The Fox (2022) Movie Script

A, b, c Mother is making tea
Without sugar and without bread
But surely there's no famine
A, b, c Mother is making tea
I, I, I We're all dead already
We used to eat cake
Now we're eating roots
I, I, I We're all dead already
O, o, o The teacher is so happy
Let's give him ten grams of meat
And a grain of oat rice
O, o, o The teacher is so happy
look at all the potatoes I got!
How many are there, Franz?
So many potatoes, Franz!
I counted.
Come on.
In here.
Don't lose any.
Papa, I got loads of potatoes.
How did it go with the wood?
Fetch some water.
Our father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
The sun has dipped
beneath the peak
In the valley below,
it grows dark
Way up here,
the clearing nice and calm
The last ray is falling now
The face of the cliff
and mountaintops look grim
The air's cold
on the mountain plain
Now down below, the fog rolls in
And covers half the valley floor
I'm so sorry.
I just blacked out.
One more, go on.
Papa, are you afraid of death?
I am.
You don't have to be.
Why not?
Death is nothing to worry about.
You just have to arrange with him
that he doesn't fetch you too early.
How do you arrange something
with Death?
From what I've heard,
he's to be found around Rossberg Mountain.
Farmer Kraus
lived there some years back.
Everyone knew him.
One autumn,
as he was coming down the mountain,
he saw a peculiar figure in the distance
with a dark cloak.
The figure
was running his scythe
through the fallen leaves,
pushing them into a pile.
He approached the figure,
and heard it mumbling to itself,
"Every leaf is a human.
Every leaf is a human."
Then, suddenly,
the figure straightened up.
Farmer Kraus noticed
this wasn't a person,
but was the Bone Man.
Death grinned,
slowly picked up a leaf and said,
"Yes, Kraus.
This leaf here: It's you."
"Lord have mercy," Farmer Kraus thought,
as a shiver ran down his spine.
But he didn't want to give up.
So he said to Death:
"The blade of your scythe is blunt
and can hardly cut any more.
Come along with me.
"I'll whet it for you
and you can go back to work."
Death examined his scythe
and thought there'd be nothing wrong
with having a nice sharp blade again,
so he went along with Farmer Kraus.
Once they got there,
Farmer Kraus said
he needed something decent to eat
before sharpening the blade.
"Would you be so kind as to go
into the pantry and get some ham?"
I'll get us a cold beer.
Then we can eat,"
Farmer Kraus told Death.
But as soon as Death
had gone into the pantry,
Farmer Kraus ran up,
shut and bolted the door behind him.
Death was locked in.
He begged and whined and hollered,
but it did him no good.
"I'll only let you out again
if you promise me
that you don't come for me
for twenty years."
Death cursed
and tried to think of something,
but it was hopeless.
So he agreed.
But he asked himself the same question
you've just been asking yourself:
Why only twenty years?
Farmer Kraus
could've asked for a hundred.
Once he'd gotten out of the pantry
and had his bread and ham,
he asked Farmer Kraus,
"Say, Kraus, why only twenty years?
You could've asked
for a hundred years, or a thousand."
Now it was Farmer Kraus'
turn to grin.
He took a bite of ham and bread,
had a sip of beer
and said:
"My friend, look at me."
Look at my knees.
Look at my hands.
Look at my crooked back.
I've worked my whole life.
Another twenty years
"are more than enough
of this cruel world."
Twenty years later to the day,
Farmer Kraus didn't wake up
when the sun rose.
Sleep now.
Sign this, Josef.
What does it say?
It just says
you're giving up custody of him.
I guess you can write your name?
If not, just put a cross.
How do.
How do.
You can eat it.
I'm Farmer Seiwald.
I'm Franz.
I've got a big farm
down in Saalfelden.
I'll show you.
But that's so far away.
My farmhand is waiting down the hill
with a cart.
Hurry up.
You're staying with me now. Your
father won't get you through next winter.
I have plenty of food!
You can even go to school.
Come on.
Mama! Open up!
Now I'm getting angry!
I don't want to go.
I promise I'll never get sick again.
Take him already.
Let go of me!
To whom it may concern:
Today, I am releasing
farmhand Franz Streitberger from my farm.
He worked dutifully for ten years.
