The Exorcism (2024) Movie Script

[opening theme music playing]
[Tom] [VO]
I've lost my faith...
I've lost my faith...
Gets out of cab...
[car door shuts]
Walks to front brownstone...
Knocks on door...
[knocks on door]
Door opens...
Hands coat to housekeeper.
Notices sad mother
in the parlor.
Boo hoo, boo hoo.
She says, "Help my daughter."
"Help my daughter."
Scary noises.
Scary noises.
Ave Maria...
[reading Latin]
Okay. Scary noises.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
They boom up to meet me.
Scary banging noise.
Pause, pause.
Comes down hallway.
Walks down hallway to...
oh, fuck, it's not right.
Wrong hallway.
[door opens]
Opens bedroom door.
"I cast thee out, Molech.
Begone serpent!"
Fuck, you're good, bro.
she barfs,
she screams.
And I die.
The end.
Piece of cake.
[electricity sparking]
[door slams shut]
[ominous whispering]
[Tom shuddering]
[woman] Please...
help my daughter.
[loud, ominous scream]
[Tom groaning, screaming]
[Molech] I...
[Tom groaning, screaming]
[Molech growls]
[Tom screaming]
- [bones tightening]
- [Molech cackling evilly]
[Tom gasping]
[body thuds]
[lights flare]
[power shut down]
[tense music playing]
[disturbing music playing]
[distant wail of sirens]
[trains rumbling]
[distant wail of sirens]
[car brakes squeal]
[door clicks open]
[cigarette sizzles]
[distant siren wailing]
- [door closes]
- [Anthony] ...serpent begone.
Lord have mercy.
Serpent begone.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Begone, you serpent.
- [keys jingle]
- [Anthony] Serpent begone.
[Lee sighs]
- [Anthony] Lord have mercy.
- [door opens]
[Anthony] Christ have mercy.
Begone, serpent.
- [door closes]
- [Anthony] Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Serpent, begone!
Serpent, begone.
Hey, Tony.
Hey! Lee.
Finally. [chuckles]
What took so long?
- [Lee] Traffic.
- Yeah?
- [Lee] Yeah.
- Traffic where?
The street.
Look, Tony, I'm home, okay?
Hi. I'm... I'm here.
I'm alive, so...
[sighs] You're home.
[Anthony sighs]
Look at you.
Dude, that haircut.
Tough, huh?
Okay. Well, I'm gonna...
Hey, hey, hey.
Come on.
You know, you and I got
some stuff we got to talk about.
St. Agatha's are going to
change the decision.
It's no longer an expulsion.
You're just suspended.
The amount of shit I had to eat
to accomplish that...
Tony, I literally
just got here, so...
My name's not Tony.
It's Dad.
Now, they sent you home
to set some kind of example.
As long as your grades
stay solid...
- [Lee] Yeah, it sounds good.
- Hey, can you give me a second?
No, it sounds good.
[Anthony] If your grades
stay solid,
they're gonna take you back
next semester.
[door opens, slams shut]
[Lee sighs]
[thunder rumbling]
[Anthony] [VO] Forgive me,
Father, for I have sinned.
It has been...
40 years
since my last confession.
I had a drinking problem,
and that became...
a drug problem.
And I ruined my life.
I ruined the lives of my family.
You see, Father,
my wife got sick.
Sh... she got really,
really sick, you know,
and, uh...
I used that as an excuse.
I didn't have to address
what I was doing because,
"Hey, my wife's got cancer,
so fuck you."
Her being sick
gave me a reason
to just disconnect...
[emotional music playing]
There's a thing that's come up.
It's a job,
and it's coming to me
off the back of
somebody else's... tragedy.
But maybe work
will be good for me, you know?
Give me a sense of purpose.
Make me stronger.
Maybe make my daughter
proud of me.
[Lee] [VO]
The Georgetown Project.
What's that?
[Anthony] [VO] It's code.
[Lee] Code for what?
You're going to do
a remake of the...
Is it, um...
is it for the priest?
Yeah, it's for the priest.
[Lee chuckles]
That's fucking hilarious.
Well, you as a priest,
it's just...
it's just interesting.
You know, the mind reels.
What? Okay, whatever.
I mean, it's not
like a big deal
if you don't book it
anyways, right?
Well, you know what?
It actually is a big deal for me
if I book it.
[pages rustle]
You having a hard time
with your lines?
[Lee] I don't know.
Why's your memory so bad?
I forget.
Maybe my new meds,
this fluoxetine, you know?
Sometimes with pharmaceuticals,
it takes a little time
for you to balance out.
No big deal.
[reading] "My faith is like
a light in the dark.
It's getting harder to find."
[laughs] I mean, pfft.
It's yuck.
Why don't you write something?
I did.
- [Anthony] Mm-hm.
