The Life of Peter Gottlieb (2022) Movie Script

[heart monitor beeps]
-[hospital din]
-[Marie gasps]
[doctor] Okay, come on, Marie.
This is it.
We're going to push
one final time, okay?
-We're going to count to ten.
-[Peter] I love you so much.
-[doctor] Ready, Marie?
-Push, push.
-[doctor] One, two--
push, Marie!
-[Marie whimpers]
-[doctor] Three.
-[doctor] Four.
-I'm so sorry.
-She's almost here.
It's okay. It's okay.
-[doctor] Six. Push, Marie.
-For someone else.
-[doctor] Eight. Nine.
-It's not yours.
-[doctor] Ten!
-[Marie screams]
[baby wails]
[nurse] Marie? Marie?
Marie, wake up. Wake up.
Hey. Hey!
Oh, Marie. Marie. Marie.
-[baby wails]
[baby's cries echo]
["I Live In This World" playing]
Did you think about
What we talked about
Yeah, we're right
On top of the world
And then you cut me out
Out of this world
Gotta work it out
Let's not ruin everything
It's the start
Of something good
Wedding bells are ringing
When I'm in
Your neighborhood
Yeah, but I don't know
If it's enough
[bell rings]
So, even though the US
doesn't depend on agriculture
to stimulate
its economic development
like it did in its inception,
like denim or tobacco,
uh, corn is still
the number one product,
like, uh, tomatoes, for example.
Can anybody tell me where
tomatoes come from?
Yeah? This fucking guy.
-[Peter] Nope. Wrong.
You're wrong.
No. Why would you say that?
[student] Because of pasta.
Because of pasta?
[scoffs] No. No, no, no!
Tomatoes come from the Andes
region of South America.
And then those greasy-ass wops,
they got their hands on it,
and then they mixed it
with some of the rice
that they stole from
those cunts in the east,
and then that's how you get
spaghetti and meatballs.
Just get out.
[book thuds]
Mr. Gottlieb?
-Cunt is a derogatory term.
Cunt. That's a derogatory term
for a woman's vagina.
Yes, in fact, it is.
-Well, then, why did you say it?
-I don't know.
That's not right.
-Okay, look, Samantha.
-My name is Sabrina.
Whatever, okay?
It doesn't matter.
Literally doesn't.
Whether you guys pass this
shitty class or learn anything,
I don't give a shit.
And, quite frankly,
you shouldn't, either.
And that's it.
So if I want to call
a cunt a cunt,
or a goddamn guinea wop,
a goddamn guinea wop,
then, I will.
Because eventually,
you will fall in love,
and you try
to have a couple kids,
but then that plan just blows
right up in your fucking face,
and here we are, talking about
absolutely nothing
I can give two fucks about.
What is a wop?
[door thuds heavily]
[horn honks]
[muttering under his breath]
[door slams forcefully]
[keys jingle]
[engine splutters]
[engine rattles, shuts off]
["The End Of What It Was"
playing on radio]
It's impossible to think
About the end of what was
[birds chirp]
[music plays faintly]
I remember every word
You said
You're the reason
I smoke cigarettes
-In the--
-Mr. Gottlieb.
Whatever. God!
-How long have you been there?
-I don't know.
What the fuck
are you still doing here?
[Sabrina] What the fuck
are you still doing here?
Sabrina, why are you at school?
Waiting on my ride.
Well, can you wait
somewhere else?
Seriously? Why are you
such an asshole?
[laughs] I'm not.
Yeah, well, he probably forgot.
[sighs] Who probably forgot?
Could you stop asking
so many questions,
and just give me a ride home?
[scoffs] What?
-What are you doing?
-[Sabrina] Just let me in!
What the--
God damn it!
[car beeps]
What do you think you're doing?
Well, I don't have a ride,
and you're the only
one here, so...
So, what?
Can you not call your ride?
I tried. He isn't answering.
So, call him again.
You said "cunt," you owe me one.
Whoa, wait a minute. Okay?
I'm with my dad
this semester, but...
he just...
[Peter] He just what?
-What's going on?
-I don't know.
He said he'd pick me up.
He doesn't show up.
I try calling,
he doesn't answer, so...
here I am.
Can you just drive me home?
-Uh, Sabrina--
Put your goddamn seatbelt on.
[chuckles] Unreal.
[engine turns over]
Ohh! Thank fuck!
-Thank you.
-Yeah, yeah.
[car rumbles]
[gentle guitar music]
[tires screech]
[engine shuts off]
[crickets chirp]
[Sabrina] You ever feel
like you just don't want
to go home?
Actually, yes.
You wanna get out of here?
Oh, my God.
See, you gotta break it up
before you...
Mm! Mm.
So, where's your mother live?
She's about an hour upstate,
but she's on vacation with her
sisters this weekend, in Maine.
-[Peter] Mm-hmm.
-They've been planning
this trip for, like, months,
so I don't wanna... you know.
Well, I would drive you
to your mother's place.
What? That's weird.
How is that weird?
-Where do you live?
See? It's weird, right?
Okay. All right, fair.
But... I mean,
You do have friends,
though, don't you?
I mean, I see you
in the hallways
with your... friends, whatnot.
Ew! You sound so creepy.
I'm looking for options for you.
Well, don't do it
like such a creep.
[song playing quietly
over radio]
Oh, shit.
Gene Neill.
Gene Neill. Starlight Express.
You know?
I think my mom has
some of their records.
Uh, Horizon something?
Beyond the Horizon. Yes!
That is his best-- ha! Record.
We're into something here
We've got every dream
That you've ever wanted
-We used to come here a lot.
Best intentions
Yeah, my parents split up, too.
Oh yeah?
One day I'm shooting hoops
with my old man.
The next day, he goes out
for a pack of cigarettes.
I haven't seen him in 30 years.
I didn't even know he smoked.
[Peter] What?
You have ice cream on your face.
You have ice cream
all over your face.
-Did I get it?
-Other-- okay, you know what?
I shouldn't have said cunt.
Ooh, I remember...
[car rumbles]
[gentle piano music]
[crickets chirp]
[engine shuts off]
[Peter sighs]
Good night, Mr. Gottlieb.
Please, call me Peter.
Have a good night.
