The Mother (2023) Movie Script

[FBI Agent 1] Okay. Tape ID number 703.
Time of day, 6:14 a.m.
Interview with informant resumes.
Please restate the names of these two men.
[informant] Hector lvarez. Adrian Lovell.
- You introduced them?
- [informant] Yes.
You brokered an arms deal between them?
[informant] Yes.
And you were in a relationship
with both of them?
[Informant] Yes.
[FBI Agent 1] All right. Okay.
Help me get the food chain right.
Hector lvarez was supplying Adrian Lovell
with weapons.
What kind of weapons?
[informant] This place isn't secure.
Lady, stop telling us our jobs.
We can take you in if you want.
- You don't know how bad this gets.
- [FBI Agent 1] Then tell us.
Look, I get that this is dark,
so why don't we start
with the weapons lvarez is supplying?
Soviet PKM machine guns,
LAWS rocket launchers,
M18 claymore mines.
It's not the point.
[FBI Agent 1] Actually, it is.
They want you dead
for what you know, right?
We need to talk about my deal.
I'm sick of the bridge tournament
this bitch is playing.
If you need our protection...
You wouldn't know
the first thing about protecting me.
Hey. You're safe here.
No, I'm not.
[FBI Agent 2] lvarez is in Cuba,
Lovell's under surveillance.
We've had a tail on him
since the second he landed at O'Hare.
- Then he knows where we are.
- [chuckles softly] Let me tell you...
You think you're following him?
He's following you.
If you think you're gonna dictate
how we conduct an interrogation,
- I don't know who you...
- [silenced gunshot]
[silenced gunshots]
- [grunts]
- [body thuds]
Agents down, shooter outside.
Hawthorne? Carter? Do you copy?
Are we breached? Do you copy?
[mouthing] Come.
[silenced gunshot]
- Not the window, don't...
- [silenced gunshot]
- No, let me get...
- Shh!
[FBI Agent 1] Am I gonna die?
I don't know.
[FBI Agent 1 groaning softly]
[glass shatters in distance]
I know you're in there.
Did you think you could hide from me?
You must have known I'd find you.
[breathes deeply]
[gas whistling]
[nurse] It's a girl.
[baby crying]
[Mother] Is she okay?
[nurse] She's perfect.
[exhales deeply]
Gimme the room.
Special Agent Williams.
How are you?
- Where's my baby?
- She's in the nursery.
She was very fortunate.
I wanna see her.
Well, what you want is no longer
the deciding factor in what happens next.
You wasted 12 hours of FBI time
trying to cut a deal for yourself
and seven agents were killed.
This conversation now takes place
on our terms.
You can't keep her from me.
I'm her mother.
What you are to that child right now
is a death sentence.
Adrian Lovell and Hector lvarez
represent ruthless business interests.
If you leave here with that child,
they will kill her.
Lovell already stabbed a pregnant belly.
What would he do to a live child?
Adrian Lovell is dead.
Lovell was extracted from the house fire
before backup arrived.
His body was never accounted for. [sighs]
Your daughter will be placed
in witness security...
My daughter is not
going into the foster system. no one knows who her mother is.
You underestimate my ability
to protect my child.
Yeah, well, I'm aware.
Back-to-back tours
in Iraq and Afghanistan,
46 confirmed kills,
accurate to 1,300 meters with an M24.
Tell me how that helps her.
You and I both know the only way
you protect that child is to disappear.
[voice breaking] And if I don't?
They'll find you. Both of you.
[knock at door]
And just so you know,
the FBI has a terrible record
of protecting the whereabouts of people
who caused the death of federal agents.
Termination of parental rights.
Sign when you're ready.
[pen clatters]
- Let her in.
- [man] You sure?
She's good.
They just told me.
You all right?
Three things.
One, you put her with good people.
I want her to have the most boring,
stable life there is.
It's a girl?
Two, you let me know she's safe,
every birthday.
if there's trouble...
you let me know.
I owe you that.
[baby crying]
[man] Is she yours?
[switch clicks]
Don't sneak up on somebody with PTS...
Well, now I'm really fucking triggered.
[man] You'll need a job.
Some of the ranchers would pay good money
for shooters like you.
Get rid of the wolves.
I don't wanna shoot wolves.
You found God or something?
[knock at door]
It's good. Thanks.
- If you want...
