The House on Laura Anne Dr. (2024) Movie Script

(intense dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
- Nervous?
- A little bit.
- You should be.
- Jay, are we almost there?
- We're almost there.
(tires scratching)
(distant engine revving)
- Can I take it off?
- No, wait, wait, wait, no.
I gotta tell you something.
- Okay.
- Remember last month
when I told you I had a meeting here in Florida?
- Yeah.
- Well, I wasn't completely honest with you.
- Jay, I swear to God
if you brought me all the way to Florida
to tell me that you cheated on me, I'm-
- No, Jesus, Ava, I didn't cheat on you.
Look, just hold on, wait one second, all right?
- What are you doing?
- Just one second.
(door shuts)
(suspenseful music)
Okay, come on.
(birds chirping)
- Jay, I swear I'm about to rip this thing off.
- No, wait.
Please, I promise it's not bad, it's not bad.
(door shutting)
Let's go.
(birds chirping)
Look, I know things have been
tough for you this past year,
especially tough for you,
but I love you, Ava.
I'll always do my best to make you happy.
Okay, you can take it off.
(subtle piano music)
- Where are we?
- Home.
- Home?
What do you mean?
- This is our new home.
- What?
Are you serious, you bought us a home?
- Yeah, well not just a home, a home in Florida.
- Oh my God, Jay, I can't believe this.
- Come on, lemme show you the inside,
you're gonna love this.
(eerie music)
(door shutting)
What do you think?
- I absolutely love it
and you already had it furnished?
- Everything's already taken care of.
You don't have to worry about anything at all.
- But what about your job?
- That's what the meeting was about.
I officially transferred here starting tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
- Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.
That's the only way I could work it out.
Hey, lemme show you this kitchen, all right?
Nice and big, brand new appliances.
- It's beautiful, Jay.
I still can't believe you did this.
- Come on, lemme show you the best part.
(door sliding)
What do you think of this, huh?
Very own private pool.
You're gonna feel like you're
on vacation every day here.
- It's amazing.
I'm at a complete loss for words.
- Ava, you deserve this.
I thought it'd be great
for us to try and start over fresh, you know?
In a new place, make some new memories, start a new life.
- Thank you, Jay.
- I love you so much.
- I love you.
- Hey, guess where else you're going?
- No, no, no, Jay, don't!
Please don't, my clothes, my
clothes, please don't, please.
- All right, all right.
- Thank you.
(Ava screaming)
(both laughing)
(insects chirping)
- I still can't believe
that you found all the time to do this
without me finding out.
(glass clanking)
- I want you to know that I appreciate you.
You try so hard to make me happy
and I know it hasn't been easy for you either,
but I see how hard you try
and I just want you to know that.
- Ava, I'll always try my best for you.
(subtle romantic music)
- Do you wanna try again?
- Really?
(Ava giggling)
(subtle romantic music)
(music stops)
(birds chirping)
- Morning, pretty lady.
- Hi.
- Sleep well?
- Yeah.
- Sorry if I woke you.
How do I look?
- Very handsome.
- Hey listen,
I'm sorry I have to get back to work so quickly just,
but I'll make it up to you, I promise.
We'll go check out the town,
try some new restaurants, okay?
Try to relax today, okay?
Lay out by the pool or something.
- I think I can do that.
- All right.
Can't be late on the first day.
Love you.
- I love you too.
- Oh by the way, last night was amazing.
- Why, what happened last night?
- Oh, very funny.
(both giggling)
All right, see you later, I'll be home around seven.
(coffee brewing)
(Ava slurping)
(footsteps tapping)
(lights clicking)
(lights clicking)
(lights clicking)
(lights clicking)
(insects chirping)
(insects chirping)
(doorbell ringing)
(insects chirping)
(door squeaking)
(distant dogs barking)
(bag rustling)
(door shutting)
(bag rustling)
(distant thudding)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(floor creaking)
(door opening)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(doorbell ringing)
(door squeaking)
(suspenseful music)
(door locking)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(blinds shutting)
(suspenseful music)
(phone buzzing)
- Hey.