[car door slams]
[house door creaks, slams]
Fuckin' idiot.
[engine splutters]
I swear to fucking God,
if you don't fuckin' start,
I'm gonna fucking kill myself.
[car starts]
Thank you.
[car rumbles]
[ominous music]
-[Fendleman] You're late.
-Ah! Fuck.
-It's 8:35.
-Racial slurs.
Racial slurs, Ms. Fendleman?
Dean Fendleman.
Do not interrupt me.
I received a number of calls.
concerns from students,
about your excessive use
of profanity in the classroom.
Mr. Gottlieb, do you recall?
Um, no. Uh, quite frankly, I--
We were having a discussion.
Don't dance around the question,
Mr. Gottlieb.
Did you use inappropriate
vocabulary in your lectures
this week With my students?
I mean, some things were said.
Did you say cunt?
-Never said that.
-Wop? Cunt?
-You said cunt twice.
This is not funny, Mr. Gottlieb.
Do you realize how serious
these accusations are?
Yeah, look, look,
honestly, yes, I do.
I understand. I just--
I guess I wasn't thinking.
Uh, you know?
It's just, really,
it's kind of a weird time.
I don't want to have this
conversation with you again.
I don't like you.
I didn't even want to hire you,
because of your, well,
-Wait, what?
-Please leave.
That will be all, Mr. Gottlieb.
Just go.
[door clicks shut]
Hey, hello.
Hey, Mr. Gottlieb.
What, uh, what are you...
-Are you goin' in there?
Uh-oh, got called down
to the office, eh?
Dean Fendleman wanted
to see me before I left.
-I'm leaving.
Leaving where? Leaving school?
-You're gonna drop out?
Look, I'm late.
Reno, Murphy, my office.
[police station din]
-[Reno] Hey, I can smoke
in here, right?
-[Mac] You want to play games?
All right,
let's play fucking games.
-Lieu, listen.
-No, you listen,
and listen good.
We got two missing girls.
Two fucking missing girls,
and you want to come
up here this morning
and play fucking games with me?
Lieu, I think we may
have a lead on this.
This has been going on
for four months,
and you think you may
have a lead?
Jesus fucking Christ, man.
I put you guys on this case
because I know you can
bring me results.
I'm starting to have
second thoughts.
-Lieu, I know.
-No, you don't know.
You better tell me
something fast,
or I swear to God--
-Peter Gottlieb.
He's a new transfer
to the college.
-Just moved to Chittenwa.
-Teacher over there.
-[Mac] What does he teach?
-You know where he's from?
-Tookany Creek.
And get this.
He's got a drunken disorderly,
restraining order violation,
and resisting arrest.
God damn.
And I saw him drop off
Sabrina Carbonowitz
at Lenny's place last night.
These two missing girls,
both enrolled at CCC.
Both young,
both from broken homes.
Get me some results, fellas.
[Peter scoffs]
Little fuck.
-Uh, Sabrina?
-Oh, Mr. Gottlieb,
you scared me.
Uh, I'm sorry, I just--
I wanted to, uh, talk.
Uh, nothing weird.
Just about you leaving.
-Mr. Gottlieb,
with all due respect--
-Just hear me out, okay?
Sabrina, just-- I would hate
for your future
to suffer because of your--
your family situation,
your father's situation,
or-- or whatever.
I just...
I think you have
a very bright young mind.
And to just throw it out
makes me sad.
I mean, I've been
thinking a lot about it.
Not you. I don't--
I don't think about you,
I just, uh--
As a teacher, I feel as though
it is my responsibility
to say how I feel about this,
to you.
Well, I, uh...
don't really know how
to respond to that,
to be honest.
I know.
It's kinda heavy,
and I'm sorry for that,
but I just felt
it needed to be said.
And I don't know what
your conversation was like
with, uh, Fendelman, but...
I just-- I don't know.
Yeah, there it is.
-What do you have against her?
-Oh... [scoffs]
-What is it, Gottlieb?
I don't know.
She just, she kinda hates me.
-She does. And it's annoying.
Grow up, Gottlieb.
You're a teacher,
for Christ's sake.
Just be a man.
Wow. Okay.
Well, uh, if you'll excuse me,
I should probably go ahead
and get on with my miserable
fucking life!
Okay, has anyone ever told you
you may be the most
dramatic man in the world?
Uh, no.
Seriously? No.
I've been called, uh,
a few other things,
but, dramatic? Me? No.
Oh, yeah, like what?
Not dramatic.
Like, uh, jerk-off? Asshole?
Uh, watch your language, A,
and B, none of those.
Yeah, those were pretty lame.
Maybe something more
like a fatty?
-What, am I fat?
-Okay, we're done.
Mr. Gottlieb?
-Mr. Gottlieb?
-Yeah, uh, I have to go now.
Um, but you're-- you're getting
home okay for this evening?
-Okay, then?
-I didn't mean anything by that.
-I was just messing with you.
-I know. I know.
Bye, Sabrina.
[door creaks]
I don't mind
If you don't love me
'Cause in time
You're gonna love me
But it's so hard
Being alone
[song volume gets louder]
Uh, yeah?
Who is it?
[Sabrina] It's me, Mr. Gottlieb.
Me, who?
[Sabrina] Sabrina.
Can I come in?
-I'm wet.
[Sabrina] It's raining,
Mr. Gottlieb.
You know you can
call me Peter, right?
-[Sabrina] Yes.
-I said that to you
the other day,
when I dropped you off
at your dad's place.
I said, "Please call me Peter."
[Sabrina] Yeah, I remember.
Mr-- um, Peter.
But seriously,
it's kind of cold out here.
Can you open the door?
[Peter] Yeah. Yeah.
-[door creaks]
-[heavy rain drumming]
[thunder rumbles]
You going to invite me in?
Uh, yes. Please, come in.
Do you, uh, want a nip?
Uh, no, thanks.
[thunder rumbles]
-Yeah, well, you're wet.
So, are you, uh...
doing a little moving?
Is there something
you needed, Sabrina?
-You came to my apartment.
Right. Uh...
-Just, um...
At school...
I don't know, that, uh,
felt kinda weird, huh?
What's all this?
You want to talk?
What do you want to talk about?
-Ever? I mean--
-About my life?
