The Immortal Wars: Dekay's Paradox (2024) Movie Script

(soft dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(soft dramatic music intensifies)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music softens)
- [Jaden Voiceover] Pain,
and tears.
That is what the world has become.
(wind blowing)
(bombs exploding)
Many years ago,
humans were at war with each other.
(suspenseful music)
(submarine beeping)
(engines whirring)
(rocket blasting)
(suspenseful music)
(bomb exploding)
After many lives were lost
and all the blood was spilled,
the focus was turned to us.
(dramatic music)
(electronics beeping)
(electronics beeping)
(rioters shouting)
The endless hatred
growing within the humans
was like a disease.
(hammer striking)
(dramatic music continues)
Fear overshadowed the innocent,
families were torn apart,
and many of us went into hiding.
(soft piano music)
The rise of Dominion led a new era.
(bombs exploding)
(soft piano music continues)
(water splashing)
Many retaliated, killing
Dominion soldiers and generals.
But as one was taken down,
three would take their place,
making Dominion Industries
the most powerful
corporation on the planet.
The humans then discovered
ultraviolet rays can suppress our power,
making us weak, and in
some cases, killing us.
- The UV RDM, UV Ray Defense Mechanism,
bringing light into these dark times.
- [Jaden Voiceover] Due to the discovery
of numerous underground sanctuary camps,
martial law was declared.
- [Soldier] We've detected three deviants.
We're now in pursuit.
- [Jaden Voiceover] Humans have
now launched what they call
the cleansing.
Deviants are now the enemies.
Many of us have lost loved ones
at the hands of Dominion and his soldiers.
Living within the shadows,
hidden from the world is
the only chance we have.
(suspenseful music)
(woman shouting)
- [Soldier] Subjects (indistinct).
We must (indistinct).
(suspenseful music continues)
(rioters shouting)
(rioters shouting)
- [Soldier] Humans on the left.
- [Soldier] Hold your positions.
(rioters shouting)
- [Dispatch] Area secure.
(rioters shouting)
- Die.
(round firing)
(ominous music)
(round firing)
(rioters shouting)
(round firing)
(body collapsing)
(suspenseful music)
(rioters shouting)
(rioters shouting)
(rioters shouting)
(rioters shouting)
(suspenseful music continues)
(rioters shouting)
- No!
- Get over here, idiot.
- No!
- We got another one!
- No!
- Stand up, bitch!
- Bedser, oh, we got another.
- Yeah.
- Spicy one at that, huh?
And so pretty.
Where'd your boys find her?
- Mulling around the
courtyard, Lieutenant.
- Do you have something you want to say?
(guards grunting)
(elbow striking)
- Get back here!
- No!
- Come here!
- No!
- Hold still, dammit.
(deviant grunting)
- [Guard] Try that again.
- Hold still, bitch.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm good, boss.
- Shut the fuck up.
Where are your gloves?
- We forgot 'em, Sir.
What'd I tell you about
touching these things
with your bare hands?
You don't know what diseases they have.
- Won't happened again, Sergeant.
- Sergeant?
Oh, fuck me, right?
I thought I was a goddamn Lieutenant.
Jesus Christ.
(Lieutenant sighing)
I do not want these
boys to hurt you, okay?
So can you play nice?
- Fuck you.
- Fuck me?
(Lieutenant chuckling)
Fuck me.
Fuck me!
Sweetheart, all I'm asking
is for you to play nice.
(head headbutting)
Oh, sweetheart, I wish you
shouldn't have done that.
Do you know why?
(fist punching)
(deviant gurgling)
- Told ya.
Come on, let's go.
- [Lieutenant] Get her
the fuck outta my sight.
- Come on.
- Take her to processing.
Bedser's gonna handle her.
- [Soldier] Lieutenant?
- Yeah, go ahead.
- [Soldier] We detected a level eight.
- A level eight?
- [Soldier] Bravo team is now in pursuit.
- Oh, I'll be right there.
(suspenseful music)
- [Soldier] Look alert.
This thing can be dangerous.
Hold up.
I've located a weapon from Alpha Team.
(ominous music)
- [Soldier] Watch your six.
This thing is around here.
(static crackling)
(Jaden exhaling)
- Enemy spotted, moving in.
(dramatic music)
(Jaden exhaling)
Hey, she's down here!
(dramatic music continues)
(Jaden exhaling)
(Jaden exhaling)
(door creaking)
(Lieutenant laughing)
- My level eight, you're here!
