The Lonely Man with the Ghost Machine (2024) Movie Script

- No!
Run, Nellie, run!
No, oh God!
No, no!
- Ladies and
gentlemen, once again,
the calamity has reached the city.
I repeat, the calamity
has reached the city.
We've been told to evacuate
into the subway tunnels,
which is where most of
my colleagues have gone,
and where I am about to go as well.
We don't know when we
will be back on the air
or if we will be back on the air.
The sky outside is purple.
It's a deep shade of purple,
and the clouds are swirling
and things are crashing to the ground.
And my God, it's horrible.
The government's last
broadcast as of three hours ago
reiterated to stay in your
homes and lock your doors
and just try to stay safe.
We don't know what this is,
but the calamity is here.
I have to go now.
God be with you, God be with you all.
- Hey there,
how are you feeling today?
- Same as every day.
- And what's that?
- Sad.
- I understand.
Do you?
Do you still feel good about this?
- About my quest?
Is that what you mean?
- What do you think I mean?
- I worry that I'm getting addicted to it.
Like, I'm...
I feel like I'm starting to
forget what reality looks like.
- That's a danger.
You said so yourself at
the beginning and you said-
- I said that I would stop
if it ever got to that point.
I know,
if it ever got too dangerous.
- What are we doing?
What are we doing?
- I don't...
I don't really know.
- What's the end goal?
- I want her back.
- Is that even possible?
- Must be.
- She's dead.
- I know that.
- So how can she-
- I don't know, but she does.
- Are you sure
you're not imagining it?
You've been alone a
very long time, Wozzek.
- Thanks.
I am aware.
- So how can you be sure?
- Because I see it!
Because I see her!
Because she's here every night!
I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
I'm worried about us.
- Yeah, I am too.
But I don't have a choice.
- There's always a choice.
- Either I continue on
and I find a way to
bring her back forever,
or I give up and I dismantle this machine
and I live alone in a broken world.
There's nothing left.
That's my choice.
- I understand.
- I know you do.
It's time.
- Be careful, Wozzek.
- Hi, Nellie.
It's good to see you.
Are you glad to see me?
Please sit.
I'm sure you're tired.
I know I'm tired.
It's been a long day.
Living is a lot for one person.
Oh, I'm writing us a song.
It's not finished yet,
but I like it so far.
I'm still working on it.
Won't you sit, please?
Please sit, like we used to.
We can pretend.
What is this Nellie, huh?
What are you getting at?
You come here and you just stand and stare
and you never say a word.
I miss you so much, Nellie.
And I just wanna know
that you miss me too.
I'm sorry.
It's just hard being alone.
But one day soon, you will sit.
And when you sit, I'll know
that you're regenerating.
And then it's just one step closer
to you being here for real.
And don't you want that, to
be back with me for good?
You can hear me.
You can hear me and you can communicate
and that twitch meant yes!
I'm going to work every day
until you are back here with me.
Not long enough.
Who's there?
- We've met before.
- We have?
- Oh, yes.
- I don't recognize your voice.
Show yourself through the window.
- In time.
We are going to see a lot
of each other, you and I.
- And why is that?
- Why do you think?
Take a guess.
- How can I guess if I
don't even know who you are?
- Being lost and confused
can lead to the greatest
freedom of guessing.
You have nothing to hold you back.
- Do you want to kill me?
- That is
a complicated question.
- Who are you?
How did you survive the calamity?
- Again, those
are complicated questions,
which will get answered in time.
Here's a question for you.
How did you survive the calamity?
Were you here in this house far, far away
from the nightmares in the cities,
from the purple skies
and the things that
descended from those skies?
- No.
We were at our home and
we watched on the news
and we saw the purple skies and fled
and found this place.
- You said we.
Are you alone?
Where is your other?
- My wife died.
A thing killed her.
- Oh.
A tragedy, no doubt.
- Yes, it was.
- And so
now you are all alone.
- I've searched for other survivors.
I've walked miles in all directions.
I've scanned the radio waves.
But I've found no one so
far, no one except for you.
My wife comes and sees me sometimes.
- Well,
that is most unexpected.
It pleases me.
- Well, I'm glad that it pleases you.
Look, who are you?
What do you want from me?
I have some food I can spare,
but I'm not opening that door.
- I think
you will open this door
one way or another, but not tonight.
Patience is one of my strongest virtues.
- I ask you again,
what do you want from me?
- A conversation partner,
a pen pal, a brain, a mind,
someone with a bit of philosophy
to bounce back and forth.
