The House Guest (2020) Movie Script

(ethereal music)
(suspenseful music)
(upbeat music)
(phone beeps)
(upbeat music)
Good morning, bae
( Mona laughs)
What's this babe?
Happy two year anniversary.
Aw, you remembered.
Of course I remember.
What kinda husband do you take me for?
I don't know.
You know, you didn't say
anything about it so,
(Sean scoffs)
I thought you had forgotten.
Come on babe.
How could I forget about
something so important to me?
You're sweet babe,
but you know, I know what you're up to.
Babe, I'm just trying to
show you that I love you.
I care, I'm attentive.
Hell I made breakfast.
Yep, you sure did.
Buttering me up, making my
favorite breakfast this morning.
I'm a gentleman, what can I say.
You trying to get the
booty before I go to work.
Oh, Mona, come on, stop it.
It's not even like that.
It's not what - Really, really.
- Oh really?
- Well shit is it working?
You know, it is.
(Mona laughs)
Damn (mumbles)man
Let go of my booty.
(Mona laughs)
Damn, spank it girl, spank it.
So babe did you like our
morning breakfast rendezvous?
Yeah was lovely.
(Mona giggles)
So, you figured out where
you wanna go to dinner tonight
for our anniversary?
And you know what there is
this new Mexican restaurant
in Midtown, I'd be wanna try out,
wanna check it out?
You gonna have to
ask, what my wife wants,
my wife gets.
Baby you know you can stop.
You already got the booty.
(Sean and Mona laughing)
What I'ma with you
I don't know babe.
Come on.
You look beautiful, babe.
Thank you.
Ready to go?
Yes Will.
Come on.
So fine yourself.
Thank you Mr. three minutes.
Baby it was four minutes.
Okay less than three minutes.
Oh no no no, - Three minutes.
Wait a minute,
it was anniversary.
You got three minutes.
- That was anniversary Mona.
- All right.
I worked hard for that one.
You did work hard.
All right, come on
down, give me my props.
So as you all know we lost
the Comfy Diapers account
last month.
That was one of the biggest
branded clients to this firm.
Jackson Williams can not afford to lose
that type of business.
Does anyone wanna tell
me why we lost the Comfy
Diapers account?
Another competitor
offered them a better deal.
Yes, but that's not the right answer.
Other companies have
tried to lowball us before
in the past.
So why did Comfy Diapers leave us?
We didn't listen to their vision.
We should've been more focused.
Now I do believe that we listened,
I don't have a doubt about that.
Keisha, you're going the right direction
but you're not quite there.
So does anyone else wanna help take it home
as to why we lost their business?
Answer the question.
Well, Mrs. Williams, as
a company, it's our job
to sell them our vision of the
product, which we fail to do.
We got comfortable and took
their loyalty for granted.
Rightfully so they took their
billions of dollars elsewhere.
But that is correct Mona.
We have to do better.
We have to do all of our research.
We have to triple check our work.
We have to be prepared when
we go into these meetings
to discuss our vision for
our client's products.
Now, do not let me down again.
We have She's Happy here
next week, let's get to work.
(meat sizzling)
Think so, they found me (mumbles) too,
(Mona laughs)
Babe I'm gonna say, you look absolutely
breathtaking today.
Thanks babe.
Happy two year anniversary.
Baby (mumbles)
Some wine?
(upbeat music)
(Mona laughing)
So baby I know the Mexican
restaurant was booked up,
so I decided to do Italian tonight
and I ordered your favorite, vegan ravioli,
mine's beef of course.
Ooh you came (mumbles)for me?
Yeah, so how's your food?
It's delicious babe, how's your beef?
Oh man, is great, no lie.
So good make you wanna slap your mama.
(Mona and Sean chuckle)
You crazy.
No no, I wouldn't go
that far, my mama's crazy.
Yes we know.
So how was work?
Ha, work was all right today,
we lost another client, you know Ms.
Williams is tripping
about it.
It just always rolling
downhill with this industry
so what you expect.
How was work, how was you day?
Oh, it was good.
I mean, no complaints.
Almost done with the book
Publisher is having me about it.
You think it's the
writer's blocking thing?
You know I mean, I'm almost done with it.
So I just wanted to take my time, you know.
Are you sure?
(Mona chuckles)
- Okay maybe a little bit
of writer's block, all right.
But look nothing that you
or then me concern ourselves
about it, okay?
Clean up
All right.
(Mona laughs)
How about a toast.
Oh sure.
Happy two year anniversary.
Two down, forever to go.
Happy anniversary.
That's good.
(ethereal music)
So funny.
It was awesome.
Oh man.
(Mona laughing)
Thanks for dinner babe.
You're welcome.
I'm so stuff, like I'm bloated.
No one told you to eat
two desserts, now did they?
But you know, their peach
cobbler and vanilla ice cream.
It was so good.
It was good.
It's my favorite.
You was eating it like it was
fresh out of the pan though.
Shut up, no I wasn't, was I?
Yeah babe, you was killing,
you know what I'm saying? (Mona laughing)
Shut up.
I thought you was eating for two.
You were never Sean.
- I'm just saying.
- Don't say I'm pregnant.
Why are you trying to jinx me?
Jinx you?
Come on, so what you trying to say,
you don't want my babies?
Stop, you know I want
to have your babies.
All right.
So how many are we talking about?
Seven, eight, nine, maybe
get a whole football team,
there you go.
No crazy, I want three, two
boys and one little princess.
(mumbles) little princess, huh?
She gonna look like you?
Maybe a little bit of you.
Take word with that.
(Mona giggles)
A little princess, yeah I like that.
Let's go start (mumbles)
For real?
All right.
(Mona laughs)
(birds chirping)
Yes I'm Y'vette.
Do we.
I'm sorry, I think we had biology
and US history together
senior year at Willow Ridge,
Mona Patrick.
Mona, oh my God.
How are you?
Hey girl, I'm good,
it's so good to see you.
Me too.
