The Good Liar (2019) Movie Script

Hello, sir.
Hello, I'm with Estelle.
Ah. She's right this way.
I'm Brian.
Don't tell me I'm late.
I am never late.
No, no. I'm early.
Oh, I see. Yes.
Well, I'll tell you the truth,
I walked around the place
a couple of times.
Butterflies in my tummy.
Ah. Vodka martini.
Not driving then?
No, no.
My grandson's picking me up.
- Ah.
- Mm-hm.
Is he your only grandchild?
Yes. The only one.
He's all I've got left.
You've got a son, I remember.
Yes. Robert.
He lives in Australia.
My Harriet has been gone
for three years now,
and your husband, Alasdair...
Alasdair. That's right.
Yes, a year.
So, tell me,
have you done this a lot?
Met people
on the computer service?
Yes. I have.
Don't you find
it's always the same?
You mean the anticipation
followed by the letdown?
Though we never say it,
of course.
"If you'd only
described yourself,
shall we say,
more accurately,
we could have avoided wasting
all this time and energy,
which, at our stage in life,
we cannot afford to do."
I believe it's the system
for mismatching
the delusional
with the hopeless.
But I tell myself,
"Brace up. Be positive.
This time
it will be different."
You know, so do I.
I am the eternal optimist.
I thought as much.
Which is why
I must now confess to you
a deception on my part.
What I deplore most in life
is dishonesty.
My name is, in fact,
not Brian.
It's Roy.
Roy Courtnay.
Oh, I see.
Well, I suppose now's the time
that I tell you that my name
actually isn't Estelle.
Well, only if it isn't.
It's not.
It's Betty.
Betty McLeish.
Oh, I think
I can handle that.
Hello, Betty.
Is that your grandson?
Yeah. He's been waiting.
Can we give you
a lift home?
What? Oh, no, no.
It's just a nip across
to the station,
a quick walk from Paddington,
and Bob's your uncle.
So, au revoir, Betty.
Until next time, Roy.
Will you call?
Go to Stringfellows, please.
Thank you, sir.
Follow me, please.
I'm sorry to hold you up.
Unavoidably detained.
How old was she?
Old enough.
Now we'll have champagne
all around.
Thank you.
I was just explaining
the rules.
As a precaution, no names.
The two of us have made a good
deal of money in the past,
which is why I thought
to give you the opportunity
to buy into
this new investment group.
Yes. I have made,
quite recently,
the acquaintance
of certain gentlemen,
who have 800,000
to invest.
They know me as a banker,
slightly bent,
who has guaranteed them
a quick doubling
of their money
if they invest it
in the limited partnership.
Which would be us.
But before they put
their money in,
they want to see us
put some money in.
Only 200,000.
50,000 from each of us.
No one here is uncomfortable
with that figure?
Well, now...
Got a question for you.
Not that I expect
a straight answer.
This proposition,
just how dodgy is it?
Well, it's rather difficult
to say.
See, I rest my case.
Another question,
which I doubt you'll answer
any more than the first.
Who are they?
Well, like all of us
at this table,
these men prefer anonymity.
And to your point, um...
Oh, dear.
The first to break a rule.
But to your point, Bryn,
I can say
they are foreign nationals,
who desire to become a part
of the English investor class.
Got it in one.
I fucking hate Cossacks.
Well, if you can't
join us, Bryn,
I suggest that
you remove yourself
from any further discussion.
I didn't say that,
did I? Mmm?
Because the money you put in,
you'll get back
four times over at the payout.
Ah, thank you, dear.
Excuse me.
You called.
Thank you.
Thanks, love.
Well, I may have
missed a step,
but I am fairly certain
that Adolf Hitler
was not machine-gunned
to death
in a French cinema.
Well, it would have been
rather good if he had been.
Yeah, but young people,
they go and see a film
like that
and they think that
that's what actually happened.
Oh, no, no.
I taught for 40 years
and this generation
are far less likely
to believe everything
they're told
than we were.
Oh, God!
Roy, what is it?
No, no. It's my knee.
It gives way
sometimes and then...
No, it will be fine
in a minute.
Here. Here.
I've got you. I've got you.
- Thanks.
- All right.
All right now?
A titch down on the right.
That's it.
Thank you.
Now, the purpose
of this joint investment
is the purchase
of this property
in the Caribbean.
Once the purchase
goes through,
the property will be resold
by prior arrangement
at twice the price.
When do we get profit?
In one week's time.
All transactions
are done electronically
via these keypads.
I will now transfer...
...our 200,000...
...into the joint
investment account.
And all you do now
is transfer your funds
in the amount of 800,000
and, oh, we're tickety-boo.
You put in 200,000.
We put in 800,000.
Your investment
is the greater,
but then so is your profit.
Well, if there are
no more questions...
Yeah, I've got a question.
See, all this money
you're gonna make,
what's Putin's cut?
What the fuck was that?
I'll see you out.
They were not amused by you.
How'd you know?
You don't speak Russian.
Don't have to.
Well, how do we get them back?
We'll have to regain
their trust,
won't we, Bryn?
Has your knee gone again?
Well, it's been like this
for a few days now.