It is a stark cold world, isn't it?
We all need a little stimulus,
something to make us feel alive.
- You want me to talk to you?
- I will visit
you nightly at this time.
We will talk.
One night, you will learn my
name and I will learn yours.
I hope eventually to meet your wife.
- Tell me your name now.
- Sleep well
knowing that you have a friend.
Friends are so, so important.
Don't you think?
Especially now at the end of all things.
Keep this door locked tight.
There is evil out in the dark.
- Look at you.
All right.
It doesn't work during the daytime,
which I don't totally understand,
I guess ghosts traditionally
appear at night,
so it must have something to
do with that, that word ghost.
It's still hard to say.
It's hard to think.
I was able to see her last
night for the first time.
Up until yesterday. It was only a feeling.
But last night, I saw her.
I'm not sure that she saw me, however.
She was staring straight
ahead, almost through me.
It was like looking at
a still image in a way.
A painting, a portrait of
her, how she used to be.
But it was her.
I tried to touch her and it was so strange
'cause my hand didn't pass through her
or something like you'd see in a cartoon.
I just could feel emptiness there.
The world died too many
years ago for me to count.
Everything turned upside down.
Ghosts are real, creatures
howl out on the plains.
I couldn't save Nellie the first time.
I will save her now.
- How many days
do you think it's been?
- Well, let's think about that.
So it's been four years since Nellie left,
then another five before that
when the calamity happened,
I think, so that's nine years.
So 365 days a year.
Give or take, that's 3,285 days.
That's a lot of days.
- That is indeed a lot of days.
I'm sorry, Wozzek.
- I'm sad, you know?
All those days that could
have been spent with Nellie,
but the universe had to take her from me.
- Yes, I understand.
- I know you do.
You're the only one that could.
Am I crazy talking to myself?
- I don't think
you're crazy, Wozzek.
- I don't want to go to a loony bin.
- No loony bins anymore.
No one to take you to one either.
- Well, small blessings, I suppose.
Why do you think she only
comes back to stare at me?
- Perhaps she can't speak yet.
She may want to, but she's
not strong enough yet.
- She moved her finger.
She told me she wanted to come back fully.
- That's wonderful, Wozzek.
That's really wonderful.
It's progress.
- Yeah, small progress.
I should be thankful.
I am.
I am thankful.
Do you see her eyes when she looks at me?
It looks like she's unhappy.
Do you see that?
- I know what you mean.
- Why would she be unhappy with me?
Sometimes it even looks
like she's angry at me.
- And why would that be?
- I don't know.
- You don't?
- Do you?
- No.
- Then why do you ask?
- Because you asked, Wozzek.
- What?
So why would she be angry at me?
- Why is anyone angry at anyone?
- Why?
- Because they aren't acting
the way we want them to act.
- Why should I be acting?
- I'm not saying she's right,
but perhaps your actions belie your words.
- How?
I work day and night to bring her back,
so how do my actions...
- Wozzek, are you okay?
- Oh, God.
Go away.
- That is not a kind way
to greet your neighbor.
- Please leave me alone.
Just for tonight.
- From the
look of things out here,
you must have had a very bad night.
Are you ill?
- Yes, I am ill.
- Sickness will pass.
Did you have a nice day?
- What?
What do you care about my day?
- I am trying to
introduce a little small talk
to grease the wheels
before we get into the real
meat of the conversation.
- I don't want to have
a meaty conversation.
I want nothing to do with meat.
- Oh, see, for
me, the meatier, the better.
- Oh, I don't have the energy for this.
- In the before days.
- I can't remember anything from before.
- I'm sure
you remember something.
It wasn't that long ago.
- I remember restaurants
and eating outside and movies.
- Tell me,
tell me all about it.
- Nellie and I would
go to this restaurant,
but we'd always have the same thing.
Grilled chicken salad for her.
And I'd have the pasta dish.
Well, we'd do the same thing every week.
And then we'd go and see a movie.
- Mm, yes.
What was the last film
you two saw together?
- I can't remember what it was called.
I loved it.
Nellie was afraid.
- Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
Please continue.
- No, no.
No more, please.
No more.
- You disappoint me.
We were just getting to the good stuff.
- What, do you like hearing about my pain?
- Not your pain.
Your happiness.
I like hearing about how
happy you used to be.
- Well, talking about it
now only brings me pain.
- If you let
it, I'll tell you my name,
but I don't know if it's time
yet to let you see my face.
- I could just walk over to that door
and look out the window.
- I can
run very fast, Wozzek.
