flames enveloped the
Baroness, she screamed that she
would one day return
in the body of a descendant
when she quench her thirst
on the blood of the women who
had burned her.
The women in the town led an
exodus in the face of this threat.
They didn't want their blood to
be the well from which the vampire returned.
I told you that I was afraid of ghosts...
but this sounds like nonsense to me.
I think it's interesting.
That all happened four hundred
years ago. Why has no one returned?
That's hard to say.
Perhaps because people just
feel the evil.
The spirit of the Baroness...
as it walks the hills.
Doctor Malenko, do you believe
that the spirit of Baroness
Vaga is really
afoot in these mountains, in this day
and age?
I believe in the existence of such spirits,
and that they are able to invade the bodies of
sympathetic and receptive persons.
Of course, if other
circumstances been right.
- A devoted medium must be present.
- Devoted medium?
A zealous and dedicated
high priestess, in effect.
One whose ardor itself can
bridge the gulf of darkness
that separates the living from
the undead.
An expression used by superstitious peasants
when referring to vampires.
You know a great deal, Doctor,
about old wives tales.
- A great deal.
- Yes, Fraulein Krogg.
A great deal.
Girls, please be seated.
Make yourselves comfortable.
These documents are quite lengthy.
The Castle Vaga. The 3rd of May, 1969.
I, Doria Dubchekova
do herewith my last will and testament.
The Castle Vaga, its estates and titles
shall be shared equally by
Helga Vorash and Monika Tarnac,
provided each resides one full
year in the castle.
I some ways I do look like her.
Samana, you're very pretty. Why
do you stay this place?
Perhaps I'm under a spell.
A spell? What nonsense.
You think spells are nonsense?
Some spells make you tremble
with the chills of fever.
Other spells make you seize
with unfilled desires.
Make your juices flow, hot and
while fingers warmed in the
fires of hell
set your nipples afire
and open your womb to the will
of her priestesses.
I'm sorry, Samana. I suddenly
became dizzy.
Just lie down in your bed and
everything will be alright.
Julia, what do you make of this?
I don't know.
I had a terrible dream!
We heard you cry out.
Someone was calling me.
Please, can we...can we meet outside?
Perhaps in the stable?
Please don't disappoint me.
Your wine.
Fraulein Vorash?
Yes, Doctor?
- Fraulein Vorash,
I believe that you are in a great deal of danger.
I believe that spirit of the
Baroness Vaga walks these
I know. Looking for a living
body to invade.
Perhaps one night you'll awaken
to find me standing over you
with bared teeth...
A thirsty vampire in my form!
No. You won't be the vampire.
When a vampire is to be reborn
there must be blood for the
vampire to suckle upon.
Hostile blood.
The kind of blood
that might flow in the veins of
a descendant
of one of the women who burned
the Baroness.
You really think I'm in danger?
Well, Doctor, I think you're in danger.
In danger of losing your
precious brother... to me.
The doctor knows too much. I've
got to remedy that.
Enjoying our full moon, Doctor?
It's beautiful.
You have a very strong will...
Doctor Malenka!
Doney absolutely worships her friend.
She would do anything for her.
And the boy?
We shall contact him again.
It shall amuse me to make him
her servant.
She wants him.
I feel that, too.
Of course, she wants him.
She shall need many lovers.
Just as she has always needed
many lovers.
And the other one?
You know what we must do with her.
We must tempt her.
Have her ready for when she returns.
Fraulein Donev?
May I have a moment with you?
You know a great deal about us,
About her...
I love her. She doesn't know
it, but I love her.
Then you would serve her if you could?
I would do anything for her.
The doctor has a cross of herbs...
She surely has given him one. I
cannot contact him!
I cannot waste time.
We have much to do tonight.
He has a cross of herbs.
Get it to me. Get it to me.
I must have the cross of herbs!
Get it to me! Get it to me!
I must have it.
Helga, wait! Don't run away!