Why didn't you take a cab?
Oh, I made it here, didn't I?
Yes, and you've probably
made it worse.
Anyway, it's bloody closed.
Oh, and I didn't call
to bloody check.
I have made a hash of things,
haven't I?
Watch this.
Well, this is unexpected.
I bought it today.
Did he give you good terms?
You know, these dealers,
they like to take advantage
of our sorts.
Oh, no, I paid cash.
You stay here,
I'm gonna pick you up.
You paid cash?
What I love most
is how quiet it is.
Took some
getting used to,
but now I really enjoy it.
Wait. Wait, Roy.
I'll get you.
Just a sec.
- Okay.
- You're all right?
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear, oh, dear.
- Don't you...
- No steps. Oh, well done.
- Okay.
- You're okay?
Yes, yes.
Very up-to-the-minute,
isn't it?
Thought I'd start afresh.
- Unbelievable.
- Oh, Betty.
This has been a feast.
Just leftovers.
Yes. No, but it's what
you did with them.
Betty, are you back?
We're here!
Ah. Stephen. The grandson.
Roy Courtnay.
I thought
you were out tonight.
No, no. We're in.
Roy's knee went out on him.
Oh, really? Should we call
for an ambulance?
Oh, no.
It's nothing
as dramatic as that.
Does Stephen live here
with you?
No, no. He's doing his
doctorate at Royal Holloway.
He just sleeps over
on occasion.
- Ah.
- Can I give you a lift?
To wherever it is
that you live.
Stephen, we haven't
finished dinner yet.
Oh. I suppose I should be
getting along, yeah.
Then I insist that
Stephen drive you home.
I think I'll come along
for the ride.
Many, many thanks.
Here we go.
Good night.
What floor do you live on?
On the top floor.
You can't go up and down
all those stairs.
What would you have me do?
Sell up and move?
No, for God's sake.
Come and stay with me.
- What?
- I've got a spare room.
What are you doing?
I mean, just till
you get back on your feet.
Betty, you are as generous
as you're beautiful.
But no.
There we go.
This is ridiculous!
I'm afraid I haven't
got around to this room yet.
So, it's a bit bare.
But you can use
all the drawers
and, of course, there's the
wardrobe, that's empty.
So, I'll get you some towels.
Make yourself comfy.
Fat chance of that.
That's very kind.
Keep up.
Plenty of time
for rest afterwards.
All there?
Two more kilometers.
No dilly-dallying.
Well, I don't speak
to him either, I just...
Yes, she's so big,
I can't believe it.
Come on, ladies.
Here we are.
Inviting him
to move in,
what were you thinking?
Oh, please,
what's the harm?
When's the wedding? Huh?
Saturday week?
No, it's too soon
to be getting so close to him.
I would have thought
that was the whole point.
Yes, of course
it is the whole point,
but I didn't think
it would get this intimate.
Are you talking about me?
Albert Speer.
He's my dissertation subject.
- I was saying...
- Ah.
...the closer one gets,
the more
one loses perspective.
You've lost perspective
on Albert Speer?
I'm trying to determine
whether he was the innocent
he claimed to be.
Oh, I thought
that had been sorted out
when you were in nappies.
I think these sorts
of questions
are rarely completely
sorted out, are they?
Was it history
that you taught in school?
No, Roy,
Betty taught at Oxford.
You hide your light
under a bushel, don't you?
There he goes,
trailing his cliches
behind him.
I think he's quite charming.
You did not just say that.
Do I detect
a touch of jealousy?
Betty says
wherever you need to go,
I'm to take you.
Where to?
Departure lounge
on the River Styx.
An old friend's got pancreatic cancer.
Said I'd drop by.
Nice. Can I take your bag?
Thank you, Stephen.
- It is very kind.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you.
- Mind your fingers.
Would you like to come
and see him?
Uh, no. I wouldn't want
to intrude.
Shall we resume?
Uh, I've got something to say.
I'd like to thank everyone
for making the effort
to convene us again today
after our first meeting.
We got off on the wrong foot.
Well, I know I did.
As a gesture of this,
and to decrease your risk,
we have increased our stake
to 100,000 each.
Doubling it to 400,000.
Well said, Bryn.
Let's crack the vodka!
All right.
The second time's
a charm.
Good day's work.
I'm pleased.
He's wearing a fucking wire!
- Freeze!
- You! Freeze!
Get back!
No, no, no!
That way!
Use the back stairs!
Use the back stairs! Stairs!
You're under arrest!
Don't move!
Freeze right where
you are!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
English investor class.
Thank you.
Well done. Well done.
And? Was he glad to see you?
Poor sod didn't even know
I was there.
Really? Another bottle?
Your grandmother's
throwing caution to the wind.
No, thank you.
Oh, don't be such a prig!
This is your
going-away dinner.
Where is it
that you're off to?
Uh, some...
Spandau Prison.
Is it for a long stretch?
That's funny.
Spandau was where
Albert Speer
and the rest of the Nazi war
criminals were imprisoned.
Return to the scene
of the crime?
Stephen believes
in the power of place.
It's mostly rubble now.
