The Glassworker (2024) Movie Script
Oh, it's a really lovely shop. They have such beautiful things.
Make the text a deeper shade. Brighten the colours. Add mystery.
Hmm. But apart from that, it's perfect.
Mystery, he says. Hear that, Mahir? The boy wants mystery.
There was a time, Vincent, when I told you what to do.
Time to work.
Vincent! The train is cancelled.
See what I've done right here? I like a wet brush.
Not too much paint. Looks transparent.
Then I add colour. Your mother never drew a single thing.
She had all her designs in her head.
Now we make it.
Looking all right to you? Looks great.
Now the fun part.
Now we surround it in clear.
Easy. See?
Now you. Blow, Vincent. But it will burn me.
Only the other end will. Blow, son.
You've got good lungs, thank goodness.
Get some air. You've done well.
You sound grumpy today. Why are you grumpy?
Time for tag. Let's go.
What are you with this time, Valic?
I don't know why you want to play with those boys.
You are not like them.
Maybe if I went to school.
But what do you need to waste your time at school for?
All a glass worker needs to know is how to make glass.
Read and write and know your maths and chemistry.
But I want to...
I'm already teaching you those.
Yes, Pa?
The sketches and designs you want to exhibit.
You've got to sort them.
The gallery needs time for the catalogue.
Oh, I'll see what I can do.
Not too shabby.
Oh, the chin.
Dear Vincent, I hope this letter finds you well.
I know I didn't leave on the best note.
Look at me, always thinking in music.
I'll never forget my first day in Waterfront Town.
When I ran off on my own and first came upon the glassworks.
I had never seen something so beautiful.
It was magical.
Isn't it curious?
How I found my way to the glassworks just in time to rescue that crystal flower
and happened to meet you.
Some may call it destiny.
Where is that girl?
This isn't a game.
Come on, come and get her.
Pa, may I have some gulab jamun?
Pa, tell me how you and mother met.
I think you know that story better than I do.
Please, Pa.
If I must.
Well, your mother was...
Was a glassworker.
That's right, Vincent.
And she came to your grandfather.
My grandfather?
Grandfather seeking employment.
He had never met...
Met a woman who break glass before.
And had no intention of hiring one until she showed...
She showed me some of her work.
It was the best that he had ever seen.
Yes. You always enjoy me telling this story.
Come on, Pa.
You see, your mother was a born artist.
Your grandfather was smart enough to recognize that and he...
Papa had been posted to the province to ready it in case the war moved south.
Everyone expected great things from him.
But it wasn't easy being Colonel Amano's daughter.
The whole town had their eyes on us.
Go away!
We don't want your war here!
Get out of our town!
Hey, why don't you be quiet?
Show some respect for our army!
The Great Ravine is disputed territory.
There's great mineral wealth and some of the finest agricultural land.
We claim it, so do they.
So we go to war.
But whose land is it, then?
Vincent, the only land that concerns me...
is that on which our glassworks stand on.
And the beach below with its fine sand.
Find anything?
I asked you to throw this in the furnace.
The furnace is only for glass.
A code of Asphora posting to a big city.
But on an army reconnaissance trip, he came across Waterfront Town.
He said it had a calm, welcoming charm to it,
and liked the idea of bringing us there.
I was more excited by the music department in the town's academy.
Oh, Colonel Amano!
Mrs. Amano, how delightful to see you again!
Good morning, Principal Bhatti, and lovely to see you as well.
I do hope that we're not too early.
Indeed not. I cannot abide late comers.
And this must be Elise. Welcome to our school, dear.
How do you do, Principal Bhatti?
Ah, here is our head of music, Professor Ansari.
Good day, Elise. I am looking forward to hearing you play.
Who is she?
I've never seen her before.
It's that Colonel's kid, isn't it?
Is it?
Oh, yeah. My mother says he used his influence to get her into the music program.
My mother says your mother knows everything.
Sabia, if you close your floppy mouth, you'll hear how good she is.
She's amazing.
Gin? Is that you?
Are you following me?
I thought your fiddle was the gin wailing in the sea cave.
Sounds like it's got a bellyache.
This is my violin, not a fiddle.
And if anything sounds like a bellyache, it's you.
There's the gin now.
I don't know what that is.
A gin?
Hey, gins are spirits created from smokeless fire.
They have special powers.
What do you mean, special powers?
Gins can shift between their realm and ours.
They can turn themselves into animals and sometimes even humans.
Once I thought the mailman's cat was a gin.
I thought I saw smoke coming from his mouth, but it was only a fur ball.
It was disgusting.
Some gin are good and some gin are bad.
And most every town has one.
Our towns just happens to live in this cave.
Is this gin a good one or a bad one?
That's what I'm trying to figure out.
No matter what, it keeps people away from this beach and away from the sand, so that's good.
What's so special about the sand?
What's so special about the sand?
Don't you know it's the best sand in the world?
Oh, is it?
It's why my great-great-great-grandfather started the glassworks here.
It's made from silica.
That's why it's so white.
What's a glassworks got to do with sand?
You mean you don't know glass is made from it?
How can glasses and bottles and roses be made from this?
Oh, Elise.
You know my name.
The sand is melted with some other things.
There's a formula, but it has to be just right or it will crack.
You're making this up.
Well, maybe I could show you.
I've got to go.
Bye, Vincent.
You know my name.
So good.
It is good.
If you can cook sand, you can cook anything.
Colonel Amano's daughter doesn't believe you use sand to make glass and I was wondering...
You want to invite the colonel's daughter over here?
What can you be thinking, son?
Imagine if she got burned by the furnace.
Or she got splinters in her hand.
Her father would shut us down.
That's what the military do.
All right, Pa.
And so, Professor Ansari has given me a few pieces to help me catch up.
Because at my last school...
Behave you.
Did you ever think of learning the flute?
I wish, but this was in the attic and I didn't have a choice.
My father says if an instrument is taller than you are...
Hey there!