She didn't take it.
She didn't take it.
I cannot worry about him. I
must get to her.
She must be prepared.
Julia, you have looked very
uneasy all morning.
That's because I am uneasy,
If we stay another night, we
are asking for destruction.
- But the crosses... I slept very easy last night.
- There are certain forces afoot
that even I don't understand,
Peter. Things are closing in about us.
Those crosses may be think
barriers separating us from destruction.
If we left now...
we could get far enough, even by foot.
The last time we talked, Helga
refused to go.
Peter, you fool. You mist leave
her, and her legacy.
I love her, Julia.
You love her? She's a little
oversexed harlot.
That won't do any good.
Please. Make it stop.
- Make this throbbing stop.
- Perhaps...
if you are a good girl.
if you take his amulet from him.
You shall take the cross from him, won't you?
Oh, yes. Anything to make it stop.
It shall stop if I get that cross.
The cross! I must get it. I
must get it.
It is almost dark.
the throbbing will be relieved
when he is without the cross of herbs.
almost dark. Almost dark.
Why do you stare at ne?
You want my eyes to hold you.
I know you want my eyes to hold you.
The time of the moon is almost right, Doctor.
Peter! We must leave tomorrow.
- In the daylight. Early.
- I know, Julia.
We must leave. With Helga...
or without her.
Fraulein Vorash, she wishes to see you.
Peter, you've come. Darling...
you must listen to me. Demons
surround us.
They want to destroy me, my body...
my soul, my mind... oh please help me.
Promise you'll help me. Promise. Promise...
I promise.
If you don't help me, right
away, I'll be destroyed.
- Please, you're hysterical.
- Look at me!
They're destroying me!
You must always wear this.
If you do, I can help you and
they can't reach you.
Never remove it as long as
you're here.
Take it away! Take it away,
Doctor Malenka is in our grasp.
And vengeance shall be Varga's.
For, you see, the doctor and
her brother
are close. Very close.
You think that they've...
But they might.
-Fraulein Krogg?
- Yes, Doctor?
Why are there no children in
this castle?
Even a superstition need
someone to carry it on.
There shall be. Sonya shall
have a child, with Eric Dorisov.
Sonya doesn't look pregnant.
You know very well, Doctor,
that tradition dictates
that mating takes place only at
certain moons.
Besides, Doctor, you know we
are very selective.
Women who served in the house
of Vaga...
You mean priestesses.
If that please you to say, Doctor,
the then priestesses of Vaga
are mated only with men
descended from the knights
who had served the Baroness.
Such a mating, Doctor,
shall be this night, according
to your own writings.
Then you've read my treatise on
the superstitions of Vaga?
Oh, yes. You have great insight
for one descended from Donashova.
- Donashova!
- You didn't know?
You and your brother are descended from
the traitoress Donashova and the faithful knight Gregor!
Donashova, who out of jealousy
betrayed her mistress and cast
her lot
with the fraticital rebel Ulla Borisov!
The blood of Donashova
is your blood, Doctor! Your blood!
Is something wrong?
A great deal is wrong.
Have you seen Helga?
She's sleeping like a baby.
For some reason, they have
removed the pressure from her.
You seem very disturbed.
You are familiar with my paper,
The Legacy of Vaga?
- Yes
- We are descendants of Donashova.
- How do you know that?
- Wanda Krogg has told me.
Why are we here?
Why are you here?
I don't know.
I truly don't know.
Good night.
I feel that it is a mistake for
us to be apart in the night.
you must not remove your cross
for any reason!
They make a beautiful couple, Doctor.
Tonight is the night of the
vampire, Fraulein Krogg.
Yes, Doctor. The night of the vampire.
It occurs once every nine years.
I can't let it happen.
You can do nothing to prevent it, Doctor.
You see, a flame burns.
A flame that never went out.
The same flame that burned
the beautiful body of the Baroness Vaga.
