The Magician's Raincoat (2024) Movie Script

-[rain pattering]
[car passing by]
[slow mysterious music]
You simply must be mistaken.
[Aloysius] No mistake, Augustus.
We were very clear
in our last meeting.
This was to be
your final extension.
Have you spoken to Mr. Fineman?
We have an agreement.
Mr. Fineman has no say
in this matter.
Not anymore.
-What's this?
-Your eviction notice.
You have until end of day
to vacate the premises.
It's a miracle. It's a miracle.
The auditorium's full of people.
[Aloysius] Taking shelter
from the rain, no doubt.
I'll get these folks
to pay the cover charge.
You keep 'em entertained
till the rain lets up.
Well, it seems...
-it's showtime.
-Even if you have somehow
managed to have
a sold-out crowd tonight,
it won't be enough.
You told me I have
till the end of day.
I'll get you your money,
Or my name isn't--
The Stupendous
Augustus Semprini!
[drum roll]
[audience applauding, cheering]
[soft dramatic music]
Thank you.
[softly] Oh.
[Semprini] I have traveled
every continent...
[audience applauding]
...the peculiar and curious
mysteries of this world.
Uncovering ancient secrets.
Discovering the keys to feats
that many would
consider unnatural.
I intend to share those secrets
with you... tonight.
[cymbals crashing]
Grazie, grazie, grazie.
You are too kind. Grazie.
[Semprini] What an enchanting
medley of patrons
we have assembled here tonight.
In a moment...
I will require the assistance...
of a willing volunteer.
You there, miss.
Yes. You. Right there
in the third row.
Would you please
join me on stage?
-Give her a round of applause!
-[nervous chuckle]
[audience applauding]
Now... what do I call you?
[softly] Uh... Gert... Uh...
[louder] Gertrude Campbellton.
Gerty Campbellton,
ladies and gentlemen!
-[softly] Gertrude.
-This way, Gert.
[audience applauding]
This magnificent cabinet
was built from the wood
in a forest near a mystic temple
in the Far East.
Go ahead and step inside
all the way to the back,
-and I'll take care of the rest.
-[no audio]
Through this cabinet
of curiosities...
our friend Gerty
is entering a realm unseen.
But I assure you,
it is entirely safe.
-[cymbals crashing]
-[audience applauding]
-[soft tense music]
-[soft whooshing]
[audience laughing]
[no audio]
I did say I would reveal
some of those secrets tonight,
did I not? [laughs]
Let's give it up
for Miss Gertrude Campbellton
one last time,
ladies and gentlemen.
[softly] Thank you so much.
hold on to your hats.
'Cause I have so much more
in store for you tonight.
The likes of which
you have never seen before.
[audience applauding]
[melancholic piano music]
-Great show Augustus, man.
You really know how to think
on your feet, sir.
That's show business.
So how'd we do?
Pretty swell, compared
to most nights, but, uh...
that fella was right.
It's not enough.
We're not done yet.
when does the pawnbroker close?
-You got a half hour.
-Well, give me a half hour
-and we'll be right as rain.
-All right.
[door closes]
[Semprini] You'll fetch
a pretty penny.
[knocking on door]
Mr. Semprini.
It's Gertrude from before.
Marvelous show,
very entertaining.
But I seem to have misplaced
something very important to me,
and I was hoping
you might help me recover it.
-[Semprini grunts]
-Hello, Gerty.
Pleasure to see you again.
You said you lost something.
Yes. A brooch with jewels
embedded in the design.
If I could just
have a look around.
-I haven't seen it.
-I was wearing it
when I first came in,
and then I went on stage
with all the commotion,
it seems to have gone missing.
-It would just take a moment.
-Perhaps another time.
I really must be going.
I'm already running late.
-For what?
-The pawn. I mean, a pawn--
An appointment. Magic business.
None of your concern.
You see, I really
can't go home without it.
It's a very important
piece of family jewelry,
and I can't bear the thought
that I may have lost it.
Or that perhaps...
you may have taken it from me.
Madam, I will not stand--
Listen, you dime-store hack!
You've been caught out!
Just return the brooch
and I'll say nothing of it.
[stutters] I never.
And even if someone had taken
such a gaudy piece of jewelry,
I'm pretty sure they're
putting it to better use!
I demand you return it at once!
[dramatic music building]
Magic business, huh?
[music intensifies]
If wicked ways you choose,
by wicked ways you lose!
Until I have that
which you hide,
inside your coat
you will reside!
[sighs] Hmm.
[no audio]
[foreboding music]
[light whooshing]
[joyful music ]
[school bell rings]
Hey there.
Oh, oh, Kristy.
I didn't see you there.
Oh, oh, the dance?
Uh, well, I mean...
I'll probably go.
[toilet flushes]
[faucet water flows, stops]
[inspiring music]
[no audio]
-Are you okay?
-[school bell rings]
-[no audio]
[stutters, exhales]
It's fine, I just...
[melancholic music]
[school bell rings]
All right. Basketball today.
Chase, Toby. Team captains.
Everybody else, line up!
