The Hanged Girl (2023) Movie Script

(bell tolling)
(haunting music)
(door banging)
(door creaking)
- Who are you?
- Please help me.
My village, they
all died, please.
- She doesn't have the pox.
- I am not infected.
(fast-paced music)
(head knocking)
(wind blowing)
(bird cawing)
(dramatic tone)
(ominous music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(haunting music)
(bell tolling)
(people chattering
in background)
- Should be able to get you
and Max outta here today.
Any reaction to the medication?
- I don't know.
- Well, you would.
(equipment beeping)
- Any nausea this morning?
- No, not today.
- Great to hear.
(patient coughing)
(patient gasping)
- Vicky, Vicky.
Mom, something's
wrong with Vicky.
(equipment beeping)
- Doctor, help, help.
- Dr. Lipani.
Dr. Lipani.
- Code blue, W6B4, code blue.
- Breathe.
Severe respiratory failure.
No response to
corticosteroid treatments.
- This is Vicky, who
came in two days ago
with a rib fracture and on
corticosteroids and ventillan.
- Hey, Vicky, my name is Lily.
You just keep
fighting for us, okay?
We'll get you back on
your feet in no time.
- I don't know you.
Get away from my daughter.
What's she doing?
- We have a large hemothorax.
Decompress with thoracentesis.
- Jess.
- [Jess] Drainage kit, on it.
(equipment beeping)
- What's she doing?
- Please stop.
- Myra, no.
(equipment beeping)
- Yes, sir, but it clearly
says on the bottle,
do not inhale.
Tough day at the office?
- I completely fucked up.
- [Husband] These
people are the experts.
Let the doctors do
their goddamn job.
- They're not doing their job.
You keep that fucking raghead
away from my daughter.
- Myra, this is not the time.
- It never is with you.
You be glad I don't sue.
- For God's sake,
think of our daughter.
Deep breaths.
- Kid's gonna be fine.
- Yeah, no thanks to me.
But you did great in there.
- Thanks, Lil.
- I froze up.
I should be able to do a
thoracentesis in my sleep.
Every time I try, I just
think, I could've killed her.
Her mom is right,
she should sue me.
- No, she's just
scared and angry.
- Today, I confirmed
that everything she feels
about me is right.
- Okay, no, all right.
Everybody here knows that
you're a good doctor.
You're going to England
to one of the best
paediatric hospitals
in the world.
(melancholy music)
- You look amazing.
- I want her to like me.
- Relax, okay, you'll be fine.
Just think, in a week's
time, we'll be married.
Two weeks after that,
we'll be in England.
- You sure?
- Yes, I'm sure.
I'd follow you anywhere.
- That's a little creepy.
- I was going for romantic.
Creepy, huh?
- Yeah.
- It'll do.
(both laughing)
(rock music)
- So you're the girl
who's stealing my brother.
- You must be Rachael.
- I must be.
You love him?
- Um-hmm.
- What a gorgeous ring.
- It's such a
pleasure to meet you.
- Okay, then.
Hurt my brother and
I will kill you.
I'm joking (laughing), badly.
I do that a lot.
- Lily, did you pack
Johnson's neurosurgery?
- Excuse me, Jess and her books.
How can I help?
- Literally,
(speaking gibberish).
- Hey, smelly Shelley.
The blue looks good.
I'm glad you like her.
- You didn't give
me much of a choice.
Got engaged without telling
me, for fuck's sake.
You gave her mom's ring.
- I was gonna tell you.
- So why didn't you?
- Because I was nervous
about how you'd react.
- You looked after me
for years, it's my turn.
For some reason, I feel
like I met her before.
- I doubt it.
Let's just say, our
childhoods are a world apart.
- No secondhand
clothes for that girl.
- But hey, look at us now.
Mom would be proud.
- Do they always run this late?
- Yep.
Save lives by night,
late for their own lives
every other day.
- Liliana, my favourite doctor.
You know, not my only
favourite doctor, by the way.
I also like my actual doctor.
- Seriously, Aaron,
we're going on holidays.
- Miss Evil Bridesmaid
reminded me I need
to keep on top of my
studies or I'm gonna fail.
- I am not evil.
Do I look evil?
- Looks can be deceptive.
- Aaron, good to see you again.
- Mr. Smith.
- It's doctor.
- Dr. Smith, I should've
known that. I am so, so sorry.
I won't do it-
- How about you can call me Kit?
- Okay, Kit, right, okay.
- What the fuck, guys?
We've gotta get on the road.
Won her in a bet 10 years ago,
keep her going no matter what.
Drives like a tank.
- Kit did call you
the car doctor.
- Keep 'em coming, idiots.
- Huh?
- She calls everyone an idiot.
- Given I'm the only
non-doctor here,
I'm the idiot.
- [Kit] Hey, don't say that.
- Okay, we've gotta bail.
Get in, idiots.
- All right, so bridesmaids
dresses, we must discuss.
- It's a gorgeous colour on you.
- [Hayley] I know,
but hear me out,
could it be slightly lighter?
- No, no pastels for you.
Enough with this pastel pink.
- But I like pastels.
(engine revving)
- On our way, only
a few hours late.
- You guys should check out
the website for St. Joseph's.
Says here that it's haunted.
- Aw, wanna run home.
You scared of a little ghost.
- Any plans for this trip?
- I'm gonna do some fishing
and smoke me some weed.
- You can fish without weed.
- I honestly don't
think I could.
- How you ever managed to
pass med school is a mystery.
- He passed because
he's brilliant.
- That he is.
- Best big brother I know.
- Only one, as far as we know.
- She's almost as
big of a fan as me.
- Ew, get a room.
