The Girl from 10th Avenue (1935) Movie Script

Let's take another chance.
- It's a waste of time.
We're ushers at a wedding. If we're
late it throws out the whole works.
Who gives a hoot?
Stop at the drugstore.
I'll call the club. Try his office.
I've been trying that office for 3 days.
- Do it anyway.
Chapman, McBurn and Durant.
No, sir. He hasn't shown up yet.
Tell me. How are the old
gentlemen taking it?
Not so good.
Mr Chapman caught him on the phone
two days ago and talked pretty straight.
Yes, I know. But don't they
know what the trouble is?
You know how they are.
This is sort-of a climax.
He missed out on a couple of
important cases last week.
Wouldn't you think they'd be
just a little sympathetic.
Well, I would.
College Club.
He isn't in at present.
Yes, Mr Brown.
He came in yesterday afternoon.
We got him to his room and put him to
bed, but he went out again last night.
Yes .. yes, in rather bad shape.
- That's that.
The first thing Valentine will say
is: 'how is dear old Geoffrey'?
Tell the little hypocrite he's swell.
- Yeah. Busy in court on a big case.
Say, drunk.
I hope you forgive my awkwardness.
Say, did you notice ..
- Shut up.
I want to hear what
they're saying in there.
There are two people in there making
important promises to each other.
And trying not to laugh.
Shut up.
Do you take this social register
parasite to be your legal wedded toy?
To hate, dishonor and ignore.
Since it brings material advantages.
Both social and financial.
To supervise an annoying innate fineness
with which I have been afflicted.
I do.
I do.
I do.
Then I pronounce you man and wife.
And a cock-eyed credit to the country.
Shut up.
That is Geoffrey Sherwood.
The one she threw over.
- Yeah?
He looks like he might start something.
And take our love
together to some sky ..
Because I have anybody tell the angels.
You'd better tell Murphy to pick him up.
Where did he go?
Bellevue for that one.
I say, Mr Sherwood.
A plain-clothes man is after you.
What for?
- You look kind-of excited.
I'm not excited. I'm merely curious.
There's going to be a merry spectacle
coming out of that door in a minute.
They'll take you to Bellevue.
Am I being conspicuous?
- Well, slightly.
Better skid round that corner.
Why not?
- No, go along by yourself.
Ditched again, eh?
Well, come on then.
You'll forgive me but the
impulse has evaporated.
You need a drink.
Do you know, I believe I do.
- I know a spot.
Up the center aisle together, eh?
- Okay, up the aisle.
Boom de boom ..
- Hello Tony.
It's been a beautiful service.
- Yes, hasn't it.
How is poor dear Geoffrey?
- Busy as a bird-dog.
He's in court this morning.
The biggest case he's ever had.
I am glad.
Best wishes, John.
- Good luck.
Thank you very much.
- Goodbye.
Boom de boom.
Boom de boom.
Boom de boom.
Haven't you 'boomed' enough of that yet?
Do you mind?
- What?
It's ridiculous.
Was the lady walking up the center
aisle of that church ridiculous?
Why should she be?
- Exactly.
She was parading with a
man she didn't love.
Now you're parading with
a man you don't love.
You're not doing so badly either.
Put that back in your pocket.
Anything you suggest, my dear.
That's better.
You know, you wouldn't be
so bad if you were sober.
It's why I'm getting you
off the streets. Get in there.
Bonjour, mademoiselle.
Hello Marcel.
A shot of whiskey for the gentleman.
Huh? How do I know?
I can smell the brand.
I'll have a chicken sandwich
and a cup of coffee.
- Pardon me.
A quart of champagne and two glasses.
- Oui, Monsieur.
Listen, I'm not celebrating with you.
What's the arrangement?
A Turkish bath for you.
You need a steam and a sleep.
Fine. So I can wake up
around midnight and think.
You've got to get over it sometime.
About the time the steamer sails?
She'll be on it, huh?
They'll be on it.
- Hard luck.
Forget it. You and I are going places.
I'm going to work.
Believe it or not, I do.
This is my lunch hour. You're using
up the time so you buy the lunch.
A model?
Don't be funny.
I sew on labels. Three dollars a day.
You need a vacation.
- I'll get plenty, starting Saturday.
They're laying a bunch of us off.
You're sewing labels
on me until Saturday.
Hey, give us that sandwich.
I'm going to sit over here.
I'm buying my own.
Sorry I'm not dexterous enough to
avoid that chip on your shoulder.
I've been awkward for some days.
Here. Get something on your stomach.
When did you eat last?
I shan't be upset by you asking if you
tell me when you expect to eat next.
I can take good care of myself.
I wish you would pass the secret along.
How could any girl get you like this?
I only know it can be done.
I could have socked myself once.
- You ought to know what it's like.
I do.
Let's drink to 'em.
May the two who left us always be happy.
Here, let's try this one.
- Wait.
Bonjour, Messieurs. Asseyez-vous.
We're joining this party.
What a depressing sight you both are.
- Hello Geoffrey.
We caught a glimpse of you
marching down the avenue.
Let me present you to Miss ..
I must go.
I wouldn't introduce you to
anyone you shouldn't know.
I'm glad you found him.
You chase along with them.
- We'll all have a drink.
You're making a mistake, Geoffrey.
I made one. I guess I can make another.
So you trot off to your
wedding reception.
Come along, Geoffrey. Take hold, Tony.
- Taking me out of here?
We are.
- Watch your step.
I haven't had a fight in a restaurant ..
Since I protected the honor of a
mademoiselle from Armentieres.