Just stopping by my favorite cafe.
Yes taking heavy coffee
Have a seat we got
some catching up to do.
Girl, how long has it been?
(Y'vette sighs)
11 years.
Shut up.
We graduated high school 11 years ago.
(Mona and Yvette laughing)
Listen don't anybody but time flies
Girl really does fly.
Wait, but you left your
senior year early didn't you?
Yes, we actually moved in
the middle of school year
to (mumbles) and family issues, so.
Okay I'm sorry.
No problem.
But after I graduated I went to college
at Georgia Southern.
Oh, what did you study?
Criminal justice with
a minor in psychology.
Oh that's cool.
So you can like get into the
minds of people, but legally.
Oh I wouldn't say all of that.
(Mona and Y'vette laughing)
But after I graduated I
actually moved back to Houston
and now I am a probation officer.
Ah, dang girl probation officer?
So you work with inmates a lot?
Yes everyday.
Girl you don't be scared?
At first I was, but
now if you think about it
it's kinda like sex.
(Mona chuckles)
That's a lot analogy, sex aiit aiit.
So enough about me, what
about you, what's going on?
I'm in a marketing firm
but it ain't nothing like
they show in the movies, girl.
I'm sure it has the sparks.
I mean, sometimes I get to meet celebs
and go to exclusive parties,
but that's about it.
So just like the movies.
(Mona and Y'vette laughing)
I guess.
So do you have any kids or anything?
No, not yet.
I mean, we're still working on that.
Yeah, my husband, Sean Williams.
Did he go Willow Ridge?
No, actually we met on
Tinder a few years ago.
Girl, the dating site?
Yes, but it works.
You should try it.
I don't know if I'm
gonna be joining anything.
(Mona and Y'vette laughing)
I actually just got out of a long,
abusive relationship, so
I'm sorry to hear about that.
No problem.
No, I'm actually glad he
kicked me out of the apartment.
Lord knows I need a break.
But, I'm actually trying
to search for apartments
around this area.
Yeah, I wish I could help some way.
Its just so damn expensive around here.
Yeah girl it expensive, yeah.
So I'm just thinking staying in hotels
until I can find a place.
I may have execution for you.
(Sean sighs)
Hi Babe.
Hey Mona.
What's all this?
I can't serve my man.
Well yes, of course, but.
Have a seat.
All right.
I want you to try some of it.
Well that's sweet.
Yeah, you like it?
So how was work today babe?
I don't know it was fine.
Gotten most of that novel completed.
Oh, so your writer's
block is pretty much gone?
Guess you can say that slowly but surely.
Baby is this new outfit?
Oh oh, this is old thing,
no this is from last year's
page 56 of the (mumble).
Page 56, huh?
I guess if you say so babe.
That's good.
Yeah you like it?
Yeah it's sweet babe.
I'm not gonna lie you
outdid yourself on this one.
Oh yeah?
Now, what's up go ahead.
Come on babe.
Candlelight dinner,
First strawberries, fruit, sexy lingerie.
My favorite tequila.
I mean, come on, give me
some type of credit now.
What's really going on?
Has something happened,
come on, Mona what happened?
Okay, I ran into an old friend
in front of the cafe today.
Okay and?
She's going through a hard time.
But she just got out of
an abusive relationship
with her boyfriend and he
kicked out the apartment
and now she's living on the streets.
Baby first of all, she's not
living on the street, okay.
And from the sounds of
everything that's a good thing
that she left him.
Yeah true.
Okay so what does your friend
have to do with all of this?
No, Mona don't give me that look.
No, hell no.
- Come on, Sean.
- No, no, no, no, no,
absolutely not, Mona, no.
Babe, but I wanna help a friend.
So you want her to move in here with us?
Just temporarily until
she can find a place
Come on baby Mona, what are you thinking?
You can't make those type of decisions
without consulting me first.
Come now babe I was just
trying to help a friend
in need.
Helpful to a friend you
haven't seen since high school.
Babe you don't know
anything about her, okay.
And you want her to let a
stranger move into the house
with us?
Come on.
She's a probation officer
That don't mean shit.
What does that mean?
Well, she can't be crazy and annoying, huh?
As a house guest, because
what she a probation officer?
Babe, Yvette is not
annoying or crazy, okay.
How do you know, huh?
You don't know anything about her babe?
It's been over a decade all right.
What was her name again?
- Yes.
- Listen to that Y'vette.
She sound like a snitch.
Listen to it, , Y'vette,
snitch, it go together, baby.
Come on now.
No, no, no, no, babe, no, no.
Let me ask you this.
Where did she supposed to sleep at?
In the room with us?
No, upstairs in the guest bedroom dah.
My bedroom?
The man cave?
Oh no, no, come on hell no.
Baby that's my personal stuff.
That's my personal space.
Sean listen listen.
I don't no.
I got something for you.
Babe no, I'm not doing it,
- I'm not doing this.
- Listen, listen.
I got something for you
What, what?
How about some head?
How about what?
Some head baby.
(Sean scoffs)
Is that what you need?
Well, yeah, because you gonna give me?
Yes baby.
No, I know what you're trying to do.
I know what you're trying to do.
It's not gonna work, I'm not
gonna fall forward this time.
I put my foot down.
It's not gonna work, baby, it's not.
Oh, that's working.
Ooh, like that?
Ooh, like college day kicks.
Ooh come on baby why
would you do that to me?
You know that's my.
Damn, all right fine, all right.
But hurry up and meet me
in the back room all right?
I want all of this.
I can do that, I can do that.
Like I go clean my sheets?
You know it.
I want a new set on.
Would you gonna take care of me?
Yes, come on, lemme see you.
- Please, walk away.
- Hell no.
You go ahead.
More like that freaky stuff babe.
Aha, I got you for
the next three minutes.
All right, whoa whoa whoa.
You now it.
Bring my tequila.
Okay baby I got you.
Whoo, four minutes.
Yeah right, thank you baby.