- Ignore her.
I do.
- Why am I even here?
- As my maid of honour,
had you refused,
I would've had some words
to tell your lecturers
about your lack of commitment.
- Hey, I've just gotta
call Jia real quick.
(door creaking)
- This place is really creepy.
Something in there.
(woman sighing)
(ringtone ringing)
- Jia Liu.
St. Joseph's Guesthouse.
How can I help?
- Hey, it's Jess Samuels here.
Just checking we're still
on for 8 PM tonight.
- Yes, Ms. Samuels, we're all-
(creepy knocking)
(ominous music)
- [Jess] Hello?
Are you there?
- Sorry, yes.
We're all good for 8PM.
See you in a few hours.
(good vibes music)
(Lily screaming)
- Give me a few days, cash only.
Yeah, all right.
(engine revving)
- Hitchhiker.
- Seriously?
- We don't really
have the space.
- Come on, guys, the
weather report said rain.
- Lily, your call.
- It's not a tutorial
session, Jess.
- It's her gig, her call.
- Lily?
- Why not?
- Hey there.
- Hey, back.
- Righty oh.
(engine revving)
(mellow happy music)
So I get that you two
are getting married
but what do the rest of you do
when you're not celebrating?
- Just a mechanic.
- Ah, there's nothing
wrong with a good mechanic.
I knew this guy, worked
miracles on cars.
Restored them, fixed them,
bitching about bloody anything.
I see you guys are
going to St. Joe's.
I don't know if you've heard,
some say it's haunted
by human sacrifice.
- Bullshit.
How can people
believe in ghosts?
There's literally no
real science backing it.
- Science can't
explain everything.
Some things are beyond
our pea-sized brains,
like believing in a god.
- That's different,
faith is from the heart.
- And you doubt ghosts.
(mysterious music)
(birds chirping)
(creepy music)
(doors slamming)
- Ms. Samuels.
- Hello.
- Welcome to St. Joseph's.
- [Jess] Lovely to be here.
- [Marc] Yeah, this place
is definitely haunted.
- Well now, no sign of
human sacrifice here.
- Patience, little one.
If you believe the local legend,
there's a few more sacrifice
after the first one
so have faith.
- All right, then, let's
get everyone settled.
The moon is rising early
over the water tonight,
which is a sight to see.
- [Kit] What do you
say, little one,
you wanna have a
moonlight stroll?
- [Lily] Sounds lovely.
(ominous music)
Lovely night for a
moonlight stroll.
So much for being right back.
Kit, where the fuck are you?
(woman screaming)
(heightened music)
(dramatic tone)
(ominous music)
(dramatic tones)
(footsteps tapping)
(heightened music)
(dramatic tones)
(Lily breathing heavily)
(dramatic tone)
(Lily gasping)
(bell tolling)
(panicked breathing)
(Lily crying)
(creepy music)
(speaking in foreign language)
- Blood of the innocent
to fight their plagues.
It's been this
way for 200 years.
- All right, stop.
Stop, stop, stop.
Hey, hey, it's just me.
It's all right.
Okay, you're okay.
(Lily crying)
You're okay, here.
Again, breathe, breathe.
(Lily inhaling heavily)
You okay?
- I'm fine, now.
Who the fuck is that?
- Just a local actor
that Jia recommended.
- Fred works with me and
he set this whole thing up.
It was actually Kit's
idea to play a bit
of a practical joke on you
and pretend to sacrifice you
like that girl from the 1800s.
- Sure you okay?
- I'm horrified that a group
of medical professionals
could savage Latin
pronunciation that badly.
- We actually have cosplay
sacrifices here every month
but this is way better.
- Yeah, well next time
my loving fiance asks
to go for a moonlight
stroll, I'm saying no.
But I'll get you back for this.
- This is for that
male stripper prank
you pulled at my stag, babe.
- And the fake
emergency call out.
- And the cadaver
leg in my locker bag.
- Okay, I get it.
I had it coming, I deserved it.
But I know anatomy and-
- All right, let's finish this.
Put that back on.
- The blood of the innocent
will protect us from disease.
It will grant us
peace and prosperity,
past, present, future.
(voices whispering)
(lips smacking)
- This is a story to
tell our kids, huh?
- Oh yeah, what?
Once upon a time, their
dad tied their mom up
to a pole and made out with her?
- I was going for more of a
human sacrifice type thing.
- [Bartender] Have you
got a designated driver?
- That would be me.
Drinking and I don't mix.
Do you really believe that
St. Joseph's is haunted?
- Some say that all the
businesses around here
are so old and successful
is because we're protected
by an ancient spirit
or a sacrifice.
Take this place, no
downturn in profits,
even though there's
been a pandemic.
And it's been in the
family for over 150 years.
And we've even had paranormal
investigators go through
and they all say there's
something out there
but they can never tell what.
- [Fred] Blood of the
innocent defied their plagues.
- [Rachael] Don't
blame yourself.
I'm sure you've done
the best you can.
- He always does.
- Did you know that
Kit worked two jobs
just to get me through school?
- Yeah, I couldn't imagine
how hard it must've been
with your parents passing.
I'm so sorry.
- Can I ask what happened?
- Drunk driver.
- Bastard.
- It was dad who was drunk.
- He lied about his drinking.
- I left school at 16 to
work as apprentice mechanic
so Kit could live
his doctor dreams.
We were the only family we had.
- Now we're starting
a new family.
- You're pregnant?
- No, we haven't, I couldn't.
- Oh, you're not allowed.
Rach...come on.
- So what about you,
Marc (laughing)?
What has you wandering
the side of the road?
- Well, I drift alone.
- Sounds like a great
way to go nowhere.
