The Exploding Boy (2023) Movie Script

Who wants to stumble over love
Not me
The road is not as bright...
as I gathered
Where have you been, Niles?
The gang's been worried.
You don't have to worry about me, Jiles.
I can take care of myself.
That's what this hard outer shell is for.
It's only, it's only
I know you can take
care of yourself, but...
Is that
a tortoise shell?
It is.
Why do you need it?
To keep my soft belly
safe from predators!
It's only
Did somebody say "predators"?
Hi, Cuffs.
Niles seems to think
wearing a tortoise shell
will keep him safe from predators.
Well, that's silly!
Turtles get eaten all the time!
That shell doesn't cover their belly.
The only thing that'll keep
you safe from predators
is your good old pal, Cuffs!
That's how nature intended it.
You know what, Jiles?
I hear you loud and clear.
It's time to live without this shell.
To truly get close to someone.
To get close to you.
Naked fox body against naked raccoon body.
The way nature intended.
Jesus Christ.
You don't show this to
other people, right?
This is the reason why he
doesn't have any friends.
We all want
I liked it, sweetheart, but...
Is there maybe something
that you're trying to
say with your movies?
I just think
people like watching
other people fall in love.
Me too.
The same thing
Niles? The gang's been worried.
You don't have to worry about me, Jiles.
I can take care of myself.
That's what this hard outer shell is for.
Alex Silver, I know you're not shitting.
Your legs are crossed.
How do you even know it's me?
I'm the hall monitor. It's my job.
You can jerk off on your own time.
No, but see, that's the thing.
I live in this like really
strict Mormon commune,
and at night, they tie
my hands up in mittens,
and in the morning, I
have to shit and shower
in front of the council of elders.
So, like really, this is the only place.
I'm writing that down
as suspicious activity.
Is there a place for notes or comments?
Uh, yeah. There's a small
box at the bottom here.
Cool, can you make sure to jot down
that I said to fuck off?
- On her?
- Absolutely.
- What's up, nerd?
- Yeah.
What's up, nerd?
Did you do the assignment?
I am the assignment.
I'll go ahead and tell you,
and save all of you some headaches.
It's a cliche, but love
is a chemical reaction.
It's hormones flooding through your brain.
It's definitely not some
fifth dimension or...
Alex Silver!
Get in here.
Look who's here.
Okay, everyone. We need to get started.
Everyone pull out their current events.
Is that Alex?
Your father is upset with you.
You know, that dog
is your responsibility.
Where you been?
Took a walk through the park.
What park?
The one over by-
Are you cruising?
I don't even know what that means.
You know, the school called today.
You got caught smoking
in the bathroom again?
You back on the pot?
What? No.
Charles. Boundaries.
I was watching my
rough cut. Making notes.
What the hell's a rough cut?
Rough cut of my...
You know what? Never mind.
Yeah, never mind.
See? He's fine.
Do you forgive me?
Cool. Thank you.
There's my Alexei.
Jesus Christ! What, are
you a heroin addict now?
You let him go to school like that?
I want you home early today.
It's 7:00 AM. Let him breathe!
That's right. I'm out of breathe strips.
- "Breathe strips"?
- Yeah, breathe strips.
Well, I wasn't plan...
Is that the nose things?
Yeah. Breathe strips.
Shit. I gotta go.
Got an audit today.
- Meat?
- Your father wanted it.
Excuse me, ma'am. Do you have a dollar?
My kids are hungry. They-
No, I don't have a dollar.
My kids are hungry too, ya bum.
Miss, excuse me. Do you have a dollar?
My kids, they're in the
car and they're hungry.
Oh, no. Um...
Let's see.
Or, or maybe $5?
Five would be better.
They're really hungry.
$5? Let's see.
Hey, hey, mister.
Mister, do you have a dollar?
Construction began in 1961.
The East German government
claimed it was necessary
to keep fascist elements
from entering the west
and interfering with
their communist agenda.
However, we had presumably ended fascism
during the war which split
Germany in the first place.
So, maybe what they meant was capitalism.
Whoa! Ow!
Alex! Everyone hush!
Alex, make room for-
Go ahead.
Are you a philosophy bro?
Do you know Plato?
Yes. I know Plato.
