The Movie Teller (2023) Movie Script

I grew up in the driest part of the world.
Our village was built in the desert where they found the Salitre.
My father worked for the mining company.
All the men did it.
We, the children, were eagerly waiting for something to happen.
But when it happened, some got scared.
I didn't.
What are you doing?
No, it's a mess.
I'm worried about you.
I'm coming.
No, not there.
Please, don't do it.
Let me pay half an hour and I'll pay the rest next week.
No, you can't, sir.
I'll put up with it.
We'll find a solution for you.
Do you remember what I said?
When you know...
How nice.
Thank you.
...your son will come to you.
I know he'll never leave you.
I know.
Even if you suffer for me and leave me, you won't want to see me again.
But that's what you're saying.
I know it won't be like that.
I'm sure my great love for you is real.
Juan Pablo asked me to divorce the Emerald.
I'm her father.
I don't know, Juan Pablo.
I don't know.
The flowers you gave me,
when you loved me,
were blinded by your inconstancy.
And all my life, all my life,
you are the hope in my soul.
The promise you made,
to love me forever,
I will tell you when I die.
And all my life, all my life,
you are the hope
in my soul.
We're going to watch a movie by John Wayne.
The best judge in history.
It's good.
Yeah, it's good.
Hey, would you like to have a drink?
Let's go to the house.
I'm with a tremendous woman waiting for me in the house.
I love it.
Go to work.
And they start going out together again.
To luxurious food, dance halls.
But she is much younger than him.
Like you and my father.
No, even more.
Carrie Cooper was about fifty years old.
And she wasn't even twenty-five.
Are you busy in the bathroom?
Good night, dad.
Good night, my baby.
So they meet again at the opera.
But he doesn't trust her.
Because she is famous for having many lovers.
Why did you marry my dad?
Didn't you like him at all?
In those years, he didn't look as big as me.
I hit him in the face and he didn't look like that.
I don't like scared children either.
Every day was exactly the same.
Except Sundays.
My dad was given the name Medardo from Perillas.
He had a fixation with the names that started with M.
Since he fell in love with his mom, Martina, and his dad, Magno.
Maria Magnolia, I'm waiting for you.
Mariano, the eldest, loved westerns.
Myrto, the middle-aged, preferred comedies.
Football and women.
I'm coming!
Marcelino, the third of my siblings, loved everything in black and white.
Hurry up!
Hurry up!
I was almost baptized as Marilina.
In honor of Mari Limon.
Who was nobody when she was called Norma Jean, according to my dad.
My mom threatened to break up.
Hurry up, kid! I'm going to be late!
So in the end, they named me Maria Margarita.
Are you going to hit me again?
Why conform with your sister Lucia?
Being able to be a star.
And her name was Maria Magnolia.
12 months.
If it hadn't been for that, my dad would have married her anyway.
Because she was mysterious and loved movies like him.
Although they always made her sad.
Nobody ever knew where she was from.
Some said she was from the other side of the mountain range.
And God opened the sea with his powerful breath.
It's not that my dad was very poor.
He was reciting a scene from the Ten Commandments.
Sundays were my dad's happiest moment.
Like when Moiss opened the Red Sea.
Here, daughter.
I have dust on my face.
Here you go.
It's broken.
It's the only one I have.
A bottle of pololeum and some palomino eggs, please.
Yes, of course.
And some chocolates for me, please.
Yes, sir.
Allow me to invite you, Mrs. Castillo.
No, no.
I insist.
The blue one looks great on you.
One for you and one for me.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Did you buy them, Mr. Hauser?
We're in line four.
Let's go.
Hurry up.
Good afternoon.
Marion Michael Morrison.
Three of them.
How are you going to do a movie with John Wayne?
How? Obviously.
John Wayne, he...
He's the fastest in the world.
I don't know if he's that good.
I knew it from the beginning.
He was a great actor.
He was the one who made fun of everyone.
