The Hunting Creek (2023) Movie Script
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
Gross, Amelia.
How can you wash that?
I like horror.
Always have, always will.
More like love.
I can't.
What can I say?
It's a family tradition.
I grew up on killing.
Are you ready to close the
deal with Skye on tech?
All right, here we go.
You seem preoccupied with John lately.
Please, don't start.
Don't you have other
things to think about other
than me and my guy?
Everyone's guy, apparently.
What'd you say?
Did you get a chance to
sign the contract yet?
No, not yet.
What are you waiting on?
It's a multi-million dollar deal.
Can't get no better than that.
But we lose all our rights to the pack.
It's like we never created the app.
For millions of dollars,
Leah, we can make more shit.
Come on.
Yeah, I guess.
Well, then sign it.
Hey, babe.
Hey, what are you doing for lunch?
Did you want to go out?
Oh, I actually can't.
I was wondering if you could
pick up my prescription.
My inhaler is almost empty.
Oh, um, yeah, I can.
So what about...
Thanks, babe.
I gotta go.
Sign it.
I am.
Oh, I know you are.
[Music playing]
Are you OK?
I'd be better if John
magically disappeared.
Sick of him.
The answer to all your problems.
Hey, I'm sending you one.
Think you can take care of it?
Oh, signing me, baby.
What was this for the world?
What are you wanting?
Or did you forget about her already?
I just need to stay with
her for a little bit longer
until she's done with this
multi-million dollar deal.
OK, I'm doing this for us.
All right, John.
OK, we'll come over here and do something.
[Music playing]
Have you decided where
you're going towards the dinner?
What is your deal?
I've been trying to talk to you all night.
All you care about is that game.
I care about a lot of things, Leah,
just not that dinner meeting.
You know, this is a big
deal for me and Amelia.
When we close this...
Oh my god, I know, I know, I know.
The whole neighborhood knows by now.
I see you could care less.
Look, I get it.
It's not your thing.
But I thought you would have
at least supported me as my guy.
Your guy?
So you're so you owe me now, too?
You gonna put me on sale next?
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
Leah, I'm not in the mood.
You seem to not be in
the mood a lot lately.
That's a stretch.
Not really.
We haven't had sex in over two weeks.
Two weeks.
That's a long time, because
I remember going longer.
But it's OK when it's your choice.
That's not fair, John.
You know I had a legit reason.
Legit or not, it was your reason.
And why are we even talking about this?
I said I wasn't feeling it.
You're being impossible.
Is there someone else?
Yeah, I'm just going to leave.
It's going to be a little bit too much.
Too much?
This relationship is too much.
What exactly is too much, John?
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
[Dogs barking]
That looks real.
Where is that?
It's an interactive video.
Get with the times, Renee.
OK, if you say so.
But I know real when I see
real, something ain't right.
Where's Leah?
I've been waiting for her for over an hour.
Oh, she called in and
said she's taking one out.
And she'll be in this afternoon.
Sounded like she was crying.
This is all we need right now.
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
You would not believe what I just got.
Well, hello to you too.
Sorry, but you know that
private campsite on the lake?
Everyone knows about it,
but no one gets to go.
Well, that changes for us next week,
because I got an invite for a
private camping experience.
Go with me.
Go with you?
I thought you said it was a
private camping experience.
Go with me.
I'll go anywhere.
Good to see you, Leah.
Why you miss your last physical?
I had a physical?
Yes, you did.
And you must start taking
better care of yourself.
So let me ask you, anything troubling you,
stressing you, anything on your mind?
No, not really.
OK, so seem like you're
just saying anything
just to get me out.
So I'm going to ask you again,
and I want you to be honest
and open with me.
Anything troubling you,
stressing you, anything
on your mind, all about home life.
You feel safe there?
Honestly, I just stay worrying.
Sometimes I can't even get to sleep.
Do you think you can give
me some medicine for that?
Unfortunately, Leah, I cannot.
My receptionist takes
medicine for her anxiety.
Isn't that what I have?
Yes, it seems to be, but you
also have something else.
Something else?
Like what?
So where's John today?
I'm not sure.
Honestly, he's been staying
at his house a lot lately.
Who knows what he's doing?
Well, maybe he's shopping
for an engagement ring for you.
I doubt it.
Not the way he's been acting lately.
Acting ho.
Is he being violent?
He's never put his hands on me.
He's a gentleman.
OK, I'm going to have to run some tests.
