The Memory in My Heart (2024) Movie Script

Hey, won't be long,
just knocking out some yard work.
You don't need to do that.
I can get someone else to do it.
Why would you do that?
It's still my house.
I'm just trying to help.
I'll be done in 20.
So how long has it been
since you've been to your office?
Have you been back?
Okay, it'll take time.
And how are you and John doing?
Me and John are...
I'm worried about you, Karla.
Listen, I have someone.
Kids are not my specialty. We know that.
That's your department.
I'm not in a place
where I could be of any help.
To anyone.
I respectfully disagree.
And my professional opinion is
that it is time for you to get back to work.
Stop Jackie, please.
I can't. I'm not able to right now.
Look at me.
This little girl...
This little girl needs your help.
One session.
Fair enough.
Dr. Cruz.
Hi, I'm Robert.
This is my wife, Helen.
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you both.
And this is Mila.
Hi, Mila.
I'm so happy to meet you.
Mila, be polite.
You and your mom and dad are going to
sit in my office and talk for a little bit.
I've got crayons and coloring
books, if you'd like to draw.
How does that sound?
She's just nervous.
Come in, please.
Where did you get your
doctorate if you don't mind me asking?
You can barely make up the name.
Dr. Ramos said she went to USC, right?
I um.
Yeah, I'm certain.
USC is what we were told.
It was Regent.
Regent hm.
Never heard of it.
No disrespect, I'm sure
the program at Regent was just fine.
But USC is, well, USC.
The psychology program
is ranked top 30 nationwide.
And I want the absolute
best for my daughter.
I'm sure you can understand that.
Of course.
I'm sure she's good enough
for Dr. Ramos to refer us,
it's good enough in my book.
Right, then.
Well, why don't you
tell me what's going on?
Mila hasn't been herself lately.
How so?
She's withdrawn.
Sullen, she barely speaks.
She's exhausted most of the day.
She barely sleeps at night.
Yes, Dr. Ramos spoke
to me about the nightmares.
That's one way to put it.
We think they might be night terrors.
I've looked them up.
She seems to be showing
some symptoms of them.
Has she been ill lately?
High fevers?
That's good to know.
How about any
emotional stressors or traumas?
Well, yes, her surgery.
She had a heart transplant in March.
Well, that's pretty stressful
for anyone, let alone a child.
So the episodes begin shortly after this?
Immediately after, yes.
So you think it might be night terrors?
Could be.
Night terrors are in that
uncommon, and most children grow out of them.
It can be caused by
a lot of different things.
Fever, schedule
changes, sleep deprivation,
stress, certain
medications, even genetics.
Do either of you have them growing up?
How do we fix this?
That's what I want to know.
Maybe me and Mila can get
to know each other a little better.
I'll come get you when we're done.
Sounds good.
Sure you're gonna be okay?
Mila, do you like to draw?
That's good.
Why don't we draw for a few minutes?
That girl looks really scared.
Is that you?
What's this?
All around her?
Night time.
I'm afraid of the dark.
Lots of kids are.
I see bad things in the dark.
In your room?
When I'm sleeping.
You're having really scary nightmares.
That's why you're here, to see me.
And that's okay.
We all need help sometimes.
Even you?
Even me.
Because you're sad?
What makes you say that?
Can we have a minute?
I just want her better.
Of course you do.
I can't stand
seeing her suffer like this.
I'm her mother.
It's my job to protect her.
Our most precious gift.
Our biggest responsibility.
I take that very seriously.
You have to be a mother to understand.
Do you have kids, Dr. Cruz?
I do not.
Oh, I just thought, I
mean, you're a children's therapist.
I just assumed...
Do you think you can help her?
How about we start this week?
We are going to figure this out together.
Did you bring the keys?
No Helen, I threw them on the roof.
You still up?
Sorry I missed dinner.
I had a late night session.
Did you make yourself
something to eat, I hope?
Oh sweetie.
The nightmares make my mom mad.
I wake her up at night.
I don't remember, but she says I scream.
A lot. Like really loud when I scream.