- I haven't told you my name.
- Oh, haven't you?
- No.
No, I don't believe I have.
- Come to the window, Wozzek.
I will show you my face and
I will tell you my name.
- I can't see you.
- I am standing
at the edge of the light, Wozzek.
Look deeper.
Do not be afraid.
Remember, I am a friend and
I'm called the Deleterian.
- Wozzek.
You're drunk.
It's the middle of the day.
- What else is there to do?
- Be together.
Dance, play games.
Go for a walk.
- It's too dangerous.
- It's daytime.
- It's too dangerous.
- You are not the man I married.
- Oh, am I not?
- No.
- Well, who did you marry?
- A kind man.
A confident man.
A competent man.
- I'm sorry to disappoint.
- You said you were
gonna stop drinking so much.
- Tomorrow.
- Always tomorrow.
- Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
- Wozzek, if I weren't
stuck here with you,
I would leave you.
Hello, Wozzek.
- You can talk.
- Yes, Wozzek.
- I'm so sorry, I was...
- You were drinking.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't apologize.
What we do in our own
time is our own business.
- You're sitting in your chair.
- I need you to do
something for me, Wozzek.
- What is it?
- I need you to get dressed.
I need you to come with me.
- Come with you where?
- Just get dressed.
- What, but it's night.
- Everything will make sense
when you go to this place with me.
Get dressed, Wozzek!
- You don't understand.
The creatures, the things,
they come at night.
- They come at midnight.
It's 9:00 PM, we have plenty of time.
- It's too dangerous.
- Yes or no, Wozzek?
- Okay.
Anything for you.
- Just trust me, husband.
- Trust you?
Oh, God!
- What's going on?
- You tell me.
Nellie was here and I went with her.
And then I'm covered in blood.
- Slow down.
- I won't slow down.
I can't slow.
You slow down!
What happened?
What happened?
- I don't
know and neither do you.
Calm down.
- Quit telling me to calm down!
- I'm sorry.
- Hello, Wozzek.
- Now is not a good time.
- I smell blood.
Are you hurt, my friend?
- It's not mine.
- Whose blood is it?
- You need to go away.
- Oh, I wouldn't
abandon you, my friend.
Not in your time of need.
I have to confess something, my friend.
I was watching you earlier,
walking behind a woman.
- You could see her?
- She was very beautiful.
Is that your wife?
- Yes.
- You are
surprised I could see her.
- I'm relieved.
- Why relieved?
- Because it means I'm not insane.
- Now, let's not be hasty.
Just a little humor to lighten the mood.
- Where was she taking me?
- You don't remember?
- No.
- You were
walking along a cliff's edge.
- What, why would she take me there?
She told me that everything
would be explained to me.
- Perhaps
she was lying to you.
- She wouldn't lie to me.
- Everyone lies, Wozzek.
Even you.
- What were we doing at the cliff's edge?
- I can tell you what I saw,
but it's easier if I show you.
Come outside, my friend.
You can trust me.
- Never.
You'll kill me.
- Maybe so, maybe no.
One day, we'll be together,
my friend, my neighbor.
No longer separated by this door.
- There you are.
- Sit down, Wozzek.
- What is happening?
- You don't remember what happened?
- No, I don't remember anything.
I woke up covered in blood.
Whose blood was that?
- That was my blood.
- How is it your blood?
You're dead.
- Am I?
- I watched you die.
- The machine, it's working.
- You mean...
- You're bringing me back.
Touch me, Wozzek.
- Oh, it's been so long
since I've touched you.
It's been so long since
I've touched anyone.
- Bring yourself together, Wozzek.
- I'm sorry.
I have needs.
- Yes, you have needs.
Last night, we went up
to the top of the cliff
and I gave you a choice.
Two ways to be with me, an
easy way and a hard way.
And you chose the hard way.
And the hard way involves
admitting the past.
You didn't like the things you had to do.
And you did things, husband,
I didn't know you would ever be capable of
until I saw what you were capable.
We're almost at the end, now.
I'm getting stronger.
You're almost at the end of your quest.
How does that make you feel?
- So happy.
So beyond happy.
- Good.
This is a world without much
happiness, so bathe in it.
- How will I know when you're ready,
ready to be back permanently?
- You'll know.
- But then you'll just be
here like you were before,
no need for the ghost machine?
- Oh, there will always be a
need for the ghost machine.
- I miss you so much.
- Yes, I know you do.
- And now I know you miss me too.
- Do I?
- Why else would you come back to visit?
- Yes, why else?
I have to go now.
