The Moment (2016) Movie Script

It's been a while since
we've seen each other
Do you still remember?
What you were like in the past?
I'm too busy to be thinking about this
We still live our lives as usual
We all live so identically
In a way that,
I don't even remember who I am
What I am doing
Things in the past are fading
Leaving only...
Leaving only...
I don't even know what is left behind
I don't know you that well
I'm not forcing you to sell the property
We can discuss this together
since we were classmates
Frankly speaking, isn't it better to
make a quick fortune,
Than to be living here?
I like it this way, so what?
Hey Chan Kat-fa. You were my buddy,
That's why I'm still
patiently talking to you
Are you looking for a fight by
insisting like this?
Come on!
It's been 20 years since I last saw you
and you're still full of anger
Listen to me man,
I'm here today because
your father had agreed to sell this place
He's never mentioned it before
- Yes
- No
He certainly has
Let's ask him
Do you recognise me?
I'm Lee Chi-Kin, the 'Shower head' boy
I've brought you some chicken essence
He's had a stroke, he's not deaf
So here's the thing,
I came to you before inquiring
about the sale of your apartment.
And you agreed to sell it to me
Fai said that he would listen to you.
I just want you to confirm that
this is in fact what happened.
He just said it
He didn't say anything
I heard it, he said no
Stop messing with me
I'm sorry to bother you, Richard
How about this?
Let's make this easier
If you agree to sell, make one sound
If you don't, make two
Isn't that simple?
He made two sounds
Yes, he did. I heard him.
He said "Very much so"
Nope, he told you to go to hell
Come on, don't mess with me like that
No, no... it's the contract!
He said it in Mandarin, "Contract"
Last time I came, I left him the contract
He must have signed it
Find it
- and you'll know it's true
- Enough! Stop messing around
I'm serious. Find it and you'll see
- The contract tells the truth
- You either pay for my service
or you get out of here
Come on man.
If you continue being like this,
I'm gonna beat you up.
Stop the violence, Ok?
We are civilized people
We honour the spirit of the contract
- I'll call the police then.
- Please don't...
I'm sorry, Brother Fai
Sorry that I've never visited you
Since we graduated high school
I've been busy with work, I'm sorry.
However, liberating in the crowd yet
not knowing what it is now...
This is my first photo taken at the studio
You've kept it all these years.
You're such a good friend.
I've always seen you as a friend
No! I wouldn't have a friend like you
No... Please listen to me, Brother Fai
This is so true
It's very important to me
I know that you're reluctant to sell,
But your father promised to sell it to me
Please leave
Let me search for it
- He really promised me
- Get out!
I want my photo taken!
We are closing up now
All right then, I'll sit and wait here
until you open tomorrow
I'm gonna start now...
Hey! Wait!
Don't you destroy the evidence!
Get out
Go wait outside
So what now then?
I said I'd apply for
the working holiday visa before I turn 30
If I don't go this year,
then I'll be too old next year
I'm talking about us
You said we're gonna get married
How are we going to do that
if you don't save up and buy a place?
Marriage and buying a flat are not related
If you want to get married
We'll do the registration tomorrow, okay?
Have you ever thought about our future?
You're just being a pseudo-artist
and going after your so-called "dreams"
Do you know how this world is works?
We've been together for 6 years
Did you only just realise that
I'm a dream-chaser kind of guy?
So are we getting married or not'?
Let's call the lawyer now
Where do you want to register?
At the lawyer's office?
What's going on?
What's going on? Hey, this isn't
in the script. Where's the director?
- Where is he?
- Cut!
- Make up crew!
- Director!
- She splashed coffee at me!
- It's okay...
I'm sorry, I just thought
it was appropriate for the scene
That woman is insane
She wants to quit by putting me on the spot
Get in there and sort it out
Or else I'm not going inside
Come on, we are old friends.
Help me out, man.
How am I not helping out?
If I didn't want to help,
then I wouldn't agree to this
Moreover, agreeing to work with her?
If you guys weren't a real couple
starring opposite each other,
I wouldn't manage to get funding.
How would we know that you guys
Would break up during the shoot?
Oh, you're back?
Looks like you've made a decision
Let us know if you want to quit
Don't make us wait
I'm sorry, 9W5
There's been a misunderstanding
Everything is fine, let's carry on
Director, don't you have
a few words to say?
Wing, you did a great job earlier
But Hin wasn't comfortable
with some aspects
It was perfectly comfortable for me
If you don't feel
comfortable, go to the doctor
I'm totally fine. Propsman,
Get me a cup of hot coffee
Make sure it's boiling hot
Continuing from the coffee scene
Everyone get in position.