He learned to read and write, and every
Sunday attended the sacrament of confession.
Upon his coming of age,
he asked to be released from service.
I left him well fed
and in the best of health.
Although he did his work on the farm
to my satisfaction,
he did not show me
the gratitude I was due.
Signed on this day, the second
of April, 1937, Matthias Seiwald.
People, listen up a moment.
You'll have to wait.
We're cooking more soup.
Come back in half an hour.
Young man, how about you?
Come here.
What work do you have?
I was a farmhand.
- A farmhand?
Well, we offer pay, accommodation,
and three warm meals a day.
Where are you from?
- Saalfelden.
Saalfelden? Excellent.
Tell me then, what's preventing you
from serving your country?
I need name,
date of birth and place of residence.
Streitberger, Franz.
April 2, 1919.
Place of residence?
- Currently none.
Finally a job to do, huh?
I mean, feeding chickens is nice,
but I'm not a farmer...
You said you're from the countryside.
- Yeah, but I'm a locksmith.
How do.
I'm Dillinger, Toni. Anton.
Streitberger, Franz.
Where are you from?
- Saalfelden.
Another from the Pinzgau region.
Decker is from Pinzgau, too.
- What about me?
I wasn't talking to you.
I'm from Bischofshofen.
My father is a shoemaker.
He's not doing too well.
We'll see
how things are in the army.
From what I understand,
basic training is in Lofer.
We stick out the three years,
then have a guaranteed job for life.
Can you imagine?
You know we'll be civil servants, right?
Sure, that's the plan. Sit it out
for three years and we can't be dismissed.
Franz, how do.
- How do.
Nothing happened, huh?
- Nothing at all. Course not.
So, again.
Field of observation:
Left, edge of the forest.
Right, the tallest larch.
Main focus:
line of movement down the forest aisle.
Report all suspicious movements
within these boundaries.
NCO Busen
is having lunch at camp.
Relief's in three hours.
Relief's watchword: Borderguard. Got it?
Got it.
Now we sit here
and look over at the Germans.
Franz, tell me something, please.
Anything. To kill time.
I'm so bored.
You don't like talking?
I don't know
what I could tell you.
Any old nonsense.
What... goes on in Pinzgau?
Are there any girls
I should come visit?
What's it like?
I don't know.
I tried.
I can talk to myself.
Get me some proper chit-chat.
- What?
Who is it?
- I don't know.
Come on.
MAY, 1940
In Gumpendorf, there's a three-story house
That belongs to Papa
In one of the rooms
There's a safe laying around
And Mama has the key to it
That's why we never lack money
all year round
We were born
to waste that money...
how often will you read that letter?
My father writes
that he's proud of me.
I thought
hell would freeze over first.
Give it back!
- Field post check.
Yeah, read it.
- Just making sure you're not a spy.
"My dear son, It was with pleasure
that I learned from your last letter
that following the occupation of Poland,
you are now westward bound.
I congratulate you
from the bottom of my heart.
Never was I so proud
to have raised...
"raised you
to turn out this way."
I'm proud of you, too.
"You are familiar with the injuries
the Frenchies inflicted on us."
It is now for you
to extract vengeance
and to bring us justice."
Yeah, we'll look into that.
"Remember me when you're
face-to-face with the Frenchies."
How sweet.
Sounds like your father
wants to return to the front himself.
Absolutely not.
He wore himself to the bone for years
in the trenches. Got sick and all.
He didn't have it as cushy as we do.
- Hey, look.
We're finally there?
They call that a castle?
In Vienna, it'd be a prison.
It's not as big as I imagined.
Well, well, well.
Glck's lucky Soldiers of Fortune!
First Sergeant, we saw action in Poland,
then were transferred here.
I know Captain Glck asked for you,
alpine assholes,
but I thought we'd get real soldiers.
If you think
you'll get special treatment
for having done a couple of joyrides in Krakow
with the Battery Commander, you're mistaken!
We'll be firing your grub up at you
with the canons, huh?
First Sergeant,
I'll take a schnitzel with...
Listen up, coat rack.
The dispatch riders from Poland
are here as requested.
Thank you, First Sergeant.
At ease.
Mitteregger. Dillinger.