You're almost at the end.
Be strong.
- I can't wait to make love to you again.
- Goodnight, Wozzek.
Try not to lose yourself
before it's all over.
- Where are we going?
- Follow me.
Do you see?
- It's our spot.
- Our special place.
Our special place.
- It all went so wrong.
- I know.
- I want to make it right.
- I know.
- How?
- Jump off the cliff, Wozzek.
- What, why?
- To be with me.
It's so much easier.
You'll feel no pain.
- You want me to kill myself?
- The dead belong together.
- But I don't want to die.
- Yet you want me.
- I want you alive.
I don't want both of us dead.
- Don't you?
- Why would you say that?
- You've come to resent me.
- No.
- Didn't you?
- No.
- I was sick.
- I didn't resent you.
I didn't want you to die.
- You were so tired.
You didn't sign up for this.
- I was so tired.
- In a world where everything is dead,
what's one more, what's two more?
There's no shame in dying, Wozzek.
Everyone has to go sometime.
- But I'm afraid.
- You have a choice.
Jump off this cliff and
be with me in peace.
- No.
No, I can feel you.
You can feel me.
Can't you see, it's working.
You are flesh and bone and blood
and hair and mind and soul and beauty.
And here we are at the finish line.
And you want me to end everything?
I refuse!
Oh, no, no, no, no.
- There's still time.
Either way, you'll get the same outcome.
But the choice is yours.
- No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no!
- What?
- Don't panic, friend, neighbor.
You'll never make it
to that knife in time.
I am much, much faster than you.
And this room is small.
- You are not my friend.
- Your words wound me more
than that knife ever could.
Sit, please.
Very well, let us palaver.
What do you remember about that first day?
- Of the calamity?
- Yes.
What do you remember?
- It was Christmas day.
- And what were you feeling?
- Fear, uncertainty.
- Did you
think you were going to die?
- Yes.
- And what about Nellie?
- She was
stronger than I ever was.
- Stronger than you?
- Always.
- What made
her stronger than you?
- I'm weak.
I've always been weak.
- So why is she dead and you are not?
- She was taken by a thing.
- By a thing like me, you mean?
- By you?
You ripped her apart.
- Do you blame me?
For it is my nature to rip
things asunder to consume.
It is my purpose.
You must be wondering why
I come night after night,
what my reason is for being here,
why I choose now to visit you.
- It has crossed my mind.
- I was born to consume, endlessly hungry,
and thrown from the sky
by my God for one purpose,
to eat the world and eat it I have.
I have prowled the arctic
waste of the north,
the mountains of your
Europe, the African plains,
your cities, your homes.
I have eaten humans and animals
and the grass of your fields.
I have even eaten my own kind,
every last one of them, all
my brothers and sisters,
yet my hunger remains.
That is my curse.
I have eaten everything,
everything but you.
And though my gut growls
with the urge to consume
you as well, I confess,
I fear being alone on this world
for once I have eaten you,
what is there left to eat but myself?
Wozzek, I am not a creature
built for things such as fear or doubt.
That is a human gift.
And so, friend, neighbor,
answer me this.
If all is dead around you
and all that you love is gone
and you no longer contribute
anything to this universe
except your own continued existence,
why do you persist?
Why cling to life when there is none?
Why not walk outside and
let yourself be consumed
and be a part of the world again?
Why not fling yourself from a cliff
and see what lies beyond this world?
Isn't that worth the bet
since this world is broken?
- What is beyond this world?
- Comfort, connection.
I only know what I can see and
I can only see through those
that I have consumed, which
granted, is everything.
But when they speak to me,
the spirits of the dead that
I have sent to the other side,
they seem at peace.
They do not seem angry at
me for what I had to do.
A small boon, I suppose.
- Why do you care if they're angry at you?
- Because I'm alive and I have a soul.
What I did not have is a choice,
until I chose to let
you alone live, that is.
You are welcome.
Wozzek, look.
It's Christmas, my friend.
- Nellie.
- Hello, Wozzek.
- What is your Christmas wish?
- I have...
- I will leave you now
to be with your love.
Thank you for the time we have shared.
I trust I will see you again, my friend.
- Merry Christmas, Nellie.
Are you back?
Is this it?
- Just one last step to
make that happen, love.
- What's that?
- One more time.
Full power.
- And then you'll be back forever?
You won't go away?
- I'll have all the strength I need.
- Let's finish this.
Did it work?
- I think it did.
- How do you know?
- I just do.
- Can I come to you?
- Yes, Wozzek.
