The Lucky Texan (1934) Movie Script
Mornin', stranger.
Mornin', stranger.
How are ya, old timer?
How are ya, old timer?
Guess you don't remember me.
Guess you don't remember me.
Can't say as I do.
Can't say as I do.
But there's somethin' mighty
familiar about you.
But there's somethin' mighty
familiar about you.
Well, Jake, I guess it's a
long time
Well, Jake, I guess it's a
long time
Since you taught me how to
trap coyotes and ride broncs.
Since you taught me how to
trap coyotes and ride broncs.
Jerry Mason, as I live!
Jerry Mason, as I live!
Jerry Mason, as I live!
Well, well, man, how you've
Well, well, man, how you've
I say, you're a regular
mountain, ain't ya?
I say, you're a regular
mountain, ain't ya?
Sit down here and let's talk
it over.
Sit down here and let's talk
it over.
Sit down here and let's talk
it over.
Well, there's not much to
tell, Jake.
Well, there's not much to
tell, Jake.
I finished college.
I finished college.
True to your dad's last
True to your dad's last
You've come to live with me.
That's right.
That's right.
I can't tell you how happy I
am to see you.
I can't tell you how happy I
am to see you.
I'm happy to be here, too,
I'm happy to be here, too,
I'm happy to be here, too,
How about the ranch? The
How about the ranch? The
There ain't no cattle, son.
There ain't no cattle, son.
Rustlers got most of 'em.
Rustlers got most of 'em.
I sold what was left.
I sold what was left.
Can't we stock it up again or
start in some other business?
Can't we stock it up again or
start in some other business?
Can't we stock it up again or
start in some other business?
Itchin' to get to work, huh?
Itchin' to get to work, huh?
Well, I was figurin' on
openin' up the blacksmith shop.
Well, I was figurin' on
openin' up the blacksmith shop.
Well, I was figurin' on
openin' up the blacksmith shop.
Well, I was figurin' on
openin' up the blacksmith shop.
What do you say we go in and
fry us a chicken
What do you say we go in and
fry us a chicken
And gargle some coffee?
What do ya say, huh?
What do ya say, huh?
Sounds like a good idea,
especially that chicken!
Sounds like a good idea,
especially that chicken!
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
Jerry: well, no wonder this
horse was limpin'.
Jerry: well, no wonder this
horse was limpin'.
Jerry: well, no wonder this
horse was limpin'.
Jerry: well, no wonder this
horse was limpin'.
Well, got him fixed up?
Well, got him fixed up?
Horse picked up a sharp rock.
No, no, there ain't no charge.
No, no, there ain't no charge.
No, no, there ain't no charge.
Looks like you been through
plenty of water.
Looks like you been through
plenty of water.
Yeah, tried a shortcut about
12 miles back yonder and got
Yeah, tried a shortcut about
12 miles back yonder and got
Yeah, tried a shortcut about
12 miles back yonder and got
Had to come right down through
the middle of the crick.
Had to come right down through
the middle of the crick.
That's why he went lame.
That's why he went lame.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Hey, Jake!
Hey, Jake!
Hey, Jake!
I just picked this up at the
post office.
I just picked this up at the
post office.
I bet I know who it's from.
I bet I know who it's from.
I bet I know who it's from.
I was right.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Well, I was right.
It's from Betty.
It's from Betty.
Yeah, my granddaughter.
Yeah, my granddaughter.
Didn't you know I had a
Didn't you know I had a
I certainly did not.
I certainly did not.
Yes siree.
Yes siree.
I'm her only livin' relative.
I'm her only livin' relative.
I been sendin' her to college
for a couple of years.
I been sendin' her to college
for a couple of years.
She'll soon be here to live
with me.
She'll soon be here to live
with me.
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
"Dear Grandy,
"Dear Grandy,
"I just received my monthly
check, and thank you so much.
"I just received my monthly
check, and thank you so much.
"I just received my monthly
check, and thank you so much.
"I can't wait until school is
"I can't wait until school is
"So I can come and live with
"So I can come and live with
"Gee, just three months more
and I'll be keepin' house for
"Gee, just three months more
and I'll be keepin' house for
"Gee, just three months more
and I'll be keepin' house for
"Please write me a nice, long
"Please write me a nice, long
"I do so enjoy hearin' from
"I do so enjoy hearin' from
"I do so enjoy hearin' from
Lovingly, Betty."
Lovingly, Betty."
Heh. She's a fine girl, Jerry,
Heh. She's a fine girl, Jerry,
Heh. She's a fine girl, Jerry,
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
Well, hello, Friday.
Well, hello, Friday.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
She's the town dog.
She's the town dog.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Oh, so you wanna play, eh?
Oh, so you wanna play, eh?
Oh, so you wanna play, eh?
Say, Jake, take a look.
Say, Jake, take a look.
Say, Jake, take a look.
That's a piece of quartz that
came out of the horse's hoof.
That's a piece of quartz that
came out of the horse's hoof.
It's gold!
It's gold!
Say, there's a stringer in
there bigger than a ten-penny
Say, there's a stringer in
there bigger than a ten-penny
Say, there's a stringer in
there bigger than a ten-penny
If we only knew where it came
If we only knew where it came
I do know.
I do know.
I do know.
That prospector said he was
forced down the middle of a
12 miles out.
12 miles out.
Well, there's only one crick
out there, Jerry.
Well, there's only one crick
out there, Jerry.
It'll be a cinch to backtrack
It'll be a cinch to backtrack
Well, we're on our way right
now, and if we find anything,
Well, we're on our way right
now, and if we find anything,
I know a dog that's gonna have
I know a dog that's gonna have
A porterhouse steak and a home
for life.
A porterhouse steak and a home
for life.
You said it!
You said it!
You said it!
You said it!
You said it!
You said it!
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Wait a minute. Look at that.
Wait a minute. Look at that.
Wait a minute. Look at that.
Say, that's the real stuff,
Say, that's the real stuff,
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Hello. Hello, Benson.
Hello. Hello, Benson.
What can I do for you?
First place, do you fellas buy
First place, do you fellas buy
Certainly. That's part of our
Certainly. That's part of our
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Say, that's the pure stuff.
Say, that's the pure stuff.
Say, that's the pure stuff.
It's as good as I've ever
It's as good as I've ever
It's as good as I've ever
It's as good as I've ever
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
Let's see.
Let's see.
$16 an ounce...
$16 an ounce...
$16 an ounce...
That'll come to $848.
That'll come to $848.
That'll come to $848.
Okay, we'll take that in
Okay, we'll take that in
If it's just the same to you.
If it's just the same to you.
Okay. All right, Joe.
Okay. All right, Joe.
Now listen, we expect to bring
in many times that amount.
Now listen, we expect to bring
in many times that amount.
Now listen, we expect to bring
in many times that amount.
We think we've got a rich
We think we've got a rich
But we don't want anybody to
know anything about it.
But we don't want anybody to
know anything about it.
But we don't want anybody to
know anything about it.
You'll tell us, won't you?
We're not tellin' anybody,
We're not tellin' anybody,
But when we do get ready to
let the location be known,
But when we do get ready to
let the location be known,
But when we do get ready to
let the location be known,
You'll be the first ones in on
You'll be the first ones in on
Come on, Jake.
Come on, Jake.
We gotta go buy a dog a
porterhouse steak.
We gotta go buy a dog a
porterhouse steak.
We gotta go buy a dog a
porterhouse steak.
They made a rich strike,
And it's up to us to locate
And it's up to us to locate
And it's up to us to locate
I wouldn't mind having old man
Benson's ranch, either.
I wouldn't mind having old man
Benson's ranch, either.
I wouldn't mind having old man
Benson's ranch, either.
He used to run cattle.
He used to run cattle.
Huh! Course, he doesn't know
Huh! Course, he doesn't know
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
Ya know, Jake, it's a good
We didn't file on that claim.
We didn't file on that claim.
We didn't file on that claim.
It'd have tipped the whole
town off to the location
It'd have tipped the whole
town off to the location
And confined our operation.
And confined our operation.
And confined our operation.
As it is, we can work the
whole crick.
Yeah. Your idea of crossin'
windy flats
Yeah. Your idea of crossin'
windy flats
Yeah. Your idea of crossin'
windy flats
And enterin' the town from the
other side
And enterin' the town from the
other side
Sure had 'em puzzled. Hah!
Sure had 'em puzzled. Hah!
It sure has. They been
back-trailin' the trail
It sure has. They been
back-trailin' the trail
For two months,
For two months,
And they always get stuck at
windy flats.
And they always get stuck at
windy flats.
They think this mine's out in
the middle of the desert.
They think this mine's out in
the middle of the desert.
They think this mine's out in
the middle of the desert.
Supposin' we take a little
rest, huh?
Supposin' we take a little
rest, huh?
Supposin' we take a little
rest, huh?
Just a few more days
And Betty'll be comin'.
And Betty'll be comin'.
And Betty'll be comin'.
Don't you think we better be
gettin' back
Don't you think we better be
gettin' back
And gettin' some of this dirt
out of our hides?
And gettin' some of this dirt
out of our hides?
Yeah, I reckon you're right.
Yeah, I reckon you're right.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
Hiya, pete.
Man: well, well.
Man: well, well.
Hello, hank. How's your old
Hello, hank. How's your old
Hello, hank. How's your old
It's all washed up, boys.
It's all washed up, boys.
No pay dirt this time.