What are you doing here?
Delivery for Pa.
If he makes glass things, doesn't he?
Penny, this is Vincent.
Good afternoon, Penny.
And he says glass is made from sand and I don't believe him.
So he's going to prove it and show me the glassworks.
Oh, when shall I come?
Now? Tomorrow? Next week?
Friday. Come Friday.
Can I come too?
I don't think so. I don't think you'd enjoy it, Penny.
It's like the sun lives in there.
I used to think it did when I was little.
It's so hot in there, but it still takes ages for the batch to melt and for all those bubbles to clear.
See? There's already some in there.
Make something.
I've never made anything on my own before, but I guess I could try.
Oh! You'll burn yourself!
Only if I'm not careful.
We call this a whimsy.
Something just for fun.
Vincent, that's amazing!
Hello? Vincent, I'm back!
He wasn't supposed to be home yet!
Hi, Vincent, I'm back!
Didn't you hear me, Vincent?
Colonel Omana's daughter.
Elise? How do you do, Mr. Oliver?
If you don't mind, I would ask you to leave, Elise.
Should I go to my room?
What do you think?
Not too shabby.
What's he doing here?
Oi! Brought me something to have you class, boy!
Let's see!
Hello, Elise!
Good afternoon, Elise.
What am I? Invisible?
Huh? Say something, Penny.
You... know him?
Vincent is my oldest friend in this town.
We go waaaay back.
Hmm... come on, I need some gulab jamun.
Oh yes, sure, why not?
That would be delicious.
Goodbye, boys.
Bye, Tarek.
Gardner! Naveed! Wait!
You can see a thousand worlds.
One day, I'll make you something really, really good, I promise!
A thousand worlds...
And give it everything now, feel it!
Tumblers! That's all anyone wants these days.
You've used a different colour.
We're out of copper.
Armies sucking up everything they want.
Maybe I should make tumblers.
No one learned a thing making tumblers.
Papa, did you really like it?
How could I not?
Oh, how I wish I could play like you.
But of course, that can't happen because...
Your father's a general, so soldiers don't have time for violins.
Uh, yes, that's exactly how it is, Nadia.
It's time you were heading for your bed, Elise.
Papa instilled in me a love for art and music.
He worked so hard to protect us all.
I would do anything to make him happy.
I was always so proud of him.
Even as the war conditions worsened and the enemy gained control,
he did his best to keep morale up.
Left, left, left, right, left.
Left, left, left, right.
Squad, halt!
Reza, you take over.
Yes, sir! About turn!
Mrs. Amano!
Look who it is, Elise.
Good afternoon, Mrs. Amano.
Oh, hello, Elise.
Good afternoon, Malik.
You look so handsome in your junior guard's uniform.
Doesn't he look handsome in his uniform, Elise?
We were just about to have chai.
You must join us.
I insist.
I think I was one of the first boys to join when the guards began recruiting here.
What a noble young man you are.
Oh, I know.
And I aim to make the more...
Fresh baked this morning, Mrs. Amano.
The fresh apricot cake for which we are famously famous.
With your compliments, of course.
Of course.
Well, I'm honored to have the wife and daughter of Colonel Amano in my cafe.
How delightful, Mrs. Popples.
We thank you for your kind gesture.
Mrs. Popples, I...
Pa sent me over with your tumblers.
Look, everyone.
It's the son of that cowardly pacifist.
The pacifist's son.
What a disgrace.
We don't want your coil here.
But, Pa, it's one of your favorites.
You always refused to sell it.
You liked it so much.
You must have colors to work with.
The junior guards?
What about them?
Most of the boys in town have joined.
Their parents should know better.
We missed you.
I have a gift for you, Elise.
Something befitting your talent.
A very special violin.
An important general wanted it as well.
But I beat him to it in a game of carom.
Huh? There's a man's name in here.
Elise, that instrument is a spoil of war.
To own such a fine violin is rare.
Don't think too much about it.
Just be grateful.
Whenever Papa came home, it felt like a holiday.
But now I realize war isn't a holiday.
It's a disease that spreads and infects everyone.
Nineteen thousand four hundred and thirty five.
Take away one thousand four hundred and nineteen.
What the devil?
Open up, Mr. Oliver.
Yes, yes, we can hear you.
Colonel Amano, you have no right showing up here.
I have every right.
I'm here to discuss business.
I have no business to discuss with the army.
At ease, men.
At ease.
It would be very wise for you to listen, Tomas.
Perhaps we should keep your son out of this.
We have no secrets.
We never will.
What is it?
I've never seen anything like it.
That's because it's a secret.
It's called a Quicksilver Rectifier.
It will help in the powering of our army's new amphibious airships.
As you can see, the glass in these casings is compromised.
Surely you will know how to rectify this?
A master glass worker like yourself?
Just listen.
We will not help build these weapons of war.
Is there no way you can be persuaded, Mr. Oliver?
What do you think?
Let go of me, you brainless cannon bait!
Let him go!
Vincent, no!
Don't even think about it, boy.
Go! Let go of me!
Tomas Oliver, you are to be sent for training in the national army
and sent directly to the front line.
You... you wouldn't!
Let me go!
Vincent can't stay here on his own!
He has no one to care for him but me!
And he's not ready to run the glassworks!
So the happy solution to this is?
Very well.
But I want something.
He thinks he can bargain with you.
All the special materials I need for Vincent to complete his apprenticeship.
Tools, chemicals...
My research says only one type of glass can be in the furnace at a time.
Making sculptures and homewares will slow down production.
As you will appreciate, glass for these casings is of a special formula.
This venture is top secret.
I was getting to that.
And these rectifiers would greatly benefit the enemy
if they were ever to gain possession of them.
Well, if we trade as usual, it would be a good cover, wouldn't it?
Everything for the manufacture of the casings will be provided.
And what you have requested.
We're a part of it now.
I'm sorry, Vincent.
I heard something.
What is it?
Are we... are we being attacked?