- I don't want anything, Jons.
Hey. We're all lost when we get out.
I got more than lost.
Whatever you've done, you're still here.
Still time to make it right.
Anybody sees us in town,
you don't know me.
It's that bad?
[animal growling]
[barks, growls]
[pups yipping]
[gun cocks]
[pups yipping, barking]
[gun cocks]
Another birthday.
Let's see how big she got.
It's not her birthday.
[indistinct chatter]
[Mother] She's in trouble?
We gonna say hello first?
Civilization is built
on the little things.
Tell me what's going on, Cruise.
ATF busted some of Hector lvarez's men
at a stash house in Nuevo Laredo.
Typical stuff. MK12s,
you know, bump stocks, silencers.
But they also had this.
The six men are in custody in Mexico.
- We wanted you to ID them.
- [scoffs]
You didn't bring me here for a lineup.
I keep my promises.
- I will protect her.
- Can't advise you on that.
What's her name?
You can tell me her name now.
Her name is Zoe.
It's Greek for "life."
[indistinct chatter]
[woman laughing]
- [woman] Okay, that was close. Almost.
- Almost!
[woman laughing]
[dog barking in distance]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, there.
[tires screeching]
I know you.
- [car horn blares]
- [tires screeching]
[man 1 groans]
[crowd screaming]
- [woman] Hey!
- [man 2] Come on!
[man 2 groans]
[gun fires]
[car horns blaring]
[Zoe] Please, stop! Mom!
Vamos, vamos.
- [tires screeching]
- [woman] No!
[tires screeching]
- [car door opens]
- [groans]
[car alarms blaring]
[car alarms continue blaring]
[engine starts]
[tires screeching]
[man groans]
[tires screeching]
[sirens wailing]
- You okay?
- Go! Drive!
[tires screeching]
You knew this was coming.
You should've had people.
I couldn't know how or when.
I couldn't know what Hector was...
And you couldn't set up
a standard perimeter?
Obviously that was beyond what I expected.
That was Hector's top lieutenants.
Yes, Yanil Gonzalez,
the one who grabbed her.
There's a change of clothes next to you.
- [exhales heavily]
- I made you three promises.
I kept them all and did what I could
to keep her a secret.
Well, the secret's out.
Whose clothes are these, some desk cop?
They're my sister's.
We have a team setting up at the house.
We'll wait for a ransom call.
- There won't be any call.
- What do they want?
They can have a nice, long look at me
while I kill every last one of them.
And then what?
Then I get the kid back to her parents.
They did a good job.
[indistinct police radio chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
She's using the facilities.
[officer] Secure the backyard.
[Cruise] Any guesses where we're going?
Straight back to Cuba.
We're married?
Great place for a honeymoon.
["Mala Ma" by Maluma plays]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
[speaking indistinctly in Spanish]
Hey... [clicks tongue]
- [in Spanish] Throw away the gun.
- Calm down.
Where's the girl?
What's he done with her?
- [man 1 groans]
- [man 2 grunts]
- [panting]
- [woman exclaims]
[car horn honks]
[both grunting]
[car horns blaring]
- [tires screeching]
- [man yells in Spanish]
[woman yells in Spanish]
[both groaning]
[both panting]
[car horns blaring]
[church bell tolling]
- [grunts]
- [nun exclaims]
[woman exclaims]
[both grunt]
Count those tiles. He's a cheater.
- Shut up, old woman!
- I won't shut up!
[both panting]
[Tarantula] Stop that bitch!
[men exclaiming]
Get the hell out of my house!
[men exclaiming]
[engine revving]
[children chattering]
- [engine revving]
- [in English] Cruise!
[car horn blaring]
- [grunts]
- [man 1] Son of a bitch!
- [car horn blares]
- [Cruise] Move!
[man 2 exclaims in Spanish]
[yells] You fucked up my car.
- [tires screeching]
- [car horn blaring]
[indistinct chatter]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[church bell tolling]
[gears grinding]
[tires screeching]
[women screaming]
[tires screeching]
[man exclaims in Spanish]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [groaning]
[in English] Put him in the trunk.
[Mother] Hector est en la plantacin.
[in Spanish] What about the girl?
Where's the girl?
[Tarantula] What girl? [chuckles]
[in English]
I'm asking the fucking questions!
- [in Spanish] Where's the girl?
