The House with Laughing Windows (1976) Movie Script

My colors, my colors...
They run hot in my veins...
Sweet, my colors...
so sweet...
My colors are
soft like the Fall...
Hot like fresh blood...
The liquid flows
down my arms...
They enter people's minds...
My colors...
they transcend me into darkness.
My colors take me
so far away... so far...
My colors...
they flow through my veins...
My colors, my colors,
they erase everything else.
Purity, purity...
all my colors.
My colors will
paint death clearly...
I can tell, it's coming!
Death is here. Finally.
holding me
at their mercy.
Purify me... death... colors!
I'm dying!
I'm dying! Purify me!
Good morning,
I am Solmi.
Glad to meet you.
No, take hers, instead.
But no, women prefer to carry
their own these days.
Anyway, welcome
to our village.
I am the one
who wrote to you at the academy,
to restore the painting
of St. Sebastian.
With this bad publicity from the
This is a tourist town
and the thermal spring
is no longer enough
to attract them.
Driver, to the church!
I'm sure you'll
do a good job.
I hope so.
The original painter, Legnani,
died at least 20 years ago
We can't even name a street after
That's why we called you.
Yes, I understand.
As soon as you finish his work,
we'll make it one of the
four main attractions
of our region.
Next to our women. The water,
...and silence!
Hey! Are you drunk?
Me, drunk?
The pastor of the church is
in charge of the painting.
He's got the say there.
That's where
Legnani started it.
And we can't move it, can we?
This church
was built, destroyed
and rebuilt, as far as I know.
If it wasn't for me,
it might not be here anymore.
Solmi says you came here
before the war.
That's correct.
Yes, this church used to be
used by the SS.
There were even cadavers
piled in here.
The priest had given up and left,
only the walls were still standing.
So I rolled up my sleeves...
until everything
was cleaned up.
But then I discovered that this
was painted by the great
He left it unfinished,
it needs to be restored...
so now I to have start all over.
Again... no peace for me.
What an artist!
To illustrate death so well!
He understood everything!
Maybe, but with all the
nice clean walls there is
Do we really need this rubbish?
Poor guy!
He probably didn't know
that he was in a church!
They used to say he was crazy,
maybe that's true.
Hey, what are you doing?
Are you starting now?
No, I'm just checking.
Okay, well, I'm going to get
something to eat.
I haven't eaten anything since
yesterday and I'm starving.
Don't take your work that seriously...
cause here... if you expect gratitude...
You might wait a while!
She should stay in her room
doing what she does!
Take this.
Yes, what is it?
There's a phone call
for you.
It's over there.
Thank you.
Go away.
You're here
for the painting...
Who's this?
Who's on the phone?
Don't touch the painting!
Hey, you look great!
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
Today we have a special delice.
Here's the cheese,
want coffee?
Yes, thank you.
You scared me at the hotel today!
Finally a new face in this hole!
Are you here for work?
That's correct, please,
sit down.
Wait a second,
this seat is already taken.
Will you thank me for this?
I'm gonna sit over there.
What are you doing here?
Who do you think
recommended you?
When I heard they
needed a master, an expert
for old paintings,
...I thought of you.
How are you now?
It's all over!
I'm well now. It was a nervous crisis,
like I said before.
All I needed was
a change of air.
And a breakup
with Marcella?
That bitch?
No need for such discretion...
Do you know
who she is?
Yes, she's a teacher.
And she's been fucked
by everyone!
If you want to screw her
hurry, before she gets thrown out!
Have you been to the church?
Yes, this morning.
Then you already
saw the painting.
Yes, why?
I'd have preferred you'd seen it with
You shouldn't tell anybody this.
I think I discovered the strangest
story ever.
That's why I wanted them to call you.
Are you sure you're well?
I'm okay.
I'm fine, really.
But I'll see you later.
I have to go now,
I'll get in touch.
Now he just takes two pills and he's
like new!
You have a nice room here,
is it yours?
I rent it.
Antonio says you're a teacher,
is that right?
Yes, that's right.
Who do you teach?
I teach kids,
who do you think I teach?
Oh, I don't know.
How much sugar?
Not a lot.
Thank you.
Watch out.
I always have tea when I want to
make a good impression.
I hope I am!
Let me tell you something.