Thanks for joining me, boys.
Welcome to hell.
We're gonna have a lot of fun here.
Oh, yes, you're a pretty
specimen, aren't you?
Are you gonna be a troublemaker?
God, I hope you're a troublemaker.
We're gonna take great care.
You know what we do with troublemakers?
(fist punching)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(monitor beeping)
(dramatic music continues)
(monitor beeping)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(metal rattling)
(door closing)
(button beeping)
(dramatic music continues)
(voice echoing)
- [Voice] I trust you.
I trust you.
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music intensifies)
(hydraulics squealing)
(button beeping)
(hydraulics squealing)
(ominous music)
(nurse gurgling)
(fist punching)
(Jaden grunting)
- Where am I?
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(woodpecker tapping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(soft dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(Paradox exhaling)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(Paradox grunting)
(soft dramatic music intensifies)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(Paradox exhaling)
(energy surging)
(wings flapping)
(Paradox shouting)
(wind blowing)
(water splashing)
(soft music)
(water splashing)
(water splashing)
(Paradox sobbing)
(water splashing)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(water splashing)
(Paradox crying)
(water splashing)
(frog croaking)
(birds chirping)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(branches breaking)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(blade striking)
(rabbit whimpering)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(bloodlet dropping)
(birds chirping)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(meat spilling)
(birds chirping)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(knife cutting)
(birds chirping)
(juices slurping)
(juices slurping)
(rain falling)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(rain falling)
(birds chirping)
(owl hooting)
(rain falling)
(blade slicing)
(rain falling)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(ominous music)
(helicopter blades whirring)
(ominous music continues)
(helicopter blades whirring)
(helicopter blades whirring)
(rain falling)
(birds chirping)
(rain falling)
(ominous music softens)
(snow crunching)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(person shouting)
(person grunting)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(person grunting)
- [Soldier] Stop right there!
(birds chirping)
(footsteps tapping)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(footsteps tapping)
(Jaden grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(Jaden panting)
(fist striking)
(Jaden grunting)
(branches breaking)
- Whoa.
- Are they gone?
- Yeah, they headed north.
- Are you sure?
- [Paradox] Positive.
- What are you doing out here?
(birds chirping)
- I gotta ask you the same thing.
- Trying to survive.
- We all are.
They'll catch us eventually.
What are you looking for?
- Food, shelter,
(rain falling)
get outta this.
- When was the last time you've eaten?
- A couple days, maybe?
It's hard to tell.
(rain falling)
- Well, I have some stuff I could spare,
but after that I need to go.
- Okay.
Thank you.
(rain falling)
(branches breaking)
(birds chirping)
(snow crunching)
- Here's some beans.
- Thank you.
- How long have you been out here?
- Mm, feels like weeks.
- Who are they chasing?
- Any deviant that they can find.
Doesn't matter.
- She looks familiar.
(birds chirping)
That poor girl.
Humans and their weapons.
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music intensifies)
(Paradox shouting)
(human gurgling)
You're one of 'em.
Who are you chasing?
- Someone just like you.
(human gurgling)
- I fucking knew it.
(human gurgling)
(human choking)
(birds chirping)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(Paradox shouting)
(ice crystallizing)
(Jaden panting)
- Stop!
You're surrounded.
There's no where to go from here.
(energy surging)
(dramatic music)
(Jaden shouting)
(energy surging)
(Jaden grunting )
(debris scattering)
(dramatic music continues)
(Jaden grunting)
(water running)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(stick tapping)
(fire crackling)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(leaves rustling)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(tent rustling)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(energy surging)
(Jaden grunting)
(Paradox grunting)
(Jaden grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(Jaden grunting)
- Jaden, please.
(Jaden grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(Paradox shouting)
(Jaden sighing)
(dramatic music intensifies)
(ice cracking)
(Jaden sighing)
(dramatic music continues)
(ice cracking)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music softens)
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to hit you.
I saw 'em chasing after you.
- Where did you get that bracelet?
- You know where this is from?
(birds chirping)
I have food, um, water,
somewhere warm to lay your head.
You look freezing.
Follow me.
(birds chirping)
(leaves crunching)
(birds chirping)
(footsteps tapping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
- You said Jaden.
Who's Jaden?
- No one.
- You were pretty tough.
It surprised me.
- I was taught by someone
when I was younger.
(birds chirping)
So where did you come from?
(birds chirping)
- There was a facility on the
north side of the mountain.
- Is that why they were chasing you?