[Chase] Eli.
[Chase] Hudson.
[Chase] Reed.
[Toby] Zane.
[Chase] John.
[Toby] Hunton.
[Chase] Wyatt.
[Toby] Brazus.
Okay. Let's go.
And so, in conclusion, there
truly is no physical analogy
we can make to understand
what goes on inside atoms.
as John Gribbin once said,
"behave like atoms,
nothing else."
And with that, I'll open
the floor to questions.
[faint whooshing]
Miss Weaver?
-Miss Weaver!
-No soliciting. [clears throat]
[whooshing continues]
Miss Weaver. Any questions?
[school bell rings]
None whatsoever.
I was reviewing your term paper.
"Biochemical Influences
on Organic Solidarity"?
Hm. The very same.
Look, if you're
gonna plagiarize,
you have to pick
less complex topics.
I'm sorry?
The language.
The theoretical conjecture.
None of this reads like
an eighth grader wrote it.
It's simply a by-product
of hours of personal study.
If you cross-reference--
I appreciate
your commitment to the bit,
but I'll have to write you up
if you can't own up to it.
I wrote it myself, I swear!
Look at what your classmates
are writing about. Mm?
"How the Moon Affects Tides."
"Photosynthesis and Me."
And then... [exhales]
I hop over here to...
"Biochemical Influences
on Organic Solidarity."
I don't even know
what that means.
If you bothered
to read my paper,
maybe you would find out.
It is not my fault
the entire class
shares one communal brain cell.
Maybe you should
borrow it sometime!
That'll do it.
[soft whooshing]
What is that?
A drawer full
of none of your business.
Now get out of here or you'll
be late for your next class.
It's infuriating.
She wouldn't be treating me
like this if I wasn't a kid.
Yeah. Weaver's mean
to everybody.
This is different, Jack.
-You know what I mean.
-Tommy J used AI
-to write his book report.
I'm not saying
that's what you did.
-The mud pie, kid?
-No. That's Tommy C.
-I-- okay, so Miss Weaver
can't handle how smart you are.
At least you're not being
picked dead last
in gym class
for being too short.
Try humiliating yourself
in front of the girl
of your dreams.
Then you'll go crawling back
to being picked last in gym.
They didn't pass
the ball to me. Once.
We'll show them all
when we're older.
Can't happen soon enough.
Look on the bright side,
lover boy.
At least today
can't get any worse.
-[Jack] What?
-[Olivia] Mom!
-[Charlie] No.
-[Katie] It's last minute
but it's just for the weekend.
Who schedules a business meeting
on Halloween?
-Trick or treating!
-The dance, Mom.
I know, but I'm sorry, guys,
this could make a huge
difference for us. I have to go.
But do we have to stay
with Grandma Finerman?
I'm old enough
to watch all three of us.
-[softly] Hey.
-Yes and no.
-But her TV's like this small.
-And she has no internet.
The warden's spoken, guys.
Let's go get packed.
[melancholic music]
Thanks, Jack.
How bad is it?
That's nothing
you need to worry about.
Mom, are we gonna
lose the house?
[softly] No.
We worked way too hard
to let that happen. Okay?
Okay. Get packed.
Wheels up in ten.
Okay? Let's go.
[resounding surge]
[tense music]
[cat meows]
[Bertha] You're back.
I was beginning to worry.
I can't just zap myself
everywhere anymore.
We're dangerously low
on supplies.
And every spell I cast
ages me more than the last.
[Bertha grunts]
[music continues]
[soft sparkling]
-[Bertha grunts]
Careful with that.
It's all the same junk
we found in '95
[grunts] We already searched
this place top to bottom.
We didn't check
the catwalk in '95.
Why would it be up there?
Need I remind you
of the time-sensitive nature
of our activities here?
-We leave no stone unturned.
-Yes, Madam Weaver.
I'm going to search
the local thrift stores.
I expect a full report
when I return.
[knocking on door]
Maybe she didn't hear us?
Try again.
There's my chickadees!
Get in here! [soft chuckle]
[door closes]
[TV static]
Still the same TV.
[Grandma] Going on 37 years.
They don't make them
like they used to.
-They sure don't.
-[Jack] Dibs!
That's just out here
till the moldy smell airs out.
Brought it down from the attic
as soon as your mom called me.
-Well, throw your bags
in the back room
and make yourself at home.
I'll be in the kitchen.
Well, could be worse.
-[electrical buzzing]
-[Grandma] Ooh!
Dinner by candlelight it is.
[soft gentle music]
-Where did she say?
-A box on a trunk.
-[Charlie] Oh.
-[Olivia] Look at this stuff.
[music turns inspirational]
Hey, check this out.
[Olivia] Did Grandma have
the world's biggest collection
of dress-up clothes?
They're costumes
from the old theater.
Not bad.
Avast ye!
Release the damsel in the yellow
dress or face my wrath.
You'll have to pry her
from my cold dead hooked hand.
[both imitating fight grunting]
[Charlie] That's not fair.
[laughter continue]
-[swords hitting]
-[both grunting]
You're only young once,
you know.
