The Narrow Road (2022) Movie Script

Your car is in my way, pal.
Sorry, I'll move.
You can take my spot.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, pal.
Thank you so much, that's fine.
Thank you all.
Hey, it's Chak.
My car just broke down.
Need it towed to Hak's garage.
Call me back please. Mayday, mayday.
How about Hulk?
In Mainland with his wife.
Don't know when he'll be back.
Good for him.
He's so frail.
May drop dead anytime.
Got it!
What about Uncle Keung?
He's a loyal friend.
He'll help you.
You were at his funeral, asshole.
Too many funerals,
I lost count.
Raise the salary, man.
Can't afford to.
How much is the repair?
No need.
A friend in need,
is a friend indeed.
New masks for you.
I mean it's pointless to repair.
Man up and scrap it.
You'll pay for it?
There's subsidy for
phasing out diesel cars.
Scrap it, take the money.
Add a 100 grand for a new car.
Again, you'll pay for it?
I don't have a 100 grand.
Maybe a few dozen.
Take e-transfer?
I don't rob poor bastards.
What a stand up man.
That's why you're broke.
I'll win Triple Trio.
No.2! No.2!
No.2! No.2!
It won!
Odds are high in this race.
Which race?
But which race?
Race 6.
It was Race 7 replay.
Told you
the Jockey Club is a scammer.
Next race, place a bet for me.
and 11.
Aren't they scammers?
No.4 Kapichu too.
It's Pikachu.
$500 a bet for place, ok?
I'm confident.
But I'm not confident about you.
So, $500?
You have the cellphone,
what choice do I have.
All horses are ready to go.
The red light is on.
Ready to start...
Low balance?
Didn't top up.
Slow business?
Everything's fine.
You're penniless. Stop lying.
Just watch the race.
God wants you to quit?
I'm smaller than dust.
Why would God care?
You never know.
Back to P3,
Pikachu is blazing away.
Kapichu! Kapichu!
Go, Kapichu!
Pikachu lost by a nose.
Noble Alpha came in 3rd.
Lucky everyday in 4th,
and the winner is...
Working late?
No, early morning.
I'll pack early and sleep.
Your foot is still swollen?
Let's see a doctor.
There's no cure to arthritis anyway.
Don't be stubborn.
It won't heal itself.
Stop nagging me already.
Fine, I'm going.
Lottery ticket, I know.
Don't forget.
$53 million.
I have a hunch.
Wait, wait.
The kitchen light is broken.
Can you get me a new one?
Sure, will do.
Keep the bathroom light on at night.
Got it?
You run so fast.
There's a rat!
So slow, run faster!
You run so fast!
Shut up! Gotta work in the morning.
You have a job, so what?
So what?
Come here.
Let's cross...
Watch out.
Car broke down again?
Yeah, thanks for helping.
Here we go, one, two, three.
This too.
Ok, one, two.
Thank you.
No problem, man.
Good to go.
Done. Ok.
[Closing Clearance]
[Lease Expired! Urgent Clearance!]
[Due to the pandemic, ]
[we're closed tomorrow until
further notice.]
Damn it.
Just a sec.
Looking for fortuneteller?
End of hallway.
No! I'm looking for a job.
Why didn't you call first?
The writings are smudged.
I live downstairs.
Might as well drop by.
You work here?
Is the boss mean?
Any relevant experience?
You're the boss?
I do all the cleaning at home.
Are you kidding?
I'm serious.
No experience then.
What's your last job?
I worked in a caf,
but it closed down.
I'm sure you know,
how bad the economy is.
Gotta try any jobs,
that are available.
Give me a chance.
Let's try three days.
Allowance only.
$200 per job.
Sure, no problem.
Meet downstairs tomorrow at 9pm.
See you then.
Elevator's over there.
Thank you.
Hang in there.
We're a team.
Six minutes late, don't do it again.
Are you alright, kid?
Don't overdo it. You'll mess up.
I'm fine.
No problem at all.
Hey, easy on the detergent.
It's sold out.
Got it.
What was that?
For the client.
Can you help me?
What's up?
I hurt my back.
Can you put this on?
Thank you.
Is it ok?
Ten minutes break.
It's fine.
I'll finish up for you.
You sure?
It's a piece of cake.
Thank you.
Monday to Sunday.