Sit down. I'll tell you about it.
- I'm going.
No you don't.
- Alright, Geoff.
We'll drink some wine with you.
- Swell.
You won't mind one more?
- Will you go with them if I do?
I make no alcoholic commitments.
Sit down.
I'll get a couple of glasses for myself.
What's he going after,
the lady's credentials?
They are excellent.
Marcel, can I go out this way?
- Sure.
One minute.
I'll sneak out. You handle him.
I'm afraid if we try,
he'll tear the place down.
Yeah? I call the Cops.
Do you know this girl?
She's okay. She works at Hawkheimers.
You better keep out of crowds and
learn to size people up right.
I apologise.
Take two more glasses in.
You'll have to help us out.
I suppose you think you're
of great importance to me.
If you get him to his club or a Turkish
bath there's $100 waiting for you.
I can't afford to turn that down.
I'll give you my number and the club's
in case he passes out and you need help.
He's got a big roll.
You had better take it off him.
- I'm afraid I can't.
I'm glad you mentioned it though.
- Anyhow, you know.
I don't think I caught your name.
Miriam Brady.
I live at 1650 Tenth Avenue.
It's sort of a .. a working girls club.
You can ring them up if you want to.
You got to be alright to get in.
We'll take a chance on you, Miss Brady.
College Club.
His friends had been hoping we'd
hear something before this.
I wanted you to know that he's alright.
We're at Marshans.
Say listen. This man has
got a mind of his own.
I got him to go to the barber though.
He looks swell now.
As a matter of fact, we both do.
He wouldn't get shave until I went to
a shop and bought myself a new outfit.
I thought, as long as I was going
to be seen in places with him.
I'd better look good.
- Ah, sufficiency.
I thought you were calling a friend.
They're your friends.
What do you think I'm sat here
trying to forget them for?
I'm sorry.
Listen, mister.
I'm beginning to feel this.
You're lucky.
I wish you were having
half as much fun as I am.
Gee, I never thought I'd
be in a joint like this.
You've been mighty sweet.
Keeping me from going crazy all day.
Now, please.
The boat left the dock half an hour ago.
Let's dance. What do you say?
She's alone with him.
Look, you've been swell up
to now. Don't go to pieces.
Don't leave me. I can't be alone.
I'm sticking.
I've got my arm around you.
Right here in a public place too.
You're just a little boy
that wants to be petted.
Ah, let's get drunk.
Hey, waiter.
Bring us another bottle.
For a crying jag?
Do we get it here or do we
get it somewhere else?
Okay, Miss.
- You're fresh.
You won't let me down, will you.
Not for a minute, darling.
What happened last night?
Did I marry you?
The end of a perfect day.
How about a drink?
There's some orange juice and other
stuff coming up from the drugstore.
That helps.
Intelligent drinking from me, wasn't it.
Champagne on top of everything else.
All I can bite off is stale balloon gas.
What's this?
- Well.
It says we didn't know
what we were doing.
That I haven't any claim on you.
You're a lawyer. You can get
an annulment, can't you?
Your money is under the pillow.
We didn't blow very much.
I let you hand the
court clerk 25 dollars.
As you woke him up at
3 o'clock in the morning.
You wanted to give him a hundred.
The taxi driver got $10
for being a witness.
The taxi bill was $16.50.
You count it.
Let's avoid mathematics
until I get a pickup.
[ Door knocks ]
Here it is.
Come in.
How much is the seltzer?
- Seventy-five.
There you are, boy.
Where are we?
- Harrison.
Where's that?
- New York.
I'll make a note of it.
Get me a quart of respectable bourbon.
Yes, sir.
Mr Sherwood, please.
- Mrs Sherwood.
If you study our marriage license you'll
discover my first name is Geoffrey.
Drink this.
These flannels must be a wedding gift.
Did you make them, Miriam?
No, I got the outfit
from the night clerk.
Here is your orange juice.
You certainly take excellent
are of me, Miriam.
You needn't rub it in.
You can get rid of me any way you like.
I don't want anything.
I don't even want this.
Did I buy you a wedding ring?
Yeah. From the court clerk.
He keeps them for suckers just like you.
It'll be valuable as evidence.
You'd better keep it.
I don't want any hold on you.
Why go to the trouble
of marrying me then?
I was all glowed up on champagne.
I felt sorry for you.
I'm beginning to remember now.
You were awful brooding
about those two on the boat.
You said I was the only one who
could keep it off your mind.
You begged me to stick to you.
I guess I got the crazy idea
that you really needed me.
So, when you asked me to marry you.
I thought it sounded swell.
When we got back here.
You fell asleep.
Sobbing in my arms.
I guess all I can say is ..
I'm sorry.
You probably kept me out
of the river last night.
Not that it makes any difference.
You don't have to talk like that.
It will all be washed up
in two weeks' time.
You'll have forgotten
about her and me too.
I'll never bother you.
Come in.
Take that bottle out.
- No you don't.
- Thank you.
I give up.
You're hopeless.
Let's go back to New York.
Maybe your friends can handle you.
You go if you like.
I'll be more comfortable here.
- I see.
Lapping that up, huh?
Tomorrow or the next day you're to call
on Harold Chase, New York City bank.
He'll have something for you.
- No you don't.
Thanks for everything, Miriam.
And goodbye.
You want to stay here alone so
you can drink yourself to death?
I'd be delighted to have you with
me but you'd be better off not.
This is the first time
I've seen you sober.
Now I can tell you.
You can't take it.
I'm afraid I can't, so why bother?
So let's say ..
- No, I don't mean that.
