The Lyricist Wannabe (2023) Movie Script

Legends say that everyone
comes to the world with a mission.
But we forget it the moment we're born.
O Lord, this chunky ass...
Sexy lotion?
Are you swearing?
Are you swearing at mass?
Law Wing-sze said it.
See me in the staff room after mass.
Lesson 1: Harmonizing
"Sister says we're doomed to
pass once, then fail always."
I changed this line.
All right, then we're set.
Can we replace the Warrior God
with the Virgin Mary?
No, that's crazy!
It'll make a bigger impact.
Hey, is your geography teacher Ms.
Cheng young?
Why do you care?
Just asking... How would you describe her?
Why should I describe her?
Beat it!
Hurry, I'm writing lyrics!
Wait a sec.
Why are you writing lyrics?
You're always copying me.
You're not the only one
allowed to write lyrics.
Come on, tell me about Ms. Cheng.
She has great handwriting,
we say she's a text artist.
That funny?
Is it funny?
Is that enough material?
I'm good.
Need me to teach you?
Use MSN! Who still uses ICQ?
None of your fucking business!
Let's keep going.
I didn't have a choice,
but now I choose to be a good guy.
Sorry, I'm a police officer.
An endless inferno,
an infinite loop, an endless torment.
The Infernal Affairs
Trilogy, back in cinemas.
Rated Not Suitable For
Young Persons and Children.
Mrs. Chan is legitimate.
So pretty and considerate.
Mr. Wong is great at math;
he's handsome and nice.
"Great at math" matches the melody!
What melody? Let's see it.
Which church are you from?
St. Teresa Church.
Where are we off-melody?
"Mrs. Chan is legitimate.
So pretty and considerate."
"Legitimate" is off-melody.
What? You were just off-key.
"Legitimate". Like that.
It's not the "legit" part, it's "timate".
"Timate" is off-melody.
You were off-key.
I believe Peggy. She studies music theory!
Yeah, she's a level 8 in piano.
Whatever you say.
Is your group finished?
We're rewriting "Infernal Affairs"
as "Student Affairs".
Writing off-melody lyrics
is easy as pie anyway.
Ours aren't off-melody! See for yourself.
Let's take a look!
Where is it off-melody?
Forget it.
We still got two lines to write...
William, playing guitar on Teachers' Day?
My band will perform a song that day.
Mak, too?
He's not with my band anymore.
Hey, we're singing, too,
check out our lyrics.
Are you rapping?
"Legitimate" is a mouthful.
We'll just roll through it.
What about "considerate"? "Cosid'rate".
Oh. It's kind of off-melody.
I need to practice.
This is just the first draft.
The two of us are in another group!
Our lyrics harmonize with the melody!
I'll show you, William!
We just have to roll our tongues...
Is there even an objective
standard for harmonizing?
Law Wing-sze, Form 6...
Please see Sister Che at the staff room.
May I see Sister Che, please?
Did you write "Student Affairs"?
Yes... Sister.
I think this needs to be changed.
"Who'll be haulin' ladders?"
"Haul" is a bit vulgar.
Is there an alternative?
"Fail" on the high school
exams is marked as "H".
And "H" looks like a ladder.
We say rocket for "A".
I know, but "haul" sounds vulgar.
What's so vulgar about "hauling"?
"Haul" sounds like dragging by force.
But moving anything takes force.
"Haul" can mean "carry", too, Sister.
It sounds vulgar either way. Change it.
"Who'll be... Who'll be..."
"Who'll be taking E's?"
"Who'll be taking E's..."
No, sounds like taking ecstasy.
How about "take in"?
Would that be better?
"Who will be takin' in E's?"
If it's off-melody, how
about using Mandarin?
Is Mandarin better because
it has fewer tones?
"Yin yang shang qu".
"Who'll be havin' E's?"
"Who will have E's"...
"Who will have E's"...
Still no good.
You kids keep mixing Chinese and English.
You'll be "hauling ladders"
on the Chinese exam.
Sister, what else can I use for E?
A, B, C, D, E... Alpha, beta, gamma...
Epsilon, use epsilon.
"Who'll get Epsilon..."
No, use Delta instead.
Sure, I'm cool with that.
As long as you let our group perform.
Delta it is, then.
Thank you, Sister.
"Who'll get Delta, no one knows."
Much better.
Mandarin, English and Korean lyrics
aren't concerned with tones.
But Cantonese lyrics can sound funny
when the tone is just a little off-melody?
"Have E's" become "have yeast".
"Same" becomes "lame".
This is our song.
"Let's Hear It For Teachers."
For hours I stared at the sheet
To express my love in beats
Lift your head, let's hear it for laoshi
Oh how I wish you knew
How my heart says I love you
In fact, it's more than I love you
Let's hear it, hear it, hear it for laoshi
You teach me to be low-key
In life, one really must jianchi
Let us show zun zhong to thee...
It's shit.
What's wrong with him?
He switched to Mandarin
when he's stuck. Loser.
Did they practise? What a performance.
Can we have another chance?
"Let's Hear It For Teachers!"
One, two, three, four!
Is William really as hot as you say he is?
He's pretty hot. Yeah.