- [Cruise] I don't think he knows.
- [in Spanish] What'd he say?
- [in English] Want me to tell?
Let me translate.
So this is how you interrogate.
[in Spanish] What happened?
You get tired?
Hector's whore.
[both grunting]
[in English] Okay. Okay. Okay.
- [laughing]
- Hey.
- [Mother panting]
- [sighs]
[Mother] Hector wants me there, right?
But I'm not going in blind.
[breathes heavily]
Hold him back.
[in Spanish] Where you going?
You gonna kiss me? Huh?
[in English]
You learn things in the service.
The bubbles sting like hell, right? Now...
[in Spanish] Tell me, asshole.
Where's the girl?
La Plantacin.
- What's waiting for me?
- [chuckles]
How many guards?
All of them.
[in English] It's a trap.
I don't care.
As long as we get Zoe, they can have me.
[in Spanish] He doesn't want you.
And the things he's gonna do to her,
she's never gonna forget.
- [laughing]
- [grunts]
[Cruise, in English] We gotta go.
- [man whistles]
- [indistinct chatter]
Here, let me help.
So, you're not just barbed wire
around a fist.
I'm whatever I need to be
to keep her safe.
Including turning yourself into a ghost.
Feel that?
You could've let me die, but you didn't.
You saved me.
[water sloshing]
You gave me water.
At the safe house.
It's like you knew
I was thirsty all the time.
You were taking care of me and my baby.
Felt like a man worth saving.
How'd you get involved in all this shit?
You and Lovell and lvarez.
I don't get it.
I want those targets on fire!
[Mother] Lovell was ex-SAS,
training my sniper unit.
The trick is to perform when suffering.
[Mother] I guess I stood out.
500 meters, even your heartbeat
will throw you off target.
Of course he picked me.
No family, no future.
Nothing to lose.
- So, you're a headhunter.
- [Adrian] Not exactly.
This war's an addiction.
All it creates is chaos,
suffering, and people who need things.
I'm just a man who can get those things.
For whose side?
A three-star general, an Uzbek warlord...
Powerful people want things...
that aren't on the menu.
I should've run the other direction.
So why didn't you?
What else was I gonna do
after the service?
I was the best,
and the best that I could hope for
was being a cashier at a retail chain.
[greeting in Arabic]
[Mother] Adrian was offering
more than that.
[indistinct chatter in Arabic]
But you didn't take it.
Did a tour in Guantanamo instead.
[Mother] I wasn't gonna be his employee.
I waited until I had something
to bring to the table.
Eighteen months in a guard tower
tends to sharpen the focus.
[Mother] Hector was siphoning guns
off the base under everyone's noses.
Not mine.
- I saw him for what he was.
- And what was that?
My retirement plan.
Hector's guns. Adrian's network.
The potential was obvious.
My problem is I've got an entire armory
of Hector's stolen munitions
in that harbor,
and I gotta make sure
those weapons find a good home.
[upbeat music playing]
I've got the perfect home,
but your repartero boyfriend
is trying to raise the price
you and I agreed on.
Somebody's been studying
their Cuban slang.
I've been taking orders my whole life.
And it felt good to be in control.
I bet you he's a better dancer
than you are.
[slow Spanish song playing]
It was almost too easy.
Until I was pregnant.
And things turned...
without me seeing it.
There's more money than we thought.
I did good.
Why is there more money?
[lvarez] This dude
has very powerful friends, like you said,
so sometimes they want things
that are not on the menu.
[Mother] They were hiding something.
I had to find out for myself.
[child whimpering faintly]
[children coughing]
And then you called us.
Whose is she?
If you don't mind me asking.
She's not Hector's.
And she's not Adrian's.
She's mine.
Let's go.
["Angel" by Massive Attack plays]
- In position.
- [Cruise] Copy.
["Angel" continues]
[Mother] Four on the west side.
I see them. Another two out front.
Hector's moving up in the world.
No. Adrian handed him this place
and he let it rot on the vine.
She's in there somewhere.
Are my angel
[silenced gunshots]
[man groans]
Come from way above
To bring me love...
Access clear.
[man groans]
Her eyes
She's on the dark side
Every man in sight
[silenced gunshot]
Love you, love you
Love you, love you...
Kill the power. Now. Now.
[man groans]
Are my angel
My angel
Come from way above...
