The Drifter (1932) Movie Script

[waves crashing]
[dramatic music]
[owl hooting]
Uh, always
that question is asked me,
my little friend, owl.
And always, the answer she
come back through the trees
that I am the Drifter,
the terrible man.
So famous for his badness.
Ah, life, she's one big joke
my little friend. [laughs]
[owl hooting]
Throw up your hands!
Sometimes you make big
mistake, my friend,
pulling guns this way.
What are you trailing me for?
Who are you?
[chuckles] That's a funny thing.
I just told the little
owl that every one,
has asked me that question.
Are you trying to kid me?
Those few pips what stick with me,
my friend, call me Drifter.
And one thing I
never would do
was mind other people's business.
Just drift.
That is all.
And now, at last, I am drift
back here to my father's home.
I am sorry, Drifter.
But I thought you
were someone else.
Oh, you think maybe
I was the law, no?
- Ah.
- Oh.
My drifting, she has teach
me many things, my friend.
Your face.
She's been in prison.
20 years in prison, Drifter.
20 years of it.
But you managed to escape, no?
Yes, and now, I'm
returning home.
And like you, to an
empty cabin and memories.
Oh, memories.
This old cabin, she's
filled with memories.
My mother, she died here when my
little brother, Pierre, get born.
When he was just that
big, he ran away.
He no like, uh, this
father of us business.
He say he going to take another
name that is no disgrace
and get plenty educate.
[Whitey] Do you
ever hear from him?
But always, I think of him.
Always, I am hunt for him.
Always I am long for
him, that little Pierre,
that little brother.
Then by and by this,
this father of mine,
he's become the big fur pirate.
And they make me
the pirate, too.
Finally, he kick
me out the place.
He say, I, I get too
lazy even to steal.
Then some day,
another fur pirate,
he kill this father of me.
The family of old
John, she's no more.
I, I had a family
once, Drifter, a wife
and a little baby girl I never saw.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
I was told that they
both died of the plague--
The first year
I was sent up.
Oh, life, she is one big joke,
my white whiskered friend.
Today we, we is very much here.
Tomorrow, pfft, we
was maybe nowhere.
I guess you're right, Drifter.
You've got to take
life as it comes.
Say, I'm going down to
the valley to Lebec.
Do you want to come along?
- Lebec?
- Hm?
Mm, I think I've
been in this town.
Was there
plenty pretty girls there?
Well, I don't know. Why?
Oh, my friend, life without
a beautiful mademoiselle is
like the bush without the rose.
Always, I am have that
strange way with the womens.
In Ottawa, there was Marie.
In Quebec, [inaudible]
the little rose.
Oh, plenty girls, plenty time
to live beneath the stars.
That is the life, my friend. No?
All right, Romeo,
let's get going.
Well, we'll, we'll soon
be the snow, Drifter,
and down there in Lebec.
Yeah, where there is
much pretty girls, no?
- [chuckles]
- Yeah.
[indistinct chattering]
[speaking French]
How are you, Mr. Drifter.
Pretty good. And you?
A drifter? Who is he?
Well, nobody knows.
Just the Drifter, that's all.
He's here today
and gone tomorrow.
You know, he's been mixed
up in every lumber war
and gold strike
since I can remember.
A bad one if you ask me.
You know, he's never been
beat with a knife or gun.
He must be a bad one.
I'd say he is.
[indistinct chattering]
[piano playing]
Where's your boss, LaTour?
I'm looking for him.
Maybe here.
Maybe there.
Maybe somewhere else.
Who will say, monsieur?
Why don't you ask
your daughter, McNary?
She can probably tell you.
What are you driving at?
You know what I'm driving at.
Everybody else in town
knows that your gal, Bonnie,
is playing around with LaTour.
- She's--
- Wait a minute, Montana.
You listen to me, now.
I happen to know that LaTour
brought you from the States
to do something that
he's afraid to do.
That you're to pick
a fight and kill me.
You're known as a killer, a
gunman, one who fights
only when he is sure of winning.
- Why, you.
- [thump]
Once again, I was meet
the brave Montana.
And once again, he was live to
tell of the Drifter's kindness.
You're going to meddle once too
often in my business, Drifter.
