The Hiding Place (2023) Movie Script

(no audio)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(train rumbling)
(gentle music continues)
(heartbeat thumping)
(bell dings)
(clock thuds)
- Listen.
We are in the silence now.
The silence between
two ticks of the clock.
(clock thuds)
(solemn music)
Time is the canvas on which
the maker paints the strokes
of his clock,
and I have spent my life in
the minutia of its workings.
Each piece spins and springs
and lifts its hands
to its maker.
(clocks ticking)
(clock thuds)
Justice, suffering, hope,
despair, forgiveness, despite.
Their great engines are
whirring all around us,
and the more powerless
one is to control them,
the closer she is to the mystery
that sets them in motion.
The child, the woman,
the daughter,
the sister, the watch woman,
the whatever it is
she must become.
(clock thuds)
Listen with me now.
Do you hear?
(train rattling)
The silence is ending.
The chains begin to creak.
The weights descend.
(train horn whistles)
(peaceful music)
- Betsie, where have
they put my shoes?
- Did you look in the parlor?
- Papa?
Papa, where are you?
- Shh, be quiet, Corrie.
Mama's sleeping.
- But Papa said we could
go with him this morning.
He hasn't left, has he?
It's still dark outside.
Wait for me, Betsie!
(clock thuds)
(tense music)
- What is this?
Where am I?
What's going on?
(footsteps thudding)
- Cornelia Arnolda
Johanna ten Boom.
Have I got that right?
Won't you sit?
It's nearly spring,
don't you know?
The daffodils are peeking out.
The tulips will be
up before long.
Where did you say you were from?
Ah, Haarlem, yes?
- Yes, Haarlem.
- Welcome to the Beje.
(gentle music)
Come in. Come in.
Ah, one moment.
We have a customer!
We have a train to
catch, I'm afraid.
(tense music)
- I was in Haarlem only
a few days ago.
In fact, I came home
with more bulbs
than I had any right to.
I suspect my flower garden
will get more out of this trip
than the Reich will.
Do you grow flowers, fraulein?
- Yes.
Well, no. My sister does,
in window boxes.
- Yes, of course. A
sister, Elizabeth.
(gentle music)
- Look, Corrie. It has to be
buried before it can grow.
We plant the bulb in the fall.
When the spring comes,
we'll have tulips.
- Thank you, Betsie. Would you
go and fetch Willem for me?
- Yes, Papa.
- Betsie!
- Yes, of course,
Betsie, and where is she?
- I don't know!
I haven't seen her since-
- Yes, since you arrived here.
And how long is that now?
- 119 days.
- Mm.
Well, then perhaps
I can help you.
Perhaps I can help your
sister as well.
- What about my father?
Do you know where he is?
(gentle music)
- Papa, wait!
- I'm sorry, Corrie,
but you must stay!
I need you to help your
Tante Jans and Willem
while we're gone.
Betsie will come with
me this time.
- But she always gets to go
and I always get left behind.
It's not fair.
- Papa, she can go in
my place. I don't mind.
- No, Betsie, you will
come with me as planned.
Corrie, you must stay.
I need you to see that
the watches keep ticking
and the lights stay on
while we're gone.
Do you understand?
- No, I don't.
- I want to come with you!
- I know you don't understand,
but I need you to be
a big girl now.
- But why?
- But why?
- Oh, well, you see
my suitcase there.
Bring it to me.
(Corrie grunts)
- It's too heavy, Papa, I can't.
- No, you can't,
and what kind of a father
do you think I'd be
if I asked my daughter
to carry something
she hadn't the strength to bear?
- [Corrie] I don't understand.
- I know, I know,
but, sometimes,
when we don't understand
something, it's like
that suitcase.
It's too heavy, and
you have to wait
until you're bigger to lift it.
You see?
But you will, my little
Corrie, and until then,
you must trust that your
papa loves you.
Now then, come along, Betsie.
We have a train to catch
and Corrie has work to do.
(clock thuds)
- I will be truthful
with you, fraulein,
as I hope you will be with me.
We are already aware
of everything
that's transpired in your
home over the past two years,
but we wish to obtain a
proper record, you see?
To put it in the right order.
Then, well, perhaps we go
back to tending our flowers.
- We've done nothing wrong.
- Then come, fraulein. Tell
me, what do you remember?
Begin whenever you wish.
- We were watchmakers,
and the watch keepers.
(clocks ticking)
(gentle music)
For 100 years,
people brought their clocks
and watches for the fixing.
- Aha!
No time to waste!
(bells dinging)
- My goodness, Papa. We'll
wake the whole street!
- All in perfect synchronicity,
just as their makers intended.
Mr. Janssen's was off
by 10 seconds,
but, hey, I set it straight.
Oh, Corrie, you'll have to keep
an eye on it this afternoon,
but the rest are ready
to go home, I think.
- While you two tend to
your ticks and tocks,
I'll get the coffee on
and see if I can manage
breakfast to go with it.
- Did you see Pickwick
this morning?
His watch is ready
to be picked up.
- I saw him, yes, but was
helpless to distract him
from the pastries in
the Grote Market.
- Oh, Lord, help a pastry
if that man is within
one mile of it!
- Nevermind. I'm sure
he'll be by later.
(Casper chuckles)
(bell dings)
- Ooh, good morning, Willem.
- Well, give your sister a kiss.
- [Willem] Corrie!
- Have you left Tine
at home again?
- Oh, I'm afraid so.
- I miss seeing her. You
live too far away these days.
- Well, the children talk
about you all the time.
"Where's Tante Corrie?
I want Tante Corrie
to tell me a story.
Can we visit Tante Corrie?"
- Do you hear that,
Papa? They miss me.
- Oh.
- What?
(group chuckles)
Have you heard the radio
this morning?
- The radio, why?
- What is it now?
- First it was Poland,
then Norway and Denmark.
It's only a matter of time
before we hear the boots
of the Reich in Haarlem.
- They won't dare!
They left us alone during
the Great War, didn't they?
- Let the big countries
fight it out.
It's no trouble of ours.
- Coffee is ready.
- Coffee sounds marvelous.
- Come in. There's
breakfast if you'll stay.
- I'd be glad of a bite,
now that I think of it.
(radio whirs)
(Hitler raves in German)
- What if Willem is right?
- Let us pray that he is not.
- Papa, are you ever afraid?
- Afraid?
Yes, but I wait for my ticket.
- You wait for your what?
- My ticket?
- What in the world are
you talking about?
- Let's eat some breakfast.
No time to waste.
(gentle music)
- [Betsie] Sit down!
- [Casper] Ah, thank you.
- [Betsie] Mhm. Sit down.
- [Casper] Thank you, dear.
- Oh, Betsie, is this new?
- Isn't it something?
Ms DeWitte was going to toss
out this lovely swath of green.
Can you imagine?
- That's my Betsie, always
keeping something from the fire.
- She once turned one of my
old shirts into a pillow.
Do you remember?
- And now she's using
several of your pillows
to make my shirt.
- Oh, Papa, don't tease.
(Casper laughs)
- Who says I'm teasing?
- Coffee all around?
- Ah, thank you, dear.
- Ah, fresh fruit
from the market,
bread from the oven, and a
bit of Tante Jans' marmalade.
- Ah.
- There's a reason to
get up in the morning.
- Ah, ah. The food will
be blessed first.
- Of course, Papa.
- Lord, you know what
makes the planet spin.
You know what makes
my watches hum.
You set the atoms dancing,
and in your grace, you bless
our feast with marmalade.
So tune our hearts to
hear the tick and the tock
of the vast engine
of your mercy.
- [Group] Amen.
- What brings you to town
this morning, Willem?
- I have some news.
- Ah.
- Out with it then.
- Isn't he coy about it?
(group laughs)
- I'm leaving my position
at the church.
- What?
- But how can you, Willem?
- I think ministry is
not my calling after all.
- But what will you do?
- I've opened a home
for the elderly.
- Bah, the elderly.
- There's a great need for it.
There are more every
day who need help.
- Well, this is a surprise.
- But it's a good surprise.
Isn't that right, Papa?
- I'm sorry, Papa, but the
Lord has called me to new work.
- Well, well, then you are,
you are right to follow it.
Besides, there are enough
bad preachers in the world.
The lessening of their ranks
is indeed the Lord's work.
- I'm telling Pastor
Liam you said that.
- Well, someone ought to.
- Corrie and I must
come and visit.
- Well, you'd best come quickly.
Soon, there'll be no beds left.
- So many?
- Fleeing Germany.
Oh, they despise the elderly
there and many are Jews.
- Germany? Germany?
That's all anyone will
talk about these days,
on the radio, in the newspapers,
even at my own table.
- I'm sorry, Papa.
- Although I must admit you're
not the only one with news.
- Papa?
- What are you hiding, Papa?
- Well, we shall have a new
apprentice in the shop soon.
- Well, I hope you haven't
promised to pay him much.
- No. A young man
from out of town.
- Out of town?
- Well, where is he from?
- From Germany.
- What?
- Germany?
- Papa, how can you?
- This Beje is open
to any who knock.
I will make no distinction
between German or Dutch
or Jew or anyone else.
A young man needs lessons
and we will receive him.
Who knows why a goose
goes barefoot?
Do you?
(group chuckles)
We cannot know what good
may come of it.
- Papa's right.
If he's one of these Nazis,
then we'll receive
him in kindness.
Our hospitality shall
be our protest.
Isn't that right, Corrie?
- I suppose so.
(Betsie gasps)
- Windowboxes!
- What in the world
are you going on about?
- If we're to welcome
a new guest,
we must dress the windowboxes
and see they're spilling
over with flowers.
- Flowers for Nazis?
(Casper chuckles)
She's gone mad at last.
- [Casper] Yeah.
- Is it any wonder-
- Nonsense. Window boxes
are a wonder.
Come with me, Corrie.
The market will be
overflowing with tulips.
We'll fetch the finest.
- You go on. I have
work to do in the shop.
Papa will need my help.
- Very well,
but when this German arrives,
he will be greeted
with window boxes,
or I'm not Betsie ten Boom.
(Casper chuckles)
- Oh, she is a wonder.
- I'm off then.
- Ah, well, give my love
to Tine and the children.
- Goodbye, Willem.
- Goodbye.
- Come, Papa.
- Huh?
- It's time to open.
- Oh, no time to waste.
(clock ticking)
(bells ding)
- Guten morgen.
- [Corrie] Hello.
May I help you?
- I am here to see
Casper ten Boom.
I have an appointment.