At last,
I shall have my revenge.
[both grunting]
Oh, you'll never strike me down!
[both grunting]
[Charlie] Oh!
You'll never strike
me down all the way!
Oh, really?
All your pillaging
and plundering
has angered the mighty Poseidon,
God of the Sea.
-Oh, no.
-With the flick of the wrist,
I could crush entire armadas,
bring kingdoms down
to their knees,
and summon a kraken
that will drag you down
to Davy Jones' locker.
You two pirates
don't stand a chance
against my wits,
my strength, and of course,
-my devilishly handsome looks.
-Ah, come on.
What will you give me
in exchange
for your measly little lives?
[soft suspenseful music]
-You better not.
-[Charlie] Go, go, go, go!
Couldn't bring yourselves
to do it, huh?
-Oh, my God!
[Jack] Oh, yeah. You better run.
[Olivia] Oh!
Oh, my God. Come on!
[Jack] You have angered
the mighty Poseidon!
Hey! Whoa! Hey, guys. [screams]
[soft suspenseful music]
-Go away.
-What did you do to Jack?
No, but it's me. It's me.
-Grandma, some weirdo has Jack!
I'm Jack. I'll prove it.
Charlie, your biggest dream
is to play for the Clippers.
-Let me guess.
Olivia. Weaver just
chewed out for cheating,
but it's actually you're
just really, really smart!
Have you been following me
around school?
No. It's me, Jack.
Look, I'm wearing
the same clothes.
[Grandma] Awful lot
of screaming going on.
Everybody okay?
-[stutters] Sorry, Grandma.
We, we were just...
[whimsical music]
Do it again.
What is happening?
How do you feel?
I feel... normal.
-How do I sound?
-You sound old.
-Like old old?
-Like Mom old.
-Mom's 37.
-Exactly. Let me try.
Give me that.
Is this what it's like
to be tall?
Man, a few inches makes
a lot of difference.
[male faint voice]
Kids! Kids, down here.
Do you guys hear that?
-It sounds like a...
-[male faint voice] Kids! Kids!
-...distant voice.
-[male voice] Yes, down here.
-Down here.
-You don't hear that?
I think I need
to gather my own data.
Maybe hearing voices is
just part of being an adult.
[exhales deeply]
This makes absolutely no sense.
-You know what this means.
We can do
anything adults can do.
Let's not get carried away.
We need to study this thing.
-Check the pockets.
-Oh, yeah.
Hey, here, there's
another pocket.
It's got a name in it.
Augustus Semprini.
Let me look that up.
Okay. Augustus Semprini.
Okay, we got something.
"The final vanishing act.
Magician Augustus Semprini's
unsolved disappearance."
"Last seen at Finerman Theater."
This isn't a costume.
It's the magician's raincoat.
Do you think he made
any more of these?
Only one way to find out.
[foreboding music]
[Charlie] This was
the last place he was seen
before he disappeared.
Well, it's definitely
seen better days.
Grandma said the guy
that bought it
from her great-granddad
just boarded the place up
and never stepped foot inside.
Backstage will be
a good place to start.
-Sound logic.
Probably the most
haunted place to start.
Stay with us, Charlie.
Keep it together.
[Charlie] Uh, yeah, sure.
[Bertha] Is that the--
Well, I can't believe my eyes.
[Bertha grunting]
[rubble cracking and falling]
-I, I-- there's something--
-Come on, Charlie.
-Eyes on the prize.
-No, it's not that. It's...
[wings fluttering]
I am not getting rabies today.
[Jack] All right, run!
Go, go, go, go.
[exhales loudly]
Here. Take it.
[man] Scoot!
[inspirational music]
-What are you doing?
-Can we have our ball back?
Ooh. What?
[joyous music]
Oooh! Woo! Ow!
[laughing] Yeah!
Woo! Hey, thank you, guys,
for letting me play.
Thank you for letting me play.
So, so thank you.
[door opens]
-[Bertha] Madam Weaver.
-I'm exhausted.
Absolutely no sign of the coat.
[Bertha] I was---
About that, Madam Weaver--
I did find an incredible
cashmere sweater, though.
I can't imagine
why anyone would give this away.
-[Bertha] Madam Weaver!
Oh, it's gonna stain.
What is it,
you jabbering pillock?
-[boxes clattering]
-[Bertha grunting]
I saw the raincoat.
[cat meows]
[suspenseful music]
Bertha, don't tease me.
I swear, Madam Weaver.
These children, they broke in
while you were gone,
and they had it with them.
-Where are they now?
-They left.
That's it? They left?
Well, there were bats
and lots of screaming,
and it was all very chaotic.
I have one day
until the cycle completes
and you let the one thing I need
to put an end to all this
slip through
your slimy tentacles?
Bring me the gazing ball.
But we're
dangerously low on oil.
-And I'm concerned we would--
-Do not test me.
You realize
we only have enough supplies
to do this once?
Then we'll make it count.
[door bell rings]
So what do you guys
want to do now?
Maybe I could take
some college courses?
We could go see a rated R movie.