I don't know.
Look there.
See the markings?
It's all right.
They're ours.
Congratulations, Mr. Oliver.
Your casings for the Quicksilver rectifiers met with great approval by our army's engineers.
Vincent had nothing to do with them.
I see the shelves are fuller since my last visit.
May I have a closer look?
Try not to break anything.
There is a calmness in this one.
And the colors are lovely.
How was this achieved?
At copper for the blue.
The green from iron.
I have to congratulate you, Mr. Oliver.
It's quite exquisite.
I didn't make it.
Vincent did.
He has his mother's talent.
I must have it.
You will have to pay for it.
But of course.
How could you abort something from that pacifist?
My dearest, a 14-year-old boy can hardly be called a pacifist.
The sculpture is a gift for you both, as I have some disquieting news.
The war is not going well.
Our garrison at the Great Ravine is depleted.
And the enemy has regrouped.
As a consequence, I and most of my battalion will be heading north.
Leaving tomorrow.
You're going to the Great Ravine.
Elise, a number of junior guards will be coming along to function as orderlies
and messenger boys, including your friend, Malik Khan.
Listen up now.
I have something to say.
I am here as a soldier to thank you for the sacrifice you have made
in letting us take your sons and brothers, husbands and fathers to...
And daughters.
Of course.
And daughters.
Off to war.
The enemy is more determined than ever.
But they must not underestimate our love for the lands of home.
I promise that I will endeavor to bring your dear ones back safe and victorious.
It's time, my love.
I almost envy you getting out of this place.
Not now.
Elise, I'm doing this for you.
What are you saying?
Going to war.
For me?
That's ridiculous.
One day, I will earn you.
Earn me?
Papa, please don't go.
Please don't leave me.
Be my brave girl now.
Brave girl.
But Papa...
Magnificent work, Vincent.
Thanks, Pa.
Oh, I'll go.
I need to breathe.
Hello, Vincent.
Are you sure you should be seen here?
We're not popular.
So many lovely things.
Did you make this?
How did you guess?
No need to guess.
And this?
My father bought one of your pieces.
One of the very few we've sold lately.
Are you making something?
Maybe I could see.
Last time I visited the workshop, I was thrown out.
Oh, that's not possible.
Just a peek.
Pa, we have a visitor!
Look who's here, Pa.
Elise Amano.
I am...
Good day, Mr. Oliver.
Ms. Amano.
Would you like to join us for chai?
Ha ha ha.
And Principal Buddy tried to catch it.
Why didn't she just open the window and let it fly out?
She did, but it didn't see.
So then it flew over Principal Buddy's head, and as she looked up, guess what?
It didn't.
It did.
Show some respect.
You two shouldn't be seeing this.
None of us should.
It's nearly curfew.
Why don't you get yourselves back home?
Let's go.
We should wait for the all clear.
That's what we were taught at school.
I was scared.
I was scared too.
I've never seen a bomb before.
Pa will be wondering where I am.
Mother too, I think.
The market is quiet.
Oh, I wouldn't mind some galab jamun.
Malik is always saying how he misses Mrs. Abbasi's galab jamun.
It must be horrid for him being so far from home.
So far from...
How is he always saying it?
What? Oh, he writes to me sometimes.
Though not for months and months.
But then neither has Papa.
How long has he been writing to you?
Not recently.
He was very homesick after he left.
And Papa asked if I wouldn't mind writing to him.
And I suppose one day you'll marry him.
What are you talking about?
Did a bomb hit you on your head?
You'll marry Malik Khan and you'll be an army wife.
Just like your mother.
What's wrong with that?
My father is a brave man and so is Malik going to war.
Not like...
Go on, say it.
Don't you tell me what to say
I'm going to marry.
I'm not going to marry anyone.
I'm going to be a great violinist.
But for all your fantastic musical ability,
you will never be an artist.
I'll never be a...
What do you mean by that?
You only interpret what someone else has written.
You do not create.
What I do is original from my imagination.
I play the violin with all my heart.
And have been promised a place at the conservatoire in the capital.
Once I finish school.
Elise, that's wonderful.
You may be an artist, Vincent,
but at what cost to your country?
You think that I'm a coward?
You can have this back.
Elise, the soldiers have been looking for you.
It's all right, mother. I'm here now.
Elise, we've had news.
Your father is missing in action.
Believed. Killed.
Good day there, Vincent.
I heard about your exhibition.
Thank you, Risa.
My wife and I are going to make the trip to the capital to see it.
We're so proud of you, Vincent.
Many thanks, madam.
No charge, Vincent. In celebration.
Appreciate it.
I couldn't believe Papa was gone.
Every time he left, he would find a way back to us.
He would always look forward to my music.
So I kept playing for him.
Well done.
You might just be ready for the recital.
On the night there will be one solo.
Because of her outstanding talent, it will be performed by Elise Amano.
Thank you, Professor Ansari.
Fantastic, Elise.
Oh, how I wish I could play like you.
But for all your fantastic musical ability, you will never be an artist.
Good morning, Tomas.
Good morning, Dom.
You can leave now if you've brought me any bills.
Only the messenger.
Who's writing to Vincent?
Yeah, I noticed that.
I'm invited to Elise's recital.
She's arranged a seat for me.
Invitation must be presented as proof of entry.
One day, I'll make you something really, really good.
I promise.
It's not possible.
We do not have gold.
How can I make the body and the legs and the clasp?
Maybe it's behind there.
No, it's not there either.
No, no.
Now, now, son, we'll think of something.
Plenty of gold here.
You wouldn't melt mother's headdress.
With weak lungs like hers, she should never have been a glassblower.
But she understood her talent.
And its place in her fate.
It's what she would want you to do.
This jacket has been mended so many times.
Maybe I can find something else.
Short of wearing an old dress of your mother's, that's the best we've got.
You look presentable.
Vincent, aren't you forgetting something?
Thanks, Pa.
Go have yourself a time to remember.