Your nerves are shot or
you'd see it different.
Get yourself into good shape and you'll
realize you never really loved the dame.
You're too smart to love a ..
Take it easy, now.
- Listen.
Last night you cried on my shoulder but
didn't know what you were crying about.
You were like a little kid who
got started and couldn't stop.
That's straight. You didn't know what
you were crying about. You'd forgot her.
So what?
Keep on crying if it makes you
feel better. You'll come out of it.
Cry all you want.
- On your shoulder?
Sure. If you like.
I'll stick with you until
you're normal again.
I don't want to be normal again.
I'm much more comfortable as I am.
But you can give yourself
a chance, can't you?
You can always go back to this.
Let's take a motor bus and
go up into the Adirondacks.
I've not seen the mountains ..
But I've read all about them in those
folders the bus companies give out.
Gee, it must be swell this time of
year with everything turning green.
We'll take a cabin somewhere.
Maybe on a lake.
Cook our own meals and you can taper
off on this so you'll never notice it.
Gee, I in few weeks you'd love it.
- Then what?
Goodbye. Then, the same as here.
I couldn't use you like that.
- Don't worry about me.
Tell me honestly.
Are you falling for me?
I guess I like you a little or I
wouldn't want to help you so much.
You're my wife remember.
- I've got sense enough to realise that.
No. I'll stay with you as
long as you need me.
Then we quit. Friends.
You'll never regret it.
- No, I'm sure I won't.
Go and get dressed
and we'll get out of here.
Wait a minute.
I'm the bottom.
You're the tops.
For a while.
Wait here.
This is the place alright.
But why live in Washington Square?
I don't get it.
He's been consoling himself.
That's a cinch.
Here it is.
We are looking for a Mr Sherwood.
This is it.
Not bad.
I guess you don't remember me.
I never came back for that hundred.
Of course.
So that's why he's been
hiding out on us.
We thought he was up
to something, but never ..
This is marvellous.
Geoff's back in a few minutes.
Won't you come in?
Thank you.
- Thank you.
How long has he been back?
About .. about six weeks.
We heard where he can be found.
We thought we'd dig him out.
Oh, this is Mrs Martin.
How do you do?
I don't believe I got your names.
I'm Hewlett. This is Mr Brown.
Mr Hewlett. Mr Brown.
Brown? You're not giving me
phony names, are you?
Not at all.
I knew Mr Hewlett's father. Quite well.
You don't say.
That was many, many years ago.
When I was in the Florodora Sextet.
That was before my time.
You may not know it, young man.
But one gay winter your advent into this
world hung precariously in the balance.
Your father wanted to marry me.
I can understand that.
Had it not been for a substantial
check from your grandfather ..
You wouldn't be here now.
I must be going.
- We're not driving you out?
Not at all.
I make a point of calling on all
of my tenants at cocktail time.
You're the landlady?
I own the building.
It has doubled in value since
your grandfather's time.
If he knew it, he'd have
rolled in his grave.
Goodbye, Mrs Martin.
- Bye, dear.
Bye-bye, chicken.
- Bye.
Goodbye, gentlemen.
Why didn't I live in Ben Franklin's day?
She's a mighty good friend to me.
As though you need one.
You're coming right along.
Won't you sit down?
- Thanks.
This looks cosy.
Like it? Mrs Martin helped me fix it up.
That woman is an artist.
I think Geoffrey likes it too.
- He ought to.
He'll be tickled to
death to see you two.
Want a drink?
We'll never survive this if we don't.
Tell us about Geoff.
- He's swell.
Since the big drunk, we've only had
one note because he was travelling.
We imagined alone.
No .. I was tagging along.
To date old Geoff. Has the work turned?
Like an adagio dancer?
There you are.
- Thank you.
He certainly went about forgetting
his troubles in the right way.
Did he pick that outfit for you?
- No. Mrs Martin helped me with it.
Ah. So he's grooming you for big things?
Too bad Geoff is an orphan.
Aren't you drinking?
- No.
Not without Geoffrey.
That's devotion.
How is he doing with his self?
Everything is pretty well under control.
Brady, if you've done that
to him, you're immense.
Did you notice? I remembered
your name. Miriam Brady.
That's right.
We should celebrate the boy's return.
How about tonight?
Take him out.
He never goes anywhere.
Where's the phone?
- There.
I know just the two girls we need.
Pearl and Vi. They used to work
for Ziggy. Geoff knows them.
You old scoundrel.
- Hello, fellows.
I thought I recognised your voices.
- So you've been hiding out on us?
How did you find me?
A taxi driver from the club
drove you here one night.
He tipped us off.
- I see.
Who were you calling?
- Pearl and Vi.
We're going to celebrate.
- You asked those two here?
Why not? What's wrong?
Have I made a mistake?
That's alright, Geoff.
Why didn't you tell them we're married?
If you can't guess ..
Take a look at their faces.
It would be easier for you
if your friends didn't know.
Sure. We're married.
But the minute he wants me to.
I get out.
That's our agreement.
There's nothing so horrible about that.
No, of course not.
I want to apologise, Geoff.
That's alright.
You shouldn't put people on
the spot like that. It's awkward.
You can't go on hiding out like this.
The rest of your friends will dig
you out the way these two did.
The thing for you to do is
to go and meet them and ..
Keep quiet about me.
I don't care what they think.
- Don't get that nonsense in your head.
You talk it over with them.
I'll go down and return these books
that I borrowed from Mrs Martin.
Tell her we three may
go out and dine later.
You think she'd like to?
Why can't we all go?
We'll see.
So long.