No pay dirt this time.
( All grumbling )
( All grumbling )
Wait a minute, wait a minute!
Wait a minute, wait a minute!
I tell you, we didn't get a
bit of color.
I tell you, we didn't get a
bit of color.
You was gone all this time?
You was gone all this time?
You was gone all this time?
Hold on. Now wait a minute.
Hold on. Now wait a minute.
Tell you what I'll do.
I'll give you every nugget you
find on the pack.
I'll give you every nugget you
find on the pack.
I'll give you every nugget you
find on the pack.
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Here comes old Benson now, and
Mason isn't with him.
Here comes old Benson now, and
Mason isn't with him.
Good. Are the papers all
Good. Are the papers all
-Hello, Jake. -Hello, Hanson.
-Hello, Jake. -Hello, Hanson.
Well, what luck this time?
Well, what luck this time?
Not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
( All talking at once )
( All talking at once )
( All talking at once )
( All talking at once )
Let's see, at $16 an ounce,
Let's see, at $16 an ounce,
That's, uh... $2,335.
That's, uh... $2,335.
That's, uh... $2,335.
That's, uh... $2,335.
How will you have it, in coin
or bills?
How will you have it, in coin
or bills?
Bills is easiest to carry.
Bills is easiest to carry.
All right, Joe.
All right, Joe.
Sit down, Jake.
Sit down, Jake.
Sit down, Jake.
Sit down, Jake.
Sit down, Jake.
I've got to have your
signature this time, Jake.
I've got to have your
signature this time, Jake.
The government demands that I
get a receipt
For all monies paid out for
all gold.
For all monies paid out for
all gold.
Uh, Joe?
Uh, Joe?
Uh, Joe?
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
There you are.
There you are.
And here's your money.
And here's your money.
Thanks. Gimme my canteen, will
Thanks. Gimme my canteen, will
I'll be seein' you fellas
again mighty soon.
I'll be seein' you fellas
again mighty soon.
Well, we got the deed to the
Well, we got the deed to the
And when he eventually
And when he eventually
We'll have this recorded.
We'll have this recorded.
Let's see what we made on the
Let's see what we made on the
Let's see what we made on the
Let's see what we made on the
Well, how much we get this
Well, how much we get this
I'm gonna hold out 500 of
I'm gonna hold out 500 of
Pay on this blacksmith shop
Pay on this blacksmith shop
Pay on this blacksmith shop
You know, Jerry, I got an idea
You know, Jerry, I got an idea
This is gonna be a valuable
corner someday.
This is gonna be a valuable
corner someday.
This is gonna be a valuable
corner someday.
And we ain't gonna let go of
And we ain't gonna let go of
And we ain't gonna let go of
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
Hello, dad.
Hello, dad.
Say, you got a couple of bucks
you can spare?
Say, you got a couple of bucks
you can spare?
Gambling again, eh?
Gambling again, eh?
Well, that's about all there
is to do around this town.
Well, that's about all there
is to do around this town.
Well, that's about all there
is to do around this town.
Gee, I wish I had a job.
Gee, I wish I had a job.
So do I.
So do I.
And remember, can't keep this
up forever.
And remember, can't keep this
up forever.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
Hey, Al. Come here a minute.
Hey, Al. Come here a minute.
Hey, Al. Come here a minute.
If you don't kick through that
dough you owe me,
If you don't kick through that
dough you owe me,
I'm tellin' the town
I'm tellin' the town
That'll just about throw your
old man out of office.
That'll just about throw your
old man out of office.
That'll just about throw your
old man out of office.
Where am I gonna get it?
That's not up to me.
That's not up to me.
I don't care where you get it
or how you get it,
But get it.
But get it.
But get it.
But get it.
But get it.
But get it.
Mr. Williams in?
Mr. Williams in?
Yes, Jake. You'll find him in
his office.
Yes, Jake. You'll find him in
his office.
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Hi, Mr. Williams.
Hi, Mr. Williams.
Well, Jake, I'm glad to see
Well, Jake, I'm glad to see
I wanna pay off my debt on the
blacksmith shop.
I wanna pay off my debt on the
blacksmith shop.
That's fine. Sit down.
That's fine. Sit down.
That's fine. Sit down.
I'll give you a receipt for
your money.
I'll give you a receipt for
your money.
We'll put it into escrow.
We'll put it into escrow.
We'll put it into escrow.
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
Good-bye, Mr. Williams.
Good-bye, Mr. Williams.
How's the claim coming?
How's the claim coming?
Oh, still coughin' up a few
Oh, still coughin' up a few
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Howdy, sheriff.
Hello, Jenkins.
Hello, Jenkins.
Hello, Jenkins.
( Sounds of scuffling )
( Sounds of scuffling )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
Better send for the doctor,
Better send for the doctor,
Better send for the doctor,
Better send for the doctor,
Better send for the doctor,
It's too late.
It's too late.
You've killed him, Jake.
You've killed him, Jake.
You've killed him, Jake.
I killed him?!
You're not trying to deny it,
are you?
You're not trying to deny it,
are you?
Didn't I hear you fighting?
Didn't I hear you fighting?
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
Somebody must've come in
through the back door.
Somebody must've come in
through the back door.
That's the only way it
could've happened.
That's the only way it
could've happened.
Don't worry, old timer.
Don't worry, old timer.
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
This is Mr. Benson's ranch,
isn't it?
This is Mr. Benson's ranch,
isn't it?
Why, yes. Are you Betty?
Why, yes. Are you Betty?
Why, yes. Are you Betty?
And you're Jerry Mason.
And you're Jerry Mason.
Why didn't you let us know you
were coming today?
Why didn't you let us know you
were coming today?
I wanted to surprise Grandy.
I wanted to surprise Grandy.
Where is he?
Where is he?
Oh, uh...
Oh, uh...
Well, uh, you see,
Well, uh, you see,
When he gets out in the hills
When he gets out in the hills
Why, he...well, it's pretty
hard to tell when he is coming
Why, he...well, it's pretty
hard to tell when he is coming
Why, he...well, it's pretty
hard to tell when he is coming
Why, he...well, it's pretty
hard to tell when he is coming
Won't you come in?
Won't you come in?
Oh, gee, you don't know how
glad I am to be here.
Oh, gee, you don't know how
glad I am to be here.
Oh, gee, you don't know how
glad I am to be here.
I just can't wait to see
I just can't wait to see
I'm gonna ride out and see if
I can't locate him.
I'm gonna ride out and see if
I can't locate him.
I hope you find him.
I hope you find him.
I hope you find him.
I hope you find him.
I hope you find him.
Now just make yourself
comfortable, miss Betty.
Now just make yourself
comfortable, miss Betty.
Now just make yourself
comfortable, miss Betty.
Thank you, and I'll have
dinner ready for you when you
come back.
Thank you, and I'll have
dinner ready for you when you
come back.
That'll be great.
That'll be great.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
Got any news, Jerry?
Got any news, Jerry?
Nope. I'm just gonna give this
bank the once-over.
Nope. I'm just gonna give this
bank the once-over.
Nope. I'm just gonna give this
bank the once-over.
This may not mean anything,
This may not mean anything,
But Al the sheriff's son has
been flashin' a roll of bills.
But Al the sheriff's son has
been flashin' a roll of bills.
But Al the sheriff's son has
been flashin' a roll of bills.
I know he hasn't done anything
to earn it.
I know he hasn't done anything
to earn it.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
Did Al Miller give you this
Did Al Miller give you this
He sure did.
He sure did.
He sure did.
He sure did.
He sure did.
He sure did.
Where'd you get that money,
Where'd you get that money,
I don't think that's any of
your business.
I don't think that's any of
your business.
I'm makin' it my business
I'm makin' it my business
Because that's part of the
money Jake Benson paid the
Because that's part of the
money Jake Benson paid the
Just where did you get it?
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
Tell these boys where you got
that money.
Tell these boys where you got
that money.
None of your business!
Oh, no?
Oh, no?
I did it, I did it!
I did it, I did it!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Hear that, boys?
( All exclaiming )
( All exclaiming )
( All exclaiming )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
I tell you, sheriff, Jake is
I tell you, sheriff, Jake is
( All agreeing )
( All agreeing )
Wait a minute then.
Wait a minute then.
If what you say is true
If what you say is true
And my boy is guilty of this
And my boy is guilty of this
I'll see that he gets the full
penalty of the law.
I'll see that he gets the full
penalty of the law.
Here comes Mason now.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Alton Miller, I arrest you for
attempted murder and robbery.
Alton Miller, I arrest you for
attempted murder and robbery.
Alton Miller, I arrest you for
attempted murder and robbery.
And I'm going to do my duty in
helping to exact the full
And I'm going to do my duty in
helping to exact the full
And I'm going to do my duty in
helping to exact the full
For your crimes.
For your crimes.
For your crimes.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
I'm sorry, Benson.
I'm sorry, Benson.
That's all right.
That's all right.
That's all right.
That's all right.
I know just how you feel.
I know just how you feel.
I know just how you feel.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
( Crowd clamoring )
( Crowd clamoring )
( Crowd clamoring )
( Crowd clamoring )
( Crowd clamoring )
Never keep me caged up in one
of them things.
Never keep me caged up in one
of them things.
( Laughter and chattering )
( Laughter and chattering )
( Laughter and chattering )
It's a mighty good thing
you're out
It's a mighty good thing
you're out
Because Betty's home waitin'
for you.