- They were chasing me
because I broke out.
But I'll have to go back.
- For what?
- I just have to go back.
- What you did right now,
could you teach me that?
- Why?
- I don't know how to
control them, my powers.
From what I know, my family is powerful.
- You seem pretty powerful.
If you prove yourself.
- Yeah.
- Get up.
(birds chirping)
- So where are we going?
- What is your name?
- I don't have a name.
If you want to control your powers,
then you need to be calm and still.
Hit that tree.
(energy surging)
(leaves rustling)
(birds chirping)
- Hmm.
(energy surging)
Like this.
(Jaden shouting)
(leaves rustling)
Now you go.
Calm and still.
(birds chirping)
(Paradox exhaling)
(Paradox grunting)
Pretty good.
Catch this.
(dramatic music)
(Paradox grunting)
Outstanding, No Name.
Catch these.
(Jaden shouting)
(No Name grunting)
Next lesson.
(Paradox groaning)
(snow crunching)
The next lesson will
be a little bit harder.
Go through that tree.
- What?
- Go through the tree.
(birds chirping)
(Paradox sighing)
Like this.
Like that.
Go again.
(birds chirping)
Calm and clear.
(suspenseful music)
You can do this, No Name.
(suspenseful music softens)
Okay, well, maybe this
attribute is not for you.
No worries.
(hand tapping)
That will never happen again.
(birds chirping)
- So the small stuff,
it's all good and all,
but the power you did over there,
I've never seen any rage,
ever, like that before.
It's amazing.
Can you teach me?
(birds chirping)
- We may be able to
max out your potential.
It could be quite
painful, if you are ready.
Very well.
(dramatic music)
(Jaden grunting)
- Stop!
- You said you wanted max potential.
- Stop!
(dramatic music continues)
- There it is.
(birds chirping)
(Paradox panting)
(leaves crunching)
So the next lesson will be a bit easier.
- Please, I need to know,
do you remember anything
about the bracelet?
- I told you, no.
- You said that you were
going to the facility.
I'm coming with you.
- Why?
- I need answers.
(birds chirping)
- If you come with me,
you need to keep up.
I won't baby you, No Name.
(ominous music)
(birds chirping)
(leaves crunching)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(ominous music continues)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(ominous music continues)
There it is.
- How are we supposed to get up there?
- I know a way.
Come on.
(ominous music continues)
(footsteps tapping)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(electricity zapping)
(suspenseful music continues)
(metal rattling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(electronics beeping)
(metal rattling)
(water bubbling)
(electronics beeping)
- This is entry 051-389.
We've just completed the
first stage of replenishment
on subject 451-208-125-199.
We're now moving on to stage two.
Dr. Kel and I have worked
together to teach it,
to train the subject.
It's one of a kind.
(computer beeping)
This is entry 051-390.
Dr. Kel has gone to search for a deviant
that was located deep in
the Appalachian Mountains.
While he's been gone,
I've been able to work
closely with Rebecca.
We've made some progress on Project EMP.
Now since the failed simulation
that took place five years ago,
Project EMP has evolved substantially.
Not only has it gained
an acute amount of strength and agility,
but it's been able to learn
human behavior and intelligence.
Now, who would've thought
combining the DNA of insects,
amphibians, and humans
could birth such an incredible creation?
We're now moving on to a
form of neuroplasticity
to help Project EMP speak.
(computer beeping)
(computer beeping)
(computer beeping)
- It doesn't show any signs of pain.
These tubes that are connected,
they go to certain vital organs.
This guy is gonna be
the strongest that Dominion has ever seen.
Steel runs through him.
I already got a name for him, too.
We're gonna call him Deathless.
(computer beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(bell chiming)
(machinery whirring)
(machinery whirring)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(keyboard keys clicking)
(keyboard keys clicking)
(machinery whirring)
(keyboard keys clicking)
- [Jaden] What did you find?
- They're capturing subjects.
Subjects D7,
What is that?
- Essentials.
I think I know what this is,
but if it is, then it will be bad.
I heard a rumor that
they were doing battles
and are going to do
like a televised sport.
These must be them, the
people they are kidnapping.
- They are primary subjects
and secondary subjects.
Each one has six slots.
I don't understand what this is.
- In war, you must have collateral.
This must be them.
There was something else, um,
civil battles, and I don't know.
- It's tracking their BPM,
analyzing their memories,
putting it all on a hard drive.
- This is more reason
why we cannot get caught.