We'll see you again.
- Yes.
Sit down, fellows.
Come in.
Can I visit with you while
Geoff sees his friends?
Indeed you may .. visit with me.
That's right. May I.
How did you like the books?
- They were ..
They were splendid.
I have another one for you.
It's awfully sweet of you to lend me
books and watch my speech for me.
It can't be much fun for you.
I shall have my fun.
The day your husband wakes
up to the fact he can take you ..
I wonder if that will ever be.
- Sooner than you think.
You have a perfect ear.
You can wear clothes.
Your husband's friends didn't know you.
What do you suppose
they're saying up there?
I wonder.
Here we are.
That's the whole fantastic story.
What's going to happen?
- We go on as we are for some time.
Falling for her?
Ha. My falling days are over.
She's amusing. Keeps me sober.
I suppose I'd be going under the
daisies by now if it weren't for her.
- Maybe.
I must keep her happy as long as I can.
- After a time you'll be sick of her.
Then she'll let me go without trouble.
Of course, I'll see she
never wants for anything.
You can't go on leading
this kind of life indefinitely.
Avoiding your friends. Giving up
everything that means a darn to you.
What about the firm? Do they know?
They'd be enchanted with this set up.
Especially as my chief drag with
them was my social connections.
Well, I've resigned.
My last act of alcoholic bravado
before Miriam got me on the wagon.
Why not?
What's a little thing like the future?
I'm in oil.
So is a sardine.
To prove I'm not avoiding you,
here's my office address.
This will interest Valentine.
'Geoffrey Sherwood. Crimson Pass
Oil Company. 83 Wall Street'.
She is back from Europe, I suppose?
She rings up to ask if you've been
heard from about every other day.
Anxious, I suppose.
Don't remind.
[ Buzzer ]
Mr Sherwood, this is the day
for the report to go to the bank.
Very well. Mail it.
So, you won't step out to lunch with me?
I think a man's business hours
should be for his business.
And a wife shouldn't butt in.
I mean, a wife shouldn't intrude.
When she brings his galoshes to
town because it looks like rain.
I think she rates a lunch.
I told Miss Mansfield I
will have lunch with her.
I'm ready to go when the boss
says you can, Miss Mansfield.
I usually go at noon.
That enables Mr Sherwood
to get away by one.
You needn't hurry back today.
So don't bolt your food.
I'll keep the office
until you come back.
In another month I'll be able to
afford a decent sized office staff.
So long. Thanks for the galoshes.
Hey .. that's some dress you've got on.
I was wondering when you
were going to notice it.
Much too smart to waste on
a drugstore lunch counter.
I asked her out but she turned me down.
Where will we go,
the Waldorf or Sherry's?
I'd take you if it
weren't so far uptown.
Make it .. make it Belmont Park?
Some Saturday?
Next Saturday. That's a date.
Watch me knock them over
when I cross the lawn in this.
'Who's that blond with Sherwood'?
'I never saw her before in my life'.
'I do admire his taste in women'.
'She's wearing that
Carnegie I was crazy about'.
'But I simply couldn't wear it'.
'Not until I get this down'.
You might if you could
wear it like she does.
- Bye.
[ Telephone ]
Why, Valentine.
You sound startled, Geoff.
I'm in a jeweler's not
far from your office.
I'll drop in if you don't mind.
Yes .. do, by all means.
I won't be more than ten minutes.
- There's plenty of time.
What is it?
- That bank report.
It should be in the two o'clock
mail. I almost forgot it.
Can I stay in here?
May I stay in here?
Of course.
What are you thinking about?
Go ahead. I'll read.
I just had a telephone
call from Mrs Marland.
That's nice.
She's now in a jewellers close by.
She's dropping in for a minute.
You'll be interested to
see her, won't you?
No. No, I'll be going.
- There's no necessity.
She's coming to see you and ..
Besides. You don't want
me on exhibition.
Miriam, don't talk like that.
- I didn't mean that crack. Sorry.
It will just be more comfortable.
If I weren't here.
I'll see you later.
I'll meet you down at the drugstore.
Go ahead.
First corridor to your left.
[ Door knocks ]
I hope I'm not intruding
at a busy moment.
Of course not.
Won't you sit down.
You know, I hadn't the slightest
intention of calling on you.
When I found myself so near your office.
Is this the first time you thought
of me since our last meeting?
Of course not.
I've thought of you often.
One of the reasons I
came here today was ..
I knew were bound to meet
somewhere sooner or later.
I thought it would be better
if we met like this first.
I don't see why we were bound to meet.
We have so many mutual friends.
I never see them now.
- No?
You have dropped them all?
- Most of them, completely.
I .. heard of your marriage.
Is that why you dropped us?
Not altogether.
Although my wife isn't a society girl.
No reason why you shouldn't see us.
It's a pity to lose one's friends.
I'm very busy building
up a new business.
So she's acquiring charm.
How is she doing, Geoff?
Why did you really come
up here, Valentine?
Of course you'll believe
nothing but what's bad of me.
I wish you hadn't come.
It's no satisfaction to either
of us to meet like this.
You're awfully practical, Geoff.
So were you when you married Marland.
- No, I was ignorant then.
Ignorant of what marriage really means.
You haven't come to tell me ..
That you found it's too late
and you've made a mistake?
My husband treats me very well.
Much better than I deserve.
He is extremely generous an attentive.
Too attentive.
I shouldn't have said that.
I'm sorry, Geoff.
If you knew what it was like not to be
able to speak one's thoughts to anyone.
I have no-one to talk to.
I feel so lost and ..