Because Betty's home waitin'
for you.
Well, jumpin' jehoshophat!
Well, jumpin' jehoshophat!
Maybe you think I wasn't
Maybe you think I wasn't
Maybe you think I wasn't
Well, well, well, well. Ha ha
Well, well, well, well. Ha ha
Well, well, well, well. Ha ha
Well, well, well, well. Ha ha
I thought I was never going to
see you.
Thought so myself for a while,
Thought so myself for a while,
But thanks to Jerry, here I
But thanks to Jerry, here I
I have dinner all ready for
I have dinner all ready for
I'm sure ready for dinner.
I'm sure ready for dinner.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
By cracky, that's the best
dinner I've had in years.
By cracky, that's the best
dinner I've had in years.
And that goes for me, too.
And that goes for me, too.
I can see it isn't going to be
very hard
I can see it isn't going to be
very hard
To please you two.
To please you two.
Well, son, we won't be workin'
the mine again
Well, son, we won't be workin'
the mine again
Till next spring.
We can't afford to miss meals
like this.
We can't afford to miss meals
like this.
We can't afford to miss meals
like this.
I think I'll go out tomorrow
and hide the sluice box.
I think I'll go out tomorrow
and hide the sluice box.
In fact, I'll stake out three
claims along the crick
In fact, I'll stake out three
claims along the crick
And you can file on 'em.
And you can file on 'em.
After all, you know, better be
on the safe side.
After all, you know, better be
on the safe side.
After all, you know, better be
on the safe side.
While you're gone, I'll take
Betty around the ranch
While you're gone, I'll take
Betty around the ranch
And show her the town and our
blacksmith shop.
And show her the town and our
blacksmith shop.
And you can figure on me bein'
here for dinner.
And you can figure on me bein'
here for dinner.
All right, Grandy.
All right, Grandy.
All right, Grandy.
This town is located about six
miles off that spur.
This town is located about six
miles off that spur.
This town is located about six
miles off that spur.
This town is located about six
miles off that spur.
Hey, Mason, can I see you a
Hey, Mason, can I see you a
Hey, Mason, can I see you a
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
You know they're takin' young
Miller over to Cedar City?
You know they're takin' young
Miller over to Cedar City?
Is that so?
Is that so?
I thought you might like to
That banker Williams is gonna
pull through okay.
That banker Williams is gonna
pull through okay.
That banker Williams is gonna
pull through okay.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Is Jake Benson around?
Is Jake Benson around?
Why, no. He went to his claim
this morning.
Why, no. He went to his claim
this morning.
But he'll be back this
But he'll be back this
Oh. Thanks.
Oh. Thanks.
Oh. Thanks.
Oh. Thanks.
Oh. Thanks.
Benson's out at his claim.
Benson's out at his claim.
He won't be back till late
this afternoon.
He won't be back till late
this afternoon.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
Friday, there's some nuggets
that Jerry don't know nothin'
Friday, there's some nuggets
that Jerry don't know nothin'
Friday, there's some nuggets
that Jerry don't know nothin'
Friday, there's some nuggets
that Jerry don't know nothin'
Ha! Won't he and Betty be
Ha! Won't he and Betty be
When they hear that?
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Guess we got here just in
Guess we got here just in
Guess we got here just in
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
Drop your hands, Benson.
Drop your hands, Benson.
We've decided it's about time
We've decided it's about time
You were tipping us off to
this gold field of yours.
You were tipping us off to
this gold field of yours.
Oh, so that's your game, eh?
Oh, so that's your game, eh?
Well, Jerry and me found that
gold field.
Well, Jerry and me found that
gold field.
Well, Jerry and me found that
gold field.
We ain't tippin' it off to
We ain't tippin' it off to
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
He's done for.
Yeah. There's a canteen on
that pack.
Yeah. There's a canteen on
that pack.
Yeah. There's a canteen on
that pack.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
No use, Harris.
No use, Harris.
I can't get it.
I can't get it.
Come on, we got to get outta
here and get back to town.
Come on, we got to get outta
here and get back to town.
We can't afford to be seen
Get your horse.
Get your horse.
Get your horse.
Now listen, Friday.
Now listen, Friday.
I want you to go get Jerry.
I want you to go get Jerry.
You understand?
You understand?
Go get Jerry.
Go get Jerry.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Why, that's Grandy's horse,
isn't it?
Why, that's Grandy's horse,
isn't it?
It sure is.
Say, here comes his pack.
Say, here comes his pack.
Say, here comes his pack.
There's Grandy's pack now.
There's Grandy's pack now.
There's Grandy's pack now.
There's Grandy's pack now.
What do you suppose has
What do you suppose has
I don't know, but I'm gonna
find out.
I don't know, but I'm gonna
find out.
I don't know, but I'm gonna
find out.
( Men murmuring )
( Men murmuring )
( Men murmuring )
What's all the excitement
What's all the excitement
Old Jake's horse came in
without him.
Old Jake's horse came in
without him.
Old Jake's horse came in
without him.
Is that so?
Is that so?
Maybe we oughta organize a
Maybe we oughta organize a
( All talking at once )
( All talking at once )
Man: he never did this before.
Man: he never did this before.
Man: he never did this before.
Man: he never did this before.
Where's Jake?
( Barks )
( Barks )
( Barks )
You better go back home and
wait till you hear from me,
You better go back home and
wait till you hear from me,
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
What's the matter, old timer?
What's the matter, old timer?
Are you all right?
I'm only a little dizzy.
I'm only a little dizzy.
I'm gettin' better every
I'm gettin' better every
They only nicked me.
What are you talkin' about?
Who nicked you?
What are you talkin' about?
Who nicked you?
What are you talkin' about?
Who nicked you?
I'll tell you all about it on
the way home.
I'll tell you all about it on
the way home.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
What happened, Grandy?
What happened, Grandy?
Oh, you're hurt!
Oh, you're hurt!
No, tain't nothin' at all.
No, tain't nothin' at all.
Horse throwed me and hit
square on my head.
Horse throwed me and hit
square on my head.
What I need is a good feed.
What I need is a good feed.
I'll run right uptown and get
you something nice then.
I'll run right uptown and get
you something nice then.
I'll run right uptown and get
you something nice then.
Don't tell anyone that your
granddad is here.
Don't tell anyone that your
granddad is here.
Oh, all right.
Oh, all right.
Oh, all right.
Oh, all right.
Oh, all right.
Say, son, open up that trunk
and get out my makeup case,
Say, son, open up that trunk
and get out my makeup case,
Will ya?
Makeup case?!
This? That's right.
This? That's right.
This? That's right.
This here'll stop the
This here'll stop the
What in the world's this?
What in the world's this?
Oh, that's just a souvenir of
my old theatrical days.
Oh, that's just a souvenir of
my old theatrical days.
Oh, that's just a souvenir of
my old theatrical days.
I didn't know you were an
actor, Jake.
I didn't know you were an
actor, Jake.
Yep. I wore that when I played
in a show
Yep. I wore that when I played
in a show
Yep. I wore that when I played
in a show
Called Charlie's aunt.
Called Charlie's aunt.
-Yeah? -Yeah.
-Yeah? -Yeah.
What the heck is this?
What the heck is this?
Son, that's the thing that
helped make
Son, that's the thing that
helped make
Anna held and Lillian Russell
Anna held and Lillian Russell
Anna held and Lillian Russell
Oh, I see! Up here like this.
Oh, I see! Up here like this.
You durn yearling. You got it
in the wrong spot!
You durn yearling. You got it
in the wrong spot!
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Hello, Mason.
Hello, Mason.
Has Benson come in yet?
Has Benson come in yet?
Not yet.
Not yet.
If he doesn't get in by night,
I'm goin' lookin' for him.
I'm goin' lookin' for him.
I reckon his horse threw him.
We just called to find out
We just called to find out
When we could take possession
of this ranch.
When we could take possession
of this ranch.
When we could take possession
of this ranch.
Take possession?
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
Well, maybe Benson didn't tell
Well, maybe Benson didn't tell
But we bought this ranch a few
days ago.
But we bought this ranch a few
days ago.
But we bought this ranch a few
days ago.
That's strange.
That's strange.
Funny he didn't tell me.
Funny he didn't tell me.
You got a bill of sale?
You got a bill of sale?
Why, certainly.
It's at the office.
It's at the office.
Then I'll have Jake drop in
Then I'll have Jake drop in
And he can advise you when
he's gettin' out.
And he can advise you when
he's gettin' out.
And he can advise you when
he's gettin' out.
That'll be fine.
We're anxious to get started
We're anxious to get started
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
What are they talking about?
What are they talking about?
I ain't sold no ranch.
Have you signed any papers
lately, Jake?
Have you signed any papers
lately, Jake?
No. I don't think so...
No. I don't think so...
Wait a minute.
Yes, I did.
Yes, I did.
I signed a receipt for the
money we got from them last
I signed a receipt for the
money we got from them last
Did you look at it closely?
Did you look at it closely?
That's it then.
That's it then.
You probably signed a bill of
sale for the ranch.
You probably signed a bill of
sale for the ranch.
That's why they were tryin' to
get rid of you.
That's why they were tryin' to
get rid of you.
They figured they could claim
the ranch then and nobody could
deny it.
They figured they could claim
the ranch then and nobody could
deny it.
Them dirty, lowdown polecats.
Them dirty, lowdown polecats.