You can't get rid of me
with your dirty tricks
And make me look like the bad guy
I'm not the one who's changed
And I wasn't the one who
initiated the break-up
When this is all done,
We'll let everyone decide
who's in the wrong
Camera rolling
Camera A
Camera B ready
Ready and action!
Right. You haven't changed
Or has neither of us changed?
You said that people are
like two different planets
When they meet,
They're on the same path
Until many years later
They grow apart
Then they realize...
Hey cut cut cut!
What a professional you are!
You actually ordered the camera to cut
So you don't give a shit
about the director?
You're throwing a fit now?
Looks like someone wants to lose her job.
You're complete nonsense
Hey you non stop shaking
You've been here for a whole hour
How can you leave those chicks over there?
What a waste
I like it!
Remember her?
Part one of this love story
Happened in CUHK 20 years ago
Leung Wai Yee was your
classmate and girlfriend
After 1.5 years with you, she got pregnant
And you told her to get an abortion
Then you two broke up
Mom moved to Toronto and gave birth to me
She's disappeared for such a long time
How is it possible that
I have a daughter as old as you?
I've tested your DNA
That's crazy. How did you do that?
I snuck into your place sometime ago
I'm sorry, Dad
I know this is crazy
But if I hadn't done this
There's no way I can spend
time with you alone
Silly girl, you're my daughter
You don't have to apologise
Come over here, and give Daddy a hug
Now that you've found me
You have to return to Toronto
And go back to school
Come on
That's not what I want from you
I just need an answer
Why did you want to get
rid of me back then?
There's no "why" in this
What are you doing?
Your mother sent you here
for revenge, didn't she?
I just wanna know why
What do you want?
What do you want me to say?
Give me some hints
It's late. I'll give you a break.
Think about it
Tell me when you have an answer
Hey, so what now?
What do you want me to think about?
Hey, don't go!
So, what now?
Don't just leave me here!
Good morning! It's 10am
I want my photo taken
Brother Fa.!
Are you having breakfast?
It's just a dream
Everything in here is an antique
Where does Richard sleep?
In the nursing home
I'm serious
Don't you even think about
going into his room
Come on man, I'm just asking
This is for real
You crazy girl! Why do have me tied up?
You crazy girl!
See? This place is already being torn down
You sure you're not selling?
Hi Fai. You're open so early
Good morning. You're early
Good morning, how may I address you?
Here. It's destiny that we met.
I'm Lee Chi Kin. I'm a property realtor.
I buy and sell of properties
And I also dabble in insurance.
Dad is still in the nursing home
I'm here to discuss something with you
We feel sorry
For what happened to your dad
But no matter what, life goes on
So he can never take photos again?
Since Richard can't be Chairman anymore
And I'm only his deputy
How could I find a replacement
in such short notice?
What can I do?
So we came up with this idea
Each of us submits a photograph
The one who takes the best shot
will be the chairman
Doctor says he'll recover soon
He can speak again now
We'll choose at the end of this month
We have all submitted our photos
Can you submit it in time?
Just give me a heads up if you can't
I'll be out of your hair
You're a great kid
Thank you
What are you looking for?
I didn't want to interrupt
your conversation
Okay fine, let's take a photo
Everyone is malicious
Dad, go ahead and eat
You don't have to wait for me
Food is getting cold
I've set your stocks
To 'automatic transaction' mode
Regarding your web show
I've announced a suspension on your behalf
So you can have more time to think
You're crazy. What's there to think about?
What do you want me to say?
Why don't you ask you mom
About why she didn't get an abortion?
She said that every life must be cherished
It's been so many years
Why are you asking me this now?
It's very important to me
I was a jerk. I left her cold.
I was despicable. I tricked naive girls
I was being environmentally friendly
and didn't wear a condom
Can you take this seriously?
Ready, smile
Ready, smile
I was watching you
You still hesitate with the shutter
Every second matters, you know?
You'll never get a nice
photo like this, son
I've told you many times
No more for today
Shop's closed
Pulling the same old trick?
I've done everything
that you wanted me to do
Hey... are you kidding me?
- This is ridiculous!
- What's the problem?
It's a company holiday
What a coincidence
Hong Kong is so small
Didn't expect to bump into you
Want some ice cream?
My treat this time
Looks like we are destined to meet
But not destined to get it.
Since we're already here
Wanna chase after it?
Chase after it?
Can't keep up?
Who says so?
Come on
Lok! It's Mimi
I have Nana and Miki here
Who are you?
Hi, I'm Yolanda
May I know who you're looking for, aunties?
Go to hell!