But the past becomes
more tangible
when one experiences
the environments
in which they occurred.
I never was one for history.
I mean, what is the point
in looking back?
What's done is done,
and you won't undo it.
You may begin
to understand it, though.
Seems like you've had
quite a past, Roy?
Oh, my!
Enough to last
several lifetimes.
Were you in any branch
of the services?
The armed services?
Yeah. The ones
with guns, yeah.
I did serve in the army,
as it happens.
The war.
Is that how you got the scar?
On your neck, there.
I told your grandmother
when we met,
what I deplored most
in this life was a lie.
So instead of making up
some story,
I'm going to say that
I prefer not to discuss
the circumstances
under which I was wounded.
I withdraw the question.
I did it shaving.
Yes, yes. Very good.
Very good.
Bye! Good luck!
Well, that was lovely,
wasn't it?
Did you enjoy that?
That's twice now.
Twice what?
Twice that car's come
sneaking around.
Are you sure
it's the same car?
Yes. Silver Audi
with a scratch on both sides.
Well, I don't know who it is.
Oh, it's good to be back
in the city.
I don't know how much more
I can take of that place.
It's like being smothered
in beige.
Any grumblings
from our investment group?
As far as they know,
you and I are in custody.
Their funds are frozen solid,
and the police
are on the lookout for them.
Lose a 100 grand apiece.
They've got no one to blame
but themselves.
Call it a lesson learned.
Well, it is that.
Should we take care
of our problem?
Vinnie here says that you're
displeased with your fee.
I don't want a fee.
I want a cut.
A share in the profits?
Well, same as you.
Same as Vinnie.
I value the verisimilitude
that you bring to the party,
but I...
Don't fuck with me, Roy.
The store is closed.
Please move on.
I know things about you.
Who you really are.
I make allowances
for poor manners.
I tell myself,
cultural differences.
Do you know what you'd get
back in Shittingrad
for what you said just now?
Your head in a bag
with your balls in your mouth.
I, by contrast,
prefer an appeal to reason.
Since when do you do
the shopping?
I'm exploring
the joys of domesticity.
To new pastures.
How much do you think
she's worth?
Half a million at least.
The only challenge
is the grandson.
The little shit's off
on a wank for a few days,
so this is an ideal window.
I'm back!
Here in the kitchen!
Ah, Betty.
- I hope you don't mind...
- Oh!
...but I've invited
a friend over.
Vincent Halloran.
Betty McLeish.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Vincent is my...
What is it
you call yourself?
The investment advisor.
It means glorified accountant.
I'm just helping Roy
get sorted.
You know, it's my will.
It's not a fortune,
but I've saved all my life,
and I am thrifty.
As anyone who's ever been
to a restaurant
with Roy can attest.
It all sounds
very complicated.
I'll leave you to it.
It's very simple, really.
The goal is just
to minimize exposure.
Taxes and such.
Truth be told,
I was hoping you'd let me
leave something to you.
What? Roy!
What are you talking about?
How long have we known
each other?
No! You've got your son
to think about.
Robert? Oh, no.
He's not in my will.
I don't approve
of his lifestyle.
He designs kitchens.
Granted my little pot probably won't
make a ripple in what you've got.
People don't like to talk
about money.
It's a taboo subject,
but it's so important.
True. Like sex.
Or going to the lavatory.
Critically important,
but not a subject
for polite conversation.
Yes, well, it isn't.
Well, what I think
Vincent means is
that we have to look after
what we worked to secure.
That's right! One's interest,
one's assets, family.
Might I ask what
the strategy has been
vis-a-vis your estate?
I don't think you could
call it a strategy.
I've got my savings,
and then I've got the fund
that Alasdair set up.
And, of course,
I own this house
because I paid cash for it.
So, if we include the savings,
the fund, and the house,
your total assets
might come to...
It's about 2,700,000.
Something like that.
Maybe 800, I think,
the last time I looked.
May I call you Betty?
Well, over a 5-year period,
I will project
an annual return
of 15 to 20%
That is a doubling
of your money in five years.
Is there a risk?
Well, there's a risk
in crossing the road.
Another benefit is that
our investments assist
in the growth
of underdeveloped nations.
So, your money would be
helping those in need.
That's nice to know,
isn't it?
Double my money in five years?
A little more
wouldn't go amiss.
Now, something for you
to think about,
and you too, Roy,
is a way to manage
your overheads
and streamline
the investments.
Oh, yes, what's that?
Well, to limit the administrative
costs and your tax liability,
you could both open
a joint portfolio.
You mean combine my money
with Roy's?
I'm sure you had something
similar with your late husband.
Well, yes,
but we were married.
Yes. True.
But a combining of the assets
is the best way
of confounding
the Inland Revenue.
Well, you certainly have given
one a lot to think about.
Thank you, um, Vincent.
Do you ever get lonely
in here?
Oh, this room. So quiet.
Roy, it's lovely of you
to think of me,
but if you want sex,
I'm afraid
I'm going to have to pass.
Oh, no, no, no.
No, I wasn't going
to suggest that.
Just a little cuddle.
I do appreciate it,
but I've always felt our relationship
was more along the lines
of a companionship.