- Ah, you must be Otto
come for the furtherance of
knowledge and experience.
- Yes, from Berlin.
It seems a marvel that I
should find much to learn
here in the nether reaches
of Europe, but we shall see.
- Well, perhaps you'll find
more to appreciate here
than you expect.
- I doubt that.
Is Herr ten Boom about?
I prefer not to have
my time wasted.
I'd like to get right to work.
- This is Casper ten Boom,
and we value manners here
as well as good work.
- I apologize, fraulein. I
expected someone younger.
I trust my workbench
is prepared.
- Well, yes, of course.
Right over here.
- Excellent. This will suffice.
The first thing one
learns in the Hitler Youth
is efficiency.
I will work as efficiently
as possible
and I expect my time
to be treated likewise.
- Well, I don't know
what kind of efficiency
you're used to in Berlin,
but in Haarlem,
you'll find courtesy
is an efficacious quality
in a young man.
- Isn't this lovely, Corrie?
How could anyone want
to throw it out?
I found it in the alley outside.
- Oh, I'm not drinking
anything out of that.
- But it will make an
irresistible flower pot.
You just wait.
- Oh, yes.
Hello. We haven't met.
I'm Betsie, and you must
be Papa's new apprentice.
- Fraulein ten Boom.
- There you are.
Do you like it?
- Otto was just telling us
of the importance of
his efficiency.
- Really? Do tell.
- I wish to assume my duties
and proceed with my work
as soon as possible.
Would you put this elsewhere?
- What do you mean?
- The desk, like the
mind, functions best
when uncluttered by
that which is un-useful.
- Un-useful?
Well, if it's your position
that flowers are useless,
then I suggest you've
confounded your own argument
by revealing the direst
need for their use.
- What?
- Nevermind.
I'll put them over here
and you can use them
whenever you find it
most efficient to do so.
- Well, let's stop wasting
Otto's time
and let him get to work.
Ah, well, you may begin
with this fine old Swiss
piece of Mr. Kranz's.
It will require a steady
hand to repair it.
Let's test those skills
of yours, huh?
- Pickwick!
- Pickwick!
- Ladies. Casper.
- How lovely to see you.
- And, you, as always, Corrie.
I wonder, could I have
a word with your father?
- Well, if it's about
your watch,
he must approve the price
with me before you leave.
Do you hear that, Papa?
- Not to worry. Only
a short word.
- I'll put on some tea.
- How may I help then?
- It's delicate, I'm
afraid. Who's the stiff?
- Oh, a new apprentice.
- Can you trust him?
- Well, I don't know why not.
He's only just arrived, but
I'm sure he'll work out.
What's this delicate
business then?
- It's Jews.
- Jews? What about them?
- Willem came to see you, yes?
- Oh, he did.
- People are fleeing Germany
by the hundreds, Casper,
the thousands, and most
of them are Jews.
- I've heard.
- There's a family in my home,
but we haven't room
to keep them.
I'm sending them to Willem's
home for the elderly.
- To Willem's?
- Yes, but he can't take them
until the end of the week.
Could they stay with you
for a few days? Only a few.
- Well, yes, I suppose so, but-
- But?
- Well, it's Otto. He's German.
- The stiff?
- Hitler Youth, I'm afraid.
- I thought you said
you could trust him!
- Well, I only meant generally.
I didn't know you were
going to ask about Jews.
- Nevermind. It's no good.
Do you think he heard?
- No, no. He's very diligent.
- I have to go. Forget
what I said.
I'll find other arrangements.
(bell dings)
(tense music)
- [Richter] A moment, please.
This Mr. Pickwick, was it?
I don't seem to have that
name in my notes. Who is he?
- Pickwick? Only a friend.
No one of any account.
- And do you know what he
and your father spoke about?
Every detail could be
important, fraulein.
Any little bit of information
could be the key I need to
help you and your family.
- Their business was
that of the town,
the people, who was in need,
who could be helped, and how.
There's nothing criminal
in that.
- That remains to be seen.
I do hope you are being
truthful with me, fraulein.
Are you sure there
was nothing more?
- [Corrie] I'm sure.
- Very well.
(clock ticking)
(gentle music)
- [Betsie] Careful. Careful.
- It smells wonderful, Betsie.
- Come along, Otto.
You're our guest of honor.
- [Otto] Thank you.
- Good.
Now, Corrie, would you
fetch it for me, please?
- Yes, Papa.
- There.
Ah, here we are. Uh-huh.
Now, where were we?
Ah, yes.
"We shall be delivered out
of the hand of our enemies
that we might serve
Him without fear."
- What is this?
- We read from scripture
before we eat dinner.
A Ten Boom tradition, and right
now we are in the book of-
- You'll have to excuse me.
- Excuse you? Where
are you going?
- I will not indulge the
reading of that book of lies.
- Book of what?
- In Germany, we have
learned better than
the keeping of fairy tales.
- May I remind you that
you are not in Germany?
In Holland, we respect even
those with whom we disagree.
Perhaps Germany could
do with a lesson
in the efficacy of manners.
- I think the world will
soon see what Germany can do.
- Please sit, Otto. I want
to hear all about Berlin.
- It's only a short passage.
I'm sure it will not occupy
your thoughts for long.
- Keep your tales to yourself.
I am here to work, and
that is what I will do.
Good night.
- How rude!
How can you put up
with this, Papa?
You must fire him immediately!
- But he's an excellent
worker. Why would I do that?
- Why would you do that?
(clock thuds)
- What is it, Corrie?
What's happened?
- The boys in the street,
the ones from the market,
said I was ugly like
an old milk cow
and I should stay in my barn.
- Did they now?
- I hate them.
- Well, I think they
must not know
what beauty is or
ugliness either
if they said such a thing
to my lovely daughter.
Wisdom tells the truth, you
know, and they have not.
- What do you mean?
- Look at me, Corrie.
When we find something in
the world that is wrong,
we mustn't hate it.
We must help it to become
something different.
- But what if they
weren't wrong?
Maybe I am an ugly old milk cow.
- Well, if that were the truth,
then your papa would
be a liar, wouldn't he?
- But-
- Listen.
To see something rightly, you
must see it with love, Corrie,
even if it hates you in return.
It's only by loving
that one becomes lovely,
and that is why you
are beautiful,
because I love you,
and you love me
and Betsie and Willem
and your mother.
So, try loving these
boys too, huh?
And then watch and see
what will happen.
Will you try?
Well, then run along and
help Betsie with her flowers.
(clock thuds)
- Papa's right, Corrie.
Think how wonderful Otto will be
once he's learned to be polite.
Then there's no telling
what we might make of him.
- You're fools, both of you.
(clock thuds)
(somber music)
We were, all of us, fools.
He never should have been
allowed to stay at all.
What was Papa thinking?
He ought to have known.
- And what exactly ought
he to have known, fraulein?
- Otto, of course.
I could see it right away,
but he was with us for months.
His little cruelties
and disrespect.
I don't know how Papa and
Betsie put up with him.
He was there until...
(clock thuds)
- Otto!
Ah, Otto, have you repaired
that movement
I asked you about?
- Of course I did. I
already told you.
- Ah, ah, where?
Oh, yes. Here it is.
Oh, and good work too.
Why, in two months, he's
become a fine apprentice.
Don't you think so, Corrie?
- [Corrie] Shall I
bill Mr. Janssen?
- Oh, yes. It should be ready
to pick up this afternoon.
Otto, would you fetch
that pinion for me?
(Casper yells)
- Oh, Papa!
Papa, are you all right?
- No, I'm fine. I just
lost my balance is all.
- You nearly knocked
him flat, Otto!
- The lot of the old is
to make way for the young.
- You will not speak
that way of my father!
You will show respect
or you will leave!
- Oh, no.
Easy, Corrie. He meant no harm.
- Perhaps I should find
other employment.
My skills here are wasted on
work that a child could do.
(bells ding)
- Turn on the radio!
- Willem!
- What's wrong?
(radio whirs)
- The Prime Minister.
- [Radio] We have secured
for the Netherlands
a place of neutrality.
We will take no sides.
We will, as always, remain
a steadfast force for peace.
- Well, that's good
news, Willem. Isn't it?
- I trust no peace with Germany.
A darkness has been gathering.
I fear it will soon
sweep us into its shadow.
- Otto? Otto?
- Ah, he's gone.
- Gone? Gone where?
- Good riddance.
- But will he be back?
- We did our best to
teach him a trade.
Let us pray that he
will make good use of it
in some other time or
some other place.
- Betsie, would you take
Papa and fix him some tea?
- Ah, yes.
- Come, Papa.
- Yeah.
(Corrie sighs)
- Do you really think
there will be war?
- Germany is a ticking
time bomb, Corrie,
and it could explode
at any moment.
Papa knows this, though
he does his best
to keep up appearances.
- [Corrie] I'm afraid, Willem.
- So am I, but I must get
back to Tine and the children.
Have faith, Corrie.
We are hidden in the
shadow of a mighty wing.
(clock thuds)
(clock ticking)
(solemn music)
- [Corrie] Papa? Papa,
what's wrong?
- Oh, nothing, Corrie.
Just shadows in the night.
- What do you mean?
- Well, look out there, out the
window. How far can you see?
- It's too dark.
I can see the street,
but only as far as Mr.
Janssen's shop.
Is something out there?
- Oh, yes, dear. A
great many things.
They grow closer by the moment,
while others recede into memory.
- You're scaring me, Papa.
What's out there? What is it?
Can it hurt us?
- It's the world, Corrie.
The great, rolling epic
of Creation all around us,
at all times, in all places.
Beautiful things will happen.
Terrible things will happen,
but don't be afraid.
Oh, no, don't be afraid.
(sirens wailing)
(clock thuds)
- [Jewish Woman] This way! Run!
- [Nazi] You there! Stop!
- [Jewish Woman] What
do you want?
- You will wear this so that
everyone can see what you are!
(clock ticking)
(clock thuds)
- Are they Jews, Papa?
- I fear that they are, but
pity the Germans as well,
for they have touched
the apple of God's eye.
- What do we do, Papa?
- We pray and we wait.
- Wait for what?
- For our marching orders.
(clock thuds)
- What exactly did your
father mean by that?
"Marching orders"? "The
apple of God's eye"?
- The Jews are the
people of God.
They are close to his heart.
- [Richter] And that's
why you hid them?
- I did not say that.
- But it is true, isn't it?
- The truth is rarely so simple
as we would like to believe,
- And the truth is always
most complicated
for those who wish to evade it.
So, tell me, fraulein.
Why do you continue to evade it?