You don't know what I'm glad to have had
such an avid son.
But would it be possible that
out of every five words you said,
at least two wouldn't be two?
And what does the journalist tell the protagonist
when he's about to tell the truth?
They tell him.
When the legend becomes a fact,
isn't that right?
Then he writes about the legend.
And what does he mean by that?
He means that although sometimes
reality isn't as interesting as
the lie,
as the movie says,
the lie always has a price.
by the miner Jos Santos Sosa.
Salitre is one of the main riches
in our country.
Has it always been like that?
After the Pacific War,
Bolivia was defeated
and the Atacama Desert became Chile.
Does anyone know why
the salitre is used?
For fertilizers.
Anything else?
Anything else?
Someone said we're made
of the same material as dreams.
I think we're made
of the same material as movies.
And sometimes
movies have that magical power,
just like the dreams
of predicting the future.
What are you doing?
The wheel, Luis.
There, there, it's fine.
Here's the wheel.
Sign it down there.
And no, Mirta, please.
I'm afraid there are only
indemnifications in case of fatalities.
But my husband worked as a Chinese.
In all these years,
we didn't have a single day off.
From Monday to Saturday,
up to two shifts in a row,
if it was necessary.
And the company recognizes
Medardo's commitment.
But they don't assume anything
because of what happened.
You know what?
You only think in numbers.
On the contrary, ma'am.
My father, after the war,
had to clean minefields
in the occupied countries.
And in your mind,
you imagine the day
when someone shows up
at the door of your house
to give you the bad news.
And as it was to be expected,
that day came.
I'm sorry about your father.
But my husband is here
with us, Mr. Hauser.
This is also my house, Mr. Hauser.
not exactly.
It's the company's.
It's yours temporarily.
If you think it's good,
why don't you come
to the office tomorrow morning?
I don't think so.
I want you to make sure
here and now
that my family
will be in this house
and that they will keep
my husband's salary
You have four children
to feed.
Yes, I know.
And believe me,
I want to help you.
But this was just
a courtesy visit.
I didn't come
as an administrator
of the plant.
The Lord of the West
will fight for us.
Look after your powerful hand.
Come on, come on, come on.
Take it.
That's it.
Grab it, son.
That's it.
Okay, I'll stand up.
We're ready, man.
Your husband will fall in love
with the chair.
No, no, no.
Give me a hand.
On the count of three.
Take it.
Be careful with your hand.
Be careful with your hand.
I found my new dad.
I need a cushion.
See you tomorrow.
Uncle, open the door.
With your powerful blow.
Two, five.
It's clear that for the bosses,
the workers don't have
a category of human beings.
We're just instruments
to increase the wealth
of these bourgeois gringos
and suck their blood.
That's what they are.
This is a class struggle,
my friend.
It's an anti-capitalist struggle.
Their mouths were filled
with promises.
But what happened
in the end?
Nothing at all.
The result of this conflict
will depend on
national solidarity.
We'll be able to
wake up
the entire Chilean working class
and the political prison
that we have to exercise.
You're a colleague
of my brother Marcelino,
But let them know
that if we don't unite
we can paralyze
the entire country.
Don't worry.
My dad always
takes care of these things.
Let's go.
Why are we leaving?
Mauricio's dad
said he was going
to fix everything.
Yes, but first
they want to change the world
and we don't have
that much time.
Are you going to Mr. Hauser's
But later.
My dad says he's German
and that Germans
can't be trusted.
Because they're always
the bad guys
in the movies.
You can trust him.
Wait for me here.
Please, Mauricio.
We don't even have a cigarette.
And Novasco
is not going to give us
any more money.
But didn't you
give him your money?
He paid
the money from before.
In this house
money is on horseback
and we are on horseback.
Is that the only thing
that matters?
A joke.
If you want to see
your dad, shut up.
If you have a mouth
you have less to feed.
What are we going to tell
the kids?
About what?
About the movies.