Goodbye, aunties
Help Me...
Hello? Yes, Miss Mon
What's your progress?
Everything is going well
I'm the best at what I do
There shouldn't be a problem
after I get a hold of the contract.
Success is in sight!
You'll be fired if you can't sort this out
That'll be all
What are you guys doing?
What've you done these two weeks?
Shopping around?
BUSY buying baby stuff?
None of you have made a sale
Everything is still 'under discussion'
They will make a sale soon
Under discussion... when?
You said there'd be an
answer in five minutes
It's been half an hour already
ls your phone out of battery?
Check and make sure
No, my phone isn't out of battery
You idiot!
I was trying to help you out!
Your son's international school tuition
is very expensive, isn't it?
You couldn't handle it
because the client speaks English?
And you! Your wife is about
to give birth, right?
You wanna find a larger house
All you do is flat hunting for yourself
And you, you have 5 kids already
And you want to be me, 'The Sales Killer'?
What have you killed?
Do you want me to kill you all?
Here, have a seat
My daughter is having exams next week
You knew that, right?
I'll be on vacation starting tomorrow
You'll be in charge
What perfect timing
Let's head outside
What are you doing?
I've been waiting for this day all along
For you to say, "I do"
I've been waiting for a long time
Miss Monica Lo
I, Yu Wai Man, am formally proposing to you
Will you marry me?
Will you give your hand,
And your future to me?
Come on...
Marry him. Marry him
It's not your fault
Toilet emergency
I didn't use the toilet all day
Can you set me free for a while?
Crazy girl!
Toilet emergency!
I need to use the toilet!
All right
There are no old photos in your house
I lost them when I moved house
I'm about to move again
Why keep all the old stuff?
We got together on
Valentines Day back then,
So you should be born in December
Which day?
9th, I'm a Sagittarius
I'm hungry, can you cook something?
December 9th, '1209'
Dad, what are you doing?
You can call the emergency number
You don't need to get the password from me
Besides, the password isn't my birthday
It's '1234'
I'll go back to peeing
Your boyfriend is such a gentleman,
why didn't you say yes?
Say no more
You must love me,
More than you love your boyfriend
Save it
Why didn't you say 'Yes'?
Is it because you don't love him?
No, I love him very much
When he's not around
I'd come here without telling him
I'm heartbroken, I'm going to cry
Why don't you just tell him?
You're not being a whore
Hey, watch your words
You guys don't understand
It's not about whether I come here
When it comes to marriage,
I think of my colleagues
They have no youth, no romance
Pre-marriage phobia for middle-aged women
Tell me something new
According to statistics
9 out of 10 couples have problems
Due to a lack of communication
Or we could compare him and me
Who deserves to marry him?
To get married or not get married,
There's no divorce without marriage
Then why get married in the first place?
It's a philosophical question
Perhaps it's a religious issue
No one would truly understand
You better to seek advice from the wise one
You have good features.
You must be in your early 30s
Your career has been great;
it shows in your eyes
You like to manage people,
and not be managed
You have a stellar career,
but you don't love your profession
That's amazing. You got it all right!
A twist on the bridge of your nose
reflects twists in your love life this year
Do you want to ask me
If you should get married this year?
I think you must, no matter what
Better find a skinny guy
With darker skin, like a foreigner
10 years your senior
Would be the ideal age
If you don't get married this year
You may be single forever
- But...
- You can't make up your mind
You're scared of the unexpected
I'll boil it down for you
You're not content with
your current situation
But you don't appreciate how lucky you are
Miss Lo, any trouble with your sex life?
I didn't mean that
Don't feel embarrassed
What do you mean 'discontented'?
And 'poking around'?
Doc, this really isn't the issue
Let's chat about your fear of marriage
You want to get married
but you're afraid of uncertainty
It's very normal
Age affects your psyche
This is normal, too
Emotionally, I don't feel at ease
There's a lot to think about
after you get married
First, whether you should have a child
After you have the first one
You'd consider having another
But what's the biggest fear?
An accidental pregnancy
And you'll be trapped for life!
Doc, you also think that
I shouldn't get married?
My eldest is in 8th grade
I have three kids continuously bugging me
For more than a decade
There's a lotto consider in marriage
But if you don't do it
There are other things to worry about too
Hey it's 10. Are you opening up soon?
I've finished my breakfast
Take a photo of me, Brother Fai
Come back later to get
your pictures from yesterday
I want to have another shoot today
You don't want my business?
Richard is a very tidy man
Everything is so neat
I'm ready
All right, let's go
Let's take some cooler photos today
I'm sure yours will turn out
better than the old hag's
I told you to act quickly
when you're shooting
You're too slow
Here. All these years,
This is the best shot you've ever taken
This was just for fun
Can't you see the lamp stand?