Uh, Halt!
Please! I'm late!
Stop right there, you.
Missed the news about the curfew?
You a soldier?
No, I...
We've had reports of unidentified soldiers on the outskirts of town.
Possibly deserters wanted by both sides.
Likely dangerous and desperate.
We've been ordered to be on the lookout.
You a deserter, are you?
What? No. I've been invited to the recital.
Hey, I know you. Your father's that lunatic.
Who invited you to the recital?
Elisa Mano, the Colonel's daughter.
The Colonel's daughter invited you?
Right here. Look.
What's that you've got there? Let's see.
My tummy is jumpy.
Give it back, Sharif.
But I don't know what's in it.
Just give it back!
Fine. You can go.
Oh, could I have the invitation back, please?
You mean this invitation?
Here. Take it.
What is the matter with you, you fool?
What's the matter with me?
Think about it.
How can someone like him be invited to the recital anyway?
Him and his cowardly father.
It's probably fake.
What if it isn't?
I didn't think about that.
Good evening. I'm here for the recital.
You're late.
But I...
It only just started.
But I suppose I can sneak you in the back.
The guards stopped me by the station. They took it.
No invitation. No entry.
We've been advised to be extra careful.
There are deserters around.
But Elisa Mano invited me.
No invitation. No entry.
She invited me specially.
No invitation. No entry.
Invitation and no...
No entry. Understood.
Here she is. Mrs. Mano, please speak to her.
Elise, what's the delay?
It's time to go on.
I just need a moment.
Think about all the people waiting to hear you play.
The daughter of Colonel Mano.
Do you want to let them down?
I don't.
Oh, Papa?
Then go out there, Elise.
And play for Papa.
Ladies and gentlemen, after hearing our young performers, I am sure you will agree
the future of our country's music is in sound hands.
And now I would like to introduce our finest, Elisa Mano.
Someone once...
Someone once told me a person is not an artist unless they create.
I wrote this.
The deserters?
Colonel Mano!
I'm sure you heard the story of Malik's bravery the way the newspapers told it.
But it was much more than that.
Platoons from my father's battalion.
Already battle weary from years of fighting elsewhere.
Were deployed for a last push for control of the Great Ravine.
It was a prize which no side was willing to surrender.
Take hearts, men, from the bravery of those who have gone before.
Bit of a tall order.
You said it.
I'm here. I've got you.
Son. The man.
Navid! It's Carmen!
Malik brought Papa back to us.
I owed him everything.
Take a look at what heroes look like, darling.
Because you won't see one in the mirror any time soon.
Penny! Paddock!
Good afternoon, Vincent.
Elise. Where is she?
She's leaving town.
With her family.
And Malik.
What on earth?
Let me speak to Elise.
She is not here.
The Colonel. May I speak to him?
That won't be possible.
Let me speak to her. Please.
Let go of me! Elise! Elise! Come on!
Let me go!
Off you go!
I heard yelling.
Nothing to worry about, Elise. Just the soldiers chasing off a stray dog.
I hope the noise didn't upset you, Papa.
I'm going to help you.
Do what?
Elise. I've lost her because of this war.
I want it over with.
We need to increase our production.
We've discussed this. I don't want your help.
You have your own work to be getting on with.
Then I shall run away and join the army.
Put this in the rectifier batch.
It will help temper the glass.
A spoil of war. Like me.
What happened to the Machor sculpture?
I sold it to Dom.
You mean the mailman?
Why would he want something like that?
Present. For his mother.
How do you do, Mr. Oliver?
Is there anything I can help you with, my dear?
Well, I...
Well, Vincent isn't here, I'm afraid.
I don't know what's gotten into that boy these days.
Oh, that's fine.
Could you please give this to him?
We're leaving tonight.
I... I understand.
I'll give it to him tomorrow. We have some urgent deliveries...
Thank you. For everything.
You're always welcome here, my dear.
Hey! Hurry up! Let it down!
Easy! Easy!
Vincent! You've been acting very odd lately.
What's going on up there? We've got to get out of here.
Hey, Oliver! Lower the crate, will you?
What's wrong, son? You can tell me.
These people and their war, they all look down on us.
I'll show them. I'll show them all.
Vincent? What did you do?
I made some adjustments to their precious rectifiers.
Vincent! I know things have been difficult,
but don't let your hatred consume you.
We need to be better than that.
I only wanted to stop them from taking off.
What's going on up there?
Hey! Bring that back!
What do you think you're doing?
I'm sorry, Pa. I'm sorry, Pa.
Oh, my son.
This is ridiculous.
We'll destroy them!
Vincent! Wait!
I miss you, Vincent.
I'm sorry for how I made you feel.
You were never a coward.
You were right. To be an artist, one must create.
Because without art and music,
what do we have in this world full of conflict and war?
I wish you had come to my recital.
I had a surprise for you.
By the time you read this, we would have left town.
But I want you to know that I'll be waiting for you.
I love you, Vincent.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's that time of the afternoon when I have to say something nice about the artist.
My son, Vincent Oliver.
Many of you may not have realized that glass is made from sand.
Have you ever held sand in your palm and looked at the individual grains?
What if I said to you that no two grains of sand on the planet are alike?
How do I know this?
I don't!
But to know this, I would have to examine every grain of sand on the planet.
And I'm not sure I have the time.
And you know, my eyesight isn't what it was.
But here is something I am sure of.
There is only one Vincent Oliver.
Only one person with his imagination, his skill and his passion for glass
and his infinite, magnificent possibilities.
Vincent, I pushed you to be the best you could be.
I hope it has brought you some sort of happiness.
Speech, speech, Vincent!
Speech, speech!
It's heartening to see you all here today.
Pa, thank you.
My teacher, my father, my friend.
My friend.
Glass was always going to be my life.
My mother, Meher, was a glass worker too.
One day she walked into my grandfather's glassworks seeking employment.
Her work was some of the best he had ever seen.
I'll make her some chai.