I can't help you.
You've gone out of my world.
You're Marland's wife now.
Having been what I was to you, I won't
sink down to being your confidante.
I wish you hadn't come.
Yes, I know.
You told me that already.
It's time I was getting home anyway.
Going up for the big game next month?
I won't be able to.
- Really? It'll be a good one.
I don't know.
- Look who's here.
Hello Miriam.
Haven't seen you in months.
I know. Geoff and I are
as busy as bird-dogs.
May I present Mr Marland?
This is Mrs Sherwood.
How do you do?
I spend most of my time in the library
and poor Geoff works all the time.
He only takes a couple of hours a week
off for golf. He's out this afternoon.
I just remembered.
I left the theater tickets at the club.
Pleased to have met you, Mrs Sherwood.
Same here.
- See you later.
I suppose you know who he is?
- Sure.
He looks kind-of down in the dumps.
How's she treating him?
He moved back to the club.
How are you and Geoff getting along?
Couldn't be better.
What do you think?
We're going to South America.
Geoff will handle that
end of the business.
That's fine, Miriam.
He'll get by better with me down there.
Someday I'll come back to New York.
With a South American accent and
everything will be hunky dory.
It looks as though things will
be permanent, doesn't it?
I'm beginning to hope so.
I got to get along. Bye.
- Goodbye.
Good afternoon, Mr Marland.
- How are you?
We are showing the Blakeley
collection. Do come in.
I'm waiting for a lady. Possibly.
I'm sure you'll find
something quite worthwhile.
How are you, Mrs Sherwood?
Why, yes.
Have you seen the Blakeley collection?
I'm not much up on art.
I know but I'm so anxious
to speak to you.
Might we go into the gallery?
Sure. I guess so.
Shall we sit here?
It's back here, Mr Marland.
Yes. Later, later. We'll
spend a little time on this.
Yes. Yes.
You and your husband are
planning a trip to South America.
Aren't you?
- Yes.
And your husband is to postpone
the date of departure?
Mrs Sherwood.
If it's possible.
I hope you persuade him to go at once.
But why?
Valentine and I have
started living apart.
That's too bad.
- For no apparent reason.
A sort of 'vacation' she says.
We get on each other's nerves.
Geoff has nothing to do with
it if that's what you think.
No, not deliberately.
But he's the reason
for Valentine's action.
What do you mean?
I'm not considered brilliant.
Easy to fool and all
that, Mrs Sherwood. But ..
I haven't told a soul but
Valentine is after your husband.
Listen. Nothing gets by me.
Geoff has only seen her
once since you married her.
She came to the office
once a few months ago.
I don't know what Geoff told her.
But I can guess.
She never came back.
You don't know Valentine.
His recovery?
It was a harsh disappointment.
He needs to stay recovered.
Why do you suppose he avoids the
places they used to go to together?
On account of me?
I begged him to go without me.
He doesn't want to see her.
He's on to her.
Yes. Then she got desperate and left me.
So I wouldn't be in the way.
- I suppose I'm not in the way?
Well, I'm sorry to be
blunt, Mrs Sherwood.
But Valentine doesn't
think that you are.
She can't see him if he
doesn't want to see her.
Read this.
If Geoff had met her he'd have told me.
She's only been at it a week.
But give her time.
But there's nothing I can do.
I've done all I can.
But get him away if you can.
I'd let her have him if
I thought he'd be happy.
He wouldn't be.
Any more than I've been.
Only somehow, I can't bear
the thought of losing her.
I know.
Good luck.
Mr Marland.
I'm sorry Mr Marland
wouldn't see the exhibit.
He had to go.
- You'll see it won't you?
These paintings were recently shown
in the Ledger Gallery in London.
You will find there's a harmony that
exists between all these exhibits.
That is both soothing and agreeable.
Sure. It's marvellous.
My husband and I aren't
buying any pictures right now.
We're going to start travelling.
Want some more coffee, Geoff?
- No thanks.
You're a bit quiet tonight.
Are you tired?
A little.
You haven't said very much yourself.
A lot of on my mind.
Yes. Mostly.
How was your game today?
What did you do?
Spent most of the
afternoon in the library.
You know, before long
you'll be a highbrow.
Coming out I ran into Tony and Hugh.
What do you think?
Mr Marland was with them.
Did you know they had separated?
- I heard they had.
He is sort of out of his head about it.
That dame certainly has the
ability to drive men bugs.
He kept wanting to talk to me.
What about?
I will .. I'll show you.
He gave me this.
He was pretty excited about it.
There's just enough truth in this
to make it nasty for Valentine.
Treating her like a dog.
As a matter of fact she did come there.
Hoping she'd run across me.
She had to talk to someone.
You were the only one?
- I'm one of her oldest friends.
She certainly treated you like one.
- Don't get on a dangerous topic.
You are right.
Your friends are none of my business.
But when it comes to that woman.
I guess I can't take it.
You know, Miriam.
I know, Geoff. Say it.
Don't be upset about
what Marland told you.
I won't.
Why don't you and Agnes go to a picture?
Are you going out somewhere?
Yes, to the office.
One evening this week however,
I'll have to call on Valentine.
Despite that clipping and what Marland
told you, I've only run across her once.
That was this afternoon
on a public golf course.
Didn't talk at length out there.
Of course not.
She's pretty much alone in this now.
Her mother is siding with Marland.
She's asked for my advice. The least
I can do is give her what little I can.
Her husband loves her, Geoff.
Do you?
My dear, until now we've kept away
from that subject very nicely.
But she's no good.
She's a heel. What did she do to you?