But you didn't hesitate on the shutter
You've watched me all these years
And you still don't get it?
I want you to pose like that picture
Are you kidding me?
You're hesitating? Fine then, you can go
Wait, Brother Fai!
Should I take off my pants too?
I will do anything for you
Are you touched now?
Ready. 1, 2, 3
Ready. 1, 2, 3
Ready. 1, 2, 3
Bigger smile
Look happier
Again, Ready. 1, 2, 3
Hold on
Keep that pose
What are you doing?
Don't worry, we didn't see anything
We're locking up the premises
Hey guys, he is my client
Monica sent us here
We're on the same side. I'm Lee Chee Kin
We're just trying to do our jobs
What do you mean by 'same side'?
- Get the rest up here.
- No! Calm down!
- I need a lighter!
- What do you need that for?
Don't call. Please don't call
- Hey!
- Hey what is he doing?
Hey, stop it man. Calm down, guys
Let's talk about this... Don't be rash...
We're just doing our jobs, right?
But I need to get paid too!
I understand... We share the same goal
Some clients need more time
Brother Fai, you need to understand that
They have their duties too
Let's talk together
You won't get paid
if you can't repossess this place
If I can't make the deal, I'm dead
More over, if there's an explosion,
You guys aren't covered by insurance
You'll lose out in the end
It's destiny that we met
Let's sit down and chat
Call Miss Monica
Let's not disturb her
Let me handle this. Payment, right?
No problem!
- What...
- Brother Fai, calm down.
Here you go
Have some tea
Brother Fai, stop this...
Not much money left on this
You know the rules; we're on the same side
Have some tea
Thank you
Bring a fire extinguisher next time
Thank you very much
Thanks a lot
So much for being the best at what you do
Are you insane?
Should I get you a spot
next to your father?
What did you say?
Say it again if you dare
We're splitting the money
that I just gave them
You said that you'd do anything for me
So you've never regarded me as your friend?
Let's carry on
Carry on?
Do you really want to ask me a question?
Or just torture me because you hate me?
No, that's not it
I know it's hard to recall
what happened 20 years ago
Let's watch a movie first
Perhaps we can brainstorm from that
What do you mean 'brainstorm'?
So you don't know the answer?
If you don't know the answer...
Then what do you expect from me?
What do you want me to say?
I'm actually not too sure
But I can feel it if your answer is right
It is important to me
This doesn't make any sense to me!
You're crazy! Why don't you just kill me!
You're insane!
These films are all
about the search of fatherhood
From Korea to Macau
Asking where the father is
It's all really great
Just pick something you'd like to see
What are you looking at?
It's going well
How so?
This is the first time that
I get to do something with my dad
Reuniting with a father like myself
ls quite disappointing, right?
Not really. It's gonna have a happy ending
Don't worry
I'm referring to myself
There was a girl who had no father
When she was a kid, her
schoolmates bullied her
Her mom told her
"You silly girl, that's right...
You don't have a father,
Because you're special."
After she grew up
She realised that she was a fool
How could she believe that?
Why do I have mom's last name,
But not yours?
Who am I? I'll never know
This scene is about events that
happened earlier
After you chased the ice cream truck
You began to fall for each other
And you two started to
visit old buildings together
This is the first shot
Start running from there
All right?
This place still feels good
after the restoration
It's pretty nice
I still prefer how it was before
Let's remember how nice
it was when we began
It doesn't matter how much
we've changed later on
Try this
You have something on your face
- You too
- Really?
- Wait a minute.
- What?
You never carry tissue around
Before we lost contact with each other,
I had something to tell you
Hold on, I thought you
were giving me tissue?
No? Are you hiding something?
- Stop!
- Quick
But why does 1+1 = 1?
Let's say we're on two different planets
A place where 1 + 1 can equal 1
But this 'one' means
that we have become one
Together in this life
And the beginning of everything
Excuse me, boss
Can you Photoshop these
two pictures together?
He's the boss
How can I help?
Can you please Photoshop
these two photos together?
You don't know how?
Please! I really need it
I won't have a chance
for a family picture in my lifetime
Please help me
How can you call this a family picture
if it's photoshopped?
Get your family here
and I'll take a picture for you all
Hey Miss, you better find another shop
He's pretending to be an artist
Thanks you
You're finally acting like a human being
You still do newspaper clippings?
