The Intruder (2024) Movie Script

[suspenseful music]
[rain pouring]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[rain pouring]
[suspenseful music]
- Hey, man.
You all right?
Uh, yeah. Yeah. One sec.
- Hi, can I help you?
- Yeah, but um, are you okay, man?
- Yeah, yeah. I just, you know, um...
I just passed out on the floor. It was a long night.
- Oh, I'm sorry. I, my name is Joe.
I'm your neighbor from two doors down.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hi, I'm Michael.
- Well, nice to meet you, Michael.
And I've been wanting to
come down, uh, introduce myself
and welcome you to the neighborhood.
- Yeah, yeah. - And the storm last night kind
of gave me an excuse to come down.
Did you have any damage?
- Oh, no. I, I don't, I don't know.
I didn't realize it was that bad.
- Well, yeah I mean, a few of the neighbors had some trees
that fell and, you know, nothing too major,
but um, I mean, do you still have power?
Uh I don't know.
Oh, guess you do. Um, well good.
Listen, I, my wife
and I were really good friends with the lady
that lived here before you.
We'd either be here or she would be down at our house.
And, you know, I, I'm-outta curiosity, would you mind
uh, if I came in and see what you've done with the place?
- Um I...
Uh, yeah. Yeah. Come on in.
- Well, thanks for inviting me in, Michael.
- Yeah, I still got a lot of unpacking to do.
- I'll say, damn. How, how long have you lived here again?
- Uh, about a week-ish.
- Alright. That's not bad.
But if you need any help unpacking any boxes
or anything, um, just let me know.
- Yeah, yeah, I'll let you know.
- See you got the furniture all in place.
Place is looking good.
- Yeah, um, this was all my parents.
I'm not an interior decorator.
And then that'll be the dining room, once I get all the
boxes taken care of.
And then that's pretty much all I have left.
- So uh, what do you do for work, Mike?
- I'm in software
development, but I'm not working right now.
I'm kind of using this as a break to get settled
and move into the house, um,
but then I'll send some applications
after that. What about you?
- Oh, I recently retired, uh, but worked in sales.
Got a nice place here, Mike.
You have any family, wife, girlfriend, pets?
- Um, no. No, I live alone right now.
Well, if you're not doing anything later, we'd love
to invite you over for dinner
and get to know you a little bit.
- Yeah.
Uh yeah, no, that sounds, that sounds good.
- Okay. So what about say, 7:00 work?
- Yeah, um, 7:00's fine. I'll plan on that.
What the fuck...
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- You get your uh, internet and utilities set up?
- Yeah. Yeah, I think so.
What about smoke detectors
and carbon monoxide detectors?
Did you check to see if they work?
- I mean, I, yeah, I think they should be working.
- Well, you really should test them
to make sure that they're working.
And uh, what about uh, lawnmower?
You have someone or you do it yourself?
- Joe, stop...
- Uh, I think my parents had mowers that they used, yeah.
- That's right,
I, I keep forgetting that
you said your parents owned the house.
- Uh, well, no. So I own it. They sold it to me,
so it is mine.
- And they had been renting it.
- Right. - Okay.
- See, I was under the impression
that Nancy owned the house, which is why I'm confused.
- Uh yeah, that's who was living there before?
- Yeah, I think I mentioned that we knew her pretty well.
- Yeah. Yeah, she was pretty cool then?
- Very sweet woman.
I mean, we used to get together with her, what,
like every two or three weeks?
- Yeah. And then, you know,
after a while she just stopped talking to us.
- Oh, really?
- Really.
- I mean, I think she was, she was going
through some things at the time
and you know, she just wasn't herself at that point.
But you know what, she's gone
and you're here, which is all that matters.
Speaking of which, have you had the locks changed?
And what about a security system?
- Oh no, I, I haven't gotten around to that yet.
- Gotta have it, gotta have a security system,
especially these days.
- Well, I was under the impression this was a
pretty safe neighborhood.
- It's not about the neighborhood,
it's just you can't trust anybody these days.
And didn't we have some break-ins in the
neighborhood not too long ago?
- It, it was a while ago though. Yeah.
- Yeah. Like I said, security system.
That's gotta be next on your list.
- Michael, didn't you say
that your parents live nearby? Have we met them?
- Uh no, not really. They live more
deeper Houston, like towards downtown,
but um, my sister lives nearby, so...
- Oh, that's nice that you have family close by.
- Yeah. Yeah, and I haven't seen her as much recently, so
um that's, that's good.
Uh, when did you say that the break-ins happened?
Like how long ago?
- I, I don't think it was too long ago.
I mean, it was the neighbors down that way, right?
I mean, how long would you say?
- Yeah, it was at least two
or three years ago, I think. Yeah.