She tells me to stop it!
Just stop having the bad dreams.
I want them to stop, but I
don't know how to make them go away.
Of course you would
make them go away if you could.
Sometimes people have bad dreams
for all kinds of reasons. Did you know that?
Well, it's true.
People have them because
something scary happened to them.
Did something scary happen to you?
I don't think so.
Sometimes people have them
when they see something scary on TV.
Did you watch anything
that might have scared you?
Can you tell me what's
happening in your nightmare?
Someone's chasing me.
Someone's chasing you.
Okay, I see.
Do you know why they're chasing you?
Do you know who is chasing you?
Because you can never see them?
It's kind of fuzzy most of the time.
And things are happening real fast. I
don't get a good look at him until the end.
It's a man.
What happens at the end?
It's okay, Mila. It's just a dream.
He can't hurt you here.
What happens at the end?
I think he kills me.
Why do you think that?
Because he's grabbing me and jumping on
top of me and
hurting me, and then I wake up.
You're doing really good.
Just a couple more questions, okay?
How many times have you seen this man?
I always see him.
You see him in all your nightmares?
It's the same nightmare every time.
The exact same one. Over and over again?
Are you sure?
So you're saying it's not night terrors.
She has some signs
of night terrors, like the
screaming in the middle of
the night and her extreme fears.
Most children who have
them are confused and disoriented.
They have trouble
recounting what they saw and
usually don't remember
the incident the next morning.
Mila remembers. Vividly.
So what do we do?
The aggressive male figure in her dream.
Is there any possibility she
experienced something like that in real life?
Absolutely not.
I always know where my
daughter is and who she's with.
Every minute.
Okay. Couldn't Mila have
seen something on TV that
was scary, violent, maybe
hard for her to understand?
She said she hasn't, but maybe
she just doesn't want to get in trouble.
I monitor her screen time very carefully.
i know everything she's
watching and for how long.
There is a recent surgery.
God, it was awful.
The constant fear
that I could lose my child.
That her heart could just stop beating.
It was terrifying.
Do you think that trauma
could have caused this?
There could be correlation.
While we're still figuring out the
underlying cause, I'll give you and Mr. Holland
some things that you
can do right away.
Have you ever seen anyone who needed a new heart?
You're my first.
A butterfly.
The man.
What's this?
An injury?
I scratch him when he jumps on me.
Did you learn that at school?
I see it on his body.
Like a tattoo?
What's that?
I just see it on him.
And this?
It's the last thing
I hear before I wake up.
Your heartbeat?
You did really good today.
You're a heck of an artist.
I'd frame that butterfly
and put it on my wall at home.
You have to stop coming to check on me.
It's just breakfast.
You need to eat something real.
Not those micro crap meals.
Just take it.
I was on my way to the office.
But I was thinking maybe
we could grab something to eat.
I don't want company right now.
You may not, but you need it.
It's been over a year, Kar.
At some point you're gonna have to-
Have to what?
Get over it?
No, that's not what I'm saying.
Well, you wanted to.
No, what I was gonna say was-
Everyone just wants me to get over it.
Just take it easy.
How does one do that exactly?
You don't get over it, John, okay?
I know that's not what you or
anyone else wants to hear, but it is what it is.
Maybe you've been able to move
on with your life like nothing happened.
You don't go there.
You haven't opened it still, have you?
You can keep it shut forever.
But it's not gonna change anything.
It's not gonna make anything easier.
Sooner or later,
you're gonna have to face this.
It's his room.
Not a tomb.
Please, go.
What's this, a new case?
I didn't know you were working.
That's good.
You're not supposed
to be looking at that, John.
I'm sorry.
It's really good.
It's really good.
Whoa, heavy duty.
You recognize it?
It's the insignia for AGR.
The Aryan Guard of the Republic.
Who are they?
Bad dudes.
It's a violent group of right wing
extremists, neo-Nazis, white supremacists,
you name it, total nut jobs.
And they're based
here in Southern California.
Lucky us.
Kar, what is it?
Could you do me a favor?