We've moved on
from there, surely.
It's not a swollen knee
that's keeping me here now.
We've developed an intimacy,
We're close enough
that I clean your toilet.
And you do miss on occasion.
I apologize.
I shall attempt
to make true my aim.
But as to the two of us...
No, Roy. I do.
I know what you're saying.
It's just that...
Well, Alasdair and I...
Yes, I understand.
Thank you.
I know I'm no treat,
but I've grown
very fond of you, Betty.
That's such an English word.
I've never been comfortable
with the word "love."
Not even with my wife.
You just opened up to me.
Well, we should do something
to mark the occasion,
but you've already
turned me down.
Look, if you would like me
to say "I love you,"
I'll certainly have
a go at it.
When the time comes.
What is it?
There was a man.
Hang on. Okay.
Somebody tried to break in
last night.
Do you know who?
There's a cunt in a silver
fucking Audi keeps coming around.
It could've been him,
but I can't work out why.
Should we put it off?
No, no.
She'll be back from
the hairdresser's at 1:00.
So, Roy's had a doubling
of his investment.
It's what we like to call
a "windfall."
How often
do these windfalls come?
Oh, once or twice a year.
Oh, my God!
That's like winning
the lottery.
Investing with Vincent
is like winning the lottery
and Royal Ascot.
Given the size
of your estate,
there'd be a windfall
every week.
So, what would you...
- Mmm?
- Stephen?
I thought you were in Spandau.
Oh, did you?
Well, they let me out early.
Oh, Stephen.
Why didn't you let me know
you were back?
You should have called.
What have you got her doing?
So, he moves in here
with his gammy leg,
and the first time
I leave you alone with him,
he's got you giving him
all your money.
- No!
- No, no, no...
That's not what's
going on here!
That's jumping a few fences.
Listen, Roy,
do you know what?
This isn't your house.
- Stephen!
- He's an intruder.
Can you see that?
You're embarrassing me
in front of Mr. Halloran
and Roy who I...
Look, I'm sorry...
Don't touch me.
Mr. Halloran, I am very sorry.
Stephen, I know my appearance
on the scene
has altered your relationship
with your grandmother,
but I do have an advantage
over you.
My age.
I'm of your
grandmother's time.
The world we grew up in,
the world we knew.
And not being
a member of the family,
there's an added compensation
which you might call
a romantic possibility.
If Betty gains by something
that you couldn't possibly
give her,
good for her.
God knows it's good for me.
Listen, my dear,
what if you gave the windfall
to Stephen?
20,000, it'd be far too much.
He wouldn't know
how to spend it.
Then half.
10,000 for Stephen,
10,000 for us.
That trip you mentioned.
The one you were planning
before Alasdair died.
Oh, Roy.
You are the kindest person.
My own Delilah.
Can't have you going
on holiday
with all these shaggy bits.
So, where do you think
we should go?
Alasdair and I were planning
on going to Paris, Venice,
and then Berlin.
Oh, Berlin.
It's all so gray.
No, no. It's the most exciting
city in Europe at the moment.
Oh, yes.
Incredible architecture.
And the restaurants,
and the history.
Suppose we went
the warm and sunny route?
Like Costa del Sol,
or some Greek island.
What would you think of that?
Betty, are you all right?
I'll call an ambulance.
No, no, no. Call my doctor.
His number's
on the noticeboard.
Likely you've had
another stroke.
Oh, good Lord!
Oh, I've had them before.
Very small, very tiny,
little minor strokes.
And the more you have,
the more damage they do.
Have you been taking
the pills I prescribed?
There must be some treatment.
Yes. Bedrest. Surgery.
Reducing the tensions
and activities
of my life till...
Mrs. McLeish.
I'm not gonna do it, Doctor.
I'm not gonna live
as if I'm already dead.
And if you don't,
you won't live out the year.
One, two, three.
Are you all right?
When I saw you
on the floor...
I mean, just a blink
and your life's
changed forever.
You win.
Paris, Venice...
Und Berlin.
Here you are, sir.
Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
And that umbrella looks as
though it's seen better days.
That's seen me through
the war.
Yes. On the losing side,
by the looks of it.
- Thank you very much indeed.
- Thank you.
It looks very good.
Now, I'm going to show
you a pair of walking shoes
that I'm absolutely craving.
They're right here.
There they are.
Aren't they beautiful?
I've had my eye on them
for ages.
But they're very expensive.
What do you think?
Look, why don't you go in
and treat yourself?
And I'll meet you at Fortnum's
in an hour.
For tea.
- Do you know, I think I will.
- Come on.
- In an hour. Fortnum's.
- Yes. Fortnum's.
Excuse me!
Excuse me!
This is Charing Cross.
This is
the Bakerloo Line train
to Elephant and Castle.
Mind the gap.
Stand clear
of the doors, please.
That was a good one
you pulled, Roy!
The other bloke was all,
"Oh, don't make a fuss.
It's only money."
Then it hit me.
If the Russians were wired,
why didn't the police nick us
at the first meeting?
We committed fraud.
Pure and simple.
The second meeting was
so you could double the take.
Greedy old Roy.
What do you expect me
to do?