It's the only thing
that makes them happy.
What's going to happen?
Hello, Charlie.
Long time no see.
What is it, Spatz?
What are you doing here?
I just dropped in
to pay my respects.
You don't owe me
no nothing.
I wouldn't say that.
You were nice enough
to recommend my mortuary
to some of your friends.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Now I got all those
coffins on my hands.
I had nothing to do with it.
Goodbye, Charlie.
No, Spatz.
No, Spatz.
Please, no.
Goodbye, Charlie.
Next Sunday?
Let me go!
Then the bull
enters the apartment.
The bull is like crazy
destroying everything
that's on the way.
They'll shoot her
and the fucking cat
will grab her.
Shut the fuck up!
Here you go.
All the fumes
are flying like...
What do you mean
when it doesn't
stick to the water?
Enough, Mirto.
Why was she angry?
How the fuck
would I know that?
All I know is
that she's completely
That's all.
But in any case,
who understands women?
The train begins to move.
It's a steam train
of a grayish-brown color.
It has some windows
like a guillotine
and an interior
cover of wood.
Shaking doors
that open outwards
and some metal
that people
grab to get
on the train.
The wheels of the train
start to squeak
and it goes...
the movie is
a little long.
Just finish it.
And the train
in a cloud
of smoke
and wind.
My grandma
and I made
a fucking movie
for my 21st birthday.
I'm sure
it's not that bad.
I watch it
every day
and I don't put
a face on it.
And nothing happens to me.
What are you watching?
A gangster movie,
a movie clip,
a movie theater.
I'll see you later.
I'm going to the movies.
See you later.
I never knew
it could be like this.
Nobody ever
kissed me the way you do.
Not even one?
Out of all the men
you've been kissed by?
How many men
do you think there've been?
I wouldn't know.
Can't you give me
a rough estimate?
Not without an
adding machine.
Do you have
your adding machine with you?
And so much water
in the beach
for just one polo?
It makes it color.
And your dad?
How is he?
More than usual.
He doesn't know
how hard it is
to move him
from the chair
to the bed
or to take him
to the bathroom.
It must be difficult.
Especially for your mom?
And yours?
Doesn't it go with the movies?
I don't know.
I've never seen it.
I had a grandmother
who let us
watch movies in the kitchen.
Fumando espero
al hombre quien yo quiero
tras los cristales
de alegres ventanales
y mientras fumo
mi vida no consumo
porque flotando el humo
me suele adormecer
tendida en la chesln
y amar
ver a mi amante
solicito y galante
sentir sus labios
besar con besos sabios
y el devaneo
sentir con ms deseo
porque sus ojos veo
sedientos de placer
por eso es tanto
mi da
que quiero
de placer
sintiendo ese calor
del humo embriagador
que acaba por prenderla
a llamar
diente del amor
No cosa de ma, chica.
Qu andan haciendo aqu?
Me fui de la ma.
Solo estbamos cachando un poco.
Era el hijo del desindicato, no?
Es verdad lo que dijo l?
Y qu vieron?
Y nada.
En el caso movern
solamente vimos una mujer
con brillo
y el que cantaba sobrefumar.
Ya se vea preciosa.
Con esas plumas.
Se vesta de merillo.
Con esos tacos altos.
Pero el pblico
no pareca escuchar cmo cantaba.
A ella no la miraban.
Cmo la gente miraba al cine?
Bueno, lo que pasa es que
algunos hombres,
cuando se le sube el trago a la cabeza,
se vuelven locos
mirando una mujer linda bailar.
A m no me gustara
que me miraran as.
Pero no todos los escenarios
pueden ser el municipal
o el teatro caupolicn.
En un lugar hay que empezar.
Escchame bien, Rosita.
No se trata de cmo
la gente te vea en el escenario,
pero como t te veas a ti mismo.
Si t te sents
y actas como un artista,
eres un artista.
Sin importar si
ests actuando para m de persona
o para un grupo de curado.