[Zoe exclaiming]
I've got eyes on her. Get in position.
Come with me now.
Give me your hand. Come on.
- Who are you?
- It doesn't matter.
[screams] Help!
I am helping.
You're hurting me.
I got her. We're on our way.
Jesus, my arm!
Shh, you stay right here.
You stay right by my side.
Heading to you in ten seconds.
[Cruise] It's okay now.
It's okay. It's all right. Hey.
Let me look at you. Okay?
Let's go.
I'm not finished.
["Angel" fades out]
[lvarez, in Spanish] Lower the gun...
[in English] Throw it out of the window.
Throw it!
[gun clatters]
[in Spanish] Hands up.
Turn around.
Yes. Slow like that.
So hot...
[in English]
You sold your soul to the devil.
How come you still look so good?
Why get that little girl involved?
She's not that little.
You're not getting away this time.
You're in my universe.
This is my castle.
Must be a nice life.
You need a dozen people
to guard you while you sleep.
They're all gone, by the way.
Well, then they died for a good cause...
because I dream about this.
Actually, my dick gets hard
thinking about this.
You should've thought about that
more back in the day.
Coo. You're gonna go that low?
Let me ask you, then...
Is the little girl...
- Is she mine?
- Does it matter?
No. No, what matters
is that you sold me out.
That you shit on everything we built.
Are you going to pay me back now?
I have this dream...
where I make you beg...
and scream.
Do you remember the games we used to play?
There's no safe word now.
We can do it for real.
I'm gonna watch you die like an animal.
You don't have the balls.
- [exclaims softly]
- Try me.
I'm gonna get you real turned on.
Then I'm going to split you in half.
Do you remember the safe word?
- [both grunt]
- [lvarez gasps]
We never had a safe word.
[ammunition exploding]
[bell dings over PA]
[indistinct announcements in Spanish]
[in English]
Please do not leave baggage unattended.
[indistinct chatter]
[bell dings over PA]
[indistinct announcements in Spanish]
[music playing faintly
over store speakers]
[cash register beeping]
[door chimes]
So, I think she's bouncing back.
Talked to her mother.
Pancakes will be on the table
when we arrive.
This is for Zoe. Thanks.
Thank the FBI. Cruise got it for you.
You'll be okay from here.
You know, they have...
services and counseling
and people to talk to.
Where are you going?
Cruise will be out soon.
You should wait in the car.
Are you my mother?
[door chimes]
[door closes]
[Cruise] So that's it?
You're just gonna vanish again, huh?
She's 12. Just let her go be a kid.
Let this all just be a bad memory.
Stay in touch.
We got about six more hours,
so if you wanna take a nap, be my guest.
Why won't she just admit it?
What's that?
That she's my mother.
Zoe, let's just get you back
to your real family, okay?
[engine starts]
[men chattering, whooping]
[exhales sharply]
[exhaling sharply]
[man whoops]
[doctor, in Spanish]
Look, here is the head.
And this
is the heart.
Do you see it?
[men whooping]
[in English] Not too far now.
Tonight, you get to sleep in your own bed.
How about that?
[Zoe] That sounds really nice.
[Cruise] Yeah.
You and your BFF still getting along?
- [Zoe] BFF?
- [Cruise] Ain't that what you call it?
[car doors opening]
William... William... William...
[breathing heavily]
[breath shuddering]
Goodness me.
Now, where is your mother?
Lower the gun.
Get behind me.
Look at the mess you made.
Do you know this man?
Who is he?
Someone from child welfare?
Social Services?
Oh, no.
Not with that standard FBI holster.
- [gun fires]
- [Zoe screams]
- No!
- Run!
[Zoe panting]
[sirens wailing]
Here you go.
[music playing faintly over speakers]
When am I going home?
Look, you saw what was out there.
That's gonna keep coming.
The feds can protect your parents,
but they can't protect us. Nobody can.
So we just keep moving
and cover our tracks.
Who were they?
You don't need to know.
Bad people, that's all.
Well, what do they want from me?
You're a chip,
something to bargain with.
I can't explain it to you at your age.
You're a kid. It'll scare you.
[sarcastically] Better not do that.
I forgot, I... This is for you.
Where are we going?
Go use the restroom.
[keypad beeping]
- Ma'am?
- For the truck.
[cell phone beeps]
[cell phone ringing]
- Hello?
