The Journey: A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli (2023) Movie Script

[inspirational music]
[soft rattling]
[birds chirping]
[wind blowing]
[gentle music]
When I was a child,
my grandfather wanted
to buy me a horse.
[echoing neighing]
He desired that I learn to ride
before I lost my sight,
to experience the gift
and joy of the journey.
The day he passed away,
my father went out
and bought me my first horse.
Through my grandfather,
I was reminded
that life is short,
a precious miracle
not to be wasted.
When the world shut down,
my heart turned
from the grand concert halls
to the quiet hills
of my boyhood.
I decided I would embark
on a pilgrimage
along the famous
Via Francigena trail
with my wife Veronica
and a few close friends.
We will explore the moments
that inspire us
and the music that unites us.
[inspirational music]
we'll discover the gift
and the joy of the journey.
[birds chirping]
[gentle music]
Our journey begins in Rome.
We will travel 200 miles
to our home in Lajatico,
along the paths the saints
and the apostles traveled
for the message
of Jesus's birth,
death, and resurrection.
But, first, a blessing
for the long road ahead.
["Petite Messe solennelle,
Gloria: 2. Domine Deus"
by Andrea Bocelli]
["Petite Messe solennelle,
Gloria: 2. Domine Deus"
[birds chirping]
[gentle music]
Nature is one of life's
greatest miracles.
I find peace in the silence
when I know I am alone
with nature,
alone with God.
Great composers make room
for silence in their music.
We, too, should make room.
[wind blowing]
[inspirational orchestral music]
Saint Augustine once said,
"He who sings prays twice."
That's how I feel when I hear
my friend Tori Kelly sing,
like I'm listening
to the anthem of her soul.
["Soul's Anthem (It Is Well)"
by Tori Kelly]
My soul
-Tori. It's...
-Hi.'s so incredible
to see you here.
-[Tori] It's amazing.
-I remember the first time
that we sang together,
we were in Milan,
and I had
to sing a song with you.
I was completely
without my voice.
-No way.
-I remember, I was sick.
-What? I wouldn't have known.
-I was sick.
[birds chirping]
I don't know why, but whenever
there's a beautiful lady,
-his English comes right away.
-With beautiful ladies,
my English comes out.
What made you decide
to go on this journey?
Many years ago,
two Italian musicians...
...did this, uh, journey
from Milan to Rome...
-Wow. horse, you know?
And this way
it's the perfect place...
...where we can reflect.
[gentle music]
What felt your heart
in this last, uh, period?
Mm, that's a good question.
I've been thinking about hope
just because it's something
everybody needs.
I mean,
specially with this last year,
there's been so much loss
and so much pain
and hurting and--
-This has been a terrible
period for everybody...
...because many people
lost the-- their hope.
...I think that it'll be
like at the end of every war.
After a terrible war,
there is a beautiful period
in which people wants
to recover their life.
[birds chirping]
[Tori] I'd love to know a time
that maybe you felt
like you've lost hope.
My career started
when I was already...
-...almost 35 years old.
And before,
many times I heard "No."
-[Andrea] It's okay.
But you kept going.
Yeah, absolutely, because I...
...I, I didn't sing
for the career.
I d-- I s-- I sang for myself,
-That's it, right there.
I know, for me, like,
music gives me hope,
-a lot too when we...
-Um, of course,
-music, it's a big gift...
-...when we sing.
-Yes. Absolutely. God, you know.
[gentle music continues]
["Never Alone
(feat. Kirk Franklin)"
by Tori Kelly]
In my time
I've traveled some roads
A rolling stone
Nowhere feels like home
And I've seen people come
then they go
Life is just a story
of some highs
And some lows, yeah, yeah
Tell me, do you believe
in miracles?