Los artistas son como lucirmaras.
Tienen una luz
que los hace brillar.
Pero esa luz
tambin es una maldicin.
Es que l no la poda pagar.
Est adentro tuyo.
Tiene que salir
y si no lo haca as,
tu corazn se marchista.
Si uno deja de pagar,
no paga nadie despus.
Vijo concha de su madre.
Yo soy espartaco.
Yo soy espartaco!
Yo soy espartaco!
Cientos de cientos
habran dado su vida
a cambio de que l no muriera.
Qu era?
Era un dios?
No era un dios.
Solamente era un dios.
Un esclavo.
Yo lo amaba.
Era un forajido.
Un asesino.
Un enemigo de Roma.
por qu lo amabas?
Es intil que te lo diga.
No lo entenderas?
Claso va a donde espartaco.
Est encadenado
junto a su amigo Antonino.
Claso manda a sus guardias romanos
a que obliguen a luchar
a espartaco y Antonino.
Uno contra el otro.
A muerte.
Y el que viva
ser crucificado.
Antonino est sobrecedo.
Perdname, Antonino.
Te quiero, espartaco.
Como mi propio padre.
Yo tambin, Antonino.
Como un hijo que nunca ver.
Barria se acerca
donde espartaco est crucificado.
Este es tu hijo, espartaco.
Es libre.
Te prometo que siempre te va a recordar.
Y as mi familia me convirti oficialmente
en la contadora de pelculas.
Yo soy espartaco.
Ests seguro de que no fue contigo al cine?
Yo soy espartaco.
Viste que no tarta mudega cuando suea?
Yo soy espartaco.
Yo soy espartaco.
A ver cmo te queda mi pijama.
Es que el tiempo aqu
nos tiene a todo engaado.
Hace como que no avanza,
pero pasa volando.
Gracias, musma.
Y como un soplo
ya vas a tener la edad
en que yo tuve al Marianito.
Pero me tienes que prometer
que a ti no te va a pasar lo mismo que a m.
Que vas a tener una vida.
Una vida propia.
La tuya no es la tuya propia.
Es que a veces
uno siente que
no ha llevado a la Rihanna de su vida.
Entonces, me lo promet?
No me gust esa promesa.
Y eso?
No s.
Es como llevar una piedra muy grande en el bolsillo.
Pero esta promesa no es una piedra.
Al contrario, es como...
es como un hoyito.
Para ir botando todo el peso que no quieras cargar.
Ya, mam.
Una vida propia.
Te lo prometo.
Hola, Mara Margarita.
Que, que.
Dnde se fue mi mam?
No s.
Yo voy.
Dej algo de ropa, as que
a lo mejor
se fue a buscar un trabajo para
ahorrar algo de plata y
volvieron tiempo.
Surfura de plomo.
Please, survive.
Qu se le ofrece a la seorita?
Una bobuita.
Cobremelas a m.
S, seor.
Vas a escuchar
cosas que se dicen en el campamento,
pero yo no tengo nada que ver.
De hecho,
estoy tan sorprendido como t.
Una bolsita de pastillas pololeo.
A ella le gustaba mucho.
My name is C.C.
C for Calvin.
C for Clifford.
However, most people call me Bund.
Por qu no hablamos de esto
algunos tiempos despus de los joyos?
Le puedo llamar,
tenemos un gran envo.
Ests seguro de que es
la mejor forma de veloz ?
You think so? Here.
You don't think it's tilted a little too much.
I mean, after all, this is a conservative firm.
I don't want people to think I'm an entertainer.
What's the matter?
The mirror, it's broken.
Yes, I know.
I like it that way.
Makes me look the way I feel.
Your phone.
Just a minute.
If you don't mind, this is sort of personal.
Have a nice Christmas.
Do you want to come in?
Can I go with her?
Leave the visa here.
is one of the 32,000 employees
of a giant press in New York.
works many hours extra.