Ignited from embers scooped up by Uli,
the personal maid of the Baroness.
From whom I am descended
directly through the line of our family.
And you know, Doctor, that the spirit
of Baroness Vaga lives in those flames
that we've kept...
for over three hundred years.
Darling, I know you shall
dismiss this as pure superstition
but the cross I gave you is the
reason you feel so well.
It is protecting you from some force.
I don't know what it is. My
sister Julia thinks...
Peter, let's not be serious.
- Good morning, Doctor. May I help you?
- I want to speak with Fraulein Tarnac.
- She's asleep.
- I'd like to see her anyway.
That is quite impossible.
Fraulein Tarnac!
Fraulein! I must speak to you!
- This room need some light.
- I cannot let you do that.
I think you shall!
I must not permit you. I shall
kill you first!
Out of my way!
I am going to find my brother
and leave!
I think not.
You fool. You cannot stop us!
Join us before it is too late.
You have the blood. Within
these walls
you can have him.
Outside, they frown on a woman
who wishes to be with her
You need only share him...
with her.
With... with her!
Everything must be made ready
for tonight!
Peter! Peter!
The sun has set.
Our little winged cousins have
already left
the darkness of our towers.
The hour of the vampire draws near.
Iris, undress and bathe me.
Oh God!
I can't let it happen!
Where is everyone?
Her! I want her!
Oh God!
Don't let this happen.
Oh, Peter.
Where are you?
Helga Varash and Peter Malenka,
you spend the night together
in the ruined cabin in the valley.
Do you hear that?
Oh, Peter.
Where were you, Peter?
I almost went mad when I
couldn't find you.
Answer me. Where were you, Peter?
I spent the night with Helga,
in an abandoned cottage in the valley.
Peter. We let something terrible happen last night.
The vampire has
Oh, come on, Julia.
I mean it! I was standing in
the entrance hall,
a wild, hot wind rose. It tore
off my clothes.
Wild bats clawed at me.
They left me naked before I had
the strength to raise my cross
and drive them away.
Julia, it must have been a
dream. You surely can't believe
these old wives tales about vampires.
Peter, I've been studying these
old wives tales for years.
Julia, I'm to meet Helga after breakfast.
You're free to join us, if you wish.
Come on, get dressed.
The three of us shall go for a
walk in the park.
Helga. You must leave here.
But, Peter, we must leave now.
You are welcome to take two of
our horses to speed you on your journey.
I don't ride, Fraulein Krogg.
By nightfall, they shall be back.
Peter, what is the matter?
That sound! Can't you hear it?
I hear the wind in the trees.
I hear the bats, Somana.
Peter and the doctor are
The sun has set, Baroness.
The doctor cannot ride horses.
But wait until...
she straddles our stake, Somana.
It'll take days, Somana, days.
And in the night I shall watch.
So, Doctor...
you have returned,
as I knew you would.
Our winged cousins of the
night. They call me.
They call.
I must have her.
I must have her blood!
You shall, mistress.
The boy. He is ours to use.
- May I come in?
- Of course.
One thing I am sure about...
my feelings for you.
I remember what I was thirteen.
Or, perhaps fourteen. You let
me touch your breasts.
We were very young.
Was that wrong?
Oh, no, Peter. Not wrong.
Take off the amulet. It's in the way.
We've both always wanted this.
Perhaps it's better if we...
The cross!
Where is it?
You're a woman of science! You
can't believe in such nonsense!
He has passed out of your
control, Doctor.
Perhaps you're right, Fraulein
You have time...before...before sundown.
You could leave him...with us.
That's what you are thinking,
isn't it, Doctor?
That is what I was thinking, Fraulein.
But I won't leave him.
He won't go with you, Doctor.
Perhaps he shall, Fraulein.
The night shall have you,
Perhaps, Fraulein.
Alright, at least let me try to
help you.
I don't want help.
Peter, wait. Wait!