Them dirty, lowdown polecats.
We'll get 'em.
You wait till my headache's
better tomorrow.
You wait till my headache's
better tomorrow.
You wait till my headache's
better tomorrow.
We'll give them the surprise
of their life.
We'll give them the surprise
of their life.
Say, but you better go file on
them claims.
Say, but you better go file on
them claims.
Take that canteen of nuggets
Take that canteen of nuggets
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
Here's the location of them
three claims.
Here's the location of them
three claims.
There's one for Betty, one for
you, and one for me.
There's one for Betty, one for
you, and one for me.
All right. You better lie down
and get some sleep, Jake.
All right. You better lie down
and get some sleep, Jake.
All right. You better lie down
and get some sleep, Jake.
Don't you forget yourself.
Don't you forget yourself.
Remember, I'm supposed to be
Remember, I'm supposed to be
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
There's Mason.
There's Mason.
There's Mason.
There's Mason.
There's Mason.
Isn't that old Jake's canteen
on the saddle?
Isn't that old Jake's canteen
on the saddle?
Isn't that old Jake's canteen
on the saddle?
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
What have you got there, boys?
Oh, hello, hello.
You see, sheriff, we
recognized this canteen.
You see, sheriff, we
recognized this canteen.
It belongs to old Jake Benson.
It belongs to old Jake Benson.
It belongs to old Jake Benson.
Whenever Jake brought in his
nuggets to us,
Unknown to anyone else, he
brought them in this canteen.
Unknown to anyone else, he
brought them in this canteen.
Unknown to anyone else, he
brought them in this canteen.
We thought it was kinda funny
that old Jake's disappeared
We thought it was kinda funny
that old Jake's disappeared
We thought it was kinda funny
that old Jake's disappeared
And Mason should have this.
And Mason should have this.
Where is Mason?
Where is Mason?
He went in the courthouse.
He went in the courthouse.
Pete, go in there and see what
Mason's doing.
Pete, go in there and see what
Mason's doing.
Pete, go in there and see what
Mason's doing.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
He's filing on a mining claim,
He's filing on a mining claim,
Probably old Jake's claim.
Probably old Jake's claim.
Probably old Jake's claim.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Howdy, boys.
Howdy, boys.
What's all the powwow about?
What's all the powwow about?
Just how did you come to have
this canteen of nuggets?
Just how did you come to have
this canteen of nuggets?
Just how did you come to have
this canteen of nuggets?
I don't care to answer that
question, Harris.
I don't care to answer that
question, Harris.
Whose claim were you just
filing on, Mason?
Whose claim were you just
filing on, Mason?
Whose claim were you just
filing on, Mason?
My own claim.
My own claim.
Do you know anything about
Jake Benson's disappearance?
Do you know anything about
Jake Benson's disappearance?
Yes, I know he hasn't come
Yes, I know he hasn't come
Yes, I know he hasn't come
I'm sorry, Mason, but I'll
have to hold you
Until we can locate Jake.
Until we can locate Jake.
Until we can locate Jake.
That's fair enough.
That's fair enough.
When do I get my preliminary
When do I get my preliminary
First thing tomorrow morning.
First thing tomorrow morning.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
What are they gonna do to
What are they gonna do to
They think he killed old Jake.
They think he killed old Jake.
They do?
They do?
What's happened? What's wrong?
What's happened? What's wrong?
Mason's up for murder.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
Sheriff, may I please have a
moment with Mr. Mason?
Sheriff, may I please have a
moment with Mr. Mason?
Sheriff, may I please have a
moment with Mr. Mason?
Yes, I guess so.
Yes, I guess so.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, Jerry...
Now listen, Betty.
Now listen, Betty.
They think I've murdered your
Don't say anything to anyone,
Don't say anything to anyone,
But hurry home and tell Jake
But hurry home and tell Jake
That I have a preliminary
hearing in the morning,
That I have a preliminary
hearing in the morning,
And for him to get there
without being seen by anyone.
And for him to get there
without being seen by anyone.
All right, Jerry. Good-bye.
All right, Jerry. Good-bye.
All right, Jerry. Good-bye.
All right, Jerry. Good-bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Door closes )
( Door closes )
Grandy, they've got Jerry
locked up in jail.
Grandy, they've got Jerry
locked up in jail.
Grandy, they've got Jerry
locked up in jail.
What's that?
What's that?
They think he murdered you.
They think he murdered you.
Jerry says he's to be in court
in the morning
And for you to be sure and get
there without being seen.
And for you to be sure and get
there without being seen.
And for you to be sure and get
there without being seen.
And for you to be sure and get
there without being seen.
I understand.
Ha! Will I be there?
Ha! Will I be there?
Ha! Will I be there?
And how! Ha ha ha!
And how! Ha ha ha!
And how! Ha ha ha!
And how! Ha ha ha!
The way I see it, we haven't a
chance in the world to lose.
The way I see it, we haven't a
chance in the world to lose.
The way I see it, we haven't a
chance in the world to lose.
In a couple of weeks, we'll be
gettin' outta here,
In a couple of weeks, we'll be
gettin' outta here,
Be on top of the world.
Be on top of the world.
Pardon me, gentlemen, but I'm
looking for the courthouse.
Pardon me, gentlemen, but I'm
looking for the courthouse.
Pardon me, gentlemen, but I'm
looking for the courthouse.
You're standing right in it,
You're standing right in it,
For goodness sake!
For goodness sake!
I do love murder trials. Don't
I do love murder trials. Don't
I do love murder trials. Don't
But if I were a murderer,
But if I were a murderer,
I'd much prefer the electric
I'd much prefer the electric
Than to have a rope around my
Than to have a rope around my
Wouldn't you?
Listen, lady, we're not
Listen, lady, we're not
But you're going to be.
But you're going to be.
But you're going to be.
But you're going to be.
But you're going to be.
Man: here comes the sheriff
and Mason now.
Man: here comes the sheriff
and Mason now.
Man: here comes the sheriff
and Mason now.
My goodness, what big feet.
My goodness, what big feet.
My goodness, what big feet.
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Come on, let's get in here.
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
( Pounds gavel )
Bailiff: Hear ye, hear ye,
hear ye.
Bailiff: Hear ye, hear ye,
hear ye.
The court of Sonoma county is
now open,
The court of Sonoma county is
now open,
Judge McGill presiding.
Judge McGill presiding.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Your honor, before you proceed
further with this case,
Your honor, before you proceed
further with this case,
There's a few words I'd like
to say.
There's a few words I'd like
to say.
What is your name, madame?
What is your name, madame?
Veronica Mehitabel Benson.
Veronica Mehitabel Benson.
Any relation to Jake Benson?
Any relation to Jake Benson?
Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
I'm his dearest relative.
I'm his dearest relative.
What do you want to say,
What do you want to say,
I wanted to say that I've
known the accused
I wanted to say that I've
known the accused
Since he was a babe in arms.
Since he was a babe in arms.
Since he was a babe in arms.
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
Quiet, please.
Quiet, please.
As I was about to say...
As I was about to say...
I knew him years ago, and he
was the sweetest thing.
I knew him years ago, and he
was the sweetest thing.
I knew him years ago, and he
was the sweetest thing.
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
Come to the point, madame.
Come to the point, madame.
Well, I know who shot Jake
Well, I know who shot Jake
Well, I know who shot Jake
The men are in this court,
your honor,
The men are in this court,
your honor,
And I advise the sheriff
And I advise the sheriff
Not to let anyone leave this
Not to let anyone leave this
Not to let anyone leave this
Not to let anyone leave this
They tried to steal his mine.
They tried to steal his mine.
They tried to steal his ranch.
They tried to steal his ranch.
And they shot him down in cold
And they shot him down in cold
And they shot him down in cold
How do you know this, madame?
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Order in the court!
Order in the court!
Please put on your dress!
Please put on your dress!
I ain't an old lady!
I ain't an old lady!
I'm Jake Benson!
I'm Jake Benson!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
How do you run this thing?
How do you run this thing?
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
All right now, folks. That
looks fine.
All right now, folks. That
looks fine.
Just a minute. Relax a minute.
Just a minute. Relax a minute.
Here we go.
Here we go.
You must remember that I spent
most all of the afternoon
You must remember that I spent
most all of the afternoon
You must remember that I spent
most all of the afternoon
Trying to get you in position.
Trying to get you in position.
Now hold it just like that.
Now hold it just like that.
Hold her, hold it.
Hold her, hold it.
Hold it!
Hold it!
Ready now...
Ready now...
Mornin', stranger.
How are ya, old timer?
How are ya, old timer?
Guess you don't remember me.
Guess you don't remember me.
Can't say as I do.
Can't say as I do.
But there's somethin' mighty
familiar about you.
But there's somethin' mighty
familiar about you.
Well, Jake, I guess it's a
long time
Well, Jake, I guess it's a
long time
Since you taught me how to
trap coyotes and ride broncs.
Since you taught me how to
trap coyotes and ride broncs.
Jerry Mason, as I live!
Jerry Mason, as I live!
Jerry Mason, as I live!
Well, well, man, how you've
Well, well, man, how you've
I say, you're a regular
mountain, ain't ya?
I say, you're a regular
mountain, ain't ya?
Sit down here and let's talk
it over.
Sit down here and let's talk
it over.
Sit down here and let's talk
it over.
Well, there's not much to
tell, Jake.
Well, there's not much to
tell, Jake.