Give me back
my 100,000 quid.
I don't have it.
Get it!
Or I'll tell the old bitch
you're shacked up with.
I'm gonna break something
other than a bloody flowerpot.
So that was you?
Clever Bryn.
- Help, help!
- Help!
Please, an ambulance!
We need an ambulance!
Thank you.
God bless you.
Out of the way, please.
Out of the way!
Step aside, please.
Out of the way.
Gentleman at Charing Cross.
Watch out!
Out of the way, please.
To one side.
Oh, there you are.
New raincoat?
Well, it seemed
necessary somehow.
Shall we?
I think we should move up
our flight.
- What?
- Yes.
I've got a sudden urge
to leave.
Let's go tomorrow.
Why not?
Thank you.
Alasdair was here
at the end of the war.
He was always talking about
the Brandenburg Gate.
What it stood for.
How it was fought over.
And you wish he were here
to share it with you.
Don't you?
But if he were,
I wouldn't be here with you.
All right.
Hey. I made it.
Hello. You did.
What are you doing here?
We thought we'd surprise you.
Yeah. I wanted to apologize
for being an absolute shit.
You don't know Berlin,
but I do.
So, what's first on the list?
Well, Brandenburg Gate.
All that power.
All that confidence.
Little did they know.
You speak German?
I wasn't really listening.
Will you say that again?
When they burn books,
in the end,
they also burn people.
Not exactly what I was hoping
to hear on holiday.
I didn't expect there'd be
quite so many balloons.
Looks like Disney runs it.
Still, preferable
to being shot at.
Well, I wouldn't mind
shooting a few.
I think someone's
getting cranky.
Why don't you go back
to the hotel?
Would you mind taking him?
I think I'm gonna
go exploring.
Doctor said you weren't
to push yourself too far.
Well, the doctor
can bugger off.
Do you know
how many people were shot
trying to escape
over the wall?
No, Stephen. I don't.
I suppose
you're about to tell me.
Went the day well?
What happened?
Oh, it's just,
I took a tumble.
I tripped on a paving stone.
Oh! Let me clean those hands.
No, no, no. I can handle it.
It's fine.
No. You can sit down.
Oh, you're huffing
and puffing.
Your heart's
going a mile a minute.
Now, come on.
It has to be done.
Ooh. Hmm?
- Was it one of your spells?
- No.
One minute I was up,
the next minute I was down.
It's this place.
There's so much history.
Everything is built
on a heroic scale
that makes you
feel powerless and...
There we are.
All done.
Roy's made it all better.
Hey, hey. Sorry.
Have you got
the address, Stephen?
Uh, yes.
But first,
a stop along the way.
The restaurant's
booked at 8:00.
Yeah, trust me,
it will be worth it.
What is this place?
Humor me.
The owner's allowed us
use of this flat.
It's changed a bit.
Since you were
last here, Roy.
Stephen, what are you doing?
I accessed
his service records.
Roy Courtnay.
Born Dorset. Only child.
Father a vicar.
Lieutenant British Army
of the Rhine.
Wounded. Berlin.
At this address.
Well, yes. Roy told us
he was wounded in the war.
Yes, but this was three years
after the war.
And it involved a murder.
See, at that time,
Berlin was cut into zones.
American, French,
Russian, British.
Lieutenant Roy Courtnay
was assigned
to something called
V Section,
headquartered here.
Oh, Stephen,
I must correct you.
V Section was not
headquartered in Berlin,
it was a division
of intelligence,
based in Hanover,
reporting directly to London.
We were in the business
of hunting Nazis.
V Section had got wind
that there was a man
hiding out in Berlin.
Martin Geiger.
Not a trivial catch.
No. He'd been an administrator
at Bergen-Belsen.
So, I was driven
into the Soviet Zone
by my German translator,
Hans Taub.
It was my first time
in Berlin.
But Taub, Taub had come home.
Must be strange
coming back to all this.
I hate this city.
People who lived here
deserved what they got.
But surely your family...
My father died before the war.
The rest soon after.
I have no family.
Taub was a lost soul.
The war had left him old
before his time.
Once we finish,
find a nice bar,
chat up a couple of girls.
What do you think?
Better to pay for one.
The price these days
is not so much.
And to arrest Geiger,
we needed
the Soviets' approval.
We had to wear
civilian clothes.
No dogtags.
Nothing to identify us.
Geiger was staying
with a friend, Franz Konig.
Here. You're right.
In this flat.
The plan was that
we would come here
while Geiger was at work,
say that we were German police
and wait for him.
A routine lift.
Except that the war
hadn't really ended in Berlin.
Make the smallest mistake
and you could end up
in enemy territory.
I didn't speak German,
so I left the talking to Taub.
Taub did the heavy lifting.
All I had to do
was keep my bloody mouth shut.
Uh... Ja. Danke.
Come in.
Put the gun down.
Just leave.
Okay. All right.
Hans Taub was killed.
Geiger got away.
Actually, no.
Martin Geiger
was caught two weeks later
by a Soviet patrol.
His confession was very clear
about what had taken place.
Who was dead.
And who wasn't.
It all happened so quickly.