Sure, sure what?
Could you take some of these
drawings and run a check through your database?
The NCIC, why would I do that?
My patient says some of these are
tattoos from a man she's seeing in her dreams.
What if he's real?
Someone she's run into in the
past, someone who works at her school,
a neighbor, I mean, who knows?
Her mother swears up and down, this
couldn't have happened, but I'm not so sure.
Yeah, Kar.
If it's someone from this
group and he's in the database.
That's a stretch.
I'm sending the
relevant ones to you right now.
I can't give you the physical copies.
Listen, I know it's a long shot, but
can you just run them and see if we can match?
It would be a fairly limited search.
Hey, are you really serious about this?
Please, it's important...
For, her.
Okay, I'll see what I can do.
I'll let you know if
I get hit with this stuff.
That's very nice.
You made it yourself?
Your mom tells me
you're into that kind of stuff.
Arts and craft,
little necklaces and bracelets.
You're very good at it.
Maybe one day you can make me one.
You can have this one.
Thank you, Mila.
That's very nice of you.
I saw it.
Saw what?
The name on the necklace, Anna.
Oh, and my arms.
They're black.
Do you have something
else you wanna tell me?
I think my heart was hers.
Mila, I know the nightmare is scary
and you don't know where it's coming from, but-
I think it's Anna's.
I think it happened to her.
Why do you think that?
When I saw her name on the
necklace last night, something felt different.
What felt different?
I don't know.
Kinda like she was trying to
show me or talk to me or something.
Did she say anything?
I just like - felt it.
So you believe this isn't a dream
at all, but a memory from Anna?
My parents won't believe me.
That's how they look at me.
I thought I could tell you anything.
I wanna go now.
Hey, you're not gonna
believe it, but I think we have a match.
Are you serious?
Can you meet me for lunch?
Come on, Kar.
You owe me one.
It's a little late for lunch.
Late lunch, early dinner, whatever.
Let's meet at Stoli's.
I've got something to show you.
He's a real charmer.
His name is Arthur Moore,
classic, homegrown white supremacist.
That mugshot was
taken in 2018 on his last
arrest, distribution
of a controlled substance.
He made bail, beat the
charge, didn't serve a day.
Kar, there's any number of guys of
the AGR with the same tattoos on their bodies?
It's in the news sometimes.
Maybe one night, one of
these tattoos appears on the TV.
She catches it, sees the
guy, boom, pops up in her dreams.
The ID check didn't flag anyone else though?
Some of these guys
are not even in our database.
I brought this to you so
you can take a look for yourself.
You know, make sure you covered your bases.
I just don't think there's anything
you can do with this.
But the drawings were spot on.
Some of them, yeah.
For what it's worth,
I admire your dedication.
But I think you're
barking up the wrong tree.
Sorry I bothered you with all this.
Just, I really
wanted to help this little girl.
Look, if I could
just straight up ask this guy,
"Hey, have you killed any little girls lately?"
I would.
Lord knows he wouldn't surprise me.
Mind if I hold on to this?
Feel free.
Well, I gotta go to work.
I got work to do.
Bad guys to catch.
This guy in her dreams,
he's a phantom of her imagination.
You need to prepare yourself for that.
Goddamn suicide bomb.
Look man, they're
selling fucking spick beer.
Taco flavored fucking beer, man.
The fuck is that?
Give me a fucking break.
What'll it be?
You going red?
Hell yeah.
Fuck yeah.
White, man.
Every time.
What are you celebrating?
Get some champagne for your mom.
For my mama?
My mom only likes guys with small dicks man.
You should be fine.
That's not what she said.
Hey, Ghandi, give me a pack of smokes.
Yo, hurry the fuck up.
Come on, chop, chop.
These fucking guys.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Do you know me?
What do you mean?
Back then in the store,
you looked to me like you knew me.
Do you?
I don't know you.
Now, you're not from around here.
So what are you doing here?
Look, I don't want any trouble.
I don't know you.
I don't know who your friends are.
I don't know what your problem is.
I'm just trying to get to my car.