I am here, Mistress.
you make love to me.
Julia... Julia! Let me in!
I must have been wandering all night.
I found myself in a corridor,
as if I had been sleepwalking.
Peter! Take it away! Please take it away!
I'm going to meet the Baroness.
She means to have her vengeance this night.
She means to have me impaled.
If she cannot have the doctor.
Helga! Helga!
Peter! Peter!
Helga! Helga, don't!
Helga, don't!
You have decided to take the
place of Fraulein Varash?
First I want your blood, but
not all of it.
I shall leave enough
to make wet my stake of impalement.
At last, they are free.
And the Baroness, at long last,
she is at rest.
Welcome. We shall show you to
your room.
I am Monika Tarnac.
I am expected.
Welcome. I am Miss Krogg,
the housekeeper.
You must excuse us.
We had electricity but we have no long last.
then Miss Donev, Sonya shall send you
to your room.
Miss Tarnac, Morgana shall take
you to yours.
Can't we stay together?
In the same room?
I'm afraid that is out of thequestion.
The instructions
from your late aunt...
I'm sure that will be alright, Monika.
And this is the great hall.
You and Fraulein Vorash are
direct decendants
of either Dania Borisov - the Baroness
- or her sister Ulla.
They each had a female child
who were raised by Ulla Borisov
after the death of the Baroness.
The two children were nearly
the same age.
In those times of upheaval and chaos,
the trail of lineage was lost.
Then it is not certain who is
descended from the Baroness.
That is correct.
Our car was wrecked back in the
I am the housekeeper.
Welcome to Castle Vaga.
I'm Peter Malenka.
And I am Doctor Julia Malenka.
I understand your motorcar was
People seldom drive into these mountains.
The roads are very bad.
If we could stay the night, in
the morning we would find an inn.
There are no inns in these
May I ask what brings you to
our mountains?
I am doing a study of the local
My brother Peter assists me.
If you wish to be our guests,
you and your brother are welcome
to stop at the Castle Vaga
during your stay.
You are very kind.
Were you here the whole time?
I just came in. I heard you
crying out in your sleep.
Perhaps we should leave this place.
Peter, you know the significance
of these crosses of garlic?
You must never remove yours
while we are here,
especially in the dark of night.
Hello, Doctor!
It was a lovely ride. Don't you ever ride?
I'm a terrible rider. I'm
afraid of horses.
And I'm afraid of ghosts.
Did you hear that weird chanting last night?
Yes, I heard it.
The chanting has something to do
with the superstitions.
Yes, about the famous Dania Vaga.
The ancestor of Miss Tarnac and
Miss Varash.
In medieval times the Baroness
was a dreaded figure.
Those who opposed her, or even
displeased her, were put to
death by impalement.
After the blood uprising that
deposed her,
the Baroness was chained to her
impaling stake and burned
by the women of the village.
The revolt had been led by her
sister, Ulla Borisov,
and the handmaiden Gia
Dania Vaga was known the warm
blood of impaled victims,
so the superstition grew that
she was a vampire.
The furious and fearful women
wanted to destroy her completely.
To be destroyed,
a vampire must have a stake
of wood driven through its heart.
The Baroness was burned and her
body destroyed.
Without the stake of wood in
her heart.
As the flames enveloped the
Baroness, she screamed that she
would one day return
in the body of a descendant
when she quench her thirst
on the blood of the women who
had burned her.
The women in the town led an
exodus in the face of this threat.
They didn't want their blood to
be the well from which the vampire returned.
I told you that I was afraid of ghosts...
but this sounds like nonsense to me.
I think it's interesting.
That all happened four hundred
years ago. Why has no one returned?
That's hard to say.
Perhaps because people just
feel the evil.
The spirit of the Baroness...
as it walks the hills.
Doctor Malenko, do you believe
that the spirit of Baroness
Vaga is really
afoot in these mountains, in this day
and age?