- Yeah. Sounds about right. Um, are you sure no wine, Mike?
- Uh yeah no, I'm sure thanks. But so what, what happened?
How did they break in?
Did they take anything? Was anyone hurt?
- No, I don't think anyone was hurt.
Um, no real cause for concern. I mean, I didn't mean to-
No, no. I'm, I'm just-I was just curious.
- Well, look man, I'm, I'm about
to fall asleep right here, right now.
Yeah, no, I should, I should get back to the house.
I wish you had been with me
when I went over there earlier.
I saw him passed out on his living room floor.
- Oh no.
- You're very welcome.
- Hey Mike,
remember, security system.
- Right, yeah.
- Goodnight, Mike. Take care.
- Goodnight. Take care.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[locks door]
- Goddamnit.
- I believe this is for you.
- What the hell is this? - I was on my way to the club
to hit some balls and saw it on your windshield.
Um, probably should have
mentioned it to you yesterday
that you're not allowed to
park on the street overnight.
- Are you kidding me? I can't park in front of my own house?
- I, I know it's a dumb rule,
but, you know, I got one of those myself once
and uh, never paid the fine.
You okay, man?
You look terrible.
- Well, I feel terrible.
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.
- I mean, you're not sleeping on the floor again, are you?
We gotta stop doing that.
- Here, come inside for a second.
- So, Michael, what's going on?
Listen, I think someone was in my house last night.
Someone was in the house last night?
- Yeah, I heard the door open and,
and I don't think they were here for very long,
but like, just a moment and then, and then they left.
Yeah I don't know. I don't remember.
- Did they take anything?
No, I, I don't think so.
I've been looking around. I don't see anything gone.
- You said they came in through the front door?
- Yeah.
- Are you sure? - Yeah, I'm positive.
The, the, I heard the door open
and it's the, it's the creakiest
door in the fucking world
and the door was unlocked.
And I know, I know for a fact that I locked it last night.
And then I think, fuck, I think it might've happened
the night before too, because um,
the back door was unlocked and,
and, and I think I might have heard
something that night too, fuck.
- Okay, listen, first thing you need
to do is call the locksmith, have him come
change all the locks, all of them.
Okay? Because whomever was
here, may have had their own key.
- But don't you think someone might've like, tried
to pick the lock and then if they picked the lock,
then changing the lock's not gonna do anything, right?
- I, I don't know, but a locksmith would know.
- Okay, - So, there's that.
Now we need to get the security system installed.
I know.
Like today, do that today.
And, and whether it's a full blown system like I have
or you just put cameras around the house,
you need that anyway.
- Yeah. Okay. - Okay. Third thing, where's your wallet?
- It's in my car, in the console.
Okay, first off, don't do that. Okay?
'Cause when I was here yesterday, I just noticed
that you had your car keys just laying out
on the kitchen counter.
So when you go check your wallet,
make sure all your cards are there,
and even if they are there, cancel 'em anyway.
- Okay, yeah. Yeah, I'll do that.
- Okay, one last thing.
And I, it's kind of out there, so I need you to bear with me.
Okay, just thinking out loud.
- Okay.
- I think you might want to try this Sleep app.
Um, it's a sleep monitor app
and something that I've used in the past.
- Okay. - And what it does is it's,
it measured my sleep levels, whether I was tossing
and turning, whether I was snoring or deep sleep
or all that-it's really been useful to me.
- Okay. Wait, so what does that have to do with this?
- Well, Michael, I bring that up
because when I came by yesterday, as you recall,
you were passed out on the floor in your living room,
in your underwear.
And now I look at you today,
and you tell me you don't sleep well last night either?
Someone comes into your house, two nights in a row,
nothing's missing?
[suspenseful music]
You see where I'm going?
Well, I gotta think
that there's a possibility that
you unlocked the door yourself
without even realizing it,
that maybe you were having a dream and,
and that you were sleepwalking.
- Yeah, okay-No, I don't think that's what happened.
- It's just something worth considering.
I mean, wouldn't you rather
that be the case than someone being in your
house while you're asleep?
I mean, yeah, I guess.
Look, man, it's just an idea. I'm just trying to help.
- No, I know. I um, I'll yeah, no,
I'll, I'll look into it.
- Okay, so let's, let's make sure we got what we need.
Security system, credit cards, locksmith.
- Yeah, yeah. Okay. I'll do that today.
- Fuck it.
[incoming call]
- Yo yo. - What up, brah?
- Uh, not much. I'm just chilling.
- Nice. Sorry, it's been so long.
It was a crazy week last week.
- No, don't worry about it. I get it.
- Yeah. So you all moved in or..?
- Yeah um, pretty much.
I just have to unpack a few boxes,
um but then, yeah.
- Nice. Well you need any help with anything,
just let me know. You're
basically right down the road now.