For what?
Am I dying?
Child, no.
Welcome to you.
But you are pregnant.
You all need to run some more tests
to see how far along you are.
Again, congratulations. [MUSIC PLAYING]
[Music playing]
You're cold.
You want your water?
Yeah, please.
Thank you.
Here you go, buddy.
Thank you.
[Music playing]
What is that?
What is that?
[Music playing]
Please, please.
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
Girl, where have you been?
And why isn't this deal signed yet?
Please don't start.
I'm going through a lot.
I think John is cheating on me.
Come on, Leah.
What's new?
You know that he's no good for you,
and for some reason, you keep him around.
Not for some reason.
I love him.
He loves me too, I think.
He's just...
He's just what?
A jerk?
I'm so sick of seeing you like this.
And really, Leah, you're
slipping here because of him.
That's what I said.
You're about to lose this ordeal.
Like, why isn't this contract signed yet?
I'm going to sign it.
Oh, I know you are.
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
John, hello?
Yeah, what is it?
I'm sitting right beside you, Leah.
Are you really?
Because it seems like
you're a million miles away.
Leah, don't start.
I got a lot of things in my mind,
and I don't need to add this to it.
I'm sorry.
My emotions are all over the place lately.
We really need to talk, though.
Have you decided where you're going
to wear it to my company dinner?
Oh, well, yeah, I'm not
going to be able to make it.
You won't believe it, but I
won an all-expense paid trip
to the private campsite on the lake.
Okay? So what does that have
to do with my company dinner?
It's the same day.
Well, it's a three-day trip, but I
have to leave the day
before your dinner thing.
Can't you leave after the dinner?
This is very important to me.
And this is the deal of a lifetime.
None of this makes sense.
When did you win this trip?
Like, from where?
You never mentioned anything
to me about entering a contest.
Because I didn't, but I don't
have to tell you everything.
You know what? I refuse to argue with you.
I'm going, and that's that.
[Music playing]
[Clears throat]
I'll gotta hit the John.
[Music playing]
John, I have some exciting news.
That sounds like I planned this.
We have a new edition coming.
How are you doing? Can I take your order?
Oh, uh, not yet.
My boyfriend went to the bathroom.
He'll be right back.
That's a nice watch.
Almost as beautiful as you are.
Thank you.
It was a gift to myself.
Oh, what was the occasion?
Well, the occasion
hasn't happened just yet,
but I'm closing out a major deal at work.
OK, cool, cool.
I mean, it's always
great to treat yourself.
But I'll tell you what, I'll
come back when your boyfriend
gets out the bathroom.
Thank you.
Not sure what's taken him so long.
What the hell, John?
What took you so long?
I got to rush my shits and
report those to you two?
No, but you've been in the
bathroom for over 20 minutes.
Unfucking believable.
This is why I don't want to be around you.
Cut that out. It's annoying.
All right, can I get you
all started with any drinks?
Yeah, we're ready to order.
So can I get the wings and the fries
and make them hot and a coke.
Got it.
And for you, ma'am.
I'll have a house salad, no dressing,
and a water with lime.
Sounds good.
I'll be back with your drinks shortly.
You've got to be one of
the plainest people I know.
Aren't you full of compliments?
Follow me.
Good morning.
Where have you been?
And why do you look like that?
What's going on with you?
I'm concerned.
Just tired.
I've been doing since college.
This isn't nothing.
And it's surely ain't just tired.
It's John.
You can't be serious.
You do know that people work
through all sorts of things. Right?
See, this is why I wasn't saying anything.
You're like a human yo-yo of
these up and down emotions.
And John is holding the string.
I'm human.
Look, I get it.
You don't like John, but you're
supposed to be my best friend.
I am.
I just don't want you to
be distracted by John.
I have so much going for you right now.
I can't believe you're going to
this camping trip without me.
And on the same night as my dinner meeting?
Leah, I don't need to go to
this stupid dinner meeting.
You really don't want me to go
on this invite-only camping trip.
So who are you going with?
It's a private invite, so myself.
In private.
That doesn't sound safe.
And it doesn't sound like you.
Leah, I'm not doing this with you.
I'm leaving.
I'm going to have fun.
And when I get back, we can talk about us.
So you're trying to leave me.
You aren't staying the night?
No, I told you I need
to leave before sunrise.
And I don't want to mess
with your sleeping schedule.
My sleeping schedule?
Since when do you care about that?
Since now.
You need your rest.