Wait a minute.
I know this.
(suspenseful music)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
- [Paradox] I don't think you should-
- Ssh!
(computer beeping)
(computer beeping)
(computer beeping)
We better go.
(alarm blaring)
(alarm blaring)
- Shit.
(dramatic music)
(alarm blaring)
(electricity sizzling)
(explosion blasting)
(Jaden grunting)
(debris scattering)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps tapping)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps tapping)
(clock ticking)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
- [Soldier] Lieutenant,
we've got two more.
(dramatic electronic music)
- [Soldier] Eliminate them.
(dramatic electronic music continues)
- [Soldier] Ms. Harvey
doesn't need anymore.
Just take care of 'em.
(footsteps tapping)
(deviant gasping)
(dramatic electronic music continues)
(energy surging)
(energy surging)
(footsteps tapping)
- You guys get outta here.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(keys rattling)
You find anything?
(suspenseful music continues)
(keys rattling)
(footsteps tapping)
(overhead speaker chattering)
(plastic rustling)
(bottle tapping)
So since we're working together,
maybe we should try to
get to know each other?
- Get to know each other?
I do not even know your name.
What point is getting to know each other?
- My favorite color's red.
- All right,
my favorite color is green,
but you probably knew that already.
Now we've gotten to know each other.
Can we move on?
- Tell me about your family.
- Why do you keep asking me
questions about my family
and my past?
Who are your family?
Who's your past?
Why do you care so much about me?
Perhaps I should not trust you after all.
- Don't have a past,
don't have a family.
- Well, we're a bit the same.
- Yeah.
Two lost souls.
- Two lost souls.
Bye, No Name.
(Jaden sighing)
I cannot stand emotion.
It usually holds you back
and gets people that
you care about killed.
I've seen a lot of death, but, um,
perhaps I remember a little bit.
What do you think I am doing?
Why do you think I am here?
Why do you think that
I am doing any of this?
- Vengeance.
- Vengeance?
Getting back at people that hurt you?
I can remember their faces
like it was yesterday.
(Jaden gasping)
- Ssh, ssh, ssh.
(Jaden panting)
(water splashing)
I know, let's try that again.
- I can remember the pain that I felt,
but I do not think that
they have ever felt the pain
that I have felt.
But they will.
And you will help me.
What is your past?
(dramatic music)
It's time to go.
We have to move out.
(alarm blaring)
I found coordinates to another facility.
Let's go.
(dramatic music)
Are you sure this is the place?
(electronics beeping)
- This one's labeled top priority.
(electronics beeping)
(suspenseful music)
(metal banging)
(suspenseful music continues)
(metal shearing)
(gate rattling)
(gate rattling)
(metal rattling)
- What is it?
It says it's some sort of memory scanner.
- You should try it.
(voices echoing)
(suspenseful music)
(overhead light whirring)
(machinery whirring)
(electricity zapping)
(monitor beeping)
(electricity zapping)
(monitor beeping)
(electricity zapping)
(dramatic music)
(bells ringing)
(bells ringing)
(dramatic music continues)
(electronics beeping)
(birds chirping)
(electronics glitching )
(birds chirping)
(electronics glitching)
(birds chirping)
(electronics glitching)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(leaves crunching)
(birds chirping)
(leaves crunching)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(electronics beeping)
(ominous music continues)
- All right, this way, (indistinct).
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(leaves crunching)
(birds chirping)
Keep your hands where I can see them.
Grizzly One has eyes on threat.
(ominous music continues)
(birds chirping)
(wings flapping)
(birds chirping)
- Stop.
(leaves crunching)
- You have been difficult to track, Layla,
or should I call you Hyacinth?
- You don't have a right to call me that.
- You have caused a lot of trouble.
It's about time we end this.
As per Mr. Harvey, eliminate the target.
(birds chirping)
(Hyacinth laughing)
- Termination will not be the end.
I've worked for this moment.
(drone beeping)
(birds chirping)
Freedom will be ours.
(dramatic music)
We will unite together as one.
No one will control us;
not a human, not the government, not DI.
(dramatic music continues)
- Let's see how that works out for you.
- Stop.
- I'll make you famous.
- Please, stop.
(rounds firing)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
- Deviant eliminated.