I'm told you one time
before, in the States,
Montana, someday I maybe have
to preach the funeral for you.
Maybe you like
today for that, no?
I ain't calling your
bluff, this time, Drifter.
But take my advice and move on.
This town ain't big enough
for both you and me.
My God, that is tough
luck for you, Montana.
[people laughing]
I'm warning you.
Don't say
something you not mean.
What I said goes.
Get me?
Oh, uh, thanks, Drifter.
I'm John McNary, President of
the Canadian Lumber Company.
- Oh, monsieur.
- I'd like to talk to you.
Oh, uh, alone.
Oui, monsieur.
Coming back soon?
Oui. Maybe sooner than that, no?
Uh, Whitey, come.
We must go.
I think this Montana, he
in for lots of trouble.
This Drifter, he
is one bad fellow.
Well, I don't know, Montana
is plenty fast with a gun.
I sure appreciate it.
Well, so long boys.
I-- Bonnie!
- So you choose to disobey me.
- But father.
You go to the house,
I'll talk to you later.
I told you to stay
away from my daughter.
And I told you I'm
going to marry her.
Not so long as I
live, you won't.
Then you won't live very long.
You can't frighten me
with your threats, Latour.
I know that you brought Montana
to Lebec for the purpose
of picking a fight with me.
And he's known as a killer.
I hired Montana to help protect
the Northern Company's
lumber interests, McNary.
As superintendent, I'm
responsible for them.
And I intend to make certain
that their machinery
isn't tampered with again.
Are you accusing me?
Not yet.
I'm telling you, though,
that I'm going to fulfill
our contract with your mill.
And my men have orders
to act accordingly.
And kill me if
necessary, I suppose?
Your man, Montana,
would have done it
a few minutes ago if, uh, if it
hadn't been for the Drifter here.
Ah, I see you've heard of him.
Well, he's working for me
now, you yellow-backed--
You must become calm.
Do not fight with man old
enough to be his father.
You're right, Drifter.
Much obliged.
You heard me say to LaTour
that you were working for me.
Well, how about it?
There's a foreman's
job open for you.
Up at the mountain?
Much is slow there.
Plenty cold.
Oh, you can come down to
the village, occasionally.
Eh, my friend,
Whitey, you need him too?
Oh, Whitey, they call you, eh?
That face seems
vaguely familiar.
What's your last name?
Sometimes the pip's name,
she is best forget, monsieur.
Whitey's is, he's
not remember much.
Uh, me, I, I, I'm
almost forget I'm ever
had another name than Drifter.
Oh. [laughs]
Yeah, I understand.
OK, there will be a
job for both of you.
Oh, thanks, monsieur.
Your girl's funny.
She will sleep at the camp?
Ah, no, why?
I just wonder.
She visits the camp
most everyday though.
[chuckles] Well, what
about my offer?
Oui, monsieur.
Whitey and me, we, we
goes to work tomorrow.
Today, I have much unfinished
business to tend to.
Oh, yes, yes.
Uh, blonde or brunette?
Eh, maybe both, my friend.
- Ah. [laughs]
- So we'll see, eh?
OK. I'll see you tomorrow.
You must not like him, no?
Why sure.
Yeah, I was, uh, thinking
of something else.
Come on, let's have a drink.
Oh, my friend, you
have the big ideas.
[piano playing]
Is that for me?
Oh, lemon soda.
You know, I just
adore big, strong men
who drink lemon soda.
- Oui?
- Oui.
You see what I'm told
you about the women?
- [chuckles]
- Yeah.
[loud chattering]
If you want to turn me down,
why don't pick on a man
instead of a sorry,
drinking tender--
[laughing, shouting]
Always in this heart of me
is the soft spot for the
girls with the beautiful eyes.
[chuckles] All life is one big
joke, my white-whiskered friend.
To appreciate, she
must be taught
the way it comes.
Oh, bonjour,
Mademoiselle Bonnie.
Hello, Drifter.
- Hello, Whitey.
- How do you do?
- Ah.
- How do you do, Bonnie?
You would like
make visit to the camp, no?
Oh, yes, ah, I love the forest
and the big trees and the snow.
Oh, of course, I like to
come up and talk to you, too.