Sounds good.
It's like the sun lives in there.
Make the text a deeper shade. Brighten the colours. Add mystery.
Hmm. But apart from that, it's perfect.
Mystery, he says. Hear that, Mahir? The boy wants mystery.
There was a time, Vincent, when I told you what to do.
Time to work.
Vincent! The train is cancelled.
See what I've done right here? I like a wet brush.
Not too much paint. Looks transparent.
Then I add colour. Your mother never drew a single thing.
She had all her designs in her head.
Now we make it.
Looking all right to you? Looks great.
Now the fun part.
Now we surround it in clear.
Easy. See?
Now you. Blow, Vincent. But it will burn me.
Only the other end will. Blow, son.
You've got good lungs, thank goodness.
Get some air. You've done well.
You sound grumpy today. Why are you grumpy?
Time for tag. Let's go.
What are you with this time, Valic?
I don't know why you want to play with those boys.
You are not like them.
Maybe if I went to school.
But what do you need to waste your time at school for?
All a glass worker needs to know is how to make glass.
Read and write and know your maths and chemistry.
But I want to...
I'm already teaching you those.
Yes, Pa?
The sketches and designs you want to exhibit.
You've got to sort them.
The gallery needs time for the catalogue.
Oh, I'll see what I can do.
Not too shabby.
Oh, the chin.
Dear Vincent, I hope this letter finds you well.
I know I didn't leave on the best note.
Look at me, always thinking in music.
I'll never forget my first day in Waterfront Town.
When I ran off on my own and first came upon the glassworks.
I had never seen something so beautiful.
It was magical.
Isn't it curious?
How I found my way to the glassworks just in time to rescue that crystal flower
and happened to meet you.
Some may call it destiny.
Where is that girl?
This isn't a game.
Come on, come and get her.
Pa, may I have some gulab jamun?
Pa, tell me how you and mother met.
I think you know that story better than I do.
Please, Pa.
If I must.
Well, your mother was...
Was a glassworker.
That's right, Vincent.
And she came to your grandfather.
My grandfather?
Grandfather seeking employment.
He had never met...
Met a woman who break glass before.
And had no intention of hiring one until she showed...
She showed me some of her work.
It was the best that he had ever seen.
Yes. You always enjoy me telling this story.
Come on, Pa.
You see, your mother was a born artist.
Your grandfather was smart enough to recognize that and he...
Papa had been posted to the province to ready it in case the war moved south.
Everyone expected great things from him.
But it wasn't easy being Colonel Amano's daughter.
The whole town had their eyes on us.
Go away!
We don't want your war here!
Get out of our town!
Hey, why don't you be quiet?
Show some respect for our army!
The Great Ravine is disputed territory.
There's great mineral wealth and some of the finest agricultural land.
We claim it, so do they.
So we go to war.
But whose land is it, then?
Vincent, the only land that concerns me...
is that on which our glassworks stand on.
And the beach below with its fine sand.
Find anything?
I asked you to throw this in the furnace.
The furnace is only for glass.
A code of Asphora posting to a big city.
But on an army reconnaissance trip, he came across Waterfront Town.
He said it had a calm, welcoming charm to it,
and liked the idea of bringing us there.
I was more excited by the music department in the town's academy.
Oh, Colonel Amano!
Mrs. Amano, how delightful to see you again!
Good morning, Principal Bhatti, and lovely to see you as well.
I do hope that we're not too early.
Indeed not. I cannot abide late comers.
And this must be Elise. Welcome to our school, dear.
How do you do, Principal Bhatti?
Ah, here is our head of music, Professor Ansari.
Good day, Elise. I am looking forward to hearing you play.
Who is she?
I've never seen her before.
It's that Colonel's kid, isn't it?
Is it?
Oh, yeah. My mother says he used his influence to get her into the music program.
My mother says your mother knows everything.
Sabia, if you close your floppy mouth, you'll hear how good she is.
She's amazing.
Gin? Is that you?
Are you following me?
I thought your fiddle was the gin wailing in the sea cave.
Sounds like it's got a bellyache.
This is my violin, not a fiddle.
And if anything sounds like a bellyache, it's you.
There's the gin now.
I don't know what that is.
A gin?
Hey, gins are spirits created from smokeless fire.
They have special powers.
What do you mean, special powers?
Gins can shift between their realm and ours.
They can turn themselves into animals and sometimes even humans.
Once I thought the mailman's cat was a gin.
I thought I saw smoke coming from his mouth, but it was only a fur ball.
It was disgusting.
Some gin are good and some gin are bad.
And most every town has one.
Our towns just happens to live in this cave.
Is this gin a good one or a bad one?
That's what I'm trying to figure out.
No matter what, it keeps people away from this beach and away from the sand, so that's good.
What's so special about the sand?
What's so special about the sand?
Don't you know it's the best sand in the world?
Oh, is it?
It's why my great-great-great-grandfather started the glassworks here.
It's made from silica.
That's why it's so white.
What's a glassworks got to do with sand?
You mean you don't know glass is made from it?
How can glasses and bottles and roses be made from this?
Oh, Elise.
You know my name.
The sand is melted with some other things.
There's a formula, but it has to be just right or it will crack.
You're making this up.
Well, maybe I could show you.
I've got to go.
Bye, Vincent.
You know my name.
So good.
It is good.
If you can cook sand, you can cook anything.
Colonel Amano's daughter doesn't believe you use sand to make glass and I was wondering...
You want to invite the colonel's daughter over here?
What can you be thinking, son?
Imagine if she got burned by the furnace.
Or she got splinters in her hand.
Her father would shut us down.
That's what the military do.
All right, Pa.
And so, Professor Ansari has given me a few pieces to help me catch up.
Because at my last school...
Behave you.
Did you ever think of learning the flute?
I wish, but this was in the attic and I didn't have a choice.
My father says if an instrument is taller than you are...
Hey there!
What are you doing here?
Delivery for Pa.