I finished college.
I finished college.
True to your dad's last
True to your dad's last
You've come to live with me.
That's right.
That's right.
I can't tell you how happy I
am to see you.
I can't tell you how happy I
am to see you.
I'm happy to be here, too,
I'm happy to be here, too,
I'm happy to be here, too,
How about the ranch? The
How about the ranch? The
There ain't no cattle, son.
There ain't no cattle, son.
Rustlers got most of 'em.
Rustlers got most of 'em.
I sold what was left.
I sold what was left.
Can't we stock it up again or
start in some other business?
Can't we stock it up again or
start in some other business?
Can't we stock it up again or
start in some other business?
Itchin' to get to work, huh?
Itchin' to get to work, huh?
Well, I was figurin' on
openin' up the blacksmith shop.
Well, I was figurin' on
openin' up the blacksmith shop.
Well, I was figurin' on
openin' up the blacksmith shop.
Well, I was figurin' on
openin' up the blacksmith shop.
What do you say we go in and
fry us a chicken
What do you say we go in and
fry us a chicken
And gargle some coffee?
What do ya say, huh?
What do ya say, huh?
Sounds like a good idea,
especially that chicken!
Sounds like a good idea,
especially that chicken!
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
( Laughs )
Jerry: well, no wonder this
horse was limpin'.
Jerry: well, no wonder this
horse was limpin'.
Jerry: well, no wonder this
horse was limpin'.
Jerry: well, no wonder this
horse was limpin'.
Well, got him fixed up?
Well, got him fixed up?
Horse picked up a sharp rock.
No, no, there ain't no charge.
No, no, there ain't no charge.
No, no, there ain't no charge.
Looks like you been through
plenty of water.
Looks like you been through
plenty of water.
Yeah, tried a shortcut about
12 miles back yonder and got
Yeah, tried a shortcut about
12 miles back yonder and got
Yeah, tried a shortcut about
12 miles back yonder and got
Had to come right down through
the middle of the crick.
Had to come right down through
the middle of the crick.
That's why he went lame.
That's why he went lame.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Well, good luck to ya.
Hey, Jake!
Hey, Jake!
Hey, Jake!
I just picked this up at the
post office.
I just picked this up at the
post office.
I bet I know who it's from.
I bet I know who it's from.
I bet I know who it's from.
I was right.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Ha ha, it's from Betty.
Well, I was right.
It's from Betty.
It's from Betty.
Yeah, my granddaughter.
Yeah, my granddaughter.
Didn't you know I had a
Didn't you know I had a
I certainly did not.
I certainly did not.
Yes siree.
Yes siree.
I'm her only livin' relative.
I'm her only livin' relative.
I been sendin' her to college
for a couple of years.
I been sendin' her to college
for a couple of years.
She'll soon be here to live
with me.
She'll soon be here to live
with me.
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
Let's see what she's got to
"Dear Grandy,
"Dear Grandy,
"I just received my monthly
check, and thank you so much.
"I just received my monthly
check, and thank you so much.
"I just received my monthly
check, and thank you so much.
"I can't wait until school is
"I can't wait until school is
"So I can come and live with
"So I can come and live with
"Gee, just three months more
and I'll be keepin' house for
"Gee, just three months more
and I'll be keepin' house for
"Gee, just three months more
and I'll be keepin' house for
"Please write me a nice, long
"Please write me a nice, long
"I do so enjoy hearin' from
"I do so enjoy hearin' from
"I do so enjoy hearin' from
Lovingly, Betty."
Lovingly, Betty."
Heh. She's a fine girl, Jerry,
Heh. She's a fine girl, Jerry,
Heh. She's a fine girl, Jerry,
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to make her happy.
Well, hello, Friday.
Well, hello, Friday.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
She's the town dog.
She's the town dog.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Everybody feeds her.
Oh, so you wanna play, eh?
Oh, so you wanna play, eh?
Oh, so you wanna play, eh?
Say, Jake, take a look.
Say, Jake, take a look.
Say, Jake, take a look.
That's a piece of quartz that
came out of the horse's hoof.
That's a piece of quartz that
came out of the horse's hoof.
It's gold!
It's gold!
Say, there's a stringer in
there bigger than a ten-penny
Say, there's a stringer in
there bigger than a ten-penny
Say, there's a stringer in
there bigger than a ten-penny
If we only knew where it came
If we only knew where it came
I do know.
I do know.
I do know.
That prospector said he was
forced down the middle of a
12 miles out.
12 miles out.
Well, there's only one crick
out there, Jerry.
Well, there's only one crick
out there, Jerry.
It'll be a cinch to backtrack
It'll be a cinch to backtrack
Well, we're on our way right
now, and if we find anything,
Well, we're on our way right
now, and if we find anything,
I know a dog that's gonna have
I know a dog that's gonna have
A porterhouse steak and a home
for life.
A porterhouse steak and a home
for life.
You said it!
You said it!
You said it!
You said it!
You said it!
You said it!
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Right there's where he left
the crick.
Wait a minute. Look at that.
Wait a minute. Look at that.
Wait a minute. Look at that.
Say, that's the real stuff,
Say, that's the real stuff,
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Accordin' to this sand, the
crick's full of color.
Hello. Hello, Benson.
Hello. Hello, Benson.
What can I do for you?
First place, do you fellas buy
First place, do you fellas buy
Certainly. That's part of our
Certainly. That's part of our
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Weigh this up and let's see
what we got.
Say, that's the pure stuff.
Say, that's the pure stuff.
Say, that's the pure stuff.
It's as good as I've ever
It's as good as I've ever
It's as good as I've ever
It's as good as I've ever
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
You've made a great strike
Let's see.
Let's see.
$16 an ounce...
$16 an ounce...
$16 an ounce...
That'll come to $848.
That'll come to $848.
That'll come to $848.
Okay, we'll take that in
Okay, we'll take that in
If it's just the same to you.
If it's just the same to you.
Okay. All right, Joe.
Okay. All right, Joe.
Now listen, we expect to bring
in many times that amount.
Now listen, we expect to bring
in many times that amount.
Now listen, we expect to bring
in many times that amount.
We think we've got a rich
We think we've got a rich
But we don't want anybody to
know anything about it.
But we don't want anybody to
know anything about it.
But we don't want anybody to
know anything about it.
You'll tell us, won't you?
We're not tellin' anybody,
We're not tellin' anybody,
But when we do get ready to
let the location be known,
But when we do get ready to
let the location be known,
But when we do get ready to
let the location be known,
You'll be the first ones in on
You'll be the first ones in on
Come on, Jake.
Come on, Jake.
We gotta go buy a dog a
porterhouse steak.
We gotta go buy a dog a
porterhouse steak.
We gotta go buy a dog a
porterhouse steak.
They made a rich strike,
And it's up to us to locate
And it's up to us to locate
And it's up to us to locate
I wouldn't mind having old man
Benson's ranch, either.
I wouldn't mind having old man
Benson's ranch, either.
I wouldn't mind having old man
Benson's ranch, either.
He used to run cattle.
He used to run cattle.
Huh! Course, he doesn't know
Huh! Course, he doesn't know
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
But I got most of them.
Ya know, Jake, it's a good
We didn't file on that claim.
We didn't file on that claim.
We didn't file on that claim.
It'd have tipped the whole
town off to the location
It'd have tipped the whole
town off to the location
And confined our operation.
And confined our operation.
And confined our operation.
As it is, we can work the
whole crick.
Yeah. Your idea of crossin'
windy flats
Yeah. Your idea of crossin'
windy flats
Yeah. Your idea of crossin'
windy flats
And enterin' the town from the
other side
And enterin' the town from the
other side
Sure had 'em puzzled. Hah!
Sure had 'em puzzled. Hah!
It sure has. They been
back-trailin' the trail
It sure has. They been
back-trailin' the trail
For two months,
For two months,
And they always get stuck at
windy flats.
And they always get stuck at
windy flats.
They think this mine's out in
the middle of the desert.
They think this mine's out in
the middle of the desert.
They think this mine's out in
the middle of the desert.
Supposin' we take a little
rest, huh?
Supposin' we take a little
rest, huh?
Supposin' we take a little
rest, huh?
Just a few more days
And Betty'll be comin'.
And Betty'll be comin'.
And Betty'll be comin'.
Don't you think we better be
gettin' back
Don't you think we better be
gettin' back
And gettin' some of this dirt
out of our hides?
And gettin' some of this dirt
out of our hides?
Yeah, I reckon you're right.
Yeah, I reckon you're right.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
You know, you wanna sure look
your best.
Hiya, pete.
Man: well, well.
Man: well, well.
Hello, hank. How's your old
Hello, hank. How's your old
Hello, hank. How's your old
It's all washed up, boys.
It's all washed up, boys.
No pay dirt this time.
No pay dirt this time.
( All grumbling )
( All grumbling )
Wait a minute, wait a minute!
Wait a minute, wait a minute!
I tell you, we didn't get a
bit of color.
I tell you, we didn't get a
bit of color.
You was gone all this time?
You was gone all this time?
You was gone all this time?
Hold on. Now wait a minute.
Hold on. Now wait a minute.
Tell you what I'll do.
I'll give you every nugget you
find on the pack.
I'll give you every nugget you
find on the pack.
I'll give you every nugget you
find on the pack.
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Yeah. Go on ahead and search
Here comes old Benson now, and
Mason isn't with him.