I love you, Miss Kublick.
Do you hear what I said, Miss Kublick?
I absolutely adore you.
Shut up and deal.
How come you haven't seen
before, Dardo?
Even black and white movies.
This bitch counts them in Technicolor
and Cinema School.
Hey, it's like we're with Lemon Jack
on his bachelor's floor.
Hey, this is more than clear
that this is an artistic show
with all its lyrics.
No, it would be very strange
for friends to pay to enter my house.
I agree with Lucho.
If your daughter has a talent
like a gold mine,
you have to take advantage of that.
Don't talk to me.
You can't pay
for acting like my daughter.
What if it wasn't for this?
What name do you want me to give you?
I don't know.
If you think about it,
in the world of music,
everyone changes their name.
Like Danny Chillan.
Do you know his name?
No, how?
Javier Asturillo Zapata.
Thank you.
Also like Susy Becky.
Do you know her name?
Gladys Lucabecky.
You're good.
All the magazines are out.
What did you decide?
I have to finish the poster.
What about Florcita?
How many times have I told you
not to mention that woman again?
How many times?
That woman is no longer for you.
She's gone.
She left you.
Don't mention her again!
Do you understand?
Don't mention her in front of me!
Shut up!
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Come in and sit over here.
The Reci-ci-ci-civo.
Hello Rita Valentina.
Rita Valentina.
Maria Margarita.
It's pretty.
I'm going to the cinema.
Do you want to come?
Yes, of course.
President Frey
announces the purchase
of 50,000% of Chukicamata's
participation in the
Salitrera nationalization.
I'm not going to argue with you
Mr. Prime Minister.
I don't lose my job.
Maria Margarita.
my mom is sick.
Wouldn't you come to see her
and tell her about a movie?
Besofrujo. Did you know about it?
Yes, of course.
It's a beautiful movie.
Thank you very much.
See you.
I have no idea what movie
you're talking about, right?
What are you going to tell her?
I don't know.
Something is going to happen.
Something is going to happen.
Something happened to me too.
What happened to you?
Not here.
I'm going to pay.
Do you want to pay?
I remember her like the desert
remembers the rain.
I remember her like silence
remembers the music.
I remember her very clearly
even though I never saw her.
Her infinite silhouette
is drawn in my memory
like the horizon is drawn
in the road.
About your mom?
From now on
we're going to call you
the poet.
And if you don't kiss me now
it's never going to happen.
My mom is very happy.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Let's go to the bakery now.
Hello, Mariano.
Hello, vigilante.
What poems does he write for you?
How can he tell you
the things he writes for me?
If you want, I'll tell you what he does for me.
How can I find out
that he's going up the hill with my sister?
He's going to know who I am.
He looks like that guy
with those owl eyes he has.
Comedy won't ask for you.
That's for sure.
But pay well.
And what's that for?
Things for the...
No, but you won't need it.
Here I have everything I need.
Well, then I'm going to
play soccer with El Mirto.
When I'm done, you can look for me on the court.
You don't need me, do you?
See you later.
Follow me.
We have 20 pesos, right?
Yes, 20.
They say you can make all kinds of movies.
Thank you.
I brought you a drink for later.
What movie do you want me to tell you?
The one you want.
Do you like
flying in the air?
Yes, perfect.
come closer,
I can't hear you well.
An airplane
is about to start...
A little closer.
It's about to start
in the middle of a fair
in the desert.
Dozens of airplanes...
Sit down.
Over there.
Hi, mate.
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping at night?
Over there.
Over there.
What do we do?
Let's see.
Do you know where they are?
Everybody is
waiting outside.
Let's go.
teaches him sign language
and how to read lips.
And people realize
that, as they said,
he has nothing.
But the opposite.
This doesn't hurt in the air, does it?
But one day,
when she is alone in her house,
the fisherman appears
and says
Hi, silly.
Look what I brought you.