(clock thuds)
(knocking on door)
- Hello?
- [Stranger] Please, will you
let me in? They will find me.
- Who will find you?
(bell dings)
- Them.
My name is Thea Dacosta.
- How do you do, Thea Dacosta?
Won't you come into the kitchen?
- I was about to make some tea.
You're just in time to join us.
- In this house, God's
people are always welcome.
- We have four empty
beds upstairs.
- Your only problem will be to
choose which one to sleep in,
but come.
Give me a hand with the tea.
(knocking on door)
- [Corrie] Hello?
- I was told I might find
a place to rest here.
- [Casper] Yes, but
who told you?
- Thank you, ma'am.
Oh, I am a Jew, I must tell
you, and God bless you.
They have taken my family away
and I dare not return
to my own home.
- My goodness. Come in.
Come in.
(knocking on door)
- Thank you, dear. Am
I in the right place?
- The right place? But-
- Yes, come in. Are
you all right?
- Is there anyone else, then?
- I'll go make beds.
Please, come in. Here you are.
- But they can't
stay here, Papa.
The Gestapo is just
around the corner.
They'll be found out in no time.
- We'll talk to Willem.
Maybe he has room.
- But who sent them?
- I don't know, but thank
God we are able to help.
- Oh, Papa, what have
we got ourselves into?
(knocking on door)
- [Pickwick] Miss ten
Boom? Open up, quickly.
- Pickwick!
What are you doing here?
You're not a Jew, are you?
- Hah! I should be so
blessed, but come.
I must talk with you all.
- Pickwick, is this your doing?
- I heard that Nazi of
yours had fled and I knew
there was no one I trusted
more than you, old friend.
- But, Pickwick, they
can't stay here.
- No. The Gestapo station
is only a block away!
- It's a terrible idea.
- It's a brilliant idea!
- [Pickwick & Betsie] They'll
never think to look here!
- But people come into
the shop all the time.
- Ah, if you're going to be
a part of the underground,
you'll have to start
out-thinking them.
- The underground?
- The underground?
- What must we do?
- I knew I could count
on you, old friend,
and you too, Betsie, and
especially you, Corrie.
- Me?
- I've already spoken to Willem.
He'll have room for
them in a few days.
We need your home as a
step along the way.
Willem will house them
in the country
while we find them transport
to England or America
or someplace safe,
but space isn't the problem.
- I should think the
Germans are the problem.
- Food is the problem.
Ration cards.
We can't feed people without
ration cards,
and we haven't yet found a
means of counterfeiting them.
- Well, what do you suggest?
- Do you know anyone
in the Food Office?
- What about Fred?
- Of course!
- Who?
- Fred Koornstra. He used
to read the electric meter.
- I used to ask him in for
tea, though he always refused.
- I even taught his daughter
when she was a young girl.
- Good, good. Do you
know his leanings?
- He's no Nazi, if that's
what you mean.
- If he can help, you
could ask him for
five ration cards, maybe ten.
Shear them but don't skin
them, as the saying goes.
If we ask for too many,
it might raise suspicion.
Now, show me the house.
- The house?
- Yes. I have an idea, hm?
(gentle music)
- This way.
(gentle music continues)
Please, Pickwick.
My room is down there.
- [Pickwick] Mhm.
- [Corrie] And Papa's
is this way.
- And this is Corrie's room.
- [Pickwick] Aha!
- Aha? What do you mean, "aha"?
- I'll send someone
in a few days.
They will come with a delivery
and give you the password.
Let's see.
How about "glockenspiel"?
(Casper and Betsie chuckle)
- A password?
Well, this is exciting.
- Do as they say and they
will take care of everything.
- But what will they deliver?
- The less we say, the better,
and from now on, my
name is Mr. Smit,
and you will be Ms. Smit.
Everyone you meet in
this work will be a Smit.
The less we know one
another's names, the better.
Isn't that right, Ms. Smit?
- Ooh, I suppose so, Mr. Smit.
- Goodbye for now,
and thank you.
- Well then. You see?
We have our marching orders.
(gentle music)
- Welcome to the Beje.
We are so glad you're here.
- I'll get you all
some blankets.
Please, have some tea.
- Yes.
(clock thuds)
- We had guests from
time to time at the Beje,
but no one of any consequence.
Papa loved to invite.
Betsie loved to host.
It was our way.
- How many is that?
- My goodness, Betsie,
it's over a dozen already,
and we've only been in the
underground for a week.
- The war can't last long, I'm
sure, but Pickwick's right.
We're going to need food
if there are any more.
- I see, and these guests,
what were their names?
- Oh, so many.
One so easily forgets in
all the coming and going.
We are very busy people,
Surely you understand.
- I'm not sure I do.
Help me to understand.
- Well, there was one guest
in particular that I remember.
It was some time after
the invasion. Let me see.
(clock thuds)
(bell dings)
- I used to work here.
- What? Here?
- It's been a long time.
I was an apprentice to
an old watchmaker.
- Were they Jews?
- No, but almost as bad. They
tried to read a Bible at me.
- Otto?
- Lieutenant Schwarzhuber.
- Otto!
Well, you left so suddenly
we didn't get to say goodbye,
and look how you've grown!
- What do you think, Hans?
Do we need a new watch?
Should we buy something?
- What have they got?
- [Corrie] Shh!
- [Betsie] What's wrong?
- [Corrie] It's Otto.
- [Betsie] Otto? Stall
him, Corrie.
- Are you looking for
something in particular?
Well, what about
this fine clock?
We only just put it
on sale today.
- I doubt you've anything
of much worth.
I don't see Betsie, though.
Where is she?
- Oh, you know, dishes,
laundry, housekeeping.
I could ask her to
fetch some tea.
Would you like some, Otto?
- Lieutenant Schwarzhuber,
and, yes. I am thirsty.
I'll fetch it myself.
- Oh, she is in the
middle of housecleaning
and would be mortified
if a guest saw it today.
Betsie! Can you fetch some tea?
- [Betsie] Certainly, dear.
- Ah, who is your friend, Otto?
- Lieutenant Schwarzhuber!
- Ah, pleased to meet
you, lieutenant.
- Not him, me, and I
can get my own tea.
(ominous music)
- Otto?
Well, it's been ages!
Where on earth did you come
from? My, what are you wearing?
- It's Lieutenant Schwarz--
- I'll never forgive you
for running off without
saying goodbye.
Oh, Otto, have some tea.
(tea pot rattles)
(Otto spits)
Was it too weak?
(Otto groans)
I'm afraid, with the rationing,
we've taken to using the
leaves several times.
There's not much left
to squeeze out of them.
- Disgusting.
- Well, now, that's
just rude, Otto.
- Still reading this?
- Always. It's a lantern
in all manner of darkness.
- You're hiding something.
(Betsie chuckles)
- Hiding something?
Whatever in the world
would I be hiding?
Do you mean the Jews
under the table?
- Don't take me for a fool.
- I wouldn't dare, Otto.
In fact, I take you for
a smart young man
in need of some illumination.
- Illumination?
- Yes, and if you're
stationed here,
you should come by more often.
My kitchen is warmer and safer
than out on some battlefield.
- My father is warden of
a camp north of Berlin.
Did I ever tell you? He'll
keep me off the front lines.
I don't need anything from you.
- No, I'm sure you don't, but
it's offered all the same,
and when the day comes
that you do need anything
of us, Otto,
I hope we'll be able to
provide it, whatever it may be.
You only have to ask.
You're welcome here
anytime, Otto.
Please come and visit again.
- Come on, Hans!
There's nothing here
worth my time.
- Is everyone all right?
Did he see anything?
- Everyone's fine, but-
- We're going to need
an alarm system.
(refugees sigh)
- That was a bold move,
Miss ten Boom.
- You nearly gave
me a good faint.
- Here, come. Let me help you.
- [Mary] Oh, thank you, dear.
- All's well now, all's well,
and it was nice to
see Otto again.
(knocking on door)
(bell dings)
Poor thing.
- [Workman] I was told to
see you about a glockenspiel.
- [Casper] A glockenspiel?
- [Workman] Yes, sir.
A "glockenspiel."
- Well, yes, I think I
can help you there.
- What's this?
- It's the "glockenspiel."
- And would you show
us to Ms. Smit's room?
- That is no proper way
to treat so fine a clock.
- Can't be helped, I'm afraid.
Have to smuggle it in
so we don't catch the
lingering eye of the Gestapo.
- We'll be done in no time.
- Done? What are
you going to do?
- Think nothing of it.
You won't notice a thing.
- If we've done our
job well, that is.
Just give us a few hours alone.
We'll take care of everything.
- [Corrie] Well, I suppose
if Pickwick sent you.
- You mean Mr. Smit?
- Oh, yes. Mr. Smit. This way.
- Right there. Left, yes.
- [Workman] Thank you, sir.
- And straight down the hall.
- [Workman] Down the hall.
- Well? What did they do?
Did they deliver something?
- I'm not sure, but they
don't want to be disturbed.
In the meantime, if Pickwick
is going to
keep sending people to us,
we have to have help
feeding them.
I'm going to see Fred
Koornstra. I'll be back soon.
- Be careful, Corrie.
- [Casper] We don't know
who we can trust.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
- Corrie!
- Hello, Fred.
- Oh, so good to see
you. Is your father well?
- He's well.
A bit slower all the time,
I'm afraid, but still ticking.
- Oh.
(both chuckle)
And what can I do for you?
Is it about my daughter?
She asks about you all
the time, you know.
- Oh, I do miss teaching her.
I must come for a visit soon
and see how she's doing.
- She would be delighted and
we do love to have the company.
- Well, that's just it, Fred.
We've had some unexpected
company at the Beje lately.
- Unexpected company?
You haven't come about
my daughter, have you?
- First, it was a single
woman, then a man,
and, well, the thing
is, Fred, they are Jews.
- I see.
- But food is the trouble.
They must eat and they
have no ration cards.
- And so you come to see me.
- We've been friends
for a long time, Fred.
Is there any way you can--
- Corrie, these cards
have to be accounted for
a dozen different ways.
They're double-checked
and checked and I-
- Fred, have you heard
how the Germans
are treating people
like your daughter?
- What do you mean?
- The mentally disabled. Do you
know what they do with them?
- One hears rumors.
- They round them up, Fred.
They put them in camps.
They eliminate them.
- [Fred] Yes. I know.
- And that is what I'm hiding
these people from, Fred.
Do you understand?
- Here. I have these
two from last week.
Please take them and go.
- Two, Fred?
Listen to me, Fred.