Bonnie, we'd better be going back
to town before it gets too late.
Oh, you come back soon?
Tomorrow, maybe, no?
Tomorrow's Sunday.
We always go to
church on Sunday.
Goodbye, Drifter.
Would you ever go to the church?
- Oh.
- No?
We go tomorrow.
The church, oh, she make you
felt much better, my friend, no?
Ohh. Shoot.
The Drifter, he is in town.
At the church.
It'll give him a chance to preach
my funeral service, if he lives.
You, you must not kill
him in the church.
Why not?
It'll save them the trouble
of packing in there later.
[speaking French]
Montana, he's crazy.
[crowd chattering]
You must not be strangers here.
No, sir.
Good morning, Montana.
I'm looking for the Drifter.
Montana, you fool!
- [gunshot]
- [screaming]
[shouting, cries]
Why, he's killed
Father Jacquard.
He's killed him.
I, I was not use make this
kind talk, Monsieur God.
But no one else, he speak
for this fellow, Montana.
He was born of woman,
the same as Father Jacquard,
who also get killed.
The priest, he teach from the
good book, was loved by all.
But, but this fellow, Montana,
he maybe not understand.
If he not know, perhaps
he just, like a blind man,
grope in the dark
for the right road.
I need not say much
about the priest.
He is understand.
But this fellow, Montana,
I'm going to tell you about him.
He was pretty good
fellow, maybe, sometime.
Never kill from the back,
always gives the even break.
His friends, they all
tell of how good and happy
he was make his
mother with kindness.
So I would ask, Monsieur
God, this fellow, Montana,
he find the right road with you.
Let him find peace, forgiveness,
for he is not know what he was do.
Oh, hi, Mr. Drifter.
my little mademoiselle.
Maybe, maybe I will
help with the axe, no?
Mom said if I didn't get
the wood in, she'd wop me!
She would?
I will cut the wood
for you, mademoiselle.
Then your mother, she is
give you maybe cherry pie, no?
[water streaming]
[axe thudding]
He is toppled.
Whoa, my, you is big girl.
- I am seven.
- Seven?
Oh, my, my, my.
Come, now we's go.
Now you be good little girl.
Tomorrow, I will cut the wood
again for you, maybe, no?
Jane, get away from
that terrible man.
- The idea!
- But mom, he cut the wood.
He what?
Get out!
Get out!
You murderer.
[water streaming]
Don't you ever come here
again or touch my little girl,
you filthy beast!
You go in the house.
And don't you let that dirty
Drifter touch you again.
Why, he killed a
man at the church!
Merci, madame,
for your kindness.
You was see and hear everything?
Oh, the terrible Drifter!
Even the mother must fright
the little baby with his name.
It's because they
don't understand Drifter.
Why, if they did, they'd
realize how fine you really are.
You was
mean that, mademoiselle?
Why of course I mean it.
Oh, then,
if maybe you was understand,
you learn.
Say, you two, if you
want to make love,
find somebody else's front yard.
- [Drifter chuckles]
- Ah!
Hey, do you--
do you think she'll show up today?
You see many thing,
my friend, don't you?
[chuckles] Well, it don't
take a blind man to see
that you've fallen for Bonnie.
You are the one man know
much about me, Whitey.
So maybe you understand when I'm
tell you, this little Bonnie,
she's caused this heart
of me, eh, funny actions.
Hm. Yeah.
Say, um, we've been working
for McNary two months now,
and Bonnie comes down
here nearly every day
to watch us load.
Do you think you're
the main attraction?
I'm never think, my friend.
This strange way I'm
have with the women
is what you call
the gift, eh, no?
How about LaTour?
Everybody knows Bonnie's
in love with him.
Oh, you think maybe she was
come here with her father's consent,
then visit with him?
I never think, my friend.
I know.
[Bonnie] No, Paul,
I don't think we'd better.
I'm afraid, Paul.
Father will be furious.
He made me promise
never to see you again.
But darling, your
father will never
know until after we're married.
Besides, I got the license
this morning in Dubois.
I think we'd better wait
a few days, sweetheart.
Maybe daddy will relent.
You have such a strange
way with women, Drifter.
Only some days, it don't work.
- Love's a funny thing, Drifter.