[male faint voice] Hey, kids.
Okay, you had to have heard it
-that time.
Maybe it's 'cause we've
all worn the raincoat by now?
[male faint voice] I'm trying
to get your attention.
Down here!
Yes. Yes, you can hear me down
here. I'm trying to talk to you.
[mysterious music]
Guys, it's...
It's me.
-I mean, it's him.
-Yes. You can see me.
I need your help to set me free.
-How is this happening?
-I need you to listen carefully.
You have to find
Gertrude Campbellton.
She's the only one
that can lift this curse--
[water lapping]
[soft music
playing on headphones]
What just happened?
Find Gertrude Campbellton.
Well, if he disappeared
in the 1930s, then, like...
Then, she's probably
been dead for years.
[church bell tolling]
[exhales] We're gonna
be late for dinner.
-The coat.
-Oh, oh.
What model grandchildren
you are.
It truly does warm
this whole heart
that you wanna learn
so much about the theater.
Um, did you know of a magician
named Augustus Semprini?
Oh, the magician
who disappeared.
Well, it's a bit before my time,
but the newspapers had
a field day
with those headlines.
They're all in the book.
The book?
Oh, yes.
The Finerman Family
Theatrical Compendium.
It's just a collection
of keepsakes and remembrances.
[soft inspirational music]
I do think you guys
are gonna like this.
It's like going back in time.
Oh, wait.
"Return what is mine,
and I will lift the curse."
What's that?
Hmm. I suppose it is
the perfect time of year
-to talk about the Phantom.
-The Phantom?
The phantom
of the Finerman theater.
Oh, it sounds a lot more
serious than it really is.
You see,
after the magician disappeared
and before the theater
closed down for good
mysterious notes, like this one,
started showing up.
No one knew who they came
from or what they meant, even.
Part of me thinks it was
my great-granddaddy's way
of trying to drum up business
in hard times.
Boy, he did everything he could
to keep that place afloat.
Broke his heart to lose it.
[Olivia] "GC."
[foreboding music]
-Quickly, Bertha.
-Yes, Madam Weaver.
I'm moving as fast as I can.
I have it!
Here, Madam Weaver.
[steady crackling]
[Bertha] Look at it.
It's working!
Of course it is.
Creature of night,
nearest to my prize.
Give me your sight,
lend me your eyes.
[soft whooshing]
[crow calling]
[music intensifies]
-[crow calling]
[Charlie screaming]
-The raincoat!
-[Charlie] No!
[continues calling]
Give it back,
you raven. [grunts]
-[crackling continues]
[Charlie groaning]
[indistinct yelling]
[crow calling]
No! No! No!
[continues grunting]
[sharp whooshing]
[soft music]
[door closes]
-You don't see that every day.
-You, you don't.
No! [grunts]
[Bertha groans]
-[Weaver sighs]
That was our last chance!
[suspenseful music]
Precious oils
and powders wasted.
Fool's errand.
[Bertha] Not necessarily.
[gulps, exhales]
I'm no closer than I was before.
Oh, Madam Weaver,
don't talk like that.
You sound so down.
I don't think
that's entirely true.
I mean, it's,
it's upside down right now.
But look at it
the way I'm looking at it.
See, I think we just need
to find this house.
So what are you waiting for?
Mm. Right. Um...
[laughing nervously] Okay. Okay.
[soft tense music]
I'm so sorry
to have kept you waiting.
I assume the paperwork
is in order.
I'd say the foreclosure
is a definite.
[Aloysius laughs]
This time tomorrow,
it'll all be yours.
So what are you going
to do with the place?
I have a few plans.
-It was right here.
-I don't hear anything.
So it's not about the coat.
He made contact with us, right?
Maybe we can't
summon him on command?
No. There's something missing.
[Semprini Jack] Maybe it has
something to do with daylight.
I mean, it's getting
pretty close to sundown.
-[Charlie] Yeah.
-[Olivia] Maybe.
-[soft tense music]
[inaudible chatter]
Jack, where are you going?
Hey, uh, I meant
to ask you something
when I saw you
earlier at school.
-This doesn't end well.
-Not without our help.
Uh, I was just wondering
if maybe, you know,
-you just--
-There you are! Dad!
-Come on. We're gonna be late.
Oh! Um, yeah. Sorry,
I thought you were
-somebody else.
-Come on.
-What was I thinking?
Keep your head in the game,
you're going back out there.
Huh, pardon me--
-Are you okay?
-Charlie, did you hurt anything?
-Yeah, just my pride.
-Come on.
-[Charlie groans]
[gentle music]
Hi, Jack.
-I mean, hi.
Uh, so do you have
any plans for Halloween?
Annie and I
are going to the dance.
Our movie's about to start.
Uh, well... I'll see you
at the dance.
I hope so.
There you go.
You guys just changed
my whole life.
Come on. It's all you, man.
[sighs] Come on, Casanova,
we got to get back
to Grandma's
before it gets dark.
[fast-paced rock music building]
-[music intensifies]
-[Bertha grunting]
[birds chirping]
Oh, what a beautiful day.