Back to the Berlin Wall.
Ms. Capet?
Yes, Tatiana?
- Do we have a new student?
- Oh, yeah, sure.
Everyone, say hello to Julius.
- Hi.
- What's up?
- So, the communists on the-
- Where's he from?
Yeah. Where
are you from, new kid?
Uh, Bakersfield.
Yeah, but Bakersfield isn't really-
What is it like there?
A little bit like this town.
This town is a butt hole.
So is Bakersfield.
Back to the Berlin wall.
One of the many drawbacks
from being cut off
from the rest of the world
was what we call brain drain.
Side to side!
Side touch! Same arm!
Hey, where are my breathe strips?
Your what strips?
The nose things!
Oh. Um...
I forgot.
Damn it, Anna.
Sorry. I was busy today.
With what? What do you do?
I'll get them tomorrow.
And I'll just suffocate today, I guess.
Alex! Oh, my God.
What're you doing?
I'm upset with your father.
Yeah, he's an asshole.
Well, he is!
Okay, fine. He can be.
What're you doing up?
Momma and Pop. The Dunstans are here.
Would you please come
out and talk to them?
I've gotta say goodbye to the girls.
Of course.
Come on, Sam.
When are you going to the store again?
I wasn't planning
on going to the store today.
Well, don't forget my
breathe strips this time.
All right.
Everyone in this house is so bossy.
What are you doing?
Are you just gonna walk away?
You little shit.
Are you really just
gonna leave that there,
and let somebody come by and step in it?
No, I...
You smug little shit. You
take this and you clean it up!
Okay! Geez.
Calm down.
- Calm down?
- Yes, calm down!
It's just a little dog poop!
First of all, I do not calm down.
And second of all, you clean it up!
You know, there are
children in Kentucky starving.
I am still unhappy.
Duh! Obviously!
Hey. Stop shopping for him.
Do it for you.
There's a better you, just waiting inside!
Be your best self!
Hey! Stop shopping for him, do it for you!
Ma'am? Ma'am,
do you have a dollar?
Sir, I'm sorry.
I do not have a dollar.
Just $1. I just need
to get something to eat.
I'm so sorry.
Do you have anything?
I'm so sorry, please.
You work all day and night
Stains on your shoes
Shit, shit!
You're breaking up.
Is this Charles?
Yes, he's my son. I...
Can you hold on, please? Just a second.
Hey! Hey!
What? No!
Have a seat right there.
Well, I just thought, you know,
if she's gonna be that way.
I mean, I...
I always liked her, but she charged me
for two orders of sushi.
I don't care who she thinks she is.
Yeah. Well, she worked
at the grocery store.
Hey, I'm here to-
And then she was like...
Well, I just thought, you know,
if she's gonna be that way.
I mean, I...
I always liked her but sometimes,
people just turn into
bitches, that's all I know.
Yeah, okay. Okay.
What? Why would she even say anything?
God damn, Anna.
- Have you seen him yet?
- You look like shit.
Did you walk here?
I did!
Wait. What's wrong with the car?
It's a long story.
Better have grabbed my breathe strips.
Yes! I did get them, in fact.
And you can put them over your ass,
so that every time you
fart out your orders at me,
I can hear you, loud and clear!
- The fuck is wrong with you?
- Can I help you two?
My son, Alex.
We're here to pick up Alex
Silver. He's right over there.
Bring me your paperwork, baby.
There's my Alexei.
What did he do?
Throwing objects or substances
at a moving vehicle.
What? You what?
Threw dog poop at a woman's car.
You what?
Are you some sort of fecalphiliac now?
Are we done here?
Well, I guess so. His
court date's on the ninth.
Expect community service.
You be good from now on.
You know the company's not
doing very well right now.
- Okay.
- Charles!
He has to know there's
repercussions for his actions.
We're standing in the
repercussions for his actions!
Say goodbye to your weekends.
You okay, baby?
- Yeah.
- Okay, come on.
Welcome to Rock Bottom.
This is where your bad decisions
and bad behavior has taken you.
But there's a bright side.
You've got nowhere else to go but up.
It won't be easy, it won't be fun,
but if you put the work in,
you can come out of it a better person.
I'm in the middle.
Me next.
New Boy!