You still live in the 50's
It does look like this
It's Richard's idea then
I've done some calculations for you
You have less foot traffic
than a public toilet
You don't serve people whom you don't know
You'll probably end up like Richard
Clinging on the verge of death
I'm just concerned about you
His hospice fees aren't cheap
Don't be so stubborn
We took so many photos
I really don't want to mess this up
How about this?
I'll get my company to
Increase the offer by $200,000
Then we'll sign a new contract, okay?
What the hell is wrong with you?
The world keeps moving even if you don't!
So what if I want to be stationary?
So you're just gonna hide in here forever?
You're very useful! You know everything!
You know about insurance,
property, and stocks!
How come you're not rich?
You just had a few bucks
in your Octopus Card!
If you're so good, then
go make another deal!
Idiot broker
Since you've got it under control,
then don't ever sell
I hope your shop shuts down tomorrow!
What are you saying?
Preserving old, collective memories?
You're such an arrogant man
Learn to be flexible!
Stop it! Stop it!
Look at this!
You spent days taking one photo
The apps on phones these days
Can edit photos much faster than you do
You're an idiot. You only know how to fight
No wonder you have no friends!
Look at this? Who is it?
It looks just like you!
Brother Fai! What a coincidence!
Look up here! What do you see?
Just a square! You idiot!
You're eating your own shit, idiot!
Look at you, what have
you done with your life?
Just rot here for the
rest of your life! Idiot!
Excuse me
We're closed!
Get lost! It's closing down
Is Mr. Chan here?
We've rented this space for a shoot
What's that?
The bills that I'd been paying
I've transferred them to your name
Thank you
- Director
- Hello
- Good morning
- Good morning
I'll go over the scene with you
This scene is about you two
Getting back together after numerous fights
You argue and reconcile, back and forth
And Hin takes Wing to the photo studio
That you used to visit when you were young
Hin wants to make things right
But somehow,
You two break into a fight again
I understand. I think my character
Brought her here hoping
to make things right
Why would I initiate the
break up so suddenly?
It doesn't happen for no reason
You're illogical anyway
You always say and do whatever you feel Ike
My character wouldn't initiate the break up
You won't initiate the break up?
You broke up with me
Because I wasn't famous enough
If that was really the reason,
I would have done it ages ago
I've done so much for you all these years
I told you to act in Western movies
but you said your English isn't good enough
For Hong Kong movies,
You refused to perform as a cop
So that's the reason?
Because I refused to play a cop?
Is that why you dumped me?
I did that for your own good
There were only 3 scenes for that character
But I had to stay in
China for several months
I just wanted to spend more time with you
Was I wrong in thinking that?
We were just discussing the script
We're good...
Get ready... be quiet
It's theirs
It doesn't look like
they're paying you much rent
I'm just earning some interest for you
Did you spike my beer that time?
It wasn't my fault
You just couldn't hold a drink
PSA's teach us that you can say 'no'
Don't blame me for that
You've caused a few of
my demerits in school
No one asked you to be so honest
with the disciplinary master
Why didn't they give you any demerit?
Why did you drink during class?
I was gonna have it after class
Alright, everyone standby
Camera ready... rolling!
All right, and... action!
Why did you take me here?
We've been going to places we used to visit
And this is the only place
That we haven't revisited
There are many family portraits here
I thought we were gonna have one too
It was just the two of us in the beginning
Then it would become three
Then four
We would have a son
And a daughter
We'd come with our grandchildren every year
To have our family portrait taken
And you'd become an old lady
I'd lose all my hair
And have a big belly
But good things don't last
Time will wash out these incidents
Time will wash out people
We can only see each other's flaws
We no longer remember
how good we used to be
You owe them money?
You're crazy
It's my wife
She's a good person
She says I always put on a long face
You think I want to be like this?
I don't know what to smile at
I didn't make my quota
I only want to see
My photo published
on the cover of 'Property Monthly'
Hey son! Your dad is the star of the month!
Isn't that cool?
It's actually quite difficult
I can't face them at home
Go home and see your family
You're lucky that you can hear their voices
Focusing on her love"
"A second too slow
the loved one will lose her cuteness"
"Remember this feeling"
"Will you be forgotten
when the world changes?"
"Only one frame"
"And the most classic encounter
will no longer happen"
"Just try to remember
what is happening before your eyes"
"Capture the temperature, the speed,
the tenderness, and anger"
"What should we do while
frozen in this moment?"
"Hold on tight to the strength of life"
"Show how you really feel;
your emotions and attitude"
"Leaving behind a floating light
and a glimpse of a shadow"
"Every photo is rare"
"It captures the moment
It's better than living in it"
"The aperture likes to wander around"
"The eyes are waiting for a seduction"
"Humanity is completely
captured through the lens"
"Though the instant photo service
is no longer available"
"And even the film has been removed"
"But the urge that has diminished
is back once again"
Honey, I'm coming home for dinner tonight
You're back?