- How do.
- How do.
- Captain.
Decker. Good to see you again.
Welcome to the Rhineland.
- Did you have a smooth transfer?
- We're happy, to be honest.
We got bored without you,
but were always ready for action.
I promised I'd request you
once I had a battery allotted to me.
So we're Glck's lucky Soldiers of Fortune now?
- Course we are!
Though Decker is more
a lucky little princess.
- It's not the same as Lodz or Krakow.
But the soldiers are excellent.
Thanks to you, Captain.
Believe me, Captain,
you didn't miss a thing in Poland.
It was phenomenally boring...
Air raid!
Get down!
Tickets to the Paris Opera!
The men have come a long way
and have earned a drink.
Yes, Sir.
Got another glass for your First Sergeant?
- Yeah.
And you, Lance Corporal?
Are you not interested
in camaraderie?
Fall in!
Maier, stay out of this.
This is just for
my alpine assholes.
To a lucky battery!
- Hear, hear.
Go meet your comrades.
Carry on.
- Sir!
Won't you sit down?
We got shit vodka from the Poles.
- I didn't think it was that bad.
Where's the cheese?
Hand it over.
Tastes real good.
- Try it.
How long you been here, Maier?
- Eight months already.
Will I have an accent that bad
in eight months?
Nothing but sitting around all day.
I'm full, boy!
- Boozing!
I had my fun alright.
This looks good.
- It's tasty.
We got any wine?
Here, take some.
- Let's hope things don't stay this dull.
Look, the cheese is so good,
it reduces Maier to tears.
Cut the nonsense and drink.
- What's all this?
What did you do?
- Keeping it for later.
What do you mean, keeping it for later.
Are you stupid?
Hand it over.
- We eat what's there.
So we're happy
when we're empty-handed?
You think we'll have nothing?
Put it back.
Hand the fucking cheese over.
- You said you were full.
Who do you think you are?
Hand the cheese over.
Calm down.
Careful, now.
- It's just not right.
Hand it over.
if there's food, it's for eating.
We're a family
and we share everything.
A family,
but also part of something greater.
Do you know what a family is?
Have you any idea?
- Act like that at home, but not here.
Streitberger, I'm talking to you!
- Got it, Franz?
You got it, Streitberger?
- There's no way. It's not right.
I won't hurt you.
Were you bitten?
Look here.
A fox cub.
Look, what is it? A bite?
Can you help him?
I really know animals.
A vulpes vulpes.
It'll heal.
A fox cub grows like crazy at that age.
Apply pressure here.
Now this, then we're done.
It's almost over.
Move your finger.
This goes over it.
Battery, fall in!
I'll do it.
- Come on.
Franz, we gotta go!
We have to fall in.
- I'm coming!
Eyes left
for the Battery Commander!
"Soldiers of the Western Front,
the hour of decisive battle for the
future of the German nation has come.
For 300 years, the aim of
British and French rulers has been
to prevent any real
consolidation of Europe.
And above all, to keep the
German Empire weak and powerless.
Soldiers of the Western Front,
the hour has thus come for you.
The battle that begins tomorrow
will decide the fate of the German nation
for the next thousand years.
Do your duty now.
"Fhrer and Reich Chancellor,
Adolf Hitler."
At ease.
At daybreak, 0530 hours, our battery
will go into battle against France.
I expect you to give your all.
- Yes, Sir!
First Sergeant,
have the men fall out.
Yes, Captain.
Men, fall out.
I'll give you something.
Now stay still.
Lucky Soldiers of Fortune, report with pouches
to your Battery Commander in the garage in five.
Carry on.
- Sir!
Our mission is to maintain contact
with the spearheads, come what may.
Your deployment as motorcycle drivers
is required due to radio silence.
You will be divided
into two squads:
Dillinger and Streitberger,
Mitteregger and Decker.
The daily targets
are marked as follows:
Squad Dillinger.
Squad Mitteregger.
To the sea!
I've never been to the sea.
- Nor have I.
I'll give you your dispatches in due time.
Yes, Sir!
The medics will give you pills.
You'll need them.
- No, Sir!
I was in your place
in the Great War.
If we can now bring the French to
their knees, it'll all have been worth it.