(scoffing) Sorry.
- But that's only if you
think everywhere is nowhere.
You see, if you have a plan,
then you can't be surprised.
It's like you guys, you didn't
see me coming now, did you?
- [Hayley] No,
'cause I felt so bad.
(laughing) Your ears are cute.
They're ears, I guess.
- But Muslims don't drink.
- I wasn't raised devout.
- I hope I don't
offend you here,
but why do it if
you don't have to?
- A friend of mine covered
up and suggested I try it,
so I did and I really liked it.
It felt empowering, like
I'm saving something special
for somebody special.
- This guy.
- Where are you staying tonight?
- I don't know, but I'm
not crashing your party.
You guys have done enough.
- No, don't be silly.
I'm sure we have a spare
room at St. Joseph's for you.
- I don't know.
- Rachael's truck then?
- Sure, you can use my truck.
- At least I'll know you
have a roof over your head.
- To the human sacrifice.
- To the heathen ghosts.
(glasses clanking)
(night insects singing)
(engine revving)
- [Hayley] What do you
mean, what do you mean?
- Hey, Marc, do you
want the keys now?
- [Marc] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, just throw it.
Oh, you guys suck.
- I am so sorry we took so long.
- Not a problem.
Gave me more time
to set things up.
- Should I be worried,
given your last set up?
(horrifying music)
- No, no, come on.
- [Marc] I'm good, I'm fine.
Yeah, I'm fine.
Don't worry about Marc.
I'll find you, keys.
- [Jia] Here it is.
- [Lily] Wow.
- The only word
you've got is wow.
- Less booze, they might be
able to understand bigger words.
- Hello, Lily.
I think I'm quite sober
enough to tell you
how amazing you look, it looks,
you in it.
God, you're hot.
- Get back here.
Shoes off, you grub.
- This was all Kit's idea.
- Yeah, he always puts
other people first.
- I think these should
stay with you tonight.
- I suppose so.
- Are you saying that
I'm not trustworthy?
- Just a little bit tipsy.
- Maybe you're a
little bit sexy.
(lips smacking)
Oops, that was the ghost.
(engine revving)
- Where the fuck are you?
Keys, come here keys.
Where are you?
- This is a brew of my
own unique creation.
Tastes great, am I right, Kit?
- How much is there?
- We won't run out.
- Don't bet on it.
Do you remember that time we-
- Oh, the chicken, yes.
Yes, I do.
- Want some?
Drink up, idiots.
(creepy noises)
- The barmaid said
this place is haunted.
Hello, is there anybody there?
- (yelling) Found them.
(everyone groaning
and chuckling)
I found them, yes, I did.
- Cheers to that.
(fire crackling)
- Although never substantiated,
the myth of the hanged girl
has attracted ghost hunters
and tourists alike
to the church.
- All throughout
history, human sacrifices
have been offerings to
the gods to protection.
The hanged girl at St.
Joseph's is no different.
- We're dealing with an entity
that's afraid, most likely.
Angry, yes.
Not necessarily evil but angry
and that's two very
different things.
(night insects singing)
- I'll give you further
instructions tomorrow.
I don't know what
I'm gonna do yet
but it'll be epic,
you can count on that.
- Can't wait.
(door slamming)
(thunder roaring)
(rain pouring)
(door creaking)
- Who are you?
- She doesn't have the pox.
(ominous music)
(thunder roaring)
- Lily?
(Lily gasping)
(creepy music)
(woman screaming)
(Lily breathing heavily)
(slow piano music)
(birds chirping)
- [Kit] Oh, my head.
Why did you let
me drink so much?
(lips smacking)
- Aren't you supposed
to be hungover?
- Yes.
How did I end up with a
girl as beautiful as you?
- A lady.
And I blame the 20-hour
shifts and extreme exhaustion
for me not realising how
much trouble you were.
- Still am.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, God help me.
- Two more weeks and
then we'll be married.
- You know, it's gonna
be the best five seconds
of your life.
(both laughing)
Oh, two weeks feels
like a very long time.
- Self-inflicted, no sympathy.
(lips smacking)
(birds chirping)
- I totally hate you.
- Oh yeah, totally.
I noticed that.
You know, I think this
trip is going really well.
- I guess.
- Not just the last half hour,
but everything, you know.
Fun is being had.
You and Rachael seem to
be getting along well.
- She doesn't like me.
- Yeah, she does, in
her own acerbic way.
- In an I'm gonna kill you way.
She keeps sniping at
me, antagonising me.
- I haven't seen
her having a go.
She can just be a
little protective.
- You mean possessive.
She doesn't own you.
She doesn't wanna
get to know me.
- Give her time.
(lip smacking)
I was all she had for a few
years after mom and dad.
I don't know if I should
tell you this, but-
- You can tell him anything.
- When Rachael was in her teens,
she had some problems with
anxiety and depression,
so she spent some time
in psychiatric care.
- Wow, that's horrible.
Those places can be tough.
- Underneath it all, she's
a really good person.
She'll see that we're
right for each other,
I know it.
- Luckily I left
time for delays.
(lips smacking) The
sun is coming up, so
I've gotta go pray.
You're welcome to join.
- Hey, look, I love you,
but I love sleep too.
(birds chirping)
(high-pitched tone)
(speaking in foreign language)
- Morning, gorgeous.
What's up?
- This place?
You know about the
hauntings, right?
- Yeah.
The story goes that she came
to that very door begging
for sanctuary.
(door knocking)
- And somehow that
made her a witch.
- I guess being different
sometimes is enough
for people to be afraid of you.
And they said it
was a devil's work,
so they grabbed her and
hanged her in the graveyard.