And I need to be there at exactly 4 AM.
Welcome to The Hunting Creek, y'all.
Everything you need will
be located inside this map.
Please enjoy.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Nice guy, ain't it?
I do.
Can't wait to put that tail out, huh?
[Music playing]
Something is out there.
Or someone.
I can feel it.
Babe we're literally in the woods
obviously they're going to
be sounds, but we're safe.
I know I heard something
moving along this trail with them.
Can we head back?
Just five more minutes, and
then we'll go back to the tent.
Don't make it six, or I'll
be leaving this whole place.
Whatever happened to you
wanting to go anywhere with me.
I came.
I saw.
I'm ready to go.
Yeah, I don't know if I can be with
somebody with like hairy armpits.
Shut up.
All I know, I'm a Libra.
You're a Sagittarius.
I think they mix well together.
They might not... do they?
Is this cute on me?
It's pretty good.
So you didn't hear that?
I did.
Yeah, let's head back in the tent.
Good idea.
Don't drop the hat.
Ladies and gentlemen, Councilman Covington.
Welcome, everyone.
I forgot to have your
attention for a moment.
You may all take your seats.
My name is Councilman Andrew Covington.
I would like to remind you
all of the upcoming election.
We look forward to your continued support
in being re-elected as city councilmen.
Now, tonight is not about me.
Tonight, we are here to celebrate
the acquisition of Tracker.
Tracker is an app that was created
by two very intelligent and
beautiful women, Miss Leah
Wright and Miss Amelia Redman.
These two tech queens
secured a $4.8 million deal,
bringing new jobs and
opportunities to our city.
Let's give them a round of applause
as we welcome Miss Amelia.
Covington for Councilman.
Thank you, Councilman Covington.
And thank you, everyone, for coming out
and celebrating with us.
To be a woman and to be in
the tech industry is not easy.
We've worked very hard to get here,
and we are not going away anytime soon.
Now is the time to get
rid of all distractions.
And we will do this by any means necessary.
[Tentative applause]
I'm glad you're going to
match our contributions as well.
Excuse me Y'all
And you, sir.
Do you support our councilman?
Would you like to see
him elected another year?
Oh, yeah.
[Phone ringing]
Please leave a message after the tone.
When finished, you may either hang up...
[Music playing]
Ahh ahhh ahhh
Please, help me.
Someone's after me.
Please, help me.
Let me in.
What's wrong?
[KNOCKING] He's after me! He's
chasing me please help me.
Who's chasing you?
I don't know.
Please, let me in.
Please, help me.
Calm down.
What's your name?
Please call the cops.
This psycho killed my boyfriend.
Calm down.
Tell me what happened
I told you.
I was in the woods at the camping site.
In this crazed man slit
my boyfriend's throat.
Are you sure?
Please, just call the cops.
Are your doors locked?
He was right behind me.
He was chasing me.
We're not safe.
Honey, we more than safe.
Don't nobody dare come to Big Red's house.
What do you mean, Big Red?
My husband.
He's the sheriff.
Ain't nobody near right mind coming here.
This man can't be in his right mind.
He just killed my boyfriend
and tried to kill me.
We got plenty of security around here, too.
But don't you worry.
Big Red be here soon.
[Liquid pouring]
He'll take good care of you.
Take some tea.
Take a few steps to this tea.
Gonna make you feel better.
Easy does, that sleepy head.
How did I get here?
Why am I in this room?
You fell asleep.
I suppose you was tired from
all the chaos you've been through.
We tried to wake you.
What's going on?
My husband, Big Red, came
home just like I told you.
But he had to go on to work.
Please, call him back.
Take me to him something.
Don't you worry.
Told him the whole thing.
Said you're safe right here with me.
It's going to be okay.
My boyfriends dead. The
killer's on the loose.
It's not going to be okay.
If you are in no shape to
go out in the world alone,
Let me take care of you.
Till Big Red gets home.
You about my daughter's size.
Think we got some of her old
clothes around here somewhere
[drawer opens]
Do you have shampoo in the shower?
Yep, sure do.
Follow me.
[door closes]
[SCREAMING] Oh, I didn't
mean to startle ya.
[Paper rustling]
Feel better?
Not sure if better is a thing right now.
Made you some dinner.
I don't feel like eating.
Is your husband home yet?
Gotta eat.
How you gonna feel better if you don't eat?
Big Red be here soon.
Don't you worry.
Go and eat now.
