The Last Redemption (2024) Movie Script

- Here we are, Lily.
You and me.
Who would've thought that?
Perhaps you already know
that there comes a
time in our life
when you do the math of
everything that has been,
how it could have been
and what it's now.
I didn't know it
and I learned it the hard way
that sometimes the right
choice carries too much weight.
But that's life
and I have to accept it.
It all started much earlier.
None of us could have known
what we were getting into.
I would like to tell you
that this is the story
of a group of heroes,
but that's not true.
- Give it up.
This is your last
warning, Nistrol.
Surrender or die.
- Let our friend go, Hardin.
This is between you and me.
You want a deal, then
let's make a deal.
- You want a deal?
All right.
Here's my deal.
- Get after them! Don't
let them get away.
- Bastard!
- Back then, if
somebody talked about
how Leland Nistrol made it
out of situation like that,
while it's true that
he always made it,
it was never without a scratch.
Being an outlaw always
takes its toll.
- Go!
- They called
us the "Nistrol Gang."
And in around the
village of Brea,
we were the most feared
bandits around.
But we weren't the most
dangerous threat
that gripped the king's mind.
Creatures from the depths,
which they called "orcs,"
were far greater danger
to the people of Brea.
And the king, a man alone
in defense of his kingdom,
managed to keep danger away.
But he couldn't know
that it is often closer
than we imagined,
and sometimes the true
face of those around us
hides the darkness.
- You told us
Nistrol had fled
far from the land of Brea.
- Fear not, My Lord.
My men and I will search
the forest high and low.
If this vile band of
outlaws is still here,
we will track them, find them,
and I'll put a stop to them.
You have my word.
- Thank you Captain.
As you know, we have
repelled a mob of orcs,
but they will return.
They will return, soon.
I need our men to defend
the lands of Brea.
Nistrol and his gang,
they are a problem
and we must permanently
eliminate it.
- Yes milord.
- Cousin,
these are dark days ahead.
I'm actually very worried
about what's happening
around here.
We are at the mercy of outlaws
and highway men who raid
and steal as they see fit.
Goblins and ogres attacking
us from everywhere.
A definitive solution
must be found.
- Lord Roland, you
think you know
how to govern Brea
better than I?
- My Lord,
if you gave the lands in
the east to my family,
my guards could defend
those roads
against more ogre attacks.
That would guarantee us safety.
- The lands of Brea are
not transferable.
We already have an army
in charge of those areas.
- As you like.
Mine was just a proposal
for help, cousin.
- Father?
Shall we go and see
the stars now?
- Not tonight, my love.
Tomorrow night we shall
look at the stars, together.
- Oh, okay.
- Come.
- Good night.
- Sleep well.
- Everything is wrong.
It would've been better
to run away.
- You're just a coward, Oliver.
- That's enough, Thomas.
You're better than that.
- I don't want to
die like Tristan.
Captain Hardin killed
him without mercy.
- You're afraid to die?
Sounds like a coward to me.
- I'm not a coward.
I'll kill you if you
say that again.
- Oh really? Right
here, show me.
- Brothers.
- Do it.
- Brothers.
There's no point in
fighting amongst ourselves.
Not now, not now that
we've come so far.
We've had tough times before
and we got through, together.
And together we will win,
as we did today.
- We followed you when you
told us to save Tristan.
Tristan is dead and we're
almost dead too.
- We won't give into
fear. Not now.
We'll leave Brea and these
lands with what we have, then.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I just came to talk.
- Roland?
What could you possibly
want to talk about enough
to come out here in the
middle of the night,
with just this ugly
mug to protect you?
- To speak
with you alone, Nistrol.
- Alone?
Anything you have to say to me,
you can say in front
of my men here.
But choose your words carefully.
After drinking, they
become a bit wild.
- I have a job for
you and your men.
- A job?
- If you know me and my family,
even if only by name,
then you should know that you
could make a lot of money.
And once I pay you,
I'll make sure that no one comes
chasing after you
to get it back.
- And what sort of job are
we talking about, here?
- You must kill the bastard,
King Ferrel.
- King Ferrel?
He's had his men chasing
our asses all this time.
Why would we risk so much?
- Have you ever seen
50,000 coins altogether?
It can all be yours.
Entering the castle
will not be complicated.
Guards are busy protecting the
border from orcs right now.
And once I'm king,
I can guarantee that
the law of Brea
will never be breathing
down your necks again.