The last bit,
then I'm off.
Everything's fine.
That's a wrap.
How's your back now?
Better, thanks.
Another job the night after.
See you then.
Told you I'm your neighbour,
can I have a ride?
Hop on.
Is this a taxi?
I'm home.
Why are you still up?
Practicing cosplay makeup.
[Overdue rent notice]
What brand is your lipstick?
Told you it's expensive.
We didn't pay for it.
But still.
Look at your lips.
You look like...
a clown.
Where's your lipstick?
Where did you put it?
Why the pouty lips?
Pouty girl.
Haven't washed my hands.
You got away this time.
Don't touch me, I'm dirty.
I said I'm dirty.
What are you doing?
Get down.
Nope. Get down.
I'll teach you a lesson.
Tickle monster...
Most masks are plied
with meltblown cloth.
The structure is stable and heat-resist.
Therefore, steam alone,
can't do much damage to the mask.
Steam for 10 minutes at least,
to kill all virus.
Surely it's not as good as new.
But at this critical time...
I'm home.
Not working late?
Forget it, the owner...
will push back the opening.
Told me last minute.
I was on my way already.
What a jerk.
Got you new masks.
Use a new one every time.
Never reuse, it's dangerous.
Another thing.
Don't meet your friends for now.
No no, just stay home.
I'll bring you everything.
Alright, alright.
How's your foot?
Getting better.
Better my ass.
Still swollen.
Let's go see a doctor.
I don't trust Western medicine.
It is less swollen.
You just don't notice.
You're so pigheaded.
Keep fooling yourself.
You're fooling yourself.
I had lunch with Hak.
Said your company's struggling.
He's a fearmonger.
Don't believe him.
I'm not stupid.
I know it's true.
In crisis like this,
everyone is struggling.
It'll be fine after the pandemic.
Stop worrying, ok?
You always nag me.
But when I nag you,
you get all defensive.
Did you check the lottery?
How's your hunch?
I did.
Just got the extra number.
Better than me, I got nothing.
I need a break.
You should keep betting.
It's your birthday soon.
You may get lucky.
Oh really?
Don't be so cynical.
Your luck will vanish.
One every year, my car is full.
Don't you want more protection?
Take this too.
Hak said you want a new car.
What's the point?
There's no business.
Keep it first.
It's not my money anyway.
Whose then?
Jockey Club's.
I won third prize.
That's two years ago.
Haven't gambled it away?
Just keep it for me first.
Don't wanna line up
at the bank to deposit it.
I talked too much.
Gotta cook.
Stand up better, Ok.
After ate sugar food.
You need to brush teeth.
$182 please.
No more discount?
No, it's past midnight.
How about cone?
It's popular,
and on offer.
That's fine, thanks.
Get me two wet wipes.
$28.5 please.
It's this one?
Let me pay...
Say hi to boss.
So you are the boss.
My treat.
No thanks.
We have ice cream bars.
Take it.
Thank you.
Is this your little sister?
Little sister?
She's my big sister?
Behave yourself.
We came for the discount.
They're melting.
Better go.
9pm, don't be late.
Bye. No probs, bye.
Come on out.
Let's clean the windows.
Squeegee please.
Don't slip.
Dip it in water.
But don't submerge it.
Moisten it.
Squeeze a little.
New masks.
They're really amazing.
Made in Japan.
So much thicker.
Try blowing.
So snug, no leakage.
Ear loops fit perfectly.
Masks are sold out everywhere now.
Yes, you're right.
Where did you steal them?
Of course not.
Gift from a friend, silly.
You have friends now?
Since when?
And where?
Guy or girl?
None of your business.
You can re-use mine.
Mine is stinky.
You want it?
Just rinse it,
and air it out.
It's for grownups.
It'll cover your eyes.
I can trim it.
How did you find me?
The client called.
Her kid's masks went missing.
I told her,
I tossed them because I spoiled them.
She believed you?
You think?
I can't afford those masks.
They're $600 a box now.
For each shift,
I only get $200.
What about her food?
Why can she hoard all these masks?
She needs them all?
They paid for them.
They didn't steal them.
Being poor isn't an excuse.
I just took a few boxes.
What's the big deal?
Should I let my kid go maskless?
Rot and die?
Are poor people sentenced to death?
My company is drowning.
Covering your ass,
costed me a customer.