I believe in the existence of such spirits,
and that they are able to invade the bodies of
sympathetic and receptive persons.
Of course, if other
circumstances been right.
- A devoted medium must be present.
- Devoted medium?
A zealous and dedicated
high priestess, in effect.
One whose ardor itself can
bridge the gulf of darkness
that separates the living from
the undead.
An expression used by superstitious peasants
when referring to vampires.
You know a great deal, Doctor,
about old wives tales.
- A great deal.
- Yes, Fraulein Krogg.
A great deal.
Girls, please be seated.
Make yourselves comfortable.
These documents are quite lengthy.
The Castle Vaga. The 3rd of May, 1969.
I, Doria Dubchekova
do herewith my last will and testament.
The Castle Vaga, its estates and titles
shall be shared equally by
Helga Vorash and Monika Tarnac,
provided each resides one full
year in the castle.
I some ways I do look like her.
Samana, you're very pretty. Why
do you stay this place?
Perhaps I'm under a spell.
A spell? What nonsense.
You think spells are nonsense?
Some spells make you tremble
with the chills of fever.
Other spells make you seize
with unfilled desires.
Make your juices flow, hot and
while fingers warmed in the
fires of hell
set your nipples afire
and open your womb to the will
of her priestesses.
I'm sorry, Samana. I suddenly
became dizzy.
Just lie down in your bed and
everything will be alright.
Julia, what do you make of this?
I don't know.
I had a terrible dream!
We heard you cry out.
Someone was calling me.
Please, can we...can we meet outside?
Perhaps in the stable?
Please don't disappoint me.
Your wine.
Fraulein Vorash?
Yes, Doctor?
- Fraulein Vorash,
I believe that you are in a great deal of danger.
I believe that spirit of the
Baroness Vaga walks these
I know. Looking for a living
body to invade.
Perhaps one night you'll awaken
to find me standing over you
with bared teeth...
A thirsty vampire in my form!
No. You won't be the vampire.
When a vampire is to be reborn
there must be blood for the
vampire to suckle upon.
Hostile blood.
The kind of blood
that might flow in the veins of
a descendant
of one of the women who burned
the Baroness.
You really think I'm in danger?
Well, Doctor, I think you're in danger.
In danger of losing your
precious brother... to me.
The doctor knows too much. I've
got to remedy that.
Enjoying our full moon, Doctor?
It's beautiful.
You have a very strong will...
Doctor Malenka!
Doney absolutely worships her friend.
She would do anything for her.
And the boy?
We shall contact him again.
It shall amuse me to make him
her servant.
She wants him.
I feel that, too.
Of course, she wants him.
She shall need many lovers.
Just as she has always needed
many lovers.
And the other one?
You know what we must do with her.
We must tempt her.
Have her ready for when she returns.
Fraulein Donev?
May I have a moment with you?
You know a great deal about us,
About her...
I love her. She doesn't know
it, but I love her.
Then you would serve her if you could?
I would do anything for her.
The doctor has a cross of herbs...
She surely has given him one. I
cannot contact him!
I cannot waste time.
We have much to do tonight.
He has a cross of herbs.
Get it to me. Get it to me.
I must have the cross of herbs!
Get it to me! Get it to me!
I must have it.
Helga, wait! Don't run away!
She didn't take it.
She didn't take it.
I cannot worry about him. I
must get to her.
She must be prepared.
Julia, you have looked very
uneasy all morning.
That's because I am uneasy,
If we stay another night, we
are asking for destruction.
- But the crosses... I slept very easy last night.
- There are certain forces afoot
that even I don't understand,
Peter. Things are closing in about us.
Those crosses may be think
barriers separating us from destruction.
If we left now...
we could get far enough, even by foot.
The last time we talked, Helga
refused to go.
Peter, you fool. You mist leave
her, and her legacy.
I love her, Julia.
You love her? She's a little
oversexed harlot.