- Yeah, I know, right? Um...
But yeah, no, I should be good though.
I appreciate the offer.
- Okay. So did you meet any of your neighbors yet?
- Yeah um, the guy from two doors down came over
and introduced himself.
He invited me to dinner.
Is that weird?
- Mmm. I don't know. What's weird about that?
- I don't know. Someone moves into the neighborhood
and you invite them over for dinner?
I mean, he seems like a nice guy, but...
- Hmm.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is just being nice,
you asshole.
Maybe he's Mormon.
- Oh yeah, probably.
But I mean, like, I could see like a barbecue
or something where a bunch of people are coming over,
but it was just me, him, and his wife.
- Oh, so you did go then? - Well yeah,
I mean, what, what was I gonna say, no?
- It's just, you made it seem like it hadn't happened yet.
- Oh no. Yeah, this happened last night.
- Well, hey, look at you. You made a friend.
- Yeah. I don't know about that,
but like I said, he's a nice guy.
And it sounds like he's been here a while.
Did you know that I can't park on the street at night?
- What? Really? - Yeah, I got a ticket last night
for parking in front of my own damn house.
- Huh...
- I mean, I was parked under a tree during a storm,
so I guess I kind of deserved it anyway.
Did you have any damage from that? The storm?
- Mm no, just like branches
everywhere, but nothing bad, you?
- Nah, same here. Although I think it is supposed
to rain like that again later this week.
- Wonderful.
- Um hm, well it sounds like
this week probably isn't the best
time for me to come over and see the new house,
but sometime soon I definitely
wanna come by and see it.
- Yeah. Um, yeah
let me just finish getting
unpacked and then I'll let you know.
- Yeah, just let me know.
So, what are you doing the rest of this week?
- I, I don't know yet.
I think I'll just see what happens.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- God...
[suspenseful music]
- All right. Here's your new key.
- Uh, thanks. So, what-
Does it look like someone tried to pick the lock?
- No. No, it doesn't.
But if you know what you're doing,
you could break in without leaving a trace.
- Okay. But so what about like other keys?
Is it possible-because my parents own the house,
they were renting it, and
someone was living here before.
So is it possible that they
just didn't return all the keys
or like, did, did my parents not change the locks?
- Sounds like something you should take up with your
parents, but you never know.
Maybe they left a key with a family member
or someone in case of
emergency, maybe one of your neighbors.
I'll take a look at the other doors,
but I wouldn't have said this was a break-in.
- Hey, what's going on? Any update?
- It happened again, Joe, - You're shitting me.
Did you try to sleep monitor app I told you about?
- Yeah, I tried it. It didn't work.
Someone was in my house again last night.
- Locksmith? - Yeah.
- What about a security system?
- Not yet. I ordered a couple
cameras. They should be here soon.
- Okay, good. That should give you some
answers if it happens again.
- Mm-hmm. That woman who lived here before me,
do you have her contact info?
- She lives in Tennessee now, I believe.
And I don't think she would have
anything to do with a break-in.
- Well, maybe she gave a key to someone.
I, she could just help me clear some of this up.
I'd like to ask her some questions.
- Okay. What I'll do is I'll text you her contact info.
- Yeah, can you do that? - You go ahead
and save my number, that way you have it.
So just go ahead and put your number in my phone.
Maybe I'll just give you her email address.
I, I'm really not comfortable giving out
someone's number like that.
- Okay, that's fine.
- You didn't wanna talk to your parents about this?
- No, definitely not.
I wanna avoid involving them
in this as long as possible.
It's just unnecessary concern.
- Okay. I'm, I'm gonna send you Nancy's email address,
Nancy Caldwell, and that way you can send her an email
and if she wants to talk to you, she will.
- Okay.
I was thinking about getting a gun.
What do you think about that?
- I mean, Michael, I don't think that
bringing a gun in your house makes your house safer.
Some people do.
I just think at this point, probably best
to just call the police and have them look into it.
- I'd like to avoid that too. - I mean,
if you think someone's breaking
into your house every night-
- Let's see what the security cameras find.
- Okay.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- Hello? - Hello. Is this Michael?
- Yeah. Hi, is, is this Nancy?
- Oh God, I'm so sorry. You have to get out of that house.
Whatever it takes, just get out of that house!
- What, what do you mean? What do you mean?
- There's something in that house.
- What are you talking about?
It's some kind of spiritual entity.
The house is haunted, Michael.
I know most people don't believe in spirits
or demons, but I saw them in the house.
- You saw demons in this house?
- Everything you described in your email is exactly
what I experienced. At first,
it was just little things, little sounds in the night.
And yes, I would see them in the bedroom.
- Nancy, are you talking about dreams?
Were these nightmares?
- You sound like those neighbors.