Hey girl, stop working
and come eat lunch with me.
You know I can't Ms. Williams
has me on a deadline, girl.
You always say that.
We've got free lunch today.
Girl what you talking about?
Mr. Earl downstairs is gonna get my lunch
and I'm pretty sure they'll take us too.
The janitor?
Girl he ain't buy me no lunch.
Listen, Mr. Earl, he can't handle me.
He's too old.
He needs both of us.
Let Mr.Earl pop MC blue pills.
He gone fuck you like that.
(Mona and Keisha laughing)
Well, hurry up, I don't wanna
keep big daddy Earl waiting.
All right.
Oh, Keish, I've been meaning
to talk to you about something.
What's going on?
So I ran into one of my old
girlfriends from high school
the other day she got
kicked out of her place.
And so I'm just thinking
about letting her stay.
I know you're gonna say no.
Mona, you're gonna move
another bitch into your house,
are you crazy?
No, she's sweet, she's cool.
Like she's not even like that.
Yeah well where's her
family, they can't help her?
It's just temporarily, okay.
And she's not close to her family.
So where else is she gonna go?
She's on the streets,
I can't leave her hanging.
Mona you always do this.
Do what Keish?
Bring in strays.
Rememeber that time, when
you brought that dog home
and Sean nearly had a nervous breakdown.
That dog was so stinking cute girl.
He was cute.
Sean would let me keep
him if I ain't bring fleas
in with it.
Exactly, this bitch could have fleas.
Damn, Keish you so mean.
What I just have your back.
All right girl, look come
over for dinner next week.
I want you to meet her.
All right bet.
She's in this week so
hopefully Sean will like her.
I hope you don't like her too much.
(vacuum cleaner whirring)
Is our (mumbles).
- Aw Mona!
- Hey girl.
I'm so happy you're here.
Good here I'll bring your suitcase in.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I cleaned up, I wanted
to do it all nice for you.
I'm just so happy that
you made it here girl.
Me too, listen I'm so sorry I'm late,
for some reason the Rideshare
navigation was messed up
and we just got lost.
Girl it's okay you're
here, you're safe that's all
that matters.
This is my husband Sean.
How you doing?
Pleasure to meet you.
Hi Sean, I've heard a lot about you.
Well, believe only half of what she says.
No, only good thing.
Okay in that case believe
- everything that she says.
- See.
Hey Sean, listen, do you mind go and get
the rest of my bags outside?
Sure, why not, say no more.
I'm already on it.
Good job baby.
Thank you baby.
Thank you Sean.
All right girl you can
have a seat, get comfortable,
if you want you can give
me your coat, relax.
You're home.
(Mona and Y'vette laughing)
I'm excited - Well I'm so excited
you're here girl.
We have not caught up in so long
since the - Like (mumbles)
Listen, that's my baby sister man.
And I don't get involved in her personal.
[Man 1] I know this type of chick.
[Man 2] What's that supposed to mean?
[Man 1] She's gotten
dominant personality.
Thank you for letting
me bring my stuff in
and welcoming me to this beautiful home.
Aw, yeah girl no worries.
You know, everybody needs
a helping hand sometimes.
You ain't even bring
anything in here really
so it's fine.
Yeah that is true.
Listen, I've moved a lot
over the last few years.
So I definitely learnt to pack light.
Well, welcome back to Houston.
And maybe this time around
you can stay with us
a little bit longer.
Yeah that's the plan.
Listen, I promise I will
not be a burden to you guys.
No girl.
No worries on that.
Aiit, not really that exciting.
I must warn you, me and Mona
we live very, very boring lives.
Oh gosh, marriage.
Marriage for sure.
Girl, sometimes we are
knocked out at nine o'clock.
Yeah, but not tonight.
The game is on, the Rockets are playing
and I'm watching.
You gone watch the game with me babe?
I'm not babe I'm sleepy.
Babe, they're playing the Buffaloes,
- you can (mumbles)
- I know,
usually I would but I'm tired, okay?
You'll wait up for me?
Well listen, usually I'm up late.
But I can think I'm gonna call it a night.
I think I just wanna shower and go to bed.
All right cool.
Well, lemme get you some towels, okay?
All right babe, I'ma
let you watch the game.
All right babe.
- Come on girl.
- Hey, hey, hey, come on.
(Mona chuckles)
All right.
- I love you.
- Come on girl.
Ladies have a good night.
All right, night babe.
Hey Mona, Sean, would you
like me to fix you a sandwich?
Hey Y'vette, Mona is already asleep,
but I'll take the sandwich.
(ethereal music)
(audience cheering)
(phone ringing)
Hello, Y'vette I know it's your crazy ass.
How dare you call my phone after
what you did to my wife, you crazy bitch.
You think I ain't know it's you.
Let me tell you something.
When I'm finally able to prove
that you did what you did,
I'm going straight to the cops.
You understand what I'm saying?
I told you it's healthy, healthy first.
Whoo Mona, tastes good, you
really put your foot in this.
All I did was an olive oil.
Actually Y'vette prepared this dish,
so you can give her all the props girl.
(Mona laughs)
It's nice.
Mona you got this girl living
with you just for few weeks
and she already cooking for y'all?
No babe, no.
- It's not like that.
- Y'vette let her know,
you cook once a week.
I cook about three times a week.
And then?
And then, cooks zero times.
Girl you know, she know
Sean ain't cooking nothing.
(Mona and Keisha laughing)
We know.
- You try.
- I thought to hell.
At least give me the opportunity
to defend my own self
please ladies, thank you.
Go ahead.
All right, now Keisha, on my nights
I order the best take out in town.
(Keisha laughing)
Babe you know that doesn't count.
Baby that does count.
It doesn't.
Look I pay for it and you like it.
All right baby, thank you.
All right.
Oh girl, you're sweet.
(Sean, Keisha and Mona laughing)
You do your best.
(suspenseful music)
Aint that right Sean?
Exactly, thank you very much Y'vette.