- [Jay] How you doing?
- I'm okay.
Had a bit of an interesting morning, I guess.
- [Jay] Why, what's going on?
- Well, someone left us a gift basket,
but I didn't see who dropped it off.
- [Jay] Well, that was nice.
- Yeah, but then just now,
someone rang the doorbell
again and nobody was there.
- [Jay] Hm, maybe kids playing around or something.
I'm sure it's nothing.
- But then I could have sworn
I heard like a closet door or
something in the spare bedroom
and I didn't see anything.
- [Jay] Babe, you're just getting used to the house.
Every house makes noises, you know?
Did you get in the pool yet?
- No, not yet.
- [Jay] Get in the pool.
Take it easy, try to relax.
- Yeah, okay.
- [Jay] I gotta run, just wanted to call and say I love you.
- I love you too.
- [Jay] Okay, I'll see you later.
- Bye.
(subtle pop music)
(doorbell ringing)
(subtle pop music)
(suspenseful music)
(lock clicking)
(door squeaking)
(suspenseful music)
(cabinet shutting)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
I seriously just need to relax.
(music stops)
(blender whirring)
(lid rattling)
(lid tapping)
(machine beeping)
(water rinsing)
(suspenseful music)
(lights clicking)
(Ava groaning)
(door rattling)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
Is anybody there?
(suspenseful music)
(blinds shutting)
(suspenseful music)
(music stops)
(phone buzzing)
- Hey, I was starting to get worried.
- [Jay] I'm sorry, I'm fine.
- Are you almost home?
- [Jay] A couple of guys wanna take me out for a drink.
You know, like a first day celebration kind of thing.
- Oh.
- [Jay] Yeah, so I'll be a little later than I thought.
Is that okay?
- Yeah, yeah, it's no problem.
- [Jay] Okay, sorry about that.
- No, it's fine.
- [Jay] I love you.
I'll be home as soon as possible.
- I love you too.
(phone tapping)
(Ava blowing)
(Ava blowing)
(intense eerie music)
(door squeaking)
(Jay sighing)
- Shit.
I'm home.
- Hey.
- Sorry, I didn't know you were gonna make dinner.
- That's okay.
- Forgive me?
- Always.
- Did you have a good day?
- There's something weird about this house.
- Why, what happened?
- I was hearing weird noises all day
and then I literally watched the laundry room door
close all by itself.
- So you're saying we got a haunted house?
(Jay chuckling)
Come on, babe.
Remember that, remember that door at your mom's place?
It, it would close a little bit
every time the air conditioner turned on.
You're just getting used to a new place, that's all.
I promise, there's nothing to worry about.
All right, I'm gonna go jump in the shower real quick
and then I'll come back and cuddle you, okay?
- Mm.
(suspenseful music)
(car rushing)
(eerie whimsical music)
(eerie whimsical music)
(intense suspenseful music)
(Ava screaming)
- [Ava] Jay!
- Ava!
What, what happened?
- Maggots, they're all over the bed!
- Babe, there's nothing here.
- They were just there.
- Babe.
Hey, there's nothing there.
You must have been dreaming.
- I wasn't dreaming.
- Hey, hey, come here, look at me.
You're fine.
It was just a dream.
All right?
Oh by the way, good news,
all the stuff we wanted from the other house
should be here today sometime,
the movers said around 1:00 PM.
(suspenseful music)
(door squeaking)
- I hope you have a good day.
- Thank you.
- What time will you be home?
- Should be no later than 7:00 PM,
but I'll call to let you know for sure.
Promise it won't be like last night.
- Okay.
- Try to relax today, okay?
You're in Florida.
(door squeaking)
(door closing)
(Ava sighing)
(insects chirping)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(insects chirping)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
- Hello?