I'm standing here
before your eyes
I've cried many rivers
I've walked
through some pain
I've seen my world crumble
And I carry the shame
But I know somebody
He calls me His own
I can hear
heaven singing out
Oh, oh, oh
you're never alone
Oh, oh, oh
you're never alone
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Everybody wants to be king
And we put all our hope
Inside material things
Oh, oh, oh, in Your light
I now understand
That everything I have
Ain't everything that I am
Oh, sometimes I feel like
I'm not good enough
But that's when
love says You're mine
Oh, no
I've cried many rivers
I've walked
through some pain
I've seen my world crumble
And I carry the shame
But I know somebody
He calls me His own
I can hear
heaven singing out
Oh, oh, oh
you're never alone
Oh, oh, oh
you're never alone
Ooh, oh
I may have took some time
But now I realize
that my imperfections
Were a part of Your plan
-If all things work together
in the end
-In the end
The broken will be beautiful
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Oh, no, no, hey
Oh, I've cried many rivers
I've walked
through some pain
I've seen my world crumble
And I've carried the shame
But I know somebody
He calls me His own, yeah
-Can you hear
heaven singing out
-Oh, oh, oh, you're
-Never alone
-Oh, you're never alone
-No, oh, oh, oh
-Oh, you're never alone
You're never
you're never alone
-No, no, woo, ooh, ooh
-You're never alone
-Oh, oh, oh
you're never alone
-Hey, hey
We are never alone
[birds chirping]
So, earlier,
when we were talking about... you said
you got a lot of noes.
And a lot of, uh,
closed doors...
-...but you kept,
you kept going,
you kept the faith,
and it reminded me of--
I have a similar story.
When I was 12, and I,
I had my first record deal,
I thought it was gonna be,
you know, my big shot,
my big break, and suddenly,
it didn't work out,
and I, I thought that was it.
I just remember that's actually
when I started journaling,
and I remember writing just,
like, prayers in my... my notebook
and just praying out
to God and just saying,
"I--" you know,
"I just love, I love to sing.
I wanna sing about you
and I wanna sing
about your love."
And, uh, I just
kind of held onto that.
Me too. I remember,
when I was younger,
when I was beginning my--
-trying to begin my career...
...every time, the speech was,
"The voice is beautiful but--"
-There was always a "but,"
you know?
Anyway, it's a destiny.
[crickets chirping]
Are you happy that you,
you didn't force it?
-Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
-It was all natural, yeah?
...because if you are,
if you are a singer...
...people must ask you
-"Sing for me," not you ask...
-..."Please listen to me,"
you know?
And I hope we can
sing together in future.
Oh, I'd love that.
I love singing with you,
so it's an honor every time
we get to sing together.
["Hallelujah" by Tori Kelly
and Andrea Bocelli]
[wind blowing]
I've heard there was
a secret chord
That David played
And it pleased the Lord
But You don't really care
For music, do You?
It goes like this
the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall
and the major lift
The baffled king
Composing Hallelujah
[singing in Italian]
[singing in Italian]
-I did my best
-I did my best
-It wasn't much
-It wasn't much
-I couldn't feel
-I couldn't feel
-So I tried to touch
-So I tried to touch
-I've told the truth
-I've told the truth
-I didn't come to fool You
-I didn't come to fool You
-And even though
-It all went wrong
-It all went wrong
-I'll stand before
-I'll stand before
-The Lord of song
-The Lord of song
-With nothing on my tongue
-With nothing on my tongue
-But Hallelujah
-But Hallelujah
[crickets chirping]
[wind blowing]
[birds chirping]
[gentle music]
[music increases]
Music creates a bond
unlike anything else I know.
It's what first connected me
and my wife Veronica,
and it's what connected us
with singer and songwriter
Michael W. Smith.
We all share a passion for music
and creating opportunities
for the next generation,
artists like soprano
Clara Barbier Serrano.
["Pianissimo" by Andrea Bocelli
and Clara Barbier Serrano]
[singing in Italian]
["Pianissimo" continues]
["Pianissimo" continues]
["Pianissimo" continues]
[crickets chirping]
[birds chirping]
[organ music]
We have this incredible gift
to be able to share
with the world
this gift of music,
and-- which I still think
is the most powerful
universal language in the world.
One of the things
that I feel like God has told me
is I'm just supposed to tell
the world that He loves them.
People still feel
like they have to earn it
or they have
to do this or do that,
but the fact is
He just simply loves them,
and you wanna see
the world change, and so do I.
And I love doing that.
I love sharing the hope
of the world with people.
["Sing Again"
by Michael W. Smith]
the pain feels like
A hollow in my chest
Sometimes I struggle
just to take another step
All I could see were shadows
looming up ahead
Will we find some peace
in the end?
