The Game of Their Lives (2005) Movie Script

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome
Robert F. stadium Kennedy,
All-Star Game for 2004.
See? This is the kind of player
that always goes on.
- Excuse me, Mr. McSkimming?
- Yes, why?
- Hi I'm Matthew Tucker.
- Oh, sure. How are you? Sit.
- Thank you. You like places?
- Yes, they are great.
And by the way, you can call me Dent.
This is my granddaughter, Emily.
- Striker, kick with both feet.
- Chaser, huh?
It will be a star someday.
Dent So, you thought in his time,
I would see a football match
a stadium in the United States
as big as this?
I always thought it would just
a matter of time
so we reached the rest of the
world with our passion for the game.
And you were single U.S. reporter
World Cup 1950.
I was just doing my job.
I heard that he paid his
passage itself there.
There was a lot of St.
Louisiana cared
a lot from our boys and their adventure.
But of course I
would in any way,
even if there had
a business reason.
- You want me to tell you everything?
- Yes, very much.
- And where do I begin?
- How about the beginning?
I and most of those guys,
were all from St. Louis
In an area called "The Hill"
"La Montagna."
Populated by Italian immigrants
at the turn of the century.
Like many communities
immigrants across the U.S.,
"The Hill" had a foot in the old
continent, and another in the new world.
Very proud of the two places.
An area of ??approximately
20 square blocks.
"The Hill" was small and contained.
His world revolved around work
hard, family, food and the Church.
Neighbors knew each
other and their children and cousins.
And who was a devotee of St. Ambrose
and who was not.
All went to Sunday Mass,
weddings and funerals ...
You're late.
Harry, my friend, you sound like
that will have a heart attack.
I have to be Northside
before the end of the day.
Tell a Soul, that the search at 7:00.
Another English lesson?
Sure, I'll take her to the movies
is a good place to learn.
Because she needs
learn English if it is
back to Guadalajara in 2 weeks?
See ya!
Let's get on the floor.
We have to be
Northside in 20 minutes.
Gino! It's time, come on.
People of "The Hill" loved baseball.
Yogi Berra and Joe Garagiola grew up there.
But his greatest passion was
reserved for football
Or, as we call it here, soccer.
In "The Hill" on any given day, you could
find the best players in the country
Frank Borghi, played baseball and
was potential for a professional league.
Frank had a nose for the ball, and
ability to prevent it from going into the goal.
No comparison with
any goalie I've ever seen.
And I've seen enough.
It was my job
inform about the St. Louisianas
local semi-professional teams and leagues.
For me, it was not working.
It was a daily pleasure in
Players to watch
could play in any
place in the highest level.
As Gino Parian, fast and strong,
giving great passes and scoring goals.
Gino played even better with the
Francis "Pee Wee" Wallace.
A "Pee Wee" he played the field.
In the field he was all
Seriously, playing with a
intensity as no
another in St. Louis.
A great striker fast, agile.
He was always working toward the goal.
Attacking alone or
with Gino. There was
denying the ability
Pee Wee Wallace
Looking for this?
He also had Charlie Colombo, dubbed
of "Gloves" because he always wore gloves.
He liked to use force.
Correctly answered at all.
Never a player who competed with
he did not want to put in the hospital.
- No!
- What are you talking about? one bid was clean.
Charlie Gloves, play nice.
Hey! what are you doing?
Is helping the enemy?
I am dating his sister.
So what?
Harry Keough. Smart, smart.
Always seemed to be in
right place at the right time.
That's right guys, good game.
- Hey, Harry. where it came from?
- That was for you Borghi.
- Nice kick.
- Great game Frank.
Thank you.
let's talk about your goal.
Well, to mark the Borghi, or
you are very good or very lucky.
- And today I was very lucky.
- You always moves to the left of the ball
Yeah, I do not really work
with the other leg.
Now you need to
working speed.
I know.
How about a train
shortly after the games?
That sounds good.
I waited a little until the paperwork
solve, but now it's official.
tests for the football team
will be made here in St. Louis.
The teams come from the east
here to play with
best in our area
next Friday.
When is the best team
chosen, we will go to
New York to train.
And make an exhibition game.
And then we go to Brazil.
We will play at least
3 games in our key.
How long will all this take?
There will be 10 days of training and
maybe 2 or 3 weeks off.
It will be difficult for some of us
take time out of our work.
Gentlemen, I apologize for the short
time, I know it will be difficult.
Will be happy to
know who will win $ 100
per week, $ 5 per day for food.
And do not forget, this is a trip
free to New York and Brazil.
What is the problem, Gino?
No way, I can not do that.
I'm getting married in two weeks.
- Dino the girl is crazy about you.
- Charlie quiet
Look, you'll have to postpone it Gino
we need you.
Walter can not do that,
the invitations have been delivered.
Everything is already marked
My God, I really
I wish I could go.
Do not worry, Gino, do not worry. And
anyway, what is the purpose of going?
For us to be killed by a gang
professional players?
And as we went to
last Olympics, Harry?
I say, shame we
9-0 to Italy.
Gino, you know?
I think I will not miss anything.