(door closing)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(doorbell ringing)
- You must be Ava.
- Yes.
- How you doing today?
- Can I help you?
- Sorry, I'm Tony, I'm one of your movers
and we're just dropping some stuff off today.
- Right, right.
Okay, sorry about that.
- It's fine.
- Let me just open up the garage.
You can put everything in there.
Just hold on one second.
(garage door opening)
(suspenseful music)
(phone buzzing)
- [Jay] Hey, movers should be there any minute.
- They're already here.
- [Jay] Oh, good.
Is everything good?
- Yeah.
(doorbell ringing)
Hang on real quick.
- Hey, just need to get a couple signatures
and then we'll be on our way.
- Okay.
Hey, I'll call you back.
Okay, love you, bye.
- If you could just sign here and then initial there.
You guys storing dead bodies in there?
- What?
- It just, it smells like something's dying in there.
- No, no dead bodies.
Not this week anyway.
- All right, cool.
All right well, we have everything we need
and yeah, I guess that's it.
- Okay, thank you.
- Yeah, take care.
(door closing)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(Ava groaning)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(ladder rattling)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(ladder creaking)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(ladder creaking)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(Ava groaning)
(eerie suspenseful music)
Oh my God!
(eerie suspenseful music)
- Yep.
That's what this is.
- What is it?
- Squatters.
Normally just homeless
people looking for a place to live.
- Do you think they're still up there?
- No, it doesn't look like it,
but I'll do a full sweep of the property
and make sure everything's okay.
Did you guys just move in or something?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, it's, it's more common than you think it.
These people see the for sale signs out front
and it's an open game,
but I'll take a look around,
make sure everything's secure.
- Okay.
(door squeaking)
- Well, that's about all I can do.
I really don't think you have anything to worry about,
but if I were you, I would change your locks out.
- Right.
- Well, let us know if you see anything else.
Sorry I couldn't do more.
- No, I understand.
Thank you.
(door shutting)
(distant scratching)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(door shutting)
(door rattling)
- Hey.
You okay?
What happened, did the police come?
- Yeah, an officer just left.
- Show me where you found everything.
(suspenseful music)
- I feel really uncomfortable here, Jay.
- Ava listen, okay?
I know things are nerve wracking,
but everything's okay, I promise.
- What if someone's been in here with us the whole time?
What if all these weird noises I've been hearing
has been this person in our attic?
- Ava, please just relax, okay?
Nobody's here.
I mean, the stuff that's up there,
it looks like it hasn't been touched in a while,
and they were probably there a long time ago.
- How do you know that, Jay?
- Ava, everything's fine, okay?
- The officer said
we need to change out the door locks right away.
- Okay.
I'll get to that first thing in the morning,
or I'll do it right now.
Hey, why don't we go grab the locks
and then go grab some dinner or something?
Yeah, how's that sound?
- I mean.
- Come on, let's get outta the house for a while.
- Yeah, okay.
- Okay, just lemme change first.
(suspenseful music)
What you hungry for, tacos?
- You're speaking my love language.
(eerie suspenseful music)
(drill whirring)
- Hey babe.
All done, safe and sound.
See me using the power drill?
- I saw you.
- You see how manly I looked?
Pretty sexy, huh?
- Oh yes, you're so manly.
- Hey listen, I'd never let anything happen to you, okay?
I'll always protect you.
- Thank you for being so good to me.
- I love you, pretty lady.
- I love you too, manly man.
(drill whirring)
- You like that, don't you?
- Oh, I love it.
- You know what?
I think I'm gonna fix everything
in this house right now.
- Oh yes, you're so manly.
(both giggling)
- You think we should keep trying?
(Ava giggling)
(birds chirping)
(cologne spraying)
- Hey, good morning.
I gotta get outta here.
- Don't go.
- I wish I didn't have to.
- Mm.
- Hey, do me a favor.