What... what is this exactly?
Stew. I Packed it with the good stuff.
Good stuff?
Hog's Head cheese, liver
pudding, mayta's, onions and things.
Gone and eat it.
I'm gone head and take this trash out. Otherwise
this carcass gonna stink up the whole house.
Yes Ma'am. I'll be right here.
I don't feel so good.
Can I lie down?
Sure can.
Let me help you.
[music playing]
Oh, you're up.
You don't look so good.
Why don't you go and lay back down?
I think I'm better.
I really have to get going now.
Big Red will be home soon.
Go ahead and lay back down.
I have to get going.
I'm sure everyone is looking for me.
Big Red ain't gonna take too kindly
to you being up and
missing when he get back.
Suggest you listen to me.
And go and lay back down.
I have to go.
My best friend is looking for me.
She'll freak out if she can't locate me.
[music playing]
Oh, no.
Where the hell you think you going?
[music playing]
[music playing]
I sure wish you hadn't done that.
I gotta fix you up, dear.
It's gonna be okay.
Watch and see.
Just let me go.
I promise I won't say anything.
Just let me go.
Now we both know I can't do that.
Quiet down you gonna upset Big Red.
I gotta pee.
Can you untie me, please?
I promise I won't run.
All right.
But you best know, Big Red
ain't gonna be as nice as me.
Hush it!
Let's go!
Come on outta there!
I promise I won't try to leave.
Just don't tie me back up again.
Guess there's no need for
you to get bruised up.
It's not good.
Makes the muscles tough.
I'll stay here in this room
until you tell me what to do.
Promise, just don't tie me back up again.
I'll leave it off for now.
No funny business. Understood?
Yes. Understood.
I can't wait to leave here.
Every time I get close to
someone they end up missing
they never come back again.
I think my dad is killing them and
I think my mom is cooking them.
I want to leave. I will leave.
They will never come back.
And today I start my new life as a vegan.
I'm getting you out of here.
Everyone is asleep but we have
to move quietly and walk slow.
These wood floors squeak in certain places.
Wait, how'd you find me?
Just follow me. Don't make a sound.
Where's your car?
Shush it's down this way. Just follow me
How'd you know where to find me?
It was so horrible.
They are monsters. They killed John.
John's dead?
Yes. I saw the whole thing.
We gotta go straight to the police.
But not in this town.
That man is the law here.
Okay, we will.
But first, I think you
just need to calm down
and figure things out in your
head first before we go to the cops.
Figure things out?
Yeah, they might think you were a killer.
Maybe you killed John because he
was cheating on you with that redhead.
I would never kill John.
Or anyone for that matter.
Why would you say that?
I'm just playing devil's advocate.
You don't know who you can trust.
Didn't you say the man is a sheriff?
Big Red?
My husband. He's the sheriff.
Ain't nobody in their
right mind coming here.
Well, not specifically.
Never knew why you got
that real looking heart tattoo.
Most people get the
regular heart shaped one.
What was the reason again?
I like hearts. It's the real
thing. It's real life, real love.
The heart never changes up on you.
But the brain, the brain
plays tricks on you.
Is that new?
The necklace.
Oh. Kind of.
New to me.
Sweetheart, Big Red ain't gonna take to kindly
to you being up and missing when he get back
Where'd it come from?
Where'd it come from? What
kind of question is that, Leah?
Well, I just never seen it.
Was wondering is all.
Was it a gift?
It's a rite of passage.
I got it from my mom.
Your mom?
Every time I get close to
someone, they end up missing.
They never come back again.
I think my dad is killing them and
I think my mom is cooking them.
I thought she was dead.
No, I never said that.
Well, you never talk about your parents.
So I just assumed.
Well, they're definitely not dead, Leah.
How'd you find me?
I told you. Our locator app.
Thing's amazing.
But I didn't have my phone.
It got smashed to pieces.
I don't feel well.
Can you pull over?
Right here. They could be following us.
We just left.
Amelia, please. I have to throw up.
Okay. Fine.
Leah! What are you doing?
Cut it out!
I'm hurt!
Please, Leah, I need your help!
Why are you running?
Leah! I'm hurt I need your help!
Why are you running?
Oh, my.
Oh, my God.
All right, let's get her. Let's get her.
Get her to the house.
[breathing heavily]
It has to be done Big Red.
I can't. She's my daughter.
She's our daughter. And
she has to be preserved.
It's just the way it is.