How long is cloud nine Jack
going to be a thing?
You know, I really thought
the dopamine
-would have dissipated by now.
O-- Okay. I'm,
I'm moving, I'm moving.
-[Olivia chuckles]
There's my early bird.
Happy Halloween, Jackie.
Oh, it might just be the most
Hallow to ever have weened.
And chipper, too.
Come on, let's get you packed.
Aren't you supposed
to be on a business trip?
-Didn't pan out.
-Are we okay?
Yeah. Everything's fine.
We're good. Let's go.
Come on. Hustle!
[rock music]
[groaning, gasping]
[Berta grunts, screams]
I hoped I'd find you here today.
This, this doesn't
make any sense.
-How can you do this?
-Anything is possible
if you pull the right strings.
[suspenseful music]
-This is really bad.
-What's happening?
-Who is that?
-I don't know, but...
I have an idea.
All I need is a signature
and I can take this money pit
off your hands.
It really is
in excellent condition!
No structural issues whatsoever.
You keep a magnificent home,
Mrs. Finer--
-Thank you.
-Who are you?
-Oh, right! Absolutely.
Semprini and Coates,
Attorneys at Law.
Pleasure to meet you.
I am here
to help you with this...
uh, this fellow.
Is why I'm here today.
There must be
some sort of misunderstanding.
I couldn't agree with you more,
which is what I'm here
to discuss today.
Come on, hurry up, hurry up.
So after reviewing
the case files
and the court documents,
we have come
to a very firm conclusion.
Have you?
Yes, we have.
-And that conclusion is?
-What I'm here to discuss
-with you.
-You said as much.
Come on. You know, Jack can't
hold down a conversation.
What did you say your name was?
Semprini and Coates?
Where have I heard
that name before?
[Semprini Jack] Well, we were
established in the 1930s.
We have a very long
history at the firm.
-Is that so?
-Never lost, actually.
Well, there's a first time
for everything.
There's no need to sign this,
Mom. I mean, ma'am.
There is actually.
So, if you are done stalling--
One more thing,
if you don't mind.
-All right. [sighs]
-So, um, we have concluded
and discussed,
and we have decided
to issue an injunction
on the sale of this property.
I'll be reviewing these.
You'll hear from me
by end of day.
[Katie sighs in relief]
I... [stutters]
I don't know how to thank you.
There's no need.
It's all a part of the job.
Well, about that...
As you can probably tell,
I can't really afford
any legal fees.
Don't worry about that.
Is this, like,
pro bono work, or...?
Oh, no, nothing like that.
It's absolutely free of charge.
I must be going.
Lots of... cases to crack,
jobs to do.
[clears throat] Anyways.
Thank you.
[tense music]
Jack, honey, take a shower.
-Yes! We did it.
-We did it!
-Yes! Ah!
-I can't believe that worked.
-It's just a temporary solution.
-What was in that paperwork?
-I mean, a lot of things.
So what do we do?
Okay, we need to come up
with a lot of money really fast.
Not easy for a bunch of kids.
That's nothing
three Semprinis can't handle.
Okay, so what do we got?
No idea is a bad idea.
I've recently learned
quite a bit about card counting.
-It sounds doable.
-Yeah. For you maybe.
So we go to Vegas,
I put on the coat--
Don't you need money
to gamble in the first place?
-Okay, okay. Hear me out.
So I put on the coat
and rob a bank.
-You rob a bank?
-You said no bad idea.
-I stand corrected.
-That hurts, Jack.
Well, cry me a river.
What else do we have?
-A river.
No, no. Um...
A puddle!
He, he was in a puddle.
That's why we couldn't talk
to him yesterday.
-I don't follow.
-Why come up
with a bunch of dumb ideas
of how to make money
when we could ask a magician
to literally
make all the money we want?
[soft mysterious music]
Now what?
Mr. Semprini?
Yes, I can hear you.
There's no need to shout.
I'm right here.
Whoa! You're here.
Where else would I be?
Mr. Semprini, we have
a bit of a pressing question.
-What is it?
-Well, can you use your magic
to make us, like,
a whole lot of money?
Mm. I'm sorry.
I'm not that sort of magician.
I perform tricks,
not real magic.
And even if I could,
easy money is always trouble.
That's how I got myself
into this whole mess
over this ridiculous trinket.
I... By the way,
have you found
Gertrude Campbellton?
About that...
There's really
no easy way to say this,
but it's been
86 years since you went missing.
Eighty-six years?
I, I, I, I, I don't,
I, I don't understand.
-You and me both, sir.
-But it's true.
And whoever
Gertrude Campbellton was,
she's probably--
She's probably
not alive anymore.
There's still a chance
she's a witch after all.
Come again?
[Bertha grunting]
[rock music]
That's it.
The Campbellton residence.
There's her address.
-Do you think it's really her?
-Let's ride.
[music speeds up]
[Bertha grunting]
There they are. Madam Weaver.
Madam Weaver!
[foreboding music]
-Miss Weaver.
-I should have known.
What are you doing?
Taking back what's mine.