Go through the stuff the movers brought,
see if you can find my ties.
- Hm.
- Thanks.
Love you.
- I love you too.
(tape ripping)
(box rustling)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(distant birds chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(box closing)
(ties rustling)
(suspenseful music)
(distant thudding)
(door opening)
(lights clicking)
(suspenseful music)
(door closing)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(thunder crashing)
(electricity buzzing)
(water rushing)
(electricity going out)
Jay, wake up, did you hear that?
- Hear what?
- I don't know.
I heard something that woke me up.
Jay, will you please go and check it out?
- Yeah, okay.
(suspenseful music)
(Jay yawning)
(lights clicking)
(suspenseful music)
(flashlight clicking)
(door squeaking)
(suspenseful music)
(door squeaking)
(thunder crashing)
(eerie suspenseful music)
- Did you look up there?
- Jesus.
Ava, you scared me.
- Did you check up there?
- It's all closed up, so I figured it was fine.
Okay, yeah I'll check it.
(suspenseful music)
- Well?
- Everything's fine, just go back to sleep.
- Well, what about the power?
- Power's out, it's no big deal, just go back to sleep.
(distant thunder rumbling)
(suspenseful music)
(thunder crashing)
(door squeaking)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(sheets rustling)
(blood dripping)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(doorbell ringing)
- Oh, hello there.
Oh my goodness, are you okay?
- No, I'm fine.
Um, just a little nosebleed.
- Oh, I'm sorry to catch you at a bad time.
I could come back.
- No, no, it's fine.
I'm sorry, who did you say you were?
- Oh, how foolish of me.
I'm sorry about that.
I'm your neighbor, Ruth.
I live right across the street there.
- Oh okay.
Hi, I'm Ava, nice to meet you.
I would shake your hand, but-
- That's quite all right.
Are you sure you're okay?
- Yeah, no I'm fine.
- Okay, well I just stopped by
to see if you got the gift
basket I left here the other day.
- Oh, that was you?
Oh yes, we got it.
Thank you so much, that was really sweet of you.
- No, of course
and hopefully you'll stick around a little while.
- Yeah, we plan on it.
- Well, 'cause the others didn't stay very long, you know?
- The others?
- Yes, there've been other families here
in the last couple years.
They all moved in and then moved right out again.
- Why is that?
- [Ruth] I don't know, but hopefully you'll like it here.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
Well, I won't take up any more of your time,
just wanted to introduce myself.
- Okay, well it was really nice meeting you
and thank you again for the basket.
- Oh, of course and if you ever need anything,
I live right across the street there.
- Okay, thank you.
It was really nice meeting you.
- Nice meeting you too.
(door closing)
(phone buzzing)
- Hey.
- [Jay] Hey babe, how you doing?
- I'm good.
I just met our neighbor.
Sweet older lady and she gave us the gift basket too.
- [Jay] See, I told you we'd find out who it was.
- Yeah.
Oh and hey, thanks for the note, by the way.
- [Jay] What's that?
- The sticky note on the mirror.
- [Jay] What sticky note?
- The note you left on the bathroom mirror.
- [Jay] I didn't put a note on the mirror.
(suspenseful music)
- Wait,
it's not here.
- [Jay] Are you okay?
- There was a note on the
bathroom mirror and now it's gone.
- [Jay] I didn't leave a note on the mirror.
- But I know I saw it there.
- [Jay] Honey, you must have been dreaming or something.
- I mean-
- [Jay] Did you get any sleep last night?
- No, not really.
- [Jay] Why don't you try to get some rest?
Hey, I gotta run, I'll call you later.
- Yeah, okay.
- [Jay] Get some sleep, okay?
- Love you.
- [Jay] I love you.
(suspenseful music)
(music stops)
(distant rumbling)
(Ava coughing)
(distant knocking)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(lights clicking)
(door closing)
(button tapping)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(Ava shivering)
(insects chirping)
(door squeaking)
- Hey, I'm home.