You have a sad face...
I meant you seem nice!
A few years ago, no one would have
dared to call me only nice!
With my kind of body!
If you feel lonely,
come back.
You know the way.
I'll be waiting
for your visit.
Not in the morning, though,
I'm in school.
I'll remember that.
For you to understand
what I have to say
I must take you to
a special place.
It's a house
with laughing windows.
That's the
story from yesterday?
You used to have more wits!?
Do you know
what they called Legnami here?
Painter of Agony.
How jolly!
Yes, jolly, especially when
they started finding corpses!
Come here, Foresti!
Here you go, doctor.
Thanks, see you tomorrow.
Antonio, what
about this story of agony?
Hey, guys,
good morning.
Doctor, that stuff you ordered
for us, it arrived?
Listen, save your money,
I don't need it after all.
There'll be no more eels in this river...
Hey, you know what?
I've got
to start working too.
See you later!
Do you mind
if I come along?
Not at all.
Sorry, I interrupted you.
What were you
two talking about?
Nothing much.
The painter and
something about death.
You have
a bizarre friend
and sometimes he doesn't know
what he's talking about.
Somebody threatened me
on the phone.
they tried to scare me,
who might do this?
One time there was this man, Zanotti...
He molested women, until they
arrested him.
Better to let it be. You can't help it
Who put those flowers there?
Well, I don't know.
Why, don't you like them?
That's it!
Let me go!
Please, you're going
to break everything!
Stop! No more!
Stop this!
Get off my back!
Leave me alone, I tell you!!
You know that, if I wanted to...!
You know what I could do!!!
You'll behave now!
Once and for always!
And you know what I mean!
Go home, go home, all right.
Can I have a cigarette?
It's over.
Thank you, marshal.
Don't mention it, Mr. Poppi.
Thank you.
Good evening.
Sorry about the trouble.
This is the only restaurant
in the village.
By the way, how do you
find our food?
Very good,
I love it.
You are here for the Painting.
How'd you know?
Oh, everybody knows
everything here.
And thanks to Solmi,
things improved a lot here.
He's done much
for this village.
He's a brave man.
Though not tall, he's big.
He has led the village
to unity and prosperity.
I'm sure you find
these pictures beautiful.
Like the one
We have in the church.
These were painted
by the same artist.
they are amazing.
Oh, yes!
My wife, all these paintings belong to
But how she suffers!
She is very sick,
She lives upstairs now.
This is her home.
She wanders about,
she wal k s all o v er.
This is her
favorite painting.
May I?
It was Legnani's first.
My wife
is the model.
Quite startling
the detail!
Joy from
the Painter of Agony.
Poor guy, never
a success with women.
Overpowered by them.
He never found a woman to be his
But one day he stripped down
and started painting his body.
who's this?
One moment.
It's for you.
Don't mention my name.
I must speak with you.
I must tell you the rest
of the horrible story.
I'm at the hotel. In your room!
Someone pushed
him from upstairs.
My god!
No, he's dead!
It's impossible!
Oh, God! He took his own life! I knew
Listen, I know
how you must feel.
He was almost a friend.
Marshal, I'm sure
someone pushed him.
I saw a shadow.
Besides, he had
no reason to commit suicide.
But there is no motive.
No reason
for us to thin k
that someone killed him.
There is no evidence!
Soon you'll understand... this is no
place for a young man.
He was a Ioner.
Unhappy, there is nothing to do
here except drink.
the young women all left.
Your friend was alone,
very alone.
In any case we sent the body to
Ferrara for an Autopsy.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Yes Sir,
it's for you.
Go away.
Leave the painting alone.
If you're trying to scare me
with phone calls...
you're not going to.
He loves me.
I'm not leaving,
Excuse me, sir, one of
our best clients
from out of town
arrives tomorrow morning.
You'll understand right?
What are you saying?
This man came to the hotel,
there was no room for him.
So we gave him yours,
we are very sorry, sir.
Do you like it?
I still have some left
from my fishing trip.
Want some? They cook rats here.
You know, there are
lots more around.
There best when boiled and still nice
and hot.
What's inside that box?
A secret.
Hey! Let's go!
Are we going or what?
Hurry up!
It is spring and I am riding on a
the daughter of a scooter and a
killing hundred little bugs, as I pedal,
What do you think?