- Yeah, I did. I wrote a play.
I sent it to you like,
I don't know,
a year ago, I think.
Well, a year ago,
I would have been in, um...
[Lee] In rehab?
You know, you...
you can say it.
Rehab. It's just, uh...
it's just reality.
You know, I'm really
sorry about that.
[sighs] do you want me to
help you with your lines?
No, I'm good.
Do you want me to help you
with your lines?
Lee, I said I'm fine.
All right.
Just give me the page.
Who am I reading?
All right. Lynn Carlisle.
The top of page, uh, 67.
- Sixty-seven.
- [Anthony] Yeah.
[Lee] Mmm... 67.
[reading] "Oh, for God's sake.
What for, Father?"
[Anthony] [reading]
"She's behaving in ways
"that certainly point to
"a kind of
psychological breakdown.
"I understand your concern
"for your daughter,
Miss Carlisle.
But I'm not the man
to help you."
[Regina] [reading]
"Then who is?"
[reading] "You couldn't
possibly understand
"what you're asking for.
"Miss Carlisle,
I'm not the man you need.
I'm not the man
to face this monster."
[Peter] All right,
let's go to the next one.
[Anthony] Yeah?
What... what do you mean
by the next one?
[Peter] There's only two scenes.
[Anthony] Uh, the...
the big speech?
[Peter] The speech, yeah.
[Anthony] The one that starts
"This darkness"?
[Peter] Yeah.
Just whenever you're ready.
[Anthony exhales]
Hey, you ready?
[Peter] Whenever.
[Anthony] [reading]
"This darkness.
"I've seen this darkness before.
"I've crawled through it.
"Miss Carlisle,
it is a darkness
"that slips inside
like a thief
"and takes everything
we treasure.
It knows, it, uh..."
Shit. Fuck it.
[Peter] Yeah.
All right. Never mind.
Let's take a break.
Get rid of the script.
Right. Let's just talk.
- [mic thuds]
- [Peter] Ah, fuck!
Let's, uh...
let's just chat.
Just talk for a little while.
[Anthony] Huh, that's what
they say when you're blowing it.
[Peter] [laughs] You think
you're blowing it?
[Anthony] I don't know, man.
I'm a little rusty, you know?
And I've been away from it
for a little while.
- [Peter] Mm-hm.
- [Anthony] You know?
I had some personal issues.
Yeah, a little bit
of a bad patch.
[Peter] Hm. Go on.
[Anthony] Go on?
[Peter] Yeah, bad patch.
[Anthony] Uh, you don't...
you don't watch the news?
[Peter] Go on. Like what?
Well, you know,
I climbed inside of a bottle
for a couple of years.
And it took me just as long
to climb back out, you know?
[Peter] I mean, look.
You've been through it, right?
I mean, it's been a rough
couple of years, I mean...
your wife...
She passed away
a couple years ago, huh?
Yeah, she did, man.
She passed away.
[Peter] I can't imagine.
And with a kid...
you have a kid, right?
[Anthony] I do.
I have a daughter. Lee.
She's 16.
- [Peter] Tell me about her.
Are you guys, uh,
how's she doing?
I mean, she must be...
you guys getting along?
Yeah... yeah.
Hey! You were a fucking
altar boy, weren't you?
[Anthony] I was. I was.
I did five years at St Aloysius
when I was a kid.
Five years of no fucking
weekends, you know?
[Peter] What the fuck
was that like?
That was... everybody did it,
you know. It was...
[Peter] I mean, you know,
I read that article
about what those priests
did to you,
uh, you boys down there.
You still devout?
No, I'm not.
[Peter] Okay.
Let me ask you something, man.
[Peter sighs]
I gotta make some decisions.
[exhales] You know,
maybe you can help me out.
What do you think?
[exhales deeply]
You think you're right for this?
[Anthony] I don't turn up
for shit I'm not right for, man.
That's... all I want to do is,
I just want to be good.
And I think I can be...
Look, I'm really sorry
for wasting your time.
[Peter] Hold up a second,
Do you...?
Do you, uh,
do you remember Mass?
You know the words?
[Anthony] Mass?
[Peter] Yeah.
Fuck, man. Last time
I heard that, I was a kid.
[Peter] Give it a shot.
Blessed are you,
Lord God of all creation,
for through Your goodness,
we have received
the bread we offer you:
fruit of the earth,
work of human hands,
it will become for us
the bread of life.
[soft, unsettling music playing]
[cork pops]
[male guest] Whoo!
["Blank Generation" performed by
Richard Hell and the Voidoids]
[Anthony] Hey, Lee.
Lee, can we get an ice bucket?
- [Jennifer] Hi.
- [Anthony] Oh, my god!
- So crazy.
- When was that?
When was the last time
I saw you?
- I'm the exec on your film.
- No!