Form 6, Class C?
Come get ready.
We're up after Maru.
Mr. Wong is great at math;
he's handsome, and he's nice.
St. Rus's math master, best in Hong Kong
Thank you, Mr. Wong!
Miss Cheng's tall as blackboards,
she draws her dreams on them
Form 6, Class D? The last group?
How many of you?
Wait. Wait for the cue.
Miss Cheng's tall as blackboards,
she draws her dreams on them
At least Maru's new lyrics
now match the melody.
And it's about something.
Thank you, Miss Cheng.
How much longer will they be?
I don't know.
Should we stand by?
Thank you, Mr. Wong.
One, two, three!
Sorry, Mary.
Our performance is really important.
Hang in there, almost there!
We're here...
What are you doing? I didn't cue you.
You can't come in!
We're just getting ready.
We've overrun by 15 minutes.
We haven't performed!
Let us go in.
The school day's over.
It's not our fault they went too long!
Let us go in!
Thank you all for your
wonderful performances.
Now it's time to sing our school anthem.
You two broke the statue.
We haven't performed!
School's out for the day.
But we've practiced so long for this!
So what? I have cram school lessons.
You were right to bail,
the other songs were lame.
You seem pissed.
We worked so hard on our song!
Those crappy songs took up our time.
It's not fair!
It's your own damn fault.
It's the Student Union's fault!
Did you cheer for the
unworthy performances?
("Comment: 0")
("No one read our lyrics.")
It's dinner time!
How many times do I have to ask?
You two want a personal escort?
You didn't even have to help set the table.
It's OK, let's eat.
Bon apptit...
What's up?
The pork's not cooked, it's red.
That's how it looks when
it's boiled in soup.
Don't be stupid.
Pork has to be thoroughly cooked!
It was boiled in soup
for hours, it's cooked!
You always say the pork's
not cooked, you nut.
It takes forever for pork to cook.
Don't eat pork and corn
over rice in restaurants.
It'll kill ya.
You ever seen that meat?
It's pink.
Why are they pink?
They cook it before it's defrosted,
so it's never cooked.
Don't make things up.
I'm not finished.
Corn and pork over rice...
And there's pineapple fried rice.
The pineapple shell has a
different color from the pineapple...
Do you have my "Physics Beyond 2000"?
Yeah, why?
I need it back.
You need a physics book
for computer science?
I need to check something.
You'll get it after dinner.
I need it now.
There's soy sauce in fried rice,
that's why the shell is darker.
They stir fry the plate, too?
This one?
Close the door.
("17th Composers and Authors
Society of HK Songwriting Contest")
What the hell was that?
What's going on?
Didn't you tell her
it's supposed to be pop?
She filled out the application.
What do we do?
Talk to her.
How is it?
It's very good.
But the key's a bit
high, it's hard to sing.
And I think it sounds like bickering.
That's what I was going for.
What if it's a duet?
We can submit a duet, right?
It's impossible to get a second singer.
Is it too hard to write lyrics for a duet?
I know it's hard to write
something like a conversation.
No, it's not that hard.
I'll write it, OK?
A duet sounds good.
I'll write it tonight.
But you can't read music. Let me play it
and you record it.
In Cantopop, melody comes before lyrics.
We usually say "fill in lyrics"
rather than "write lyrics".
It sounds like filling out holes.
So I fill in random words
that match the melody
then fix it later.
What are you doing?
Why are you still here?
Your mom asked me to check on you.
I'm studying.
What subject?
Honey! She says she's studying Chinese.
You gotta study harder!
An arrogant soldier is doomed to fail.
You think you're smart,
always doing pointless things.
You'll regret it when
you don't make it to uni.
It's about a mother who thinks
her daughter never studies.
Then you tell your mother
that her cooking is terrible.
Then you keep yelling at
each other, and so on...
Why don't we try it?
Wait! Let me get into position.
Eat up, veggies are getting cold,
your mind keeps wandering
Your food sucks, they taste
like mold, just stop hollering
Don't touch them, then!
All I do for you is just pestering.
Your so-called food are
perfectly worth squandering.
Get stress at work, get gripes at home,
I've never said a word
If you've had enough, if you
feel tired, fly away like a bird...
Where did that "bitch" come from?
Ask the composer, I just followed...
But you wrote "bitch".
What else should I write?
"Fly away like a bird... then."
"Fly away like a bird... man."
I'll add a word. How about
"fly away like a bird... you bitch?"
That's so emotional.
Not every note needs a word.
Just hum it away.
True! Genius!
Let's record it.
Do you have lozenges? No.
I'm off, see ya.
Remember to buy me dinner.
The prize is 30 grand!
I'll spend it all on food!
Bye bye.
What's wrong?
I can skip the high school exams.
Why? What's the catch?
My mom is sending me to the UK for uni.
We already found a school.
Will you make it? Your English sucks.
That's why she's sending me to England.
Will you come back?
I guess...
I'll worry about it then.
You can't write Cantonese lyrics in the UK.
You said we'd become lyricists together.
I can write in the UK,
there's no difference.
The Lyricist Wannabe
("Shortlisted Songs of
the CASH Songwriting Contest")
CASH announced the results.
