The Great War (1959) Movie Script

Hi, Pasquale.
What's going on?
Are you afraid the war will end?
Look at them, they're in a hurry! Morons!
- What a bunch!
You're good!
Listen, do you work here?
It would seem so.
- You're Roman, right?
- Why?
The Italian in the infantry,
the Roman in the orderly room.
I didn't choose this position.
"I obey without objecting to orders
and in the same way I die."
It doesn't matter.
There may be someone here who,
with all due respect,
in spite of his appearance, has health
problems and should not be enlisted.
A postponement,
of course without debt to me,
would be an act of benevolence.
What could I say? The skilled and enlisted
Roman, and the reformed Milanese.
- Ok, excuse me.
- Come here, wait.
I don't want you saying we are mean spirited.
- Have you told them you're sick?
- Yes.
This is what one must do.
If you weren't drafted before,
why do you come now?
I was in a "college" until a few days ago.
Do you understand?
But then came the amnesty.
This government is big-hearted!
30 liras.
I help you, and you haggle?
It don't do it for the money,
but because I have pity in you.
Very well, 30 liras!
Ok, kid, answer me a question.
Have you understood I was
at the Orsoline "college"?
Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly.
First give, then you can have.
- First give, then have?
- Yes.
I make no promises.
My name is Busacca Giovanni,
of the N.N. '88 class, province of Milano.
- Get back in line.
- Do your best.
- What are you saying? Speak up.
- Can I close that window?
- That?
- Yes, the one near the tall guy.
Do you see it? - Yes.
Ssshh. Good.
- Well, what did he say?
- "He's on horseback".
Come on, run!
- Sergeant, what is he doing?
- Busacca, get back!
Gentlemen, pace!
Always last, lead-ass!
Platoon, halt!
Break lines! March!
Bloody hell, what kind of system is that!
- Roman, you're not that tough!
- I'm from the province of Catania.
Very well, from Parma and down all
are romans and camorrists.
- Cigarette?
- Drop the cigarettes, no smoking!
Attention, in two days we're leaving.
Tomorrow we'll have march training.
40 kilometres with a backpack.
Are you also carrying a backpack,
or do you have a dispensation from the pope?
We have never eaten together,
so don't address me as "you".
Gathering at 4 o'clock. Whoever comes late,
will have his hair cut off.
- Clear?
- Yes.
"Yes"! Sheep!
You're not even sheep,
you're objects, minerals.
Give me a match.
They cut your hair and you say: "Yes Sir"!
Tomorrow they will cut off an arm or a leg,
and you will say : "Yes Sir".
At the front even you can die.
A gun doesn't distinguish
the intelligent from the idiot.
You open your mouth and...
anyone may shoot you.
There is nothing to do.
You undeveloped soap-eaters
[southerners] are cheated
by your own renunciatory fatalism
A just war is a war of privileges.
Have you never read Bakunin?
On the first difficult name, you "report sick".
If you're so clever, why are you here?
Because of someone with the face of a fish.
If I find him, I'll break his back.
- Tomorrow you will break yours.
30 kilograms of backpack! - 30 kilos?
Try it.
But this is light!
It is filled with straw!
- If the sergeant realizes it, he will shave off your hair.
- He won't shave anyone!
Read Bakunin, and take
Busacca Giovanni's example.
Straws or newspapers,
nobody will realize anything.
The proverb says:
"If you can't understand anything
you're a lawyer or a sergeant".
"don't you remember in the month of April,
that long train on the way to the border.."
- Catania!
- We're on a train.
Where are you going? You're like a herring.
I have to go back home to my mom.
- Be careful! - Excuse me.
- How polite!
- And you, from where do you come?
- From many places.
In the precincts and the depots,
they have placed those unfit for walking.
There was a "reorder".
You don't by any chance
remember meeting an orderly
with a fish-face, potato-like eyes,
the appearance of a thief and shirker?
- Yes, him.
I don't need jokes.
- That's enough!
- Excuse me, I couldn't op...
- Ah!
- Scoundrel, coward!
30 liras, huh? I'm going to kill you!
- Help!
- Get down!
- No! - You are right, I could
break one of your arms or legs.
- Sure.
- And they would send you back home.
If I'm going to fight the war, so should you.
Everyone has to fight the war,
we all must follow the holy cause.
You followed the holy cause when
you were hiding in the district.
I volunteered to come here.
Kid, your patriotic discourse
won't work on me.
- This is not my war. - No?
- No.
My war is against the
shirking sons of bitches.
They aren't just in Germany
or Austria, but everywhere.
and I have no desire to die for them.
Sure, this country needs
workers, not corpses.
I want to do great things for my country.
- What work do you do? - I'm a barber.
- Get lost will you!
What's going on?
- Be careful!
- What a stench!
In a short time you won't smell it anymore,
it will be covered by yours.
Who is the oldest of you?
Me. Soldier Iacovacci Oreste.
- You'll be day corporal.
- Yes Sir.
In ten minutes I want you all at your places.
- With shiny shoes and your
backpacks in order!
- Who said that?
- I did!
Stop it! That's enough! Silence!
- Iacovacci, you're the oldest,
but also the biggest twat! - Sergeant...
- I revoke your order!
- I lack the education. - Silence!
- The prisoners are coming.
- Have we taken prisoners already?
Where are they? Let me see.
How ugly they look!
Ugly slobs, we got you! Good!
What are you saying?
They're our own returning from the front.
- Our own?
- Damn!
If they're from the front,
why do they come here?
- To be deloused.
- They are coming to be complemented.
And then they return to the front.
Fortunately. No?
But what are these complements?
We are. Idiot.
- How nice!
- I'll have a good rest!
I'm going there.
Beautiful! Francesca Bertini, right?
I like it.
You're not allowed appreciations.
You showed them hell, right?
You made them understand
who we Italians are!
What a draft! I'll have a pneumonia.
- Want to change places?
- Never mind, thanks.
- It's no trouble at all,
give me 2 francs. - All right.
- My name is Bordin.
- Deconcini. Thank you.
- That's nothing. What are you doing?
- There is nothing in the backpack.
You showed them hell!
Made them understand who we Italians are!
- At-tention!