- We should do this.
This is our chance.
- It's a trap.
- Oliver's right.
Sounds like a trap.
- He just wants to get
us all back there
so they can finally grab
us all at once.
- No, not this time.
You heard him.
He's offering us 50,000 coins
and the guarantee that
we get out of Brea
with no one following us.
- I mean, come on.
It's 50,000 coins.
- This is what we've
been waiting for;
our chance to be free men again.
To be free so we no longer need
to look over our shoulders.
How many of us even
remember that time?
And the best part is,
we get to send Ferrel
to hell in the process.
The Nistrol gang are at
your service, Lord Roland.
But please, do explain
how you expect
to get us inside this castle?
- It's easy.
There's a second entrance
down by the river,
but there's only one guard.
And when he sees me,
he'll walk towards
me and he'll say,
- Lord Roland.
- Good evening.
I'm gonna need your best man
to jump down from the wall
behind him and take him out.
And then your team is gonna
run through that hallway,
right through the center
of the castle.
But everyone must wear a mask,
to hide their identity,
including me.
- Roland, you are
a vile traitor.
I expected it from you.
Little worm.
Then you go and bring
Leland Nistrol and his men
here, in the middle
of the night.
That's right, I know
who you are.
The Baelian brothers,
Diana, John,
and Jack the Silent.
And I shall have all of you
hung in the village
square at sunrise.
Now, drop your weapons.
- Good evening to
you too, My Lord.
- What are you doing?
- He knows who we are.
And he has the right to see
the face of the man
who's going to kill him.
- I welcome you to try.
- All these swords are
pointing at you, Ferrel.
- Soldiers.
Now, Nistrol. You have
the same look on your face
that your friend Tristan
Godfrey had when we found him.
And you are all going
to share the same end.
- We all may die here tonight,
but you'll be dying with us.
- Captain Hardin is going
to kill you, Nistrol.
You can count on it.
- And you should count
the minutes
you have left to breathe.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- Lily honey, go back
to your room.
- Come on.
What are you waiting for?
- We become what we choose.
All of you
still have time to choose.
- What the hell did you do?
- What you should have done!
Now we have to kill
the girl, too.
She saw my face.
The girl has to die.
- Look, you wanted him dead,
now he's dead thanks to you.
You shouldn't have killed him.
Not like that.
Not here.
- Just think about it, Nistrol.
More guards are assuredly
already on their way.
We have to kill the girl.
We don't have much time.
- You're a damn fool,
you know that Roland?
- Am I?
Well listen to me, because
I have a plan.
You take the blame
for the king's murder
and his daughter's.
Look, they're gonna blame
you for this already, anyway.
Once the girl is dead,
I become king
and I can promise
you safe passage.
Remember: I'm the one
who's paying you.
Yeah, that's right.
If I take the fall for this
or if you hurt me or
try to kill me,
you get nothing.
- You're a bloody snake.
- I will pay you 100,000
coins, Nistrol.
You'll get a tomorrow
at Beach Tree Pass.
- Come on Leland, this is crazy.
We don't kill children.
- 100,000 coins, just
to kill the girl.
I'll tell Captain Hardin
that you took me and
the king hostage
and you were just about
to kill me too,
but he showed up just in time.
- Then we should kill you, now.
That's exactly what
we should do.
- Trust me, Nistrol.
Trust me.
- We do this.
We do this.
- No, Leland. We can't.
- Yes, we can.
Now go and do it.
- You have lost it, Nistrol.
I am not the only
one who sees it.
We don't kill children.
We don't do that.
We can't do that.
- Don't ever point a blade
unless you intend to use it.
This had to be done.
Don't you see?
They're going to blame
Ferrel's death on us anyway.
This snake's words,
they're not worth much.
But he's right.
We should do the smart thing.
Take the money and
leave everything behind.
- She's just a little
girl, Leland.
- Yes, and now she's all alone.
- Hardin's men are coming.
The hell happened here?
- He didn't do as he was told.
He didn't do as he was told.
We will all do as you ask,
and you will do as you promised.
- Of course, as long
as that girl is killed.
- I'll do it.
- Jack, get her out.
- Let's go!
- Traitors!
- Grab one of your men
and get the girl!
Go on!
- Hold the gates!
Cease fire!
- I'll find another way.
- Find them!
They must not escape!
- He managed to escape,
with the little girl.
- What?
- I didn't saw them outside.
- We know.