No, we didn't get shortlisted.
The 17th CASH-winning song
is "I'm Great Now, But..."
Ryan Lau will perform the song!
Who are these nobodies?
It's OK to be a nobody,
but you can't even sing!
This isn't singing!
Burt Bacharach, Frank
Sinatra, those guys sing.
They enunciated!
Look at Burt, Frank, Barry Manilow...
Record companies don't
advertise for lyricists.
There's no Lyrics major in uni.
How do lyricists enter the industry?
Lesson 2: Rhyming
Lyricist 101 or Renovation DIY 101?
Lyricist 101.
This way, you're the last to arrive.
Welcome to the Vocational
Training Scheme's Lyricist 101.
I'm your instructor, Wing Lo.
You can call me Lo Sir.
In this semester,
I'll be teaching basic lyric
writing techniques, OK?
Please introduce yourselves.
Let's start with the princess over here.
Hello! I'm Creamy.
I'm into cosplay, and I write doujin music.
I rewrite Chinese lyrics
for Japanese songs.
That's why I'm here to learn lyric writing.
And you?
I post rewritten lyrics online.
In fact, the best ones you see
on forums are written by me.
One of the recent viral sensations is
"I Want In Halfway"
I'm sure you've all heard of it.
Maybe you know me by my screen name...
I go by "Walt Wit-man".
Great. And you?
Why do you want to learn lyric writing?
Hello. I just finished my
college entrance exams.
I rewrite lyrics, too.
How many of you want to
become pro lyricists?
Don't be shy, tell us why.
Because writing lyrics is what I'm best at.
I rewrite lyrics at home.
I feel pride when I
write a really good line.
Did you guys hear that?
She missed the point.
Isn't it?
I didn't ask why you like writing lyrics.
I asked if you want to go pro.
I... I do.
Because... Because...
I don't want to do work
I'm not interested in.
I want to make a living from my interest.
"Hong Kong gals" are so pragmatic.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you...
No one makes a living as a lyricist.
Heh heh...
Do you still want to go pro?
I do.
All right! Let's start the class.
Lo Sir, photocopying books is illegal.
It's copyright...
OK! The first class is about...
Say it together.
Very good.
Does anyone think lyrics
don't have to rhyme?
But the fact is, rhyming is mainstream.
And pop songs have to be mainstream.
Jot that down.
Why do lyrics have to rhyme?
It's smoother.
It's catchier.
Rhyming lyrics sound more logical.
Exactly! Very good!
Let's give it a try.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Finders keepers, losers weepers.
Be there, or be square.
Can't do the time, don't do the crime.
He who smelt it, dealt it.
I... can't do it.
I looked through the
entire CASH message board
and copied all the email addresses.
"Do you need a Cantonese lyricist?"
"Attached please find
my rewritten lyrics..."
Do I sound OK?
My two roommates are so annoying!
I can't stand them!
They say they're great,
but they're pests!
I'm sending e-mails to record labels.
Should I submit "Our Daily Bread"?
What? No, you'll scare them off.
What if I ask them to focus on the lyrics?
Would that be better?
Then you're telling them to
ignore the song for the lyrics.
You can't do that.
Then I'll just submit the rewritten lyrics.
D'you think I should move out?
I really can't get along with them.
They thought the place came with wi-fi.
I installed it!
I paid for it!
They didn't even think
of splitting the cost.
What if I move out on my own?
Out of 128 addressess, 83 are defunct.
It's so hot!
I have a fan, want it?
I have one, too, here.
Ghosts! Shh...
We're clear.
Are you hot? Need a fan?
Actually, these fans are
inefficient and a waste of power.
Isn't this better?
Yeah... I'm gonna catch a cold.
Who is he?
I'm Zeke, Biology major.
Hi, I'm Terry, Freak.
Hi, I'm Sze.
I'm Zeke, Biology major.
You can have this.
There they are! Ghosts! Run...
Don't run!
No. 1 of the 2006 HK Music
Awards Top Ten Golden Tunes...
"Tremors" by Hins Cheung
composed by Harry Ng,
lyrics by Calvin Poon.
Congrats to the winners.
We have three more songs left.
Calvin Poon? Chow Yiu-fai?
Friends of yours?
What do you know about us lyricists?
Your radio's too loud, turn it down.
First up is the Bronze prize.
The winner is... My Little Airport.
Because I was too nervous at that time
Gigi Leung Is Dead
The Ok Thing To Do On Sunday
Afternoon Is To Toddle In The Zoo
("Need a lyricist?")
("Not right now, thanks.")
("No, thanks.")
("Thanks, but no.")
("Try try")
I finally...!
Why didn't you knock?
What's the matter?
I finally received a song!
It has no lyric.
It's a new song!
Oh... So?
Once I write the lyrics,
I'm officially a lyricist!
I'm good, right?
Yeah... But don't stay up, all right?
Yeah... OK.
Remember to knock next time.
Purple, black, brown, gray
flowers bloom in summer
Why are sky beaches...
sky garden built wherever?
If we see the sea together...
Don't want to see elephants...
rocks... and timber
"Why are they covered
in rocks and timber..."