- Enough, Whitey!
Well, gee, you don't
have to get sore about it!
I would like to be
by myself, Whitey.
Just you say.
[upbeat folk music playing]
[cheering, clapping]
[music stops]
May I have the next dance?
- No, she promised me to.
- Hey, it's my turn.
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, when do I get a dance?
I'm tired now.
Maybe later.
Oh, I got one.
[overlapping chatter]
What's the matter?
You haven't been
around me all evening.
This fellow, LaTour.
You was like him
pretty much, no?
[Bonnie] Why do you ask me that?
I'm see you with him this day.
[chuckles] I just wonder.
You were spying on me.
Oh, mademoiselle!
I'm never think
you say that to me.
Don't you know that I am love you
more than anything in the world?
- But I don't understand.
- [Drifter chuckles]
No one seem,
seem to understand the Drifter.
He just outcast,
with no one to care.
But I care, Drifter.
Where's McNary?
You don't have to look
any farther, LaTour,
nor ask quite so loud.
- What's on your mind?
- Plenty!
Two of my hoist engines
were tampered with tonight.
- Are you accusing me?
- I am.
And I'm warning you
for the last time.
I know you think you can break
the Northern Company, McNary,
but you'd better lay off.
If you don't, you'll
account to me.
- Is that a threat?
- Take it anyway you wish.
I'm through wasting my breath.
From now on, I'll back
my words with lead.
It's a showdown, Bonnie.
Are you for me or against me?
[McNary] Bonnie, go to
your room and stay there.
Do as I tell you!
I understand, Bonnie.
When you want to come
to me, I'll be waiting.
[indistinct chatter]
Starting tomorrow night,
you go on guard at the boundary.
I'll have you
relieved at midnight.
[upbeat folk music playing]
I was think we drift
on tomorrow, Whitey.
You're a fool, Drifter, to let
LaTour get away with your girl.
She was love him.
Ah, what difference
does that make?
You brag about your
strange way with women.
Where is it?
Yes, you're a four-flusher.
No one but you would
says that to me and live.
I say what I think.
You're my pal.
And it burns me up to see you
let LaTour beat your time.
Why don't you take a few
lessons in lovemaking from him?
The Drifter was not need take
lesson from no man, my friend.
Well, you know what LaTour
would do, don't you?
He wouldn't ask.
He'd take her!
[scoffs] Oh, it's a joke.
Louis Valjean,
the famous badman,
afraid to carry
out his own boast.
I'm do it.
What do you mean?
I mean I'm take
Bonnie away with me,
one, two, three day, maybe.
Ah, you haven't got the nerve!
You say these things
once too often, my friend.
Another thing,
forget the name Louis Valjean,
he's don't live no more.
I, I got you wrong, Drifter.
And I'll help you!
I'm not need help.
Maybe not.
But Bonnie's been pretty
friendly with me, lately.
Seems to like me better than
she does her own father.
Say, do you know where
the old Farlane cabin is?
- Down in the valley?
- Yeah.
Well, tomorrow night, when
you're relieved from guard duty,
you go there.
I'll have Bonnie meet you.
Ah, don't worry, my friend.
She'll be there.
If you was make lie with me,
I am turn you outside in.
[chuckles] She'll be there!
Defy me in front of my men, you?
You forced me to.
I don't care if the whole
world knows I love Paul LaTour.
I'm proud of it!
I've never struck
you yet, Bonnie.
And you never will.
Oh, daddy, why do you always
have to treat me so mean?
Good night, Marie.
Au revoir, monsieur.
You always seem to begrudge
me the least bit of happiness.
You've never show me any
kindness or affection.
You treated me worse
than your hired men.
- Oh, no, Bonnie.
- Oh, don't talk to me!
Leave me alone.
[door slams]
Oh, Marie, I wish
I were dead. [sobs]
Oh, pretty, no, no, no, no.
You must not talk like this.
There, don't cry, Miss Bonnie.
I heard, and, and I'm sorry.
Maybe I can help some.
Oh, thank you, Whitey.
You always seem to understand.
Well, I understand
one thing, miss.
You can't play with love.
When two people love each other,
the way you and Paul LaTour do,
you shouldn't miss one
single hour of happiness.