What car?
It's parked down the block.
Now, why would you park down the block?
I apologize for staring at you.
It's hard not to notice
that scratch over your eye.
Oh, this little thing right here?
You should see the other guy.
Now, you be careful how you
look at people around here, okay?
It's him.
I just had a close encounter with Arthur,
along with a couple of his bowling buddies.
I saw the scar above his
eye, up close and personal.
He must have
gotten it fairly recently.
It's why it wasn't in the mug shot.
So it's really him.
Could be.
Either this girl of yours has
the magic all seeing eye,
or she's run into this guy before,
which is a scary thought.
He's dangerous, Kar.
He's got rank too.
Not sure how high, but he's
definitely got weight behind him.
And you don't get
to that level in a group
like the AGR without
earning your stripes first.
What does that mean?
It means his rap
sheet likely doesn't even scrape
the surface of what
this guy's been involved with.
You remember what I told you
before about keeping a low profile?
Right. So who knows?
Maybe he assaulted or tried to
assault her, your patient after all.
While she was coming home from
school, playing in the park, whatever.
If so, and she somehow managed
to escape, she's lucky to be alive.
The man's a predator.
That's terrifying.
How close did you get to him?
Was eye to eye with him.
What now?
What are you gonna do next?
I'm glad we have a few minutes
to connect before Mila's session.
How are things going?
We're doing the sleep
log, like you suggested, and
she's doing the meditation
exercises right before bed.
That's good.
How are the nightmares?
Still happening.
But for the past week or so,
she hasn't been waking up screaming.
Does the name Arthur
Moore mean anything to you?
No, I've never heard of it.
Mila has done some unusual
drawings in our time together.
What do you mean unusual?
My daughter drew this?
Yes, she sees this image in her dream.
I don't understand.
Sees it how?
She sees this man coming
after her, over and over, to hurt her.
You expect me to believe that my
daughter's had a run in with this animal.
I believe she has had contact with
this individual, whether in person or from afar.
Maybe she's been too scared
to tell you that she has blocked
it from her mind and is
coming out through her subconscious.
I already told you that's not possible.
I monitored her very closely.
I want to help Mila through this.
Dealing with the reality of whatever happened,
because without the guidance, her mind is
going to try to process
and make sense of it.
And we don't want that.
She's already become convinced that
her heart doner is a little girl named Anna
and that these nightmares
are actually her memories.
Where is this coming from?
We entrusted you with
the care of our daughter and come
to find out you're filling
her head with this nonsense.
No wonder she's getting worse.
I'm not putting anything in her mind.
Deranged fantasies about
criminals and ghost memories?
What the hell are you thinking?
It's okay honey. It's
okay. It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. We're leaving.
She's just a little girl.
What's the matter with you?
Honey, please eat.
You haven't eaten all day.
Your mom made you a favorite, just for you.
You need to eat to stay
strong. School's back.
You know what that means.
Softball. You're going to need your energy.
- I'm not hungry.
- Well, eat anyway.
Because I told you to.
We're not going to make you go to
Dr. Cruz's sessions anymore.
You're done with all that.
All those absurd ideas about
some scary man,
and some memories
of some girl you dreamed up.
Her name's Anna. I told you
that's enough. I was very clear.
She's real.
When she gets all of this out of her mind and
everything else that Dr. Cruz put in there,
everything's going to be just fine.
No, it won't!
Honey, don't shout.
Why doesn't anyone believe me?
Stop shouting.
Everyone just needs to settle down.
Excuse me.
Don't. She needs her space. Let her
cool off. That's what she needs right now.
I know your mom can be tough.
She means well.
She's just trying to
protect you. She loves you.
There's nothing in the world
that means more to her than you.
And that goes for both of us.
Do you believe me?
I believe that you believe it, sweetie.
It's just really out there.
Give me a chance to figure this out.
What was that about?
What are you doing?
I'm calling the OPO.
The who?
They're a service that connects
families like ours with families of donors.
Oh, God, Rob, don't
play into her fantasies.
