The Girl with the Needle (2024) Movie Script
- Who is it?
- Jensen.
Just a moment.
- Karoline, I have to ask you to move.
- What?
I have to ask you to move out.
I need the room for somebody else.
- I live here.
- But you don't pay.
- I'll pay.
- Karoline?
- Let me get dressed!
- You have to understand...
I have to show them the room now.
- How much do I owe?
- 14 weeks.
- You'll get the money tomorrow.
- The chimney needs sweeping.
- Get it done this time.
- I know!
You'll get it tomorrow. What's going on?
- Take your hand off my shoulder.
- I have lived here for years.
- I have money.
- No, Karoline.
Sorry for the delay.
Please follow me.
There's no room for you to see.
I'm sorry.
- Here's for three and a half weeks.
- Do you want me to go to the police?
Force me to take you to court
to get the outstanding money off you?
I'm not being cruel.
I'm reasonable and patient. Polite, even.
Please follow me.
There is running water
between 10 and 12 o'clock.
Here's the kitchen. Karoline, please.
- The oven smokes badly.
- The chimney will be swept today.
We have rats.
Big rats.
They come out at night.
When you're asleep, they bite your feet.
- Karoline, enough.
- There are many of them.
I don't want to live here.
I don't want to live here.
I want to go home.
It will do.
I'll arrange for a carriage tomorrow.
You can use it afterwards, if you like.
I'll make sure the price is reasonable.
Come on.
Do you have a place to stay?
I can help you find a room you can afford.
No talking, get on with it.
- You are holding up the line.
- The needle keeps breaking.
Then be careful.
"Then be careful".
- How much is it?
- 15 kroner per week.
That's a lot.
- What about water?
- In the yard.
There is a bucket in the cupboard.
No guests allowed.
The seamstress you wanted to see.
Please. Come in.
We have received your letter,
asking for the widow supplement.
How are you coping?
I have been evicted
from my apartment...
Mr Director.
- Any news of your husband?
- No.
Without your husband's death certificate,
I'm unable to grant your request.
But your letter moved me.
Your circumstances are...
May I ask your husband's name?
Peter Nielsen.
I have connections.
I can ask around.
A man does not simply disappear.
Karoline Nielsen.
I hope you don't mind meeting here?
Fresh air clears the mind.
I haven't been able to find
any information about your husband.
He's not on the list
of the fallen soldiers, but...
that doesn't mean a lot.
I'm sorry.
Shall we go for a walk?
I, too, dreamt of signing up.
Of course,
my position does not allow for it.
I do what I can from here.
The uniforms we produce, for instance.
- Good day, sir.
- Good day.
May I treat you?
Do you like it?
If you need a shoulder to lean on,
I'm at your service.
Have a nice day.
Extra, extra!
On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day!
Buy it here!
The war is over! Germany surrenders!
Buy it here!
Read all about it!
Dear workers
at the Kitzler Sewing Factory.
The war in Europe is over
and hopefully,
a brighter future is ahead of us.
Even if we didn't participate in the war
it has caused suffering
beyond description.
I'll ask you to join me
in a moment of silence.
To say a prayer for the fallen.
Everyone included.
Thank you.
We'll stop production of uniforms
and return to the soft linen
that has been my family's signature
for generations.
I expect that fewer needles breaking
will make a pleasant change.
Please join me in a toast.
Merry Christmas.
There we are.
You are beautiful.
Thank you.
I can't believe you're mine.
What do you want?
Who are you?
What do you want? Take that off.
Karoline? Who's that?
My friend.
- Have you lost your job, Karoline?
- No.
Why do you then have "friends" to visit?
I'm her husband.
I went to our apartment.
Other people live there now.
Where have you been?
I was wounded.
I wrote you letters.
Did you get them?
Why didn't you write me back?
It's been a year.
I'm sorry.
- Peter.
- Yes?
I've met someone else.
And I'm pregnant.
I thought you were dead.
You made me believe that.
I have a new life.
You are my wife.
You need to go.
Off you go!
Leave this place now!
What's going on?
I'm sorry, sir,
this young lady won't listen.
- I have asked her to leave.
- Thank you. I'll see her briefly.
What's going on?
Say you will marry me.
Say it.
Say it.
Yes, I'll marry you.
You are brave.
When I get a house...
I'm taking you with me.
What will I do?
Whatever you want.
You could be in charge of the maids.
- Does that make me a maid?
- No, silly.
In charge of the maids.
You will have your own maid.
- Good day.
- Good day, may I take your coats?
Yes, thank you.
Is this the young lady?
So good of you to come.
I'm pleased to finally meet you.