It was real. I could feel them in the room with me.
Just please, get out of that house.
- Listen, listen Nancy,
I really just wanted to ask you one question.
- Sure. What is it?
- Have you, was there um,
was there anyone else that you gave a key-
God dammit. Listen, Nancy, I have to go.
Maybe I can try to call you back
later, but I have to go now.
I'm sorry. Bye.
[door squeaks]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- Hello? Hello, please!
I see you in there. I just need to come inside.
It's so cold.
- I'm sorry I can't help you.
- Come on man. Let me in!
- Look, it's no warmer in here than it is out there.
It's freezing in here. So you just need to go.
What don't you understand?
Move the fuck along!
Help, please! I need to come inside. Open the door!
It's no warmer in here. You need to leave, now.
[tense music]
- You're not welcome here! Just go away.
I'm never gonna open the fucking doors so just leave!
Just leave!
Just leave, just leave, just leave, just leave.
Just leave!
- Power.
God. No, no, no, no. Fuck. God, please don't.
God dammit. God dammit.
Oh good.
Don't come in... Don't...
[suspenseful music]
- Anything I can help you with?
- Uh no, I'm just looking.
- All good, lemme know if you need anything.
- Yeah, actually I, I have no idea what I'm doing.
- Okay, well, what are you looking for, generally?
- Um, a gun. Like, like a, a handgun.
- Okay yeah, we got plenty of those.
Is this for general self defense or target shooting?
- Yeah yeah, like home defense or home invasion.
- Gotcha. Yeah, it's a scary world we live in.
Lot of freaks out there, huh?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- You have a particular budget
or dollar amount you wanna stay under?
- Yeah um, maybe like,
I don't know, like $400? Is that..?
- Yeah, I can work with that.
How about this?
Beretta APX.
Competitor to the glock,
about a hundred bucks cheaper too.
Some of the best bang for your buck
you're gonna get under $400.
- Um...
Okay, let's get that.
- You don't wanna look at anything else?
- Uh, um...
I mean, if you think that we should,
but I mean, if you think that
that's gonna get the job done,
then I don't see why not.
- Okay, yeah.
Well, remember we have the indoor range too,
if you want to take it for a test
drive before you make the purchase.
- Oh, uh yeah. Actually, that'd probably be a good idea.
- All right. Lay the gun down.
Not bad, not bad.
Here. This might help.
Try this. Don't focus on the target.
Focus instead on that front sight.
So you wanna line the sights up, and just look at that.
And you can let the target go blurry in your vision.
- Okay. - All right?
All right, one more time. Here we go.
Yeah, see? That help?
- Yeah. Yeah, it did.
- All right. With all your
paperwork in, background check
shouldn't take long.
- So I'll be able to take it home then, today?
- Yep. And we'll get you right outta here.
- Beautiful. - Good to be in Texas, right?
- Yeah.
You said you were worried about home invasions?
- Yeah...
just it, um it-
well it's like you said,
there's a lot of freaks out there, right?
- Yeah. That's a fact.
Well you might wanna think about getting a safe
for the gun if you're worried
about somebody breaking in.
- Yeah. Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
- Yeah. We'll take a look at that in a second.
You don't have any, uh, family history
of mental illness or anything like that, do you?
- No. Nothing like that.
- Okay.
You feeling good? Feeling okay?
- Yes.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- Who is it?
[suspenseful music]
- Michael! Michael, what the hell are you doing?
He was here, Joe. I just heard him. He can still be here.
Michael. Michael, stop for a minute.
- Help me Joe, please.
I need your help.
- I think he's gone, Mike.
- So, so what happened?
The camera. He destroyed the camera and, uh, I think
he must have gone out the front door, but I don't know.
And... uh yeah, I don't really remember everything.
- Okay. Michael, you, you do realize
that you fired your gun at 3:15 in the morning?
I mean, I could hear it two doors down, Michael.
And then you're running
around your front yard, waving a gun in the air?
Okay. Can, can we just put this away?
Do you have a safe or something?
- Uh yeah, okay. - Okay.
Okay. Now what?
- Well, let's just sit down and...
- Who's here?
- It's the police, Michael, I called them.
- Joe!
- What was I supposed to do? I heard gunshots.
Listen, it's gonna be okay.
I'll just go tell 'em what happened.
Why don't you stay here, okay?
- Don't tell them about the break-ins, please.
Just come up with something else. Tell them, tell them-
- It's okay, Michael.
It's okay. I know what I'll tell them.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
Okay, they're gone.
- What'd you tell them?
I just told them it was all a big misunderstanding.
I think we're good.
Listen, man, you gotta be careful with that gun.
You should maybe just leave it in the safe.
Unless you're absolutely sure someone's in the house.
- You don't believe me.
- I believe you.