Are you crazy? That's the
last thing she needs right now.
What she needs is to
know that we're on her side.
We are on her side.
We're also her parents, and I don't
intend to encourage this behavior.
What she needs to do is be strong and get
through this. She will get through this.
She's not you!
She's not you, Helen.
She's eight years old,
and she's scared.
I'm going to call and find out if the
donor's family is
willing to let us contact them.
And if they are, I'm
sure that we'll find out that her
heart didn't come from a girl
named Anna, if it's a girl at all.
And then we can then
use that to show her that
she doesn't have to
worry about that anymore.
It's all just been some
sort of nightmare or whatever.
But then she'll
know that we listened to her.
Really listened.
And that's what she needs right now.
I know how strong you are,
but sometimes being strong
means knowing that you can't
do it all on your own,
your way, all of the time.
You built yourself up from nothing.
And you know what?
You don't need some dulce and
cabana or $500 pair of shoes to prove it.
I'm proud of you,
for being just who you are.
I'm a lucky guy.
Dolce. Dolce & Gabbana.
What are you doing?
You already know
what you're going to order.
Oh, do I?
The chicken flautas. Same as always.
I've forgotten I was
so boring and predictable.
You like routine? You always have.
There was comfort in it.
Thank you, Dr. Cruz. Very astute.
We used to eat here a lot, didn't we?
Those were good times.
You look nice.
So, about the case.
Can you actually give
us another minute? I'm sorry.
Of course. Take your time.
You all right?
You want to talk about the case?
It's closed.
I just thought this
would be a good chance for us
to talk about what
steps could be taken from here.
You're not our doctor anymore.
Not at the moment.
Not ever.
They basically fired you.
That's what you told me.
These things can happen.
It can all be very emotional for the family.
They might come around.
I've seen it before.
It's over.
You don't know that.
I'm just trying to do my job.
No, right now you're not.
What are you talking about?
Right now you're keeping your mind occupied.
You're trying to keep yourself focused
on something else, anything else.
Me, the case, or whatever.
So you don't have the chance to think
about the things
you're still trying to avoid.
I'm not avoiding anything.
This isn't about him.
You can't even say his name.
You don't know what you're talking about.
I don't?
You don't!
And here I was thinking we
were just going to have dinner
I mean, that would have been so nice.
Well, we are having dinner.
Where are you going?
You know, if you want to
avoid it forever, I cannot stop you.
But I'm not going to be
a useful distraction anymore.
And this case shouldn't be either.
I'm barely getting
through the day myself.
She emailed us.
"Hello, Robert."
"Thank you for reaching out to me."
"I'm very pleased to
connect with you and your family."
"Mila is a lovely little girl."
"I think our daughters
would have made good friends."
Oh, my God.
Here we go.
Hello, Mrs. Holland.
Should we go to my office?
No, no, this is fine. Thank you.
Thank you so much for seeing me.
I know our last conversation wasn't--
I'm glad you called.
It's good to see you.
I know how I can be.
I know how I come off to other people.
I just want to say that I'm really sorry.
You have nothing to be sorry for.
Yes, I do.
I was unkind to you from the start.
I'm not as callous as I might seem.
As I've given you every right to believe.
My childhood was...
very strict.
Very black and white.
I guess that's a nice way of putting it.
People back then, back there,
they were set in their ways.
And as a child, their
ways became my ways.
And that included...
how I viewed other people.
It was normal.
As I've gotten older, I've--
I've found my footing and I've--
begun to have thoughts of my own.
But I guess that some
of that is still in there.
Without me realizing it.
I just want you to
know how very sorry I am.
Apology accepted.
Thank you.
Thank you.
There's something else.
I need you to come with me.
I need you to meet someone.
Anna's mother.
She's here?
She's headed to my house.
We set up the meeting a few days ago.
Mila wanted you to be there.
We agreed that you should be.
Alright, let's go.
Thank you. You have no
idea how much this means to us.
Mila is gonna be happy to see you.
I told you.
You did.
You're still wearing it.
Of course I am.
Come on, I want to show you my room.