[intense zapping]
[music intensifies]
[steady crackling]
[dramatic music building]
[sharp zapping]
-[sharp zapping]
[sharp zapping]
[multiple zapping]
I was saving this
for a special occasion.
[foreboding music]
[loud zapping]
What was that?
My science teacher.
After all these years.
[soft suspenseful music]
The curse that I did not assign.
return to me that which is mine!
[intense zapping]
[Bertha] Maybe this
isn't the best approach.
[debris crashing]
[cat meows]
[zapping continues]
-[loud clattering]
-Oh! Or the-- or the safest.
[panting, grunts]
It's a simple binding spell.
You should be able
to make quick work of it.
[sharp zapping]
[groaning, blows]
I know it's not my place,
but have you thought maybe
it's because one witch cannot--
Undo another witch's spell.
I know!
I'm not just... any witch.
I'm Madam Weaver.
Mistress of magic.
Nothing is beyond my reach.
Truly, your powers
are unmatched,
and you have successfully
retrieved the coat
after 86 long years. [laughs]
This alone stands as a testament
to your power and capability.
But perhaps now,
after all of that
in the eleventh hour,
it's time to contact Ge--
Don't you dare speak her name!
[knocking on door]
[birds chirping]
[knocking on door]
[knocking louder]
Okay, maybe they're not
answering because we're kids.
-They might not be home.
-They clearly don't take kindly
to people dropping by
Okay. What do we do?
Semprini said she was
the only one who could help.
But we don't even
have the raincoat.
You kids looking for someone?
[mysterious music building]
We're trying to return something
that belonged
to Gertrude Campbellton.
It's kind of a long story.
Wouldn't have anything
to do with a magician
trapped inside
of a yellow raincoat, would it?
How did you know?
I'm the one who cursed him.
[soft clinking]
Uh, no offense,
but you don't look like
you're over 100 years old.
I suppose not.
You can slow things down
or speed things up
with the right spell or curio.
But an object imbued
with the purest magic
and given in love
can bring eternal youth
to a witch.
It's a once-in-a-lifetime gift.
And a curse, really.
Remaining young as the world
goes old around you.
So the brooch that Semprini has
is one of those magical objects?
There's a sealing
cycle on every spell.
A certain amount of time
it takes
before the spell becomes
The binding spell
I cast on Augustus Semprini,
the sealing cycle is 86 years.
I made a terrible mistake,
and I've spent the last 86 years
studying every
form of magic I could,
and searching for ways
to find the raincoat
to right this wrong.
I thought I had failed.
But I hadn't considered
the oldest
form of magic there is.
-What's that?
Eighty-six years to the day,
with mere hours
before the sealing cycle
-you three show up.
I've been preparing
for this day for decades.
I have everything I need
to free Semprini.
The final ingredient
is the raincoat.
There's just
one problem with that.
-We don't have the coat.
-It, it was taken.
I'll have to start
making preparations
if I'm going
to be ready in time.
You've come this far.
Something tells me
you'll know what to do.
Where would she be?
I've only ever seen her
in one place.
[energetic music playing]
[people chattering]
Come on. This way.
[music continues
playing muffled]
I was really expecting it
to be locked.
I was really expecting to do
battle against an angry witch,
but you don't see me
Hey, spread out.
See if you can find anything.
-[no audio]
-[liquid bubbling]
-[loud zapping]
-[debris crashing]
[Bertha] What if we
just slow down and--
Slow down?
You want me trapped
like this forever?
Surviving on watered-down brews
and whatever
youthful energy I can steal
from school children?
I am falling apart at the seams.
Which is precisely why
we should strongly consider
putting the past behind us
and reaching out to--
I warned you once.
The next one won't be a warning.
-[objects clattering]
[whimsical music]
-What in the blue blazes?
Pookie, b--
Pookie, no. No. No!
Bad boy!
-Pookie, no. Not the pellets.
No. Pookie. No, no.
-Madam Weaver.
-The portal pellets!
-Hit the deck!
[dramatic music]
[soft suspenseful music]
[foreboding music]
Oh, no.
Uh, uh.
Whoa! Easy there. No! Whoa! No!
[screams, groans]
Here, kitty-kitty.
[soft crackling]
[Berta grunting]
Well, the good news is,
I think I know where he went.
The bad news is,
I don't know if we have
any portal pellets left.
Oh, but that won't
stop me from looking.
Mr. Semprini?
Not quite.
[Jack] Is...
Is he a cat?
-Here, kitty-kitty.
-Kitty-kitty-kitty, come here.
Come over here, such a good cat.
-Come here, come here.
[intense music]
Get him!
-He, he's over there.
-Just get him.
-[Charlie] I-- We're trying.
-[Jack] We're trying!
-Hold on. I have an idea.
-Okay, good!
-Come on, come on.
-Oh, oh, no. Okay.
[Jack speaks indistinctly]
[soft suspenseful music]
[Weaver] A-ha!
Found one.
In perfect condition.
Oh, um...
[both] Ready.
[music builds suddenly]
-[indistinct chatter]
Well... it could
have been worse.