Why don't you run
away and get married?
That's what I was told
the young mademoiselle.
While she's young and beautiful,
the love, it is
worth everything.
When she's old and fat like me,
then nothing is matter.
Why after you're married, your
father will forgive and forget.
Paul and I were
planning on marrying.
But Father Jacquard's
death stopped it.
We even have the license.
Oh, that's fine, Miss Bonnie!
Now, tomorrow night,
you go to the old Farlane cabin,
and I'll get word to
Paul to meet you there.
Then you two can
go across the lake
to the old mission at
Dubois and get married.
[Bonnie] Oh, could we?
Sail beyond the recall,
I am content,
while the music of
the songbird enthralls,
just to wander on where
destiny calls when clouds roll by
Say, why don't you try
singing some other tune?
But I like this song best,
my friend.
Well, I guess I can't
stop you from singing
on your own side of the road.
This LaTour,
he's one bad fellow.
Look out he don't
shot you for sing.
No? [laughs]
[Drifter singing]
What's the idea of
this midnight visit?
I want to talk with you.
Must be important.
It is.
You asked me what my
name was, once, McNary.
Now I'm going to tell you.
It's Farlane.
You're Matt Farlane?
Yes, your old partner,
who you framed and
sent to prison for 20 years.
No, no.
No, Matt, I, I swear,
I, I tried to help.
Ah, don't lie to me, John.
Your lying 20 years
ago ruined my life.
No, no, I-- Matt, I--
Now listen to me, Matt.
Where's my wife and that
baby girl that I never saw?
Dead, both of them from the
plague, and poverty, and you!
Matt, for God's sakes,
now listen to me.
Listen, nothing.
I swore that you'd pay,
and now you will.
You and yours are going
to know what hell really is.
Look at that knife.
- LaTour's knife?
- Yes.
And your loggers will
recognize it when
they find it here with you.
And he'll swing.
And your baby-faced Bonnie will
suffer like my wife suffered.
Wait, now wait a minute.
Bonnie is--
Yeah, she's on her way
to the Farlane cabin.
The Drifter will meet
her there, alone.
You know his
reputation with women.
- Oh, Matt.
- Shut up!
And another thing.
When LaTour gets in
from his shift tonight,
he'll find a note from Bonnie
telling him where she is.
[chuckles] But he'll
get there too late!
Ah, ah!
[gasping] Oh, you fool!
Oh, Matt, why didn't you wait?
Why Bonnie is, is your daughter.
Your baby didn't die.
I, I only let you think so.
I hated you because
you married her mother.
[gasping] I still hate you now!
[grunts] Bonnie!
[trembling] Bonnie.
You can go back now, Marie.
You think you'll be all right?
Hm, pretty soon storm come
down, maybe big blizzard!
I'm not afraid.
Besides, there'll only
be rain in the valley.
But you better hurry before
you get caught in the snow.
Bonnie, I hope you
be very, very happy.
- Bye-bye, Marie.
- Goodbye.
[wind blowing]
[thunder rumbling]
He's dead.
And LaTour's knife
killed him at 8:30 tonight.
Yes, and we heard
LaTour threaten him.
LaTour did not kill the boss!
Miss Bonnie, she go on to the
old Farlane cabin to meet him.
And they was going
to be married.
What time did Miss
Bonnie leave here?
Around 8 o'clock.
I reckon LaTour is going to
have a lot of explaining to do.
Come on.
He won't leave the Farlane cabin
until the storm blows over.
Stay here, Jean.
[thunder rumbling]
[wind blowing]
[wind blowing]
[thunder rumbling]
Where's Paul?
Where's Paul?
Monsieur LaTour was not
know of this cabin, mademoiselle.
I don't understand that.
I sent Paul a note by Whitey.
He was fix this thing for me.
What do you mean?
I mean that I was
take you away with me.
Away with you?
The love of the Drifter will
make you happy, mon amour.
Without you, the world,
she's like this old cabin,
filled with emptiness and memory.
I'm sorry, Drifter.
You sympathy, she was
not enough, mademoiselle.
The empty heart, the
bitter soul in me,
she is crying out for the love,
the belief in you, mon amour.
That is what I want the most.