But it's hard to explain
something like this to the police,
when you fire a gun in an empty house, in the middle
of the night, Mike.
- Hmm, the police that you called.
- Listen man, we're on the same team here.
I'm just trying to help.
- Yeah, you keep telling me that.
Okay. I, I think I'm just gonna go ahead and head home.
You know, Walgreens has those sleep aids,
and they're open 24 hours.
Would you consider that?
- I don't think so.
- I mean, I would even go and get 'em for you.
It would only take about 10 minutes.
- I said I'm good, Joe.
- Okay, well, goodnight Mike.
Don't forget to lock the door.
[door squeaks]
[suspenseful music]
- Hey. - Hey.
Can I come over?
- Hey. - Hey, Mike. You okay?
- Yeah, I just, I needed to get outta the house.
I needed to get my mind off of things.
- What do you want to do? - Uh, I mean,
I wasn't thinking we had to do anything.
I just wanted to like hang out.
You didn't have any plans tonight, did you?
- No, dude, I had literally nothing going on.
So I'm happy to see you.
I mean, I am happy
to see you regardless, but...
Uh, are you hungry?
Do you wanna order Italian on me?
- Oh, that sounds perfect.
- Great. Okay. Um, how about...
Here, just put in what you
want. Any appetizers you want.
Whatever has the most calories. It's the weekend.
- Oh wow. I forgot that it was Saturday.
- Oh, that's right. You're not working yet.
Any progress on that? Job searching?
- Zero. I'm, I'm just trying
to get settled into this house.
- Uh yeah, when are you gonna invite me over
to see the house?
I still haven't been yet.
- Oh, well, at this rate, never.
Um, which, speaking of which,
this is my first time seeing this place, right?
- Have you not been here yet? - I don't think so.
- Damn... well,
now you're right down the road,
- Yeah no, I was gonna say, it's such an easy drive.
- So...
what's been going on, man?
You sounded pretty upset on the phone.
- Yeah, um...
I just, um...
I've just been stressed with
the house, getting settled
and getting unpacked, and...
I've not been sleeping well.
I've just been very overwhelmed with the whole thing.
- Well, you know I can relate to that.
That first semester living alone in
that apartment on campus?
I'm sure you can remember it was, pretty rough.
- Yeah, I remember that. - So much anxiety.
- Yeah. - But eventually I got settled in,
and I'm sure for you it's just a matter of getting used
to being on your own.
And it might take a while, but you'll be okay.
- Yeah um, it's more than that.
And I don't want to downplay
anything that you went through.
- No. - Um, but did you ever have nightmares,
or a hard time sleeping?
- No. I mean, if, if anything, it was the opposite of that.
Like, I, I didn't want to get out
of bed half the time, you know?
- I'm basically afraid to sleep now.
And do you remember me ever like,
sleep walking or anything?
- No. Um, no.
Not, not that I remember.
I mean, it has been a while
since we slept in the same room,
so maybe, but...
- Well, apparently I sleepwalk now.
I have nightmares, like
vivid nightmares.
Like, I remember them like they really happened.
- They feel so real. - Jesus.
- So anyway, um...
as you can tell, I am having a hard time.
- No shit.
Look, have you ever
considered talking to a therapist?
You know I started going
into therapy during that time
to deal with all that anxiety, and...
I know it's not the same, but you might find it helpful.
- Yeah, no, I haven't
really, I haven't really thought about it.
- Yeah, you might wanna look into it.
you wanna watch something?
- Yeah um, yeah whatever you're feeling.
- Well, I got cheated.
- Well, now that's still don't make it right.
And I know that you wouldn't
feel good cheating your friend.
- Can I help you?
How is it? It's good, right?
- It's so good. Where is this place again?
- Like 10 minutes that way.
I think it's actually closer to you than it is to me.
- God, I've had good Italian food in so long.
Good Italian food to me beats everything else.
- Mm.
What was the name of that place that we used to go
to when we were little?
It started with a G?
- Oh shit. Um...
- Yeah! Yeah...
I wonder what happened to that place,
do you think they're still around?
- I can't imagine that it is.
No one was ever there.
Unless they had like a money
laundering front or something.
- Yeah, could be.
- This is so nice, Jenny. Thank you, for letting me
just come over and hang out.
Yeah dude, for sure.
- Please do so more often. There's no reason not to.
- Yeah, for real.
[TV running]
[TV running]
- Alright. I gotta go to bed.
Um, are you crashing here tonight?
You need a pillow and blanket?
- Yeah, I'll just crash on the couch if that's okay.
- Yeah, of course.
Umm, hmm...
- Uh, here's a blanket. and look. Who's he?
And look who's here.
- Oh shit, Baby.
I forgot you still had him.
- Mm, Baby doesn't leave the bed.