The world is messed up,
but you don't have to be.
Keep today's allowance,
but don't bother coming back.
For the reading comprehension,
let me ask you,
who's the protagonist?
Is it Yung, Ling, or Sun?
The answer is in the article.
Next question,
the protagonist's in fear,
he's afraid of sleeping alone,
but his parents want him to be brave.
How does he overcome his fear?
What is his solution?
Watch your steps.
Hello there.
Stop messing with it.
It's not for you.
Hi there.
I want 30 of these.
In different colours.
That's a lot. You need them all?
Why not?
It's the pandemic,
just in case you close down.
Alright I'll get them.
Can I get a discount?
My margin is very low.
I'm buying bulk, it adds up.
How about free tights?
Come on.
Alright then.
Why did you buy so many?
Can I play with them?
I want to play.
Don't be nosey.
Let's round off.
Hey kid.
The park is restricted.
You can't play here.
I didn't know.
Where're your parents?
I don't have parents.
Excuse me, miss.
Did you see that girl's parents?
No, I didn't.
Put on your mask please.
That was smart.
Who taught you?
I came up with it.
All gone.
Give me.
Give me five.
Use a new one.
Toss the used one.
Check my e-transfer.
See if I'm paid.
Have you been duped?
I duped people before you're even born.
I don't care what you did,
but you mustn't steal if you work for me.
We got two hours.
Clean the windows now.
Got us free food.
I didn't steal them.
They gave us.
It's for Chu's breakfast.
Thank you.
There's another job.
Up for it?
$400 per shift from now on.
Starting tonight.
Come on.
Who's watching your kid now?
She's smart.
She can take care of herself.
She knows how to use
video call for classes.
I did bring and pick her up,
before school closed.
I did everything.
Or the teachers found out,
accused me of child neglect.
Social service would take her away.
Let's eat on the go.
This is a demo.
Inside is water.
When it's for real,
you must wear PPE,
respirator and hood.
Don't expose any skin.
It's chemical, can get nasty.
Spray it high.
Once across.
Spray again.
Twice across.
All these high-rises.
If I did all their cleaning,
I'd be rich.
[Moving abroad, ]
[30th next month will be our last day.]
[Thanks for supporting us for 20 years.]
[So long. Farewell.]
This diner's owners...
are damn rich.
They're moving abroad.
They grinded for decades.
Earned every penny.
Now retiring with pride.
If you work hard,
you'll make it too.
Ain't I mopping now?
We're almost out of detergent.
You've been splurging?
More like scrimping.
Be scrimpy then.
It's sold out.
Of course, I got up.
9am, I know.
Yes, yes.
I'm putting on my shoes now.
Told you I'm on my way.
Can you be more trustful?
Hello Ms. Lee.
What's the matter?
Don't spray too much.
Detergent is expensive.
Spray and wipe.
That's right.
Hey... hey...
Little rascal.
That's how she is.
Always does the opposite.
When will the tutoring center reopen?
It's just power outage.
Will be fixed quickly.
Won't affect our work.
It's not what I meant.
Just that after mopping,
it gets slippery.
She might fall over.
Also, those childcare services,
cost a fortune.
Can't friends or family help?
She doesn't have friends.
Look at her.
Who would keep her around.
Really? I think she's adorable.
Maybe you're pushing people away?
Must I accept anyone's help?
You can trust no one but yourself.
I'll do the classroom.
It's you?
The bubbles turned.
Awesome, right? They can turn.
Ok. I'm coming down.
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...
1, 2, 3, 4...
The small one.
I like the dress.
These are so tiny.
Stick them all.
Let's annoy Uncle Chak.
No problem.
How big is your store?
15th April.
How about 17th?
We'll clean in the morning.
It'll be ready for grand
opening same afternoon.
Yes, we use photocatalyst spray,
protective coating.
It's ISO certified, don't worry.
It's so light.
It's really light.
See you then Mr. Chan.
Just a few bottles.
What the hell?
You should've told us.
We're screwed.
What do I do now?
Due to the pandemic,
our disrupted supply chains
were affected,
thus the shortage of stock.
Thanks for understanding.
We'll make an announcement,
once we restock.
Pal, don't complain to me.
I'm just a courier.
Call the office.
That's all we have.
Mr. Chan?
It's Peter Pan Cleaning.