(Y'vette laughs)
Mona think maybe you should
listen to your friend
more often, she gets me.
Okay babe, I'll listen
to my friend, whatever.
So Y'vette, Mona tells me
you moved here from Georgia.
Yeah, I actually like
Houston you know, the city,
the culture and don't get
me started on the food.
- Oh yeah girl.
- Yeah (mumbles)
So you don't have a man in Georgia.
Oh, let's change the subject.
Mona, Mona, no it's a fair question.
Besides, she is your best friend.
Yeah, damn right I am.
Well, to be honest with you Keisha,
I just got out of a very
abusive relationship
and I definitely do not
plan on getting into one
any time soon.
Yeah on that note, stop the lady talk.
Baby, I'm gonna take these to the kitchen.
And then I got to go into
the back and work on my book.
All right - Babe stay, please.
Work on me knuckles.
- No.
- All right.
(Mona mumbles)
Yeah sure, anything for you love.
Thanks babe.
So Keisha?
Do you have a man?
I'm dating.
(Y'vette scoffs)
So, no okay.
Is there something you
want to say to me Yvette?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Listen, I'm just saying,
I can't see why you single.
You're so educated and yeah.
I think you should worry less about me
and worry more about getting
out my friend's house.
Okay boo?
Okay boo.
Keish you gonna help me take
these plates to the dishwasher
Babe hand me your plates.
Yeah, good call babe.
- Come on.
- Babe, good idea.
Come on.
(mumbles) was delicious
- Thank you babe.
- Thank you.
Thank you very much Keisha.
Thank you Keish.
We appreciate it.
Babe can you stay here
and keep Y'vette - Thank you honey.
Thank you too.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Yvette, what the hell was that about?
I'm sorry.
That's her best friend, you can't do that
She tried it
It's uncalled for, that's all I'm saying.
It's uncalled for.
Like a stress free home.
Hey babe?
What's up babe?
Man crazy lunch today huh?
Man, you women are so
damn caty, you know that?
Shut up.
Yeah you're right.
You know dudes, we never go
through that type of bullshit.
When we got a problem,
we either fight it out
or beef amongst the crew,
then you know, we just
won't hang with that person
while the other person is there, you know?
Mean dudes are crazy, niggas
kill each other nowadays.
Yeah, I bet.
But I'm tripping.
Like I really don't know what
to do with either one of them.
You ain't go do shit babe.
Oh no, that had nothing to do with you.
They gotta learn how to get
along on their own, all right?
Let me ask was, I mean
was Y'vette like that
in high school?
Nah, she was cool with everybody.
She was just a loner, you know.
Just doing her own thing.
See a lot of changes since high school.
But you like her, right?
I like her.
I mean she all right, she cool and all.
But you know who I like even more?
Oh God, okay Mr. corn balls.
- you so corny.
- That's all right,
you sure like this corny dude huh?
I do.
Come on over here and my
three minutes of loving.
Come on, come here.
Sucky sucky man.
(Mona giggles)
(Mona moaning)
(suspenseful music)
(Sean mumbles)
There we go.
Oh, thank you Y'vette.
- Wow.
- This looks wonderful.
Thanks girl.
You never had to do this.
No problem, you know
I love cooking anyway.
Yes you do.
I can tell.
But you don't have to keep spoiling us.
God, speak for yourself.
Look Y'vette, don't listen
to Mona right now, all right?
I think she's almost gonna cry again.
Shut up.
Keep doing what you doing
all right, I appreciate it.
All right no problem Sean.
Plus I'm very grateful
for you guys allow me
to come into your home.
So I have to repay you back some way.
Take it.
It aint no need girl.
Oh, me and Sean were talking
about going to the rockets
game this weekend.
You know if you want to come along.
- Oh no no.
- Yeah
Listen, you guys need your space.
And besides I have to
work a double tonight,
so, I think I'm gonna stay at
a hotel somewhere in Midtown.
Why are you staying in a hotel?
No, no, you have to do that, girl.
- It's a good idea.
- Listen,
I want to, you guys go ahead.
You know I feel bad Sean.
Babe, no reason to feel bad all right?
Look Y'vette, we appreciate the gesture.
We'll take you up on it, all right?
Fine babe.
You'll take me out those three minutes.
Three and a half.
We talk about this.
I've been working out.
- That's (mumbles)
- Shit.
Yvette you see what you're doing.
(crisps crunching)
(suspenseful music)
(wooden floor creaking)
(dramatic music)
Oh, hey Y'vette.
Look what I got.
Oh girl, you still remember
my favorite ice cream.
Of course I do, you ate it
like every day after school.
Whatever, it was not every day
You ate it so much your
belly started getting big.
People thought you were pregnant.
(Mona laughs)
Aint nobody say nothing to me.
Now how would that sound
if somebody came to you
and was like, Mona, your stomach
getting big, you pregnant?
Girl my daddy would have kicked my butt
if he thought I was messing around.
Were are you even
messing around or any time?
No, not really.
I didn't lose my virginity
until my senior prom so.
Oh, well that sounds about right.
You held it long enough.
What about your girl?
When did you lose yours?
Too soon.
Damn what you mean?
You remember my stepdad?
Yeah, he used to get us
candy sometimes after school.
Yeah, I never liked that.
I know he always had an agenda.
He used to sneak into my room at night.
Dang girl, I didn't know that, I'm sorry.
It's cool, nobody knew.
Did your mom suspect anything?
Ah no, but she did confront him.
It's kind of why we kinda moved.
I mean, did he ever stop though?
Yeah, when I made it.
Yeah that could change somebody.
Some for the good, some for the bad.
Okay anyway, we killing the mood.
So, you like your ice cream?
Is the bomb.
(Y'vette laughs)
This ice cream is so good.
But I had this so long either.
You just make sure you
don't eat this ice at home.
I'ma try not to girl.
(Mona laughing)
I know you will.
You walked here with my favorite ice cream
how am I not supposed to eat all of this?