Not bad?
Are you coming
or not?
Hurry up!
You see,
If you stay here
you can do what you want.
Come on.
Here you go.
Who does it belong to?
That's not important.
You'll see.
Come here.
This way.
It's you?
How come you didn't eat?
It's all poisoned, you snake!
What did you do with
the money I gave you?
If you don't like what
I bring, walk to a restaurant.
If I could only get up from this bed!
Who is this?
Good morning.
He's a kind man.
He's gonna stay here a while
until he finds a place.
It's been a long time since
I was visited by someone.
I am all by my self here.
The silence is unbearable.
Where is the man
who took my room?
Who do you mean?
The new client.
There is no one.
The last tourist I saw here was a Nazi
in the 40's!
Who is it?
Ah, it's you.
I didn't want
to disturb you.
I thought
you were sleeping.
Sleep? Me?
Not quite.
How can a woman
in so much pain sleep?
Can I ask you a question?
Do you hear
noises at night?
Last night?
The only person you
could bump into here is me
and I'm not in that good
of shape to be walking around.
I don't think
you're in that bad of shape.
Come, young man.
Come next to me.
It's been a long time since
I've talked with anyone sane.
It makes me happy that someone
is concerned about me.
So, how's the weather,
is it nice out?
It's a beautiful day.
You'll come and
see me often, right?
Okay, see you later.
Goodbye, young man.
Is somebody there?
My colors.
they are mine.
Let them run
in my veins...
they are soft, soft.
they are soft like Fall...
Hot like fresh blood...
the liquid flows
down my arms...
My colors, they transcend me
into darkness...
My colors take me
into the yellow decay...
My colors...
they flow through my veins...
My colors
in my veins...
a brutal nobility...
Oh God...
my God...
my colors will
paint death clearly...
Death, Purity, Death.
Purification, holding me...
at their mercy.
My colors.
...dripping from their eyes.
Purity of death.
My colors...
All my colors.
it flows in my veins.
Soft, hot, blood, death,
the colors, the purity,
they purify death through my
veins. I am dying, I feel it!
Open up!
Open up!
Open up!
Is anyone home?
Excuse me, I need to see
the woman who lives here.
She's no longer here.
Do you know what
time it is?
Excuse me.
She left three days ago,
I'm her replacement at school.
Come in, now that I'm awake...
Won't you come in?
I'm sorry but I was sleeping,
excuse the way I look.
Please, please,
do come in.
Earlier I dreamt of being
at the restaurant.
I was being served
a huge portion of escargots.
Do you like them?
I didn't have
the heart to kill them.
No, I don't think
I could eat them anyway.
What's your name?
Well, I'm going back to bed.
I hope we see
each other again.
Hey! I put a live animal
in your friend's coffin
to keep him company.
Sir, I'm concerned about
the two women in the painting.
The killers of Saint Sebastian
seem to be enjoying it.
Perhaps, too much,
what do you think?
I think we have the wrong idea.
The painter did not have
the intention of depicting
the agony of the saint.
Everybody says the artist is
a sensitive genius
but all he does
is paint death...
of a human
without compassion.
Fishing is good around here,
the fish are very hungry.
Have you noticed much change
here over they ears?
The village suffered
after the war.
Everybody worked and rebuilt
with courage and hope.
Tell me about the woman living
at the house where I'm staying.
The paralyzed woman?
I don't see her much.
She's the type who doesn't
invite me to her house.
She hasn't left
her bed in years.
People say she has
a venereal disease.
But I wouldn't know.
She doesn't
go to confession.
Was she friends
with Legnani?
Please don't ruin my day
with this kind of talk.
This kind of talk is even
scaring away the fish.
Come on,
let's fish.
My colors.
My colors...
Let them run in my veins...
they are soft...
soft. they are soft like Fall
Hot like fresh blood...
the liquid flows down my arms.
My colors...
they transcend me into darkness
Death. Purification, holding me
At their mercy.
My colors. Yellow.
I'm dying!
My colors...
blood... in their eyes...
What is this
mumbo jumbo?
I didn't think you'd come back.
I came anyway.
I was waiting for you.
I've been here
for two hours.
Curiosity made me play it,
who is the man talking?
I don't know.
I'm trying to find out.