My honour, Miss... Madame...
Please, come with me.
This is just between us ladies.
Get undressed.
For the doctor to examine you.
Anyone can tell my son
that they are pregnant, don't you agree?
Undergarments only.
You must know how it works.
It'll be over in a minute.
You can get dressed now.
Yes. She's pregnant.
- Can it be taken care of?
- It's too late, I'm afraid.
- Good day, Madam Baroness.
- Good day, Doctor.
My son shall never marry you.
Can Jrgen join us now?
Thank you.
Get him.
Yes, Mother?
The young lady is of the impression,
you two are to be married?
We have discussed it, yes.
Jrgen is free to do as he wishes.
Not with my money, not in this house
but as he wishes.
Did you say something, son?
Perhaps we have rushed things.
- Please forgive me.
- Jrgen?
I didn't mean for it to go this far.
What's going on?
Give him a handkerchief.
Thank you.
Would you please leave us now?
Furthermore, your services
at the factory are no longer needed.
Please leave now.
I'm sorry.
Your coat.
It's regrettable.
It's occupied.
What are you doing?
Come on.
Sit down here.
- Erena, hand me your towel.
- Yes.
- What's going on here?
- She just slipped.
- We don't like people slipping in here.
- I'll take care of her.
If the bleeding doesn't stop,
you must see a doctor immediately.
- We will escort you home.
- Thanks, I'm fine.
You don't stick a needle in yourself,
if you're fine. We'll take you home.
I said I'm fine.
There is another way.
I can help you find a foster family.
Some women can't have children,
others have more than they wished for.
It makes sense that we help each other.
I'm going this way.
Come and visit me when the baby is born.
Don't give it a name.
It's easier that way.
- Why would you help me?
- Who else would?
- I charge a fee.
- Can I have one?
Behave yourself. You.
- It's all right.
- Here.
Keep an eye on the bleeding.
It's no joke.
- Goodbye. Come along.
- See you.
Mind the hole, jump.
Have you lost your job?
A man came by with this.
I took what you owed me.
Listen up all of you!
I only need 20 today.
I need the strongest ones.
Those who can do the job.
Stop, that's enough.
Get out.
- Watch out.
- Hey!
Come now.
Come now.
Nancy and Claude!
Honoured guests.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Did anyone here participate
in The Great War?
No, no, no...
No? Nor you, no?
That's what I thought.
While you sat at home, safe and secure,
reading the newspaper with a little beer.
Some unfortunate souls were there.
On the battleground.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Allow me to introduce you to a sensation.
This is what the war spat out. March.
Ladies and gentlemen. Take a good look.
Look straight at
what the papers did not write about.
Look into the face of pain.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Does anyone of you dare to touch him?
No one fancies touching the poor freak?
He won't bite.
Right at the back
we have a brave young lady.
Come closer.
Come closer.
Let us give her a hand.
Well done.
Come up to me.
The hole, Peter.
Well, well, well...
A little kiss, perhaps?
This pitiful animal probably
can't remember what a kiss feels like.
It's only a nightmare.
Calm down.
Let go!
- Karoline?
- Just a moment.
- What's going on?
- Just a moment.
Open this door!
- Karoline, open the door.
- Shut up!
This is not a madhouse, Karoline.
If he doesn't stop, I'll throw you out.
I'm sorry.
What happened?
What is that?
It helps me calm down.
Go back to sleep, Karoline.
I'm sorry.
- What's happening?
- The bucket...
Sit down.
Let me see. Let me see.
- We need to get the pants off.
- What's going on?
What do you think? She's in labour.
- Get her to the hospital then.
- Will you take her yourself?
Don't just stand there.
Get me some towels and water.
- Find some towels.
- Idiots!
Yes. Good.
It's almost there. Look at me.
Come on. Push, push.
Next time, push hard.
You will scream it out.
Use all your strength.
There's only one way out.
Do you understand? Look at me!
Now push. Push.
- Boy or girl?
- Girl.
Can I hold her?
So beautiful.
You are so beautiful.
You could be called Susie.
But she's not yours.
I don't mind.
We could have another child.
I don't function.
I don't want to keep her.
Come sit with us.
This is a gift.
It's not something you give away.
Who is it?
It's for you.
- Who are you?
- Karoline. We met at the baths.
Come inside and close the door.
- Is that your baby?
- Yes.
Can I see?
Boy or girl?
- It's a girl.
- She's cute.
And who is this little darling?
- I didn't name her.
- That was wise.
Do you have the money?
Here you go.
This is not a charity, dear.
I'll bring the rest tomorrow.
I remember you now.
The girl with the needle.