When I opened my eyes,
I saw him lying there.
Courtnay. Roy Courtnay.
His face shot off.
I don't know how long
it took me to work it out.
Nothing could bring
Roy Courtnay back.
His family would never
set eyes on him again.
But Taub, his...
My family,
they were all dead.
No one was waiting.
No one would mourn.
Becoming an Englishman
wouldn't be difficult.
I'd been teaching the language
since I was 14 years old.
At headquarters,
people had often remarked
on the resemblance
between Lieutenant Courtnay
and me.
This was my chance
to get out.
To leave behind the country
that had given me
a lifetime of misery.
I could start over.
Be on the winning side
for once.
I crossed into
the British Zone,
talked my way
onto a transport plane
and I was in England
by next morning.
I typed a letter to the reverend and Mrs.
J. L. Courtnay
on their son's Remington
informing them
that my experiences in Germany
had changed me irrevocably.
That I saw
a different future for myself,
and that as my decision
was final,
a clean break
was the best solution.
All expressed kindly,
With love.
When that was over,
I changed my name
to Roy Manning
and I waited for them to die.
Yes. And when they did,
Roy Courtnay reemerged.
May I ask,
what it is you hope
to accomplish with all this?
A man named Hans Taub,
presumed dead,
has been roaming the earth
for 60 years,
not having paid the price for
a single crime he committed!
Hans Taub wasn't
a war criminal.
He was conscripted.
He served in the infantry,
both fronts!
Oh, you think you've caught
yourself a Nazi, don't you?
Well, have you looked
in the Dienststelle?
The personnel files,
the military trials?
And did you see anything there
that implicated Hans Taub?
- No.
- The Russian files?
Anything there?
Well, not that
I can find. No.
Nothing then.
For the last half century,
I have lived as honestly
and as decently
as any Englishman.
Honestly? You may not be
a war criminal,
but there are plenty
of other crimes...
Stephen, enough!
You assume it's necessary
to save your grandmother
from all sorts
of imaginary dangers.
Look, you don't know him!
I make my own choices.
And I don't need
your permission.
If you can't respect that,
then I think it's just as well
that we don't
see each other for a while.
Obviously, I'm intruding.
Do you know who you are?
You're the only person
on this planet
who makes me feel
that I'm not alone.
Oh, to hell with
Venice and Paris,
let's go home.
Glad to be home.
Oh, yes.
- Why don't you call Vincent?
- What?
Let's go forward
with the joint account.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
So, we're going
to do the usual?
I transfer my funds,
she transfers hers,
and then I suck the money
out of the account.
You're gonna take the lot?
It's nearly 3,000,000.
After a lifetime of effort,
where a good score is 100,000
split too many ways,
yeah, you bloody bet
I'm gonna take it all.
It's what we like to call
a windfall.
Oh, it wouldn't hurt
to leave her a bit though,
would it?
When I'm running down
the hill,
I don't want to
have to depend
on the fucking
National Health Service.
I plan on having enough money
to just sit on a beach,
sipping champagne.
Is that why you think
you do it? For the money?
It's the game.
It's the adrenaline rush.
What if it is?
You get just as big a jolt
if you left her
a little bit to live on.
What am I now, a charity?
But, this one,
she's pretty ill, isn't she?
Well, do you think
I don't know that?
And who do you think's
been caring for her?
I see to it that she gets
the right pills
at the right time.
I make certain
she's in bed at a decent hour.
No refined sugar, no caffeine.
No talk of politics
or her bloody blood pressure
goes through the roof!
I don't need you to tell me
that she's ill for...
You don't wanna do this, Roy.
Don't I?
Don't tell me
what I want, Vin.
I'll do what I do.
If your feet
are getting cold...
I'm in.
I'll just close up here and
then it's onto the next flat.
And the next Roy.
Are you having
second thoughts?
No. Not a bit.
To the matter
of the joint trust.
Are you both agreed
to the combining
of your individual assets?
I am.
I am.
Please, sign here.
Here and here.
Both copies.
So, shall we effect
the transfer?
The bank here is Hayes &
Paulsen in the Caribbean,
and with these keypads, you can log
into your joint account at any time
to see how well
your investments are doing.
Betty, will you please
transfer your funds
into the joint account?
I wonder, I mean,
is it wise
to transfer all of it?
To take it
right down to zero?
I mean, wouldn't it be a good
idea maybe to leave a bit?
That would be prudent,
wouldn't it?
True. It might be.
But, um, it's also true
that the less one puts in,
the less one gets in return.
Ah, well, that is a point.
It's just that...
Well, I had a recent...
Betty has had some
health issues of late.
Nothing terribly serious,
but it does make one think
twice before taking a risk
even on such
sound investments.
Which is why I've been
holding back a bit myself.
I put in everything.
You certainly have.
You've been hiding your light
under a bushel as well.
No, no. I said I was thrifty.
And then some.
I'm all in, too.
Roy, will you now
deposit your funds?
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
So, now for security
and so that only
you two have access
to the joint account,
you need to create a passcode.
Um, six letters.
Uh, some...
What about that?
Well, flowers?
No, that's seven letters,
isn't it? It is.