- Hey!
- Hey!
What you in for?
In for?
Yeah. What'd you do?
- How'd you get here?
- Uh...
It's a long story.
I'm sure it is, but,
we've got time.
No. I'd really rather just
get this over with, so...
Hey, I found a condom!
Dude, why are you touching that?
Oh, yeah.
Where have you been, Niles?
The gang's been worried.
You don't have to worry about me, Jiles.
I can take care of myself.
You just don't learn your lesson, do you?
Leave me alone.
The restrooms are not
your personal hangout spot.
I'm not bothering anyone.
Rules are rules!
Open the door!
Open the God damn door,
or there'll be hell to pay!
- God damn it, Alex.
- But I was defending myself.
What possessed you to
bring pepper spray to school?
It says that it is
for neutralizing threats
and I was neutralizing a threat!
Give it to me.
Where the hell did you get this, anyways?
Oh, that's mine.
Alexei, this isn't like you.
Do you need to go talk to somebody?
You would love to
bring Dr. Nichols into this.
Wouldn't you?
Did I even mention Roman?
Oh, you haven't mentioned Roman
since Liz and Georgie's holiday party.
I told you a hundred times,
my arm was stuck in my coat.
Oh, everybody saw it stuck.
Well, I don't know what
you think everybody saw.
Oh, what everybody saw was
you giving the ol' doctor
the ol' rusty trombone in the coat closet.
And you expect me to just let you
just stroll right back into his office?
Look, Alex needs help.
He's helped before.
What he needs is discipline.
Maybe if you didn't baby
talk to him till he was
13 years old, we wouldn't
be dealing with this shit.
Well, he's my baby. He's your baby, too!
Is he? Is he, Anna?
Oh, God. Don't start that again.
Oh, I wouldn't bring it up,
if I didn't have reason to suspect.
Like all those late nights, "studying"?
This is about property, isn't it?
- I'm your property.
- Blah, blah, blah!
Alex is your property.
"Oh, I've got a masters
in women's studies."
Oh, God.
You don't own me, Charles!
- How are you?
- Oh, I'm good.
I mean, we're good.
I mean...
Well, we're not that good.
We could be better.
- You look fantastic.
- Oh.
No. But thank you.
I've gone vegetarian.
For health?
Sort of.
Well, it looks good.
I'm so sorry. I should've
called or something.
Just, after Alexei was born, I just,
I got into this vicious
cycle of domesticity.
You remember Alexei.
It has been a while, but there you are.
So, we'll be done in about
30 minutes. Hang tight?
Oh, you know me.
I can hang tight.
So, how have you been?
Um, great.
I know you're being sarcastic.
No, really. I am...
I mean, three weeks at home
to just chill? It's good.
You were suspended?
For bringing pepper spray to school?
It was self-defense.
Anna, I mean your
mom, was telling me that, um-
I was assaulted.
And no one
believes me.
The hall monitor assaulted you?
And no one believes me.
What about friends?
Did anybody witness the altercation?
And no.
I'm sorry?
No, I don't have any friends.
And no, no one saw the fight.
You have friends.
How are things going with your parents?
Where are you going?
I'm still here.
Did I upset you?
Are you upset at your mom
for bringing you here today?
I get it.
You know,
it's been a long time since
we last seen each other.
You were only about seven, or maybe-
I remember.
I wet the bed one time
and my dad flipped out.
Funny story.
I was a bed wetter when I was a kid.
You're a bright young man, Alex.
I cannot stress the importance
of friendships at your age.
They'll help you navigate
through the difficult times.
Ah, there it is. Okay.
Keep going. Keep going, ladies.
We're almost there.
I see you, Maria.
You pushed yourself today.
I'm proud of you. You hear me?
I'm proud of you!
All right, we're gonna modify
it a little bit more now.
We're gonna throw in a hamstringing curl
on every step there.
Can you feel it, ladies? Can
you feel that power inside you?
Every one of you has the
power to change, to elevate,
to get better,
to ascend.
A new and improved you is living inside
each and every one of you.
Okay. We're getting there, ladies.
It's time to slow it down a bit.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
And out.
Think about all we've accomplished today.
Breathe in.
And out.
Think about what else
you'd like to accomplish.