- [Jennifer] Yes.
- Oh, Joe? Joe.
Jen, she's the exec
of the movie.
- Wow.
- [Jennifer] Joe.
- This is... this is cool.
- Your audition was great.
- [Joe] Thank you.
- Yeah, yeah.
- [Peter] Tony.
- Hey, Pete.
- Hey, pal.
- [Anthony] How are you?
Good, man. I want you to
meet Father George Conor.
- Hello, Anthony.
- [Peter] Father Conor...
is going to be our consultant
for all things...
Arcane and/or Catholic.
If that's not too redundant.
[polite laughter]
- My eyes are up here.
- [Anthony] Oh, yes. Sorry.
I'm just, I'm gonna be wearing
one of these soon. I just...
You mean, this is what you're
condemned to wear, I'm sorry.
You get used to it.
- Yeah.
- [Father Conor] You look...
- [Anthony] I look beat up.
Thank you very much
for helping us out.
Nice to meet you.
- [Father Conor] My pleasure.
I'm just gonna go and see
everybody, if that's okay.
- [Peter] Yes, of course.
- Okay. Thank you.
[Father Conor]
Thank you. Thank you.
- [Peter] Exciting?
- [Jennifer] Yeah. Oh.
Totally exciting.
- That was unfortunate.
[Jennifer] Do you want a drink?
[Peter] It's fine, it's fine.
- Uh, yes, I think I will.
- What will you have, Father?
I... just alcohol.
[Peter] To my beautiful
cast and crew,
[clears throat]
and ancillary party guests,
um, to Georgetown.
[all] To Georgetown.
- [glasses clinking]
- [all] Whooh.
[Joe] I've never told anyone.
I never wanted to be an actor.
Then I found a copy
in a bargain bin.
Double Shift to
Dirty Double.
And you played your twin,
and you dive in,
and have that fight...
On the top of the building.
That, that, that, th...
That was, I think
I was getting fucking loaded
in my trailer
when I did that shit.
[Joe chuckles]
Like that night, I slept...
You're not a hack.
This is a psychological drama
wrapped in the skin
of a horror movie, okay?
Because this guy,
this guy right here,
this guy's not horror.
- [Anthony] Thank you.
[Peter] You don't make a...
Hey, pal.
You don't make a...
you don't make a horror movie
with this guy. This guy...
This guy... this guy was pure
testosterone-drunk Americana.
You know,
I knew the guy that died.
No shit.
I'm so sorry.
- Yeah, um... that's okay.
Thank you. Thank you.
- Were you close?
Not really.
[Lee] Excuse me.
- [Blake] It is not!
- [door opens]
Um... I gotta go.
[Lee] Shit, um...
I sort of just walked in.
I didn't mean to
walk in on you. Um...
Can you please
just shut the door?
[Lee] Okay.
[door closes]
[lighter clicks]
[Blake sighs]
You want some?
Thank you.
- [Blake] Mm-hm.
[sniffs] You write this?
Yeah, it's... it's stupid.
[Blake chuckles]
Whatever you say.
[Lee] Well, okay, wait.
I know who you are.
Not to be weird.
I don't know...
Um, you're a really good singer,
and I watch Vampire Sorority.
Oh. I love my fans.
- Well, okay. Relax.
- [Blake giggles]
You were really good on it.
You coming to set?
Yeah. Tony's making me PA
because I got
kicked out of school.
For what?
Being too cool.
See you.
[door closes]
[Lee chuckles]
[warehouse door opening]
- [clanking and clattering]
- [background conversation]
Yeah, right?
Not too bad.
[Monica] Anthony.
- Hey.
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
We're gonna get you to wardrobe.
Come with me.
Monica, first AD.
- I remember.
- [Monica] Well, just checking.
Okay. Lee...
Nice to have you on the team.
- [Lee] Thanks. Yeah.
[Monica chuckles]
All right, I have Anthony
for the wardrobe.
[alarm beeping]
[soft, ominous music playing]
[Lee] So what's with the sage?
Have you forgotten what
kind of movie we're making?
All kinds of
messed-up shit happened
when they were making
devil movies like The Omen
or The Exorcist,
The Poltergeist.
As far as I'm concerned,
we can't be too careful.
And the guy your dad replaced...
[Lee] Yeah, I read about that.
I mean, he was depressed.
It didn't have to do
with the movie, right?
[Blake] If you say so.
[blowtorch whirring]
Lee, look.
[Peter] Hey, baby doll.
Take a look at this.
- [Blake] Hey.
[Peter] If you really
want to freak out
one of your boyfriends,
just put that in your bed
in the morning, right.
All right.
Let's see her do her thing.
Oh, boy. Let's have a look.
Okay. Let's see her twist
all the way around, man.
Yep, will do.
[razor whirring]
Possession, you know?