Why do you live here?
The priest suggested it.
Are you alone here?
No, there's
an elderly woman upstairs.
She's nailed to bed.
I can't stop smoking,
it calms me down.
Do you still
want a cooking lesson?
No, something
much better.
Do you know how
to set a table?
You'll find everything
you need in this drawer
and while you're doing that,
I'll be in the kitchen.
I found a book
in the old lady's library,
"Cooking For Romance."
What did you think of
the teacher I replaced?
Did you like her?
Do you have a lighter?
Right there.
Did you make love with her?
Your silence proves you did.
We stopped.
B. L.?
Whose lighter is this?
Do you know a painter
named Legnani?
No, it was a gift.
It's a friend's lighter.
The gloomy
darkness is romantic.
While eating this plate
the lady and her knight
will feel love overpowering
their souls.
Desire is strong.
Do you have
a lot of luggage?
One suitcase.
You could bring it
over here.
Hey, what are you
doing there?
I s there
where Legnani lived?
The painter, he did
the painting at your church.
Can you drive me home?
Yeah, hurry up.
Go ahead,
sit in the front.
Must you go
directly home?
Would you like
to get a drink?
No, they won't serve me.
they think I should
be drinking fruit juice.
Like I can't handle liquor!
Thank you.
The next one's on me.
Yeah, if you want,
but not today.
Why not?
J ust tell me about Legnani.
Right now?
The painter...
he went to Brazil.
He went with his mom
and two sisters
to find their fortune.
When they returned
they were apparently wealthier
than before they left
but mother died there.
they came back and
built that little house.
Excuse me.
How did they live?
How did they live?
He was poor.
He borrowed
from everyone.
Even though they
had a fortune, he had nothing.
His sisters
controlled the money.
You know, I knew him.
I was only seven.
She was dying,
my mom was sick.
He came to draw her.
We called him
the Painter of Agony.
He liked to paint
people who were dying.
He wasn't that crazy.
His sisters were devils.
By painting death he was
trying to control nature,
to confront death.
He was obsessed with death.
And the dying.
Could you recognize
the sound of his voice?
Could you recognize it?
It's the kind of voice
you don't forget.
He talked like a psycho!
Like a machine gun.
Then suddenly he would stop
and start chanting.
He was really crazy
because of his sisters.
Plug it in quick.
Okay, listen to this.
There's nothing
on this damn thing!
Did you touch it?
Not since the other night.
You touched it, huh?
This tape was
important to me, bitch.
What's wrong?
What's wrong with you,
I didn't touch it!
I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
I'll be right back.
Are you awake?
I slept a little bit,
but I had a bad dream.
I'm sorry...
I'm scared, you know.
Me too.
But for me
it's different.
I'm more afraid
when I sleep.
There are a lot
of things.
And they're heavy!
Is everything packed?
just take it downstairs.
I ncredible.
Look, dear.
To verify the death experience
of these models,
to reproduce the very
last moments of death,
his sisters provided him
with victims for his art.
His sisters?
Why did he write this in
third person like a researcher?
To communicate with
the dead mother of Legnani.
He talks of
communion and sacrifice,
human sacrifice...
There's a possibility that
a man today can communicate
with the dead during
the ritualistic painting.
That's enough.
Stop it!
That's enough!
Shut up!
I'm begging,
stop talking about it!
I'm sorry, I can't stand
this place anymore.
I want to leave.
Rio de Janeiro.
Rio de Janeiro.
From Rio de Janeiro.
What is it, tell me.
Probably the answer
to all the craziness.
Who is it?
I'm sure it's them!
Listen, I can't explain now,
I really must leave.
Take me with you.
No! Stay here.
Get some rest,
don't open the door for anyone!
Beautiful flowers.
Beautiful flowers
in the garden.
Beautiful flowers
show my love for you my lord.
Beautiful flowers.
Beautiful flowers
in my garden.
Only for you,
my lord?
Even today the sisters murdering
through art.
What does this mean?
Who's there?
Ah, it's you.
What are you doing here?
It's them!
It's them, I tell you!
The painter's sisters are
the killers in the painting.
Look! Take a look!
It's true,
they look the same.
Where did you
find the picture?
That's not important,
we are beginning to understand
what my friend
had figured out before he died.
I don't know
why you're so excited.