- She got away?
- You will do as I
tell you, right?
- Right, right.
- Come out, Nistrol.
We have the place completely
Put your weapons
down, it's over!
Lord Roland?
- They kidnapped me.
Some of Nistrol's men wanted
to send a message to Brea,
but he didn't.
And they tied me up and
they brought me here.
- Where is the king?
- King?
He's dead.
And they wanted to kill me too,
but Nistrol stopped him.
- Why would Leland
Nistrol fight his own men
to save you, My Lord?
- Because those bastards
betrayed me.
The men went rogue.
They started acting
for themselves.
They stopped believing
in me as their leader.
Let me help you.
- Help me?
What help could a low
life outlaw like you
Provide me, scum?
- I know those men better
than their own mothers.
Lord Ferrel's daughter,
they will kill her, Hardin.
They will.
They have no code, loyalty,
no remorse!
- Go to hell!
- You'll never catch
them, not alone.
They're some of my best men.
They're skilled, trained,
and I know where they're going.
- The king is dead.
Now I take the throne,
until we bring his
legitimate heir back here,
safe and sound.
I order you to find the child.
We owe it to King Ferrel
and we owe it to the
people of Brea.
- Yes, My Lord.
All right, Nistrol.
Come out, you're safe.
- Why did you bring me here?
You don't talk much do you?
I do. Maybe you do not
know how to speak.
I can teach you, if you want.
You remind me of this
dog my dad used to have.
He was big and never barked.
But spending enough
time with me,
he started barking again.
My mom loves to sing.
She used to tell me
bedtime stories
about the woods at night.
You know the story about,
once upon a time, there
was a bear named Guston.
Guston ate honey from
smaller trees.
You look like Guston.
Oh, what was I saying?
Guston used to eat honey.
But one day, Guston saw a fox.
The fox took all of
Guston's honey.
My dad knows how to do it.
Come have dinner
with us sometime
and he will teach you how.
He would take some little
branches, take some rope,
tie the rope in each side,
and then, if you pull the rope,
the branch will bend and then
that's how the bow works.
But, you can only
use it outside,
because you can hurt somebody.
- She's sleeping.
And now?
- Now we continue our way.
We did what we could.
She's alive.
- You're not thinking
of leaving her here?
Are you?
She's only little.
- It's not our problem.
Let's stock up on water
and get out of here.
They'll already be on our trail.
- We'll got the horses ready.
- What are you looking at?
Do you want some?
- Stop!
Come on!
Go! Go!
- The Baelian brothers,
Diana, John, Silent Jack,
wanted for the murder
of King Ferrel
and the kidnapping of his
beloved daughter, Lily.
Something funny?
- No, go on.
- These enemies of Brea
are wanted dead or alive.
So, spread the news.
The reward is 20,000
gold pieces each.
Lord Goran, one of the best
knights that Brea has to offer.
Tell me that you'll
help us find this scum.
- You can count on me
and my son, Tyrion,
Lord Hardin.
- Good.
- Your son?
Why do you still call him that?
Everyone knows he's a bastard.
- Yes, he is a bastard.
But he has earned his
name with the sword.
I have always fought
in service of Brea
and now he does the same.
His mother wanted to keep him
and now he has the opportunity
to prove to me his worth.
- What do
you suggest we do?
- They'll be heading for a
cave near Beach Tree Pass.
- How do you know that?
- Because I know.
We have a stash of money
in a cave there,
for a situation just like this.
That's where they'll be going.
- You better hope you're right.
- A nice reward.
Don't think too much.
Keep your mind on the goal.
Take those outlaws dead
or alive, you decide.
I don't care.
- You best still get
me what you owe.
- Not as long as that
girl still lives.
- She'll be dead,
soon enough.
- All right men, no mercy.
Move out!
- I won't see my father
again, will I?
- No.
- He's dead.
- Yeah.
Yeah, he's dead.
- What is it like to be dead?
- None of us really knows.
None of us died, yet.
- Not yet.
- Well, did you want
my father dead?
- No, none of us did.
It was never part of the plan.
- Not for us, anyway.
- So, why was he killed then?
- They were bad men with us.
- Why were they with you
if they were bad?
- Let's just say, we
all used to be friends.
We're not. We're not anymore.
- I still don't really
If my father was good and
some bad man killed him,
then are you good
or are you bad?
- As you all know,
our beloved King Ferrel
lost his life
to the hands of vile criminals.