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(drone buzzing)
(owl hooting)
(dramatic music continues)
(wind blowing)
(leaves rustling)
(electricity zapping)
(dramatic music softens)
- I think I am going to try it.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(electronics beeping)
(suspenseful music continues)
(machine whirring)
(electricity zapping)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(Jaden exhaling)
(electricity zapping)
(electricity zapping)
(voices echoing)
(electricity zapping)
(electronics beeping)
(electricity zapping)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music intensifies)
- What did you see?
(suspenseful music)
- We need to go.
- I came across some
information on a lab nearby.
(suspenseful music continues)
(footsteps tapping)
(ominous music)
(footsteps tapping)
(papers rustling)
(papers rustling)
(papers rustling)
(alarm beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(monitor beeping)
(door shutting)
- This is a restricted area.
What are you doing here?
Wait, I know you.
You're the one that
everyone's been searching for,
aren't you?
(strobe whirring)
(lab tech shouting)
(Jaden grunting)
(lab tech collapsing)
(monitor beeping)
- Come on.
Wake up.
(monitor beeping)
(lab tech coughing)
(monitor beeping)
- Wait, I have something that
might be of interest to you.
take a look at this.
(pages rustling)
(dramatic music)
(monitor beeping)
(dramatic music continues)
(pages rustling)
- What is it?
(dramatic music continues)
(monitor beeping)
(pages rustling)
(dramatic music continues)
(pages rustling)
What is this?
- A weapon,
made from your DNA,
(dramatic music intensifies)
and we're almost completed.
- Show us.
(dramatic music continues)
- Put these on.
(dramatic music continues)
Oxygen levels are low down there,
with traces of toxic gas.
These are for your protection.
Trust me,
you'll need these.
(masks rattling)
(dramatic music intensifies)
(footsteps tapping)
(footsteps tapping)
(lab tech exhaling)
- What is this place?
- This is a restricted area.
Only those who are granted
access to Project EMP
were granted permission to enter.
(bugs squeaking)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
- So this is a research lab of some sort?
- At first.
This project was originally
a collaboration between
some of the top scientists in
the field of genome splicing.
Nowadays, we just use it for containment.
(ominous music)
- Containment for what?
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music intensifies)
- There's something stalking us.
What is it?
- It's her.
- Who is her?
- Our ultimate weapon, of course.
- And they say that we are the monsters.
What did you bring us down here for?
- To meet her, of course.
- What the hell is that?
(ominous music)
- Isn't she beautiful?
A combination of snake,
scorpion and octopus DNA.
Of course, fear, anger,
duty, misunderstanding,
all rolled into one.
She's perfect.
- You're sick.
- [Paradox] Don't move.
(creature hissing)
- It's a mist.
You didn't just bring us down
here just to see her, did you?
(ominous music)
- I wanted her to meet
both of her proud mothers.
(deviant gurgling)
(deviant gurgling)
- She was gonna feed us to her.
(creature growling)
(ominous music continues)
(creature growling)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
- What?
Wait, no.
How can this be?
- You said it.
You used my DNA.
- They are one.
- That's impossible.
- We are connected.
- That's impossible!
- Is it?
I don't know what bullshit you
all have going on down here,
but it ends now.
(lab technology collapsing)
(lab tech panting)
Where's the USDI command post?
(lab tech gasping)
Are you going to tell me,
or am I gonna have to pull it out of you?
- In Mexico.
In Mexico.
- Wait.
What about her?
- Leave her.
You will be well taken care of.
(lab tech panting)
(ominous music intensifies)
(creature growling)
(lab tech panting)
- I'm not the one who did it to you.
- Yes, you are.
(lab tech shrieking)
- What now?
(Jaden panting)
- We got what we came for.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(voices echoing )
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
Something is wrong.
This place should be
swarming with DI guards.
- What do you mean?
- This was labeled top
priority in their notes.
- Where do you think everyone is?
- I'm not sure.
(suspenseful music continues)
- Goddamn!
This nasty deviant's
puking all over himself.
What the hell's wrong with him?
- I'm not cleaning that shit up.
- Look at that, man!
I've been here 25 years, and
I'm not cleaning that up.
- That's why you don't have a gun.
You get a broom.
(guard laughing)
- [Dispatch] (indistinct), over.
- Yeah, what is it?
- [Dispatch] It is on the left hand side.
- Yeah, we'll check it out.
- [Dispatch] Copy that, over.
- All right, fuck faces.
- Let's do it.
- Probably nothing,
some dumbass puking and
shitting on himself.
(dramatic music continues)
(gate shutting)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps tapping)
- What is this place?
- It's a prison.
- Prison for who?
- For us.
