The Long Voyage Home (1940) Movie Script

were taken, as well as inestimable booty.
By scoring several hits, our artillery...
about to sail to return to harbor.
under the fire of German anti-tank guns.
containing the Secretary's comment...
- Captain. | - Yes.
bombing in Chungking had been received.
Anyone left the ship, Donkeyman?
Not as I seen, sir.
- New man? | - Yes, sir.
Smith, signed on at Cape Town.
- Check him onboard. | - Yes, sir.
That crazy light don't work, sir.
So why didn't you report it | when the lights went out?
All right, Mister. | Check everyone in the fo'c's'le.
Swanson here. McDonald?
What? Oh. Oh, here, sir.
Davis. Davis!
I'm here.
- In here... | - What is it? What's going on?
What are you doing here, steward?
Just turned in for a wink of sleep, sir.
- You're a mighty quick sleeper? | - Yes, sir. Always was...
- Oh, tick him off. | - Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Do you always sleep with your clothes on?
It's my privilege.
That fellow belong to me.
- Who's missing? | - Driscoll, sir. Bunk's empty.
- Where is he, Swanson? | - Drisk?
Why... Huh.
He was here just a little while ago, sir.
He went to sleep, I suppose, | up on fo'c's'le head.
I go find him, tell him you want him, huh?
Stay where you are.
I know that you men have been | grumbling about shore leave.
When I found the native police | had picked up a seaman ashore,
I guessed it was Driscoll.
Me, sir?
- Did I hear my name, sir? | - Where have you been?
I've been having a bit of a nap | on the fo'c's'le head, sir.
Oh, it's a grand evening | to be taking a few winks on deck.
With that sun coming over the water, sir, | I was dreaming...
Never mind about that. | Let's have a look at your hands.
The other one.
The back of it, man.
There's a native policeman ashore | with a broken jaw.
No skin broken, sir.
Well, I'm glad for once | it's someone from another ship.
- Kransky. | - Here.
- Hansen. | - Here.
- Geary? | - Here.
- Rido. | - Here.
What happened, Drisk?
Dawson put up a bit of a fight. Ole.
I'm sneaking back to the boat | when two of them native police
with their white caps | and their brass buttons
step out and ask for my pass.
"There's a war on," says they, | "and you're not a neutral."
I never was a...
I never was a neutral in all my life.
- Well, one word led to another. | - What about the ladies?
The ladies will be aboard any minute now | with huge, big baskets of fruit.
Hey, what about the booze?
Under the fruit, there'll be a bottle | or two like this for each one of you.
- By jingo, we get drunk! | - Shut up, you square-head.
Yeah, shut up.
Would you have the Mate after us?
Well, I hope you enjoyed it.
I did.
There you are.
There's a bumboat | coming along the side, sir...
- Right, let them aboard. | - Pardon, sir?
- Let them aboard. | - Yes, sir.
I suppose you're wondering | why I'm relaxing discipline.
Why, no, sir. It's none of my business.
I thought the First had told you the orders.
They said the ship was being ordered | to the United States, sir, to pick up cargo.
- They tell you what the cargo is gonna be? | - No, sir.
It's ammunition, Mister.
Yes, sir.
Come on. Get them up.
Hey, get back there.
Come on. Get them up there.
You're in charge of this party. | And no rough stuff.
No, sir.
- You women bring booze? | - Where's the liquor?
Hold your horses, ape!
Is it trouble you're after?
Quiet! All right. All right.
You want the Mate down on our necks | to spoil all the fun?
Into the fo'c's'le with them. | Go along now. Come on. Get out of here.
Take them in, fellows. Go on, fellows. | Move along. Shake a leg.
Hey, he's cheating!
You make so much noise, mister.
Good evening.
You buy from me?
Have you anything to drink?
Thanks. Thank you very much.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Come on, baby.
Come on, baby.
I've done my share of drinking in my time.
Doctor told me I'd have stop it or die, | so I stops.
What's troubling you, Smitty?
That singing on the shore | getting your nerves?
If I didn't know | we were in the West Indies,
I'd imagine we were anchored | off some island of the dead.
The ghosts are wailing, Donkeyman.
Natives is queer.
I've known them | to keep on singing like that all night long.
I used to worry a lot about dying. | I don't no more.
Take that singing now.
Sounds kind of nice and sleepy-like to me.
Sleepy? If I listen to it much longer sober, | I'd never get to sleep.
What's bothering you, Smitty?
Oh, memories, Donkeyman.
Best thing to do with memories | is forget them.
Suppose you couldn't forget them?
I'd get drunk, same as you're doing.
Whatever set you going to sea | on an old tramp like this?
I suppose there's a woman mixed up in it, | ain't there?
- There she is. | - Oh, here you are, honey!
You come back!
There's love for you, Smitty.
No memories joined with that.
Every time we get near the land, | you get that look on your face.
When a man goes to sea,
he ought to give up | thinking about things on shore.
Land don't want him no more.
I've had my share of things gone wrong,
and all come from the land.
Now I'm through with the land, | and the land's through with me.