What if there were a hold-up?
- A hold-up?
(Fred chuckles)
Yes. It might work.
If it happened at, say, noon
when only my secretary
and I are here-
- And they found you tied.
- And gagged!
It could work, and I know
just the man who might do it!
Do you remember--
- Oh, no, no, no! No,
Fred, don't tell me who.
I don't want to know.
Only get me the cards
if you possibly can.
- How many did you
say you needed?
Four? Five?
- 100.
- 100?
- And that's for starters, Fred.
This could be a long war.
- Corrie, I don't know if I--
- I know you can do
it, Fred. You must.
- I will do what I can.
(Fred sighs)
- God bless you.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
- It's our finest work, I think.
- It's rather small, isn't it?
- Any bigger and it
would attract attention.
Ms. Smit!
- [Corrie] Have your
delivery men finished then?
- Come and see. Come and see.
- Oh, it's smaller.
What happened?
- We moved the wall, see?
- But why?
- Go on. See for yourself.
Next time there's trouble,
get all your, shall we say,
watches in there as
quickly as you can.
- But it's so dark. They'll
be terrified.
- [Pickwick] Can't be helped.
- We might put some
water inside.
- And a candle, do you think?
You must train them to
be quick and to be quiet.
Once the alarm rings, it must
take no more than 60 seconds
for them to be hidden entirely.
You must practice.
- My goodness.
- This is dangerous work.
Do you believe in it?
- I can think of no
finer work than that of
making our home a refuge
for those in need.
- No matter the consequence?
- The consequence?
Look at me, Pickwick. I am too
old to fear the wrath of men.
My daughters will
have to decide.
- Understand, my dears,
if you are caught,
we can do nothing for you.
If the Germans snatch you up,
prison or worse will
be your fate.
- Christ stayed in the garden
when he knew they would come.
I will stay in my home
and hope they do not.
- What about you?
- My place is here.
I will keep watch.
I will help however I am able.
- Good. Any other questions?
- God bless you and
keep you, Pickwick.
- Goodbye, Mr. Smit.
(Casper chuckles)
- Well, we're certainly
in the underground now.
(clock thuds)
- I am quite interested in
learning more about your
raids on the Food Office.
Perhaps you could elaborate.
- There were no raids
on the Food Office.
- Perhaps you call it
something different.
The matter at hand is
how you came to be in possession
of illegal ration cards.
I am told your sister,
Betsie was it? Has taken ill.
- What? She's ill?
Oh, please let me see
her. Is she all right?
- As I have told you,
I am here to help,
but you must help me first.
So, the ration cards?
Or the Jews perhaps?
Which would you prefer?
- We stole no ration cards.
We hid no Jews.
(solemn music)
We stole no ration cards.
We hid no Jews.
We stole no ration cards.
We hid no Jews.
We stole no ration cards.
We hid no Jews.
We stole no ration cards.
(clock thuds)
It's over a hundred now, Betsie!
- And we've nothing left
to eat but tulip bulbs.
We need those ration
cards, Corrie.
- How can there be so many?
- Have you heard any
word from Fred?
(knocking on door)
- Come inside, quickly.
(bell dings)
- Thank you!
- Papa, we have a new watch.
- Oh, welcome, welcome.
Willem will be by later to
pick up the other two watches.
- Hello.
- This is Thea Dacosta.
Won't you tell us your name?
- Meta. Meta Montsano.
- Welcome, Meta. It's
going to be all right now.
- Thank you, Thea.
Won't you show her where
we hide the watches?
- Certainly.
- And let me get you some tea.
(bell dings)
- Good morning, Corrie.
- Oh!
- Papa said you have a
watch for me to deliver.
- Indeed I do. One moment.
Come now. Quietly.
Willem will see you
safely out of the city.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Stick with me and
everything will be fine.
Take these papers.
If anyone questions us,
let me do the talking.
- Are you ready?
- [Refugee] Yes.
- Wait, wait.
(bell dings)
Now, quickly, with me!
(knocking on door)
(Corrie sighs)
(bell dings)
- Fred!
- [Betsie] Fred!
- Fred!
- Your face!
- Oh dear!
- Are you all right?
(Fred chuckles)
- My friend took to his work
with rather more vigor
than expected.
- Your friend?
- Being robbed is no
small adventure.
- Oh, Fred!
- Oh, dear.
- Fred!
Fred, you've done it!
- See that they get put
to good use, Corrie.
They cost only a bit
of my pride this time,
but if we are reckless, they
could cost much, much more.
(Corrie chuckles)
Be careful. They're watching.
They're always watching.
- Thank you, Fred.
- If you need more, I
don't know what I can do,
but I will help if I can.
- You've done enough for now.
- I must go before I am missed.
- We shall have a proper
dinner tonight.
(bell dings)
(upbeat music)
- Yes, please.
- Don't rush, Papa.
Dinner's almost ready.
- [Casper] I'm not
rushing anyone. Come on.
Let me help you, Mary.
- [Mary] Oh, thank you, Casper.
- [Casper] Yes.
- [Mary] Thank you, dear.
- [Casper] Thank you.
- Do you know what
I miss, Casper?
- Well, if it's the
kosher food, I'm sorry.
There isn't much choice
these days, I'm afraid.
- [Meyer] Music.
- Music?
(gentle music)
- Before all this, my wife
would play piano after dinner,
and I would dance
with my daughter,
even though she was
just a tiny thing.
- How old was she?
- My daughter?
She'll be nine now.
I've missed two birthdays.
- What was it your
wife used to play?
- Nothing German, I hope.
- Hear, hear.
- What was it now?
Da, da, da, da.
Something by Chopin, I think.
Da, da, da, da, da, da.
Da, da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da.
(Meyer vocalizes)
(group chuckling)
(Meyer humming)
(gentle piano music)
(Casper chuckles)
- That was lovely. I'd
forgotten how to do that.
- We cannot forget.
None of us.
- Meyer, I'm sure they'll
be all right.
- I thought that one of you
might like to read
to us tonight?
One of the prophets, maybe?
Or something from the Kethuvim?
What do you think, Meyer?
- [Meyer] I would be honored.
- Ah.
(Meyer sighs)
- Ah.
"The elders of the
daughter of Zion,
sit on the ground
and keep silence.
My eyes fail with tears,
my heart is troubled,
because of the destruction of
the daughter of my people."
- "How shall I console you?
To what shall I liken you,
O daughter of Jerusalem?
For your ruin is spread
wide as the sea.
Who can heal you?"
Thank you, Meyer. A hard
reading, but well read.
- May I?
- Hm? Oh, yes.
- [Meyer] Ah.
(Meyer gently chuckles)
(match crackles)
(Deborah sighs)
(Deborah singing Jewish
Sabbath ritual)
(Deborah continues singing)
(Deborah continues singing)
- [Group] Amen.
- Amen.
- Yes.
- Thank you, dear.
Let's eat. Please.
- Yes.
- [Betsie] Will you
help me pass these out?
(group muttering
over each other)
- There you are.
- Yes, yes, yes.
(alarm buzzes)
- Go, go!
- No time to waste!
Go, go!
- Quickly.
- Go, go!
(group muttering
over each other)
- Yes, go.
- Come on, Mary, please.
- Come, come.
(Casper indistinctly mutters)
(Casper sighs)
- Oh, no. Too slow, too slow.
We must be quicker!
- [Corrie] It's all
right! It's only a drill!
It's safe to come out!
(Meyer nervously chuckles)
- I haven't had that much
excitement since I was a boy.
- I'm too old for excitement.
- Nonsense. A bit of
excitement keeps one young.
Isn't that right, Ms. Mary?
- What?
- Ignore him, Mary.
- I know what we need.
We need a song to sing
to keep us on pace.
What do you say, Casper?
- A song?
- Come on, Henk. What's
a good old tune, huh?
(Henk speaks in foreign
- Eh.
(Henk speaks in foreign
- "Hava Nagila"!
(Henk laughs)
- "Hava Nagila"!
(group singing in
foreign language)
(group continues singing
in foreign language)
(group chuckles)
- Well then. Now can we eat?
- [Casper] Oh, please.
(knocking on door)
- Yes, there you are, please.
- You go ahead.
I'll get it.
- Thank you.
(knocking on door)
(Corrie humming)
Good evening, Mr. Smit.
- I can hear your watches
ticking a block away!
- Oh my. Do you think
anyone heard?
- Let us hope not. How are they?
- Oh, safe and sound.
Perhaps a bit stir crazy.
- You mean the Jews?
- Well, of course I do.
I feel like a revolving
door, Pickwick.
We've had hundreds through
the Beje since we began,
and except for Meyer and Mary,
you and Willem whisk
them away so quickly
we don't have time to
get to know them.
What are you doing that for?
- You are too free with
your tongue, Corrie.
That is what I have come
to talk with you about.
- Oh my.
Now you have me worried.
What is it?
- They are onto us.
- What?
- Someone is informing the
Gestapo of our activities.
- Oh, surely not!
- A safe house was
raided last night.
All the Jews have been arrested,
as well as those who hid them.
- Oh!
- Willem may be next, or you!
- Oh no, Pickwick. They can not.
But how?
- We are almost certain
we know who this man is,
but we cannot arrest him.
The Germans control everything.
- Well, surely, there is
something we can do. Who is it?
- Does it matter?
The only question is what we
are going to do about him.
- We've come this
far, haven't we?
What else must I
do? I'm willing.
- You don't yet know
what I suggest.
- Out with it then.
- We would have to...
We could
kill him.
- Kill him?
(Corrie sighs)
Our goal to save life,
Pickwick, not to destroy it.
- [Pickwick] What if by
sparing this man's life,
he destroys ours and
others', theirs?
- I don't know.
Pickwick, I don't
know the answer,
but I cannot be party to murder.
We cannot.
- I fear the consequences,
but I agree.
Therefore, we cannot
be too careful.
You must guard your
words at all times.
If they come, if they suspect,
they will question you.
Answer with certainty.
Do you understand?
- I think so.
(tense music)
- Let us practice.
- Practice?
- Where are you hiding
your nine Jews?
- Nine? We only have five.
- No!
- Oh, Pickwick, I'm sorry.
I have no facility with lying.
- Think of it not as
lying, but as protection.
You must be a shield that hides
the lives in your keeping!
Do you see?
If you are startled,
anything may come out!
You must be ready, Corrie.
The Gestapo will try
to trap you with words.
Consider how you answer.
The Jews you are hiding,
where are they from?
- I don't know.
- No!
- Let me try again!
- You will get no second or
third chance with the Gestapo.