Through all the fear
and doubt
We long for better days
And in our hopelessness
we tried to find our way
Yet in the strife
we saw a glimmer
Through the haze
Even in the sorrow
We can
Still believe
This lonely heart
will sing again
These barren lungs
will breathe again
Through suffering
we're stronger
In the palm of His hand
Like a beacon in the night
Hope illuminates the sky
Reaching for each other
And as we carry on
We're the keepers
of the light
We now remember who we are
and how to live
To love with open arms
to heal and to forgive
And we'll keep shining
like a city on a hill
Even in the sorrow
We can
Still believe
This lonely heart
will sing again
These barren lungs
will breathe again
Through suffering
we're stronger
In the palm of His hand
Like a beacon in the night
Hope illuminates the sky
Reaching for each other
And as we carry on
We are keepers
Of the light...
Our lonely hearts
will sing again
Our barren lungs
will breathe again
Together, we are stronger
And as we carry on
As the keepers of
We are keepers of the light
We'll make it
through the night
[crickets chirping]
[birds chirping]
I am always drawn
to keepers of the light,
and that's exactly
how I would describe
singer Tauren Wells.
He's full of light and life.
Good morning!
Good morning.
-Good to see you.
-Great to see you too.
It's beautiful.
Should we ride
a little bit here?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, where are you from, Tauren?
Where were you, now?
I am from Texas.
The country for the horse.
-Yeah, the country
of the horses.
But I had never ridden a horse.
It's so strange. [chuckles]
-Till today.
Coming back, you,
you will be more Texan.
-[laughs] That's right.
How's the journey been?
Very well for now.
-How many miles have you ridden?
-Oh, many, many, many.
One of the things
that they told me,
having never ridden before,
was that the horse can sense...
...your energy.
-[Veronica] Yes.
Your fear
-or your excitement.
I think the horses are
a little bit like the audience.
It can smell,
it can, uh, you know,
really understand
who it's facing.
Whenever artists go through,
uh, like, a very
strong moment in life,
we, as an audience,
we can understand that.
I found this, and I know
that you found this in songs
that you've written
and performed.
A lot of times, you're writing
or performing from an emotion
or from a place
that you've been,
something that you felt.
And then, sometimes,
you're singing in response
to that emotion or that feeling.
-So true.
-There is a song
that I put out recently
-on my album
Citizen of Heaven...
-...and it's called
"Until Grace."
And it's a story
that really comes
from an honest place.
I always thought
that I would always live
in this cycle of dysfunction
and brokenness.
And then, one day
I met God's grace.
-[Veronica] Mm-hmm.
And it was in that moment
that I realized
that where there is truth,
freedom is possible.
And I finally dealt with myself
in a real way, you know,
and that's how I was able
to write this song,
"Until Grace."
["Until Grace" by Tauren Wells]
I knew I was broken
but there was no one
That I could tell
Mm, praying felt like
I was throwing pennies
In a wishing well
And I started believing
I was cursed to carry
this weight
I was listing the reasons
Of why I should walk away
Until grace called my name
Oh, I didn't know
I could be free
Until grace found me
Until grace
Broke these chains
Oh, I didn't know
I could be free
Until grace found
Your grace found me
-Great. Bravo.
-[all] Woo-hoo.
-Well, the horse
didn't buck me off,
-[Veronica chuckling] Woo-hoo!
[birds chirping]
[water softly lapping]
And how was your life
before the grace?
Oh, as a kid, I was wild.
-Oh, really?
-Absolutely insane.
I was always in class
playing drums on the desk,
being the class clown.
You know,
what I tell people now is
I actually get paid
to do all the things
-that I got in trouble
for doing in school.
-I, I was a little bit
naughty boy as well.
I went, I went to the,
uh, the same mass every,
every Sunday with my family,
and I, I went to play the,
the organ,
but before this, in mass,
instead of to play
the sacred song,
-I played the pop music,
you know?
And the priest,
the priest was very angry.
I'm sure.
You know,
when I was in fourth grade,
I had a teacher tell me,
"Tauren, kids like you
end up in jail."
Oh, really?
Not very positive.
So, it's been kind of my purpose
and my calling
to have people not believe
those negative voices,
to raise the ceiling
of what they believe
is possible in their lives.
And, you know, exactly
as you were saying before,
-everybody has
his own place to be.
-[Tauren] Yeah.
And I'm sure mine was
to push artists on stage.