I'm not afraid, Drifter.
You say you love me.
You want to make me happy.
People do not harm
those they love.
I know now that you love me.
[thunder rumbling]
[thunder rumbling]
You understand me.
We can't dictate to our hearts.
I love Paul LaTour.
And Paul loves me.
We're going to be
married tonight.
[wind blowing]
I thought you
was going marry Paul LaTour.
This Pierre Valjean, who he was?
Paul LaTour's real
name is Pierre Valjean.
When he was just a little
fellow, he ran away from home.
His father and his brother,
Louis, were fur thieves.
He was ashamed of them, he said.
Did you know any
of the Valjeans?
Why I--
I was know Pierre's brother
long time ago, mademoiselle.
He is disappear, I'm think.
Good thing, maybe.
He's no much count.
[thunder rumbling]
Now you know,
don't you, Drifter?
Oh, the forgiveness,
the forgiveness from you
is all I'm ask, mademoiselle.
Eh, when, when the storm, she
is lie down, I'm take you home.
[thunder rumbling]
[Whitey] Drifter!
Oh, Drifter.
What was that?
You wait here one minute.
I come back pretty quickly.
[Whitey] Drifter.
Oh, Drifter.
Oh, the log.
I cannot lift him.
I get the help.
No, Drifter.
Don't mind me.
I, I am done for.
It's Bonnie, is she all right?
You know think I'm harm her?
She's the one thing in
this world I am love.
Yeah, my friend.
Bonnie is my daughter.
- You girl?
- Yes.
McNary told me tonight
when I killed him.
You was kill the boss?
[groaning] Yes.
He is the man that sent
me up 20 years ago.
I killed him with
LaTour's knife.
I wanted Bonnie to suffer.
Oh, I understand, my friend.
[groaning] Yes.
Oh, Drifter, I never told anyone
that you were Louis Valjean.
Don't tell Bonnie who I am.
I, I promise, my friend.
Oh, Drifter, thank you.
What happened?
Whitey, he was killed by big
tree what was fall on him.
I found this when I got back
to camp from guard duty.
What's it about?
Whitey promised to
have you meet me here
so we could go across
the lake and be married.
Paul, listen to me!
Here he is, boys!
Well, hello, LaTour.
I reckon this belongs to you.
What are you hanging
on to me for?
McNary was killed with
this knife at 8:30 tonight.
Are you serious?
Certainly I'm serious.
You threatened McNary.
You don't think I--
Where were you at 8:30 tonight?
At the boundary.
Why no, the
Drifter was with me.
Life, she is one
big joke, my friend.
When I was speak the truth,
they will take you out--
Oh, he didn't do it.
Tell them he didn't.
Oh, he may have threatened,
but he isn't a murderer.
As I was saying,
when I was speak the truth,
they will take you
out and set you free.
LaTour was with me all
evening at the boundary.
Anyway, it was my partner,
Whitey, what was killed McNary.
Where is Whitey?
He's out there,
under big tree what
was fall and kill him.
He was told me all about
it when he was died.
Much obliged, Drifter.
We'll take Whitey and
report back to the police.
Well, I hope there's no
hard feeling, LaTour.
None at all.
That was white of you, Drifter
when you know
how I've hated you.
I was know you brother,
Louis, long time gone.
He was told me all
about little Pierre who runned
away when he was just so big.
He was, he was hunt
many, many year for you.
Hey, you never was see him, no?
I never want to.
You never will.
No, he was gone.
He was love you very,
very much, Pierre.
He make me promise some
day maybe I meet with you
and I become friend
for his sake, no?
No, now what could
be more friend than,
than to help two peoples,
what was love each other,
make happy.
I was love mademoiselle too.
But the stronger call
in this heart of mine
is the wanderlust.
That is the big love
in the soul of me.
Out there, beneath the stars,
I am content to drift on and on.
So very much luck,
much luck, both my friends.
And now, goodbye.
[Bonnie] Goodbye?
Will you come back again?
The Drifter never
travels the same road twice.
So goodbye, my friends, and
much luck, much luck and goodbye.
Life, she is one big
joke on you, Drifter!
Today, you was very much here.
Tomorrow, [laughs],
you was maybe nowhere.
No? Ah!