- At-tention!
At ease.
The newly arrived battalion,
made up from brave soldiers,
courageously supported by abnegations
sacrifices and deprivations...
That battalion is now merged with our.
- The commander will be lieutenant Gallina [Hen].
Who said that?
Youngsters, my name has been Gallina for 37 years.
It was always made fun of.
"an old hen makes a good broth",
"better eggs today than hen tomorrow",
and many other.
After a while this nonsense didn't
make anyone laugh anymore.
Likewise, your desire to laugh will soon end.
- At-tention!
- At ease.
- Lieutenant..
- Aaaahh!
- Lieutenant.
- Giacomazzi, I don't have time.
Teresa wrote to me 5 days ago,
I have to answer her.
Have someone else write your letters.
We are two, the parish priest of the village
writes for Theresa, which makes four in all.
I don't want other people involved,
these are intimate matters.
- Sure, excuse me.
- No reason to.
- Ok, come to the orderly room later.
- Thank you.
I may be mistaken, but I believe
Nicotra Rosario is preparing
to betray Francesca Bertini.
The affection for an artist is one thing,
the masculine needs quite another.
"Inside the trousers is immediate absolution".
Give me a mirror.
- Did you give me a high or low cut? - Look.
Both of them, high and low.
Are you certain you're a barber?
It's really a "boy-cut!"
I'm practicing it on this big head.
See it?
You've been serviced.
- So?
- How much did we agree on?
- Two "planks".
- Two planks?
- I'll shave you tomorrow.
- Alright.
Quiet, boys.
It is useless dressing up, lieutenant Loquenzi
has revoked everyone's leave.
You can blame the idiot who made the "cackle".
But only one did that,
not all the comrades.
It's not my order, it comes from lieutenant Loquenzi.
Bye, stinkers.
Write that I kiss her,
and that my life is depressing
also in the evening, which is
the saddest time of day. Period.
And that I embrace her.
Did you write the period?
Don't worry, Giacomazzi.
I am tired of writing amorous phrases to a priest!
The guard change signal.
- Present. - And the others?
- They all took absence without leave.
Always at your command, Mr. lieutenant.
- At ease.
- Did he go to report it?
You're holding grudges towards
them, it is unforgivable.
Punishing the men who came
in from the trenches!
They haven't seen a woman in months!
- You should have left them to me.
- But Mr. lieutenant....
You have forced them to be
disobediant to an officer.
Now it is necessary to give them
a punishment that will seem unfair
because it has been provoked from your
bad mood and from your incapability.
If you believe so, I...
Please leave.
What a horrible town, there are only military here!
Excuse me, where can I find a woman?
Excuse me, father.
Try after the fountain, third gate to the left.
- I have seen some activity there.
- Thank you, chaplain.
Don't push!
What do you want? Go away!
- How nice!
- Go away!
Go away! I'm not coming!
- Giovanni, look a little for me as well.
- Come, dwarf!
Take this!
Did that make you angry, or what?
Not bad!
An officer from the assult division is coming.
Pick up your cigarette butts, rubbish, everything. Quick!
The quarters must shine like a dance hall!
If everything is in order, the lieutenant
will suspend the punishment.
- What are you doing?
- It's an egg.
- Find brooms, quick!
- Where are the brooms?
At the regiment depot.
You have to give me a ticket of
withdrawal from "round stamp".
- For two brooms?
- Even for a button.
- Don't you know captain Castelli.
- Who is he?
He is called "Round Stamp",
he's at the regimental office.
- Don't touch those shoes!
- Relax will you.
Put the shoes down!
Let's go.
- We aren't thieves.
- Get out!
Move it. Come on!
This has become the "Complaints Office"!
You need a permission with the
stamp of the undersigned.
Without a permission,
you won't be able to "practise" here or in any
war zone anymore. Do you understand?
I have understood, but I didn't
come here to fight all these battles!
- I can't do a thing about it, and I don't like that!
- What don't you like?
- Do you always enjoy being a captain?
- I won't talk about that.
Among the soldiers there are many
scoundrels, and dirty ones too.
- Listen!
You want me to select them for you?
Only clean soldiers, beautiful,
blonde, educated at Oxford.
No, but even I have my preferences.
I don't like being treated badly.
Do you understand?
- Do you know what I'll do? I resign my job.
- As you wish.
- Give me some, Costantina!
- I'm not on duty.
What do you want?
- I'll talk, I'm the oldest.
- Speak.
A ticket for the withdrawal of two brooms.
- Do you have old ones to hand in?
- No.
Battalion, company and reason.
First company, third battalion.
And the reason?
- For sweeping.
- For sweeping.
The commander of the assault division is coming.
I wish the assault division could come here.
Where is the round stamp?
You are fed up with the war, right?
Like you, I wish I could go back home.
But if we went home, do you
know what would happen?
- You're coming now?
- We have brought the brooms. - Silence!
In the next march, you will
carry the machine gun.
We would have austrians, bosnians
and hungarians in our kitchens!
You! Do you have a family? Mother, sisters?
Yes. I have a mother and a little sister.
Tell your friends what the
austrians would do to them.
We have to give those scoundrels a lesson.
We must clench our teeth,
and fight with endurance!
I'm here to recruit volunteers
for the assault battalions.
We want volunteers who'll throw their
hearts at the enemy's trenches.
I want ten men, every battalion
will give the best they have.
- I'm finished.
- Me -Me -Me -Me.
Thank you. I'll wait for you tonight,
after returning to the regiment headquarters.
- Lady, can I help you?
- What are you doing?
I don't mean to annoy you.
I'm not making a pass at you.
A lady like you shouldn't
walk around on these roads.
- Excuse me, I was at your right side.
- What do you want?
I confess, I don't mean chivalry only,
I also would like to speak to you.
In my division it is difficult to
meet a fine person like you,
who doesn't have a face
that hurts to look at.
What do you do? Don't answer, I'll guess.
You're a teacher.
An elementary school teacher who
stayed behind continue her work.
Or maybe you're Miss lrma,
the colonel's daughter?
- Me?
- Good, fortunately!
- What are you doing? - Opening.
- Leave that to me.
I'll open it, you have
the most delicate fingers!