If they ask, there is but
one answer. What is it?
- What Jews? We have no Jews.
- Again.
- What Jews? We don't
have any Jews!
- Again!
- We don't have any Jews here!
- Where are they?
(Corrie yelps)
Are you all right?
- Yes.
I'm fine.
- These are not games
we play at, Corrie.
The stakes are the very highest.
Now, look for Willem
tomorrow night.
He will come with further
instructions and news from me.
You must pass on what I've
said to your father and sister.
(Corrie sighs)
I pray the day does not
come, but if it does,
God help us all.
(dining group laughs)
(bell dings)
(Corrie sighs)
- We must keep up our practice.
(dining group laughs)
(alarm buzzes)
(group gasps)
(tense music)
- [Betsie] Go!
- Get, go.
(group muttering)
What is it, Corrie?
Was it Pickwick?
- [Corrie] Nothing, Papa.
It was nothing.
- You look like a ghost.
- What are we doing, Papa? What
will we do if they find out?
- We do what we are
called to do,
the rest is not our concern.
- Aren't you afraid?
- Afraid?
Yes, but I wait for my ticket.
- What?
- When you were a girl,
just a little thing,
do you remember how we
would go in the summer
to visit your Tante
Jans in Amsterdam?
- Tante Jans?
No, Papa, I don't remember.
That was a different world.
What does that have to
do with anything?
- We took the train.
Think, Corrie.
Do you remember the way it was?
(train faintly rumbling)
- I remember
you held my hand as we
stood on the platform,
and I remember the rumble
of the train
as it rolled into the station.
- Yes. It was all steam
and steel and terror.
(train whistles)
You shook beside me
and tried to pull away.
- I clung to you
- [Casper] And I kept you.
- It all seemed so very big
to me then, terrible even,
but I clung to your hand
and I knew I would be safe.
- And the ticket, Corrie?
Think about that ticket.
Do you remember?
- I suppose we handed
over our tickets
and got onto the train, but
what does it matter, Papa?
- I kept your ticket for
you, and when the time came,
I gave it to you at the
instant you needed it.
- But if you hadn't given
me the ticket,
I couldn't have gotten
onto the train at all.
Papa, I don't understand.
- But you will.
You will.
(tender music)
Oh, my dear Cornelia
Arnolda Johanna ten Boom.
(Corrie softly sobbing)
My little Corrie.
When the time comes for courage,
your father will give
you everything you need,
just at the moment you need it,
and with no time to waste.
- Oh, Papa.
Don't leave me.
We kept no Jews.
We conducted no raids.
(ominous music)
We kept no Jews. We
conducted no raids.
(clock thuds)
- Our time here is
nearly at an end.
My patience thins.
- We kept no Jews. We
conducted no raids.
- Is that so?
You are a Christian, yes?
- [Corrie] I am.
- Is there not a commandment
that condemns those
that bear false witness?
- There is, but-
- But you think yourself
exempt from it?
- No, I-
- The fact is, fraulein,
you are no heroine protecting
the weak.
You are no martyr who
will be remembered.
What you are is simple.
You are a liar.
Tell me, fraulein.
What does God think
of those who lie,
those who steal, those who
hide secrets from the law?
Has your God not put the
authorities in their places?
Does He not command you to obey
those that He has raised up?
- We kept no Jews. We
conducted no raids.
- Perhaps it would help if
you considered me a priest.
Consider this room
your confessional.
Tell me your sins. I
will absolve you.
I will forgive you.
The truth will set you free!
- We kept no Jews. We
conducted no raids.
We kept no Jews. We
conducted no raids.
- Do you know your father
and your sister
have already confessed?
Your brother is writing
his confession even now.
We know everything. You
save no one with your lies.
You protect nothing with
your silence. Confess!
- We kept no Jews. We
conducted no raids!
We were watch keepers.
We kept our watches.
We kept watch.
(clock thuds)
(knocking on door)
- We're closed!
- [Stranger] Your
brother sent me.
- [Corrie] Where is Willem?
Why hasn't he come himself?
- [Stranger] He told
me to come to you.
My wife, she's been arrested.
She's a Jew.
- I told you, we are closed.
- [Stranger] There's a policeman
who can be bribed
for 600 guilders.
Your brother sent me.
- I think you've come
to the wrong door.
I don't see how I can help.
- [Stranger] If I don't
get the money,
she'll be taken away
and it will be too late.
Please, please, your
brother told me
you were kind to her people.
- Shh. Speak quietly.
Come back in the morning.
I'll have the money.
- [Stranger] Thank you.
Thank you. I won't forget this.
- [Officer] Well done,
Lieutenant Schwarzhuber.
- Thank you, sir.
- If your intelligence pays off,
there will be a promotion
waiting for you.
- Open up!
(tense music)
- [Betsie] We're closed! Can
you come back in the morning?
- Open the door!
- This old door sticks,
I'm afraid.
- [Otto] Open the door!
Open it now!
- [Betsie] What is the
meaning of this?
- Otto!
- It's the middle of the night!
- Dear God, what have you done?
- Time is up, old
man. Find them!
- [Betsie] No!
- You can't come in
here like this.
- [Officer] Seize her!
Where are they?
- No, please!
- Sit!
(Betsie whimpers)
- No!
- Where are they?
- What?
- Jews. Where are
you hiding them?
- I'm not hiding any Jews.
- Give me your papers, now!
- Here they are.
- Where are the Jews?
- [Corrie] I don't know
what you're talking about!
- [Officer] Tell me!
- [Corrie] No. We're
not hiding anyone.
- [Officer] Where are
the ration cards?
- [Corrie] I have
no ration cards.
- [Officer] You have
stolen ration cards,
you have offered to make bribes,
and you are hiding Jews in
a secret room in this house!
Where are they?
- Jesus, protect me!
- [Officer] Say that name one
more time and I will kill you!
- Papa!
- Oh, my Beje.
- She'll be the ringleader.
- Take that one and
make her talk.
- Oh, no, let her be!
- Betsie!
- She'll be fine as long
as she tells the truth.
- [Casper] But we are
law-abiding citizens.
- Law-abiding?
(Corrie whimpers)
Tell me, what does your book say
about obeying the government?
- Fear God, and honor the king,
or the queen, in our case.
- Find them!
- We've looked everywhere, sir.
If they're here, the devil
himself has hidden them.
- Same with this one.
She won't talk.
- Get them out of my sight.
Set a watch in the house.
We will starve the Jews
where they hide.
- There's no one here!
- I will give you one
last chance, old man.
Tell us where they are
and you may live out the rest
of your days in peace, hm?
The truth is your ticket
to freedom.
(ominous music)
- If you free me today,
tomorrow, my house will
be open to any who knock.
- [Officer] Take them!
- Oh, Papa, no!
- Corrie!
- Betsie!
- We've prisons hungry
for filth like this.
- Papa.
No one comes in.
No one gets out.
We will turn these
Jews to mummies!
- We kept no Jews. We
conducted no raids.
We kept watch!
(clock thuds)
- You see this?
It is a letter for you.
Would you like me to read it?
- A letter? From who?
- From Tine ten Boom. Your
brother's wife, I believe.
- What does she say?
I've had no news.
- She writes, "Corrie,
can you be very brave?"
- Why does she say that?
- "I have news that
is hard to write."
- Oh no. Oh, God, no.
- "Your watches are safe,
but your papa survived his
arrest by only 10 days.
He is with God now."
- Oh, Papa.
(Corrie sobs)
- Your papa died in an empty
hall, not far from this room.
I watched him die,
and his body was tossed
into an unmarked grave.
Tell me, fraulein. What kind
of god would allow that?
Like the Jews, you cling
to tales of a god
who continually demonstrates
his contempt for you!
But look around,
fraulein. Where is he now?
Will he save you?
He will leave you to die,
like he did your father.
- You don't understand.
The watches are safe.
Praise God.
- No, Fraulein ten Boom, it
is you who do not understand,
and before the end,
you will see much more of
what God is willing to allow.
Your feeble praises
will dry in your throat
and you will be swept
away like the rest.
Goodbye, fraulein.
- [Nazi] This way!
- Where you are going now,
you will find that
help is a dream
from which you are
about to sharply awaken.
Auf Wiedersehen.
(clock thuds)
Oh, Betsie!
Are you all right?
- Corrie, thank God.
- Prisoners are not to speak!
(train whistles)
- [Corrie] Betsie, where
are they taking us?
- [Betsie] I don't know.
Stay with me.
- [Corrie] Betsie,
look what I have.
- What? You have a Bible.
Hide it, Corrie. Hide it.
- Betsie, Papa's
gone. He's dead.
(Corrie sobs)
He's gone.
- He's not gone, Corrie.
He's been released.
- What?
- Papa's robed in glory now.
He won't have to suffer like us.
Hush. Save your tears.
We'll be in Germany soon.
- Papa, where are you?
(clock tolling)
Don't leave without me.
Don't leave me alone.
(clock tolling)
(train rumbles)
- Hush.
- Listen.
(clock tolling)
(clock continues tolling)
(clock continues tolling)
(clock thuds)
(solemn music)
- I'm still here,
in the silences between
moments, listening.
I hear the tick, it
follows the tock,
and so on, and so on,
counting away the hours,
the days, the years,
as if to say, what?
I can nearly make it out,
in Betsie's voice sometimes.
- All you have to do is ask.
- And so often in Papa's.
It sounds like-
- Some other time or
some other place.
- I'm listening, but...
(clock thuds)
(clock ticking)
(Casper chuckles)
- Right on time!
- What are you doing, Papa?
- What am I doing?
Exactly what I'm meant
to be doing, of course.
I'm fixing Mister DeVrie's
pocket watch.
- Can we help you?
- Oh, you are already
helping me.
- [Corrie & Betsie] We are?
- Yes, you remind me
that the work of watches
is not nearly as important
as the work of daughters.
- Am I work?
- Well, yes and no.
You're not work like
fixing a watch,
but you are work like
that of a great artist.
Did you know that our Father
says that we are His poems?
- [Betsie] I'm a poem?
(Betsie and Corrie giggle)
- Yes, you are, and one of my
favorites. You too, Corrie.
- I don't feel like a poem.
- Oh, no, I suppose you
don't, but in a poem,
each and every word
is placed just so,
no more and no less
than is necessary
for its exact meaning.
- But what do I say?
What do I mean?
- Well, it takes us a lifetime
to understand what we mean,
so we must look and listen
to our lives at all times.
- Because beautiful and
terrible things will happen?
- Yes. That's true.