All the way around.
- [dummy's head sparks]
- [Peter] Jesus!
- [FX guy] Whoa!
- [Peter] What is that?
Is it supposed to spark?
- [FX guy] No.
[muted technical conversation]
- [FX woman] All the way around.
- [Peter] Okay, alright.
[razor whirring]
[ominous music playing]
[light flickers, buzzes]
[Blake] And the highlight
of the tour...
The Cold Room.
[door opens]
So what did you do
to get kicked out of school?
Dropped a can of red paint
on my principal's Mercedes
from the school roof
because he fired
my guidance counselor
for marrying her girlfriend.
That's not a protest.
That's destruction of property.
Okay. Well, whatever.
[unsettling music playing]
It's weird.
I told you.
[Lee scoffs]
[Anthony sighs softly]
[Father Conor] Not too shabby.
[Anthony chuckles]
Thank you.
How's it feel?
Oh, uh... unusual.
[Father Conor laughs]
It's not...
it's not a vision that...
that I would have thought
I would see. [laughs]
Well, you look great.
Ah, thanks.
[bell buzzes]
How did this all start for you?
[Father Conor] The priesthood?
Hmm. Um...
did you have heroes,
growing up?
Sandy Koufax,
Joe Namath, Burt Reynolds.
Yeah, you too, huh?
[Anthony chuckles]
Well, my heroes, growing up,
were priests.
[bell buzzes]
I'll... I'll leave you to...
to prepare.
Thank you.
[Anthony sighs faintly]
[sinister music playing]
- [leaves rustling]
- [firm footsteps]
[knocks on door]
[door opens]
Miss Carlisle,
I'm Father Arlington.
[Peter] And cut!
- [Monica] Cut.
- [Peter] All right.
Let's move on.
[Female producer] Okay, people.
We are moving on.
Let's go.
All right, you guys have to
turn it around inside
for the second scene?
[Peter] Great, man.
It's fucking great.
- [Lee chuckles]
- [phone vibrates]
What the fuck.
Oh, crap.
- [loud thud]
- Oh.
[door creaks open]
[hesitant footsteps]
[doorknob rattles]
[water dripping]
[door creaks open]
[soft, tense music playing]
[gasps softly]
Okay. Here we go...
[Anthony gasps sharply]
Tony, Tony, Tony.
Hey, look. You're fine.
- [Anthony] Oh, fuck.
- You're okay, all right?
Yeah, you're all right.
You fucking
scared the shit on me.
I was...
You were sleepwalking.
[breathing heavily]
You scared me.
[Lee] Fuck, I'm sorry.
I'm just a bit stressed,
I think, baby.
You know?
Yeah, you've got
a big day coming up.
[Anthony] Mm.
I do.
- [Lee] Yeah.
[bell blaring]
Again, make-up your last looks.
[Peter] There we go.
We are... rolling down.
[woman] On your marks.
[Anthony trills lips]
[Peter] Set...
[Anthony coughs]
[Peter] Set... and... action.
"It sees everything.
It sees the monster
in me, David."
"There is no monster in you.
Do you know
how much you are loved
by your peers,
your parish, by me?"
"It knows you, too."
"It sees your sins and mine,
and sighs with
my father's voice."
"I left him to die."
- [Peter] Cut.
- [woman] Cut.
Fuck, come on.
Geez, I'm so sorry, man.
Hey, man, I... I don't know.
Uh... what's going on?
Um, I don't quite understand,
uh, what... what in...
what I'm not giving you.
[Peter] Yeah, sure.
[Anthony] What... what do you
need from the line?
Just l... let me know.
I need, um, the meaning
of the line, okay?
I'm after the core of the line.
I need the truth.
All right?
I need you to stop
evading the truth.
That makes sense?
- I'm not...
- It's in there.
- [Anthony] Okay.
Stop being over it.
[footsteps receding]
All right, let's do it again.
[Monica] All right, going again.
All right, let's roll it.
All right, everybody, reset.
A mark. [taps]
[Peter] Stay in it.
[Monica] Going again.
[Anthony] "It knows you, too.
It sees your sins...
- [Peter] Cut.
- And sighs with my father's...
- [Peter] Cut.
[Monica] Cut.
[footsteps approaching]
[Peter] Um...
Tony. Come here a sec.
[Monica] Okay, everybody,
let's go ahead
and take ten, please.
That means everybody.
Let's go. Now.
Take a break.
I had a lot of pushback
when I cast you.
You know that, right?
You know, because nobody thought
you could be the hero again,
not after
what they read about you.
But you looked me in the eye
and you told me
you could be good.
And I fucking
believed you, man.
Now we're all standing around
with our fuckin' dicks
in our hands
because you're too afraid
to do the heavy lifting.
All right? To connect. Okay?
To own the fact
that you are this guy, okay?