- When did you give birth?
- Yesterday.
- Have you fed her today?
- No.
Then feed her now.
- Here's the tea.
- Thank you.
Any complications during birth?
I don't think so.
A baby girl born...
What's today's date?
I don't know.
Erena, will you fetch
the paper from Mrs Andersen?
Do you know who will get my baby?
Some good people.
Doctors, lawyers. People
who can afford to do good for others.
She'll be fine.
You're doing the right thing.
That's good.
- She had just finished with it.
- That's good.
Born 12th of August-- No.
I wrote today.
You gave birth yesterday.
Arms up. As tight as you can.
Eventually you will stop lactating.
All set.
You owe me money.
- Should I say goodbye?
- It's easier if you don't.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye.
Karoline, where's your baby?
I gave it away.
To whom?
A lady is helping me find a foster family.
- Didn't you want it?
- No.
Of course I didn't want it.
I think the little one needs a feed.
Up to mum, little darling.
Would you like something to eat?
What do you want?
Do you have the money?
- No.
- Then, what are you doing here?
- I thought I could feed her.
- Feed her?
- Your baby is not here anymore.
- Where is she?
I passed her on.
These matters can't wait.
- Do you need anything?
- There is a blanket under the counter.
- Get it for me.
- Yes.
- Should I get help?
- No, no. It will pass.
- We are closed.
- The sign says open.
- I said closed!
- Calm down.
- Take some sweets home with you.
- I would like to work for you.
I have milk. I can feed the babies
while they wait for their new families.
It's better than a cow's milk.
Your milk will run short.
Not if I milk myself.
My mother did it, she sold her milk.
Then I can pay what I owe you.
It is money you owe me, not milk.
I don't have any money.
I have nowhere to go.
Erena! Come here.
Don't be prudish.
It's healthy for her.
Besides, milking by hand takes forever.
Mum, she smells.
Well then, let's take a bath.
What about me?
- Dagmar?
- I'm coming.
Good night.
Mum says it's time.
Fits you well.
What is that?
Sometimes they get so emotional.
- This helps me stay calm.
- Is it morphine?
No, it's ether. Do you want to try?
Thank you.
Get up.
Come on.
You're doing the right thing.
- Should we examine him?
- There's no point with this one.
- Why not?
- Nobody will want him.
We'll have to give him to an orphanage.
Are you done?
I thought you were Dagmar.
What're you doing here?
Do you know it's illegal
to buy and sell babies?
- But you are here.
- Yes.
I'm just someone who drops by.
But you work here.
Sometimes I feel so lonely.
I'm here.
Many lives pass through this apartment.
It leaves a trace.
Sometimes I regret what I did.
Dear, now you get emotional.
Let's do something fun today.
Who's the man you're seeing?
- Is he Erena's father?
- No.
He's just a man I have fun with.
I don't like the way he looks at me.
- How is that?
- I suspect he wants to have fun with me.
Today it is Erena's birthday
Hurray, hurray, hurray!
She probably recieves a present
that she has wished for this year
with lovely chocolate and cakes
You can blow now.
The last one.
It's magic.
You're leaking.
- Have you fed Erena today?
- I must have forgotten.
Then do it now.
I don't want you to come anymore.
Why not?
I don't need you.
You will miss me.
Get out.
She's not like you.
Salmi... salt liquorice.
"Kongen af Danmark". No, bergamot drops.
Can I help you?
I was told to come here.
Is it about the baby?
What should I do?
You have to feed it.
- I can't.
- Why not?
- It's not mine.
- Then whose is it?
My mother's.
Please, will you take him?
Is this right?
Yes. I'll take him.
It's locked.
Let me help you.
You've done the right thing.
You've done a good deed.
You helped when no one else would.
You can keep the child.
Until we find a family good enough.
Thank you.
It's most important to have
the right footwear when we go for a walk.
What do you think of these?
Do you like them?
This one...
This... is beautiful.
Don't you think?
His mother made her daughter
give him to Dagmar and me.
She could not do it herself.
I think that's weak.
I'll care for him until we find a family
that's good enough.
- Dagmar also helped you?
- Yes.
- Who will take him?
- Good people.
Perhaps doctors, lawyers.
People who can afford to do good.
- Did they also get your baby?
- Yes.
I think he woke up.
Can I sleep here with you?
Can I have some milk to make me sleep?
No. Go to bed.
I don't do that anymore. Go to bed.
Why would you do something like that?
What are you doing?
I've found a family.
- Already?
- Yes.
- Who are they?
- I can't tell you.
- I want to know.
- They don't want you to know.
You can't be here if you are
this emotional. This is a business.