He shows him the violin
and starts to play it madly.
A senseless and
frightening cacophony.
Then he
surrounds her with his arms
and kisses her abruptly.
It's the first time someone
kisses you, isn't it?
Don't be scared, silly.
Once, almost a seagull
that had the same scared look
as you.
Then Belinda,
realizing the danger,
tries to escape.
But he,
although weak and weak,
is much stronger than her
and surrounds her
and imprison her
and throws himself on her
with his disgusting head
and his stupid eyes
and starts to tear his clothes.
Damn it, his mother
will find her punishment.
It seems that Mr. Olasco
was hit with a shovel.
And Alberto Paco
interrogating all those who gave him money.
half of the town.
They interrogated themselves.
All Pacos had debts with him.
Even Captain Alvarez
owed him like six months of salary.
That's why they were all stupid
and laughing.
everyone's debts are going to be paid.
I don't know a thing,
but the guy who did it has 103 years of forgiveness
even more.
the Pacos don't worry
about finding the culprit.
Hey, my baby.
What movie are you going to tell today?
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
What's going on?
Tension, give me your back.
Give me your back.
Here's one.
Do you want me to tell you a special one, Daddy?
No, no.
It's that...
that you made me remember
a movie, a scene in particular.
Do you want me to tell you?
about a miner who had a hit on the copper.
One day,
more tired than the crest,
he took a shortcut through the desert
and he found
a house that was alone
where the devil lost Poncho.
And next to the house,
a truck full of taros
went up to
see a dancer,
a young woman,
very pretty
and slimmer than a broom.
She was dancing
a melody
that only sounded in her head.
The young man,
in order not to interrupt her,
hid behind a tree
and she kept dancing.
He was chiseled.
when he finished dancing,
the dancer became
a reverence
to an imaginary audience.
And there,
the young man couldn't stand it
and started to dance.
And she stayed there.
It was slow, but
jumped out of the truck,
scared to death,
and pressed the button to go home.
He told her to stop,
that he wanted a little more.
And miraculously,
she stopped
and caught the shot,
which was better than bread.
And he took him to the well.
He didn't know that,
and he told him a funny joke,
but she laughed.
He was an angel
coming from the other side of the mountain range.
The thing is,
the young man never came back
on the same path.
And after a month,
they got married
and had
a girl who loved cinema.
But he could never replace
his imaginary audience.
You almost killed me!
When did you unload it?
You know,
in this world,
there are two types of people.
Those who have a loaded revolver
and those who dig.
You dig.
Do you think Mom found out?
I don't think so.
Even though the news from La Pampa is flying.
When did something fly here?
You don't know, do you?
Why did I say that?
Because she might come back.
I've been told
that she died listening to you tell a movie.
What was it?
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
I'm sure she died happy.
Do you want something to drink?
No, thank you.
If you came to talk about the house,
I wish I could give you better news.
But I'm afraid
that you and your brothers will have to hand it over.
It's also a provisional.
There's nothing I can do.
But maybe you can.
Mariano is old enough to work.
I understand.
He's the one who tarts and mutes
and the one who likes cowboys.
He's very good with his hands.
And he no longer tarts and mutes.
Well, tell him to come see me.
Thank you.
Is there anything else?
You know where you are, right?
When your father
had the accident,
I started to give him money
every so often to help the family.
But she had to have saved
a part of the money for the trip
that I had planned.
Does she write to you?
Yes, from time to time.
I'm afraid she does know
about your father.
If that's what gave you hope.
Maybe it will have more effect
if you tell her.
Ideal theater.
Excuse me,
is Maria Magnolia here?
That's her room.
A girl left them for you.
They look expensive.
She's a very nice girl.
The theater was exhausted.
It wasn't a big cabaret,
but it was modern and full of lights.
She came out in a Spanish lunar dress,
with a rose on her hair
and a feather bow.
When she came out on stage,
everyone started to applaud
and shout her name.
Then she started to dance and sing.