- But why? I don't want
anything terrible to happen.
- Well, there is my
little philosopher again,
asking questions bigger
than both of us.
You're trying to carry
my suitcase again.
I don't know why, Corrie.
Perhaps it's through suffering
that we get into glory.
Perhaps it's through darkness
that we get into the light.
- Papa? Betsie!
Don't leave me!
(clock thuds)
(train rumbling)
(foreboding music)
- [Jeske] Give her room!
- [Trudka] Be quiet!
- [Jeske] Stay with me, Avien.
- [Betsie] Is there any water?
- [Trudka] Water?
Did you think you had
a first-class ticket?
- [Corrie] She's not
feeling well.
- [Trudka] She's no worse
off than the rest of us.
- [Corrie] Do you know
where they're taking us?
- [Trudka] How would I know?
- [Jeske] I think there's
a dead woman over there.
- [Trudka] There are two dead
in the corner that I saw.
They're better off.
- [Prisoner] I can't
breathe! Give me room!
- Get off me!
- Someone help her!
(clock thuds)
(tense music)
In line! Ranks of five!
Stand up!
- [Jeske] Please,
she can't stand.
Her legs!
- Get in line!
Get her out of here!
(prisoners yelp)
- Welcome to Ravensbruck.
Here, you will find
everything you require.
I will provide it.
Beds, food, work.
If you follow my rules,
you will keep these things
and you will live.
If you do not obey or
you cannot work,
you will lose the things
you require,
and what becomes of you
is not my concern.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
- [Prisoners] Yes.
- Good.
Inform the prisoners of
the function of the bunkers
and the pole.
- The bunkers are for those
who fail to cooperate.
(Gita groans)
- [The Beast] Get her up.
- Up! Do you want to
go back inside?
- [Gita] No, please!
- Up!
And the pole?
The pole exists for one reason,
to cleanse the mind of illusion.
Its instruction is efficient
and painful.
Pray you do not require
its lesson.
- "Arbeit macht frei."
Work will set you free.
Not an escape. Not an invasion
of Americans or Soviets.
Work! You must save yourself.
Do think you can do that?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Good. Any questions?
- No, ma'am.
- Line up! Single file!
Now! No touching!
- Please, she's my daughter!
- Mama!
- [Guard] No talking!
- [The Beast] Bring her to me.
- [Jeske] No!
- [The Beast] I will give
you what you need, child.
Do you understand?
No one else. Only me.
- No, please! Avien!
- Now, get back in line,
child. I will not ask again.
Get them cleaned and
inspected with the rest.
They will be assigned work
details in the morning.
- [Guard] Move! Now!
- Oh, that dear woman
in the bunker.
Over here with me, child.
- The guard, Corrie.
The pain she must carry to
have such hatred inside of her.
- You're talking nonsense.
- [Avien] I want my mama.
- I know.
Stay with me. It'll be okay.
- If the Germans can
learn such hate,
think how they could
be taught to love.
- Get in line for inspection.
(clock thuds)
- Our shoes.
(solemn music)
Our clothes.
Our jewelry.
- [Trudka] No! That
was my mother's!
- Her watch.
Her glasses.
Single, lonely wedding
rings in piles on a table.
Betsie's necklace,
our papers,
"Old Blue," our passports,
all the things that told
us who we were.
Even the gold fillings
in our teeth.
What did we have left?
What else could they
take from us?
They took everything from us.
- Not everything.
- No. Not everything.
By grace, one thing remained
- A lantern in the dark.
Quick, they're coming!
- [Guard 1] Forward.
Move! Quickly!
- [Guard 2] There will be
a roll call in the morning.
You all will be assigned
to work.
- Ouch.
- Let me in.
- Over here with me, Avien.
- Where's my mama?
- She'll be here soon.
It'll be all right..
- There's room here.
- Ouch!
- Something is biting me!
- Fleas!
(group groans)
- They can't expect
us to sleep here.
- Fleas, Betsie! The beds
are crawling with them!
- We should be grateful.
- Grateful? For fleas?
- For a bed, at least. And,
yes, maybe fleas as well.
- They'll get no thanks from me.
- [Guard] Lights out!
(lights click)
- Goodnight, Corrie.
- Goodnight.
- Lord, bless us and keep us.
- [Gita] I don't have
room! Move over!
- Lord, lift your face
to shine upon us.
- Go to sleep, Betsie.
(gentle music)
- And give us peace.
- [Trudka] Move over!
- Amen.
(alarm buzzes)
- [Guard] Roll call!
(tense music)
Get in formation! Quickly!
- [The Beast] Ranks of five!
- Are you all right?
- No talking! No touching!
Sound off! Now!
- 45764.
- 52392.
Chin up.
Play their game. Sound off.
- 62344.
- 66730.
- [The Beast] Where
is Prisoner 64521?
- 64521 is dead. That's
37 dead this morning.
- Split them up. Get
them to work.
Send those to the knitter's
brigade. The rest to Siemens.
- Move.
(somber music)
- Good morning, sir.
- We continue to receive
complaints of defective wiring.
Quality control must improve.
- Yes, sir.
- These new workers should help.
In! Over there, now!
I'm told that one
was a watchmaker.
Perhaps you can find
some use for her.
- A watchmaker? Is it true?
- Yes, I make watches in my
father's shop in Haarlem.
- Well, you're the first
woman I've met
trained in technical work.
How wonderful. You may
enjoy what we do here.
- And what is that precisely?
- Radios for airplanes.
Do you solder?
- Of course I do.
- Then look here.
Make it like this.
Do you see?
- Perfectly.
- [Prisoner] Where are you from?
- Haarlem, in Holland.
- Holland, eh? We had
a Dutch here once.
They took him away last week.
- Haven't seen him since.
- I'm from Prague.
He's from Leipzig.
- Why did they send you here?
- Hah. They didn't tell
you about the patches?
- No.
- A red triangle, like
yours, is for political.
He's a red too.
Gave a speech on a street
corner, and now he's stuck here.
- What about him?
- [Prisoner] Oh, lavender?
For the pacifist.
Jehovah's Witness.
- And hers. What's black?
- Gypsy, addict, prostitute.
What's it matter? Stay
away from her!
- Really, you give such
compliments. I'm flattered.
It's those greens you
have to watch out for.
Criminals, every one.
Thieves, murderers.
- Are you trying to
sweet talk me?
- You should be so lucky.
- And yellow. For
Jews, I suppose?
- They have it the worst.
- Not many left.
- They don't last long.
- They ship them off
to Auschwitz.
- God only knows what
happens to them there.
- You know I can hear you, yes?
(radio whirs)
- Yes, that will do.
- Thank you, sir.
- When I return, I expect
them to be on quota.
- Yes, sir.
Excellent work, watch woman,
but this will never do.
- But I've done it perfectly.
- Have you forgotten
who you are working for?
These radios are for
fighter planes!
- Oh, why did you do that?
- Now, solder it back wrong.
(prisoner chuckles)
And you are already over your
quota. You must slow down.
- [Prisoner] Like this.
(prisoners laugh)
- Slow and easy does
it, watch woman.
Watch and you will learn.
- Even in here, we may fight.
- The quality of our
work will be our protest.
- But won't someone notice
if the radios don't work?
- That is not our concern.
Ours is to resist.
The rest is up to God.
(lively music)
- Shall we?
- Well done. Load up.
- [Prisoner] This way.
(prisoner sighs)
- There you are.
- Where did they take you?
- Oh, socks.
Whole legions of us.
- Socks?
- Isn't it funny?
We sew socks, but I must
tell you something awful.
- What is it?
- We make the heels too thin.
The poor boys who wear them
will get little comfort,
I'm afraid.
What about you?
- The same, but radios.
- Radios?
Well, that sounds much more
interesting than socks.
- None of them work.
I daresay someone is
bound to find out.
I hope I'm not there
when they do.
- Help me sit up.
Do you still have your Bible?
- It's right here.
- I miss Papa reading
to us before dinner.
- So do I.
I wonder if Willem and Tine
and the children are all right.
Surely, Pickwick got out safe.
- Pickwick? He's too
smart for them, I think.
- Oh, I hope you're right.
I wish Papa was here.
- Do you think you could
be a martyr, Corrie?
- What?
- Like Papa.
- Like Papa? He would never
call himself a martyr.
- Isn't he though?
- Well, it's not how I
ever imagined such a thing,
but maybe you're right.
- I think maybe I could be.
- Could be what?
- Be a martyr.
- Don't talk like that,
Betsie. That's awful.
- But they'd have to kill me
quick or I'd lose my nerve.
- No one's getting killed.
What's all this morbid talk?
It's not proper and you know it.
- You're right, of course.
Give it to me, Corrie.
Now that Papa's gone,
I'll read for us.
"For whoever wishes to
save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life
for My sake will find it."
- [Gita] What is that?
- They don't allow books.
- Let her be. She needs to rest.
- Shall I read it to you?
- To who? Me?
- To whomever will listen.
"My bones grow old,
day and night,
for Your hand is heavy upon me.
My vitality turns into
the drought of summer,
but You are my hiding place.
You shall preserve
me from trouble.
You shall surround me with
songs of deliverance."
- [Jeske] Keep reading.
- [Gita] What is it?
- What is it, dear? It's
from the Psalms.
- What is a psalm?
- Well, it's like a song,
written a very long time ago.
- My mother used to
take us to church,
but my father always
told us it was nonsense.
- Would you like
to hear another?
- [Jeske] Yes, please.
- "Strengthen the feeble hands.
Steady the knees that give way.
Say to those with a
fearful heart, 'Be strong.
Do not fear.
Your God will come.'"
- [Jeske] I like that.
- What is it about?
- My father was right.
- [Gita] What do you mean?
- It's about Jews,
and if being saved means
being treated like a Jew,
I'll pass.
I'd rather be here
than Auschwitz.
- Why? What happens
at Auschwitz?
- Never you mind. Just see
you don't get sent there.
- What do you think, Tante
Betsie? What does it mean?
- Go on. Tell her.
Tell her how your God
is saving us all.
- Leave her alone.
- Don't count on it. Any of you.
The only way out of here
is up that smokestack
or on a train to Poland.
- What do you say?
- Well, it's mystery, isn't it?
- It's just an old story.
- What kind of a mystery?
(gentle music)
- The kind that's a promise.
A promise that the
lightning crack of justice
has already struck,
and we live in
the silence before
the thunderclap,
and on a quiet night like this,
if you listen very carefully,
you will hear the distant
rumble of its approach.
- I told you she was crazy.