Is it because I slapped Erena?
Is it?
Is that why you're taking him?
You told me to take care of him.
You said that.
- So why do you just take him?
- Enough!
- You can't just tell me--
- Shh!
Thank you.
Where were you?
You left the store open.
Anyone could have walked in.
Are you not feeling well?
You're shivering.
Where is my baby?
- Your baby is with her family.
- Liar!
- Where is she?
- Your baby is with her family.
Murderer! You killed her.
You did kill her?
There, there.
I know it hurts.
The world is a horrible place.
But we need to believe it's not so.
Do you understand?
Have some drops.
It will take the pain away.
Come on.
Let me help you.
Come here. Drink. Drink!
Come on.
Good girl.
Take care of Erena. You're good for her.
I don't want her.
Karoline, come to me.
I've made you some soup.
You have to eat something.
Karoline, come on.
- Drops.
- There's none left. The bottle is empty.
Eat something.
You can have some naphtha.
Come now.
Deep breaths.
Last time.
You can have a rest, but soon
we will have to get back to normal.
You've done the right thing.
It will take the pain away.
Tell me something about yourself.
I don't know anything about you.
Are you from the city?
Or from the countryside?
That's where I'm from.
I used to milk cows.
I was alone
when I gave birth for the first time.
I bit off the umbilical cord
with my teeth.
The others were stillborn.
All five of them.
I'm cold.
I think it's cold.
It's cold.
- Do you want some tea?
- No, thank you.
Would you like to feed her one last time?
No, I would like to leave now.
Frida? I want to leave now.
Let me follow you out.
- Goodbye.
- Is Karoline here?
No. You've done the right thing.
Do you want to do it this time?
It's easy. Just squeeze tight.
Just squeeze hard,
like you never want to let her go.
Come on.
No, I don't want to.
Mrs Overby?
Please, open the door.
We have changed our minds.
We want the baby back.
Karoline! Are you in there?
Open the door.
I'll get the police,
if you don't open the door.
Do you hear me?
A woman got the child.
We don't know who she is.
She's from the countryside and...
we don't know her name.
She has gone back already.
We just need to look our best.
Get dressed.
Get dressed.
Get dressed!
Put this on.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Please come down.
Dagmar Overby,
this is the police, open up!
- Stay with me.
- Please come down.
You have nowhere to go. Stay.
Open this door or we will break it down.
Dagmar Overby?
- Yes.
- Grab her.
Please come with us.
- Erena needs to come with me.
- We'll take care of her.
- We'll take care of her. Come.
- Erena.
Well done. Great. Balance, balance.
BABY KILLER CAUGHWe are travelling south soon.
And we have agreed you can come,
if you want to?
Thank you.
What did you do with your baby?
I gave it away.
It's probably for the best.
Do you have your medicine?
You'll manage without.
How did you kill Mrs Andersen's baby?
I don't remember.
What did you do with
the body of Mrs Andersen's baby?
I don't remember. Maybe I burnt it.
Maybe I put it in the lavatory.
Maybe in November, maybe March.
There were so many.
The notebook found
in your apartment mentions
35 meetings with women and their babies.
- Did you kill them all?
- Where is my baby?
I want my baby back. You nasty pig!
Burn in hell!
Let me go.
Was anyone else aware of
what you did with the babies?
How about
your so-called daughter, Erena.
Did she know?
Is there any proof that the girl
you call your daughter is your daughter?
My word.
In the opinion of doctors,
you are too old to be her mother.
Your penis is old too.
- Where is she?
- I'm sure she is fine at the orphanage.
Let me see her.
Then, I'll give you four more bodies.
- Four more?
- Yes, four more. If not five.
I put one in the lavatory on Prinsgade.
And I... I took one
with me in my bag when I went to...
Why, Mrs Overby?
Why did you kill them?
That's what was needed.
What do you mean?
Those children had caused their mothers
lots of suffering. I helped them!
I doubt a mother wants her child killed.
What else were they supposed to do?
You promised them a better life.
A loving foster family.
Do you believe in that?
Just look around.
Nobody believes that their shameful infant
will get a loving doctor as a father
or a respectable lady for a mother.
I only did what was necessary.
I only did what you're too scared to do.
You're too scared to admit it.
In fact, you should give me a medal.
- Burn in hell!
- Hang her.
Guard, take her out.
Kill her!
Thy will be done,
as in heaven, so on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory
are yours. Now and for ever. Amen.
You may eat.
It is a little unusual
to adopt a 7-year-old.
Have you thought this through?
Are you sure?
I'm grateful for people like you.
You give a child a second chance.
I'll get the girl now.