Too smoky in fo'c's'le. Jiminy!
There's a chap who doesn't worry about it.
He's going back to the land | at the end of this voyage.
Olsen? He'll never get home.
Three times I've seen him paid off.
And it's always one drink with the boys | and then...
After this trip, he'll stop trying.
Yes, I dare say you're right.
You're different from the rest of us.
Something on land | has still got a hold on you.
It's you ought to be going home.
You leave me out of it, Donkeyman.
Who's going to leave you out of it | when we get back to England?
I'm not going back.
- The ship is. | - But I'm not.
You mean you're going to desert?
Mind your own business, Donkeyman.
Play us a tune, you lug!
An Irish tune!
Hey, Ed. Want a drink?
Yeah, thanks.
Say, isn't it great? | We're gonna booze it on up with a...
I no like these men.
I like you.
I be your girl.
Dance with...
I don't dance.
Oh, Smitty. Smitty, you dog.
Gee, I almost popped you. | You and me is friends, Smitty, ain't we?
- Right you are, Yank. | - Ain't we? Sure.
Any pal of mine can have | anything I got, Smitty. Anything.
And she's a good-looker, ain't she, | Smitty, huh? Ain't she?
Come on, honey.
Boy, she's got a lot of fire, too, huh? | Here, have a drink. Go on. Go on.
Hey, baby, wait minute.
You done that on purpose, you hairy ape.
Who you calling a hairy ape?
You're a cold punching swab.
Well, did you see him?
What I want to know is, | are we all friends or not?
- Why, sure we're friends. | - There now, have a drink.
- I will. | - God bless you.
Hey! Come on deck!
Seamen and firemen fighting, sir.
What's going on here?
They were, all of them, | having a bit of a harmless fight, sir.
Knife wound to the shoulder, sir.
- Who knifed him? | - I don't know, sir.
It's only a scratch,
hit his head on the deck when he fell.
Take him aft. I'll bandage him up.
Look at this, sir.
So that's the trouble, Driscoll.
Take him aft.
- You'll get no money for this last work. | - But...
I'll teach you to smuggle rum on a ship | and start a riot.
senor Capitan.
You know the agreement. Rum, no money.
These sailors, they bring the rum.
- We bring no rum. | - You're lying!
Clear out! Your boat's alongside. | Get along.
None of your lip, or I'll put you ashore | and have you locked up.
Hop it.
Go on. Hop it. Come on. Move 'em on!
Come on, ladies. Come on.
Mate say we sail at sunrise.
For England.
American port first for cargo, | then we go home.
Then I go home.
Time to turn in, Smitty.
Hello, Captain. How are you? | That's your ship? That's good.
I can just see Ole behind that plow.
Ole be putting a rudder on the horse's tail
and a compass on the plow,
so that he'll not be digging potatoes | when it's turnips he's after.
Hey, Ole, show us how | you used to call them pigs.
If I was a swine, I'd be running | the other way after that devilin' screech.
You won't go home. You'll get drunk.
The only way you'll see that farm | is through a bottle.
You stop that.
Stop what, square-head?
You don't make a fool of Ole.
He's going home. | By devil, you've got no home.
I got no home. | None of us got a home but Ole.
And if you stop him, I fight you.
You go home, Ole.
Your mother is old. Where's my hat?
She needs you. She wants you. | You don't go anymore on sailing.
That's no good, Ole. That's no good.
You go home to your mother.
She's old, and she needs you.
Yeah, I go home.
You go home.
And here are your instructions | for the stowage of high explosives.
- High explosives. | - Are your cargo holds quite dry?
Oh, yes.
I'm not worried | about keeping the cargo dry,
but about getting through the war zone.
We haven't enough speed | to run away from a rowboat.
Not even a machine gun | to make a fight of it.
If anything hits us below the waterline, | we'd go up like a kite.
every ship that gets to England | is helping to win the war.
And every officer and man | in the merchant marine is doing his bit.
- Unsung heroes... | - Is this when you want us to sail?
Oh, yes. Time is very important, you know.
Is it?
Unsung heroes.
Like a curse!
Hey, Yank. Drisk.
Come here.
- Hey. Hey, did you know about this? | - What are you talking about?
I was wondering | what all them blooming uniformed guards
were hanging around for.
- That explains it. | - TNT.
TNT, it's high explosives.
It's the same thing, isn't it?
It's worse. It's ammunition.
- By jiminy Christmas. | - The devil with it.
Load up an old hooker like this | full of that blooming stuff
and what is she? Just a bomb!
A great, big dynamite bomb!
I quit!
Well, we're all quitting, I'm thinking.
I'm through.
Captain wants you out, men. | Everybody out.
Sir, what's the meaning of this?
Captain will answer your questions.
But we didn't sign on for the kind...
- Okay, hop it. He's waiting. | - Well, so are we.
All right, let the old man himself explain...
By devil, I quit!
I ain't gonna sign on this old tub again.
As far as this job's concerned, | you men haven't got any names.
You're just so many hands,
just as I am a boss | to see this cargo gets to England.