You know, Pee Wee?
In my mind, should be a
privilege to represent your country
No matter how difficult
How many here are veterans of the army?
Sure, in my
opinion, the best football
that country is played
right here in St. Louis.
And I ask you to represent
the colors of that country
the biggest event in the world.
- This one is right?
- Yes
- Your mother wants to see you.
- What?
His mother wants to see you.
It cleaned everything for the funeral.
Your Uncle Joe told me you
is asking for 3 weeks out
- To go play your game this?
- Yes, I asked him, he said okay.
Of course, he said. He
this is crazy for soccer.
I told him that you will not.
Embalming School
begins in three weeks.
- And you can not miss classes.
- School of embalming?
Mother, how many times I gotta tell you,
I'm not going to
school of embalming?
Just because you do not want.
You do not want to improve your life?
This is the family business, right here.
We will not have this conversation,
not again.
Already a grown man and still
chasing these kids!
- That children play!
- Frank?
I'm starting to get crazy.
How many times do I have to tell her
that's not what I do?
What is it, Frank, you know
she has good intentions.
She just wants the best for you.
No, actually Mary, she
knows what is best for me.
Let's get something to eat.
Sorry love, I have
find the boys tonight.
- I promise I'll be back soon.
- Okay.
Then you do it?
Will participate in testing?
Yes, I will.
Do not be late.
Joe has to take that hit.
Frank, you always had a
grip better than his.
Thank you Mr. Pee Wee, but you
have not answered my question.
- What question?
- Will you be there tomorrow?
I can not do that.
What are you talking about,
"Can not do that"?
I can not do that.
That makes no sense, Pee Wee.
You know you have to be part of it.
We always play together.
Not to mention that you love the game
more than anyone I know.
That's it
And you and Gino are a great team.
Furthermore, we
would have so much fun.
Giesler said that we
have to fly to Brazil.
- I can not do that.
- That's the problem?
- I can not fly. - This is not a
problem. - Of course it's a problem.
Ask God's protection,
and everything will be fine.
On the plane?
Hear that?
We have two bases occupied.
I understand, I understand, that's the plan.
We were so drunk before
to get on that plane I
I guarantee you will not even
realize that the trip happened.
What do you say?
You know about me and
Frank small places.
Pee Wee, what happened
you 6 years ago?
That time I spent
hospitalized because ...
as they call it, the trauma of war?
How often do you think?
It feels really bad.
Guys? Stan the Man will come.
... And he catches the ball,
Wallace and go to ...
Ok, that's the goal!
Trying to kill me?
- Let's go to Randazzo.
- I can not, I see Janet.
If you show up so soon
she'll throw your ass on the street.
Yes, Janet and what would you
would be a lot worse crap.
- Did you just say "crap"?
- I think so.
I must be drunk.
If this keeps up
will say "shit" soon!
Ok guys, let me
go have the test tomorrow.
Let's drink to Randazzo.
Tomorrow is the test, no, no.
Are you okay?
Hey Gino, what's the problem?
I just wanted to be on the team.
I just wanted to be on the team.
I know.
You are the best striker
world. It really is, Gino.
And you will spend the rest
life with her, right?
Everyone thinks you will be there,
punching bag on the team there.
Nobody said it goes with the Pee Wee.
No matter, Frankie does not matter,
I want to be on this team.
- I know.
- I just want to be on the team.
Sit, Sit!
I told you man, never appear later.
This is an insult.
I do not want my daughter treated
that way!
Sorry, Silvio.
In my house it is
considered an offense.
Pee Wee said ...
Stop talking about
Pee Wee, shut up!
There are more things
important to talk about.
Now I have a test for selection
United States Soccer tomorrow.
I've told them that
could not participate.
Mr. Walter Giesler
came to ask my help.
- Mr. Giesler, he came here?
- You talk too much
Just listen at least once.
Mr. Geizler.
He talked about the great honor
it would be for this family,
to this community,
La Montagne, for this nation.
If you wear the uniform
the United States.
Do you agree with him?
- I agree.
- Of course you agree, that's right!
- But the Lord has a little problem ...
- There is no problem.
You will be in the testing tomorrow.
The team travels next Sunday and we
out a couple of weeks, so ...
Dad, just tell him.
We've changed, you
married on Saturday.
But the church, the church and the hall ...
While you were out getting
drunk I was fixing everything.
- Except for the invitations.
- That you will do tomorrow after testing.
Good enough for you?
Do not do it again.
And there he goes again with tears.
Never in my life
I saw a man cry so much.
What you know about
these guys from the east coast, Frank?
A little.
- I've played against some of them.
- Walter Bahr E?
He knows what he does.
And any one bag is good at it too.
Pay attention to clarkii Souza.
Phenomenal, a kind of magic with the ball.
Well fast.
and Ed McIlvenny, Scotland.
one of the best around.
Then Pee Wee will appear?
I do not know.
Okay, guys, we are not interested
in which team makes more goals.
We look for individual play.
And that means not
only what they do alone,
but how to make your team better.
This game will be refereed
like any other.
If expelled, too
will be off the team.