-And how I fucked it all up?
-I don't know.
About how some other man
is living what should
have been my life
with my wife, and my daughter.
Shall we chat
about that, Sabrina?
It's just that so much happened.
And then so much more happened,
and I happened it.
[suspenseful music]
Holy shit.
[Television plays commercials]
[door creaks]
[door clicks shut]
[TV commercials play quietly]
Never know
Oh, no, no, no, no
Mikey's Hand Cream
A touch behind the ears...
[door clicks shut]
[knocking softly]
Can I come in?
-[Lenny] It's late.
-I'm coming in.
[Sabrina] No, you're not.
I'm changing.
Hey. No.
Where the hell have you been?
-[Sabrina] Out.
-Out where?
[Sabrina] With friends.
You're living in my house.
You gotta talk to me.
I'm worried about you, Sabrina.
Hold on, let me understand.
You-- you wanna do
some parenting right now?
-Please don't talk to me like--
-You do!
[laughs] God, are you serious?
What, do I have
a fucking curfew now?
That's not what I'm doing.
I'm just--
I'm really trying to be
there... with you right now,
for you.
-Your mother thinks--
Duh, that's what this is about.
She thinks that Carl--
At least Carl's fucking sober!
Do not cuss at me.
Can I ask you that much?
I mean, Sabrina,
you think that I'm...
that I'm happy?
You don't want me here.
That's cool.
I get it.
I don't wanna be here.
But please, please do not
pretend to be my dad right now.
Sabrina, I'm still your father.
No. No, no, no,
we are way past that, Lenny.
You know what? You're right.
I don't! I don't want you here.
Good, I'm leaving, anyway.
-Great. Where?
-Back to Mom's!
Good! She can fucking have you!
[sighs heavily]
[somber music]
That your daughter, man?
Yeah, she's...
[Murphy] I understand.
The talk amongst the students
is fear, and--
Right, I know,
We're doing everything--
And how can they learn with
this looming over everything?
Right, I completely--
Yes, I agree.
We just want to know
if there may have been
any unusual behavior
from anyone at the school,
on, you know, your end.
-My end?
All the teachers here go through
an extensive screening process.
We just wanted to touch
base with you again,
and if something should come up,
please feel free to reach out
at any time.
I did...
There is this newer teacher,
and he--
-He what?
let me just say that I was
against hiring him,
and-- and he may not be
employed here for much longer.
Uh, Miss Fendleman, which
teacher are you talking about?
Economy, and its effects
on output,
inflation, employment.
And, uh, it was developed
by this-- um--
[clears throat]
Where was I? Uh, yeah.
It was, uh, it was his theory--
You know what?
I don't need this.
Keynes. John Maynard Keynes.
Spelled "Key-ness".
He was one of the biggest,
quite literally,
economists in England.
He was 6'7".
And he developed this theory
during the 1930s
to understand The Depression,
and the recession, um...
New York in July...
[Murphy] You're Peter Gottlieb?
I am, in fact.
Do I know you gentlemen?
No. No, you don't.
Do you mind if we, uh,
have a word?
-In regard to what?
-Let's just take a little walk.
Get your hands off me!
Who the hell do you
think you are?
We're the Night Reapers.
And we just want
to let you know that we got
eyes on the neighborhood.
-I know you, jerk-off.
-Excuse me?
-I got your number, Gottlieb.
Okay. I think you two better--
Why don't you just...
watch your ass.
Why don't you just
watch your ass?
[Sabrina] Mr. Gottlieb?
-[Sabrina] Mr. Gottlieb!
Uh, Peter.
Uh, hey, what's--
-Uh, how are you?
-I'm well.
-I was thinking.
Oh, you were? Good.
Well, maybe that'll help
your average in my class.
I am getting an A
in your class, Peter.
-Right. You are.
-Your place is a mess.
Well, it's not much
of a concern to me
what my classroom looks like,
No, I meant your place.
Your apartment.
Uh, oh, yeah.
Could you keep it down, perhaps?
-I mean, we're just--
-Ah, right.
-It-- we're just dead.
-Right, right, right.
It's just, um...
I have the afternoon off,
as it were.
As it were?
It's all the same to you.
I'm not quite sure I follow.
It's okay, Mr. Gottlieb,
I'll see you tomorrow.
Oh, no, no, no. Uh, what is it?
I was going to say that
if you need some help unpacking
or, I don't know,
setting up your place,
-I'm pretty good at that.
-Making a home?
-Fuck off.
I'm not a homemaker, idiot.
I'm just-- I'm pretty organized.
I can help you unpack.
Oh, uh... oh.
Yes, I think that
that's very, uh, nice of you.
Why are you being so weird?
I-- [sighs] Nothing.
Okay, well, uh,
I can come by later.
-I'll see you then.
That's the plan, then.
All right, well, uh...
-All right.
-I will see you-- yeah.
Can't help but wonder.
That fucking pervert.
[gentle piano music]
Well, Peter, let's get started.
-Let's do it.
Didn't have a good time
But I don't mind
Doing it for you
Get to work. Come on. Go!
Oh, no, I got it.
-Can I get a hand?
-[Sabrina] No.
But I don't mind
Waiting for you
Didn't have a good time
But I don't mind
Waiting for you
Uh, no, they gotta be organized.
We're waiting for love
The moment it starts
We can't get enough
Uh, this is a plant.
-Don't touch it, it's sharp.
I had a really good time
With you
Didn't have a good time
But I'm not waiting
Look at that, on my first try.
Didn't have a good time
But I don't mind
Waiting for you
Did you have a good time
I had a really good time
With you
Ah! Oh!
[Sabrina laughs]
-[laughs] Wow.
Wow, wow, wow.
I feel like $100.
It's not bad.
It's not bad at all.
It's like a regular
bachelor pad.
Yeah, and the Gene Neill
poster can stay.
Well, yeah, for now,
but you gotta grow up
sometime, Gottlieb.
[clucks tongue]
Well, uh--
So, what's the deal
with this thing?
-That thing right there?
Oh, that, uh...
That-- that came
with the place, actually.
Yeah, that's it,
that's the whole story?
Uh... yeah.
Well, yeah. Uh, yeah. Yes.
[clears throat]
-Do you play?
-No. No.