I feel possessed by this!
The painting.
The death of Antonio,
it's all too strange!
Yes, I believe you.
But I may not be
on the right path.
I look at that cross
and have serious doubts.
You're scared too?
God forgot to give me courage,
I'll admit it.
Promise me you'll stop
this crusade.
I've seen many like you break
down in the confessional.
Did you know the old lady
at the house is dying?
I was visiting her.
I gave her the last rites.
Let me see.
Oh yeah,
it's definitely them.
But tell me, where
did you find this picture,
it even surprises me
that those two
would allow a picture to be
taken at all.
I've never seen one before.
This is quite
an accomplishment.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Well, what can you do?
I think being
a psycho is contagious.
When my wife was young
she was beautiful.
From a big family.
She was
infatuated with Legnani.
But he didn't give her
any attention.
He would only talk about
what he did in that house
with his two sisters.
A sad little house
close to the railroad tracks.
they moved there
after the trip to Brazil.
And they brought back
a beastly, savage religion.
One night, after he worked
on the painting,
Legnani decided
to end it all.
Whenever he painted,
he was in such frenzy.
Madness engulfed his soul.
He couldn't separate reality
from illusion in his work.
Blood and colors mixed together
in his tortured brain.
His sisters pushed him and
he finally stopped it all.
He forced them to watch as
he covered his body with alcohol
and set himself on fire.
He ran into the wilderness.
His body
was never found.
I told you,
"Presumed dead."
Why "presumed dead"?
How many times
must I repeat it?
It says "presumed dead",
4 th of J une, 1931.
It doesn't say
"confirmed death",
it says "presumed".
Do you understand?
Caught on fire, ran off, period.
Must I repeat it again?
No, no, no.
Presumed dead.
So he could
still be alive.
With burns
all over his body,
such a man wouldn't be
too difficult to recognize!
I need three copies of these
certificates by tomorrow.
Look them up
in the master file.
How many times do I say it,
this is not my job.
By the way, have you finished
your work at the church?
Yes, why?
Because it's been destroyed.
Can you tell me
who did this?
I don't know
anything about it.
Someone, perhaps.
Maybe tonight!
You poor son of a bitch.
Maybe we should call
a real specialist?
Leave me alone,
you degenerate.
Who's there?
Who's there?
Francesca! France
Where are you?
Oh, there you are.
Where were you?
It's been over an hour.
I went to the city
to make a phone call.
To whom,
what happened?
Nothing, nothing.
I called
the home office in Rome.
I resigned
from my teaching job.
You don't want to stay here?
Stefano, you know
I hate it here.
I hate the feeling I get
in this house.
I want to run away.
Something bad is going to happen
at any moment.
You said we would
always be together.
You're never here.
I feel so alone,
and I'm so scared.
U nderstand?
Do you want
to leave me?
No, I won't leave you.
There's a train leaving
tomorrow at 9: 00, let's go.
Do you think we'll get up early
Why didn't you wake me?
Are you going back
to the church?
Last night you promised
we would leave together,
why'd you lie to me?
I have a bit of time,
I need to check something.
You can count on me.
I'll give up
everything for you, my love.
Somebody there?
Somebody there?
Good day.
Good day.
I brought back the bike,
it's outside.
So, you're leaving.
Yeah, I'm leaving.
Can you tell me something?
Yeah, sure.
Do you sell muriatic acid?
Yes, of course.
Need some?
Who bought some recently?
It was used to destroy
the painting.
I sell it often to everybody
in the village.
Who knows?
You don't write it down?
I know everybody.
Everybody buys it,
it's used to clean.
I sell it to everybody.
Take me home,
I need to pick up Francesca.
I beg your pardon, sir.
they abused me.
all of them.
they were afraid
I would talk!
She thought
she could buy my silence
with a bit of booze.
But no more.
The last drink!
The sisters
are still here.
they're still alive.
Get closer.
Listen, I'm the only one
who has seen them in action,
and it's horrible, sick.
What do you mean?
they tried to get me
but I escaped.
When I was little
I went to school with them.
Everybody thought I was stupid
because I didn't go to church,
but I had a good reason.
I knew what was there,
I knew the danger.
I don't want to
die there.
Others shut their eyes,
ignored it.
But me, Coppola,
is still alive!