We have an appointment on 17th.
I'm really sorry.
We ran out of spray,
for photocatalyst cleaning.
Your store doesn't need it actually.
Regular one will do.
It's cheaper too.
Sorry again.
Is it necessary to be so honest?
Just say nothing.
No one can tell.
But I can.
It's not scamming.
But shall we try something?
Hond on, hold on.
You're doubling down on spraying.
Why bother diluting then?
As usual, nurse.
Turn on AC after two hours.
Let the spray work.
See you next week.
See you.
Ba, turn up the volume.
I forgot my glasses.
As the outbreak stabilises,
beauty salons, gyms, cinemas...
and other venues,
can resume operation.
Businesses welcome the decision.
Traffic accident in Sai Wan Ho...
Told you it'll reopen.
Money is king.
Did you get a tip-off, Ba?
And took advantage of Pao?
Weren't you a cop?
Even the finest sword will rust.
Get a blonde to sharpen yours over there.
Food delivery.
I ordered it.
My treat.
Too much food already.
I'll get it.
Come on, man.
It's your birthday.
I know, right?
It's alright.
It's Pao's farewell party, too.
All the best, man.
Don't be dramatic.
Canada is near.
Just a night's sleep away.
I'm curious.
Why are you dressed up?
Is business good?
It's ok.
Better than ok.
There's a chick plus a little one.
Stop bullshitting.
About what?
Don't be a bitch.
But he's right.
You're no spring chicken.
It's perfectly normal to want a company.
Or your sword will rust.
I'm single and sharp.
You're sharp I know.
I'm just happy for you.
She helps your business.
Looks after your mom.
Brings you a daughter.
What a perfect family.
They're here.
Watch your mouth.
You shush.
Hi. Hello.
Come in.
This is Chu and Candy.
Introduce yourselves. Candy.
Hi all. Take a seat.
Take a seat.
Move closer.
Get your chopsticks.
What should you say?
Happy birthday, Uncle Chak.
Happy birthday...
Thanks. Happy birthday...
It's for you, let's eat.
Is it spicy?
No, it's tomato soup.
What do you want?
I'll help you.
This one.
Crab stick?
Sure, just saw one.
Here. Do you want crab stick?
Eat up, everyone.
Rock, paper, scissors...
You lost. Did I?
Did I lose?
One, two, three.
Keep playing, sweetie.
I cheated.
Give me one.
Do you smoke?
Chu won't notice.
It's bad for you.
What about you?
You're a mother.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
How old are you?
Twenty eight.
Cut it out.
Hak has a nasty mouth.
Don't mind him.
Not at all.
I think he's funny.
He's always been a schmuck.
Mind if I ask.
How did you become a mom?
Chu is adopted.
It's your turn.
She looks just like me.
Same old story.
Got knocked up.
The guy took off.
I fought with my family.
Then I ran away, blah blah.
Just like that?
Everyone told me to get an abortion,
but I was too chicken.
Now I'm grateful.
You're still young.
Why be a cleaner?
It's temporary.
Almost done here.
Go clean the ball pit.
I'll mop the floor.
Come on.
Mommy, what's this?
Go play.
I trust you guys.
No need to check your work.
It's better for everyone.
You're too kind.
Can you come on 23rd?
I have a customer at 5 or 6pm...
Yes, you can call your customer
come on 23rd.
2pm ok? okay.
Let's go home.
Forgot something?
We are start cleaning at 2pm and
finish at 4pm.
Ok, thank you.
Turn on AC after two hours.
Let the spray work.
Ok, got it.
See you on 23rd.
Almost forgot.
Chu found a watch at the ball pit.
Is it your customer's?
It is.
Thank you, Candy.
Another job tomorrow.
There's $200 extra.
It's yours.
Thank you.
I thought you're a tough cookie.
Don't talk to me yet.
It hurts like hell.
Alright, I'll stop.
I'm sweating like a pig.
Nope, it's my turn now.
My back's broken.
Such a wimp, young man.
I'm not young anymore.
In your mom's eyes,
you're always a child.
Put your foot down. You tortured me.
It's for your own good.
I'm no doctor.
Patch you up later.
Let's chuck this.
Ok. Last one.
Would Miss Chu please,
officiate our opening ceremony.
A view finally.
There're 12 windows.
Super breezy.