This is the cruel reality of war;
It gives a man the urge to
exchange thoughts, feelings,
music, poetry, dance... Flowers?
- No, artichoke thistle.
- Do you cook? - Yes.
Very good! Is this your place?
Goodness! What a nice room.
It is attractive, cheerful. My compliments.
- Uuhh, I must move it!
- Wait, I'll help.
- I'll make myself useful. Damn!
- What are you doing?
Excuse me, a bad word escaped me...
- No, here.
- Yes.
I am a little clumsy,
but I always do my best.
A little cool water and it's alright.
A woman's fingers!
You don't get burned,
you're like a salamander!
- Do you want a boiled potato?
- With pleasure.
- Let's light some candles.
- Here come the matches!
There, a little atmosphere.
- Here are the potatoes. I like them a lot.
- Me too.
- Can I help you?
- No thanks, I've finished.
No, I can't allow it.
Be seated, it seems we don't miss anything.
Ah, the salt.
- It is cooking salt.
- Then I'll crush it. We refine it.
- You trying to tease me with all
that chit-chat, right? - Me?
You must believe me, after I became a soldier,
this is the first time that my...feelings
are this noble.
- Dear... What is your name?
- Costantina. - Beautiful name.
- Very good. Salt?
- Yes. -Thanks.
What small fingers, like two farfalline.
- You had a civil employment?
- Well...
And if that was the case?
Costantina, I want to tell you something.
When I'm with you, I feel like any man.
- Pardon.
- You are welcome.
- What do you want?
- What do you mean "what I want"? - Get lost!
- My Red Cross nurse friend.
- I understand.
- The retreat signal.
- It doesn't matter, I have leave.
- But I haven't given you permission.
- It's just something you say. Come on!
Yes Sir. Certainly, understood.
- Advance departure.
- Where to, Major?
- Give me a cigarette, please.
- Yes Sir.
Thank you.
Tomorrow morning.
Tonight we will have to work until late.
- A nice surprise.
- There is something even nicer.
- No artillery.
- It is too much luxury.
And then we can't even serve
them, it's the infantry.
This stove! When it shouldn't boil, it boils
- and when it should boil, it doesn't.
- Unforgettable moments!
In a week we leave for the trenches.
- No, the departure is tomorrow.
- What?
- But aren't you of the seventh?
- Yes - Then you depart tomorrow.
In three days the Bersagliere corps,
and in one week the 16th.
Tomorrow? They are crazy!
Without any warning!
- How come you never became an officer?
- That is a long story.
I didn't want to take the course,
for democratic reasons.
For personal reasons.
I am a man of thoughts, not of action.
- Have you read Bakunin?
- No, I don't read novels.
- Mother said they aren't serious.
- Perhaps she is right.
How come you know about all the departures?
From the captains of the assault departments.
We are friends.
- That is, they are friends of my father
- What captain?
Ah, I see, the one with the black hat.
He wears it to cover a scar.
Poor man.
Poor man? You're crazy.
Every day he attacks.
That's enough cleaning of the jacket, thanks.
He doesn't attack every day.
Now he's going to Mantova
- to instruct the volunteers.
- to Mantova?
Yes, for two or three months.
Perhaps the war is over by then.
In two or three months, it can happen.
Lazy, cowardly Roman pig!
- Who?
- Iacovacci Oreste.
If I get to him, I'll break his knees.
I have to leave, goodbye.
Excuse me, Costantina,
I'm acting like a brute.
Goodbye. Coward, I'll kill you!
Hurry back, you'll see!
- Aye! - Excuse me , where is captain Ferri,
the one with the volunteers?
- You're coming at this hour?
- I have a signed permission from Gallina.
Let me see it.
Damn, my wallet!
Costantina! That is why
she was all over my jacket!
- Don't mock me.
- You're quite a type!
You've made to violations:
You're returing without your permission to leave
and continue speaking to me
in the informal manner.
During the march, you will
carry the machine gun!
Listen, sergeant, you will have to find
another one to carry the machine gun
because soldier Busacca Giovanni
is going to Mantova tomorrow.
At your service!
- You, where are you going?
- Leave me alone!
- It can't be!
- I haven't said you could enter. What do you want?
- Enlist me.
- By now the list is complete.
I cannot cancel other soldiers.
There is only one place left.
- Take me.
- I arrived first.
Captain, before you choose, look well.
Physics are important.
- Height 1 meter and 89, chest 98.
- My feet are size 45.
- What has feet got to do with it?
- I can't give you phenomenal physics.
I can give you steady nerves,
love of my country and fearlessness.
These things are not measured with a yardstick.
If we are to compare love of
the fatherland and fearlessness,
- No one can compete with me.
Do you understand? - But...
- Enough!
- Yes sir.
In a few seconds this bomb will explode.
Let's see who is the more fearless of you.
Keep up, slackers!
Damn! I could have been in Mantova by now.
Instead you arrive and
start acting all patriotic.
- Have you ever seen a true patriot?
- Stop it will you!
You're a true Pietro Micca [war hero],
but the captain didn't get it.
- The captain did get it!
- Bordin! - You are the lieutenant.
My God, what is that?
You've never felt them before?
That must have been at least a 210.
- Do they ever fall close by?
- That is what they aim for!
Rest! company, rest.
Backpacks off!
Backpack on the ground.
If anyone takes off his shoes,
I'm going to hit him with the machine gun.
I won't allow it, Francesca Bertini is a chaste artist!
Do you remember "The tide of voluptuousness "?
She had a husband and two lovers!
And do you remember "Gipsy blood"?
She sacrifices herself becomes a nun.
Yes, in films, but not in real life.
So when she becomes a nun it is not true,
but when she has two lovers it is?
- Who are you?
- Fresh troops!
The general!
- The general!
Who is your commander?
- Lieutenant Gallina at your service.
- There is a sentence to be carried out.
Make yourself available to captain Marchi.
- I knew it!
- What's happening?
- An Austrian spy.
- A spy? Ah, look over there!
Have you seen the blond guy?
- Bordin!
- I knew it! - Ginetto. Strucchi.
Mandi. Sallusti. Pernice. Cerioni.
