The Good Traitor (2020) Movie Script

Inspired By Real Events
June 1963
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!
Our Man in America
He only brought down unemployment by
hiring more military personnel.
- Unemployment is the lowest in years.
- Because they're all in the military.
The German unemployment
is at an all-time low.
The motorways are the only upside...
If the Germans come, they will steamroll
Denmark. All we can do is stay neutral.
You want to leave the fight to others?
If everybody thinks like you,
Hitler will win the war.
It's not that simple. Denmark's neutralist
policy is a delicate thing.
No, it's a disgrace! It allows people like
you to refrain from taking a stand.
There are many considerations. We can't
jeopardize our friendship with Germany.
Why don't we just lean back
and let Hitler take over Europe?
Stick to your deeds and wills and leave
the international politics to us.
What's go into you?
Things are getting too heated now.
What a temper.
Blechinberg, schedule a meeting with him
as soon as possible.
All right.
- Yes.
- Attorney Povl Band-Jensen is here.
Show him in.
Thank you, Amo.
- I'm glad you could come.
- I think I know why I'm here.
- You do?
- You want an apology for the other day.
- I don't give a damn about apologies.
- Good. I didn't intend to offer one.
Splendid. That settles all the
hypothetical situations.
- A drink?
- No thanks.
You remind me of myself
when I was young.
- I find that very hard to believe.
- Yes. Lots of energy.
Lots of anger.
Why are you so angry.
Mankind is about to
perform collective suicide.
The evil is unfathomable-
and the Danes think they can hide behind
their neutrality as always.
Hear, hear.
- What do you propose we do?
- Choose sides! Resist!
I'm going back to join the army.
To get shot?
I fail to see the perspective.
Sit down.
Don't stand there fluttering.
I think you'd make a good diplomat.
Nah. I have better things to do than go to
garden parties and drink champagne.
Do you know what happens
to diplomacy during a war?
It becomes redundant.
By no means,
but it does change its nature.
The diplomat's role becomes more fluid,
which makes it possible to act.
- If Germany invades Denmark...
- When Germany invades Denmark.
When Germany invades Denmark, yes.
The King and the government will flee-
and the fight will mainly
be fought from here.
Through a government... in exile.
Perhaps. With all the other embassies.
Do you really think I became a diplomat
just to drink champagne?
Well, I don't know.
You seem to be good at it.
The world is wide open now.
I'll admit it looks bleak.
But it's also an opportunity
to change the state of things.
In the future, we must adopt a more
international outlook. Look to America.
When the war comes, which it will,
I will need someone like you.
- Did the government flee?
- It's still in the country.
- Any fighting?
- Two hours at the German border.
- Embarrassingly few.
- They didn't stand a chance.
They had a chance to show
we're not a Nazi satellite.
- The American press is hounding us.
- No comments.
Is the government dissolved?
No. They're negotiating
with the Germans.
They aim to keep ruling the country with
Danish police and Danish courts of law.
But in the presence
of the Nazi military.
The government urges
everyone to remain loyal.
- Any orders from Foreign Affairs?
- None other than that telegram.
Perhaps it's the best solution.
Collaborating with the Nazis
is both stupid and tragic.
Try to get in touch with them again -
and ask the other Danish embassies
around the world how they are proceeding.
Would you do that now?
- So the King didn't flee?
- No.
There won't be any government-in-exile and
they're negotiating with the Nazis.
We'll declare ourselves independent.
But an embassy can't do that?
We won't take orders from a government
without a free will.
We certainly won't.
I'll be recalled immediately.
I certainly will.
Well, we don't want to go home.
- Henrik?
- Speaking. What's going on, Nils?
...their occupation is not hostile.
- Not hostile?
- The government stays. We're neutral.
We'll save our democracy.
It doesn't look like that from here.
I'm reluctant to take orders from a
ministry operating at gunpoint.
That's not the case.
We want things to go smoothly.
Both the King and the government
agree on this policy.
But I was sent here by a free Denmark.
Henrik, listen.
We've been given an ultimatum:
Surrender or Copenhagen will be wiped out.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
Hello? Henrik?
I'm considering declaring myself
You're considering -
defying the King and the government
and betraying your country?
Do you grasp the severity
of the situation?
The connection is poor.
Nils, talk to you later.
- Hello!
- Hello...
The German army and navy is now
responsible for Denmark's safety.
Avoid any passive or active resistance.
bring us some coffee, please.
- Any news?
- Svenningsen.
- Good grief.
- Goodbye.
That was Copenhagen. Svenningsen,
the minister, they're all furious.
We got these telegrams
from the other embassies.
The Danish ambassador in Moscow
is calling you a traitor.
- Full backing from Iran.
- And from the ambassador in Argentina.
Brazil... Mexico is behind us.
Full backing from Egypt, Portugal -
and from Japan.
Nine embassies.
Not many out of the 24 embassies
who replied.