No need for AC.
No need for AC?
That's awesome.
So many stars.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...
1001, 1002...
Don't stick your finger in.
You'll get hurt.
Where're your parents?
Why did you sneak away?
Can I help you with anything?
It's a bit pricey,
but better than regular fan.
Better yet,
no need for AC all through summer.
Save on bills.
We don't have AC at home.
We do.
It's just broken.
We have AC too.
I can give you a discount.
My treat.
No thanks.
We'll keep browsing.
Thank you.
No problem.
Happy to help.
What now, ma'am?
Better be stingy than sorry.
But we can't be stingy on everything.
This one then.
You like it?
Matches your size.
Hope they won't cancel
Comic-Con this year.
Or we're wasting our time again.
You just miss Jason.
Who's Jason?
The cute one.
Who are you talking about?
Forget it.
He's moving abroad.
Mable, Jacky...
now Jason.
Why can they move on,
but we're stuck here?
Because I don't have an English name?
[Due to the pandemic,
please seal your garbage!]
Offer incense.
I'll handle it.
Go home.
I'll still pay you.
Go on.
No, I can do it.
It's just work.
Don't overthink.
Some old hands said,
BBQ removes stench.
Can't afford Korean BBQ,
but these are amazing.
Dig in.
Still shocked?
What's the point of living?
You'll end up like slop anyway.
Mopped up by two strangers.
Down into the drain.
Like you never existed.
You're so deep.
We're just cleaners.
Listen to me.
A place gets dirty,
someone has to clean it.
When it's cleaned up?
It'll get dirty again.
We take orders.
We don't ask the client why.
Just clean.
That's how things work.
Get it?
Do what you gotta do.
Eat what you gotta eat?
In the end,
what's the point of living?
with fresh lemon.
This is really good.
Try it.
Try it.
Is it good?
Entering the final stretch...
Why don't you turn on the lights?
I went to the car dealers.
Used cars are quite expensive.
Some are nice though.
Took some pics.
Let me show you
Yes, we do formaldehyde removal.
What time?
I'm sorry.
Can't do next Wednesday.
Hello, yes we can make it.
Formaldehyde removal, right?
Next Wednesday at 8am, is it ok?
Great, see you then.
Thank you.
I'll be busy.
With your mom's arrangements, I know.
I can cover you.
Going for a smoke.
How're you holding up?
Guess when did my mom...
take her last vacation?
Over 40 years ago.
Honeymoon with dad in Malaysia.
I couldn't offer her a good life.
For my business,
she lent me money. I still owe her.
The paramedic asked,
does she have hypertension?
Any medication allergy?
I had no idea.
Her hands were still warm.
Mom worked all her life.
When she passed...
Gotta make a living, right?
No time for her.
Look at me...
How did I come to this?
Next job...
Wednesday, Tuen Mun.
Wait, I need to pee.
Just as you need to work?
Can you go alone?
I'm not a baby anymore.
Don't run, it's slippery.
I'm sorry...
The next two jobs,
you'll need to go alone.
I got it, don't worry.
How're things on your side?
Almost there.
Pandemic slows everything down.
That was quick. Hey.
Did you wash your hands?
Let me check.
Still dirty.
Don't hit me.
Sassy girl.
Boys don't like sassy girls.
I'm hitting back.
Be careful.
You hear me?
I will.
How's it going?
Everything's fine...
except closing the month.
I'll work on it.
There's a job for a quarantined condo.
$8 per sq ft.
Wait on me.
Don't worry.
I got it.
You taught me everything.
Alright then.
Thank you.
Did you...
find any treasures at home?
Heirloom or something.
Just some junks.
I'll give them all away.
I can help, let me know.
I'm fine.
It's getting late.
Call me if you need me.
What have you done?
You idiot!
Bring me a bucket.
Told you to be careful.
The bottle cap was loose.
Stop making excuse!
Don't mop the floor.
Wring the cloth.
Forget it.
What colour is it?
It's black, totally ruined.
Look at it!
Another wave of outbreaks,
means good business for you.
I'll get it, miss.
Let me get it.
Today is 27th May 2020.
Mrs. Wong Ying,
will be cremated today.
Family and friends,
please pay respect to the deceased.
Family, bow three times with incense.
Incense please, Mr. Chan.
Please move over.
Her soul is intact.