Oh, okay.
This is my room.
I made these wings here all by myself.
I'm working on a new drawing over here.
I think Anna liked them.
I don't get scared
when I think about them.
I don't like to think about...
the other stuff.
You got all you need
right here, don't you?
Should I call you Dr. Mila,
or do you prefer Dr. Holland?
I need this.
You're gonna check my heart?
What are you gonna do with it?
You'll just have to wait and see.
It's a surprise.
Well, who doesn't love a good sur--
Come in.
Hello, Mila.
This is my stethoscope.
You wear it like this.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It is so nice to meet you all.
Likewise, Mrs. Gaines.
No, please.
Call me Florence.
It was so kind of you.
To invite me here.
Uh, this is Dr. Cruz.
Mila's been seeing her for therapy.
Well, I do hope
that everything is all right.
That's actually what we
wanted to talk to you about.
Please, come in.
Have a seat.
Thank you.
I hope the drive wasn't too bad for you.
No, it wasn't so long.
I had missed the rush hour traffic, so...
That's good.
Can I get you something to drink?
No, I'm fine. Really.
Mila honey, why don't you
go play in your room for a bit?
I'll call for you when
we're finished talking.
When we're done?
Would you like to show me your room?
Okay, sure.
I want you to know that it
means a lot to meet you in person.
For you to meet Mila
and for her to meet you.
I know this must have been
really hard for you to come here.
Yeah, but I wanted to come.
To see a part of my daughter still here.
Still growing.
That is so brave of you.
I've seen Mila a few times.
Because she's been
having scary nightmares.
Nightmares that involve a little girl.
A little black girl playing
with butterflies in the woods.
When she's attacked by a man.
Forgive me for asking, but...
Could you please tell
us how your daughter died?
She's murdered.
She always loved butterflies.
There were so many of them this year.
She just wanted to go
outside and watch them.
I told her I was busy
making dinner so I couldn't go.
She begged to go outside
alone so she could see them anyway.
I told her that was fine.
Because I never, I
never thought that was
the last time that I
would ever see her alive.
You know the last thing she
said before she ran out the door was,
"I won't be long. I love you, Mama."
Did she really see
all of that in her dream?
I didn't believe it myself at first.
But it's true.
I don't know how
it's even possible, but it is.
Mila believes that
it's more than just a dream.
That it's actually Anna's final...
It's Anna's memory.
Was anyone ever charged?
They never even identified a suspect.
They found skin tissue under
Anna's fingernails because she fought.
My baby, my brave
little angel, she fought.
But they never found a match to the DNA.
And after that, the case
went cold, and they moved on.
But I called, and I begged
them to keep investigating.
And nothing ever came of it.
They said that the
case was still open, but...
All the leads had dried
up, just everything had gone cold.
You know, after that,
there was nothing left to do.
But bury, my daughter.
And I just somehow
just found a way to keep going.
Wait, wait... Does she see anything else?
Anything else in these nightmares?
Does she see anything at all?
Could she identify this man?
With her help, we
believe we were able to. Yes.
Who is it?
Tell me who it is.
I will let you know.
But first, why don't you
let me make some phone calls?
My husband is a detective.
I need to speak with him first.
I promise you...
If we can help bring justice
to your daughter, we will.
And by doing so, we could
bring closure and peace to both girls.
Thank you.
Detective Cruz.
Hey, it's me.
Why'd you call my office line?
I was afraid you wouldn't
answer your cell if you knew it was me.
What's going on?
I was just over at the Holland house.
I don't want to talk about...
Hear me out. It's real, John.
I can't explain it, and I won't try to
convince you, but
whatever's going on is legit.
They had a woman named
Florence Gains over at their house.
It's Anna's mother.
She confirmed that her
daughter was murdered in March of
this year while she was
out looking for the butterflies.
Karla, come on. This
is... This is crazy, right?
100%. But that doesn't make
it wrong. She was murdered.
They never caught
who was responsible, but...
They found skin under her fingernails.
The scratch on Moore's face.