[whooshing, loud crackling]
You've got to stop saying that.
-Go, go, go, go!
[dramatic music]
You guys run ahead.
I'll try to stall her.
-What? No!
-Go now.
Let's go!
Come on. Come on.
Charlie, I can't run that fast.
Okay, then hold this. Jump on.
Let's go!
Where did that idiot cat go?
[tense dramatic music]
No need to make this difficult.
You can't get away.
["Afraid Of The Night"
by DBone playing]
...turn out the lights
And you know
you're not alone
Something isn't right
You can feel it
in your bones
It's a creaking
in the stairs
The windows blowing closed
raising up your hairs
-Sorry, just kidding.
-Watch out!
[Semprini Charlie]
Oh, sorry. Excuse me!
[panting, mumbling]
-Excuse me!
It's a lovely picture!
You look like a cute couple!
I'm afraid of the night
[music subsides]
[tense music building]
[loud zapping]
I told you not
to make this difficult.
Now you're just making me angry.
Trying to remember
if I ever had you as a student.
You subbed
for my history teacher once.
Mr. Cunningham?
Yeah. Sixth grade.
I fell asleep during your
lecture on the Great Depression.
Try living through it,
you little brat.
[sharp zapping]
Kids these days.
Or I guess just...
kids in general.
Why do you all
have to be so annoying?
Now, why did you have
to do that?
-Where is it?
I'm not gonna tell you.
I don't have time for this.
I'm taking this one with us.
[Jack grunting]
[birds chirping]
[knocking on door]
Oh, uh, s-- sorry.
Right on time.
Come. Come.
[soft music]
With this brew
and earnest verse,
absolve anew
and lift this curse.
[soft crackling]
Step back.
[liquid bubbling]
[music builds]
[music stops abruptly]
Did it work?
[tense music]
Ge-- Gertrude.
I am so sorry.
I am so sorry. I...
The show was a disaster
and I was desperate.
I know, I know,
that's not an excuse, but...
Thank you, thank you
for freeing me.
I have felt such
a crushing guilt
for so long. I...
I never should
have done this to you.
I'm so sorry.
[music swells]
Better late than never.
Oh, and children! [soft chuckle]
I owe you such
a debt of gratitude, I do.
[stutters] Mm?
Where is your older brother?
[ominous music]
[metallic rattling]
She's not always like this.
If you just do what she says,
she can be reasonable
from time to time.
Stop fraternizing
with the prisoner.
She's not wrong, though.
This would be a lot
easier on both of us
if you would
just tell me where it is.
-Why do you want it, anyway?
Okay. Here's what it looks
like to answer a question
in a straightforward manner.
There is an amulet
trapped inside that raincoat
that belongs to me.
If I fail to retrieve it
by the end of the day,
I will forever lose the immortal
youth it once bestowed upon me.
-See? Not that difficult, is it?
-[Jack] But it's not the truth.
That brooch belongs to Gertrude.
-Oh, oh, We don't say that name.
-No, it does not belong to her.
She simply wanted
to borrow it for an afternoon.
I normally would never let
it leave my side,
but my love for my sister
was blind.
She's your... sister?
Not anymore.
Listen, kid.
I need that raincoat.
And don't you think for a second
I'm gonna let it
slip away for good?
Not when I'm this close.
So, if you're not gonna talk,
I'd have other ways
of forcing the information,
and they are all...
[soft sparkling]
Last chance.
What's it gonna be, kid?
Bad move, kid.
[Bertha] Enough!
Has it honestly
never occurred to you
that you don't have to be
so mean all the time?
You were holding out on me?
[music intensifies]
[gasps] Oh, no.
You didn't.
[Bertha] It's for your own good.
No! You do not get to come here.
Not today of all days.
You do not get to come here.
[gentle majestic music]
-You found it?
-I never stopped looking.
-[soft whooshing]
-[metallic clank]
-You guys okay? Are you hurt?
-Yeah. We're okay. We're fine.
Looks like it worked.
Um... good job guys.
[both gasp]
We have a lot
of catching up to do.
But first,
you should formally meet...
the real heroes.
I guess I was a little harsh
with you guys.
A little? [grunts softly]
Look, it's been
a tough 86 years.
But I shouldn't
have treated you the way I did.
Is there anything I can do
to make it up to you?
Well, you see,
there is something. Um...
I don't know if this falls
under your jurisdiction as...
witches, but we're
gonna lose our house
if we don't come up
with a lot of money really fast.
Yeah, we bought a little time,
but, you know,
it's not really looking good.
We may not have bought
as much time as you think.
[knocking on door]
[tense music]
[Aloysius grunts softly]
[knocking louder]
[Katie] Take it easy.
[exhales sharply] You know,
I heard you the first 13 times.
You really didn't have to go
so hard. Are your knuckles okay?
All right. You had your fun.
I don't know what
you were trying to accomplish,
and I won't pretend to care,
but I am willing to present you
-with the same offer.
-Slow your role, buddy.
Does the word injunction
mean nothing to you?
You can drop the act.
We read this entire document.
Not that we needed to.