No, no. The kind of flowers.
Oh, lilies! Oh.
Well, if that's your choice,
please type "lilies"
into your pads.
I. L. L.
- Done! Ha! Congratulations!
- Yes.
I think we should celebrate
with champagne.
Well, I would,
but I'm afraid I'm driving.
Don't you want to get that?
What? Oh! No. Right.
Vincent, thank you.
Thank you.
Until next time.
What are we drinking to?
What we must always
drink to,
the future.
The future.
How should we spend
the profits
when they start to come in?
I thought maybe
we could book a cruise,
or we could get one of those
timeshares in Mallorca.
Yes, we could.
Anyway, we don't
have to decide now.
Oh, no, no, there's plenty
of time for all that.
The important thing is
it's all packed away
in one place,
where it's safe and sound.
Like us.
Oh, hadn't you better
check your mobile?
- Hmm?
- Mmm.
That call.
Was there a message?
Was there? I don't know.
- It's my son.
- Robert?
Yeah. He's in London.
Had some kitchen show.
He's flying away
to Canada tomorrow,
wants to know would I
like to see him tonight.
- Oh, you must!
- No.
We're not close.
Roy, he's your son.
I'll drive you.
I'd love to meet Robert.
Oh, no, no.
I'll take the train.
I doubt there's
much chance of it,
but if we go to dinner
and it gets late,
well, then I might stay over.
- Oh, yes, that's a good idea.
- Yeah.
Why don't you grab some water
for the journey?
You don't want
to get dehydrated.
Oh, thank you.
- Cupboard on the left.
- Right.
Top shelf right at the back.
Oh, dear, this one?
Oh, yeah.
I don't think I'll go, um...
Why should I when I can
stay right here with you?
I do love you, you know.
Stick to the plan, Roy.
Go to London.
See your son.
Train now
approaching Platform 4.
- After you.
- Oh, thank you.
This is Vincent Halloran.
Please leave your name
and number after the tone.
Get over to the fucking flat.
I don't have
the fucking keypad!
Cunt's got
one fucking thing to do.
Stay near the fucking phone!
Fucking cunt
can't even get that right.
Hayes & Paulsen.
This is Shayla.
How may I help you?
Yes. My name's Roy Courtnay.
I'm trying to transfer
some funds from my account.
And I've left
my keypad at home.
We can courier
another keypad to you.
I just need to ask you
a few security questions.
And how long would it take
to get the new pad to me?
A couple of days.
Is there any way I can do
the transfer over the phone?
I'm sorry.
But I'm afraid you're gonna have
to go home and get that pad.
Yes, you're right. I am.
What are you doing here, Roy?
Oh, Robert's flight
was delayed.
Oh, dear.
How did you find out?
He called.
Betty. Where is everything?
What's that you're doing?
Oh, I was looking
at our joint account.
I've entered the passcode,
so I am as you say "in."
Now, every time you lie,
I press this button
and 50,000
leaves our joint account
and goes into another account.
Different passcode,
different bank.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
You just lost 50,000.
I haven't the slightest idea.
- Another 50.
- Betty, it's me.
I mean Hans.
Now, tell me again,
how did Robert let you know
his flight was delayed?
Well, he called me.
Well, I mean that he left
a message for me.
Oh, Betty.
Oh, for God's sake.
I don't know.
I don't know.
So, now you're calculating
how much you can lose
before it gets serious.
Let me save you some money.
You came back for this.
Oh, well, I did notice
that I didn't have it with me.
Mmm, you thought
you'd taken it to London.
I thought I had.
And it was so important
you came all the way back.
Well, no reason
to spend the night in town,
if you can come home.
Does this look like home?
Isn't it beginning to sink in
just a little bit?
Betty, what the hell
is going on?
Oh, my, you are slipping,
aren't you, Roy?
Robert didn't call
or leave you a message
because there is no Robert.
You have no son.
Come on, Roy,
you must see it.
It's been right in front
of you the whole time.
Back then, Friday was
my favorite day of the week.
Friday was when Hans Taub
came to teach me English.
I wanted
to greet you myself,
but you came early
and I wasn't ready.
So Mother had you wait.
Your daughter is a
very good pupil, Frau Schroder.
She says you speak
in English only.
That is the point
of learning it.
I've often wondered
what if I'd been
ready earlier.
If you'd never seen
my sisters that day.
I am ready
for my English lesson.
It's pretty, isn't it?
This is the lock of hair
that you gave me.
I suppose
I worshipped you.
But you never noticed.
Do you like me, Hans?
The look on your face.
You never
considered the question.
I'm fond of you.
Does "fond" mean "love"?
Stand up.
"Stand absolutely still,"
you said.
Close your eyes.
"And close your eyes."
And then you raped me.
As consolation
for your humiliation.
As revenge.
I was small.
I was easier to manage
than my sisters.
I was less of a stranger.
Less of a challenge.
It was over very quickly.
When you were finished,
I remember thinking...
"I must put on a clean dress."
Two days
later, my father was arrested.
Someone had denounced him
as a traitor.
He was tried, found guilty,
and hanged.
The money, the factory,
everything was confiscated.