Listen, I had to.
You just like double chocolate too.
I owe you one.
Stop saying that, we
really enjoy having you here.
You don't owe us anything.
But you didn't have to do it and you did.
- So I really appreciate.
- I know it but.
It's good to catch up with you.
Me too.
It's good to have
some other female energy
in the house too.
Right, I know - It's good.
It kinda gets to you, yeah.
Okay, I'm good.
You got it girl, cool.
I'm good, that's it.
I'm not Lance Armstrong.
He said one mile.
Come on Keish, that was a mile.
It felt like three.
Look keep working out with me
I'ma get you in tip top shape girl.
Listen, when I work out
with you, my side hurts.
'Cause your ass still
drinking sodas ain't you?
Listen, you ask too many questions.
(Mona giggles)
So tell me, how's
everything going with Y'vette?
Oh, everything's cool, she's cool.
But you know what, she's
been through a lot keish,
I need you to take it easy on her, okay?
The world doesn't give a
shit about you or me, Mona.
Okay fine, fine I'll take it easy on her.
Thank you, that wasn't too hard, was it?
Geez girl.
You know what, I need
you to do something for me.
Oh shit, here you go.
You always want something.
No I don't.
Girl what?
I need you to hook me up
with Sean's friend, Ryan
Ryan has a girlfriend, Veronica.
You met her last year at
the Christmas party girl.
According to his
Facebook and his Instagram.
They broke two weeks ago.
Are you sure?
Oh yeah girl.
I checked her pages also, it's over over.
Oh, you're a real stalker bitch, girl.
You know all this fair and lovely wine.
I gotta my man.
Come on.
All right, Keisha I'll
hook you up with him.
But don't make me look bad okay?
Of course not.
(cards rustling)
Make an (mumbles) babe.
- Okay.
- All right.
Bam, I'm there, I'm there.
Bruh, you were terrible
at this game, man.
You might as well give it up.
Hold on, hold on man.
I'm gonna pick it up real soon, all right.
We just get into the flow with things.
Aint that right babe?
Yeah, babe, I don't know
you know part of me thinks
I should have pulled out
to domino just for you.
Am I really that bad in this game?
I got your back babe.
So Keisha, you pretty good at this.
Your pops must have
schooled you with this huh?
Even my uncles.
We used to play all the time.
Oh, not anymore.
We play every Sunday.
He actually has a table laid
out before I even get there.
Well, I take it your
boyfriend must be pretty jealous
how close you and your father huh?
I don't have one of those.
Well that's too bad.
I've actually just been
waiting for the right man
to come along and change that.
I told you
Is that right?
Look at his eyes.
Don't look at my cards.
They look so cute babe.
We did good.
- Stop it.
- We did good,
we hooked it up,
- we hooked it up.
- We did good.
- We hooked it up.
- Stop it.
Ryan, go pick two.
Pick two.
What color?
We're gonna go with red
for the color of love.
What you doing?
(ethereal music)
Damn you was such a good kisser.
So are you.
You wanna take this to my place?
Not yet, soon.
Don't be mad at me, okay?
Oh no, no, of course not.
I completely respect it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
(soft music)
(bag thuds)
Oops, didn't mean to scare you.
Hey Yvette how was work?
I don't ever have to
do another report again.
I wouldn't mind.
Okay, this is Ryan, Sean's friend.
Oh, hey Ryan.
Hey, how you doing?
Good, it's nice to meet you.
Yeah, nice to meet you too.
You're the house guest right?
Of course.
Okay, okay,
(Ryan giggles)
I hope Sean And Mona
aren't boring you to death.
Oh no they're cool.
I'm ready to go, you're ready to go?
Yeah sure.
Yeah you gonna walk me out?
Okay, okay
Well it was nice to meet You Yvette.
Nice to meet you too.
Bye Y'vette.
Bye Keisha.
Come on.
(soft music)
(door thuds)
Hey girl, what's up with you and Ryan?
Y'all been spending a lot of time together.
Yeah he text a lot, we go
on dates, it's great actually.
Ah, so Mr.Earl at
work will sad to see him
when you go back in.
Girl let me worry about Earl.
He doesn't have no checks in
the world to make me choose
him over Ryan.
Aw, so it's official?
No and I get, but honestly I can feel it,
he's gonna ask me any day now.
Keish, do you dated yet?
(Mona laughing)
Girl, not yet.
I'm actually trying to bag this one.
I don't need him to know
how much of a slut I am
just yet.
Well, slut maybe what
actually bags this one.
(Keisha giggles)
I'm just saying.
Speaking of sluts.
Mona you invited Yvette?
Yes Keish, you know I aint sorry,
she doesn't have any other friends yet.
She'll make friends at
work, yoga is our thing.
It still is okay, just
for today all right?
Hey ladies.
Hey girl.
Thanks for inviting me to do yoga.
I've never been before.
Just be prepared for lots
of sweating, stretching girl.
Ooh, this sounds like sex.
(Mona and Yvette giggling)
I guess that explains
your outfit then huh?
Well, you know what they
say, if you get it then,
plus I heard men do yoga,
so you know I'm trying to find me one.
And like you said, if you've
got it then flirt it girl.
Yes you look good, you look good girl.
Thank you.
This class needs to
start, we got 10 minutes.
Okay Keisha, the class is gonna start.
Y'all ready for this?
- Yes.
- Yes.
I'm ready too.
See that move right here.
Felt like a (mumbles)
Ooh, ooh, watch his alley.
(Sean chanting)
- Ooh!
- No, no, no.
- Watch (mumbles) do that.
- Yeah, yeah.
Oh okay, that's a good play,
good defense,
- that defense...
- Guys, dinner's ready.
- Thank you, it's okay.
- Okay.
Y'vette, oh this looks wonderful.
So who's winning?
Come on Yvette, must
you ask you know it's me.
You got lucky dude.
Two times in a row, I don't think so.
Whatever, even a broken
clock, right two times a day.
You hear what I'm saying?