As you know the coach is Bill Jeffrey
selection. Bill has something to say?
Remember, this is a game
gentlemen, then play as such.
All right, gentlemen.
Let's start.
I keep saying that
I do not get on that plane.
It was clear to anyone watching, that
Both teams had a very different style.
The east coast played with discipline
and accuracy. A thin type of football.
The team played St. Louis
more improvisation.
Lift, son of Yale.
I do not study at Yale,
his Neanderthal.
Neanderthal? what is it?
I never studied at a college.
Good job.
Jeffrey? I Dent McSkimming
I cover football for the St. Louis Post.
You just said that the city
is a reporter for football only?
I'm sure you heard how
this sport is important here?
I thought it was Walter Giesler
just trying to impress me.
The Italians are here in The Hill
organized soccer for over 45 years.
I have seen and covered the sport across the country.
not the best place to
football players St. Louis.
Yes, but I have to disagree.
Say the name of a better
goalkeeper Frank Borghi?
Did you see Pee Wee Wallace. anyone on the team
East compares to him as the attacker.
- We were watching the same game?
- Charlie Colombo.
Any team needs
a Charlie Colombo.
Gino Parian, Harry Keough, Bob Annis.
They are all world class players.
- Have a question for me, Mr. ..?
- McSkimming
I hope not.
Come on guys, no one
died, are just tests.
I know it's only a test
but we will defeat them.
They play like sissies
But Walter Bahr is strong
rather, it is not, Charlie?
Who asked you to talk to me?
Bahr is fooling himself,
as if doing a show here.
I'm doing my best
to put him on a stretcher.
Why do not you stop with that
crap? Kick the ball, not the guy.
If you are kicked out of this team you
selection is not going to, you know that right?
Pee Wee, what's wrong with you
Is trying not to join the team?
Come on, put your head in the game!
Gino, I want you and Pee
using each other
It's time for you
two work their magic.
In the second half, the best
players on the field proved.
Pee Wee Wallace woke up at Gino
became a fatal combination ever.
But that was an incentive for them
Clarkii Sousa, Ed McIlvenny
and Walter Bahr.
Do not do it.
We need him on the team.
One more and he is out.
That was good, but not so good.
- I think he'll call me.
- Me too.
I do not like it there.
Bahr thinks is
helping him to choose?
Better not be.
Hi Frank. Meet Walter, Walter Bahr?
I was just wondering
if this guy was
helping you to make choices?
Yes, we hear his opinions.
- Well, if I would mind too?
- Yes, I care.
Okay, leaving the two here.
I'll let you know.
And when they heard the
boys from St. Louis had
something to celebrate besides
Gino's wedding.
Frank, Harry, Gloves, Pee Wee
and Gino joined the team.
Let's get outta here baby!
Put me down!
- I have something for you!
- For me?
Charlie, What is he doing?
- Thank you.
- Get out of here.
Everyone please dance with us.
Congratulations on the team.
- Pee Wee, come here.
- Ok Mr. Abruzzo.
Congratulations Pee Wee.
It's very exciting to be chosen
for the team and go to Brazil?
Sit down here, Frank.
Excuse us for a second, ok, Fiora?
- Even more Pee Wee.
- Bye Fiora
- Monte Christo.
- Oh Mr. Abruzzo, thank you
Being chosen for the
U.S. team.
A great honor.
Want to know why football
is the greatest game in the world?
I'll tell you. Because everything you
need is a ball and an open place.
Do not need any
equipment or special courts.
You need not be
big, strong or high.
It is the most democratic of all sports.
The people's game.
The game of his people.
And the game of the future of the United States.
So when I congratulate him
join the team for the United States,
I see the look on his face,
as if he had been elected
President of the United States.
And not what I just saw.
Now get out of here and
let me finish my game of cards.
Until you proud to be one of
best players
United States Soccer,
You do not deserve one of these.
Fiora Hey, come on, let's finish the game.
St. Kitts for a safe journey.
It's beautiful.
Thanks, Dad
But do not bother ...
Janet I have to go, gotta go
Until more.
Take care of it! okay?
- Janet, I love you!
- I love you too.
I will go to Guadalajara,
and wait until I say yes.
Better not do that,
my father will kill you
go up there looking for me.
He protects me too.
So die fighting
for something I believe.
- I will miss you.
- Me too.
I'll be back before you know it.
Frank, I'm really
proud of you.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
Gotta go.
- Hey, Frank, we are on track?
- We're almost there.
This is it. Broadway Hotel.
- What's your problem buddy?
- How do you know my name?
- How should I know what is his name.
- Joe, Joe Maca.
So what?
You must be the guys
Italian St. Louis, right?
Yes, we are.
Well, welcome
the Plaza, guys.
I am hungry.
Let's eat Italian food
in honor of my Italian friends
It can be a great pizza.
Jews are boys.
- Who's coming?
- I do not know, I have no idea.
- Belo Jew, Frank.
- What will you cook in the hotel?
- Not too bad.
- It's good.
Look at them there, how are guys?
- How was your trip?
- The boys from St. Louis.
What happens here?
You remember
Clarkii Souza, is not it?