Left you in the gutter, a drunk.
Because I picked you up and
helped make a man of you.
She can't bear to keep
her hands off you.
She's nothing but a common little ..
I'm sorry.
Who's calling?
Won't you give the name please?
Is that necessary?
I'm a friend of a friend
of Mrs Marland's.
Tell her Mrs Sherwood is calling.
Mrs Geoffrey Sherwood.
Come in.
I'm calling that woman.
She's been trying to see Geoff.
She won't talk to me?
You tell her she can ..
- Now, now.
She'd only call Geoff and tell
him you're annoying her.
I'm going to her house.
I'm going to see her.
You'll never do it that way, dear.
- She's running after Geoff.
He's kept away from her but she runs
after him and I'm going to stop her.
If you go haywire now.
You'll spoil everything.
- I'm nearly crazy.
Geoff is going to see her soon.
She's asked him to.
You want to frighten her off?
But you'll never do it by making
a scene outside her home.
That's as far as you'll ever get.
I suppose you're right.
She'd pretend she didn't know I was
out there and call the Cops and ..
I'd end up in the night court.
She'd like that you know.
She'd love to throw to Geoff
that he married a guttersnipe.
I'm learning.
I've learned a lot thanks to you.
I can walk in the Waldorf and conduct
myself like a lady as well as she can.
If .. you don't lose your head.
Then I won't.
- Good.
I'm going to give that dame a shock.
What the ..?
Now, what are you up to?
I found something. I saw it a while ago.
She's giving a luncheon.
At the Waldorf for a girlfriend.
Some swell club.
There it is. And it's tomorrow.
But you're not going to
make a scene there I hope.
A scene?
I'm going to get a table next to hers.
I'll have the bellboy page Mrs Geoffrey
Sherwood until it makes her ears ache.
After she gets an eyeful
of Mrs Geoffrey Sherwood.
She'll realise I'll do better
in a divorce scandal ..
Than anybody she'd like to be
up against. As a matter of fact.
After her and her girlfriends
get good and interested.
I think I'll go and introduce myself.
Good heavens.
- Better come along and see the show.
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
He married some factory girl
in a moment of inebriation.
But I believe he's quite over it now.
Two madame?
- Where's Max?
He's holding a table.
- Just a second, please.
There she is.
- Don't nudge.
That must be the table
you ordered behind her.
I ought to be facing her.
- Yes, I've arranged for all that.
Tell Max it won't do and
be sure she hears you.
Raise your voice just enough.
And watch your grammar.
Look who's here.
How do you do, Mrs Martin?
Mrs Sherwood has a table reserved.
Yes. This way please.
What an entrance, eh?
Half way down the room.
This man wants to bother you.
How do you do?
A Belmont tout.
We're passing him.
Is this the table?
- Yes, ma'am.
But I have no intention of
sitting behind that pillar.
I'm sorry. This is the only table
for two we have left, madame.
I telephoned this morning.
Mrs Geoffrey Sherwood.
If you sit here a moment, Mrs Sherwood.
I'll have the table set up for you.
If you could put it the
other side of that party.
There seems to be room.
Very well.
She got it.
How do you do it?
Back in the dear old Florodora days ..
Max's father was head
waiter at Delmonico's.
I always saw that he
was well looked after.
Some woman seems to be
breaking her neck to see you.
Your table is ready, Mrs Sherwood.
- Thank you, Marcel.
My husband has dieted and
exercised until it's just pathetic.
But it hasn't had the slightest effect.
He's just a shadow of his former self.
Now I get a good look at
her, she's not such a mutt.
Mind your expressions.
We will.
We'll sit quietly here.
And give her a bad half hour.
I've impressed her alright.
She realizes now she's
not taking on any tramp.
You're under a terrific strain.
So confine yourself purely to pantomime.
Would you like to order?
What shall we have?
- You order.
We might begin with a cocktail.
Martini, sec?
And .. caviar la rousse?
Is that alright for you, dear?
- Yes. Yes.
Don't be long.
Yes, madame.
We had better bow to someone.
How do you do?
You would pick out
an acquitted murderess.
Try it again. Someone at her table.
With your most pained expression.
How do you do?
You know her?
I can't think where we met. Who is she?
I've no idea.
Interesting looking. Just the sort
of person you'd like to know.
Yes, isn't she.
She's a washout.
Stop glaring at her like that.
I can't help it.
When I think of Geoff
going to see her, I ..
But you must frighten her off by
appearing to be superior to it all.
That's the idea. Isn't it?
I don't feel like that.
- You must feel it.
To look it.
You must submerge yourself in the part.
You're too much of a lady.
Too well-bred.
Too secure of your position.
To suffer the slightest concerns
over your husband's peccadilloes.
Another cocktail might do it.
That's so much better.
And is she squirming, huh?
She's getting rattled alright.
You know, I'm just beginning
to get the feeling I need.
Back in the Florodora days.
I invariably gave my best
performance after champagne.
That is superb.
So she won't talk to me.
After listening to those dames
chatter, I think I can mix in alright.
No you can't.
I can crack back at
anything I hear her say.
What are you going to do?
- I'm going over to introduce myself.
For heaven's sake, don't make a scene.
Don't worry about me. I can be just
as Park Avenue as any of them.
It tell you it would
be simply tremendous.
If we got the right leader.
But among the younger men, who is there?
How do you do, Mrs Marland.
May I introduce myself?
I'm Mrs Geoffrey Sherwood.
Are you really?
Yes. I thought so since you and
Geoff were such good friends.
That we ought to know each other.