[tense music]
[music continues]
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
Gross, Amelia.
How can you wash that?
I like horror.
Always have, always will.
More like love.
I can't.
What can I say?
It's a family tradition.
I grew up on killing.
Are you ready to close the
deal with Skye on tech?
All right, here we go.
You seem preoccupied with John lately.
Please, don't start.
Don't you have other
things to think about other
than me and my guy?
Everyone's guy, apparently.
What'd you say?
Did you get a chance to
sign the contract yet?
No, not yet.
What are you waiting on?
It's a multi-million dollar deal.
Can't get no better than that.
But we lose all our rights to the pack.
It's like we never created the app.
For millions of dollars,
Leah, we can make more shit.
Come on.
Yeah, I guess.
Well, then sign it.
Hey, babe.
Hey, what are you doing for lunch?
Did you want to go out?
Oh, I actually can't.
I was wondering if you could
pick up my prescription.
My inhaler is almost empty.
Oh, um, yeah, I can.
So what about...
Thanks, babe.
I gotta go.
Sign it.
I am.
Oh, I know you are.
[Music playing]
Are you OK?
I'd be better if John
magically disappeared.
Sick of him.
The answer to all your problems.
Hey, I'm sending you one.
Think you can take care of it?
Oh, signing me, baby.
What was this for the world?
What are you wanting?
Or did you forget about her already?
I just need to stay with
her for a little bit longer
until she's done with this
multi-million dollar deal.
OK, I'm doing this for us.
All right, John.
OK, we'll come over here and do something.
[Music playing]
Have you decided where
you're going towards the dinner?
What is your deal?
I've been trying to talk to you all night.
All you care about is that game.
I care about a lot of things, Leah,
just not that dinner meeting.
You know, this is a big
deal for me and Amelia.
When we close this...
Oh my god, I know, I know, I know.
The whole neighborhood knows by now.
I see you could care less.
Look, I get it.
It's not your thing.
But I thought you would have
at least supported me as my guy.
Your guy?
So you're so you owe me now, too?
You gonna put me on sale next?
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
Leah, I'm not in the mood.
You seem to not be in
the mood a lot lately.
That's a stretch.
Not really.
We haven't had sex in over two weeks.
Two weeks.
That's a long time, because
I remember going longer.
But it's OK when it's your choice.
That's not fair, John.
You know I had a legit reason.
Legit or not, it was your reason.
And why are we even talking about this?
I said I wasn't feeling it.
You're being impossible.
Is there someone else?
Yeah, I'm just going to leave.
It's going to be a little bit too much.
Too much?
This relationship is too much.
What exactly is too much, John?
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
[Dogs barking]
That looks real.
Where is that?
It's an interactive video.
Get with the times, Renee.
OK, if you say so.
But I know real when I see
real, something ain't right.
Where's Leah?
I've been waiting for her for over an hour.
Oh, she called in and
said she's taking one out.
And she'll be in this afternoon.
Sounded like she was crying.
This is all we need right now.
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
You would not believe what I just got.
Well, hello to you too.
Sorry, but you know that
private campsite on the lake?
Everyone knows about it,
but no one gets to go.
Well, that changes for us next week,
because I got an invite for a
private camping experience.
Go with me.
Go with you?
I thought you said it was a
private camping experience.
Go with me.
I'll go anywhere.
Good to see you, Leah.
Why you miss your last physical?
I had a physical?
Yes, you did.
And you must start taking
better care of yourself.
So let me ask you, anything troubling you,
stressing you, anything on your mind?
No, not really.
OK, so seem like you're
just saying anything
just to get me out.
So I'm going to ask you again,
and I want you to be honest
and open with me.
Anything troubling you,
stressing you, anything
on your mind, all about home life.
You feel safe there?
Honestly, I just stay worrying.
Sometimes I can't even get to sleep.
Do you think you can give
me some medicine for that?
Unfortunately, Leah, I cannot.
My receptionist takes
medicine for her anxiety.
Isn't that what I have?
Yes, it seems to be, but you
also have something else.
Something else?
Like what?
So where's John today?
I'm not sure.
Honestly, he's been staying
at his house a lot lately.
Who knows what he's doing?
Well, maybe he's shopping
for an engagement ring for you.
I doubt it.
Not the way he's been acting lately.
Acting ho.
Is he being violent?
He's never put his hands on me.
He's a gentleman.
OK, I'm going to have to run some tests.
For what?
Am I dying?
Child, no.