It was all too much
for my mother,
so she committed suicide.
And then it was
just the four of us.
Well, we took in boarders.
First they paid,
but then they couldn't.
And then towards
the end of the war,
my sisters were
in the kitchen
trying to make three eggs
feed a dozen people.
And a bomb struck.
Killed them all.
They'd let me sleep,
so I was unharmed.
Two weeks later,
Hitler committed suicide.
And then the Russians came.
You know, it's very peculiar
doing things
you'd never
in your life imagined,
just so that you can live
another day
to do them all again,
and more.
And worse.
Secrets between you, God,
the devil and the dead.
Becoming a very good liar.
I never intended you any harm.
When you denounced my father,
what did you imagine
would happen?
Well, I suppose
I should have known
that your family would be
in some kind of trouble.
How could I calculate
these things? I was a child.
You were 15!
You knew exactly what
you were doing, didn't you?
Well, I suppose...
Well, I don't know.
Do not do that
one more time.
Your sisters humiliated me.
Your father wronged me.
I wanted to teach you
a lesson.
And there it is.
Oh, Betty.
Why did you go
to all this trouble?
Once you'd found me,
you could have
just talked to me.
Well, I doubt
whether I would have
accomplished very much
if I'd said...
"Hello, I'm Lili Schroder.
"I'm the girl you raped
in 1943."
Talk to you, Roy? No.
First I needed to study you.
Fortunately, Stephen
is an absolutely
brilliant researcher.
So it wasn't difficult for him
to track your criminal career.
You even appeared in
the newspaper a few times,
which helped me
become precisely
the kind of naive
older woman
- you like to victimize.
- Estelle?
Well, you've had your fun.
But so what? Hmm?
There's nothing to connect me
with Taub.
Do you remember
our last day in Berlin
when I went exploring?
When you fell.
I went back
to my family's house.
You'd barely recognize it.
It's a children's charity.
Hello, I'm Betty McLeish.
Danke schon.
There was no reason
to believe I'd find
what I was searching for.
My silver locket
with your hair in it.
You see,
I already had a sample.
Oh, Betty,
you know I could have kept
going tonight,
but I came back.
You came back for this.
But I'd moved
all of my money out
as soon as your train
left the station.
Vincent helped me with
the very, um, technical bits.
- Vincent?
- Yes!
Stephen had a word with him
before we left for Berlin.
I think he put it to him
that multiple charges
of forgery,
fraud, and extortion
were not the legacy
he might want
to leave his children.
Did he try to warn you?
We were rather afraid
that he might.
Oh, and by the way,
you know Stephen's
not my grandson.
I mean,
I do have grandchildren,
too many of them to count,
but Stephen's not one of them.
Oh, you did meet one
actually. Michael.
You know, the chap
in the silver Audi.
He's very protective
of his gran.
Stephen's his partner.
Yes, they were very helpful in
setting the stage for our little play.
Every bland detail
carefully chosen
to lull you into
a sense of complacency.
Boring Betty
in her boring house.
What an easy mark
she'll make.
Your strokes? That doctor.
I suppose
all that was a lie, too?
Yes, of course.
He's a friend of mine.
We wanted to soften you up
so you'd put all of your
money into the account.
And why,
after all these decades?
Why do all this?
Because for 60 years,
I've been locked in that room
with you.
And the only way to free
myself was to face you.
Do you want me
to ask forgiveness?
I will. Yeah.
I beg you.
Oh, Roy. I forgave you
a long time ago.
I'm beyond you now.
Tonight when I saw that I
didn't have that bloody keypad,
you know, I was elated.
What I said at the station,
I meant every word.
And that's why I came back.
I'm leaving you this.
You may well need it.
Where are you going?
There are people outside
just waiting for me to call.
With this?
- Help!
- Come here.
- Help! Help!
- Shut up.
Shut up.
Help! Help!
- I said shut up!
- Help!
Help! Help! Help!
My God!
Well done, Betty.
Are you going to give me
my money, Roy?
I don't have it.
I think you'll find he's got
exactly what you're owed.
And if he says otherwise,
he's lying.
Are you gonna hand it over?
A person lives a long,
full life, with barely a scratch
just to get beaten by hooligans
and have himself a stroke.
It makes you almost
doubt the world.
The generation
that won the war.
He can't talk or move much,
but he can hear you.
Hello, Roy.
You can hear fine,
can't you, Roy?
You a relative?
But I'll have to do.
Pretend it's champagne.
It is so good to see you back
in your natural surroundings.
Yes, you prefer tea
on the lawn
to a beer hall.
That's because you're English.
You know, any mistakes
that I made in Berlin...
were because...
I'm so fond of you.
Hmm. "Fond."
- Here. Take this.
- Yes.
Off we go.
She's always been
that sort of person.
Oh, I'll have one.
Now she's going to force me
to go outside.
Look what I've got.
Oh, yes, please. Lovely.
You can have him back now.
Aw, I was hoping
you'd keep him.
Shut up.
give your mum one first.
Okay, fine.
There you go, Mum, for you.
More champagne?
Dad, you're all right?
Be careful!
It's deeper than it looks.
It's all right, Gran.