If he makes glass things, doesn't he?
Penny, this is Vincent.
Good afternoon, Penny.
And he says glass is made from sand and I don't believe him.
So he's going to prove it and show me the glassworks.
Oh, when shall I come?
Now? Tomorrow? Next week?
Friday. Come Friday.
Can I come too?
I don't think so. I don't think you'd enjoy it, Penny.
It's like the sun lives in there.
I used to think it did when I was little.
It's so hot in there, but it still takes ages for the batch to melt and for all those bubbles to clear.
See? There's already some in there.
Make something.
I've never made anything on my own before, but I guess I could try.
Oh! You'll burn yourself!
Only if I'm not careful.
We call this a whimsy.
Something just for fun.
Vincent, that's amazing!
Hello? Vincent, I'm back!
He wasn't supposed to be home yet!
Hi, Vincent, I'm back!
Didn't you hear me, Vincent?
Colonel Omana's daughter.
Elise? How do you do, Mr. Oliver?
If you don't mind, I would ask you to leave, Elise.
Should I go to my room?
What do you think?
Not too shabby.
What's he doing here?
Oi! Brought me something to have you class, boy!
Let's see!
Hello, Elise!
Good afternoon, Elise.
What am I? Invisible?
Huh? Say something, Penny.
You... know him?
Vincent is my oldest friend in this town.
We go waaaay back.
Hmm... come on, I need some gulab jamun.
Oh yes, sure, why not?
That would be delicious.
Goodbye, boys.
Bye, Tarek.
Gardner! Naveed! Wait!
You can see a thousand worlds.
One day, I'll make you something really, really good, I promise!
A thousand worlds...
And give it everything now, feel it!
Tumblers! That's all anyone wants these days.
You've used a different colour.
We're out of copper.
Armies sucking up everything they want.
Maybe I should make tumblers.
No one learned a thing making tumblers.
Papa, did you really like it?
How could I not?
Oh, how I wish I could play like you.
But of course, that can't happen because...
Your father's a general, so soldiers don't have time for violins.
Uh, yes, that's exactly how it is, Nadia.
It's time you were heading for your bed, Elise.
Papa instilled in me a love for art and music.
He worked so hard to protect us all.
I would do anything to make him happy.
I was always so proud of him.
Even as the war conditions worsened and the enemy gained control,
he did his best to keep morale up.
Left, left, left, right, left.
Left, left, left, right.
Squad, halt!
Reza, you take over.
Yes, sir! About turn!
Mrs. Amano!
Look who it is, Elise.
Good afternoon, Mrs. Amano.
Oh, hello, Elise.
Good afternoon, Malik.
You look so handsome in your junior guard's uniform.
Doesn't he look handsome in his uniform, Elise?
We were just about to have chai.
You must join us.
I insist.
I think I was one of the first boys to join when the guards began recruiting here.
What a noble young man you are.
Oh, I know.
And I aim to make the more...
Fresh baked this morning, Mrs. Amano.
The fresh apricot cake for which we are famously famous.
With your compliments, of course.
Of course.
Well, I'm honored to have the wife and daughter of Colonel Amano in my cafe.
How delightful, Mrs. Popples.
We thank you for your kind gesture.
Mrs. Popples, I...
Pa sent me over with your tumblers.
Look, everyone.
It's the son of that cowardly pacifist.
The pacifist's son.
What a disgrace.
We don't want your coil here.
But, Pa, it's one of your favorites.
You always refused to sell it.
You liked it so much.
You must have colors to work with.
The junior guards?
What about them?
Most of the boys in town have joined.
Their parents should know better.
We missed you.
I have a gift for you, Elise.
Something befitting your talent.
A very special violin.
An important general wanted it as well.
But I beat him to it in a game of carom.
Huh? There's a man's name in here.
Elise, that instrument is a spoil of war.
To own such a fine violin is rare.
Don't think too much about it.
Just be grateful.
Whenever Papa came home, it felt like a holiday.
But now I realize war isn't a holiday.
It's a disease that spreads and infects everyone.
Nineteen thousand four hundred and thirty five.
Take away one thousand four hundred and nineteen.
What the devil?
Open up, Mr. Oliver.
Yes, yes, we can hear you.
Colonel Amano, you have no right showing up here.
I have every right.
I'm here to discuss business.
I have no business to discuss with the army.
At ease, men.
At ease.
It would be very wise for you to listen, Tomas.
Perhaps we should keep your son out of this.
We have no secrets.
We never will.
What is it?
I've never seen anything like it.
That's because it's a secret.
It's called a Quicksilver Rectifier.
It will help in the powering of our army's new amphibious airships.
As you can see, the glass in these casings is compromised.
Surely you will know how to rectify this?
A master glass worker like yourself?
Just listen.
We will not help build these weapons of war.
Is there no way you can be persuaded, Mr. Oliver?
What do you think?
Let go of me, you brainless cannon bait!
Let him go!
Vincent, no!
Don't even think about it, boy.
Go! Let go of me!
Tomas Oliver, you are to be sent for training in the national army
and sent directly to the front line.
You... you wouldn't!
Let me go!
Vincent can't stay here on his own!
He has no one to care for him but me!
And he's not ready to run the glassworks!
So the happy solution to this is?
Very well.
But I want something.
He thinks he can bargain with you.
All the special materials I need for Vincent to complete his apprenticeship.
Tools, chemicals...
My research says only one type of glass can be in the furnace at a time.
Making sculptures and homewares will slow down production.
As you will appreciate, glass for these casings is of a special formula.
This venture is top secret.
I was getting to that.
And these rectifiers would greatly benefit the enemy
if they were ever to gain possession of them.
Well, if we trade as usual, it would be a good cover, wouldn't it?
Everything for the manufacture of the casings will be provided.
And what you have requested.
We're a part of it now.
I'm sorry, Vincent.
I heard something.
What is it?
Are we... are we being attacked?
I don't know.
Look there.
See the markings?