Here comes old Benson now, and
Mason isn't with him.
Good. Are the papers all
Good. Are the papers all
-Hello, Jake. -Hello, Hanson.
-Hello, Jake. -Hello, Hanson.
Well, what luck this time?
Well, what luck this time?
Not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
Yeah, not so bad.
( All talking at once )
( All talking at once )
( All talking at once )
( All talking at once )
Let's see, at $16 an ounce,
Let's see, at $16 an ounce,
That's, uh... $2,335.
That's, uh... $2,335.
That's, uh... $2,335.
That's, uh... $2,335.
How will you have it, in coin
or bills?
How will you have it, in coin
or bills?
Bills is easiest to carry.
Bills is easiest to carry.
All right, Joe.
All right, Joe.
Sit down, Jake.
Sit down, Jake.
Sit down, Jake.
Sit down, Jake.
Sit down, Jake.
I've got to have your
signature this time, Jake.
I've got to have your
signature this time, Jake.
The government demands that I
get a receipt
For all monies paid out for
all gold.
For all monies paid out for
all gold.
Uh, Joe?
Uh, Joe?
Uh, Joe?
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
Stamp the date on that, will
There you are.
There you are.
And here's your money.
And here's your money.
Thanks. Gimme my canteen, will
Thanks. Gimme my canteen, will
I'll be seein' you fellas
again mighty soon.
I'll be seein' you fellas
again mighty soon.
Well, we got the deed to the
Well, we got the deed to the
And when he eventually
And when he eventually
We'll have this recorded.
We'll have this recorded.
Let's see what we made on the
Let's see what we made on the
Let's see what we made on the
Let's see what we made on the
Well, how much we get this
Well, how much we get this
I'm gonna hold out 500 of
I'm gonna hold out 500 of
Pay on this blacksmith shop
Pay on this blacksmith shop
Pay on this blacksmith shop
You know, Jerry, I got an idea
You know, Jerry, I got an idea
This is gonna be a valuable
corner someday.
This is gonna be a valuable
corner someday.
This is gonna be a valuable
corner someday.
And we ain't gonna let go of
And we ain't gonna let go of
And we ain't gonna let go of
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
I think it's a good
investment, Jake.
Hello, dad.
Hello, dad.
Say, you got a couple of bucks
you can spare?
Say, you got a couple of bucks
you can spare?
Gambling again, eh?
Gambling again, eh?
Well, that's about all there
is to do around this town.
Well, that's about all there
is to do around this town.
Well, that's about all there
is to do around this town.
Gee, I wish I had a job.
Gee, I wish I had a job.
So do I.
So do I.
And remember, can't keep this
up forever.
And remember, can't keep this
up forever.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
There's an end to everything.
Hey, Al. Come here a minute.
Hey, Al. Come here a minute.
Hey, Al. Come here a minute.
If you don't kick through that
dough you owe me,
If you don't kick through that
dough you owe me,
I'm tellin' the town
I'm tellin' the town
That'll just about throw your
old man out of office.
That'll just about throw your
old man out of office.
That'll just about throw your
old man out of office.
Where am I gonna get it?
That's not up to me.
That's not up to me.
I don't care where you get it
or how you get it,
But get it.
But get it.
But get it.
But get it.
But get it.
But get it.
Mr. Williams in?
Mr. Williams in?
Yes, Jake. You'll find him in
his office.
Yes, Jake. You'll find him in
his office.
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Hi, Mr. Williams.
Hi, Mr. Williams.
Well, Jake, I'm glad to see
Well, Jake, I'm glad to see
I wanna pay off my debt on the
blacksmith shop.
I wanna pay off my debt on the
blacksmith shop.
That's fine. Sit down.
That's fine. Sit down.
That's fine. Sit down.
I'll give you a receipt for
your money.
I'll give you a receipt for
your money.
We'll put it into escrow.
We'll put it into escrow.
We'll put it into escrow.
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
You'll get your deed in a few
Good-bye, Mr. Williams.
Good-bye, Mr. Williams.
How's the claim coming?
How's the claim coming?
Oh, still coughin' up a few
Oh, still coughin' up a few
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Won't be workin' it again till
next spring though.
Howdy, sheriff.
Hello, Jenkins.
Hello, Jenkins.
Hello, Jenkins.
( Sounds of scuffling )
( Sounds of scuffling )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
( Glass breaking )
Better send for the doctor,
Better send for the doctor,
Better send for the doctor,
Better send for the doctor,
Better send for the doctor,
It's too late.
It's too late.
You've killed him, Jake.
You've killed him, Jake.
You've killed him, Jake.
I killed him?!
You're not trying to deny it,
are you?
You're not trying to deny it,
are you?
Didn't I hear you fighting?
Didn't I hear you fighting?
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
You were the only one in here,
Mr. Benson.
Somebody must've come in
through the back door.
Somebody must've come in
through the back door.
That's the only way it
could've happened.
That's the only way it
could've happened.
Don't worry, old timer.
Don't worry, old timer.
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
I'll have you outta here in no
This is Mr. Benson's ranch,
isn't it?
This is Mr. Benson's ranch,
isn't it?
Why, yes. Are you Betty?
Why, yes. Are you Betty?
Why, yes. Are you Betty?
And you're Jerry Mason.
And you're Jerry Mason.
Why didn't you let us know you
were coming today?
Why didn't you let us know you
were coming today?
I wanted to surprise Grandy.
I wanted to surprise Grandy.
Where is he?
Where is he?
Oh, uh...
Oh, uh...
Well, uh, you see,
Well, uh, you see,
When he gets out in the hills
When he gets out in the hills
Why, he...well, it's pretty
hard to tell when he is coming
Why, he...well, it's pretty
hard to tell when he is coming
Why, he...well, it's pretty
hard to tell when he is coming
Why, he...well, it's pretty
hard to tell when he is coming
Won't you come in?
Won't you come in?
Oh, gee, you don't know how
glad I am to be here.
Oh, gee, you don't know how
glad I am to be here.
Oh, gee, you don't know how
glad I am to be here.
I just can't wait to see
I just can't wait to see
I'm gonna ride out and see if
I can't locate him.
I'm gonna ride out and see if
I can't locate him.
I hope you find him.
I hope you find him.
I hope you find him.
I hope you find him.
I hope you find him.
Now just make yourself
comfortable, miss Betty.
Now just make yourself
comfortable, miss Betty.
Now just make yourself
comfortable, miss Betty.
Thank you, and I'll have
dinner ready for you when you
come back.
Thank you, and I'll have
dinner ready for you when you
come back.
That'll be great.
That'll be great.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
-Good-bye. -Good-bye.
Got any news, Jerry?
Got any news, Jerry?
Nope. I'm just gonna give this
bank the once-over.
Nope. I'm just gonna give this
bank the once-over.
Nope. I'm just gonna give this
bank the once-over.
This may not mean anything,
This may not mean anything,
But Al the sheriff's son has
been flashin' a roll of bills.
But Al the sheriff's son has
been flashin' a roll of bills.
But Al the sheriff's son has
been flashin' a roll of bills.
I know he hasn't done anything
to earn it.
I know he hasn't done anything
to earn it.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
He just paid me for a horse I
sold him.
Did Al Miller give you this
Did Al Miller give you this
He sure did.
He sure did.
He sure did.
He sure did.
He sure did.
He sure did.
Where'd you get that money,
Where'd you get that money,
I don't think that's any of
your business.
I don't think that's any of
your business.
I'm makin' it my business
I'm makin' it my business
Because that's part of the
money Jake Benson paid the
Because that's part of the
money Jake Benson paid the
Just where did you get it?
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
I told you before... it's none
of your business.
Tell these boys where you got
that money.
Tell these boys where you got
that money.
None of your business!
Oh, no?
Oh, no?
I did it, I did it!
I did it, I did it!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Hear that, boys?
( All exclaiming )
( All exclaiming )
( All exclaiming )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
( Clamoring )
I tell you, sheriff, Jake is
I tell you, sheriff, Jake is
( All agreeing )
( All agreeing )
Wait a minute then.
Wait a minute then.
If what you say is true
If what you say is true
And my boy is guilty of this
And my boy is guilty of this
I'll see that he gets the full
penalty of the law.
I'll see that he gets the full
penalty of the law.
Here comes Mason now.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Yeah, there he comes.
Alton Miller, I arrest you for
attempted murder and robbery.
Alton Miller, I arrest you for
attempted murder and robbery.
Alton Miller, I arrest you for
attempted murder and robbery.
And I'm going to do my duty in
helping to exact the full
And I'm going to do my duty in
helping to exact the full
And I'm going to do my duty in
helping to exact the full
For your crimes.
For your crimes.
For your crimes.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
Sorry, sheriff, that it had to
be your son.
I'm sorry, Benson.
I'm sorry, Benson.
That's all right.
That's all right.
That's all right.
That's all right.
I know just how you feel.
I know just how you feel.
I know just how you feel.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
Here's the rest of the bank's
money, sheriff.
( Crowd clamoring )
( Crowd clamoring )
( Crowd clamoring )
( Crowd clamoring )
( Crowd clamoring )
Never keep me caged up in one
of them things.
Never keep me caged up in one
of them things.
( Laughter and chattering )
( Laughter and chattering )
( Laughter and chattering )
It's a mighty good thing
you're out
It's a mighty good thing
you're out
Because Betty's home waitin'
for you.
Because Betty's home waitin'
for you.