He dribbled around
you on Saturday.
How are you?
And this is Ed Souza.
Believe it or not, are not related.
Who works here?
I am with your keys and your tasks.
Hey Gloves, which says
take a bath, we
Toots Shors and to the left
Joe Di Maggio.
Tomorrow at 9:00 will be the
training. And the next day
play with a team
semiprofessional here in NY.
So if you,
sleep the rest of the night.
That's pretty funny, because
you and I'm not leaving.
The training will have at least 3 hours
We have about a
week to hit this time.
Oh, you're willing to teach us?
I am organizing
workouts, and while
Mr. Jeffrey is
I will give out the training.
- Is there a problem with that?
- Yes, I have purpose.
Frank was here at all times in
I have been if he tells me to do something
I do, but I do not hear from you.
none of us will
Okay, give the list to Frank.
By the way, I do not like
taking orders from a Kraut.
Yes I am of German descent,
and foremost I am American.
Okay, enough.
Tell me Wallace, you are a
or an American?
- Come on, Walter.
- Go to hell.
Let's get some drinks,
who comes to me?
The first training match against the team
the semi-
Brooklyn was a disaster.
The right foot did not know what the
left foot was doing.
There was an evident difference
styles of boys
East Coast and
boys from St. Louis.
But no joke, it seemed impossible
fix the major problems
Pee Wee what is
doing? It was his face,
your job, what are you doing?
My work, what do you mean?
're running the whole field
that guy over there because their
can not hold the ball.
Pee and I have played with
long time for this.
The guy can not hold college
the ball for more than a second and a half.
Okay! is it folks! Good game,
Thank you gentlemen. That's enough.
What the hell is happening?
- He finished the game?
- What did you do?
- Not going anywhere like this.
- They are the best available.
Maybe for one game
Sunday in North Hampton.
We need someone
as Joe Gaetjens.
Gaetjens, this is not possible.
I thought it was about getting
top players
the country to be the
more competitive as possible.
Walter, we have 10
days to train together,
before we play against teams
who live and play together 365 days a year.
The United States does not
be competitive
World Cup
in the next 50 years.
Our work ...
Our job is to attend
and act as good ambassadors.
All I care is
get the best team on the field.
- I really need Gaetjens.
- It will not happen.
Come on.
What's happening?
We will make this team better.
You want to play to win. right?
Yeah, but you could have
finished the game first.
- Joe Gaetjens!
- Yes?
Walter Bahr, Frank Borghi is this.
I know you. Wanting a rematch?
You never know. By the way, come
request to join our team.
What time is it?
The selection of the United States
for the World Cup.
- And there's this team?.
- Has been organized very quickly.
That's why we need you,
you adapt to any style of play.
Yes, but what your style of play?
We do not have a style of play.
But we're working on it.
I love America, then
I'm inside. Where do I start?
Tomorrow morning, 6:30.
We are playing in the field Werthman
in Long Island City.
- We are going to Brazil in 6 days.
- In Brazil?
One problem, my work.
You-.. we will receive $ 100
per week, plus $ 5 supply.
- Really?
- I'm in!
- Nice to meet you Joe.
- Brazil!
- This is a strange guy.
- Yes it is, but it is a phenomenal athlete.
I saw him playing and Eddie Sousa
You really think he
will be enough to make a difference?
Frank, I need to believe
that this team is good.
I need them to believe
also, they listen to you.
I see players
we have now and see
a team with which to
difficult to play against.
We will surprise
people that way, Frank.
So you really think we can
go to Brazil, and in fact, win a game?
Yes, yes, I think.
Never set foot in a field if I did not think
that my team could win, ever.
And I bet you never thought that the goal
any team would score on you right?.
No, but I was not playing
against the best teams in the world.
This has to do with believing.
Always so.
Let me ask you something?
Why did you want me to come with
you to call this guy, Joe?
You could have done it alone.
Why can not I do it myself,
need your support.
You saw how those guys are
need you to help me
to put this team together.
You really believe that.
I assume that everyone here has
heard the name Stanley Mortenson.
Stanley Mortenson, an undeniably
of the best players
the last 50 years.
He is currently
on a U.S. tour
and Canada with a team
choice of aces
with the best players
English first division.
And they agreed to
play with us tomorrow.
Right here.
Excuse me, when
we get our uniforms?
I'm working on it.
Remember, your
Passports have to be
in the hands of up to 12
later on Wednesday.
The flight will be in
Friday, midnight.
You will all be
outside the hotel at 10:00.
What are they doing here?
Coach ... that guy Wellfit,
whatever it was his name.
Not well, got sick and had to
go home and asked me to tell you.
- Because he did not tell me?
- Okay, let's play!
Do not ask me
Coach, I do not know.
Who is this?
Hey, are you Catholic?
I'm not no, but I'm very
respect for the faith. much respect
Listen I was thinking, if we continue
playing more compact will work.
- I do not agree.
- Hey, calm down! Calm down!
The problem is that we are
killing on counter-attacks.
It is not our ability
is our training.
All going forward,
and no one on the side.
Then they go through is what we
a training need is, stability.