It's all right.
They're ours.
Congratulations, Mr. Oliver.
Your casings for the Quicksilver rectifiers met with great approval by our army's engineers.
Vincent had nothing to do with them.
I see the shelves are fuller since my last visit.
May I have a closer look?
Try not to break anything.
There is a calmness in this one.
And the colors are lovely.
How was this achieved?
At copper for the blue.
The green from iron.
I have to congratulate you, Mr. Oliver.
It's quite exquisite.
I didn't make it.
Vincent did.
He has his mother's talent.
I must have it.
You will have to pay for it.
But of course.
How could you abort something from that pacifist?
My dearest, a 14-year-old boy can hardly be called a pacifist.
The sculpture is a gift for you both, as I have some disquieting news.
The war is not going well.
Our garrison at the Great Ravine is depleted.
And the enemy has regrouped.
As a consequence, I and most of my battalion will be heading north.
Leaving tomorrow.
You're going to the Great Ravine.
Elise, a number of junior guards will be coming along to function as orderlies
and messenger boys, including your friend, Malik Khan.
Listen up now.
I have something to say.
I am here as a soldier to thank you for the sacrifice you have made
in letting us take your sons and brothers, husbands and fathers to...
And daughters.
Of course.
And daughters.
Off to war.
The enemy is more determined than ever.
But they must not underestimate our love for the lands of home.
I promise that I will endeavor to bring your dear ones back safe and victorious.
It's time, my love.
I almost envy you getting out of this place.
Not now.
Elise, I'm doing this for you.
What are you saying?
Going to war.
For me?
That's ridiculous.
One day, I will earn you.
Earn me?
Papa, please don't go.
Please don't leave me.
Be my brave girl now.
Brave girl.
But Papa...
Magnificent work, Vincent.
Thanks, Pa.
Oh, I'll go.
I need to breathe.
Hello, Vincent.
Are you sure you should be seen here?
We're not popular.
So many lovely things.
Did you make this?
How did you guess?
No need to guess.
And this?
My father bought one of your pieces.
One of the very few we've sold lately.
Are you making something?
Maybe I could see.
Last time I visited the workshop, I was thrown out.
Oh, that's not possible.
Just a peek.
Pa, we have a visitor!
Look who's here, Pa.
Elise Amano.
I am...
Good day, Mr. Oliver.
Ms. Amano.
Would you like to join us for chai?
Ha ha ha.
And Principal Buddy tried to catch it.
Why didn't she just open the window and let it fly out?
She did, but it didn't see.
So then it flew over Principal Buddy's head, and as she looked up, guess what?
It didn't.
It did.
Show some respect.
You two shouldn't be seeing this.
None of us should.
It's nearly curfew.
Why don't you get yourselves back home?
Let's go.
We should wait for the all clear.
That's what we were taught at school.
I was scared.
I was scared too.
I've never seen a bomb before.
Pa will be wondering where I am.
Mother too, I think.
The market is quiet.
Oh, I wouldn't mind some galab jamun.
Malik is always saying how he misses Mrs. Abbasi's galab jamun.
It must be horrid for him being so far from home.
So far from...
How is he always saying it?
What? Oh, he writes to me sometimes.
Though not for months and months.
But then neither has Papa.
How long has he been writing to you?
Not recently.
He was very homesick after he left.
And Papa asked if I wouldn't mind writing to him.
And I suppose one day you'll marry him.
What are you talking about?
Did a bomb hit you on your head?
You'll marry Malik Khan and you'll be an army wife.
Just like your mother.
What's wrong with that?
My father is a brave man and so is Malik going to war.
Not like...
Go on, say it.
Don't you tell me what to say
I'm going to marry.
I'm not going to marry anyone.
I'm going to be a great violinist.
But for all your fantastic musical ability,
you will never be an artist.
I'll never be a...
What do you mean by that?
You only interpret what someone else has written.
You do not create.
What I do is original from my imagination.
I play the violin with all my heart.
And have been promised a place at the conservatoire in the capital.
Once I finish school.
Elise, that's wonderful.
You may be an artist, Vincent,
but at what cost to your country?
You think that I'm a coward?
You can have this back.
Elise, the soldiers have been looking for you.
It's all right, mother. I'm here now.
Elise, we've had news.
Your father is missing in action.
Believed. Killed.
Good day there, Vincent.
I heard about your exhibition.
Thank you, Risa.
My wife and I are going to make the trip to the capital to see it.
We're so proud of you, Vincent.
Many thanks, madam.
No charge, Vincent. In celebration.
Appreciate it.
I couldn't believe Papa was gone.
Every time he left, he would find a way back to us.
He would always look forward to my music.
So I kept playing for him.
Well done.
You might just be ready for the recital.
On the night there will be one solo.
Because of her outstanding talent, it will be performed by Elise Amano.
Thank you, Professor Ansari.
Fantastic, Elise.
Oh, how I wish I could play like you.
But for all your fantastic musical ability, you will never be an artist.
Good morning, Tomas.
Good morning, Dom.
You can leave now if you've brought me any bills.
Only the messenger.
Who's writing to Vincent?
Yeah, I noticed that.
I'm invited to Elise's recital.
She's arranged a seat for me.
Invitation must be presented as proof of entry.
One day, I'll make you something really, really good.
I promise.
It's not possible.
We do not have gold.
How can I make the body and the legs and the clasp?
Maybe it's behind there.
No, it's not there either.
No, no.
Now, now, son, we'll think of something.
Plenty of gold here.
You wouldn't melt mother's headdress.
With weak lungs like hers, she should never have been a glassblower.
But she understood her talent.
And its place in her fate.
It's what she would want you to do.
This jacket has been mended so many times.
Maybe I can find something else.
Short of wearing an old dress of your mother's, that's the best we've got.
You look presentable.
Vincent, aren't you forgetting something?
Thanks, Pa.
Go have yourself a time to remember.
Uh, Halt!
Please! I'm late!