John, this couldn't all be a coincidence.
Coincidences happen every day.
Not like this.
We've already talked about this.
I just can't go and arrest a man because we
believe he murdered this girl.
That's serious business.
And for all the
circumstantial evidence we have,
it all comes back to one thing.
A witness.
If we can even call her that.
Is a little girl who's
seeing things in her dreams.
If we had something. Anything.
Maybe we can get some traction...
We do.
His DNA under her fingernails.
There's that concrete evidence you need, right?
If we can run that against
a sample they have on record...
I have no cause to go
and request a sample from him.
And even if I tried, he'd say no.
And he would be within his rights to say so.
So don't ask him.
What are you getting at?
If we can't get the authorities
to do it, we do it ourselves.
I don't like the
direction of this conversation.
You have a better suggestion?
If you're suggesting
what I think you're saying,
forget it.
Seriously. It's reckless and irresponsible.
Remember who this guy is, Karla?
We can't just let this guy off the hook.
He murdered that
little girl. If he's done it once,
maybe he's done it before.
Maybe he could do it again.
We need to get him off the streets.
I hear you.
But the system doesn't work that way.
We have to do something.
For Mila, for Anna, for...
You've gotten too close to
this case. He's made it personal.
No, don't start in on me again.
Look, I promise I will do whatever I can.
But you need to stay out of this.
Don't do anything stupid.
Do you hear me?
Um, I'm sorry.
If anything changes,
nothing would make me happier
than to put the cuffs on this guy myself.
Okay. Thanks.
I'll talk to you later.
Can I help you with something?
I'm just...
I'm looking for someone who lives here.
His name is Arthur Moore.
Do you know if he's home right now?
I'm not a friend of his.
I just need to find him.
If you're looking for him,
you'll find him down at the Crazy Eight.
It's a bar not not far from here.
It's where he does most of his - business.
Be careful. That place ain't
no place for someone like you.
Oh, holy shit. Oh, fuck, man.
Yo, is that the cleaning lady?
It's not fucking taco Tuesday. I know that.
How you doing?
Beat it.
You lost?
No. Are you?
Okay. You must like white boys, huh?
What's a lovely lady like
you doing in a place like this?
I just wanted a Coke.
I can tell you where
you can get your Coke.
There's a real nice taco truck
right down the road about three miles.
They'd be way better suited to
serve your kind, if you know what I mean.
Fuck off.
Get the fuck out now.
Fuck off, Bly.
There's a lot of bad apples out there.
This place has its fair share of 'em.
Give her a coke.
What's your name?
Well, ain't you thirsty now, Bonnie?
You like it?
What about this one?
What's it mean?
It makes me a warrior.
You served?
Not that kind of warrior.
What kind then?
The purest kind.
Pretty cryptic.
If you don't want
to say, don't bring it up.
I don't care either way.
It's a shame it out here
for the other type of coke,
cause that I could
have helped you with.
You got all types in here.
Be surprised.
Fiend is a fiend.
Even kids.
You like killing kids, do you?
They kill themselves.
I just take their money.
It's the American way.
You don't have to sell it to kids.
And they don't have to buy, but they do.
And when they show up, we
provide, because that's how this works.
We don't discriminate.
Not when it comes to business anyhow.
You have yourself a nice day.
Whoa, got a jumpy one here.
You forgot this?
Careful when you take
your clothes off around here.
The fellas might take it the wrong way.
Where are you?
I'm at the house.
I thought I'd drop by and...
I'll be there soon.
What's going on?
Where have you been?
What is that?
Our evidence.
Where did you...
Dammit, I told you
not to do anything stupid.
I know.
What happened?
I tracked him down to
a bar in Culver City.
Jesus Christ.
You went inside.
John. Are you out of your mind?
Did he see you?
Did he talk to you?
We spoke, yes.
How could you do that?
He's dangerous.
And if you're right, he's a killer.
And now you see your face?
I had no choice.
You did have a choice.
You chose wrong.
You could've been killed.
Don't you get that?
What do I have to
do to get through to you?