Welcome to you.
But you are pregnant.
You all need to run some more tests
to see how far along you are.
Again, congratulations. [MUSIC PLAYING]
[Music playing]
You're cold.
You want your water?
Yeah, please.
Thank you.
Here you go, buddy.
Thank you.
[Music playing]
What is that?
What is that?
[Music playing]
Please, please.
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
Girl, where have you been?
And why isn't this deal signed yet?
Please don't start.
I'm going through a lot.
I think John is cheating on me.
Come on, Leah.
What's new?
You know that he's no good for you,
and for some reason, you keep him around.
Not for some reason.
I love him.
He loves me too, I think.
He's just...
He's just what?
A jerk?
I'm so sick of seeing you like this.
And really, Leah, you're
slipping here because of him.
That's what I said.
You're about to lose this ordeal.
Like, why isn't this contract signed yet?
I'm going to sign it.
Oh, I know you are.
[Music playing]
[Music playing]
John, hello?
Yeah, what is it?
I'm sitting right beside you, Leah.
Are you really?
Because it seems like
you're a million miles away.
Leah, don't start.
I got a lot of things in my mind,
and I don't need to add this to it.
I'm sorry.
My emotions are all over the place lately.
We really need to talk, though.
Have you decided where you're going
to wear it to my company dinner?
Oh, well, yeah, I'm not
going to be able to make it.
You won't believe it, but I
won an all-expense paid trip
to the private campsite on the lake.
Okay? So what does that have
to do with my company dinner?
It's the same day.
Well, it's a three-day trip, but I
have to leave the day
before your dinner thing.
Can't you leave after the dinner?
This is very important to me.
And this is the deal of a lifetime.
None of this makes sense.
When did you win this trip?
Like, from where?
You never mentioned anything
to me about entering a contest.
Because I didn't, but I don't
have to tell you everything.
You know what? I refuse to argue with you.
I'm going, and that's that.
[Music playing]
[Clears throat]
I'll gotta hit the John.
[Music playing]
John, I have some exciting news.
That sounds like I planned this.
We have a new edition coming.
How are you doing? Can I take your order?
Oh, uh, not yet.
My boyfriend went to the bathroom.
He'll be right back.
That's a nice watch.
Almost as beautiful as you are.
Thank you.
It was a gift to myself.
Oh, what was the occasion?
Well, the occasion
hasn't happened just yet,
but I'm closing out a major deal at work.
OK, cool, cool.
I mean, it's always
great to treat yourself.
But I'll tell you what, I'll
come back when your boyfriend
gets out the bathroom.
Thank you.
Not sure what's taken him so long.
What the hell, John?
What took you so long?
I got to rush my shits and
report those to you two?
No, but you've been in the
bathroom for over 20 minutes.
Unfucking believable.
This is why I don't want to be around you.
Cut that out. It's annoying.
All right, can I get you
all started with any drinks?
Yeah, we're ready to order.
So can I get the wings and the fries
and make them hot and a coke.
Got it.
And for you, ma'am.
I'll have a house salad, no dressing,
and a water with lime.
Sounds good.
I'll be back with your drinks shortly.
You've got to be one of
the plainest people I know.
Aren't you full of compliments?
Follow me.
Good morning.
Where have you been?
And why do you look like that?
What's going on with you?
I'm concerned.
Just tired.
I've been doing since college.
This isn't nothing.
And it's surely ain't just tired.
It's John.
You can't be serious.
You do know that people work
through all sorts of things. Right?
See, this is why I wasn't saying anything.
You're like a human yo-yo of
these up and down emotions.
And John is holding the string.
I'm human.
Look, I get it.
You don't like John, but you're
supposed to be my best friend.
I am.
I just don't want you to
be distracted by John.
I have so much going for you right now.
I can't believe you're going to
this camping trip without me.
And on the same night as my dinner meeting?
Leah, I don't need to go to
this stupid dinner meeting.
You really don't want me to go
on this invite-only camping trip.
So who are you going with?
It's a private invite, so myself.
In private.
That doesn't sound safe.
And it doesn't sound like you.
Leah, I'm not doing this with you.
I'm leaving.
I'm going to have fun.
And when I get back, we can talk about us.
So you're trying to leave me.
You aren't staying the night?
No, I told you I need
to leave before sunrise.
And I don't want to mess
with your sleeping schedule.
My sleeping schedule?
Since when do you care about that?
Since now.
You need your rest.