Yeah, he's living a pretty good life these days.
Not as adventurous as he once was.
- Oh, well, Baby was hitting it
pretty hard there for a while.
Oh, we had some good times together, didn't we, Babe?
- Baby doesn't really talk much anymore.
- Mmm.
Well good to see you, Babe.
Glad to see you're still doing well.
- All right. Good night. Sleep well.
Um, if you need a shower, you know where it is.
- Okay. Thank you. Good night.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- Are you okay?
Sorry, sorry.
- No, it's okay. I just was just
I just was-
another nightmare.
Did you hear me?
Did you hear me? Did I say anything?
- You just sounded scared.
- Yeah, I was scared. I couldn't move.
I guess it helps when I just close my eyes.
- When I couldn't see them, I went there.
They, they weren't there.
- Who?
What is it?
- I gotta go.
- Mike, what's going on?
- Something at the house. I'll explain later.
Is everything okay?
Everything's gonna be just fine.
[suspenseful music]
- Joe!
Open the fucking door!
Right fucking now!
- Michael, get in the house and lower your voice.
- What were you doing at my house?
- Get that thing outta my face and I'll tell you.
Okay, I saw your car wasn't home,
so I was just checking
to make sure your doors were locked.
- Oh, that is bullshit.
Is that the best you can come up with?
Why don't you just tell me the truth,
once and for all,
that this has been you the whole time,
and you don't want me in this house for some reason.
- What reason, Michael?
Why the fuck would I not want you in that house?
- I don't know, Joe. Why would anyone be doing this?
Why would anyone be coming
into my house and just fucking-
- Because no one is coming
into your house.
You fucking sleepwalk.
You know it and I know it.
You, you walk around in the middle of the night.
You, you, you open doors and
you see shit that's not there.
It's not real, Michael.
You're standing here, waving a fucking gun in my face.
I mean, this has gone far enough.
This ends right here, right now.
Give me the gun, Michael.
- What did you tell the police?
- What?!
What, did you just tell them this is all in my head?
That I'm crazy and just imagining that people are
breaking into my fucking house every night.
- I told them it was a misunderstanding.
I told them it was a mistake.
I told them there were no gunshots.
I mean, if, if I hadn't told them what I told them,
you wouldn't be standing here in my house
with a gun in your hand.
- That's bullshit.
- I don't need you to believe me.
I just need you to give me the gun, Michael. Now.
- No, man.
- Give the gun, Michael.
[heavy breathing]
- Fuck you Joe.
- I'm sorry bud. Um...
You need help.
You need the kind of help I can't give you.
You should maybe see a doctor
or someone that's familiar with sleep disorders,
maybe even a, a psychiatrist.
And listen, I, I pray nothing but the best for you.
But until you're on the other side of this thing,
you're not welcome in my house.
And I'm, I'm gonna hold onto this too.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
No, no.
- Oh, please no, fuck.
[suspenseful music]
- You fucking idiot.
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
[suspenseful music]
Damn it, answer your phone, you fucking asshole.
He was here.
He was just here, you fuck.
I need your help.
I just need your help,
and you're not fucking helping me.
He took my cameras. I have nothing.
I have nothing but your stupid sleep app.
Guess what, big surprise.
I don't sleep too fucking good.
It's all a fucking nightmare, it's a fucking nightmare.
Fuck you, Joe!
Please, just help me, why won't you fucking help me?
[suspenseful music]
- Cheap shit.
[closes door]
- Blood pressure a little high.
- I've been told that's called 'white coat syndrome.'
- Well, from what you filled out on your form here,
I'm guessing that's only part of it.
So let's talk about your insomnia, your nightmares.
Just take me through that experience.
- Okay. So I've been having these nightmares
that there's someone in my house.
I live alone.
And I'll be lying in bed, and I can't move.
And I feel this weight on my chest
and I swear it is really happening.
- Sleep paralysis.
- Yeah. And, but I will hear things too.
I'll hear the front door
creak open, then the footsteps
and I'll, I'll see these shadowy hooded figures,
but, so is that normal to be hearing things too?
- Yes. Everything you've
described so far is fairly common.
Auditory hallucinations are
often part of the experience.
- Okay. And like last night, I was at my sister's house,
and I shut my eyes,
and that kind of helped me to kind of push through it.
- Hmm. You mentioned feeling a weight on your chest.
Do you typically sleep on your back or on your side?
- My back.
Yeah, so sleeping on your back,
or supine position, is believed
to make you more prone
to these sleep paralysis events.
You might try to sleep on your side
as much as you can help it.
- Okay. But what about the sleepwalking?
Is it normal that all this stuff is happening at once?
- These things can start to snowball.
It's probably stemming from your insomnia
and your irregular sleep schedule.