Her spirit is whole.
With the golden amulet,
immortals will rest her soul.
Aren't you off till next week?
Just checking if you screwed up.
Business is down lately.
I'm sorry.
I was kidding.
Nice drawing.
It's Chu's...
Can we talk?
Can we not?
I'm busy.
Give you a raise.
What're you up to?
Just wondering...
if you wanna be partners.
I'm just a casual worker.
I thought it through.
I'm thinking...
Let's split the share.
Another thing,
you and Chu should move out.
It's a dump.
I've cleaned up my home,
if you don't mind.
Worker dormitory?
Sort of...
You got what I mean?
I'll get it.
More detergents?
Didn't we just buy some?
No pressure.
Sleep on it.
Missing signature?
We're Hong Kong Customs.
You've been complained of
using fake detergents,
violating the
Trade Descriptions Ordinance.
Please let us in.
Are you real customs officers?
Where's your warrant?
We only confiscate suspected products.
It's not a search.
The Ordinance endows us the authority,
to take action without warrant.
How do I know if you're ligit?
No problem.
Come on in.
Sir, are you the owner,
Chan Hon Fa?
Where are the detergents?
My detergents are fine.
Just ordered new ones.
Your business registration and ID please.
Is she your coworker?
No, she's a friend.
Just stopping by.
You can go first.
Is this Uncle Chak?
Is this Uncle Chak...?
[Uses fake product, shameless... ]
[The owner seemed reliable,
who would've thought... ]
Stop messing around, ok?
Uncle Chak is everywhere.
Hi, is this Mr. Wong?
It's Peter Pan Cleaning.
You have the audacity to call.
It's all over the internet.
You have some nerves.
Swindle customers with fake stuff.
People could die!
Please cancel our booking.
I guarantee this batch of detergents,
are 100% made in Hong Kong.
No more minimum charge. No thanks.
Free upgrade to photocatalyst spray.
We're done.
Don't answer it.
Anything that you wanna say?
Can you tell me what happened?
Uncle Chak...
Just tell me.
I'm so sorry...
I'm so sorry...
I'm sorry...
I'm really sorry...
It's not your fault.
Not yours either.
You didn't spill it.
It was me...
[4-months arrears of rent: $20,700.]
[Pay immediately or face legal action.]
Hey, what are you doing?
You'll hate me when you grow up.
It's a bit small,
but it's temporary.
I like it.
There's a window.
A working AC too.
Saw something?
There're plants in that building.
You can see that far?
I can see the sun.
[In memory of Wong Ying]
[Peter Pan Cleaning]
For a decade-old work vehicle,
it's in pretty good shape.
You took good care of it.
What do you do?
We have used cars.
Need one? Check them out.
I quitted.
Moving abroad?
Nah, I'm good-for-nothing.
I'm just an employee now.
Even better, less stressful.
Everytime I close the month,
my blood pressure shoots up.
It's gonna kill me.
I feel you.
Thought about quitting?
I'll carry on as long as I can.
If there's a choice,
who'd want to change?
Here's the receipt.
$2400 in total.
Ok. See if it's in order.
Thank you.
Take this.
Apply to the Transport Department,
for ex-gratia payment scheme
for diesel cars,
it's around $100,000.
If there was no pandemic,
you could go on a trip to Europe.
Thank you.
For one?
For one, sir?
Temperature, please.
Normal temperature.
Booth no.50.
Seeking revenge?
Just killing time.
When is the trial?
In a few days.
They won't jail you.
If you get a fine,
I'll cover it.
No need.
I thought about contacting you,
but you know me.
Can't find the button?
Why are you here?
Come with me.
What's the answer to this?
It's 964.
And this?
Why do your homework here?
Not at home?
There's no internet.
How come?
No internet at the hostel.
You're living in a hostel?
Can I get a coke?
Jerk off at home, prick.
Is itching a crime?
Come with me, Chu.
Where're we going?
Call yourself a mother?
What a joke.
Look at your daughter.
Look at her.
How old is she?
That place is filthy.
What's wrong with you?
Why do you always let me down?
I did try.
You did try?
My business is over.
I may even go to prison.
What have you ever done?
Answer me.
Answer me!
I'm sorry Uncle Chak.
I was the one who spilled the detergents.
Don't blame mommy, please.
Come here.