You are being eaten alive
by guilt.
You are the sack of shit
who left a kid
and his cancer-ridden wife
to shit on her own bed
while you went out,
and you fucking drank,
and you blew rails,
and you chased pussy
and Christ knows what else.
Tony, you are irredeemable.
You hear me?
You hear me?
- Yeah.
- [Peter] Yeah.
You're him. Let's do it.
- [light device thuds]
- What the fuck!
Jesus fucking Christ.
What the fuck, man?!
[Monica] Yo! You won't let them
hang the goddamn light!
[Peter] Hey, don't fucking
tell me that.
This thing almost
fucking killed me.
You need to take care of it.
Take care of it.
Shut the fuck up!
[Monica] Fuck you, Peter!
I need an electrician. Now!
[door closes]
- [fridge door opens]
- [bottles clatter]
[drawer opening, closing]
[bottle opener clanks]
[unsettling music plays]
[pages rustling]
[page rustling, bell ringing]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous whispering]
[Lee] Hey.
[siren wails in distance]
Sorry, I just came for
your laundry hamper and...
I don't like
that you heard that today.
[scoffs] Heard what?
[Anthony sighs]
St. Michael. Saint, uh...
- [Lee] Gabriel.
- [Anthony]...Gabriel.
St. Raphael.
[Lee] Yeah.
[Anthony] All... oh my God!
All holy angels and archangels,
all holy...
I mean, it just sounds so...
What, archaic?
Patriarchal? Outdated?
No, it just sounds silly.
That's why it's so hard to learn
because it just sounds silly.
Do you remember when
I would do plays in school
and I couldn't remember
the lines
and you always told me it's...
it's because I didn't know
what the line's actually about?
- Yeah, you gotta know
what the line's about.
- Right.
What's the line actually about?
It's an exorcism.
So he has to believe
in these words
with the whole of his being.
[Lee] Yeah.
Okay, exactly. You got it.
St. Michael.
St. Gabrielle. St. Raphael.
[soft, tense music playing]
Hey, are you okay?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Tony, are you sure?
- I can do it. Yeah.
You go to bed.
Get some rest, okay?
[bottles clanking]
"All holy patriarchs
and prophets, pray for us.
St. Bartholomew.
St. Thomas. St. William.
Intercede for us.
St. Bartholomew."
[Anthony murmuring in Latin]
[Anthony murmuring in Latin]
[uneasy music playing]
[light switch clicks]
[Anthony murmuring in Latin]
[Lee gasps sharply]
- [phone thuds]
- Fuck.
[light switch clicks]
[Anthony murmuring in Latin]
[faint shouts]
[Anthony murmuring in Latin]
[light switch clicks]
[Lee pants in fear]
[Anthony urinating]
[Anthony murmuring in Latin]
[light switch clicks]
- [ominous burst of music]
- [Lee gasps in fright]
- [ominous music]
- [Lee] Oh!
[sinister music playing]
[shower running]
[Lee] Yeah, you are taking
the new meds, right?
Okay, just make sure you call
your doctor in the morning.
[Anthony breathing heavily]
[Regina] "Don't say that.
You're the only one
who can help me."
"I understand your concern
for your daughter
but I am not the man
for the job."
[Regina] "Then who is?"
[Anthony] "I understand
your concern for your daughter."
[Peter] [whispers] Jesus.
[Anthony] "But I am not
the man for the job."
[Regina] "Then who is?"
[Peter] What the fuck
is wrong with this guy?
[man] Here we go.
[Peter] Oh Christ,
he looks like hell.
"I understand your concern."
[makeup girl]
I could apply more concealer.
[Peter] With what? A spatula?
[Regina] "Then who is?"
[Peter] All right,
just kill the sound.
I can't watch
any more of this shit.
I need a drink.
This guy's a fucking drunk.
[Monica] [whispers] Sorry.
[door closes]
I don't imagine it's easy
being the child of a movie star.
[scoffs] Yeah.
Movie star part's not bad.
It's the addict part that's...
You've been through a lot...
We can't always save people,
but we can forgive them.
So I'm told.
What? So now
you're a shrink too?
What a terrible thing
to say to anyone!
[Lee chuckles]
- Yes, actually, I am a shrink.
- [Lee scoffs]
I got my degree in clinical
psychology from Columbia.
[Lee scoffs]
My mission here
is to ease people's paranoia,
and not stoke it.
So you don't believe any of it?
Not 99 percent of it.
Oh yeah, exactly.
[Father Conor]
What about you?
You believe this stuff?
- [Lee scoffs]
I don't know
what I believe anymore.
[tense, ominous music playing]
[Blake] What was your mom like?
[Lee] She was, um,
like a sister.
Like messy,
but in like a fun way.
- [Blake chuckles]
- Um...