Don't mess with me.
Ooh I'm full, oh that was good.
Yo Yvette, you really are
the best cook in the world.
Thank you.
Just don't tell my mom that
'cause she would kill me.
Listen, your secret is safe with me.
Yvette, for real that was good.
I mean, you make a mean spread girl.
Thank you.
Ooh on that note
that's running through me
so I'ma be right back.
Hey if I ain't back in like five minutes,
just wait longer.
We can go behind his back
I don't understand how you deal with him,
or why are you even (mumbles).
Like your earring is excLusive.
Thank you, thank you.
So, which is better, the perfect wife,
or the foreign exchange student?
Foreign exchange student.
That girl was crazy,
she was killing everybody.
But mine is the perfect wife.
But is there such thing
as the perfect wife?
Yeah, I could be, with the right person.
Look, I'm sure you'll
find the right guy someday.
Maybe already have.
I can't do this to Keisha.
When did y'all make it official?
We're not official yet.
So it means you can
explore your other options.
Look I should go.
No, you're not going anyway.
(Y'vette moaning)
(door thuds)
(piano music)
You were expecting somebody babe?
No babe, no way.
Yvette, you expecting someone?
No. (door thuds)
All right, let me go check it out.
Baby don't cheat either all right?
I know where all pieces are.
- I'm not gonna cheat.
- All right?
(Mona laughs)
(door thuds)
Yeah, hold on, hold on.
Hey Mona baby, it's two suits at the door.
What should I do?
Just answer it babe.
Oh yes hello, may I help you?
We're the Atlanta police department.
Can we come in please?
Yeah sure, come on in.
What can I do for you?
Do you, you live here alone?
No, sir, me and my
wife Mona, Mona Williams.
And what's your name?
Sean Williams, what's all this about?
So is just the two of you living here?
Yes, well currently, no, not right now.
We have a house guest here just visiting.
Y'vette Masters.
Yes, how did you know?
Wait, what's all this about?
Look we'll be happy
to explain everything,
but are both your wife and
Yvette here this morning?
Yes, they were in the
living room talking.
Can you take us to them please?
Yes, but I wanna know
exactly what you guys...
Yeah thank you, we'll find 'em.
Are here for?
Mona honey, detective police here,
this is detective...
Detective Monroe, mam.
Mona Williams, but please call me Mona
- Mona.
- Yes.
This is my partner, Detective Jacobs.
Hello Mona, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Hey Y'vette
How does it feel to be back in Houston?
Feels good.
Yvette you mind if we talk
to you just for a few moments
in private.
No, whatever you need to say to me,
you can say anything to them.
I have nothing to hide.
Oh no.
Please have a seat.
- Yes yes.
- Have a seat we'll step out.
- It's okay.
- No Mona it's okay.
Okay, we'll stand up in here.
So, how long have you been in Houston?
For few months now.
Actual why we are here, is
because we are investigating
the murder that happened a
few months ago in Atlanta.
Yeah, my good friend,
Mary brought me this.
Yeah, of course.
It's just a few things that
we didn't get to ask you
about that situation.
It's very sad, very terrible
what happened to her.
But we're actually still trying to find out
who her killer he is.
Would you happen to know
anybody who would have
done something like this?
No, I don't see why
anybody would do this to her.
She was such a good person.
I don't even think she had any enemies.
You know that's yeah that's
what we've been hearing
a lot.
We'd be interviewing people
is that she was a good person.
That is consistent with them.
Yeah it's just like her boyfriend,
but now he's dead.
Who, Xavier?
Yes, Xavier.
How did he die?
He was actually also brutally murdered.
Do you know what might happen?
No, this is all new to me.
Oh, so you're saying
you don't know anything
about his murder either?
No, and I don't like your tone.
Hold up.
What my partner's trying to say is,
there's just some things is confusing.
Like why did you move to
Houston from Atlanta, exactly?
Well, I was having some family issues
and thought I needed a fresh start, so.
So, just leave your friends,
Xavier and Mary in Atlanta?
Yeah people move all the time.
People, is funny you say
people, because people told us
that you were very very close
with the deceased couple.
Yeah, I was.
Kinda sorta, like Xavier
had two girlfriends.
No, it was nothing like that.
(Detective Monroe laughs)
Did you want it like that, Y'vette?
No, and I don't like where
this conversation is going.
Look, okay, Ms. Masters,
we actually did pull
Xavier's phone records.
We did notice that a lot of the calls
came from your cell phone,
which were days before he died.
Do you remember making those calls?
Yes I do.
Okay but the calls were not very long,
so do you remember what
you guys were discussing?
Yeah, I just called to check on him,
to see how he was doing.
He said, he was sleeping
and he would call me back.
So she just found a
replacement couple for them.
Is this new family that she with right now.
You know what this
conversation is over with,
I don't have anything else to say to you.
(Detective Monroe scoffs)
Look, it's obvious that we
have overstayed our welcome,
okay but detective here will
be happy to give you a card
and you give us a call,
if there's anything that you can think of.
Just remember to let us know.
Listen, don't leave
Houston anytime soon okay?
I won't.
Oh we know.
If you have any concerns,
please give me a call.
Okay thank you, thank you both.
You two have a nice day.
Like wise.
You gonna walk them out?
Yeah sure.
We can find ourselves.
Nice house sir.
Nice (mumbles)
Thank you, you two have a great day.
Thank you.
Are you okay?
I'm so embarrassed.
Don't be, I get it.
They were just doing their job, okay?
I'll be sure to give them a
call if I can think of anything.
Yeah look I'm sure
they'll appreciate that.
Are you really up at one in
the morning eating ice cream.
Now that is not a healthy diet.
Yes, I know mom, I know.
While you at it, do you mind if I join?
Oh no go ahead.
Okay, thank you.
I just want to say thank you
for not passing any bad
judgment on me, you know
after the cops came or whatever.
Oh no, no, you good no worries on that.
Is there anything for us
to be concerned about?