I haven't seen or heard of
Mr Sherwood in quite some time.
Geoff said he enjoyed that game with you
at the municipal golf links yesterday.
What a preposterous creature.
You know, I never thought you'd
play at the municipal golf course.
I thought naturally ..
- Are you aware this is a private party?
Yes, I think it's delightful.
You know, since you asked Geoff
to call on you evenings ..
We really must know each other.
Will you go away.
If you had talked to me on the phone
last evening I wouldn't be here today.
But I'm very curious to know
what you want of my husband.
Especially since you threw him
in the gutter for a richer man.
No idea of cheating, I suppose?
I'm afraid I have to go.
- If you do, my dear.
I'll put that grapefruit
smack in your face.
I'm sorry I had to say that.
You're not a good enough sport to
talk to me. So I have to make you.
When you dumped Geoff ..
He was ready to drink himself
to death and jump in the river.
I suppose you'd have
been flattered if he had?
I put him on his feet.
Is there any reason why you
can't leave him alone?
Perhaps he feels he belongs
among people of his own kind.
Any time Geoff feels that he can go.
He knows that.
But I'm not having him stolen from me.
Especially by you.
You've no idea what you're saying.
Yes I have.
Geoff wouldn't have gone
after you of his own accord.
You looked him up.
Then played on his sympathy.
You miserable little street-gamin.
You need his help do you?
Your good-natured husband whose
money you are spending abuses you?
Why you horrid little blackmailer.
Sometimes I do that.
But my aim is better.
Good afternoon, ladies.
I'm sorry I've got you in a jam.
I like it.
I haven't seen my name in the
paper for twenty-five years.
I'm the hotel reporter, madam.
What's your version?
Since the Grand Duke Boris
kissed my neck in public.
Have I been so humiliated.
[ Telephone ]
Is he home yet?
I'm sure it will be alright.
I was just wishing you
could get some sleep.
I'm too excited.
I'm not worrying though.
Why should I be?
It will probably open Geoff's
eyes to the kind she is.
Hold the phone.
He's coming upstairs now.
- Take a look at this.
She did make an awful fool of herself
but I'm sorry it got in the papers.
Too bad you had to do it.
I didn't throw the grapefruit.
- Does it make any difference?
What do you mean, does
it make any difference?
What are you looking for?
- My grey suit.
I sent it out to be pressed.
- I see.
Doesn't it make any difference
to you .. who makes a scene?
You went to make a scene, didn't you?
I went to ask her to
leave my husband alone.
You picked a fine place.
Where's the blue suit?
I sent that out too. I suppose I didn't
have any right to be at the Waldorf?
I behaved myself just as properly as
anybody there, I'll have you know.
These headlines:
'Mrs Valentine Marland
hurls grapefruit'.
'Society women stage battle'.
That includes me too.
They took me for a society woman.
She was the one that
made a fool of herself.
You can ask Mrs Martin.
I never even raised my voice.
I .. I suppose you've been
talking this over with her?
Yes, I have.
Don't you think you ought to hear
my side of it before you get sore?
I'm not sore, Miriam. I've thought
this over very carefully all evening.
Yes. With her.
I can't see that matters.
You talked me over with her as if was a
freak from some sideshow or something.
How about talking her over with me?
I might give you a few good tips too.
But I'm in the wrong class.
Even if I don't sling grapefruit
at people in public.
It isn't fair.
Can't you see my side of it?
I do, Miriam.
I'm not blaming you for what
happened this afternoon.
I only wanted to ask her to
leave you alone because ..
I love you so much.
You are mine in a way.
I'm trying to tell you I
blame myself for everything.
Darling, let's forget it.
I'll try very hard to please you.
Maybe I'll show up better when
we get to South America.
I can't take you to
South America, Miriam.
Let me talk, will you?
I did a very cruel thing by never
letting you come into this bargain.
My mind was numb or I'd have
sent you away that morning.
Then you'd have ended up in the morgue.
At the sight of hurting
you like this, I wish I had.
So, you're through with me?
- Ah, don't put it that way.
We both knew it had to come sometime.
I guess I forgot.
My dear, it's the only
way out for both of us.
We're too far apart in every way.
You've let me go on loving
you more and more.
I know.
I couldn't bring myself to hurt you.
I'm terribly fond of you, Miriam.
I always will be.
In six months or a year from now.
You'll realise this is
the right thing to do.
Of course, you'll always
be provided for. But ..
Even with that.
I know I can never repay you.
I'm terribly sorry, Miriam.
Where are you going?
I'm going over to the
club for the time being.
So you're going to love out to the club.
Like the perfect gentleman.
Why not throw me out now?
On the street where you picked me up.
You don't do it that way.
You ditch women with dignity, don't you?
You leave them the apartment, a check
on the dresser and move to the club.
- Give me that.
You won't move out on me.
Because I'll spoil your act for you.
Listen, will you?
- Listen, nothing.
That's all I've done since I first
met you. Listened to your hooey.
How I ate it up. And for what?
So I'll be fit to associate with
a cut-rate gigolo like you?
That's all you are at heart: a gigolo.
You don't take money from women.
You take something better.
Something you haven't got: guts.
No you don't.
You can't stand on your own feet.
The minute a woman walks out
on you, you flop in the mud.
And lay there until another
woman comes and picks you up.
That's what I did.
Well, I guess I was lonely.
I wanted some love.
I thought you wanted love too.
But you don't know what the word means.
Now that you're the big,
strong, stuffed-shirt again.
The vulgar little fool that helped
you out might cramp your style.
He's embarrassed by the
way she holds her fork.