Nothing's felt like normal
since she's not
in this world anymore.
Sometimes I wish
that he had died instead of her.
Am I a horrible person?
Do you wanna...
do you want to come inside?
[Lee] Okay.
- [Blake] Okay?
- Okay.
- [Blake] Okay.
- Yeah.
[Blake] Okay.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[Lee chuckles]
[Lee exhales]
[light switch clicks]
[gasps] Fuck!
What the fuck?
Tony, what...?
What are you...
what are you doing in here?
Why were you in the dark?
- I don't know.
- [Lee] Well, look at your hand.
Why are you bleeding?
How long have you
been like this for?
You're fucking
covered in blood.
And you smell
like a distillery.
What's wrong with you?
What? So you're
blacking out again?
That's great.
What... what is it this time?
Is it coke?
- No, no, no.
- [Lee] Or something worse?
I'm not on anything.
I'm not taking anything.
It's something else. I just...
[Lee] Well, if you took
your medication, you know,
you probably
wouldn't feel that way.
[Anthony inhales deeply]
No. This...
[sniffles] I can't.
I can't.
- Everything I ever did wrong,
I still see!
I don't sleep.
I can't.
Because that's when I see her.
Fuck. Look, okay,
if you want to use
and if you want to
fuck it all up again,
then that's fine,
but I'm out, okay?
So, unless you get
your shit together
and you take your fucking meds,
then I'm not staying, okay?!
[door slams shut]
Where are you gonna go?
[sinister music playing]
You don't have a school.
You don't have a mother.
All you have is me.
Sleep it off, asshole.
Is that any way
to talk to your dad?
[cries] Get out.
Get out.
Get the fuck out!
Get out, Tony! Get out!
My name is not Tony.
[Lee sobbing]
[door closes]
[camera turns on]
[chatter and laughter]
[door opens, closes]
[Lee] These are for you.
[Anthony coughing]
[Lee] That looks really bad.
It's fine.
[Lee] Let me help.
Let me see it.
[Anthony winces]
Tony, you need to see a doctor.
It's okay, kiddo.
It's just... whoo...
It's just taking...
It's taking it out of me.
I don't even know
what happened the other night.
What happened, the other night?
It's not your job
to caretake for me.
So just, bunny, make it easy.
Just please go back to school.
I'm your dad.
I'm telling you
how it's gonna go.
Because I need you
to be safe, okay?
I'm sorry
I'm not better than this.
[tense, emotional music playing]
[Lee] Hey.
[unsettling music playing]
[church bell tolls]
[Lee] He's off his meds.
And he's erratic.
And he... he's...
he's sleepwalking
when he's awake,
if that even makes any sense.
[Father Conor] Yes, it... it...
it makes a kind of sense.
Uh, I wonder...
I wonder if
what you're describing
points to some kind of stuff...
that he's not dealt with
and maybe the movie
is dredging something up.
When you say stuff, do you...
what, like trauma?
[coffee pouring]
My mom always said,
I don't know,
some messed up stuff
happened to him
when he was a kid.
But I mean, Tony has never
spoken to me about any of that.
So I...
Father, what do I do?
Well, you're his daughter,
not a shrink.
I'll talk to him.
If you want to help...
He was praying
that night in the lobby.
He doesn't pray, ever.
Well, what was he saying?
[Anthony muttering in Latin
through phone recording]
Why is he speaking Latin?
What would you...
do you know what he's saying?
Uh... uh... eh... [sighs]
It's... it's... it's broken,
along the lines of, um,
"Make way for the demon Molech,
prepare for his arrival,
sacrifice your children."
Molech is the demon
from the movie he's making.
Look, in my opinion,
this role is affecting him
too deeply.
He's, I think...
maybe he's... he's been too,
too, too method about it.
Let me talk to him.
Girls, if I had a nickel
for every lookie-loo
who showed up at the parish
over the years
telling me they suddenly
could speak Latin
and make a bed float,
I'd be on a beach somewhere.
I know whereof I speak.
So trust me. All right?
[book thuds]
[rhythmic drum beating]
[book cover creaks]
[ominous whispering]
[metronome ticking]
[voice] [whispering] You...
[metronome ticking]
[ominous whispering]
[sinister music playing]
[electricity buzzes]
[sinister music continues]
[ominous whispering]
- [buzzer ringing]
- [Peter] All right.
All right, let's film.
"Lord have mercy."
[Blake] "Fuck you, priest!"
"Christ have mercy.
The Holy Spirit..."
[Blake] "Fuck you!"
"...have mercy on us."
- [Anthony coughs]
- [Peter] Goddamit.
Cut. Cut, just...
[Monica] Cut!
- [Peter] Back to one.
- [Anthony coughing]
- [Peter] Here we go.
- [Monica] One more time.
- Are you okay?
- No, I don't feel so good.