Well, jumpin' jehoshophat!
Well, jumpin' jehoshophat!
Maybe you think I wasn't
Maybe you think I wasn't
Maybe you think I wasn't
Well, well, well, well. Ha ha
Well, well, well, well. Ha ha
Well, well, well, well. Ha ha
Well, well, well, well. Ha ha
I thought I was never going to
see you.
Thought so myself for a while,
Thought so myself for a while,
But thanks to Jerry, here I
But thanks to Jerry, here I
I have dinner all ready for
I have dinner all ready for
I'm sure ready for dinner.
I'm sure ready for dinner.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
By cracky, that's the best
dinner I've had in years.
By cracky, that's the best
dinner I've had in years.
And that goes for me, too.
And that goes for me, too.
I can see it isn't going to be
very hard
I can see it isn't going to be
very hard
To please you two.
To please you two.
Well, son, we won't be workin'
the mine again
Well, son, we won't be workin'
the mine again
Till next spring.
We can't afford to miss meals
like this.
We can't afford to miss meals
like this.
We can't afford to miss meals
like this.
I think I'll go out tomorrow
and hide the sluice box.
I think I'll go out tomorrow
and hide the sluice box.
In fact, I'll stake out three
claims along the crick
In fact, I'll stake out three
claims along the crick
And you can file on 'em.
And you can file on 'em.
After all, you know, better be
on the safe side.
After all, you know, better be
on the safe side.
After all, you know, better be
on the safe side.
While you're gone, I'll take
Betty around the ranch
While you're gone, I'll take
Betty around the ranch
And show her the town and our
blacksmith shop.
And show her the town and our
blacksmith shop.
And you can figure on me bein'
here for dinner.
And you can figure on me bein'
here for dinner.
All right, Grandy.
All right, Grandy.
All right, Grandy.
This town is located about six
miles off that spur.
This town is located about six
miles off that spur.
This town is located about six
miles off that spur.
This town is located about six
miles off that spur.
Hey, Mason, can I see you a
Hey, Mason, can I see you a
Hey, Mason, can I see you a
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
Pardon me a moment, Betty.
You know they're takin' young
Miller over to Cedar City?
You know they're takin' young
Miller over to Cedar City?
Is that so?
Is that so?
I thought you might like to
That banker Williams is gonna
pull through okay.
That banker Williams is gonna
pull through okay.
That banker Williams is gonna
pull through okay.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Well, that is good news. Yeah.
Is Jake Benson around?
Is Jake Benson around?
Why, no. He went to his claim
this morning.
Why, no. He went to his claim
this morning.
But he'll be back this
But he'll be back this
Oh. Thanks.
Oh. Thanks.
Oh. Thanks.
Oh. Thanks.
Oh. Thanks.
Benson's out at his claim.
Benson's out at his claim.
He won't be back till late
this afternoon.
He won't be back till late
this afternoon.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
This is just what we've been
waiting for.
Friday, there's some nuggets
that Jerry don't know nothin'
Friday, there's some nuggets
that Jerry don't know nothin'
Friday, there's some nuggets
that Jerry don't know nothin'
Friday, there's some nuggets
that Jerry don't know nothin'
Ha! Won't he and Betty be
Ha! Won't he and Betty be
When they hear that?
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Come on, Friday.
Guess we got here just in
Guess we got here just in
Guess we got here just in
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
Drop your hands, Benson.
Drop your hands, Benson.
We've decided it's about time
We've decided it's about time
You were tipping us off to
this gold field of yours.
You were tipping us off to
this gold field of yours.
Oh, so that's your game, eh?
Oh, so that's your game, eh?
Well, Jerry and me found that
gold field.
Well, Jerry and me found that
gold field.
Well, Jerry and me found that
gold field.
We ain't tippin' it off to
We ain't tippin' it off to
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
He's done for.
Yeah. There's a canteen on
that pack.
Yeah. There's a canteen on
that pack.
Yeah. There's a canteen on
that pack.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
Come on, we've got to catch
that mule.
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
There's the canteen sure
No use, Harris.
No use, Harris.
I can't get it.
I can't get it.
Come on, we got to get outta
here and get back to town.
Come on, we got to get outta
here and get back to town.
We can't afford to be seen
Get your horse.
Get your horse.
Get your horse.
Now listen, Friday.
Now listen, Friday.
I want you to go get Jerry.
I want you to go get Jerry.
You understand?
You understand?
Go get Jerry.
Go get Jerry.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Go get him.
Why, that's Grandy's horse,
isn't it?
Why, that's Grandy's horse,
isn't it?
It sure is.
Say, here comes his pack.
Say, here comes his pack.
Say, here comes his pack.
There's Grandy's pack now.
There's Grandy's pack now.
There's Grandy's pack now.
There's Grandy's pack now.
What do you suppose has
What do you suppose has
I don't know, but I'm gonna
find out.
I don't know, but I'm gonna
find out.
I don't know, but I'm gonna
find out.
( Men murmuring )
( Men murmuring )
( Men murmuring )
What's all the excitement
What's all the excitement
Old Jake's horse came in
without him.
Old Jake's horse came in
without him.
Old Jake's horse came in
without him.
Is that so?
Is that so?
Maybe we oughta organize a
Maybe we oughta organize a
( All talking at once )
( All talking at once )
Man: he never did this before.
Man: he never did this before.
Man: he never did this before.
Man: he never did this before.
Where's Jake?
( Barks )
( Barks )
( Barks )
You better go back home and
wait till you hear from me,
You better go back home and
wait till you hear from me,
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
All right, Jerry.
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Barking )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
( Rattling )
What's the matter, old timer?
What's the matter, old timer?
Are you all right?
I'm only a little dizzy.
I'm only a little dizzy.
I'm gettin' better every
I'm gettin' better every
They only nicked me.
What are you talkin' about?
Who nicked you?
What are you talkin' about?
Who nicked you?
What are you talkin' about?
Who nicked you?
I'll tell you all about it on
the way home.
I'll tell you all about it on
the way home.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
Remember now, son, not a word
to Betty.
What happened, Grandy?
What happened, Grandy?
Oh, you're hurt!
Oh, you're hurt!
No, tain't nothin' at all.
No, tain't nothin' at all.
Horse throwed me and hit
square on my head.
Horse throwed me and hit
square on my head.
What I need is a good feed.
What I need is a good feed.
I'll run right uptown and get
you something nice then.
I'll run right uptown and get
you something nice then.
I'll run right uptown and get
you something nice then.
Don't tell anyone that your
granddad is here.
Don't tell anyone that your
granddad is here.
Oh, all right.
Oh, all right.
Oh, all right.
Oh, all right.
Oh, all right.
Say, son, open up that trunk
and get out my makeup case,
Say, son, open up that trunk
and get out my makeup case,
Will ya?
Makeup case?!
This? That's right.
This? That's right.
This? That's right.
This here'll stop the
This here'll stop the
What in the world's this?
What in the world's this?
Oh, that's just a souvenir of
my old theatrical days.
Oh, that's just a souvenir of
my old theatrical days.
Oh, that's just a souvenir of
my old theatrical days.
I didn't know you were an
actor, Jake.
I didn't know you were an
actor, Jake.
Yep. I wore that when I played
in a show
Yep. I wore that when I played
in a show
Yep. I wore that when I played
in a show
Called Charlie's aunt.
Called Charlie's aunt.
-Yeah? -Yeah.
-Yeah? -Yeah.
What the heck is this?
What the heck is this?
Son, that's the thing that
helped make
Son, that's the thing that
helped make
Anna held and Lillian Russell
Anna held and Lillian Russell
Anna held and Lillian Russell
Oh, I see! Up here like this.
Oh, I see! Up here like this.
You durn yearling. You got it
in the wrong spot!
You durn yearling. You got it
in the wrong spot!
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Oh! ( Knock on door )
Hello, Mason.
Hello, Mason.
Has Benson come in yet?
Has Benson come in yet?
Not yet.
Not yet.
If he doesn't get in by night,
I'm goin' lookin' for him.
I'm goin' lookin' for him.
I reckon his horse threw him.
We just called to find out
We just called to find out
When we could take possession
of this ranch.
When we could take possession
of this ranch.
When we could take possession
of this ranch.
Take possession?
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
Well, maybe Benson didn't tell
Well, maybe Benson didn't tell
But we bought this ranch a few
days ago.
But we bought this ranch a few
days ago.
But we bought this ranch a few
days ago.
That's strange.
That's strange.
Funny he didn't tell me.
Funny he didn't tell me.
You got a bill of sale?
You got a bill of sale?
Why, certainly.
It's at the office.
It's at the office.
Then I'll have Jake drop in
Then I'll have Jake drop in
And he can advise you when
he's gettin' out.
And he can advise you when
he's gettin' out.
And he can advise you when
he's gettin' out.
That'll be fine.
We're anxious to get started
We're anxious to get started
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
The improvements on the place.
What are they talking about?
What are they talking about?
I ain't sold no ranch.
Have you signed any papers
lately, Jake?
Have you signed any papers
lately, Jake?
No. I don't think so...
No. I don't think so...
Wait a minute.
Yes, I did.
Yes, I did.
I signed a receipt for the
money we got from them last
I signed a receipt for the
money we got from them last
Did you look at it closely?
Did you look at it closely?
That's it then.
That's it then.
You probably signed a bill of
sale for the ranch.