The time has come to avenge twenty years
of oppression, poverty and hunger.
Where your fathers failed,
you can now succeed.
Make them proud.
You got an envelope?
Sure. Here.
I don't know if you're still alive."
"The attack on France
will begin in a few hours."
Streitberger, what's up?
Writing a letter, too?
Let him write a letter, you dunce.
Be quiet.
He's writing a letter for the first time
and I'm the dunce?
Well, men.
Special delivery from the lab.
What is it?
- Miracle pills. They work wonders.
To be taken against fatigue,
hunger or the cold.
- What's in them?
Vitamins or something.
Alright, men.
Merry fighting, now.
See you in the hospital.
- Yeah, right, asshole.
I won't be in the hospital,
I'll be in the brothel.
Franz, I need your help.
Before we left Poland,
I wrote to the League of German Girls
that I, a young, good-looking soldier,
would like to have a pen-pal.
Now one has written back.
Elisabeth's her name.
So the question is:
Which picture do I send her?
If I send her a picture
without being asked,
she'll feel obliged to send me one back.
This one.
- We'll do that. It's good, huh?
Hurry up with the letters.
The field post needs it.
Why aren't you sending it?
I haven't finished it.
The French have
the best army in the world.
So they say.
I don't care what they say.
We have the best tanks and planes,
like you saw in Poland.
And don't forget,
we have the greatest will to victory.
We'll force them Frenchies
to their knees.
It's finally starting.
Those are ours.
What are you doing?
We move out in ten.
I need to piss.
What are you doing to my bike?
- Streitberger!
I found a little fox in your sidecar.
Where is it?
- I removed it. Come here, kid.
- Streitberger, where are you going?
Lance Corporal,
stop right there!
We're really late!
Streitberger, are you a moron?
My stuff!
They gave me shit because of you!
You can imagine!
Catch up with Dillinger.
Who are they?
- English, French... It's been this way all day.
They're surrendering faster
than we can lock them up.
What? We're winning?
What's your mission?
I need to catch up with a comrade.
He rode ahead.
His name?
Lance Corporal Dillinger, First
Battery, First Division, Flak Regiment 38.
Dillinger? He was here. A few hours back.
- He was, huh?
Is it better now?
I'll get you!
Wow, you're fast!
Come on, catch me!
I won't let anything happen to you.
I promise.
How do.
You're here.
Yes, here I am.
Have you delivered
the dispatch yet?
Yes. I've got another one already.
Back to Cambrai with us.
Back to Cambrai...
Where did the critter come from?
It approached me.
What do you mean,
it approached you?
His mother died.
So what now?
Is he staying with you?
I think so.
Franz, tell me where you were.
Looking for you, Toni.
What are you talking about?
You just disappeared.
Jokesch said
you ran out of the barracks.
I thought you'd deserted.
I would never desert.
I went into the forest.
Why did you go into the forest
when we were attacking?
Were you afraid?
I wasn't afraid.
I was.
If you make an arrangement with Death,
he won't fetch you till you're ready.
Living forever
would be terrible, too.
Living forever
would be terrible, too.
Taste it.
How do.
How do.
Get through alright?
- Yes.
And you?
It went pretty fast.
Who would've thought?
Did you see the sea?
- Gentlemen, it's starting.
The Wehrmacht High Command
made the following special announcement
from the Fuehrer's headquarters:
The complete collapse
of the entire French front
between the English Channel and the
Montmdy section of the Maginot Line
thwarted the original intention of the
French leadership to defend the capital.
As a result,
Paris has been declared an open city.
Victorious German troops
have just entered Paris.
You heard it with your own ears:
What you have accomplished in recent weeks
is superhuman.
In recognition of this colossal achievement,
you'll be on eased duty for the next three days.
Gentlemen, there is a time for battle
and a time to make merry together.
The time to do battle
is now over.
My staff and I will leave in a moment
to scout the environment.
I understand it will probably take us
till the crack of dawn.
Lance Corporal Fritsch,
please play.
We March In The West!"
Yes, Sir!
Comrade, we march in the west
Along with the bomb squadron
And though many good men
will fall
We'll beat the enemy
to the floor...
We're the kings of Europe!
What have you got there, Streitberger?
Show me.
Where are you going?