- I called to tell you that she's safe.
- Let me talk to her, please.
- She can't.
- What did you say?
- She can't come back to her life yet.
Not yet.
What does that mean?
No, I... I don't understand.
I don't understand any of this,
so explain to me what that means.
- You'll have to trust me.
- Are you serious?
I promise that she's just...
No, he promised me
you would never come back.
I'm talking about Agent Cruise.
They told me what happened.
Did you see it happen?
Did she see it too?
[quietly] Yes.
Hey, I need a minute.
Need a minute. I can't...
I will get her back to her home.
Okay? Back to you.
As soon as it's safe.
Guess that's not a date
I can put in my calendar.
Her birthday's in October.
- I know that.
- Of course you do.
Look, Cruise kept his promises,
I keep mine.
You'll see her blow out another candle.
You have my word.
- Get in.
- No, where's my phone?
Get in the truck.
I need my phone.
You need to get in the truck.
["So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth"
Silly love, oh
Coming here
When I said, "Go"
Weigh me down
Oh, love
Me now...
A nice-looking young lady you got.
Thanks, we're just passing through.
Oh, that's a pity.
If you were here a while,
you could take a look at the salmon run.
It's just fish swimming upstream,
laying their eggs to die.
Not very romantic, looking at it that way.
You must be doing some hunting.
Dall sheep?
You might wanna stock up too.
What is it, Halloween? Put those back.
Sir, she'll pay for that.
It's on the house.
Enjoy the great outdoors.
[Zoe] You knew that guy, right?
Why are you pretending
you don't know each other?
Because we don't.
Strangers don't talk like that.
It was like...
spies or something, talking in code.
Put these on.
We're going to eat.
- It's beautiful.
- Shh.
No! No! [gasping] No.
[Zoe whimpering]
Let's go.
- [fire crackling]
- [cutlery tapping]
- Eat.
- I can't.
Yes, you can.
Not eating Bambi's mom.
That's not venison.
The deer has to hang
for the meat to tenderize.
Besides, that was a stag,
so it would be Bambi's dad.
- What is this, then?
- Rabbit.
Not eating a rabbit either.
[sighs] Listen to me,
that rabbit had a better life
than any cheeseburger you ever ate.
He had a beautiful life
until you shot him.
- I trapped him.
- Much better.
Let me tell you something, kid.
There's nothing you ever ate
that didn't come from violence.
Half of Paraguay was burned and deforested
for soy plantations.
Those cows are impregnated
just so they can be pulled on all day.
- Gross.
- Hmm.
Cashew cheese.
I know a mercenary in the Ivory Coast,
said they fought a civil war
over cashews.
I wanna go home.
I know you do.
[Zoe sobbing]
Meet me outside in five minutes.
You're driving.
I'm 12.
So I'll teach you.
You wanna go home?
I want that too.
But not till you know how to survive,
everything it takes.
And this is where we start.
What, you hate me?
Good. Use it.
'Cause you're gonna work harder
than you ever thought you could.
Then you'll run out your reserve tank
and find you had more,
and you'll run that out too.
But when it's done,
you're gonna drive outta here yourself.
What's the matter, scared?
Yes, very.
["4m" by Grimes plays]
Then do this.
Put the key in the ignition.
Yeah. Turn it over. Turn it.
[engine starts]
Here, pull this down.
Forward and down. Ready? Go.
[Zoe panting]
Get your rifle up.
You don't get to catch your breath.
We do this so you can think
when you're exhausted.
Head up, eyes ahead.
[Zoe panting]
["4m" fades out]
- Focus.
- [panting]
Breathe out.
[breathing heavily]
- Shoot.
- [gun fires]
- Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!
- [pups yipping]
Do you wanna come play? Of course you do.
Hi! Hi! Oh, my gosh.
They're not pets. Nothing out here is.
[snarls, barks]
How close is she?
Right behind you.
[wolf snarling]
- Run!
- [pups whimpering]
[wolf snarling]
[wolf whimpers]
[Zoe whimpering]
Shh, it's okay. It's okay.
You shot the mom!
No. No, look.
The green ones are just salt shells.
[gun cocks]
Just good for scaring something off.
Come on.
Don't ever put that in your mouth again.
It's not for you. You don't do that.
- You do it.
- [gun clatters]
You're not me. You hear me?
- You're not me.