-Oh, come on.
You totally play piano,
you spaz!
Okay, well, I may have
dabbled in my younger years.
Can you play me a song?
-No. No.
-One song.
For me?
-Okay, fine.
-Half of a song.
-[Sabrina] I'll take it!
[Peter groans] God damn it!
All right, now, you see,
you gotta understand that I--
Uh, where should I sit?
You can sit right here,
next to me.
All right. I'm definitely rusty.
-That's okay.
-I know, I just--
-I mean that, uh--
-Come on, Peter.
You ruin everything.
[sighs] Hmm.
[playing an upbeat tune]
No, no, no, no. No.
Peter, play something real.
What is this, a circus?
[laughs] Something real.
[playing a slow, joyful song]
When we were kids
The blizzard of '96
They threw me
Right into the snow
And I didn't
Even catch cold
Your true love's first kiss
The heartache
Never felt worse than this
High school girls
Can be so cruel
But you'll win their
Stone hearts one day
I know that
I've been a dick
But I'll always be here
For you
Why don't you give
Love a chance
Ask her to dance
Why don't you give
Love a chance
Ask her to dance
Why don't you give
Love a chance
Ask her to dance
Why don't you give
Love a chance
And ask her to dance
I should take you home.
[car rumbles]
[horn honks]
[clears throat]
[door creaks]
[quiet hum of chatter on TV]
[door clicks shut]
[explosions boom on TV]
[dramatic music plays on TV]
[quiet hum of chatter on TV]
[bottles clink]
[water splashes]
[dog barks distantly]
[distant thuds]
[suspenseful music plays]
[lock rattles]
[door creaks]
[Footsteps thud hollowly]
[suspenseful music builds]
[metallic clink]
-[door latch clicks]
-[Sabrina hums]
[Sabrina humming Peter's song,
[Reno] Hey, come on, get up.
-[Murphy] Hey, asshole.
-What the--
-Not so fast, you piece of shit.
Fuck you guys, man.
[Reno] Oh, good morning
to you, too.
Looks like you had
a little breakfast, huh?
Got your spoonful?
That spoon, that spoon,
that spoonful!
What do you guys want?
What do you think we want?
I don't know, you--
How'd you get in here?
We walked in.
The door was wide open.
We want some fucking answers.
Answers for what?
I ain't do nothing.
Oh, last I checked,
H is still illegal.
Ain't nothing there.
Go ahead, check it out.
Right. You did it all.
Couldn't wait to get
your filthy dick-skinners on it.
All right, then, what?
I got a fucking headache.
[Reno] Watch the attitude!
I'll take you,
and lock you up for 20 years.
I don't give a fuck!
[Murphy] What do you know
about these girls?
-What girls?
-Don't play the dumb
junkie game with us.
-What you been
hearing out there?
-[Lenny] Honestly, I ain't--
I swear to God, you say
you ain't seen shit,
or you ain't heard shit,
I will--
Wait. [sighs]
-The-- the college girls?
-[Murphy] Yeah.
-I heard about it.
-[Reno] And?
And what?
All I know, I heard about it.
Fuck! You are such a moron.
And just a Grade A scumbag.
-You know your daughter, right?
Yeah, shithead!
She didn't show up
to class today.
-Where is she?
-I don't--
She wasn't there?
She gets up early.
-I wouldn't know.
-That's it?
-I mean, do you know anything?
-Is Sabrina hurt?
Look, not yet, but, man,
you gotta-- Lenny.
These two girls went missing.
Both go to the same school
as your daughter.
They both got the same teacher
as your daughter.
I'm just saying, man.
What do you do all fucking day?
Wait. Sabrina!
[Reno] Why don't you get
your shit together?
Call me if you see anything!
[bell rings]
[door bangs]
-I don't want any trouble.
And there isn't gonna
be any trouble,
so long as you can help us.
-Help you with what?
-Detective Reno.
-That's my partner,
Detective Murphy.
I'm sorry we didn't get a chance
to talk much before, Peter.
What do you want?
Any chance you know
a Mallory Stein-Byrne,
-or a Candice Carmichael?
Do you want him
to repeat the names,
or are you asking for
information about who they are?
-[Peter] I--
-Mallory Stein-Byrne,
and Candice Carmichael.
-Why are you asking me this?
-I think you know why.
If I knew why,
why would I be asking you why?
Peter, just answer us
honestly, here.
-Don't make us get nasty.
-Oh, what is that? A threat?
That is in absolutely no way,
shape or form a threat.
But just give us something here,
because my partner,
his patience runs
really fucking thin.
He's got a bit
of an issue with the anger,
you know, in his heart.
So please, Peter,
for all our sake,
just tell us that you taught
these two girls last semester.
Well, uh, sure,
I remember both of them.
And, yes, I taught them.
Was that so hard?
Uh, I also, uh-- I heard
about what happened to them.
-You did?
-Yes, I did.
It's sad.
-What happened to them, Peter?
-Well, I--
I assume that's why
you're asking me about them.
Yes, it is, in fact,
but what happened?
I mean, about the fact
that they've been missing.
I-- I don't know
what happened to them.
-You don't?
-[Peter] No.
But it's sad what happened.
Just in the sense
that they're missing, yes.
So you don't know what happened?
I'm sorry. Have I--
Am I missing something here?
-You're not missing anything.
-Because it feels like, um--
-Being accused of something.
Whoa, whoa. Nobody said that.
We are just trying to find
two young girls,
both of which
attended this school,
both of which took your class,
and both of which
are still missing.
[Reno] Where are the girls,
Okay, we're done.
-I'm leaving.
-You're not going anywhere
until you tell me
where those fucking girls are.
Okay, harassment.
This is harassment.
Do you know who my attorney is?
Do you think I give a fuck
about your attorney?
Jesus Christ, I've done a whole
lot more for a whole lot less.
And don't think, for one second
I won't rip your heart out
of your fucking chest
if it means finding where
you're hiding those girls!
Reno, okay. Okay.
Reno, come on, man.
Jesus Christ. Peter, I'm sorry.
This got out of hand.
That was very far.
Yeah, that was far, okay?
-That was very far!
-[Murphy] I know.
-I mean, I'm uncomfortable.
-Yes, I can see.