Yes, it's the end of the month
It's fine, I've got the money sorted out
Let's do something with the kids on Sunday
Sure, let's go swimming
But I haven't gone swimming in ages
I wonder if I could still float
Don't worry
All your little piglets
have built-in floats
They can keep you afloat,
all the way to the international waters
I love you
You're being silly
Did you do something wrongful to me?
Better come clean
I'm serious
- Hello?
- Hey, what are you doing?
Just had a meeting with my subordinates
I'm finishing up
There's something I want to tell you
I've decided that we should get married
Why all of a sudden?
I've been thinking and
calculating for a while
Our marriage index is positive
So it's better for us
to get married than not to
My worries were all irrational
The fortuneteller says that
if I don't get married this year
I can't get married in the future
So, let's get married this year
Monica, I just wanted you to say, "I do"
Not just for the sake of it
We should get married
because we love each other
How can you calculate that?
Let's give each other some space
Hi, Boss
Have you left something behind?
I saw my old photograph here yesterday
Can I have it back?
Do you have the receipt?
No, I don't
It's this one
You look so different now
It's our high school graduation portrait
You two have been dating since then?
Then you two broke up?
- May I have it please?
- Ok
Just a minute
You sure you still want it?
Hold on
Forget it then, thank you
The stock market is like women
Some are flat and calm
While some are perky and crazy
It's time for me, Master Lok,
to update you about the stock market
Stock Market Jerk!
Hello, fellow jerks!
I'm back from my long break
To all the jerks out there
For the time that I've been gone
Have you ever wondered that
Perhaps I've been kidnapped?
All tied up, with nowhere to go?
I'm just kidding
Before we start
Let's watch this week's recap
Here we go!
Mr. Chan
Mr. Chan
Just a sec!
- Want your portrait taken?
- No
- You know him?
- I'm his girlfriend
You wanna take wedding photos?
Have you set a date yet?
I'm Monica Lo from Sun Sun Property
My colleague came...
Many of your colleagues came
Did you bring a gun this time?
I'm gonna call the police
I think there's been a misunderstanding
My colleague, Kin, told you that
We can indeed raise the payment
You can find a better place
for your business, right?
Why don't you acquire a better place then?
It's all the same
My dad spent an entire week
on these photographs
He only charged around $2,000
Do you think this is just about 'business'?
Have you heard of the phrase,
'money can't buy everything'?
If you haven't, then go back
and ask your boyfriend what it means
- Just go
- Mr. Chan...
Here, this is for you
Free of charge
It's been days
Have you really thought about it'?
Have you considered whether
what you did was right or not?
You didn't!
In your world, there's only money and women
And those stupid stocks
That's enough. I was happily living my life
But you appeared and turned it upside down!
I'm your dad after all
Don't use this kind of tone
You're not qualified to be my dad!
You didn't want me in the first place!
You're right; I'm not fit to be your dad.
Why did you bother asking me
those questions then?
Having an abortion isn't a big deal,
it is what it is.
Yes, I've let your mom down
But I gave her money for the abortion!
But she didn't go forward with it
I can sue her for fraud
I do feel guilty about it, but so what?
Listen carefully
I've let your mom down by
asking her to get an abortion
But I haven't let you down!
If you have any questions,
Go back and ask her yourself!
This is none of my business,
I didn't give birth to you. She did!
She let you down, not me!
This is not my problem, okay?
Thank you for your answer
I'm off
- Hi
- Hi
Come on in
Would you like some tea?
No, thanks
I packed everything in here, have a look
Sorry, I have to take this call
Okay, bye
Well? Everything's in order?
I think so
Did you check the bedroom?
I might've forgotten to pack some stuff
Don't leave your bras here
You'd say that I still owe you
there's one more thing.
Our Neo-print photo
I'll do it, I've got longer fingernails
There are more
I'll just give you my wallet
I don't want it
I don't wanna owe you anything
When the filming is over
We can go our separate ways
Give me a hand and unlock this
Why do you have this thing?
She must've left it behind
Could be useful for my wife
You use it to listen to a baby's heartbeat
You didn't make
your own daughter pregnant, did you?
Stupid girl! Where did you go?
Stupid girl!
Hin and Wing, the director
changed the script
Please go through it first
- Thank you
- Thank you
Was it you?
You told the director about the incident?