That won't do any good.
Please. Make it stop.
- Make this throbbing stop.
- Perhaps...
if you are a good girl.
if you take his amulet from him.
You shall take the cross from him, won't you?
Oh, yes. Anything to make it stop.
It shall stop if I get that cross.
The cross! I must get it. I
must get it.
It is almost dark.
the throbbing will be relieved
when he is without the cross of herbs.
almost dark. Almost dark.
Why do you stare at ne?
You want my eyes to hold you.
I know you want my eyes to hold you.
The time of the moon is almost right, Doctor.
Peter! We must leave tomorrow.
- In the daylight. Early.
- I know, Julia.
We must leave. With Helga...
or without her.
Fraulein Vorash, she wishes to see you.
Peter, you've come. Darling...
you must listen to me. Demons
surround us.
They want to destroy me, my body...
my soul, my mind... oh please help me.
Promise you'll help me. Promise. Promise...
I promise.
If you don't help me, right
away, I'll be destroyed.
- Please, you're hysterical.
- Look at me!
They're destroying me!
You must always wear this.
If you do, I can help you and
they can't reach you.
Never remove it as long as
you're here.
Take it away! Take it away,
Doctor Malenka is in our grasp.
And vengeance shall be Varga's.
For, you see, the doctor and
her brother
are close. Very close.
You think that they've...
But they might.
-Fraulein Krogg?
- Yes, Doctor?
Why are there no children in
this castle?
Even a superstition need
someone to carry it on.
There shall be. Sonya shall
have a child, with Eric Dorisov.
Sonya doesn't look pregnant.
You know very well, Doctor,
that tradition dictates
that mating takes place only at
certain moons.
Besides, Doctor, you know we
are very selective.
Women who served in the house
of Vaga...
You mean priestesses.
If that please you to say, Doctor,
the then priestesses of Vaga
are mated only with men
descended from the knights
who had served the Baroness.
Such a mating, Doctor,
shall be this night, according
to your own writings.
Then you've read my treatise on
the superstitions of Vaga?
Oh, yes. You have great insight
for one descended from Donashova.
- Donashova!
- You didn't know?
You and your brother are descended from
the traitoress Donashova and the faithful knight Gregor!
Donashova, who out of jealousy
betrayed her mistress and cast
her lot
with the fraticital rebel Ulla Borisov!
The blood of Donashova
is your blood, Doctor! Your blood!
Is something wrong?
A great deal is wrong.
Have you seen Helga?
She's sleeping like a baby.
For some reason, they have
removed the pressure from her.
You seem very disturbed.
You are familiar with my paper,
The Legacy of Vaga?
- Yes
- We are descendants of Donashova.
- How do you know that?
- Wanda Krogg has told me.
Why are we here?
Why are you here?
I don't know.
I truly don't know.
Good night.
I feel that it is a mistake for
us to be apart in the night.
you must not remove your cross
for any reason!
They make a beautiful couple, Doctor.
Tonight is the night of the
vampire, Fraulein Krogg.
Yes, Doctor. The night of the vampire.
It occurs once every nine years.
I can't let it happen.
You can do nothing to prevent it, Doctor.
You see, a flame burns.
A flame that never went out.
The same flame that burned
the beautiful body of the Baroness Vaga.
Ignited from embers scooped up by Uli,
the personal maid of the Baroness.
From whom I am descended
directly through the line of our family.
And you know, Doctor, that the spirit
of Baroness Vaga lives in those flames
that we've kept...
for over three hundred years.
Darling, I know you shall
dismiss this as pure superstition
but the cross I gave you is the
reason you feel so well.
It is protecting you from some force.
I don't know what it is. My
sister Julia thinks...
Peter, let's not be serious.
- Good morning, Doctor. May I help you?
- I want to speak with Fraulein Tarnac.
- She's asleep.
- I'd like to see her anyway.
That is quite impossible.
Fraulein Tarnac!