(dramatic music)
(alarm blaring)
We're being watched.
(alarm blaring)
(footsteps tapping)
(dramatic music continues)
(alarm blaring)
(alarm blaring)
- What?
- It's a trap!
(dramatic music continues)
(doorknob shaking)
(Paradox coughing)
(Paradox coughing)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music crescendos)
(Paradox panting)
- What the hell?
What happened?
- Save your breath.
- What's going on?
- They've been onto us for a while now.
Or have you not noticed that yet?
(door opening)
- Four, five, six.
- Hey!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
(dramatic music)
Looks like you're gonna do
nothing about the situation.
- I'm thinking.
- Thinking.
Good one; I've heard that from you before.
- You're new here, I see.
What's your name?
I sense sadness.
Or is that fear?
- It's never fear.
Only anger.
Tell me, what is this place?
- Oh, I couldn't tell you that, sweetie.
But I will say that the
guards have been talking about
an event called The Civil Battles.
(prisoner laughing)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful music)
(door opening)
(door shutting)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(dramatic metal music)
(dramatic metal music continues)
- Well, well.
This should be easy.
- Is that so?
- Let's not waste our time.
Put an end to this.
(energy surging)
(dramatic metal music continues)
You know, they told me about you.
Your power is generated by your hate.
(Jaden grunting)
All I see is a scared, little girl.
(deviant laughing)
- Did they also tell you
that I can produce an
excruciating amount of pain?
(Jaden grunting)
(dramatic metal music continues)
- Come on, make it a challenge.
(energy surging)
(deviant grunting)
(deviant gasping)
(deviant gurgling)
Give 'em
(deviant panting)
(deviant collapsing)
(footsteps tapping)
(footsteps tapping)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(energy surging)
(Paradox grunting)
(fists striking)
(Paradox grunting)
(Paradox panting)
(Paradox grunting)
(Paradox shouting)
(energy blasting)
- Awesome defense, finally.
I do appreciate it.
(energy surging)
(mask beeping)
(wind blowing)
(Paradox and opponent grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(opponent grunting)
(Paradox panting)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(face crashing)
(dramatic music intensifies)
(dramatic music crescendos)
(shovel striking)
(shovel dropping)
(dramatic music continues)
- This is fucked up.
What are we now, their guinea pigs?
I've heard of these underground fights,
but I never thought I'd be in one.
- I guess all the rumors are true.
Being locked up in captivity,
away from the whole world.
- So what,
now they use this for their
own sick entertainment?
What are we gonna do?
- We're going to fight
and kill anything that gets in our way.
- That last fight, it felt off.
it felt like something took over me.
- It was anger.
It's a sudden flame,
an urge that just comes out of darkness.
- That guard, you recognized him.
What else do you remember?
- I remember pain.
I remember my face on the ground.
(Lieutenant chuckling)
- There we go.
(fist striking)
Okay, scag, I'm gonna ask you one time,
(fist striking)
and one time only.
Where's the sanctuary?
You thirsty?
Want some water?
(water splashing)
(fist striking)
Where is this sanctuary?
Hit him again.
(fist striking)
(dramatic music continues)
Oh, sweetie, wakey, wakey.
(water splashing)
(plastic rattling)
All right,
let's try this again, shall we?
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
(Jaden panting)
- I'm not who you think I am.
- Who are you?
- I'm not,
(Jaden coughing)
I'm not one of them.
- Huh?
- I'm not one of them.
You have the wrong person.
- Wrong person?
I don't think so.
(Paradox crying)
these two,
they know where the sanctuary's at.
- I don't.
I don't know.
- I could smell the deviant on this one.
I thought I fucked it out of her.
(Lieutenant laughing)
Right, honey?
(lighter flicking)
I'm wrong, huh?
(foot striking)
(Jaden grunting)
Let me help you.
(Jaden grunting)
(ominous music)
- Jaden!
- Ssh.
(Jaden coughing)
- Jaden!
Please, stop.
(Jaden grunting)
- [Lieutenant] I think she likes it.
- Jaden, please.
(ominous music continues)
(Jaden choking)
- Bye.
See ya.
(Paradox crying)
(dramatic music)
(Paradox crying)
(Lieutenant exhaling)
(footsteps tapping)
(dramatic music continues)
Let's get the fuck outta here.
(dramatic music continues)
(Paradox crying)
(dramatic music continues)
(Jaden exhaling)
(dramatic music intensifies)
(energy surging)
(dramatic music continues)
- You remember?