Go to the lady.
- Who is it?
- Jensen.
Just a moment.
- Karoline, I have to ask you to move.
- What?
I have to ask you to move out.
I need the room for somebody else.
- I live here.
- But you don't pay.
- I'll pay.
- Karoline?
- Let me get dressed!
- You have to understand...
I have to show them the room now.
- How much do I owe?
- 14 weeks.
- You'll get the money tomorrow.
- The chimney needs sweeping.
- Get it done this time.
- I know!
You'll get it tomorrow. What's going on?
- Take your hand off my shoulder.
- I have lived here for years.
- I have money.
- No, Karoline.
Sorry for the delay.
Please follow me.
There's no room for you to see.
I'm sorry.
- Here's for three and a half weeks.
- Do you want me to go to the police?
Force me to take you to court
to get the outstanding money off you?
I'm not being cruel.
I'm reasonable and patient. Polite, even.
Please follow me.
There is running water
between 10 and 12 o'clock.
Here's the kitchen. Karoline, please.
- The oven smokes badly.
- The chimney will be swept today.
We have rats.
Big rats.
They come out at night.
When you're asleep, they bite your feet.
- Karoline, enough.
- There are many of them.
I don't want to live here.
I don't want to live here.
I want to go home.
It will do.
I'll arrange for a carriage tomorrow.
You can use it afterwards, if you like.
I'll make sure the price is reasonable.
Come on.
Do you have a place to stay?
I can help you find a room you can afford.
No talking, get on with it.
- You are holding up the line.
- The needle keeps breaking.
Then be careful.
"Then be careful".
- How much is it?
- 15 kroner per week.
That's a lot.
- What about water?
- In the yard.
There is a bucket in the cupboard.
No guests allowed.
The seamstress you wanted to see.
Please. Come in.
We have received your letter,
asking for the widow supplement.
How are you coping?
I have been evicted
from my apartment...
Mr Director.
- Any news of your husband?
- No.
Without your husband's death certificate,
I'm unable to grant your request.
But your letter moved me.
Your circumstances are...
May I ask your husband's name?
Peter Nielsen.
I have connections.
I can ask around.
A man does not simply disappear.
Karoline Nielsen.
I hope you don't mind meeting here?
Fresh air clears the mind.
I haven't been able to find
any information about your husband.
He's not on the list
of the fallen soldiers, but...
that doesn't mean a lot.
I'm sorry.
Shall we go for a walk?
I, too, dreamt of signing up.
Of course,
my position does not allow for it.
I do what I can from here.
The uniforms we produce, for instance.
- Good day, sir.
- Good day.
May I treat you?
Do you like it?
If you need a shoulder to lean on,
I'm at your service.
Have a nice day.
Extra, extra!
On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day!
Buy it here!
The war is over! Germany surrenders!
Buy it here!
Read all about it!
Dear workers
at the Kitzler Sewing Factory.
The war in Europe is over
and hopefully,
a brighter future is ahead of us.
Even if we didn't participate in the war
it has caused suffering
beyond description.
I'll ask you to join me
in a moment of silence.
To say a prayer for the fallen.
Everyone included.
Thank you.
We'll stop production of uniforms
and return to the soft linen
that has been my family's signature
for generations.
I expect that fewer needles breaking
will make a pleasant change.
Please join me in a toast.
Merry Christmas.
There we are.
You are beautiful.
Thank you.
I can't believe you're mine.
What do you want?
Who are you?
What do you want? Take that off.
Karoline? Who's that?
My friend.
- Have you lost your job, Karoline?
- No.
Why do you then have "friends" to visit?
I'm her husband.
I went to our apartment.
Other people live there now.
Where have you been?
I was wounded.
I wrote you letters.
Did you get them?
Why didn't you write me back?
It's been a year.
I'm sorry.
- Peter.
- Yes?
I've met someone else.
And I'm pregnant.
I thought you were dead.
You made me believe that.
I have a new life.
You are my wife.
You need to go.
Off you go!
Leave this place now!
What's going on?
I'm sorry, sir,
this young lady won't listen.
- I have asked her to leave.
- Thank you. I'll see her briefly.
What's going on?
Say you will marry me.
Say it.
Say it.
Yes, I'll marry you.
You are brave.
When I get a house...
I'm taking you with me.
What will I do?
Whatever you want.
You could be in charge of the maids.
- Does that make me a maid?
- No, silly.
In charge of the maids.
You will have your own maid.
- Good day.
- Good day, may I take your coats?
Yes, thank you.
Is this the young lady?
So good of you to come.
I'm pleased to finally meet you.
My honour, Miss... Madame...