- I don't wanna be you.
I wanna go home.
I hate it here.
- [breathing heavily]
- Put it down.
No. I'm leaving. You're not stopping me.
Look at you shake.
- You're not ready.
- I am ready.
Prove it.
Don't make me...
Why are you such a bitch?
Don't you call me a bitch!
Don't you ever call me a bitch!
Keeping you safe doesn't make me a bitch.
- Lying to me does.
- How am I lying?
I know who you are.
That's not lying. That's just not talking
about things that don't matter.
Besides, you already have a good mom.
I miss her so much.
I miss her and my dad, and I'm not allowed
to talk to you about anything
if it's not how to gut a fish
or how to field dress a duck!
I'm serious.
Field dress a duck?
I can't talk to you.
I can't ask any questions.
The answers are tough.
There's things in this world
you don't need to know yet.
What things?
I'm here.
Whatever the question, that's your answer.
And it's the only one I got.
Open it.
You have to practice,
get the timing right.
If you grip too soon, you cut yourself.
Give me your arm.
A knife fight means your enemy's close.
You can't hit him just once.
You can never stop hitting him
until he can't hit back.
That's how you protect yourself.
You just keep hitting him again
and again and again, just...
You're scaring me.
Every time I look at you, I'm scared.
You? You don't feel anything.
["Roads" by Portishead plays]
Well, it's the only way to survive.
[gun firing]
[Mother] Nine o'clock.
Ten o'clock.
Eleven o'clock.
Twelve o'clock.
Never find our way
Regardless of what they say
How can it feel this wrong?
Do you ever miss William?
Agent Cruise?
I do.
Did you love him, then?
- I never got a chance to find out.
- But maybe?
Maybe's something.
For me, maybe's a lot.
You gotta be careful now.
You hear me? Remember where they are.
["Roads" fades out]
[wolf pups whining]
[Zoe] What happened to her?
She's hurt.
[Zoe] We have to help her.
It's nature. You can't change it.
But her cubs aren't old enough
to hunt on their own.
Well, if she dies, they'll have to learn.
Or they won't.
You can't change it either way.
[pups continue whining]
[wolves howling]
[growling weakly]
[wolf pups whining]
[Zoe] Do it again. Good boy!
That's a good boy.
- [pups whining, barking]
- Hey.
Here. You guys want some food?
You guys want some food? I have some food.
Here. Come here. Come here.
- Watch out!
- [screams]
[gun fires]
[Zoe screaming]
- [sobbing]
- Let me see. [pants]
Okay. Okay.
[indistinct chatter]
[telephone ringing]
[nurse] Let me see. [inhales sharply]
Oh, yeah. Let's get you stitched up.
We'll get started on her.
You're her mother?
There's some paperwork on the counter.
Come on. This way, sweetie.
It's not too bad.
Only took eight stitches.
I'm gonna send the nurse in
with some aftercare instructions.
Zoe here is a brave girl.
Get your coat on.
[Zoe] I didn't know I wasn't
supposed to tell him my real name.
[Mother] No, I should have told you.
She gave her name.
They put it in the computer.
I can't risk it. You have to take her.
Just give her this when it's all over.
I hate you!
[thunder rumbling]
- [Mother on phone] How many?
- [Jons] It's a full platoon.
She won't be safe till they're all gone.
Do you see him?
Not sure. I'll take Zoe and go.
Well, tell her that I said I'm sorry
that I lied about you and me.
[Jons] About what?
- She'll know.
- [line disconnects]
Where am I going now?
We're taking a trip back to the lower 48.
Don't talk in code to me too.
Fair enough.
I don't know. And that's the truth.
We run until we get the word.
How do you know her?
We served together, a long time ago.
I'm not much good
in a fight anymore, though.
And even if I was,
I suspect she'd still want me right here,
making sure that you're safe.
She won't even admit she's my mother.
A woman like that,
you gotta pay attention to what she does,
not what she says.
And all she lives for is you.
[Mother] Dear Zoe.
When I left you in the hospital,
it was not the end of me caring about you.
Every decision I've made has been for you.
The only thing that gave me any peace
was knowing you were safe.
I'm a killer. You know that now.
But I'm also a mother,
and I will die protecting you.
For all my mistakes,
you are the one good and beautiful thing
that I have done with my life.
You are a marvel.