Over half of this thing is
comprised of Wikipedia articles
about collecting Pokmon cards.
You didn't...?
Here, see for yourself.
I'm sorry you had
to find out this way.
I can't tell you
what this man's intentions were,
but I can tell you for certain,
he is definitely not a lawyer.
-Miss Finerman--
Mrs. Finerman,
the offer still stands,
and I think you will find it
more than generous.
I can't.
I realize how difficult
this is for you.
-Do you?
-But I urge you to think
of your family's future.
After today,
the offer is off the table.
This is the best option.
Now, will you take this generous
settlement agreement
of your own free will?
Or will you wait
until the bank forecloses on you
and leaves you empty-handed?
[music intensifies]
Hi, Mom.
Is that, Mrs. Weaver?
Hello, Mrs. Finerman.
And the bad lawyer?
-Hello, Gertrude.
-I thought you were dead.
-You thought wrong.
-I know you.
-That's it!
You're that terrible magician.
Whatever he asks you to do,
you mustn't comply.
-It's too late.
But I could use
an insurance plan.
-[abrupt zapping]
-What happened?
-Where did he take her?
-[Weaver sighs]
You think he's at it again?
He can't be.
That's the man
you saw earlier today?
I don't know how,
but that's the man
that tried to buy the theater
I performed at 86 years ago.
He's definitely at it again.
-What are you talking about?
-[both] Triplex Compositum.
What's that?
It's a very dangerous--
Some would say "evil."
Dark magic rite
intended to increase
your power and influence.
At the risk of sucking
the entire world into the void.
Sounds a bit shortsighted.
But we're talking
incredible power.
-You'd be untouchable.
It's been outlawed
for millennia.
Do you really think
that he would try it
after what happened last time?
Wh-- what do you mean
"last time"?
He tried this whole song
and dance ages ago in Bermuda.
It was a disaster.
The... Bermuda Triangle?
A literal disaster.
It took the High Council
centuries to seal it up.
-Seal it up?
-Where did he take our mom?
[Gertrude] This is your house.
And you said he wanted
to buy the theater.
Yes. That's it.
Why does this matter?
Each requisite accessory
for this particular rite,
in this case, property,
must be given freely.
They cannot be taken by force.
We just need to know
where the third location is.
What about his office?
[softly] Oh.
[soft chuckle]
[whooshing, zapping]
You don't have
to go through with this.
You can't imagine how long
I've been planning this.
I spent decades
sabotaging performers
at that cheap theater,
patiently waiting
for the right moment to step in
and take it off their hands.
And I would have taken
your house 15 years ago
if you and your husband
hadn't come along
and put so much work into it.
Tenacious to the last.
You kept coming back
with so many job opportunities,
I thought I'd never be able
to shut them all down in time.
You are a monster.
Whatever it is you're planning,
you won't get away with it.
I already have.
[loud zapping]
[music intensifies]
[sharp whooshing]
[sharp zapping]
Don't get too close.
You might hurt yourself.
-[faint whooshing]
I thought
you would have known better.
You're powerless here
as long as I'm in control.
[soft whooshing]
Welcome to
the Triplex Compositum.
[loud bangs, thundering]
[tense dramatic music]
[loud whooshing]
It's almost time.
For this next bit of magic,
I will require the assistance
of a willing volunteer.
-Whatever he wants, don't do--
-I volunteer.
Oh, uh, actually, I'm so excited
to be a part of this.
-It's all very impressive.
-Please, back up.
That's close enough.
And maybe hold off
on the excitement
until I tell you
what I need you to do.
Yes. Absolutely.
You are the final piece
of the puzzle.
So it is very important
that you volunteer
of your own free will.
-Do you understand?
-Yes, I do. Indeed.
[Aloysius] Very well.
I need you to step into the void
and retrieve
the eye of the storm.
[loud crackling]
It is a pyramid-shaped gem.
Bring it to me
and I will grant you
anything your heart desires.
That sounds wonderful.
And terrifying.
I just, um...
I have one question.
-What's that?
How are you gonna
grant my heart's desires...
without this?
[triumphant music]
-How did you--
-A magician never reveals
-his secrets.
-[Aloysius] You idiot!
You have no idea
what you've done.
Do I?
We'll breach the void
any minute.
We're counting on it.
[sharp zapping]
You can't defeat me.
[foreboding music]
Not alone, I can't.
-[loud zapping]
-[Aloysius grunting]
[music stops abruptly]
[soft whooshing]
-[gentle slow music]
[breathing heavily]
-I'm all right, you guys okay?
-Yeah, we're okay, Mom.
Can somebody please
explain to me...
-what just happened?
-Uh-- [chuckles]
[soft chuckle]
In a world without magic,
the trickster is king.
Well played, Augustus.
Thank you. But honestly,
I really feel that...
this would be safer
in your hands.
I don't know about you guys,
but I could go for something
profoundly normal right now,
-like, boring even.
-[all laugh]
[joyful music building]
[no audio]
[Bertha] Whoooa!
[upbeat music]
[foreboding music]
[tense music]
[foreboding music]