I know I am.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Think about your future self
as the best you
that you could be.
And breathe in.
Breathe out.
I'd like to announce a few
ascensions before we go.
It sounds spiritual.
Well, it is.
Your journey towards a
stronger, more perfect body
is as much spiritual,
as it is physical.
Right, Olga?
Okay. So, the ladies
moving up today are...
Drum roll, please.
Maria, you are now in the front row.
Elizabeth, you are now on the second row.
Oh, dude. Bro!
Hey, Bakersfield.
So, you just moved here and
you're already in trouble?
Yeah. I've got sticky fingers.
Me too. What did you steal?
A baguette.
A baguette?
Yeah. Like Jean Valjean.
How did you walk out with a baguette?
Did you forget your lunch?
I only eat one meal a day.
If I have more than that,
I feel kinda sluggish.
That's what coffee's for.
You can have some pizza rolls.
Oh, I do like pizza rolls.
I like foods that are
crunchy on the outside.
Soft on the inside.
These kinda lost their crunchiness.
Still good, though.
But I can't sleep now
Isn't it sweet
Coming of age films are about milestones.
- Like first Kiss.
- Okay, ew.
Not you, dude. First Job.
They're about nostalgia.
Dude, "Stand By Me" is
not a coming of age film.
It's a horror film. "Stand
by Me" is about fear.
Bro, that train trestle scene
scared the shit outta me
when I was child, man.
- Well yeah! Hell yeah, dude!
- Pew.
Did you just like hang out
at the beach all the time?
There's no beach in Bakersfield.
There's no beach?
I guess I thought that California was
all beaches.
I mostly hung out.
Did you have a lot of friends?
Well, we weren't there long.
I thought your thing was making friends?
It is.
I'm just not good at it yet.
So, uh...
Do you have any music
you like to listen to?
Not really, but, uh, what about you?
A lot of old stuff. My mom's old tapes.
Things like Depeche Mode. The Cure.
She calls it New Wave, but
I guess it was new then.
So, do you have any
movies you like to watch?
"The Dark Crystal", or,
Oh, "Labyrinth"! Freaking Bowie, man.
Have you seen "Rebel Without a Cause"?
No. What's it about?
It's about
making friends.
Come on.
No grownups!
We're not grownups. We're Vikings!
Bro, what separates "Some Like It Hot"
from other straight guys in drag movies
is that the plot device is
used for character growth,
not just cheap jokes.
Bro, that movie was mad
thick with coded messages.
Mad thick. Just like
"Rebel Without A Cause".
Just like "Rebel Without A Cause".
Hey. I watched "Rebel Without A Cause".
- What did you think?
- It was good.
I watch old movies with
my mom all the time, so...
You think I could come
over and watch some with you?
Yeah, sure. Do you
wanna come over today?
Sure. That sounds cool.
You gonna have pizza rolls?
Yes, I'll have pizza rolls. Of course.
What is the goal, ladies?
- Ascension.
- Yes.
But sometimes
we can allow things
to distract us
from our better selves.
I mean, we're only human, right?
And what is a human,
but an animal?
Some of you are bunnies,
some of you are foxes,
wild cats,
ringtail lemurs.
And animals are,
driven by fear.
and lust.
I need you to use your hunger.
Use your lust.
Not your fear!
is failure!
And lately I've been
seeing fear in some of you.
"What if people get jealous of me?
"Will working out make me too hard?
"What if my husband catches us?"
I don't care about that cuck!
And you shouldn't, either.
Caring about yourself
is the only way
you will ever
So, stop putting up roadblocks.
The only "no" I want to hear
is "no more excuses."
Okay. We do have one ascension this week.
The fastest ascension we've ever had.
Drum roll, please.
Our newest ascension is...
Anastasia Silver.
- How does it feel?
- Uh...
Good. Um...
You've got a cool room.
Puppets, huh?
Yeah, it's just something I do.
Puppets are cool. Like Fraggle Rock.
Do you know Jim Henson?
Not personally.
- But you know-
- Yeah.
Like "The Muppets".
Yeah, like "The Muppets"
or "Dark Crystal" or Fra...
Go on.
I want to be the next Jim Henson.
I mean, I want to make
movies with puppets.
Right on.