- It was the woods, actually.
(dramatic tones)
- Years later,
locals came out and decided
that it wasn't an execution,
but actually a noble
sacrifice, said the village.
- This place.
- Lily, look,
you're a smart girl.
Do you really believe
this place is haunted?
- Yes, you're right.
- Although, you know,
I said they hanged her
in the graveyard.
- The woods?
- Sure.
Some say they drowned
her in the river,
and then strangled her
with their rosary beads.
They smothered her
with her own pillow.
Fed her to the orphans,
cooked rare, I believe.
- Thanks, I really needed that.
- Anytime.
- It's you.
- My village, they all died.
- Your sacrifice gave us life.
(haunting singing)
(brush crackling)
(voices whispering)
Come on, guys, this isn't funny.
(birds chirping)
- Oh, shit, the light hurts.
- It's not a pain
that you forget.
- I know, but that was,
that was 10 years ago, okay.
Look at you now.
- Let's just keep
that between us, okay?
- As in, you haven't told him.
- I can't.
- I just think that you're
gonna spend the rest
of your life with him.
Surely you can-
- Yeah, the rest of my life
in the future.
Rebellious Lily is in the
past, long gone and forgotten.
It was a different
time, a different me.
I barely even remember being 16.
My parents, what they
had to deal with,
what I put them through.
I really hurt them.
I did things that I
haven't even told you.
- If you don't want me to
know, I'm not gonna ask.
But who cares, okay?
Because now you
are going to London
to one of the best
hospitals in the world,
and I'm gonna miss you.
- You know you can
call me, right?
- No, but that's not
the same as trying
to find you in your ward
or in your office, where I-
- You mean my broom closet?
- No, in your office, where I'd
shift some of the books over
and I'd have somewhere to sit.
You have been the best tutor
a med student could have.
Yeah, I'm, I'm really
gonna miss you.
- [Marc] It's not that cold.
- [Jess] Oh, no, no, no, no.
No, oh God, no.
- [Marc] It is not that
cold, just jump in.
- Still, no, it's not
getting any warmer.
- Perfect day for a swim.
- Wanna break the ice?
- Oh crap, crap.
(Hayley yelling)
(water splashing)
- Cannonball.
(water splashing)
(friends laughing)
- [Aaron] Oh, come on,
it wasn't that bad.
- That was invigorating.
- [Aaron] You guys, get in.
It's oddly refreshing.
- This is a damn
fine margarita, Rach.
- You know it, idiot.
Don't mind if I do.
How many times a day does
that girl have to pray?
Maybe she's got some
dark secrets in her past.
- Easy, Rach.
Muslims pray like
five times a day.
She wears the abaya at
sunrise and ashra at night.
She's taking some time to
do more while she's here.
- You know the names?
- Um-hmm.
- That's new.
I mean, who knows what
kinky shit she's hiding
under all those clothes.
- Rachael.
- She may look all innocent
but for all you know,
she could be a Jihadist.
- Are you actually hearing this?
- That's not funny.
- I'm joking.
Seriously, did she take
your sense of humour too?
- Hey, good prayers?
- Peaceful.
- Always welcome to join.
- Maybe one day (smacking).
- You gonna go for a swim?
You must be getting a bit
hot under all that get up.
- Thank you for your concern.
- We won't tell.
- I said I'm good.
- The water is
really nice and cool.
(water splashing)
- [Kit] Are you kidding me?
- Excuse me a moment.
Excuse me.
- What?
She looked hot.
It's all right with us if
she shows a bit of flesh.
- It's not all right with us
if it's not all right with her.
- Angry much?
It was a joke.
- What the fuck is your problem?
- Jess, it's okay.
- No, it's fucking not.
- Yes, it is.
- It's not.
- I'll sort it, it's okay.
Inside now, come on.
- Hey, what the hell?
Since when do you
grab me like that?
- Since when do you disrespect
my wife and I like that?
- Your wife.
She ain't that yet and you
sound like one of them.
- One of them?
- Yeah, a Muslim man
ordering a woman around.
Jesus, she's really got her
claws into you, hasn't she?
You're gonna
convert, aren't you?
- Stop, you're being paranoid.
- Don't you dare call me that.
- What's happened?
You've been better than
you have been in years.
- I don't know why
you didn't tell me
you were engaged to her.
- I didn't tell you
because of this.
Every girl I've bought
home, you've fucking scared.
- 'Cause every girl you
bring home is the same,
more interested in
your bank account
and your apartment than you.
You're a pushover, a
softie, easy target.
- Well, Lily's not like that.
- Are you sure?
Did you see how angry she
got when I splashed her?
Do you know
everything about her?
- What does being
splashed have to do
with who she is?
She hasn't asked me to
convert nor would I.
- Do you know
everything about her
before she was the pure,
innocent little Muslim?
- Okay, you're gonna lose
me if you don't accept
that she's the most
important woman in my life.
(ominous music)
(brush crackling)
- Fuck off!
Fuck off and leave me alone.
It's not funny anymore (crying).
- Fuck.
(ominous music)
(leaves crackling)
(voices whispering)
(fast-paced music)
(voices whispering
in foreign language)
- Hey, you're okay, come here.
Come on, up, up, up,
you're all right.
You're all right,
you're all right.
- I'm not.
This is all wrong.
- It's okay.
- Why can't I control my asthma?
- It's all right, just
breathe, all right.
- This never happens
to me in the ER.
- Yeah, you're in your
element in the ER,
you're in control.
Heart attack, easy, no problem.
My sister is not a
normal stressor for you.
Look, Lily, you just,
you have to remember
who you are.
You're the most fearless
person that I know.