Ava, I'm home.
- Mm.
- Did the air break?
Why is it so hot in here?
- Leave it, I'm freezing.
- Are you getting sick?
Eh, you're pretty warm.
Did you take any medicine?
- Hm-hm.
- Well, come to bed, let me get you some medicine.
- No, leave me here.
- You wanna sleep on the couch?
- Yes Jay, just let me sleep.
- Okay, well at least lemme get you some medicine.
Okay, goodnight.
(light clicking)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(music stops)
- Hey.
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
- Look at this.
- What?
- It's not there.
- What's not there?
- There was another sticky note on the mirror
and now it's gone.
- Ava, are you sure you're alright?
You've been acting strange.
- No, I'm not okay, Jay.
I'm seeing things that aren't there.
I'm hearing things.
Something is not right here.
Something's not right with this house.
I've been trying to tell you that.
- What do you want me to do about it?
Do you, do you wanna move?
- Maybe we should.
- Seriously?
That's ridiculous.
We just got here.
You know what?
I can't do this right now.
(suspenseful music)
(door squeaking)
(doorbell ringing)
(suspenseful music)
- Did I catch you at a bad time?
- No, it's fine.
- 'Cause I just said hi to your husband
and he seemed pretty upset.
He drove off rather hastily.
- Yeah, sorry about that.
We were just having a little argument.
- It's about the house, isn't it?
- What do you know about this house
that you're not telling me?
- Do you mind if I come in?
(suspenseful music)
They did a nice job remodeling in here.
- Look I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude,
but you have to tell me what's going on in this house.
I feel like I'm losing my mind in here.
- You're not taking to it very well.
- Taking to what?
I don't understand.
- Well you see, way back in the early 1900's,
this entire neighborhood was a family owned estate.
From miles and miles all
around here, they owned it all.
They were one of the wealthiest families
in Florida at the time.
They even played a major part
in the development of the first railroad
to bring imports and exports to this whole area.
Well you see, in those days when people had estates,
they also owned family plots.
- Plots, like graves?
- Yes, they would bury their family on their own land.
That's just the way it was back then.
Well many years later, the owner passed away
and there was no family left to claim the land,
so the state took it over and it sat here for,
hmm, 50 years untouched.
That is until the state got greedy.
It was during the real estate boom of the 1980's
that they sold it to developers,
but at least they were nice enough to give credit.
- Credit.
What do you mean?
- The land belonged to Harold Farms
and his wife, Laura Anne.
- Laura Anne Drive.
- [Ruth] So you see,
this whole property was sacred ground to them
and then we come in
and we just tear it all up and build all over it.
You know, when I was a little girl,
we used to play all over this property
and oh, we would go and look at the graves
and then tell ghost stories to each other.
Those graves were right here,
right where this house stands today.
- So we're literally on top of a graveyard?
- That's right.
- So you're telling me I live
in a real life haunted house?
- It's not just your house, it's the whole neighborhood.
Oh, even at my house, lights flicker and things move,
but it's not very harmful.
- Well that's good, I guess.
- Yes, but your house has a much different past.
There is something about this house
that brings people to their breaking point.
I was hoping it wouldn't affect you
the way it has others in the past,
but you're not taking it very well.
- No.
No, I'm not.
- You know, I'm not trying to
scare you by telling you this.
If anything, I was hoping it would make you feel
a little more comfortable
and maybe understand what you're experiencing.
You know, I never told the others anything about this,
but I thought if I told you it might help.
I'm sorry if I was misguided.
- No, I'm glad you told me.
It just doesn't make me feel any better.
- Oh.
- I'm sorry, I never offered you a drink.
Would you like something?
- Oh no, I'm fine, I need to be on my way.
I've probably imposed enough already.
- No, no, you're fine.
- If there's ever anything I can do for you,
if you need to get out of the house for a little while,
feel free to come over anytime.