There will be four guys back, four in the middle and
you in front with Joe Gaetjens there.
- You can not score with that formation.
- We have to start thinking about defense.
It is a defense against their attackers.
You will not make the record
goals in a World Cup.
Listen to Walter, the problem is that we have
played in a training
throughout our lives.
Changing this could be a disaster,
let's just play!
Wait! Just doing a
suggestion, a suggestion urgent
But if you want to be
humiliated in Brazil is well.
He's right.
Yes he's right.
We played like a bunch of crap.
I say, not without the ball
know where to go.
Like a leaf is
swept downstream.
- Walter, we need this training.
- I agree with Joe.
Frank, what do you think?
Why not use the first time?
If not we can switch.
Sure, it's good for everyone?
Stay tuned!
Well there is one
greatest players of this century.
You will be able to tell your grandchildren
who played against Stanley Mortenson.
Not if he scored against me.
The way I understand, it's just a player
trying to make me look bad.
He is so agile, so flows
easy, you do not even notice
how fast he is until he shows.
What you got for me?
Do not believe it goes right,
because it goes left.
There is a problem with the English,
They think that just because
invented this game
they have a divine destiny
to be the best.
Why do you think I'm on your side?
- When we receive the uniforms?
- I'm working on it.
We flew to Brazil in two days.
They will be ready by then?
I hope so.
Jeffrey knows, it is
difficult to make other
teams to take us
seriously the way it is,
even if we appear
a bunch of clowns.
We will have no chance.
Clarkii, you're the guy
faster than we have.
Stan Mortenson stick in the whole game.
Do not let him get the ball, do not let
he does, do not let him do anything.
do us all a favor take
these guys from their faces.
Gaetjens, help in the midfield ok?
Guys, this is a great game
for everyone. We can do it.
The Americans began to
new line of defense and energy.
But after they hold at the beginning of
first time, the ground started to open.
The English, as a whole, with
exception of Stanley Mortenson
failed to make your team,
I was going to the World Cup,
gain control of the game.
But they easily show the
weaknesses of the American team.
Stanley Mortenson was no doubt
the best player on the field.
And after a while they started
playing with great confidence.
Almost contemptuously, as if they knew
that Americans do not
were scored against them.
"Shall not be permitted
language 'profane' in some hours. "
Okay, you guys head
up, you are playing well!
We still have 45 minutes and you
are already thinking about going home.
We go to the World Cup.
We're only losing 2-0.
Only two? only two?
"Defense, defense, defense!"
We can not score goals,
we can not win!.
I like that, by
least is talking about
win, everyone will win, we win!
- Somebody tell him that not
I care what he likes.
He's right, while we think it
played the 2nd time, they laugh at us.
You know, it's time to defend.
We took the ball and hold on the
we can not let them score.
So let's go attack
and then won the game.
Gentlemen, are doing well,
but remember,
Lunch tomorrow
12:00 Adolf in Astoria.
Suit and tie.
Officials of FIFA and
American Fed will
be present in the same
so that all of you.
Now, anyone
does not appear to be
off the team, there will be
excuses or exceptions.
Now, to continue what they were doing.
The Americans returned
to his old defense training
trying to prevent more goals to take.
But it was not working.
They seemed to err in
every aspect of the game.
It's a long walk to the hotel, Frank.
I was horrible, they should not
have scored as many goals against me.
It was a failure of the team,
you did not have chances.
It is not the fault of the team, that's my
Walter goal, it is my responsibility!
I am the last line of defense when
score a goal, they score against me.
I who have to catch
the ball in the back of the net.
Perhaps we have made it look easy
tonight, after all none of the players
them is good enough to
go to the England squad,
against whom we
play in a week.
Gentlemen, we are grateful for
honor us with your presence today.
You have made a great contribution,
Welcome to the North American continent and
demonstrating the high
English tradition in football.
England, as we all know,
will be our great game.
They were designed,
incubated, and has
are developed.
- What did he say?
- What matters?
There's a player
even that did not feel
honored to be in
field with you yesterday.
I thank you wholeheartedly.
Hey guys, I think our coach
want to go home with the British.
You know what? they can take it.
Pee Wee, take it easy.
You also take it easy,
two for the price of one.
Frank, ensure that it enters
on the plane tomorrow night.
I do not think that talking is enough,
we have to bring it down somehow.
Hey, where is it?
Hey, Voodoo, have someone talking to you.
can we get some "miki"?
Miki? I get a little with the
guy who is making my passport.
What do you mean by
"Doing your passport?"
I need one, right?
- Yes, you do not already have one?
- No
- You are not naturalized?
- No, I have a student visa.
Learning to be a dishwasher?
No, a degree in accounting.
You've been here enough
to be naturalized, right?
Yes, but ...
It is enough to
me, and for all, right?
Now a few words
a remarkable man.
Last year, the final
FA Cup, scored three goals.
A great player, a great man, a
Hero of Our Time,
Mr. Stanley Mortenson.
The challenge of victory is
close to all our hearts,
this is why
all we are here.
And these competitions
in international show
our similarities
and our differences,
the desire to win at any cost and
the will to pursue these dreams.