Please, come with me.
This is just between us ladies.
Get undressed.
For the doctor to examine you.
Anyone can tell my son
that they are pregnant, don't you agree?
Undergarments only.
You must know how it works.
It'll be over in a minute.
You can get dressed now.
Yes. She's pregnant.
- Can it be taken care of?
- It's too late, I'm afraid.
- Good day, Madam Baroness.
- Good day, Doctor.
My son shall never marry you.
Can Jrgen join us now?
Thank you.
Get him.
Yes, Mother?
The young lady is of the impression,
you two are to be married?
We have discussed it, yes.
Jrgen is free to do as he wishes.
Not with my money, not in this house
but as he wishes.
Did you say something, son?
Perhaps we have rushed things.
- Please forgive me.
- Jrgen?
I didn't mean for it to go this far.
What's going on?
Give him a handkerchief.
Thank you.
Would you please leave us now?
Furthermore, your services
at the factory are no longer needed.
Please leave now.
I'm sorry.
Your coat.
It's regrettable.
It's occupied.
What are you doing?
Come on.
Sit down here.
- Erena, hand me your towel.
- Yes.
- What's going on here?
- She just slipped.
- We don't like people slipping in here.
- I'll take care of her.
If the bleeding doesn't stop,
you must see a doctor immediately.
- We will escort you home.
- Thanks, I'm fine.
You don't stick a needle in yourself,
if you're fine. We'll take you home.
I said I'm fine.
There is another way.
I can help you find a foster family.
Some women can't have children,
others have more than they wished for.
It makes sense that we help each other.
I'm going this way.
Come and visit me when the baby is born.
Don't give it a name.
It's easier that way.
- Why would you help me?
- Who else would?
- I charge a fee.
- Can I have one?
Behave yourself. You.
- It's all right.
- Here.
Keep an eye on the bleeding.
It's no joke.
- Goodbye. Come along.
- See you.
Mind the hole, jump.
Have you lost your job?
A man came by with this.
I took what you owed me.
Listen up all of you!
I only need 20 today.
I need the strongest ones.
Those who can do the job.
Stop, that's enough.
Get out.
- Watch out.
- Hey!
Come now.
Come now.
Nancy and Claude!
Honoured guests.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Did anyone here participate
in The Great War?
No, no, no...
No? Nor you, no?
That's what I thought.
While you sat at home, safe and secure,
reading the newspaper with a little beer.
Some unfortunate souls were there.
On the battleground.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Allow me to introduce you to a sensation.
This is what the war spat out. March.
Ladies and gentlemen. Take a good look.
Look straight at
what the papers did not write about.
Look into the face of pain.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Does anyone of you dare to touch him?
No one fancies touching the poor freak?
He won't bite.
Right at the back
we have a brave young lady.
Come closer.
Come closer.
Let us give her a hand.
Well done.
Come up to me.
The hole, Peter.
Well, well, well...
A little kiss, perhaps?
This pitiful animal probably
can't remember what a kiss feels like.
It's only a nightmare.
Calm down.
Let go!
- Karoline?
- Just a moment.
- What's going on?
- Just a moment.
Open this door!
- Karoline, open the door.
- Shut up!
This is not a madhouse, Karoline.
If he doesn't stop, I'll throw you out.
I'm sorry.
What happened?
What is that?
It helps me calm down.
Go back to sleep, Karoline.
I'm sorry.
- What's happening?
- The bucket...
Sit down.
Let me see. Let me see.
- We need to get the pants off.
- What's going on?
What do you think? She's in labour.
- Get her to the hospital then.
- Will you take her yourself?
Don't just stand there.
Get me some towels and water.
- Find some towels.
- Idiots!
Yes. Good.
It's almost there. Look at me.
Come on. Push, push.
Next time, push hard.
You will scream it out.
Use all your strength.
There's only one way out.
Do you understand? Look at me!
Now push. Push.
- Boy or girl?
- Girl.
Can I hold her?
So beautiful.
You are so beautiful.
You could be called Susie.
But she's not yours.
I don't mind.
We could have another child.
I don't function.
I don't want to keep her.
Come sit with us.
This is a gift.
It's not something you give away.
Who is it?
It's for you.
- Who are you?
- Karoline. We met at the baths.
Come inside and close the door.
- Is that your baby?
- Yes.
Can I see?
Boy or girl?
- It's a girl.
- She's cute.
And who is this little darling?
- I didn't name her.
- That was wise.
Do you have the money?
Here you go.
This is not a charity, dear.
I'll bring the rest tomorrow.
I remember you now.
The girl with the needle.
- When did you give birth?