And believe me, my
heart is broken.
I could easily be there under
the ground with him today.
But I am here.
And I promise you and our king,
who's watching over
us all right now,
that we will find his daughter
and we will bring back
her kidnappers to Brea,
where they will serve
their justice.
- I need to pee.
- Again?
You just did.
- I need to do it again.
I can't hold it.
- Not now.
- I'm gonna
pee on the horse.
- All right!
John, take her.
- Why me?
- Just do it.
And hurry up.
- Calm down, my fellow
highway men.
- The Griso.
- Do you know how long
we've been out here,
waiting for travelers?
Part of the job, I suppose.
Tell me, what are the
Baelian brothers
doing at Beach Tree Pass,
with a little girl?
- None of your concern, old man.
- Wow.
Easy now.
No need to get defensive,
or is there?
Unless she's valuable
in some way?
- She isn't.
- Well, then you won't mind
us taking her with us, anyway.
- Trust me. You don't want her.
She talks too much
and pees a lot.
- I don't pee a lot!
- Then, there you have it.
Sorry Diana.
We've been out here
for far too long,
that we can't just let you
go without taking anything.
I'm sure you understand me.
The child must come with us.
- I'm afraid we can't
let that happen.
- I'm afraid you have no choice.
You are funny though, I mean,
I could just have you
all killed right now
and take her with us anyway.
Your choice.
- Take her.
She's yours.
- Much obliged, Diana.
- No, no, I don't want to go!
- No, no, I
don't want to go!
- What the hell are
you doing, Diana?
- Didn't have a choice, John.
Would you rather
us be dead? Hmm?
They had the drop on us.
The would've killed us
all, right then and there.
Is that what you want?
All our mother's children
gone from this earth,
all at once,
to finally be with
her and father?
Captain Hardin probably
already has
our faces posted all
over the place.
I bet, by now, we're the
three most wanted villains.
We don't have much time.
We need to be quick if
we want to stay alive
and get the money that Leland
had hidden in the forest,
before he does.
Only then we can go as far
and as fast away from here,
from all of this, as possible.
We were too slow
with her anyway.
She was just slowing us down.
- Jack, wait!
He's right, Diana.
We can't do this.
- She is not our responsibility,
Did you not just hear me?
We have our own problems.
- Where are we going?
It stinks.
I want to get off.
I don't like this horse.
I'm tired.
- All right, I'm hungry anyway.
You want some?
- I'm not hungry.
- Now, take this and
play with this.
Let us enjoy our food.
We've got a long ride ahead.
- But I don't wanna play.
- I didn't ask you what
you wanted to do.
I just told you what to do.
Now, do it!
- No!
- I don't want to hear
another word out of you.
I am the one who make
decisions here.
Do you understand?
- Guston, he came back!
- Kill him! Kill!
Go, go, go!
- Diana?
- There's nothing.
- What?
- There's nothing here.
There's no money.
Leland's been lying to
us from the beginning.
He never kept any of
our earnings here.
It's like, everything
was just a lie.
- So what now?
- I don't know.
It's hard to get too
far for too long,
without any money.
- Hey, look at the sun!
- You there!
Untie me, please.
I can give you a reward.
- The bounty on your
head is far more
than any reward you could
give me, Griso.
But today is your lucky day.
I am on someone else's trail.
- I'm sure you are following
those three
with the little girl?
I can tell you which way
they went and what they did.
- They tied you by the
balls and they went north.
I don't need to know more.
- My men did this to you.
- I never understood
how you got them to follow you
as long as you did,
Leland Nistrol.
Baelian brothers,
they're not exactly
the orders type.
Now you know it, don't you?
- Was there a
little girl with them?
- They gave her to
me and then came
and stole her back.
That's what this was all about.
They killed
my men.
- Leave him.
- Out of all those
men that night,
the only man who was trying
to do the right thing,
And it's all our fault.
- You know we can't keep
her with us, though.
You know that.
- We could take her
south to Nora.
- They're friends of Brea.
She's the daughter.
They would protect her, there.
It's the right thing to do.
We could find a wagon, then.
Hide in the North with
whatever we could grab.
I am going to get us more wood.
- Who do we have here?
- What a good guy, you are.
You came here alone?
- Then, you can speak?
Or maybe you don't know
how to say "thank you."
- Oh, you guessed it.
I can't speak.
But I can do this.
Are you all right?
- That doesn't change
things between us.