You probably signed a bill of
sale for the ranch.
That's why they were tryin' to
get rid of you.
That's why they were tryin' to
get rid of you.
They figured they could claim
the ranch then and nobody could
deny it.
They figured they could claim
the ranch then and nobody could
deny it.
Them dirty, lowdown polecats.
Them dirty, lowdown polecats.
Them dirty, lowdown polecats.
We'll get 'em.
You wait till my headache's
better tomorrow.
You wait till my headache's
better tomorrow.
You wait till my headache's
better tomorrow.
We'll give them the surprise
of their life.
We'll give them the surprise
of their life.
Say, but you better go file on
them claims.
Say, but you better go file on
them claims.
Take that canteen of nuggets
Take that canteen of nuggets
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
And leave it at the bank this
Here's the location of them
three claims.
Here's the location of them
three claims.
There's one for Betty, one for
you, and one for me.
There's one for Betty, one for
you, and one for me.
All right. You better lie down
and get some sleep, Jake.
All right. You better lie down
and get some sleep, Jake.
All right. You better lie down
and get some sleep, Jake.
Don't you forget yourself.
Don't you forget yourself.
Remember, I'm supposed to be
Remember, I'm supposed to be
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
Oh, I ain't forgettin'.
There's Mason.
There's Mason.
There's Mason.
There's Mason.
There's Mason.
Isn't that old Jake's canteen
on the saddle?
Isn't that old Jake's canteen
on the saddle?
Isn't that old Jake's canteen
on the saddle?
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
He must've taken it off the
burro before we got there.
What have you got there, boys?
Oh, hello, hello.
You see, sheriff, we
recognized this canteen.
You see, sheriff, we
recognized this canteen.
It belongs to old Jake Benson.
It belongs to old Jake Benson.
It belongs to old Jake Benson.
Whenever Jake brought in his
nuggets to us,
Unknown to anyone else, he
brought them in this canteen.
Unknown to anyone else, he
brought them in this canteen.
Unknown to anyone else, he
brought them in this canteen.
We thought it was kinda funny
that old Jake's disappeared
We thought it was kinda funny
that old Jake's disappeared
We thought it was kinda funny
that old Jake's disappeared
And Mason should have this.
And Mason should have this.
Where is Mason?
Where is Mason?
He went in the courthouse.
He went in the courthouse.
Pete, go in there and see what
Mason's doing.
Pete, go in there and see what
Mason's doing.
Pete, go in there and see what
Mason's doing.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
I reckon he can explain this.
He's filing on a mining claim,
He's filing on a mining claim,
Probably old Jake's claim.
Probably old Jake's claim.
Probably old Jake's claim.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Well, we'll just wait till he
gets here.
Howdy, boys.
Howdy, boys.
What's all the powwow about?
What's all the powwow about?
Just how did you come to have
this canteen of nuggets?
Just how did you come to have
this canteen of nuggets?
Just how did you come to have
this canteen of nuggets?
I don't care to answer that
question, Harris.
I don't care to answer that
question, Harris.
Whose claim were you just
filing on, Mason?
Whose claim were you just
filing on, Mason?
Whose claim were you just
filing on, Mason?
My own claim.
My own claim.
Do you know anything about
Jake Benson's disappearance?
Do you know anything about
Jake Benson's disappearance?
Yes, I know he hasn't come
Yes, I know he hasn't come
Yes, I know he hasn't come
I'm sorry, Mason, but I'll
have to hold you
Until we can locate Jake.
Until we can locate Jake.
Until we can locate Jake.
That's fair enough.
That's fair enough.
When do I get my preliminary
When do I get my preliminary
First thing tomorrow morning.
First thing tomorrow morning.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
You better take charge of
those nuggets, sheriff.
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
( Murmured conversations )
What are they gonna do to
What are they gonna do to
They think he killed old Jake.
They think he killed old Jake.
They do?
They do?
What's happened? What's wrong?
What's happened? What's wrong?
Mason's up for murder.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
-Murder?! -Yes.
Sheriff, may I please have a
moment with Mr. Mason?
Sheriff, may I please have a
moment with Mr. Mason?
Sheriff, may I please have a
moment with Mr. Mason?
Yes, I guess so.
Yes, I guess so.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, Jerry...
Now listen, Betty.
Now listen, Betty.
They think I've murdered your
Don't say anything to anyone,
Don't say anything to anyone,
But hurry home and tell Jake
But hurry home and tell Jake
That I have a preliminary
hearing in the morning,
That I have a preliminary
hearing in the morning,
And for him to get there
without being seen by anyone.
And for him to get there
without being seen by anyone.
All right, Jerry. Good-bye.
All right, Jerry. Good-bye.
All right, Jerry. Good-bye.
All right, Jerry. Good-bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Giggles ) bye.
( Door closes )
( Door closes )
Grandy, they've got Jerry
locked up in jail.
Grandy, they've got Jerry
locked up in jail.
Grandy, they've got Jerry
locked up in jail.
What's that?
What's that?
They think he murdered you.
They think he murdered you.
Jerry says he's to be in court
in the morning
And for you to be sure and get
there without being seen.
And for you to be sure and get
there without being seen.
And for you to be sure and get
there without being seen.
And for you to be sure and get
there without being seen.
I understand.
Ha! Will I be there?
Ha! Will I be there?
Ha! Will I be there?
And how! Ha ha ha!
And how! Ha ha ha!
And how! Ha ha ha!
And how! Ha ha ha!
The way I see it, we haven't a
chance in the world to lose.
The way I see it, we haven't a
chance in the world to lose.
The way I see it, we haven't a
chance in the world to lose.
In a couple of weeks, we'll be
gettin' outta here,
In a couple of weeks, we'll be
gettin' outta here,
Be on top of the world.
Be on top of the world.
Pardon me, gentlemen, but I'm
looking for the courthouse.
Pardon me, gentlemen, but I'm
looking for the courthouse.
Pardon me, gentlemen, but I'm
looking for the courthouse.
You're standing right in it,
You're standing right in it,
For goodness sake!
For goodness sake!
I do love murder trials. Don't
I do love murder trials. Don't
I do love murder trials. Don't
But if I were a murderer,
But if I were a murderer,
I'd much prefer the electric
I'd much prefer the electric
Than to have a rope around my
Than to have a rope around my
Wouldn't you?
Listen, lady, we're not
Listen, lady, we're not
But you're going to be.
But you're going to be.
But you're going to be.
But you're going to be.
But you're going to be.
Man: here comes the sheriff
and Mason now.
Man: here comes the sheriff
and Mason now.
Man: here comes the sheriff
and Mason now.
My goodness, what big feet.
My goodness, what big feet.
My goodness, what big feet.
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Just a minute, boys. Check
your hardware.
Come on, let's get in here.
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
This thing is just about to
( Pounds gavel )
Bailiff: Hear ye, hear ye,
hear ye.
Bailiff: Hear ye, hear ye,
hear ye.
The court of Sonoma county is
now open,
The court of Sonoma county is
now open,
Judge McGill presiding.
Judge McGill presiding.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Everybody be seated and come
to immediate order.
Your honor, before you proceed
further with this case,
Your honor, before you proceed
further with this case,
There's a few words I'd like
to say.
There's a few words I'd like
to say.
What is your name, madame?
What is your name, madame?
Veronica Mehitabel Benson.
Veronica Mehitabel Benson.
Any relation to Jake Benson?
Any relation to Jake Benson?
Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
I'm his dearest relative.
I'm his dearest relative.
What do you want to say,
What do you want to say,
I wanted to say that I've
known the accused
I wanted to say that I've
known the accused
Since he was a babe in arms.
Since he was a babe in arms.
Since he was a babe in arms.
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
Quiet, please.
Quiet, please.
As I was about to say...
As I was about to say...
I knew him years ago, and he
was the sweetest thing.
I knew him years ago, and he
was the sweetest thing.
I knew him years ago, and he
was the sweetest thing.
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
( Laughter )
Come to the point, madame.
Come to the point, madame.
Well, I know who shot Jake
Well, I know who shot Jake
Well, I know who shot Jake
The men are in this court,
your honor,
The men are in this court,
your honor,
And I advise the sheriff
And I advise the sheriff
Not to let anyone leave this
Not to let anyone leave this
Not to let anyone leave this
Not to let anyone leave this
They tried to steal his mine.
They tried to steal his mine.
They tried to steal his ranch.
They tried to steal his ranch.
And they shot him down in cold
And they shot him down in cold
And they shot him down in cold
How do you know this, madame?
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Because I was there when it
happened, your honor.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Sheriff, swear miss Benson in.
Order in the court!
Order in the court!
Please put on your dress!
Please put on your dress!
I ain't an old lady!
I ain't an old lady!
I'm Jake Benson!
I'm Jake Benson!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
And there's the two coyotes
that shot me!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
Come on, Benson!
How do you run this thing?
How do you run this thing?
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
I'll do the driving.
All right now, folks. That
looks fine.
All right now, folks. That
looks fine.
Just a minute. Relax a minute.
Just a minute. Relax a minute.
Here we go.
Here we go.
You must remember that I spent
most all of the afternoon
You must remember that I spent
most all of the afternoon
You must remember that I spent
most all of the afternoon
Trying to get you in position.
Trying to get you in position.
Now hold it just like that.
Now hold it just like that.
Hold her, hold it.
Hold her, hold it.
Hold it!
Hold it!
Ready now...
Ready now...