- Thank you, I really do appreciate that.
- Ah.
Oh hey, I almost forgot.
- For what?
- You're pregnant.
- What?
- Oh, you didn't know yet?
Oh see, there I go with my mouth again.
- How would you know that?
- I just know things.
Well, remember if you need anything,
right across the street here.
(suspenseful music)
(carts rattling)
- Hey.
- We need to talk.
- Okay, let's talk.
- I knew I wasn't going crazy about this house.
I knew there was something wrong
from the moment we got here.
- Jesus.
- Did you know this house was built on top of a cemetery?
- What are you talking about?
- This was a family plot before they built houses on it.
- Yeah, who told you that?
- Our neighbor, the lady who gave us the gift basket.
Yeah, she said when she was a little girl,
this was a cemetery right here where our house is,
and she also told me
that every person who moved in here before we did,
had to move out because of what happens here.
- Okay, so we're back to the haunted house thing.
- Jay, this is serious.
- Ava, do you hear yourself right now?
It's the same thing with you over and over again.
You need something to, to blame your depression on.
You're blaming your depression on the house.
You blamed it on the last
house and on me and your family.
You're just always blaming your unhappiness
on everything else around you.
No matter what I do,
you're just never, you're just never happy.
I mean, I moved us to Florida for Christ's sake,
and look what that's turning into.
- I can't believe you, Jay.
- Yeah, well it's true. Ava.
How do you even know
anything this woman is telling you is true?
I mean, she could be crazy, she could have dementia.
You have no idea.
- She told me something else that's true.
- Yeah, what's that?
(suspenseful music)
Ava, are you serious right now?
Oh my God.
Baby, oh my God.
Oh my God.
This is amazing.
Oh my God, I can't believe this.
- I don't wanna stay here, Jay.
- Hey Ava, listen.
Let me check out this cemetery thing,
see if there's any truth to it at all.
Let's at least do that before
we jump to any conclusions.
Hey, look at me.
I'll always do my best to protect you.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(Ava yawning)
- What are you doing home?
- Babe, it's Sunday.
So I just went across the
street to meet the neighbors.
Didn't you say there was
this old lady that lives there?
- Yeah, Ruth.
- Yeah, there's no old lady that lives there.
That's Tom and his wife, Carol.
- What?
I'm talking about the house right across the street
with the white fence.
- Yeah, that's Tom and Carol, I just met 'em.
- What?
That's impossible.
- Maybe she lives next door or something, I don't know.
I don't wanna knock on every door in the neighborhood.
- I watched her walk right across the street to it.
- Look, I'm not trying to say you didn't see some old lady,
but she doesn't live there, I know that for sure.
Look I told you,
you could be talking to the town crazy lady.
Every neighborhood has a crazy lady.
When I was a kid, we had this
crazy lady named Aunt Ethel.
All the kids used to make up stories about her,
how she would kill kids on Halloween
and turn 'em into Halloween candy.
(Jay chuckling)
Hey, why don't we go to the beach or something?
Let me treat you two to lunch, huh?
(suspenseful music)
(waves rushing)
(seagulls cawing)
(waves rushing)
(seagulls cawing)
(book rustling)
(light clicking)
(insects chirping)
(suspenseful music)
- I know you're watching me.
(water splashing)
- Ava, wake up, Ava.
You're soaking wet, what happened?
(suspenseful music)
- I don't know.
- I don't know?
Jesus, you must be freezing.
Come here.
Let's get you warmed up.
(Ava shivering)
Hey, good morning.
How you feeling?
- Okay, I guess.
- Here you go.
- I'm really not that hungry.
- Babe remember, you're eating for two now.
Take it.
All right, I gotta go.
I love you so much.
Have a great day, okay?
(bag rustling)
(keyboard typing)
(suspenseful music)
- The family plot not only contain the remains
of Laura Anne, but also her husband,
along with numerous other
relatives and their children.