March off with the company,
I have to command an execution.
- On your feet, company!
- You, come with me.
Company, march forward!
We arrived in time. Two more minutes
and we would have been finished.
A hand!
Whose is it?
Where are we?
You'll grow accustomed to it.
Let's leave here.
But she pretended not to see me.
She always avoided me.
Then, on the day I left for the army,
I found her at the station, in front of the trains.
She gave me an envelope, and then ran away.
- In it was her photograph.
- Let's see it!
Ah! She looks nice!
Boys, two men must go with lieutenant Loquenzi
to put mines under the fences. Volunteers?
You and you, down there!
- Hey!
- Why me?
In civil life, Decuccini used
to manufacture fireworks,
so he must have a certain
familiarity with explosives.
I only understand the work of
an electrician, I am not suited.
At times the fences are electrified.
You're well suited.
No backpack and no rifle!
Of course he had to choose me!
I understand that he was chosen,
but what have I got to do with it?
Who has a matchstick?
- I'll take your place.
- What do you mean?
For 10 liras.
He's playing with me, right?
No, it's the standard rate.
I wouldn't go for a 100 liras!
In cash!
Okay! Roman, give Bordin 10 liras.
- Why me?
- You stole 30 liras from me!
You never seem to remember that!
Come on, pay him!
Take it out!
- What is that?
- The safe!
- You're carrying it in a "Valda" box?
- Always!
- And if they hit you?
- I will... caress it!
The other one, quick!
- Coming at once!
- Hello, father.
- Hi, Bordin.
Will you give me some of that holy oil?
Thank you... it will be empty when I come back.
- Bordin, this time also?
- It so happened.
- Why are you being such an idiot?
- I have 5 kids, I must do as best I can for them.
- Do less!
- It's the army's fault!
When I'm in bed with my wife
during leave or during rests,
I don't understand anything.
- Stay here, I'm going ahead.
- Ok, lieutenant.
Don't be afraid, we'll get out alive.
Come quickly.
Give it to me. Pass it over.
Hold it. Turn it on quickly and get away!
When they see the flame, they will shoot.
Come! My God, he's become entangled!
Where are you going? It's too late now.
They are looking for him.
- Poor boy.
- We can't stay here.
- Let's get out.
- You first, lieutenant.
- Jump!
- The sniper still has two shots, and he has aimed.
In this game, the first one
out is the more fortunate,
the second, unless he is clever like him, dies.
Thank you, but I don't need mercy.
Give me a cigarette.
Yes, I have sent out four groups,
the passages through the fences are open.
- Wait for what?
- The reports from the other battalions.
The austrians will see the passages,
and they will position their machine guns.
Shall I send my men to the
slaughterhouse without artillery?
Enough, major.
We also hoped there would be artillery,
but there isn't, nontheless it is necessary
to take the bridge, that's what we're here for.
We are here... excuse me.
I couldn't hear your last words, the line is bad.
Wait for the attack order.
I don't know if I am crazy or if they are.
If we win this war with what we have,
we are truly a great army.
What do they expect?
That fanatical jew wants to massacre our force.
Speak when the hens piss!
Lieutenant, have two men reactivate
the line with headquarters.
- I'm an electrician!
- Me too!
It is hard work, I have lost three men in half an hour!
Get moving you two!
Shall we go?
Come! Move it!
The sun will rise in a short while!
Let's go , remove the sandbags!
The other battalions will follow.
And my loophole too!
Remove the sandbags!
- The seventh has attacked.
- Who gave the order? - I don't know.
- Phone colonel Palazzi.
- Yes.
Move forward!
Here, quick!
Forward, boys!
Towards the next trench!
Where are we going?
To get killed, the way they are shooting!
Get down!
- They are crazy!
- Stay here with the contact!
The clamps!
Where are they attacking?
- Hello?
What did you say? I didn't understand!
What are you doing?
There is a German here!
- Where did you connect it, moron!
- I made a mistake.
Hello? Hello?
- Hello?
- Finally! Let me speak to major Segre.
He's not here at the moment.
Imbecile! Give me the major at once!
- What is your name?
- Soldier Iacovacci Oreste.
Listen good...
- No doubt, general.
- What did he say?
If I don't get him the major in 3 minutes,
you'll be put on trial.
Mother! The end of the world!
Everyone is being slaughtered!
Where is major Segre?
The general wants to speak...
He gave my name!
- Lieutenant, the general.... - Move away!
What is it?
The general wants to speak
at once with major Segre.
The general, the major...
Lieutenant Gallina, seventh battalion.
Yes, general..
No, general..
The major is dead, general.
The bridge?
We have conquered it...
completely destroyed.
See? There we are.
We're inside a small house,
everyone's happy.
Listen to this.
"Our soldiers gather around the
heating stoves in the camps,
where they entertain themselves with
music and singing, in the long waiting hours
in this period of stagnant operations."
They're sorry it's a stagnant period!
People think war is hard only
when you're being fired upon,
they don't know how hard it is to stay
firm sitting on the wet ground,
waiting for the ration that never arrives.
Let me in!
War is just a long wait without a minute of rest.
- What time is it?
- Bah!
The last time we had a hot meal was Thursday.
They should write these things!
We are here, those who write are at home.
They can stay at home,
but they don't have to write lies.
I'm not speaking for myself, but for
the poor people who can read!
"It is better to live one day a drunkard,
than one hundred a lion."
- Giovanni, will you give me that cigarette?
- Yes.
If only the dead could speak of
the war... but they keep quiet!
We can't know if they've been in the war or not.
Shut up, Africa.
For centuries people have been butchered
by wars, but never served properly.
No one has the right to order
a man to go to his death.
If not, why have they
abolished the death sentence?
For you it would be better if
all penalties were abolished!
To show them how we
spend this stagnant period,
I would send them this louse
in a registered letter!
The ration!
Line up! Don't push!
- You must wait!
Has the general tasted it?
Enough! The general will make an
unannounced inspection!
Instead of speaking now,
protest when he arrives!
- No more beating the spoons.
- Were you in prison too?
One must speak for all, perhaps
the oldest one. Bordin Giuseppe!
This calls for sedition.
Do what you want,
I haven't seen anything.