And why is
Coppola still alive?
Because I ignore the others.
You think I'm rotten?
For real?
Here the walls have ears.
My friend died
because of that, right?
I don't know about
your friend.
But I know
you're curious.
There's a place
where people like you...
Iose their heads!
Come! Quick!
Come with me.
Is it you?
It's here.
This is a weird house.
Many people
have disappeared here.
Why'd you bring me here?
I know they're all here.
The missing people
are all here.
Buried here.
There's one here.
Once I thought I would
end up in this hole too.
You weren't expecting me,
were you?
You take care
of kids, right?
So take care of me!
You aren't scared of me,
are you?
Nobody's scared of Lidio.
You like me, don't you?
There are
many things I want!
Your skin drives me crazy!
I want you,
don't you want me?
Give yourself to me!
Why resist.
I'm stronger!
Why are you fighting me,
Don't scream.
You'll wake up
the old lady.
Shut up! Don't fight me!
I'll take you to a house
with odd windows.
Go get Francesca,
I'll wait for you.
Hurry up!
Don't take long.
Are you ready?
Are you there?
have you seen
Yeah, it's here.
Follow me, quick!
I know where
they took her.
right there.
What now, chief,
This probably surprises you
but nothing's here.
I'm sure
there's something.
It's true,
I saw bones... blood.
Who showed you that,
who brought you here?
Mr. Solmi's chauffeur.
Are you sure?
Okay, let's go.
Coppola is a drunk idiot.
He made you look stupid,
but you're not the first.
Hey you!
Where did you find him?
By the ravine near
the church.
We'll get him to you
in a moment.
He's heavy as a bull.
C'mon, pull a little.
There must be more alcohol
than water in his body!
And what are these scars?
I've never seen them before.
they're war injuries,
he stepped on a mine.
God, he looks terrible!
Take the body to the morgue.
Come on, men.
Does anybody
know where he was all day?
No, he hasn't
been home for a week.
Oh well, check on it.
I don't want you
to go anywhere, stay with me.
Better yet, come to my office
in the morning, understand?
I understand.
Come on.
Let's go, I'll take you
to the hotel.
No, I have to
find them first.
No, it's not the right time,
c'mon, let's go.
One moment.
You're wanted on
the telephone.
I don't know.
Hi, it's me, Francesca.
Come, I'm waiting for you
at the house.
My love, I'm scared.
Come, come now.
I'm scared, scared.
I'm waiting for you
at home.
Quick! Come now.
I'm waiting, my love.
Hurry up!
You degenerate!
Aren't you ashamed?
Messed everything up!
Purification awaits.
Oh, come.
Come closer.
Follow me.
I'm going to
show you something.
See, it's my little brother.
He will return to us soon.
We continue to bring
models to him.
He lived through
other people's death.
Come, you are a friend
of our little brother,
aren't you, sir?
Can you hear his lovely
Do you know
how we keep him?
Libio brings us
new formaldehyde every day.
But today Libio stopped to see
your girlfriend he raped her.
He killed her,
ruined her.
We had plans for her.
But he messed
everything up.
We had to find
a replacement.
Don't be scared.
He looks so much like the man
in the painting, doesn't he?
You didn't miss!
Hold him.
He's moving too much!
Stay here!
Think about our plan!
Wait! Wait!
Get him from
the other side!
Follow him!
He's probably
hiding in these bushes.
It's useless to keep looking,
he won't get far.
Tomorrow we'll come back
and get his body.
We'll get him, we'll get him.
Please, I beg you.
Open up!
Solmi! Solmi!
give me the police.
Open up! Open up!
My God, Stefano,
what happened?
You're my only hope.
I know what's going on here,
it's them.
I know it's them.
I know everything,
I know everything!
Call a doctor, please.
The two sisters,
the painter's sisters.
It's them, Legnani's sisters
are still alive,
still alive!
they murder people!
they live!
they're alive!
they're still alive!
The sisters!
It's them.
One of them owns
the house!
The paraplegic?
they're alive,
I swear.
The other one,
I didn't see her face.
That's a nasty wound.
It would make
a nice portrait.
Legnani would make
a masterpiece out of it!
But you are
Beautiful flowers
in the garden
show my love for you
my lord.
Laura, come see,
come see!