If it doesn't get there, | it'll be missed, but we won't.
Now I know it's the usual thing | for the fo'c's'le hands to grouse.
So if anybody's got | any objection to what I've said,
well, step forward. Let's hear it.
Right. Well from now on | till you're paid off in London,
you get 25% bonus on your wages.
There's one thing more.
Owing to circumstances | over which I've got no control,
nobody is allowed to leave the ship.
May I ask, sir, | why are we deprived of shore leave?
For your own safety.
I don't want the cargo | talked about ashore.
I think I can be trusted, sir.
When you're drunk?
I maintain, sir, that we're entitled | to one night ashore before sailing.
Yeah, I maintain | you've said enough, Smith.
I'm as interested in the welfare | of my ship's crew as you are.
No more of your lip.
Go on. Back to your work.
Roust out, Cocky.
Can't you let a man sleep?
What about the rest of us? | The old man wants his coffee.
That means he's going to the bridge. | And that means we're gonna sail.
Shake a leg!
Can't let a man sleep.
I'll expose him.
- Well, Captain, goodbye and good luck. | - Goodbye, thank you.
Are you quite sure you won't want a pilot?
No, no pilot.
bon voyage. | - Goodbye.
All clear!
Glencairn. | - Let's take him aboard!
On your feet!
Take it away!
One of your men, isn't he, mate?
Yes. Get aboard, Smith!
Get aboard. Take it away!
Good night, Drisk.
Good night, Donkeyman. | Sweet dreams, too.
Full speed ahead, Mister.
Alter course.
East by north. Half knot.
East by north. Half knot.
Stop that noise!
You square-headed ape.
He was playing soft, Drisk.
Slow her down a few turns.
By golly, I would hate to be | on this old tub in rough weather.
Hey, Cocky. Hurry up that Scotch.
Come on! Let's shake a leg!
Come on, Old Murphy. I'll help you. | Come on.
Boys, coming... There you are. | Now, there you are.
Them sea biscuits | would break the tooth of a lion
if he had the misfortune of biting one.
Nothing but scarf upon these rusty...
Swill, that's right.
It's a starvation ship. My last trip!
Plenty of work and nothing to eat.
And the owners riding around in carriages.
I think it's that blasted cook.
Fresh meat for the officers | and hash for the men. That's his notion.
Hash, hash! Stew, stew!
Marmalade, by jiminy!
We hit something?
It was the anchor.
The anchor's broke loose!
- Contact... | - Yank!
Mr. Graves?
Steady kid.
Let me... Let me lie down.
I need to lie down.
Excuse me, sir,
but the men in the fo'c's'le are asking | if you'll take another look at the sick man.
Is he worse?
He's spitting blood again, sir. | Can you do anything for him, sir?
Well, as far as I can make out,
those splintered ribs | have punctured his lung.
Can you do anything about that, Mister?
- Why, no, sir. | - No, neither can I,
and I don't think I'm fooling anybody, | pretending to be a doctor.
Damn! If it had only happened | a week later, we might have made port.
As it is...
All right, Mister. When you leave, | first tell him to come here.
I'll go forward and see what I can do.
Yes, sir.
A book and a box of physic!
Suffering Moses! | It's colder than kittens up there.
How's Yank, Drisk?
- Your wheel, Scotty. | - Aye.
Who's watching lookout?
Me and Drisk.
Oh, it's nothing but dirty weather | this whole voyage.
Are you feeling better now, Yank?
You look better. Much better.
Am I telling him a lie?
- Sleep done you good, Yank. | - Sure it has.
In no time at all now,
you'll be having a pint a beer | with us in Limehouse.
What are you all lying for?
You think I'm afraid?
You think I'm scared?
Don't you be thinking such thoughts.
Don't be leaving me, Drisk.
- Ole? | - Here, Yank.
Don't leave me.
I'm dying, I tell you.
I won't stay here alone.
I'll go out on deck.
There, there, now.
Don't you be worrying, Yank!
I'll not stir a step out of here,
and let that devil of a man | curse his black head off.
I take your watch, Ole.
Get me some water. Quick.
Here, here you are, lad.
There you are.
He's just up and having a fainting spell, | sir.
Isn't this your watch, Driscoll?
Yes, sir, | but Yank was fearing to be alone and...
- Well, that's all right, Driscoll. | - Thank you, sir.
Did he take the medicine I sent?
Yes, sir, but it wouldn't stay down.
I'm afraid he's very weak.
Please, sir. Find some way to help him.
My good man, I'm not a doctor.
You and him been shipmates | a long time, haven't you?
Yes, sir.
Well, keep him quiet, | and we'll hope for the best.
I'll raid the med room | and send some medicine,
something to ease the pain anyhow.
You'll be up tomorrow. | We'll pull you through, all right.
Well, keep your courage up. | Coming, Mister?
Didn't I tell you?
Sure the Captain will have you on deck | chipping rust before the week is out.
Don't lie, Drisk.
I'm gonna die. The sooner, the better.
Oh, by the Holy, you lad. | I'll not let you. I'll not let you.
Give me a drink of water.