The sky above... the
seagulls above aren't lovers
From my fingers... From grains
of sand... I wait unwavered
Love letters are thin like...
When the syllables match,
the tones are off-melody.
I'm dragged along by the melody.
Now it's a mess.
I have no idea what I'm writing.
("Lyrics by: Law Wing-sze")
Wake up, Sze!
I'm already up.
Lesson 3: 0243
"Gray flowers bloom in the summer"
"Why are sky gardens built unhindered?"
"If we see the sea together"
"Don't want to see rocks and timber"
Time for class, everyone.
What's that?
Sze wrote an original song.
Where'd you get an original song?
I e-mailed composers and
asked if they need a lyricist.
One of them sent it to me.
Ever heard of 0243?
How about you guys?
What's your writing process?
I listen to the whole song once,
then drop words that
harmonize with the melody.
Then I change them to better words.
No... That's not how you write lyrics.
This doesn't solve the harmony issue.
Yes, Cantonese has 9 tones...
But in reality, it's 6.
The other 3 are "checked" tones.
Among the 6, lyrics only employ 4.
0243, call them a lyricist's "so-fa-name".
Memorize 0243,
those tones can be used in all songs.
You don't get it, right?
I get it.
You laid it out so clearly.
("London Bridge is falling down")
Is that like 867-5309?
You must use these four numbers, so it's...
Law Wing-sze.
No, shut up for a sec.
"No, shut up for a sec."
Can you sit down? It's time for class.
You guys have to practice hard at home.
We'll put this in action next time.
Then what are we doing this time?
Reviewing last lesson's content.
What do you want to eat?
Hey! Hold up your bowl!
You're not a cripple.
I finally get how to match tones to melody.
Whoever invented this is a genius.
Why are you chuckling?
You can have your own room in the dorm.
I can decorate it, meet new friends.
I hear living in the dorms
means better grades, too!
That's what the older students said.
You gotta live in the dorms.
That's how you enjoy your
youth with no regrets.
433402423... Dorm life will be awesome...
"Dear Hiu Tung, comma..."
"How were the lyrics I sent last time?"
"I learned a new technique,
my skills went way up!"
Lesson 4: Love Songs
After I sent the new lyrics to Hiu-tung,
she stopped responding.
Later, I started receiving
demos from composers.
One of them is Chris Lee.
Oh... You've never dated, right?
I've... dated a ton of
times, what do you mean?
Good, anyone who hasn't dated
shouldn't be in the arts.
Because all art is about death and love.
So you've died before?
You're right.
I don't have to die to write about death.
Dating experience doesn't mean
you can write about love.
That's why creativity
requires observation skills
and sensitivity.
Liked it? I'll make more for you next time.
Why are you here?
You said Sze's at her dorm!
That's where she is!
Who's that in the living room?!
I don't know, she said
she'd be in her dorm!
You said you checked! I DID check!
I'll take you home.
No... Go away!
Stop it! Deal with her!
Sze, we're good as long as you stay quiet.
Maru is my classmate.
You two are so weird...
It's disgusting!
Stop acting crazy! If you tell anyone,
I'll kill you!
Stay out of my room, you're gross!
Get out!
Your brother?! Maru is
dating your brother?!
Oh my God...
Keep it down, my parents will hear!
Is Maru that desperate? He's your brother!
Not that anything's wrong
with your brother...
No offense, but your brother is...
Never mind, offend away.
Unbelievable... I've never
seen them talk. They hid it well.
You know what? I've got
3 British guys in mind.
I'm gonna take my time choosing.
Tell me which one's best.
(Zeke: hi)
Am I really not sensitive
enough about love?
What are you up to?
Sorting trash.
Need a hand? Sure.
You haven't noticed?
Noticed what?
Where's your ID card?
I have to run.
You left it in the library's
copier this morning.
You really didn't notice all day.
Why didn't you return it right away?
I wanted to scare you.
I'd take it out when you need me the most.
Your birthday is the same as my ex's.
I'm kidding, I've never had a girlfriend.
Oh... I was gonna say...
Your birthday is the same
as my future boyfriend's.
You've improved a lot.
I think this song is
better than a typical demo.
It should go into my album.
Will I be credited as
lyricist in the liner notes?
Of course!
But I want to release a Mandarin album.
Mandarin-language songs have wider reach.
But I wrote it in Cantonese.
I can just sing the
words in Mandarin, right?
I just wanna...
Wo ye hen xiang... Chen
shui dao tian liang...
Of course not, the rhyming
scheme's different.
What if... I tinker the
lines during recording?
Then we'll be co-writers.
No way.
I can write it. I'm writing it!
I can write Mandarin.
What did you say?
Really? You were mumbling.
I'm writing lyrics, maybe
I was mumbling those.
What's the problem?
You guys are still here?
See ya...
To be honest, I'm not familiar
with Mandarin vocabulary.
And I can't use 0243 on it.
Every word seems to match the melody.
I have no idea what to write.
Right now I feel "3304"...
Confused as hell.
You're asleep? Wake up.
Let's go eat!
Time to eat.
It's 7, don't you have to be home?