Just, look, please reason
with us here, Peter.
Okay? We got a problem
on our hands.
Every local station's
printing this up,
talking about it,
"Where are them two pretty girls
went missing some months back?"
A couple detectives
on it right now
with no answers in sight.
I'm just saying, man,
it would really suck...
if it was right under
our nose the whole time,
and we just never smelled it.
Leave me the fuck alone.
You'll be hearing
from my attorney.
[Murphy] Peter, how's Marie?
And your daughter, what, uh,
she's coming up on her third
birthday, huh? That's nice.
You know, my kid
just turned two.
Precious, that age.
What did you just say?
What was that? Oh, that's right.
Some marriage,
uh, complications.
-I guess we can call it that.
-She fucked someone else.
I guess we could
call it that, too.
Seems like a fit,
doesn't it, Peter?
"Disgruntled cuckold teacher
skips town from two-timing wife,
goes crazy,
kidnaps college girls."
Now, how does that sound, Peter?
[tense music building]
[muted screaming]
[telephone ringing]
So you got something for me?
Yeah, well,
it's about the girls.
I know it's about the girls,
Why the hell else
would you be in here?
I just--
I think something's going on.
I haven't seen Sabrina.
-[Mac] Your daughter?
-Yeah. You know,
she gets up early for classes,
and I usually don't see her
in the morning, but she...
-Her window was wide open.
And, I mean-- And also,
she hasn't come home.
I mean, she doesn't take fuckin'
classes for 12 hours straight!
All right, all right. Okay.
You know we got guys on this.
-[Lenny] I do know, yeah.
-Is that all you had?
Is what all I had?
They told me you had information
on the missing girls.
I-- That was!
To tell me that your daughter
didn't come home
from class last night?
Well, yeah! I mean,
this is really starting to fuck
my head up a little bit, man!
I said some dark shit
to her, man.
All right, all right. Come on.
Take your time, now. Think.
Tell me,
was there anything unusual?
Does Sabrina have
any new friends that
she's hanging out with?
No, I mean... she came home
really late a few nights ago.
-I can't really remember.
-How about you?
Have you been talking to anybody
that may have been around
your daughter? Anything?
No, I don't see--
I don't really...
-All right, look, man.
-...see much.
Take my number.
If Sabrina doesn't come home
tonight, you call me.
I promise you, we got guys
working their asses off on this.
Now get out of my office.
Wash yourself.
-Hi. How may I help you?
-[Lenny] Yeah, hi.
I need to know about a friend
of mine who's staying here.
-What's his room number?
His name is Billy, Billy Kaiden.
Is he here? Did he leave?
He's just a guy, man.
I don't know,
an ugly fuckin' guy.
He looks like shit.
He may have had
someone with him.
-There-- there are
a lot of people here.
-He's got shit on his face.
-Shit on his face?
-Si, shit on his face!
-He, um...
he was here this morning.
With a girl.
[Mac] Well,
what did he give you?
I don't know.
He didn't budge much.
He just kind of danced around it
and gave us the lawyer job.
Fucking killing me.
I can't do this.
You're fucking killing me, man.
Who the hell is working
your case? Tell me.
-Sir, we are.
-You are? It sounds like
they're working you.
No, Lieu,
there's something here.
It's just a missing piece.
A missing piece? You got
a whole goddamn missing puzzle.
Tell me something.
Did you speak to the junkie?
-Yeah, we went over there
this morning.
-First thing.
Then why the fuck was
he here talking to me?
Telling me that he hasn't
seen his daughter,
and he usually does.
Wait, why were you
talking to Lenny?
[Mac] You go over there
and rough the motherfucker up
and you expect answers?
Every time you come in here,
I got another
missing persons' case,
and then I gotta go
and clean up your shit.
You know how many people I got
breathing down my goddamn neck?
How many of these girls
gotta disappear
before we find this guy?
Or is it guys? Do you even know?
You're off the case. Kaminski
and Hernandez are taking over.
No, Lieu,
not the fucking Polack!
Hey! That's enough!
You had your shot.
Now get the fuck out my office.
And take his bony ass with you.
[Reno] Fuck.
[line ringing]
Yeah, hello? I was just there.
Is your lieutenant there?
I don't care! This is important!
Put me through.
Well, it's me, Lenny.
I don't fucking--
Look, tell him Billy Kaiden.
He took her. He's got Sabrina.
I know it. I fucking know it.
Tell him Billy Kaiden.
I know he's got her.
Tell them. Tell the fucking
detectives. Tell somebody!
Uh, all right.
Call me back at 686-5385.
Okay. Okay. All right.
[gun cocks]
Just tell me she's alive.
[Billy] She's alive.
[softly, singsong]
Pretty, pretty.
Who's my pretty, pretty girl?
Who's my pretty girl?
Who's my pretty,
pretty, pretty girl?
you wanna put this on
for Papa Jasper?
This is fucking bullshit.
-[Murphy] Reno, come on, man.
-The fuck is going on here?
I don't know, all right?
I thought this was
a fucking hit.
[Reno] I know it's him.
We gotta make a move.
-On who?
Gottlieb? What do you know, huh?
What do you know that
-puts him and
these missing girls together?
-I just know, okay?
Enough of that, Murphy.
Jesus Christ.
What do you want from me?
There's one thing
that's always made me
a good fucking detective.
It's my gut, man.
My fucking balls.
And I haven't been listening.
I go for it 'cause something
in here tells me to go take it.
Go take them down.
Do something. Action.
'Cause I-- I ain't
going out like this.
Where the fuck are these girls,
and how many more
are there to come?
Uh-uh. No way.
He's ours.
I'm taking him the fuck down,
and if I'm wrong,
I don't give a shit.
'Cause I don't strike out
looking at the fucking pitch.
I'm swinging.
And you could come with me
or you could fuck off,
but this shit ends today.
Come on, man.
You just need to eat.
You're fuckin' hungry.
Fuckin' know it's him, man.
He fuckin' stinks.
Well, you always do this, man.
You get all fucking crazy and--
Well, fuck. Shit.
-Holy shit.
-[Reno] What?
[distant dog barking]
[Murphy] Cock, suck!
-Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
-[Reno] Peter!
Oh, fuck!
[panting] He went inside.