My throat's burning up.
How's Yank?
It's asleep, he is.
No, I ain't, Drisk.
I was just dreaming.
I thought I was way in the middle of land,
where you could never smell the sea | or look at a ship.
Prop me up a little, will you?
So I can breathe.
Where's Ole?
Here, Yank.
This ain't no life, Ole.
If you don't leave it this trip, | you never will.
Sure. We'll both put him on his way home | soon as we're all paid off.
Remember the times we've had | in Buenos Aires?
- That dance hall in Barracas. Remember? | - I do indeed.
And the stink of the hides in La Plata.
Give me a puff, Drisk.
Remember the night | I went crazy with the heat
in Singapore?
And the time we both got locked up | for fighting in Sydney. I do indeed.
That fight on the dock in Cape Town.
I can see his face in front of me.
That guy that I...
Let you not be thinking of that now. | That's done and gone and forgot.
It was done in fair fight.
In self-defense, wasn't it?
- Wasn't it, Drisk? | - Indeed it was.
Didn't he try to stab you in the back | and you not suspecting?
I wish I had no blackened deed on my soul.
Where's all that fog coming from, Drisk?
How'd it get in here?
Of course, lad, it's...
It's just coming in the alleyway.
That's funny.
I thought I could hear the wind | blowing outside.
Yank, lad,
I never asked you,
but have you no relations at all | that you could call your own?
- Drisk? | - Yes, Yank?
Remember that little barmaid
in the Red Stork in Cardiff?
She was a good kid.
Swell kid.
Lent me dough when I was broke.
Buy her something to...
Give me a drink.
Yank, speak to me, lad.
Captain sent this medicine for Yank.
He say it would take away his pain | where he's hurting.
Yank's gone?
"Before the light of God."
"He that believeth in me, | though he were dead, yet shall he live.
"Our Lord Jesus Christ, | our glorious majesty.
"The seas will give up her dead..."
Thank you, sir.
There's your coffee, Scotty, | if you can call it coffee.
What are you doing?
I just paint windows, Drisk.
Have I no eyes in the front of my head?
Mate's orders, Drisk.
We show no lights. | With the submarines lying about...
You mean, we're in the war zone?
We'll be tonight. | I heard the old man tell the Second.
Wouldn't you think that leg of a Mate | would pass the word?
They ain't pasting up no bulletins | to let the crew know anything.
I don't like this much.
The lifeboats are ready, ain't they?
Sure, lower them in a second.
Next time I ship on windjammer, | Boston to River Plate,
loaded with wood only so she float, | by golly!
Well, I'm... Lord!
They're not half smart, them blighters.
What are you buzzing about?
It's written down here in print, | or I wouldn't believe it.
It's a true confession.
Confession of what, man?
The fifth column.
Fifth column?
It tells here how a German spy in Paris | was writing messages
to a woman spy in Switzerland,
who sent them on to Berlin, Germany.
That's nothing.
Nothing, is it? | Wait till you hear how they done it.
To read their messages, | you wouldn't suspect anything, see.
A lot of mush.
The fellows in the War Office | that opens them
thinks they're nothing but love letters, | you see? But they have a code.
What do you mean, code?
What do I mean? I'll tell you what I mean.
They have a piece of paper | with a lot of little holes cut out in it,
and when they put it on top of the letters,
they see only the words | that tell them what they want to know.
And the Frenchmen get beaten up for it | all on account of one letter.
That's bad.
The conniving, murdering, tricking... | That's the truth.
Here, you can read it for yourself.
No, no, you keep it.
That code, that's no good, by devil!
Come on, Scotty, or the Mate will be down | on our necks. Your wheel, ain't it?
Shocking! Outrageous! Preposterous!
Hash, stew, marmalade,
Codes, by devil!
East by north. Three quarters north.
East by north. Three quarter north.
Do you smell the land, Smitty?
Aye, a day and a night now.
Don't let it trouble you, Smitty. | Crew don't let on.
But they're always kind of nervous | when they get into the war zone first time.
Thanks for the compliment, Donkeyman.
I hope you won't tell anyone | you saw me shaking with fear.
- Oh, I didn't mean... | - Haven't you ever needed a drink?
Haven't you felt every nerve in your body | demanding whiskey?
Haven't you felt like screaming because... | Oh, what's the use of talking about it?
You don't know what I mean.
Indeed, indeed I do.
Look, take my advice. Don't leave the ship.
I'm staying onboard. You won't be alone.
Couple of days in port, | and then away to sea again. Why not?
What's it going to be, Smitty?
One big drunk or more memories?
No, I'm gonna enlist.
Good. Navy needs you.
No, I'm going in the army | if they'll have me.
Skipper wanted his binoculars. | Must've left them in the chart room.
"International Code of Signals, | British Edition."
Why aren't you up there | where you belong?
I see lights from ship.
Right there. | First, I think she's submarine, by golly.
I don't see nothing.
She wink on. She wink off. | Then she wink away. I see it.
Someone is making signals.
No, you're looney.
No, by devil, I see light.