[Monica] Rolling.
[whispers] No?
What's wrong?
[Peter] Come on, guys. Set.
- [Anthony] Now play.
- [Peter] That's smart.
[Anthony] I'm fine. I'm fine.
- [Peter] You good?
- [Anthony] I'm fine. I'm fine.
[Peter] Right away.
Come on, you got it.
You got it!
Camera's up.
[Anthony] "Lord have mercy.
- [Peter] Back to one.
[Monica] All right,
we gotta reset.
Back to one.
- Come on.
[Monica] All right,
going again.
Rolling. Rolling.
- [Anthony coughing]
- [Peter] Action! Action!
- [Blake] "Fuck you!"
- [Anthony gagging]
[Blake] "Cocksucker.
Fuck you. [cackles]
You can't do anything."
- [Peter] Cut, cut, cut, cut.
- [Monica] Cut.
That's a cut.
- [Peter] Jesus Christ!
[Blake] [whispers]
It's okay, it's okay.
Just say the words.
Just say the fucking words.
- I'm trying to.
Show me that that priest
fucked a little sense into you
back when you were 12 years old.
[receding footsteps]
[shouts] Back to one!
- [man] Here we go.
- [Monica] All right.
We gotta reset. Back to one.
- [man] Rolling. Rolling.
- [Monica] Let's go again.
- [man] A-camera roll.
- [Monica] Rolling. Rolling.
- [Peter sighs]
[slamming stair rail]
[rips priest's collar]
[bones crackle]
[Anthony snarling]
[all exclaiming]
[woman screams]
[power shuts off]
[people murmuring]
[Anthony] Help...
[Anthony] [harsh voice]
Not exactly.
[head slamming against table]
[panicked shouts]
[distant coughing]
[soft, disturbing music playing]
[lights flickering]
[Peter] We have to recast.
There's no choice.
They want the best movie
they can possibly have.
How is he?
- How is...? He's...
- [Joe] Yeah.
I... he's not great.
He can't do the movie.
[chuckling softly]
I don't know what
you want me to say, man.
I want you to say, "Okay."
Joe, you got the chops.
you can do this.
[laughs] You'll be saving
the fucking movie.
[laughing] Okay. All right.
All right.
[ominous music playing]
[Joe] "Christ have mercy...
God our Father in heaven...
God the Father...
In heaven, God the Father...
God the Father.
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy..."
[distant clatter]
"Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy."
Yeah. Yeah.
[electricity buzzes]
[light switch clicks]
[hangers sliding]
[Joe sighs]
there's no monster in you.
It knows you too.
I left him to die.
Yes, I did..."
[voice whispers]
"All gone, even our senses."
"So that we enter
this final passage
naked in our human..."
[mirror shatters]
[Joe choking]
[neck snaps]
[dramatic music]
[light switches clicking]
[crockery clinking]
[tray clatters]
[soft clatter of pills]
Open up.
And one more.
[footsteps receding]
[Blake sniffles]
[door closes]
What is it?
[Blake sobs]
They shut the movie down.
It's Joe.
[Lee] What did he say?
They found him...
in pieces.
- What?
- Joe is dead.
- [Anthony spits]
- [capsule thuds softly]
- [Anthony spits again]
- [capsule thuds softly]
[Blake sniffles]
It's okay.
[Blake breathes deeply]
I don't want to leave you.
- I'm fine.
[Blake sniffles]
- [loud thud]
- [distant screaming]
- [lights flickering]
- [Lee] Tony?
[running footsteps]
[Anthony coughing]
[Anthony coughing]
Go get help!
[lights flickering]
Hey, what's wrong?
Hey, are you okay?
[Anthony breathing heavily]
[growling] She's never gonna
eat your pussy like I will.
- [slap thrown]
- [Lee] Ah!
Kiss her.
[Lee and Blake crying]
Kiss her, you fucking dyke!
- [Blake] Come on! Come on!
- [Lee] Go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go!
- [Anthony snarls]
- [Lee grunts]
[Lee screaming]
[kick thrown]
[Lee screaming]
[Lee screaming]
[whacks with kettle]
[Lee screaming]
[Anthony growling]
[Anthony growling]
Tony, no! Stop!
No! No!
No! [gasps]
[Father Conor] [VO] The body
is the vessel for the soul
and as such is capable
of miraculous things.
But when consumed by darkness,
that scale tips the other way.
And then some.
Can he be saved...
I know it.
[Lee sighs]
I know where he is.
I can feel it.
He's still here.
[Father Conor] [VO] Our Father,
Who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those
who trespass against us;
and lead us not
into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
I know you're afraid.
I am too.
You are children of God.
Made in His image.
Just as you are.
Have faith.
He will protect His children.
All right?