So, did you make all these?
Yeah. Most of 'em.
This is Elvis Prickly.
Squirrelly McClain. That one is Jiles.
Oh, and this one
is Niles.
"Oh, what do you want?"
You're an awesome little freak.
Hey. Hey.
I don't mean it like that.
Being a freak is a good thing.
I'm a bit of a freak, too.
Show me more.
Come on.
Okay. Here.
This is the rough cut.
So, there's like no music or
editing or intro or outro or-
Um, you can laugh with it.
Just, um...
Don't laugh
at it.
Where have you been, Niles?
The gang's been worried.
You don't have to worry about me, Jiles.
I can take care of myself.
That's what this hard outer shell is for.
Did somebody say "predators"?
Hi, Cuffs.
Niles seems to think
wearing a tortoise shell
will keep him safe from predators.
Well, that's silly!
Turtles get eaten all the time!
You know what, Jiles?
I hear you loud and clear.
It's time to live without this shell.
To truly get close to someone.
To get close to you.
Naked fox body against naked raccoon body.
The way nature intended.
Are they gay?
It's never explicitly said.
But they're both boys?
And they love each other?
- You think it's weird.
- Not at all.
Niles' love for Jiles changes him.
Like it sort of flies
in the face of the whole
"perfect the way you are" thing.
Plato talked about how
love should change us.
Like he said that we should
fall in love with, uh,
people with different virtues,
because they inspire us
to become better versions of ourselves.
they're messy,
and you're Type A.
you're shy
and maybe they're outspoken.
Maybe I'm afraid no one likes me.
That's impossible, because I like you.
Alex Silver.
Welcome back from suspension.
What's up, man?
Okay. Let's get started.
Everyone pull out your current events.
Hey, Mom.
Hey, sweetie. How was your day?
Oh, it was good.
And how was your day?
You know, busy.
Housework. Boring stuff.
Now, one of the things
we're gonna talk about
as we build these various
and sundry puppets
is the fact that you have to make a puppet
so that it works well.
It's gotta have, it's
gotta be flexible enough
for it to do the actions
which a puppet has to do.
Because one of the main
things that a puppet does
is work well, I mean, because
puppets are little actors.
You know?
Don is over here, putting
a hole in a tennis ball
to show you what is almost
one of the very simplest
kind of puppets which you can make.
He's sticking some
upholstery tacks in for eyes.
And, uh...
Here's a square of
cloth with a hole in it.
You don't have to put that hole
in it, if you don't want to.
Now, this piece of cloth,
Don is just putting a rubber
band around his middle finger
and another little rubber
band around his thumb,
and this will create two little hands
for the puppet to work with.
And so the puppet is working.
How about a nose? Can
I stick a nose on him?
- Mm-hm.
- Or her.
Whichever it is.
There we go.
And see, Don is working this puppet now
with just his hand inside, like this,
with his index finger into the head
and the two hands are worked
by the thumb and the...
All of my plans go down the drain
Take my hand, go give
him the slip out the door
How do you know about this place?
Tat told me!
When you come back down tomorrow
Then tomorrow
Becomes today
If by morning if we both wake up
We'll make it last all day
Then tomorrow
Can stay away
Can stay away
Thank you so much, darlings.
All right, I think we're
gonna take a little break.
Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much for coming!
Hey, trash friends!
Oh, come on. I thought it was funny.
- Are you guys done?
- Uh, we're taking a break.
Okay, a break.
You wanna go get "refreshments"?
- Oh, you know I do.
- Yeah, right on.
Let's go. Alcohol.
Come on. Don't say that out loud!
Hey, nice!
Hey, hey, hey! Don't drink it all.
There's enough. Come on.
- Hey.
- Oh.
No. I'm tonight's DD.
Bummer, but respect.
- Alex?
- Oh, that's strong.
- Come on, man.
- Probably shouldn't.
I'm so happy you came out tonight.
You gonna play for us?
If that's okay?
- Of course, yeah!
- You play?
- Guitar, yeah.
- Hey, like Van Halen.
- Whoa, dude.
- Hey, give that back.
Give that.
- Come on. That's my dad's.
- Okay.
- I'm sorry.
- No, you're not.
- Oh, ho!
- Oh, my-
- It's empty!