I just mentioned it to him
He asked me why we started
dating immediately after
We bumped into each other,
after losing contact for so long
So I told him about
The incident that happened right
before we lost contact
That's quite true
If you hadn't done such a silly thing
I wouldn't have been with you
We lived in public housing back then
Where did you get the money
To buy the star lights?
What do you mean, 'buy'?
Back then, every year after Christmas
I knocked on people's doors
and asked them to give them to me
I've been saving them
from 5th grade to 11th grade
That was how I got so many lights
You never told me that
If I had told you,
Then you would've known that
I loved you more than you loved me
You said that if I hadn't
done this back then
We wouldn't have gotten together?
Why was that?
Because I believed that
We had a future
And as long as we were together,
We could get out of there one day
Have our own home
Would you like to go on
that path with me again?
There you are
Where's my make up pouch and cell phone?
Are you pregnant?
So what if I am?
Tell me who the bastard is!
I'm gonna beat him up right now
Who are you to beat him up?
You're worse than he is!
I'm your father
If I can't beat him up, then who can?
Kenny is my classmate
Unlike you, he has a
sense of responsibility
He didn't tell his girlfriend
to get an abortion
He says that he loves and wants to marry me
Mom isn't objecting
So, what's the problem?
I listen to the baby's
heartbeat all the time
And I keep asking myself,
'what is it, really?'
I just don't know
Because I don't even know what I am
How can I be a mother?
How can I love the baby?
That doesn't matter
You don't need to know everything
before you do it
I thought only mom didn't understand
Turns out you're the same
It's not about whether I
understand you or not
You should've been honest with me
If I were honest,
then you lose your objectivity
You asked me
why I had your mom go for an abortion
Did you want me to make the decision
for you about an abortion?
I was just thinking to myself,
Whether I could get any inspiration
from such a wicked father
It would help me with my decision
I'm fine now
I don't want him to blame me a decade later
Hey listen, I was just bullshitting
Give me another chance
to tell you how I feel
Can you do that?
- Sure! "Existence precedes Essence"
- What?
Didn't you always ask,
"Why am I in this world?"
"Who am I?"
These questions aren't for the heavens
"There is life because
there is a will to live"
Whatever path you want to take,
and whatever you want to do,
ls entirely up to you.
There is no right or wrong
The philosopher, Nietzsche said,
It wasn't Nietzsche
- It was Kant...
- Why are you so worried?
Who else should I be worried about?
I worry about you because
you're so annoying
I can see my younger
self when I look at you
Your mom's calling
Mom doesn't know that I've come back
She thought I went on
holiday with my classmate
Mr. Yu Wai Man
I, Monica Lo, hereby propose to you
Will you give me your hand in marriage?
And allow me to be part of your future?
You don't have to accept me, or reject me
Yes, you're right
One can't calculate love
I shouldn't have done that
You did so much when you proposed to me
I was truly touched
Two people being together,
ls not just for marriage
The fortune teller says that
I may not get married
Then so be it
As long as we're together forever
And we're happy
It's that simple
Maybe we'll cherish each other more
if we don't get married
Don't you think so?
Say something. Am I right?
You must give me an answer
Yes, I know you're leaving us
I was just wondering who had the power
To inspire you to think clearly
I really wanna know
It was just an ordinary person
Getting a bonus is like living your life
You may not get it when
you need it the most
But if you don't force it, it'll happen
All right, I'm off
Here, hold it like this
Remember to show her this spot
Call your mom now
Do you have anything to say to Mom?
Is there anything you'd like to ask?
Nothing for now
Call her now...
Hey Mom, what's up?
You haven't called for a few days
And you didn't pick up my call earlier
Where' you been?
I'm sorry, Mom
The weather looks nice in Manhattan.
The sky is so blue
That's right
What's up, Mom?
Nothing much, I just miss you
Remember, don't eat or drink cold foods
You get sick so easily
Just like me
When I was carrying you,
I ate a lot of ice cream. And now,
I get headaches all the time
Oh right, Kenny called me and complained
That you didn't bring
him along on this trip
Listen, sweetie
Don't think that
because he treats you well and spoils you,
That you can bully him
You'll regret it if he leaves you
Okay, Mom.
Mom, have you been angry with Dad
For all these years?
I mean my biological father
Why do you ask?
It's just that I haven't asked you
about this before
I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't
I was upset with him for many years
I came across his video
online a few years ago
Hosting a strange show on the Internet
He hasn't changed at all
But I didn't feel anything
From that moment on,
I knew I wasn't angry at him
Because I knew that
I did the right thing back then
He's the one who missed out, not me
You were an adorable newborn
But I was most worried when you had fevers
Your temperature hardly dropped
I just wish that he was
with me at that time
But you're such a big girl now
I'm really thankful for him
If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have you
For that, I'm really grateful
For he has given me the best gift
I could ever ask for
I'm off then, goodbye
It's getting late, just sleep here tonight
You can leave tomorrow.