England is not fascinated, for example,
with baseball. We love cricket.
That fits best
with our national character.
Just as
do with football,
appears as a single line
be the best way to attack
Our football fits our
temper the same way.
It is a sport of intellect as it
as athletic ability
A sport with strategy, where
predict your opponent is so important
as running more and score more goals.
The soccer as you call them,
is in its infancy in North America.
And take some time to
reach the level of other countries
where football is a
matter of life or death
But I wish the U.S. team
American lucky
and after England take you
for school football
have a nice vacation in Brazil.
This guy just say "vacation"?
- He has more or less this time.
- Do you know where he was?
- We do not know anything.
- He is not in the back.
Gloves, Charlie get off the phone.
Have you seen him? found anywhere?
No sign.
- I found him, he is on the roof.
- I take it, you take his stuff.
The bus leaves in 15 minutes.
- You put my stuff on the bus?
- Yes
Gloves! Make sure that
buses do not leave without us.
We have guards at all exits,
can not escape.
So Joe Maca walking there in that alley
has to do with me not flying for the World Cup?
I guess you know very well.
The closer we come,
least makes sense
Why do we have to go
so go there and have
a bunch of murdering the British?
Frank, what's the purpose?
This will help you relax.
- This will not do well for my stomach.
- Drink a sip, Pee Wee.
- I'm not thirsty.
- Drink now!
You put something here, Frank?
No, it's a business voodoo.
And why do not you say so?
What are you doing Joe?
I am in contact with
my spirit guide
- Voodoo Thing.
- Why do I bother?
It bothers me because it is sacrilege
Sacrilege means something
detracts from their religion,
and what I'm doing is
exactly the opposite.
I do not see Joe as well,
not believe it.
Why do not you
respect my beliefs?
They are real to me and
millions of people in my country.
It's our way of cultural
understand what we see.
Powerful forces that guide our lives
I feel very connected with my
world when I am in contact with it.
What you say is be sacrilege
something that says that there is
no power in what you believe
We are together here because
we are good at what they love
And whoever or
it is that put
the ball in the back of the net,
not matter to me.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
here is Captain Da Silva.
We are going through
strong turbulence.
Please keep
tightened their belts.
We go through it in 30 minutes.
Thank you.
Where are we?
In a large crater in the ground.
Oh, great, into the ground.
Look at this hotel!
We have bets, England
is favored, 3 to 1.
Brazil 4 to 1, Italy 1 to 6,
Spain, 8 to 1.
The only team that is not even
we are listed, the United States.
- As if we did not exist, right?
- As someone not even bet on us?
There are bets for all
games of the first phase,
except for our game with England.
That's disrespectful.
I'm sorry gentlemen,
got lost somewhere.
I apologize for not being
with you in New York
There were many preparations
I had to take care here.
No need to apologize, at least in
put in class hotels.
- I also apologize for that Charlie.
- And the uniforms, what we wear?
Are being provided, I'm sure.
You are promising that the last two
week and is already in the last minute.
Mr. Parian, is the ability
player and not the
splendor of its
clothing that matter.
Tomorrow, Tuesday,
training, I'll find a field,
somewhere, I'm just
waiting for confirmations.
Our first game in
fourth against England
not be in the stadiums
hence the main Rio
Is a city about 500 km
northeast of here called Belo Horizonte.
There is a North squad
American, based in Recife,
that will take us to arrange for
there in Brazilian plane transport.
- What the hell is this?
- But good!
Who cares? we are here in Rio
and have the right to have fun.
Whoever wants out tonight?
You do not know what is fun.
The Pee Wee coach party in 5 minutes.
Walter, we have a meeting tonight.
You know what? Let's go out tonight.
All of us will.
We were together as a team.
This is beautiful.
You know, there is much in common
samba, tango and football.
Like what Joe?
Football is more a group of guys
who sing together in the field.
What were you saying?
What I said is that it has much
in common between football and dancing.
Football is like a bunch of guys
dancing together in the field.
It's the rhythm of the game, the way
we move with the changes.
Suddenly, we go with the tide.
And when the chemistry is there, with each
others, and we can make magic on the field.
Sure Joe, I understand,
you think we should go
field with the English
and do the cha-cha?
So to say that
I do not dance well I do not
I play good football?
Because I can not dance.
That is magic Joe, very well.
Gentlemen, welcome to the base of
Air Force in Rio de Janeiro,
I'm Lieutenant Austin.
Would you mind leaving?
Let's take a plane
to Belo Horizonte.
I understand that if
you can follow me.
- What's going on Frank?
- I do not know, come on.
Gentlemen, I present
General William Higgins.
Higgins General, I will give the
football team of the United States.
Welcome, gentlemen.
First, they have
say that today, our president
and commander in chief ordered
that many of our units
traveling through
Pacific for what
unfortunately seems to be
a conflict in Korea.
Gentlemen, is never more important
wear the colors of our nation
than when we are at war.
I'm sure you
will represent our
country with pride and
demonstrate the best of
our warrior spirit.
Win or lose,
and I hope they win.