- Pity, I started to like you.
Why are you following me?
- You don't know?
You killed our King Ferrel
and kidnapped the most
wanted girl in the kingdom.
Seems like a valid
reason, don't you think?
- No.
I thought you were hunting me
for everything I've done before.
- Wait.
There is something wrong
with the story.
No one believes Lord Roland,
but he's a lord.
And now,
I want to know what's
happened to the king
from you, Diana Baelian.
- Tyrion Van Desta,
I know exactly who you are.
I know that you're Goran's
bastard son.
And even if your father
is an asshole,
I also know you are a good man.
We didn't kill the king,
and we're trying to protect
his daughter
from those who want her dead.
And don't ask me why,
because I don't know why.
- And how do I know
you're not lying?
- Because someone once said,
"We become who we choose."
And I know that you look
beyond the things you see.
- This is taking too
long, Nistrol.
If you are stalling us,
I will personally drag
you back to Brea
and hang you in the town
square, myself.
And if you are fooling
us, I will do far worse.
So were they here or not?
- Yes, they were
here, as I said.
They're probably a day
or two away from us.
You better hope you're right,
because my men are
tired and I'm impatient.
- Captain, we are
on the same team.
You need to stop threatening me.
- You and I are not the
same, Leland Nistrol.
You and I are nothing alike.
Don't forget what
you really are,
because when this is all over,
neither will I.
Set up camp!
- Tyrion.
What news?
- None, you?
- Harry, report.
- Captain Hardin,
we spotted them nearby.
They're camped by the creek bed.
- That's less than
an hour from here.
- Just as I said.
- We will divide our forces.
I'll attack from the front.
Nistrol, you go upstream
and cut off their escape.
That way they're completely
Break this camp down
and move out.
Tyrion, you're with me.
- Okay,
let's get moving.
What are you doing here, again?
- I see beyond the things.
You have to get out of here.
They are coming.
- What if it's a trap?
- No,
I trust him.
- Good, 'cause there is no time.
- Go, hurry!
- What are you waiting for?
Don't let them get away!
After them, go!
- Hiya, yeah!
- Yeah, yeah!
- We have
to split up, run!
- We meet again at the
pass of the falls.
- Run, fly, go!
- This way.
- The waterfall pass
is on the right.
- Trust me.
We will get there
soon from here,
but we have to continue on foot.
- Thank you.
For believing me.
- Come on.
We need to hide the horses.
- I think they're gone.
I'm slowly drifting to
The stars and the planets
- Suddenly,
it was all so easy.
Me, him, us,
as if we'd always been together.
Yet our lives have just crossed
like two arrows shot in
the opposite direction.
So fast, so different,
but linked by something.
I'm on my way
I'm on
I'm on
- I have to go back to Brea.
I'll talk to my dad.
And Roland will pay for
everything he did.
- Yet when something
is too good,
you're afraid to live it.
And what do you do?
- Hey.
- Look, you need to
go back to Brea,
to your father.
- What?
- And never show up again.
- Hey, are you serious?
- Go away.
Run, Diana. Run away.
Sometimes it takes so little
to make us children again.
And the only security
is to flee far away.
Happiness is not part
of this world.
- You should not be here.
Why did you come to see me
like a thief so late at night?
- The Baelian brothers
had the little girl.
I talked to Diana.
They did not kidnap her,
and much less they
want to kill her.
They are protecting her
from Nistrol and his men.
- Stop right there.
I don't want to hear it.
One thing I ask you to do,
and you couldn't do it for me.
I understand.
I must join this expedition.
- We have to do the right thing.
- No, we do the things
we have to do,
for the good of our family.
Do you think I am stupid?
Lord Roland's story
leaks everywhere.
We must do everything we can
for the safety of our family.
Politics does not work
by doing the right thing,
or following our hearts.
I should have known
that my bastard son
would not have the guts
to do what he was told to do.
you go now.
Don't come back until
you are on my side.
If you are arrested,
you are not my son
and never have been.
- Captain.
One of our scouts spotted
the Baelians,
less than a mile from us.
- Perfect.
We ride.
- No, we'll leave
the horses here
and we'll cut up the
valley on foot
and meet them head
on, like warriors.
Move out!
- Lord Goran, My Lord.
- Lord Goran.
- Whoa.
- What is it?
Looks like Leland.
- Looks like him and
Captain Hardin made up.
- How could he do that
after what Hardin did
to Tristan, though?