Michael, are these parasomnias
a relatively new thing in
your life, or have you dealt with them for some time?
I don't think I've ever slept great.
But the sleep paralysis
and sleepwalking, that is definitely new.
Have you experienced a major life change recently?
Like a new job or a death in the family?
I just moved into a new house.
And you mentioned living alone.
Is this your first time living alone?
I think we might be getting to the bottom of this.
I think, as you continue to settle in
and get used to living on your own,
these episodes will start to go away.
In the meantime, I might suggest
you see a therapist about this.
Anxiety can affect many
different areas of your life.
Let me see about referring
you to someone in your area.
Fucking idiot.
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
- Hey! Wait.
Can I help you?
Yeah, this is my car. That's my house.
- Okay, you know you're not
supposed to park in the street, right?
No, yeah. I know, I know that.
Listen, I, uh, just wanted to ask you a question.
So I don't, I don't imagine that you've,
you haven't seen anything, right?
You haven't seen anyone breaking into any houses?
I, so I just, I'm, I'm wondering
because I've thought my house was being broken
into like every night.
So I was wondering if um, if maybe you'd seen anything
uh, while you were on, on patrol at night?
I, um, I
yeah I, I mean, I can't imagine that you have,
I just have very vivid nightmares, you know?
It's crazy shit, man.
- You the guy who fired the gun off the other night?
- No, that wasn't me.
Okay well, I haven't seen anything
or heard anything about
break-ins in the neighborhood.
Is this your car then?
- Yeah. So I parked here on purpose, so uh, to make sure,
so I could talk to you.
All right, this is a ticket.
You just need to park it in the driveway.
Okay. Oh, good.
No, that's what I was hoping you would do.
Okay. Thank you.
Thank you so much. That's great.
- Hello?
- Hi Nancy, it's Michael from the other day,
the house on Green Tree.
- Oh, hey Michael. How are you doing?
- I'm good. I'm alright. Um, I
uh, meant to call you back the other day, but um...
anyway, I, I had a question that I wanted to ask you
before I hung up that I didn't
get the chance to, which is,
was there, did you ever give a key to someone?
Like was there a spare key
that you gave to a family member
or a neighbor or anything like that?
Do you remember if you might have done that?
- Yeah, um no, I had the only key.
Well, your parents had a key,
but I never gave a key to anyone else.
What's been going on?
Has anything happened with the house?
- No, no, nothing. Nothing's happened.
I've just been...
just bad dreams.
- Joe.
- Hi Michael. - Hi Olivia.
I just wanted to come and say that I'm sorry,
um, obviously for the other night.
That is not who I am.
- I promise... Hey, Mike.
What's going on? What did I tell you?
I just wanted to apologize.
I went and saw a doctor, like you said.
I'm done, Joe.
I'm just, I'm done with all this.
I'm sorry for involving you in this in the first place.
I'm sorry for not seeing that
you were trying to help me.
I'm sorry for rejecting that help.
And I'm sorry for the way that I acted the other night.
You were right. I um,
I need help.
And I know that I'm not welcome in your house. I get it.
I deserve that. But I do hope that, one day, maybe
in the not too distant future, that uh, that we can
be friends and just start over again.
- Well, Michael, thank you for that mature apology,
and I accept it.
But that doesn't change anything regarding-
- No, I know. And that's okay.
I, I understand.
I just also wanted to tell you that I, um,
I'm gonna move back in with my parents.
I am clearly not ready to be completely on my own.
I thought that I was, but I,
clearly need some help, so
I'm gonna go back and just
try to get stronger mentally.
And then, uh I don't know,
but I, I, this is just, this is just too much,
Michael, I'm not sure that moving back
in with your parents is the
best thing for you right now.
- Well, I don't know either, but I, that's
that's what I'm gonna do.
At least I'm mostly packed.
So um, anyway, I just wanted to say I'm sorry,
and uh, thank you for being such a good neighbor, and
uh, so yeah, goodbye, I guess.
- Okay well, don't make any decisions just yet, bud.
Take your time.
You know, think about it.
- Okay, well, I'll see you around.
[dramatic music]
- You're moving back home?
- That's what I said.
- What the hell happened the other night?
I mean, shit, you've been living here like, what a week?
This, this doesn't make any sense.
- Listen, it's, it's something wrong with me.
I'm not well, mentally.
- Well, what does that mean, Mike?
I mean, the world doesn't wait for you to be ready
for big changes like this.
Sometimes you're just thrust into new
situations and you have to adapt.
- Well, I'm having a hard time adapting.
- Well, yeah, it takes time.
What, do you think everything was perfect
for me when I moved out?
No, it, it was a fucking nightmare.
But you don't just give up and
go back home to your parents.
This doesn't sound like you.
- Well, I haven't been quite myself lately.