- Come on.
- Alex.
- Hey, don't worry.
I got more in the car, though.
- Good. Let's go get it.
- Oh, okay.
Get me two.
It's so easy when it's not your fault
To take it all with a grain of salt
I'm riding fences and you
just keep building walls
Even better when you're coming down
Even better when you're underground
Even better when there
ain't no one around
You lost the map and
I'm in no shape to drive
You're not wrong, you know I'm right
It's too dark outside
to follow you tonight
There ain't no stars left in the sky
You okay?
Oh, my god! That's actually sick.
Look at all that! What
is the point of that?
Why'd you puke so much? Did you mean to?
Do you need anything inside?
I mean, there's a bathroom
you could take him to.
No. I think it's okay.
I'm gonna take him home.
Oh, okay.
See you later.
Yep. See ya.
You ready?
- Okay.
- Cool.
Come on.
- Plato again?
- Dude, yeah.
I mean, we can't control everything,
but we can control ourselves.
Oh, well, I have impulse control issues.
Look at the stars.
Which one are you from?
That one.
- Really?
- Mm-hm.
Me too.
I have the most exciting news.
Kay's having a baby.
Right now?
No, silly. In November.
Where have you...
Where have you boys been?
Uh, just out.
Do you wanna watch a movie?
- Goodnight, Mom.
- Love you!
Come on. Tell your mom you love her.
I love you too, Mom.
What're you doing?
All right.
What to do, what to do, what to do
I'm not through, I'm not
through, I'm not through
Do we sleep in the same bed?
Have you never had a friend over before?
All right.
Who wants to stumble over love
Not me
Do you need to borrow some pajamas?
What're you going to sleep in?
Maybe I'm...
A little overdressed.
It's only love
What to do, what to do, what to do
What are we doing right now?
What do you wanna do?
I, I'm not even sure what's on the table.
I've gathered it all
Let it evolve, big or small
Could we do that again?
I wasn't ready.
Who wants to stumble over love
Not me
What else do you wanna do?
I'd like to touch you.
Sure. Go ahead.
Ooh, it's only love
It's only
Ooh, it's only love
How's it feel?
It's good.
It's, um...
Like a warm ironing board.
I've never touched another boy before.
Have, have, have you?
Not one like you.
You should, um...
Stay over tonight.
I, I don't wanna be a bother.
Stay whenever you like.
I like seeing my Alexei happy.
Hey. I gotta tell you about somethin'.
Like, about where I live.
I need to be honest with you.
Which one of you assholes
was making all the noise last night?
Oh! That was me.
Sorry, Charles.
- I need to go.
- No!
I need to check on my mom.
Okay, wait. Do you really have to go?
Like, actually?
Come on.
This isn't a Greek tragedy.
Yes, it is.
Who's that?
It's nobody.
Do you want me to do your cards?
- Hey.
- Yo, hey.
- What's up, dude?
- Nothing much. How about you?
- Did you get my text?
- I did.
I didn't get a text.
Oh. Uh, should we get
out our current events?
Oh, your current events?
I don't give a shit.
I mean, none of it matters.
Nothing gets better.
We just keep on making the same mistakes,
over and over again.
No one learns anything.
Poverty, homelessness, disease.
Same shit. Different day.
I guess we can look
smugly back on the past
and think about how lucky we are
and how blind and stupid they were.
We were all just meant to live
lonely, meaningless lives,
and die.
But yeah, sure. Go ahead.
Get out your current events.
So, what brought you in here?
I don't know, I saw a
flyer and I had my hand
caught in my car window and...
Well, I am just
in awe of
spiritual transformation.
It's exciting.
Yes. You must really want it.
I do. Uh, I do.
And while this program is spiritual,
it's physical, too.
Well, yeah.
I need you to
understand that.
Sure! Sure, physical.
I need you to dispose
of the fears we have
about the physical.
What if I touch you?
- Yeah, that's fine.
- It's just a touch, right?
Nothing to fear.
Touch is
very spiritual,
but people have a tendency to
fear things like that.
worry what it means.
They worry what it could lead to.
They throw up barriers.
And barriers
are spiritual Kevlar.
What's Kevlar?
Barriers keep us from
You don't want barriers.