- Thank you, Tante Betsie.
- [Guard] Lights out!
(lights click)
- You sound like Papa.
- [Guard] No talking!
- We have to teach them, Corrie.
Maybe that's why we're here.
- We're here because
they caught us.
Go to sleep. You need your rest.
- [Gita] Pst!
Will you read to us
again tomorrow?
- Of course I will,
dear. Of course I will.
- Days into weeks into months.
Work, sleep, line up.
Work, sleep, line up.
Like a wheeling machine, the
camp ground our bones to dust,
and as we listened,
we heard only the approach
of a harrowing silence,
a silence that swallows
the voice, quenches color,
and serves only the
filling of its own belly.
Work, sleep, line up.
(solemn music)
Work, sleep, line up.
(alarm buzzes)
- [Guard 1] Roll call!
- Move, swine! Line
up for inspection!
(Betsie coughing)
What's wrong with that
one? Get out here.
- She's not feeling well.
- Get her in line.
Good morning, sir.
- [Otto] Are they ready
for inspection?
- Yes, captain. All prisoners
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
- And what have we here?
- Prisoner 66729.
- Look at me, 66729.
- Otto?
Is that you?
- [The Beast] Prisoners
are not to speak!
- I told you, didn't I?
- Told me? What did you tell me?
- That the world would soon
see what Germany can do.
What do you say now?
- I say your manners are no
better than they ever were.
- Bite your tongue!
- Don't be unkind, Corrie.
He doesn't know. We
have to show him.
- What do I not know?
- That there is light-
- [Otto] Speak up.
- That there is light
in the world,
and darkness cannot overcome it.
- Oh.
You're preaching to me.
Do you think that could
actually work?
- Leave her alone.
- Otto, look what they
have made of you.
- Don't, Betsie. Just be quiet.
- The light can pierce
all darkness, Otto.
Even one so deep as yours.
- And what do you know
of a darkness like mine?
- I know what lies beyond it!
- Send them to hard labor.
- No, she's sick, Otto.
- Captain Schwarzhuber!
Take them!
(solemn music)
- [The Beast] Get them to work!
- Stay with me, Betsie.
- I'm so sad for Otto, Corrie.
- He's a monster.
- That's why we have
to love him.
We have to forgive him.
- Forgive him? Look
around you, Betsie.
I cannot muster forgiveness
Not for this and not for them!
- Pick up the shovel! Work!
Get up.
- No!
- Get up, you swine!
- Oh, please, let her be!
(Betsie whimpers)
- Look at her! All of you!
This is what happens when
you cannot work.
- No! Stop!
- Don't let me catch
you lazing around again!
"Arbeit macht frei!"
- Are you all right,
Betsie? Your face.
- She didn't mean it.
She doesn't know.
- Get up. I won't let
them hurt you.
- I mustn't hate her.
I mustn't hate her.
I have to love my enemy.
- I can't. I won't.
- Neither can I, Corrie,
but I try
and I try and I try
and I can't do it.
But Christ can. Can't he?
And he lives in us. Doesn't he?
- Doesn't he what?
Live inside me?
What does that even mean?
- Corrie!
- The only thing inside of
me is anger. I hate them.
- [Guard] Get to work!
- Please, she's hurt.
It's too much.
- I'm fine. I can manage.
- [Corrie] Please.
- Get her out of here.
- Oh, thank you. Thank you.
- Back on the line tomorrow.
Both of you.
- They won't come in
here, you know.
- Hush.
- Do you know why they
won't come in?
- Why?
- The fleas.
- What?
- They can't stand the fleas.
(both weakly chuckle)
They are our little guards.
They stand athwart the door
and the wolves do not come in.
- Lie down.
You need to rest.
- Oh, are you all right,
Tante Betsie?
- Oh, I'm lovely.
- They didn't hurt you
too much, did they?
- No, no, no. Not at all, dear.
- Let her be.
- Prisoner 54234?
- Here I am.
- Mail. Delivery from
the Red Cross.
They opened it, of course,
but I told them it
was only crackers.
Don't let them find you with it.
- What is it?
- It's from Pastor
Andrei back home.
- Marmalade?
- And crackers!
- Wait.
No, not crackers.
- Oh, let me see.
- Will you do it, Tante Betsie?
- Do it? Do what, dear?
- Please, let her rest.
- It's the host for
communion, sent with marmalade
so they'd think it was
only crackers from home.
- Now there's a miracle
come among us.
- We have no one else.
Will you say the words?
- Me? I'm no priest
nor pastor, dear.
I don't know if it's proper.
- Betsie, you need to sleep.
- I know not the way,
but come. I will try.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
This is his body, broken for us.
Even now, he is here.
(Moorman groaning)
He suffers in each of us.
He bleeds as we bleed.
He dies as we die,
and yet he is neither
spent nor consumed.
Do not be afraid, sisters.
There is no inch in
all of Creation
over which he does
not cry, "Mine!"
And that which he claims, he
will not fail to make new.
A great good is coming,
and we shall all be witness
to the thunder of its arrival.
Christ has died.
Christ has risen.
Christ will come again.
- Will you read to us, Betsie?
- Of course I will, dear.
Come close.
(bed creaks)
Now, where were we?
(clock thuds)
- [Corrie] Papa? What's wrong?
- [Casper] Come here,
Corrie, and listen to me.
- Is Mama all right?
- Yes, dear. I believe
that she is.
- [Corrie] Can I see her?
- I'm afraid not, dear.
Look at me.
Your mama has gone.
God has taken her.
- But I don't want
her to go away.
I don't want God to take her.
- I know, my dear. I know.
We shall all have to be stronger
now, hm? Can you do that?
- You will then be a
strong girl for us
and go find your sister.
Care for her until I return.
We'll talk again later after
I've tended to some things.
- Papa, wait!
If God comes to take
you, you have to hide.
- [Casper] I must go now.
- [Corrie] I don't want you to
go away or Betsie or Willem.
If he comes, can we
hide, Papa? Papa!
(clock thuds)
- Work, sleep, line up.
(solemn music)
Work, sleep, line up.
Work, sleep.
(alarm buzzes)
- [Guard] Roll call!
(foreboding music)
- What's wrong, Betsie?
- My legs won't seem
to cooperate.
- Come on. We have to go.
Come on.
(Betsie groans)
- [Guard] Get in line!
- She's not well!
- What's wrong with her?
- I don't know. Something's
wrong with her legs.
They're not working right.
- I'm fine. I can manage.
- Take her to the infirmary.
- Thank you!
- [Guard] The rest of you, move!
- Did you hear that,
Betsie? No work today.
No socks to knit.
No shovels. No guards.
Only a nice, warm bed.
Isn't that lovely?
- [Betsie] Do you think there
are flowers in the infirmary?
- [Corrie] No, I do not.
- I long to see flowers
again, Corrie.
Wouldn't that be something?
- [Nurse] What's the trouble?
- I just feel a bit weak.
- It's her legs. Circulation
problems, I think.
- Hm.
- But she'll be all
right, won't she?
- Of course I will.
- We'll see what can be done.
- All right, she'll take
care of you, Betsie,
and I'll be right here.
- Report back to formation.
- Oh, no, no, I have to stay
with her. We are sisters.
- You can see her again
before dinner. Go.
- It's okay, Corrie.
- No, Betsie.
- Go on.
- I'm afraid.
Betsie, I can't do
this without you.
- It's okay, Corrie.
Go on. I'll be right here.
You don't need me.
- Out. Don't make them
come looking for you.
(siren wailing)
(clock ticking)
(tense music)
- Oh, oh, no.
Oh! Oh no!
Oh, oh, please no!
(Nazi indistinctly speaking
in German)
- You are no heroine
protecting the weak.
You are no martyr who
will be remembered.
You are a liar.
You are a liar.
- Stop, no!
(Corrie gasps)
- Hide me!
- Hide me!
- Work will set you free! Work!
- Leave me alone!
Oh, God, no.
God, help me.
- [Richter] Where you are going,
you will find that
help is a dream
from which you are
about to sharply awaken!
(music abruptly stops)
- Is that you, watch woman?
(Moorman groans)
Come out so I can see you.
(Moorman coughs)
- Here I am.
- Oh!
It is you.
We did good work, didn't
we, watch woman?
Those radios will never speak.
Hundreds of them, thousands.
All silent.
And now I have my reward.
Don't leave me, watch woman.
Where are you going?
Don't leave me!
(solemn music)
- Oh, Betsie.
- Oh, Corrie. I'm so
glad to see you.
- Oh, you're hot. You're
burning up.
Did she give you any medicine?
- A bit of vitamin, I think.
- Vitamin?
Oh, Betsie, you've
got to get better.
You have to get well. We
have to get out of here.
You have to get better.
- Corrie, there are so
many sick girls here.
So many on the threshold of
heaven. I mustn't leave them.
- What are you talking about?
What about me, Betsie?
I can't do this without you.
- Yes, you can. He
will help you.
- Who, Betsie? Who?
- You know who.
- I can't see Him. Where is He?
There is no God here.
- But He is, Corrie.
Can I tell you something?
- Yes. You can tell me anything.
- We will be released soon.
It's nearly Christmas,
and we will all be released
before the year is up.
I've seen it.
- Released? What are you saying?
- We will go on a great
journey, across many miles,
and your bed will
not be your own.
It will be years before
you can rest.
- [Corrie] Nurse? Nurse,
something's wrong!
Betsie's not well!
- I see a fair place.
A camp like this one,
but transfigured.
Flowers everywhere.
A dark place made bright.
A winter place grown spring.
A place where all these girls
can learn how to love again.
You will teach them, Corrie.
You must.
- I don't understand.
I don't understand.
You're scaring me.
I'm afraid. I'm so afraid.
- You said that to Papa once,
and do you remember
what he told us?
- Papa's dead.
- He told us about
the train station.
Do you remember?
We will have what we need
just at the moment we need it.
We'll wait for our
ticket, Corrie.
- Look around you,
Betsie. Papa's not here.
This isn't a train station.
They're pushing girls into
a gas chamber over there!
They're shoving bodies
into an oven.
They're not even trying
to hide it.
And the children. They
murder children.
How long before they
come for little Avien?
- [Betsie] Corrie.
- I can't bear it.
I haven't the right to
bear it, or to love them,
or to forgive them.
I can't do it! I won't do it!
- He can.
He does. He will help you.
- I don't care.
I don't care!
Maybe He can bear it,
but I can't, Betsie!
Don't you see?
I don't want His ticket.
I won't take it from Him.
I won't get onto His train.
I won't do it! I won't go!