Stop right there, you.
Missed the news about the curfew?
You a soldier?
No, I...
We've had reports of unidentified soldiers on the outskirts of town.
Possibly deserters wanted by both sides.
Likely dangerous and desperate.
We've been ordered to be on the lookout.
You a deserter, are you?
What? No. I've been invited to the recital.
Hey, I know you. Your father's that lunatic.
Who invited you to the recital?
Elisa Mano, the Colonel's daughter.
The Colonel's daughter invited you?
Right here. Look.
What's that you've got there? Let's see.
My tummy is jumpy.
Give it back, Sharif.
But I don't know what's in it.
Just give it back!
Fine. You can go.
Oh, could I have the invitation back, please?
You mean this invitation?
Here. Take it.
What is the matter with you, you fool?
What's the matter with me?
Think about it.
How can someone like him be invited to the recital anyway?
Him and his cowardly father.
It's probably fake.
What if it isn't?
I didn't think about that.
Good evening. I'm here for the recital.
You're late.
But I...
It only just started.
But I suppose I can sneak you in the back.
The guards stopped me by the station. They took it.
No invitation. No entry.
We've been advised to be extra careful.
There are deserters around.
But Elisa Mano invited me.
No invitation. No entry.
She invited me specially.
No invitation. No entry.
Invitation and no...
No entry. Understood.
Here she is. Mrs. Mano, please speak to her.
Elise, what's the delay?
It's time to go on.
I just need a moment.
Think about all the people waiting to hear you play.
The daughter of Colonel Mano.
Do you want to let them down?
I don't.
Oh, Papa?
Then go out there, Elise.
And play for Papa.
Ladies and gentlemen, after hearing our young performers, I am sure you will agree
the future of our country's music is in sound hands.
And now I would like to introduce our finest, Elisa Mano.
Someone once...
Someone once told me a person is not an artist unless they create.
I wrote this.
The deserters?
Colonel Mano!
I'm sure you heard the story of Malik's bravery the way the newspapers told it.
But it was much more than that.
Platoons from my father's battalion.
Already battle weary from years of fighting elsewhere.
Were deployed for a last push for control of the Great Ravine.
It was a prize which no side was willing to surrender.
Take hearts, men, from the bravery of those who have gone before.
Bit of a tall order.
You said it.
I'm here. I've got you.
Son. The man.
Navid! It's Carmen!
Malik brought Papa back to us.
I owed him everything.
Take a look at what heroes look like, darling.
Because you won't see one in the mirror any time soon.
Penny! Paddock!
Good afternoon, Vincent.
Elise. Where is she?
She's leaving town.
With her family.
And Malik.
What on earth?
Let me speak to Elise.
She is not here.
The Colonel. May I speak to him?
That won't be possible.
Let me speak to her. Please.
Let go of me! Elise! Elise! Come on!
Let me go!
Off you go!
I heard yelling.
Nothing to worry about, Elise. Just the soldiers chasing off a stray dog.
I hope the noise didn't upset you, Papa.
I'm going to help you.
Do what?
Elise. I've lost her because of this war.
I want it over with.
We need to increase our production.
We've discussed this. I don't want your help.
You have your own work to be getting on with.
Then I shall run away and join the army.
Put this in the rectifier batch.
It will help temper the glass.
A spoil of war. Like me.
What happened to the Machor sculpture?
I sold it to Dom.
You mean the mailman?
Why would he want something like that?
Present. For his mother.
How do you do, Mr. Oliver?
Is there anything I can help you with, my dear?
Well, I...
Well, Vincent isn't here, I'm afraid.
I don't know what's gotten into that boy these days.
Oh, that's fine.
Could you please give this to him?
We're leaving tonight.
I... I understand.
I'll give it to him tomorrow. We have some urgent deliveries...
Thank you. For everything.
You're always welcome here, my dear.
Hey! Hurry up! Let it down!
Easy! Easy!
Vincent! You've been acting very odd lately.
What's going on up there? We've got to get out of here.
Hey, Oliver! Lower the crate, will you?
What's wrong, son? You can tell me.
These people and their war, they all look down on us.
I'll show them. I'll show them all.
Vincent? What did you do?
I made some adjustments to their precious rectifiers.
Vincent! I know things have been difficult,
but don't let your hatred consume you.
We need to be better than that.
I only wanted to stop them from taking off.
What's going on up there?
Hey! Bring that back!
What do you think you're doing?
I'm sorry, Pa. I'm sorry, Pa.
Oh, my son.
This is ridiculous.
We'll destroy them!
Vincent! Wait!
I miss you, Vincent.
I'm sorry for how I made you feel.
You were never a coward.
You were right. To be an artist, one must create.
Because without art and music,
what do we have in this world full of conflict and war?
I wish you had come to my recital.
I had a surprise for you.
By the time you read this, we would have left town.
But I want you to know that I'll be waiting for you.
I love you, Vincent.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's that time of the afternoon when I have to say something nice about the artist.
My son, Vincent Oliver.
Many of you may not have realized that glass is made from sand.
Have you ever held sand in your palm and looked at the individual grains?
What if I said to you that no two grains of sand on the planet are alike?
How do I know this?
I don't!
But to know this, I would have to examine every grain of sand on the planet.
And I'm not sure I have the time.
And you know, my eyesight isn't what it was.
But here is something I am sure of.
There is only one Vincent Oliver.
Only one person with his imagination, his skill and his passion for glass
and his infinite, magnificent possibilities.
Vincent, I pushed you to be the best you could be.
I hope it has brought you some sort of happiness.
Speech, speech, Vincent!
Speech, speech!
It's heartening to see you all here today.
Pa, thank you.
My teacher, my father, my friend.
My friend.
Glass was always going to be my life.
My mother, Meher, was a glass worker too.
One day she walked into my grandfather's glassworks seeking employment.
Her work was some of the best he had ever seen.
I'll make her some chai.
Sounds good.
It's like the sun lives in there.