All right, all right. Get up on the topside | before the Mate sees you.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Nearly eight bells, Scotty. | Rise and shine, Ole.
Come on, you guys. Shake a leg. | Get out of there.
- Fog still thick? | - Sure, cut it with a knife.
Bloody hate the fog, | unless you can hear the foghorn.
Well, what do you wanna do, Cocky? | Whistle up a few submarines?
Blasted U-boats. | I hope the British navy sinks them all.
Not only the submarines we have to fear, | that's what I'm thinking.
Oh, you don't have to worry about mines | as far out as this.
I wasn't thinking of mines either.
Your wheel, Ole?
My lookout.
- Ain't it your deck watch? | - Yes, yes. Surely.
- I can't figure that guy out. | - No, no one has.
Watch that light!
Sorry, Drisk.
- Do you know what I caught him doing? | - What?
Going through the old man's code books.
Nah! Smitty, good fellow.
Wanna get square-headed...
Wait till you hear what I seen.
Ole, I see light.
She wink on. She wink off. | Then she wink away.
- Sure, Axel. | - Yeah.
Hit the bunk!
Taking a gander at the chart.
I think the ship's not safe with the fellow. | I think I'll sleep outside on deck.
I tell you, I see that light. She wink on. | She wink off. Just like wigwag.
And that's another thing. | How did I forget that?
I thought the square-head was seeing | things. Maybe he ain't so dopey after all.
I'm coming along the deck, see, | with a coffee pot when...
Curse that fog!
Curse him thick!
Who's the lug put his cup | where a man'd sit on it.
He think he's such a fine gentleman
that he can't put his own away | the same as the rest of us?
- He use for get dressed, Smitty, all right? | - All right, is he?
Of course he's all right!
Can't you keep your tempers? | It's this blasted fog.
The thought you might be blown | to smithereens any minute.
It's my last trip through the zone, so it is.
Devil take them and their 25% bonus.
Be caught like a rat in the trap | in the bargain maybe.
- So you think the Duke's all right? | - Now look here, my boy...
Look, there it is. That's it.
Are you all crazy?
The light. That's where it comes from. | What'd I tell you?
Hey! You're showing the lights, you lug.
- Who left that open? | - Smitty.
Who has done it if Smitty didn't? | It's over his bunk, isn't it?
She wink on. She wink off. | Just like wigwag.
Hey, what's going on here | behind my back?
That's what we're trying to tell you, Drisk.
Maybe you won't be thinking | so much of the Duke when you hear it.
All right, all right. Out with it.
Stop winking and nodding | and making a mystery of things.
Keep your eye on the door.
- Sing out if you see Smitty coming. | - Yeah.
I see him in the chart room, | getting a fix on our course.
I caught him in the Captain's cabin, | pouring over the code book,
the International Code book.
Take it easy, Drisk.
Shut up.
By jiminy! By devil!
Are you gonna have it out on deck?
Why should we stay here | and be blown to bits?
Are you frightened, you toad?
Well, it's a fine thing when full grown men
shiver like children | at the sight of a little black box.
Still, it's a devilish thing, the look of it.
"A bit of a black box," you call it?
How big do you think it has to be? | As big as this fo'c's'le?
It looks bad, so it does.
There's only one consolement.
The traitor's English.
Who says he's English?
Haven't you read | how all them German spies
has been living for years in London
and talks the King's English, | as good as I do.
He talks English too good. | That's what I mean.
That's right.
I never met a swell | that talked the way he does.
Now, listen, Drisk,
was he ever open with us | like a good shipmate?
No, he always keeps to himself | like he was hiding something.
And the name he calls himself, Smith.
I'll bet a buck on my next payday | that his real name is Schmidt.
By devil, Schmidt!
Devil take me | if I don't think you have the truth of it.
I wish he didn't come back | after he jumped ship in United States.
Jumped ship. Jumped ship!
He was passing the word | to some German bloke
about the ammunition we're carrying.
I'll lay odds he was trying to sneak in | onboard when they nabbed him.
Well, I never was afraid | of anything or anyone.
- Don't monkey with it. | - Let's see face to face.
- Now get out of here! | - Careful, Drisk.
- Get that bucket of water. | - What are you gonna do with it, Drisk?
I'll show you what I'll do | with this Devil's machinery.
The devil's got you hot as a clam bake?
You guys keep out of this. Stand back.
- Good work, Drisk. | - Now, she don't blow up, by golly.
- What do you mean "blow up"? | - You pipe down.
Now, let's find this blaggart.
They hang spies on shore, | don't they?
Over the side with him, | and one man missing in the morning.
He'll go over the side, all right, | but not till after he's had a fair trial.
Ain't you seen enough, Drisk?
If Yank, God rest his soul, was here, | he'd agree with me. Johnny. Davis.
I found it.
We found it under his bunk. | Yeah, under his mattress.
- There's a bomb in there. | - I knew. I knew that fellow.
Here, just what's...
If this is your idea of a joke...
We'll show you how much of a joke it is | before we're through with you.
If you'll be good enough to explain...
It's you who'll do the explaining, | my fine gentleman.