And I need to be there at exactly 4 AM.
Welcome to The Hunting Creek, y'all.
Everything you need will
be located inside this map.
Please enjoy.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Nice guy, ain't it?
I do.
Can't wait to put that tail out, huh?
[Music playing]
Something is out there.
Or someone.
I can feel it.
Babe we're literally in the woods
obviously they're going to
be sounds, but we're safe.
I know I heard something
moving along this trail with them.
Can we head back?
Just five more minutes, and
then we'll go back to the tent.
Don't make it six, or I'll
be leaving this whole place.
Whatever happened to you
wanting to go anywhere with me.
I came.
I saw.
I'm ready to go.
Yeah, I don't know if I can be with
somebody with like hairy armpits.
Shut up.
All I know, I'm a Libra.
You're a Sagittarius.
I think they mix well together.
They might not... do they?
Is this cute on me?
It's pretty good.
So you didn't hear that?
I did.
Yeah, let's head back in the tent.
Good idea.
Don't drop the hat.
Ladies and gentlemen, Councilman Covington.
Welcome, everyone.
I forgot to have your
attention for a moment.
You may all take your seats.
My name is Councilman Andrew Covington.
I would like to remind you
all of the upcoming election.
We look forward to your continued support
in being re-elected as city councilmen.
Now, tonight is not about me.
Tonight, we are here to celebrate
the acquisition of Tracker.
Tracker is an app that was created
by two very intelligent and
beautiful women, Miss Leah
Wright and Miss Amelia Redman.
These two tech queens
secured a $4.8 million deal,
bringing new jobs and
opportunities to our city.
Let's give them a round of applause
as we welcome Miss Amelia.
Covington for Councilman.
Thank you, Councilman Covington.
And thank you, everyone, for coming out
and celebrating with us.
To be a woman and to be in
the tech industry is not easy.
We've worked very hard to get here,
and we are not going away anytime soon.
Now is the time to get
rid of all distractions.
And we will do this by any means necessary.
[Tentative applause]
I'm glad you're going to
match our contributions as well.
Excuse me Y'all
And you, sir.
Do you support our councilman?
Would you like to see
him elected another year?
Oh, yeah.
[Phone ringing]
Please leave a message after the tone.
When finished, you may either hang up...
[Music playing]
Ahh ahhh ahhh
Please, help me.
Someone's after me.
Please, help me.
Let me in.
What's wrong?
[KNOCKING] He's after me! He's
chasing me please help me.
Who's chasing you?
I don't know.
Please, let me in.
Please, help me.
Calm down.
What's your name?
Please call the cops.
This psycho killed my boyfriend.
Calm down.
Tell me what happened
I told you.
I was in the woods at the camping site.
In this crazed man slit
my boyfriend's throat.
Are you sure?
Please, just call the cops.
Are your doors locked?
He was right behind me.
He was chasing me.
We're not safe.
Honey, we more than safe.
Don't nobody dare come to Big Red's house.
What do you mean, Big Red?
My husband.
He's the sheriff.
Ain't nobody near right mind coming here.
This man can't be in his right mind.
He just killed my boyfriend
and tried to kill me.
We got plenty of security around here, too.
But don't you worry.
Big Red be here soon.
[Liquid pouring]
He'll take good care of you.
Take some tea.
Take a few steps to this tea.
Gonna make you feel better.
Easy does, that sleepy head.
How did I get here?
Why am I in this room?
You fell asleep.
I suppose you was tired from
all the chaos you've been through.
We tried to wake you.
What's going on?
My husband, Big Red, came
home just like I told you.
But he had to go on to work.
Please, call him back.
Take me to him something.
Don't you worry.
Told him the whole thing.
Said you're safe right here with me.
It's going to be okay.
My boyfriends dead. The
killer's on the loose.
It's not going to be okay.
If you are in no shape to
go out in the world alone,
Let me take care of you.
Till Big Red gets home.
You about my daughter's size.
Think we got some of her old
clothes around here somewhere
[drawer opens]
Do you have shampoo in the shower?
Yep, sure do.
Follow me.
[door closes]
[SCREAMING] Oh, I didn't
mean to startle ya.
[Paper rustling]
Feel better?
Not sure if better is a thing right now.
Made you some dinner.
I don't feel like eating.
Is your husband home yet?
Gotta eat.
How you gonna feel better if you don't eat?
Big Red be here soon.
Don't you worry.
Go and eat now.
What... what is this exactly?