We'll meet again soon!
What are you doing? Stop!
Open up!
What are you doing?
Leave them alone! I said stop it!
Drop the chickens and fuck off!
- I was saving them.
I said drop the chickens
and fuck off!
I just caught the chicken.
Are you crazy?
Hey, there!
How do!
Hey, how do.
Hello, there.
I was looking for you.
Where were you?
Were you afraid?
Did she scare you?
I was afraid, too.
That you'd run away.
I repaired the gate.
What's your name?
Your name.
Mine is Marie.
And you?
- Streitberger.
Au revoir.
Come in.
For him.
To eat.
Something for you, too.
Are you hungry, too?
Want some?
No, my stomach hurts a little.
Thank you.
Take him.
One minute.
He'll be back.
Don't worry.
No problem.
I think he's hungry, too.
Thank you.
Where did you find it?
This food.
Found? Where?
I went and got it.
From the castle.
- Morning, Miss.
My name is Auer. I'm responsible
for registering the houses in the district.
May I come in? Thanks.
As you probably know, France is now
under the control of the German Reich.
Well, then...
What is your name?
Marie Rosiez.
- Ros...
With a "Z" at the end.
- With a "Z."
Are you Jewish
or do you have Jewish parents?
How many soldiers
can you "occupy?"
I don't know.
Lance Corporal Streitberger.
First Battery, First Regiment,
Flak Division 38.
The quarters have been requisitioned
by the Captain of the First Battery.
The woman does
the Captain's laundry.
The Captain's laundry.
I see.
I assume there's no room here
for further soldiers.
The house is occupied, Sergeant.
Got that?
- Yes.
Then that's that.
Lance Corporal, Mademoiselle.
Have a nice day.
Au revoir.
- Au revoir.
Damn Germans.
Little fox.
Come, get it!
Get it!
Come on, catch it.
- Oh, that was good.
He got it.
He likes the little ones.
Listen, if you want, I could help you
readjust him to his natural habitat.
- Excuse me?
Fox. Your fox.
- My Foxy?
Don't give him food. No.
Readjust him to nature,
the forest.
- Fox.
House, no.
Fox, forest.
You know what I'm saying?
Your fox.
He can't live with you.
I don't understand. No.
I'll tell you later.
It's fine.
"At the moment,
we're off duty in Normandy."
Paris has been taken.
I imagined it all differently.
At Farmer Seiwald's,
I had enough to eat, but that was all.
Father, every day I waited for you
to come and get me.
The sun has dipped
beneath the peak
In the valley below,
it grows dark
Way up here,
the clearing nice and calm
The last ray is falling now
Good morning.
- Good morning.
Yeah, I'll take your letter.
I'm going to the post office later.
The post office.
- The letter isn't being sent.
But who is Joseph Streitberger?
No one.
Open up!
I said the house is occupied.
You're to report
to your Battery Commander at once.
There are no more orders till tomorrow.
- No. Now.
"At once" was the order.
What did you do?
You. Fox.
I'll be right back.
Lance Corporal Streitberger reporting.
Do you know why you're here?
No, Captain.
First Sergeant.
Streitberger, on May 10, you and Lance
Corporal Dillinger received strict orders
to deliver important dispatches
to the forward assault units.
Is that correct?
- Yes, First Sergeant.
Nevertheless, immediately
before the beginning of the attack
you left the motorcycle garage
and made your way into the adjacent forest.
When I approached you on May 10 at
0520 hours and reminded you of your orders,
you disobeyed my orders, too.
You deliberately removed yourself
from the unit. Is that correct?
I didn't intend to, First Sergeant.
- Did you remove yourself, yes or no?
I did!
Lance Corporal Dillinger,
when did Streitberger rejoin you?
After a few days.
On the coast.
I don't remember exactly when,
First Sergeant.
After a few days.
Why did you leave the barracks?
Captain, I would never desert.
So how do you explain
your behavior?
Speak up!
Or your silence will speak volumes.
I took one of those miracle pills that we,
Corporal Dillinger and I,
received from Lance Corporal Maier.
I blacked out...
- Speak High German, I can't understand a word!
I blacked out.
I ran back to camp,
but the unit was gone.