- Surely that's enough to pave the way.
- Absolutely.
- Thank you, Miss Lauring.
- Thank you, Mr. Kauffman.
Svenningsen demands that we acknowledge
the Danish government
and the Nazi agreement, or he'll send a
new ambassador immediately.
It's crucial to come under
American protection now.
How do we manage that?
dangerous events have taken place.
The legal authorities must
take the necessary steps
to protect Danish interests.
If this state
of things continues,
it will be detrimental
to Danish social conditions.
This just came in from Denmark.
Foreign Affairs is holding back all Danish
funds until we change course.
They know where to plunge the knife.
It also applies to Mexico and Argentina.
All the embassies that followed suit are
being punished financially.
We must support them as best we can.
We can't.
We haven't got the money.
Danish government bonds are plummeting.
How will you pay the interest rates?
The Americans have frozen all Danish
funds. No one will lend us any money.
- But we must maintain those payments.
- And we will.
As soon as we've bought
some of the bonds cheap.
That's stockjobbing.
The money will go to a good cause.
- I want absolutely no part of that!
- Nonsense.
- Buy some bonds in your own name.
- No way!
I'll refrain from reporting you.
That's how far I'll go.
Well, that's something.
There are other available funds.
Denmark's gold reserve.
Denmark's gold reserve?
Before the occupation, the government
chose to safeguard the gold reserve.
- It was sailed to New York.
- Seriously.
A huge convoy
with the gold in the middle.
It's now at the Federal Reserve
under lock and key.
You're going to steal Denmark's gold?
The gold of free Denmark.
The Americans are never going
to let you near that gold.
They'd have to recognize you
as equal to a government-in-exile.
I have an idea.
There. Get this out of the way.
Draw the world.
America here and Europe here.
Go on.
- America...
- And Europe here.
- Europe here.
- It doesn't have to be accurate.
- Spain, Italy...
- Spain.
And Norway... and Denmark.
Draw all of Denmark.
The entire kingdom including Greenland.
- Greenland, too?
- Greenland, too.
- Greenland.
- And Iceland.
That map poses two problems
for Roosevelt.
If he can't deliver his airplanes
to the Brits, Great Britain will fall.
If that happens,
Europe will fall to Hitler.
But that's not the only problem.
What does Greenland have
that America wants?
For their airplane production.
They want to get their hands
on the cryolite before the Germans.
If we find one solution to
those two problems, what do we get?
I'm an airplane.
I fly from Canada to Greenland.
- No problem.
- Sure.
My only problem is
that there's no airport here.
And you can't build one
because of all the ice.
- I'm pretty sure the Americans can.
- Yes?
So I can fly from Greenland to Iceland
on one tank,
and then to defend London
and bomb the Germans.
Do you follow?
With bases in Greenland,
I control the North Atlantic.
When Roosevelt sees that the solution
to both his problems is Greenland,
then he'll see that he needs me.
But the law is clear.
Only Greenland's governors
can allow bases up there.
We'll just have to outmaneuver them.
They must realize the gravity of this.
- We'll have to be creative.
- And we sure are.
After the war,
America will be a superpower,
and with America on our side,
nobody will ever dare occupy us again.
Holy shit.
But Henrik... We haven't got
the mandate to strike such a deal.
I know. That's why we have
to be creative. Find a loophole.
- A loophole?
- You're the lawyer.
- This is treason.
- Greenland is our ace.
This could be the beginning
of the end of Hitler.
But Svenningsen....
I repeat: I won't be held accountable for
this any longer. Yes, exactly.
No, he's acting high-handedly.
But Svenningsen...
We need a new ambassador.
- Clumsy oaf!
- I've got a migraine.
Turn it off.
How are you?
God's plunging a pencil into my brain.
How can we make the Americans strike a
deal with us and not the governors?
I don't know, Henrik.
We're going to be recalled...
unless we get the Americans
over on our side now.
And we'll go to prison.
Or get shot.
What can the governors give
the Americans?
A deal.
A temporary deal
that expires when the war is over.
What if we prolong that deal?
Well, we could look into
how to revoke a potential deal.
Or not revoke.
What if I offer the Americans a deal
that is not temporary?
An irrevocable deal?
Yes, so the Americans can keep
their bases after the war.
You want to let them keep Greenland
after the war?
For ever.
- It's madness.
- Yes.
I like it.
We have received orders from
Foreign Affairs that can't wait.
- If you'd step outside with me.
- No, go ahead and read it out loud.
"As you without authority and in defiance
of the constitution...
have signed and agreement with America
regarding the defense of Greenland...
you are by royal resolution dismissed as
Denmark's ambassador in Washington."
"Furthermore, you are charged
with high treason,
in accordance with sections 89,
99 and 103 of the Penal Code,
carrying a possible life sentence."
"A warrant for your imprisonment
has been issued
and you will forfeit
your personal fortune."