Look at it, you dirty swine.
- Look at it! | - What is it?
Thought you wasn't half a fox, | didn't you?
It's mine. | What are you doing with my things?
What's in it? | Would you tell us to our faces?
- That's my business. | - Well, we're making it our business.
Get his keys. | See if he has one that'll open it.
Don't you open that, Driscoll.
If you do, so help me, | I'll kill you if I hang for it.
I am not the one to be killed. | I'm no dirty spy.
- Spy? | - We're on to your tricks.
Hiding this box under your mattress
so you could sneak out later | and put it in the hall.
What are you talking about, you fool? | I only put it there
so that I could get it quick in case | we were torpedoed. You must be insane!
Keep your mouth shut!
What are you talking about? | Let me get out of this...
- Wait. | - Get back there, you lot!
Stand back, you hairy ape!
It's nothing but a packet of letters.
Letters, what did I tell you?
That's why he was going | through the code book.
Letters are worse than bombs sometimes.
Where else would spies | get their orders from
if it wasn't from letters?
What orders would he be getting, | do you suppose?
Open it and find out.
The name written here is,
"Thomas Fenwick."
That's no more his name than Smith.
Schmidt, that's this guy's real tag.
You don't suppose | he'd be using his own name, do you?
It's a foreign postmark by the looks of it.
Look at the stamp.
Berlin! | I knew them letters was from Germany.
Berlin, by devil!
Read it, Drisk.
I'm not much of a hand at reading,
but it begins, "Tom, darling."
"Tom, darling"?
- Read it out louder. | - Yeah, out loud.
"Tom, darling,
"Clive said he'd seen you at Gibraltar
"before you sailed for Malta.
"It wasn't anything he said, | but his manners seemed queer,
"and I was terribly uneasy
"until your letter arrived.
"There is only one thing, Tom, darling,
"can wreck our lives,
"and that is this black shadow."
- Black shadow? | - Code word.
Sure, go on. Go on.
"Whenever you're tempted, dearest man,
"think of those who love you.
"Of Tommy and Betsy
"and of your own Elizabeth."
- Elizabeth? | - That's how it's signed.
- Queer. | - What does it mean then?
By the Holy, | here's one addressed to this ship.
- "S. S. Glencairn."
That was five months ago in Montevideo.
The writing's bad in this one.
Same hand, only a little shaky.
"Tom, darling,
"it's only from your chance meeting | with Harry
"that I know where to reach you.
"I know now that you hadn't stopped
"That you couldn't stop.
"That you lied about it.
"But I know you lied | to give me peace of mind.
"Always hoping you could fight it out
"and make it come true.
"My heart broke | at the thought of your trial,
"and I nearly died | when your letter finally came
"like a note from the grave
"telling me that, for my own sake,
"you would never return to England.
"Dear, dear man,
"loss of a commission is not loss of life.
"There is no disgrace | we can't go through together.
"I refuse to tell the children, as you asked,
"that their father is dead.
"He'll never be dead to me | because I love him.
"Oh, Tom.
"Tom, you must come back to us.
"His Majesty, the King,
"has been graciously pleased to authorize
"the issue of the..."
What the devil am I reading that for?
Get the hell out of here, you black lugs!
- Swine! | - By devil!
Go on. Get yourselves a wink of sleep.
All's well, Smitty?
All's well, Ole.
Ole? Axel?
Do you not smell the land?
The sweet smell of Ireland.
The fields and the forests,
the green hills.
But that's England that way.
Did I ask you?
Make anything of it, Mister?
They're flying above the clouds.
I suppose it must be our lads | coming in for patrol.
Machine guns, bombs, bullets!
Hash, you marmalade!
By devil, I quit!
Quick! Hide! Quick! You...
Number Two lifeboat.
Give me a hand to lower this lifeboat. | Clear the shocks.
Sure, Smitty.
Veer your ship. Break your course, man. | Break your course.
Mrs. Fenwick.
Well, Smitty got home.
He's gone.
Smitty's gone.
There you are, the last penny.
Put your mark there.
He can write, Mister.
Wanna sign up | for the next voyage, Olsen?
No, sir. I go home this time.
- Thank you. | - Is that all?
Aloysius Driscoll.
Aloysius Driscoll.
I know you men will want another berth | when you've spent your money.
So if anybody wants to sign on | for the next voyage before you go ashore,
you can do so now. So speak up.
Right. That's all.
I'm signing on, sir.
All right.
They'll be back, all right.
All except Olsen, sir.
Well, we'll see.
Come on now, lads. Shake a leg. It's | the last I wanna see of this rusty...
There, by golly, you don't spend | that money. That's for farm.
Come on! Hurry up!
- Come on! | - Come on!
The first thing we do | is put Ole on his boat.
- But first, we go to the ticket office. | - Ticket office!
Ticket office is the word, and I'll show you | the way, and then we'll go to Joe's Place.
And after that, we...
Who the devil are you, | you little pish-posh?
Nick is the name, shipmate.
Nick is the name, mates, | and I'm glad to meet you one and all.