You think he's got
a piece on him?
Fuck him. No.
It's your old pal Reno.
I just wanna talk to you.
Why don't you
just come out here?
Oh, fuck.
Oh, there you are, Peter!
Turn around. Now!
[pipe clatters]
-Hey-- D--
-Drop the fucking weapon!
-Fuck you!
You don't wanna do this, Peter.
-It's over, okay? Over!
-Don't come any closer!
-Why don't we just
talk about this, Peter?
-You got the wrong fucking guy!
[Reno] Okay.
-Okay, Peter. Okay.
-Put that away, Peter.
-Just give me the pipe.
-Give me the fucking--
[Peter spits] Come on!
Shut the fuck up.
Cool, cool, cool.
Fuck me, though, right?
-Where the girls, Gottlieb?
-I don't know.
-Oh, no?
What, do you want me
to put it in writing?
All right, all right.
No need to get hostile here.
It's just us and you right now,
Peter, okay?
We can keep you here for hours.
Hell, days even. Right, Reno?
Help! Police brutality! Rape!
All right, all right.
I'm just saying,
we got you here in our cuffs.
Why don't you try it our way,
then maybe we get somewhere.
Now, I'm gonna ask you again.
Where are the girls, Gottlieb?
I have the right
to talk to my attorney,
Pasquale Marinello.
Fuck me, huh?
Another degenerate
piece of shit, huh?
-You scumbags stick together,
don't you?
-[pager beeping]
-Oh, shit.
-Who's beeping you?
It's the precinct.
Hmm, maybe you better answer,
Hmm, maybe you better tell him
where these fucking girls are!
What are you, writing a book?
Why don't you leave that
page out, make it a mystery?
[Gottlieb grunts]
Sabrina Carbonowitz.
She's a student at
Chittenwa Community College.
19 years old.
Answer me, Peter.
-Oh, I hate your fucking guts.
-[Murphy] All right, all right.
Come on.
Now, look, Peter.
As you know...
we got two missing
college girls.
Right? Nowhere to be found.
And the fact is
is that this little girl,
Sabrina Carbonowitz,
makes missing college girl
number three.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Does that surprise you?
Or arouse you,
you fucking pervert?
Sabrina's missing?
Look, just be straight with us,
Peter, okay? We know you.
We know you like
to get a little weird.
We know you spent
a lot of time with her.
She's a very attractive
little girl, isn't she, Peter?
-Where are the girls, Gottlieb?
-Just tell us the truth.
-The girls, Gottlieb.
-I don't know!
Where are the girls, Gottlieb?
I don't know! Jesus!
I don't know! Fuck!
I don't know where
the missing girls are.
Sabrina needed
a ride home one night,
so I gave her a ride home.
We'd gotten rather close
since then, and...
and then I was
gonna kill myself.
Honestly, I was gonna
blow my fucking brains out
all over my goddamn
ex-wife's sweaters
in my shithole apartment,
but she showed up there.
She showed up at my door.
So I didn't end up
killing myself, and then--
And then she helped me
make my apartment.
Clean it up, you know?
I gave her a ride home
again after that
because she didn't
have a ride. [sobs]
And I know that she's 19,
and I know that--
I think she's really special.
And... she was there.
She's been there.
[sobs] She and I...
I love her.
Oh, fuck. God, Sabrina...
[Gottlieb weeping]
Let's, uh--
-Let's take a five.
-Yeah, I gotta take a leak.
[Reno hawks, spits]
[Gottlieb sobs] Sabrina...
Yeah, Lieu.
It's-- it's me, Murphy.
You've been beeping me
all fucking morning.
I gotta tell you, we got him.
Wha-- wha-- what?
Yeah. Yes, sir.
Goddamn it, Reno.
-[Gottlieb grunts]
What the fuck, Reno?
What the fuck are you doing?
No. Get the fucking-- Stop.
Get the fuck out of here.
[Gottlieb groans softly] Ow...
[Reno] Fuck him.
He's a goddamn liar!
Get it together.
-Mallory Stein-Byrne is alive.
It's not Peter.
And Lenny's dead.
[Reno exhales, inhales]
Okay. You good?
All right.
-[Gottlieb groans]
[handcuffs clicking]
You really love this girl?
[Gottlieb sobs] Yeah.
[Murphy] I think we're
gonna need your help.
[muffled, echoing]
Mallory. Can you hear me?
My name is Lieutenant
Harvey McDonald from
the Chittenwa Police Department.
I'm gonna ask you
a few questions.
[distant phone ringing]
[clearly] Take as much time
as you need. You're safe now.
What was the last thing
you remember?
[machines beeping steadily]
He said that if...
[Mac] If what?
I-- I don't remember.
Nobody's gonna get you.
No, he's gonna find me.
He'll kill me.
[Mac] I can personally guarantee
you nobody's coming to get you.
I promise.
[gentle music]
[Mallory sniffles]
Did he tell you his name?
[Mallory sobbing]
It's okay. Your mom is
on her way here now, all right?
And I ain't going nowhere
until she gets here.
It's okay, Mallory.
You're gonna be all right.
I promise.
[Door opens]
How's, uh...
How you doing?
Have you contacted Pasquale?
Then I have nothing
to say to you.
Okay, Peter. Okay.
But I just wanna say...
on behalf of myself,
the Chippewa Police Department,
and my partner Reno,
I owe you
the sincerest of apologies.
I'm sorry. We made a mistake,
and I as well as Reno
are prepared to take
the justified punishment
coming our way for what happened
between us. Truly and seriously.
So where's Reno, then?
He ain't allowed to do
a lot of the things
he used to be able
to do at the moment.
-Good. He fucked up.
-He did, yes.
-So did you.
-I know.
He makes a lot of coffee now,
if that makes you
feel any better.
Can I ask you something?
Man to man?
I don't feel
comfortable with that.
Off the record.
-Look, man, I don't know
the ins and the outs
of what happened between
you and your ex-wife.
I know it was real ugly,
and I know that I can't
even imagine it myself.
The lies, the pain, the denial.
And then, of course, the anger.
And the booze.
I just wanna say to you, Peter,
that it's done
and it's in the past,
and there ain't nothing
that you can do that
you ain't already done about it.
but there is something
that you you can do now.