Stew. I Packed it with the good stuff.
Good stuff?
Hog's Head cheese, liver
pudding, mayta's, onions and things.
Gone and eat it.
I'm gone head and take this trash out. Otherwise
this carcass gonna stink up the whole house.
Yes Ma'am. I'll be right here.
I don't feel so good.
Can I lie down?
Sure can.
Let me help you.
[music playing]
Oh, you're up.
You don't look so good.
Why don't you go and lay back down?
I think I'm better.
I really have to get going now.
Big Red will be home soon.
Go ahead and lay back down.
I have to get going.
I'm sure everyone is looking for me.
Big Red ain't gonna take too kindly
to you being up and
missing when he get back.
Suggest you listen to me.
And go and lay back down.
I have to go.
My best friend is looking for me.
She'll freak out if she can't locate me.
[music playing]
Oh, no.
Where the hell you think you going?
[music playing]
[music playing]
I sure wish you hadn't done that.
I gotta fix you up, dear.
It's gonna be okay.
Watch and see.
Just let me go.
I promise I won't say anything.
Just let me go.
Now we both know I can't do that.
Quiet down you gonna upset Big Red.
I gotta pee.
Can you untie me, please?
I promise I won't run.
All right.
But you best know, Big Red
ain't gonna be as nice as me.
Hush it!
Let's go!
Come on outta there!
I promise I won't try to leave.
Just don't tie me back up again.
Guess there's no need for
you to get bruised up.
It's not good.
Makes the muscles tough.
I'll stay here in this room
until you tell me what to do.
Promise, just don't tie me back up again.
I'll leave it off for now.
No funny business. Understood?
Yes. Understood.
I can't wait to leave here.
Every time I get close to
someone they end up missing
they never come back again.
I think my dad is killing them and
I think my mom is cooking them.
I want to leave. I will leave.
They will never come back.
And today I start my new life as a vegan.
I'm getting you out of here.
Everyone is asleep but we have
to move quietly and walk slow.
These wood floors squeak in certain places.
Wait, how'd you find me?
Just follow me. Don't make a sound.
Where's your car?
Shush it's down this way. Just follow me
How'd you know where to find me?
It was so horrible.
They are monsters. They killed John.
John's dead?
Yes. I saw the whole thing.
We gotta go straight to the police.
But not in this town.
That man is the law here.
Okay, we will.
But first, I think you
just need to calm down
and figure things out in your
head first before we go to the cops.
Figure things out?
Yeah, they might think you were a killer.
Maybe you killed John because he
was cheating on you with that redhead.
I would never kill John.
Or anyone for that matter.
Why would you say that?
I'm just playing devil's advocate.
You don't know who you can trust.
Didn't you say the man is a sheriff?
Big Red?
My husband. He's the sheriff.
Ain't nobody in their
right mind coming here.
Well, not specifically.
Never knew why you got
that real looking heart tattoo.
Most people get the
regular heart shaped one.
What was the reason again?
I like hearts. It's the real
thing. It's real life, real love.
The heart never changes up on you.
But the brain, the brain
plays tricks on you.
Is that new?
The necklace.
Oh. Kind of.
New to me.
Sweetheart, Big Red ain't gonna take to kindly
to you being up and missing when he get back
Where'd it come from?
Where'd it come from? What
kind of question is that, Leah?
Well, I just never seen it.
Was wondering is all.
Was it a gift?
It's a rite of passage.
I got it from my mom.
Your mom?
Every time I get close to
someone, they end up missing.
They never come back again.
I think my dad is killing them and
I think my mom is cooking them.
I thought she was dead.
No, I never said that.
Well, you never talk about your parents.
So I just assumed.
Well, they're definitely not dead, Leah.
How'd you find me?
I told you. Our locator app.
Thing's amazing.
But I didn't have my phone.
It got smashed to pieces.
I don't feel well.
Can you pull over?
Right here. They could be following us.
We just left.
Amelia, please. I have to throw up.
Okay. Fine.
Leah! What are you doing?
Cut it out!
I'm hurt!
Please, Leah, I need your help!
Why are you running?
Leah! I'm hurt I need your help!
Why are you running?
Oh, my.
Oh, my God.
All right, let's get her. Let's get her.
Get her to the house.
[breathing heavily]
It has to be done Big Red.
I can't. She's my daughter.
She's our daughter. And
she has to be preserved.
It's just the way it is.
[tense music]
[music continues]