Sergeant, excuse me that my
ignorance is not on your level,
but "seduction" has nothing to do with it.
Here's a fighter who will tell the general
that this crap food is no good.
We'll decide by counting who
will protest to the general.
Count properly, I know you!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12!
You will do it!
I will?
- What shall I say?
- If he speaks, everyone will be shot!
- True, you will do it.
- Me?
Quiet, boys! The general!
- At ease. This is an informal, friendly visit.
- At ease.
- Distribute the ration.
- Yes, general.
I believe our young fellows are hungry.
- Taste your ration and tell me what you think.
- Yes Sir.
Optimal and abundant!
Quite the contrary, it is disgusting!
No fat and little pasta!
This is not food for fighting men,
improve it!
I said what I meant!
Taste it and tell me it is good...!
I know that the ration
can't be better than that,
but it is necessary to give
the boys a little satisfaction.
They are satisfied with very little!
It is not bullion, it is minestrone.
It is special stuff! Who cares about butter and bacon!
And oil and onions!
It is a minestrone of the earth!
Sure, the regiment cook is Pellegrino Artusi!
Guys, a hen!
Where? Where?
- It's fat!
- It's eating our minestrone.
Even the hen refuses to eat it!
Imagine what we are eating!
We must make it come over here!
- Who is it?
- Bravo, continue!
Do we start all over again, guys?
Come, lieutenant.
There is a fat hen over there!
Lieutenant, a hen.
Dirty slob, come to daddy.
See where it leads you!
- It stopped.
- If the austrians spot it, we're out of luck.
It wants breadcrumbs.
Sure! Wish I had some bread!
- Oreste, throw it out.
- What?
- Throw out some bread.
- I don't have any!
It's my bread!
It's the reserve of the reserve, lieutenant.
I'll have a chicken leg for that!
- Too short.
- Hey, that bread is mine!
- But the hen belongs to everyone!
- Is that an ostrich out there?
The austrians!
It's walking towards the enemy!
- Sure, it heard a male voice!
- It is a whore hen.
- No, wait, perhaps...
- If we're not eating it, nor will they.
What are they saying?
They're saying the chicken was theirs,
we already have one.
- Do you understand German?
- No.
Enough, back to your positions!
Take your positions!
In the meantime you
can replace my loaf!
Mail has arrived!
Iacovacci Oreste!
A jump for the old man!
Iacomacci Ernani.
A jump for the old man.
- Iacovacci Oreste!
- Here.
- A jump for the old man.
- Again!
- Pascucci Mauro!
Here I am!
How many letters did you get?
- Who's writing to you?
- It's the godmothers of war.
I write a letter, I make a copy...
and then comes the surprise.
You read this letter.
- Nobody writes you any?
- Give me a match.
Who'd want to write me?
Busacca Giovanni!
- For me?
Did someone remember you
for Christmas after all?
- Make a nice jump for the old man.
- Yes, a nice jump!
It is a citazion from court,
I have a new hearing! Damn it!
- They have passed my son for service!
- Your son has been drafted?
I "made" him in '96, therefore
he has been drafted.
The rich also have the
fortune to be in bad shape.
- For me nothing?
- Negus,
letters from your country will
arrive only with camels troops.
"What a Peperoni"! You polenta-eaters
always say the same things.
- Who can write to you?
- Personal relationships.
- Francesca Bertini!
- Yes, Francesca Bertini.
I wrote her asking for one
of the photos from L'Elica.
Yes, with the helmet!
- I have found chestnuts.
- Let's roast chestnuts!
- We need a frying pan with holes in it!
- I'll find the frying pan.
Now, let's do it as it should be done.
There I can make the holes.
Filthy snipers! Hit this if you can!
It's done! Let's roast some chestnuts!
Want some?
Over there.
What are you doing?
Wait! Let them finish the magazine!
- I have a written order!
- Don't move!
- Wait until dark.
- Bordin, I'm giving the orders.
Perhaps he has an important message.
- Do you have a sealed envelope?
- Yes.
- Jump, quick!
- Wait! - What are you doing?
Excuse me, Lieutenant.
Perhaps because I have a child like him...
it is not for lack...
Quiet Bordin, or you'll get a reprimand.
Jump, quick!
Damn! Take him to the infirmary at once!
- For lieutenant Gallina.
- Yes Sir.
Lieutenant, a message.
The Headquarter wishes Merry Christmas
and orders the distribution of chocolate
and grappa. You, move it!
Boys, grappa for those who want!
Pay more attention the next time.
We'll split up now.
You two stay in this area,
Giacomazzi and I go there.
Be attentive, in 15 minutes
we'll meet again here.
- Don't wander off too far!
- Trust us, sergeant.
- So that's how you do it?
- If you want to, you can go for a round.
Better to remain compact.
- A game of cards?
- No.
That cloud resembles a naked woman.
Look, that is the head
and those are the breasts.
She also has a beard.
- Listen to the bird.
- It is a blackbird.
In this region, the blackbirds sing beautifully.
It is not a bird!
Be quiet, wait.
- Wow, we're in a nice spot here!
- He's alone.
Give it to him.
Me? I'm a little shortsighted,
perhaps I'll miss.
You're lazy, like all
romans, not myopic.
That's it, would you shoot a Milanese.
This is not one.
For me we are all brothers,
and I am against the war.
- Not him though.
- What do you know about it?
What do you know?
You are right.
Tomorrow it could be him killing you.
Or you.
Let him finish the coffee.
Were you waiting for him to spot
you and get away? Let's go!
Loquenzi, leave the reprimand orders,
this is not the time for it.
- It is the order of this service.
- I have told you to leave it.
It seems that the austrians will attack us.
We'll set up a new
machinegun group.
We'll move our frontline about ten metres.
To the tiny position number 7.
- Then it'll be necessary to strengthen the barbed wire.
- How?
- How? With barbed wire!
- Yes Sir.
See, it's been a while since you wrote any.
- Wrote what?
- Reprimand orders.
- You called for me, lieutenant?
- Yes.
Send two men to the depot.
Bring stakes and barbed wire
on the battalion's cart.
- We will place them tonight.
- Yes.
The ammunition boxes are protected, but accessible.