[suspenseful, ominous music
[Blake breathing heavily]
[bell ringing]
[door opens]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [power shuts off]
- [door slams shut]
[Lee] Blake?
[light buzzes]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Lee breathing shakily]
[mutters] Wake up.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
[sighs heavily]
[light flickers]
[Lee shivering]
- [light shuts off]
- [Lee gasps]
[lights flickering]
[soft clatter]
[Lee breathing shakily]
[book slides]
[Lee panting]
[ominous music playing]
[reading] "Be m-merciful.
Spare us, O Lord.
Be merciful.
G... graciously h-hear us."
"Deliver us, O Lord."
How many times
have I heard this?
You don't even believe
in the one you pray to.
Yes, I...
I bel...
He can't hear you.
- I...
- He's gone.
- I believe.
- All of this pain.
- I believe.
- All the torment...
I believe.
- ...means nothing to Him.
- Well, then leave!
Leave him!
I need him.
[Lee sobs]
Don't be afraid.
- You're killing him.
- Lee...
He's been dead for years.
- No, no, no! That's a lie!
- [lamp thuds, breaks]
- [Lee gasps]
[Anthony] You move me so.
Such passion for a man
who could never decide
if he even wanted you at all.
How he begged your mother
to rid her body of you.
- Our Father, Who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
- [Anthony] How close you came
to being a mass of tissue
in a silver wastebin?
- Shut the fuck up!
- He's not worth saving.
And you know it.
- [Lee] You don't know!
- He's worthless!
- Shut up! I can't hear you!
Shut up!
- How could a faithless slut
like you save him anyway?
- What the fuck do you want?!
For Daddy to watch the light
drain out of you completely.
You are not my...
- [head sizzles]
- [Anthony snarls]
[Anthony growls]
[Lee] Tony, I know
you're in there.
Tony, I know you're in there!
[bell tolling]
When it happens...
[both crying]
[suspenseful music playing]
Let him go.
Take me.
I accept the sins
visited upon him.
And I will not resist you.
Here I am.
[shouts] Here I am!
[Anthony growls]
Here I am.
[Lee] [VO]
Dad, please. I'm sorry.
It wasn't your fault.
It's not your fault, Dad.
Dad! Dad.
[ominous music]
[both crying]
[ominous music]
- [Anthony thuds]
- [Lee's gasp echoes]
[choral singing]
[Lee's voice echoing]
I forgive you.
Daddy. Dad!
[Blake] Get him.
[Lee and Blake sobbing]
[loud fluttering]
Oh Lord, have mercy.
Sweet Anthony.
Already in position.
[Anthony] Christ have mercy.
[fire blazing]
Your God rejects you!
[suspenseful, sinister
music playing]
God the Father in heaven,
God the Son,
Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Spirit.
- [Father Conor growls]
- [Anthony] Have mercy on us.
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of Virgins,
[Father Conor snarls]
Holy Mary, pray for us.
St. Michael, pray for us.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
St. John the Baptist.
[Father Conor growls]
St. Joseph.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- [Anthony] St. John.
[Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
St. Ambrose.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- [Anthony] St. Peter.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- [Anthony] St. Paul.
[Father Conor growls]
- [Anthony] St. Theresa.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- St. Matthew.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- St. Mark.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- St. Luke.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- St. Augustine.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
[Anthony] All holy orders
of the blessed spirit.
Pray for us.
All holy disciples of the Lord.
All holy angels and archangels.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- All holy angels and archangels.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- All holy angels and archangels.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- All holy angels and archangels.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- All holy angels and archangels.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- All holy angels and archangels.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- All holy angels and archangels.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
- All holy angels and archangels.
- [Lee and Blake] Pray for us.
Intercede for us!
Intercede for us!
Intercede for us!
Intercede for us!
Intercede for us!
Intercede for us!
Intercede for us!
Intercede for us!
[angelic choral music playing]
[snarling and screaming]
You cannot be saved,
immoral one!
Not by her. Not by God!
You are, and you have
always been in a deep...
[low groaning]
- [wet squelch]
- Serpent! Be gone!
[knife stabs]
[Father Conor choking]
[evil shrieks]
[flames crackling]
[serpent shrieking loudly]
[unsettling music playing]
I love you.
I need you to know that.
[emotional music playing]
[VO] Forgive me, Father,
for I have sinned.
It's been, uh, one day
since my last confession.
My daughter and I are...
we're the best we've been
in a long time.
But I'm still not sure
what it means.
It doesn't change
what happened to me.
It doesn't take back
the things I've done.
It doesn't justify
the pain I've caused.
[VO] How do I take solace
in that?
I pray the second chance
leads to better days ahead.
For both of us.
I know I can't rush that,
or demand it.
I know I've just
gotta be patient.
But for now,
it feels like Grace.
It does. It feels like Grace.
[ending music playing]
[music fades out]