You need to watch your health
Fai, how is it going?
Is Richard okay?
How are you?
You have to buy me dinner
I'm gonna be fired tomorrow
Just treat it as a farewell dinner
You said you would add
$200,000 to the offer?
When you get your new place
I'll pay for your furniture
What is this?
What are you doing?
Hey stop it...
What are you doing?
These are useless
Nobody wants them
These are worth something!
They are useless!
That can't be. Hey, stop!
I have no work anymore, I know I failed
Listen, Fai. Stop it
Even if you close your shop,
You can always work for someone else!
Don't do this!
I didn't take good pictures
You're the one to blame!
You always said that I'm too hesitant!
What is the meaning
of being "hesitant for a second"?
He wanted me to stay behind
and help him in the studio
He wanted me to learn how to take photos
I listened to him and
did whatever he wanted
He never praised me once
Actually, you're a great photographer
I'm telling the truth
You made me look so handsome
It's subjective to say
whether someone's good or not
The most important thing is
The person who is in the photo
enjoyed the process
And that you enjoyed
taking the photograph. That's all!
Let's... let's do that again
How did we shoot it back then?
How did we do it?
We'll do it again
All right?
We'll do it again
Until it is perfect
You have my word.
Let's shoot the best photo, okay?
Can't we just use this?
This is from your company?
Yes, it's from my company
No, I mean... We are
representing our client
But don't worry
There's no problem with it
Richard, so you've really
agreed to sell it?
Of course
That's great!
I'll leave the contract right here then
Please review it
And maybe discuss it with Fai
I'm actually keeping this for Fai
Right... good...
If you have any questions,
just give me a call
- All right, we've got a deal.
- Yeah
- Hey, Showerhead Boy
- Yes?
Come and visit Fai more
often if you have time
Come take some photographs
See if he could get those old feelings back
Yes, yes. I will
I will come visit you guys when I have time
I'll be going then
- Goodbye!
- Thank you!
"I don't take photographs.
I take portraits."
I like it!
I'll show it to the rascal
You don't have to walk with me.
I don't like people seeing me off
I'm just afraid that I'll cry
Here, give me a hug
After this, you've gotta return to school
Study hard and don't fail your exams okay?
Come here
Don't be like this
I've recorded something on your cell phone
Listen to it when you're bored
or when you miss me
The stock market is like women
Some are flat and calm
While some are perky and crazy
When you're listening to this next time
Just fast forward to this part
I'm afraid that you'd
press play accidentally
Then your mom will be
able to hear what I've said
I've listened to the heartbeat
It's so strange
You wouldn't be able to tell
what it was unless someone told you
But when you realise
it's the heartbeat of a baby
It begins to sound wonderful
I'm not a good father
I'm not qualified to tell you
how you should live your life
But there's one thing that I'll tell you
You're not a fool
You really are special
No matter what happens
I'll be here with you
Because I don't want to
miss out on anything
Daddy, though the family
photo is photoshopped
Keep this one for now
We'll take a real one
when everyone's together
You want some ice cream?
I bet the truck won't drive off this time
Two ice cream cones, please!
Can we have three?
I'm sorry. It's sold out
How about other flavours?
All sold out! Try the convenience store!
Are you kidding me?
- You're hiding something...
- All sold out!
- Forget it
- How can I?
Don't say something like,
"We are destined to meet
but we are not destined to have it"
This is the third time we've bumped into
each other next to an ice cream truck
And you don't think that is destiny?
Well, this isn't the only ice cream
truck in Hong Kong
Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower
There is one in Central
"Every photo is rare"
"It captures the moment,
and it's better than living in it"
"The aperture likes to wander around"
"The eyes are waiting for a seduction"
"Humanity is completely captured
through the lens"
"Though the instant photo service
is no longer available"
"And even films have been removed"
"But the urge that
has diminished is back once again"
"Capture the temperature,
the speed, the tenderness and anger"
"Frozen in this moment, what should we do?"
"Hold on tight, The strength of life"
"Show how you really feel,
Your emotions and attitude"
"Freeze this moment and stop growing old"
Let's do this again
"Climbing the highest summit,
Every second is a reward"
"When the record is broken again"
"The skylights on the coast,
The peak sees the light of dawn"
"Pick the fruit of memory
and remember this wonderful time"
"The moment you are promoted,
The morning you get married"
"The second you become a parent"
"There are so many photo taking moments"