I'm sorry.
Amid the pandemic,
the defendant broke the law,
by using counterfeit detergents,
putting public's safety at risk.
This is plainly unethical.
Considering the defendant is remorseful,
the offence is minor.
The company was in debts and shut down,
due to this incident.
Which amounts to punishment.
I find the defendant,
for violating the
Trade Descriptions Ordinance,
guilty as charged,
with a $40,000 fine.
[Ex-gratia payment $87,200]
Uncle Chak?
Where's your mom?
Went job hunting, I think.
Working hard on your homework?
Need any help?
Not again.
I got B-last time with your help.
You're the worst teacher ever.
I'm sorry.
What's the cake?
Did you have lunch, yet?
It's my birthday.
Mom bought me the cake.
It's your birthday?
What is this?
It's a fairy wand.
Abracadabra... boom!
Orange juice!
It's not a fairy wand.
It's a magic wand.
Whatever... cheeky monkey.
Come on, dig in.
Is it good?
I'm finally doing something right.
Thank you, Uncle Chak.
Where's my birthday present?
You're so greedy.
But I do have it.
Promise me.
Open it with mommy tonight.
It's my birthday present.
Why should I wait for mommy?
Open it with mommy, ok?
Give me your bag.
Keep it safe.
Don't lose it.
Be careful.
I'll be seeing you less from now on.
How come?
I gotta work.
Are you leaving to live abroad,
like everybody else?
But I...
work very long hours now.
It'll be hard to see you.
Will you see us after work?
We'll see.
Good girl.
Take care of mommy, ok?
Excuse me...
Hey Chu.
How's job hunting?
Waiting for reply.
Uncle Chak gave me a present.
Uncle Chak?
He told me,
to open it with you.
[That's all I have. Don't let me down.]
[I believe in you.]
I shouldn't take the money,
but I have no choice.
I'll pay you back little by little.
Don't worry about it.
Life can't be hard all the time.
Hang tough.
It'll get better.
It's not a lot,
but it's something.
Don't splurge it.
Be scrimpy.
I'm sorry.
It must've been hard.
It's ok.
We're smaller than dust.
God doesn't always see us.
But it's ok...
As long as we see each other.
Find a proper daycare for Chu.
I'll take her to ballet lessons.
Sounds great.
She'll look nice in tutus.
And drawing lessons...
That's wonderful.
Kids are like sponges.
Let's go to the cashier.
Excuse me.
You'll pull off the whole net.
Start from the top layer.
Let me try.
Do we need this?
Yes, that's not enough.
Too much fringe. Too much.
Not like this.
Not upwards.
Who combs their hair upwards?
The company's promoting vaccination,
giving cash for jabs.
Yes, $1000 for a shot.
$2000 for two shots.
You have hypertension,
is it risky?
Better get jabbed now.
They'll force you later anyway.
You two.
Are you paid to smoke?
Sorry... Let's jump right in.
With our first contestants
of the day...
Sir, mask please.
Stay apart.
Keep 1.5m social distance.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
Keep 1.5m social distance, sir.
Please stay apart.
Excuse me.
The cutest butler ever.
Hi there.
So pretty! Snap away, everyone.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Stop taking pictures.
I'm sorry, Tony.
Keep 1.5m distance please.
Mask please, thanks.
You look so pretty.
Who're you playing?
I'm Butler.
And you?
You look so real.
Of course.
You look great.
They love you.
I bet you'll win.
Hope so.
Looking pretty.
Are you Cruella?
Congratulations. Thank you.
Snow Queen.
Pink Butler.
Please sign here.
Merit award is for losers.
Merit award is awesome.
All this sweat,
is for nothing.
It's a good start.
Hey, great job.
Want ice cream?
Is it good? Yay!
Now add some tea.
Follow me.
I'm so sorry.
Don't worry.
Are you ok?
That was close.
Now take this.
Like this.
Watch me, take this.
Cover it tightly.
Get ready like this.
And shake.
Shake for around 10 sec.
Mix the ice and syrup.
No. 632.
Remember the lid.
Don't forget to say...
thank you, bye.
It's basic manner.
No. 633.
Thank you, bye.
No. 634.
Hey, Po...
Are you an artist?
Is it an art installation?
I'm just a guard.
Don't ask me to clean.
The cleaner will do it tomorrow.