No, I mean, it kind of makes sense
they came over to question me
that we weren't close and all, so.
So, what happened with you and my boy Ryan?
(Sean laugh)
So I had to ask, you know you had to ask.
Yes I know you had to ask
but there's nothing going on
I mean, why did he say anything?
Oh no, no, I haven't
even talked to him yet.
All I know was is I came down
to the kitchen to get a glass
of water and I saw you and Ryan
on the couch while you know.
(Sean laughs)
That is so embarrassing.
Oh, no no no, it's all
good don't worry about it.
- Its great.
- So
Did you like what you saw?
What? (soft music)
Relax, I'm just kidding.
Okay, I know one thing
Kesha gonna kick your ass
when she find out.
Keisha, doesn't even have to know.
Plus I'm good at keeping secrets.
Are you?
(suspense music)
Look at that, you ate all the ice cream.
I didn't try to, besides
I'm trying to help you,
you know, keep your figure.
Okay, okay.
Hey, I just want to
thank you for taking me in
and letting me stay here.
Look, not a problem.
Any friend of Mona is a friend of mine.
Aw, you're so sweet Sean.
I could be a real good friend to you Sean.
I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed.
All right.
Have a good night, Y'vette.
Good night Sean.
(piano music)
Hey babe, where were you?
Eating ice cream with Yvette.
Good night babe.
(piano music)
Hi girl, what color
are you doing over there?
This is pampered.
Ooh cute.
Yeah, what color are you using?
I am doing crystal white.
I love white, it looks good on you.
Thank you.
Oh boy.
Go ahead, ask.
I know there's something you wanna say.
I've just been wondering,
like I haven't seen you
bring any men by.
You been here for a minute,
are you dating anybody yet?
Because I feel like
Houston has so many eligible
bachelors here, girl.
- Think so?
- They show you out there.
Well, since she wants to be nosy,
(Mona laughs)
I am dating.
You know I'm just having fun.
All right good.
Fun is good, yeah go
on with that, have fun.
(piano music)
So I have a question.
What's up?
How are you and Sean?
I've noticed you guys haven't
been going on dates lately.
We're great but yeah, we
have been slacking on dates.
I mean it's just okay, I'm good really.
I'm just saying from past experience
if men are, you know, busy,
then they're normally cheating.
I thought you liked him.
I do, but you are my friend first,
so I'm just looking out for you that's all.
Yeah, but Sean, he wouldn't cheat on me.
He does have a penis right?
Look, Sean is my husband.
He wouldn't do that, trust him.
Okay, you right, maybe I'm tripping.
What you doing on Saturday night?
You got any plans?
Well you never know,
I may be with my man.
Haha you're so funny Y'vette whatever.
No way, I should be available.
Cool, I'm having a dinner party.
Sounds awesome.
Yeah, it's not it's for work.
We have one every six months,
but it's my turn to host it.
So I want you to be there.
Would there be any man,
at this dinner party?
Yes crazy, there will
be men with their wives.
But the question is, are they happy?
Ooh you are so bad, girl.
Look make sure you just
show up with a dress please.
Yes ma'am
Thank you so much.
- What's up?
- You ain't got.
Come on, point up, point up game point,
game point, you ain't
ready, you ain't ready.
Let's go, let's go.
What you got, what you got?
Game, game, that's what I'm talking about,
Bro, man, you got lucky, man.
Hey that's all right man.
Hey man let me catch my win, I'm tired.
Yeah help yourself.
Catch my way.
Hey man how you got so much stamina?
Oh, I know, you've been
getting it in with Kesha, huh?
Man, I don't know why you
always in my business boy,
a gentleman don't kiss and tell.
Good, then spill the beans
'cause you ain't no damn gentleman.
You right.
It only took us a couple of days man.
Just a few huh?
Hey I taught you well man.
I'm proud of you son, I'm proud of you.
Man, shut up.
But I really do like this girl.
I mean she's funny, she's smart, witty.
Funny, witty?
Oh hell no man.
Oh, my boy whooped already.
Man, ain't nobody whooped.
Okay, maybe just a little.
All right then.
But look at me, at least
now we both got good girls.
If you say so.
You better pay that shit.
Nope, not yet.
But I mean, it's about to be that time.
You got to get her parent's approval.
Yes, it's very important.
So what about Y'vette?
You seeking her parents' approval too?
What are you talking about?
You know what I'm talking about?
Fuck man, how long have you known?
Since you got butt-naked on my couch.
You saw us?
Yeah, man I saw you, man.
I went to go get some water and boom,
there you guys were getting in on my couch.
You man you know how to
scrub down my couch to man.
Look man, I'm sorry.
I don't know why I didn't tell you.
It's all good.
So what you going to do?
Shit I don't know,
I mean, I like both of them.
Maybe I can have them both.
(Sean laughing)
All right, sure, man
until Kesha finds out, then
she going to kill you both.
You know that girl ain't
got it all, she crazy.
Then you know she don't
like that girl, man.
Yeah she told me.
Man you playing with fire,
with gasoline draws on.
I just got to find a way
to break it off with Y'vette.
You've got to think of something quick.
But in the meantime, I need
you to bring your ashy ass
to my house on Saturday,
Mona having some office party for a job
they do like every six months or something.
Well I'ma be working Saturday
so I won't be making it.
Oh man, come on man
you owe me man for having
your ashy butt on my couch.
Hey look here.
I'ma owe you in another one.
But in the meantime, let's
get back to this game, bruh.
I got my second way, come on help me up.
Ah my back, oh my back
give me the ball, ball up.
I'm getting to old for this.
What you got?
(phone ringing)
You not gonna get that.
And who was that?
Your publisher?
What's going on she calling at 1 am?
I just told her to give
me a call at any time
she heard any news about
publishing my book.
Well it must be something
important if she calling
this late babe.
Okay, but I don't feel like
talking to her right now,
I'm tired, I'll call her
in the morning all right?
No worries babe, go back to sleep.