So he's taking his dress
suit and his topper.
And moving out to the club.
Get this.
You won't move out on me.
There isn't a heel in the
world who can do that.
Because I'm moving out on you.
Mrs Martin, Mrs Martin. Let me in.
Quick, will you.
Darling, take this will you.
Just a little. Take this.
Just a sip. Just to please me.
Sweetheart, don't cry.
Just a sip.
Now I'll get you something
to make you sleep.
That isn't ..?
He's coming down.
Martin. Martin, he's gone.
He's gone.
Good evening, Mr Sherwood.
- Alright, Charlie.
That's alright.
Well, Mr Sherwood.
- Well, James.
I seem to be a regular.
It certainly seems like old
times seeing you walk in.
I suppose your curiosity
yearns to be satisfied?
This is not the same jag I
walked out with a year ago.
Although there are certain aspects
that have an unfortunate resemblance.
[ Telephone ]
Do talk to him, dear. It's only fair.
- Honey.
You'll regret this all your life.
No I won't, I tell you.
- Alright.
You little idiot.
Hello, Geoff. No, she won't
talk to you, dear. No.
She's going to take the train tomorrow.
To Reno.
I have reasoned with her
until I'm black in the face.
And it's no use.
You must definitely get
rid of the other woman.
Then perhaps she'd speak to you.
You needn't tell him that.
You know I'm through.
She says not to give
you any encouragement.
You certainly spoke your
little piece at the wrong time.
Goodbye. Goodbye, Geoff.
Poor boy.
He sounds to me as
if he'd been drinking.
She can nurse him out of it this time.
On grapefruit juice.
How about a room?
- Just for tonight?
- That's nice.
How are you, Mr Sherwood?
Decidedly uncommunicative, Nicky.
Yes, sir.
Take Mr Sherwood's bag to his old room.
- Yes, sir.
[ Singing ]
A musical evening?
It's Mr Marland.
I didn't know he did that.
- That's something new.
[ Singing ]
Hello, Geoff.
- Hello, Geoff.
Hello, John.
Well, it's old friend Sherwood.
Have a snifter.
- Yes, sir?
What will you have, sir?
- That will do for me.
I just moved back to the club.
Here we are.
I want to say I'm sorry
for what's happened.
You couldn't help it. My wife
wanted you and that's that.
But it's all wrong, John.
No, no. Don't be sappy.
I shouldn't have come between
you two birds in the first place.
You don't quite get me.
- Now listen.
I like you in spite of what's happened.
You mean Valentine's happiness.
Well now.
If I can help it, nothing is going to
stand between Valentine and happiness.
But that isn't the angle.
Forget it, Geoff.
Let's collect our things.
What are you looking so morose about?
I'm the one who ought to look sad.
Don't you feel we're rather
precipitating matters, John?
Why? You've been in love with
each other for years, haven't you?
But we can't think only of ourselves.
Now listen.
I can take it.
So can that other little lady.
She's got class.
Imagine making Valentine
throw a grapefruit.
That's the point.
We're letting a measly grapefruit
change the whole course of our lives.
Why? It didn't hit anybody.
But it sent me home to row with Miriam.
It ended by her telling me to get out.
You were going to walk out on
her in any case, weren't you?
I suppose so, eventually.
She beat you to it.
So what's the difference?
It's hard to explain but it makes
you see it from a different angle.
So that's what you're celebrating, huh?
I've been a blind fool, John.
So now you've blown the works,
you don't want to go on with it, eh?
No, I don't.
If I wasn't so relieved
I could swing at you.
I couldn't be more
humiliated if you did.
Go home where you belong.
I can't.
When I've broken with Valentine
Miriam may listen to me.
Come on, then.
Sit down. It's three in the morning.
Come on, come on.
Bring your drink. Come on.
Do you want to wake her up?
That's what we came for, didn't we?
Yeah. That's right.
We left our drinks in the cab.
No. No more for me.
What's wrong, Mr Marland?
Go back to bed and stop prowling.
But Mrs Marland has retired.
A smart fellow.
Keeps abreast of the times.
Hadn't you better let your man go ahead?
What for? I know the way.
But Mr Marland ..
Is that you, John?
Yes, darling.
Will you go back to your club.
You've been drinking.
So has Geoffrey.
Is he there?
I wouldn't have the
impertinence to come alone.
What on earth made you bring John here?
There's something I must
tell you tonight, Valentine.
I'm here in the capacity of a chaperone.
Necessitated by altered circumstances.
Come in.
Come in, come in.
Well, what's happened?
That wife of yours means to
make trouble, I suppose?
Now listen.
She is above that. Far above it.
Shut up.
Good luck, Geoff.
If I don't see you again.
What is it? Don't keep me in suspense.
We've been so keen on getting
together again, Valentine.
I wonder if we've ever had
time to know our real feelings.
What brought that up?
Are you satisfied that we have?
We want each other.
Don't we?
It's hard to say it,
but feeling as I do now ..
It wouldn't be fair to Miriam.
You weren't talking like
that earlier in the evening.
What's come over you?
I wish I could explain without
seeming too brutal but ..
I'm afraid I can't.
I went from here directly to
Miriam to tell her I was leaving.
Shortly afterwards I found
myself standing on the sidewalk.
Bag in hand.
It dawned on me then.
What Miriam really meant to me.
I can't imagine why I
didn't realize before.
You love her?
Goodbye, Geoff.
Let go. Let go, I tell you.
You know I don't want to see you.
Remember that ring I married you with?
- I never wore it.
Well, here's what I want
you to wear from now on.