We've barely talked... do I have to?
I can just call my mom.
Hello? I won't be home for dinner.
That's all, see ya.
Let's go, pack up.
Come on!
Wait for me!
Hurry, I've been waiting forever!
Sze says she won't be home for dinner.
That brat!
I told you so.
Thank you.
That brat has no sense of time!
That's your daughter.
That's YOUR daughter! Eat up.
I want my change.
Lesson 5: Composers and
Authors Society (CASH)
Hey, my record's done.
Give me your address.
I'll mail you a copy.
The composer sent me the album.
I wrote the lyrics for
one of the ten songs.
It has to be a commercial recording.
Commercial recording...?
It has to be sold in a record store,
it can't be a CD-R.
Oh, no CD-R's...
So I can't be a Songwriters
Society member yet?
You can if your song's
been performed publicly 3 times.
Then I'll ask if he's performed it 3 times.
Call back when you've confirmed.
What the hell?
It's not a real album, it's a CD-R!
It's a demo album.
Liar! You said you'd release it.
I'll release when someone buys it.
Chris' song is unsold,
so I can't become a lyricist.
Lo Sir said I can try working
at TV or radio stations,
where I can meet music pros...
Are you Calvin Poon?
I write lyrics, too.
And build my network.
As a radio station PA,
I did errands on their award show.
That's how I ran into an
old friend from school.
Why are you here?
I'm a PA. And you?
I have an interview.
For what?
On becoming a singer.
I've been too busy,
I haven't recorded our song yet.
Our song?
Why'd you pretend to be a woman?
When did I do that?
The song you sent was sung by a woman.
That's the demo singer.
It was meant for female vocals.
Why didn't you reply to
the lyrics I sent you?
Because I haven't had
time to record the vocal.
How were the lyrics, then?
Very good.
For real?
For real.
I'll send it when it's recorded.
Law Wing-sze.
Table 89.
Isn't that Stephy Tang?
Did she compose something?
She wrote lyrics for one of her own songs.
Remember what I told you?
When you see a famous musician,
whether it's a lyricist,
composer, or producer,
go ask for an autograph.
I told you, network
matters more than talent.
Without connections, you're a nobody.
Can you introduce us?
Introduce us.
Sure, no problem.
Thank you.
Hey, long time no see.
Long time no see.
Your song, "Blue Shoes"...
It's very good!
Thank you.
Very good
Sorry, would you mind taking
a photo with my students?
I'll take the photo.
Thank you.
One, two...
Let me get one with just us...
Good luck, guys.
How do I check it?
Am I in the shot?
Let's get out of their way.
Hi, everyone, I'm Jason Chan.
If you're an aspiring lyricist, don't miss
the five major record
labels' Joint Lyricist Contest!
It's easy to join.
Buy this album.
Each copy has a unique PIN
for you to submit a set of lyrics.
There are lots of great prizes.
The Grand Prize winner
will win a lyricist contract.
If you want to be the lyricist
for my next song, join now!
You can do it!
He encouraged me!
Pipe down.
He said not to waste your time.
Cut it out.
Members, remember to get the word out.
Thanks for the support.
Enjoy the food
and don't miss the prize drawing later!
Look at that table, they're all my idols.
Lesson 6: The Lyricist Contract
Ask him where he is.
He said he's almost here.
So I guess he's almost here.
Why don't you go ahead?
We can meet at the airport.
That works.
They said we can meet at the airport.
There's still time, we can wait.
Everyone makes mistakes.
Move it!
Sorry, they weren't
printed when I got there.
"Business Development Manager"?
That's too much!
That's how you impress people!
Your company's name is
"Chris Good Good Make Music"?
I just made it up, there's no company yet.
Isn't that lying?
It'll be fine!
I've made the arrangements,
just call to confirm.
Once I get distribution,
your girlfriend becomes a real lyricist!
Thank you! Thank you!
I gotta go. Have fun, guys!
Have fun
See ya...
Can we go now? It's time.
Let me put this away...
When's your meeting?
The day after we get to Taipei.
I'll go with you.
It's OK, I can go on my own.
Hello, is this Mr. Ko?
Hi, can I help you?
I'm from Hong Kong, my name is Law.
I want to confirm our meeting at 3:30.
Sorry, something's come up this afternoon.
Can you come earlier?
How about 1:30?
I may not be able to make it...
Then we'll meet next time.
No, 1:30's fine!
OK, see you then.
All right... Bye.
Ready to go?
My meeting got moved,
I have to go see the record label now.
What? When will you be back?
After the meeting, I guess.
See ya.
What about your drink?
Don't need it!
I'll see you guys afterwards.
Hi, welcome. Hi.
My name card.
One second...
Thank you.
Thank you.
This is Mr. Kao, our A&R Manager.
Alan and Jenny, from our A&R team.
Hi, I'm Law Wing-sze from Hong Kong.
Welcome. Have you been to Taiwan before?
I came on a tour with my family.
Want to tell Mr. Kao about your album?
Sure. This album is by
our company's composer.
It's OK, we just need one copy.
Which track should we listen to?
Track 4.
Track 4, sure.
I wrote the lyrics.
Oh, great.