No, listen, it's the, it's the fucking sleep thing.
- The nightmares. - Yeah.
Yeah I mean, that's part of it, Jenny,
but it's more than just the
nightmares. It's everything.
I'm exhausted. I can't do this anymore.
Listen, I, I don't even wanna tell you everything,
but I have made such a fucking idiot
out of myself so many times in the last few days,
I had the cops called on me, so...
I can't do this anymore.
There is something wrong with me.
I mean, I literally went to a doctor yesterday
and he told me it's because of the move.
So I don't know what else to do. And I'm sorry
that I ran out on you the other night.
I didn't mean to freak you out,
but I have been pretty freaked out myself lately.
I mean, shit, I got home
and all of the security cameras that I put up
around the house had disappeared.
I mean, you know?
- Wait, what?
- The cameras,
when I got home, they...
- Wait, back up.
You had security cameras and they went missing?
I, um...
Was this one of the nightmares
or you said the camera had actually disappeared?
Hey, are you there?
Can you talk to me?
What, what's going on?
- Michael?
[suspenseful music]
Michael, what's happening?
Talk to me! Michael!
- Joe, it's real. It's all real. - What's going on, Mike?
The whole time, there was someone in my attic.
- Joe! There's someone in my house right now.
- Michael, calm-okay, okay...
- No I need the gun. I need to end this right now.
- Okay, calm down.
- Give me the gun. - Calm down, listen, no, no, no, no.
If you really think someone's in your attic,
then we should probably call the police
and wait for them to show up.
- Damnit, you still don't believe me.
Joe, I saw him on camera!
- Listen man, I believe you. I really believe you,
Mike. Let's just call 911.
- Come on man, stop fucking around. Give me the gun.
Damn it, Michael! This has to stop.
- I'm sorry, Joe, I have to do this. - Please!
- Joe, what happened?
Hello? Yes.
It's my neighbor. He's got a gun,
and he's running down the street with it.
And I think he might use it.
[suspenseful music]
- If anyone's up there,
I have a gun.
This has gone on long enough.
[suspenseful music]
- I know you're up here.
Ah, shit!
- I just need to use your bathroom.
I, I just, I just need to use your shower.
Could, could, could I use your shower?
I, I just need to use the bathroom.
- No, no uh, I don't think that's a good idea.
I think we're gonna wait here.
- Maybe something to, to eat? I'm, I'm really hungry.
I, I feel dirty.
I, I just need to use your
bathroom and maybe your shower.
- No, listen to me. We're gonna...
we're gonna wait here,
and I'm gonna call the police.
I think maybe I just wanna leave.
Don't move! Don't fucking move.
We're gonna wait here.
Don't fucking move, stop!
- Michael, I don't-
Don't, don't say my name. Don't say anything.
I don't want to hurt you.
I just wanna leave.
Please, stop.
Please, please don't, don't,
don't come any closer, please.
Don't make me do this.
- It's okay. It's just a dream.
[suspenseful music]
- Sir,
are you hurt?
Sir what, what's your name?
Talk to me. Talk to me.
- Michael.
- Are you hurt? - No.
- You're all right.
[suspenseful music]
- Here's your phone.
- Oh, thanks.
- I'm so sorry, Michael.
I didn't believe you.
I don't think I ever believed you.
- I don't think I even believed myself, after a while.
- This whole time.
I mean, who knows how long he'd been up there?
- Did they say anything? Who he was, or where he came from?
- They haven't been able to get any info out of him yet.
And uh, I think it may be a
while before we hear anything.
So I uh,
I guess they cleaned up the attic for you
and, and everything.
So it's ready if you want to go back home.
But listen, bud, you're always welcome to stay
with us if you're not ready yet.
- I appreciate that, Joe, but I,
I mean, the house isn't the problem, right?
I think I just wanna go home,
and try to sleep in my own bed.
And see how that goes.
- So you gonna move back with your parents?
- No.
No, I don't think so.
- Good. Would you like me to call him?
Um, would you like me to call them?
Maybe, have them come pick you up, or...
of course, I'm happy to take you home myself.
Unless, you know, is there someone you'd like me to call?
- No, not that I can think-
Wait, can you call my sister?
- So you don't, you don't want to talk to her?
- No, not yet.
- Okay.
- Hey - Hello, Jennifer?
- Mike? - No, listen.
Uh, Michael's right here sitting next to me.
Um, this is his neighbor, Joe.
Yeah, now, now Michael's perfectly all right.
He's just fine. I'm calling from the police station.
Um, we've had a pretty rough time tonight,
but uh, it looks like it's all behind us now.
Yes, everything's all right, but I think
Michael would much appreciate...
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- Here, use this.
Couldn't sleep?
Me either.
You need some help?
- Yeah, I could use a hand.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]