The flowers you gave me
when you loved me
dried up in the breath
of your inconstancy.
And still,
and still,
you are the hope
of my soul.
It was the hardest,
but maybe it was the best movie
I've ever told.
Because with it I could bury my mother.
Did the audience like it?
Some threw flowers at her.
But did you see her?
Did you talk to her?
Yes, but only for a short while
because there were a lot of people
who wanted to greet her.
But she gave me a lot of kisses
and she sent them to all of you.
And she didn't tell you
if she would ever come here?
She told me it was difficult,
that she had a lot of functions,
that she had a tour
all over Chile
and even Argentina.
But maybe we can see her on TV.
Oh, yes.
Give me a second, okay?
I prefer yes.
Everyone back!
Come in.
this Sunday we're going to
have the best western of history.
The radio with monkeys,
as the movie maker used to say,
invaded the camp.
The people stopped going to the movies.
Like for me,
that from time to time
a single and sick widow
who didn't have a TV
called me to tell her some old movie.
we were able to stay at home.
Without telling anyone,
Mr. Hauser helped us.
He made Mariano our new watchman.
Don't worry about the money.
All his life
he dreamed of being a cowboy.
But just when he got hit,
they decided to replace the horse
with a bicycle.
Hey, if no one comes,
can I get my pants back?
No, you gave them to me.
I began to feel alone.
I was deeply missing
the cinema,
its intimacy,
a place where I could dream
my escape.
I needed something to do with my Sundays.
My brother Mirto
became famous with a young widow
who lost her husband in an accident.
The mine gave her compensation
and she bought a huge car
to start a new life in a more flourished place.
Thank you.
He fell into a trance
and didn't hesitate to follow the koiak
4,000 kilometers south of the country.
I'll return them.
Not bad for someone who said
he didn't understand women
and ended up chasing them
until the end of the world.
I'm going to miss you.
Me too.
There is a place
very close where
boys and girls
go dancing.
Bonito, another round.
Another round?
can you lend me some money?
I lent you enough money.
Don't look at me like that.
Can you lend me some more money?
I'll pay you when I get my salary.
Go home, Mariano.
That's enough for today.
Thank you, Juan.
I didn't owe you 8 months of salary in Nolasco.
Thanks to me, nobody owes you anything.
Thanks to me,
nobody owes you anything in Nolasco.
Useless mangas!
They are all ungrateful
and scumbags of your mother!
Mariano Castillo?
It's me.
Two days later, the Pacos arrived.
Stay there!
Mariano confessed that he killed Nolasco
so that he would stop destroying our family.
But he never said that he had done it
to get revenge
for what that whore son of a bitch had done to me.
My brother Marcelino
started working at La Salitrera.
And that made him open his eyes wide.
How did it go?
I'm hungry.
What they want is for us to calm down.
To convince ourselves that things can't change.
Are you ready?
And that's it.
But people are mobilizing.
The workers in Maria Elena,
in Victoria and in the offices of such and such
are realizing the power we have
and uniting us all.
Someday, the workers of La Salitrera
will be the owners of all this.
Let's wait.
Traditionally, every year after the elections,
the supporters of the candidate
We are winning!
have no better celebration
than to jump into the waters
of the beach fountain.
Here, some got their purpose,
but immediately
the carabineros arrived
and surrounded the whole city.
We will win!
A thousand chains will have to be broken!
We will win!
We will win!
We will win!
We will know how to defeat fascism!
We will know how to defeat fascism!
We will know how to defeat fascism!
We will know how to defeat fascism!
We will know how to defeat fascism!
We will win!
We will win!
We will win!
why do you live alone?
My wife was a Asian woman
who left Europe,
but I managed to catch up with her
by writing letters
about the wonders of the Atacama landscape
as if it were Far West itself.
She liked to travel,
she couldn't have children,
so we needed
a new adventure.
But when she came
and saw how desolate this was,
she wanted to come back.