Once upon a time in a random place,
I wrote a poem with your name
Such a stubborn name
A plain white paper with an ant in place
Be courageous and state your case
In this bottle our love is placed
In the can, keep this secret encased
From this moment, the
scrap paper ain't afraid
of being abandoned in this desolate waste
Our hair and dandruff will be held by tape
The tree will keep our secret in its base
The melody's not bad.
The humming in the opening was interesting.
But the Mandarin pronunciation
won't pass muster in Taiwan.
We'll have to discuss further internally.
We'll let you know if we
decide to move forward.
Did she leave her e-mail?
Where are you staying in Taiwan?
TD Hostel.
TD Hostel
Where in Taipei is that?
Near Xingtian Temple Station.
That's a fun neighborhood!
Have you been to the night market?
I will...
See her out.
Thank you.
Give this back to you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
("Record Company Mr. Ko")
Miss Law, thank you for coming today.
There are a few good songs in your album,
including the song with your lyrics.
We'll get in touch with the composer.
TD Hostel
Sze's back.
I bought snacks for you guys!
There's fried chicken and fries, open them!
That's a lot! Zeke, come out and eat.
I have good news to share.
I successfully sold the
album to the record label.
That's amazing!
Does that mean you found a job?
Not really.
I wrote the lyrics to one
of the songs in the album.
And they want it.
Going international...
I'm good, right?
Come here for a sec.
What's up?
You ran off while buying drinks.
My meeting got pushed up.
You could've told me, you
had the mobile router.
You could've texted me.
It was out of battery.
I said that you guys could go ahead.
We're supposed to be a group...
We were all waiting for you.
Emily couldn't say it to your face,
but you running off messed up her plans.
Do you know you wasted our day?
I was working, you're just on holiday.
I offered to go with you, but you said no.
Because it has nothing to do with you.
You just don't want it to be my business.
I already tell you everything.
Have you cared about anyone else, then?
Everyone helped plan
the trip while you were freeriding.
You're not the only one who's busy.
Think you're the only dreamer?
You have no empathy, you
can't write good lyrics.
And you can write?
Don't be so self-centered.
Think of people's feelings!
All you care about is yourself.
Not your family, not your friends!
You're so selfish.
If I'm so expendable to you...
Let's break up.
I finally sold the ballad
I wrote for Chris anyway.
I'm glad Zeke and I broke up.
What a relief.
Then I can focus on lyrics for the contest.
Some say break-ups help creativity,
so I won't forget the feeling.
You're so selfish, Sze.
All you care about is yourself.
Not your family, not your friends!
Let's break up.
Long time no see.
What happened?
I had a fever.
Of course, you didn't faint for fun.
Are you busy?
I'm OK, just finished peak season.
Another job's on the way, it's not bad.
I meant if you're busy today.
What do you want?
Did you bring a computer?
I always carry a computer, why?
Help me type.
The deadline for the
lyrics contest is today.
My mom won't bring my computer over.
Let's get to work.
You just want me to type numbers?
Are these lyrics?
Just type them down.
You're gonna submit numbers?
I'll teach you later, just type them.
Wanna know 0243 is?
I know it.
Are you sure?
0243, Heroes screw for free.
You're good, pal.
Keep going.
You're Law Wing-sze?
Thank you.
Your lyrics are great.
I want you to write all
my lyrics from now on.
Can we take a photo together?
Of course, come here.
Third place, Lam Ka-fung.
Second place, Chan Tsz-chun.
First place, Law Wing-sze.
Let's take a photo.
First place, stand in the middle.
Ready, one, two, three.
We're done.
How many did you submit?
Just 2.
I bought 5 copies, submitted 3.
I submitted 1.
Can we go?
I don't know.
Do I have a contract to sign?
Yes, first place stays,
the rest of you can go.
Thank you.
Give me back the CDs.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Law Wing-sze, this way.
This is the legendary lyricist contract.
Signing it makes me a
professional lyricist.
How many contestants were there in total?
Quite a few, we received
over 1,000 sets of lyrics.
This is your copy.
Congratulations on
becoming a lyricist for us.
Thank you.
Don't splurge like that again, all right?
But that fish was better than
anything your mom can make.
When you win a Gold Record Award,
it'll be my treat!
You won't pay a cent, your
brother will help out!
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Shh, Dad, don't speak.
Can you turn up the volume, driver?
The clouds gather, my vision is blurred
In the warehouse on the field,
cruelty lives unstirred
It sits with my loneliness, preserved
That was "Magic Mushroom",
by Taiwan's Jones Hsu.
Chris Lee, composer; Ken Wang,
arranger; Fang Wen, lyricist.
Sze, you got a pen name?
They hired Fang Wen, not me.
It was out of my hands.
This happens all the time.
Demos are not sold with the lyrics.
Sze, do you want apple or pear?
Hey, are you all right?
Don't be so direct.
It's silent in there.
At the board, you had your back to me
On it is a chalk rocket no one could see
There ain't no need for lights and standees
You pushed me to dream and be free
Even without applause, always stay glee
I loved with my all, I guarantee
I was a little stubborn, a little hostile
I was in too deep, I was awful
I worked so hard, but it all fizzled
Used up my effort, but tossed like a bottle
A broken dream doesn't need to be coddled
Walk away, don't dawdle
Have will and courage, let it all topple
Who says passion guarantees approval?