Now this here is a card for Joe's Place. | Lovely dancing girls, bow-wow,
no chance of being robbed, | and the best drinks in town.
There'll be no drinks | till we put Ole on his boat!
That's right, Drisk.
You're making a mistake, shipmates! | Best spot in town for a drink.
Nice girls to dance with...
Any of you shellbacks looking for a berth?
What ship is that?
Sailing tonight for Valparaiso. | We need another seaman.
A starvation tub, if ever I saw one.
Rotten grub, work night and day,
and your skull split open | if you open your mouth!
No wonder you can't get no crew, | you bluenose...
- Sling your hook! | - Stay away from me, I'm warning you.
Come on, Drisk!
I'll catch up with you one of these days, | you bluenose blaggart!
Amindra. Amindra.
Svensk Engelsk. Yeah, that's it.
In you go, Ole. | In you go, and buy your ticket.
Well, now, that's settled.
There's Ole's ticket!
Here, I take Ole's ticket.
By golly!
There, you got money for farm, | and stick ticket for Stockholm,
and you don't lose.
Now, you're all right!
And now, lads, | we've got a little time on our hands.
Time, mates? | The pilot's aboard, yo-heave-ho!
Anchor's away, | and we'll steer a course for Joe's Place.
And just to show | that my heart's in the right place,
I'll tell you what I'll do, mates. | I'll stand a drink all round.
Drink! Preposterous!
There'll be no drink | till that one's safe aboard.
That's the gospel truth.
Of course, a glass of beer maybe
to wish Ole on his way.
And drink a toast to Smitty.
And Yank.
Smitty and Yank.
Yeah, Yank...
That's a grand idea.
You know, mate,
when I seen you chaps coming ashore, | my heart was touched,
thinking of the way our sailor lads | is suffering these days.
Hearts of oak, I said.
Sing us another one.
By golly, that's good beer! | You want a drink?
Ole, good luck to you!
One glass of beer.
- The boat! | - The boat!
The boat! The boat!
- The boat! | - Wish! Wish! With a wish!
Do you hear it? | Do you hear what they're playing?
But it's a grand night to be whirling about | in some fine...
Yeah, but don't you...
One dance! Just one dance!
Come on. Come on.
Sorry, you civilians can't go in there. | That's for these lads going off to war.
Going off to war!
Is there any place on land or sea | where there is no war?
That's it. Move along. | Get off the street. Get inside somewhere.
Best place to be during a blackout.
Blackout. Blackout. Blackout.
Everywhere people stumbling in the dark.
Is there to be no more light in the world?
Is there no place in this dark land
where a man who's drunk | can find a decent bit of fun?
What have I been telling you | all evening, mate?
Don't let them get your egg out. | Come on with me to Joe's Place.
Lots of lovely girls
and no blooming copper telling you | what you can do or what you can't do.
Devil take me, but I remember this place.
Ship ahoy, me hearties! Happy | to see you home again safe and sound.
Ship ahoy.
Ship ahoy, is it?
So it's you, you blaggart!
Five, six years ago,
I was robbed of my last bob in this place | in me sleeping.
Devil stiffen you!
If you come any of your tricks | over me this time, I'll...
You're mistaken, mate. | This is an honest place, this is.
Oh, yes, and you're a blushing angel, | I suppose.
Well, no matter. It's past and gone forgot.
I'm not a man to be holding | hard feelings my first night ashore.
- And me drunk as a log. | - Quite right. You've got my vote.
What's it gonna be? What's your pleasure? | What'll it be? What's...
- Irish whiskey! | - Same here.
Come on! Cut it out, will you?
Axel, my ticket! Where's my ticket?
In your coat, lad. In your coat. There it is.
Large as life.
You couldn't lose that | without losing the coat itself.
Well, we go soon, Drisk. | I don't wanna miss boat to Stockholm.
Sure, lad, and fine shipmates we'd be | if we didn't see you on your way,
but you've ladles of time!
- Sure! | - Quiet down!
Aye, I'll treat you a toast, lads!
May the devil burn | that black Scot of a Mate.
- Yeah! I'll drink to that! | - What will you have, mate?
He'll have a pint of beer. | And you know who'll pay for it? I will.
Now, it won't do you | the least bit of harm, mate.
Why, you're the strongest in the whole lot.
Here, stand up. Come on. Don't be afraid. | Come on. Up. Stand up.
There you are. That's the kind of fo'c's'le | on hand that skippers is looking for.
He'll have just a pint of beer, Joe, on me.
No, he won't have a pint on you!
He won't have a pint on anybody! | You stop talk like that!
Oh, I just take one.
Ole, hold that.
All right.
You just take one drink, and I hurt you!
I agree with the square-head. | Nothing for Ole.
All right, I just take ginger beer.
- What? | - He say ginger beer.
He wants ginger beer!
- Ginger beer! | - Oh, ginger beer.
What devils...
Well, I was just telling Joe the ladies | is coming over to have a drink with you.
And what lovely, what beautiful, | what seductivity.
Ladies, if I may?
Hello, mates.
Ship ahoy!