- Yesterday.
- Have you fed her today?
- No.
Then feed her now.
- Here's the tea.
- Thank you.
Any complications during birth?
I don't think so.
A baby girl born...
What's today's date?
I don't know.
Erena, will you fetch
the paper from Mrs Andersen?
Do you know who will get my baby?
Some good people.
Doctors, lawyers. People
who can afford to do good for others.
She'll be fine.
You're doing the right thing.
That's good.
- She had just finished with it.
- That's good.
Born 12th of August-- No.
I wrote today.
You gave birth yesterday.
Arms up. As tight as you can.
Eventually you will stop lactating.
All set.
You owe me money.
- Should I say goodbye?
- It's easier if you don't.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye.
Karoline, where's your baby?
I gave it away.
To whom?
A lady is helping me find a foster family.
- Didn't you want it?
- No.
Of course I didn't want it.
I think the little one needs a feed.
Up to mum, little darling.
Would you like something to eat?
What do you want?
Do you have the money?
- No.
- Then, what are you doing here?
- I thought I could feed her.
- Feed her?
- Your baby is not here anymore.
- Where is she?
I passed her on.
These matters can't wait.
- Do you need anything?
- There is a blanket under the counter.
- Get it for me.
- Yes.
- Should I get help?
- No, no. It will pass.
- We are closed.
- The sign says open.
- I said closed!
- Calm down.
- Take some sweets home with you.
- I would like to work for you.
I have milk. I can feed the babies
while they wait for their new families.
It's better than a cow's milk.
Your milk will run short.
Not if I milk myself.
My mother did it, she sold her milk.
Then I can pay what I owe you.
It is money you owe me, not milk.
I don't have any money.
I have nowhere to go.
Erena! Come here.
Don't be prudish.
It's healthy for her.
Besides, milking by hand takes forever.
Mum, she smells.
Well then, let's take a bath.
What about me?
- Dagmar?
- I'm coming.
Good night.
Mum says it's time.
Fits you well.
What is that?
Sometimes they get so emotional.
- This helps me stay calm.
- Is it morphine?
No, it's ether. Do you want to try?
Thank you.
Get up.
Come on.
You're doing the right thing.
- Should we examine him?
- There's no point with this one.
- Why not?
- Nobody will want him.
We'll have to give him to an orphanage.
Are you done?
I thought you were Dagmar.
What're you doing here?
Do you know it's illegal
to buy and sell babies?
- But you are here.
- Yes.
I'm just someone who drops by.
But you work here.
Sometimes I feel so lonely.
I'm here.
Many lives pass through this apartment.
It leaves a trace.
Sometimes I regret what I did.
Dear, now you get emotional.
Let's do something fun today.
Who's the man you're seeing?
- Is he Erena's father?
- No.
He's just a man I have fun with.
I don't like the way he looks at me.
- How is that?
- I suspect he wants to have fun with me.
Today it is Erena's birthday
Hurray, hurray, hurray!
She probably recieves a present
that she has wished for this year
with lovely chocolate and cakes
You can blow now.
The last one.
It's magic.
You're leaking.
- Have you fed Erena today?
- I must have forgotten.
Then do it now.
I don't want you to come anymore.
Why not?
I don't need you.
You will miss me.
Get out.
She's not like you.
Salmi... salt liquorice.
"Kongen af Danmark". No, bergamot drops.
Can I help you?
I was told to come here.
Is it about the baby?
What should I do?
You have to feed it.
- I can't.
- Why not?
- It's not mine.
- Then whose is it?
My mother's.
Please, will you take him?
Is this right?
Yes. I'll take him.
It's locked.
Let me help you.
You've done the right thing.
You've done a good deed.
You helped when no one else would.
You can keep the child.
Until we find a family good enough.
Thank you.
It's most important to have
the right footwear when we go for a walk.
What do you think of these?
Do you like them?
This one...
This... is beautiful.
Don't you think?
His mother made her daughter
give him to Dagmar and me.
She could not do it herself.
I think that's weak.
I'll care for him until we find a family
that's good enough.
- Dagmar also helped you?
- Yes.
- Who will take him?
- Good people.
Perhaps doctors, lawyers.
People who can afford to do good.
- Did they also get your baby?
- Yes.
I think he woke up.
Can I sleep here with you?
Can I have some milk to make me sleep?
No. Go to bed.
I don't do that anymore. Go to bed.
Why would you do something like that?
What are you doing?
I've found a family.
- Already?
- Yes.
- Who are they?
- I can't tell you.
- I want to know.
- They don't want you to know.
You can't be here if you are
this emotional. This is a business.
Is it because I slapped Erena?