So much emotions and
ambition gone unfruitful
We were in love too much, yet too little
I promise, if this song gets released,
I'll keep your lyrics.
Like it's your call to make.
Lesson 7: Published Songs
Have a seat.
You're a lyricist, right?
You need lyrics for a song?
No, not a song. A whole album.
The whole album needs lyrics?
We haven't picked the songs.
Our client Henry wants to
make a record for a singer.
I want you to handle the admin stuff.
Help us pick songs and do copywriting, OK?
Admin, pick songs, copywriting...
and lyrics?
You're a lyricist, aren't you?
I can pay you $8,000 plus
lyrics fee, all right?
All right.
All right, good.
The admin stuff is like
a summer job, it's easy.
She's here.
Hi there. Hello.
Come in.
Have a seat.
Allow me to introduce Helencandy.
This is the lyricist...
Hi there.
I've known Henry for years.
He's never been into music.
Out of the blue, he asked me
to make a record for someone.
That's when I knew that
someone must be good.
I just want to create work.
Let's say this record has ten songs...
Shouldn't you be taking notes?
Oh, right!
Let's talk about the content.
Is there something you want
to express with the record?
I want to talk about putting
out work the last few years.
I've run into lots of
obstacles while creating work.
But I overcame the odds and made work.
Even when I fell out with my label,
I wanted to put out work.
Because I want to make good work.
Because there are too
many products out there.
I want to create good work
with soul, not products.
Get what I mean?
Work, not products. I get it.
Sze, what kind of songs
would fit this theme?
Work and products... yeah.
I have some.
Because I'd written some demos,
so I've got something.
It's loaded.
Sorry, my network's a little slow.
Do you have wifi?
It's OK...
We can talk about it later.
We're just meeting to get
an idea of how to proceed.
It's our first collaboration, after all.
There's a bathroom over there, too.
I'm just washing my hands.
By the way, how old are you?
You look young, are you a student?
I've graduated, but I'm
not working full-time.
I want to be a lyricist.
What have you written before?
There was a hit song by
Fang Wen a while ago...
I wrote the lyrics for the demo.
I'm signed to a publisher, though.
I'm just waiting for a chance to
write a published song.
So this is your first time
writing a published song?
I write quickly,
so ten songs is no problem for me.
I really want to write this whole album.
I'll even do it for free.
For free?
Yeah, I'll do the lyrics for free.
I've written a lot of demos.
Do you know Wong Hiu-tung?
That new singer-songwriter.
He was my classmate.
I've written lots of demos for him.
There's one that I really love.
I think it's perfect for you.
Really? I want to hear it. Send it to me.
Give me your phone number.
I found a job.
A producer is paying me $8,000
to help produce a record.
Only 8 grand a month?
I finally have a song that'll be released!
You've got a song coming out?!
What's the name of it?
I don't know yet.
You gotta know the name!
Anyway, I'm writing all ten songs.
I have a call, I gotta go.
Sorry, I'm still working
on the album concept.
Can you send me a demo first?
Right now?
I'll send you the song
I told you about this morning, OK?
OK, thanks.
Edward fan signs!
Want one?
This one's $40.
Buy one more sign!
Enjoy the concert!
The money's not bad!
We'll split it evenly.
Hear that? I didn't know the sound
reaches this far.
But it's much clearer inside.
Hurry up.
Here's another $20 since you're so poor.
I won't be poor much longer.
My lyrics will be sung in there.
I'll make lots in royalties.
Are you for real?
Will I get free concert tix?
Buy it yourself, you're loaded.
Buy my own tix?
A lyricist must get free tix!
Are you sure?
I invited the composer I
told you about yesterday.
But he'll be late, so we can start first.
It's OK, sit down.
Did you tell Helencandy
you'd write lyrics for free?
Who the hell does work for free?
I said that because
I really want to have a published song.
Great job. She read your lyrics.
She thinks they're terrible,
so she wrote her own.
Are her lyrics really good?
I didn't look at them.
Anyway, the project's been called off.
That means you're fired.
I called you here to teach you a lesson.
Why'd you send your song to her?
Sorry, she asked for it, so I sent it.
Were you born yesterday?
You have a boss, you know.
I'm the producer,
you pass things to me, not to her.
This project doesn't pay much anyway,
it was a favor.
But who does that bitch think she is?
Acting like a diva when
we're doing her a favor.
She said she didn't get what
your lyrics were trying to say.
I knew that.
They're not very good,
but they can be tweaked.
Besides, I hired you,
putting you down is dissing me.
Did she say what she didn't
like about the lyrics?
How old are you, kid?
Twenty-four, almost twenty-five.
How many years have you
been writing lyrics for?
Six years.
Six years.
Is it possible that not achieving anything
after working hard for so long
could mean that you're wrong for this?
I haven't worked hard.
All right then.
It's OK.
Don't take that, it's heavy.
I'll carry this, then.
Just take the pillow.
Let us do the work, wait in the car.