Provocative! Tantalizing.
Have a good voyage?
A rotten voyage, but never mind that.
My name's Freda. Hers is Kate. | Hers is Meg.
You're welcome, as the saying is.
Are you gonna buy us a whit?
I like them fat!
Come on, square-head. | Play us a tune, an Irish tune.
Would you care to dance?
No, I go now.
Where you going?
Goodbye, Axel.
I'll think you don't like me | if you don't come back.
Well, you is wrong. I do like you.
Why won't you come back then?
Won't you come in | and have a pint with me?
I go home. I catch boat.
Well, you don't wanna go without | a sweetheart to say goodbye to, do you?
All right, I just take a ginger beer.
Won't you sit down? Over here.
All right, shipmates, | come on out the back room.
Everything is free and easy there,
and we got a lovely gramophone, | and the cops can't hear us. Come on.
Now tell me something about yourself. | Where was you born?
- In Norway? | - No.
- Denmark. | - No.
Ain't that funny? I was born there, too.
- Where, Miss Freda? | - In Sweden.
- Do you speak Swedish? | - Oh, no.
You see, my old man and woman | come here to England
when I was only a baby. | I'm an orphan, you know.
And they was speaking English | before I was old enough to learn.
So I never knew Swedish. I wished I had.
No place like your home, I says.
I leave home when I was kid. | Now, I don't leave no more.
I got all the sea I want for my whole life.
What did you do before you was a sailor?
I work on farm till I'm 16.
And we lived... | My mother and brother live.
My father is dead.
We live on farm | just little way outside Stockholm.
I got plenty money now.
Sewn in pocket. Two years' pay.
How clever.
You'll be getting married, too, I suppose. | You got a sweetheart?
Oh, I don't know, Miss Freda, I think so. I...
Well, I...
What's your hurry? | You haven't bought me my drink yet.
I only takes a drop of gin now and again.
For my health.
A drop of gin, Joe, if you please.
With a beer chaser.
You hear that, Joe?
A drop of gin and a beer chaser | for her ladyship.
Now, come on, sailor. Come on. | You can't let the little lady drink all alone.
- Well, I... | - Please.
Now, come on. Sit down. Sit down.
You got a new matey, you know. | Here, what you gonna have?
Well, then I take a little ginger beer.
- Ginger beer. | - Small one.
Small ginger beer. You shall have it.
No! No.
Tell me something about your old lady.
Your mother, | she won't be half glad to see you, will she?
Does she know you're coming?
No, I thought I just give her a surprise.
She must be old, ain't she?
You know, Miss Freda, | I don't see my mother in...
Must be 10 years. | Oh, I write to her once in a while.
She writes many times. | My brother, he writes, too.
My mother say in all her letters, | "You come right home!"
And I write back always, "I come soon."
And I mean all time to go | at end of voyage.
But I come ashore. I take one drink. | I take two drinks. I...
I ship away for another voyage. | Something always happens.
Here we are.
And I took the liberty | of having one myself.
- Skol!
More beer!
Well, this time I go home.
I feel homesick for farm
and to see my people again. I...
Just like little boy, I feel homesick.
My mother,
she gets old. I want to see her.
She might die. I would...
Ship ahoy! Ship ahoy!
- Can I keep the parrot? | - Oh, you...
What devil's trick is this?
What kind of... Where's Ole?
The big lad, Ole!
Oh, him. Oh, he left on a steamer. | He said he couldn't wait.
And he told me to say goodbye.
Ole go home.
The big lug made it.
Ole's gone home to Stockholm.
bon voyage. Come on.
Before you go, | how about a farewell drink on the house?
- Good idea. Good idea. Good idea. | - Come on. Let's get out of this rat hole.
Ole's gone.
What'll you have, whiskey?
Irish whiskey.
That's a queer thing for Ole to be doing.
If Ole's gone to the steamer, Drisk, | we got time to catch him.
Well, we've come to see him off anyway.
Well, come on now. Sling your hooks!
- Shall we go? | - Goodbye, mate!
- Happy trip. | - Goodbye!
- Goodbye. Goodbye. | - Goodbye.
It's not in my nature | to feel unkindly toward any man,
to be holding a grudge inside of me | when I might let bygones be bygones.
- Thank you, mate. | - So feeling in a merciful mood toward you
- when I might never see you again... | - Now. would be a hard thing to have on me.
Of course, it would. Of course.
Ship ahoy! Ship ahoy! Ship ahoy!
Excuse me, mates, but you haven't got it | quite right. It goes something like this.
- Where's Ole? | - Where's Ole?
- What did you do to him? | - Where's Ole?
Yes, Driscoll, you...
- Ole! | - Ole!
Come on!
Ole! Ole! Ole!
Give me...
Come on. Go on. Get him off here. Quick.
Hurry up! Hurry up, there. Hurry up!
All clear!
Take him forward.
Where's Ole?
Ole go home.
- Good. | - Yeah. Ole go home to Stockholm.
Where's Drisk? | What happened to Driscoll?
Drisk gone.
Gone? Gone where?
He's gone.
He's gone.