Is it?
Is that why you're taking him?
You told me to take care of him.
You said that.
- So why do you just take him?
- Enough!
- You can't just tell me--
- Shh!
Thank you.
Where were you?
You left the store open.
Anyone could have walked in.
Are you not feeling well?
You're shivering.
Where is my baby?
- Your baby is with her family.
- Liar!
- Where is she?
- Your baby is with her family.
Murderer! You killed her.
You did kill her?
There, there.
I know it hurts.
The world is a horrible place.
But we need to believe it's not so.
Do you understand?
Have some drops.
It will take the pain away.
Come on.
Let me help you.
Come here. Drink. Drink!
Come on.
Good girl.
Take care of Erena. You're good for her.
I don't want her.
Karoline, come to me.
I've made you some soup.
You have to eat something.
Karoline, come on.
- Drops.
- There's none left. The bottle is empty.
Eat something.
You can have some naphtha.
Come now.
Deep breaths.
Last time.
You can have a rest, but soon
we will have to get back to normal.
You've done the right thing.
It will take the pain away.
Tell me something about yourself.
I don't know anything about you.
Are you from the city?
Or from the countryside?
That's where I'm from.
I used to milk cows.
I was alone
when I gave birth for the first time.
I bit off the umbilical cord
with my teeth.
The others were stillborn.
All five of them.
I'm cold.
I think it's cold.
It's cold.
- Do you want some tea?
- No, thank you.
Would you like to feed her one last time?
No, I would like to leave now.
Frida? I want to leave now.
Let me follow you out.
- Goodbye.
- Is Karoline here?
No. You've done the right thing.
Do you want to do it this time?
It's easy. Just squeeze tight.
Just squeeze hard,
like you never want to let her go.
Come on.
No, I don't want to.
Mrs Overby?
Please, open the door.
We have changed our minds.
We want the baby back.
Karoline! Are you in there?
Open the door.
I'll get the police,
if you don't open the door.
Do you hear me?
A woman got the child.
We don't know who she is.
She's from the countryside and...
we don't know her name.
She has gone back already.
We just need to look our best.
Get dressed.
Get dressed.
Get dressed!
Put this on.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Please come down.
Dagmar Overby,
this is the police, open up!
- Stay with me.
- Please come down.
You have nowhere to go. Stay.
Open this door or we will break it down.
Dagmar Overby?
- Yes.
- Grab her.
Please come with us.
- Erena needs to come with me.
- We'll take care of her.
- We'll take care of her. Come.
- Erena.
Well done. Great. Balance, balance.
BABY KILLER CAUGHWe are travelling south soon.
And we have agreed you can come,
if you want to?
Thank you.
What did you do with your baby?
I gave it away.
It's probably for the best.
Do you have your medicine?
You'll manage without.
How did you kill Mrs Andersen's baby?
I don't remember.
What did you do with
the body of Mrs Andersen's baby?
I don't remember. Maybe I burnt it.
Maybe I put it in the lavatory.
Maybe in November, maybe March.
There were so many.
The notebook found
in your apartment mentions
35 meetings with women and their babies.
- Did you kill them all?
- Where is my baby?
I want my baby back. You nasty pig!
Burn in hell!
Let me go.
Was anyone else aware of
what you did with the babies?
How about
your so-called daughter, Erena.
Did she know?
Is there any proof that the girl
you call your daughter is your daughter?
My word.
In the opinion of doctors,
you are too old to be her mother.
Your penis is old too.
- Where is she?
- I'm sure she is fine at the orphanage.
Let me see her.
Then, I'll give you four more bodies.
- Four more?
- Yes, four more. If not five.
I put one in the lavatory on Prinsgade.
And I... I took one
with me in my bag when I went to...
Why, Mrs Overby?
Why did you kill them?
That's what was needed.
What do you mean?
Those children had caused their mothers
lots of suffering. I helped them!
I doubt a mother wants her child killed.
What else were they supposed to do?
You promised them a better life.
A loving foster family.
Do you believe in that?
Just look around.
Nobody believes that their shameful infant
will get a loving doctor as a father
or a respectable lady for a mother.
I only did what was necessary.
I only did what you're too scared to do.
You're too scared to admit it.
In fact, you should give me a medal.
- Burn in hell!
- Hang her.
Guard, take her out.
Kill her!
Thy will be done,
as in heaven, so on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory
are yours. Now and for ever. Amen.
You may eat.
It is a little unusual
to adopt a 7-year-old.
Have you thought this through?
Are you sure?
I'm grateful for people like you.
You give a child a second chance.
I'll get the girl now.
Go to the lady.