What do you mean?
I mean Sabrina.
Look, no more bullshit,
Peter, okay?
We've found ourselves in
a very time-sensitive situation
with this investigation.
We have some information that we
can jump on, and I was hoping...
that you would be on board
with helping us out.
-Help you?
-Peter, why wouldn't you wanna--
You fucking tortured me!
Sabrina could be fucking dead,
and you fucking pigs
come after me?
-Hey, these girls ain't dead.
-She could be!
You don't know that!
They aren't killing these girls,
but we gotta move now.
That's even worse!
That's even worse.
No. Fuck you. No. I can't.
I cannot do that.
It is way too fucking painful.
-[scoffs] I know.
But to be frank,
you ain't a cop.
-No shit!
-And we need a front man here.
And think about it.
If Sabrina's fucked up
or however fucking ugly
that situation is,
she'll recognize you,
and if the feelings
that you have for her
are at all reciprocated,
she will pull through.
[exhales] I don't know.
I don't know, Murphy.
Peter, I just want you
to think about it.
You know, for Sabrina.
[gentle music]
So if you open yourself up
And there's a God above
If you live in the love
Love will return
So when the hope is gone
And you wanna give up
Remember, you are enough
And I will return
I will return
[Murphy] Just think about it,
For Sabrina.
[faint music playing
over speakers]
How you doing?
Uh, whiskey.
That'll run you five.
Oh, yeah.
Hi, how are you?
[bartender] There something
I can help you with?
Hmm? Oh. No.
-You seem anxious.
-Do I?
Haven't seen you around here.
Well, I don't normally
come around here.
-Just passing through.
Well... [chuckles]
I'm meeting a friend, actually.
[bartender] And who's that?
Entirely way too personal.
I sometimes
forget my boundaries.
-I don't mean to be rude.
I get it.
I'm just the bartender.
Don't mind me.
if it's Jasper
you're looking for,
he likes to do
his business in the back.
Oh. Okay.
Uh, hey, look, I, uh...
It's for a friend.
None of my business how you
handle your personal affairs.
[rock music]
Oh, shit.
[Man] Chief.
Nice hustle.
Hi, how you doing?
There something
I can help you with?
Uh, there actually is.
And what might that be? Hmm?
Um, I'm looking for
some company.
And you think I can
help you with that?
Uh, well,
not you personally, no.
[forced chuckle]
-Where are you from?
Big job. I'm making my way
to the city, but had to stop.
Need my rest. And my company.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Oh. Well, the word out here
is that you're the man
to talk to for some...
Right. [inhales]
Peter, Peter, Peter.
Why don't you come with me,
[Peter grunts]
We can speak a little more
candidly back here.
-[Peter] Whoa,
let's not do anything crazy!
-Shut the fuck up!
Take off your shirt.
-Shut the fuck up.
Take off your shirt.
-Show me your wire.
-Hey, hey, hey!
I don't have a wire.
-Look! Look!
-You have a weapon on you?
Who do you work for?
You think I'm some
kind of fucking asshole?
No, no!
I don't, no, I don't. I just--
I don't know
how to do this, okay?
I'm just a fucking lonely driver
looking for some pussy.
That's it.
I was just horny and I wanted
to get laid, man. Please!
[tearful] Please.
[Peter weeping]
I thought you was working
for the police or something.
-[Jasper laughing]
-What? No.
Yeah, I was gonna kill you.
I was gonna chop you up
into little pieces
and hide you in the drains
back here. I don't know!
You were?
We got these tiny teens
from podunk towns.
Nobody even
tells the difference.
-Tiny teens?
-Yeah, brother.
We got lamb chops, coronas.
And for adults, we got pussy.
-[Peter] Lamb chops?
-[Jasper laughs]
Yeah, brother,
I'll take you there.
But first you got to get
on this, my perverted friend.
Oh, no, no. I don't, uh, partake
in such activities anymore.
Just kidding!
Come on, give me some of that.
[Peter] Ah!
[Faint police sirens]
[man] Please, please,
please, can I cum now--
-Shut the fuck up!
Can I be frank with you, Peter?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, you could be
frank so long as I stay Peter.
See, I like you, man.
[laughing] I don't know why,
but you remind me of my kind
of people from back home.
[Peter] Ah. Very nice.
You know, the kind of people
that are honest.
Kind of people
that love cocaine and pussy.
-[Peter] Ah.
-[Jasper laughs]
I'm gonna let you
have your pick.
[Peter] My pick, huh?
Yeah. See, each room has
a companion,
and I or my team
assign the customer to
the different room number.
We have a system set up,
or a hierarchy, if you will.
See, over here on this side,
that's top tier.
That's where
you're gonna pick from.
In the middle, we got the boys.
Down here in the back, we got
the Latinas and the negresses.
Uh, so-- so
how do you deem them?
-Uh, I mean--
-How do I decide which ones
are the good ones,
top tier and otherwise?
Well, I fuck 'em first.
And then if I like it
or don't like it,
I decide where they fall
in the pecking order.
[laughs] Or should I say
"the fucking order."
I do get a little bit greedy
sometimes, though.
[whispering] Sometimes I keep
the best ones just for myself.
I got one in my room right now.
Oh, boy.
[Peter grunts]
You okay there, Peter?
Yeah, I just--
I need to sit down.
Oh, a little bit of coke belly!
[laughs] You got
a little coke belly?
How about this?
Room 257.
This here's Charlotte.
You ever been with
a redhead before, Peter?
Uh, no.
Hmm. [chuckles]
[camera beeps]
Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, I don't want this.
Charlotte, is it?
-Yeah, it's whatever
you want it to be, baby.
-Jesus Christ, please stop.
-Come on.
-No, no, no. Stop, stop, stop.
I'm serious.
I'm looking for Sabrina.
Is she here?
[tense music]
-What's that?
-[camera beeps]
It's a camera.
Why are you filming this?
He makes us.
-He watches it back.
-Charlotte, stop.
No, I can't stop.
If he sees that
I didn't do anything...
[sobs] If he sees that
there's an empty tape,
he's gonna kill me.
You don't understand.
He will kill me.
[Charlotte sobbing]
-[Billy] That was quick.
-Are you Peter?
-Yes. Yes, I am.