We'll all be proud of
you and your efforts tomorrow.
Just a warning, as
My father used to say.
Leave everything off the field.
At the request of the president of the Federation North-
American Football, Walter Giesler.
and coach William Jeffrey,
would like to show something to the team
you certainly will need tomorrow.
I understand that the first
will be someone to receive
I was really
concerned with this item.
St. Louis, Missouri
Gino Parian, come here!
- Thank you.
- You're welcome, Mr. Parian
Walter Bahr.
Thank you.
Harry Keough.
Coast Guard and Sailor
first class, Charlie Colombo.
The City of New York,
Joseph Gaetjens.
New York,
Joseph Maca.
Army sergeant, John Sousa,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ed McIlvenny.
Awarded the Star Brown
for bravery in service.
Army sergeant,
Francis Wallace.
- Very well, Sergeant.
- Thank you, sir.
Awarded two
Hearts-of-Silver and two
Star Brown, sub-sergeant
Army, Frank Borghi.
Thank you to all the
great job for our country.
A salute to our team!
Matthews will not play today. He decided
rest in Rio for the next game.
- Are you taking a vacation?
- I think so.
Finney and Bentley will get the ball more.
Bentley is tall and strong in the air.
Then observe the side
and the bottom line.
Finney will get the ball.
You will be moving to
Mortensen all the time.
- I take care of it.
- Well, Gloves.
We must be patient, we need
be strong and win the ball back.
Gino, clarkii, you
must be free.
- Pee Wee, I need you ...
- I'll take care of the right side.
- Right.
- Roger.
Frank wants to say something?
I was just thinking, there is no one that
stands who knows who we are.
Most do not think
should be here.
But we are here.
And we're about to go out there
and play with the best team in the world.
Nobody expects anything from us in the game.
Nothing, but I think at least we
know that we are worth
a little more than that.
Not many people had the
chance that we are having today.
So let's make sure
one thing, that after
90 minutes they will
know who we are.
- Good game
- Thank you Pee Wee
Welcome to this great game,
England against the United States.
A large audience here today,
as the teams take the field.
The Americans
were in front of more
viewers than
they had ever seen.
38,000 noisy fans in Brazil.
My hope was
they could leave the
field at the end of the game
with their pride intact.
And I wonder what
through the mind of this team
virtually unknown
as they heat up in the field.
They will play a leading
in football, a team
feared wherever you play.
Let's have fair play, ok?
- Good Luck!
- Thank you!
And England will defend
the goal to my right,
or rather, attack
the goal to my left,
because that is what we are
predicting that will happen.
Listen, is a gross competition out there
although it is not a war.
If this were a war,
you'd be dead already.
It's a very
bold to say.
I'm serious
- Are you ready?
- Yes.
And what kind of magic to England show
in the next 90 minutes? The game started
and the ball goes straight to Stanley
Mortenson. Stan with the ball.
And try to steal Gaetjens
the ball. Mortenson to
Wright, who plays Tom Finnley.
And England now attacks
the right side of the field,
testing the U.S. defense.
Flip left
with Mannion, he spends his
marker, go to the line
background and cross for Bentley.
Bentley kicks.
Defense Frank Borghi!
Almost a minute of the game and
England almost scored the first goal.
And again they attack the right.
A rocket Mortenson.
And he hit the crossbar at the moment
Frank Borghi is holding England
almost alone! That
sensational performance.
And he hit goal kick
here in Belo Horizonte.
Still 0-0. England, I think it
expect a goal so far.
And Colombia to the attack
easily. Here's Wallace ...
attacking from the right side, is the first
Since the United States will attack.
Aston stop the bid. Here comes England
again with Finney. Finney for Mannion.
Mannion kicks. Great
defense of Frank Borghi!
Plunging toward the ball.
What a great match for him.
What inspiration he is
having. He and his companions
begin to gain strength from his example.
They seem to show signs of life.
And start to attack more aggressively.
Great pass from Harry Keough.
Gaetjens Ball for the strong Gaetjens
spins, kicks and open space!
High, high.
Not very pretty, but did
the audience stood up.
Lack of Dickenson. The public did not like and
American players do not.
Charlie Colombo
argues with the referee.
I wonder if the Americans lose
Now the head and concentration.
And they seem to be concentrated in other
Finney thing and gets behind your back.
Finney on the bottom line, crosses.
We must attack now!
We have to attack!
If you keep kicking Benley
and not the ball, will be helping them.
I do not help anyone.
Frank Borghi kicks. And
England creates a further attack by
tries to turn right while
their supremacy into goals.
A great chance for England.
Mortenson now, and he kicks ...
Mortenson hardly believe.
The sides are still closed.
But then comes back to England
as a blue wave.
Mortenson again, turns,
open space and kicks. Great
defense of Frank Borghi!
Roll the ball now for McIlvenny.
McIlvenny search for Eddie Souza.
McIlvenny comes to hitting the side.
The Americans then doing well
and now is their chance
to establish control.
The defender is beaten to the captain
Walter Bahr. He had seen the play ...
And that goal!
The United States takes the lead.
A great pass from Bahr
to Gaetjens butt.