You find your centre, you'll
be okay with this too.
- But seriously, Kit,
I'm not gonna get
in between you and your sister.
- I'm not asking you to.
- Then you could've at
least said something to her.
- I did.
- What?
- Well, you're trying so
hard to be nice to her,
you're letting her
push you around.
- Yeah, well if she sees
that I'm not a threat-
- Just push back, all right.
She will respect the
power if she sees it.
That's all she knows.
- I don't know.
- Just think about
it, all right, Lily?
This will dry nicely.
- Does Rach do this to
all your girlfriends?
- Yes, it's the anxiety.
She's testing you.
- Yeah, well how many
have failed her tests?
- None were you.
Are you gonna tell me
what's really bothering you
'cause normally you're
so calm and rational.
- Well, am I not allowed
to have feelings now?
- No, of course you are.
But I know you want
Rachael to like you.
I just didn't
think it was gonna-
- It's not just her, okay. That
prank you pulled last night,
it fucking scared me.
It really fucking scared me.
It was so realistic.
I have never pulled a prank
like that to you before, ever.
I know that you're sorry.
I can see that from
the look on your face
but how could you,
especially you,
think that gagging
an asthmatic is
a smart fucking thing to do?
- I thought,
I got it wrong, I'm sorry.
- I felt trapped.
I couldn't move, I
couldn't breathe.
I just don't feel safe here.
- I'm so sorry, Lil, okay.
I really am.
- This place, it's weird.
It's like I can't
control myself.
- Well, what do you wanna
do? Do you wanna leave?
- It's fine.
Just please, please,
please, just promise
to be there for me next time.
- Always, I promise.
(mellow guitar)
- The only bloke in there can
afford new fucking equipment.
- Fuck yeah, Jesus Christ.
(friends laughing)
(water rippling)
(acoustic guitar plays)
(acoustic continues)
(water ripples)
- Distracted much.
- Just doing a little
bit of research.
(phone buzzing)
I gotta take this.
No fucking way, the same one.
All of 'em, I want all of 'em.
- Good news, apparently.
- Yes, there's
definitely progress.
- Why are you so
horrible to that girl?
- Because I am 99% sure
that I know her from-
- 1% wrong is 100% wrong, Rach.
- Then I'm 100% sure,
I know her from somewhere
and I'm not gonna let
her hurt my brother.
- Yeah, he's not gonna
see it the way you do.
- Then, I have to
make him see it.
She's not who she says she is.
Caught anything?
- Nope.
- Look, I'm sorry about
the bad jokes earlier,
but this London thing-
- You mean this Lily thing?
- Don't go.
It's been you and me against
the world for two decades.
- Look, we're not
alone anymore, Rach.
I found the person I want to
spend the rest of my life with
and I want you to
find yours too.
Lily is, she's honest.
What you see is what you get
and she's always been like that.
It's the foundation
of our relationship.
It might not be instant,
but it's honest.
- Don't hate me.
- I could never hate you, I
just want you to accept her.
- Promise me you won't hate me.
- I promise.
- There's one more photo.
- What the fuck is this?
(night insects singing)
- For fuck's sake, dude.
Just go in there and do
what I paid you to do.
You know what's gonna
happen if you don't.
(door slamming)
(night insects singing)
(car banging)
- Fuck!
- Can I help you?
- Aren't you the perfect
little wifey in training?
- Don't you have
somewhere better to be?
- No, I'm quite happy
here, thank you,
Keeping an eye on you.
- Yeah, well, you
can take your eyes-
- Oh, snappy snappy.
What would my brother
say if he could see
what a little bitch you can be?
Your innocent smiles,
your kitten eyes,
your fucking holier
than thou bullshit.
I bet you saw the perfect
escape from your past
when my brother
walked into your life
with his good looks,
his bank account,
his apartment, his Mercedes.
But you don't fool me.
- Yeah, 'cause that
would be impossible,
since you already are one...
No, wait, what's that
word that I'm looking for?
What is it that
you call everybody?
You know, I couldn't imagine
what it would be like
to be surrounded by so
many brilliant minds
yet to be so insecure
of your very own.
If you think you can
get between Kit and I,
you severely underestimated me.
I've held knives in my hands.
You what?
You make sure that
screws fit into holes.
I've saved more lives
than you've changed tires.
You've lost.
And if you can't see that,
you'll lose your brother too.
Now get the fuck
out of my kitchen.
- You can hide
behind all the layers
but I know what you really are.
We're more similar
than you think.
You don't recognise me, do you?
Johnson Psych Ward.
You liked your drink, I
was depressed and violent.
Maybe you were too
smashed to remember.
I doubt that you even
realise I'm the reason
Kit went into psychiatry,
because he didn't wanna see
anyone suffer like I did.
So listen carefully,
you little fuck,
I've already won this fight,
you just don't know it yet.
You see, I meet a lot of
interesting people working
in a garage.
I do 'em favours on cars
they may have obtained,
then they owe me.
One of them found another
Lily Khan on Facebook.
The internet never forgets.
- Please don't, I've changed.
- Oh, god, all the clothes
in the world couldn't hide
the real you.
The addict, the liar.
Our father used to lie
about his drinking.
Maybe we would still have a
mother if he'd been honest.
But it is too late for you,
you've been lying for years.
And when my brother finds out-
- Please stop.
- Only just one little push and-
- Hey!
- Lucky timing, sweetie.
But you're going down
one way or another.
(feet pounding)
(Lily crying)
- What do you need me
to do? What do you need?
- My inhaler, kitchen bench.
She's up there though.
- Okay, stay here.
(feet pounding)
Here, take that.
Take that, take that.
Breathe, breathe.