-To be up there, you need
to have the right charisma...
...and you need to be sure
that what you're gonna share
with the rest of the people
it's something that comes
from your heart and from God.
So, Andrea thinks there are only
two kinds of music,
-the good music
and the bad music.
And it's not because--
it is not the one you like
or you don't like,
it's more about
what is good for the soul
-and what unluckily
brings you down.
-But it's very logical
because music influence
the senses.
Yes, we're not
just singing from what we feel.
We're singing from a place
of faith in response
to what we're feeling.
["Hills and Valleys"
by Tauren Wells]
I've walked among
the shadows
You wiped my tears away
And I've felt the pain
of heartbreak
And I've seen
the brighter days
And I've prayed prayers
to heaven
From my lowest place
And I have held
the blessings
God, You give and take away
No matter what I have
Your grace is enough
No matter where I am
I'm standing in Your love
On the mountains I will bow
my life to the One
Who set me there
In the valley
I will lift my eyes
To the One who sees me there
When I'm standing
on the mountain
I didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking
through the valley
I know I am not alone
You're God
of the hills and valleys
Hills and valleys
God of the hills and valleys
And I am not alone
I've watched my dreams
get broken
In You, I hope again
No matter what, I know
I'm safe inside Your hands
On the mountains
I will bow my life
To the One who set me there
In the valley
I will lift my eyes
To the One who sees me there
When I'm standing
on the mountain
I didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking
through the valley
I know I am not alone
And, Father
You give and take away
Every joy and every pain
Through it all
You will remain
Over it all
On the mountains
I will bow my life, yeah
In the valley
I will lift my eyes
On the mountains
I will bow my life
to the One
Who set me there
In the valley
I will lift my eyes
To the One who sees me there
When I'm standing
on the mountain
I didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking
through the valley
I know I am not alone
You're God
of the hills and valleys
Hills and valleys
God of the hills and valleys
And I am not alone
You're the God of the hills
Yes, you are
the God of the valleys
God of the hills
And I... am not
And you
Are not...
[wind blowing]
We all experience
the hills and valleys.
The days when our world
feels like a mystery.
Faith was made
for these moments.
This kind of faith
shines through the music
of my next
travel companion, Taya.
You taught me to pray
You taught me to say
"There will be
a brand-new day"
[chuckling] Hello.
-How are you?
[chuckles] Nice to see you guys.
Thank you for having me.
Nice to see you ridin--
riding the horses.
Oh, my gosh, I've never seen
-rolling hills like this.
It's, it's beautiful.
-Yeah. Beautiful.
-And your horse is
very lovely too. [laughs]
Taya, when did you start knowing
that you really like
to sing in life?
Um, apparently,
I was three years old,
and I used to run
around the house.
Um, Mom would always say
that I was just
with a song in my heart.
And then she politely says that
I have never been quiet since.
So, are you happy
about your song?
-"Oceans"? Yes.
-[Andrea] Yeah.
-Did you like it
immediately or--
-[Taya] I did.
I, I actually, when,
when we recorded it
in the studio...
-...I was
just meeting everybody,
and they told me I was just in
to be background vocals.
-And I sang one song,
and then they said,
"Can you come back tomorrow?"
And I only told two people
that I sang on the record
in case the song didn't make it.
-It's a very beautiful song.
-Thank you.
-A-- and, and your voice,
so sweet.
-Yeah, yeah.
-You're, you're very kind.
No, no. I say the truth.
[inspirational music]
[birds chirping]
-When I recorded
"Time to Say Goodbye"...
-[Taya] Yeah.
...I was not co--
absolutely convinced.
-No, I didn't want to, to sing
in the Sanremo Festival.
-Luckily, they convinced me
to do it, otherwise--
-Oh, my gosh.
-And the rest is history.
Well, I feel like "Oceans"
was a gift for me.
It would become
a faith statement
-because I would stand
on stages and platforms...
...that I really felt like,
like "Who am I to be here?"
Then, yet, this song
was all about trust and faith,
so I had to learn how to live it
whilst I was encouraging
other people to do the same.
["Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)"
by Taya]
You call me out
upon the waters
Great unknown
where feet may fail
And there I find You
in the mystery
In oceans deep
my faith will stand
And I will call
upon Your name
And keep my eyes
above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest
in Your embrace
-For I am Yours
-For I am Yours
-And You are mine
-And You are mine
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Your grace abounds
in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail
and fear surrounds me
You've never failed
And You won't start now
So I will call
upon Your name
And keep my eyes
above the waves
When oceans rise
my soul will rest
In Your embrace
-For I am Yours
-For I am Yours
-And You are mine
-And You are mine
-Oh, oh, oh
-Oh, oh, oh...
Spirit, lead me
where my trust
is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet
Could ever wander
And my faith would be
made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
Spirit, lead me
where my trust
Is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet
Could ever wander
And my faith would be
made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
Spirit, lead me
where my trust
Is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet
Could ever wander
And my faith
would be made stronger
In the presence
of my Savior...
Oh, Jesus, You're
My God
I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes
above the waves
My soul will rest
in Your embrace
-I am Yours
-I am Yours
-And You are mine
-And You are mine
[birds chirping]
[wind blowing]
Before, when you were sharing
about your beautiful song...
-...and also the fact
at the beginning
has not been easy
going on stage,
and performing something
for the first time
-must be sort of exciting
and scary at the same time.
But it comes to,
to me, as a feeling...
-Yeah. that you're s--
very humble,
and I, I'm sure
that God always pick up
the right person
in the right moment.
How did you, as a young woman,
face that moment?
...I definitely felt
and, yet I was like, "Well,
God, I didn't put myself here.
You placed me here."
And so I kind of put it back
on God, and I said,
"Okay, God, if I'm here
because this is
what you want me to do,
I need to trust and believe
that you'll anoint me for this."
And he's never left me,
and he's never let me go
by myself.
["You'll Never Walk Alone"
by Andrea Bocelli]
When you walk
through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid
Of the dark
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song
Of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed
And blown
-Walk on, walk on
-Walk on, walk on
-With hope in your heart
-With hope in your heart
-And you'll never walk
-And you'll never walk
-You'll never walk
-You'll never walk
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Where your dreams be tossed
And blown
-Walk on, walk on
-Walk on, walk on
-With hope in your heart
-With hope in your heart
-And you'll never walk
-And you'll never walk
-You'll never
-You'll never
["The Sound of Silence"
["The Sound of Silence"
["The Sound of Silence"
[birds chirping]
[wind blowing]
["Veni Creator Spiritus"
by The Vitorchiano
Trappist Nuns]
["Veni Creator Spiritus"
["Schubert's Ave Maria"
by Andrea Bocelli]
[birds chirping]
["Schubert's Ave Maria"
["Schubert's Ave Maria"
["Schubert's Ave Maria"
["Schubert's Ave Maria"
[birds chirping]
[water softly lapping]
[soft splashing]
[inspirational music]
There is a page in the diary
of Tolstoy that says,
"Today, I rode a horse,
not remembering how old I was."
As we near the end
of our 200-mile journey,
I find myself feeling the same.
Though my body is tired,
my spirit feels renewed,
especially knowing
that my last leg of the journey
will be marked
by the greatest miracles
I have experienced in life.
My children.
[gentle music]
I love passing down stories
of faith to my children,
stories of courage,
strength, kindness,
and devotion.
These virtues
have shaped my life
and made me who I am today.
It is a gift to watch them walk
their own spiritual journeys.
["Ave Maria" by Andrea Bocelli]
[singing in Italian]
["Ave Maria" continues]
["Ave Maria" continues]
[gentle music]
[birds chirping]
[wind blowing]
[deeply exhales]
"Dad, I thank you
for making me rediscover
such a beautiful word,
We're all pilgrims
with a stretch of road
to travel every day.
Those who have gone before us
have left us precious clues
through the most virtuous path,
from Saint Peter's Square
to the house
of your grandparents
in Lajatico,
the valleys and path
that together with Veronica
you rode each day,
the grass on which you walked,
and the words and smiles
you exchanged.
Thank you for the invitation
to us all to reflect,
to return
to the essential values of life.
It's easy to forget them
at the age of 20 or 70.
Faith, family, love,
forgiveness, hope, prayer,
serenity, none of these
can be sold or bought,
which is perhaps why I hear
so little about them.
Today, more than ever,
we need to understand this.
So it is for this reason
that I wanted to express
my personal thank you
and on behalf of those who,
like me, try one step at a time
each day to live a life
that reflects these principles
in our own personal journey.