- We have both been through a lot.
They're gonna pay for
what they've done to us.
- Yes.
Yes, they will.
(metal rattling)
(steam blowing)
(dramatic music)
(door opening)
(steam blowing)
(footsteps tapping)
(door shutting)
(energy surging)
(dramatic music continues)
- Who are you supposed to be?
- Your worst nightmare.
- You're funny.
A funny, dead fool.
(energy surging)
(Jaden grunting)
(Jaden grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
- Now this is a fight.
(Jaden grunting)
(deviant laughing)
(dramatic music continues)
(Jaden grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(Jaden grunting)
(deviant laughing)
(dramatic music continues)
Okay, can we actually
get this fight going now?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.
Whoa, wait, wait, wait!
(deviant laughing)
(deviant panting)
They told me you'd be easy to defeat.
(hand striking)
(energy surging)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(Jaden grunting)
(Jaden grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
- Wait.
(deviant grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(deviant panting)
(fist striking)
(deviant grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(fist striking)
(body crashing)
(dramatic music continues)
- I could do this.
I could do this.
- Yes, you can.
Just don't think about it too much.
Remember, it's life or death.
That's all they'll be thinking.
(footsteps tapping)
(steam blowing)
(door opening)
(door shutting)
(dramatic music)
(deviant laughing)
(deviant laughing)
(neck cracking)
(dramatic music continues)
(deviant laughing)
(dramatic music continues)
(fists striking)
(deviant laughing)
(dramatic music continues)
(energy surging)
- You thought you had me, huh?
(dramatic music continues)
- Over here, over here.
Now I got you.
- Now I got you.
(foot stomping)
(upbeat electronic music)
(fist grabbing)
(sparkler sparkling)
(sparkler sparkling)
(sparkler sparkling)
I'm so tired of being underestimated.
- Oh, "I'm so tired of
being underestimated."
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(horn honking)
(light flickering)
- You okay?
- That last one was nothing.
(guard laughing)
- Well,
it seems like you guys are
gonna be tough to beat, huh?
I mean,
you both showed a great
amount of strength out there.
Both have similar attributes,
and you,
(guard chuckling)
of course, the resemblance is uncanny.
Hell, Jaden, we thought you were dead.
- Well, you all were wrong.
- Oh.
Well, I see you're gonna be a great asset
in the age of Immortal Wars, huh?
- What?
- Shut up.
I'm trying to have a conversation.
The next fight is gonna
determine who represents India
in this age of the Immortal Wars.
(guard laughing)
(voice echoing)
- Hand.
(scanner beeping)
(ominous music)
- They're gonna make us
fight against each other.
- They will.
- What are we gonna do?
- We will fight against each other.
- What?
- Don't worry.
I have a plan.
- I was there.
I saw everything they did to you.
(soft music)
You know what this is.
You're my sister.
- No.
- Yes, you are.
Like it or not, Jaden, I'm your brother.
- Jaden is dead.
Do you hear what I say?
Stop your talking
and just follow my lead.
(soft music continues)
(soft music continues)
(steam blowing)
(footsteps tapping)
(gate shutting)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(door creaking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(machinery whirring)
(door closing)
(suspenseful music softens)
(birds chirping)
(metal rattling)
- What are you doing?
Please, don't do this.
(energy surging)
I'm not fighting you.
(electricity zapping)
It's Deathless.
He's here for us.
(Jaden grunting)
(fist striking)
(Jaden grunting)
(Jaden grunting)
(fist striking)
(Jaden grunting)
(Deathless crashing)
(foot striking)
(Jaden grunting)
(energy surging)
(energy surging)
(dramatic music continues)
(Jaden crashing)
- Go!
(Paradox shouting)
(energy surging)
(Jaden grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(laser beaming)
(dramatic music continues)
(energy surging)
- Hey!
(Jaden grunting)
(wind blowing)
(Jaden panting)
- You all have taken everything from me.
- What?
(Jaden panting)
- Only one of us will
make us out of here alive.
- Jaden, please.
- You're my brother, right?
You saw what they did to me.
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music intensifies)
(Paradox panting)
(Jaden panting)
Enough of this shit.
(energy surging)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music softens)
(computer beeping)
(door rattling)
- Oh.
(guard laughing)
Oh yeah.
Yeah, this is the one.
First shipment to India.
How you doing?
Guess what?
You get to represent India.
Are you excited?
Oh, you need a name.
(guard sighing)
What should your name be?