(Lily gasping)
Honestly, I wish I could
stand up to her like that.
That was impressive.
What the hell is
going on with you two?
- She wants me gone.
- Hey, it's okay.
It's okay, Lily.
- I tried so hard to make
her brother so happy.
- You're a lovely girl, Lily.
- Why can't she just see that?
- You're special.
I'll never leave you.
- What the fuck
is wrong with you?
- You're beautiful, you're
amazing, you're so hot-
- Yeah, and engaged.
I would never.
- Oh shit, Lily, I'm so sorry.
I didn't realise,
that was so stupid
of me, I didn't.
I am so sorry.
Please, just-
- Stay away from me.
- Listen to me,
I didn't mean to.
Okay, that won't happen again.
I got it wrong.
- Seriously, I don't know
what the fuck is wrong
with everybody here.
It's like nobody can
control themselves.
Even me, I've never
said anything like that
to anybody before.
- Well, she deserved it.
- She nearly threw
me down the stairs.
That is not normal.
- Okay, she might
just be a bitch.
- I haven't had a panic
attack in over a decade
and I just managed to have
two in the last four hours.
Dinner, I have to go.
It will be spoiled.
- How do you do that?
Just switch it all off.
I guess, you survive
working in a hospital
with people dying around
you everyday, right?
- Put my feelings in a box
and deal with them later.
Kit would always tell me
how unhealthy that was
but it's all I've
known since I was 17.
You can't save lives
if you're panicking.
- Look, Lily, you've
gotta be careful.
Rachael, she is dangerous.
- Yeah, I can see that.
- I mean it, she is.
- I know.
- Just watch yourself.
- I said I will.
Can you please
keep stirring this.
I've gotta go clean up.
This is not how I am.
- Yeah, sure.
Fuck, that's hot.
- [Hayley] Push
it up, push it up.
- [Aaron] All right,
I'm carrying you here.
All right, all right.
- I wouldn't eat that, Kit.
You'll get deli belly.
- Did something happen?
- We're just getting some space.
I did what you told me to
and stood up for myself.
- Surprises all around.
- Are you okay?
- Well, like you said,
this place is weird.
Brings out things
we kept hidden.
- This is incredible.
Look, if being a doctor
doesn't work out,
I will gladly hire you
as my personal chef.
You can come cook
for Hayley and I.
- Us?
- Yeah.
- To good food,
company, good life.
(friends laughing)
- [Aaron] Hey, watch out,
watch out, watch out.
No, you wouldn't catch
me dead, I promise.
If I eat anymore, I'll die.
I think I'm gonna go lie down.
Hopefully, the room
will stop spinning.
Don't laugh at me.
- I'll go check if he's okay.
(ominous music)
- Hey!
- Is everything okay?
- No, what the
hell are you doing?
- Checking on Aaron.
He's normally fine
with his booze.
- Yeah, no, I know that.
- But hey, all yours.
- That is not what
I'm talking about.
- Okay, what?
- You know.
You're engaged, for fuck's sake.
Stay away from him.
- What?
I have no interest in Aaron.
- Yeah, well he does in you.
- Hayley, you're scaring me.
- Good, stay away from
Aaron (chuckling).
- What the hell is
wrong with everybody?
(ominous music)
- When you're confronted with
something unfamiliar to you,
fear is good.
Being scared is good.
- I couldn't
control my emotions.
I just lost control.
- A shift in the mood of the
investigators was noticed.
Cause still a mystery.
(phone dinging)
(ominous music)
- Tell me it's not true.
Lie to me.
Go on, lie to me.
What, two years, you
have nothing to say?
Tell me the truth.
Are you fucking deaf?
Answer me, answer me.
What, you think I
wouldn't understand, huh?
You think so little of me
that I'm such a fucking idiot?
Well, I must be, since
you've been able to lie to me
every time you open
your fucking mouth.
- Please.
- We swore we'd be
honest with each other.
We swore we wouldn't
lie to each other.
You know that my
dad would lie to me.
His lies fucking killed my mom.
- I was ashamed.
It was the past, I've changed.
- Rachael was right about you.
- You promised that she
wouldn't come between us.
- She didn't.
Don't touch me.
- Kit.
- Maybe you never
stopped drinking.
Sure as shit, you
never stopped lying.
Tell me why you
got arrested, Lily.
You know, you told
me that you wanted
to become a doctor
because you saw one save
a woman's life after
a car accident.
Your car.
You were fucking drunk.
- Kit, please.
- Don't fucking touch me.
- This place, it's
driving me insane.
- You're just like my dad.
(Lily crying)
- No, I know that I'm
not good enough for you,
but aren't I enough
when you can't have her?
- I like you more than her,
- Then be with me.
- I want to.
Can we do this later?
Look, I just wanna spend
the time I have left
with my friend
before she leaves.
You know, I didn't
think I'd have
through the first year without
her and she's always...
Okay, she is important
to me but I want you.
I just need time.
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
- You're okay?
- Never had a doll do this
to me before (giggling).
Kit will like this.
Cute, if I was 12.
I could be a cheerleader.
(voices whispering)
(creepy monotone chanting)
What the fuck?
(voices whispering)
- Ow, Hayley.
- I was your mentor
twice a week, every week
and still that damn
girl was who you think
got you through your first year.
- What has gotten into
you? She's just my friend.
- She'll be gone soon
but I'm still here.
I'm right for you.
- Why are you behaving
insane right now?
- When she leaves,
when she abandons you,
you come running back to me
like the fucking loser you are
and I won't be the
idiot who lets you.
- Right.
- Aaron, I'm so sorry.
- This isn't like you.
- It's not, it's like I
couldn't control myself.