"The management of the embassy will
be in the hands of Einar Blechingberg."
"Return to Copenhagen immediately."
As it says, I'm to take over
the management of the embassy.
We have to leave for the airport.
I've informed Berle.
Your family will be sent off
later. I'll take care of them personally.
What's going on?
Read for yourself.
Amo, bring the car round. We're
leaving for the airport immediately.
If you want to pack a few belongings,
you have five minutes, of course.
- Thank you for remaining calm.
- I'm going with you.
No, stay here and look after my family.
- No, we fall together, Henrik.
- Arno.
Do you want me to bring the car round?
Just do as he says.
It's nothing personal.
Arno, let Mr. Kauffman out of the car.
You've been deported.
You will be flown to New York
and put on a ship bound for Lisbon.
But you can't do this.
It's a copy of
the FBI file on you, Einar.
We'll settle your debt
with your creditors.
You'll get a severance pay
so you can settle in Denmark.
It's nothing personal.
Now those damned Americans had
better enter into the war!
My fellow countrymen.
The stance of official Denmark
has since the occupation of Denmark,
been a source of increasing
unrest and concern.
We are well aware...
of the coercion that the government
of Denmark is subject to.
However small a concession may seem,
once given,
it will be followed by concession,
upon concession,
until, like Denmark today,
you find yourself in a position where
the future of the country is at stake.
That Denmark had difficulty offering
much military opposition...
can to some extend be conveyed
to the public opinion of the free world.
But it won't be excused
by people of those democracies,
who are themselves sacrificing
everything, if compared to them...
Denmark appears spineless and impotent
against the occupying force.
Best wishes for the future,
Henrik Kauffman,
Ambassador in Washington.
My fellow countrymen, dear friends.
Thank you for coming.
We all have family in Denmark,
and we worry about
how they will make it through the war.
So we've invited you here today
to ask you to think about
how Denmark will fare after the war.
What will Denmark's legacy be?
As my wife
so clearly expresses,
Denmark enjoys very little respect.
But just as brave Germans
have turned their backs on Nazism,
brave Danes have turned their backs
on the policy of collaboration.
- We must give these Danes a voice.
- Hear, hear!
Wherever we can let our voices
be heard,
we must point to independent Denmark,
to resistance.
To the Danish soldiers and officers
who have joined the ranks of the Allies.
Denmark, the government,
The government has lost
every shed of dignity.
It's our task
to restore Denmark's honor.
- May I...
- By all means. Sit down.
I just got off the phone
with Hoegh-Guldberg,
who spoke personally with the King
three days ago.
- King Christian.
- The 10th.
And the King said, and I quote:
"I cannot criticize the line taken by
Ambassador Kauffman."
- He said that?
- Yes.
Asked for his view of
your unilateralism, he said:
"I cannot criticize the line
taken by Ambassador Kauffman."
At this moment,
it is announced that Montgomery
has declared...
that the German troops in Holland,
Northwest Germany
and Denmark have surrendered.
MAY 1945
Long live Kauffman!
The Prime Minister
is slightly delayed.
Aren't you glad people are alive
to applaud you?
Aren't you glad someone fought back so
that Denmark could be free once more?
You've given Greenland away.
You've abused the King's power
and used state funds.
You've pursued your own foreign policy.
Were it up to me, you'd go to prison.
Now, now, Svenningsen.
There's no need to get all worked up.
Welcome home, Kauffman.
I know we owe you thanks,
but you almost crossed the bloody line.
- If you'll pardon my French.
- No offense taken.
Has Svenningsen told you about the
countries we're considering for you?
We were thinking Asia.
You are aware that Roosevelt
and I were quite close, aren't you?
May he rest in peace.
He always said
he preferred good collaborators
who were willing to go a long way
for peace. President Truman agrees.
He won't understand why
I don't return to finish the job
of having Denmark join
the United Nations.
- Yes.
- Very well, then.
When Parliament convenes tomorrow,
you'll ratify my Greenland agreement.
You've left us no choice...
Then you will appoint me
minister without portfolio
and send me to
the San Francisco Conference
so that Denmark can officially
join the United Nations.
But we have a foreign minister for that.
With all due respect,
Prime Minister Buhl, I have the ticket,
not you or our foreign minister.
- You're staying in Washington.
- Thank you.
- I object!
- One last thing.
All the ambassadors who supported
my independent line are to be restored
and their stances
to be recognized officially.
We'll look into it.
JUNE 26 1945
Henrik and Charlotte were found dead
on June 5th, 1963
at the sanatorium where Henrik was
undergoing cancer treatment
Kauffman remained Denmark's ambassador
in Washington until 1958 when he retired
In 1949, Povl Bang-Jensen
took up a position
at the newly formed UN in New York
Henrik Kauffman played a vital role in
Denmark's accession to NATO in 1949
After the war, Denmark tried to revoke
Kauffman's Greenland deal in vain