Thank you very much.
As a child, I would count down
the days and hours
until I could return
to my family.
To this day, the best part
of every trip is the moment
I cross the fields of Lajatico.
And now I am almost home.
["Home" by Katherine Jenkins]
Our time is now
Tomorrow is just
too far away
Our time to see
a brand-new breaking dawn
I'll open every door for you
You'll see the light
that's shining through
It's all you'll ever need
We'll walk
through autumn leaves
And over fields of green
We'll see the rivers flow
into the sea
I hold out my hand for you
I'll be here
if you want me to
It's all you'll ever need
The door is open wide
Just leave
all your troubles behind
I'll take you home, home
Everything is waiting
for you
Home, home
the sunlight through
The cloud is breaking home
Just hold my hand
I'll take you home
In the darkest night
There will be a light
Feel the shine so bright
To guide you
Surely as I breathe
I truly do believe
That you will never leave
Home, home
Everything is waiting
for you
Home, home
The sunlight through
the cloud is breaking home
Just hold my hand
I'll take you home
-[clapping and cheering]
-[Andrea] Yes! Yes!
[cheering continues]
[chuckles] Matteo.
[indistinct chattering]
My favorite place
is not on stage,
surrounded by the crowds,
but rather at home,
surrounded by the people I love.
Every time I am away,
I hope I return a better man,
a man of compassion,
faith, and devotion.
That is the journey
that never ends.
-["I Believe (feat. Katherine
Jenkins)" by Andrea Bocelli]
-One day I'll hear
The laugh of children
In a world where war
has been banned
One day I'll see
Men of all colors
Sharing words of love
And devotion
Stand up and feel
The Holy Spirit
Find the power of your faith
-Open your heart
-Open your heart
-To those who need you
-To those in need
-In the name of love
-In the name of love
-And devotion
-And devotion
-Yes, I believe
-Yes, I believe
I believe in the people
Of all nations to join
And to care for love
-I believe in a world
where light will guide us
-In a world
-And giving our love
-Give our love
-We'll make heaven
-We'll make heaven
-On earth
-On earth
-Oh, oh, oh, oh
-Oh, oh, oh, oh
-Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
-Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
-Oh, oh, oh, oh
-Oh, oh, oh, oh
-Oh, oh, oh
-Oh, oh, oh
I believe in the people
of all nations
To join and to care for love
-I believe in a world
-I believe in a world
-Where light will guide us
-Guide us
-And giving our love
-And giving our love
-We'll make heaven on earth
-We'll make heaven on earth
-Yes, I believe
-Yes, I believe
-I believe in the people
-I believe in the people
-Of all nations
-Of all nations
-To join and to care
-To join and to care
-For love
-For love
-I believe in a world
-I believe in a world
And giving our love
-We'll make heaven
-We'll make heaven
-On earth
-On earth
-We'll make heaven on earth
-We'll make heaven on earth
-I believe
-I believe
[wind blowing]
[gentle music]
Music is able
to make a person dream.
I hope my songs
make people dream
of building a better world
than the one we have found,
of using their voices to give
to others the good things
we have been freely given,
mercy, kindness, grace.
When we raise our voices
in this harmony,
it will be the sweetest sound
ever heard.
-["Amazing Grace"]
-Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch
Like me
I once was lost
But now am found
Was blind
But now I see
'Twas grace that taught
My heart to fear
And grace
My fears
How precious did
That grace appear
The hour I first
And when this flesh
And heart shall fail
And mortal life
Shall cease
I shall possess
Within the veil
A life of joy
And peace
-Amazing grace
-Amazing grace
-How sweet the sound
-How sweet the sound
-That saved a wretch
-That saved a wretch
-Like me
-Like me
-I once was lost
-I once was lost
-But now I'm found
-But now I'm found
Was blind
But now
-I see
-I see
Was blind
But now
I see
["Fratello Sole Sorella Luna
(Dolce Sentire)"
by Andrea Bocelli]
[Andrea singing in Italian]
["Fratello Sole Sorella Luna
(Dolce Sentire)" continues]
["Fratello Sole Sorella Luna
(Dolce Sentire)" continues]
["Fratello Sole Sorella Luna
(Dolce Sentire)" continues]
["Fratello Sole Sorella Luna
(Dolce Sentire)" continues]