Fraulein! I must speak to you!
- This room need some light.
- I cannot let you do that.
I think you shall!
I must not permit you. I shall
kill you first!
Out of my way!
I am going to find my brother
and leave!
I think not.
You fool. You cannot stop us!
Join us before it is too late.
You have the blood. Within
these walls
you can have him.
Outside, they frown on a woman
who wishes to be with her
You need only share him...
with her.
With... with her!
Everything must be made ready
for tonight!
Peter! Peter!
The sun has set.
Our little winged cousins have
already left
the darkness of our towers.
The hour of the vampire draws near.
Iris, undress and bathe me.
Oh God!
I can't let it happen!
Where is everyone?
Her! I want her!
Oh God!
Don't let this happen.
Oh, Peter.
Where are you?
Helga Varash and Peter Malenka,
you spend the night together
in the ruined cabin in the valley.
Do you hear that?
Oh, Peter.
Where were you, Peter?
I almost went mad when I
couldn't find you.
Answer me. Where were you, Peter?
I spent the night with Helga,
in an abandoned cottage in the valley.
Peter. We let something terrible happen last night.
The vampire has
Oh, come on, Julia.
I mean it! I was standing in
the entrance hall,
a wild, hot wind rose. It tore
off my clothes.
Wild bats clawed at me.
They left me naked before I had
the strength to raise my cross
and drive them away.
Julia, it must have been a
dream. You surely can't believe
these old wives tales about vampires.
Peter, I've been studying these
old wives tales for years.
Julia, I'm to meet Helga after breakfast.
You're free to join us, if you wish.
Come on, get dressed.
The three of us shall go for a
walk in the park.
Helga. You must leave here.
But, Peter, we must leave now.
You are welcome to take two of
our horses to speed you on your journey.
I don't ride, Fraulein Krogg.
By nightfall, they shall be back.
Peter, what is the matter?
That sound! Can't you hear it?
I hear the wind in the trees.
I hear the bats, Somana.
Peter and the doctor are
The sun has set, Baroness.
The doctor cannot ride horses.
But wait until...
she straddles our stake, Somana.
It'll take days, Somana, days.
And in the night I shall watch.
So, Doctor...
you have returned,
as I knew you would.
Our winged cousins of the
night. They call me.
They call.
I must have her.
I must have her blood!
You shall, mistress.
The boy. He is ours to use.
- May I come in?
- Of course.
One thing I am sure about...
my feelings for you.
I remember what I was thirteen.
Or, perhaps fourteen. You let
me touch your breasts.
We were very young.
Was that wrong?
Oh, no, Peter. Not wrong.
Take off the amulet. It's in the way.
We've both always wanted this.
Perhaps it's better if we...
The cross!
Where is it?
You're a woman of science! You
can't believe in such nonsense!
He has passed out of your
control, Doctor.
Perhaps you're right, Fraulein
You have time...before...before sundown.
You could leave him...with us.
That's what you are thinking,
isn't it, Doctor?
That is what I was thinking, Fraulein.
But I won't leave him.
He won't go with you, Doctor.
Perhaps he shall, Fraulein.
The night shall have you,
Perhaps, Fraulein.
Alright, at least let me try to
help you.
I don't want help.
Peter, wait. Wait!
I am here, Mistress.
you make love to me.
Julia... Julia! Let me in!
I must have been wandering all night.
I found myself in a corridor,
as if I had been sleepwalking.
Peter! Take it away! Please take it away!
I'm going to meet the Baroness.
She means to have her vengeance this night.
She means to have me impaled.
If she cannot have the doctor.
Helga! Helga!
Peter! Peter!
Helga! Helga, don't!
Helga, don't!
You have decided to take the
place of Fraulein Varash?
First I want your blood, but
not all of it.
I shall leave enough
to make wet my stake of impalement.
At last, they are free.
And the Baroness, at long last,
she is at rest.