- There's nothing between
Lily and I, nothing.
I like you, you know?
- Great.
Let's make it official.
- What are you, what are you,
okay, no, look, I-
- Just let me drive.
- Hayley, Hayley, I do like you.
I don't know if I can do...
No, look, Hayley.
Hayley, stop, are
you listening to me?
Hayley, what are
you doing, Jesus!
- What the hell just happened?
- I'm sorry but I'm worth-
- This is still about her.
I'm still not good enough.
- It's not about her, it's me.
- Liar, liar.
- You're talking
about you, I mean,
I've never had-
- Liar!
Why couldn't you love me?
Why aren't I enough?
I love you, why
can't you see that?
- None of my business.
- Why won't you see me?
(door knocking)
- Hey.
- You have such beautiful hair.
It's a shame to hide it.
- No, I don't.
Not that it matters anymore.
All this just another
lie to hide the real me.
- What's wrong?
- Kit's gonna leave me.
Rachael knows.
The drugs, the drinking, rehab.
She's got photos, my mugshots
and she showed Kit everything.
Jess, he knows I've been lying.
- He's going to forgive you.
- No, he won't.
And you know what?
He shouldn't either because
the sooner I'm gone,
the sooner he can find
somebody worthy of him.
(ominous music)
(voices whispering)
- Lily, you don't
need to hide anymore.
(lip smacking)
- What the fuck?
- Lily, I love you
and I always have
and now you're going to
London and I can't just sit-
- No.
No, no, no, no.
This is against Allah,
this is all wrong.
- It feels so right, Lily.
Kit doesn't even love you.
- What the fuck has
gotten into you?
- Oh my God.
I am so sorry, Lily.
- Get out.
- I don't know what-
- Get out.
- I don't know
what came over me.
It just-
- I said, get out?
- Lily.
- Get the fuck out.
(door slamming)
(ominous music)
(Hayley crying)
(dramatic music)
- Why did you
reject me (yelling)?
- [Jess] Are you okay?
(Hayley gasping)
No, no, no, no.
Lily, Lily, Aaron,
somebody help!
- What the hell is going on?
Stay here.
- Somebody, Aaron, help, Lily.
- Oh, shit.
- Just get Lily or Aaron
to call an ambulance.
Oh my god.
- What the fuck do you want?
- Hayley's fucking
hurt herself, bathroom.
- Hayley, please.
- What happened?
- I smelled blood and
I think she just did it
when I found her.
I tried to stop the
bleeding but it's too long
and too jagged.
- Tie the tourniquet.
Where is he?
- Oh shit.
- Aaron!
We don't have enough space
here to keep her stable.
We can move her if we're careful
and let's just hope that
we can stabilize her
for long enough.
Where the fuck is he?
- I'm not joking, my
friend is really hurt.
Yes, St. Joseph's Guesthouse.
No, I'm telling the truth.
They hung up on me.
Said they always get
prank calls from drunk-
- Can you just call
'em again, please?
- Rachael get down here.
Keep pressure on the wound.
We have a grade one
medical emergency
at St. Joseph's Guesthouse.
My medical ID is LIL239378.
Patient is losing blood rapidly
from major arterial bleeding.
We're trying to stabilize her.
We've got pressure on her wound.
Half an hour, yeah.
Rach, get out of my way.
Where the fuck is he?
He's dead.
I found him suffocated
with his pillow.
I think Hayley.
- Oh my god.
I remember screaming at him.
- I love you.
- [Hayley] Why
can't you see that?
- None of my business.
- Why won't you see me?
Why don't you love me?
- We will deal with that later.
Rachael, go get
the first aide kit
from your car right now.
(feet stomping)
(night insects singing)
- You little fucker.
(engine revving)
(ringtone playing)
- What?
- What the fuck?
You stole my truck.
- I'm a car thief.
What did you expect?
- I expected you to seduce Lily
and show my brother what
she was really like.
- She is a good girl, Rachael.
I'm out!
- You owe me for those
cars I fenced for you.
- You got paid
well for those too.
And you stole all
my fucking drugs.
I mean, just tell me you
didn't use all of them.
That liquid LSD,
that shit is vicious.
- I wouldn't eat that, Kit.
You'll get deli belly.
I wouldn't eat that.
- There was enough in there to
blow their tiny little minds.
- Why did you reject me?
- I just meant to show
what Lily was really like,
the little drug addict she was-
- You are fucked in the
head, you know that, Rach?
- We need the truck.
Shit, dude, people are dying.
We need the first aide kit.
- [Jess] We bloody
need some drugs.
- [Lily] Okay, lie her down.
Lie her down, lie here down,
we have to try
and stabilize her.
Where's Marc?
Is the truck ready to go?
- He stole it, it's gone.
- Keep pressure on the wound,
tighten the tourniquet.
Kit, grab some sheets.
We could use those as
compression bandages.
Kit, come on.
- You're next.
- Come on, Hayley,
you've got this.
- An innocent had to die.
- Kit, what is going on?
- Aaron had to die.
- No.
- Shit, guys, I'm
not doing it alone.
Lily, what do I do?
- Don't, he may have
broken his back.
Do not move him.
- Don't let my brother die.
- [Jess] Oh my gosh, I can't
stop the bleeding on my own.
(Kit gasping)
- [Rachael] You're killing him!
- He's broken a rib,
maybe punctured a lung.
I have to relieve pressure.
- I won't let you kill him.
- If you stop me, he's dead.
He's drowning in his own blood.
- If he dies, you die.
- Go get me a pen or
a knife or a straw.
- What the fuck?
- Just do it!
- No, no, no, no.
Lily, I'm losing her!