And what do I have
to do to get through you?
This little girl needs my help.
Just stop it!
Stop it already.
This isn't about your patient.
I know what this is about.
And so do you.
You're trying to save this kid
because you couldn't save your own.
Stop it.
That's what you keep
telling yourself, isn't it?
We didn't see it because
Jake didn't want us to see it.
Whether he was embarrassed
or ashamed, we'll never know.
But this much I do know,
he knew we loved him.
And we did.
It wasn't about us.
He grew up in a good home.
He had a good childhood.
You were a good mother.
Okay, maybe we could've prevented it.
I don't know.
Maybe we could've but this much I do.
I know this much.
We didn't ignore it.
We didn't cause it.
It wasn't your fault.
You don't understand the
pain that I carry in my heart.
Yes, I do.
Because I carry it
with me every single day.
Every day.
You're not the only one
who lost a child that night.
I'm sorry.
I miss him so much.
I know.
I know.
It wasn't your fault.
I'm gonna stay tonight, okay?
I know, yeah.
I'm gonna go pick up some things.
Get us some dinner.
I'll be right back.
I'm gonna take care of this.
You scream, you struggle, you die, you understand?
Now who are you?
I'm uh.
Shh, it's okay, it's okay.
How did you find me here?
I followed you.
Not that you'd have a
clue, you dumb wet back bitch,
because you sure
as hell ain't no damn cop.
Now I don't like liars, Bonnie.
So I'm gonna ask you just one more time.
Are you?
I'm a therapist, just a therapist.
You're a therapist?
Where is it?
Where is it, where's the bottle?
Where is it, the
bottle, what'd you do with it?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Now what did I just
tell you about liars, Karla?
Where's the bottle?
I don't have it anymore.
Who does?
The guy that just left there, who's he?
My husband.
He's your husband, okay, that's good,
because me and him, he's
having a little conversation.
When's your husband coming home?
Soon that's good, that's good, okay?
Look at me, look at me, look at me.
If he doesn't have it,
or if you're trying to play me,
I'm gonna kill him.
You need to understand
just how serious I am, okay?
So my DNA, huh?
Yeah, probably from right
under her fingernails.
Is that how they're gonna bring me down?
Don't play down with me, bitch!
We both know what
I'm talking about here.
Your husband, your husband,
now he look kind of familiar to me.
He's the guy from the store.
Is he a cop? You guys are tracking me.
You guys, you want my DNA,
can only be about one thing.
I got careless, let my
emotions get the best of me.
Guess the past is never
really dead and buried, is it?
He was only eight years old.
Were you there?
Did you see what happened?
Were you in the woods that day?
No, what led you to me then?
It doesn't matter.
No, it does matter Karla, it matters a lot.
It matters a great deal!
Because someone or
something put you guys on my trail.
Now you and your husband are loose ends,
and I need to know if
there's any other loose ends
out there that need to be tied up.
Why did you do it?
Come here, come
here, it's okay, it's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
Hey, hey, hey, did
you know, did you know,
did you know that in
20 years, less than 20 years,
whites are gonna be
the minority in this country.
We're gonna be the
minority in our own country.
Yeah, what I did, it
was ugly, but war is ugly.
That's what this is, this is a war.
For the destiny of this country,
the survival of our entire race.
You're no warrior.
You're just a miserable hate
filled shell of a human being.
And you're a ignorant
and stupid as you are crazy.
But you know that already, don't you?
One thing I do know,
is it is gonna be a
really long night for you.
You dirty wet back bitch.
I'm not gonna kill you now, not yet,
gonna wait for your husband to come home.
Yeah, then, after a while.
Where do you think you're going huh?
Where you going?
You wanna play huh?
Kinda getting deja vu.
This is how I did it that day.
I was eye to eye with that little girl.
I watched the light go out in her eye,
you wanna know something?
It felt right, it felt righteous.
Just like it's gonna feel right now.
You okay?
Give me a reason.
Hold, please.
This is Florence.
What's happening?
What's happening?
Thank you.
What's happening, Flo?
My baby.