How about
Dekay, you like that?
(hands striking)
Ooh, Dekay likes that.
(dramatic music continues)
(guard laughing)
(dramatic music continues)
(Paradox panting)
(Paradox panting)
(dramatic music continues)
(Paradox grunting)
(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] A display
of strength and power,
I gotta say.
- She made it quite far.
- Amara.
- Paradox.
I like the name.
- Why are you here?
- Is it bad that I want to
visit my little brother?
- After so long?
What do you want?
- I've been watching you for a while now,
you and our lovely sister.
Now that she's made it
to the final battle,
it's time to get to work.
- What are you up to?
- It's good to see you.
I saw what she did for you.
That wouldn't have happened
if you both hadn't have put
yourselves in that situation.
- She needed my help after
what they did to her,
what they did to us.
And someone needed to pay.
- So you let revenge guide you?
- We all needed you,
but you never came.
- I'm not here to explain myself.
- Right.
You know,
I know you're behind that Trikalypse girl.
- How could you know that?
- I have my sources.
What is so special about her?
- She's the one who can end this.
She can end this war.
- How do you know?
- Look, all I can say is Jaden
is going to need our help.
- How?
She's won every battle so far.
She's not gonna win this, is she?
What do you need from me?
(dramatic music)
(deviant grunting)
- Can't you see?
It's not how strong you are.
It is about how you use your power.
(deviant grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
I win.
Next (indistinct), where are you?
(deviant grunting)
(energy surging)
- This is my show.
(energy surging)
(energy surging)
(energy surging)
(flames crackling)
(sparks flying)
- You know we need the entire bloodline.
- We do not.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
- This doesn't feel right.
(dramatic music)
(energy surging)
(wind blowing)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
Jaden, are you okay?
- You have so much to
get done, my dear sister.
You must join them.
You must join her.
- I will not.
They will pay.
I will bring the darkness out from my soul
and I will destroy them all,
and bring her to an end.
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
- She is different.
You knew she would be killed.
(dramatic music continues)
- Uh, where?
You didn't wait for me?
Are you fucking insane?
You know the rules.
- It had to be done.
- Of all people,
you knew it had to be all of us.
Well, isn't this a family reunion?
So that's it?
You're just gonna leave?
- My dear brothers, you
have no idea what's coming.
(dramatic music continues)
(ceiling collapsing)
- What is this?
(dramatic music continues)
(flames crackling)
(monster growling)
(monster growling)
- I've seen this before.
(monster growling)
(monster shrieking)
(energy surging)
(dramatic music softens)
(soft music)
Ah ah
Ah ah
Disarm you with my smile
Dissect you with my eyes
Resurrect you
Destroy you with my mind
But I can be your sweet thing
On your tongue just like a ice cream
Burn it all down
Can't listen
Cut you off like a
motherfucking guillotine
(singer laughing)
Fe fi fo fum
Wake up my power
I know I look like fun
But something wicked this way comes
(upbeat rock music intensifies)
Something wicked
(upbeat rock music continues)
This way comes
(wind blowing)
(flames crackling)
(monster growling)
- Fucking scorchers.
I know exactly who sent them.
- Dude, what the hell?
We were kicking their asses.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(wind blowing)
(dramatic music continues)
- My children,
it is so good to see you all.
would would like to explain your actions?
- We had to bring her back.
- My sons.
What is the name they gave you?
I like it.
You've gone through a lot.
You must now build an army
and put an end to the
one they call Trikalypse.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
It is time.
We will end this war.
(electricity zapping)
(father laughing)
(dramatic music continues)
(upbeat rock music)
Here I come
Nowhere to run
You're mine now
Break it down
Tear you up
Inside out
Chances up so I believe
One in a million
Here I am coming at ya
Like a 90s villain
Like a 90s villain
Like a
Like a 90s villain
90s villain
Razor sharp
Shredder ain't got shit on me
I paid the price
It's like
Love me hate me
I'm every evil queen
Tear your heart out like a 90s villain
Cat and mouse
We'll play house
'Til I burn it down
You'll be my Valentine
Six feet underground
Hands and knees 'til you
see I'm one in a million
Here am I coming at
ya like a 90s villain
Like a 90s villain
90s villain
Like a 90s villain
90s villain
Razor sharp
Shredder ain't got shit on me
I paid the price
It's like I'm
Love me hate me
I'm every evil queen
Tear your heart out like a 90s villain
(no audio)
(no audio)
(no audio)