Someone tried to kill you
before you were born,
and you didn't just live, you flourished.
When you look in the mirror,
remember it's a sign that you survived.
That you would not let anyone
or anything erase you.
I have shown you my love
in the only way I know how.
When the time comes for you
to use what I've taught you,
don't hesitate
to take your place in this world.
Love always, your mother.
Zoe. We gotta go.
[truck engine starts]
[truck departing]
- [radio static crackles]
- This is the kill zone.
Treat this as you would Basra, Brega,
or Damascus.
Treat her as you would a hundred snipers.
I'm the one who kills her.
[radio static crackles]
And I kill her close.
She's got the woods mined.
Proceed with caution.
I repeat, proceed with caution.
Time to send her a message.
[breathing heavily]
[snowmobile engine revving]
- Check for the girl's remains.
- [radio static crackles]
[man 1 grunts]
[man 2 on radio] I see a little girl
driving a truck, south road.
Converge on the south road.
Get me the girl.
- [panting]
- [snowmobile engines revving]
[man 3 grunts]
- [Zoe grunts]
- [groans]
[Zoe screaming]
[Mother] Zoe!
- [Zoe screams]
- [man 3 groans]
- Here. Put this on.
- [panting]
[man 4 screams]
[Zoe panting]
[snowmobiles approaching]
They're coming.
- No.
- I can do it.
You can track. I pull the trigger.
[Zoe] I see one. He's on foot.
[gun cocks]
Range 658.
Hold left side of his head.
- Now.
- [gun fires]
[man 5 groans]
[radio static crackles]
[Adrian] Our girl's got potential.
She's so like you.
Meet me two clicks
to the left of your position
or I destroy that potential right now.
No! Wait! [panting]
It'll take me two minutes
to get down there.
I distract him, you run.
No matter what. You hear me?
- I can cover, I really can.
- No.
These have been the best months
of my life with you.
No matter what, you run.
Drop your weapons over the side.
And the other one.
The camouflage, too. All of it.
You have the shot, take it!
[trapdoor thuds]
All in good time.
You burned down our entire world...
...for her.
[breathes deeply]
[Mother grunts]
[both grunting]
Come on.
[breathing heavily]
[Adrian groans]
[both breathing heavily]
See where you're looking?
She's just up there, isn't she?
She's watching.
She's got a shot, eh?
Bullet in your head will take us both out.
[Mother yelling]
[both grunting]
Did you teach her to be ruthless? Hmm?
Can she stop her heart like you?
We die and she survives.
If that's what you want,
take a breath and tell her.
Tell her.
Take the shot!
- [gun fires]
- [Mother gasps]
[both grunting]
Come on, please. Please come on.
Please, please, please...
- [screaming]
- It's okay.
[sobbing] Please! Please! Please!
Please! Please! Please!
[groans softly]
[inhales deeply]
[exclaiming in pain]
[breathing heavily]
- [bone cracks]
- [screaming]
[panting] Fuck.
[breathing heavily]
No! [sobbing]
[breath trembling]
[Mother groans]
[both sobbing]
Go to your mother.
I love you.
[Mother] I love you too.
[exhales sharply]
[woman] Zoe! [sobbing]
Oh, look at you!
I love you so much.
Oh, my gosh, did you get taller?
["This Woman's Work" playing]
[woman chuckles]
[children chattering]
Pray God you can cope
I stand outside this woman's work
This woman's world
Ooh, it's hard on the man
Now his part is over...
[whispers] You got me.
Now starts the craft of the father
I know you have
A little life in you yet
I know you have a lot of strength left
I know you have
A little life in you yet
I know you have a lot of strength left
I should be crying
But I just can't let it show
I should be hoping
But I can't stop thinking
Of all the things I should've said
That I never said
All the things we should've done
That we never did
All the things I should've given
But I didn't
Oh, darling, make it go
Make it go away
Give me
These moments back
Give them back to me
Give me that little kiss
Give me your hand
I know you have
A little life in you yet
I know you have a lot of strength left
I know you have
A little life in you yet
I know you have a lot of strength left
I should be crying
But I just can't let it show
I should be hoping
But I can't stop thinking
Of all the things we should've said
That we never said
All the things we should've done
That we never did
All the things that you needed from me
All the things that you wanted for me
All the things that I should've given
But I didn't
Oh, darling, make it go away
Just make it go away now