Take three men to carry the spool,
and three for earthing up, go.
- Ah! Loquenzi!
- I'm listening!
- Give headquarters the brandy.
- Yes Sir
Boys. Boys!
- What's up?
- We need someone to go to the depot.
I have finished with the lice,
I have nothing to do.
- We're always on patrol, we're
entitled to a change. - Everything is clean.
- Ok, you two.
- Let's go!
Oh, no!
- Alright, come forward with the letter.
- Thank you, lieutenant.
Dear lieutenant,
The girlfriend of our young soldier
is not the saint you think she is. She is
engaged to be married to an old but rich
widower in our municipality. We trust you to
forward this message to our young soldier.
- Bad news?
- No, no.
- What does it say?
- One moment!
"My love, I'm fine and hope you are too.
I'm always thinking of you.
Greetings and kisses, Teresa."
- Take it.
- Thank you.
Why should both of us go to the
depot? One is enough, right?
For example?
For example you.
I have things to do in the village.
Really? Poor "chubby girl".
Fair enough, let's play for it...
No cheating!
I told you no cheating, ok?
If it's a cross, I will go.
If it's a head, you will go.
Head, to the depository you will go.
- Don't you trust the toss?
- No.
- No?
- No.
- What is this?
- Head.
So? Sceptic!
- How did you do it? - Go!
- I want to learn this game too.
- Esteemed countess.
- Esteemed Marquis.
How's the girl doing, who made
me kiss her "farfalline" hands!
Do you think I'm from "soap mountain"?
The gentleman thinks I'm from those mountains, right?
No, handsome, no cheaters venture here.
- Give me my wallet, otherwise...
- Be nice!
No jokes with me girl! Understood?
My eyes!
I'll kill you!
Scoundrel! Come on!
Come here! Come!
- Come!
- Careful!
- I'll throw it in your face!
- I'm not moving.
Why do they take scoundrels
like you in the army?
If only the decent people
were to defend the country...
I salute you, fatherland!
- Take that away
- And you get lost!
And you give me my wallet!
- Take it!
- Damn Judas!
Countess, no offence,
but there was 25 liras here.
- You also want it full?
- 25 liras is too much for a...
For a chaste teacher,
and daughter of a colonel, right?
Laugh on! Ugly,
rotten, filthy, lazy fellow!
- You're quite a character!
- Shut up.
- Be careful!
- Leave it be!
I'm not moving.
There is a photo of a child in the wallet,
is it your child?
- No, it is me as a child.
- Idiot! You carry that around?
Yes, I am alone in the world.
- Me, I have a child. Look.
- Really? Let me see it.
Ah! Beautiful!
Chubby, isn't he? He must
eat well, he looks like a chicken.
He's with a nanny in Ponte San Fedele.
I sacrifice a lot for him!
What time is it?
It will be 8 soon.
I have to leave.
Will you come back?
What's your name? Oh, yes, Giovanni.
You remembered it, right?
There are many Giovanni...
What has that got to do with it?
I don't know.
Bloody hell! I have it!
And the stakes?
- What?
- The stakes. - The stakes?
How stupid! I have packed
two tonnes of barbed wire
and I have forgotten the stakes, sorry!
Ok, I'll load the stakes.
- No stakes, they arrive later or tomorrow morning.
- I knew it!
We cannot wait, we must
return to the trenches.
- Tomorrow you will load them!
- Right, "gunner"!
- Who signs the receipt of withdrawal?
- I'll sign.
- Hey! Are you from the 6th battalion?
- 7th.
Take this, it's mail for the 7th.
- Look at this.
- What is it?
- It has arrived.
- The photo from L'Elica.
"For Rosario Nicotra, with affection.
Francesca Bertini."
What are you looking at?
Rosario will marry that girl!
I like them more...
- It's coming from us.
- Sweet mother!
- Mother!
- It's definitely coming from us.
Hurry up! Highest priority! It's an attack!
- It's an attack.
- It's the attack.
- What did the sergeant say?
- What he said?
- He said: Barbed wire and stakes.
- and stakes.
It's even written on the receipt of withdrawal.
- If we return without the stakes,
we'll be punished. - Sure.
We have to wait until tomorrow
morning for the stakes.
- Patience.
- Shall we wait? - Yes, yes.
We should have the excuse
from the marshal in writing.
Sure, the rules are the
first priority of a soldier.
Hurry up with that cart!
Help the wounded!
- Hey! The first company.
- I don't know.
Up there.
Father, come!
Return to sender.
- Where?
- Down there.
- On the cart?
- No, the dead down there.
Some balls!
The Headquarter says 10 days of rest.
Come here.
Father, someone here should
ask you to for pardon.
Even if we had been here,
things wouldn't have gone any better.
He risked his life many
times for a little money
and this time he died for free.
Christ, where are you?
He is here with us, sergeant.
If it's true he was 33 years old,
he'd be of generation '84.
Citizens, we have the privilege
of entertaining the glorious soldiers
who with their own blood
have fought back the enemy.
I invite you to express to our corageous boys,
your thankfulness, your affection...
Here come the soldiers!
Company... at-tention!
"Hear the dead of Bezecca
and wait for them.
When, shouts Bronzetti, the ghost
arising from the clouds.
When the old find it necessary to
repeat, that one day, with black hair,
the Trento will say goodbye to you.
When, quiver the young ones;
seeing quartermasters from San Giusto
laughing on the sea-green Adriatic.
Oh, by the beautiful sea of Trieste,
on the hillocks,
the souls fly in with the new year..."
Hey, where have they sent us?
They should have sent us to Udine.
Women and local wine.
- What is Udine? Paris?
- Look here, kid.
"Dance of the mimosas."
- Elegant stuff!
- Then let's go to the mimosas.
- And money for the train?
- We'll sneak on.
We'll be sneaking also when we get there.
Without money, the mimosas
won't look at you.
" the face of the foreigner
who put up armed camps on our soil
sing: Italia! Italia! Italia! Italia!"
I propose a toast!
In this moment our hearts
and our thankfulness
goes to all the heroic fighters
of our glorious and unconquered army.
Gentleman, gentlemen,
your thankfulness is nice,
in fact, it is very nice.