I can't find a pulse (crying)!
I need someone.
I can't handle this on my own.
- Go help Jess.
- I'm not leaving him.
- Hayley will die without you.
- If he dies.
- [Jess] I need someone
to hold the wound, please.
Come on, come on.
Can you just hold onto it.
Please, Hayley.
Please wake up.
(Kit gasping)
There's still no pulse.
- I'm so sorry.
(Kit gurgling)
No, no, no, no, no.
What the fuck?
No, no, no, no, no.
- What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Please, please,
please don't leave me.
- [Jess] What are you doing?
Please don't leave me.
- Get away from him.
Kit, Kit, Kit!
What did you do?
- I'm so sorry.
I can't do it.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, Hayley.
- Kit.
You stole my brother.
You took him from me
and then you killed him.
- Go away from her.
- She killed him.
- No, she didn't.
Why would she?
- What happened?
- I don't know.
- Bullshit.
- I drained the
wound but he spasmed
like some sort of drug overdose.
- I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.
She killed him.
I told you, if
Kit dies, you die.
(Jess gurgling)
(body thumping)
(night insects singing)
Just like the girl
in the ghost story.
They'll find you hanged.
- You're insane.
- Possessed,
actually, possessed.
By the ghost of the
hanged girl.
Her fear infected everyone
and they killed each other
and it's made me go insane.
She's lonely.
She wants you dead to keep
her company in the afterlife.
Or maybe your idiotic
head scarf confused her
and she thought you were one
of the nuns that killed her.
Either way, as far as
the cops are concerned,
I'm temporarily insane,
maybe insane with grief.
When they look into my history,
they'll see I have
mental issues.
(Lily moaning)
What did you call me?
What did you call me?
- You heard.
- I'm not the one with the
(Rachael gasping)
(dramatic music)
It's been so long
And I wonder how
you're getting on
Although it's true
- Shit.
I don't miss you
- [Operator] What
is your emergency?
- I need an ambulance.
- [Operator] What is the nature
of the medical emergency?
- My friend is bleeding out
and I can't stop the blood.
- [Operator] What address, sir?
St. Joseph's Guesthouse,
1029 Long McDonald Road.
- [Operator] We've already
dispatched an ambulance.
ETA 20 minutes.
Oh honey, I always
call you a dude
You find out too late
to come to me too
Oh, I can hear her
being holding like you
- I told you what would happen
if you killed my brother.
My first memory is of
him holding my hand,
crossing the street,
protecting me.
The last thing he saw
was you letting him die.
You're a dead woman.
(feet stamping)
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Please help, stop,
she's trying to kill me.
(body thudding)
(Lily grunting)
- For my brother.
(skin squishing)
So high and mighty.
So fucking pious.
But the real Lily is a drunk,
a drug addict, a murderer.
I'm no doctor, but that
wound looks like the one
that took 10 minutes
to kill Jess.
All that medical training
and those people's lives
in your hands and you
let everybody die.
You're so fucking pathetic,
you can't even save yourself.
Who's the fucking idiot-
(body thudding)
(brakes screeching)
- Fuck.
(bell chiming)
Oh, crap.
Oh, crapo.
Holy fuck!
Oh shit.
Holy fuck.
Oh my god.
- Marc, help me.
- Lily.
- Please, please help.
Are you (are you)
Are you (are you)
Are you ready to
meet your maker
Are you (are you)
Are you (are you)
Are you ready to be a man
Baby you're shaking,
you're gotta get a grip
Can't help feeling like
this is someone else's trip
You get fever and delusion
Have the same chase
Yeah I'm down and
you're bleeding again
Make up your own damn mind
I just can't get
away from things
How you can sleep at night
I just can't get
away from things
Maybe you think
you'll survive
I just can't get
away from things
I know they'll eat you alive
Are you (are you)
Are you
Are you ready to
meet your maker
Are you (are you)
Are you (are you)
Are you ready to
be the saviour
Have you (have you)
Have you (have you)
Found your figure favour
Have you (have you)
Have you (have you)
Written the master plan
(birds chirping)
- [News Reporter] This seems
like an idyllic getaway
when you come to Australia
but looks can be deceiving.
A year ago, five medical
students died horribly
in a large massacre and the
final victim got hit by a van.
- Hi, we're staying here.
There's some lovely bush
tracks and fishing spots.
- Is it really haunted?
Belle keeps going on
about stuff that she read.
But with the internet,
you never know.
- Well, no one really knows.
We've had paranormal
investigators come through
and they all say that
there's something there
but they're never
quite sure what.
Maybe a year ago-
- I read about this.
By the end of the night,
only two of the seven people
walked away alive.
- Belle.
- They claim that one
of the group went insane
and tried to kill them all.
But the rumours say
something totally different.
Make up your own damn mind
I just can't get
away from things
Though you can't
sleep at night
I just can't get
away from things
Maybe you think
you'll survive
I just can't get
away from things
I know they'll eat you alive
Say I was feeling
ill, send my apologies
Leave me my bitter pill,
I've got social allergies
I'm not weak, I'm feeling
eyes without the love
How it started sinking,
baby, nobody knows
Are you (are you)
Are you (are you)
Are you ready to
meet your maker
Are you (are you)
Are you (are you)
Are you ready to be a man
Have you (have you)
Have you (have you)
Found your figure favour
Have you (have you)
Have you (have you)
Written the master plan
Make up your own damn mind
I just can't get
away from things
So you can sleep at night
I just can't get
away from things
Snatch out my thieving heart
I just can't get
away from things
Laughing as we fall apart
I just can't get
away from things
Maybe you think
you'll survive
I just can't get
away from things
I know they'll eat you alive
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh