The Human Hibernation (2024) Movie Script
[wind whooshing]
[wild boar growling]
-[horse neighing]
-[bison snorting]
-[bison growling]
-[gale howling]
-[crows cawing]
-[gunshot at a distance]
[wild boar screaming]
-[horse neighing]
-[dog barking]
[whimpers, sniffs]
-[dogs barking at a distance]
-[shallow breaths, sniffs]
[bird squawking]
[Erin breathing deeply]
[wild boar snorting]
-[bird chirping]
Where am I?
[birds singing]
-[wind whooshing]
[cries] I don't wanna get up.
[bird squawking]
[strong wind prevailing]
-[owl hooting]
-[Erin sobbing]
[breathes shakily]
[cow growling]
[Erin screaming]
[somber music playing]
[crows cawing]
[breathes shakily]
[sobs, cries]
I can't.
I can't. [breathes shakily]
I'm cold...
[cries, babbles]
-[bird squawking]
[crows cawing]
[ominous music concludes]
-[dog barking]
-[cows growling]
[ice cracking]
-[bird squealing]
-[water gurgling]
-[objects clattering]
-[hen clucking]
[metal clanging]
[mouse squeaking]
[metal bangs]
[rooster crowing]
[snorts sharply]
[birds chirping]
[birds chirping]
[insect whistling]
[frog croaking]
[birds chirping]
[birds squawking]
-[birds chirping]
-[crickets chirping]
[snake hisses]
[horn honking loudly]
-[dogs barking at a distance]
-[horn honking loudly]
-[leaves rustling]
-[horn honking loudly]
[bird squeaking]
[breathes deeply]
[birds chirping]
-[birds chirping]
-[insects chittering]
[exhales sharply]
[breathes deeply]
[birds chirping]
-[birds chirping]
-[leaves rustling]
[woman breathing shakily]
-[breathing shakily]
-[birds chirping]
[inhales deeply]
[breathes shakily]
[inhales deeply]
-[breathes deeply]
-[bird squawking]
[breathing deeply]
[bird squeaking]
[Clara] Erin!
[leaves rustling]
[crickets chirping]
[breathes deeply]
[eagle screeching]
Where are you?
-[insects chittering]
-[leaves rustling]
-[frogs croaking]
-[birds squeaking]
[Clara] Erin!
[frog croaking]
[birds chirping]
[insects whistling]
[Clara inhaling shakily, sniffs]
-[cows snorting]
-[Clara breathing shakily]
[eerie music playing]
[cow growling]
[eerie music concludes]
[birds chirping, squeaking]
-[insects chittering]
-[birds chirping]
[birds chirping, squawking]
[goat bleating]
-[goats bleating]
-[rooster crowing]
[water babbling]
[metal screeching, thuds]
[liquid pouring]
-[dogs barking]
-[birds chirping]
[crickets chirping]
[Clara] Erin!
-[insects chittering]
-[footsteps approaching]
[breathes deeply]
[rooster crows]
Is anyone there?
Do you know this flowers
that bloom every summer?
Make the whole field
look like it's glowing.
They remind me a lot
of Dove's eyes.
Bright orange.
It's interesting.
Her eyes weren't
always that way.
When she was born,
they were blue.
[footsteps approaching]
I wish she could tell me what
happened in the winter time.
Brother and I would
always go to the field,
we pick the flowers,
we eat them and...
He complained
about how spicy they were,
but he would still
eat them anyways.
Those were better times.
When I was a lot happier.
It's almost as exciting
as day before Dove was born.
I remember I took her egg...
hold it up to my ear.
She spoke to me.
I spoke back to her.
Day she was born
was really stressful though,
because she was having a very
hard time and she was struggling
...there was absolutely nothing
I could do about it, because...
it was her journey and...
you know, you're not supposed
to help a chick hatch
out of the egg.
It was something she had
to figure out on her own.
It's kinda how I'm
feeling right now.
[Jane] Okay.
I just don't understand.
How do we prepare
for the winters...
if we don't know
how long they are gonna be?
[breathing heavily]
[thunder rumbling]
[cow mooing]
[birds chirping]
-[cows grunting in distance]
-[thunder rumbling]
[rain pattering]
[thunder booming]
You can't get out now,
there's cows at the front.
My brother used to talk to them.
That's impossible.
Well, I can remember
a time I took a...
-[cows mooing]
-...walk through the woods
and found a herd of horses out
standing in a group,
probably six or eight of 'em.
just in the same pose,
their tails
weren't swatting flies,
their feet weren't stomped,
and they weren't eating.
They were just
standing there almost like
statues. And they were...
[exhales] ...creating a...
[smacks lips]
...majestic sense of loss,
they portrayed.
It almost emanated
like waves away from them.
[gulps] Each one is, uh...
creating a whole
that just sent out this intense
feeling of grief
that something they'd had
will never be the same again.
[inhales deeply]
It was all inspiring and...
intensely emotional.
[sighs deeply]
We've gotta learn to...
...communicate more
like animals do,
without making a sound.
Whether it's a change
in a heartbeat
or just reading
each other's minds.
Sometimes it seems like,
especially cows,
can even read ours. [sighs]
If you wanna
feel a higher power,
or know there's a higher power,
you gotta walk out in the field
in the middle of the night,
and stop, and look up,
and stare at the stars,
and look at the moon,
and just wait
for power of something to start
to flow through you. It just...
gives you a chance
to talk to those
that went before,
and those you lost,
and say the things
that you didn't
get a chance to say before
or ask the questions
you need to say now,
and get answers,
and hopefully walk away with...
a better frame of mind,
and a little more peace
in your soul.
Do you think we can go back?
[goat bleats]
I don't think we can go
back in life.
I feel like we can... [sighs]
...take pieces with us
and carry 'em forward.
I think we can...
remember them
and cherish them and...
hope that they still
there when we come back,
but nothing's ever
exactly the same.
Grass has grown,
the trees have grown
and fallen over and the animals
have found new paths.
[goat bleats]
We find a whole new world
when we wake up. [sighs]
When I was a kid my
original mother left me like
goats, or cows,
or sheep leave...
...a kid, or a calf, or a lamb
because they don't think
they gonna make it
and they don't manage
to survive either
because they weren't going to
originally, or they didn't have
the help they needed to survive.
It's amazing
sometimes how an animal
either can be so cruel or not
so intuitive to know
what's worth
putting their time into.
was lucky enough to...
have another woman come in
and take the place
of my mother and...
raise me and give me
the love and the support
and everything
I needed in life to...
[sighs] ...let me survive
and make me happy,
and now that she is gone,
it's my turn to make sure
she's taken care of and got
the things she needs and...
The time going forward.
-[crickets creaking]
-[owls hooting]
[wind howling]
[cow grunting loudly]
[breathes heavily]
[all snore]
There are traces
that everything leaves behind.
This creature
left us its skin behind.
Do you see?
There are traces we can follow
and there are traces
that we don't see.
There are things
that we cannot understand,
but when we see the snake skin,
we know the snake
had came before us
and left its trace
for us to see.
[breathes heavily]
Do you see the puddles
in the water?
Do you see the liquid
all around us?
When we awake,
there's more and more and more.
Everything started as a solid
and made a transition
into a liquid.
And things come from solid
and move into the liquid state.
And when we wake up,
we see the puddles
and you know we don't approach
to still waters,
to stagnant waters.
Some people believe that those
are portals to other places
and to other states of being
or realms of consciousness.
But when I look into the waters,
I see all the creatures
and all the ancestors
of where I came from.
What do you see
when you look into those waters?
My grandmother
and another mother...
[smacks lips]
...awoken in the springtime
to find white everywhere,
and they went out
and walked, and they got wet.
It was like walking
through the... the water,
it was like walking
through a lake.
and they got wetter and heavier
and they struggled
to make it back home.
And as they were walking back,
they found a cow
that was lying still
in the whiteness.
And my grandmother was brave
and approached the cow
and saw that the cow's eyes
were still wide open
and could still see.
But the cow was not moving
and the cow was not alive.
But she harvested
the eye of the cow
because she stood
looking at the cow
that was silent and still.
She could see into its eye...
[soft music playing]
...and she could see that
there were whole other worlds
inside the eye of the cow.
And she knew the cow
could see further than we see
and see brighter lights
than what we see.
They could see beyond
the traces that we can see
And so she harvested the eyes
of the cow as a reminder for us
that there's always more
than what we see
or more than what we can follow.
And we will never be able
to see everything.
We'll never be
able to see it all.
[music concludes]
[cow moos in distance]
[cow moos]
[chick cheeps]
[exhales deeply]
[birds squawking]
[dog barking]
I was raised by four parents.
I had one mom and three dads.
Sometimes it felt like,
I was being raised
by a pack of wild beasts.
You never really knew
what was going to happen.
And, as a result of this,
my world view is very broad.
I was surrounded
by so many different believes.
For example,
every one of my dads believed...
[Soli cooing]
...something different
about what happened
when we went to sleep.
One of them always said,
that the sun never came
up while we were sleeping.
I thought that the birds
must all be going,
to some certain place
for the long night.
My mother swore
that it wasn't just us,
that the Earth
who went to sleep,
just after we did,
woke up just before.
Yes, so, there's all sorts
of different stories
and that's all
they really are, stories.
'Cause, none of us can tell
if they're true or not,
'cause we're all asleep.
I was pretty fortunate to mostly
have the same family group,
every time I went
to sleep and woke up.
But there was this one sleep,
from which we woke up
and I happened to have
a new older sister,
and none of us really knew
how she got there
or why she was there.
It took some time
to get used to.
But after a while we realized,
or, unconsciously realized,
that we were better for it.
Soli was born just this season.
These kids they grow up so fast
and they really have to,
to be ready for the winter.
And it seems like
just yesterday,
we had to lick the membranes
of his eyes
right after he was born
and I know that next spring
when it's time
for him to wake up,
we'll be there
to lick his eyes clean
and get him ready
for next season.
[dogs barking in distance]
You are not gonna believe this,
but one of my fathers
once told me
that he came from a place,
a totally different place.
He said he came through a lake,
as if it were a gate.
-What do you mean? Like a pond?
-[Soli crying in distance]
[Dustin] Yes, like a pond.
[dogs howling]
[ominous music playing]
[water trickling]
Hello, everybody!
This song is for you.
[singing] Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see
What spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words
Baby, kiss me
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words
Please be true
In other words, I love you
[dark music playing]
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words
Please be true
In other words
In other words
I love
[instrumental music concludes]
-[wind whooshing]
-[birds chirping]
[frog croaks]
[breathes deeply]
[hen clucking]
[all munching]
[dog barking at a distance]
[scissors snipping]
-[birds chirping]
-[wind whooshing]
[whistle blows]
[birds chirping]
[somber music playing]
-[cricket chirping]
-[thunder rumbling]
[water trickling]
[bell chimes]
[breathes deeply]
[water rippling]
-[bell tolling]
-[cows mooing]
[thunder rumbling]
[crow caws]
[whistle blows]
[breathes deeply]
[wood creaks]
[rain pattering]
[humming continues]
-[birds squawking]
-[hens clucking]
[goat bleating]
[footsteps approaching]
[horn honking]
[dog barking]
[cricket chirping]
[bird squawking]
[cows mooing]
[water trickling]
-[cows mooing]
-[breathes deeply]
[footsteps approaching]
[cows mooing]
[ominous music playing]
[water bubbling]
[music concludes]
[wind whooshing]
[wild boar growling]
-[horse neighing]
-[bison snorting]
-[bison growling]
-[gale howling]
-[crows cawing]
-[gunshot at a distance]
[wild boar screaming]
-[horse neighing]
-[dog barking]
[whimpers, sniffs]
-[dogs barking at a distance]
-[shallow breaths, sniffs]
[bird squawking]
[Erin breathing deeply]
[wild boar snorting]
-[bird chirping]
Where am I?
[birds singing]
-[wind whooshing]
[cries] I don't wanna get up.
[bird squawking]
[strong wind prevailing]
-[owl hooting]
-[Erin sobbing]
[breathes shakily]
[cow growling]
[Erin screaming]
[somber music playing]
[crows cawing]
[breathes shakily]
[sobs, cries]
I can't.
I can't. [breathes shakily]
I'm cold...
[cries, babbles]
-[bird squawking]
[crows cawing]
[ominous music concludes]
-[dog barking]
-[cows growling]
[ice cracking]
-[bird squealing]
-[water gurgling]
-[objects clattering]
-[hen clucking]
[metal clanging]
[mouse squeaking]
[metal bangs]
[rooster crowing]
[snorts sharply]
[birds chirping]
[birds chirping]
[insect whistling]
[frog croaking]
[birds chirping]
[birds squawking]
-[birds chirping]
-[crickets chirping]
[snake hisses]
[horn honking loudly]
-[dogs barking at a distance]
-[horn honking loudly]
-[leaves rustling]
-[horn honking loudly]
[bird squeaking]
[breathes deeply]
[birds chirping]
-[birds chirping]
-[insects chittering]
[exhales sharply]
[breathes deeply]
[birds chirping]
-[birds chirping]
-[leaves rustling]
[woman breathing shakily]
-[breathing shakily]
-[birds chirping]
[inhales deeply]
[breathes shakily]
[inhales deeply]
-[breathes deeply]
-[bird squawking]
[breathing deeply]
[bird squeaking]
[Clara] Erin!
[leaves rustling]
[crickets chirping]
[breathes deeply]
[eagle screeching]
Where are you?
-[insects chittering]
-[leaves rustling]
-[frogs croaking]
-[birds squeaking]
[Clara] Erin!
[frog croaking]
[birds chirping]
[insects whistling]
[Clara inhaling shakily, sniffs]
-[cows snorting]
-[Clara breathing shakily]
[eerie music playing]
[cow growling]
[eerie music concludes]
[birds chirping, squeaking]
-[insects chittering]
-[birds chirping]
[birds chirping, squawking]
[goat bleating]
-[goats bleating]
-[rooster crowing]
[water babbling]
[metal screeching, thuds]
[liquid pouring]
-[dogs barking]
-[birds chirping]
[crickets chirping]
[Clara] Erin!
-[insects chittering]
-[footsteps approaching]
[breathes deeply]
[rooster crows]
Is anyone there?
Do you know this flowers
that bloom every summer?
Make the whole field
look like it's glowing.
They remind me a lot
of Dove's eyes.
Bright orange.
It's interesting.
Her eyes weren't
always that way.
When she was born,
they were blue.
[footsteps approaching]
I wish she could tell me what
happened in the winter time.
Brother and I would
always go to the field,
we pick the flowers,
we eat them and...
He complained
about how spicy they were,
but he would still
eat them anyways.
Those were better times.
When I was a lot happier.
It's almost as exciting
as day before Dove was born.
I remember I took her egg...
hold it up to my ear.
She spoke to me.
I spoke back to her.
Day she was born
was really stressful though,
because she was having a very
hard time and she was struggling
...there was absolutely nothing
I could do about it, because...
it was her journey and...
you know, you're not supposed
to help a chick hatch
out of the egg.
It was something she had
to figure out on her own.
It's kinda how I'm
feeling right now.
[Jane] Okay.
I just don't understand.
How do we prepare
for the winters...
if we don't know
how long they are gonna be?
[breathing heavily]
[thunder rumbling]
[cow mooing]
[birds chirping]
-[cows grunting in distance]
-[thunder rumbling]
[rain pattering]
[thunder booming]
You can't get out now,
there's cows at the front.
My brother used to talk to them.
That's impossible.
Well, I can remember
a time I took a...
-[cows mooing]
-...walk through the woods
and found a herd of horses out
standing in a group,
probably six or eight of 'em.
just in the same pose,
their tails
weren't swatting flies,
their feet weren't stomped,
and they weren't eating.
They were just
standing there almost like
statues. And they were...
[exhales] ...creating a...
[smacks lips]
...majestic sense of loss,
they portrayed.
It almost emanated
like waves away from them.
[gulps] Each one is, uh...
creating a whole
that just sent out this intense
feeling of grief
that something they'd had
will never be the same again.
[inhales deeply]
It was all inspiring and...
intensely emotional.
[sighs deeply]
We've gotta learn to...
...communicate more
like animals do,
without making a sound.
Whether it's a change
in a heartbeat
or just reading
each other's minds.
Sometimes it seems like,
especially cows,
can even read ours. [sighs]
If you wanna
feel a higher power,
or know there's a higher power,
you gotta walk out in the field
in the middle of the night,
and stop, and look up,
and stare at the stars,
and look at the moon,
and just wait
for power of something to start
to flow through you. It just...
gives you a chance
to talk to those
that went before,
and those you lost,
and say the things
that you didn't
get a chance to say before
or ask the questions
you need to say now,
and get answers,
and hopefully walk away with...
a better frame of mind,
and a little more peace
in your soul.
Do you think we can go back?
[goat bleats]
I don't think we can go
back in life.
I feel like we can... [sighs]
...take pieces with us
and carry 'em forward.
I think we can...
remember them
and cherish them and...
hope that they still
there when we come back,
but nothing's ever
exactly the same.
Grass has grown,
the trees have grown
and fallen over and the animals
have found new paths.
[goat bleats]
We find a whole new world
when we wake up. [sighs]
When I was a kid my
original mother left me like
goats, or cows,
or sheep leave...
...a kid, or a calf, or a lamb
because they don't think
they gonna make it
and they don't manage
to survive either
because they weren't going to
originally, or they didn't have
the help they needed to survive.
It's amazing
sometimes how an animal
either can be so cruel or not
so intuitive to know
what's worth
putting their time into.
was lucky enough to...
have another woman come in
and take the place
of my mother and...
raise me and give me
the love and the support
and everything
I needed in life to...
[sighs] ...let me survive
and make me happy,
and now that she is gone,
it's my turn to make sure
she's taken care of and got
the things she needs and...
The time going forward.
-[crickets creaking]
-[owls hooting]
[wind howling]
[cow grunting loudly]
[breathes heavily]
[all snore]
There are traces
that everything leaves behind.
This creature
left us its skin behind.
Do you see?
There are traces we can follow
and there are traces
that we don't see.
There are things
that we cannot understand,
but when we see the snake skin,
we know the snake
had came before us
and left its trace
for us to see.
[breathes heavily]
Do you see the puddles
in the water?
Do you see the liquid
all around us?
When we awake,
there's more and more and more.
Everything started as a solid
and made a transition
into a liquid.
And things come from solid
and move into the liquid state.
And when we wake up,
we see the puddles
and you know we don't approach
to still waters,
to stagnant waters.
Some people believe that those
are portals to other places
and to other states of being
or realms of consciousness.
But when I look into the waters,
I see all the creatures
and all the ancestors
of where I came from.
What do you see
when you look into those waters?
My grandmother
and another mother...
[smacks lips]
...awoken in the springtime
to find white everywhere,
and they went out
and walked, and they got wet.
It was like walking
through the... the water,
it was like walking
through a lake.
and they got wetter and heavier
and they struggled
to make it back home.
And as they were walking back,
they found a cow
that was lying still
in the whiteness.
And my grandmother was brave
and approached the cow
and saw that the cow's eyes
were still wide open
and could still see.
But the cow was not moving
and the cow was not alive.
But she harvested
the eye of the cow
because she stood
looking at the cow
that was silent and still.
She could see into its eye...
[soft music playing]
...and she could see that
there were whole other worlds
inside the eye of the cow.
And she knew the cow
could see further than we see
and see brighter lights
than what we see.
They could see beyond
the traces that we can see
And so she harvested the eyes
of the cow as a reminder for us
that there's always more
than what we see
or more than what we can follow.
And we will never be able
to see everything.
We'll never be
able to see it all.
[music concludes]
[cow moos in distance]
[cow moos]
[chick cheeps]
[exhales deeply]
[birds squawking]
[dog barking]
I was raised by four parents.
I had one mom and three dads.
Sometimes it felt like,
I was being raised
by a pack of wild beasts.
You never really knew
what was going to happen.
And, as a result of this,
my world view is very broad.
I was surrounded
by so many different believes.
For example,
every one of my dads believed...
[Soli cooing]
...something different
about what happened
when we went to sleep.
One of them always said,
that the sun never came
up while we were sleeping.
I thought that the birds
must all be going,
to some certain place
for the long night.
My mother swore
that it wasn't just us,
that the Earth
who went to sleep,
just after we did,
woke up just before.
Yes, so, there's all sorts
of different stories
and that's all
they really are, stories.
'Cause, none of us can tell
if they're true or not,
'cause we're all asleep.
I was pretty fortunate to mostly
have the same family group,
every time I went
to sleep and woke up.
But there was this one sleep,
from which we woke up
and I happened to have
a new older sister,
and none of us really knew
how she got there
or why she was there.
It took some time
to get used to.
But after a while we realized,
or, unconsciously realized,
that we were better for it.
Soli was born just this season.
These kids they grow up so fast
and they really have to,
to be ready for the winter.
And it seems like
just yesterday,
we had to lick the membranes
of his eyes
right after he was born
and I know that next spring
when it's time
for him to wake up,
we'll be there
to lick his eyes clean
and get him ready
for next season.
[dogs barking in distance]
You are not gonna believe this,
but one of my fathers
once told me
that he came from a place,
a totally different place.
He said he came through a lake,
as if it were a gate.
-What do you mean? Like a pond?
-[Soli crying in distance]
[Dustin] Yes, like a pond.
[dogs howling]
[ominous music playing]
[water trickling]
Hello, everybody!
This song is for you.
[singing] Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see
What spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words
Baby, kiss me
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words
Please be true
In other words, I love you
[dark music playing]
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words
Please be true
In other words
In other words
I love
[instrumental music concludes]
-[wind whooshing]
-[birds chirping]
[frog croaks]
[breathes deeply]
[hen clucking]
[all munching]
[dog barking at a distance]
[scissors snipping]
-[birds chirping]
-[wind whooshing]
[whistle blows]
[birds chirping]
[somber music playing]
-[cricket chirping]
-[thunder rumbling]
[water trickling]
[bell chimes]
[breathes deeply]
[water rippling]
-[bell tolling]
-[cows mooing]
[thunder rumbling]
[crow caws]
[whistle blows]
[breathes deeply]
[wood creaks]
[rain pattering]
[humming continues]
-[birds squawking]
-[hens clucking]
[goat bleating]
[footsteps approaching]
[horn honking]
[dog barking]
[cricket chirping]
[bird squawking]
[cows mooing]
[water trickling]
-[cows mooing]
-[breathes deeply]
[footsteps approaching]
[cows mooing]
[ominous music playing]
[water bubbling]
[music concludes]