- That's long enough!
If they see you in here,
you'll be in the bunker.
You can come again before
work in the morning.
- I have to go.
- On your journey?
- There is no journey, Betsie.
We've come to a place
where all roads end.
- Then it's a fit place
for a beginning.
- I'll come again
in the morning.
- Corrie.
- Get your sleep.
- Don't leave me.
Don't leave me.
- Is Tante Betsie all right?
- Where is she? She hasn't
died, has she?
- She's sick. She's very sick.
Leave me alone.
- Can we go and see
Tante Betsie?
- Will you read to us, Corrie?
- Would you, please?
- Read to you?
- If Tante Betsie's
not here, why not?
- I can't.
- Have you lost it?
- [Jeske] Read to us,
Tante Corrie. To Avien.
- Read like Tante Betsie.
(solemn music)
(crickets chirping)
(crickets continue chirping)
(crickets continue chirping)
- "Blessed be God, the Father
of all mercies and comfort,
who comforts us in our trouble,
that we might comfort others.
For as the sufferings
of Christ abound in us,
so our consolation abounds
through Him."
- Go on, Tante Corrie. Read.
(solemn music)
- "If I am afflicted,
it is for your consolation
and salvation,
and if I am comforted,
it is for your consolation
and salvation,
and my hope for you
is steadfast,
because I know, as you
partake of great suffering,
so you will partake of
great consolation.
For we wanted you to know of
the trouble that befell us.
That we were burdened beyond
measure, beyond our strength.
We despaired of all things.
(crickets chirping)
(crickets continue chirping)
We carried the sentence
of death,
that we might not trust
in ourselves, but in God,
who raises the dead,
and in Him, we have hidden
our hope of deliverance."
- What does it mean, Tante
Corrie? I don't understand.
- Neither do I.
Neither do I.
(alarm buzzes)
- [Guard] Get in line!
Ranks of five!
(foreboding music)
- Betsie? Where's my sister?
- What are you doing?
Get out of here.
- Where is she? Where
have you taken her?
- She's not here.
I'm sorry.
- What?
- You'd best get out of
here. I'll call the guards.
(crematorium crackling)
(solemn music)
(solemn music continues)
(solemn music continues)
(machine clanks)
(flames crackling)
(solemn music continues)
- No. No, no, no, no, no.
Don't leave me.
Come on, Betsie. I'm
getting you out of here.
Do you hear?
Don't leave me.
Why would you take her? Why?
Betsie, we're going
home, remember?
You said we'd be released.
No, they can't have you. No.
No. They can't have you.
(tender music)
(Corrie softly sobs)
- [Prisoner] It's time.
(tender music continues)
(tender music continues)
(tender music continues)
(tender music continues)
(tender music continues)
(tender music continues)
(tender music continues)
(flames crackling)
(machine clanks)
(tender music continues)
(tender music continues)
(tender music continues)
(smoke hisses)
(machine clanks)
- [The Beast] Prisoner ten Boom?
- What? Did you say my name?
- [The Beast] Are you
Cornelia ten Boom?
- I am.
- Prisoner 66730, Ten Boom?
- Yes? What's going on?
- Have you been mistreated
during your sentence here?
- What?
- Answer the question.
- No.
- Have you witnessed any
mistreatment of prisoners here?
- No.
- [Guard] Good. Sign here.
- Your sentence is complete.
You are free to go, fraulein.
- Go?
Go where?
- That is for you to decide.
- [Gita] Goodbye, Tante Corrie.
- Remember us.
(gentle music)
- Gita, I don't know where to
go. I don't know what to do.
- You have to go. God bless you.
- Go, Tante Corrie.
- Goodbye, Tante Corrie.
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
- Go on.
- I release you.
- [Jeske] I release you.
- I release you.
- I release you.
(gentle music continues)
- [Radio] They have violated
our churches,
destroyed our homes,
corrupted our children,
and murdered our loved ones,
yet through God's help,
we have been freed
of the evil forces
which have imprisoned the
bodies and broken the lives
of millions upon millions
of free-born people.
Now, we must seek
to bind up the wounds
of a suffering world.
(clocks ticking)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(bell dings)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(clock ticking)
- I miss you, Papa.
(bell dings)
- As I live and breath.
Corrie ten Boom.
- Pickwick!
What a joy to see you.
How are you?
- I am here.
Since the war ended, I've been
putting things back together.
- Haven't we all?
- What of old Casper?
- Papa didn't last more
than a few days.
It was a blessing, I think.
- And your sister?
What about Betsie?
- With Papa. Willem too.
- Oh, Corrie.
What is to become of us?
- I don't know, Pickwick.
But what about them?
What about the poor people
we left behind
in the hiding place?
- They climbed through a window
in the middle of the night.
Can you believe it?
- Then it wasn't all
for nothing, was it?
- In the two years you
hid people here,
how many did you save?
600? More?
That's far from nothing, Corrie.
And, anyway, kindness
is never for nothing,
even if nothing is all
that ever comes of it.
- You sound like Betsie.
- Why, thank you.
- Do you know they tell me
it was all a clerical error?
- What's that?
- At Ravensbruck. It was
a simple clerical error.
They never meant me
to leave at all.
I was to go into the ovens
with the rest of them.
- [Pickwick] But here we are.
- Yes. Here we are.
- And what now?
(clock thuds)
(clock ticking)
- [Corrie] Listen.
- [Betsie] Listen.
- [Casper] Watch.
- I hear you. All of you.
All times. All places.
Here, there, then, and now.
The silence is filled,
and it must remain
silent no longer.
(solemn music)
(clock thuds)
- Corrie?
- I have seen such
hatred, Pickwick.
Not only in the Nazis.
I found it in myself too,
right here, like a
coal in my chest,
desperate to get out
and burn someone.
It's still there, hot
and smoldering.
How can it ever be quenched?
By love maybe?
By forgiveness, if
I can muster it?
- Forgiveness? That is
a hard pill to swallow.
- Mm. That's just the
thing, isn't it?
That's what Papa and Betsie
were always trying to
make us understand.
Forgiveness is never efficient.
It mustn't make any sense
in the economy of human
Forgiveness must be a scandal
for it to have any power at all.
I have stared
into the great darkness,
I'm a witness,
and if I'm to be a good one,
I must testify.
- What will you say?
- That I've seen what
lies beyond it.
Just like Betsie did.
Just like Papa.
- What is that?
- It's Him.
The prince of clerical errors,
the master of marmalade,
the father of fleas,
the man of all sorrows,
who sets watches and
galaxies spinning.
He was there too, in
every one of us,
Christus Victor,
and he is here still.
I cannot stand and
watch any longer.
I must go back to Germany.
- What in the world for?
- It's what Betsie
wanted, and she was right.
- My dear Corrie, your
father and grandfather
shone as a light in this
city for a hundred years,
and, now, here it is again.
What shall we do first?
- We'll start with windowboxes.
- What?
- Like Betsie used to do.
We must go back to the camp
and turn it into something
There will be flowers.
Flowers everywhere.
(Corrie softly chuckles)
Here she is. What was
it Betsie said?
A dark place made bright.
A winter place grown spring.
A place transfigured.
- So be it. I know just
the people to talk to.
(bell dings)
(gentle music)
- Oh, how I miss you.
(train whistles)
(train rumbling)
(crowd indistinctly murmuring)
(gentle music continues)
- I've spoken with
my friends in the
reconstruction department
and they're waiting
for us there.
The train for Germany leaves
in just a couple of minutes.
Wait here a moment, dear.
I'll go fetch our tickets.
- Thank you, Pickwick.
- [Otto] Corrie?
Corrie ten Boom?
- Yes. May I help you?
- It's me.
Do you remember?
It's Otto.
(clock thuds)
(somber music)
- I have not forgotten.
- Things have been so
confusing lately,
with the end of the war.
Is your sister with you?
- No. She is not.
- For some reason, I've
never been able to forget
what Betsie said to me,
that a light had come
into the world,
a light that could pierce
any darkness.
Something like that.
It sticks with me.
Isn't that odd?
May I tell you something?
Now that the war is over,
I believe forgiveness
is the only way forward.
Don't you think so?
Isn't that right?
(clock thuds)
(clock ticking)
- [Corrie] Where are
we going, Papa?
- [Betsie] A train! Are
we going on the train?
- Is Mama coming with us?
- No more questions.
Come with me.
(Casper chuckles)
Ah, Betsie.
(gentle music)
- Come on, Corrie!
- [Attendant] Tickets?
- And for you, Corrie.
Good girl.
It's a long way to go.
Catch up with your sister!
No time to waste.
(clock thuds)
- This one's yours.
No time to waste.
- What did you say?
- For the train.
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(heartbeat thumping)
(somber music continues)
(train rumbling)
(train whistles)
- Thank you, Fraulein ten Boom.
I have seen such darkness,
you know?
- Yes. I know.
- But there is no darkness
so deep...
- That He is not deeper still.
(train rumbling)
(train continues rumbling)
- Goodbye then.
Auf Wiedersehen.
- Who was that? He
looked familiar.
What did he say, Corrie?
Are you all right?
- Come. Our train is boarding.
- Ah.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
All aboard, then.
And off we go.
(train rattling)
(uplifting music)
(uplifting music continues)
(uplifting music continues)
(uplifting music continues)
(uplifting music continues)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(peaceful piano music)
(peaceful piano music continues)
(peaceful piano music continues)
(peaceful piano music continues)
(peaceful piano music continues)
I can't count on this world
I can't count on this world
Or people I like
I've tried
I can't love in this world
I can't love in this world
Without a fight
That'll wear me down
I'll run again, I'll run
again, replace the fire
I'll run again, I'll run
again, replace the fire
Oh, I'll run again, I'll
run again, replace the fire
Oh, I'll run again, I'll
run again, replace the fire
I can't dream in this world
I can't dream in this world
Without those nights
Where I lose the flame
I'll run again, I'll run
again, replace the fire
I'll run again, I'll run
again, replace the fire
Oh, I'll run again, I'll
run again, replace the fire
Oh, I'll run again, I'll
run again, replace the fire
I can't love in this world
I can't love in this world
Without a fight
So I'll fight, fight, fight
I'll fight
I'll lay down in
my burning bed
Though darkened thoughts
run through my head
And I'll focus on
the light instead
And close my eyes
and dream again
I'll run again, I'll run
again, replace the fire
I'll run again, I'll run
again, replace the fire
Oh, I'll run again, I'll
run again, replace the fire
Oh, I'll run again,
I'll run again
I can't count on this world