(piano music)
Hey babe, you finally made it home?
You smell good.
You know I love that perfume.
That's what you trying to do.
(piano music)
Oh, morning Yvette.
Good morning sleepy head.
Ooh, my head is throbbing.
That's what you call a hangover.
Thank you.
How many did I have last night?
If I had to guess I would
probably stay about seven.
Yeah, you were feeling
yourself a little bit too much
last night.
Yeah apparently.
Yvette where's Mona?
Did she go to the corner
store or something?
I don't know.
What you making?
I am making oatmeal, would you like some?
Where were you just coming from?
I'm from work silly.
I left you a voicemail
last night telling you
I was going to work all night.
You did?
Yes and you sent me one back saying okay.
I did?
I mean, yeah I did, I must've forgot.
Okay, you feeling all right?
Yeah, I just got a
headache from last night.
Hey girl and what you
got going on over there?
I am making your favorite oatmeal.
Aw, thanks girl, you're
always looking out.
No problem.
I'm gonna take a shower
and I'm gonna come back
and grab a bowl.
- Okay.
- All right.
I'm gonna make sure it's warm for you.
Thanks girl.
Okay babe.
All right - All right.
Yvette what the fuck
did you do last night?
Come on, stop playing, you knew.
Look I didn't know shit all right.
You knew damn well that
was me under them sheets
last night.
You crazy.
Come on, the way that
you were grabbing on my ass
and touching on my titties.
Huh may (mumbles)listen,
Mona's beautiful and all but,
she definitely don't have what I got.
Look I was drank all right.
I mean you came into our
bed wearing her scarf
and her perfume for Christ's sake.
Listen, all men cheat,
I just proved that you do too.
You're insane.
You're sick Y'vette.
Look I want you out of my house today.
Oh, so now that you fuck me,
you want me out of your house.
Well I didn't that.
Go ahead, say it.
I'm not say nothing and neither of you
Snap out of it.
(suspense music)
(soft music) (door thuds)
This is what I'm saying...
Just adjust the tie.
I told you not to wear this tie.
Okay just straighten my tie please.
Good evening Ms. Williams,
I'm so glad you could make it.
Good evening Mona, you
have a very lovely place.
Thank you.
You know, I was thinking
about giving you a raise
but I don't see you need it.
No Ms Williams, I
could always use a raise.
And it will confirm that
I'm doing great at work.
Please forgive me, this is my husband,
Dr. Orlando Williams.
The pleasure is mine.
Catherine has told me so many great things
about you and your work.
What an honor, thank you.
Will your husband be joining us?
I'm sure. Orlando and him had
lots of things to talk about.
Sure thing.
Actually he's in the
back, lemme go grab him,
you to enjoy yourselves
and have a few drinks.
- I'll be right back.
- Free drink, yeah.
Thank you.
Thank you. (laughing)
What are you drinking tonight dear?
Ciroc on the rocks.
Coming right at you.
Now you can only have one
drink, we do not need a repeat
of what happened last time.
Thank you for reminding me dear.
Oh you're welcome honey.
(soft music)
(door thuds)
Hey Keisha.
You look nice for a change.
So do you.
Mona gave you the money to buy that outfit
since you're living on our couch.
No, but I did have your...
(background voices)
(soft music)
That's perfect.
That's part of the (indistinct)
(background voices)
But you barely know her.
Yeah I thought too so.
But you have to be careful, what he say.
(background voices)
(glass clicking)
Excuse I would like to propose a toast.
I would first like to thank Mona and Sean
for hosting Jackson Williams
annual dinner party.
I would also like to thank
each and every one of you
for your hard work and
commitment to this firm.
I know you guys sometimes
work 80 hour a week
just to complete a job,
and I want you to know that
it does not go unnoticed.
That being said, I want
you all to drink up,
enjoy this good food and
I will see you first thing
Monday morning, 8:00 a.m. sharp.
To Mona.
[All] To Mona.
- Aw thank you.
Cheers girl.
(glass clicking)
(soft music)
Its delicious right?
- It's good.
- Yeah?
Where did this get this?
Well as you know that some of you.
You have to tell me so that I can get it.
I cannot tell you Ms, Williams,
I will just bring you a bottle.
I'm good.
(background voices)
(soft music)
Excuse me, Yvette.
You haven't said two words to me all night.
Because I have nothing to say to you.
(suspense music)
Now get the hell out of my way.
(suspense music)
(door thuds)
(footsteps thumping)
I hope you washed your hands.
Girl if you don't get out of my face.
Listen I'm just trying to help you out.
Help me out?
Or maybe you trying to help yourself out.
Hey how's Ryan?
Where is he at anyway?
You need to mind your business,
don't worry about him.
Does he still have the birth mark?
Ryan is mine, so you
need to get the fuck out
of his face.
First of all, I'm in no one's space.
I can't help it if they want all of this.
Yeah, girl the dogs they
can smell a bitch in heat.
Bitch, who are you calling a bitch?
You bitch.
Eh, whoa whoa Keisha, what
the hell os going on in here?
Keisha no no stop -
Listen, she said something
about Ryan.
Keisha we're not doing this here.
I'm not about to do this thing.
Lets go over there and talk.
- I'm so tired of her.
- Keisha stop.
I'm not about to do this Sean.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(tense suspenseful music)
(car door thuds)
(tense suspenseful music)
(tense suspenseful music)
(car door thuds)
(keys jingle)
Y'vette, you're not welcome
back in this house anymore.
You know why.
I didn't do anything.
You ruined my family, and
I know you killed Keisha.
How? No I didn't.
Look, I just need my key back, all right?
Me and Mona agreed, we don't want you back
on our property anymore.
(keys jingle) (soft music)
I still don't understand
why you treat me like this.
Look I really hope you
get your life together.
But stay the fuck away from my family.
(door thuds)
(soft music)
(ethereal music)
(suspense music)
(tense suspense music)
(tense suspenseful music)
(piano music)