But shouldn't we give some thoughts
to those of our our comrades who don't
have the pleasure of attending
this marvellous party tonight?
Friends, citizens, italian brothers!
- I want to start a collect.
- Well done! I'll start!
Always ready!
Hands off!
Thank you, gentlemen.
Thank you, thanks...
One for me and one for you.
One for me and one for you.
A... what patriots! A button!
It's what I contributed.
One for me and one for you.
- The last two.
- Come on. - For you and for me.
It's not a large sum, but for
the mimosas it can be enough.
- Excuse me, you are of the 7th?
- Yes, the 7th.
Do you know the soldier Bordin Giuseppe?
- Bordin Giuseppe?
- Yes.
I thought he would come
to relax with the the others
They will give him leave some other day.
I'm sorry about it, because I have
brought him a package, and now...
You seem very kind. Can I ask you a favour,
if it's not too much trouble?
Would you be able to bring it to him?
You'd be doing me a favour.
Tell him with the best of
wishes from his wife.
You see... we won't return to the
front line for a few days, and...
- Really?
- Sure.
It's not stuff that gets spoiled!
Just some pairs of wool socks.
It will be getting colder soon.
There is also some clean underwear.
You know what to say, right? I trust
you more than I do the postal service.
The last time I sent him a package,
he never received it.
I'm sorry because I had
even put in some "galletti".
They're biscuits... galletti!
He likes them a lot!
He's so good! Always sends me
lots of money, did you know?
We're so many in our family! Virgin Mary!
I had hoped to see him also
because of this, because...
I'm not from here, I come
from the province of Padova.
I had hoped he would give me some,
I really need it.
Patience! There will be another time.
What are you doing?
No, for heaven's sake!
I don't want it!
- You can loan it to me. - Why?
We'll get them back from Bordin.
Civitella, Udine!
Come, it's getting late.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Let her get on board.
- Goodbye.
- Thanks, and give my greetings to my husband!
Thanks so much!
- Goodbye mimosas!
- What twerps we are!
Stop it! Let's hear some dance music.
At your service! Here it comes.
Giovanni, take the old woman!
- Do you allow?
- Do you want a slap? Get lost!
Come, come and dance!
Listen! Quiet!
Silence! Leaves of absence are withdrawn!
All military on leave or on permission
will return to their divisions.
- Why?
- It seems that the enemy is still here,
and in some parts he
has been successful.
- Who are you?
- Second lieutenant Loquenzi, seventh regiment.
You're not many.
At the Osteria Zanin there is a stronghold.
Go there, it's 30 kilometres.
- Is there artillery there, major?
- Who knows?
All we know is the Osteria Zanin
must be defended at any costs.
Go there, and find captain Castelli.
- Castelli? The one in command at Tigliano?
- Yes!
- Commander "Round Stamp"! We're better off dead!
- Silence.
- Where are we?
- At the Piave river.
- We've walked far!
- We're on the San Fedele bridge.
- San Fedele bridge?
- Yes.
- Goddamn it! - Where are you going?
- Where are you going? - I'll be back right away.
Where are you going, Giovanni?
- Do you know Tommasino, Costantina's child?
- Up there.
Thank you.
- Excuse me, is that Costantina's child?
- Yes, why?
- I want to know if I can help you with anything.
- This one has stolen my seat from me.
- That's not true, I have the right...
- Get lost.
Give her back the place, you pig!
- How are you?
- How are you?
Giovanni, they are leaving!
Ok, come here.
- Costantina!
- Give this to the woman with the child.
How you did you remember the name of the village?
Because... once I had a dog named that.
- San Fedele bridge?
- No, only Fedele.
So... do you remember my name?
Yes... but not your last name.
Only the fatherhood.
I read it on the card when I had the wallet.
So... is it a dishonor?
No, I am like you.
Daughter of N.N.?
We're here because there
is this fondness between us!
We are a little related.
Where are they sending you?
I don't know.
And you, where are you going?
- I don't know, I want to take the child
away from here. - That is wise.
- Are you comfortable?
- Yes.
- How many meals does he get per day?
- Why do you care?
He is blessed to be born in 1916!
He'll never have to fight wars.
- Let me...
- Stop it will you!
Hey, I'm leaving!
Who doesn't come now is left here!
Ok... bye.
- Bye.
- I...
Me too.
- Bye.
- Bye.
I'll write to you!
- Will you remain in the 7th?
- I don't know,
but write anyway!
Poor children, who knows if
you will ever see each other again.
Smack it!
Did you see the nanny?
What have you got there?
They stuck on me.
You two, where are you going?
I knew it!
- We were going to the carrier.
- Over here.
Let's go.
- Where is captain Castelli?
- Inside!
- Captain Castelli?
- Speak. - At your service.
- I have some men outside.
- Let them stay there.
It's about twenty, plus the lieutenant.
The rest I have to take with me.
Tell the commander to stay in
contact with the battery.
- You're lucky to still have a telephone.
- Yes Sir.
The hard fact is that you have
to resist until tomorrow morning.
Tonight the engineers will
build a bridge at Pederobba.
If the enemy don't spot it,
we can bring in reinforcements.
The austrians will be forced to stop if
we can "hold the fort" here.
We've had nothing but
bread here for a long time!
Let's start, we'll get them working!
Guys, this position of vital importance.
A few kilometres from here is the Piave,
and we have to resist,
at least until tomorrow morning.
Let's hope we survive.
Who of you has a grade?
- No one.
- From this moment on you're a corporal.
We must get out a cannon
buried behind the Osteria.
Busacca, Pira, Iacovacci, go.
You cut down all the trees.
Those out there.
- Why?
- What is it, Zanin?
- Isn't it ok?
- Those trees were planted by my father.
And we uproot them, we won't
give the austrians cover.
- You, go up on the roof and be a look-out.
- Yes Sir.
- It is raining hard, captain!
- What do you want from me? Do it!
- Report everything you see!
- Yes Sir!
- The trees are gone.
- Now break all window glasses.
Goddamn it!
Zanin brothers, what would you have us do?
We're at war, right?
We have to break the glasses, because tonight
we will have the moon opposite us,
and we don't want to help the snipers.