The England players
look at each
others trying to understand
what went wrong.
The American players
jump on top of each other.
Put on the head. We
just wake them up.
They going to come up with everything, Pee Wee.
The stadium goes wild,
and it is no surprise,
because over 8 minutes to the end
the 1st time, the score
England is 0, USA 1.
Here comes the new England outlining
a reaction strikes again, with Mortenson.
Crossing to Mortenson and
yet another defense of Borghi!
Mortenson and can not score a goal
to England when they need it.
And England will have to
wait for the 2nd time
find a way to
Frank Borghi pass.
Great job. More than 45 minutes.
I would rather
your time guys.
Can you imagine what the coach
them are now saying in the locker room.
You just wake up a fierce lion,
and he will be furious as ever.
And in that second half will want to
crush you like a hammer.
At the end of that game will be decided by
two things, character and endurance.
The first time you showed
them to have character.
In this second half will show you
them that you have resistance.
Good game guys. Enjoy.
There are still 45 minutes to
England change the course of the game.
Oranges in the England dressing room
probably had a bitter taste, but
is coming to England again in the attack.
Finney crosses looking for Hughes.
Disarmed by the American defense.
A goal kick is beaten by Frank Borghi.
It was clear that the Americans
entered the field in 2nd half
believing they can win.
The British knew that the fans
home would be disappointed
if they do not return as
world champions.
But losing to the Americans,
it was unimaginable.
Here comes Mannion of England, passes through
two Americans, plays for Bentley.
And it kicks!
And hit the woodwork again!
Frank Borghi now organizing
the U.S. defense.
They still
holding England.
Still keeping the faith
his heroic effort.
England again, kick Finney.
You have to do better than
Frank Borghi to hit it.
England again. Come with
John, of Manchester United.
forward again by
U.S. defense
Frustration for attack
English, because the defense
strip the ball. But only
temporarily because
Mannion is coming, and it crosses Frank
Borghi is pushed by Mortenson.
Americans are
crazy, Colombo pushes
Mortenson to the ground.
They still held firm.
And the Americans fight
aggression through his football.
1-0 to the USA. An amazing score
one could imagine.
And the Americans
try to do the latter.
Gaetjens now, back to Wallace.
Wallace and goes back to play
Gaetjens. Now with John Souza.
Kick! Kick!
Chute de Souza.
And stop the steady hands of Bert Williams.
Here come the United States again,
this time with Gino Parian.
Coming from the left side,
it is marked by Hughs,
Liverpool, he dribbles and
goes to the bottom line.
Hughes and stops the play,
corner for America.
Everyone waits for the beat of the corner.
There has been searching for and Gaetjens
Eddie Souza face of the beam.
And England is almost
losing by two goals.
Mannion with a cross kick.
And he returns the ball to Frank Borghi.
And the American team is showing
a great performance in the defense
Will they keep the game as well?
England Expects
that the U.S. will fail.
Still looking for a draw
with Mortenson. And it kicks!
In the beam and the Americans were
to move close together.
Benley kicks it up!
Americans look to the ground
desperate to
hear the final whistle
but there still to do, here comes
England once more.
England on the attack,
Borghi organizes the defense.
Cross from the
left, he receives
Finney plays for.
Finney gives a weak kick
And Charlie Colombo takes the ball.
They are the English who have
lions on the shirts,
but the Americans are
fought for every ball like lions.
Here comes Finney, and he is knocked down
almost in line with the large area.
Great tackling from Charlie Colombo.
He is a
Colombo this personality.
And England won a corner.
Hits the corner, left foot.
Defense Frank Borghi!
32 minutes into the second half.
Here they come again with Mannion.
Plays for Biegn, which passes to Branty,
that returns to Mannion. A
big step for Mortenson.
It can be a goal.
What a defense!
The Americans run
to greet their hero.
Frank Borghi left
the whole audience standing.
England begins to wonder if
be able to find a way
to go through this magnificent goalkeeper.
But they try more
Once again, Bentley is coming ...
And he hits the part
above the crossbar.
Time is running out of England,
the referee just look at the clock.
A second seems like an eternity
for Americans.
Here comes the left Mortenson,
and was an easy defense
Frank Borghi. And desperation
is the face of the legendary player.
Everyone on the attack now
to England.
All the waiting
Finney crossing.
Here comes the crossing can be
last chance for the British.
And the referee blows ...
the end of the match.
And suddenly was over.
Something that I thought
could never happen.
I thought, who would
believe that,
whether in England or
in the United States?
If I had not seen it with my
own eyes I would not believe.
The country that gave the game
football to the world
received the biggest shock
the history of world football.
It was difficult to continue as a reporter.
I wanted to run into
field along with the Brazilians.
This was simply the greatest
accomplishment achieved by any team
in any sport I've ever seen.
It is an honor to present members
the football team
United States, 1950
who participated in that
which was considered
the most Zebra history
the World Cups
when they defeated
England by 1-0.
Standing in the middle of the field are:
Gino Parian,
John "clarkii" Sousa,
Harry Keough,
Walter Bahr
and Frank Borghi