- How could he do what
he's done to any of us?
We need to leave the horses.
It will help us move faster.
Come on!
Stay down.
- How does it feel to
betray your own people?
Put down your sword, Tyrion.
Let us pass
and I will spare you
the indignity
of murdering you right
here, right now.
- I can't let you pass, Captain.
- And you and what army
is gonna stop me?
And even if you could,
Tyrion, why?
- You must do the right thing.
The Baelian brothers
tried to save the little girl,
from Nistrol
and Lord Roland.
- Lord Roland?
- It was Lord Roland who
planned the death of the king.
We are hunting the wrong man.
- You are a liar!
- This poor bastard's words
have been influenced
by that whore Diana Baelian.
He fell in love with her.
- That true, Tyrion?
You're doing all this
for a woman?
- Yes.
I fell in love, it's true.
But there is no lie.
She told the truth
about Lord Roland.
- Arrest this poor fool.
Take him back to Brea.
He'll serve in prison for
life for his betrayal.
- You go ahead.
I have to help him.
Take the little girl
to the Dog's Pass
and wait for me there.
- I'm coming with you.
- No.
- Be careful.
- Run, boy. Run!
- No.
- They would've killed
you right away
if I had not said those things.
- Don't say anything.
- My sword.
I am proud of you,
my son.
- Tyrion?
- You heard everything
from the hill?
I don't who you are,
or what you did to me.
But yes, I feel something
too strong for you.
And maybe I would have
done this for you anyway.
- I told you
not to come back.
- Nothing.
Now, we must continue.
- You're hurt.
- No, I'm good.
I'm good.
- You can't.
- I can continue.
- Tyrion, I need you
to go back to town.
- It's the second time
that you kicked me out.
- Please, Tyrion.
- What?
- I need you to go back
and you'll be fine.
We will meet again
over the river Moyan
between two moons,
as soon as you recover.
- What are you saying?
- I'm not
good with words.
- All right. My horse
will take me back to town.
Captain Hardin and Nistrol
are climbing the mountain.
You have to protect Lily.
And be careful.
- They passed through here.
- This is the exact road
I would've taken.
We need to cut through
here, to the other side.
- No, no, no. We should
stick on this trail.
We're right on their heels.
- If we go through this gorge,
we'll be there before
them and surprise them.
They're my men, captain.
That's why I'm here.
You need to trust me on this.
Trust me.
I know them in these mountains
better than the back of my hand.
- All right.
Right, lead on.
- It was either you
or me, Hardin.
You go ahead to the hill
and send someone to the valley.
I'll stop at the meeting point.
- They've arrived at the gorges.
We must continue to climb.
- Everything good?
- Yeah.
They can't be far
behind us, now.
We need to keep moving.
- Let's split up.
Jack, you go down the
valley with Lily
until we get to Nora's River
and we will continue to climb,
until we reach the top.
That should buy us some time.
- Yeah, it could work.
Just try not to leave
any tracks.
- What happened?
- It's a long story.
I had to take him out.
They're up on the hill.
We need to go up there.
- Let's do this.
- Remember us?
- They're in the valley.
- Blow the horn!
- The Baelians.
You kill the Baelians,
and I'll kill the girl.
- With me!
- This way!
- There they are.
Go, get 'em. Go!
To the hill.
They must not escape!
- I'm running out of arrows.
- Help Jack and Lily.
I'll try and hold him off here.
- No.
- It's the right thing to do.
- Go get him.
- So you still have
nothing to say, old friend?
The happy lover.
Come on.
- Kill the girl!
- Guston.
- Good to see you again, Diana.
So, here we are.
Who would've thought I would
end up having to kill you?
- You were like a
father to us all.
But you betrayed
us, you used us.
Your people, your brothers. Me!
- This is what Tristan
and Oliver,
and this is for Tyrion.
- Diana.
- No. No.
- Diana.
- I,
love you.
- Thank you.
Here I am
- Here we are, Lily.
You and me,
who would've thought that?
Perhaps you already know
that there comes a
time in our life
when you do the math of
everything that has been,
how it could have been,
and what it's now.
And so, little Lily was
welcomed by Nora's women;
the ancient kingdom
north of Brea.
You're finally free,
but everything we experienced
had changed us forever.
The loss of John, the
death of Tyrion.
Someone once said, "We
become what we choose."
And that night, for the
first time in our life,
we had chosen to do
the right thing.