- Alright!
- Sure.
We need to find some black paint,
for the facade.
- As it is, it looks like the cardboard we
use for target-shooting. - All right.
- You too have to pull!
- I'm an officer!
Then be an officer who pushes,
or I won't push either!
Ok, I'll help you.
Fast, we must paint this part also.
Hey! What are you writing?
There! I have seen them!
They're coming! Coming!
There, look!
They are making light signals! Look!
Stop making all that noise!
Here we are.
Absolute silence from this moment on,
extinguish all lights and cigarettes.
Have two men bring a message to the battery.
- Choose the less... efficient.
- Yes.
- My god, I can't cope any more. I need to stop!
- We'll stop!
- Down there is a wagon.
- Where? - There.
- Good!
- Let's go.
Look at him sleeping!
Wake up!
Come on, we're there.
- Who's there?
- First you shoot, and then you ask who it is?
Better a dead friend that a living enemy!
Who is it?
- We're "the ghost of those you killed"!
- Pass.
Let's go.
We're from the Osteria Zanin, captain.
I'm the oldest, I'll speak.
At the Osteria Zanin there is a
stronghold with about thirty men.
The austrians will attack,
we must resist until dawn.
Tonight our people will build a
pontoon bridge for a counterattack.
- Where?
- At Pederobba.
Pederobba, Pederobba...
Yes, that is correct.
Perhaps we'll be able to fight
back those damn austrians!
That is necessary, captain.
Do your best!
Messengers! Give my greetings to
captain Castelli, best of luck.
- Give these two friends a bottle of wine.
- Thank you, captain.
Captain Soligo speaking, get me
lieutenant Locatelli's office.
Locatelli, try at once to locate Pederobba,
and signal our position
with the electric lantern.
I can't tell you,
but if Pederobba answers,
you will understand why.
Thank you, bye.
- Don't you eat here? You're only drinking?
- We have found only wine.
What happened to your hand?
- I don't have the hand anymore.
- And you are still here? They must send you away.
See how it rains!
This rain will kill us!
- How far are we from the stronghold?
- Six kilometres.
- I have the same idea you have.
We have done our duty. - Yes.
- Just one day and we'll go back.
- Sure.
The other stall.
Close the gate.
- Hold it.
- Give it to me.
So nice here!
General, from the 22nd observatory.
- Are we in connection with the haystack battery?
- Yes.
Give orders to the battery
to fall back to sector 28.
We need them to fire between
the 31st and the 37nd.
The haystacks are too exposed anyway,
they could be cut off.
- What's happening?
- Do you hear? They're hitting the Zanin.
What luck! We could have been there!
Right in the mouth of "Cecco Peppe" [Austrian emperor].
They're are inhabitants of Bergamo,
they're your fellow townsmen.
One of them said "commendatur".
"Commandantur", idiot!
They're Austrians?
What about our people?
Oreste, we have to get
our asses out of here.
These don't take prisoners.
How do we do it?
You're dressed up as our soldiers?
Tell me why.
You can speak, you're the oldest.
- You are spies, right?
- No, we are Italian soldiers.
Look underneath. See?
Look underneath.
Underneath... but not over.
You're making a mistake...
we didn't mean to offend anyone.
At first, our battery was here.
A captain was sitting in your place.
We came to deliver the message
from captain "Round Stamp",
that a pontoon bridge is being built at...
Pontoon bridge?
I repeat the question: Pontoon bridge?
Say something, please.
He is drunk, he wanted to
say San Fedele bridge.
At first we were in that little village,
then we were sent here.
And this captain "Round Stamp"...
do you know why he is called that?
Answer the question.
Do you know why?
Goddamn Roman bigmouth!
Why did you speak of the pontoon bridge?
Damn idiot!
If our people hear of it they will shoot us!
Why, do you think they will let us go?
These will fight on in a prisoner's camp,
naked, without eating, with shovels!
Why did I follow you!
Kid, who had the idea to sleep here?
You've been my downfall
from the first day I met you!
Scoundrel, Roman squealer!
"We are all brothers!"
That's our brothers for you!
They will finish us off like the cow that was here
- So now they're even cannibals!
- Perhaps!
- Idiot! - What do you know?
Have you seen the eyes of the captain?
All white... full of blood.
- He looked like a crazy person!
- He looked at the captain's eyes!
He looked like a crazy person with those eyes!
- Do you only have that chewing tobacco left?
- Yes.
Give it to me!
Come on, give it to me.
Give me a match.
What misfortune!
Do you know I still don't understand you?
I do understand you.
Shake hands?
- I don't know.
- So? - Maybe we'll get separated.
Why would they separate us?
Nothing will happen.
Ok, we're coming.
My headquarter wants to know where
this pontoon bridge is located.
Don't waste your words denying.
I'll add that if you don't tell me the
location of the pontoon bridge,
I will have you shot immediately.
Your fake uniforms allow me to do it. Sorry.
Stay firm!
Excuse me, do you allow us a moment?
Damn shit!
- So?
- So? So what?
- They're asking, right?
- Do you want to get killed?
- I will tell them.
- Wait!
Let's go.
- We have decided... right?
- Yes, yes.
We'll tell you.
I thought you would be more
brave, especially the tall one
"Guts"! They only know liver,
venetian style, with onions!
Soon we will have some also.
Well? Where?
If I say...
what's in it for me?
Excuse me?
- Giovanni...
- Stay firm.
Then...listen to this.
Since you talk like that
I won't tell you anything.
Have you understood, shit face?
What, are you crazy?
Do you kill people just like that?
- So?
- Who will tell you where the bridge is now?
Only he knew! I don't know anything!
- What will you tell your headquarters?
- So?
So what?
But you think...
Excuse me, did you think I knew it?
I know nothing.
I don't know anything!
Captain, I was in the medical corps.
I don't know anything, they
never told us soldiers anything.
They didn't tell us those things!
I don't know anything, captain!
Giovanni, I am afraid.
I don't know it anything!
If I knew it, I would tell!
I'm a coward, everyone knows that!
They're pulling back!
- They're coming, sergeant!
- Yes, they're coming!
Even this time those two
slackers got away easy.