Big boss wants to have a word.
-Big boss?
Oh, you mean Jasper?
Yeah. Follow me.
Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater.
How's Charlotte?
Uh, fine.
That's all she was,
Peter, is fucking fine?
Uh, I mean, she was great.
Charlotte was great.
She-- Yeah.
I was lonely, and she definitely
made me feel less so.
Billy, stop picking
your goddamn face.
Stop it! Hand down. Hand down.
[door creaking]
[hopeful music]
-[Jasper snapping]
I'm trying to have
a conversation here.
[laughter continues]
[laughter distorts]
[laughter stops]
[Murphy] Peter.
Peter, what's up, buddy?
Can you drive away
from this place, please?
-Can you tell us what--
-Just fucking drive!
-Hey, hey, easy on these seats!
-Jesus Christ!
-Fuck you, Reno.
-[Murphy] Can you tell us
what's going on?
Fucking Sabrina! Sabrina!
She's alive! They're all alive.
They're fuckin'--
Fucking guy.
All right, now,
just hold on a second here.
[Peter] Hold on?
-Did you go in there?
-Oh, no?
-No, I said no,
you little fucking prick.
-When did you become
a fucking cop?
-I'm not. I know that.
-Oh, you a detective
on this now?
-No, you aren't.
-I know I'm not. Then why don't
you do something about it?
Shut the fuck up.
What is this? Knock it off!
Peter, what do you say?
I think it's time we take
matters into our own hands.
[exciting music]
[Reno] Third floor.
This is street level.
We know that.
Gotta get up there,
though, and we should--
Listen, this is really...
Hand back up where it was.
Close your right eye.
So shoot when...
We'll go right back there
to that other hallway.
Breathe through your nose,
out your mouth,
all the way out.
Coming at you, he's like...
That-- There you go.
There you go.
Jesus fucking Christ, man!
-Up, up, up!
Where else?
[Peter] Oh, shit.
Get up. Get up!
Open the fucking door.
-Make one fucking move
and she's dead!
-Drop the fucking weapon!
[Charlotte grunts]
[Charlotte panting]
-[Reno] You okay?
-[Charlotte gasps]
Peter. Go find her.
Well, well, well.
Thought I heard
you boys downstairs.
-Been expecting you.
-Let her go.
-[sighs] I won't do nothing.
[Peter] Let her go.
I'm gonna stop you
with that line.
'Cause I ain't gonna.
[Peter] Jasper...
Does that make you mad, Peter?
That I could put her out
of her misery whenever I want?
Put your gun down, or I'll
blow her fucking brains out.
-Fuck you.
-Put down the gun,
or I'll blow
her fucking brains out.
All right.
All right.
[gun thuds]
Untie her.
-Untie her, Peter.
-Come on. Come on!
-It's a tight knot.
-Hurry up.
-[Peter] Okay, okay.
Sit down over there.
Come here.
[soft, tense music]
[chuckles] What?
Is Papa Jasper angry?
-I'm mad as hell.
-Oh, I know you are.
[Jasper growls, chuckles]
Big, strong Papa needs to relax.
I like this, Peter.
[Sabrina] Shh.
He's not here, baby.
[Jasper grunts]
[Sabrina cries out]
[Peter bellows]
Okay, look,
go find him, all right?
-I gotta call this in.
Charlotte, come with me.
-No, I'm going with him.
[Peter grunting]
[climactic music]
[Peter exclaiming]
[Peter grunts]
[Jasper panting]
[Peter grunting]
-[Jasper grunts]
-[Peter groans]
[gun cocks]
[shouting] Get down on
your knees, Jasper!
Fuck you cunts.
[Jasper screaming]
-[Charlotte] Tie him up.
-Oh, sure.
[Jasper exclaiming, groaning]
-[Murphy] Cock suck!
[Jasper whimpering]
[Jasper exclaiming]
-[flesh squelches]
[Jasper groaning]
-[breathing heavily]
-[sirens approaching]
We're live outside
The King's Inn,
where leaders of a local sex
ring have met their violent end.
Detectives Nicodemo Reno
and Dan Murphy have found
more than a dozen missing women.
This is a case that
has loomed its nasty head
over the town of Chittenwa
for several months now.
We can confirm
one person is dead.
[man] Uh, it's actually two dead
bodies, and we're live, so.
And Tom, I'm sorry,
we're being told
there may be two people dead.
Of course, we will work
to confirm that information.
Reporting live here
in Chittenwa,
I'm Valerie Ann Coutts.
Tom, we'll send it back to you.
Don't ever fucking
interrupt me like that!
-I know we're live!
-All right, watch your head,
[Mac] Butch Cassidy
and the Sundance Kid!
Ran up in there, guns blazing,
shooting up the spot,
killing two people.
What you gonna do next?
Shoot me?
-Look, it's not even like that--
-Reno, don't.
Why don't you two guys
go home to your families?
You did a good job tonight,
believe it or not.
[officer] So, uh, get them
in the car, or?
Ow, ow, ow! Okay, okay.
You know what?
I'm done. We're done.
Uh... can I have a minute alone,
[medic] Cool, cool.
Fuck me, though. You're welcome.
I got your note.
["Good Times (Waiting For You)"
I'll wait for you
You wouldn't know
What you're missing
Until you give me the chance
To satisfy you
But you're only 18
Confused with your age
It don't surprise me a bit
When you get older
And realize it's over
With all the boys
You thought were men
Gabrielle, I will send for
Despite what you believe
And we'll be happy today
I'll wait for you
If you're lost
I'll wait for you
If you're lost
Then I'll wait
Like I said
I'll wait for you
And as I walk
This road alone
Waiting on you
Waiting, waiting
On you
Waiting all your life
Wasting all my time
On you
Waiting on your lies
Wasting all my time on you
Waiting all your life
Wasting all my time on you
Waiting all your life
Wasting all my time on you
Why are you hesitating?
And as I walk this road alone
"Sings" (Walk this road
Waiting for the day
That we meet again
Needless to say
I'm free again
And as I walk
This road alone
I'll wait for you
If you're lost
I'll wait for you
Praying for the day
That I see you again
Hoping nothing changed
Since I saw you then
Into my arms you'll fall
Hopelessly in love