Is that consistent with Streitberger's
statement to you, Dillinger?
Yes, First Sergeant.
Do you have anything to add,
I did time myself once over
some petty thing. Drunkenness.
Time passes quickly. You'll see.
Three meals a day.
Your belt.
Read a few books
and the ten days will pass quick.
Come on.
Head up.
Tell my hostess, please.
Paws off!
Then go get Glck.
Franz, stand to attention.
You've always been exemplary.
Courageous and strong willed.
Volunteered for special tours
and tasks.
Now you're sleeping in the forest,
looking like a floating corpse!
Why do you keep calling for me?
Answer me!
Captain, I thought...
- What?
There's a woman in a house
in the village.
Can you send someone there?
You boys
and your French wenches!
They've made a mess
of your minds.
Who is this young lady?
She doesn't know I'm here and it's important
that she knows I'll be back in five days.
Why is it important?
She's with my fox.
Excuse me?
My fox is with her.
Your fox?
You mean an animal?
- A cub.
Captain, he's very small.
He doesn't know I'm here.
And I promised that I'd...
I'd take care...
You sound delusional.
A fox...
It's a figment of the imagination.
Take your punishment
like a soldier.
What happened?
I was locked up.
Where is my Foxy?
Fox, fox.
- In the courtyard.
How do.
How do.
It'll never happen again.
How... are... you?
My... name's... Marie.
What's the matter?
I sent the letter.
I didn't know
if you'd come back.
Franz, I sent it to help you.
Where's the letter?
The post office.
I'm sorry.
Get out!
Take your stuff and get out!
Come along, Foxy.
Come on.
Want a bite?
I wonder where
they're transferring us.
Maybe we'll go home.
You'll love it in Pinzgau.
In you go.
I know, but you have to.
Will you see your girl again?
- Course!
We agreed
to write each other regularly,
and in a few months
my mademoiselle will come to Bischofshofen.
Dillinger, sorry, but Bischofshofen is so
bad, not even Tessa deserves to be there.
And you're the kiss of death,
You be quiet for once.
At least I've found someone
who's willing to be with me.
What do you mean, willing?
- Not just receiving brothel-goers like you.
Hey, it's the oldest profession in the
world. So have a little respect, please.
The French are partying up
now that you're gone.
Oh, well. My condolences.
Heil Hitler.
- Heil Hitler, Captain.
a little medicine for you?
From the world's most beautiful city.
We're bidding the Frenchies adieu.
Thank you, gentlemen. You've earned it.
But in moderation, please.
We're leaving as victors precisely because
we didn't capitulate to worldly desires.
No, Captain, not us.
- We don't even know what they are.
Cheers, gentlemen.
- Cheers!
Captain, would you tell us
where we're headed?
Is the air thin up there?
I wonder about our beanpole, too.
- I was only asking out of politeness.
Where are we going?
Home, of course...
What's the first thing
you'll do at home?
Something with my siblings.
Mountain climbing, maybe.
Mama wrote that they miss me.
Know what I'll do
back in Vienna?
Even at school
We were a pair of naughty lads
We never lacked for fun
And always had a good time
Only, the teacher, he said
"The two of you are hopeless"
"Nothing good will
become of you..."
May I ask a question?
- Make it quick.
We're not going home, are we?
where are we transferring to?
The east.
Back to Poland?
We'll be enjoying
Christmas Eve in Moscow.
Load this one in the front,
the other in the back.
Now you can come out a while.
Fall in!
Get lost!
Get lost!
Get lost, I told you!
Beat it!
Get lost!
Come on, come on, let's go!
Come on!
Jump on.
Where were you?
What are you doing?
- Let go of me!
Get off me!
Get off!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
I'm so...
Thanks for holding me back.
I want to go home.
I don't know if you're still alive."
"The attack on France
will begin in..."
"At Farmer Seiwald's,
I had enough to eat. Franz."
The fox, the fox...
A little fox came strolling along.
At first,
I thought it was a dog.
Then he came over to me.
He kept dragging his paw.
I thought, what's going on there?
So I went to the medical officer,
who found that the paw was broken.
And how long did you have the fox?
- Probably a year.
And he was always with you? Voluntarily?
- I'd never force him.
He had a home with me.
He was all mine.