(suspenseful music)
The bodies were not relocated
due to a builder's error in the
early stages of development
during a land survey.
Their remains were destroyed in the process.
(suspenseful music)
Oh my God.
(door slamming)
(suspenseful music)
Who's there?
(suspenseful music)
Who's there?
Nobody's there.
Nobody's ever there.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(water echoing)
(suspenseful music)
(Ava gagging)
(Ava vomiting)
(Ava coughing)
(Ava coughing)
(suspenseful music)
(thunder crashing)
I need to know, you have to tell me.
You have to tell me, I need to know.
I have to know, you have to tell me.
(door squeaking)
- Hey.
- It's all true.
Every bit of it.
- What?
What's true?
- Everything she said about the house is true.
- Jesus, Ava, already about the house?
I just walked through the door.
Can I get a hi or a hello or something?
- Did you not just hear what I said?
I said it's all true, Jay.
I verified all of it.
- You're literally making yourself crazy.
You're doing it all over again.
You realize that, right?
Ava, your depression is killing us.
I hope you realize that your stress and depression
is what caused you to miscarry the first time.
- How dare you?
- Ava, I'm sorry.
(subtle piano music)
- Get your arm off me.
- Ava, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it, okay?
Please forgive me.
- Leave me alone.
- Ava, please.
(thunder crashing)
Where are you going?
- I am completely sickened by you right now.
I'm sleeping on the couch.
- Damn it.
(insects chirping)
(Ava gasping)
(suspenseful music)
- Ava, wake up.
(Ava gasping)
Jesus, Ava, are you okay?
You know, we made an agreement
that neither one of us would sleep on the couch again.
You remember that?
Look, I'm sorry for what I said last night, I really am,
but you have to understand where I'm coming from.
You have to see how hard I try.
I bust my ass for us, Ava.
- It's not always about you, Jay.
- Well, let me guess, it's about you though, right?
You know what?
Forget it.
(suspenseful music)
(door closing)
(suspenseful music)
- Several family members of Laura Anne Farms
were buried on the family
plot, including her brother Joseph
and her two sisters, Emily and Ruth.
(suspenseful music)
(keyboard typing)
(suspenseful music)
This is impossible.
(suspenseful music)
(mouse clicking)
(electricity powering down)
(door squeaking)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(door squeaking)
- [Ruth] I didn't wanna have to tell you this.
(suspenseful music)
- What's happening to me?
- We've attached ourselves to you.
- I don't understand.
- I tried to make it easy on you.
The others aren't as nice as I am.
- Something's wrong with me.
Please tell me what's happening.
- It upsets them when you wanna go.
- Who?
- You're only a guest here,
that's what you don't understand.
- Why can't I leave?
- Someone always has to stay here,
so if you choose to go, there will be consequences.
- Someone always has to stay here.
- More importantly, someone has to want to stay here.
I know what you're thinking.
You have a baby to protect now.
- Yes.
- You know what you have to do.
(suspenseful music)
- I know what I have to do.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(thunder crashing)
(door squeaking)
- Hey.
Ava, are you all right?
- I don't wanna stay here anymore.
- Jesus, Ava, you really need to get a hold of yourself.
- Do you wanna stay here, Jay?
- Of course I do.
- Good.
- Ava, what are you doing?
- Someone always has to stay here,
and more importantly, they have to want to.
- What are you talking about?
(gun cocking)
(gun shot firing)
(high pitch ringing)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(subtle rock music)
I'm holding my knife
There's blood right through my fingers
I don't feel that alive
I only feel like I could die
As you hold my hand
I could understand
All the things that I've been denied
All the things that life has deprived
(subtle rock music)
Even inside I have found you
Inside I am upside down
Inside I have found you
Inside I am upside down
As you hold my hand
I could understand
All the things that I've been denied
All the things that life has deprived
(subtle rock music)
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
(music fades out)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(suspenseful piano music)
(music stops)