Do you?
You want to
Don't you?
Can you feel that?
No barriers.
She's gone.
Where's dinner?
What's this?
Oh, good. We're Irish peasants now.
Where's the meat?
There's not any.
Oh. Where's he off to?
We don't have to
do this. I can just hold you.
I want to.
You can hold me after.
Hey, Alexei.
I know, I know.
I need you to come
downstairs for a minute.
I don't want to talk about what I saw.
No. Cal and
I need to talk to you.
- What did I do now?
- Nothing.
We just, um...
We just need to talk to you.
I made hot chocolate.
Are you doing okay?
Oh, I saw where the Classic Movie Channel
is having a Barbara Stanwick marathon.
Come on.
Alex, you are...
- You're a-
- You're a grown man, now.
He's not a grown man.
He's literally 16 years old!
I was working for my family by that time.
This is not about you, Cal.
We just think that
you are mature enough
to be a part of this,
because it affects you, too.
Keep going.
And nothing ever stays the same, you know?
Babies are born, people die.
Jesus Christ, Anna.
And, and college.
College is going to be so
new and different and we...
We just don't want you to stress about
where you're gonna live.
Are you two getting a divorce?
Your mother's a terrible
person to live with.
You're a tyrant!
I have to walk around on eggshells,
so that I don't offend
the almighty King Charles!
You live in this house, because of me.
I bought this house. I pay the bills.
And I buy that vegan organic shit you eat.
I wanted to work,
but you still expected
me to do everything here!
- It wasn't like that!
- You threw a fit.
- I did not.
- You did.
You threw a fit, like
a farty little toddler!
- Fuck you, Anna.
- Farty, farty, farty!
I'm sorry.
I'm going to see a lawyer tomorrow.
- With what money?
- It's money I've saved.
That I made.
In fact, it is not!
Who the hell is that at
this time of the night?
Don't get it.
You don't own me, Charles!
Look who's here.
Can we
So, what do you want?
Where have you been?
I texted. I tried calling.
- You're upset with me.
- I'm upset with myself.
We didn't do anything wrong.
I did.
When I trusted you.
- What?
- I saw you, at the motel.
With Tatiana.
With, what? Alex.
I live there.
This is crap!
"Dear Alexei.
"It's time to live without your shell.
"To get truly close to someone.
"To get close to you.
"Naked fox body against naked raccoon body.
"The way nature intended.
"I love you."
Really? Are we doing this again?
Plato talked about how
love should change us.
Like he said that we should
fall in love with, uh,
people with different virtues,
because they inspire us
to become better versions of ourselves.
Okay! All right.
All right, all right,
all right. All right.
I am sorry.
I should have just picked
up the dog poop. I'm sorry.
I could've had a wreck.
I know.
I'm sorry.
You have a car.
Nothing like life to get in my way
All of my plans go down the drain
Take my hand, we'll give
them the slip out the door
I know you know
What we're aiming for
When you come back down tomorrow
Then tomorrow
Becomes today
If by morning, we both wake up
We'll make it last all day
Then tomorrow
I'm, I'm sorry that-
No, no, no, no, no, no. I...
You have nothing to apologize for.
'Cause I got, I got your note.
You got my note?
What did you think?
I love you.
I love you, too.
You can kiss later, boys!
We're losing the light!
It's important for them
to explore their feelings
through physical contact.
Let's do this!
Okay, guys. In your own time.
So, California.
Did you hang out at
the beach all the time?
There's no beach in Bakersfield.
No beach?
I guess I thought
California was all beaches.
It's so easy when it's not your fault
To take it all with a grain of salt
I'm riding fences and you
just keep building walls
Even better when you're coming down
Even better when you're underground
Even better when there
ain't no one around
You lost the map and
I'm in no shape to drive
You're not wrong, you know I'm right
It's too dark outside
to follow you tonight
There ain't no stars left in the sky
Tougher when you take the blame
I come running when you call my name
I keep thinking that it's
never gonna be the same
Getting high on the afterglow
Feel the pull of the undertow
Thinking raven but I
just keep eat and crow
You lost the map and
I'm in no shape to drive
You're not wrong, you know I'm right
It's too dark outside
to follow you tonight
There ain't no stars left in the sky