Sze, carry this.
Why does a married man
need basketball and video games?
Why do you need your comics?
Move moving, less chatting.
Be a programmer.
Write programs instead of playing hoops.
Why can't programmers play hoops?
I gotta be in the NBA?
It's just a hobby.
We're off.
I get the flat to myself!
Take care of Mom and Dad.
They don't need me.
Just be good.
You finished uni 3 years ago,
and you never did full-time work?
I had part-time work and
a small business with a friend.
What kind of business?
Concert merchandise.
So you're an entrepreneur.
You were a part-time PA
at a radio station and a TV station.
I'm interested in pop
music and music production.
So I worked in those fields.
But I want full-time work now.
Why are you interested
in our company, then?
I used ride sharing apps
a lot when I was a PA.
Do you know the concept
behind Hong Kong FreeRider?
I read it on the website.
The real reason wasn't
written on the website.
What's the real reason?
There's a story behind why
I started this company.
Twelve years ago, I got
my driver's license.
As you know, a new driver
needs lots of practice.
One night, I was practicing on the road,
driving and driving...
I saw a girl by the road,
nervously trying to hail a taxi.
I rolled down my window
and asked if she needed a taxi.
She said, "Yes, I'm in a rush."
I asked, "Where are you going?
Need a ride?"
She said yes right away
and hopped into my car.
Then I realized...
If Betty needs a car and Ivan drives a car,
they just need a platform to hook up.
Sharing economy wasn't
a thing yet back then,
but I thought...
As long as a freelancing driver has a car,
he can be free to use his car
to move cargo and passengers.
At that moment, I promised myself
to start a company for
that when I'm able to.
Very good.
Done talking about yourself?
I'm done.
You studied biology,
but you are interviewing for PR department.
Sure you can handle it?
I studied science, but I'm good with words.
Was there ever a goal you
really wanted to achieve?
What I want...? Your dream.
I wanted to be a lyricist.
Writing song lyrics.
I tried it for a long time...
But it's... too hard.
What a coincidence.
I was wondering if my
company needs a jingle.
Care to try it?
Where did this idea come from?
I was watching TV the other day.
If our ad had a jingle,
people are more likely to remember us.
Who is going to sing?
Let me sing.
My friend is a composer.
And I can write the lyrics.
Great, she can write the
song, you can sing it.
Sure, give me a chance...
Faye Wong in Yau Ma Tei.
So, am I hired?
Not bad.
Record it after I write the lyrics.
How much will your boss pay for the song?
I didn't ask.
Treat it as a freebie for now.
Get it released first.
A freebie?
Then you have to sing it.
Are you kidding?
Freebie means you,
me and my girlfriend working on it.
Three people's enough.
All right then.
Hey, I'm working, Mak!
Honey, I got a great
pick for the horse race.
I'm writing lyrics for my company's jingle.
I have to be serious,
it's my first published song.
You know who'll be singing it?
I don't know.
Who? I've no idea.
We deliver!
Hop on and fly
It's cute,
but if it plays on TV or our app,
you have to pick one verse.
Ads have to be short...
Our drivers have all been arrested.
They're on the news!
Some drivers were told
signing up is already illegal.
Hello? Yes...
OK, thanks.
The lawyer says to handle the bail first.
Let's go.
What happens now?
Do I need to find a new job?
You don't have to rush.
What if we get ridesharing legalized?
I thought we're asking for
an explanation for freezing our funds.
No, what good is an explanation?
We need to be in business.
They won't even let us do that.
It's easy for Sze, she
can just find a new job.
Maybe I should go on working holiday
while I'm still eligible.
You should. Where to?
Anywhere that doesn't punish dreamers.
Mak, I haven't decided my next step.
I want to leave for a while.
I wrote another version
of lyrics for our song.
I think I'm calling it quits. See ya.
Thank you.
Doesn't that smell nice?
Did you have fun, kiddo?
He's shy.
How many did you pick today?
A lot.
Pick as much as you like.
Will do!
Your lovers can lie to you.
Your teachers and fathers can lie to you.
But we farmers believe one thing:
You reap what you sow.
This land never lies to you.
Am I right or what?
Smells great, doesn't it?
Excited, right? Look at this.
What is this?
The terrain is rough here.
You go ahead, I'll go in the back.
Thanks, how kind of you.
I brought cabbage and
sweet potatoes today, they're great.
Take a look later.
OK, thanks.
Sounds of wind travel to the sea
A trembling seagull flies
away, never to be seen
The flower is stranded
in the city of concrete
Colors fade, dreams of the past repeat
The pencil's tip traces along the sheets
Every day, we practiced and repeat
Believing that my talent would be seen
That hard work would bring glory to me
What are you looking at?
My failures and mistakes
are inside this ballad
One fall after another left me ragged
Devastated, but never defeated
Fantasy and memories are blended
Without your stubbornness,
my story wouldn't have existed
Success is great,
but no one talks about being frustrated
Applaud me, ban me, let me be hated
At least in my dreams I felt elated
Are you all right?
I'm OK. This song...
Oh, it's Cantonese. Feeling homesick?
Actually, I'm a lyricist.