- You feel different.
- Because I am fully here.
- I could still feel the death
on you before, but now...
- Now I am no longer dead.
You brought me back.
You did it.
You really let yourself go.
- What?
- You've gotten fat.
Well, fatter.
- I don't understand
why you're saying that.
- This house used to be so nice.
It was our oasis, refuge
at the end of the world.
And now look at it.
Ugh, you have not been a good
steward of our life together.
- It's hard being alone.
I needed you to-
- To clean up, to follow you around,
making sure you're happy while
you do whatever you wanna do.
- Nellie, I am so confused.
- I know you are.
I tried to offer you an easier
solution, a less painful one.
You could have died in ignorance,
which for you would've been
a truly blissful experience.
But you refused my help.
And I want you to know that
I tried to offer my help
because I do still love you
despite who you've become.
I will love you until
everything fades away
and the universe grows cold.
It is that strong of a love.
But that doesn't mean
I can't hate you too.
- Hate me?
- It was the end of the world.
But still, we had each other.
And then you had whiskey.
But still, we had each other for a time.
And then you had whiskey
and me when you wanted,
but I didn't have you.
Not like I used to.
But we carried on, didn't we?
We continued to exist.
And despite everything,
I thought we still had each other's backs.
- I always had your back.
I nursed you when you were sick.
- Out of an obligation.
- No.
- Yes.
And when I started to feel
just a little bit better, what then?
My loving, dutiful
husband, did it all change?
I needed space.
And I got that space by
taking walks in the sun
to let the warmth and the wind
and the sky take some of
that suffocation away.
And on one of those days...
- Oh, I don't wanna talk about that day.
You're back.
It's a new life and a new start.
It's why I've brought you back
so we could be in love
again like we used to be.
- On one of those days,
the unexpected happened.
The creatures prowled in the daylight.
I ran, I ran for my life.
And I called out to you.
Do you remember what I said, Wozzek?
- Nellie!
You called for help.
- Where were you?
- I didn't know where you were.
- Yes, you did.
- Nellie!
Nellie, Nellie!
- Wozzek, help!
Wozzek, help!
Help me, help me!
- I couldn't have saved you.
- Yes, you could have.
You know you could have.
- It was too close.
- We were two against the world.
But when push came to
shove, I was expendable.
- I was scared.
- So was I!
- If I'd left the house,
both of us might've died.
- But at least you would've tried.
- What?
This is unfair.
- This is unfair!
How is this unfair?
Wozzek, how is this unfair to you?
- I brought you back!
I dedicated my life to bringing you back!
- You dedicated your life,
the life you've saved for
yourself, your precious life.
And now you want thanks and
praise for bringing me back
so that you could have
someone to clean for you,
to tell you how good of a man you are,
to fuck you,
try to atone for what you
know is your greatest sin.
And even after death, you
held me captive with this,
a tool for life, but really a prison.
I was at peace, Wozzek.
Over there, there is peace
and rest and none of this.
And every day for four years,
you ripped me from that
so you could sit and talk to
me and jerk off in front of me
and try to make yourself feel
like some sort of martyr.
- You're not Nellie.
You're something else.
I brought back a demon or something.
- Oh, I'm Nellie, all right.
But you're right, Wozzek,
I should thank you.
You did against all odds
bring me back from the dead.
You regenerated me.
My body is mine again.
My mind is clear and my soul has purpose.
And for that, I thank you.
I loved you once, but
you took it for granted.
And in a world where
there's only two people,
that's a lot of desires ignored.
Goodbye for now, Wozzek.
- I don't understand.
- You will.
- Hello, old friend.
- I thought we were friends!
- We are, and I will see you again.
Your lovely wife has assured me.
- No, no.
- Hello, Wozzek.
Can you speak yet?
Yes or no?
That's incredible, isn't it?
Peace and restfulness on the other side.
How are you feeling?
Let me rephrase.
Can I feel you?
Oh, good.
Stronger, some meat on those bones.
Does it hurt you like it did me?
Feel it regrowing?
Birth is always painful.
I am sorry, dear husband, but
this was part of the deal.
When you fed me to the monster,
you left him without anything to eat.
And he got sad and he
tried talking to you,
but he hungers still and hurts for it.
So I promised him that if he let you live,
let you finish your
work and bring me back,
then he would never hunger again
so long as he lets me live out my days.
So you're right,
I should thank you again
for truly giving me life.
And in a world where there
isn't a world anymore,
what do calendars matter?
Merry Christmas, Wozzek.
Merry Christmas now and forever.