Here, women become
salt statues, my son.
Do you think I'm going to become
a salt statue?
You're too young
to think about that.
And I'm too old for you.
You're right.
I had to say something
about what that scoundrel did to your mother.
No, no.
You did the right thing.
You didn't have to see him again.
Besides, they were going to blame you.
I never had to leave you alone with him.
I deserve to be here.
What's that noise?
Something is happening in Santiago.
How did you know?
I just heard the radio.
What happened
with Mauricio, the poet?
He was a scoundrel.
And he still is.
You two were together.
You went everywhere together.
You were like a couple.
But now he's with the dolphin
and with her he's still like a couple.
He won't let him escape.
He's tired of waiting for me.
What about your mother?
Did you see her on TV?
You didn't talk to her
when you went to see her, did you?
I didn't want to.
She knows where we are.
I'll never talk to her again.
The time is up!
All prisoners return to the cell!
What's going on?
We're leaving.
Take care of Marcelino.
The armed forces of Orden
have taken action
in the city of Orden.
Don't let them down.
We don't give up, comrades.
Have faith in us.
We still have time to change things.
Let's not give up the fight.
It's the only way we have to win.
Get in! Hurry!
The Marxist government
is no better than Salvador Allende.
Turn off the lights!
Turn off the lights!
The cameras
will be back
On September 11, 1973,
Pinochet took control
of our country.
President Allende passed away.
Thousands more were murdered,
others imprisoned and tortured.
People simply disappeared.
Others took their own lives.
A few days after the coup,
they found in the desert
an decomposed and disfigured corpse
by the Fuintres.
They say it could have been Marcelino's.
But who can say for sure
that it was him?
And that he didn't go to hell,
a better world than this one?
They put on some makeup.
They shut down the cinema.
It was as if the fear
had taken the color of the film
and everything turned black and white.
Are you alone?
I came to say goodbye.
Did they throw you out?
No, but it's clear
that the ship is sinking
and I was never the captain.
So I shouldn't be the last to leave.
I'm sad
to see everything go to hell.
Are you talking about
the Salitrera or the country?
The Salitrera.
I don't think I'll last much longer.
As for the new government,
you know me.
By power, I could talk
to the devil himself,
but it doesn't mean I want to.
Where are you going?
To the place where I came from.
I hope you can leave too.
The office was no longer a good business
and it had a slow death.
The gringos left,
many people lost their jobs
and their homes.
Hauser had to do the dirty job
before leaving.
One thing,
I would have surprised Hauser,
but I never told him.
What were you doing here?
I was looking for you.
I'm leaving.
You too?
It's about your dad.
Are you going to try to find him?
I don't think there's much
I can do for him right now,
but I do want to write about what's going on.
I want to be a writer.
And for that
I need to get out of here.
I'm going to leave for the capital
and then, I don't know,
who knows?
And the dolphin?
The dolphin doesn't know I'm leaving.
And why did you tell me?
Because I want you to come with me.
I can't.
I still have
very important things here.
you and I
left a long time ago.
We left
like Charles Chaplin
and Paulette Godard
in modern times.
Like Belmondo
and Anna Karina
in Crazy Dog.
Like Henry Fondi and Sylvia Sidney
in Solo Se Viven a Vez.
Write to me.
The town, not me,
had become a salt statue.
The dust was everywhere.
The last days before I left
there was no one else there.
It wasn't much older
than my mom when she got pregnant
for the first time.
So I guess she had broken the promise
I made her, a life of her own.
But she was wrong.
Because it was the first time
I felt like I was
on the edge of my life.
And God opened the sea
with His powerful breath.
Maria Martina!
Be careful, there may be things on the ground.
And where are you sitting?
Come, look.
Here in the third or the fourth?
All together.
Let's go home.
Come on, come on, please.
The tour is over.
Time to go back to the city.
Come on, please.
The tour is over.
Let's go up here.
The last one.